Salut tout le monde!
It’s Monday, which means that it’s another crazy day. However, I’ve got a few minutes to kill so I thought I would toss up a quick update and give everyone a new post to comment under.
The POV ceremony was today and, of course, Elissa used the veto to take herself off the block. As a result, Gina Marie went up on the block in her place. Now, of course, we all know that Gina Marie was nominated because, after America voted, she had the next highest number of votes after Aaryn, Elissa, and maybe Kaitlin. The Houseguests, however, do not know this and, though a few have mentioned the possibility that America voted this week, a lot of them are still trying to figure out who the MVP is.
In fact, Gina Marie still thinks that Elissa won MVP, put herself up on purpose, then won the veto, took herself off, and then nominated Gina Marie. Judging from the intelligence displayed so far by most of the housguests, I imagine Gina Marie isn’t alone in believing that.
So, what this means is that one of three witches — Aaryn, Kaitlin, or Gina Marie — will be going home on Thursday.
If I was in the house and looking at this strategically, I would vote to evict Kaitlin because, of the three, she’s the only real threat. Gina Marie isn’t good at challenges and, for that matter, Aaryn only won House of Household because she had Ringworm Boy there to help her. Add to that, Aaryn is so hated that it would actually make sense to keep her around because that would keep people from targeting me.
However, Aaryn is so hated that I have a feeling that she’ll be the one evicted on Thursday. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if Aaryn is evicted on a unanimous vote. With both Kaitlin and Gina Marie nominated and ineligible to vote, Aaryn literally has no allies left.
What do you think will happen when Aaryn steps out those doors? Will the audience boo? Will Julie ask her about the racism? Will they inform her that she’s now unemployed? Will David be waiting for her? Will her mother be there with Aaryn’s new publicist?
We’ll find out later this week!
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
Wish it was a triple eviction!
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Aaryn’s departing words, “The house guests may hate me but I know America will always love me.” Followed by her final demonic smile…
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@Lisa Marie – I think when Aaryn is evicted Julie will be gracious. I can’t see her saying anything to her about the racism. I wish she would, but I don’t think she will. The audience will clap (as ordered). Can’t wait till she steps off the CBS lot and finds out what America really thinks of her!!
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There’s still time for Aaryn to save herself by throwing GM or Kaitlyn under the bus, but I don’t think that will happen. I think she’ll be leaving the house this week.
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Have been watching BBAD, but no more! With all the bleeps, almost impossible to follow a conversation. Always told my daughters that using a cuss word only shows a lack of a vocabulary, and your level intelligence. Most HG (not all), prove me correct. Will continue to read your blog, but not being able to understand a conversation, will no longer watch “After Dark”! Ratings are all CBS wants, and with one lost viewer, a reduction in your ratings is the direction you will continue to experience.
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Yep, the smart vote is Kaitlin, the vengeful vote is Aryan, the can’t take it anymore vote is GM. Any way you slice it the house wins. I need a flow chart with about ten colors to map all the alliance’s currently in play. Everyone aligned with everyone else in some form or fashion…
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Time to break up the witch pack!
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Where is Helen?
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I thought it would be cool when Aaryn is evicted if Julie would be eating a bowl of rice with chop sticks but Aaryn probably wouldnt get it or turn it into her being the victim
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Hi everyone! I am under the weather a little bit today so I am just going to say Hi & good bye! ……………
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It would be a thrill for me and a lot of others, if Julie handed her a bowl of rice and said, “Here – I make this for you” …. But Kaitlin should be the first of the three to leave…
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Snakebit Sal
Which pack did you say?
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I think the increase in viewers is due in part to Aayron’s evil persona. She gives the program an edge that makes for good ratings. Her game play is weak, perhaps better suited for Bad-Girls or other mean shows. GM needs to go. She adds no redeeming value to the show….BB needs to maintain its momentum, as a result, Aayron must stay. Plus, she will kindly throw the others under the bus. A smart player will Aayron to the end.
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hope you’re feeling better soon.
@Betty, I agree with everything you said. Julie has too much class to lower herself to whatever witch is evicted. But that doesn’t say that I don’t secretly wish the audience would boo and Lisa would come down on her hard. Not gonna happen.
It will be interesting to see her exit interview with Jeff. That is if the publicist let’s her do one without first asking what all the questions are so he can properly prepare her. My guess is she may not even want one. I doubt David will be waiting for her but mommie may be with fourteen body guards and a brinks truck (pun intended).
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1st time watching live feeds. Always watched the after dark and loved it. Now I don’t get tvguide channel.. Let me get to the point already…..IHATE THE LIVE FEEDS…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Won’t order it again…love the blogs.
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I agree with Dubs Doll. I too wish it was a triple eviction. I would love love love to see all three go. If I were in the house I would be torn. Who do I evict? I can’t stand the way Gina Marie is ANNOYING! Or Kaitlyn so many reasons there. Or Racist Aaryn she is not only a racist but more annoying then anyone else. But I agree I think if I were there I would keep the most hated (next to Elissa) Aaryn. Just because she is so hated everyone would be keeping their eyes on her. So I vote to evict Kaitlyn.I would enjoy watching Julie let Aaryn know about her job and here her get booed. I would like to watch her squirm about the racism too.
