Hi everyone!
So, it occurred to me that some of our readers might have missed tonight’s Double Eviction episode because of the whole fight between Time Warner Cable and CBS. So, for all of you who missed it, here’s a complete rundown of what happened on tonight’s show.
(Needless to say, if you’re on the West Coast, this entire post might count as being a spoiler so read with caution.)
8:01 pm — We start with Julie Chen, telling us that we’re about to have a double eviction night and that the houseguests don’t know that there’s even more surprises in store.
This is followed by previously on Big Brother. We get to see Candice and Amanda fight again.
Julie tells us that this is “the biggest night of the summer.” She also says that “tonight the jury begins.”
But first, it’s flashback time:
We again sit through Jessie taking herself off the block and GM nominating Spencer. In the DR, Candice says that people are turning against Amanda. Amanda complains about the “anonymous MVP” and says, “It’s time to play nice Amanda.”
We watch Amanda telling Jessie that she wants to be friends. In the DR, Jessie says she doesn’t believe Amanda is sincere.
Amanda has a meting with Judd, McCrae, and Andy. We learn that they have a final four deal. Judd tells Amanda not to have any more emotional outbursts. Amanda looks annoyed.
Candice talks to Elissa about how Amanda and McCrae are dangerous. They’re joined by Jessie. They talk about how much they hate Amanda.
In the bathroom, Jessie talks to Helen about voting out Amanda.
In the Diary Room, Helen says, “This would be the biggest move in the game and I can’t do it without all my allies onboard.”
Jessie talks to Judd about voting out Amanda.
In the Diary Room, Judd says he has to cover all his bases.
Helen talks to Andy in the storage room. Helen says she’s up for huge moves but she doesn’t want to do anything unless Andy is onboard. Andy tells Helen not to vote out Amanda.
In the Diary Room, Andy says that Amanda is his biggest ally in the house.
The next day, Helen talks (and talk) to Candice and Jessie. Candice says everyone is crazy if they don’t vote out Amanda. Helen tells them that she doesn’t have any “clout in the house.” Helen talks and talks. “Amanda has not done me any any wrong,” Helen says but she also says that she’s waiting until the House wants to vote Amanda out.
Back to Julie. She talks to the Houseguests. Helen tells them that the jury will be made up of 9 houseguests. The houseguests pretend to be excited. Julie then tells them that is a double eviction. Julie says, “Just because you’re on the jury doesn’t necessarily mean you’re out of the game.” Aaryn looks confused.
Candice gives her final speech. Candice tells off Gina Marie. Gina Marie starts going: “Stop, stop!” GM holds up Nick’s hat. Julie has lost control.
Spencer finally starts his speech. He says hi to his family and tells someone to enjoy school.
Amanda says “Hi, mom and dad,” and asks to be kept in the house.
McCrae votes for Candice.
Aaryn votes for “Candice the Clown.”
Helen votes for “my boo, Candice.”
Jessie votes for Candice.
Julie says its official, Candice will be leaving.
Elissa votes for Candice.
Andy hops into the Diary Room and enthusiastically votes to evict Candice.
Judd runs into the Diary Room. Votes to evict Candice.
Julie tells us that Candice has been voted out but since she’s a juror, Julie won’t be able to give her any “news or feedback from the outside world.”
Julie tells the HGs that Candice has been voted out.
Candice throws her clown wig on the floor, hugs everyone, and leaves. Gina Marie shouts that her mom didn’t want her as Candice leaves the house. (At least that’s what I think GM said.)
Julie talks to Candice. Candice and Julie talk about some of the racist comments made in the house. Candice says that it was difficult not to stand up for herself but “I stayed true to myself.”
And we go to commercial.
8:24 — And we’re back!
The new Head of Household Competition is taking place in the backyard. It’s a question-and-answer competition. Julie will ask them questions about the number of things in the house. Each HG can answer with either “more” or “less.” For example, Julie might ask, “There are 10 chairs in the have-not bedroom,” and then the HGs would answer with either “more” or “less.” Get an answer wrong and you’re eliminated from the competition. The last HG standing becomes the new HOH.
Elissa is eliminated on the first question.
Andy and Jessie are eliminated on the 2nd question.
Nobody is eliminated on the 3rd question.
On the 4th question, everyone gets it wrong except for Aaryn who wins HoH for the 3rd time! GM hugs her.
Julie says that we return from commercial, she’s going to reveal “news about the MVP twist.”
And we go to commercial.
8:30 — And we’re back.
