Hi y’all and Happy Sunday:
So, yesterday, they had the veto compeition and guess who won. Keeping in mind that Amanda came up with a suitably complicated plan to make sure that neither Helen nor Elissa would get the veto, it’s probably not surprising that Elissa ended up winning. Unless Elissa does something unexpected (and she potentially could because Elissa really doesn’t seem to have much desire to stay in the house), she will use the veto on herself and Spencer will go up in her place.
Immediately after the veto competition, we were presented — yet again — with the image of Helen excitedly jumping around and telling Elissa that this was a huge game move because it meant now that “neither one of us is going home!” This is because Helen — the self-described “superfan” who is convinced that this is the best season of Big Brother ever and that she’s the most popular player since Britney Hayes — has absolutely no clue that she’s the target this week. Instead, she sincerely believed that the house was planning to vote out Elissa and that Spencer was the 2nd choice.
It appeared that we had a true blindside to look forward to on Thursday.
And then Amanda had to open her big mouth.
For reasons that I don’t quite understand, Amanda told Elissa that Helen is the main target. Perhaps Amanda is trying to intimidate Elissa into voting for Helen. I don’t understand why though. Whether the vote is 5-0 or 4-1H, the end result still would have been Helen leaving the house.
Again, it’s hard to say what type of effect that knowing this information will have on Elissa. I’ve been watching Big Brother for a long time and it’s hard for me to think of any other houseguest who was as determined not to play the game as Elissa seems to be. Does Elissa care whether or not she wins or does she just want to get the whole experience over with?
What we do know is that Helen is Elissa’s closest ally and that she has, in the past, threatened to self-evict and has even gone so far as to say that if Helen is voted out then she’ll follow her in walking out the front door.
Or is Elissa’s seeming flakiness just an act? Is she really in this game to win? It’s hard to believe that anyone could be this bad at Big Brother without it being a part of a bigger strategy.
At this point, I don’t believe that Elissa has told Helen that she’s the target. However, when and if she does, I’m sure we can expect some fireworks in the house as Helen attempts to convince everyone that it would be a “HUMONGOUS MOVE” to vote out Spencer.
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
If Amanda didn’t tell Elissa then Aaryn could have played it that whoever won POV was going to take her off the block and put up Spencer as the target to be blindsided. Thus Aaryn would have no blood on her hands until Helen got voted out or she could try her standby that she had to put Elissa & Helen up or be voted out next week. Now thanks to Amanda she looks to be the bad guy or will once Amanda & McCrea are done.
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Elisa will tell Helen, it’s just a matter of time. I think her allergic reaction may have been stress related at not telling her and it’s just going to take one rah-rah pep talk from Helen to make her spill. Dumb move on Amanda’s part or strategy to get either Helen to blow up or Elisa to walk?? I’m thinking the later…
I was rooting for Judd to return, but if Helen goes and comes back she may be the best bet to break up 3am.. she’s the only one who has the chance to figure out the power base there and that Andy has been lying and working against her.
At least Amanda and McCrea were dressed last night.. now if only someone would pick up after themselves..
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I think ellisa is faking being dumb – she wins when she HAS TO – she has won veto 2 times now – when she was up ………..
JT – guess u didnt stick it out for the helen/elissa outcome!!! ha
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Hey yall
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Amanda , is trying to cover herself or she can’t hold her tongue.
A bad move anyways, Elysa who seems sedated 24/7 will have a breakdown and tell her “best ” friend Helen soon or later.
Helen is just not going to go down quietly so maybe we can have some fun this week, just maybe.
Staying supple
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i think amanda told elissa bout the plan to reassure her that she is still on her side – because after helen goes – she wont be blindsided and will feel like she was in on the plan – therefore – still in good graces with amanda
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Why is everyone in the house afraid of Amanda.She runs around the house in her underwear , bending in front of the camera’s.It would be ok , but her butt looks like a order of pan cakes, flat as hell.She always sitting there with her legs spread open , or stuffing something in her mouth,She needs to go before any one else .I hope Jessie or Judd comes back and team up with Elissa and take them all out .This has been the worst Big Brother ever.No one is planning for them self ,they are afraid to do things on there own.
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I hope Helen goes thursday then Amanda they are all discusting ~ sad group of housguest this year ~ blah blah blah ~ it’s the worst game I have ever seen and I have been watching BB forever ~ not exciting at all 🙁
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I actually think Elissa was faking so she could sleep away from the commoners. I wouldn’t put it past CBS feeding her in the DR either.
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KEV11 – btw i could have gone all day without seeing that boob pic – mu man!!!!
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oh I hope Judd comes back because he was voted out on a lie about the MVP ~ I agree Amanda is a big nasty
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First .. Good t see you AC!
Now: States of Mind: –
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Helen – Out of my mind.
Elissa – Somewhere over the rainbow.
Spencer – Seig heil!
Amanda – Suspicious.
Andy – Tommy can you here me, Tommy can you see me?
McC – Lost in the fog.
GM – Delusional.
Aaryn – it’s my world and you don’t belong here.
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That is perfect Lisa Marie. A HUMONGOUS move to oust Spencer. Gawd
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------it’s amazing that Helen can still think that. Hopefully it doesn’t happen.