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Why aren’t the HGs more interesting? I’m working a true week from HELL since coworker is out and I’m left alone with the nasty boss. All your updates woukd help me get through the very LONG day but nothing good is happening in the house.
Any good story tellers out there?
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@Starfish – I bet you are right about Aaryn’s new publicist not letting her do an interview with Jeff. I don’t think she will even show up for the finale. If she does, she has more moxie than I do, if I was in her position. H’s 4 G
@Bobo – Hope you feel better soon. Hugs
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Big Brother Updates @BB_Updates
Spencer is explaining that it’s possible that America voted for the 3rd nom and the top four in votes were Aaryn, Kaitlin, Elissa, GM #BB15
@janice: They’re all too self-absorbed to be interesting. Why I like Judd so much.
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Oh that bitc* taking herself off the block.. America needs to put her up again and she needs to be sent packing. I’m talking about Elissa. But she is picked to win BB. the whole thing is rigged.. I may not be watching BB after this year.
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@Kevin – Who was Spence talking to about the MVP vote?
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Betty, Spencer was talking to Elissa mainly… with Helen & Judd also there (in HOH room)
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I find this a bit funny….
They are explaining to Elissa how she could have been nominated by America.. saying that it was probably a small percentage after A & K.
Elissa is upset at that possibility. She says, “Do you really think they would let America vote for something like that when they don’t even know what is really going on in the house?”
Ummmmmm…. YES!! They would let us vote on that!! Funny that Elissa is now upset that “the uninformed” now get to vote, yet she had no problem with many voting for her before she even set foot in the door.. and then continue to vote for her despite her great lack of game.
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kimjmj , Agree with your post #6 100%. There is a smart vote, a vengeful vote, and a “can’t take it any more” vote. 😆
I want Aaryn out as a viewer. But if I were in the house I would try to get rid of Kaitlin. GM is not a target at all this week (for the house). They all pretty much agree that getting GM out is a waste of an HOH.
I’m mixed on that. A lot of times the one’s who are considered a “wasted HOH” get overlooked so long that they make it far… then a couple wins after all the tough competitors are gone can land them in the final 2. We have seen that many times. I was glad Jordan won season 11… but look how many times she was put up as a pawn to get rid of “a real threat”.
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Thanks JT. Elissa must be on the verge of tearing her hair out. Too funny! 😆 I hope GM and Elissa start making waves in the house and Amanda cleans her act up! I can’t go on supporting Amanda if she keeps doing all these stupid things.
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Even if Julie said something about the racism to Aaryn, it wouldn’t mean anything to her. She does not think she has said or done anything wrong! She lives in her own little world. GM is psychotic. She acts like there was some hot romance with Nick, she barely knows him. I bet he is glad to be out when he sees how she is acting. I predict she will be arrested for stalking him. Kaitlin is the biggest game threat., and I would like to see that smirkey smile wiped off her house as she walks out the door.
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I’m thinking Aaryn will be staying and Kaitlyn will be leaving.
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@Diane – I agree with you about Aaryn and as for GM I don’t see a relationship with Nick, but he did say on his exit interview with Jeff that they made plans to go to some kind of event. I don’t know about Nick. It would not surprise me to find out he was gay.
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JT or Kevin11 – Is Judd really in an alliance with Howard?
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If Aaryne gets evicted I hope she gets booed. She is so racist and conceited.
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Betty, Hard to tell. he told others about it and say he is just playing along with Howard. But if Howard wins HOH….. base covered.
I think the best way to figure out all the alliances is this…..
Go to your local large pet store. Get 13 puppies and put the names of the HGs on them.. one name on each. Then turn them all loose in a large play area. Throw in a bunch of rubber balls and observe. Take notes of each alliance formed by the puppies and write it down…. that might be easier than following this season.
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@JT 😆 😆 😆 exactly!
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@JT – The only trouble with that is, puppies are smarter than the HG’s. Judd is playing a great game. He is now my favorite!
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@Betty, you’re brave stating who your favorite of the day! I like Judd but not my fav yet…. 🙂
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@Starfish – Just give me a few minutes and I will change my mind!! 😆 H’s 4 G
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@K11, it’s difficult for me to understand how Spencer figured anything out including the MVP vote. He’s still a hairy slug to me. I hope both his hands were showing.
@Betty, be sure to let us know who your next favorite HG is because I agree with you, puppies are smarter than this group seems to be. Who’s playing this game? Anybody? Is anyone thinking beyond the next eviction? Ks 4 Ms.
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If America gets to vote for the 3rd nominee again I hope it is Spencer!
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@Starfish: Spencer is the genital wart of society. Can’t stand him. Seems he may make it to the Final 5 from where I’m sitting. This is good, but these people are insufferable. Just so I can pull for one in Final 3. Ian spoiled us with his win. I’d even take a Grodner Fix.
Elissa: “All they do is talk about me.”
