Okay, admit it. You can tell me. You’re gonna be glued to the finale tonight regardless of your views on this season and these HGs. I know I will. From sock puppets to paint cans, a roll in gooey caramel or hanging on a hot dog, we watched, we laughed, we pondered and we got really confused at a lot of the BB house happenings this season. But we still watched; didn’t we? We commit to this show every summer and stick it out to the end, whether it be bitter or sweet. And won’t we all be back next year for BB13?
Tonight Hayden and Lane will duke it out for the last coveted “HOH” and decide who goes along for the ride to Final 2. I’m sure CBS will show more clips, some fun competition memories and maybe some family member interviews. Julie will reveal to all that the second Saboteur was Ragan and he’ll enjoy the attention of another 15 minutes of fame. The jury will deliberate, ask snarky questions of the Final Two, covering the names as they insert their keys into the big round box…and after many commercial breaks and nail biting, Julie will slowly pull the keys and crown the winner of BB12 to a flurry of confetti and a great, big giant check! I look forward to this every season and really enjoy seeing someone win $500,000.00!
We’ll also learn who will be awarded the $25,000.00 and maybe see some past HG favorites. And I have to confess…I really want Hayden to win. I know, I know…you all want Lane and I can see why, but I truly think if Hayden wins this final competition and takes Enzo with him, he’ll win the 500Gs and Enzo will have second place with $50,000.00 for his growing family. Don’t tar and flamingo feather me all at once, maybe it’s because he’s just a nice guy.
I’m sure outside this BB house most of these HGs are truly nice people. I have to believe that they put their lives on hold strictly to play a game and win money and began this journey with the best of intentions. Some came in looking to back stab everyone, or lie their way to the top. Others came in to be the “housekeeper” or the “friendly one” or the “funny one.” And as unlikely as it was for these three to remain, they did something right in this house of Big Brother.
Yesterday was uneventful and feeds were on some sort of delay, but all the boys are really excited to get out of the house and see their families – and ask for around $10,000.00 for their speaking engagements. Yep. Enzo is still fantasizing about instant recognition, fame and fortune and how with his talents he won’t have to audition for “nuttin’.” So say it with me: “That’s Our Enzo!!!”
Tonight’s the night my friends! The finale to Big Brother 12. Who do you want to see in your Final 2? Who takes 1st? Who’s on Second? And who gets the 25G fan favorite? It’ll all be answered tonight on the Big Brother Finale! =^^=
Woo Hoo. First poster. I will be glued but still kind of relieved it is over. But I just have to see how it turns out. How about everyone else.
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I’m gonna go home from work, take a nap and when I wake up, hope that the nightmare has ended!!
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Nice summary of the season. It was a boring cast for the most part, and the producers twists flopped which made for a choppy, weird season.. but I will watch tonight and hope that Hayden wins, with Enzo taking 2nd place. Lane or Brittany can win for Fav.
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As long as anyone but ENZO wins, fine with me
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Thanks for the nice ending Donna Rose, And all the leading ladies and men, my comments in tribute to you are on former page, thanks again, for making this place fun to be around, peace out, ➡ 😆
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Last night I actually dreamt that I was seeing a giant 8 ball in front of me and was so happy it said LANE and at first I thought it said the word “wins “under it but I brought it closer to me and it said the word “second” under it. Hmm.. I wonder if it was a premonition??
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I would like Lane to win with Hayden 2nd but, either way would be OK with me. Then I am FREE!!!! until next summer LOL!!
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I hope that enzo goes to the final two… and sorry everyone but would love to see Enzo win. I love is antics… and to tell you the truth he is playing a great game. He flew under the radar the whole game, made friends with everyone. Made everyone laugh, and made a secret alliance that seemed to work!!! Give the man a break he may not have won challeneges but there is nothing in the rule book that says the person that wins the most challeneges is the winner.. It just gives them a power play for that week!! Sorry guys but Enzo is a middle class peoples person !! With a family and now a history as the meow meow!!!
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I have really enjoyed the blog. It has been my main source of good solid information. I really enjoy the posts from everyone and will be looking for you on the Survivor Blog and BB next year. Even the controversial posters have been entertaining in their own way. As for me, I would like to see Lane win. And for Hayden, hope you get second. Enzo, please go back to Jersey and live your life cause you’re not going to get on any appearance circuit. You guys just aren’t that famous nor that popular. Sorry to tell ya.
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It’s funny how we are all drawn to it this season even though it bombed….I’ll definitly watch next season….hoping for a better cast! It’s been fun reading everyone’s post and look forward to chatting with you all next season. Thanks BBBlogger!
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AILEEN, I totally respect your opinion but I guess I just don’t see where he was that funny. I think he talks too much and that must be what makes people laugh. He is way too into himself and constantly has to toot his own horn. But it takes all different opinions to make life interesting. Doesn’t make mine right – it’s just mine. Enjoy everyone.
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I’m of course rootin’ for Lane w/Hayden second and the $25 Gs goes to Brittney hopefully but I think Ragan might be in the running. Brendon won’t get it because everyone knows he will share it with Rachel. Matt is out of the running for that money. Kathy did nothing to earn it.
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No I am not going to watch. I stopped watching a few weeks ago. I still get these Big Brother Blog emails so when I’m bored at work I read them. This season sucked! This has been the most uninteresting cast in the history of the show. Did any of these people have a clue about how to play the game? Flame all you want about my opinion. But I will not watch the last gasps of these idiots!
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If Hayden makes the final two ,he wins.Enzo if he makes it to the end with Lane.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Season 12 is what it is,maybe.lol
Good luck to all,it’s all good, why?life is to short for it
not to be.
Till next year
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I just read that the home in Ark. that Britt lives with Nick got damaged by fire this morming.
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Update they said the house was a total loss and Bitt doesnt know an Nick will tell after the show, He did go back in and save the dogs.
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OMG!!! That’s terrible to have to go home to that! She already feels bad that she left him all summer.
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Thanks for the info Mike. What a shame!! Now I hope Brit wins the 25g’s as she will have to rebuild….and hopefully they had insurance.
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Well I had voted for Brendon to win AF, but since my house burned down in the 1998 I know what it takes to start over,SO hope Britt wins AF tonite she will need it.
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BTW Sal…thanks for the new page up notice. 🙂 I probably would have posted away there and not known for a while why nobody was around.
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franniep2, type in big brother on Yahoo.com and the story will come up it just happen in earily hrs
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but are you going to watch the finale nomadron, it been a wonderful season this year, with wonderful house guest’s dont you think, i cant wait till next year, but it will be hard to top this season 12, totally awesome, i loved it and will miss all the house guest’s, way to go BB
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Greetings – Gosh darn, have a meeting tonight and will have to record so I can watch in the wee hours of the morning. I would like to see Lane win (love his laugh), Hayden second and Brittany for favorite. I’m looking forward to the faces when Ragen gets his second moment of fame. I really don’t like Enzo one bit, absolutely nothing redeeming about him and just want to tell the television screen – let death take you as he yelled to all the departing guests – one by one.
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Wasn’t there some talk about Lane already being wealthy? He is in the oil buisness afterall. Hmm..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anybody think this will come back to bite him in the end?
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Bob,yes he has a new home with gym,new truck,classic car
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------works for Dad hard work he has to take people to diner and play golf with them wished I had his job
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Thanks Mike … I tried but the site is blocked by the company I work for. I may try another way of viewing it. 🙄
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Brittany: As annoying as she can be, I feel absolutely horrible that her house burned down. It’s interesting that the producer’s decided not to tell her until after the show this evening, not exactly sure how I feel about that one…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now, I do hope HAYDEN wins! I really do not think Enzo is going win either way if he is in the final two with Hayden or Lane. If for some reason he does win, there will be the largest simultaneous gasp heard across the country!
Ideally, it should be Hayden win and Lane comes in second….
Yes, I will be glued to my TV this evening
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I am going to see if this comes through……….
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Well that was a hot mess….don’t even bother clicking on that.
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That’s better…check that out
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Well For one I will be watching Survivor, BB and recording AGT.
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I just read that nick grisham (Britneys fiance) was awaking this morning to a fire at britneys house, the morning of the finale, now thats bad luck,
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I hope Hayden and Lane are in final two. I would like to see Hayden win the big one….and Brit win the AF… Enzo got on my nerves with his showboating… He tried hard to be number one… but failed… too much repetitive talk on his part … didn’t have to keep repeating same thing over and over…. got old….Hayden laid low and played an honerable game….Lane with his family money will be ok…. Hayden needs it more…… Everyone could use money….. whatever happens won’t change my life one iota…..so I hope the one who wins does good with the money and has a long and happy life….
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the end is in sight! wooohooo
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FRAN thanks for the link – i was starting to think mike posted fake story so we would vote her AF! ha ha – now i hope she wins the money – oh man is she gonna be pizzed
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I am going to watch tonight and looking forward to the part where the people are asking questions. I hope Brittany realizes that thibgs for the most part can be replaced. People cannot and she should be glad that Nick risk his life for saving their pets. See you all for BB13. I appreciate the person who does this blog. Ty
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“That’s Our Enzo!” Thanks =^^=… you have made BBB special for me!
Nice to see AILEEN HEISE, someone with some actual common sense, on the blog today and rooting for Meow Meow.
AGGIE, FRANNIE and BETTY will be drinking and blogging during the show… can’t wait to see how their typing ‘improves’.
And SNAKEBIT SAL for all his bluster will be ‘glued to the tube’ during BB like the rest of us tonight… See you on SB tomorrow Snake!
