Hi, everyone!
Well, it’s Monday and you know what that means — it’s my busy day and it’s also the day when I usually post my shortest, most rushed update.
Usually that doesn’t matter because, with this current Big Brother cast, nothing interesting ever happens on Sunday or Monday. (Or Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday…)
However, last night — things actually got a little bit interesting. For a while, it looked like the entire game could be turned upside down. Now, it looks like it probably won’t happen but there’s still a small chance that, at today’s veto ceremony, Aaryn might end up nominating Amanda.
I have to thank Kevin11 for posting most of the details under the previous post but here’s the long and the short of it:
Helen has figured out that she’s the target this week and she’s gone into full campaign mood. Say what you will about Helen but at least she isn’t taking her eviction lying down.
Helen went to Aaryn last night and had a very long conversation with her. Fortunately for her, Helen picked the perfect opportunity to talk to Aaryn. As we all saw on last night’s episode, Amanda has been making jealous and snarky comments ever since Aaryn beat her to win Head of Household. Meanwhile, Aaryn has allowed the fact that she’s won HoH four times totally go to her head. (Seriously, Aaryn has spent the majority of her fourth HoH obsessing on the fact that Janelle holds the record for most competitions won with 9. Aaryn wants that record!) Aaryn is getting sick of being ordered around by someone who hasn’t won a single challenge. As well, Aaryn was drunk last night which meant that she was even more vulnerable to Helen’s brand of ass-kissing than she usually is.
Essentially, Helen told Aaryn that she needed to nominate and backdoor Amanda and, for a while at least, it looked like Aaryn was seriously considering the idea.
During their conversation, Aaryn also told Helen the truth about Andy. Needless to say, Helen was shocked to discover that Andy is not — and never has been — her biggest ally in the house.
Now, before anyone gets too excited, Aaryn later told Amanda the full details of her conversation with Helen. I imagine that Aaryn will probably turn on Amanda (or Amanda will turn on Aaryn, depending on who has the power in the house) but it probably won’t happen this week.
In other words, it would be neat if Amanda went up on the block but I get the feeling that, when it comes time to announce her decision, Aaryn will still play it safe and go with Spencer.
We’ll find out later today!
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
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Finally it looks like they will start playing the game. It took them long enough. So far this season it has been boring, I’m hoping now that Andy has been “outed” (LOL) that things will change.
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thx LM thx mm – that is terrible bout david – if anyone else gets more details – pls share
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Elissa tells Helen that if she wins HOH, she is putting up Amanda and McCrae. Helen warns her about Andy being a liar and a RAT
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------but will it stick, time will tell
@ macy you r welcome, wish I knew the whole story but so many different versions who knows the complete truth, and who even knows if david was telling the truth
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Lisa Marie, you are doing a fantastic job doing these daily posts. Thanks! What is David’s ‘secret’? I missed hearing it…..just heard the ‘that’s awful’ etc.
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What are they saying abtbdavid? I caught when aaryn was walking away but did not catxh what had been said.
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I’m so over Andy he can go right after Amanda! I’ve been reading your blog for a couple years thanks for the updates ! I subscribe to the live feed but this season is so awful I am just letting you do the work! Lol thank you!
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Gutless again, Spencer is up and not Amanda. I’m beginning to wonder if Aaryn and Amanda have a deal to split the money if either of them win.
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Well maybe drunk Aaryn is better than sobber Aaryn.
She maybe able to play this game now that she has drunk talk info lol
Helen SHUT UP!!!!!!
Whats upw David?
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Aaryn’s Eye infection: With all the f’n makeup she uses and contacts instead of her glasses so she looks pretty for the camera’s it’s no wonder her eye is messed up.
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@Mama Margie
Mama Margie 08.19.13 at 12:31 pm
I think aarynation said that david told her something about he threw a clump of dirt in a kids eye and blinded him and the kids parents sued his parents, now I heard two stories both with clump of dirt one was kid was blind the other he was almost blind, that is all I heard.
I hope its ok copied from yesterday
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Amanda and aaryn suck .
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Okay – so what is the deal about David? Help me out please. I kind of figured she would put up Spencer because of the 3 am thing. She just doesn’t know how to really play at all. I thought she did from what I read about drunk Aaryn but she is pretty lousy as sober Aaryn.
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Wimpy ass players , no one has game when they all have to report to Amanda a every ass they scratch!
