Hi, everyone!
The nominees this week, just as was predicted: Helen and Elissa.
They’ve just picked the players for the veto comp: Aaryn, Andy, Gina Marie, Spencer, Helen, and Elissa will be competing. Amanda will be hosting.
The target is Helen but that hasn’t stopped Amanda and the other mean girls from really hating on Elissa. Basically, ever since Jessie went out the door and Aaryn won HoH, Amanda, Aaryn, and Gina Marie have been talking about Elissa nonstop. They’ve been talking about how she doesn’t deserve to be in the house. They’ve been making fun of her for doing so much yoga. They even went on about how Elissa only talks about her son and therefore, that shows that Elissa doesn’t love her other children.
Earlier, Amanda told GM that Elissa is a fake. Amanda went on to add: “I’ve had to fake being her BFF this whole time and I still have to do it.”
Amanda then said, “Can we just agree that she (Elissa) has the worst style ever?”
This coming from a girl who has been wearing the same hoodie and no pants since she first came into the house.
Gee, Amanda, jealous much? It’s hard not to feel that, so far, this entire season has been fueled by Amanda’s body issues.
Of course, maybe Amanda would be in a better mood if not for the fact that she’s a have-not this week. That’s right — for the first week since the season began, Amanda can not sleep in the HoH bed and she also can’t wander around eating everyone else’s food. Joining Amanda as a have-not: Gina Marie, Helen, and Elissa. The Have/Have-Not competition was boys vs. girls and, judging from what’s been said in the house, Spencer apparently won it for the boys.
Despite all the cattiness being directed at her this week, Elissa is not in danger of being voted out. The target is definitely Helen. Interestingly enough, Helen — for all of her bragging about what a great strategist she is — doesn’t seem to be aware that she’s the target. Aaryn told her that Elissa is the target and Helen seems to believe it.
If Helen or Elissa win the veto, the plan appears to be to put Spencer up as the replacement nominee and there’s actually a pretty good chance that if Spencer does go up, he could be voted out. As much as everyone’s been hating on Elissa, they all seem to agree that she’s not a threat and that they could beat her in a final two situation. Aaryn even went as far as to tell Elissa that the real plan was to backdoor Spencer but she only did that to keep Elissa from finding out the truth and telling Helen that she was the real target this week.
Assuming that the nominations remain the same and that the Big Brother houseguests can actually keep a secret this week (and we saw how will they did last week when they tried to keep Jessie from learning that she was the target), Thursday will be a true blindside.
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
1sr yay!
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thanks LM As i asked at end of last post -since cbs haas taken over live feeds – will we be able to see the finale/backyard interviews????
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Good Bye Helen. Then welcome back Judd… I hope!
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Joker’s BB Updates @JokersBBUpdates 50m
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Helen complaining about America’s vote for HN food “Doesn’t America know this isn’t a joke, this is what we have to eat” Gee! I guess we were supposed to check with her before we voted ten times for H & H. lol
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so votes going to be 5-0 Helen out
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I googled Head Cheese: A jellied loaf or sausage made from chopped and boiled parts of the feet, head, and sometimes the tongue and heart of an animal, usually a hog. I really do not think I could eat that, even though I did eat pickled pigs feet earlier in my life. When I voted, I did try to pick something that they could actually eat with some enjoyment, but I quit voting after first week. I don’t think they will be able to fry it up like burgers. It has a lot of jelatin in it that will melt when it gets warm. Also, it contains quite a bit of ingredients that is not good for you if you have high cholesterol.
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when i vote for have not foods – i always pick something i wouldnt mind having
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Amanda’s tears will be my joy as she cries and cries when the jury votes McRae the winner over her because she is such a dispicable person. Finally I will be entertained by this horrible season!
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yay! hope Helen stops talking when she’s out.
I couldn’t watch AD for more than 5 min last night, she rambles on for eveeeeeeeeerrrrr
Her poor husband and kids must be happy she in the House, w the fake crying and talking non stop.
Elysa is a threat to Amanda I gues, Really ????
Cant she see what’s going on w Andy/MacCray/DeMANda ? and Judd
What a waste of votes so far, they have no clue.
Why is Amanda always wearing hoodies and sweats ?
And she has the audacity to make fun of Elsya or whatever her name is ?
BB15 please end soon lol
Restez souple !
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Im with Sylvie abt Helen blabbering on and on. I finallyatartwd fast forwarding it. I tivo the 1st 30 mins so i san fast forward thru the commercial. Now i find myself fast forwarding theu Mr. Dissppeccable and blabbermouth and a lot of dramanda.
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Just read all the comments from the other page! Thanks for the clip of Jeff & Jordan! She will always be my favored cute girl in this BB show ♥ Thanks! Lisa So many updates & new posts you do a great job 🙂 Keep it coming….
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It drives me crazy how Andy drinks! BBAD must have noticed it also as they kept the camera on him last night while he drank his whole water bottle.