Thanks to BBBlogger and all my old and new friends… even MIA~PK… for a fun time, and I’ll see some of you on Survivor Blog.
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Went back to read the HGs bio seens funny that Enzo doesnt like dirty people and Haden doent like messy people by the way the house looks you would never know and Britt said she loves cooking and cleaning ha ha . marcy I would never post some thing like as a joke
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MM lets hope the storms come in late tonite so we dont miss Survive and BB
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dear blogade,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------in my best bob hope voice singing:
thanks for the memories……
you all have been great (well maybe not 100%) it has been more fun on this blog then the actual show, jury house (what jury house), bbad (almost as interesting as watching grass grow), but like the true bb addict that i am, i stay tuned in.
This blog gave more info and insight then any of the bb actual shows.
Too many to name individually so I shall adopt aggies’s style.
Thanks & hugs to all the leading ladies and leading men (and you all know who you are) for making this blog yet again the most fun place to be (even more then disneyland), bbb thanks for making this blog happen, donna rose =^^= again kudos and thanks for the great hosting job as usual. You go girl, I know it is a lot of hard work and dedication and you had both all season long. BBB hope your year gets better and you have lots of happy and peaceful days. YO My take on winning bb12
But we will see what we will see.
Will be attending the finale blog tonite, with glass in hand. Now I can get some sleep and not turn into showtime anymore (well not until next season), thanks to all who helped me get avatar, it is nice to be in the 21st century. Time to end this novel with’
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Hi Mike! Enzo and Hayden have probably had women (wife/mother) to take care of them all their lives and they don’t know anything about housework. They probably can’t even spell housework either!
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Betty, true but I just thought it was funny what they said
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Poor Britt doent even get to Know about the fire until after the show
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MIke, yes those were my exact words to my better half a bit ago, he turned to the weather chanel, and just barely smiled 🙁 this was not a good sign, so let’s keep good thoughts mike, I am right there with you
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yo what can we expect from mother nature, I tell u she is out to get me, lol
I was sorry to hear about Brits house, that is terrible. Poor thing having been away for months and I can bet she is not in a good place mentally, my heart goes out to her. I was happy to see that Nick will be there tonight.
pssst mike both you and bob were included in my leading men circle, there are just too many to name, and like the academy awards bloggers like me take up too much space, with long thank yous, lol 🙂 but u all know who u r.
PK come on guy I know you are reading blogs, come in and say ciao tonight, you are missed……………………
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THANKS to BBB and and the rest of you bloggers it has made BB even better. Will there be a final blog tomorrow?
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I think it is best for production not to tell Brit about the fire. There is absolutely nothing she can do and why spoil her last day on Big Brother. I wonder what CBS will do; will they come up with some sort of consolation prize if she is not picked as America’s favorite, or if she wins this, will they up the ante. Can’t wait till tonights show.
Yes Ted, I have a bucket of frozen marguritas in the freezer just for tonight’s show.
Wish everyone could join me, as I make a mean one.
Mike, I hate to say this, but I think Hayden, Enzo and Lane are all a bunch of mama’s boys trying to show the world how tough they are. 🙄
Hi Mama Margie – No reflection on you when I mentioned mama’s boys above! 😆
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Oh, I think she’d like to ‘mama hen’ those boys!
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Mike…this blog page doesn’t shut down that quick. If you have something to say….someone, (like me) will see it. 🙂
I’ll see everyone later tonight while the show is on. OK…so, MM and Mike, are you both saying Missouri is in for yet another wicked storm tonight? 🙁 I hope not or I’ll be cussing at Mama Nature… 😆
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@Betty…I have frozen strawberry daquiris ready… Whoohoo!!
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YES but I hope it will be late, the weather men back here dont know when to shut up one drop of rain and they talk for 20mins
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You’re right Ted, Mama Margie has a big heart. Hope she comes on soon to reply.
Sorry I did not think ahead, as Ted I would have sent you some hot chocolate and cookies to enjoy during the last show. 🙄
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I am in Ark. get it about 2 hrs later when it stroms hope it doesnt ruin my shows to nite if tv goes out I can still read the blogs
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Mike does your dish (I presume that is what you have) have on demand?
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That’s true Mike…as long as my internet doesn’t go out too. I have the same company for phone, internet and cable. 🙄
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yes and it hooks up with the computer thought the internet I can watch it later if all else fails
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Ok folks! Have my pink champagne-a-chillin READY TO SEE WHO WINS!!!! YE HAW!!!
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I’m glad to hear that. My stupid cable, On Demand, is useless. I can watch any show I missed, unless it is on CBS. They keep telling me that it will be added on soon!
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This is the superbowl of the bloggades…
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Hi Macy – I going to make a toast to you and Frannie when the show starts, that is if I don’t go over my limit watching Survivor! 😆
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Its not that my sat. goes off its the weatherman, 2 wks ago came on at 7:45 and talked to 8:15
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Hi betty – save at least one for our toast!
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Mike was it some sort of weather disaster? A tornado? That I can understand, but just to talk the talk when your favorite programs come on is bogus. It is just like when the President addresses the country. I listen and understand, but then it takes an equal amount of time for all the news commentators to tell you what he said.
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havent drank anything in a year would probily miss everything,might have friends pick me up a bottle. dont like to drink a lone.
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The best thing about the finale of BB is that it’s the end and I won’t have to watch BBAD anymore! Of the final dum-dum choices, I’d go with either Haydan or Lane for winner. A bar of soap for Enzo would be a good consolation prize to wash out his mouth – or better still cement to shut him up. It would be good if AF were won by Brittany or perhaps Ragan. Hope the producers will be able to assemble a better cast for BB13. Thanks for this blog, it’s the only thing I’m sorry to see end.
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Bettey I think it was,and I can understand but they just keep talking and and dont say much we dont get the same weather down here. about 150 miles away. and cant get any other stations would like to get east coast feeds and west coast feeds like I used too but they wont let us.
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Well shut up for awhile and keep checking back,keep on bloggin and talk to you all later when BB is on
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we were used to fine cuisine and this season gave us short order at best, at least we didn’t starve.
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OK peops here’s my 2 cents on bb – being over……i will miss it (before the final 4) – it is juicy – and it makes me feel like im an angel – HA- i will not miss enzo’s mouth – that stuff rubs off on me – ive been cussin – cant do that – although the smacking and chewing where u can see his tonsils hasnt caught on – thank goodness
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LMAO oh wheere to start u guys r way too funny
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ok here goes betty # 46 do my eyes deceive me i can’t decide if that is an avatar of our very own ted, but wait, can it be james woods the actor? i almost fell off my chair when i saw the avatar, i love it betty
ted and your avatar has a look that seems u had just seen bettys avatar
and yes i would love to mama hen those boys, would pull hairden by the hair to go around and pick up after himself, give lane a big shove to wash a dish and to stay out of the shower his skin is going to be like a prune, and enzo i would super glue a hugs bar of dial soap into his mouth, that would serve two fold, one to stop him eating and to stop with the curse words already, yo enough is enough yo.
mike is in ark and i am in mo, and i have dish the weather here is been so bad especially on bb nites, i have had to read blogs and go to cbs to watch videos of show, i have dish and it is so delicate, a bird flies by too close to the dish and wham out it goes, so disturbing, and i am not kidding comes on for a bit of the commercial then back to jigsaw pieces falling apart then gone out like a lite. we have had our share of thunderstorms, lighting, dish goes out, elec goes out, just a little bit of heaven here in mo.
Kenja i agree with you 100% about this blog being sorry to see end. but we do have sn to look forward to.
Macy?Gimbles yes this is the superbowl, world series, world cup of the bloggade, you said it girl………….
whew, need to take a break fingers numb. looking forward to show tonite and this blog going bonkers PARTY TIME FOLKS, woo hoo
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So right Mama Margie! I would:
Hayden – put him in a barbar’s chair sitting on a bumper seat, and have his hair cut.
Lane – I would shoot salt pellets in his fanny, just to give him a taste of his own
Enzo – Well what can I say. He may be beyond hope, but I would send him back
to school or I would hire a tutor for him!
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lol @ betty
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Wawhoooo!! tonights the night!!! who’s it gonna be??? Having a BB Party here at My house tonight!!! LOL!!!! All My neighbors are bringing a covered dish!!! Should be fun!!! Honestly again I don’t care who win’s this time…I really want brendon to get the $25,000 though….if that happens I’ll be happy!!! take care all…thanks for having me…was fun listening to all of You….Your all a bunch of Faithful BB Fans!! God Bless
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Love one Another!!! Nette xo
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nette what a great idea, my plan is to keep mother nature at bay, yet another storm coming our way (and mike too in ark), have fun at your party, and enjoy the finale hope we get more then we have been getting, glad to see you enjoyed the blog, it is so addicting,
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Dang Betty….I liked the dog better!!! 😆 Just kidding Tedster.
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Frannie what are you talking about? 😆
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I haven’t been on in awhile, I stopped watching a couple weeks back, well right before the veto comp w/ Britt to be packing. I just wanted to check in to see what my fav bloggers had to say. Like everyone, I can’t wait til next yr, pray for a better cast, and if not, I am out WAY earlier than this yr. I hope Lane wins. Hayden’s mouth grosses me out and Enzo is so annoying. I didn’t vote for AF this yr, didn’t particularly like anyone, couldn’t bring myself to vote….. Thanks everyone c-ya next yr!!!!