Clio the Leo @Clio_the_Leo
LIghtbulb going off with Spencer/Helen/Elissa that they don’t want Amanda on the jury #bb15
BB All Summer @BBAllSummer
Elissa says Amanda would tell every person in jury house how to vote. #abrasiveAmanda #BB15
Joker’s BB Updates @JokersBBUpdates
Helen saying that no one can beat McC and Am. They need to be broken up. #bb15 #cbsbigbrother #bblf
Joker’s BB Updates @JokersBBUpdates
HOH crew talking about how to break Am and McC up. Say Amanda is controlling and spreads venom if you cross her. #bb15 #cbsbigbrother #bblf
Joker’s BB Updates @JokersBBUpdates
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------El says Jess doesn’t like Judd. She had a serious BF b4 she came to the house. Spe says Judd isn’t here for a showmance anyway. #bb15 #bblf
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@JT: BINGO with the puppy analysis. Sat out with Saki for 45 minutes and Elissa is still whining about the vote. This will go on until Wednesday I predict. I now like Aaryn more than her. YES I WROTE THAT.
@Betty: Think Spencer thinks he has an alliance with Howard and values it more than Howard does at this specific point in time now that Howard has Candice, who would never do him wrong. If Amanda-McC need to be broken up, so do Howard-Candice.
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@Kevin – I think Howard is using Candice, not sure. If Candice, Howard and Spencer make it to the final three I believe Howard will drop Candice like a hot potato. As for the showmances, they are never a good thing for ones game. Haven’t these HG’s ever watched other seasons of BB?
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I wish candance would get a grip and I do not mean on howard, he is NOT into u girlfriend, smarten up. I just want to shake her she is holding on to him like a vidtim of the titanic with a life vest.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------how come we r only seeing the love birds and the hoh room, boring????
is anyone having a problem with their live feeds cannot get it on my laptop says address not valid, I am on my desk top and I had to sign in under my facebook acct, not a happy camper here
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@PK which witch’s nose knows how now brown cow?
@Jane ……. out of a dark corner slithered the slimy bug which had just exited the dead body that was rotting by the window at the end the lightless hall ……
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Naming GM as the replacement nom did not surprise me. I actualy would love to see her go!! But as JT said, that is as a viewer. Kaitlin is prolly the strongest player of the 3, but with her rep in the house and all her girls on the block too, I see Aaryn going home. As to what Julie will say to her one she is out, it’s hard to predict. She is a consumate professional but she was personally offeneded by Aaryn’s racist remarks. I think she will bring it up and confront her with it and show a few clips of her in case she tries to pull the *NO i di’n’t(tying to sound Southern)* or *I never said that* card. She really has no game and no one want to work with her, so it’s just best she goes back to Texas with her devil’s tail between her legs!!!
Overheard in the house:
Helen: Kaitlin is a nice girl.
Elissa: She told me she had an abortion right before she came on the show.
**whether this is true or not, i am not impressed with Elissa in this moment.
Helen: That’s not something America needs to know. Everyone’s always gonna want to take Aaryn out, no matter what she does. Next week, you only need 4 votes to stay in the house.. It scares me.
And off topic….the Royal couple had a BOY!!!!!!!!! Wish I had made a money bet as I called
Also, went to cable today and found out that it/s not TYVGN that is at fault the nites I can;t get it, but that it might be my box. So…..mystey solved and solution available. Not that BBAD is even worth the trouble this year!! 😉
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MM.. I was having trouble with it a few days ago too. They…CBS…. were hacked but it only affected a select few. I posted the number to call I think Fri afternoon, but if you can’t find it, email me and I can give it to you. I was on the phone with tech help from CBS for over 40 mins but at least I got my LFS straightened out!!! Good luck!! ***HUG***
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The first night I was rooting for Aaryn because she was from Texas and was attending school in San Marcus where I graduated from. ( Years agooooo!!!!) She opened her mouth and I wanted her out the second week , but she got HOH. I think CBS wants her out soon also, or at least before Howard, Candace and Helen.
My second favorite was Amanda, but I agree with most of you that she is too, too, pushy. And to be all over McCrae is sickening. So she is off my list now.
Spencer? Well I think that video speaks for it’s self. He is a PIG!!!!!!
I’m afraid to pick another favorite because who knows what they will do or say to blow themselves out of the water..
This group of HG’S are soooo stupid.
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@JT thanks, calling it like I see it!
@Star. I heard that too and tried to imagine any scenario where Kaitlin would have THAT conversation with Elisa. Just don’t see it happening, I think Elisa is losing it big time not getting MVP and having to go on the block (briefly thanks to production). To quote my favorite line of the season, “what game are you playing, because we’re all playing big brother!”
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AARYN said America’s BB fans are stupid and she doesn’t care what they think because she says she’s not a racist.
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Thanks STAR for letting us know Kaitlin had a procedure before coming on the show. Whether it was true or not, whether Elissa made it public or not, you just let everyone know that didn’t know it. ALSO, ” NO i di’n’t” is not southern slang, that was black thug slang.
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Thanks for your comments everyone. I can’t spend much time watching the feeds so I have to depend on you to keep my head in the game!
