Hi, y’all!
As always happens when there’s only three houseguests left in the house, there really isn’t much going on in the house. GM won the first part of the HoH competition. Last night, Andy won the second part. So, that means that GM and Andy are going to compete in the third part. The winner will be Head of Household and will choose who she or he wants to take to the final two.
Andy has promised GM that he’ll take her to the final two. GM has promised Andy the same thing. However, I think they’ve also both promised to take Spencer to the end as well. So, who knows what will happen?
We, as viewers, all know that both GM and Andy would easily defeated Spencer but do GM and Andy know that? Both of them have said that they think Spencer could win because of the number of times he’s been on the block without getting evicted.
Anyway, that’s pretty much it for what’s going on in the house.
On tonight’s show, I believe that CBS will be showing us previously untelevised footage — stuff like GM and Amanda getting into that fight the night before Amanda was evicted and, of course, Amanda and McCrae’s wedding. BLEH! I’ll be more impressed if CBS shows everyone (as opposed to just those of us who follow the live feeds) Amanda fantasizing about killing the other houseguests.
However — and this should be fun! — Dr. Will is also going to stop by the jury house and I can’t wait to see what he has to say to them.
Finally, I want to address two questions that I was asked in the comments section of the previous post.
First off, I was asked if I would keep track of what happens to the houseguests after they leave the jury house and discover what the rest of the world thinks about them. I’ll do my best. I can’t guarantee that any of these HGs will ever make the news again after this season does but if they do, I’ll be sure to post about it here.
Secondly, I was asked about whether or not I would be writing about Survivor. I know that BBBlogger has a survivor site (http://www.survivorblog.com) and, while I might not be writing there, I will definitely be leaving comments. I will also be watching and live-blogging each episode of Survivor over on my twitter account: http://www.twitter.com/LisaMarieBowman.
Personally, I’m looking forward to Survivor this year! A few days ago, I was thinking about how much fun it would be if Jeff Probst had come into the house and guest hosted one of this season’s competitions. I would have loved to have seen these entitled houseguests having to deal with a host who pulls no punches. I can just imagine Jeff saying: “Amanda, falling way behind in this competition!”
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
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thanx LM – hope u write a bit on survivor – your good at it!
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To anyone who I might have offended with some of my posts yesterday I
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------offer an apology. Not so much for what I said but how I said it. I had had a few
too many and although that is no excuse it’s really all I’ve got. Geez I’m
sounding like Aaryn. Damn. I was rambling and contradicting myself. What an idiot.
Sorry once again and I won’t be commenting on here anymore.
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Good day everyone. It’s really nice to see so many people praying for Brittany and her family. I thought of the phrase I used to sing when I felt particularly good when I got out of bed. It started my day off : “This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it…” Praying for Brittany and her precious little girl and her family. “Prayer does change things!” God bless. 🙂 < 3
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SHANE – everyone has a bad day now and then – whats important is that u apologized
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Hello! It’s a beautiful day. Be back later.
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Thanks for keeping on top of everything for us Lisa Marie. I for one am glad that Spencer is not in the running for HOH. It is anyone’s guess who will be in the final two. It will be good to see the finale and to know for sure that this season is finally over. I wasted too many hours watching BBAD and feeding my addiction to BB this year when I could have been doing more important things, like catching up on past seasons of Sons of Anarchy, or reading a few more good books. It is great to be retired and have these choices. Have enjoyed chatting with all ya’ll, and look forward to next year and hopefully coming back here to chat about BB16 with you!
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@Shayne ……shits happens and most everyone has ragged on something to an extreme at times, hang in there we welcome almost all people (the almost have a list we look out for!
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Thanks Lisa Marie – you have made a terrible BB season almost tolerable. Hopefully will be back next summer.
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Thank you Lisa Marie. Always love your updates. Looking forward to Wednesday when this farce of BB is over. I want the new & improved BB to stand up for BB16 with a lot of changes from the top (Grodner) down to the last competition. Maybe change out a couple mattresses too. 🙂
@Shayne, no worries, it’s a blog and we all get over the top occassionally.