Eww that means I want Spencer to stay? Oh crap there is no way to have
a favourite now. Judd if he comes back? Jessie? Candice?
It would be funny if Judd Jessie candice all come back and Helen would
have to be in the jury house by herself. Talking to the mirror about all the big moves she made.
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I think Amanda shrewdly told Elissa that Helen would be voted out so Elissa gets on their side. Then Helen will know when she hears the vote is 5-0 that even Elissa turned on her and won’t vote for her to win. If Helen finds out and blows up, I bet they will pressure Elissa to vote for her if she has not turned yet. Amanda wants to look like the saint so the jury will vote for her for playing the game the best.(Without winning anything!)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you think that maybe CBS picked these “vile people”, as Elissa calls them, on purpose so we would have players that disgusted us and we talked about? After all, Aaryn’s comments made national news. Don’t you think that boosted ratings? Maybe “we” are being played.
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Being too sure of one’s self in this game has caused many of the house guests this season to be evicted.
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What amazes me is Helen still thinks she has Andy on her side. Andy who has never gone along with a single idea of hers, as always managed to talk her out of ever single one of them and into Amanda’s plan. And yet, Helen thinks she also controls the house. Ha Ha Ha
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Yes could have done without Amanda’s boob pic
Get this season over with please !
I still don’t want anyone to win , just want it to end
Hellen be quiet and you should know as a super fan it’s OTEV not OTIV or OTIF WTH ?
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The girls should have stuck together until all the boys were gone before they went after each other. McCrae, Andyprotectio and Spencer are skating through the game on the cattiness of the girls. Such great protection.
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Amanda before
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The girls never had a plan to stick together, never had an alliance to do so. That was wishful thinking on the part of a few of them, but nothing ever came of it because of jealousy and cattiness. Amanda is too much of biotch to get along with any of them; Elissa doesn’t like most of them because she thinks they are shallow and disgusting people (I tend to agree with her there, though her friend Helen is one of the shallowest); GM was jealous that Candice was in a Miss USA pageant and GM had a hard time getting into regional pageants; far too many of them racists; and most of them self centered, egotistical, spoiled brats.
Amanda was always the biggest brains in the house and she always managed to rally everybody else to vote the way she wanted them to vote. People are scared of Amanda which is why she should have been put out of the game weeks ago. So I’ll join the conspiracy bandwagon. If that disgusting animal wins, I’ll never watch this show again!!
p.s. I say that every season and every season I’m back…so please don’t call me a liar when I show up next summer.
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@Sal: Classic. All spot on. Especially like the Elissa and Andy ones. 😎
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to shadow ~ your coment is spot on & i agree ~ Amanda is a big ass, I hate her and McCrae they are so gross ~ i want this game to end ~ I can’t wait for REVENGE to start on September 29, ~
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macy/bendi…. BINGO!! (for comment #9)
Linda… also BINGO!! (#14)
I watched Amanda tell Elissa about Helen being the target. (about 11:20pm for those with flashback/feeds). I agree, her motive was to be the one who was telling Elissa the truth… and to get Elissa on her side after Helen is gone.
Amanda told her flat out that there was nothing Elissa could do to save Helen…. no secret alliances could be formed… nothing. She also told Elissa that if she hadn’t won the veto that she would have been voted out (not true). Amanda’s strategy was basically, “trust me… because I’m the only one here telling you the ugly truth”
Now Amanda doesn’t have to worry about Elissa winning HOH. Elissa wants Aaryn & GM gone… and Spencer too of course.
All bets could be off though depending who comes back and what they know.
I waited up a LONG TIME for Elissa to spill it all to Helen… but it didn’t happen. And Mr Sandman whacked me into next Tuesday! 😆
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Hi all, thanks for all the comments Just catching up with you all!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12:12 PM El tells her please don’t say anything..Helen says she wont. She says she just know that Spencer feels really safe and it weird. NT
12:12 PM Helen asks her if Amanda is trying to get her out. El tells her she isn’t sure. NT
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Sal, just tuned in and am surprised Elissa didn’t tell her everything.
Helen thinks it’s a good idea to threaten others into keeping her… by exposing secrets if they don’t. I think everyone pretty much knows all the secrets in that house anyway.. there really isn’t much Helen can say.
Will be fun watching when it happens though… Helen will find herself in the EXACT SAME position that she put Jessie in last week. Ahhhh Karma.. don’t you ever take a break? 😆
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√ JT
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Elissa, please stop using a scotch brite pad on the wooden counter in the bathroom…. that is not very good on a wood finish… and it makes it very hard for me to eavesdrop! 😆 ….sounds like she’s sanding down a wooden floor! 👿
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Have only seen Spencer BBQ. Never have I seen him in Kitchen, for that matter, never have seen Mcmanda. Who will clean dishes when Helen & Elissa are gone?? GM, not! All she does is eat, never cleans.
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It just may be that Helen will still think she is safe, even after hearing what Amanda has said to Elissa. McCrae and Andy told Helen they wanted Amanda out and formed a fake alliance with her. Maybe she thinks Amanda is out of the loop and doesn’t know what she is talking about. I hope McCrae and Andy reassure her, as I can’t wait till Thursday to see the look on Helen’s face when she is evicted. I want to see her blindsided!!
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Betty Hey how you doing my friend?
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Hi Bobo, doing fine here. How about you?
