Hi, y’all!
First off, if you haven’t seen the finale of Big Brother 15 yet then you need to stop reading because, otherwise, this post is going to be a huge spoiler.
So, if you’re like me, you were excited about the return of Survivor and then, as you watched the first tribal council, you suddenly remembered, “Oh yeah, one of those jerks in the final three is going to win half a million dollars tonight.”
In case you missed it or, for some reason, are not going to be able to see the show, here’s a recap of what happened on tonight’s finale (along with some commentary from me, of course):
8:30 pm — As we continue to bask in the afterglow of tonight’s triumphant episode of Survivor, we suddenly see Julie Chen — dressed in black — on our screen. “This was the most controversial season in the history of Big Brother,” she tells us. Tell us something we don’t know, Julie.
This is followed by a recap of the season so far. Needless to say, the recap is dominated by Amanda being annoying.
After the recap, we see Spencer, Andy, and GM competing during the first part of the final HoH competition. The final three have to hold onto a bar while they roller skate in circles around a disco dance floor. The person who holds on the longest wins. Since it’s an endurance comp, Spencer is eliminated early. Though GM struggles to keep her balance, she still manages to hold on longer than Andy. GM is so happy to have won the first part of the competition that she screams until she starts coughing.
Before we go to commercial, we’re given a shot of Dr. Will sitting in the audience. He smiles and waves at the camera and basically reminds us of what a good Big Brother player actually looks like. Let’s hope that Big Brother 16 will feature more players like Will and less like Spencer.
8:43 — We return from commercial and, for the second time, I notice that Julie is dressed like she’s going to a funeral. Maybe that’s her way of saying that she wishes she could bury this season of Big Brother.
The 2nd part of the HoH competition is between Andy and Spencer. It’s one of those competitions where you have to search for objects (plastic crabs in this case) with the faces of former houseguests on them. The faces then have to be put in order by when each houseguest was evicted. Whoever does it the fastest wins part two of the HoH competition and gets to compete in part 3 against GM. The competition has been edited to try to trick us into thinking that Spencer might have won but, of course, those of us who follow the live feeds already know that Andy won. In the end, it turns out that it took Andy 21 minutes to find all of his crabs while Spencer — who looks like he’s had a lot of experience with crabs — took 36 minutes.
After winning the second part of the comp, Andy tries to talk GM into taking him to the final two. Andy says that everyone on the jury hates him. In the Diary room, GM says that she’s not sure who to bring. She thinks that Andy deserves it more than Spencer does (and she’s right) but she’s not sure that she could beat Andy.
Now, we get to see Dr. Will talking to the jury. Helen starts jumping up and down and screaming. Dr. Will doesn’t look impressed. Will asks who the jurors think will be the next member of the jury. Elissa says McCrae. Amanda glares at her. Will says, “Let’s meet juror number 8.” McCrae steps out. Amanda looks like she’s about to slap him.
Will asks the jurors if being in the jury house has improved anyone’s relationships. “No,” the jurors says, “we all still hate each other.” Amanda starts attacking everyone. Candice tells Amanda, “I don’t like you and it’s not killing me.” Candice then goes on to say that she and Aaryn are now good friends. “Does she make your bed?” Will asks. Candice and Aaryn laugh awkwardly.
The jurors discuss the final three. Helen praises GM for taking out Amanda. Amanda glares. Candice, meanwhile, says that she would never vote for GM because of the way GM treated her in the house.
Will asks the HGs about Andy. There’s a long awkward silence and it becomes apparent that everyone’s mad at Andy but nobody wants to admit it.
Will asks about Spencer. Everyone seems to agree that the only reason Spencer was kept around was because everyone felt they could beat him. Helen starts trying to make a case for Spencer.
As they always seem to do during the finale, the jury tries to convince us that they’re genuinely undecided about how they’re going to vote.
9:01 — We come back from commercial. The final three are in the back yard. As we watch live, Andy and GM compete to be the final HoH. It’s the usual final competition — Andy and GM are read a bunch of incomplete statements from the jurors and have to finish them.
Andy and GM both get the first question right.
Then they both get the second question incorrect.
Andy gets the third question correct, which puts him in the lead 2-1.
Both Andy and GM get the fourth question correct.
For the fifth question, we discover that Amanda claims that she’s scared to have her friends and family see every single thing that she did in the house. Andy gets it right.
For the sixth question, GM gets it right. The score is now 4-3, with Andy in the lead.
For the 7th question, neither Andy nor GM get it right.
For the final question, they both get it right and, as a result, Andy becomes the final Head of Household by one point.
As we go to commercial, I look at Andy and I ask myself, “Who wears a white bow tie with a blue shirt and white shorts?” Seriously, Andy looks like a ventriloquist dummy tonight.
9:12 pm — We return from commercial and it’s time for Andy to pick the final juror. Andy evicts Spencer, saying that he gave his word to GM. Personally, I’m shocked. I thought both Andy and GM were planning on bringing Spencer to the final but I gues Andy thinks that GM will be easier to defeat.
Spencer leaves the BB house. Julie shakes his hand. “JULIE!” I shout, “YOU DON’T KNOW WHERE THAT HAND’S BEEN!” Julie interviews Spencer. No, she does not ask him about admiring Hitler or enjoying child porn. Julie shakes his hand again. BLEH!
9:20 pm — We’re back from commercial. Julie introduces the jury. Everyone gets applause as they’re introduced but the applause for Helen, Amanda, and Aaryn is notably muted.
The jurors ask their questions.
Amanda asks GM what her biggest game move was. GM says that getting Amanda out was the biggest game move and explains that was her plan before she even joined the Exterminators.