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Hey Bendi, (answering from the previous page) not much right now. It’s a beautiful day tho. Gotta at least get dressed so I can walk my pooch. Sunday is a lazy day, I’m retired so every day is a lazy day. 🙂
Take care all, bbl. Prayers to Britney, Tilly and family.
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JoanD, I can really relate to what you said! I can’t believe I was watching GM play solitaire forever!!! My sissy and I finally played cards while watching her play cards. I have so many good books to read and so much sleep to catch up on! Have a good day.
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beautiful day here too – nice and cooled off = only suppose to reach 93 today
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Hi Macy! Have a great day! 🙂
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Shane, I agree with macy1231231. Hang in there with us. Yesterday is gone and today is a new beginning for all of us! 🙂
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Shane = Shayne. justasayin 😀
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Hope GM beats Andy. Don’t trust that worm.
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I would rather gm win over Andy – although GM is clearly a racist, and a mean spirited fighter – at least she comes from a place of ignorance, which is slightly more tolerable than a supposedly educated man, like Andy with his misogyny and hatred – I don’t even want to consider Spencer, the ball handling, misogynistic, child porn lover etc… I’d call them the three stooges, I don’t want to insult the three stooges –
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Thanks LM. I think it would be great if you can give us information on the HG’s after the show. I especially would like to read about Andy, since I believe he thinks America loves him.
I am so sorry that Andy won the second challenge. Will we have to wait till Wednesday to see the match up between GM and Andy or will that challenge be played before then?
It’s a sad day for I believe if Andy wins the second challenge he will walk away with the 500k! 🙁
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Thank you Lisa Marie for the updates on B.B. I followed it faithfully this season, it was more interesting than the show. You have done a great job and looking forward to B.B 16 and reading your blog. I also hope GM wins, do not want that irritating Andy to win, he is a loser for the get go.
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What happened to Brittney ?
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hi yall 🙂 THANK YOU LISA MARIA for all the updates from BB15, I appreciate it very much. I’ll be popping in and out c’ya laters, hope Andy doesn’t win and GM has that choice to make who she will take, I don’t like Andy or Spencer, ok BBL
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😎 Someone mention my name? I haven’t been around this year. Started a new business and doing consulting for another has kept me busy. That being said the only comment I can make concerning this season is that they set the bar really low so it shouldn’t be hard to improve on next year.
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Thank you Lisa! ♥ You have done a beautiful Job for all of us!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some good Football today & then The Giants 🙂 See you all soon………
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About time you showed up PGADok – JT will be pleased. Good luck on the new business!! Will you join us on the Survivor blog this year?
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What Happen 😕 ……………………..
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Hey Frannie….Wake Up!!! Afternoon Nap time is over! 😆 ♥
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Spencer’s boobs are bigger than mine. OK, THERE are some nightmares.
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HI Bobo…are you in face book?
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No tendr! My wife would kill me 😆 Too much on the Mac now!
Be back later….. Football Time 🙂
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Hey PGADok, you bet your name was mentioned. Happy you’re keeping track of us. 🙂 Starting a new business can be time consuming and a lot of other things. Congrats! Yes, looking forward to the bar being raised several miles.
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Bobo, did I ever tell you, you have a nice face? Another Mommism “Your eyes are the window to your soul .”- you have a nice soul! 🙂
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Howdy Bob….no nap for me. My son came over to visit for a while. Been watching some football. I’m sure Jt is a little upset that his team lost, and by only 1 point. I’m hoping for a Houston loss so 10 people will get knocked out of the fb pool. The other big game that would knock out 13 people is a Baltimore loss. (fingers crossed)
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OMG, jealous much!
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The biggest PITA of all….oh hell no!
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All I can say about football right now is that I’m happy Philadelphia lost. Can’t stand Michael Vick for what he did to those dogs. Don’t even bother telling me he paid for it because in my book he didn’t. The dog he called his Champion fighter had to be put down recently due to his several health problems but they made his life happy the last few years at Best Friends in Utah where they took several of those dogs for rehabilitation. That dog became a sweet loving dog and was only wanting to be loved.
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I agree 100% with you starfish. Many say he did his time but what about all those dogs that lost time because of him. I too am glad they lost, as it knocked out 2 more people.
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Damn….Houston won!