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Interesting!! I just dissed the production of BB15 and my comment was deleted!! They have just made me DISLIKE THEIR ABILITIES TO PRODUCE AN INTERESTING SHOW/GAME. The foolish folks are on the Screen AND behind the scenes! What a worthless hours’ worth of trash! Getting my info from this Blog since I really feel my stomach turn at their conversations and the Porn! I guess the Producer must not have a life and gets her kicks from Amanda and her BoyToy! How grouse can they get? They need to bleep that absolute nastiness bythe nastiest 2 in the house! Think about this…they make Spencer look like a Prince Charming!! Nuff said.
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Didn’t like my comments, CBS AND the Producer of BB15? Easy to repair! Get Smart and make it better next round,,,IF THERE IS ONE! Go ahead and take this comment off also! What happened to the 1st amendment? Think it only applies to you? THINK it over carefully…..I am not a fool.
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Just wondering if the three jury members are aware of the possibility of returning to the game? And are they together or sequestered? If the plan is to bring one back maybe BB is keeping them apart so they can’t talk about what has been happening in house since they were evicted. Just thinking out loud. Have a great weekend – it’s BEAUTIFUL here in Chicago for a change
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Not sure if they are together? maybe after there comp to come back then they will put them in the same place!………….
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I hope they are not sequestered away from one another. That would kind of be unfair as Candice knows things Judd doesn’t know and so on. Helen knows the most–if she were to use that brain of hers and think for a change!!! I refuse to believe Helen as stupid as she appears to be playing the game.
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It would not fair if they were together, someone would spill the beans on all the house guests & give them an unfair advantage if they came back…………
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More ammunition for all the The-Game-Rigged conspiracy watchers:
Amanda is a have-not. As a have-not, she is not allowed to have a bed, a hot shower, or eat anything other than slop, head cheese, and Habaneros. Today, she has already curled up in McCrae’s bed and eaten a pickle in close-up (all the while whining about how hard it is to be a have not). Jen got a penalty nomination for eating something other than slop while she was a Have Not. Pretty easy to guess that the same thing will not happen to Amanda.
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@Dubs Doll – Thanks for answering my question on the last page.
When will the veto competition start? It is today, isn’t it? I sure hope Helen does not win it!
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LM my understanding they can have pickles and olives and can lay in another bed just not sleep in one. She is ridiculous though. And I can not wait to turn on my feeds everyday and see what has happened next. My Ladybug is home all the time now so that is not very often, definitely not a g rated thing.
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Yep, they can have pickles, olives, condiments and a host of other things. If I remember correctly, Jen’s season, they were still restricted to slop only, with assorted condiments.
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My mistake. 🙂
Thanks Keri and Becky
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Hey, glad to help.
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I think the have/ nots can have pickles they have in the past anyways!
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Should have kept reading lol
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It would be interesting to know if the three members of the jury are together and talking about what went on in the house behind each other’s backs etc. My guess is
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------that immediately following the Thursday eviction the house will troop outside
to see some game set up with Candice, Jesse(ie), and Judd already standing at
podiums or some such set-up and the newest evictee join them for the
play-off. It would be an unfair advantage for anyone of the previously evicted
to have chatted and bonded without fear of “hurting their game”. Um they
have no game. My point is the most recent jury member would not have the
same advantage. Wouldn’t seem fair but we all know this is not a fair game.
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I agree about the way Andy drinks…it drives me insane. Of course a lot of things about this season’s hgs drive me crazy.
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In years past we saw lot more of jury house, but then even not that much, but so far this year nothing. we got to watch the current hg see the latest one to be evicted and they brought with then a cd of some of what went on in the bb house, at least we got to see what the jury house looked like, maybe since they seen to be cutting back on stuff these people are in a closed hotel different rooms lol just kidding, I for one would rather see more of the jury house then the nut house we now see, it is status quo, demanda being a bully, mccreepy so far up demands but he can smell her cream rinse when she does wash her hair, hellen speed talking with so many like and you know, elissa moaning she just want to go home and skip jury, spencer with his hands down his pants more then likely making sure it is still there or so tiny he keeps losing it, andy hopping like a pogo stick from one set of hgs to another, arynation did I have no idea what to her eyebrows they are down right scary looking, gina marie saying a novena nick is waiting for her and has set a date with tiffany for them to pick out a promise ring
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In conclusion I would be so happy for all the good bye messages to Helen say
YOU GET THE LAST WORD WHEN YOU EVICT SOMEONE, because and let’s all say it together
Ain’t nobody got time for that
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Anyone know who won pov yet?
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Kristi — They’re still waiting to start the veto comp.
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Just saw someone on twitter saying: “Can someone make a YouTube video of all of Amanda’s funny DRs? #TeamAmanda.”