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Just can’t wait to go away for a few days Betty AC here I come…
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I think if Elissa wins the next HOH she will put up Aaryn and GM and should one of them win the veto she might put up McCrae or Spencer.
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Spencer should have been gone a long time ago! 😕
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Helen should have Aaryn draw a caterpillar over that third eye for tonights show. And again for eviction night, that way Julie can say to Helen, “how could you not see that coming with that third eye and all”.
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@Rich – I so agree. I think Helen is brain dead. How could she possibly think that McCrae would go against Amanda? Her biggest mistake was not including other people in her alliance with Elissa. No one can win with just one friend or even two. I think Andy saw the writing on the wall and he quickly jumped ship to a four-person alliance. Can’t believe she is such a BB fan and was not able to figure these things out! I certainly won’t miss her babbling on and on and hearing her say ‘you know or like’. I can’t believe her vocabulary is so weak!
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LOL @ Rich, that cyclops-like zit in the middle of Helen’s forehead has been described as having it’s own heartbeat. 😯 I think it tells us all just how much stress she’s been feeling lately.
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JT – what is ur theory on elissa being in the dr for so long?
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Elissa had finished cleaning most of the bathroom & I think she told Helen what was up!..She than ran back to bed leaving Helen the only one up, everyone in the house still sleeping, She was doing dishes & laundry & cleaning up before the slobs all come in the kitchen & mess it up again…
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I think Elissa faked the reaction and got some real food from production instead of slop & H & H. Maybe next they can have Wonton and Wabbit!
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Looks like Helen is folding everyone’s laundry???
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just watching a little of the live feeds 😆
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See you all later got to run……. ……………………
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Bob, Elissa only told Helen that she heard GM saying something… didn’t tell her everything though. (was very hard to hear with Elissa “sanding” the WOODEN cabinet in the bathroom)
macy, I was watching that last night (b4 Mr Sandman hit me hard). Elissa was moaning & groaning in have-not room. She told Helen that her heart was racing and she was feeling faint. Spencer was in DR at the time…. but production booted him out and called her in. Elissa claims she always feels bad when she eats slop.
IDK what happened after that. I think it was a combo of just finding out that Helen would be voted out… plus not being able to tell her… plus slop… plus just plain old whining.
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Oh… one other thing.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Macy, how do you know how long Elissa was in the DR?
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The Brillo pad reminds me of 2 seasons ago .
Everyone kept shaking their protein powder on those stupid containers w a metallic ball in it or a spring or chewing ice cubes
And they drank a lot of it
So annoying !
Don’t think Elysa cleans at home so she doesn’t know how to
Why doesn’t anyone know that Andy is really smart ?
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JT just from comments in the chat room
re: elissa being sick on slop – it kindof reminds me of baby rice cereal – when i would feed my kid that – if i left a drop on the high chair tray – i needed a jackhammer to get that stuff off! so it may be sitting like bricks on her stomach – waaaa well – if shes constipated she can use the baby remedy of putting dark brown sugar in her milk – ha
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Ok… only reason I asked was because I read somewhere that Elissa was gone for a long time…. then they later said she was in the have-not room the whole time (after DR) ..but the 2 cameras were pointing at GM and somewhere else…. so you couldn’t see that Elissa was actually there.
Sylvie, it’s always annoying when they are doing something loud. Even walking around in flip flops makes a lot of noise.. those mics they wear must be very sensitive.
Many people wonder why they don’t have more stuff to do. I think because most games would make too much noise or take away from all the scheming. It’s boring for us at times… but if they had a bunch of games they would spend most of their time doing that… rather than being paranoid. Idle hands.. idle minds.. etc.
They have a pool table… and a chess board. Those are both quiet activities where they can talk strategy while playing.
Season 6 had a foosball table… and it was noisy while they played.. that is probably why they got a pool table instead for seasons after.
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Right againJT
I’m back from the store, time for a drink before dinner 🙂
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where the heck is ev-body – enough already with watching 2 girls clean….
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Helen up in the HOH with Miss KKK….talking talking talking, her way out of the house ❗
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Lol #28
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The feed locked me out…I should not have tried to go to another stream 🙁
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Bob, I’d ask for a refund if I were you! 😛
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Helen planning strategy with Andy and Aaryn
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Helen had a chat with Aaryn in HOH room. She told Aaryn that she knew Amanda was after her. She offered a 4 person alliance to stay (Helen, Aaryn, GM, Elissa). Aaryn listened, but also knows Elissa will go after her no matter what. Aaryn pretty much agreed with it and said she wants Spencer out more. They also talked about how Amanda has been using them both.
Funny thing is Aaryn told Helen 2 weeks ago that Amanda was using her… but Helen didn’t really listen to it then. Apparently Helen has seen the light now (now that she’s on the block of course)
Then Andy came up.. and Helen told him about Amanda also. Andy did what he always does…. looked her dead in the eyes and promised her his vote.
Helen left to go get Elissa. Andy & Aaryn talked. Aaryn is scared.. Andy says “you know she’s lying”.
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aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh …. .Spencer’s armpit on camera 3
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Elissa came up and the 4 of them chatted a bit. Mostly about how McManda is running this game.