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WHY is Amanda controlling all these players??? She’s never won HOH .. and fat chance she ever will. The fact that she’s part of a power couple should have been a clue to the others to vote her out a long time ago! Going to the end with Amanda & McCrae only means you’ll be the 3rd from last person going home! Has NO ONE in the house thought this thru except Helen and Spencer?? Plus the fact that Amanda is a total fruitcake. If Helen goes home there won’t be a single person left to mastermind the demise of Amanda. It will then just be clear sailing .. unless Spencer can gather up some allys. But I haven’t really seen Spencer really buddy up to anyone in the house lately much at all. He just seems concerned with just saving his own hide. These people need to wake up and realize Amanda is playing them ALL. Instead they just keep playing the game as though the ultimate goal is to keep Amanda safe. IDIOTS!
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According to Jokers, Andy is now in the HOH room trying to convince GM and Aaryn to vote out Helen. What the heck is he doing? He knows McCrae and Amanda will vote Helen out and his vote will make sure that Helen sees the door. He does not need GM’s vote and Aaryn can’t vote unless there is a tie, which there won’t be! Why is he wasting his breath?
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I think Andy wants to say that he just voted what everyone else did. He doesn’t want ANYONE voting for Spencer. They are ALL CRAZY!!!!!!
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GM better win HOH, I hear Nick is going to be in Pandora’s Box! lol
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Once Elyssa’s gone (and she will probably self evict once Helen leaves) I am going to be Seacrest out! lol I really dont like anyone but I think Elyssa is the most classy of all. It pisses the mean girls off b/c she has class and they dont. Andy ugh I mean really….u r such a dissapointmebt. More than Aaryn. i dont like the mean girls but at least they have been winning comps. Amanda….. I will not be happy with BB if she wins. I dislike her sacastic mirros they do too. She needs to earn the right to decide who goes up. Heck Aaryn cant make a decision on her own for nothin. And 3am agggghh thats how to decide a alliance alright 1st letter of each name. And then to give each a role! But dang Amanda as the Mastermind….. Naww more like the MasterManipulator. Aaryn ahould be the beotch instead of the beast, andy should be the weasel instead of the agent, and Mcrea ahould be the Forced instead of the enforcer b/c amanda is going to force him out before her.
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The latest if it sticks is that everyone except Amanda & McCrea will vote to evict Spencer! We will see.
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This is so upsetting. Arryn had to be drinking to think of back-dooring Amanda. Then she sobers up and it’s back to doing what Amanda says. I feel totally stupid even watching this season. Then if they vote out Spencer they will still have Helen and Amanda. How awful!!. Worse still whoever wins the chance to come back will probably go along with the sheep again. Can it possibly get any worse?
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Oh GAWD, no. Please get rid of Helen. I can’t STAND her.
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Andy would be nuts to go against Amanda and McCrae, but we shall see. If there is a new alliance with Helen, Elissa, Aaryn, GM and Andy, guess who will be at the bottom? Stupid Andy!! At least with Amanda and McCrae he thinks he will be in the final three or four – not fifth!! These HG’s are all a bunch of losers!!
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I love BB – I have only been watching season the season of the exes (season4 I think) But this year is a T-O-T-A-L D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is the worst season ever. If CBS does not just dump the show over this season – I hope they dump the producer.
I would love to see more seasons but after this one who knows if it will be kept around.
Why is it only we see that a loser like DEMANDA is running everything. These people are so stupid.
They are JUST NOW figuring out what a total RAT Andy is, I have never in my life seen such STUPID people.
I wish I could run in the house and tell everything I have seen this season.
I hope whoever comes back – turns the DEMANDA world UPSIDE DOWN.
They need to put up DEMANDA and McCrea together to split those two up. and to watch them turn on each other – that will make the season.
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If Helen is still there, they have already agreed that if someone comes back, they will get rid of them immediately. That was one of their pacts. So I honestly question whether this will have an impact or not.
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I am having more fun w this blog than the show.
Weird cast weird strategy or none, lots of nothing going on.
Maybe the alcohol will clear their brains like it did for Aaryn, temporarily it seems.
OK producers it worked get them drunk!
Helen and Demanda are so arrogant and the incessant talking is getting to me.
I have no love for these people, FFWD thru after Dark yesterday as usual
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this group can’t do nothing on their own ! i am so sick of these house guest ~ spineless and stupid ~ spot on #15 ~ #16 ~ 20 ~ 25 ~ # 19 ha haa that would be a trip, like the song from Adel ~ she’s the only one in love !!
