Good Morning! Did anyone stay up last night to watch the aftermath of the second HOH competition? More on that later.
Julie started out this episode of Big Brother announcing that it was again a Double Eviction week. The live votes for evicting either Frank or Joe was quick to follow. The vote was 3 (Shane, Danielle and Dan) to 1 (Jenn) to evict Frank. He handled it pretty good, but admitted to Julie that he was upset with Dan. Dan keeps mowing them down one after another.
The HOH competition was questions and answers. Ian must have been so upset that he couldn’t play. Dan pulls off the win. This scared the heck out of me because I knew that all day Dan was planting the idea of putting Ian and Joe on the block. Sure enough that’s what happens. Dan nominates Joe and Ian for eviction.
Since there are only six house guests left, all get to play in the POV. The POV was a long puzzle/maze. You had to move your shark the correct way through the puzzle to the end. The first one wins POV. Thank goodness this was Ian. You go Ian!!! Of course, Ian saves himself and Dan has to put up a replacement nominee. Before the POV ceremony we get to see Dan scurrying around first talking to Jenn and then Ian. Danielle is trying to catch him, but he shakes her off. He replaces Ian with Danielle. That’s when I realized that he was asking Ian and Jenn who they were going to vote for if Danielle was up against Joe.
The live vote is next. Ian, Shane and Jenn vote to evict Joe. Well, Joe, you had a good run didn’t you? It was funny when Julie asked him if he was deliberately throwing competitions to keep the target off his back. He laughingly agreed with Julie, but then admitted that he tried his best to win competition after competition and he just couldn’t do it.
That was it for the live TV show. I don’t have much in the way of spoilers because I haven’t had a chance to catch up yet. Here’s what I know for sure. Ian wins HOH again! I couldn’t be happier. I so want to see him win this BB game over Dan. I just can’t stand the thought of Dan winning the money again. From what I read, Ian first wanted to put up Dan and Jenn. Of course, Dan talks Ian out of it…there’s that Dan mist again. He is going to put up Shane and Jenn. If nominations stay the same through the POV, Dan and Danielle have the deciding votes. I would assume that Dan wants Shane out, but what will Danielle do? Will she vote to evict her boyfriend/snuggle buddy? This should be interesting.
The other question is who does Dan want to take to the final two? I would have tried to keep Joe. Could it be that he has his sights on keeping Jenn? He did say something to Danielle about Memphis, so maybe he feels that Danielle is his Memphis this time. The bad thing is that because Ian won HOH, he won’t be eligible for the next HOH. That’s right isn’t it? I’m remembering that everyone gets to play when we reach the final three, not the final four. Correct me if I’m wrong.
Have a great day all! Bloggergal
All blog voters got their way last night… Both Frank and Joe were evicted. Happy ending!
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I’m still a Frank fan. I guess I’ll root for Ian now. We’ll see how he plays now that he knows Dan is a HUGE backstabber.
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@Janice , I tried to answer you on the last page
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I am really routing for Ian to win. I think me really needs the money and I don’t want someone who has won before to win again. Besides, I genuinely like Ian. I think he’s a nice kid.
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routing? Ha ha ha!
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I was actually surprised Joe Blow, had a classy exit, I thought for sure, he would shit his pants, he was desperate to stay in there so much, I wasn’t thrilled about Frank but thought he deserved to be there, Not surprising he was bitter, he had to fight every step of the way all summer. He certainly would love to see dan coming I hope that happens, I liked dan in season 10, not this time. I wish Dani would stop picking her face and wise up and kick his butt out. I can only dream.
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@ Hillbilly thank you. I saw your post. Ian has to finally realize what Dan is doing.
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Exhausted ! another little earthquake in LA Westside last night midnight.
But about BB, I realize now that bringing coaches in was good and allowing them to play is unfair.
Glad Frank’s gone but Ian and Shane may not stay long if they don’t wise up.
Final two , well Dan is counting on being there…doing good so far.
Someone stop him!
Jenn is useless so she may be “chosen” wait till she sees what we think of her.
Danielle, looks like your coach doesn’t need you anymore. Wake up!
Ian , like you more everyday. You are like my Chihuahua and it’s a compliment small but big in fighting spirit.
Shane, keep doing your hair LOL
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Shane talking to Dani and tells her if it is her and him on the block and he wins POV that he will take her down(can anyone say lawdon) he says he owes her one (no you dont) she has had Dans hand so far up her a$$ that he can brush her teeth.
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I’m sick of Dan… Maybe Shane will win and take himself off and Ian sees the light and puts Dan up .. If Jen and Dani gets wroke up in time maybe just maybe Dan will be packing his bags..
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get Dan out before he wins this darn $$ again!!!! I would like to see Shane win it. Ian is a becoming a lil too kooky for me. Danieele has been riding coattails the whole game, just my opinion tho. I liked Ian for a long time on here n wanted him to win buttt hes won enough. the $$$ the games,,, k, nuff said. Go Shane!!!
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bb production do something help get dan out…
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Please BB HG’S cut the head off the serpent and release the evil from the house, I can’t stand looking at Dan anymore, then Daniel needs to be next, talk about a floater, I mean what has she done to deserve any money, whine, whine and whine the whole time she has been in the house, hate to say it but since they voted out the best player (Frank) Ian should win the money, just because no one else deserves it…. Wake up America….pits off!!!!!!!!!
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Ian needs to wise up. Put shane and dan up..if one wins pov. Put dani up and send one home. Jens not a threat in the final 3.
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Thanks Bloggergal, again. Perfect summation. Good show last night.
@Aggie, I agree with everything you said #6. I too was pleased at Joe’s classy exit. Even though I wanted Frank out, I really felt bad for him. Did you see his disappointed, sad face? He really looked like he wanted to cry; he felt so betrayed and he was. He’s just a trustworthy guy lookin for a friend. π
@K11, scarry poor trash men! Yikes, I’m alive! Nope turtles don’t have tits, I’m pretty sure of that one along with 2.
@Jane – “Besides our small children have access to weapons” LMAO So funny
Dan isn’t making great jury friends. I thought he was setting that up but it’s not working. I hope Ian sees the light and puts Dan on the block with Dani and Dan goes out! Ian and anyone else in the end is ok by me, well maybe not Jenn. lol
Star, Aggie, K11 & Otricia, doing a great job last night keeping the fires burning!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you anyone I missed. Love reading the posts with all your theories & spoilers.
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Well that won’t happen since he put Shane and Jen up but maybe he can backdoor dan by taking Jen off the block
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Okay guys the guy that wins the pov in the final 4 says who goes home… Lets pray that Ian wins POV in the final 4… Hopefully Dan goes packing at the end..
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dg… Ian has not finalized his nominations. Dan, of course, is working overtime trying to convince Ian to nominate Jenn and Shane, and not him… Duh!
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From a game standpoint
Jenn and Shane don’t do much then Danielle the follower needed a sitter and found Dan.
So the real players are Dan, lying and backstabbing but what’s new . That’s his game and he’s playing
The Ian, he’s fighting back and that’s not what i expected. Like him more and more
But please don’t bring past players in anymore BB production
And penalize the floaters and make them play! enough is enough
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dg… In the final 4, one HG will win HOH with Ian competing as well. HOH winner is in F3 as a result of that win. Winner of POV at F4 only assures that he/she joins HOH winner in F3. Winner of F3 HOH decides who stays and who goes to F2 with HOH winner. HOH competition at F3 is a multi-stage competition. Winner if stage 1 competes against winner of stage 2 in final competition for final HOH.
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make that winner OF stage 1, not if stage one….
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@PK that’s right I remember how final 4 play now
There’s always that morphing past players game
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ian ans Dan will be good at it maybe Dannielle
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I thought the jury decide between the final 2 hg … I didn’t remember that Ian could compete for hoh.. Great news
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good grief I agree ~ I do not like Dan anymore he needs to go ~ swearing on things and using everyone he’s being ruthless and just plain greedy ~ he’s showing his NEED FOR GREED and I hate it ! So glad Ian won vito and HOH ~ Wake up HG call Dan out !! What in the world is wrong with Shane lately he came in strong now he can’t win nothing ?? what’s up with that ? Dan needs to leave next, then Jenn, then Shane, F2 Danielle and Ian ~ I hope Ian WINS the whole thing !! Go Ian ~ there’s somthing in Ian that makes him a good person and I like him.
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dg… The jury determines which one of the final two wins. Winner of F3 HOH determines who joins him/her in F2.
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Not sure who I want to win anymore. Dan is ruthless, Dani is clueless, Shane is useless (he’s not competing anymore), Jenn is worthless (still a floater) and that leaves Ian…we’ll see Sunday where it all ends up.
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Hope Ian gets over Dan’s mist and make is own decisions. I have no respect for Dan after he used the Bible to do his dirty work..its BB but that was unnecessary. Dan’s plan is to take Jenn to F2 to guarantee the win so the Dani, Ian & Shane better wise up. Go Ian & Shane.
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And why does Dan talk so loud backstabs and then runs back in his hole smircking?
Dan doesn’t look as good as Ian now, at least Ian as some qualities.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dan got someone to marry him ?
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IAN, YOU CAN WIN THIS! Rootin’ for you!
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Now that Frank is gone, I am pulling for Ian. I just don’t want Dan to win but theway everyone seems to think he is so wonderful, He probably will. I know it is just a game but there are some lines you do not cross and Dan has. I sure hope he no longer coaches kids when he gets out. How does he explain his way out of what he has done? “It was only a game kids and the money was what was important, not intagraty(sp). Lets go out and win this game and it doesn’t matter how, just so you win it.” He seems to have a way with words that makes everyone trust him.
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How did we get to these five finalists? Jenn, Shane and Danielle should have gone home weeks ago. Dan will never win, as he is hated by just about everyone in the jury house. That leaves Ian. He has complained about what a braggart Frank was, but in my opinion Ian has tooted his own horn just as much as Frank or maybe even more! I don’t like how cocky this kid has become and I hope his mother washes his mouth out with soap after the show! He swears just to swear! I don’t have a favorite among these five losers. Maybe CBS will have another Pandora’s Box and Boogie will come back and take it all!! (I know, wishful thinking)!!
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every one plays in the final 3.. hopefully Shane, Danielle and Ian will get a clue and get Dan out ASAP.
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PLEASE SOMEONE WAKE THE HEL UP AND GET DAN OUT!!!!!!!!! shane – buddy – come on – ian is the only one left that knows how dan won his season – if he would just tell shane about it
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do you guys remember in past BB shows, they alwaz showed the evicted one entering the jury house. Y don’t they do that anymore??? I know it wasn’t just the last eviction, they showed them all entering the jury house…..
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Come on Production, you could work it so that Ian is in the final 2 (anyone but Dan of course). Maybe on Sunday we will get a montage of all the guests entering the jury house to date – would be neat to see. I too, thought that Joe handled his eviction with class. I really, really, really don’t like how Dan is playing using the bible, etc., and using the ‘game’ as an excuse to lie, cheat, and almost everything else. Surely you can win this game fairly.