Elissa asks Andy what his biggest game move was, prior to joining the Exterminators. Andy says it was joining up with Amanda and McCrae.
Helen asks GM what the biggest obstacle was that she had to overcome in the game. GM says the biggest obstacle was having Nick leave.
McCrae asks Andy why the jury should vote for someone who stabbed everyone in the back? Andy says he feels terrible about stabbing everyone in the back but he did what he had to do.
Candice asks GM why she deserves to win, considering all of the offensive things she said.. GM says she acted the way she acted because she was upset to see Nick voted out and says that she needs the money to improve her life.
Jesse asks Andy why he lied to so many jurors. Andy says he lied because he was a coward and he didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. Yes, Andy actually did use the word coward to describe himself.
Spencer asks Andy why he should vote for him, considering the fact that Andy just betrayed him. Andy says that he played a good game and deserves to win.
I’ve been predicting that GM would win for a while but now, I’m starting to have doubts. First off, Andy’s answers were just about perfect while GM has spent most of her time telling the jury about how much she loved Nick. Secondly, the jury — with the exception of Jesse, Candice, and Spencer — didn’t seem to be that bitter.
9:33 PM — We come back from commercial and it’s time for Andy and GM to make their final statements to the jury.
GM tells the jurors that they all look good. Her speech is typical GM — she says that she can only be herself, that she stayed true to herself, and that she loves all of the jurors. She apologizes for upsetting anyone. It’s a gracious speech.
Julie tells Andy to speak quickly. You know what, Julie? Shut up and let the people say what they have to say. Anyway, Andy speaks very fast and seems to be very nervous and it’s kind of hard to follow his logic but basically, he argues that he did what he had to do and that he played the best strategic game.
The jurors cast their votes. From the comments that everyone is making, I have a feeling that Andy’s going to win, by a vote of 8-1. We’ll find out in a few minutes if I’m right.
9:43 pm — We’re back from commercial. Nick, David, Jeremy, Kaitlin, and Howard are all on stage. Julie asks Amanda who she thinks the MVP was. Amanda admits that she’s figured out that America nominated her. Amanda does not look happy.
Julie asks Howard what the toughest part of being in the house was. Howard says it was having to deal with all the racial comments. As he speaks, we get close-ups of Aaryn, Amanda, and Spencer staring at him. Julie tells the jurors that they made national headlines for being a bunch of racists and asks Spencer how he feels about it. “Oh, it’s terrible,” Spencer replies, apparently clueless as to why Julie is asking him.
Jeremy says that Helen was a fake. Helen speaks and I tune her out because seriously, nobody’s got time for that.
As we go to commercial, GM shouts, “HI, NICK!” Gina Marie, sweetie — stop. Just stop.
9:53 — The keys are pulled and the votes are read. Judd and Aaryn vote for Gina Marie. Everyone else votes for Andy and that means that Andy the Rat is the winner of Big Brother 15!
Andy and GM run outside of the house. GM hugs Nick. Helen approaches Andy and, realizing that she’s on camera, suddenly starts to jump and down and scream, “YOU WON, BIG BROTHER!”
9:57 — We come back from commercial. Julie says that Elissa has won the vote for America’s favorite player. The other top two finishers were Judd and Howard.
And that’s it for Big Brother 15! Thank you to everyone for reading and commenting this summer. It wasn’t always the easiest season of Big Brother to watch but we survived and I think we made it fun, as well.
As I promised earlier, I will do my best to continue to post any Big Brother news that might develop between now and the summer of 2014. If Amanda and McCrae go on a crime spree or GM gets arrested for stalking Nick, I will be sure to post it here.
I spoke with BBBlogger earlier today. He asked me if I would be back for Big Brother 16 and I told him that I definitely would.
Until then, I’ll be dealing with my Big Brother withdrawl by leaving comments over on the Survivor blog. Thank you again to everyone who both read and commented this season!
And, for my final question of the season — what do y’all think about Andy winning Big Brother 15? Personally, I do think that Andy played a better game than GM and, ultimately, that’s what it’s supposed to be all about, isn’t it?
At the same, I also think Andy definitely benefited from being surrounded by weak competition. It’s hard to imagine Andy winning any season of Big Brother other than this one. But, regardless, Andy will now join Dr. Will, Dan, Evel Dick, and Ian as a Big Brother winner.
Until next time,
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
It’s over? already?
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Finally First….
Andy deserved to win, even though he annoyed me and did not play the type of game I like to see…. I wonder how Ellisa will react to voting for him after she finds out that he said he “hated her” 1,000 times a day… even after she left. Oh well.
The fall out for the HG will be interesting…..
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Thanks JT — now I am second. 🙁
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copied from last page, LM u r faster then a speeding bullet
well the fat lady has sang, another bb put to bed and laid to rest
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lisa Marie much thanks for all your great blogs, you were spot on, I did enjoy it very much and I thank you, it is not an easy job, but you did it with grace, wit and lots of style, you rock.
I am a bit disappointed as I thought gina marie played a better game, I think and this is my opinion a lot of the jury voted personal, but who knows how they think for the most part they all had a screw loose from day one, Now I am waiting for the feedback when they return to the real world, Hugs to my peeps, good job u were on it, JT, K11 what can I say I think you both deserve some sort of award for the blow by blow action, along with Lisa Marie no one can say this blog was boring that is for sure, so in closing as the lites go out in the bb house, Happy trails to you, till we meet again ((((GROUP HUGS)))))
and to my possee will see u all later
ain’t nobody got time for double M
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So sad.
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Perfect end to a disgusting BB. Disgusting won!