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I came upon Aaryn talking to GM this afternoon saying someone was making fun of her teaching poor kids how to snowboard. The only thing I could picture was Aaryn saying “stand on this board and I’ll give you a push down this hill.” “Oh, be sure to watch out for trees.”
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REGARDING DAVID – last nite on bbad – helen and elissa were in hot tub – commercial break – then when it came back on aaron was standing over them – saying yea, it was bad…and went back in the house – helen and elissa were both left with their jaws dropping – saying – ‘wow, that so awful’ and ‘i wonder why he didnt tell us’ -on and on – never revealing what happened –soooooooooooooooo when i signed in today i asked if anyone knew anything ————————————————————mama margie – said that some years ago david threw sand in a kids face and it blinded the kid – davids parent were sued bu the other parents – i know i didnt state it as good as she did – but – thats the gest
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Doesn’t Aaryn want Elissa out of the house? If so, she better make sure Helen goes home on Thursday! Hopefully Andy will vote with Amanda and McCrae.
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Okay so who’s on first ???? 😕 ……
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We just got home from dinner! I think I had a little to much Johnny W. Red… kind of tired 😕 🙄 See you soon…. Maybe! 😆 …..
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I hope Spencer is evicted. Only because I don’t even want Helen having the opportunity to return. And hopefully the returning houseguest gets a one week immunity.
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Hey AC Whats going on????
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Wow having a hard time keeping my eyes open! 🙄
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Sup Bobo. I see you got Bold, Italics and smileys down pat. 😎
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Thank you! I think I do! So how do you think I am doing ❓ ………… ;mrgreen:
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:lol; I drank tooo much!!!!
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Just Kidding ❗ ……………………………………………………………
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Going down to my man cave to watch some TV See you all later!
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Just can’t remember if a HG ever returned before, not sure why but can’t recall.
And that means as discussed yesterday that they wouldn’t be in the Jury House but sequester, or they would have an unfair advantage.
Which explains the no JH footage .
Wonder who will blow up next, we have Andy and Helen and MacCRanda on high alert now. Od and Aaryn attempting to use her brain and think. Have more BEER girlfriend you’ll need it especially when you come out jobless, The eye infection is nothing compared to your exit into the real world.
Spencer as usual is not worried…..under the radar
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Getting Good Bob at bold and Italics and 😯 You got AC to open his pie hole
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I hope Helen goes, but most likely she will be back with a vengance, Sorry I do not want to see Amanda go, this show can be boring enough, I dislike some things about her but don’t hate her.
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very disappointed in Trueblood, WTF kind of ending was that, also it looks like they killed of Eric, Please, say it isn’t so. OYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
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Seems Aaryn blew her chance to make some noise and that Amanda saved her ass by being paranoid enough to nip the chaos in the bud.
Latest Wil video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1k30jzQQTA
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Kevin11 that video clip was hysterical. I always thought Wil Heuser was funny. Thank you!
Hi Aggie!!!
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Hi Betty, Yes, Wil can be very funny
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@ K11
Kevin, Amanda’s Boobs are all over facebook, you need to give the ladies something on here, How about some Howard, Just a request
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Aggie I am with you, I don’t hate Amanda either, although I can’t say that I really like her either. She is playing a very strange game and seems to be getting away with it. I think the house would be so dull if she was sent home. Helen, on the other hand, is driving me crazy. I sure hope she goes this Thursday and Elissa self-evicts! I can’t wait for her to put on the water works! Too bad she told everyone that she uses her tears to manipulate her children! I think the HG’s all have her number!
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@ Betty
Yep Helen is phony at least you know where you stand with Amanda and Elissa is an entitled princess, even Rachel is not happy with her on the show, she obviously doesn’t care very much isn’t much of a fan, she said she didn’t want to stay in the jury house, nobody does that. They appreciate the opportunity to be there. She can go home and overdose on Botox.
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@Kevin11 Thanks for the Youtube
I always wonder where Julie finds her second hand wardrobe and mismatched accessories and shoes LOL
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I wish thatAmanda would stop walking around in her underware.They are not even nice ones.Amanda is a big bully..
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Aggie, according to Jokers Helen is making a hard pitch to McCrae and from what I have read I think she might promise him her next child! 😆
I know Judd blamed Jessie for his eviction. Does anyone have any idea who he might team up with should he return?
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Underwear sorry spell check.
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I hope next year show will be Allstar season so I can wash this season out off brain.
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Helen, piling up the BS so high that people can’t see over it often works in politics, but it bites you in the ass in the BB house.