Then GM came up. We all know GM’s tolerance for bullshit 😆 GM is wearing a red headband/scarf (from one of the many comps). Helen plans on getting GM to work with her and Elissa. So what does dumbass Elissa do as soon as GM walks in? She tells GM, “That’s my red headband”. GM says no it isn’t.. I have many of these in all colors.. I’ve had a red one the whole season. GM says, “Well, mine was in the kitchen and now it’s missing”
REALLY? Your ONE ally is on the block… at huge risk of being voted out… you need GMs vote. And your first idea is to accuse her of stealing your silly headband? 🙄
They all chatted a bit… lotta bobble-heading going on. Then Aaryn left to get eye drops.. and GM went too. Helen & Elissa talked to Andy alone then… pretty much the same stuff (keep me… Amanda is using everyone)
IDK how far Helen will get, but Amanda, McCrae, & Andy are enough to vote her out no matter what Aaryn & Elissa want.
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Jt can’t ask for anything when I keep getting it FREE 😆 !

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correction from above,
GM says, “Well, mine was in the kitchen and now it’s missing”Elissa says, “Well, mine was in the kitchen and now it’s missing”
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helen is clueless to the fact that andy is going to tell mcmanda every detail of that conversation lil weasel
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I knew that Bob… that was the joke 😆
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I guess you get what you pay for huh?
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Huh!!!!! 🙂 I knew what you were saying but it’s back already!!! JT

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Giants!!!! 🙂
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While Helen Andy & Elissa stayed in HOH to talk…
GM & Aaryn went downstairs (for Aaryn’s eye)
They compared notes… GM said Helen told her that she would be more loyal to GM. They both pretty much agreed Helen was lying. Aaryn went to DR… GM went to b/y to warn the rest of the house about Helen’s antics.
(and yes… GM was PISSED that Elissa accused her of stealing a headband)
Looks like this plan wont go too far… but it is only Sunday
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OH CRAP football season is upon us- bleh
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Oh poor Helen.
I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she’s voted out.
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Heard McCrae and Amanda in backyard comparing notes and it seems they want Elissa to be their third-wheel/out while Andy and Aaryn were in the little room (4:20-ish pm PT) talking about keeping GM tight as their third-wheel/out.
Some third wheels there…Elissa and GM.
Think Andy pretty loyal to Aaryn as he knows Mc/Amanda will take each other to the F2. The fun comes when another HG returns from the Jury–I’m hoping Candice or Jessie–on Thursday and all their “3 Math” gets messed up. If Judd or Jessie return, who knows. Jessie would probably be more loyal to Amanda/McC (hatred of Aaryn) while Judd, as always, is a wild card.
Still 50/50 if the Jurors are sequestered separately or together in the Jury House. Doubt a returning Juror has a chance in hell but this would be the year for that person to pull it off, although it would have to likely be Helen or Judd from where me and my cat are sitting.
Pouring in Las Vegas.
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OOO NOoo 10 -3 Colts 🙁 🙄
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Kev, I’m 50/50 on that too.
They have always kept people separate before…. but Julie did say “First time ever” stuff at the end of the show… and mentioned jury house to Jessie.
So who knows?
I wonder if all 4 will compete? Or if we vote for one to compete against Helen.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Remember BB13? Brendon was voted to compete (over Cassi, Dom, & Keith). Brendon competed against Lawon right after Lawon was voted out…. and Brendon won and re-entered the game.
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The show is on!!!
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New East Coast feed link (old ones keep getting taken down):
Will rap later.
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See ya later……..
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Helen is still nosing it up!
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That’s funny that Amanda was just making fun of Helen for crying, considering that she spent the first 15 minutes of tonight’s episode behind a garbage can with tears streaming down her puffy face.
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マット @mcoop
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey Helen… http://web.pdx.edu/~cataylor/hah/stfu.gif … #BB15
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Amanda said the following yesterday but I wasn’t sure why she was saying it so I didn’t mention it. I now know that she was talking about the Have/Have Not challenge and the black box in the back yard.
Anyway, this is what Amanda said:
“It’s big and dark and smells funny. Like Howard. Oh, I can say it because I’m funny and not racist because I’m Jewish.”
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Lol at Helen: “You guys had an amazing time. That was awesome.”
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That was one cool comp. Love the camera angles and night-vision stuff.
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Arigato !!!!
Helen talks non stop and she’s too arrogant
Can’t stand listening to her
How did she become do overconfident?
Abs Amanda please stop chewing like a cow
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Watching Dexter, good so far
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It was GOOD Aggie♥ ……………
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@ Bob
It was awesome 🙂
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Andy is such a manly man, crying every time somebody is evicted. All the girls are on drugs and over emotional and self centered. The game is rigged by production. The DR has to dispense drugs to supposed adults. Nobody like Evil Dick in the house that has balls. Why haven’t Helen’s running shoes disappeared? Why hasn’t nobody saran wrapped Aaryn’s toilet and put the seat back down? Why hasn’t the cue ball disappeared? So many more things I can think of to do, but CBS thinks they have a hit on their hands. Most boring season ever, and nobody has any balls.