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Thank you, Lisa Marie for making this worst season fun. You’ve done an awesome job and I look forward to seeing you here next year. Hopefully BB16 is a good one.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fellow bloggers you are all the best and I’ve enjoyed each and every post. I don’t post often but I enjoy reading everyone’s thoughts and opinions.
Survivor started off with a bang and I’m looking forward to this season. See you all over there.
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You know I watched the finale and your commentary
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------said Amanda looked mad at finding put America
was MVP when she was nominated .. I didnt
think she looked all that shocked or mad. Julie
stirs the sh*t and I wish they would replace
her as host. Screw the Brenchel army for voting
for Elissa!
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I loved Amandas face after Elissa won Americas Favorite. I replayed it 3 times!!!
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BLEH, Fucking Andy 🙄 Was happy with AGT 😆
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This is the only season that I watched on Thursday’s only and then the television was muted until the time to vote. I’m glad it’s over. Survivor was awesome tonight and I think it’ll be a great season.
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He deserved winning – but BB was hell this season. My savior was this blog. Thank you.
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Oh.. and as I said on previous page (to answer the question here).
I did think Andy played a better overall game than GM.
Hi MM… thanks. I was never bored with the season. I did quit watching feeds after part 2 of HOH because I didn’t see the point in it after that. I usually quit watching feeds and BB/AD every year at that time.
Nite all
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I am going to fill in for Julie and ask you guys
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WHAT WILL YOU REMEMBER AS THE WORST PART OF BB15???
curious minds want to know
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I really wish that when McCrae voted, he had said, “i am voting for the person Amanda told me to vote for.”
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Lisa Marie, great closing comments. I have enjoyed being a part of BBBloggers this season. I would like to know the ramifications of things that were said in the BB house,especially with the final 3. Elissa was maligned in such a disgusting way,I can’t see her doing nothing about it. Again,thank you for your input. It was the best part of this site. God bless! < 3. 🙂
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LM….So glad to hear you will be back next season! Your ummations, opinons and wit helped to make this horrendous season bearable!!! Thanks for all your hard work and for becoming part of our blogade family!! Snd to BBBlogger for having the sense to find and keep you!! ♥
As to Andy winning…….meh. Kind of how I felt about eveyone all season. But then honesly, I often don’t like who ultimately ennds up winning. Only been really happy for a few. Btween the 3 of them remaining, he DID play the smartest game, tho it gags me to say it!!!
I didn’t think I wold go thru BB withdrawl this year, but this showis so all consuming, I am feeling it already….want to or not! What else in our lives is so dramatic, 24/7 and goes on steadily for 3 months??? It is hard to shake off, even after a bad season!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And even tho it was tha I am sure I will be back next year…for I am a TRUE BB ADDICT!!! lol
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The best part of this season was Elissa winning MVP. She brought class to a very unclassy BB house. God bless you all. Stay sweet. 😉
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MM..worst part??? Hard to say but I think overall Amanda. HEr big mouth, her controlling McCrae, who I think could have done so much better without her, her nasty ass personal hygene, or lack therof…..just everything about her!! But who knows..the house could have been really boring without her and tht might have been worse..lol
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I thought Andy would win 9-0 after GM’s answers to the Jury’s questions
Elissa as AFP was a no brainer (Remember her as MVP) Rachels army rules
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MM — For me, the worst moment was Spencer’s child porn comment. Along with being totally inappropriate, it was super creepy and really disturbing.
The second worst moment was when Aaryn, Kaitlin, and Jeremy were attempting to bully everyone into giving up their beds and then Aaryn and GM started taunting Candice.
The third worst part was anything that Amanda did or said after the 3rd week of the show.
The fourth worst moment was when Helen told Aaryn that she was Janelle.
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@Lisa Marie ………. you soaking those fingers in water?
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I just deleted a comment from bbigbbob and if there are any more mean, racist, homophobic or mean spirited comments they will be deleted.
I am very aware that there have been some EXTREMELY MEAN comments this year but the season is over and the people on THIS BLOG WILL STOP NOW!
This is the only warning I will give.
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Mama Margie, the worst part of BB15 was the constant demeaning of the former HG’ s, especially by Andy!! I feel sick to my stomach that he won BB15. I hope CBS will think long and hard about how to make BB16 a better season. Rules of conduct need to be in their contracts and if they break it, out the back of the DR door! I don’t object to the regular conduct we have seen in the past, it’s all part of the game, but this season has been downright nasty. That is my opinion! Until next time, you all have a good life. I will miss you. 🙂
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Thank you Lisa…. GREAT Job! So Andy wins 😯 Thanks everyone for all the fun here! See you all soon, And remember as a wise man…KENICHI ! 😆 ………………………………
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Said 😳
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I wonder when Aaryn and GM are going to find out they don’t have jobs??
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I love the look on Spencer’s face when Julie say’s that BB has made national headlines. Hello Spencer child porn. I hope he loses his job when he gets home. Please shave that ugly beard, everytime he ate food kept getting caught in it. I don’t know what Marilyn sees in him. I am glad it is over. I wonder how long GM and Nick are going to last and Amanda and McCrae. Can’t wait for the Amazing Race and love Survivor.
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BBBlogger, good move! 🙂
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That’s Rich BBBlogger, you have not been here most of the season 🙄
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I didn’t see Marilyn. Hum!
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a jar of mayonnaise wins? Next one will be a Taliban
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Lisa Marie, has the blog for Survivor started yet! The blog I visited only had comments from September 11th ????
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Aggie, aggie, aggie. I assure you, I have been here all year! Just starting to stop the stupidity. I let it all slide all season….but the show is over now. Time to stop.
When I get emails from people who are offended and leaving my blog due to behavior of comments here…well, enough is enough.