I was just like, “Oh, you mean like that time she mentioned her boobs? Or that other time she talked about her boobs? Or how about that time she commented on her boobs?”
I know that Amanda has some admirers and perhaps she does deserve a bit more credit for manipulating the house but, seriously, I will never understand the ‘Team Amanda” people on twitter who keep going on and on about how cute Amanda and McCrae are. They’re almost as weird as the Team GinaMarie people.
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Yeah, I was reading another blog; the writer of which is unapologetic about being an Amanda supporter. This woman thinks Amanda can do no wrong. When I and a few other posters began boring things Amanda had done, she responded by banning us. I logged in under another name and started again, when I was threatened with a ban, I said “bias much” the blogger admitted to being biased and then banned me a second time.
I get that some people are Amanda supporters. But to be so supportive that you can’t deal with the truth is simply being blind.
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lol @ LM u hit the nail on the head rofl
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------txs for making my day
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Times like this, I’m glad I don’t bother with twitter 😆
And I bet the team Elissa (team Rachel actually) fans are unbearable as well. All Elissa does is whine about wanting to go home (unless someone drags her ass to final 2 of course). Elissa has absolute zero respect for the game and opportunity handed to her simply because of genetics.
I want Helen out this week.. make no mistake about that (and Amanda right behind her). But it is sorta sad as one of the biggest BB fans around to see people like Judd & Helen go before Elissa. At least Judd and Helen are big fans and greatly appreciate being able to get on the show finally.
Elissa was handed it on a silver platter and didn’t even have to try out.. or stay in preseason sequester. She’s been walked through the game by other people all the way. Watching them try to keep Elissa out of harms way reminds me of parents trying to steer a 3 yr old away from a hot stove.
Elissa may be the nicest of this bunch outside the house… but in a BB context, she is the worst “player” I have seen in 15 seasons. If being there for your son’s 1st day of 3rd grade is that important to you (admirable that she feels that way), then don’t go on the show in first place! The weekly threats by Elissa of going home are sickening. Either stay home and off my tv in the first place, or suck it up and play.
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They must be doing POV now
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I want to be banned from the “Team Amanda” blog too! 😆 …I just have to find it first.
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As far as Jury House..
I listened close to what Julie said Thursday night because I knew someone was coming back and wanted to hear what she said about it.
One time Julie said,
“…another houseguest trades in the BB house for the jury house, but.. they may not be there for long.”
At the end she said,
“During next Thursday’s live show, for the first time in the history of Big Brother, a juror will return to the game”
This leads me to believe that they are all in the jury house together. Remember, Brendon came back into the game (BB13)… and was a jury member.. but he hadn’t made jury yet the first time he was evicted.
Also.. BB9 Crazy James came back in after his first eviction.. and the first time he was evicted he had already made jury.
I think that means they are together in J house…… because we have seen people come back before who were in jury.. but they were always sequestered separate from each other before.
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Get me banned also. lol
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@MM: They are most likely separated (the Jury members) because one is coming back.
@JT: What up man?
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Julie also said this season there would be three people on the block each week. That changed also. I don’t believe anything they say anymore. I sometimes wonder if we see an live eviction or if it is edited to what CBS wants.
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Number of times as a have-not for the season so far
Helen & Elissa – 4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda, Andy, GM – 3
Aaryn, Spencer, McCrae – 1
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Dubs Doll,
Quote from Julie from the first episode of the season.. (talking to HGs)
“For the first time in BB history there will not be 2 nominees every week……. there will be 3 nominees every week”
So yes, that did make it seem this twist would last all season. I did think it would end though… seems all the initial twists end around jury time (Couples in BB9, Saboteur, Coaches, High school cliques….. etc)
But good point about not taking what Julie says literally. They do normally keep players separate if they can return…. and as was pointed out, we haven’t seen any jury house footage yet.
Hey Kev.
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Dave @Dhryst0ne
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#BB15 Thursday’s comp will be a deathmatch between Aaryn’s eyebrows and Kaitlin’s eyebrows. Winner chooses who returns to the game.
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Random thoughts about how to tweak the game.
1) Notice they haven’t played the veto comp where “closest to an hour without going over” wins? I haven’t seen that comp since BB12 when Rachel was staring down Kristin just waiting for her to drop out.
That is an easy comp to put the fix in against someone the other HGs don’t want winning the veto…. just have someone drop out right after. The “target” would have to hit 1 hour dead on to win.
My fix is this. Put them so no one can see what each other is doing….. and NO talking. Also, leave the people not playing inside… or at least out of view. All 6 would have to go for the 1 hr mark then.
2) I’ve always HATED the backdoor move. I know it’s part of the game… but it really is such a cowardly/wussy move. They used to hand pick veto players. James getting backdoored in season 6 after winning 4 of 4 vetos before that put an end to hand picking players. Season 7 went to random draw.