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Just say here’s the originator of the quote… “Your eyes are the window to your soul .”
There seems to be a great deal of debate over the origins of the phrase and a lot of people have said it. It’s been attributed to Shakespeare, Leonardo DaVinci and others.
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oops….should be just saying
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Hey SF, Bobo, macy, Joleemae, Jeanne, tendr , PGADok!!! 😯 and anyone else I left out…lol
Did read about Brit’s baby on FB. Does anyone know how serious the situation is? I mean waht kind of cancer and any hope of remission?? I wish she had won last year now so they had the money to use to help heir litttle girl!! 🙁 Thoughts and prayers are with them. ♥ }}}}
I haven’t been on here as much this year for the 1st time EVER! But there was so little to say and everyone else already had and NEVER liked anyone from day 1…..much less the losers we have been left with! As Susan G said in #19, GM seems to be the least of the 3 Evils…and still no prize at that! I will be halfheartedly be rooting for her as I really think her life would improve with the money, she has played hard, being kind of alone untl the Exterminators(as her 1st alliance wasn’t anyone serious and all got evicted early). As Susan said, her potty mouth is more envitroment and stupidity, so I can give her a small pass. And she has been playing the guys really well, mothering them and plying them with food all the while making them BOTH thinks she’d take them to F2! WORST year of BB EVER!!! Instead of feeling like having BB withdrawls after Wed, I can’t WAIT for it to be over!!!! Looking forward to New shows, hockey(GO REDWINGS) and Survivor!!! 😉
Glad to know you will still be with us in some form, Lisa Marie. 🙂 Thank you for all your hard work and insights . We sure started yoo off with a challenging year!! lol Hope tht won’t discourage you from coming back to us!!! ♥
Can’t wait to see Dr. Will tonight!!! It’s been awhile! I hope he is brutally honest with the HGs. We could all use a good laugh!!! 😆
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Big Brother
Britney Haynes Baby Diagnosed With Cancer
Sad news for the Big Brother family. Fan favorite Britney Haynes’s baby Tilly (two months) has been diagnosed with cancer. There is no further information regarding the situation. Britney, who competed in seasons 12 and 14 of the popular summer series, is said to have originally broken the news on her Facebook page. Evel Dick, who was on season 12 with Britney, says that she also privately texted her Big Brother family before going public with the news.
Britney sent out a tweet this morning thanking everyone for their support using the hashtag #PrayForTilly. Several Big Brother alumni, including Shelly Moore, Evel Dick, Ian Terry and James Rhine have offered prayers and support via social media. James also posted a link on Facebook that is helping raise money for treatment.
TVGrapevine would like to send their thoughts and prayers to Britney, her husband Ryan and Tilly during this time. Those of you who wish to make a donation to help her family can do so by visiting http://gogetfunding.com/project/pray-for-tilly#/project_details.
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Hey Star, good to see you and I agree 100%, LM has been great and this has really been a “challenging year”!! To put it mildly.
@Frannie, thanks for the link for Britney. That was a great post! Very nice of you!
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@frannie..thanks for the info! Ask and you shall receive!! 😉 No one wants a baby to be sick with cancer or anything and it jsut seems to be the karma on the cake of this incredibly HORRIBLE BB season!!! Praying for Brit and her family and for BB to be OVER soon!!!
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LM thank you for getting us threw a terrible BB you made it bearable. I agree Star about Vick NO excuse even if he did time but best of all Miami won today and the COWBITCHS lost WOO HOO. Boy am I gonna be in trouble for that one but who cares I have a GIANT and not afraid to use him LOL. Waiting on rain/lightning delay in Tampa so I can finish watching NO spank the Bucs enjoy your sunday everyone. Later
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Amazonia, are you talking to me about Vick? I’m Starfish and Star is Star. 😆
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Greetings SF!! As usual, GMTA!!!lol I am so sad right now and it’s a grey, rainy day so that’s not helping!!! *sigh*
Gotta go get ready for Mass. Will be doing some big time praying! (S0rry for all the PRAYERS talk. Won’t let it become a habit!!)
Gotta jet…..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Peace, love and light !!!