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Don’t know where the post went but for Live Feeders wanting to watch Amanda-Helen hashing it out in backyard (with Spencer cooking Headcheese hot dogs and Elissa and Andy exercising like they weren’t listening), it was on at 7:20 pm PT.\
Something wicked in the air tonight… (all fighting, going at each other)
The Whites-The Schraders (Breaking Bad)
CM Punk-Brock Lesnar (WWE)
Yankees-Red Sox (MLB)
Perez Hilton-Lady Gaga (Twitter)
My Next Door Neighbor-His Mother-In-Law (Outside In The Parking Lot)
Amanda-Helen (BB15)
Be glad you are you. Whether fiction or fact, all these quarrels are about nothing.
Good day. (Paul Harvey voice)
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ok mc craes new nick name is LITTLE GIRL
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------he he
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11 Words/Phrases I Will have To Have Electroshock Therapy
To Douche From My Brain After The Conclusion Of Big Brother 15:
10-J-U-DD Party Darty
9-Mung Beans
7-Yea, Yea, Yea, Yea (McCrae)
2-It Is What It Is
1-Like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like
1 Phrase I Will Get A Tattoo Of On My Ass:
1-Whatcha Gunna Do Girl?
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kev – my daughter is 13 – they are amost getting out of the LIKE stage
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one of my faves – gm saying to aryn – watchchu sayin mommy
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Kev11 & Bendi, what up?
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What up Snake. 😎
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ok ac is this jt – ha ha ac?
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is that army
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Huh, what? 😕
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Was that a rap? 😆
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JT who is AC
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@AC: What up my man. Like, Bad Craziness™ worldwide apparently. I guess it is what it is. ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ
@macy: I never noticed the “like” thing until someone brought it up and now it’s all I hear. And listen to McCrae in a conversation. (Yea. Yea. Yea. Yea. Yea. Yea.) Las vegas odds say we end up hating 89% of these HGs yearly, and rightfully so.
Oh, and I forgot: HELEN LOVES EVERYONE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
And I remember dem good old daze when I hated the word ‘whatever.’ Send Valium.
Over/Under on her saying this daily: 88½
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Ok, guess I know you, but you don’t know me. Bendi from Texas. 😉
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AC o the mystery…………………ha
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This is the most bizarre cast of characters I’ve ever seen on BB!! There isn’t one person I can truly root for. Originally I liked Helen, but watching her flatter people she clearly can’t stand is over the line for me. Watching Aaryn so foolishly taken in by Helen is additional reason for disliking her (as if more were needed). It’s hard to picture unanalytical, unassertive Andy as a college professor. Amanda seems almost diabolical and consumed with childish jealousy. Elyssa seems “out to lunch” currently. The less said about Spencer and GM, the better. McCrae is lackluster. In previous BB’s there has always been someone to favor or root for.
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You can root for the returning juror. Unless it’s Helen that is.
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im rooting for judd because i like him for nick for the drama – HA
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This is where you would have found me Saturday morning.
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@ K11
Did you see Breaking Bad? If so what did you think of Lydia?
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Hey guys, lets not forget YOU KNOW
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------this is said almost as much as like, runner up is AMAZING
I see araynation’s halo has slipped and it is no where near covering those spooky eye brows, I want to know who did her make up Stevie Wonder or Helen Keller?
ciao till later
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Have a good night everyone! Time to watch TV…. See you soon ……………………………………………………………
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hamsterwatch @hamsterwatch
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------flashback for Winegate fight is 7/1 12.22am – it’s a good time 🙂 #bb15
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@aggie: I did and the show never ceases to amaze me. So, so brilliant. “Hve an A-1 day” sister. 🙂
@MM: Good calls on those two. The Bachelor and The Bachelorette beat the word “amazing” into the ground too. This list will hit 22 before we know it. 😎
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12 am Sun night/Monday morning….Aaryn summons Helen up to HoH. Now mulling plan to save Helen and get Amanda out after the two (Aaryn-Amanda) had blowout over the Winegate thing 2 months back! (It’s back now. Thanks button boy.) Aaryn really pissed at Amanda–and doesn’t trust McCrae–now wants to get Gina Marie and Andy (and Helen) in some kind of Alliance to get Amanda out next week. (Adios Elissa?) Aaryn sick of doing the dirty work for Amanda/McCrae and is drunk revealed her feelings to a slop-tired Amanda after one used the word “cunty” (sarcastically). Must-watch for Live Feeders.
I’ll report back after the conversation soldiers. Aaryn also wants to talk to Spencer independently later. Not sure I can stay up to see it, but maybe the worm is turning here.
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BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak
Aaryn revealing to Helen that it was entirely Amanda’s idea for her (Helen) to go up and go home this week. #BB15
12:27 am PT
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12:27 am —–> Aaryn just told Helen that she (Helen) DOES NOT HAVE Andy (on her side). This could get really good. Aaryn is serious and is a good BB player.
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BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Andy has been exposed! Helen is shocked to find out that Andy really isn’t with her. #BB15
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12:29 am PT Helen to Aaryn: —> “I will have your back ’til the end (holding her hands in bed in the HoH)
“I will give you the $500,000 even if I got to Jury.”
“Spencer needs a lifeline badly.”
“Andy will flip when he hears this. He does not want to go against the House.”
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I meant (adios Spencer? above)
BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak
Aaryn telling Helen that she has to have her back 100% if she puts up Amanda. Helen says she and Elissa will. #BB15
12:32 am —-> Now Andy (of course) walks into the HoH and interrupts Helen-Aaryn crucial conversation. Aaryn NOW (12:33 am) spilling beans to Andy. Glad I stayed up.