How about this? Have the HOH put up 3 noms. Then play veto as normal. If someone wins veto and takes themselves off (or takes someone else off)…. no replacement. Thursday’s evictions could have 3 people on block… or 2 people on block… depending on if veto is used.
Then when at 6 people left…. go back to only 2 noms since all play veto at that point anyway.
That way everyone evicted at least had a shot for veto….. and it would force people to grow a pair and nominate who they want out.
Coming up on 2 hrs of trivia now
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is bbad coming on?
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Fish still swimming
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Last week, feeds came back right as BBAD started (after Andy won HOH in the late comp)
So we’ll see… feeds should be back within a half hr I would think?
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This waiting is not worth my losing sleep over.
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Veto winner is…
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ellissa won
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Helen will be squirming all week now…… even more than before.
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lol jt u beat me by seconds good work
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Hi MM, glad Bill is on the mend. (Hugs)
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I think the may have done the “Otev” comp. I heard them talking about looking for names of HGs in the backyard.
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Poor Helen, Elissa just got out of shower and the 2 are in BR alone…… Helen is jumping up and down excited that Elissa won (she thinks they are both safe now). 🙄
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I bet they start whining that Elissa had an unfair advantage! This cast is a bunch of oxymoron bully crybabies!
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Helen thinks Aaryn is annoyed that Elissa won and laughs about it….. but tells Elissa we can’t gloat in front of them… we can gloat to each other and in the DR.
We’ll see who’s gloating Thursday night…. I hope Helen doesn’t win the comp to come back!
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Jane, I don’t think they care that Elissa won… all they wanted was anyone other than Helen to win.
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I’ve had relationships that lasted shorter than that PoV comp.
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Yep, Andy and GM are complaining
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It was the OTEV comp.
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what’s Amanda eating?
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GM still complains about everyone… still daily tirades about Candice. Nothing new there.
Andy doesn’t really care about Elissa winning.. but he jokes that she “Enzo’d” him (elbowed him to get the right piece) 😆
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Kev – JT – did yall see my question about the finale – backyard interviews? cbs – bs – hello – boys………
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BRANDEN! @branden628
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------yeah, basically if Helen wins her way back in Thursday, I’m drinking Liquid Plummer. #BB15
Retweeted by Midnight Special
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Spencer will get his record 5th straight nomination ….and 6th of the past 7. 😆 (and most likely will be there to pad his record next week)
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macy/bendi, IDK what they will do with b/y interviews now. That was a superpass deal before… right?
Hope they have something
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@macy: Just saw it. Are you talking about CBS airing them on the prime time show or the Live Feeds? Highly doubt will be on main show…too much stuff to squeeze in on Finale night. JT and others would know if they’ve aired on the Live Feeds ‘channel’ before.
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Early odds…. I set the vote at 4-1 to evict Helen Thursday night
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The Joker would like his smile back, sister.
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Yeah Kev, past season feeds had a lot of added content that CBS feed do not.
A coll thing they had was past seasons on there too.. just 1 or 2…. but if I got bored watching feeds from BB14 for example…. I could watch feeds from BB11 if I wanted (and BB11 I only had After Dark… so it was cool to look back at some things)
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kev – i know they wouldnt wastr network time on the finale – guess we might not see the backyard this year – thought yall might know if they were going to do it on the live feeds – or…..
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Why so serious?
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whos the 1 jt
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Elissa has 2 vetos now…. so I give her some props for that.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But strategically… and game knowledge…. Elissa is still the worst ever.
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Almost all HGs saying Elissa was ruthless in the competition, bitching in the HoH room. For once, I’m on Elissa’s side. At least she played hard for something for a change.
@JT: How U do dat sexy italics ting? I forget. Need to work into my REP-A TWA. (Bold also).
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Elissa is the 1 vote to keep Helen.
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i forgot she gets to vote now
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she will be the ONE vote unless amanda gets in her ear – u know we are playing the amanda/grodner show
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Kev, same as bold but with an “i”
(i)sexy italics(/i)
but use a instead of )
Look below this comment box… it show them there
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Disregard comment 81 Kev… I’ll email you (the codes disappear here)
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The plan is the same as last week (w/ Jessie)… to totally blindside Helen. If they can keep it secret (BIG IF)… then Elissa will vote for Helen to stay.
I think Elissa would vote out Spencer even if she knew Helen was leaving anyway.
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➡ Thanks JT. Will pop it in my ‘Emojis File.’
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GM is now complaining (AGAIN) to Helen about Spencer putting her up in the HOH knock out comp.
GM must have forgotten that she was up against Helen first… GM knocked out Helen… then who did GM choose to put up? Spencer vs Elissa. Spencer knocked out Elissa and put GM back up (vs McCrae)…… seems fair to me.
I don’t like either GM or Spencer… but how can you bitch if someone puts you up in a knock out comp right AFTER you put them up??