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Saying Shane and Dani need to wake up to Dans antics..that’s just hilarious…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope Ian is just saying shane and jenn and if so..if one wins pov he backdoors dan…
and for dan taking jenn to the f2…that just shows he knows he wont win with a good player, he needs to take a floater.
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Ian is called to the diary room.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jenn is sitting out on the backyard couch in silence. Ian joins Jenn out in the backyard.(i guess ian does not have much to say to jenn since she is the only one left that is not a quack)
Big Brother cuts the live feeds to tell the house guests that they are on a out door lock down.
When the feeds come back, Ian tells Jenn that unless Pandoraβs box is a really attractive girl or a large sum of money I am not opening that s**t!
(oh no another pb can it be, maybe it will be frank gift wrapped ! how come so many pbs this year or is it my imagiation makes one think what prod has up its sleeve)
per ian, I donβt want what happened last time. Dan joins them outside.
Jenn heads inside to grab something before the lockdown. Dan asks Ian if he is ready for a PB? Ian says unless itβs Kristen Bitting, Annie, or a large sum of cash I am not opening that s**t. I donβt care if Iβts my brother I am not opening it. If itβs a celebrity or something I will open it because I recon you guys will get to meet him and I will let you guys do that (but will ian be able to keep pandora away? will he fall to pandoras mist? any thoughts on this I was even surprised there was another pb, hey maybe it is a huge jar of PEANUT BUTTER
ciao for now will do fly by later hope to have some more juicy grapevine bit to
share with you
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Yes ! we want to see the losers enter the JH like in the past seasons.
Floaters floated well that includes Shane and Danielle
Yeah, production help Dan out what a sad character
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we must have posted at same time
Not another Pandora, never been this many!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please don’t shove Frank down our throats again or Branchel or Jesse….or who knows what?
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Ho Ho Ho – maybe PB is a diamond veto for Ian!
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WE ALL ARE ON THE SAME PAGEoop sorry about caps
yes sylvie and mary we all are on the same page
but mary i did not even think of hte diamond veto woo so then ian i wish ian would use on dan the scam man into the welcoming arms of brit, frank and joe. oh if only
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sad to see frank go.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------want dan out.
that’s all i’m gonna say.
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It seems to me that the new HG’s haven’t gotten over the coach mentality. They still think the coach is there to help them win. Dan put Ian up and really wanted him to leave. Somehow he convinced Ian otherwise and intelligent Ian is doing his bidding. I can hardly stand to watch and I’m afraid Dan will win again.
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wisteria that is one of the reasons i hated for the past hgs to return the newbies just follow them like puppets, however, if these newbies wanted to be on bb so much they shoould have watched a few seasons,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------now that frank is gone i guess ian should get the top prize
slim pickins now dan the scam man deserves a swift kick in the donkey danielle is as bad a floater as jenn is and shane has just lost all his desire he has been just coasting bad bunch this year only excitement was boogie i ust hope ian wakes up before it is too late for him,
we will see what we will see i wonder if there is another pb
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mamamargie, Shane is such a follower I’m not sure he’s not throwing the comps he could win because Dan told him to. It’s awful.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes, all we can do is hope for the best.
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wisteria in the beginning i was on the shane/frank team they were like a tag team each did so well, then all hell broke loose, all i want to say is NO MORE PREVIOUS HGS PLEASE.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and change the comps maybe after 14 times it is getting a bit stale they need new people with new ideas sad when the hgs can figure out what the next comp is going to be
in re to shane he is so laxie daisy last nite was almost like he did not care he seems to either have run out of steam or just given up i really do not know but time will tell
ciao for now
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@ tndr comment 42
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wow u said so much in 13 words that spoke volumns
have u ever been on a debator team lol?
i agree with you
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Rachel made an appearance? Ted is doing somersaults!!!
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seems house was on lock out as the kitchen table is now kid size, will just make the remaining hgs that much closer lol π
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ian comes out of the diary room and pretends to head up to the HOH room. They all think he got a Pandoraβs box.
Ian says GOT YA!
He then heads outside to swing on the hammock.(I wonder how many miles he has on that hammock to date?)
Dan says that he thinks itβs late in the season to get a Pandoraβs box.
(Lets hope it is NOT too late in the season to get dan the scam man out)
Jenn and Danielle hope they do get one and that itβs a good one. (err ladies gentle reminder here u have to win an hoh to get one, like duh u need more then wishing upon a star, besides dani has used up all her star wishing on shane)
Dan has his photo of Chelsea and him at the table and he is staring at it. He says that he wants to bring it to the pool but he is scared it will get wet.
( i am not going to remark on this as i am sure u all have your own opinion on this)
ciao for now any grapevines will update as they occur, please stay tuned
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@ jane r u kidding me
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------or is this get tedster day lol
please no rachel not again
sorry ted not only no rachel but i do not want you to end up in traction from attempting a somersault with your luck dainelle would be your er nurse
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Dan and Danielle are in the stereo room. Dan asks what Shane said about putting up Ian.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danielle says that Shane will put Ian up. (i must have missed something did ian trade his hoh to shane for some hair grease)
Danielle says that she is getting smothered by Shane he followers her everywhere.(say what? she really has must have multi personalities \maybe she saw the light who knows with her, or perhaps she is playing dan?)
Dan says I know can we not talk for 3 seconds. Danielle says she canβt breathe. I am just fed up with how douchey he is. (douchey? i have no idea what this means but i have a feeling it is not good)
Dan says that he just hopes we get another shot at taking Shane out.
(the snake is all coiled ready to strike the poor mongoose shane does not stand a chance unless ian the holder of the snake serum strikes first)
Dan asks if Jenn is good. Danielle says oh yeah she is fine, she trust you but she is just worried that if you and her go up that she will go home.
Dan says that she should be, (Dan is so confident and seems high on top of a mt, beware dan the feet u stepped on the way to the top are attached to the a$$ that u will have to kiss on the way down)
but dan says he is trying to make sure that doesnβt happen. Dan heads outside. Dan, Shane, Jenn and Ian are all out in the backyard talking about Joe putting on olive oil to tan(.Ouch the olive oil was not used later from his body to cook with(
Ian comments on how its cute that Dan brought out his wedding photo by the pool. Dan asks Ian so no pandoraβs? Ian says no pandora, no problem.
(no problem ho ho ho, think again my friend)
ok guys am off to get ready to go out to dinner with hubby and nick
will check grapevine upon return, ciao mm
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1:40pm BB timeWhen the feeds come back, we find out that Ian opened Pandoraβs Box and was locked in it to get a video message from Rachel Reilly, while the others got video messages from their families.
Ian says f**k you Rachel.(tsk tsk ian, jane guess u were correct)
Ian says that Rachel was talking about Brendon.
The others talk about being able to see their families. Danielle says that someone said to her they are so glad to see she is doing well at this game. The tv in the living room says βNominations Todayβ. (gettinf good)
Jenn and Ian are out in the backyard she is talking to him about nominations and asks if there is some type of agreement that they can come to. Jenn says you have already nominated me so I hope its not me. Ian says that the nominations with be arbitrary, and that it will really come down to the POV.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(hope jenn wins pov pleaseeeeeeeeeeee jenn fight )
The way I figure it the HOH is the only one with immunity. Ian says that he is so glad that they (Dan, Danielle, Jenn and Shane) all got video messages. Ian says that he was happy that they all got a message because he has gotten the letters and stuff. Ian and Jenn hug.
ok ok now i have to go so glad i cheked one last time before going out lol
cant wait to come back and see what has happened from u guys while i was out a lot can happen in a few hrs.
caio for real
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Ian is a bigger fool than I thought if he doesn’t nominate Dan. Sad to say the show will be pretty boring now that they eliminated Frank, who was the only one actually winning competitions. Watching him fight for his life each week was interesting – now it’s a snooze fest except watching the quack pack go down in flames. If the quack pack is intact for final 4…. Boooo.
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Frank is clearly the winner of this game. Certainly Big Brother will ask Frank back β perhaps for a new All Star Season. Way to go Frank!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dan doesnβt hold a candle to Frankβs game.
I have lost total respect for Dan, the bible toter swearing allegiance to Frank on his wedding ring, Chelsea his wife and the cross necklace his grandfather gave him β shaking Frank hand only to betray the value and meaning of trust. Hereβs a scripture for you Dan Gheesling Mark 8:36 β For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? β I hope you lose the game, the respect of your wife and learn something about the value of trust. As Far as Dan Gheesling teaching teenagers in a Catholic School β Wow, what a great example to them, and the viewing audience who may not even read their bible to see how flippant and easy it is to blow off sanctity and trust for a bit a cash. Nice Dan β how are you going to justify and make excuses for this?!
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b-dawg I could not agree with you more. On last night’s show I saw Joe was ahead of Ian, but for some reason when had a substantial lead he could not push his shark’s fin forward or backwards…Hmmmm Production interfering again! Did anyone else see this? I know Joe was a floater, but he was fighting for his life in the BB house and I agree with the blogger that said he went out with class! Ian is the favorite of CBS, so they might as well have the finale tomorrow and give him the dough! All I would like to say to Allison Grodner (using the words of Clark Gable), “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn!”
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Wow another Pandora’s Box? I wish Ian would wise up and get Dan out! Thanks for all the updates y’all!
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Good to see ya Betty! I am with you on what you have just said:!:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you all for the up dates……………………
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IAN….. DAN Needs to go, Get a clue! Please get this into the BB House :lol:! …………
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It’s 7:31pm in NJ Time to watch the rest of BBAD see ya soon…….
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@aggie27: Thanks girl and I agree Dani should know better to pick at a pimple then cover it with makeup.
Ian’s nominations coming right now. Will be surely surprised if he nominates Dan…and he may remember this as his biggest mistake in the game. Still can’t believe these HGs can’t see through his crap. They’re all in for a rude awakening when they watch this season later. Shout out to JT, AC and princess, thinking of you guys. Hope all is well.
Erica Bode β@erica_bode
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@EvelDick What do you think of this list — worst BB players
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BB14UpdatesDianaWatt β@DianaWatt
Shane & Jenn are on the block #BB14
Once again, manipulated by Dan. You’ll hate watching this back Ian and now you can’t say you didn’t have your chance. Hope Jenn or Shane wins PoV, takes themself down and the Ian puts Dan up and Shane and Dani vote the hypocrite out. Hey, a girl can dream can’t she? π
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really confused. did they have an HOH comp last night? missed the end. update tambo please!!! <3
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ooooops didnt mean (<3), meant π LOL
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***Update***…Confirmed…Jenn and Shane Nominated……βΊ….
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Rachel and brendon are getting married this weekend. My friend Derek will be at the BB finale party, so we will have an insiders view of what it’s like after the show.
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@Hoh8 txs for confirmation on nominations we thought as much
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@ bbgal txs for info i know u will inform us of what you find out
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Freaking Dan…walking satan. I hate that mf. I wish Frank would of won. He’s a great player
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PLEASE PRODUCTION find a way to get dan out – these peops r gonna hate themselves big time
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Thank you HoH8.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I can’t tell you all how disappointed I am in Ian nominating Jenn & Shane. Have you heard any talk about him backdooring Dan? I certainly hope so. If he’s as good as he thinks he is, he should know to get that strong player OUT!