HERE WE GO and then (FISHES)… Now back
Helen saying to Andy “How much do you love me?” in an effort to get her together and have Elissa-Her and Andy vote out Spencer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crazy.
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And GM (in possible vote). So she (Aaryn) is trying to get Andy-GM-Spencer to be a 3 to possibly vote out Amanda. They are serious.
Now I’m thinking how the returning HG may affect this but this is HORRIBLE for Amanda…WHO WALKS INTO THE ROOM NOW (12:38 am) You all must watch this.
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This show is still great for moments like this. Even if the HGs suck and Grodner/Production ruin things.
Also, on a side-note, ED said on ‘Dick at Nite’ that the CBS wants Amanda to win rumors are completely idiotic. I agree. Endemol owns the BB franchise, not CBS.
Back to the show: Amanda now talking alone with Aaryn but seems Aaryn seems intent on putting a squad together to bounce the bitch, all because of alcohol tonight (Aaryn), Winegate (2 months back) and the ‘cunty’ comment. (I feel like a reporter.)
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Aaryn knows McManda trying to break up GM-Aaryn and that’s the root of Aaryn’s new anger/plan. This will be an interesting week, for once. Wish I had this in my room so I could watch as
(and then Spencer goes up. Is told “Can we have a minute?”) Also, Amanda and McC actually fighting about the Winegate v2.0 spat. As usual, McC knows his girl is in the wrong, making things worse for THEM.
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So the skinny? Aaryn mulling putting up Amanda as a replacement nominee tomorrow for either HG on block, rallying the troops (GM-Andy and whoever taken off block) to evict Amanda this week.
Watch all this work, shock the world and then Amanda gets a chance to return Thursday, does so and WWIII ensues.
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Joker’s BB Updates @JokersBBUpdates
Aaryn tells Amanda that she believes her that Andy made up that Amanda/McC want GM out. #bb15 #cbsbigbrother #bblf
Joker’s BB Updates @JokersBBUpdates
Aa told Amd An had said McC/Amd would want to take GM out b4 Spe or El + Amd said that was a lie. (More http://bit.ly/16VQxMb ) #bb15 #bblf
Joker’s BB Updates @JokersBBUpdates
Aaryn told Amanda that Andy told her that Amanda/McC want GM out next. Amanda denies it and calls it a lie. #bb15 #cbsbigbrother #bblf
Joker’s BB Updates @JokersBBUpdates
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda raising her voice against Aaryn, saying she’s the reason Aaryn has a final 4. #bb15 #cbsbigbrother #bblf
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 12:55 am PT
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well Aaryn is fucked now. If she doesn’t put Amanda up, she already spilled to Helen. What she should do is put up Andy
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 3m
Andy is pacing like a rat in a cage, not being able to be in on the conversation with Aaryn & Amanda. I hope he gets outted as a douche soon
Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 5m
God, Aaryn is going to have a mental breakdown when she finds out all the racist press she’s gotten while in the house…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda is doing some serious damage control here…
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Andy’s getting outed now. Aaryn will be so confused tonight. Who knows where this ends up but I think Aaryn really wants to try to make a move on Amanda because of pent-up anger over do McManda’s dirty work + the wine thing earlier in the night.
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Honestly, after watching this show since Season 1, Episode 1, the three best people who can analyze all this–the game this year and every year–and whose opinions I trust are:
Evel Dick Donato
Ian Terry
Jeff Taylor (JT, justaguy here)
I know you guys know what I’m talking about.
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From Twitter:
Spencer telling McCrae that Aaryn may try to backdoor Amanda. Spencer says hes going to tell Aaryn to nominate him so Helen still goes #BB15
I need two heads and two computers tonight. Shit justgotreal. (1:19 am PT)
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BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak 1:21 am
Andy not telling McCrae/Spencer about the plan to backdoor Amanda. Andy denying even knowing about it. #BB15
Not looking good for Amanda as she talks upstairs to Aaryn alone…still. (Of course Andy tried to walk in, and they asked him to leave them alone. He’s freaking out.)
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@ K11
Helen finally getting a clue about Andy 😯 Beware of the sweet guys, they are the sneakiest the same with the Bible Thumpers 😆 Can’t wait for Andy to get the Boot all the sneaking around he does is very annoying 🙄
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1:25 am —>McCrae comes in. Aaryn just told the two of them Helen wants to backdoor Amanda when in fact, it was her (Aaryn’s idea.) NOW, it looks as if Aaryn will keep Amanda. Amanda may have just saved her bacon. Now want to bring Andy up.
And who says the HGs aren’t playing the game? Not me. Maybe GM, Elissa, David and Jessie weren’t playing, but the others? YES.
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Aaryn Bsing Andy and Amanda now saying how did Helen know to come up here (after Winegate v2.o) when she Aaryn summoned her up, telling her to either get Spencer or Helen to come up individually. Aaryn doing a good job lying her way out of this.
I have no idea who could win this in the end now. May be good for Andy and McCrae in the long run. Epic night. And now GM walks in!!!! (1:33 am)
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1:39 am Amanda leaves room. Andy asks Aaryn where her heads at. Andy says he thinks the 3 there (He-GM-Aaryn) can go far but seems Aaryn unsure now about trying to backdoor Amanda and save Helen. Andy thinks McManda can be trusted.