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Yes, bigbubbabronson, Enzo is annoying like Raymond on “Everybody Loves Raymond”!
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hope britney wins the 25
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh …………………………… 😳
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Someone let me out of BB Hell. Who has the key? Don’t leave me in here! Pleasssssssssssssssssssssse
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Can’t tell you all how full of envy i am at you all being able to watch bb, i hope you all keep posting what’s happening in blow by blow accounts i can’t even watch on you tube anymore as it’s been blocked.
Have love to come onto this site every day to read all you’re blogs & what you all think about the house guests & all you’re funny bantering with each other , so before site closes a BIG THANK YOU & my love to you & hope you’re all back next season xxxxxxx
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Gee Northern_lass, did you check with the BBC (?) as to why you can’t watch it anymore?
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Hey Mike and Fran..thanks for the news and website about Brit’s house!! Poor thing!! 1st she’s voted off in 4th place and now THIS!! It sounds like she hasnt even lived there yet from the article…like he moved her stuff in after she went to be on BB. So she’s not emotionally attached,at least. But it was her BF’s fault tha it caught fire, it sounds like anyway, and the place is RENTED!!! I wonder if they will have to pay the $50,ooo it said were needed for repairs! Now I definetly want her to win the $25 grand!!!
From what Brit said those 2 got engaged about 6 months after they met…and he ran and got them a place to live b4 she went on BB…seems like it’s all moving at warp speed in their relationship!! Something tells me she doesn’t know him all that well yet. Wonder if they will be able to stay together after all this??
Anyway, I am with Donna Rose and am rooting for Hayden!! I picked him out as the only one I saw with potential early on. And he had played a very *Dan-like* game with lane being his Memphis! So, anyone else want to join Team Hayden?? It may be just us, Donna Rose, but 2 is enough for a team, right?? 😆 I think he will still take Lane cuz they are very loyal, but I WISH he would take Enzo and cut Lane loose….for pretty much all the same reasons that have been stated before. And hope Brit gets teh $25,000. God..i wouldn’t
want to have to be in her BF’s shoes tonight!!! 🙁
Betty….pass that pitcher of Margueritas west on I-94,will ya??LOL
I too thank BBBlogger, Donna Rose=^^= and all our fellow Blogade members for another FUN season!!! It always seems so lonely and quiet after BB is over when BBAD and this blog shut down!!BUT..will be back before that happens!! 😉
Cya all tonite!
L8R Blogaders!!!
Peace OUT and GO HAYDEN!!!!
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i just posted a LONG blog and it didn’t take it!!! We DON”T need cyber Gremlin probs on our last nite!!! Grrrrrrrrr!!
Basically said thanks to Mike and Fran for the Brit info and GO HAYDEN. That’s the really SHORT form! lol
It may show up..who knows…..but I will try to post it again as I did copy it just in case. So if you get MORE than one..sorry!!! But I have a feeling you won’t get any of them…..been that kinda day!! HUFF!
Ok..cya all tonite!
Peace OUT!
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Sorry Snakebit Sal, but I think PK took the key. Hope he will return it soon! 😆
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Hey I must of missed something, what are you guys talking about a “fire” and Brit should not find out?(someone please explain?)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So sometimes they do a winter season and sometimes they don’t? I do not understand, like i said on the last blog for those who did not see it, I think whoever picked the cast for this season should be fired.
I must admit I never tried out for BB or any reality show. How do they pick it? I heard the HG’s mentioning alot of casting calls and having to sit in groups?
I do love Survivor but i wonder if they were smart to do a season with the age difference being the deciding factor, I think they were looking for something different I hope it works.
Finally back to BB I would of thought that last night on BBAD they would of stayed up and celebrated their last night in the house(it is not like the were actually going to fall asleep anyways.) If they are as good of friends as they seem to be you would think they would of celebrated their last night together just the 3 of them.
You have to know that Kristen must of watched the episode where Enzo asked if Hayden was going to take Kristen to Hawaii and he said no way I am taking Lane.
Ok so here is a question for you all. Do you think all of the houseguests are going to come tonight? If not who do you think will flake out and why??????????????
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Go Hayden. And Enzo 2nd. Lane the idiot who doesn’t even need the money shouldn’t win anything.
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Kristi – Brit’s house was destroyed by fire very early this am. BB producers have not told her yet, as no one was injured.
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So who do you all want to see win?
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@ Betty lol the BBC wouldn’t lower themselves to bb there tooo posh & snobby for that, our bb is on channel 4 & E4 but now is over for ever i have been watching you’re big brother on quirkydude’s you tube but it’s been taken down so now i can only rely on you great ppl to let me know what’s happening.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We have had season 10 & another season of you’res on our tvs (the 1 with alison & jun on ) so i hope we get to see somemore in future as i love youres better xxx
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Northern_lass, did you see the fight between Ragan and Rachel? That really was good TV.
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Yes betty it was brilliant tv i saw every show up to the pov that enzo won ( i didn’t get to see that 1 ) quirkydude used to put the full episode’s on you tube & i could watch it next day i was devaststed when it was taken down, ive even tried to pay to watch but as i’m in uk they won’t let you it’s sooo sad xxooxx
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Hi Guys, look forward to the show tonight, i will be there with wine glass in hand, thanks all, BBL, Peace 😆
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Northern_lass – You didn’t miss much after Enzo won that POV. It has been really boring on the live feeds (so I am told, as I do not have them). I can’t believe that the houseguests have to vote for any of the morans left in the house.
Stayed tuned tonight, as this site should be very busy and you will find out the final outcome!
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BETTY I Absolutely LOVE your New Avatar!!!!!!! Finally on the last day someone else has the good sense to put on a decent avatar! So glad you were part of Team Brit. Now I really hope she wins the 25G’s. Can’t wait for the show to start, and BB too. Might be back before you guys start watching. Once again Betty… Excellent Taste!
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Kristi, go to post 29
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Thanks Ted, I knew you would like it. Keeping my fingers crossed for Brit.
Just thinking – I hope she had insurance on that house she rented. I can just see her being sued by her landlord and lose all the money she won. Poor Brit!
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Go macy!!!
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MACY!!! Have you started on the Pink already??? It’s ENZO for the 500K!
I doubt that they had insurance Betty… did you get a look at that place??? Blows my theory that Nick has Money!
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Yes Ted. It’s obvious that Brit needs the money. Her fiance is worried she will be mad at him. Do you think CBS will do anything for her?
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TED – no pink yet – its lookin awful frosty though – yummo
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betty – cbs could rig it and make sure brit gets 25K – yea rite
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@ Ted i love you’re blogs but if you think any of those 2 boys are going to take Enzo to the final you’re delusional xxxx
ps hope PK comes back tonight i love his blogs to don’t listen to ppl who are just looking for an argument be like Mamma Margie & ignore them xxx
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oooo crap
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Dont forget CBS CARES HA HA
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Marcy, what did you do?
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comment 102 – margie – and whos marcy? he he
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sorry macy don’t get what you mean did i say something to offend if so sorry wasn’t meant xx
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LAS didnt offend me at all – the whole pk thing is(from what i hear) is a touchy subj. – i wasnt on when whatever happened – sooooooo
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thats ok macy we’lle just leave it there then ( lol )but still hope he comes back for tonight (bet he’s still reading posts )
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LASS he can be amusing
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most of the ppl on here are i love reading the banter espesially ted’s is he REALLY an actor or is it just a yarn he’s so funny & i love it that he thinks Enzo’s going to win the 500gs hehe
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yea – we need to make a wager with ted…lets pocket some bucks – HA
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Howdy folks….are you both going to watch Survivor in approx. 8 minutes? I think I’ll go there to see if anyone drops by. I will go back and forth between these two blogs. YAHOOOOOO!!!!!!
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Lass…Ted did do some acting in his younger days. He looked like Kevin Bacon.
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FRAN – im having trouble with the surv blog – it doesnt have that box – to tell you in the e-mail that another was posted – dummy bendi
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Macy..can you post? If so, you can always check the bottom of the page to get to the next page. That’s what I have to do at work because the notices get sent to aol and I can’t access aol from there.
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Macy, Do you want me to e-mail the newest one to you?
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i have the one from the 14th – did they post today – and tell me how you do it without aol
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I go to the bottom…under the submit button. If there’s a new page….it will say so under the previous post.
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how long is it before the show starts ? it’s 1-00am here don’t know how long i can stay up for have work in morning
& Ted must have been a handsome geezer then eh!
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ok – fran – send me the surv post maam
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ok…let me get it
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the key word on brit’s fire was “rental” house. that means the owner is responsible for insurance to the house and brit and nick are only responsible for personal contents. brit has also said she has horrible, cheap furniture. of course she’s going to be devastated with the loss of her cosmetics and clothes, but the dogs are safe. aside from having to find a new place to live and the terrible shock, financially they shouldn’t sustain too much damage.
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There you go bendi…you should have it.
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Las…do you want the link?
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what link frannie the 1 at 126 ? if it’s survivor i’ve never watched that as we don’t have it over here ?
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#126. You can just show up. I guess it won’t help then if you don’t get it there. You can just hang out if you want.
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I’ll keep this comment brief…..
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that will be good do you get e-mails to tell you when a new page comes up? i was asking how long it is to tonights bb i might have to get to bed & read all the posts tomorrow to find out who wins
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BB finale starts in 40 minutes
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yes las…we get a new page for BB and Survivor blogs.