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who did the nominations?…..these were Dan’s noms…he worked his Magic Mist on Ian all night and all day today….Dan is a Genius in this game of BB…he did it 4 yrs ago to perfection and he’s doing it again…..its too bad all of u hate Dan so much…..cause if he winds up winning then y’all will hate this season…..
i learned years ago to like certain hg’s in order to like the winner every year…… and ever since BB8, i’ve liked every winner since then but my record might be broken this year cause I HATE IAN…OMG, that stupid rocking he does all the time has drove me CRAZY…..i was so sad when he didnt go right after Frank yesterday…. π
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HoH8, I guess it’s a good thing you don’t work with special needs children or even adults. The rocking and constant movement is part of ADHD and certain levels of autism.
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@starfish…yes, i know, i know all that bout him…im not saying anything bad bout it….im just saying thats it driving me nuts seeing him doing it all the time, thats all……
and besides there are other things that i dont like bout the kid…..i always considered BB a Adult show for Adults….i know he’s 21 but look at him, he looks like a 12 yr old boy…and i never liked watching young people playing realty shows like survivor, tar or bb……and the fact he’s been watching since 10, what kind of mother lets their 10 yr old watch BB which is a adult show, not me……
gosh, im sorry i even brought up the subject bout not liking Ian, i knew all of u LOVE him…so it was my big posting mistake…ive learned on how to post good on Forums but i let it slip this time……i just got so tired reading everyone Hating on my Dan and Loving on Ian….UGH….oh well, im sorry…i wont mentioned it again……and i hope u guys dont bury me with hate comments….
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Congrats to Brendon and Rachel. They found true romance on a
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------f’n reality show. I don’t how the guy does it but he’s gotta lotta
Nothing tops Jordan and Jeff tho for sheer cuteness. I’m a married
grandfather (at 50) but Jeff is hot.
Dan stinks.
Go Ian… now!
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HoH8, I don’t know that I’ve ever said I “love” Ian or “hate” anyone. I would like to see either he or Shane win because and only because Dan has already won. We can go back to the fairness of it all bringing the “Coaches” back into the game. However, I’ve said that if Dan should win, that would be ok as he’s definitely played the best game. That’s it. No hate here and no one will bury you. Everyone’s comments are just opinions and I was expressing mine. A disability is a disability no matter how it manefests itself. As for watching it at 10, that’s each parent’s choice as it should be.
Everyone is sick of watching Danielle pick her face too. I don’t have LFs nor do I watch BBAD so I rely on you all for information and I apprech it a lot even if it is about someone picking her zits. π
@Macy, I don’t think Ian’s “disorder” has anything to do with his judgment IMO. If anything, he’s exceptionally bright but he’s definitely socially challenged as many are in his situation.
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My Kids all watch BB with me. The younger ones don’t eaCBStch After Dark just CBS. actually my teen hates the whispering and eating on BBAD. He’s always asking me to turn it down. My daughter is 25 and she told me about Jokers. We share our superpass.
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typos… *don’t watch After Dark*
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Jeff Schroeder interviewing Frank…
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@Hoh8 I have an Autistic son who stands on front of me and clicks his tounge repeatedly! There are definitely times I want to junp out the window!! I have a very low tolerance for repetitive noises. I am slowly adjusting and am now able to block most.of it out. It’s taken about four years though! He’s lucky he’s so freaking cute I usually end up laughing because he’s just like a little chocolate Dennis the Menace!
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Man..i should just cancel BBAD and LFs eeryyear at this point!!! BORING!! It’s nerve wracking having to endure all their uncomfortable silences too!!!
@Wysteria…in your comment #40 I think…I do agree about the NEWBIES still thinking Dan is their coach! Since none of them but Ian really know SQUAT about BB(HOW andWHY do they go on a show they’ve never watched???)and Dan is a previous winner and Legend, they just follow his lead like he’s their daddy or favorite professor or something!!! I wonder if BB knew how this would play out when they set it up this year???
@H0H8……No one hates on this blog or they don;t stay around long!! And I have to agree with you about Dan. I LOVED him in his season and was disappointed at 1st in how cutthroat and deceitful he was playing this game. But..he prolly did that in S10 too, we just know what to loo for no. And I really try not to root for people just cuz I like their personalities. even tho I loved Brit, I knew she wasn’t going to make it. But Dan is a genius in this game. Like it or not, he kinda deserves to win and given how his Svengali act is holding up , he prolly WILL win!! At this point, I think he is going to stab his guy pals in the back and take the girls. That I do find despicable. maybe Jenn will win POV and blow up his master plan!!!
Speaking of the girls, they have been hanging out and bonding in the BR…..Dani complete with facial mask!! She says she doesn;t wnt to takeit off so she won;t have to see her zit!! ya..US EITHER, Anyway, she is picking fights with Shane and telling Jenn how annoying he is and is either trying to get her as an ally OR is trying to get her to think she won’t vote her out. And I’m really not sure which it is. A would be HER game and B wold be Dan’s. So prolly B…lol
The guys are all up in Ian’s room talking about the girls and bodily functions…..typical GUY stuff!! And Kara’s name ALWAYS comes up!! I bvarely even remember her! I guess if you’re a guy the image is I loved it when Ian said that Ashley was hot but it was like talking to a brick wall with her!!! lol They all agree that persomnality is more important. Kind of renews my faith in men!!
Well..I’m rambling..nothing new… and BBAD Is almost over so guess I’ll go.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Peace,light and goodnight!!!
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Danielle makes Rachel look awesome! I dislike Dani more than any hg ever! Did you see last night the whole time she was talking to Jenn she was looking directly in the Mirror! Not side glances
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------… straight forward speaking to the Mirror! I don’t know how any of them can stand conversations with her. She’s so rude. I couldn’t stand Rachel at times, but I always felt a bit sorry for her insecurities. There was something a bit child-like and fragile. Whereas Dani is just a liar and emotionally bankrupt. She goes through so many emotions in one minute that she comes of narcissistic and a complete sociopath
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I just watched the interview with Frank and I have to say he is someone I would want on my side. His morals and ethics might have gotten him ousted but they are very respectable. We all realize this is a game but you don’t swear on the bible, your wife and dead grandfather’s necklace for the sake of a game. I would think Dan has a lot of explaining and repenting to do when he gets home. Shame on you Dan. Dan’s greed has gotten way too ugly for me. I hope the final two are Ian and Jenn but hopefully they will start by getting rid of Dan. Jenn, win the POV girl!
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@Jane agree Dani is annoying all around and Rachel( plz don’t bring her back) had some human qualities in her and won comps.
Couldn’t watch the Frank interview, i am sure he’s very nice but i just don’t get him. Maybe because i live in LA ? sorry Frank
DAN i am sick of you, your voice, you i’ll do anything for the cash ! Just not fun to watch
Didn’t watch After dark last year or this year, don’t get care about the pimple or Jenn . What does she do?
It’s the same competitions every year for 14 years could they not at least prepare after they enter the house?
Shane is just done playing it seems
Ian I am rooting for you now !
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Jenn, Danielle, the most undeserving to win. 2 major floaters, haven’t done crapola. I think BB producer’s should make a rule that once someone has already played the game, they cannot play a second time. Just doesn’t seem fair to me. Dan is ruthless and would sell his child to win. We all know about “Jenn’s big move”, other than that she hasn’t done squat. As for Danielle, well wallpaper paste has more brains than her. Get her and Jenn out.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------May the best man win!!! GO IAN!!!!!!!!
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anyone know about what time Jenn and Dani were talking last night??? really wanna see it. thx!!!
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hopefully Ian will wake up and backdoor Dan! Personally I would want him teaching my kids because the way he is playing this game, seems Dan is showing his real side this season and he has won once it would be nice to see another HG win but who deserves it? At one point I wanted Shane but now the way he is acting not sure he should win as far as the ladies I really don’t think they deserve it, that leaves Ian, I have doubts about him too just glad I dont have the final say as to who should win.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As far as bringing past players in the game I wish CBS would stop bringing the annoying ones back I am sick of Rachel, Jesse, the list is to long to mention. Guess I will have to wait and see hopefully they will get rid of Dan
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@Sylvie maybe it is an L.A. thing because I couldn’t watch Franks interview either… gross!
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I know everyone is saying to put up Dan, that wont work. Dan has a f2 deal with everyone of them and they dont know it so even if they put him up they wont vote him out, unless they all get talking which I dont see happening. they think he will take them to the end. everyone is also talking about Dan and the Bible, yea he did that in the season he was on , that why Jerry called him Judus all the time and why Brit said it when she left. I wished Frank had called him out before he left, that he had a deal with everyone, Frank should have got rid of him when he had a chance. Shane needs to win POV but dont seem like he cares any more. he will get a surprise when he goes home when Dan & Dani vote him out.
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I know most people think Ian should win, but after seeing BBAD last night I hope he is gone soon. He doesn’t like Jenn, but the things he said about her were uncalled for! I understand he is young, but at 21 he should have some manners! I used to like him, but the more I hear him talk, the more I dislike him. I just hope he cleans up his mouth and adjusts his attitude before BB calls him back for an All Star season. Sorry gang, I just can’t jump on the Ian wagon!!
If Dan manages to get Shane and Ian out of the house I think he will take Jenn to the end, then we will all see Danielle go ballistic. It that happens I wonder if the jury members would vote Dan the winner or give the grand prize to Jenn!!
Can Ian play in the next HOH? If not, I am sure production will see to it that he wins the veto again!
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@Jane, yes from what you all are saying about Dani, I would agree Rachelle had “insecurities” and she did have a “fragile” side. Now she has a Mrs. side. π Good for them. They really do balance each other in a weird kinda way.
@Betty, too bad Ian is turning into a cocky brat with a nasty mouth. My husband says he was 40 before he had manners. LOL
I know for sure I don’t want Jenn or Dani to win. They haven’t done anything at all. Shane seems to just be done with the game. Any guesses as to why? To me he just looks bored. Hopefully Ian wins over Dan because Dan has already won but they both have things you all see more of during the LFs, that sound mean to me. Maybe if Ian wins, his mother will straighten him out when he gets home.
I’ll go look at Frank’s interview, but Jane and Sylvie, I doubt I’ll watch very much. π
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Ok, done, I powered through it moving quickly. Not a bad interview but I didn’t want to review the entire game.
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@Starfish – LOL at the remark about your husband. π I too don’t want Danielle or Jenn to win! Last night on BBAD Shane seemed so childish, then when Ian and Dan were talking with him in the HOH room (can’t remember what they were talking about) Shane had that DUH look on his face and AGAIN said, oh yeah, oh yeah I get it! I think Ashley catches on to things better than him. (Sorry Shane fans, the guy is just plain dumb; however, he is easy on the eyes). If he does not work at winning the veto he deserves to go home.