“Helen played the untrustworthy card first.”—Andy
So I have been writing all this and maybe nothing will change. 😳 All because of alcohol. 2x. And GM has little to offer as usual; willing to go along with whatever Aaryn ends up wanting to do.
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@aggie: This is fantastic girl. Almost went to bed before it all started.
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When Andy is really nervous and knows the shit’s hitting fan because he knows everything going on and is worried, he puts his right hand up to his mouth.
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Amanda will be keeping close tabs on what Helen’s doing the next 12 hours.
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Andy went until tonight without most knowing he’s telling everyone everything. Wonder if this will affect his game or potential Jury votes. May be really good for McCrae or Judd if he comes back somehow.
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Alright. It’s 2 am here and my body is screaming for sleep. Up Saturday and Sunday at 4:30 am to watch soccer and between that and BB, plum tuckered out. And dizzy if I just used that phrase. Kinichiwa Blogadeers.
Show’ll be interesting possibly tomorrow. Depends on a Helen-Aaryn solo face-to-face and Spencer jumping ship I think. Who knows. A very liquid situation Bubba.
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@K11…thanks for all the recaps. Pretty funny. About the time you started reporting, my hubby texted me from work. He had been reasding Jokers and wanted to know if I was watching feeds. i wasn’t but it was right at the point that Am and AA had been fighting and by the time I had the LFs on, they were making up. I totally agree that people ARE playing the game this year!! With the possible exception of Elissa,unless her playng dumb and drugged has all been an act! Wouldn’t THAT just cause a shitstorm??LOL
AA is seriously thinking about everything and everyone and as she says, I don’t want to be sitting in the JH thinking IF only I had done this instead at this point! She is listening to everyone but I don’t think she really trusts anybody. I think it’s really all up in the air as to who will be going home Thurs…Helen or Amanda. I really think it’s all going to depend WHO AA thinks she can trust to get the votes from. She will do what needs doing from a game standpoint, altho she really loves Helen for some reasona dn i KNOW she doesn’t have those feeling for Amanda!!
And I agree about who’s opinion is always right on….ED knew the game like no other. I don’t follow Ian but he obviously does too. And of course, JT is our resident expert! I agree this yer has been slow and alot of the players not exceptional, but it didn’t irritate me like other seaosns have and I knew in time, it would heat up! Well…game ON!!!! Finally!!! lol
Sweet dreams Kev11…I am sure they will all be about BB!!! 😉
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From Jokers….Amanda told Andy that even if she went up she would have Spencer’s vote and would stay.Andy tells her Spencer said that Spencer already told him they should keep Amanda over Helen if Amanda was put up as a replacement.
So..maybe it doesn’t really matter if AA puts Am up as the replavement. Looks like she has the votes to stay. I know alot of you hate Amanda, but I think she’s a good player and Helen is too obvious and controlling for me and I just get so SICK of hearing her voice droning on and on all the time. I just want to shout at the LFS..STFU Helen!!lol
But I don’t think AA WILL put AM up IF she knows she has the votes to stay because that would put a target on her back. I am sure she will do her homework but I wouldn’t blame her if she put up Spencer just to play it safe. POV ceremony and renom is tomorrow so she doesn’t have alot of time to figure this out.
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Thanks for the updates Kev & Star.
Whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on 😆 Even as I get up for work this morning, Aaryn & Helen are in HOH talking more about this whole plan.
I also had a chance to check a few flashbacks of what y’all mentioned. I still have much more to watch…. hmm… I’m WAY OVERDUE for a day off from work! 😆
I’m not really sure which way this will tip at this point. One conversation with Amanda leads me to believe that Aaryn is just hearing Helen out but will stick with Amanda for now.
Then just when I think that, Helen is up bending Aaryn’s ear again. It could be one of those situations where you better be the last one talking to Aaryn before she makes the nom. That was one thing Dr Will did very well.
Now Amanda returned to HOH room (from DR)…. and Helen went to bed. So now this will sway the other way
Why the hell do they do this to me on a Monday morning? 👿
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Now Aaryn is telling all to Amanda. Aaryn said to Amanda (about Helen)..
“I’m about to ruin her world tomorrow”
So it looks like for now Spencer will still be the replacement later today. If Aaryn was seriously considering putting Amanda up.. then she wouldn’t be telling Amanda everything that Helen said.
Aaryn is really torn though. She is tired of Amanda running the house. She is unsure about McCrae. She also doubts Andy because she has seen Andy lie to others so well that she wonders if Andy is lying to her too.
But she also knows Helen has been untrustworthy.
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Amanda is very good at damage control. But she also causes most of the damage that needs to be controlled.
Amanda has made several snarky comments to Aaryn the past few days. They were in a bit of a spat the other night over something stupid… and it led to Amanda basically daring Aaryn to put her up. As good as Amanda is at talking… sometimes she just can’t help herself and not know when to STFU.
Andy is so good at lying straight to someone’s face… that many others wonder if he is lying to them as well.
McCrae takes a laid back approach. That’s good at times.. but you also have to know when it’s time to do some serious talking.. especially with Aaryn. Aaryn doesn’t really trust him because he seldom talks to her.