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Betty, unfortunately for Judd, if he returns, he may have no other option than to try to get back in with Amanda & McCrae. It all depends what he has found out.. if anything.
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I wonder if Amanda and McCrae will keep him around. Aaryn is so good at challenges it might be worth their while to get her out.
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aggie — The important thing about True Blood is that, even though we saw Eric on fire, we never actually saw him explode into red goo. As far as I’m concerned, he either found a cave or he buried himself in the snow.
It was a strange episode but at least Sookie and Alcide have gotten together. It won’t last but Alcide’s still better than most of the guys that Sookie hooks up with.
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I was talking to some friends earlier tonight and they can’t believe that Amanda is actually 28 years old — mostly because she looks like she’s 40 and she acts like she’s 12.
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@ Lisa
Your probably right, and Pam was looking for him also, but he is the best character and people are upset if he was killed off, also there was rumors that he hadn’t signed his contract, I wouldn’t be surprised if he wants to get into movies more like his Dad Stellan Skaarsgard. I hope he survived somehow. Alcide is OK, but i preferred Sookie with Eric.
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Bla Bla Bla…,,,,,,
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Bookmark 😀
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I don’t have any feathers…
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“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”
― Albert Einstein
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Please say it isnt so….ERIC DEAD ????….. 🙁
it sure seems like it… how could he dug a hole?….and Pam is nowhere near him …. Oh Dear….Please he cant be DEAD…. 🙁
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@ HOH8
It’s possible, The show won’t be as good for me if that’s the case
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@ HoH8….I am still holding on to the hopes that Eric didn’t and will not die. He is a main character. Surely they won’t let him die….besides, they have to end with some suspense. What can be more suspenseful as that? Pam did go looking for him, remember? She will find him just in time and let him feed off her and he will be himself in no time. That has to be the reason she went out looking for him. I just hope they both don’t fry! Damn, it will be a long time to wait until the next season.
Nothing much to say about BB except I hope Helen is shown the door on Thursday, and we won’t be seeing her walk back through as the juror coming back. I really do think she will be the one that comes back, and I hate that! They finally get rid of her ass, and she will come bouncing back in all gloating and all….
Please….to the next hoh, put Amanda and GM up and send blamanda to the jury house. PLEASE!
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If Helen comes right back in Thursday, I hope they all stick to Helen’s deal!!
(To immediately vote out anyone that returns) 😆
I wonder if all 4 will compete to come back… or if we will vote for 1 to compete against Helen? (Like when Brendon came back)
Guess we’ll find out Wednesday.. if there is no America’s vote.. then all 4 compete.
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@JT, I’m pretty sure Julie said the 4 evicted HG’s would compete to see who goes back in. Go Judd!!!
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I hope Helen is evicted by a vote of 4 to 1, then we will all see Elissa freak out!
CBS must be pretty disappointed in Elissa. I hope they won’t give her any advantages!
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About 3:15 bbt fishes then Amanda comes out of DR sits on ottoman by couch then you hear her go back into DR & come right back she gets back into bed with MrRae then back into HN room to bed
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@Rich….good that the peeps in the DR busted her on that one. It was plain to see that she was able to eat cereal while being a HN without any consequences . How fair is that to all the others that have followed the rules? Oh that’s right….my bad! She is special, she is A Grodners friend. Time for Amanda to go (but that won’t be happening) ….what a waste of time watching this season, as we all know who is going to win this. To be honest, I barely watch the show any more. I haven’t really watched the lf’s, and I refuse to watch BBAD. While the show is on, I am busy doing other stuff, and it is only on in the background. Can’t wait for this season to be over and hope that next season will be better.
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Your suppose to get a penalty nom. for eating food. If she doesn’t then it’s rigged.
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Off – topic
@LM – I don’t believe the vamps turn into red goo when they burn — but the writers can make anything up. TB is so off the books, anything is possible so I hope Eric is saved somehow — otherwise I don’t think I can stand to watch it anymore…
I sucked it up and watched Sunday night’s episode — I had to fast forward through her conversation w/ Aaryn …. she was on my last nerve….. I just can’t decide who should win the money…. personally all of you who have suffered through the live feeds and BBAD deserve it more!!
Everyone… thanks for your suffering so I know what is going on in the house…
LM — nice job on your blogs…..
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Not sure, but it seemed to me that Elissa was eating cereal in the backyard last night on BBAD. I really don’t know, as I don’t have the LF’s, it could have been slop. Maybe this is what you saw Amanda eating.
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