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FRAN – send it to me at bendi2006@aol.com – when u get the gumption – ha
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😳 I mean we get an e-mail when there’s a new page
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thank’s jt & fran & lol @ macy
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I do feel bad for brittany even though I was not her biggest fan but i do think the funny thing out of this is if there is one is that Brit told the F3 she and Nick just moved into a older house because she thinks they are more distinguished, but she made it seem like it was a lot bigger and that they bought it. Who knows its not right to bash on her tonight, at least we know Nick still exsists in her life and he went to the finals good sign for her huh? Well it is all over after tonight, but know answered me about a winter BB I know they have done it before do they do it every year?
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Oh, this is just choice… now I’m being called delusional… and by a Brit no less!!!
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Winter BB was one year only because of the writer’s strike.
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lol @ Ted i did say you must have been a looker in you’re time as well hehe xxx
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ps but seriouslly poor Enzo has no chance (sorry)
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LOL… they even know you across the pond Ted!
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Stick around til 4am N-Lass, we’ll have results for you by then. 😆
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JT – u flirtin with the lass – oh my – lol
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princess & Ted, yes, I am watching Survivor right now.
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Haha macy/bendi (<—cute names! 😉 )
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jt i’lle be dead on my feet by then i’lle have to drink a gallon of redbull then i’lle be hypre lol i have to try & get onto survivor site to keep in touch with you all as you are all fun ppl & i think i’m in lurv with you all xx
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JT – macy is what i wanted to name my daughter 10 yrs ago – husband wanst going for it – real name is bendi
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My first time commenting – I thought Enzo was hysterical (as was Lane). Hayden was so boring but a great competitor. If Lane is smart he’ll take Enzo to the final 2. If Hayden wins, it’s a toss up. The only advantage Enzo has over Lane is that he created the “Brigade”. Either way, I love this show and will continue to watch for (hopefully) years to come.
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well i like bendi to macy
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sweet of u lass
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I hear ya there N-Lass, I’m not a Survivor fan.. but I’ll stop in and say “hi”. Last year I was there for seasons 19 & 20….. but I’ll spare Ted some of my babbling there this time. I know BB very well and can add some insight….. not so much on Survivor… so I usually ended up just posting football scores. 😆 …..I’ll curb that this year so the true fans can yap about Survivor.
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😯 @ JT….I want to hear the football babble
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macy, I remember you wrote that before. (I do read all)
My question is what does the 1231231 mean? was 123123o already taken? LOL
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JT – wink wink – itsa secret – but it does have a meaning……
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LOL Frannie…. at least here I kept my comments mostly about BB.. with a little other stuff mixed in (til this past week when there is nothing left to say)
But at Survivor blog… I think only about 5% of my comments were game related. I guess because it is all there on CBS….. nothing to tell other people about that they don’t see for themselves.
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Funny JT…if you could only see the topic next door. (Survivor blog) Well…it is next door on my computer. 😆
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See? this is what drives me nuts about Survivor. I don’t know any of these people (except JJ) … not much has happened.. and they are already voting someone off.
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hmmmm… I will have to check in there and catch up then! 😆 not tonight though.
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Survivor is over… somebody got the boot. I’d tell ya who, but I’ll be damned if I can remember their name! 😆
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Isnt Surviver already taped?
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@ jt i just want to go on survivor blog to keep in toch with all you guy’s & gal’s on here as after tonight bb will finish & i suppose this site will close till next year if i knew how to do a sad sobbing face i would xx
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Yeah Mike…. that’s another reason I don’t like it as much. People can look up spoiler sites and know who’s left at the end…. somebody last year tried to pass the evictions each week as predictions… til he was busted for being right all the time. 😆
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OK…here we all are… 😆 Survivor is over.
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HI JT, glad you could make it
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here we go LETS OPEN THE BUBBLY!!!!
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You’re right JT…how crazy was that to try and spoil all the fun. 🙄
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LOL…. just because BB is over, I don’t let that keep me from commenting here from time to time…. til BBBlogger shuts down the comment section! 😆
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ome on show us the JH we know all this stuff
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Macy…mine is being made for me as I type this. I’m getting a frozen srtrawberry dacquiri. YUMMY!!!!
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142 macy jt can flirt with me till the cows come home if he wnt lmao wink wink xx
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Hi Aggie…. glad to be here. I have never missed a finale of BB and I ain’t gonna start now! I made an excuse to only work 10 hrs today! 😀
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Hi Mike…do you have your drink in hand?
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Good JT, this should be interesting, britt really needs the money now, i hope she gets people vote
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JT – can one of you make a bloggade page so we can talk to each other during the year? like the BLOGGADE PAGE??? serious
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WTH…. I’m goin to upstairs to get a beer! 😯
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Poor Mama Margie. I think she’s having weather problems. Dang….I hope she doesn’t let her drinks go to waste. 🙄
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Enzos full of it
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to true Mike you all are the best friendly & no cat fights like on UK ones thats why i prefer it here xx
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Fran, could you send me one of your strawberry daquiri’s
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sure dear Aggie. Do you have wine?
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hayden is dumb to take enzo, he should take his chances with lane
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AGGIE – will cheers in a bit – gotta get the kiddo to bed – they start school here EARLY
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For those that want to know……
All they have shown so far is a recap… and now they are showing each make their case to each other to bring them to final 2.
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Hell lost my post, fran and macy yes i have my wine, cHeers all,
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Lane would have to take Enzo if he wins part 3… right? Lane couldn’t beat Hayden in the votes. Hayden can beat either if he wins part 3.
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Damn my drink is goooooood
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no offence guy’s but they do drag out hte programmes a bit over there don’t you think & the commercials jesus i’de slit my throat ours is only 3mins at the most
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I don’t know Jt, If enzo were against anybody he could win
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JURY HOUSE….yessssssssss
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hey fran, don’t rub it in i only have vino
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IM thinking whoever bren and rach want to win – will lose – because everyone in the jh cant stand them – so if lane wins he should take enzo
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My daughter was watching and got so excited when she saw Brittany. She started yelling “Brittany is back, woohoo, Mom Brittany is back, go Brittany.” Just thought that was really funny. I want Lane to win and Brittany AF. Doesn’t matter who comes second.
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Britney at jury house now….
Ragan seems to have forgiven Matt.. mostly. They are all playing a game.. so I guess it’s civil at least.
In walks Brit… Brit tells about Brigade. The rest looked shocked. Brit tells Matt they turned on him.
Oooop… now Ragan is upset again! 😆 Matt claims he created the brigade… I seem to remember it was Enzo? Matt seems ok that they turned on him.
Matt tell Brit about his wife…. Brit says it’s “horrible”… but she didn’t get that upset.
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ahhhh…that’s sweet KeriJ. How old is your daughter?
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funny comment about rachel and being pregnant, she is to polluted by alcohol to be preggers
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But Aggie…I thought you like wine. Sorry gf.
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FRAN, how many cocktails have you had so far
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KeriJ… funny, that will be Ted’s reaction to seeing Brit again too!
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I’m half way thru my 1st beer! 🙄
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Aggie..I’m on my first one. I am almost done and will be getting my next one soon.
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Hi guys!! Sorry to be late!!!
aggie…..I have wine too so we can be winos togetyher…lol
I think brit’s reaction to Matt was fine..she knew what he was. Kinda the same reaction I would have had!!!
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Tank you JT for keeping the info going i’m dying here not being able to see it for myself if you know any sites i can catch it on tomorrow i’de be greatful xx
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Come on JT….Guzzle that beer
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Lass…couldn’t you see it on CBS.com?
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update hayden won final HOH commercial then he decides
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WOW!! Rachel is giving props to Enzo for his social game??? 😯
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he has to take Lane they have some sort of agreement
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I do fran i like other stuff also
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Kristi… 😯 Where did you hear that?
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no fran it comes up as not permitted in you’re country can’t even get it on you-tube now (sobbing lol )
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If he takes Enzo and he wila I will NEVER watch this show again
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Hi Star…do you have your wine tonight?
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Good Star, Fran and JT, Chug it JT
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My friend has a earlier showing she will not tell me anymore than i know
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Franniep she is 3 and 5 months going on grown. She thinks. And she loves Big brother and Survivor too.
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Great joke Matt. “Use simple words” And the sad part is that it’s true.
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that sucks Lass. Sorry to hear that.
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Jury chatting about final 3 now….
Rachel says they were floaters.. 😆 Rachel still clinging to her 2 HOHs. Ragan & Brit explaining to R&B the way the brigade plan worked with side alliances.
Brit arguing fro Enzo’s social game… not many buyers on that one though… wait.. R&B seem to be pondering it.
Ragan makes a case for Hayden’s competitive side…. Rachel says he did what people said. The sheriff stands up for Hayden.
Rachel makes a case for Lane… Ragan disputes it. Britney pipes in on his behalf (big shock).
Brendon thinks none of them are competitors 🙄 …and the best social game should win. (Brendon… does Hayden need to run circles around you again to prove himself? 😆 )
….so basically CBS edited that to keep us guessing.. the usual stuff.
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I would keep you posted if I hear anything more but then it will ruin it for you
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KeriJ…they say the cutest things at that age.
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What do they keep talking about then next 6 months being soo special everyone will forget most in 2 weeks
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Kristi….if tht is TRUE..WOOHOO! GO team Hayden!! Where is there an earlier showing ???
frannie..yes I have wine….had a screwdrier earlier, but liqour isn’t quicker…wine’s alot faster to just pour!! 😉
Hey aggie, JT,northern lass…….*waves*
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------northern lass….I had a friend I met online from Nottingham,England…anywhere near you??