But Amanda doesn’t want Aaryn & McCrae talking… “they don’t need to be close” she said. Amanda is jealous of any girl in the house that talks to McCrae without her there (Jessie, Kaitlin, Aaryn). Amanda actually thinks someone other than herself would want McCrae.
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Aaryn also told Amanda about Helen wanting to rally the troops later today (before noms). She warned Amanda and told her not to get upset… that no matter what happens.. Amanda will not go on the block.
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@JT..had to LOL at the last part about McCrae. Ya..As IF!! hehehe
I am pretty sure that AA will put up Spencer too. At this point, she trusts 3AM more than Helen and Elisss is really to blame for that as she is the one AA knows doesn’t like or trust her. And you can’t have Helen without E!!!!
AA did talk a few hours ago about Andy to Mcmanda. She says she watches him reassure her and then sees him do the same thing to Helen in the next breath. She says it has gotten to the point that she jsut can’t TELL when he’s lying anymore!!!! WHY hasn’t he ever been on the block by now????? WHY doesn’t he even enter into anyone’s sphere of possibities??? Maybe HE Is the best gamer since he is friends with everyone, can cry and lie on cue!!! Yet no one even on here ever calls him smarmy or hates him. Isn’t THAT how the game is played???
Well, you are just getting up and off to work and I haven’t gone to bed yet! time to disengage from BB!!! Hoe the HGs go to bed too so I don’t miss any good drama!!!lol
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Wow I guess I went to bed to early………………..
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Star said
“you are just getting up and off to work”
I’m debating it Star! 😆 Looks like things have died down for now.. but I know there will be more as soon as they get up later today. Helen will be on a mission.
So yeah.. I guess I’ll go to work……. or will I? 😯
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------expect the unexpected
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Even as much as I want Helen out, I want Amanda out more. That would be so cool if Aaryn did replace Elissa with Amanda. I would love to see Amanda’s face if that happened.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Has anyone one else noticed about the girls in that house? No matter what, whether they’re in a fight with someone and storming off or whatever, they always have to glance into a mirror before they go. lol “How do I look when I’m mad?” Oh, I look good. lol
I can’t believe it took people this long to figure Andy’s game out. And that Helen waited too late to take out Amanda. If Helen does go Thurs. night Elissa will self-destruct. She will not be able to cope with that house. She’s such a weak player. Why is she even on there if she doesn’t want to go to jury and see it out?
If Aaryn did blind side Amanda, America might start liking her again.
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If Aaaaaaaryn did put Amanda up it would be a big draw for BB. But she should tell Helen that Helen has to agree to finally ahut up! I am sick of Helen constaant blabbing!
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It’s hard to believe that all the racists are still in the house. I hope Candace comes back and kicks all their butts! Love the game but hate the players!!!
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@K11 wow great reporting you get a star plus for all the breaking news as it happened as nancy grace would say BOMBSHELL, was like a battle field with all those bombs exploding, but sad to think or say will make no difference in the lite of day, arynation will put spencer on the block and Helen will exit, which is ok with me but I would rather deMANda go first. I just hope these nitwits can finally see any is playing all sides or will it go under the rug as most important info seems to do.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Great reporting my friend there should be an award for that, can we make up one and at the end of the season have the bloggers vote who should get the award for the best overall reporting during the season. Thanks again u did good and I appesch my friend
ciao till later
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Okay all caught up Thanks …………………..
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KEV 11 – wow- look at you – you geraldo revera reporter – THANX
does anyone know what aryn told helen and alissa about david (something devistating) was on bbad – in commercial when she told them- then aryn walked back into the house – then the girls were saying stuff like ‘ i cant beieve that happened to him’ and ‘why didnt he tell us’
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I haven’t read all the posts so I hope I am not repeating what anyone else has said. I think that Aaryn likes and trusts Helen because Helen blows smoke up her. I watched her again telling Aaryn what a smart and clever person she was and how she should hold her head high and that she was amazing. Helen says it to everyone that wins something just to show what good sportsmanship she has and to take them off guard and put herself in their pocket. She does even more so with Aaryn because I think she realizes that Aaryn needs stroking. That’s my opinion anyway. Nobody should believe that crap of Helen holding your hands and telling you how awesome you are and what a great asset and player you are. Seriously? You can pull that on a 3 or 4 year old …………..maybe, but not an adult.
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@ macy
I too am wanting to know. Seemed to me he lost someone. Way they were talking it was sudden and maybe when he was young.
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Aaryn would be a fool to trust Helen. She is in an alliance of four and if she crosses McCrae, Amanda and Andy she could find herself in deep trouble. If she should decide to put up Amanda it would not be a problem, as someone said (I think JT) she would have the votes to stay. It would not be a good move on Aaryn’s part, as she must remember she can easily beat Amanda and Andy in the challenges and probably would not have much trouble beating McCrae once down to the final four. I am sure Amanda, McCrae and Andy would pull Spencer into their final four if Arayn goes against them. Aaryn should stay away from the booze!!
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I think aarynation said that david told her something about he threw a clump of dirt in a kids eye and blinded him and the kids parents sued his parents, now I heard two stories both with clump of dirt one was kid was blind the other he was almost blind, that is all I heard.
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