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AMAZON – im from dallas and i call them the cowgirls – so doesnt bother me – im not a football fan in general
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SF..I jsut read that and assumed it was for you since I hate football..lol We get used to it and you can usually tell who it was meant for by the context!! 😉
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Please do not insult LM. Are you a member of Mensa? I doubt it! So calm yourself down!
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SF – is that person trashing LM someone we were to ignore – i cant remember the name
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@Star, yea I know and sometimes I say something and sometimes I don’t. 😀
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@macy, she’s someone who has a problem that’s for sure. That’s why I said she must be jealous. She’s commented on here once in awhile but it’s never nice toward LM. She’s simply looking for attention and I think she’s jealous because she doesn’t have a supple bone in her body. Not even a nice one either.
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Thank you, Susan, Starfish, and Macy. But yes, just ignore the jealous little troll. She’s just someone who, having realized she’ll never be loved, basically gets off on being hated. It’s sad and pathetic but that’s the choice she made.
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You go LM!!! So true, so true.
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troll – ha ha ha
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Thanks Lisa Marie for your wonderful and insightful blogs 🙂 will see you on twitter for survivor and your play by play of the game. It will most definetly be more interesting (I hope!) than this BB15 season has been. Blood vs Water looking forward to it 🙂 have a great rest of the weekend. Peace
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Boo!!! Andy won the second and now “Oh my God” (spoken nasally) most likely thinks he will win the final since GM is dumb and all. He knows he will never beat GM because of all the girls in jury and him putting them there and all (cough, cough)… If he wins the last challenge, buh bye GM and up comes Spencer… and neither of them deserve ANYTHING… Worst season ever!!!
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Thanks every one of you , and Miss Long too.
She just missed us again and loves us so much she KEEPS coming back, she said she wouldn’t , Guess she lied .
About Britney’s baby it is so sad.
Shayne don’t worry 🙂
LM i think Miss Long, is a little jealous of you . Oh well, C’est la vie.
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Restez souple
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Maggie Long! Stay supple! 🙂
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frannie p2, I’m not sure of origin, but it is so true! I love to look into a person’s eyes that has lived and come through trials and victories with joy! 🙂
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Star, appreciate your comments. Have not heard any specifics on Brittany’ s baby, but it sure started a prayer chain here! Yay!! 🙂
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Star, you never need to apologize for “prayer talk” it’s what we do at times like this. After 9/11 the churches all over the country were full! Have a good day my friend. 🙂
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First of all, LM, I appreciate the time that you take on this blog. This is my first season of blogging. Sorry BoBo saying I was here under a different name. When you all were taking about us newbys. It felt like I was back on the school ground being the new girl. You old bloggers need to make us newbys feel wanted. That is if you want new ideas and input.I have really enjoyed this. Looking forward to blogging survivor.
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I want to talk about Brittany baby. I have told you about my 2 Grandsons that are Autistic. The oldest Michael is a brilliant student. Eljah has just had a breakthrough in the last few months. Not only was he autistic, he also had Leukemia. My daughter and her husband spent the first 2 years of his life in hospitals. Today with much prayer,he is a happy healthy boy. I am putting baby Tilly on my prayer chain. I would love love for all of you to stand with me.I have seen it work so often in my life. God bless bless you.
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WOW…can Andy and Spencer stoop any lower? Read what they had to say about Julie Chen…..
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Here is the link about Baby Tilly and the sad news 🙁
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I’m not sure if they were joking or not, but to me production needs to step in and stop all the bad mouthing by these jerk offs!
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@Frannie P2
No respect for anyone, who do they think they are.
Looks like CBS may regret not sending them all home when they started w their racist, demeaning comments at the beginning of the season
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Who raised these people and where ?
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I haven’t heard any news about the prognosis for Britney’s baby but I certainly do empathize with them. Went through a serious time (not cancer) with my daughter for her first year, in and out of hospital then again when she was 8. Very scarry and heartwrenching. After two major surgeries, she’s now 39 and doing fine!! Did I already tell you guys this? Sorry if I did.
Still sending tons and tons of prayers for Tilly and the entire family. It affects them all so much! As Kevin said 500 x 500 x 500 prayers sent their way. We all pulled together a couple other times for our BB friends and hopefully we can do it again.