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If this is a live show how did Hayden win they havent done it yet have they?
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Sad but i think enzo could actually win against any of them
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hey Star
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gotta sick kid – talk 2 yall 2 morrow
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Hayden picked Lane
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let the best man win
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yipeeeeeeee … thanks Kristi
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Part 3 of HOH
3-3 after 3 qs
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4-4 after 4
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@ star notingham is about 3hrs away from me i live in n/e england in Middlesbrough you prob won’t have heard of it it’s 45miles south of newcastle
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4-4 after 5 questions
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tie breaker
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Hayden wins final HOH!!!!
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I hope hayden picks lane
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GO HAYDEN!! Im happy he is taking Lane. Shows loyalty and wussing out cuz he thinks Enzo will be easier to beat!
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Hayden chooses who to take to final 2 after commercial..
Beer is gone.. time for the 2nd!! 😀
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They were on those swings for over 2 hours and Lane guesses 55. Really? I truly hope that dumb idiot doesn’t make it to final two.
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Kristi already said that Hayden picked Lane.
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those questions were to easy come on, i got them all right
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northern lass…..ok..that is about how far away I am from chicago!! I also knew a guy from newcastle. He said if I ever hears him talk I would never understand his accent…lol Do you share the same type???
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But I thought this was live. Is there some kind of major delay? Because all I’ve seen is Hayden just win and now a commercial.
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My second drink is almost gone. I guess I’ll have to have a beer next. Not right now though.
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Hayden has to be $500k richer…. nobody can beat him in votes.. no matter how much CBS wants us to guess.
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Hi Stra!!… I said “hi” earlier.. but that comment got eaten! 👿
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aggie..so did i ..except for the last one..had no idea how many times…..never get those kinda questions!!!
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you never know Jt, people are bitter it depends
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Yeah star, I hate those guessing questions
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Hayden votes to evict now…. Enzo and Lane plead their case first
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Onto 2nd Beer JT, whoa
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Hayden evicts Enzo!!!!
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Aggie, 2nd beer is a big deal for a guy that hardly even drinks… just hope my fingers can still see straigh later!! 😆 (am i sluuurrring my coommetns yett?)
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I bet hayden won’t get meow, meow’s vote
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Ok… The votes prediction
I think it goes 6-1 Hayden.
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Enzo so full of himself I cant stand it
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Yeah JT, I get it not a drinker which is a good thing
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@ star lmao no geordies have a very thick accent mine not so bad but similar if you’re going to watch x-factor & cheryle cole gets the job as simon cowell is pushing for you’lle know what i mean as she’s geordie or have you heard of ant & dec they the same xox
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Adios Amigo.. see ya next year.
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N-Lass… it’s 3am!! 😯 😆
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JT, the second beer can make you more tired as well, It makes me sleepy sometimes
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JT..I was begining to wonder!! Was it something I SAID???? 😯 lol And HI , too..lol
I totally agree about Hayden…he is about to become the winner of BB12! don’t forget I TODE you guys! I think I am the only one who beleived in him from the beginning!!! *hurts arm slapping herself on the back*
I’m not great at watching and typing..I lose something either way…..guess I THINK to hard…..blocks my ability to multi-task!!
Oh and JT..I lost a blog earlier that I wrote for like 15 mins….. the gremlins are BACK!!!! So I hear ya on losing a post……grrrrrrrrr!!!!
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BYE JT see you next year
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Wow JT you really think that many votes for Hayden. I think they will be closer. We will see.
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Amigo, I’m flattered considering i told you to go soak your head, Later amigo
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Enzo’s exit was great. He was funny, but I was sad he did not make it to the final 2.
Just a guess, but this is how I think the votes might go.
For Hayden – Matt, Regan and Brendon
For Lane – Brit, Kathy, Enzo and Rachel
I hope it goes that way, but like they say on BB ‘expect the unexpected’ 😆
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Uggghhhhh!! I just realized I missed the finale of AGT! Don’t spoil that for me… I’ll watch tomorrow.. I did have an eye on it during Survivor.. then I forgot… I’m blaming the beer!! 😆
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Mike…JT isn’t leaving yet. He just opened another beer. He was telling Amigo goodbye.
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northern lass…they call people from Newcastle geordies?? Why? Never heard of that!!! I will watch for tht on X-factor and I don’t know who or WHAT ant & dec are??!!! lol
Mike…agree totally about Enzo! EW!
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It is hard to say about the jury people sometimes are bitter
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I think Hayden gets Kathy’s vote for sure.
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Amigo – Sinatra said ‘pick yourself up and get back in the race’ not game. 😆
Go Lane!
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I taped AGT too. I’ll have to watch it tomorrow also
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Yep… I’m sticking with 6-1… with Brit being the 1. But like you say.. we’ll see.
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the cheers are so loud, probably cuz they are glad he was booted
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Mike.. Frannie is right.. just saying Adios to Amigo.
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I think Lane might get 2 votes…..Brit and Enzo.
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Yeah… could be right there Stra. Enzo did like Lane a lot.
I could see 5-2… I really don’t think any closer than that though.
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lane your being a big dummy
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I haven’t said much but I will miss reading all the comments.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See yall next year!
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well folkes bed for me i hope i can get the story tomorrow & get onto survivor site to keep intouch with you all if not as you all say adios or chiao loved you all can’t go through all you’re names to many to write them all down & my peepers are closing down as it’s 3-10 here xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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The jury is asking their 1 question now. Matt asked Lane if he would have taken Brit or Brigade if he had the choice.. Lane said brigade (after sidestepping it the first time)
Now Enzo asked Lane if he would have taken him… Lane sidestepped that one too.
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I think hayden has it, I think fran is passed out by now, what about you Jt
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Lane blew it.
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night Lass…..glad you had the chance to hang with us tonight.
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I was thinking the same thing AC…he sounded pretty dumb there.
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nobody would have taken enzo, he will probably give it to hayden cuz he did the best, i would think
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I don’t think Lane answered a single question. Either he didn’t understand what they were asking, or he danced around telling the truth.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When Enzo asked “Would you have taken me?” WTF dude just say yes. you don’t have to please Hayden, he isn’t voting he can’t do anything. Instead he doesn’t want to tell the truth, but makes it incredibly obvious. I hate that he is even gettting 50K.
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Poor Ted will be so upset, I think we should all tell me how sorry we are. 🙄
Sorry Enzo didn’t win Ted!
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Til next year Sweet Judy…. I’ll be here 4 sure!! (less than 10 months to go!! Woohoo!!)
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northern lass..that’s the shank of the evening for the late Nite crowd here….lol good nite sweet dream adio and ciao!!!
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Hey AC, yeah lane did blow it
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😆 @ Aggie. I’m not that much of a light weight when it comes to drinking. Come on over and we’ll go bar hopping. 😆
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GOODNITE sweet dreams Northern Lass
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you’re so right gobbki. Lane avoided all the questions.
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gobbki…too funny!!lol I think people that kept saying we werent giving lane enough credit for BRAINS were MISLEAD!!! lol
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Lane and Hayden are making their final speeches now.
Hayden’s was decent.
Lane…. ehhhh. He’s got cool tattoos I guess.
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oh poor Ted…he will be needing therapy after this for sure.
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OMG! Lane’s english is CHOKING me!!!! ARGHH!!
Oh hey AC………didn’t cya!!!:)
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Ladybug is yelling at the tv “vote for Lane”
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3 votes for hayden so far I’d say!
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Shout out to Sox from Kathy.. put that one in the bank for Hayden… also put it in the bank form Matt too (based on what Matt said)
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Hey LB 😎
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what is ladybug doing up so late KeriJ? 😆 Just kidding.
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I think it’s going to be 5-2 also JT
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meow, meow, kind of bitter
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They have all cast their votes now… next they will bring out the first 4 evictees to make comments. (after the commercial.. and after I get my 3rd beer!)
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Swami, How you feeling about your prediction?
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Ok guys..place your votes now. Who will win???
I say Hayden…next?
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You think so Aggie. I think he still was able to joke with them. You have to give him that.
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Sup Stra. 8)
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Oh fran i could beat you with bar hopping, the secret is pacing yourself
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Star.. I still think 6-1 is very possible.
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Hayden wins!
I don’t think Meow Meow was bitter.
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Your Welcome Amigo – I really am a Sinatra fan. Hope there are no hard feelings.
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I think Hayden will win easily.
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Well… I say Hayden wins FOR SURE… justa matter of the vote count.
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It might be fun when the 4 tells all whats been going on
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We only go to school Mon Wed and Fri so we stay up til tenish on those nights anyway. Usually she is in bed snoozing by now.
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Not too confident LB… I haven’t had a chance to pay much attention lately.. we will see.
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U S A….. U S A….. U S A!!! (well said Amigo)
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good for monet
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LOL… they brought out the other 4 and are showing H&K crawling into bed together. Kristen says she broke up with her boyfriend. (No!!! Really??)
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OK AMIGO, thanks
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Matt’s lie about his wife has been revealed to the rest of the brigade now.
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Lane on Matt’s lie, “Make up a lie about your dog.. don’t make up a lie about your wife” 😆
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I bet kristen will end up not being with hayden, no big shocker there
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Well we are back on again the weatherman had to tell us about bad weather in Kansas
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It wont be long now and Stra will get to say I TODE YA SO!! (nice early season call on Hayden Star!!)