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ahahahahaaaah!!! Ian be jammin!!!!!!! π
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WOW Thank you all for the up dates! Lets not get into it with each other! π
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is the Big Brother Game β We all have our differences, But we are a great family of Fans…. Lets keep it that way ………………
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@Jane, a little chocolate Dennis the Menace, hilarious! I am in awe of you.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Betty, I’m not sure Shane gets much but he’s got quite a career going so who knows – not me. I don’t know understand his game play at all.
@HoH8, where are you??? No problems here. Always apprech your feedback.
@Tambo, if CBS puts repeat players in again, it should be all stars but I don’t even want that because we know who we would have to deal with and Jessie in a speedo just isn’t my thing. lol
@Mike, like you and so many others, I wish they would all talk about their deals with Dan, the game wizard. That would take care of his “mist”.
@Bobo, I hope you’re feeling better.
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1:45pm Big Brother time -.. The Power of Veto Competition is FINALLY Starting!!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i wonder if all that studying the hgs (less shane) did will be for nil
hopefully we will know soon
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What about a BB with the first players voted out. The ones who never really got a chance. The forgotten ones. HAHA
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if ian gets dan out – i will be forever in his debt – that dang snake dan
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what is wrong with BB this year, it seems like it has taken from 5 to 7 hrs to do POVs, and takes 5min. to watch on TV.
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I keep thinking that one of the times they are taking so long is that someone called Dani fat and when they come back on she is standing there with a knife, while they try to clean up the mess,
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Funny Mike!! It does seem to take a long time for the veto competitions, if fact so long that I would not be surprised to see a fat Danielle after the challenge! π
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I hope Ian wins and keeps the nominations the same!
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hannah, has asked me to thank you for your prayers and good wishes for her speedy recovery after her accident, she’s been back in the hospital.
I have been keeping abreast of whats been going on in the house and on this blog. She misses conversing with other bb followers.
She wishes everyone the very best, and now has joined team Ian
take care
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Hillbilly, the bad thing about that picture is Dani is so unstable I can see it happening. She needs help!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I read today that Dan actually did ask Dani to have Shane throw today’s veto. Then they said Dan told her to never mind.
Thanks Kevin11 for the link to Jeff’s interview with Frank. It wasn’t a bad interview. I chose not to look for one with Joe though. I couldn’t take 30 min. of yelling.
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@maryann, tell her she is in our prayers and that she is missed, we will be here for her.
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Thank you starfish you are so kind to me! I have been doing better! Spent a little time in the ER but…. everything checked out, got to get some more tests, something is not quite right! I just wish they would tell me what the hell is going on & fix it or whatever…… Anyway Thank you my friend… got to take the Medication they gave me & put my fat head down for a bit π … Keep up all the up dates I will try and give you all my two cents worth when I can…..
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Maryann – Hannah is well liked on this blog and I know she is in everyone’s prayers, including mine.
Hi Bobo! Glad everything checked out okay in the ER. Hope you can find a doctor that can get to the root of the problem! You are in my prayers my friend.
Starfish you don’t understand Shane’s game play because he doesn’t have one! π (Again, I apologize to any Shane fans!)
Thanks Kevin11 for the link to the interviews. I also watched Britney’s, Boogie’s and Janelle’s.
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@Maryann please give hannah my best will keep her in my prayers and tell her i miss her but i saved her a seat next to me ringside tale for the finale she has to hurry and get better so she can be here with us, hugs to her and txs to you for keeping us updated.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------kev txs for link to see frank thought it was well done, i appesch my fav was when jeff asked frank about shanes puka necklace and frank said when he saw the pic he thougt is this 15yrs go and what is up with the puka shells thought this guy was from vermont
hi to all on pins and needles waiting for veto yes u guys r rite takes forever
hi hillbilly how is the still doing, bobo feel better u seem to be getting hit with it at once never seem to have a chance to recup
i would love to see jenn get veto she comes down and who goes up??????????????
ciao till later
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@Bobo, I guess I will have to send you some moonshine, it will pick you up & put you down, it will make you grow hair in places that hair shouldnt be, and remove hair from places that should have hair. anyway take care of yourself.
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@Mike, thanks for the feedback re the veto comp taking forever and we only see a couple minutes. I think they could do a lot better with the editing and not show over 5 minutes worth of repeat. They could reduce it down to a minute and give us more show time including showing more of the comps and all the entries into the Jury House!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Maryann, I feel so badly for Hannah. Please let her know that she’s in my prayers and I’m sure everyone on here. I hope they get it fixed soon for her.
@Bobo, keep on keepin on my friend. Take good care. I hope they figure it out soon too.
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Good night all my Big Brother Friends! Got to lie down now keep up the good work I will read all your feedback later tonight!….
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MM you must watch Britney’s interview. She was hysterical talking about Shane’s puka necklace, along with other parts of his wardrobe.
If Jenn wins I think Ian will put up Danielle. If Shane wins then I think Jenn will go home. I sure hope Ian, Dan or Danielle can pull off a win and leave the nominations the same!
Mike while I am sitting here waiting to see who wins the veto, I could also use some of that moonshine!! π
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Does anyone know if there are any videos out there showing the evicted HG’s entering the jury house?
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Veto comp….2hrs and 30 mims as of 15 mins ago!!!! I wonder if they are doing the Morph puzzles!! for alot of teh HGS….in fact most….that would be a challenge!! So with 4 HGS playing, it must be taking them up to an hour apiece!!!!!
From what I have heard, Dan is planning to take Jenn and Dani to the F3! They are all set to vote Shane out thisd next eviction! What a rat Dan is! taking the 2 weakest players with him to the end. Then hoping to get votes by saying he played the COACH all along and TOOK Dani with him to the end out of loyalty!!! PUKE!!! He took the girls out of GREED!!!!!
Bobo…I try to read all but I must have missed something!! Sorry you had to go to the ER! Hope all is well!!!!! Can anyone tell me what happened???
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@ Wisteria – What was so bad about Jeff’s interview with Frank?
@ Hannah – I wish you well.
Has anything happened in the POV comp yet?
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@Betty , I dont think will try hard for POV, he thinks he the pawn and Jen is going home, if Shane does win POV, Dani goes up and Jen goes home. If Dan goes up Shane & Dani said they vote out Jen.
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Hi Betty!!! Yes. They all had entrance vids. You can probably check for it on YOUTube OR That might be simpler!!!!!
And I agree with you about Shane. He is really just a good looking, strong floater!!!! Time for DIS one to go home!!!lol
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@Janice…Nope! Still ongoing. Since 2:45BBT. Almost 3 hrs!
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The feeds are back and they are saying that it took them 9 hours to set the comp up and maybe 10 minutes to play it. Still no word as to who won the POV. Come on people….spill it, we are patiently waiting.
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feeds back up – danielle has no makeup on – surely she didnt do the comp that way -they mustve been done for a while – i think its a pattern on saturdays (this has happened more than one saturday) they prolly let peops take off (production)
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Feeds are back. can’t tell yet tho. Maybe Shane?????
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No one is saying anything..veto is hung on memory wall. Jenn just went to bed tho so she’s depressed! I’m thinking Shane, just not confirmed!!!!!
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I gotta go..making dinner while doing Shane is whistling and the girls aren’t talking. ALl boys seem happy!! I’ll keep checking but somone let me know if you get a confirmation.
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Feeds are back.. Veto winner unknown (I think it was physical involving ropes)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(My gut says jenn, Ian, and Danielle didnβt win it)
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Shane won PoV according to Twitter.
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Shane won!!!
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@MM and STAR – im pretty sure it was shane – he said he gets a prize – and jenn is sleeping – as usual – poor girl Dan is sticking like glue to ian to make sure he doesnt put him up as replacement – i dunno if yall saw my post today – but if ian puts up dan – i may have to start rooting for him
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txs kev, star and macy i thought that was it
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------so i guess it iwill be dani and jenn so jenn goes
i wonder why these guys do not talk to each othe and say duh dan has already won we need to get this, they can not be that stupid especially ian
txs for info guys
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This is where the rubber meets the road for Ian and I don’t think I’m going to like it. Please surprise me kid…
parker delon – BB9 β@delon03
so shane wins POV… if ian doesn’t backdoor dan, his game is finished. #bb14 #bblf
Evel Dick Donato β@EvelDick
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@delon03 yep, that’s what I say…
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@mm: Exactly. And that will be there downfall. They’ve only had like three or four days to figure it out. More disappointed in Shane-Dani, who were really close, for not playing the Game, trading secrets and realizing Dan may have deals with EVERYONE. From Frank’s interview, seems few might want to vote fo Dan in Jury but you know his speech will do laps around Shane’s if they’re the F2. Still pulling for Ian but Dan deserves a little credit for pulling this all off. They should have known his style, but still think it’s unfair with a month-long free Grodner pass. JustwaitingforittoallendandprayingBB15isbetternow.
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Kevin11 even if Dan is nominated don’t you think Shane and Danielle will vote to keep Frank? Ian wants Jenn out!
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Oops!!! Keep Dan – I still think of Frank and wish he was still in the game! π
I wonder if Dan might try to convince Shane to vote out Danielle with his power of reason.
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lol betty frank is history m y dear
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i think think is the best chance they have to get dan out
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------making me crazy why they r so hyptonized or misted
and ian is too smart for his own good me thinks
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@MM KEV STAR – with dani all of the sudden hating on shane – you know dan had to have said to her something like ‘shane isnt into you, he told me so’ that freaking creep dan
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of course dan is behind it the puppet master boy r they going to hate themselves when they see the video
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------he is scary would not want him around my kid no way no how he stops at nothing he has no lines drawn
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i have a 12 yr old that has been watching this yr with her friends – they all want to be on the show – im like NOOOOOO! it would break my heart to see her crying – they all do – especially if she was so gullable about someone like dan the snake – i dont think my kid would buy into what he’s selling
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If Jenn goes home Dan’s chances of winning will be almost nil, unless he takes Shane to the final two. Should be interesting to see what happens next.
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@maryann Please send my love to Hanna
I hope Ian has a dream telling him to get Dan out since he’s not thinking when he’s awake.
He has spurts of smartness and then let’s Dan manipulate him.
Can you imagine Dan and his loud arrogant voice if he wins? Can’t stand the thought .
I feel for his wife
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Ian says that Frank had piss poor sportsmanship. His exit reeked, he never shook anyones hands when he left. (hey ian could it be that he was having a hard time trying to take the knives out of his back and was too busy)
Dan points out that Frank never even looked an anyone but Jenn. (i have a thoght perhaps because she was the ONLY one to vote for him)
They start talking about people lying in the Big Brother House. Willie lying to Dan about his brother not being Russell Hantz.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ian mentions that Andrew from Big BRother 12 told everyone he was a shoe salesman instead of saying his true career which was a podiatrist.