Feel free to email me if you have any issues with it.
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bbigbbob, i assure you I am not a lady. I own this blog. We are all adults here. I just did not like your comment so I deleted it.
You are not the problem around here. I just am sick of people acting like the house guests this season. At least your comment was not pointed toward another person on the blog. However, I took personal offense to it…so it is gone.
Time to close up shop and call it a season. As my blogger LM said, It’s Over!
Have a good night yourself.
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Have a great evening everyone. Be sure to look for the wrap up tomorrow on the blog. Interesting season for sure…
Night everyone…
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BBBlogger,I think I love you. 😉
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Goodnight BBB. Wish we had heard more from you this season! 🙂
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Ó¿Ò God Night y’all …. I moved over to the Survivor Blog
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Andy did not deserve the win, he is a back stabbing liar and weasel. hope he falls on his face and someone beats the shit out of him. and what a rigged 25k for Elissa that was set up for her to win it. I am glad this season is over cause what a bunch of morons on this jury, like Helen,Elissa,Amanda,McGrae, Spencer,Jessie and Candice.voting for a liar who stabbed them.
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©¿© I have made a couple of comments on Survivor blog, but there is a statement above my blog that says “Your comment is awaiting moderation.” Do you know what that means? Thanks. Hope to see you on Survivor blog. 🙂
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©¿© Meet you there. Survivor there I come. 😉
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Changed my word again. I said, “here I come” lol 😉
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BBBlogger must approve your first comment since you are new to the blog
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@Lisa Marie Thanks for a wonderful ending blog to a horrible season. Looking forward to your comments on Survivor. @BBBlogger thanks for your statement #24 on the issues on the blog. At times I felt like we were in the BB house and listening to them speak out but it was our own bloggers making the comments. Hopefully BB16 will bring new ideas, more jury house video and a mature group of players. Just finished watching Survior and so far so good from what I saw tonight. Again thanks for all the two of you do to keep us posted on what’s going on in the house.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Until 2014 🙂
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©¿© Thank you, I like that rule. See you later. Sorry I can’t do a better job on your name. My Kindle Fire had limitations. 🙂
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two toads and an illiterate, delusional hot mess! What a choice? So disappointed in BB this season. Don’t know if I will watch again next year. Thank you Lisa Marie for the blog.
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Thanks Lisa Marie and Big Brother Blogger for the blog. Enjoyed reading it this year. Night all!
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On CBS Los Angeles news tonight Aaryn said she doesn’t care that she got fired from her modeling agency because they weren’t that good anyway. Also, she said that she has 5 new agencies that have contacted her already! Also, she was “taken out of context” on things that she said while in the BB house.
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Well I watched the last 4 minutes of BB tonight and read all comments on the previous page. I know, dumb to watch the last 4 minutes but that’s when my girlfriend went to bed and I just wanted to see who won. Shoulda waited. Bleh
Lisa Marie now I don’t have to actually watch the show because I know your synopsis was perfect. Yea, I’ll watch it. 🙂 So happy you’ll be with us next year. You are great!
I haven’t read all the posts above yet but my take on this season is the same as most of you; pretty awful. Andy won (bleh) but unfortunately he did play the best game (bleh again) but he is such an unlikeable guy that it’s a real shame. I agree with whoever said he wouldn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell playing against any real competition. Happy he took GM for F2. We all thought Spencer was a shoe in for the #2 slot but I’m so happy he didn’t win a dime. hee hee
I’ll watch the show on Friday.
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LM your awesome I loved all your blogs you made the season for me, Starfish,JT and BoBo thank you for the very warm welcome to this newbe.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have never ever enjoyed a blog better than this one, and JT your awesome even a GIANT was a welcome addition to you…………………..thank you new friends hope to see you on the big S blot…………….hugs and blessings to all. xoxoxo.
And sorry OjO you frigging rock as well.
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Happy it’s over with
Spencer was shocked people said inappropriate things in the house?
Amanda wasn’t liked, Helen super fake excited, Nick very uncomfortable
Howard ! Very appropriate
GM can’t put a sentence together
Macray only wears rags and tshirts
Sooooo happy it’s over
Andy needs to buy new clothes because when he leaves the US he can’t get away w his toddler fashion
I’ll miss you all
Be well and see h next year
My Dog Binky would answer “more better” than GM
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@BBBlogger, well I have to say that your comment regarding EXTREMELY MEAN comments wasn’t the entire problem. It was the passive aggressive behavior that resulted in some mean comments being made which isn’t an excuse but a statement as to the facts. One should have some semblance of consideration to critical areas of dispute like politics or religion! These are IMO personal areas not blog material and caused a great deal of dissention as was evident this year. JMHO I think we’ve worked that out, mostly….
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Starfish, it’s over…. move on,please! We have! 🙂
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Well the truth is the truth. Moving on for sure because BB is finally over!
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I can leave this site knowing I have said nothing to be ashamed of. There are many awesome people here to make it worth staying! I will be back. Aloha until next time. 🙂 < 3
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@ Jollemae
God Bless You 🙄
Now go the fuck away
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@Joleemae, what you don’t understand is that I wasn’t talking to you so why would you comment back to me? I was talking specifically to BBBlogger and your comment is the perfect example of the passive aggressive behavior I was referring to and you instigate a situation by injecting yourself into a comment that’s not directed at you or meant for you or needing any response from you whatsoever!
That’s all folks. See ya next year! 😆
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According to NBC Andy’s college severed ties with him early last week due to his controversial statements on BBAD – nice!
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Now now children , play nice. I don’t comment much here, but read it faithfully. Unfortunatly, I have had to wade through the personal attacks and the repetitive HG bashing to gain some insight of what actually what was going on in the house. Thank you Lisa Marie for providing the most balanced narration of everyone here. Thank you BBBloger for providing us this forum. See you next year!