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Maybe I jumped the gun on comment 77 after seeing this…
Hamster Time @FistyHT
Elissa totally gave Andy a black eye during a collision in the veto comp. #BB15 pic.twitter.com/1wTKTIJeik
Wonder what would happen if Willie did something like that?
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What sucks about passing judgment on how really ‘dirty’ she played is we’ll never know because the Live Feeds are down during the PoV and CBS will edit it as they wish.
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“I’ve had conversations with God about Nick being Dan Gheesling’s cousin.”
This is what Spencer said Elissa has said, at least twice.
Move over Wahmber, Natalie, Chima, there’s a new Psychotic Sheriff in the House.
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Kev, if Elissa played “dirty” in OTEV… so be it 😆 We have seen the OTEV comp get very physical in the past.
Remember when Janelle tripped James in BB7 all-stars? 😆 …that was the first time they did the OTEV comp.
I say if you let Elissa push you around during a comp… then tough shit 😆
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@JT: Sort of feel the same way. Spencer, Amanda and Andy bitched about it, but it didn’t seem to bother them that much but Aaryn seemed to be acting like a baby about it although she knows the nature of the comp.
On a side note, would you be bummed if Aaryn won this season?
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At this point… I’ll be bummed if any of them win (unless maybe Judd comes back and wins). But I’ll prolly have someone I’m rooting for more than the other by then.
Either way… I will keep watching … no doubt.
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Helen telling Elissa that we wont make any deals this week because we don’t have to… we already have the votes.
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Kev, this bunch has been the worst ever at keeping things secret. So how long until Helen finds out what is really going on? I’d be very surprised if they keep it under wraps til Thursday night.
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No off-switch on delusional, eh Helen?
Note to self: Don’t judge these HGs next season by their CBS tapes, their first month in the House or who you think would make a good bet which isn’t even available. And please finish the dishes and start your story Tinkerbell.
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That’s a great question JT and not even sure I could could hazard a guess. Probably the best way to approach it is who would likely tell her? Though Raggedy Andy close with her, doubt he’d want to burst her bubble. Can’t see Aaryn, GM, McCrae or Amanda doing so, nor Spencer at all. But you’re right, EASILY the worst season for keeping stuff under wraps. Makes for poor viewing and LOOOOOOOONG weeks. No doubt Thursdays and Saturdays the most exciting on the Live Feeds (for me at least).
Still amazed they never came to the conclusion America was MVP for a bit. They were close, on trail for a couple days but strayed. Easy for me to say, watching it at home.
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I don’t think anyone will tell Helen intentionally. They didn’t tell Jessie last week either, but she found out because people treated her different… and she overheard a conversation.
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Watching this fing group of house guests is the biggest disappointment of the season. Aside from, and this so pains me to say this, Aaryn is the only one whom deserved to be there now. Unless they had eve red her in the beginning for all her racist slurs or the cheating. She really is the only one whom has really had to save herself time after time, but then again she put herself there for the aforementioned reasons! Or am I so far off I am watching a different show?
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I’m not sure GM knows the plan yet. Aaryn has said that GM will vote the way Aaryn wants her to even though GM wants Spencer out. I think they are keeping everything hush-hush from GM for now.
Last week, the biggest mouth was Helen. She got into argument with Jessie and said, “you’ll leaving Thursday”. That was Jessie’s first clue that she was leaving. She started listening at doorways after Helen opened her big mouth.
This is a group of total morons.
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@Madisonchris: Agree with you to a degree. Think Andy playing a smart floater game and think McC has a surprise left in him. The edits do Aaryn no favor and about six of them seem ‘racist,’ whatever that means now in this PC-Age. ED did nasty stuff and many loved him so Aaryn’s bed-flip is hardly the end of the world and GM getting in Candice’s face and the shit she said was worse in my eyes. Imagine if this were Janelle doing all the same things, MOST would turn a blind eye.
Many need to make up their minds in a Black/White (not race, clarity sense) about these HGs, when, in reality, there’s games are more in shades of gray. I’d almost like to see Aaryn win because of her survival capability, the edits, the public outcry and for fucking CBS having to deal with a perceived ‘racist’ winning their show. Don’t think she will, but she ‘s playing a good game but still a little paranoid which may hurt her.
We lose sight THIS IS A TV SHOW. We will not be having tea or babies with any of these freaks. We Doomed. People worry more about stupid things these days than important things (Syria, Egypt, the economy, their own health). It’s profoundly sad to me.
Would love to see Nick’s Sky Blue Hat win the $500K. (Thanks James Rhine.) 🙂
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Helen & Elissa talking in have-not room.
Helen: “Spencer was so close to winning today.. who would have known that he would be good at that… he knew his life was on the line probably. If I go home before him I will lose it”
Elissa: “I will totally lose it”
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Josher @Josher77
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Helen. .it’s OTEV not OTIV. #bb15
Retweeted by Midnight Special
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If Nick’s blue hat wins the 500k…. does McCrae get a cut? It was his originally… he gave it to Nick. 😆
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But still, easy to tell Aaryn is racist by her actions and words.