Ian brings up Matt Hoffman and how he lied about his wifeβs disease. Dan: βHeβs trying to be like Johnny Fairplayβ
(eeer guys did u forget some others like the bb14 crew, i think the only one that did not lie was jodi poor thing did not have time to get to it, give me a break holier then thou remaining houseguests,)
I would love to be one of kevs flies and be on the bb wall of the kitchen and be saying in a tiny fly voice SERENITY NOW SERENITY NOW
just when u think there is hope for these guys baada booom they show no sign of having a brain.
oy vey
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@BETTY – how do u figure – dan cant win with her gone – doesnt he have all his bases covered – F2 with – ian – danilelle – shane…………….maybe u know something ur not sharing – lol
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ok guys a thought just hit me lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------even if dan gets to the final 2 his chance of winnig it all will more then likely be nil the jury will have time to compare and hopefully betweeen them they can figure it out adn also he has won before hey one can hope
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Maybe it is just the moonshine talking, but that thing in the middle of Dani head is where Dan sucked out her brain.
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Ian is not going to get rid of Dan. Be thinks he’s a renegade now. He’s tok star struck. Don’t know if anyone can talk him in getting rid of Dabi because he’s fixated on QP final four.
Hi Starfish glad I could make ya giggle… my little one is a cute piece of work!!
Bobo and Hannah…. feel better. Prayers to JT’s sis too!
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@mm – he is hanging his hat on the fact that he double crossed on his season – and they still voted 7-0 to let him win – AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! IF HE WINS ILL……………well, it wont be pretty
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Freaking Typos!!! I’m gonna start cursing like Ian!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hillbilly u had me rofl that was a good one about dani brain being sucked out
i think u r hitting the moonshine lol
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@All: I’m so with you. And if Dan’s wife Chelsie watched BBAD she’s going to break him off something proper when he gets back to Michigan. Can’t believe a married man would have the audacity to say some of the stuff he’s said, especially since he knows it’s on TV. Be thankful for your husbands ladies. π
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jane i know what u mean i have a lot myself, between new laptop and the keyboard is little and my nails u have no idea how much i back space to fix the really bad ones lol and there is soethig my arm hits and i lose the whole commet before i send i have to get the book out i feel your pain besides ted is the spelling police and he is not on all that much
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the next hoh is alright, Ian will go up its the POV that he has to win to be in F3 thats the big one
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@Mike: Good call there buddy.
BigBrotherLiveFeeds β@BigBroLiveFeeds
Danielle is complaining to Shane that she is sick of Dan accusing her of cheating at cards. She is calling Dan annoying. Yeah ok Dani. #BBLF
BB All Summer Long β@BBAllSummerLong
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In case you missed this yesterday, here is a list of things/lies Danielle has said (so far) #BB14 #DaniDelusion
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macy he might fool some of the hgs some of the time
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------but not all of the hgs all of the time
espeially brit and she carries a lot of weight
u frank not vote for dan, nor brit, nor jenn, also maybe not joe
and if dani and or shane voted for him theb theuy r more stupid then i thougt
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@MM – ur so right – i was just saying – he is so full of himself – they (bb) massaged his ego a bit by letting him be a bb ‘coach’ – he thinks hes untouchable – i want that snake to go down – paleeeze ian wake up!
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moonshine talking, if Shane wants to get Dani back on his side, he going to have to take one for the team, she would drop Dan so fast, but after BB he will have to move & change his name
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HILLBILLY/MIKE – all it will take is a big-o-kiss
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@macy, WHERE!!!!!!!
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hillbilly and macy for all that money shane can give her a pity poke and throw a flag over her face and do it for old glorys sake as well as his own
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------then he would have to go into the witness protection program
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as an old wise man told me in the 5th grade – take ur pick she’s all ass! ha ha
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macy i want him down and out for the count i think judas is even too good a name for him
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MM – LMAO pity poke – ha – go fer it shane – dont forget the towel
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MM – how much weight do u put in ian replacing dan with shane
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@mm: You’re killing it here tonight girl! π “Pity poke” and “judas is even too good a name for him.” Thanks for making me laugh. Injured muscles in my rib cage helping my 78-year-old downstairs neighbor stand back up (200 pounds of dead weight) when he fell (again) yesterday. Thank Lortab and you for keeping me sane today! Love you girl.
Dan (and his massive ego) will be surprised at how much hard-core BB fans and his wife blow him shit when he’s out of the House. You know he thinks we’re all loving his act. As far as Ian waking up, anyone up for chipping in for buying a banner and flying it over Lalaland tonight? π
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lol @ macy never heard that one but will remember
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KEV – in on that banner shizzel
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Shane may be up for a “pity poke” but may be scared that massive pimple may pop before he does… (Apologies)
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@Macy1231231 I always thought Dan was carrying Jenn along to sit beside him in the final 2. Remember we are talking about Dan and he won’t let his friendship with Danielle get in the way of a SURE 500k win. If Ian and Dan are in the final 2, I think Ian might win. Dan and Danielle in the final two might be a toss up, but Danielle could win, as she played a better social game. He might have a fighting chance against Shane, although Joe will be trying his best to gather votes for Shane in the jury house and Shane would definitely have Frank’s vote (probably Ashley’s too). So many scenarios, but I truly believe that Dan will have a hard time gathering jury votes if he is up against anyone else but Jenn. Just my opinion. Does anyone else see things this way?
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macy no odds on dan going up in shanes place will be dani with jenn going i look at it one more no vote for dan if he gets to the final 2
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@BETTY – gotcha
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count me in on the banner
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------omg rofl with kev comment 163 never mind the pop it is so huge he may fall in and we will never see him again, that thing is massive, still giggling at the pop lol and if the pimple popped he could say to her well my dear i see u have arrived (apology) hope that was not too graphic it is getting late and i am getting sillier then normal, some one stop me if i am being offensive n i will tone it down
@ betty i said the same thing about dan havin problem getting jury votes he thinks he has it in the bag sure he does ZING
kev being serious sorry to hear u r injured that must hurt like heck i bruised 2 ribs and i was in agony but at least u were able to help your neighbor u r a good guy
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I dont think Ian will put up Dan(wished he would) but I dont think Ian had a good childhood, you know how kids treat you when you are different in school, so he didnt have many friends. He would have stayed loyal to Boogers & Frank if they had just talked to him except when it came time to vote, He went with Brit because she was the only one to talk to him. Now with her gone the only one to talk to him is Dan, the rest dont even come up to HOH room, so he will stay loyal to Dan even if it costs him his game. butlike I said all he has to do is win POV and he is in F3. I said early on that he was throwing HOH & POVs, but look what he has won since Brit left. so not giving up hope yet. If it is Dan ,Ian & Shane in F3 that is fine, dont think Dan has the votes to win. If its Shane & Ian in F2 I can live with that.
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Wow, you guys are on fire tonight. Thanks for the info. I doubt Ian will put Dan up in Shane’s place without the rest of them getting together and telling all about Dan. Very doubtful that will happen. I’m really surprised, they aren’t talking to each other. K11 said Dani was mad at Dan for accusing her of cheating at cards. That’s a start but doubtful anything will come of it.
@mm, “pity poke” hilarious. It would work tho. The first time I heard the poke term was on the mini-series Lonesome Dove. A lotta poken going on.
@K11, popping what? π― Sorry about your 200 lb neighbor. Hope your back is doing better. Love the @all, I’m going to borrow it.
@All, I’m sorry if I shooed away HoH8. I hope not.
@JT & Hannah, sending prayers your way.
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per hillbilly
If it is Dan ,Ian & Shane in F3 that is fine, dont think Dan has the votes to win. If its Shane & Ian in F2 I can live with that.
rite on i agree with that 110%
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i somehow do not think dani will make it to the final 2 and no matter were we all live we will hear her scream
i would love to be in the bb backyard when the final show is over and do the interviews they will have to lock up all the knives from dani she is going to be so disappinted
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@K11, I forgot, I’m in for the banner.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Mike, I think you nailed it my friend about Ian. Dan is keeping him close and making him feel important so he’ll stick with whomever he believes is his friend. I think he’s in for a rude awakening. Didn’t he see the handwriting on the wall when Dan put him up the other day? He’s smarter than that but you know what they say – “Love is blind” Especially if someone is making you feel important.
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Shane accused Danielle of cheating at cards on BBAD last night and it IS true. Most of you know I play poker every week so I always carefully the dealer and I swear I saw Danielle pull a card from the bottom of the deck the other night on BBAD. Ken was watching too and we both called her on it at the same time.
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carefully watch – sorry gang – I need to go to bed! π
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@Betty, don’t you have to be pretty good to deal from the bottom of the deck without your partner seeing it. Maybe she has a secret profession. π
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@ starfish lots of entertainment here tonite more then we get from the show lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i heard poke on lonesome dove and added the pity myself so cannot take all the credit
also i do not think hoh8 is shooed away it is the weekend and lots of peeps r busy doing other stuff we all say stuff that some do not agree with but hey we just pull our big girl panties up and just keep blooging away and even forget we ever had a difference happens to all of us i should know lol
ciao till later got to catch up on my drop dead diva will do fly by in a bit
hugs to all my darlings
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I think that at the end of the show that thing on Dani head will be like the scene from Alien and jump out and eat everyone. for a nurse(ha ha ) she should know better than pick at it
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@Starfish – Danielle is very slight of hand and most people watching probably did not see it. It took me years to learn how to spot these dealers, but now I don’t have any trouble at all.
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@starfish…I agree! things are hopping in here tonight! You guys are having way too much fun,especially if you are all It’s so hard to remember who to shout out to without going back and reading the posts all over again!! I think my memory cells are getting older faster than I am!!!lol I had to stop to make dinner and hubby was starving and it wad getting late!!! SF..what do you mean you scared HoH8 off?? Hasn’t she been on since the things she said about Ian??? You guys did come down on her a LIL hard, doncha think??? i hope she didn’t quit us..I really did like her posts!!!
@macy…glad someone else mentioned the GOTCHA thing!!!! OMG! That drives me WAY more nuts than any stimming Ian I am a hyper too so his stimming looks relaxing to me!! I am always jiggling my foot or clicking my nails on something!!! But anyway….Shane dosen’t know crap about playoing BB actually so he is always asking Qs…but doesn;t want to look like he didn’t know the answers, I guess. If he makes F3, he is going to hve trouble with the Morphing puzzle or the Q&A’s about the other HGS!!!!
In general about Dan…..ED was much hated in his game. He not only manipulated and dominated, but he was downright rude and mean!!!! I was shocked when he won cuz I thought the jury would all hold grudges! But they voted on he won! IF Dan gets to F2 and IF the jury voted unemotionally, he SHOULD win. NOT saying I like or condone what he’s done ..but it ahd happened before!!!
@MM, kev11 and Mike… guys should do BB stand up!!lol Altho the ZIT jokes are a lil hard to take after a big meal…..
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Mike you are too funny! I will probably have nightmares about something coming out of Danielle’s pimple tonight! π
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Hey Star – Can you spell C A R I B O U? Shane was too funny last night. Doesn’t he realized that a preschooler could probably spell that!
I know Dan is hated by most, but Star you are right, the jury did vote for Ed to win, as he did play, manipulate and threaten just about everyone in the house! BB is getting like Survivor – Out Smart, Out Witt…
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@Mike, yikes, I’ll prolly have a bad dream too. Pimple popping is simply not dinner conversation. π
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Star, tonight is a good test of our memories that’s for sure. It’s like one of those tests for memory loss. I fail all the time. π
@Betty, I wonder where Dani learned her “slight of hand”.