I so can’t wait to see how Julie handles Aaron’s eviction whenever it happens. I’m sure she will be gracious, but cold.
I am so glad that TVGN will air all of the weeks shows ever Friday night. It’s been hard for me to catch the shows on CBS and too uncomfortable to watch the on-line reruns at the computer.
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Ding, all the Bitches will be gone soon enough
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If someone says something, no matter how stupid or insensitive on LF it’s fair game to discuss on the blog. Most of us are disgusted by Spencer but we all know it can be talked about because it was said. So Elissa said something better left unsaid. Big deal. Reflects more on the people in the house than those commenting on what they hear.
I do hear rumors coming from McManda, Judd, and Andy that they would prefer that Kaitlin leave. I’m pretty sure CBS would like Aaryn to leave before jury so the pressure may be on the HGs until mid Thursday. It can’t take much convincing. She cannot be trusted.
JT, loved your puppy analogy. Except most puppies are cute and cuddly and these HGs are more wormy and vile…
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Thanks all for the updates.
As for Julie and Aaryn, I doubt she’ll get in a pissing contest with that little racist brat. I agree with whoever said she would be cold or at least cool. If she decides to show clips, I’ll really be surprised but thrilled.
@K11, “Spencer is the genital wart of society” Perfect! That’s him for sure.
@Star, well thanks for that bit about Kaitlin. I’m not sure that makes much difference to anyone in the house. Too bad Elissa has no class and said it out loud. Ialso agree it’s unlikely Kaitlin would confide that to her but who knows. BB brings together strange bedfellows. Just look at this group!
They are smart to be thinking of splitting up McManda but I agree with Sal too. They should think about the Candice & Howard thing.
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@kimjimj…..I didn’t think of that. K&E aren’t exactly bosom buddies!! But I still don’t think she would make that up!!! You never know what is going to come out in conversation when you are cooped up without family or friends and looking for a little sympathy. Do you remember who said that last year?? I do remember that quote and it could easily be used EVERY year!!lol
@bbigbbob….YW. 😉 And I’m a Yankee girl so I really don’t know true Southern slang. But I was just trying to portray the sound of *OH no you di’int!!!* Didn’t know it was black thug. I stand corrected.
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Isn’t this the last week before they start going to jury or is there one more eviction after this one?
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I think one more after this… if they are having 9 jurors this year.
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Jury has nine this season.
Sydnie Thomas @Sydnie_Thomas
Dude, so I’m watching the deleted scenes from Bruce Almighty and I see @JanellePierzina
Retweeted by Janelle Pierzina
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Duh, all I had to do was count. Yes, there will be 9 jurors unless Grodner decides to flip it and change it to 7. Now wouldn’t that be nice. 🙂
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Star, I can see Kaitlin attempting to elicit sympathy from Elissa and confiding in her. One of the things Kaitlin lacks is good judgment. After all, she had sex with a man whose first name she couldn’t spell on national TV, knowing that her “daddy” would be watching the live feeds. There are so many “ewwww” and “ick” factors in that one sentence alone that a lapse in judgment, confiding personal details to another woman, would not surprise me.
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Princess, those rumors are true.. and growing.
Helen wants Kaitlin to go this week… so she is working on Elissa. (Elissa wants Aaryn gone.. and doesn’t take strategy into consideration)
Andy just told McCrae that he thinks it’s best Kaitlin goes.. and McCrae said he & Amanda agree.
Judd also wants Kaitlin to go and was telling Howard & Spencer…. and those 2 will do what Judd wants this week.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Howard will have a tough time selling this to Candice.
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@SF..not sure. Was trying to figure that out myself. There will be 12 HGS in the house now after this eviction. And I think 6 jury members??? Or is it 8?? I dunno. Seems like 4 used to go out before and now we are 4 heavier this year. Maybe there will be a double eviction soon. Remember we have more weeks this year. Nothing about this season has followed ths usual rules. Mayve JT can figure this out for us!!! 😉
Overheard about GM…..(you sure don’t want to be the person not in the room for any of thses convos! N wonder Andy is always POPPING up everywhere!!!)
*Judd talking about how GM was mad at him after Nick’s eviction. GM said: “I’m 33 years old and I finally found someone. We didn’t even have a chance to kiss yet.” Judd: “Sorry this is Big Brother, not find a 33 year old woman trying to find a husband. Go on” * 😆
*Spen/Andy/Judd talking about how GM freaked out when she got put up and said that everyone wanted her gone. They all say that only one person put her up. They laugh about how GM kept saying she just wanted to compete and everyone was scared of her. She said she was gonna get backdoored just like Nick. They all think she’s ridiculous*
Does this mean she has a chance of going home or just mean boy talk spring from boredom???? 😉
And this from Andy, for all the grammer/language conscious on here:
*Andy “I thought Howard was going to be the house diva and I was right”All talking about Elissa being the true house diva, takes her 45 minutes to do everything. She is always late for comps, etc. Amanda freaks out when things don’t go her way. Andy says even when he is having a good conversation with McC, he says “I don’t know” every 9 words. Andy wants to do a verbal exercise and make the HG talk as long as possible without using verbal fillers. Judd asks if people say “Um.” Andy says “Uh, Um and Like” are the big three. Candice trained for pageants not to use any ums. Andy says McC is the worst here. Candice says he is so shy. *
So they notice it too!!!! Well, Andy IS a teacher so, maybe no one else cares!! But it proves us right!! And prolly driving him batshit crazy having to listen to it night and day!! 😉
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That’s not what I wanted to hear, Justa! I want production to push Aaryn’s obnoxious ass out the front door. With a vote of ?? to zero. Do not pass go, do not collect additional money for making it to the jury house.