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Kev… lol. I’ve been thinking the same listening to Helen saying Otiv or even Otif all night.
OTEV has been around for for 9 seasons now… wouldn’t a “super fan” know how to say it by now?
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@JT: Did not know that. Cool. I would love to see a very sad reality TV show following GM around Finale Night when she realizes homeskillet wants absolutely nothing to do with her. Went out of my way to defend Shane in this space last year when Jun Song (and others) said he was gay but not so sure about Nick although he’s probably not, not that it matters. Something very weird about that guy though. Maybe he was just freaked that he was paired with GM. And maybe he’s smarter than Shane in that Shane let his relationship with Danielle just go. Or maybe he really likes/liked her. All I know is that Jeff should have married Jordan by now. They make a wonderful, nice, funny, dumb, entertaining couple and seem perfect for each other. The ball’s in your court Mr. Schroder.
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ID about Nick… and don’t care in the least. All I can say is that if not being attracted to GM makes you gay…. then give me a rainbow sticker for my car!
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@JT: Or know that it’s ‘veto’ spelled backwards? Helen is very nice but unaware of much. Like Andy spilling her beans all season. Or that being hitched with Elissa is Instant Game Death. Revealed much when she balled about the wine Jeremy drank Week 1.
Toughen up Asian Buttercup. We don’t want Charlie and his brother to grow up to be wussies, now do we???
PS: Send my mail to me c/o Kevin11, 666 Elissa Street, Grodnerville, Hell 61342. Thanks.
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I think the biggest example of Helen’s unawareness this season is….. the fact that McCrae & Andy tried to make an alliance with her last week (WITHOUT AMANDA)…. and she actually believes it.
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Yep. With Amanda and McC being as tight as a frog’s ass since Day One, no decent game player in their right mind would’ve trusted cutting a deal with McCrae. She should realize all their meetings together speaks volumes. She’s trusted Andy too much, to her peril now.
Thursday should be fun.
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I believe Jen ate a Apple when she was a have-not and didn’t Hayden eat something also?
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Jen did and received a penalty nomination for it. Also cooked up some turkey burger right after. Unsure about Hayden, @Nelle.
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IDK if he’s gay or not. But he sure was running away from Jessie fine ass when she was tryin to hook up. 🙄
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Eh, yeah, that’s either gullible or just plain dumb.
Maybe Helen wants to win so badly that she can’t see forest for the trees, as my philosophy professor used to say?
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@Kev I forgot about the Turkey burger and remember what she did with that leotard? I am surprised Candice did not modify her Clown suit some way
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Amanda is already spilling the beans to Elissa (about wanting Helen out)
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@AC: 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
You and Ian Terry are on the same page. He luv him sum Jessie ass. It’s very artistic to me and seems to have a personality of its own.
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Get ready for the fireworks (waterworks) folks…. fire up your feeds now.
As soon as Elissa is done talking to Amanda… I suspect it will be about 3.2 seconds until she tells Helen her fate.
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LOL @ AC & 11
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That girl fine man!!! :drool: <~~~~I know it ain't a smiley FP2
Don't hate Aggie. 😛
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Kev post #116 Reminds me of some throwback JT artwork. 😀
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I wonder why Amanda tode Elissa that?
I’m guessing it’s strategy. Amanda knows some people want Spencer out instead of Helen (Aaryn for one)… and by spilling the beans she is hoping Helen has a melt down like Jessie… and leaves them all no choice but to vote her out.
Justa guess
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“That girl fine man!!! :drool: <~~~~I know it ain't a smiley FP2
Don't hate Aggie. 😛 "
Hilarious. Too much fun. Hope Jessie becomes the next "Bachelorette."
@JT: Seems you were right (Helen hearing her fate.). Didn't think it would happen in the same blog! Time for another cup of coffee. The show begins again. And as Dani Donato used to say….
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Elissa is done talking to Amanda… and hasn’t ran to Helen yet. 😯
She is brushing her teeth alone in bathroom.
Maybe she doesn’t plan on telling Helen? I doubt it though… even if she doesn’t want to tell, Elissa is not good at hiding things.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Poker Face – No
Joker Face – Yes
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@Kevin11 re #99. It would be cool if McC did have a “surprise left in him”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------for Amanda. Does production hand out condoms and meds? She’s probably
fixed already but I doubt McC is. What a little cutie they would have. And
a video to boot. Awww the stories they can tell about how they met.
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@AC: I owe all or my Artistic Blog Art Genius to Mr. JT. He is an inspiration. If only we could use Google Mail emojis here, we could take over the world, although I’d never get anything done and the cat shit would pile up in the litter box like towels in the BB 15 bathroom.
Future generations and civilizations will talk of our silliness/stupidity here but nobody’s avatar will bring the glee as your Natalie Orange Blow-Up Crown.