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i would be shocked if julie chen ever went on air drunk or even tipsy – she is way too professional to do such
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@joleemae…thanks for he kind words. 😉
@Fran..I jsut came on here to post that myself!! I cannopt believe how low those 2 slimeballs will go!!! If GM doesn’t win, Julie should go up to whoever did and SLUR as she snatches the check from their hands….*Sorry, but this check is going to charity this year as NO one was deemed deserving….or even a human being! You forgot to Expect the unexpected!!! HIC*!!! lol
The audience would LOSE it!! 😆
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Fp2, thanks for that link. There’s just nothing more to say because they got as low as human beings could go but I guess I was way wrong for sure. The only redeeming thing about their horrible behavior is that they will pay an even bigger price when they leave the BB house.
@sylvie, yes thanks for that link on Britney’s baby.
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Hi Miss LM,
Im going to miss you bloggging. You have been excellent.
Ill look for you onbthe survivor blog.
Extra million prayers go up to babe Tilly.
I hope Andy wins only because he dint make any queer remmqrks like the other two.
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OMG! Star, that would be priceless. Just think of how happy the fans would be to see her take that check right out slimy hands. The perfect thing to do with that check would be to hand it over to Brittany, for medical bills. PERFECT!
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@Jeanne, prayer chains really work. IMHO I think it’s really sweet of you to do that. My grandson had some issues too and without going into a great deal of detail, he’s now in 5th grade and doing very well. He tends to be very literal but the kids all understand and like him a lot.
I agree with everyone, Julie should just give the check to charity and these idiots should go out into the world the pariahs that they are.
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@Fran..I thought of that too!! But wasn’t sure if everyone would know about it! Eitehr way, it would be great and better to Brit’s baby than ANY of the HGS!!!! UGH!!!!
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Oh yea! Let’s start a petition, BB winnings will be donated to Brittany for Tilly. Love that idea Frannie! Good one
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As much as I would love to see the winnings go to anyone but the final three that’s unlikely to happen. My feeling is if CBS wants to leave the viewers feeling good Wednesday they will do a snippet on baby Tilly and announce they are covering all her medical cost, possibly with a sizable donation to St. Jude’ s as well.
Keeping our prayers going.
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I am in!
Remember I said it about a week ago
They should donate the money to a Cancer Charity
These people the 3 leftovers have showed no redeeming qualities since day 1
Not winners in my opinion or their employers it’s a fact
Now I wish CBS will do the right thing since ratings are not everything in the end.
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That would be nice kimjmj for them to at least acknowledge Brittney’s situation and give the site for donations and give a big one themselves.
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Hey to all my friends here and so cool to hear from @PGADok again. Can’t blame anyone for not coming here when Life’s pressing issues come up or a season–or five–get really boring or crooked.
@LM: You have done a fantastic job here and those who have been here through the years know how great you really are. Thanks for all you’ve don and for keeping this going in what has been a hard season to watch. Major respect.
Link for tonight’s show: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/bseasonb15
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Big Brother Network @bigbrothernet
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------According to CBS’ preview video tonight’s #BB15 won’t be only a clip show, but will also show Final HoH Round 1: http://youtu.be/zInXMKcYBnk
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thanks Lisa Marie for all your blogs and I hope u will be able to keep up with the HG after the show and keep us informed of their life out of the house.
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Thanks Kev!
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@Starfish: You got it girl.
Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick
Aaryn and her Mom
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Hmmm…I was under the impression that we’d see Dr. Will in the jury house tonight but I think we might have to wait until Wednesday to see the greatest player in Big Brother history talk to some of the worst.
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hamsterwatch @hamsterwatch
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#BB15 fans if you missed it, Britney Haynes baby Tilly’s been diagnosed w/ cancer.. a fund’s been setup http://gogetfunding.com/project/pray-for-tilly#/project_details … #PrayforTilly
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I wish I could donate, still paying my Cedars Sinai Bills from breast C and Brain 🙁
And I have a great insurance. A little depressing at times
That’s while I lobe this blog it’s carried me thru the worst times.