But that’s just the way I think. Aaryn is laying low, as instructed by Spencer, (why?) ( is it just because bigots seek their own level like water does?) something interesting will have to change in the game for Kaitlin to stay. There’s still time.
Kevin, loved your Janelle retweet. And especially your comment about Spencer. He really is a pig.
I’m also very disturbed over Amanda’s alleged? comment about Elissa and rape. That’s not funny. That’s really very sick and disturbed. Do these HGs have any redeeming qualities to put on display for us? If so, they better find them fast.
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@Star Have we ever heard Mc have a full conversation with anyone? When he was HOH, it looked like he would be a good player but now he’s just floating along and just hangs his head it seems to me. I know his mom is screaming at the screen at him. Andy isn’t the only one going batshit. I keep hoping to hear a decent conversation with him and usually nothing.
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@JT..thanks! Was it always 9 jurors or justa this year??? I was trying to see them sitting on chairs on the last night and counting them. lol
And I was hearing the whole getting Kaitlin out conspiracy ramping up in popularity all day too! But hatred for Aaryn has been so huge, I figured they would vote her out to be *safe*. As I said before, Kait IS the biggest phsyical threat amongst the girls and she does have a bit of bully-factor in her..not unlike her BF. Maybe that was the attraction. They saw themselves in each other!!!
@Princess..agree with the ICK factors this year! The HGS are awash in them!!! I think LM hit it on the head the other day when she said that without some more mature HGs in the house, it’s just like watching kids on Spring Break!!! Not something I would ever choose to do!!lol
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@Princess: Wait, what? Who said anything about rape? I went back up to Star’s post and didn’t see rape. Was she raped?
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Star, they’ve always had 7 jurors since about season 3…. i guess they went to 9 this year. I haven’t read that at any official place… but that’s what HoH8 & Kev11 say… so I’ll go with it.
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@Princess..totally agree. And I have been calling Spencer a DISGUSTING pig pretty much all season. Just ask him. He has it
@K1..didnt see the Janelle tweet. How funny!!! I am starting to think that there are no *normal* people in the BB House. Seems, when you dig a little, all of them are wannabes and have modled, acted, been in pagents or are related to Vets…something!!! That is really not fair! I always thot this was like a scientific experiment to see how humans(not celebrities)behave when locked in a house together for 3 months. They have veered so far from their premise, it’s almost unrecognizeable!!
@SF…..I didn’t say rape but I think I heard that ugly rumor (I’m assuming it’s a rumor, but don;t know either way)in the house earlier. I think Amanda said taht on the night Elissa called her a SLUT and she was crying in the BR. Justa little revenge lie!!! lol
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@JT….works for me!!! lol It makes sense tho since everything else was super-sized this season!!!
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Star.. you wrote,
But hatred for Aaryn has been so huge, I figured they would vote her out to be *safe*.
I agree 100%. They were all on the same page to make this an “easy” week. Now that some want to mess with that and vote out Kaitlin.. it could cause them more problems down the road than it’s worth.
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Oh and Princess…on my last comment to you I meant to say Just ask JT….not Spencer as it sounds!! I am working on 5 hrs sleep here. And it’s starting to show!!! 😉
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@JT..yes… I don’t think Judd wants any unexpected blood on his hands! He has been whining all week about wishing he wasn’t HOH. Moreso than he complained about being locked in the supply closet for 24hrs!!!lol But then he can’t vote and it seems that Spencer and Howie have been trying to take over the house now that the threatening males are out of the house! Like you said before one eviction, we used to be able to call who was going home with almsot 100% accuracy in seasons past. This year, it’s always anyone’s guess! I’m pretty sure that is because these idiots NO idea how the game of BB is even played!!lol
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Yes, bedtime mid-night!!
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Here’s BB14 Wil’s very Funny Epi 4, for those who havent seen it(3 mins)… 🙂
i think after next week’s eviction they will have the first Double Eviction to have the first 2 Jurors going to the Jury House back-to-back…. 🙂
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I see a man looking in your window 😯 maybe he doesn’t have feeds 😆
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They do seem to like to do double evictions at the start of jury… usually the first 2… or the 2nd & 3rd.
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I better go to bed, have to get up way to early.
Nite all
Click to see how I start each morning
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I see alot of Confusion on all the Alliances here on the BBBLOG so let me TRY to help y’all out….this Chart is only good till they change it in a couple of hours, lol… 🙂
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Lol @ HOH, Thanks, I needed that flow chart!