In the house, Aaryn is talking to McCrae, Andy, Spencer, and Amanda. They’re telling Aaryn to nominate Jessie and Spencer. Despite being the only person to have won multiple HoHs, Aaryn seems incapable of actually being Head of Household. Aaryn looks incredibly stressed.
Julie calls everyone into the living room. Julie tells them that the MVP twist is officially over but she doesn’t tell them that America was MVP. Lisa curses at the TV as Amanda cheers. Lisa starts to wonder if maybe — just maybe — this game is being rigged in Amanda’s favor.
(Yes, this does mean that — from now on — only two people will be nominated for eviction.)
Aaryn nominates Jessie and Spencer.
We go to commercial.
8:37 pm — We’re back and we’re ready to play the MVP.
Andy, Judd, Amanda, Spencer, Jessie, and Aaryn will be playing for the Power of Veto. The competition is called Nailed It. Basically, they have to grab a bunch of over-sized nails from a tool box and use them to put together a puzzle. Aaryn easily wins the veto. Seriously, nobody else comes close.
As we go to commercial, we see Helen hugging Aaryn and, no doubt, telling her that she’s a special little snowflake.
We go to commercial.
8:45 pm — And we’re back.
Judd is talking to Amanda, McCrae, and Andy. It looks like he’s saying that he never did something.
In the living room, Helen is talking to Aaryn, “Do it!” Helen tells her in that Helen-like way of hers.
McCrae is hugging Amanda and sobbing, for some reason.
Julie calls all the HGs into the living room “right now!”
Aaryn takes Jessie off the block and puts Judd in her place. Aaryn says that Judd has been playing everyone in the house. Aaryn says she has to do it or she’ll go home.
The audience, by the way, was heard to groan when Judd was nominated. (Fortunately, Judd is wearing his bear shirt.)
We go to commercial, perhaps so we can think about how the whole MVP twist basically screwed Judd over for absolutely no good reason.
8:51 pm — We’re back. I’m trying not to yell too loudly at the TV because I am seriously annoyed with both the producers and the houseguests right now.
Spencer says don’t vote me out.
Judd says that he didn’t play anyone and he asks everyone to vote how they want to and not how they’re being told to vote.
Aaryn looks like she’s about to have a nervous breakdown.
Jessie is sobbing.
Amanda votes first. Amanda votes to evict Judd.
McCrae votes “sadly to evict Judd.”
GM comes in. GM fights tear as she votes to evict Judd.
Andy’s voice cracks as he votes to evict Judd.
“It’s official, Judd will be leaving,” Julie says.
Helen happily says that she votes to evict Judd.
Elissa fights back tears as she votes for Judd.
Jessie votes to evict Judd. She fights back tears.
Only Helen acted happy about her vote. That will be remembered by many viewers.
Julie tells Judd that he’s been evicted. Judd hugs everyone. He says “Good luck” as he leaves.
Outside the house, the audience goes wild for Judd.
Inside the house, everyone is crying. Andy hugs Spencer. Helen grabs Aaryn and starts going, “That was so humongous!”
Outside, Julie talks to Judd. Julie seems to be confused as to why Judd was voted out. Judd says, “I don’t know what happened!” At this point, I yell at the TV, “It’s because you people screwed up that stupid MVP twist, JULIE! YOU OWE THAT MAN $500,000!”
Julie tells us to watch next week. For the record, she does not mention the reset button.
Back in the BB house, Helen is talking to GM. Amanda is staring blankly at the floor.
And so, the double eviction episode ends.
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
Damn.. you were busy during the show! 😆
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Unfortunately, I didn’t have to watch… it went exactly how I feared it would.
Judd was loyal… but he was a guy. Guys gotta go is the house rule this year. I hope McCrae gets a taste of that soon.
Oh well.. guess I’ll see what these idiots do next. 🙄
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Final 2 = DeManda & Aaryn…… UUUGGGHHH
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BB Evicted Judd tonite….BB should have TOLD the HG’s bout MVP being America… Judd would have stayed for sure….. 🙁
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Just sick. I can’t believe the followers this year. Now Helen is doing Amanda’s dirty work? Really? The only thing we have is that many of them will pay a heavy price when they leave the house and come back into the real world.
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@Hoh8, CBS has ruined this year totally and they are the ones responsible for Judd leaving since Amanda was so damn sure he was MVP. That would have meant America liked him and anyone America likes Amanda hates. I wonder who her next victim will be?
Any guesses JT???