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dumb move on matt’s part he will never live that lie down, people don’t take things like that lightly
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I am enjoying watching Hayden’s face. he looked like a deeer in headlites when Julie asked him if he wanted a relationship with Kristen…good OUT response tho. And then whe he heard about matt’s lie…his jaw dropped!!! More emotion thtn i saw all game, so obviously we were getting his BB poker face!!!!!!
So far I think this finale is the funniest on record….:lol:
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Hayden didn’t look too excited to hear that Kristen was single and open to a relationship with him.
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I think fran is passed out now
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Yeah Aggie… that lie was totally un-needed. The sympathy play never gets you far anyway.
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Awwww JT…you justa took all the FUN out of it!!!! 😛
doesn’t mean I won’t SAY it tho……hehehehhe
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I think Lane might pull it off. I am sure he has Brit’s vote and maybe Rachel and Brendon’s vote. I agree, Enzo looks bitter, so he might vote for Lane. We will all see soon! ( Hayden did put up Brendon and he was voted out.)
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Brit just found out that Lane would have taken her… she seemed happy… and I think she gave away that she voted for Lane to win.
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…Brendon’s hair seems to be growing back nicely! 😆
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WE were RIGHT JT!! There WERE no friends in the house!!!
We TODE y’all so!!!! 😀
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Stra… sorry bout that (not really)…. but you do have the right!!! …I recognize game!! U got game girl!!
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Yes Star… I (we) do at least get to say “tode ya” about the “friends”…. I’ve been saying that since week 2!!
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I say Brit gets $25 Gs
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Aggie…I’m still here. I have a long way to go before I pass out.
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Commercial break….. time 4 4th beer! 😯 (They goin down good now!) 😆
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My computer is running at a snails pace right now. 👿
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You still here LB?
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Mother Nature…. cut Margie some slack so she can come here for finale!!
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JT…4th beer? Damn man!!
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Ouch!! Did you see that Amazing Race clip with the watermelon? 😮
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Jt, britt needs the money now it would be good for her
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Yep still here. 8)
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“commenting too fast” my a$$!!
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JT…who is LB? I justa have to ask.
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4th beer slow down JT
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Jury votes now
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i HOPE she gets it..esp after waht happened today!!!!(the fire)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Her BF sounds like a dipsh*t tho. Maybe this will open her eyes!!! There’s always Laney….lol
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Rachel – Lane
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Hayden 2-1
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2-2 😯
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WHOA…that was a curve
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Hayden wins 4-3!!!!!
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Stra tode us so!!!!
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Well at least Lane won something.
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OMG!!! I was sweating that!!!! I thought Enzo might have voted for lane!!!! PHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok guys…I TODE YA!!!!!! WOOHOO Hayden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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R&B and Brit voted for Lane (I thought R&B preached about competitors ALL SEASON!!) 🙄
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good to see your still here fran, i think tedster should sign up
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Ok… who gets 25k?… after commercial… and 5th beer!
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I can’t believe Enzo voted for Hayden, the only person in the BB House I did not want to see win! 🙁
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They’re casting for the next BB…there’s our call blogade people.
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Never expected it to be that close!!!
Sounds like I am among Hayden haters here!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Don’t hate the playa, hate the game!! 😆
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bitterness Jt, thats why
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25k to Brit!!!!!!!!!!
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good for Britt she needed the money
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Yep Lane blew it. If he just said he would have taken Enzo, then he might get that vote.
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I’m happy for Brit!!! Something good came out of this. Ted won’t be so upset now. 😆
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Yeah Britney! Ted will be very happy!
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Star… I think Hayden should have won 6-1. I can’t believe R&B voted for Lane…. they really do deserve each other. (Brit gets a pass for her vote)
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wtf? Internal Server Error 😯
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Hey Aggie…I’m still not passed out yet.
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What u talkin bout LB?
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Yes Brit got hers. Well it has been an experience all the greatness here. I look forward to reading your survivor blogs. Nite All
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aggie…you must be right! I was blown away byt R&B’s vote. Thiught they were all about being COMPETITORS!!!! *said in racho’s high, squeaky voice*
JT…..5 beers and you don’t usually drink????!!! can’t tell by your typing(yet) but yer head is gonna hate ya at 5 am!!lol
I’m only on 2nd wine but…the evening is young…Muahhhh…;)
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ME TOO AC….WTF is that all about? At least my post showed up.
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and the rest is history,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------at show lots revealed.
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Night KeriJ
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I guess too many people logged on right now. Overload. 8)
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Stra… I m beeing berry careful wit my tiping up in here….. I not typsy atttalllll!!!!
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oh and I was clapping for Brit too…glad she won!!! But does tht girl ever look surprised?? Must be all the composure she learned from her pagent days!!!
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Yeah star, Brenda and rach voted the same way also, JT, you are officially trashed, good for you
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A special thanks to Mother Nature for allowing Margie to join us!!
Hi Margie (Twins are catching the Yanks for best record! LOL)
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Will this page hit 500? Hmmmm, maybe once the west coast see the show.
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She looked surprised to me Stra. I think she was flattered.
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Night Mike…enjoy
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Hi margie glad you are back
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sorry make that great show.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------what was up with jack and jill, neither can think alone, that red dye went to her head. she is really a mess.
well guys i called in hayden, lane, brit
i must be a pyscho ooops mean psyhic.
sorry i missed being here, tv kept going in and out went to living room and hubby watched with me. he really got into this year.
but glad it is over, i see lots of regs but where is ted, he should be here celebrating
taking forever to refresh
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Ted don’t like spoilers.
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JT…..the BB police may have to ask you to walk a cyber line before they let you mosey off into cyberspace tonite…lol HIC!!!
AC and frannie……I lost a huge post earlier tonight..way b4 the show. when ya try to repost, it says that is is a duplicate one. And then it erases my COPY of it!!! So I don’t think it’s the amount of posts. it’s the last nite. Maybe BBBlogger isn’t payoing his rent for this space anymore……lol
hey mama margie!!!!
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margie it comes on later where ted is he said he wasn’t going to be here
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HEY TED wendy is gone, there you go
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I kan walk a ciber line any damn time i want 2!!!
lemme try.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ how wuz that?
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I’ll check back in a little bit. I have to check out facebook.
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Stra, that means it will show up sooner or later. Don’t repost, else this will happen:
Star 09.14.09 at 10:14 pm
OMG!! This is SOOOOO embarrasing!!!
That dumbass post just showed up ALL over the place!!!!!
What the HELL??????
Ok..going to go someplace where there are no computers now..lol I really AM embarrassed!! BBBlogger!! What have you DONE???
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AC…good call. Flattered I can see. but I kinda think she expected it.
MM…I usually watch then come on here too. But I Tivoed so I can rewatch for things I missed later while I was TYPOING…..lol We are supposed to get a TON of rain and bad weather starting at midnite and all day tomorrow. You sending this up here to get rid of it???? *one eyeborw raised look* <~~~they need a smiley for that!!!
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“Sir. Have you been drinking?” 😆
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JT, Fran and star, do you think you could walk a straight line
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Justa thought…
If I call in “sick”.. should I wait til morning? Or just do it now?
..if I do it now I might accidentally say, “I’m sick of work”
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your typing is very tipsy Jt
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MM, I had dish for 11 yrs had same touble went to Directv have 90% less problems my freinds next door have Dish an call all the time an ask me if I am getting tv yes I am they are going to change , Custormer service is in America not India
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I would say do it in the morning Jt
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happy for brit. wish she would have made it to the end tho and gotten at least the 50k.
ok so where do i go to talk about survivor or at least watch you all talk? 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(i think a storm is near by)
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Without a doubt Aggie. A straight line right to the bathroom. 😆
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LOL at LB!!! Those were the days! That was my fave Stra post!! (did it show up 7 times.. or 8? I forget)
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Tendr, click the “Survivor Tocantins Blog” link in the middle of this page.
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hi tendr…how are you dear?
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JT….lol….but…something tells me you arent TRYING to type DRUNK anymore…..LMAO!!!
AC……….O M G !!!! HOW did u find that old relic???? ROTFLMAO!! 😆 I totally remember that nite! How could i NOT??? Nobody was willing to LET me forget!! lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I DID think about that today and it stopped me from trying it over and over..at least I learned something from that red-faced moment….;)
Thanks for the memories AC……kind of…….lol
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hey has everyone passed out, scary am i the only sober one here
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IDK, but it was a bunch. 😆
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LOL Star…… thanks for the memories AC.
And on that day…. A “Stra” was born!! 😆
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What are you talking about Aggie? Do I sound drunk?
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Aggie… you are always the sober cab. I designate Aggie to drive us home when we are done here!
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MM, you about to get it up there be carefull it looks like a strong storm
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Yep… Frannie is shmammered!! 😆
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JT..i say call NOW! It would be way funnier!!! You have to come back and tell us,word for word, what they said when they FIRED you tho…… 😆 And who is LB????
aggie..I’m still good to go..and go..and go…..like fran said..lol But I’ll go toe to toe bar-hopping with you ladies anytime!!! Altho we may need to do it over Skype…lol
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yeah I don’t do well on alot of booze i have gotten in trouble before, lord help me
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BB12 is a wrap!!! If we go way off topic… that’s because there is no topic til July 2011!!
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I only had two drinks…dang, cut a girl a break. 🙄
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JT, i wouldn’t talk about frannie i think you are way beyond that. Star, i would be designated driver for sure
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txs for welcome both tv and puter take turns in and out
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------damn so sorry i missed the party, will have to watch the show tomorrow on cbs.
i have to sign off ligjts flickering and hear thunder so lighting casnnot be far behind,
hugs all around will log on tomorrow guess we will still have time to bog.