@Star, it was Amanda’s line the night of bedgate when Aryan was calling her a liar. Probably comes up every season, but this time was priceless.
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to clarify an earlier comment re andy saying the colored room, I heard on live feeds it is really the rainbow room, so that settles that, *fish hope this answers your question, and at this moment in time appears katlin is going to be the one to meet Julie in person, that is all for now and as they say in duck dynasty
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------she gone
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@MM, thanks for that. Obviously he was referring to the rainbow but Aaryn was right in warning poor Andy. 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Star, it was Princess’ post that mentioned rape which is why I asked.
@JT, and good morning to you too! Very funny. Double eviction sending Spencer and Amanda together. Now that would be perfect! 👿 Next week hopefully Aaryn since this week looks like Kaitlin.
@HoH8, thanks for the chart. Love it. You know it’s hard to type your name. I’m going to start calling you Ho. Well no, that’s not good. What about H8, no that’s worse. Ok, HoH8 it is. 😆
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*fish do u know what would be even better then spencer & Amanda
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------howard and Amanda she has been fighting tooth and nail to get him out how ironic would it be if they left at the same nite on the same u r evicted bb bus
ciao and good night hugs to all my darlings
mm is leaving the bldg…………………………..
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In the history of BB, I have never seen such a tangled web as this season and I so love it. EVERYONE, including Elissa now, is playing the game to the absolute max. Keeping track of it all is virtually impossible. Thank God for the blog.
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Nite MM!
@K11 Yep, it’s turning out to be a good BB week. However, the game is afoot.
Thank God for all you guys keeping us up-to-date on here.
Nite all.
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Bachelorette was good tonight- The Men Tell All. Very sweet how Zak sang a song to Des. He could possibly be next Bachelor, he seemed to still love Des. And alot of calling out on the show. Also Juan Pablo is pretty Hott and seemed to be a crowd fave, so who knows he’s a possibility for Bachelor also.
As Far as BB Goes, sorry to see Howard Aligned with Spencer, who can’t seem to keep his hands out of his pants for long. He was also fired from his Job, so this might not be a good experience for him when he gets out.
Still like Amanda, I think she’s a smart Lady, But i think her days are numbered, she is just being way to pushy and obviously a cougar as well since she is 28 and McCrae is 23. What is wrong with these people anyway? they say they want Aaryn out, now they are saying Kaitlin, I do think Kaitlin is a bigger threat, But still would rather see Aaryn go this time.
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As much as I’ve come to detest Elissa, she’s now playing a MUCH better game IMO than Helen and Howard are.
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Danthebbfan @Danthebbfan
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda calling Spencer ugly, asshole, creepy uncle, misogynistic, etc. It’s brutal but totally deserved IMO. #bb15
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Danthebbfan @Danthebbfan
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda has achieved the impossible: convinced Elissa that Aaryn needs to stay #bb15
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Howdy Kevin, I like Amanda, but would rather see Aaryn go, But i guess Kaitlin is fine also. Both have to go
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What up Aggie? Neither (A or K) has a chance to win this so don’t worry and I still like Amanda, pulling for her third behind J-U-DD and McCrae…for now! These LF’s are so interesting right now. Honestly think Judd is in the poll position in the House now and would win a potential nine-person Jury vote from these HGs. He’s made the least enemies and can’t see anyone gunning for him in the near future. Should make the Final 3 at least.
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Need to get some sleep and turn off the Feeds. Night all. Will catch up tomorrow.
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Kevin, you could be right someone like Judd could make it to the end, he’s very likable but also people might consider that and evict him because he’s well liked
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@kimjmj…..Thanks for clarification and I can just hear Amanda’s tone now!!!lol
@SF..agree about H0H8’s name. How about jsut H8?? Like K11??? Wait..I’ll ask her.
@HoH8….thanks for the chart, altho it’s still confusing and will change in about 10 mins!!lol Loved seeing Wil again too. He was at least good entertainment in his season!!! I wonder if he makes any money doing those or if he’s still just a huge fan. Even after being in the house!!!lol
So..we were discusing your name. Would H8 be ok with you??? We tend to give everyone a nickname and the shorter the better…..;) If not, that’s cool too. But it means you are a real family member when you habv been re-christened!! 😉
Lots of strategizing going on tonight. Pretty exciting for a change!!! Except for watching MC Manda bathe together!!! Bleh! Have any other couples ever done that before?? I can’t remember any!!! I don’t know howanyone can sit in a tub and shave with all that dirty, hairy water floating around them!! Gives me the willies!!!!lol But…it does look like kaitlin may be going this week. Which means Aaryn has done a good job of campaigning. Surprise, I know!!lol Howard is getting a bit too cocky and it will come back to evict him! He has made an alliance with everyone in the house. And is such a liar! I know it’s part of the game but when you come in spouting that you are a Christian and read the Bible all the time, it makes your liar standard that much worse!! I didn’t like the way he was talking to Candace in the hammock tonight either. Very controlling and more than a bit condescending.