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I didn’t get this page, did it get lost in the mail 🙄
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I AM SO F-ING MAD RIGHT NOW – that spineless aaron – and wished julie had said mvp was america – guess this week is gonna be the same old shi_ amanda and helens house – i hate that i am emotionally involved
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Starfish, I think Amanda will target Jessie & Spencer… maybe GM too.
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Aggie… this page was just put up, I haven’t received e-mail yet either.
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everyone is still in the last page talking, lol… 🙂
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Oh Dear…how much WORSE can this season get?…i know for sure i will HATE the Winner of BB15….. UGH…. 🙁
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Helen also told Aaryn, after Judd left, that she was just like Janelle and was pumping her arms in victory. Never like Janelle in a million years. That’s an insult to Janelle!
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At this point, I almost hope Amanda stays long enough to bite Aaryn & GM in the ass… and make them realize what a waste their 3 back to back to back HOH’s were!
….then Amanda can get booted.
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Shut up Gina
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I just received my email of this page @9:22 pm 🙂
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I don’t like when they bring someone back because that unites the house even more to vote that person out again. At least that’s what usually happens. The house is so united now that it’s boring so maybe it will work the other way round. Grodner must go!!
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I would have pisssed off the house and put up Amanda! 👿
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Me too JT 7:21 PST
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Sal, if she had done that, I’ll bet Amanda would have gone.
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Well, on second thought, they are too dumb to do that.
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SD & Sea, aren’t you watching Sal?
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the Votes are getting smaller now to Evict Demanda….i dont think it will happen till maybe Maybe Final 4 or 3…..UGH…. 🙁
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Helen is the queen, Why oh why not tell them AMERICA Voted Judd would still be in the house Hope America picks return player!!!
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so when is HOH comp suppose to happen?
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Helen will be so shocked when she sees the feeds and realizes that Andy the snake actually influenced her total game!
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Okay, I’m slowly becoming less furious. It was hard to see both Judd and Candice voted out for no good reason but at least Project Runway is on. Can’t wait to see Sandro go crazy.
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This show is so stupid. No one votes on their own. House full of freaks and racist s. Worst group of people ever!!!!
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I’m not exactly as much furious as I am stunned at the stupidity this year and no one seems to have game except Amanda and they don’t see what she’s doing. Now she has Spencer and Jessie in their place so to speak and I’ll bet they don’t speak up anymore just to stay in the game. They are neutralized. Somebody has to wake up sometime and keep Andy out of it.
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@JT, yes it will be fun when the idiots realize they are next on Amanda’s hit list and they get kicked in the ass (Aaryn and GM) and it will be too damn late. 😈
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There are 5 or 6 games going on, currently showing SD & Sea
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Sorry Candice went, but glad she went with a bang!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Someday when Judd realizes what happened, he should get his pound of flesh from a few people….
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I can’t believe what followers these fools are. Can’t even one person vote independently? As much as I dislike him, I hope Spencer wins HOH and he puts up Helen and Amanda. Then he wins POV and keeps the nominations the same. I want Helen out now because she was just too damn happy to evict Judd. Is McCrea taking as hard as it seems it is being reported?
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Just checked in with the Big Brother community on twitter. A lot of anger over Judd being evicted. The few members of Team Amanda appears to be putting the blame on Helen, saying that she runs the house. Everyone else is blaming Amanda.
I was trying to remember if anyone has ever won BB without ever once being the HoH. Dr. Will managed to do that but, in Will’s case, it was his strategy to throw most of the challenges. (Dan did the same thing but he won a few when he had to.) In Amanda’s case, I don’t think it’s strategy. She just flat out sucks at challenges.
Speaking of sucking, I will scream if the final two turns out to be Helen and Amanda.
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the HOH Comp should be later tonite….with the crapshoot they were practicing yesterday…and lets hope that Jessie wins it…cause she’s demanda’s next Target…..
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Deb — McCrae is really upset. I have to admit that I don’t have much sympathy for any of these crying houseguests. It’s not like they had any reason to vote Judd out, beyond their own lack of spine. Helen is assuring everyone that they just made a huge and important move. Helen is a dumbfug.
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I think Helen fell under Amanda’s spell and believes what Amanda says and Helen is heavily influenced by Andy who she won’t make a move without. He’s in Amanda’s camp and Helen doesn’t know it. Oh the wicked web we weave. I don’t think Helen is at the helm I believe it to be Amanda. Helen has fallen into follower mode bringing Elissa with her.
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what fools.
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Why did Helen want Judd out except for the fact that Amanda said so.