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LOVE YOU ALL , I was worried about the weather i n Mo. well this time it is goodnite for sure
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Fired? 😯 …since you put it that way, I guess I better straighten myself out by 5am!!
LB = Little Bro = AC (he is 4 years younger than me!)
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I’m LB. He’s BB. Not to be confused with BBB. Got it? 8)
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fran, I start feeling it after 2 drinks thats why i only had 1, good for you though
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Hope to read you on Survivor Blog Mike (the guy with a dog named Ruffus). G’nite.
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Oh…I remember. Lil bro and big bro. DUH!!!
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OKOK guys…7, 8….a bunch…. we GET it….SHEESH!!!!!! 😛
JT…schmammerred…..cool word!!! How do u mensa shmensa that tho???? Figure it out and say it 5 times drunk-fast!!! lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So…..does tht make 9/14 my new B-day, JT??? 😉 I’d like that so it would be when BB is on..and NOT when it’s snowing and blowing as mine is actually in Feb!! (anyway I can make this legal??)lol
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goodnight Mike, somebody tell me who won on AGT
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LB , JT I think he’s the same age or close, funny
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Not confusing at all…. I was LB last year.. but that was when kev11 was here. kev11 was BB then. See?
So… AC…. I always thought kev11 would chime in at some point during this season. I guess Swami was wrong on that one too! (maybe he’ll show up tomorrow!… keep hope alive!!)
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Poppycock won.
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hammered shmammered.
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AC…. AYFKM!!! He better not have won!!
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I think K11 blogging days are over.
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fran holly just said on facebook that she is just watching now
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AC JT…..GOT it!!!! I remember the age dif, just didin’t remember the nicks.
Can I be LS?? Lil Stra???? 🙂 *BS* just doesn’t look suitable…… gives the wrong connotation..and STFU, BOTH of you guys!!!lol
And JT….lol to your disclaimer!!! take THAT off-topic haters!!
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IDK…. I don’t really watch that show.
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Stra, you are SGH. 8)
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AC….I agree about K11……he had never done it before(blogging or chatting OL) and I think it kindof depleted him. I’m with JT tho…would love to hear from him even justa once…know he is ok, what he’s up to. I kind of worry about him. His life sounded a lil up in the air, to say the least.
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I think everyone passed out except me
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AC…true…..I was just getting greedy…..lol
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Ummmm…aggie..are u not reading??LOL Altho I was thinking the same thing….except i thought it was just me and AC!!!
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Star alot of people wondered about kevin 11, I don’t think he will be back anymore
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Oh yeah AC said he doesn’t drink but I read otherwise HMMMMM
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OOoohhhhhhhhhhh….Justa was busy being artisitc!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Those are like our last nite BB12 fireworks, JT!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!
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A Coke & a smile child. 8)
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OMG JT, If you can do that not to shabby my man
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Really AC you don’t like bacardi’s
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LOL…. that’s tough to do when I’m gettin shmammered!
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Have we got 34 more comments in us to get to 500 tonite???
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hey i couldn’t do what Jt did if i were drunk NFW
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Aggie… I must confess. I posted that at the start of BB12… now I just copied and pasted.
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Just saying I think fran is on bathroom floor
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I that figures although i probably could not have done that drunk either
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Since BB12 is over.. and now I can say whatever I want…
How about a Twins score?….. just in the effort to reach 500?
White Sox-3
Twins have 87 wins… Margie’s Yankees have 88 wins. (feel the Minnesota footsteps MM?)
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ted is not going to like that JT, oh i didn’t put my smilie chart up today
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I don’t think you can do that sober, Aggie. 😆
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LOL @ Aggie…. it does look like Frannie has fallen off the grid. But if she were here she would say that 4am comes early! 😆
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But the fact,JT, that you could locate it and remember HOW to C&P shmammered is no small feet……..er….feat…..lol
Potty/wine break…brb
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Aggie….stop saying that. I was on fb playing.
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Hey JT…4:30 comes around PDQ
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Frannie is playing beer pong on facebook! 😆
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Where is everyone?
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I know Frannie… and unfortunately for me, 5am is just behind it!! 👿
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evil 👿 ……..grin 😀 ……….twisted 😈 ……..mrgreen :mrgreen:…………shock 😯 ……….cool 😎 ………??? 😕 …….mad…….. 😡 ………neutral 😐 ………sad 🙁 ……..! ❗ …….cry 😥 ……….? ❓ ………..oops 😳 ……….idea 💡 ………roll 🙄 …………wink 😉 ……….arrow ➡ ………razz 😛 ………eek 😮 …………lol 😆 ……….smile 🙂 ………
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There we go… it looks official from her last post.
Frannie has passed out! 😀
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we only need a few more comments to ereach 500. Let’s see, Star left for a pee break and more wine….so I think we can do it. Then….I’ll be going to sleep after that.
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Well I’m late to the party. Lots of obligations this time of year. Victory for Coursin It 😀 Anyone catch the GLARE the alcoholic stripper gave Lil Brit after she secured the 25k? I hope she moves to LA fast so it’s safe for me to venture back to Vegas with aggie 😆 Not surprised to see those two vote for Lane. The whole “competitors” thing was such crap. She evicted Monet for bulwinkle’s sake. 🙄 BIG competitor there. Although nice work by Monet not retracting her comment 😆 The best part to me was the alcholic stripper and Mr. Personality were no factor in the game one last time 😆
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here fran did you fall in or something just wondering
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maybe one day DOK, I would have to dump the winded one first just saying
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Where is Aggie now? I think she’s the one that passed out. 😆
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Hey PGA, I’d offer you a beer.. but I’m sure you got it covered!
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poor fran not quite up to undead standards i don’t think anyone could beat this girl there
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no fran, i just had one glass
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Im back..and catching up to JT with glads 3 of wine and a SD earlier…so I’m officially at 4 drinks!!!
Hey P-dok!!! I caught that look too….with an attempt at a smile for the cameras that was painful to see!!! lol And nice shout out to bullwinkle….unfortunately lost along the way someplave with Kev11!!!
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Somebody check on Stra… her pee break is taking a while! 😆
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Oooops… there she is.
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No Aggie…I’m just fine dear. I can drink more than two drinks before passing out.
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Ummm..that’s 3 GLASSES of wine!!! 😳 I’m gonna be the next one walking the cyber line, methinks…..hehehichehehe
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hey fran, there was a time where i almost didn’t make it to the bathroom, before puking, way too many times
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Hmmm….. maybe LB is the one that passed out?
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The key word there Aggie is ….”almost”! 😆
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Thanks for the concern JT…..and making it at the 500 mark!!! 😛
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I kept trying to get on but my puter was freezing up BIG TIME!!! But we made it!!! 🙂
everybody going to go pass out now or what???
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Ok guys…we officially went over the 500 mark. Goodnight all!! 🙂
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Fran I ‘m really in vegas with Dok didn’t i tell you not shmammered though
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B U R P……..
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Oh fran you party pooper you can sleep when your dead girl
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Ohhhh ….. I got 500 and didn’t even know it.. thanks Frannie! (I guess gettin shmammered pays off!!)
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Just kidding about Vegas aggie. Had to keep the joke running. I’m starting to think Kev11 ran off with the neighbor of questionable gender 😯
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No i made it to bathroom Jt, then puked i n the sink
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Oh man…no more BBAD!!! Force of habit I almoat turned it over to Showtime!!! WITHDRAWL SYMPTOMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Yeah I wonder about Kevin 11
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Hmmm… Ya think so PGA? 😆
I don’t remember her/his real name…. but he’ll/she’ll always be “Lola” to us!
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I know DOk , I wouldn’t do that to winded one, no way
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TEDSTER, is really going to have something to say about this
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PGA, do you go to Vegas again soon? I’ll give you kev11’s address and you can do a “pop in” visit!
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Ted Schmed…. nuff said
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The season turned boring after the first few weeks – crazily boring toward the end, but BB put together a really good finale interesting and well edited – in spite of the lack of much suspense.
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Is there a TH this year? Haven’t been around enough to go searching.
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JT, did you have your 6th beer yet
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I agree kenjake, they did the best they could with what they had to work with….. I still wish they had saved part 2 for finale like last year.
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Didn’t he say he was kevin james, maybe he is that guy from the TV show
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JT..i TODE ya you were 500, not frannie!!
ted shmed…..lol
Had forgotten about Kev11’s UNsignificant other..you guys ae on a rolll down memory lane tonight1 You’re SMOKIN!!lol And so am I! Wine makes me HOT!!! PHEW!!!! hehe
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Goodnight all, I hope to see u all sometime soon….Bye, Bob
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I wish I was “guy on restroom door”. The guys have another trip planned, but I’m chasing my tail for the most part until January. Between businesses, broadcast and shmoozing commitments for high school and college football, and trying to squeeze in a couple of late season Nationwide events, I just don’t have the time.
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No PGA… THs ended when BBBlogger closed the comment section quite a while ago.
Aggie… I cut myself off after 6. If there are no more frosty mugs in the freezer… I stop drinking! 😆
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I hate the way they messed with the last week and the finale this year..not to mention taking away our Tues. But usually at the end of the finale, we get to see someof the relatives of the HGS and get to see them standing around chatting..but this year..Brit got her 25k and , at least here…POOF! It went smakckinto the news!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope next year things go back to normal. You can’t take a show people watch for years and go changingit! We are still here because we LIKE the way things are. if it ain’t broke, don’t go F***in’ with it!! Am I right??LOL
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DAMNIT!!!! I saw my mistake after I hit “submit” (that stra tode me I was 500….. and I knew she would BUST me!!!)