Elissda was even actually talking game tonight. But all afternoon she was complaining about how she looked and tonight was wearing a hat cuz her hair was so dirty.(It did look greasy!!!) She’ not a HN,right??? So…..she ran out of shampoo and BB won’t give her anymore???? I dom’t know the answer to that, but it was totally out of character for her.
Ok..enough. Should already be asleep!!! I miss BB being on tomorrow. I wish they’d go back to T-TH-Sun. It was the best schedule!!!
Peace, love and light!!!!
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XI, Judd is in the best position for now. No one has even mentioned his name as a possible nominee for the near future… he is alone in that regard. Everyone is making deals with everyone all over the house… Judd just seems to be the one who gets away with it better than the rest. All that could change real quick though.
Mornin’ all
Everyone seems to be on board to evict Kaitlin as of now. Looks to be a 9-0 vote. But it is only Tuesday morning.
Funny thing is Kaitlin & Aaryn both think they are staying, but GM is the most paranoid.. she actually considers herself a big target. GM will be like Aaryn, Helen, & Jessie before her…. with 0 votes against.
Off to work —————————>
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Where was Helen the other night? Candice, Jesse, and Elissa were in the HOH bed and Candice yelled out, “We miss you Helen”. Where was she?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda is like a dog with a bone about Howard, but this week she’s turned her attention on Kaitlin. Her and Aaryn are now buddies. It sounded like Kaitlin was going home on Thurs. but Elissa had the insight of sleeping on it before they accepted Aaryn’s deal. Aaryn told Judd that if she stayed, she’d either throw the next 2 HOH comps. or if she won, Helen and Elissa could choose the noms. I can’t imagine anyone trusting her but stranger things have happened in the BB house.
Why does Judd let Amanda and McHairy take over his HOH room? The scene in the bath tub was hard to watch. lol
Howard is controlling Candice. I also hate the way he talks to her. But Amanda is controlling McHairy also. I kinda impressed with Elissa not letting people control her in her votes or decisions. She’s annoying but playing the game now.
I watched the exit interview with Jeff and Jeremy. I can’t believe how cocky that boy is. He’s still calling himself a champion even tho’ he’s sitting outside the house. These HGs this year are delusional. Especially GM if she actually thinks she’s a competitor. lol
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“The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.”
― Elbert Hubbard
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I believe it will be Kaitlin who’s evicted. I want to keep Aaryn around, to look at and in a final two anyone can beat her. The only reason Elissa was nominated was because people don’t pay attention and vote for her every week out of habit. They are like little lab rats! With out a doubt every person in the house is self absorbed and that is exactly what the producers want. About the only thing the producers can’t seem to rig are the chess games. Which reminds me, did they ever put a light colored square to each players right hand side? White Queen starts on a light square and Black Queen starts an a dark square.
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Sal, loved your quote, how about this one for the hg’s:
Famous Quote Said On July 23
Whatever you do, tell the truth.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Grover Cleveland, 1884
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I am wondering about Amanda, why is it that she is so much for having the two blacks be evicted, it seems as though she has a problem with the race itself, why not see how the others are playing so if they want to go after Aaryn, lets go after Amanda she is something else. Andy is another one he is playing on all of them and they can’t see that, also McCrae is using Amanda and she so much on Howard that she don’t see him using her having her do all the talk and work while he sit and watch her.
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Hope it is Aaryn is the one and Julie is not there to greet her. Some subordinate producer…let her know how unimportant she really is. However, I think Julie has more class than that and would love to hear the off camera comments. Also, want to see Aaryn’s face when she finds out she is unemployed and why.
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@Star, lol at the go on comment from Judd! I missed that one!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I would vote out Kaitlin for game play but Aaryn for how evil she is! Can’t wait to see what happens!
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Why did they change from Tues. Thurs. and Sun. to the Tues. Wed. and Sun.? Makes the Sun. to Wed. seem like forever. I never get to stay on top of the posts as I don’t get the computer time. These past few days have been great. I keep the tab open and just refresh as necessary. Never thought a summer cold could have benefits, lol. Thanks to those with live feed to keep us updated.
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After reading all the comments, all I can add is that should Aaryn be evicted, I hope Julie simply refuses to interview her… We all saw how prim and proper Aaryn was looking at the live eviction last week. It would sting her the most to be evicted then completely overlooked. Evict her then go straight to the HOH comp, BOOM!
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yo here is a bit of yo girls post nomination melt down
Yo yo yo, wuss up! . I’ll be like, “Julie Chen, I came to play and I played cuz I’m a playa. You can take that to the bank!” It’s cool, it’s cool. It’s all good. I like it. And I’m good looking too. I got pink sneakahs on. Who’s cooler than me? Nobody. That’s who! I take it as a friggin compliment. People are scared of me cuz I played friggin’ real and I played truthful. Can anyone tell me who this is talking???? Do u need more then one guess???