Thanks everyone 🙂
But I managed to stay supple today no matter what
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HU not Lobe but Love
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Sylvie, good for you! Haven’t see you on here much, but I’m new here. 🙂
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I decided to watch Br Ba tonight instead of BB, and boy am I glad….what a great episode. Not how I expected things to go….GREAT!
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Kev11..O M G!!!!!! They alwasy say, look at the mom cuz tht’s what the daughter will look like in 20 years!!! Buyers beware..lol
GM…there is NO *A* between COCK and ROACH!!!!! I swear to God if she says that ONCE more and I have to hear it I am going to go stark, raving MAD!!!!! 😮
No Dr. Will and TV viewers have to wait a week tos ee the result of the 1st round! What a RIP! Everything else I had seen on BBAD or LFs…ad nauseum. Not just the HGS fault this was the worstest season of BB ever. I think all the producers must have been interns this year!!! Thankd God for Tivo. Now I will go watch some good shows and try not to regret that 60 mins I’ll never get back!!! lol
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Now we know where Aaryn got her eyebrows. 😆
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What did you say?
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JT, are you whispering again?
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Hey Sylvie, you just keep taking care of yourself. We know you’ve been through plenty! No worries!
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Lisa Marie, you have done a great job and we appreciate your blogs and keeping us updated even during your vacation.
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The best part of the show tonight was the DR crying, I laughed out loud for real. Also, watching Spencer & Andy struggle on roller skates – that was hilarious. Can’t wait to see more of that. Otherwise, Weds is the day for it to be over.
Survivor next! Can’t wait!
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Obviously, that wasn’t Aaryn’s Mom. Will drop some other Twitter pictures from ED’s TL tonight in a second.
Super bored? The “Yes, Dear” episode I appeared in airs at 12:30 am on Nick, Jr. Yes, it is terrible. Here is a clip:
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 3h
I can hardly stomach this recap episode. Let me recap this season in pics for all of u. Amanda showing her best side:
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 3h
Gina Marie and her alliance members:
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 3h
Jessie and her only gameplay:
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 3h
Gina Marie doing what she does best
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 3h
Spencer picking which seat on the block to sit in, his only gameplay
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 3h
The basis of Helen’s gameplay:
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 3h
Elissa always looked so pretty:
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 3h
We had such beautiful houseguests to oogle over this summer:
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So funny Kevin! Of course we know that wasn’t Aaryn’s mom but since everyone made fun of Aaryn’s eyebrows, I thought it was an appropriate comment. They did match tho. 😯
Thanks for the pictures, hilarious!!
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Elissa, is an ugly crier, only shows the apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree, she looks just like Rachel 🙄
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Goodnight Everyone ZZzzzzzzz …………………..
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Wu Tang Stan @johnnalleyyyy
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@EvelDick worst final 16 ever #bb15
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will miss you Lisa Marie. i think you’d be a fun blogger for survivor……let miss LONG try being our blogger and see how fast this place dies…….
praying for Tilly…and the family. breaks my heart…..<3 ya'll…….mostly.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cancel any plans you had for this Wednesday at 9:30 pm. @CBSBigBrother’s #BB15 finale will be outrageous! http://www.tvmediainsights.com/highlights/30807/dr-will-returns-to-big-brother/
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick1h
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A FREE EPISODE OF DICK AT NITE FOR ALL OF YOU!! PLEASE watch and share this. I feel it is a very important episode! https://vimeo.com/eveldick/review/74608687/40aa63d33e …
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Shayne you should come back you apologized 3x and that’s got to be a record on this blog lol! Get thicker skin and you’ll last around here.
New Input…. *rolls eyes*… There is a difference between Newbies and Seasoned Bloggers sorry. Years ago I was new to the blog too, but one thing I didn’t do was walk on a blog where everyone new each other and talked shit. It has nothing to do with playground rules, as was referenced, it has to do more with if ya say something that offends someone be prepared to take the heat or get out the kitchen. I don’t know how long youve been on the blog and I dont care. I usually don’t talk to people online that are into changing identities without speaking up on it anyways. SMH that we are still talking about this.
@Starfish the kid woke me up at 3am chirping in my ear. Now he’s asleep and I’m wide awake!
Poor Brit. That sucks.