(Not really a fan of Survivor or other “reality” shows where the contestants are really suffering while we have to imagine that there is not a vidiographer with real food, decent clothing, shelter and a soft bed hovering around them.)
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Great Blog! Thank you for your fine work. I remember BB as a Will and Eddie type fan from the beginning of the program. This was a cheaper version of years gone by in so many ways. The race and sex put downs interfered with good play. It nearly ruined the franchise notwithstanding young careers. I love BB but not the cast. I am happy for Andy to have won the game, as to the question of life; we all must learn to be better people. Thank you and the fans for another season.
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Fabulous Andy n stupid bow tie won. But got to admit he deserved it
So much for my spencer prediction. What was I thinking?
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In spite of being meligned and disrespected by a very few here, I have really enjoyed this experience. There are some really awesome people here that I have come to respect and have been able to connect with through our personal experiences. I should have skipped over the remarks that I felt were aimed at me, and I’m sorry I commented on them. All in all, this has been an amazing experience. I am looking forward to meeting you all on the Survivor blog. There I will attempt to keep my conversation directed to Survivor and my new friends, and you know who you are. Now, I am off to bed again. I woke up, couldn”t sleep. Sorry I opened my e-mail! 😉
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I guess I need the link to Survivor blog please someone. I don’t think I have it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As for last night’s show, I don’t know what I was exspecting but for me it was a little anti-climatic. I wanted Julie to call some of them out more.
I feel Will’s visit to the Juror House was a way to get the Jurors to vote the way production wanted them to. Will kinda of lead them into voting for Andy by saying are you voting for the best liked or the one that played a better game. I guess they couldn’t let a racist win. I also wanted to hear from Nick regarding GM, Kaitlin regarding her life after the racial slurs. Kinda disappointing to me like the whole season was.
I hated that Andy won.
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Thanks for all the blogs…..LM….you certainly have made my morning coffee more enjoyable 🙂
I hated the entire season, but…after all is said and done…I just wonder if McRae will look back and ask himself if Amanda’s ass was REALLY worth $250,000 or even $2.50!!!
There was no one left in the house that I wanted to see win, and I hope Elissa washes her mouth out with soap for saying “hi sweetie” to Andy, AFTER she sees or hears all the disgusting things he had to say about her.
Enjoy the rest of your summer you all.
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Nancy, I found Survivor blog by searching for Survivor blog.com. click on the little cloud in the upper-right side with number in it. It takes you to current posts. Go to the bottom to sign in. Hope this helps. 🙂
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i appreciate all your efforts to keep me informed about my favorite show….BB. take care.
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Thank God, it’s over! Worse season ever (I know that is neither an original statement, nor is it specific enough, but the list is so, so long…)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ô¿ô, sorry I bailed when I asked you for lessons, but all hell broke loose @ my house. Thanks for your patience, looking forward to seeing you and the rest (most of the rest, anyway)on the flip side @ Survivor. Opening show was awesome! Thanks for that, CBS, but you owe us for the last 3 months!
Bye (for a few,’til I get situated on the other Blog! And Peace to all (except bb15 players, hehehe)Hope you never live it down, Andy, Spencer, Amanda, et. al.!!!
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Okay, folks, help me out again (ô¿ô ?) where is everyone finding the Survivor blog? I keep coming up w/ Rob’s podcast, but don’t recognize any of you guys on the “comments”page, so I don’t think it’s what I’m looking for. please post a link
p.s. Accolades, Lisa Marie the news that you’ll be here next season is the best news I’ve heard throughout this mess!
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As for the winner I really did not care who won between GM and Andy, however I was estatic that Spencer did not get squat! No I do not agree that Andy played a better game; what I do think is he is a speech teacher. I took a couple of classes in speech in high school and college and he followed all the rules of how to get what you want from what you say. I think Andy knew he could out articulate GM lol. He didn’t take Spencer b/c he knew that Spencer did not have actually do anything to piss people off and Spencer can actually form a whole sentence. Sorry GM your lack of education and ability to verbalize a complete thought (hell probably cant think a complete thought he he he) did you in honey. SOOOO “get to steppin” he he he. The biggest problem is that the jurors are limited on the information they need to decide who gets the money. If all the jurors had been privy to the information or at least been able to watch the show, I think the outcome would have been different. GM actually won more comps, and she was pretty honest and still made it to the end, IMHO that is a better game (she just didn’t get the votes.) Do you really think that if the jurors had heard all the remarks Andy their dear friend said about them he would have gotten 1/2 the votes he got?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Most shocking moment hummm…..that would the I almost said Amanda’s behavior, but NOPE it’s the fact that the people were like a bunch of sheep being herded and not able to think for themselves.
And Joleemae if your still around I liked both your comments #8 and #25.
The only good thing I saw last night was E. winning the $25, 000.00 which I think she deserved just for staying the whole time and because she had to endure being around the most classless cast EVER.
Also did anyone else notice that Aaryn and David hardly even spoke? He actually seem to side step her; at which point she promptly ran over to Judd and hugged up on him lol. (Old Judd the Stud.) I TiVo the show and looked at ever little aspect. I even saw E. husband in the audience. Also notice how most of the cast didn’t congratulate E. only the 1s standing next to her (and Candice and Jessie) and the others didn’t even applaud. LOL (haters gotta hate he he he).
Sorry about the length of this but Hey it’s the last 1. Smack! Reynolds out!
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Make this the last 1………..Great Blog and Great job Lisa Marie! See ya next season!