That’s wassup. 😎
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I don’t think the jurors are sequestered. Julie asked Jessie how awkward will it be when she says hello to Judd in the jury house.
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Kev, and I owe any smiley art to AC…. just passin’ on what Mr Cole taught me! 😉
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AC… and Julie did say “1st time ever a juror would return”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So that makes me think they are together too… but who knows.
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The only surprise I hope McCrae has, is to boot Amanda ass right out the door. Then I wouldn’t mind seeing him win.
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Thanks for all the updates! Been watching TV, everything I missed all week 🙂
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shayne, Production hands out meds. But condoms are in the storage room… and dental dams too. 😯 😮 😆
Agree, if McCrae boots Amanda I might root for him again.
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How do, Bobo?
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@Shayne: If they spawn, I’m moving to Denmark with my pet ocelot and opening up a Bed and Breakfast for Danish Bigfoots and Star Trek fans. Homeboy looks like a dirty Jesus in a Dudley Do-Right hat. It’s funny, but when I see tits on the Live Feeds I actually get “soft-ons.”
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Hi @
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Hey AC..JT…. Kevin ………
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That’s the surprise I was referring to. I wouldn’t sell him short and I bet he also thinks if he takes her to F2 he won’t have to make that move. He bitches about her often and argues with her about things. A student of the game, like Ian, but needs to win some HoHs and PoV down stretch. Evicting Amanda would be one of the best/historic moves in BB history (IMO) and would make this season more tolerable in my weed-stained
memory bank.
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Helen is in HOH laying on bed with eyes closed… listening to CD. Everyone else is up there too… except Elissa.
So it might be a while til the water/fireworks begin.
Lucky for me.. I can sleep in tomorrow… I can wait them out 😎
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@Bobo: What it is Bobo?
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They had received their allotment of “Loud Mouth Soup” ……so maybe that played a part in Amanda spilling the beans?
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Kevin It is a Big Boob! …………
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@JT: I went to bed at 9 this morning and woke at 3 pm (watched English Premier League openers) and may bust through until 5:30 am for more soccer…though my body/brain says sleep. I’m sure this Midnight Coffee will help. Hope something does happen but feel sorry for Queen Helen as I do hate to see her cry. :cryingsmiley:
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😯 & 😮
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kev, please warn us next time. 😆
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I took my hat off for that 😆 Kevin ………………….
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You know you’ve watched too many feeds when you hear Aaryn telling her “scary” road trip story for the 3rd time this season. 🙄
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AC has a Master’s Degree in emoji and avatar usage.
The simplicity and genius of his posts makes me envious and I swear Hemingway wished he were still alive to write about Henry and Charlie, Elissa’s face and Jessie’s plump rump.
May you live in interesting times.
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Hey man, I just googled that. Says it’s a Chinese curse. 😮
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@Bobo: I took my pants off for that. 😀 Actually posted the link minutes earlier but the Your comment is awaiting moderation bastards at the NSA sent my comment to a trunk line in the Dead Sea.
@JT: If I warned you, you might not click on it Bubba. That little gem courtesy of our boy Evel Dick, who has blasted it out at least two times on Twitter.
We are not the only dimwits trashing everything in the House. Why anyone would go on this show is beyond me. Spencer was talking about retiring in his Fifties today and I was thinking, “Dude, if you only knew what I knew. You’ll be lucky to have your job and will have to fight the Rabid Cat Ladies writing the railroad to say you should be fired because you made a joke about child porn.”
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It’s 3:09 AM here in NJ Time for this boy to lay down & watch a little more TV…… See You all Soon …………
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From the latest Survivor winner:
John Cochran @JohnMCochran
I bet the reason babies cry so much is because they don’t get to use the Internet
He played a masterful game and his speech at the end was epic. He has a sharp wit and is a wonderful writer. Looking forward to a great season after this BB15 swill.
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Translation of comment #150.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“I’ll be back within the hour”
L8r Bob
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All this frivolity has worn me out. Gonna grab five hours of sleep. Will continue the MockFest manana.
So hope the Ladies here read or Bad Craziness. Would pay to see some of their faces/reactions. Later.
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I like Survivor & BB a lot. And it’s easy to write off BB while waiting for Survivor to save reality tv.
But think about this…
If BB only had one network episode every Thursday…. no feeds… no After dark… no microscope… no flies on any walls. If BB were filmed months in advance… edited after the fact instead of “on the fly”. No leaks… no spoilers… just a once a week show with an HOH, POV, and eviction each episode.
Would we see it different? Would it still seem as boring?…. or maybe it seems boring because they have allowed so much access. I wonder if I would get bored watching people on an island 24/7? I wonder if I would see similar behaviors to these people? Probably just as often I think.
To me, 42 minutes edited out of 168 hours a week takes away any chance of boredom for Survivor.