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BTW big Hiiiiiii PGADok!! Glad to see you back! Good luck and fortune on your new business!!!
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It’s over..no matter who wins HOH they will take Spencer. Spencer will win the 500k by 1 vote. You heard it here first….and once my prognostication comes to fruition I will start a blog due to my Nostradamus abilities and the world will want to know what I predict next. Oh by the way if you are a gambler go to Vegas and make a future bet on the Broncos to win the SuperBowl..done deal…you should be able to get like 15-1 odds….Good week to all.
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Starfish: I’m from Utah and Best Friends is one of the greatest animal sanctuaries I have ever heard of. They did an awesome job with Vick’s dogs. I agree with you that just because he faced legal problems, he did not pay for what he put those poor dogs through. I have a rescue dog that I believe was mistreated and it makes me sad. Anyway, on the BB subject, this blog had to be so difficult because of what a crappy year it has been in the house. Not sure how LM kept it interesting but there was a lot of help from the rest of you posters. Thank you so much.
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Just wanted to say i was appalled after watching last nites bbad. The filth that came out of andy and spencers mouth regarding elissas privat parts, and others private parts was inacuseable in that they were playing a pretend game, and cbs allowed it to air. Good grief. Can anyone get any nastier. It was like latter part of show. Seems like they could sue cbs or andy and spencer for that kind of talk.
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@hpr56 how are you? hope all is well. I agree as well with the Vick/Dog cruelty. The laws need to change to more severe punishments re: animal cruelty. It’s a shame.
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Hi Jane. I am doing well thank you. How are you?
Terry: I think the comments this year have been totally appalling. I don’t know what CBS is thinking this year.
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Jane, That was uncalled for. I have not said one unkind thing on this blog.Shame on you.
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@Jeanne your not my momma I don’t need the shame on you chastising. Stop talking to me.
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@hpr56 Glad to hear your doing well!! Things are good in Sunny California. Just the same o’ same o….Kids are growing, skies are clear, and thank god School has started again!
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Hey Jane, sorry about your sleep deprived self. 🙂 I hope he doesn’t do that very often. As for Vick, he should have had a more severe sentence IMO. Take care and try to take a nap today. 🙂
Kevin, thanks for those links. I wonder what Dr. Will means by an outrageous finale. They can’t do much because of the timeframe. I do hope they shame them because those idiots deserve it.
hpr, thanks for the Best Friends Sanctuary comment. Have you been there. They named the Vick dogs the “Victory” dogs and they rehabilitated several.
@Terry, I didn’t think these lowlifes could sink any lower but you’ve described them getting way down in the dirt last night. There’s just not much more we can say but they keep surprising us and getting worse. Scumbags in the lowest form!!
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@Kev11 is that Dick at Night only on Vimeo. For some reason Vimeo keeps freezing on my laptop, but I can get to youtube just fine.
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@Starfish it’s like having a newborn at night and a toddler during the day for the past six years. He’s lucky he’s so darn cute lol!!
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Jane, I don’t know who you were referring to in your blog, but I was criticised for saying “God bless you.” Did you see the entire atmosphere of this site change when we found out about Brittany’ s baby girl? That’s what we do when there is a tradegy. As I mentioned yesterday, after 9/11 churches all across the country were filled. I’m not ashamed of my faith and blessing people just comes naturally to me. Please believe me when I say I am not criticizing, just expressing my feelings. I hope this site is a happy place to be today! We only have a few days left of BBBloggers. As Lisa would say, Stay supple! 🙂 and have a great week! < 3
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@joleemae I wasnt talking to you. I already know about Brit’s baby and that is a tragedy. Being that is what keeps being brought up, there was no reason for Jeanne to keep bringing crap up. You want to talk to Bobo about past drama on the blog.. do what we all do, take it to a side bar (email or pm’s) and stop involving everyone and instigating. If not I will address it. Regardless. To keep the focus positive you must be the change you want to see. God Bless.
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Kevin11, thanks so much for the evil Dr. Will clips!! The hour long one has made me late but sooo worth it!
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Jane it’s funny how my questions get answered to Bobo. Poor Bobo gets stuck. People will finally get it that we r on to them, or not. It’s best they don’t talk to us anyway. Smh too.