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Elissa wanted an all girls alliance from day one but I’m pretty sure Amanda wasn’t in on that but it looks like the guys are going. I don’t think it has anything to do with Elissa tho, it’s just working out that way because they are the ones irritating the Queen Bee DeManda. It will be interesting to see which of the two McManda’s turns on the other first. No guts no glory!
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Thank you for the post. I have STUPID TIME WARNER.
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I dvr’d the show then when I watched it there were quite a few incidences where it went to black, anyone else have that problem, sorry I havent read any comments yet.
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Elissa has wanted all girls since day 1… and she had MVP for 3 weeks to help that. Helen wants that too. Amanda isn’t working on an all girl alliance with them… but she has targeted all guys so far. Amanda said she would vote for a girl in final 2 no matter what. I think Amanda wants all the guys out (except Mc) because she can’t control them like she controls the girls.
Judd was the only HOH that didn’t do what Amanda wanted…. Aaryn didn’t her first time, but Nick still went because of MVP.
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No words need to be spoken as each member of the jury joins Candice.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------She can just look at them and be thinking, “you fools”…. and they will know what she means.
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Well , word from a previous employee from CBS, it looks like it all fixed and Amanda, will WIN BB15, she is good friends with the BB Production Crew (Allison Grodner, and Ellisa was pre chosen and she there only for distraction. This is just a joke. Its all set up.
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I wonder if the producers are proud of this year. The MVP crap, the overtly racist behavior of multiple idiots and the bullying by Jerymy,Aaryn,GM and Kaitlan and Amanda. Where’s the Dr. Will’s.the Janelle’s and the Erica’s, even the Evil Dick’s. Dick was a bully but at least he was entertaining. The folks are a bunch of ditzes. But I can’t stop watching.
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@SF…Helen wanted Judd out for the same reason demanda wanted him out and the rest of the crew…cause he was MVP for the past 2 weeks and kept putting UP demanda….and they cant have him keep doing that, really, lol….. 🙂
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Thank you for the show.. you rocked it..cause I thought I would never know. I’m so upset!!! I want Judd back.. these ppl need to grow a pair and start playing the game!!!!! Aaauuuggg!!!!
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@LM I watch Project Runway too! Omg can’t wait to see his meltdown. Maybe he escaped from BB Casting Couch?!
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WOW That was fun! Lots of catching up with all your comments! Hey Starfish..Aggie… JT… Star…. Bill..Kevin.. John Boy! 😕
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thu 7:54 PM BBT Aaryn pointed out that Candice said she respected everyone except GM/Aaryn in her last speech. Aaryn said it’s probably because – Alpha
Candice is racist.
Thu 7:51 PM BBT Helen said “This might be the best season of Big Brother ever.” NT – Alpha
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I thought Helen was a “super-fan”. She’s going to be super embarrassed when she watches herself and sees all the stupid mistakes she’s made.
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Trivia now… must be time for HOH comp
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for those waiting to watch tonite’s Live show…here it is commercial free…. 🙂
and the Live Feeds went to Trivia…so the HOH Comp is underway…the one they practiced yesterday….Go Jessie !!!!… 🙂
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JT Trivia √
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Going back to watch some TV ❗ See you later……………..
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This HOH comp is not a crapshoot to me. It does require skill to get the ball where you want it to go. The roulette wheel was a crapshoot… it could have been more skill based if they had removed the obstacles on the ramp.. then it would have been all about timing.
Aaryn did well in practice on this thing… but she wont be competing of course.
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These people are unreal!! Aaryn had a chance to make a big move in the house by putting up Helen and Amanda, or Amanda and McCrae, and just totally wimped out!! Why do they all follow each other and vote the way the others tell them to?? It’s all just irritating and ridiculous!!
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How random was that eviction??? I cannot wait till aaarrrryn watchs these past episodes and realizes she nominated probably the only players that would have kept her safe b/c he had a crush on her. Lol And wow Jessie escaped that by the skin on amandas teeth . Still lmbo at amanda and aaarrrryn faces when they figure out the kicked out someone that was loyal to them. Lol lol lol lol lol
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And dang somebody better take aaarrrryns super drug away. Lol
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I’m really sad now. I can’t believe this happened tonight. I don’t even want to watch BBAD. I can not believe one of these fools is going to win half a million bucks!
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OH!! I have half a mind to root for Spencer at this point!
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Sad very sad! Poor Judd–he was truly my favorite in this house. Aaryn,Amanda, Helen and GM need to leave! I agree CBS owes Judd some money!
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McCrae, get that pizza boy out!! It’s time he tries to become a man.