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Thank you for having such a great blog! I never leave a comment but enjoy reading everything you write! You make it Mike fun to be a fan of BB.
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*more fun*
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Lisa Marie,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I faithfully read the blog again this year and want to thank you for your “dead on” review and insight. While for me this season was the worst ever, I do hope that CBS does not give up on the show. Regulars, thanks too… Your recaps of the feeds made for a very entertaining summer BB experience .
Looking forward to next year!
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Lizzie: http://www.survivorblog.com/survivor-caramoan/survivor-blood-vs-water-is-one-week-away/comment-page-1#comment-27567
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I’m thoroughly disgusted with BB I hated the whole summer! I think we need a new production team who will not be biased or favor “certain” people. Things certainly need to change for next summer. And…..Julie looked like crap for all of this season. Either her hair, clothes or something else. I feel she should be replaced by Dr. will
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Good morning,I can’t believe my Summer addiction is over. Thank you LM you are a keeper. Thank you so much for your loyalty to this blog. See you at the Survivor blog. Stay sweet. 😉
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@hpr56, much thanks, my friend, I really appreciate rec’vg that so fast. Now I can relax, take a deep breath and enjoy what appears to be a promising, kick-ass Survivor season (did they REALLY have to bring Colton back? I mean, it’s like watching that meannie, Amanda w/ a set of gonads and some C-Andy all mixed together. Although,IMO, her saggy butt may have had them hanging there, somewhere, all along)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Still, would love to hear any updates re: McCrae/Saggy Butt “relationship”. Me thinks I’m a glutton for punishment, lol.
I love Jeff Probst, except when he’s chiming in during competitions.
And how about Gervais? “pooping out w/ any physical stress and then “in your face” about his tribe’s win (which occurred in spite o his draggin’ ass!). Not fair to his niece, who was p.o’d at him as well, but I can understand her tribe’s feelings w/ his little show.
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Lizzie: I love your description. PERFECT!!!!!
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I think Andy won because he out talked GM. That’s his profession so she was outplayed at the end. GM can’t think on her feet like Andy could. Not happy.
I liked how Julie told them that their comments made national news, but I wish she would have added, “and you will be in for some surprises-expect the unexpected!”
Do you have a link to sign up for your Suvivor blog?
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CBS should have stopped them before they got to the end including Andy’s going thru Elyssa’s belonging and using the C word, same w Spencer and his really horrible speech “pattern” and habits ( hand in pants) , GM is just not smart and racist……
I have lost all respect for CBS
and Julie
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Here you go Linda: http://www.survivorblog.com/survivor-caramoan/survivor-blood-vs-water-is-one-week-away/comment-page-1#comment-27570
And I agree with what you said. GM was pretty disappointing. She didn’t answer the questions and seemed flustered. But then I would be too. Andy is used to talking and lying. LOL
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Lizzie — I was thinking that Colton reminded me a lot of Amanda as well but the good thing about Survivor is that players like Colton usually end up getting kicked out of the tribe fairly early. Nobody’s got time for that when you’re starving on an island. 🙂
Sylvie — There’s a lot that I wish Julie had said to the houseguests during both the finale and the whole season in general. I imagine she’s probably just happy to finally be done with this season.
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@LM I agree 100%
Julie has been slightly uncomfortable the whole season, and rightly so.
I am sure it affects her when people are racist, used the C word and finally go thru a HGs belonging.
My guess is that she is outraged but her hand s are tied by tons CBS execs who dictate her every move/speech
It’s really a horrible lesson in what not to do in TV and letting the HGs break every rule has to be blamed on the producers.
I am so annoyed w the whole season and how none of them deserved to win.
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I think Colton was on Survivor longer than he should have been before and I can’t help wondering how long he would have been there if he hadn’t had a medical issue. We will never know. But his attitude is very much like Amanda.
Sylvie, I’m sure there are a lot of reasons why Julie couldn’t say much. I just hope next year they take some of LM’s suggestions. There were some other good ones on here from others too. However, I doubt they bother with blogs.
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LM – thanks!
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Thank you everyone for making this blog an awesome read. I did not have the live feeds and it was very informative to know what happened in the house other than what CBS showed 3 times a week. Its amazing what editing can do to show someone in a totally different light than how they really acted. I think of the final 3 Andy was the best player and I am so glad Spencer got the boot. If McCrae had saved Elissa and started working with her and booted Andy he might have made final 3? Still cant figure out why he thought Andy voted for Amanda when I am sure Amanda told him she had a deal with Elissa, oh well he was an idiot for hanging with Amanda, it was very obvious the jury house had no respect for him after he paired up with Amanda.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Again THANKS STARFISH, I really enjoyed reading the blogs.
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Lisa, As I have been saying most of the time….. Great Job! & Thanks to BBBlogger For this place for us all to Chat about the show!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Next year, BBB , Maybe you can step in a little earlier & stop some of the bad BS, But better late then never 🙂 Thanks again!
Thank you all my friends for making a very bad show so much fun! 😆 I hope to see you on the Survivor Blog! If your not there I will truly miss some of you! Till we meet again, your friend………………….
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I want to thanks Lisa Marie for her great work, even while on vacation, this kind of forum is great and getting all kinds of people to comment is the name of the game and it always is interesting and fun. Lisa thank you. Its too bad all the jury members didn’t stand as a group and say “Julie we have all decide that no one deserves the money so we are not going to vote, please donate the money to a charity of your chossing”. Would’ve been really good to see that.
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Sylvie, I didn’t mean that to sound like I didn’t agree with you about Julie. I do. I just think there may be a lot of things that tie her hands. And I totally agree that they broke the rules and it IS production’s fault. You said it really good.