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The day begins with a nervous tension in the air. A thick and suffocating swirl of thoughts… who will be the replacement nominee?.. After all the speculations and worries and guesses, we discover that yo girl (GinaMarie) has been nominated for eviction. Live Feeders breathed a sigh of relief while the Houseguests scratched their heads in confusion. You see, the Houseguests believe that yo girl is delightfully entertaining to mouth breathers like ourselves. Sitting at home catching flies and licking the wallpaper we can’t help but light up every time yo girl struts onscreen and scratches herself or lets some gas out leaving a stink in her wake. We’re charmed by her ability to swallow slop balls whole and was able to swallow loads of yogurt in one swallow. And when the funk of her plaid pants permeates through the television screen, we inhale her musky aroma with wild abandon. gagging here
So, while the Houseguests are stunned and confused, yo girl is quiet and stewing. She plops down on the bed, covers her eyes with sunglasses, and pouts. For a few minutes she looks like she is laid out for a viewing. Only after a few minutes of fighting away the tears does she speak, “These are the best lookin’ nominations ever. The three prettiest girls are on the block! I’m in good company.”Sad so sad she really believes this. Helen and Andy smile awkwardly and nod as yo girl continues, “It’s alright. It’s all good. People are timidated by me an’ I get that. I’m a strong competitor. I fly like a butterfly and sting like a friggin bee, I got respect. You scared of me? Punks gotta nominate they biggest threat an’ thats me.” hey yo girl you deep throated an ice cream machine. You didn’t split the atom. If every competition from here on out is which food industry machine can you swallow, then, yes, you are a formidable competitor.
After 20 minutes of yo girl telling everyone how flattered she is to be nominated, the room disperses and we are left with J-U-DD and yo girl. J-U-DD lies on the bed next to yo girl and mumbles that she has to lay low this week. He tells her she’s not going anywhere, but it’s important that she doesn’t ruffle any feathers between now and Thursday. Now this is for sure, she is so deep in self pity she does not hear nor heed a word he is mumbling good thing he is not saying the house is on fire, He tells her there are much more fish in the house to fry this week than her. Yo girl replies, “I think Elissa put me up.” J-U-DD ignores her and tells her that she should get zero votes this week. Yo girl tells him that she’s not in the mood to tawk to anybody. She just wants to stay in bed, in the filthy sheets she refuses to wash, and think about Nick, the love of her life, the one that almost got away her prince charming. She tells J-U-DD that she wishes he had nominated her for eviction from the get go so she would have been able to compete in POV. Later, she adds, “Even though I wouldn’t have won it.” (maybe because it was designed for elissa to win.)
J-U-DD continues to croon in her ear telling her to lay low. He says his HOH would be an entire waste if yo girl ends up going home. (how this makes any sense to me is quite confusing I had no idea yo girl was such an important part of this years list of hgs) Katlin then enters and tells them that Elissa was eavesdropping on a conversation she was having with somebody. She sighs to herself and reveals that she probably said the worst things about Elissa while she was listening through the door. (is this the first time katlin has talked smack about elissa I think not) katlin worries that she’ll be elissa’s target next week.errr no katlin this weeks target get it right
Turning her attention to yo girl, katlin tells her that her going on the block must be part of some elaborate plan to seal Aryan nation fate and send her sorry ass home this week. J-U-DD nods and says, “I think yo girl will be the zero vote this week.” katlin replies, “You think I’m going to have votes now?” J-U-DD answers, “Yeah, a couple.” katlin is struggling now to not reach out and smack the hell out of him, “That’s so annoying!” yo girl sighs to herself, “If the house wanted to put up someone nice, why didn’t they put up Andy?”now take note at this time it was Aryan nation going home, but as most of us bloggers know this changes almost every 30 seconds or at times even faster then a speeding bullet. I have long since thrown away my score sheet and am looking for an etch a sketch that I can just pull up and erase at a flip of my hand so much easier to keep track.
well folks that is about it for now, ciao with hugs
and for the record I am from staten island too and hopefully I am not as bad as yo girls accent is. I keep meaning to call my cousin and ask her to check around and see what she can find out about yo girl might be interesting.
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@Mamma Margie
Yo Girl should stay she’s is no threat to anyone, Kaitlin must go and Aaryn soon after since she is so hated .
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I wish Howard had been back doored but oh well, not obvious to the HGs how much of a threat he is
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Spencer HAS NOT been fired from his job! He has a Union and it has been in the local papers that he has not compromised his job by being on the show. The Company is not happy about his remarks, but, They have no grounds to fire him for his opinions. To bad. Maybe they will change the policy of the company manuals after seeing this.
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@ MM ….. you starting a novel on BB15?
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@Margie Mama That’s was good!! They may very well keep Aaryn around to give them a better chance of winning but that will be bitter sweet seeing her go to the jury house!! I saw Howie and Candice coming a long time ago. I didn’t realize he talked to her badly (per somebody’s comment) or maybe I misunderstood their comment. Amanda can NOT get next HOH!! She will drive everyone more crazy!! It’s very boring right now, too predictable. Especially cuz I really can not understand Judd, he mumbles way too much! Somebody needs to stir IT UP!!
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MM – I almost could see her talking….. you are good!!! Sooo Funny! thanks for always keeping us laughing!
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MM, that post was hilarious, entertaining and enlightening! Thanks for all that!
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New post is up!
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