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@Betty.. i did NOT know you played poker every week!!!! π― Are you in a league or just with friends????
BTW..check your email before bed!!!!!!!!! lol
Maybe Dani is part Indian?? And that DOT is part of her culture???? π I thin kit’s too big and unrelenting to be a ZIT! She is playing cards with Shane right now with her DOT and her glasses on. I don’t think sheis attractive at ALL in glasses..and I wer them all the time. She just picked the wrong frames . Looks like a librarian!! Uh….contacts and make-up too much bother anymore?? You have better things to do in there???? lol Even if you don’t care if Shane is attracted to you, you ARE on LFS and BBAD everyday and WE have to look at you!! Have Mercy!!!!lol
BTW.. I hope they let them out in the BY before BBAD> They are SO boring when locked inside!!!!!!
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Yes Star, we all hated ED but admired his play in the end. Somehow it wasn’t the same, he was so overt about it whereas Dan is sneaky and that is more repulsive. You’re right tho, he’ll prolly win if he’s in final 2 with anyone but Ian.
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@Starfish – Danielle probably learned slight of hand from her alcoholic father. π―
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@starfish: “Popped what?” Dani’s pimple off course. It even has it’s own Twitter account now…
Danielle’s Pimple β@DaniellesPimple
Uh, I’m right here, and I have feelings! RT @SarahMcGuireJB Can Danielleβs huge bleeding nasty pimple stay the fuck off my TL please? #BB14
And once again, this blog is way more entertaining than the show could ever hope to be. We rock.
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K11, yes we rock, well at least you all do. It’s own twitter account LOL
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@Stra: Proving all our assumptions are way better than any mean-spirited Tweeters. We nailed this all six weeks ago. From last night…
BigBrotherLiveFeeds β@BigBroLiveFeeds
Shane: I promised my mom and Grandma I wouldn’t make~out on this one. #BB14 #BBLF Nice guy
BigBrotherLiveFeeds β@BigBroLiveFeeds
Shane: But there is nothing between Danielle and I. #BB14 #BBLF Guy talk is so revealing
BigBrotherLiveFeeds β@BigBroLiveFeeds
Ian: None of the girls were really my type. Shane: Kara was definitely my type. I would love to..but I couldn’t do that to Dani. #BB14 #BBLF
BigBrotherLiveFeeds β@BigBroLiveFeeds
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shane: Obviously I was attracted to Kara, but Danielle’s personality is out of this world. #BB14 #BBLF Bahaha
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K11, Shane is justanimmaturebaby. Danielle’s personality, really?? Good grief, poor guy.
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@Betty..yeah, I did hear that whole thing about Caribou??? I didn;t get it then either….just stupid. However, that does seem to sum Shane up sometiemsd. he was playing cards with Dani and instad of the *F* word, he says Fudgepacker!!! REALLY??? Like that’s better????LOL
@SF…yeah I …Um….what did you say again????? π
Why is it everytime I get on here everyone seems to leave?????*sniffs armpitts* lol
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@Star – I play every Thursday from 6:00 to 8:30, as I have to get home to watch BB. After the show I will probably play longer.
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@starfish: No, YOU rock. WE all rock. It’s that simple. End of semi-fake argument. How much would I rock on a Blog with no Blogettes and Blogateers? Exactly. I’d simply be blogging to myself and we all know where that gets ya…The Rubber Room in a straightjacket pumped full of psychotropic meds and I have too much to do to in Life to go down that rabbit hole. Maybe later. π
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We’re stil here but I’m also watching the UCLA game – good game and up by 2. USC won today so I’m a happy camper.
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Thanks Kev!
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@SF,.,,I agree 100%. Dan ‘s play is NOT Overt at all!!! taht is why WILL got away with winning!!! he was overt adn TOLD people he was going to screw with them..and he STILL one!!!! *shakes head*
@Kev11….*I’m right here and i have feelings too*
Bet right now on Twitter it is going OUCH!! Stop that ,you crazy-ass bitch! I ahve my own Twitter can’t get rid of me that easy!!!! as Dani jsut asked Shane to get her tweezers and Q-tips!!!
I heard everything you showed from your tweets! I watched LFS after BBAD last nite and witnessed the whole GUY talk thing!!!! ALL agreed kara was HOT but DUMB and that personality IS more important!!! And like dani would want Shane to hang with her at the after party out of some kind of pity or loyalty!! I think Shane is pretty egotistical and PICKY so that is why he made up that crap about his mom and he would have an excuse when girls like Dani…not HOT enuf…came after him in the house!!!!! If kara had stayed in I bet there would ahve been some rustling unser he sheets! And alot of GOTCHA’S!!!! π
Dan was saying how HOT Kara was too!! Umm… don’;t mind if your NEW husband calls anotehr girl HOT ON National TV, do ya hun?????? heheheheh
And YES..we DO ROCK!!!!! π
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That should have been Dr. WILL and the still WON…not ONE…..But then you all read Starish by now so….why do I bother??LOL
And who knew our Betty was a Card Shark??LOL I hardly ever play cards anymoe and was never great at poker. Used to play alot of Euchre in college and LOVE Cribbage tho!!!! π
Shane jsut said something about a dinner date with Dani???!!! Maybe that is why she is putting make-up on. OMG@! He just asked ehr if he could put her make-up on sometime!! And he knows how to do this HOW?????? π― lol
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@Star, @starfish: So disappointed in BBAD this season. Maybe it’s me maybe these lame HGs. At least Rachel made it interesting last season (and the one before) with her attitude and stalking on Dani Donato. Her and Brendan got married today (poor grammar). Here are some more gems from Twitter tonight. Drowning in college football and social media…something new. Need to write a story but lacking in motivation. Easier to have fun with Dani’s pimple and Dan’s ego and Shane’s naivete’ and Ian’s potentially us down than writing about a Real Madrid soccer player wanted by Chelsea in the winter. Ah, there’s always tomorrow…
BBUSA β@BigBroAddict14
Dan keeps calling Shane out on saying “fudgepacker”, the more Dan calls him out on it, the more attention he brings to it. #stupid #bb14
BB All Summer Long β@BBAllSummerLong
Danielle’s zit defines the term “making a mountain out of a mole hill” #BB14
BB14UpdatesDianaWatt β@DianaWatt
Dan has a F2 with Ian, F2 with Dani & F3 with Shane & Dani #BB14
BigBrotherLeak β@BigBrotherLeak
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jenn out of diary room. Danielle is back to picking her pimple. It’s now bleeding again. #BB14
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Dani is sure kissing up to Shane now that he’s not leaving!!! He just mentioned a photo shoot he did and some girls make-up. I thought he was a model???? Not a stylist pr photographer. He has way too many businesses going for one person!!!! And IF taht is true. why is he saying how broke he is all the time???I think everyone that come son BB is shady!!! Dan is just more smart about his and uses his shadiness to WIN at least!!!!lol
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@Stra: “starish”??? The hits keep coming! Still waiting on a Kve11…
My last post must be on its way to Cincinnati. Here’s some Twitter stuff (again)…
BBUSA β@BigBroAddict14
Dan keeps calling Shane out on saying “fudgepacker”, the more Dan calls him out on it, the more attention he brings to it. #stupid #bb14
BB All Summer Long β@BBAllSummerLong
Danielle’s zit defines the term “making a mountain out of a mole hill” #BB14
BB14UpdatesDianaWatt β@DianaWatt
Dan has a F2 with Ian, F2 with Dani & F3 with Shane & Dani #BB14
BigBrotherLeak β@BigBrotherLeak
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jenn out of diary room. Danielle is back to picking her pimple. It’s now bleeding again. #BB14
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Well, my last three posts are nowhere to be seen. They’ll be funny when they get here.
@Star: I’ve heard Shane say he’s a house flipper, a model, a fitness coach and some kind of wine salesman or something. And unlike Dani, I somehow believe him. He may me dumb as a box of rocks, but he’s honest and I hope either he or Ian can find a way to win.
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@Star: I agree about Shane. If Kara, or even JoJo were still in the House, I’m sure he would have grabbed some chimichangas (at least by now). Justsayin’….
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@Kev11….i agree about Shane. He is hard working and honest and loyal I think…jsut BORING!!!lol
And BTW….lately, out of paranoia and not needing any more things in my life to annoy me, I copy EVERY post!!! JUSTAINCASE!!!lol It only takes a sec and then if it doesn’t go, you can repost with a click of the mouse!!!;)
ok Blogaders, i am off for a bit. Will do a FLY by later, as MM says!!!
Peace OUT!!
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Hey Star, I can’t believe you didn’t know I played cards!! How else do you think I supplement by Social Security!! I can’t live on my good looks anymore!!! π― (Check you e-mail before you go to bed).
Sorry your posts were lost Kevin11, as I always enjoy reading them.
Well I am off to get ready for bed and watch BBAD. Have fun everyone! I will look for your lost posts tomorrow K11!!
Have a great night everyone!!!
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Yep, it’s nite nite for me too. UCLA won!! Nite all…..
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@starfish: We “all” didn’t hate ED. I loved his style, the way he provided cover for his daughter and the way he rallied from a 7-2 deficit to find a way to win, granted America’s Vote helped. I even named one of my turtles after him. Now I wouldn’t want to have him as a dad, or a brother, but the entertainment value he brought (for me at least) was priceless on BB8 and I hated that he had to leave last season. Can you imagine him and Brenchel getting into it? I doubt there will ever be a HG I enjoy more than Dick Donato and his analysis on his show (including access to so many past HGs) and his exit interview provide great insight we don’t get to see or hear about because CBS and the producers make it (fish) such a homogenized product.
I will always stand up for Evel Dick and wouldn’t feel the way about this show without HGs like himself and Dr. Will (and even Rachel). I miss being entertained like I (we) used to be. It’s really pretty shameful for us hard-core BBers. and with Twitter and the LFs, everything we see (Sunday and Tuesday) is so damn old. Like now, it’s a forgone conclusion that Jenn is gone although she is basically Adam v2.0 with a shitty attitude and a sense of entitlement. What has she done? What are her big game moves? She stink, stank, stunk and I’m glad she’s going and we should give Joe a little credit for at least trying to strategize a bit (even though he talked to Dan thinking he was Shane in bed) and going out with a little class. For me, if Dan wins it, I’ll be overly-bitter, and if Shane or Ian win it, the season will partially be redeemed but I’ll never forgive CBS for the way we stroked us fans. I think they hate us, knowing we gab on Twitter and blogs, bashing them and by shoving Jessie and Otev and Pandora’s Box down our throats over and over and over again each season.
Allison Grodner needs to go, they need to film it in HD, get fresher competitions, have 14 HGs we’ve never seen who APPLY and aren’t stalked on Facebook, make BBAD interesting with some competitions on it, quit screwing the Live Feeders with 4 1/2-hour blocks (like today) when the PoV laster 10 minutes and let the MFs sing for the love of Mama Margie. So singing is bad but popping a pimple an inch from my face is good? Wow, that was cathartic. Thanks for listening. Now if only The Powers That Be would…
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@Betty: Night sister. Love you girl.