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I can’t believe tonite. There is nothing but trash in the house, I can’t Julie is as bad as them. She is reason Judd is gone. There is only Jessie , who I think could do a better job makng some sense to this show. Amanda, Helen, Aaryn, and GM are the worst. Andy is just a Sorry person, makes me sick . Spencer is a sick human. I know I left some person out. But all the decent and good people are gone. I will never watch Big Brother again. I am so disappointed in BB this year. I have watch BB from the first show and I never would have believe you let this mess go on. Howard and Candice was the best of all. What was the point of the MVP. I don’t know who was in charge of this show, but they need to be fired. I feel better now, I just had to tell how I feel about this mess.
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the HOH Comp needs to end before 1am EST cause thats when BBAD starts so we should know in 30 mins who won HOH…. 🙂
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You would think so HoH8…. but they have recorded stuff for BBAD in the past in similar situations… so we’ll see.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shouldn’t take long for 8 people to roll a ball down into a bucket though.
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BB isn’t on here until the football game is over. Probably around 10 pm just like the map showed a couple days ago. Was it Sal who put that up?
So happy I was able to watch most of it with Hoh8’s post. Thanks Hoh8!!
Just a disappointing night. That’s right Amanda thought Judd was MVP but she still ran the show. For Helen to say this is the best BB ever is a laugh and a half. Wait until she sees the feeds. I’ll bet her husband is having a hernia watching how badly she’s playing and how she’s being so stupidly manipulated without her knowledge. 😆 She thinks she’s playing such a good game and she’s simply a pawn on the Amanda show.
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If Spencer or Jessie were to win HOH, do you think they would have what it takes to put Amanda and McCrae up?
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@JT…well, we’ll see if the Feeds start back at 1am or not….if they dont, then they maybe taped something for BBAD since they dont care bout BBAD this year…
@SF…glad u got to see some of it…i posted the whole show, did u see the post?
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There’s a bunch of misfits in the house!!! Did anyone hear GM on the live feeds say she lives in a new York where its exspensive,but she lives with her parents in a crappy house in a crappy bedroom and drives a crappy car that she loves!!! The thing she doesn’t know is now she doesn’t even have a crappy job!!! Lol I can’t wait to read about that!!!
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I’ve seen taped episodes of BBAD in the past (3 that I remember)…. but I’ve also seen feeds on trivia while BBAD is live. So we’ll see
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New HOH is Andy
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ANDY WON HOH…….Oh No !!!!!!!
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lets see how many days demanda lets him use the HOH bed, lol…. 🙂
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Oyy… they are a sickening duo…. now Amanda is crying because she didn’t win. And McCrae is the one who knocked her out of the comp 😆
She should just be happy she’s there.. and safe another week.
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Andy had to pick the Have-Nots…Helen,Elissa,Aaryn,GM…..
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Jessie or Spencer will be gone…. maybe even GM.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Everyone else is safe this week.
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Amanda just wanted HOH for the bed… 🙄
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yeah, Jessie will prolly go…cause Andy likes Spencer…..lets see how hard they get into Andy’s ears…..
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Helen & Elissa volunteered for have nots
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This season is ridiculous. Do none of these ppl have thoughts of their own? I mean seriously?! Why is that skanky biz-natch, Amanda still sitting there? And Helen, ugh. Her fake niceness grates on my nerves. The only person left to root for is Jessie. I really hope this game isn’t rigged to allow Amanda win. If that’s the case, this will be my final BB viewing season.
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this is Aaryn’s first time as a HN…Finally…. hope she Suffers….
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. My dog spot wants me to quit watching this dog it of a show!
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forgot the sh..
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McC I putting on the clown costume
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Long shot theory but do you think that since Andy seems to like Spencer that Spencer could convince him it’s time to make a big move to get Amanda out and put up both Amanda and McCrae? Spencer knows Amanda is running the show but I think he wants to be in the “in” crowd so may be hesitant to even suggest such a thing. I can only hope. Or is it hopeless. 🙁
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Hey Starfish, we can wish, but sounds like he is going to tow the company line.
GM is now my most disgusted. I heard that same crap in middle school, she literally is stuck at 12. She’s the classy one.. please! She hates Candice from the moment she found out she has won national titles and GM could barely break the local circuit.
It sure did sound like there’s going to be a jury twist. Please open Pandoras box and let it be a swap off America’s choice from jury to hgs.. like we vote Judd back in and Amanda out.. why the heck not, they’ve mucked this season up enough already.
Queuing up some old seasons, this one is a wash..
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With Andy as HoH, that means that Amanda’s not going anywhere.
