Big Brother 14 Chat Room
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Go Willie! I hope he’s the new POV champ…he’s going to need it!
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I think after 4 people are voted out, BB is going to give America a chance to vote to bring 2 back or put 1-2 of the coaches in the game. There are 2 extra weeks….somethings gotta give.
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We are commenting on the chat room now too. LOL
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Can’t get into the chat
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So this is the live chat room?
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How do you get in to chat ? 😕
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wow so much chattering going on lol
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Sick of these people that came back in LOOKS LIKE A RERUN ! GET them OUT PLS If you must bring someone back bring the nuttie Dr back! these are soooooooooooo dull!
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What does the room think?
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PLEASE ask Britney to STOP PICKING HER FACE or her neck…or her back….or her arms..or touching her hair!!!! I actually like her but if she continues to pick at her skin, I will root for her to be booted ASAP! OMG!!! Soooo Grossssss!!!
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Wgy does it keep asking me to load a comment. I already did. PLEASE BRITNEY…STOP PICKING YOU FACE. It is so gross!!!! Or you arms, or your neck, or you arms. I like you but I can’t stand it another minute!
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What does this mean? You pick your face everyday!!
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Mike boogie looks like the comic character doonesbury
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maybe if the coaches do not get voted back they will get rid of all of them and then it will be game on.
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Why can’t Joe talk normally? Really wish he’d quit yelling.
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Where am I?
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I`m glad Boogie is gone, now if they are smart
they will find away toget rid of Frank.
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Danelle eats way to much,zit face.can’t stand her.dan is a dirty ^%#* liar and sucks,hope Ian wins.
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So I am in the right place?
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😕 ?
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Never have I felt the need to tell anyone how I feel about this game until now. Just want to let anyone who will listen just what a FN Jerk Dan is. Reenforces what a BIBLE THUMPER looks like, I know its a game, but really to swear on the BIBLE or even your wifes life(REALLY) Really liked Dan before, but that has really changed. at least players before had some kind of honesty, or at least didnt swear on BIBLE!!!!!!!
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