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I wish there were “like” buttons for a lot of the posts.
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YEAH its over ….I hate that anyone won because neither one of them deserved it. the best part of the show was when the last three were skating..hilarious lmao. I am glad that Elissa won the $25000.00 she deserved it. Hope next season is a hell of a lot better than this one.
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It’s all good
I am watching DWTS at least I can vote
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I have truly enjoyed this blog and agree that Lisa Marie provided great commentary on the season–by far the best blog spot!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I would like to say that the Brenchel Army is not to be given sole credit for Elyssia’s favorite win. I voted for her and am not a huge Rachel fan. The credit for her win should go to the other houseguests and their behavior towards her especially the last 3 in the house. Part of my vote was based on how mad they would be if she won, part on wanting to see if Spencer would actually carry out his threat (not that I would have wanted him to) and lastly because she seemed to be the only HG who consistently felt their behavior was wrong.
Looking forward to Survivor, Amazing Race and, with fingers crossed, BB16.
Thank you all for helping me enjoy an otherwise deplorable season of BB.
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Sylvie, I just reread my comment and didn’t want to come across different than I felt.
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emilys editor: I’m sure there were a lot of people who voted for Elissa that were not supporters of Brenchel but I’m also sure they made up a huge number of the voters. That’s the only way I can see that she would have gotten the MVP 3 times. And she would have kept getting it if they hadn’t changed to America being the MVP. It was also before she was treated so rotten. Personally, I didn’t vote for her because I didn’t feel like she really played the game much. I think she was treated very very poorly and some of the other guests should have been punished but I didn’t think she earned the $25,000. However, I am obviously in the minority and you were in the majority. LOL I think we all just voted whatever way we felt was fair and that’s how it should have been.
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I hope that Andy and Spencer will realize that a very big factor in Elissa winning the $25,000 was due to their constant demeaning remarks against Elissa, and NOT because of Brenchel Army — That is the reason that I voted for Elissa to win — it was my way of protesting against such hateful over-the-top disgusting remarks made by Andy and Spencer against Elissa. Plus the fact that Elissa endured Amanda’s torture, etc.
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This season ending was so dissapointing. I’m glad the torture is over. Once it got to the final 3 I could of cared less who won although I really really did not want Andy to win. I thought the live finale would show more of the reaction from the audience then it did. I think the thing that upset me the most, was Elissa voting for Andy when he was trashing her so badly after she left. If only she knew ahead of time. She is going to be so mad at herself once she watches the show. Oh well, I think I’m going to enjoy survivor though.
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I am so sorry the toad won, but I am happy that it is all over!
I saw ‘The Talk’ this afternoon, but they didn’t go into any of the awful remarks made by Andy, GM and Spencer. They just talked about the back-stabbings. I did, however, get the feeling that Julie was not very found of any of them. She didn’t seem to happy about Andy winning.
I missed the CBS morning show. Did they interview the three finalists?
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The straw that broke the camel’s back happened on “The Talk” today. They didn’t have Andy on, thank goodness, but they made him out to look like a cute naughty boy!!!! The Talk then turned to the hosts and asked them about forgiveness!!! Not a word about the dirty, nasty, in your face behaviour of the final three. Disgusting end to a disgusting season. I’m off to fresher air in the Survivor blog. What beautiful scenery we saw on last night’s Survivor ~ but that’s for another blog. 🙂
Lisa Marie, I go along with those who thank you for your great great blogs. They were some of my favourite comments on here. Bless you!
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Lisa Marie, thank you for your always perceptive blogs. I don’t quite understand – is this a volunteer effort that you generously undertake? Is it a paid for position? What is your relationship to BBBlogger?
I agree with Smoke (#91) that would have been the only satisfactory outcome.
I too was disappointed in Julie’s reticence to call out the players for their behavior. I fear there won’t be enough blowback to make them rethink their conclusions as to sexual, racial, age, etc differences.
I am most moved by those who are often considered inarticulate – who knowing they don’t have the language to express their feelings will often put their hearts on the table, lay out their emotions – raw and unfiltered – there was none of that with GM – I found her insincere, unrepentent, totally inarticulate, just a bag full of sloppily selected words. Her “I am what I am” is so unconvincing and lacking the recognition that most of us are really what we’re trying to be – which is better than (or can be) what we are.
I didn’t hear any of the after hours comments – but I’ll be that the viciousness directed toward Elissa was generated from the same source as Amanda’s attack – jealousy. She is more disciplined in her thoughts and standards than any of them and to the same degree that she demonstrated greater physical discipline. She’s not a favorite of mine – but comparatively, she’s a standout.
Aaryn has already started the cowardly defensiveness – her comments weren’t “given in context” and she may have lost her job, but she’s been given five additional offers etc. It’ll be interesting to see how Amanda tries to cover her behind and defend her low-life behavior.
My favorite moments were when McCrea was asked what he liked best this bb season and he responded “free food” and not “meeting Amanda,” and when Helen told Aaryn (and soooo insincerely) that her recent move was HUMUNGOUS and she was another Janelle – and the glory of that pronouncement was fully reflected in Aaryn’s foolish face.
I hope that, next season, they’ll have a clause in the BB contract that forbids not only physical violence but also the mental violence of racism, sexism, homophobia, and agism.
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I thought Dr. Will had a lot to do with Andy winning, as I believe a lot of the jurors were still very bitter. Andy always had good media coverage on every show, too bad those people never saw the nasty side of him. He can laugh all the way to the bank, but I believe in Karma and someday his actions will come back to bite him in the a$$! I thought it was strange that his parents were not on stage after he won. Last year you saw Ian’s family. Maybe they were just too embarrassed to face the cameras because of all the ugliness that spewed out of Andy’s mouth!