As much as I don’t like Amanda, I think that Helen now has to be considered the most annoying person in the house.
Over on twitter, there’s a lot of people who are convinced that Aaryn’s meds are giving her super powers and that’s why she’s won HoH 3 times. Trust me, if meds gave you super powers, then I’d be flying around in a miniskirt and bustier, fighting evil doers and saving the world from megalomaniacs. Aaryn’s won HoH 3 times because this is a really weak group of houseguests. This season’s strongest player would be the weakest on any other season.
Jane — Sandro’s meltdown was worth the wait! I do think he would have been more at home in the Big Brother house. 🙂
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Andy is loyal to Amanda & McCrae over anyone. those 3 want to be final 3.
NO WAY IN HELL will Andy go against them this week.
Andy will nominate Jessie & Spencer. the intent will be to get Jessie out.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If Jessie wins the veto… then GM goes up and will be voted out.
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The fight between Gina Marie and Candice has kinda been overshadowed by Judd getting backdoored.
However, Gina Marie really did show her true self there and it reminded me of why I disliked her. Beyond the fact that what she said was offensive and just plain mean, you have to wonder how stupid someone could possibly be to speak like that to someone who, potentially, could decide whether you’re going to win a half-a-million dollars.
I have to admit that if I was in the BB house, I would probably try to take GM to the final two with me just because I would know that I would at least be able to get Candice’s vote.
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Who in the house has never won a comp?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda.. and she DOESN’T NEED TO!
(technically, Jessie too I guess)
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BB owes us an extended finale where we get to watch all these fools are told what has happened to them outside the house and some full on clips of their obnoxious behavior. I want to see the look on their faces, especially when they find out America was MVP..
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Somehow, someway there will be a twist and Judd will get voted back into the house BY AMERICA.
Bet Me!!!!!!
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OMG! What the hell is going on in this years BB ! I’m tempted to not watch it anymore. I don’t know why Judd got voted out? What did he do? And….why where they all crying after he left? I do not like one HG that’s left! This show is crap!!
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@bbigbob I think McRae became a man a few days ago in the cockpit room.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@LM ugh Project Runway didn’t tape for me! I have to wait a few days until it comes on demand. I can’t wait to see Sandros Bitch sesh!!
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@LM, You posted “…For the record, she (Julie) does not mention the reset button….”. I recall references to a reset button as I was speed reading the comments but I assumed that people were writing about computer issues, so skipped ahead. What did I miss?
I just can’t stand seeing Amanda constantly fondling McCray. Tonight she was running her hands through his hair while trying to console him. Ick! I had to go wash my hands! If neither one of them goes soon I will have to stop watching. my stomach is just not strong enough.
The MVP twist really screwed up the game play. I don’t think that there been even one vote to evict the MVP nominee. In addition, all, or nearyly all, evictions have been unanimous. These HGs are all sheep (no offense to the four legged kind)!
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I can’t believe they didn’t seize the moment and vote Amanda out…I also think that Andy was behind them all thinking Judd was MVP and using everyone to cover his own ass. He is a snake. Helen seems to think she can garner votes by giving untrue compliments to about everyone in the house. She told Amanda that it was because of her that the rest of them was still here and that she was playing a phenomanal game. Then she told Aaryn that she saved all of them by voting Judd out. She’s diffently a politician. I’m not sure who I’m rooting for now…I really don’t like my choices. I hope Andy opens Pandora’s Box and Judd comes back and makes some big power moves. I bet he’s regretting not going with Jessie to vote Amanda out. No mention of the reset button. What do you think that’s all about?
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I am soooo upset Judd is gone. What a bunch of spineless idiots we are forced to watch this year. Just as mad at BB for not letting them know the MVP was America. That possibly would have taken that target off Judd’s back. He was who I was pulling for since the beginning. I think he is the best person in there. I am hoping he gets back in that house and shakes it up and goes right after the nasty bully(Amanda) and the irritating Helen. GM made her own bed and she will pay for it. What another idiot…I will now support Elissa.
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Thanks for all your comments, been to happily busy to watch what has become a really annoying show
Can’t believe I just said it!
Shame in the producer for their casting , choice of strategy and making it obvious for a few seasons now that they influence the outcome
Sick of all of them
What a horrible season
This blog is better than the show
@lisa Marie you are such a good writer
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Forgot , NO Helen you are not Janelle
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Don’t fool yourself , but Yes politics are a great field for you
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This will be remembered as the year of the gutless wonders. It was the perfect opportunity to get rid of Amanda despite the producers and no one took it. Might as well hand her the check now and all go home.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Great idea please end the torment CBS give DeMANda a check a free us !