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LMFAO!! Haha!! Sometime around 8:10 Shane asks Danielle if she’s ever eaten her makeup by accident!!! See even Shane knows that might make her pretty on the Inside!!!
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Jeff Schroeder β@jeffschroeder23
Good times at the Brenchel wedding!
Joker’s BB Updates β@JokersBBUpdates
Ian is talking to himself, hard to decipher, I did hear, “Quack pack.. big ol’ quack pack circle jerk” #bb14 #cbsbigbrother #bblf
God I’m starting to really love this kid (Ian). He and Frank are definitely All-Star worthy if CBS ever decides to do that. What’s cool about BBUK, BB Australian and Celebrity BB is they’re on EVERY DAY and nothing can get that stale. Would LOVE to see a US Celebrity Big Brother someday and surprised they haven’t tried to do it already.
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Brendan-Rachel wedding to air on WeTV in December…
Pic from above Jeff post didn’t stick, think too many pixels or something. Was of Jeff, Jordan, casting director Robyn Kass and some other chick.
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hi to anyone who is still here, watching ian on the hammock, now i do not know if this is going to make sense but
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ian seems so into the motion and the hammock itis almost as if it is a form of satisfaction along the lines of masterbuation, hard to explain,
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MM it centers him. His body feels off valance when there is extra energy and he counteracts it by releasing it through stimming. My kid flaps his hands when he stims
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Wow, K11, I get your point. Just let me say that I try not to use the word hate but I did in that post about ED. Shame on me! However, I do recall most of us didn’t like his behavior when it got over the top, which was often, but there was something about him that we all still like. Yes, he was entertaining except when he wasn’t. You do know that they would have to pay royalties if the HGs sing any songs. That’s a pain in the a$$ for them and sometimes it’s $30K a pop – pun intended. π That was quite a rant and I agree with all of it.
@Betty, I loved poker but haven’t played in many years. My ex was a gambler. I mean really liked to gamble. One of the main reasons I divorced him. We were always broke. I knew every horse, jockey, football teams (college & pro), craps and especially poker. We had poker night and I would sit in when someone left. However, playing against all guys they tend to all play against you and I would win alot because they were focused on me losing. I loved bridge too. There was a game called Casino that I played a lot too. Haven’t played cards in years tho.
I adore Ian too. Mostly because I understand his situation and where he’s coming from. Jane’s explanation of stimming is one of the best ones I’ve heard. Another one I’ve heard is it’s like your itching on the inside and the only relief is to move
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@K11, well I responded to you but lost it so I’ll try again. As for me using the word hate, I try not to do that but I did on that post. Shame on me. ED wasn’t exactly adored either especially when his behavior was over the top which it was quite often. There was a certain something tho that we liked about him and his entertainment value was 100%. The current HGs are a bunch of dolts except for Dan, who is at least playing the game and so is Ian. Ian is just being dupped IMHO. That was quite a rant my dear and I agree with all of it!
@Betty, used to love to play poker. My ex was a gambler and kept us broke most of the time which was only one of the reasons I divorced him. I knew every jockey, horse, football team, basketball team, played poker and craps. We had poker night and when someone left I would sit in and loved it because the guys would play against me and I would win often. Loved that game, also bridge and a game called Casino. Haven’t played cards in years tho. Great therapy and made you think, especially bridge.
Jane’s explanation of stimming is one of the best I’ve ever heard. Another is that you have an itch inside your body and the only relief is to move. I adore Ian because I kinda understand where he’s coming from.
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If you see this post more than once, it’s because this my the third try. They just aren’t posting for some reason.
@K11, well I responded to you but lost it so I’ll try again. As for me using the word hate, I try not to do that but I did on that post. Shame on me. ED wasn’t exactly adored either especially when his behavior was over the top which it was quite often. There was a certain something tho that we liked about him and his entertainment value was 100%. The current HGs are a bunch of dolts except for Dan, who is at least playing the game and so is Ian. Ian is just being dupped IMHO. That was quite a rant my dear and I agree with all of it!
@Betty, I love poker. My ex was a gambler and kept us broke most of the time which was only one of the reasons I divorced him. I knew every jockey, horse, football team, basketball team, played poker and craps. We had poker night and when someone left I would sit in and loved it because the guys would play against me and I would win often. Loved that game, also bridge and a game called Casino. Haven’t played cards in years thos. Great therapy and made you think, especially bridge.
Jane’s explanation of stimming is one of the best I’ve ever heard. Another is that you have an itch inside your body and the only relief is to move. I adore Ian because I kinda understand where he’s coming from.
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Dani has Asthma too. she passed out in her kitchen and when sge woke up at doctors he told her she had no air in her lungs.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------New lie.. from Boogie (or frank or Dan.. I can’t keep up)… Boogie supposedly gave Frank his # so when he git to jury house Frank could call Boogie and he’d drop him off weed! Really? Um duh they are sequestered in Jury house how would he do tgat???
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Ok, something is wrong. This is the 4th time I’m trying to post. They just aren’t taking for some reason. After the 2nd try, I copied it like Star now does. π
@K11, well I responded to you but lost it so I’ll try again. As for me using the word hate, I try not to do that but I did on that post. Shame on me. ED wasn’t exactly adored either especially when his behavior was over the top which it was quite often. There was a certain something tho that we liked about him and his entertainment value was 100%. The current HGs are a bunch of dolts except for Dan, who is at least playing the game and so is Ian. Ian is just being dupped IMHO. That was quite a rant my dear and I agree with all of it!
@Betty, I love poker. My ex was a gambler and kept us broke most of the time which was only one of the reasons I divorced him. I knew every jockey, horse, football team, basketball team, played poker and craps. We had poker night and when someone left I would sit in and loved it because the guys would play against me and I would win often. Loved that game, also bridge and a game called Casino. Haven’t played cards in years thos. Great therapy and made you think, especially bridge.
Jane’s explanation of stimming is one of the best I’ve ever heard. Another is that you have an itch inside your body and the only relief is to move. I adore Ian because I kinda understand where he’s coming from.
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Tried to post 4 times so if this doesn’t post, I give up.
Ok, something is wrong. This is the 4th time I’m trying to post. They just aren’t taking for some reason. After the 2nd try, I copied it like Star now does. π
@K11, well I responded to you but lost it so I’ll try again. As for me using the word hate, I try not to do that but I did on that post. Shame on me. ED wasn’t exactly adored either especially when his behavior was over the top which it was quite often. There was a certain something tho that we liked about him and his entertainment value was 100%. The current HGs are a bunch of dolts except for Dan, who is at least playing the game and so is Ian. Ian is just being dupped IMHO. That was quite a rant my dear and I agree with all of it!
@Betty, I love poker. My ex was a gambler and kept us broke most of the time which was only one of the reasons I divorced him. I knew every jockey, horse, football team, basketball team, played poker and craps. We had poker night and when someone left I would sit in and loved it because the guys would play against me and I would win often. Loved that game, also bridge and a game called Casino. Haven’t played cards in years thos. Great therapy and made you think, especially bridge.
Jane’s explanation of stimming is one of the best I’ve ever heard. Another is that you have an itch inside your body and the only relief is to move. I adore Ian because I kinda understand where he’s coming from.
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I even restarted my computer and I can’t get a post up so I give up!
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Oh, that worked, so let’s try again.
@K11, well I responded to you but lost it so I’ll try again. As for me using the word hate, I try not to do that but I did on that post. Shame on me. ED wasn’t exactly adored either especially when his behavior was over the top which it was quite often. There was a certain something tho that we liked about him and his entertainment value was 100%. The current HGs are a bunch of dolts except for Dan, who is at least playing the game and so is Ian. As for the singing, they are charged up to $30K for some songs a pop – pun intended. π Ian is just being dupped IMHO. That was quite a rant my dear and I agree with all of it!
@Betty, I love poker. My ex was a gambler and kept us broke most of the time which was only one of the reasons I divorced him. I knew every jockey, horse, football team, basketball team, played poker and craps. We had poker night and when someone left I would sit in and loved it because the guys would play against me and I would win often. Loved that game, also bridge and a game called Casino. Haven’t played cards in years thos. Great therapy and made you think, especially bridge.
Jane’s explanation of stimming is one of the best I’ve ever heard. Another is that you have an itch inside your body and the only relief is to move. I adore Ian because I kinda understand where he’s coming from.
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Oh, that one worked so I’ll try one more time. It won’t take it if I paste it so I’m retyping the whole thing.
@K11, well I responded to you but lost it so I’ll try again. As for me using the word hate, I try not to do that but I did on that post. Shame on me. ED wasn’t exactly adored either especially when his behavior was over the top which it was quite often. There was a certain something tho that we liked about him and his entertainment value was 100% for sure. The current HGs are a bunch of dolts except for Dan, who is at least playing the game and so is Ian. Even tho he’s being used. As for the singing, they can be charged up to $30K a pop – pun intended. π Ian is just being dupped IMHO. That was quite a post my dear and I agree with all of it!
@Betty, I love poker. My ex was a gambler and kept us broke most of the time which was only one of the reasons I divorced him. I knew every jockey, horse, football team, basketball team, played poker and craps. We had poker night and when someone left I would sit in and loved it because the guys would play against me and I would win often. Loved that game, also bridge and a game called Casino. Haven’t played cards in years tho. Great therapy and made you think, especially bridge.
Jane’s explanation of stimming is one of the best I’ve heard. Another is that you have an itch inside your body and the only relief is to move, a lot! I adore Ian because I kinda understand where he’s coming from.
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Oh, that one worked so I’ll try one more time. It won’t take it if I paste it so I’m retyping the whole thing.
@K11, well I responded to you but lost it so I’ll try again. As for me using the word hate, I try not to do that but I did on that post. Shame on me. ED wasn’t exactly adored either especially when his behavior was over the top which it was quite often. There was a certain something tho that we liked about him and his entertainment value was 100% for sure. The current HGs are a bunch of dolts except for Dan, who is at least playing the game and so is Ian. Even tho he’s being used. As for the singing, they can be charged up to $30K a pop – pun intended. π Ian is just being dupped IMHO. That was quite a post my dear and I agree with all of it!
@Betty, I love poker. My ex was a gambler and kept us broke most of the time which was only one of the reasons I divorced him. I knew every jockey, horse, football team, basketball team, played poker and craps. We had poker night and when someone left I would sit in and loved it because the guys would play against me and I would win often. Loved that game, also bridge and a game called Casino. Haven’t played cards in years tho. Great therapy and made you think, especially bridge.
Jane’s explanation of stimming is one of the best I’ve heard. Another is that you have an itch inside your body and the only relief is to move, a lot! I adore Ian because I kinda understand where he’s coming from.
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Jane’s explanation of stimming is one of the best I’ve ever heard. Another is that you have an itch inside your body and the only relief is to move, a lot! I adore Ian because I kinda understand where he’s coming from.