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@Starfish, I concur.
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Well, Jane, that description made me laugh. Brings back memories.
Starfish, I have been to Best Friends one time. Such kind and loving people. I usually try to donate at least a little. I don’t have a lot of money but I figure even $5 or $10 helps.
Sometimes I would like to see people punished the way they treat the animals. I know it’s not reasonable but I still feel that way.
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Thank you, Tendr. I love Survivor so I’ll definitely be commenting over at the Survivor Blog. 🙂
If Ms. Long was blogging for this site, I imagine she’d spend all of her time talking about me. She appears to be a little obsessed with my supple self.
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Hi, I’ve been following this blog and recently started making comments. I was made to feel really welcomed and I truly appreciate that. I had 34 yr old twin daughters and in Jan., one was killed in a terrible accident. She was hiking in N cali, slipped in 2+ft of snow and ice and fell down about 30 ft. They found her 2 days later via helicopter. She had drowned in a river and travelled 1.5 miles downstream. She was my other half and I’m afraid I’ll never “learn to live w/ it” as everyone keeps suggesting will happen.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anyway, this show and, thankfully the blog has been my escapism since I lost her (we watched the first 4 seasons together religiously and after that I’d keep her up to date after every show.
Anyway, there’s enough vitriol on this show that we really don’t heed to create our own on this blog and the past few days I read some really uncalled-for stuff. I don’t get it, don’t want to get it , and it needs to stop. NOW. The only names I recall participating (actively) are Jane and PK. Others seem to have been dragged in. STOP IT! And that avatar HAS TO GO you know I’n talking to you.
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I have not said one unkind word. God bless you.
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Lisa is, I am so sorry for your loss. I am a twin. I live with my 80 year old twin.We were separated for over 40 years. I don’t know what I’d do without her. She was there for me when I went through cancer. God bless you precious Lady. My heart hurts for you.
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Lizzy, God bless you! I am a twin and we have a relationship that only another twin would understand. We were separated by 3,000 miles for 40 years. We now live together and she is definitely my other half. Thank you for sharing with us. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. 🙂
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Lol… Jeanne (my other half) was writing at the same time as me.. We didn’t know we’re blogging together! 🙂 We both know how you feel Lizzy.
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New Post
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@Jeanne, you’re one the ‘the twins’, aren’t you” Nevertheless, you have NOT said one unkind word, and believe me, I’ve read them all this season. Unfortunately, I had a very bad, sleepless nite last week, woke up and wrote a book on this blog. Nothing bad but way, way too long. Since I was a newbie anyway, I was embarreseed for the length(not the content) and have kept quiet since. But that other crap has got to stop or go elsewhere -problem is, it seems if it would be elsewhere by itself and that would deny the author’s intent. Jeanne, do you know what I’m talking about?, Please let me know, I can be a little more decriptive, just didn’t even want to go there, either).
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I said Lizzie but it changed?? Anyway about last night BBAD it was beyond crude.I loved the idea someone said about Julie snatching the check away and saying, “Except the unexpected, this check is going to charity” Lol
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@hpr56 yes the seasons are great but I would love to get a little more of each season!!!
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Thank you for all of your comments on last night’s BBAD. Because of your comments on how crude it was, I went to my DVR, selected BBAD and pressed “DELETE!!!!!” Boy did that feel good. I saved myself two hours of fast forwarding and muting! Thank’ s bloggers! 🙂
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I saw your comment Lizzie. And I think I remember the story of your sister, or maybe that was someone else. But I do respect what youve been through so at this time I’m not going to even reply. But i’m glad you like my Gravatar!
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@ Jane, I lost one of my twin daughters in January. Thanks for asking. I guess it’s my eyesight, but I can’t make out what your avatar is, along w/ several others. Oh, well, gives my imagination something to wonder about.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Come on, Wednesday! I wish BB was first, instead of Survivor. We could watch the end of this horrible season and be done w/ it after 3.5 mins. of commercials. On to bigger, better quality tv.
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FRANNIE – OMG – i just watched last nights ep of breaking bad – holy moly!! dont want to give away spoilers to those that havent seen it yet!
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