Why didn’t they tell them America was MVP ?
That wold have made them think a little , may not have helped them but still.
I still can’t figure out why Amanda picked MC Cray as her victim but I guess he was the weakest
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This is by far the WORST season ever of BB. I am guessing that its the last season too with all the stuff that’s being done by the people racial comments and Spencer acting (probably is) a pedophile. Whoever picked this group of IDIOTS should be out of a job.
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Just got done watching last night’s BBAD and I can’t believe I wasted the time (yes, I’m taking another day off work). What I can’t figure out is why does Spencer have to always be the pawn? Nobody else in that alliance has the guts to go up and take one for the team by being the pawn, so it falls on Spencer (who isn’t even in their alliance). I sort of hope he gets HOH next week and does something drastic in that house, something none of them expect.
I liked when Mccruddy said that it’s a problem having everybody in the house “on their side” as Amanda put it. Amanda doesn’t see a problem with that, he does. Pretty soon, they are going to be eating their own and it will be somewhat awesome, especially if Amanda is backdoored.
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Can’t stand people who don’t vote on their own. By the way the vote went with reactions etc it would have been 4-2 for Spencer to go. Amanda is using McCrae in my opinion. smh….disguested with this whole season
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@Diana, Yep. To whomever asked why or how she picked him as her victim, it’s because she saw in him one of the weakest guys, easily manipulated and believable for her to hook up with. She could have manipulated Judd, too; but a showmance between them wouldn’t have been believed. Spencer is far from her type. And she was unable to manipulate any of the other guys which is why they had to go–Amanda even said so in DR on more than 1 occasion.
McCruddy is now saying that Amanda is like every other failed relationship he’s ever had. I wonder why? Get a clue, boy! You pick the wrong women!!!
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Why do i bother watching anymore? I should go to a petting zoo to watch a bunch of sheep
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Petting Zoo sounds great but then again I feel sorrier for the animals than these free loading HGs
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nice vacation BB 15
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Another week of BB done nothing has changed in the BB House. Aaryn has now won three HOH and one POV and it is now being said she is incapable of actually being Head of Household because she is doing whatever other HOH has done follow the majority rules concept. I don’t what the live feed as I won’t was my time or money so it is great to get the info here. But like the game the feeds are controlled by BB. I am now in the monitory as I don’t by all the talk about Aaryn and Gina Marie. Everyone is unhappy with Amanda but she is the only one playing the game as annoying as she appears to be, but is not as bad as Evil Dick and most people love him. He seemed like a bigot on the show to me and was not removed and it appeared America and the BB fans love him, go figure. McCrae is just riding on Amanda’s coattails even if it was a bad choice. But in my opinion he does not seem like much of a man anyway. Not a fan of Helen but she has some game. Now allot of people are getting on Andy’s case but he has some game as well. I can’t remember anyone who completely play nice winning BB. This is a game where honest and fair play general gets you evicted. All BB winners played have played dirty at times, that how they won. Bottom line is there is not much game play as it is follow the majority (house rules).
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What a dope! Aaryn should have put up McC & Helen. If either came off the block she could have replaced with Amanda or Elissa (depending). But seeing that she put up Spencer & Jessie, she made the right move taking Jessie off but should have replaced with Amanda. She had the votes to get rid of Amanda and worse case the tie breaking vote. Gutless!
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It sounds like we get to vote a jury member back into the house, let it be Judd since he got the backdoor because of the MVP twist!
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I really liked Judd but I don’t feel sorry for him at all. He had his chance to make a big move. Jessie and Candice both warned him that Amanda wanted him gone next and he didn’t listen and was way too comfortable to make a big game change. He was shown the writing on the wall but it must have been a language he didn’t understand.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You are too smart you wouldn’t be cast for sure
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@Rich and she would have been gone next week. Remember, the majority of these people, Aaryn included, are not playing to win. They are simply playing for another week in the house.
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Just wanted to say what I heard as Candice was leaving the BB house she tells GM something about her needing to move out of her mother’s house and GM tells her that at least her mother wanted her and then I said to myself OH NO she didn’t go there!!! I felt sad for Candice becasue even as she kept assuring Julie C that she was alright ~ those word hit me like a ton of bricks…just as a child of God
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I wish I was a fly in the jury house, I can bet dollars to donuts it will take candy and judd no more then an hour to fit the pieces of the puzzle together and have the entire picture, then would be so great to have america vote judd back in the house. He would play quite a different game, especially since he got all votes not even a sympathy one . Yes going to be very interesting, and in regard to demanda, mc s getting quite tired of her u can read it in his face. Come on production make it right again and I think they will they so far have kept us fully focused and now they dangle the worm in front of us knowing full well us die hard fans will continue to watch just to see if justice prevails.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------However if things go as they have been well all I can say is
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Yes, we need to vote someone back into the house. Someone who will play strategically for themselves.