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@K11, well I responded to you but lost it so I’ll try again. As for me using the word hate, I try not to do that but I did on that post. Shame onb me. π ED wasn’t exactly adored either especially when his behavior was over the top which it was quite often. There was a certain something tho that we liked about him and his entertainment value was 100%. The current HGs are a bunch of dolts except for Dan and Ian who are at least playing the game. Ian is just being dupped IMHO. As for the singing, they can be charged up to $30K a pop – pun intended. π That was quite a post my dear and I agree with all of it!
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@SF…As I said above..COPYCOPYCOPY!!! π
Did anyone see Ian almost upchuck when he tried the mystery drink tht D&D made for him and Shane???? OMG!! It was hysterical!! He said he had a bad gag reflex and sure enough……that was his cue!!lol And then went adn STIMMED frantically on the hammock!! He’s quite a character!
I am watching the 4 QPers mess around and it reminds me of lane and Enzo and hayden with Danielle as Brit. They all get along well and seem to be really fond of each other and enjoy each other’s company….which makes it alot easier for us to watch BBAD!!! Jenn is being a real party pooper. How long can she hang out alone or sleep??? She’s already on slop…now she is going to be without human stimulation too????
@Kev11…..totally agreed with your rant!!! In fact, just today I was ranting that the show has become too predictable and that makes it too easy for HGS..and way too boring for US!!!! I am so sock of PB and Jessie i could SCREAM!!!! I hope CBS sees ypur post. Lots of wisdom from fandom in there….;)
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Star, I did copy it and it wouldn’t take it when I pasted it. So I typed them in one at a time and it finally worked. Ugh I’m glay BBAd isn’t totally boring now. Poor Jenn, just a party pooper but probably a shy person who uses her boldness as a cover and very sensitive.
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@Betty, I love poker. My ex was a gambler and kept us broke most of the time which was only one of the reasons I divorced him. I knew every jockey, horse, football team, basketball team, played poker and craps. We had poker night and when someone left I would sit in and loved it because the guys would play against me and I would win often. Loved that game, also bridge and a game called Casino. Haven’t played cards in years thos. Great therapy and made you think, especially bridge. TMI??
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@Betty, I love poker. My ex was a gambler and kept us broke most of the time which was only one of the reasons I divorced him. I knew every jockey, horse, football team, basketball team, played poker and craps. We had poker night and when someone left I would sit in and loved it because the guys would play against me and I would win often. Loved that game, also bridge and a game called Casino. Haven’t played cards in years thos. Great therapy and made you think, especially bridge. TMI?
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*glad* I kinda like glay though. π
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@SF………sorry you are having so many posting probs!! You keep talking about Autisim. Is one of your kids autistic?? I know about jane’s son. You just seem knowledgeable too. Ian said he is jsut ADHD..doesn’t admit to autism. IS that so he wouldn’t be judged?
I know i was never ADD or anything but I was always hyper and anxious and I talk fast to prove it! lol When I was a kid I couldn’t sit still…especially at dinner. My knee bounced the entire time I was at dinner and when my paents told me to stop I told them that it felt like I had like ants or something tingly running thru my body and the only way to make it stop was to move!!! They never told me to stop again!! I know now that is just nerves and I really don’t do that anymore, but I think I can understand what is it you ae talking about.
@Kev11…ED IS the best BB HG EVER!!! I loved him and his gameplay and still do!!! I don’t care if Dan wins it again this year, he will never be able to TOUCH ED!!! No comparison! i wish they would have another all-stars from S8 to present. Don;t think I’d care for a celebrity one tho. And CBS is prolly too cheap to do it!!!
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The pimple should have a name since its so prominent
@all. impatiently waiting to see what Ian does. We know he’s smart, just different level of intelligence.
I really want to see Jury House. That’s always fun
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SF…..I won’t say waht I was going to say GLAY could be short for..this is a family
Weird you are having so many probs with posting. Maybe your computer needs to be shut down adn restarted. Sometiems it’s the only thing that works!!!
It’s a good thing Ian is on here this year. they spend every nite using him as their toy..sking him memory Qs or science ones or even about his dating experience. He loves the attn. tho!!;)
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@Starfish you had a great description of stimming as well!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Star I believe SF use to work with Special Needs kids. Also Ian had a Long talk with Dan and said they (his parents) “believe he had ADHD but refused to get him tested for anything because they didn’t want him on meds. With that explanation I believe he would have ben duo diagnosed Aspegers/ADHF or PDD-NOS (another fancy name in the Aurism world that can affect what type or how many services your kid qualifues for)/ADHD.
@Sylvie I am suoer irritated that we aren’t getting the jury house experience albiet its a brief one it’s one og my fav parts of BB! I feel duped!
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*ADHD* not ADHF. Grrrrr cellphone typos!
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BBAD has yet to engage me. I was completely grossed out by the juvenile drinking game. Jenns sulking pissed me off… its final 5 and you are sulking instead of strategizing???? Yes you are a known floater but at this point you are a lump of coal in my Christmas stocking!! I am disgusted! And its not just her every houseguest except for Dan did NO Campaigning. Even Boogie! The closest I’ve seen to campaigning were Brit and Jenelle and they didn’t campaign they complained! This is there’s least deserving cast ever! I eant to see Dan Ian F2 and id be happy with either winner. I loved Dans game. Would I swear in a bible? Absolutely not but id definitely get out my exs wedding ring and go all jezebel on that beeyotch. I don’t give a dayum about morals I want to see the slimiest most manipulate dirtiest game play! Its realit TV. not the Brady Bunchs Vacation Videos. Lie cheat steal and leave it inside on your way home!. Go Judas and Cocky Mr. Rockie on the Hammocky!
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I think id be a real dirty player on BB. I wouldn’t swear on my first born or anything but the teenager is definitely up for grabs! Well actually my first born keeps asking me so she’s definitely up for grabs as well. Chocolate Dennis the Menace would double cross me and win BB with Ian and my 19 year old would never get traded he’s my favorite. (just this week though he knows not to get comfortable, that position is in heavy rotation)
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good morning, I just got a call from the hospital , and my sister Hannah will
being coming home later today.
I want to thank everyone for their prayers, this week has been quite scary for Hannah and our family
I’m sure she will be on the blog soon to thank you all herself.
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I’m glad to hear Hannah is home!!! Your family is in my prayers!
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Glad to hear that Hannah is comming home, cant wait to hear from her
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From the GRAPEVINE,In the kicks room Shane and Danielle are talking. Danielle says that she is scared to go up. Shane says that she might not go up, that he will talk to Ian. Danielle says that she is scared about Danβs vote. (she should be)Shane asks why because he talks a lot to Jenn. Danielle says yeah. Danielle wonders is Dan and Jenn have a final two.(you think) Shane says yeah probably. He tells her to talk to him and tell him whatever he needs to hear, tell him you will take him to the final two.(I hope that works) Shane says that he bets Dan made a deal with Jenn last night. Danielle whispers to Shane that she wonders if Ian and Dan have a final two deal.(DUH) Shane says that he thinks they do. Shane says remember how he treated you with his speech. Danielle says she hasnβt forgotten and says he also put me on the block! (that was you first clue)Shane says he (Dan) is in it to win! I really think he made a deal with Jenn. Shane says that he thinks if Dan had won veto he would have saved Jenn and voted me out. About time they got there crap togather and starting to talk, now go and talk to Ian to put up Dan, or dont and go home.
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Many people may not know that this day exists. Some may choose to ignore it. They may think, βmust we have a day for every person in the universe, when does all this day naming end?β Sadly, those people probably did not have an opportunity to develop a relationship with their grandparents. They donβt understand the gifts that a grandparents can give. Grandparents can provide a sense of continuity and roots to their grandchildren. They can provide a sense that life matters, and the ability to see life within a larger context of time. Happy Grandparents Day!
I apologize to anyone who gets offended when or if we go off topic of bb
blog slow at this time so i wanted to wish all grand parents a very happy grand parents day (we sure deserve it)
extra hugs to hillbilly on this day
Maryann, txs for update on hannah so happy to hear the good news i am looking forward to her comments, hugs to her
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@jt, hugs to u sis and family
@ all last nites late shift we had such a good time thanks to all
txs for grapevine hillbilly u did good
ciao till later
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@Jane , agree. Since it’s boring once again.
You think they would pepper it with Jury house footage instead of Dan tilted head deal.
I know he’s playing just not pretty to watch
I hope his students our watching , they should all get BB knives as souvenirs wait no….Dan used them all
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@Sylvie your so right… all this down time could be used for the Jury House! Why not give us the first 30 min of BBAD every night in the Jury!!
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@Maryann, that’s great news about Hannah. I hope they have her on the road to full recovery now. Didn’t know you guys were sisters. I lost that somewhere in blogland. π
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Star, I did restart my computer but the pasting this time just didn’t work. I was also a kid with a lot of energy. Prolly would have been diagnosed ADHD. I actually got spanked every grade through 6th because I was always into something including not sitting still. You know there are still states that permit teachers to spank? Glay is a great word, so many interpretations. π
@Jane, I agree about having a dirty player is fun to watch. ED was the best at it even tho you could see his love for his daughter. I wouldn’t do well in this game because I just couldn’t do it for fun. Give me something in real life and I’ll not have one problem being “dirty” especially when it’s well deserved. π No, I didn’t work with special needs children altho that should have been my vocation. I’ve had experience with a loved one tho. Not to mention, I have a few years on me and there’s nothing like experience. π Love your “heavy rotation” comment for your favorite child. Very cute. Sounds like you are a great mom! Being honest with them is your best bet for survival, most of the time.
@mm Thank You my dear for grandparents day recognition. I knew there was such a day, just didn’t know it was today and it’s not on my calendar.
@Mike, (hillbilly) great update. I hope they are finally wising up to Dan’s manipulation. As I said, if Dan wins, he deserves it. I just wish the rest of them would start playing hard too. As for Jenn, well, she’s a lost cause with her constant pity party. She’s an 8 year old in sheeps clothing. π―
@Sylvie, yes, yes and yes. I’ve been yapping for weeks hoping they would show us the Jury House this year more than last. But nooooo, they just show us recaps of the last show forever and Jessie in speedos. “GAG”
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OMG π― I just went up and saw all those posts that wouldn’t post last night. Good grief, sorry folks! π
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@Starfish I thought you had been a Special Needs teacher… or was that Danielle? LOL!
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Sunday Blog is up!
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starfish, I never blogged before her accident, hannah was the one who was
on the computer all the time. I only went on to see what was going on the blog so I could report to the happenings of the show and could keep up with
the happenings of her fellow bloggers. Hannah knows most of what’s been said and wishes all those that have health and family issues all the best.
Hannah’s husband is picking her up at this moment and her children and the rest of our family just can’t wait to see her.
Thanks again for everything, I now understand why Hannah likes blog with you all. Your great group of people!
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@Maryann, there is a new page up but Hannah may not have it in her email yet. Everyone will be posting on that new page now. She’ll know what I mean. If you go to the top of this page to “recent posts” you will see the new post called “Big Brother 14 Sunday Update”. You can click on that for now until it comes into your email.
I’m sure all of us on this blog are thrilled Hannah is on her way home. What a relief for all of you. I hope she’ll share what happened with us. Thank you again for keeping us in the loop.
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