But I still can’t wait for it to start! 😀
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L8r Kev, I have to wait these fools out to see what Elissa tells Helen.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maybe I’ll find a brain teaser online to replace the IQ points I’m losing. 😕
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:yawn: Later all.
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L8r AC
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Helen is still in HOH listening to CD. The rest are chatting… GM just came up. Elissa is in DR (has been for a while).
Helen hasn’t said a word for almost an hour. Maybe she is just playing the waiting game.. waiting for all to leave to talk to Aaryn?
Prediction… I’ll see sunlight before all these peeps hit the sack. 🙄
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Another prediction:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Helen when she realizes what is coming…..
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Something for the “can’t make this $hit up” department…
GM has been in a real bad mood since POV. Her & Aaryn finally went to cockpit room to talk.
GM is upset (crying) because the veto comp was OTEV… and it was “Love Letters”. The clues where about HGs and their connections with each other. GM is upset that her and Nick weren’t one of the clues… she is upset that Jessie & Judd were a clue.
“I just wanted to here something about him…. and find his name and hold it up”
I think GM was the first one out of the comp?
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I respect n love women must be stated first. But with the good lord as my witnes if all women were like aMANda I would be a misoginist
Last post I stated I rather do a hundred laps in an Olympic size pool full of pee than see her win. This week I wouldn’t piss down her throat if her heart was on fire
And no I don’t have a urine fetish. I just totally disdain that woman
Have a nice Sunday to all the true n nice women of the world
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The post above is from me. Forgot to add if aMANda wins same applies to all that vote for her. And conversely I truly like pizza boy n he is playing brilliant game even though it is with the one I hate modt
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There is an ap for the Iphone … Pocket Big Brother… NOT GOOD for someone fighting an addiction….. 😉
I was thrilled to read Elissa got the POV… Way to go gurl… Kick those parasites A$$ !! Next week win HOH and get rid of those vile wastes of flesh!!!! One of them at least needs to go now…. Aaryn, GinaMarie, Spencer, Amanda or ANDY…. My first choice of course would be Amanda. I would love to see how McCrea can play on his own. Who knows, I MAY actually find someone to root for.
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Just noticed my first post disappeared. It stated while I live n respect woman I would become misogynist if all women were like aMANda
Last post I stated I rather do a hundred laps in Olympic size pool full of pee. This one I would piss down her throat if her heart was on fire
No I don’t have urine fetish but she makes me sick n I truly disdain her
To all nice women in world have great Sunday
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Hey guys the pool stuff is in reference to her winning. Yes I would do the Laps than c her win provided in wet suit n goggles
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@Jt 157 It blows me away CBS continues the live feeds. They know
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------that the info is out there for anyone who wants it. The editing makes
the show a caricature. Love Survivor and Probst. Survivor is coached
too much as well tho. Crikey are there that many people watching BB
only on TV?
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Elissa’s face looks like plasticine. Yoga might help your legs and inner soul
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------but not your looks. She must have had work done. Why oh why do they do it?
Gosh these people just don’t care. For a measly 1 second of fame. I will join the
conspiracy theorists and say AMANDA wins.
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Looks like Elissa is back in HN room after sleeping part of the night in the DR. I wouldn’t put it past CBS to have also fed her in there plus let her sleep away from the commoners.
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Pay for live feeds and you get fish, trivia, and watching Amanda & McCrea sleeping.
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First .. Good t see you AC!
Now: States of Mind: –
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Helen – Out of my mind.
Elissa – Somewhere over the rainbow.
Spencer – Seig heil!
Amanda – Suspicious.
Andy – Tommy can you here me, Tommy can you see me?
McC – Lost in the fog.
GM – Delusional.
Aaryn – it’s my world and you don’t belong here.
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@Shayne: No conspiracy, it’s gonna happen!
@Rich: You just have to adjust your sleep pattern, go to bed at 4am and wake up at 1pm.
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@JT: I don’t think the evicted germs are all together. They would have been discussing what’s happened in the house.
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Early odds…. I set the vote at 4-1 to evict Helen Thursday night comment #70 per JT
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Can this be? Finally maybe 2nd time since show started will NOT be a KO vote?
Dare this happen, and for the record CBS is running out of time for them to knock demanda out, the perfect opportunity is with an evicted hg to return and I hope it is JT or Candy, just to stir up the pot even more.
What is the story regarding Elissa went to dr with chest pains? anyone have the scoop on that one?
ciao till later txs for all updates will check in later for any breaking developments
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@The Shadow
I don’t care if it gives them a edge or not, I hope the evictees are together.
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Amanda, Helen and Elissa in the backyard now. This should be interesting.
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7:20 pm PT, Backyard. Helen vs. Amanda with Spencer cooking, Elissa running and ansy working out all pretending to not be involved in this huge House conversation. Must-watch. @JT
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s/b Andy, obviously…
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