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Thanks LM for the breakdown of last night’s show, now I don’t have to sit and watch the horror! I agree, I would bring GM with me to the final too…
The best twist of the show would have been Julie announcing America was the MVP the last 2 weeks –it would have been interesting to see if the group would have changed their vote –and let’s face it, I would have enjoyed seeing Amanda’s reaction… I know I should be ashamed of myself for that….
My next dream is to bring a Jury member (preferably Judd) back in the game who cannot be evicted the first week…
@kimjmj – I agree, I want to see these people squirm after watching clips of their behavior…
@ Rich .. that is way too much thought process for poor Aaryn.
@Becky.. you are so right. I think most of them have forgotten about the prize.
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Oh Boo Hoo… Judd got the boot! This is Big Brother, people… Expect the Unexpected!!!
Great episode! I liked Judd, but apparently he was perceived as to dangerous, distrustful, disloyal or that the Bear Shirt sucked… which it did.
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Oh by the way… giving props where they are due… 🙂 got it right with his prediction of Judd being evicted the other day.
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Just get rid of Amanda already. I cried when Judd left. Thinks its funny Amanda thinks America loves her. Please… You’re a bully and don’t know when the hush that big fat mouth of yours. All these puppets need a mind set of their own. this is their game. now McCranda’s or Helen’s. Lets take a moment of silence that the Jury House gets back in the game and take out Amanda! She doesn’t deserve to win this BB15
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Extra jurors? Maybe we will be able to vote them back into the game this year. Then we can give Candice and Judd the fighting chance they deserve. That might be why they cannot tell the evicted HG’s that America was MVP.
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Freakin’ hg’s, none of them have any balls what-so-ever!! Unbelievable they voted Judd out they will be regretting not getting Amanda out while they had the opportunity. This show just p-ssed me off and made me not want to watch those losers anymore but of course I will be tuning in on Sunday! It was sickening watching everyone say “I sadly evict Judd.” The only half-way decent person in there . I still don’t get it was it because Aaryn liked him but he likes Jessie?? Somebody please explain, please 🙂
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Oh yeah and GM really showed her butt last night! Not that we needed to see anymore of it but she can’t help it. Her fam back in Jerseyhas to be so embarrassed!
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I started to watch BB in the season 7. Every time that there was a double eviction, Julie Chen would wait until at least 10 to 15 minutes go by to watch the old clips of the season. Commercial break and back to the show.
Julie comes back and it’s a race against time to end the show in one hour. What the hell is that all about. A mad rush to get another eviction, POV, new HOH and then we go to commercial again.
This makes no sense to me ever. Julie Chen needs to watch her own feedbacks to see how stupid this is. Noboby in that house is acting rational. This is the worst season.
Julie on the other hand has her afternoon show so it seems that this is extra change in her pocket with her husband to produce this godawful show.
I still say vote out Amanda but it seems that its not going to happen. Andy won HOH and he is the biggest Sleezy snake in the whole group. Going from one group to another to backstab the whole house.
If he or Amanda wins….. this WILL be my final show to watch.
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Hey BB to eff yourself! I have a babysitter and tickets to see Matisyahu tonight! First concert in 10yrs… Thank god for my BB Blogfia who will tell me why your Houseguests are still stupid and OT trying to “go against the house”!! And thank god for the wine I’m consuming now to allow me to be like my friend Bobo and save my space————janes space—–
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Haha drunk posts are fun^^^^
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*go eff* not to eff…. Byeeeee
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Hey drunk Jane… you’re on the wrong page 😆
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(have one for me too… but don’t dive) 🙂
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🙄 !!!
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JT….you been hitting the bottle too? 😆
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I dived
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I’m so terribly disappointed with the contestants this season. What garbage dump did they pick up GM, (I bet it was the Staten Island dump), Aaryn (typical racist mentality w/Amanda running close second)…….how sad….how can someone look pretty on the outside yet is rotten to the core). BB you can do better than this…..shame…..shame…..shame>>>>>Karma is a B _ _ _ _!!!!!! Hope Candice is the deciding vote in the Jury House. P.S. GM does not represent NYC.
CMRS from Dallas (born & raised in New York City)
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