Wine makes you hot huh SGH?…… can I pour you another glass? 😆
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Ok guys I think you are asleep at the key board I’m going to go watch true blood Goodnight JT< STAR dok, fran ,and whoever else is here
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‘nite Bob(o)
I agree… don’t f with BB! ….and I would love to see more stuff after the winner is named also!
LOTTA good ideas this season from bloggers!! But I have to say the best idea I read all year was from Stra! …..to use the last week of BB blog to practice for next year! (don’t count tonight as my practice!!)
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L8R Aggie… enjoy the vampires!
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yes you MAY JT…….hands him her wine glass…….put a lil ice in there too, will ya?? 😉
and were u talking about my boobs???lol
You KNOW I read everything too, Justa..so I had to BUSTYA!!! 😉
Nite aggie
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Awww…thanks JT…for the wine and the compliment(must be the beer talkin)lol
I opened the Lfs for the heck of it a bit ago, and it said something about interviews on there tonight at 9est. Know anything about that???
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hmmm…. I guess gettin busted aint all bad when you put it that way!
Will BB be over at 1am in the west? (our time)
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Ohhh… maybe that’s the backyard interviews that they do after finale. I do want to watch those.
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Amigo… Ted is in Friday Harbor, Washington… he is prolly watching the finale right now.
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yes..I forget you ae an hr behind me tho….so should be over 1 your time..2 my time.
i do want to see those interviews too….did you open your LFs just to see what they said???
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Well, I am going to go watch BB again…uninterrupted. YOU should hit the sack, JT!!!
Had fun tonight!!! Will miss our blog!!! 🙁
will keep checking back until BBB closes it tho.:)
Sweet dreams all!
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No… it never occurred to me to check the feeds til you mentioned it.
Maybe I can just watch all that stuff tomorrow after work.
I better get some sleep….. G’nite Stra, PGA, Amigo, Kenjake, and those who already said they were going to sleep.
……..and so another season of BB ends 🙁 …but at least =^^= promised me there will be BB13! 😀
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Well another year of BB is over. I missed not being on the blog here much at all. Maybe next year will be better for me. I enjoyed the finale. And I still say that if Enzo had went to the final 2 he would have won. Because almost every houseguest said the three remaining were not competitors, so the “social” game is what got them where they are. And they almost all agreed that Enzo had the best social game. I loved when Andrew outed Matt for another lie where he said HE brought the brigade together when actually it was Enzo that did that. And I also loved when Enzo voted for Hayden. He was not bitter at all in my opinion. Disappointed maybe, but not bitter. At any rate, this blog is probably done until next year so I hope to see everybody then. Also on the Survivor blog. Damn sorry to hear about Brit’s house. But happy she got Favorite HG. 😆 Peace to all. 😆

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ME…saying goodnight & goodbye until next year. 😆
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Oh yeah if there is a TH erected….e-mail me ok?? LMAO
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Well look who decided to show up after everybody left. And what happened to Brit’s house? I musta missed that.
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heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! who won? i just started my dvr and am not even tryna read 547 comments… besides i’m pissed off i only have 1/4 of Survivor taped my 12 yr old thought Degrassi was more important!! Is it wrong to put your kid on restriction for messing up my 1st Survivor show??? ummmmm absolutely not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Jane… you should be on restriction for not having 2 DVR’s…
I’m not going to go read a mountain of posts either, but I will probably skim thru and look for my name and read those… They would be worth reading of course!
Congrats to Enzo for getting to the final 3 and leaving with class… can’t wait to see him on Letterman and Leno! And of course the guest shots on CSI and Hawaii 5-O I heard about.
And a big Congrats to Britney for winning America’s Favorite HG and looking so classy tonight… compare to Rachel. I’m surprised that CBS didn’t drag Nick onstage and make him tell her about setting a fire that burned up all her possessions. Bet she’s heading to Texas, ya’all!
Great show tonight… I enjoyed every minute. Matt was pretty funny and it was nice to see Ragan in a good light having fun.
I liked the show and the people… and I bet you will all be saying next season that #13 has the worst cast ever and is the most boring… but what else would you expect from the BBB House… See you all next year or on Survivor Blog tomorrow! Great start to Survivor tonight!
❤❤❤ to all my girls on the blog… Ted
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hey Ted and jane, hairden won of course, it was a good finale the questions were a little to simple though, see you guys on the survivor blog and here until they close up shop take care all. To all the leading ladies and men was fun tonight all. 😆
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Stra’s missing post magically appears: 8)
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CBS should admit they were wrong with the answer for the tie breaker question posed to lane and Hayden and award the $500,000 prizes to Lane and Hayden and Enzo….. The question was how many times were YOU slammed into the wall in the challenge….. Lane answered with 55 to answer the question. Hayden wrote 91. But the “official” answer was 250…..there CAN NOT BE ONE ANSWER as the question was asked. Lane should have written how many times HE was slammed into the wall….and Hayden should have tried to determine how many times Hayden slammed into the wall. The network made an error and needs to correct.
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Is this where I come for the Big Brother party? Where is everyone? HELLLLLOOOO….damn, I guess I missed it. 😆
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Thanks to Donna Rose =^^= for the fun and exciting pages she put up for us all to read. Thanks to BBBlogger (Bill) for giving us this blog to hang out at and talk BB. I hope the rest of the year goes much better for you. Without you, none of this would have been possible. Thanks to all the blogade family here…I’m not even going to list everyone for fear that I may forget someone and I don’t want to make anyone angry or upset. It’s been a blast being here this year.
Macy was asking about a site where we can hang out…check out Aggies blog…..she’s the blondeblogger and we drop by there on a daily basis. It is there for ANYONE that wants to check it out. Even our own Tedster drops by to add his 2 cents in. (Gee, isn’t that different). You’ll see JT, Betty, Me and Aggie. Occasionally, Jane, tendr, Cynthia, Sal, AC (the mystery man), princess…..Gawd, I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone. If I did, my apologies now. OK…Alright, here is the link
ALL are WELCOME….trust me, Aggie loves a full house, right Aggie?
To Mama Margie …. please stop in and check it out. I have to give you a special invite…us little Italian ladies have to stick together. I would say ‘friend in Italian but I don’t know how to spell it. LOL.. You know what I’m trying to say.
Chaio… peace and love,
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Thanks sister fran, yes I do all are welcome, we should have a place to get together after BB, you can talk about anything you want, do stop by from time to time, I enjoy this blog probably better than any of them, probably because BB is my fave reality show. thanks all for the good times, especially all the leading ladies and men, peace all. 😆
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Reality check to Enzo ~ America picked Brittney as the favorite ~ so come off your high horse
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lane ~ I love a man that makes me laugh ~ you are so funny (your and Brit make a cute couple ~ I know she has a BF ~ but I am just saying)
Hayden ~ pay off your student loans and although you weren’t my favorite to win (Lane) congrads
Until next Big Brother bye bye to all
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aggie27,went to your blog loved it,except it wouldnt let me in the chat room what am I doing wrong? PLEASE HELP ME
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Same here Mike wouldn’t let me into chat room & also how do you get onto survivir blog?
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NL, I am new at this computer stuff ,some one put link on this blogg that how I got, Snakebit Sal is running it stay on here and some one will help next time you post check the box and it will E-Mail you every time a post comes on and tells you what it says
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HI mike, I don’t know what you mean I don’t have a chat room it’s a blog are you in the right place.
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NL go back to post 127 that will take you there
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thanks mike i got onto survivor by clicking link thats on post 126 so l’lle now get e-mails to get on xxx
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I hope so I seen a chat on there an it would wouldnt come up maybe I dont understand this is the first blog I have ever been on dont know much about it I just need a place to go I am on Survivor but it is already taped and on 1 time a week whats to talk a bout
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no mike it isn’t a chat room just a blog, there are different shows coming on like the apprentice and other shows that we will probably talk about on there.
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Mike… when you click on Aggie’s link, you will go to her blog and then you click on the ‘Title’ of the day you want to go to. With the latest being the one at the top… you can click on a calendar date to go to that day’s blog. Once you are on the blog you will see her ‘words of wisdom’ for the day and her daily quiz… take at your own risk! If you see me posting, then you will know it is worth looking at for sure… good luck.
Also, on the Survivor Blog… only an e-mail notice when there is a new page up, not individual comments like BBB… isn’t that right Snake?
Everyone must be hungover this a.m… But big Hi to Regs… Frannie and Aggie! And from across the Atlantic… Northern Lass!
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thanks theodore, nice pearls of wisdom from you my friend
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TED, Just one glass of wine last night vs. Jt’s 6 beers
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good afternoon Ted nice to hear from you i’m off back to work so hope to catch up with you later bye xxx
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To anyone that posts on Aggies blog. You will need to be moderated at first…just like you did the first time you were here. Aggie leaves in a little while so you all might want to try it now so she can moderate you and you will be ready to go. I won’t see any of you until she does that. Just a simple hello at first and there you have it. A word to you all….BEWARE, Fridays can be a little different than her normal questions. They are usually sex related. Ted loves those questions, don’t you dear? One thing is for sure…you get to know alot about people. 😉
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Am I on the right page now?
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Almost!! 8)
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Just out of curiousity since I did not see any after the show interviews does anyone know what happened? Did the HG’s finally realize that their show was a bust?
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