When Elissa won the America’s favorite, Spencer bent down behind Andy’s head and I am sure he was he was muttering more filth about her!
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Caprice, great comments. I agree 110% {as the HG’ s would say!} See you in the Survivor blog? 🙂
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Does anyone have any links to what house guests comments are about their behavior in the house? Love to hear Amanda whine, Aaryon explain, Spencer cry, Andy screech, Alyissa say “He said what about me”? GM say anything coherent. LOL
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And of course Mcfreefood comments about his tv wife Amanda.
TY in advance
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I can’t believe it’s Thursday night and no BB. I feel so free! I actually finished a great book and tonight I am starting another one! 🙂 Maybe some Apple pie with ice cream to celebrate my freedom from BBAD. Seriously this blog has made the whole BB15 experience bearable. I’m thankful to all of you who accepted my sissy and me on this site. Next year we won’t be newbies and we will have learned a lot! Thank you again Lisa Marie and BBBlogger. 🙂 < 3
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Is there such a thing as a loud silence? That is what I would call the fact that Spencers Marilyn was no where to be seen. Hum 😉
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JEANNE – seeing marilyn where?
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Macy, did you see Marilyn at the BB finale? I don’t think so. She probably went into the witness protection program. Stay sweet. 😉
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First of all – pretty sure that was Marilyn in the audience they showed right near the beginning of the show sitting with Spencer’s parents. Andy’s parents I’m pretty sure is who he was hugging at the end (lady with the blonde hair). And yes, it was hard to watch Elissa vote for Andy after all the mean and hatefully things he so unmercilessly had to say about her all season – even commenting repeatedly that he HATED her.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lisa Marie – I LOVED you comment that Andy looked like a ventroliquist dummy! HA! I’d been trying to think all season what he reminded me of and that was it! PERFECT! I guess we have to admit Andy played a smart game but wasn’t enjoyable to watch him sniveling around spying on every conversation in the house and running back & reporting to Amanda. As far as Aaryn losing her job .. but hearing she had 5 new offers .. not surprised. saw that coming. so what has she learned? nothing. And I really think the jury ought to be allowed to watch how the game progress after they are voted out. How do they even know how things went down other than to see who was voted out and hearing bits and pieces? I think they should be able to watch the live feeds . It certainly would be motivation for some of the houseguests to clean up their act .. or better yet .. if they didn’t KNOW the jurors were watching them after they left! oh what a juicy twist THAT would be! when it came down to voting.
Anyway .. thanks Lisa Marie. great job. And hopefully less bickering here next year .. was so nice in the beginning & why pick on Jeanne & Joliemae? I think it’s great that at their age they are so into BB like the rest of us! I HOPE at that age I’m still keeping up with things like they are. I think you two are the bomb. lol. that’s good by the way … :o)
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hpr56, Starfish, anyone? Much as I miss BB15 (not the hg’s that’s for sure),I’ve been trying to find the Survivor, Blood vs Water site where all your brilliant comments will be. I was given a link, but it’s from mostly before the show. Is that the correct place to be, doesn’t seem to be currently active. Please post a link.
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I went to that link also
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and posted a comment, but there is no box to check to get emails. When I signed up for this blog, I would get emails every time Lisa Marie posted.
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@Linda, Yeah, that’s what happened to me, but I ran across bits of comments on the side of another page and don’t know how to get in there. Maybe it’s a club, and we’re not members? (just kidding)
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Jeanne728, thank you! We really appreciate your comments. It took a while, but I think most of the bloggers here knew our hearts. We were clueless as to why our “blessing” were so misunderstood. I chalk it up to a generation gap. 🙂 I’m glad you understood we weren’t trying to cause dissention… just being us. Thank you again for the your kind words. You are awesome!!!
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@joleemae, @ö¿ö(oops), Jeanne,LM, Anyone? Where can we sigm up for Survivor blog?
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Oops, sign up
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Oh Lizzie
Click Here
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Lizzy, I just searched for Survivor blood and water blog and found it. I am not able to insert websites from my Kindle Fire. I hope someone will help you. Good luck! 🙂
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Blood vs water!! 🙂
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My company is still here and I haven’t had a chance to watch the finale of BB yet. Tomorrow.
@kornholio thanks so much for the shout out. You get it. Also Mcfreefood – hilarious!
@Betty, I mentioned that I only saw the last 4 minutes of BB but I too saw Spencer bend down and say something to Andy and the look on both of their faces when Elissa won was not surprising. I agree Karma is a bitch and they’ll pay it.
@Lizzie, I hope you noticed post # 118. The link to Survivor is there.
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Big Surprise for ‘Big Brother’ Contestant Aaryn Gries….
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Thanks for the video Frannie. Aaryn still doesn’t understand that her modeling agency dropped her! 😆
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Hi everyone, I miss you. 🙁 I hope we can keep in touch. The Survivor blog is nice, but not the same. Have a good weekend! 🙂
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Hey Frannie, still trying to catch up and my girlfriend is leaving this afternoon. We had a wonderful time. Thanks for the video, that was really funny. Amanda is funny even tho she’s obnoxious. I just have to smh and laugh.
Hey Betty! Like I said, I’m still way behind what’s going on but didn’t someone say that in the “backyard interviews” (whatever they are)” Aaryn said something about it wasn’t a good place to work and she had 6 interviews lined up? I guess we’ll find out soon enough or when I can get caught up on all this stuff. I have to find where those backyard interviews are upstream somewhere I think. 🙂
I’ll be able to catch up on the BB finale and the Survivor premiere sometime today. I hope, it’s 3 hours of TV and that’s a lot.
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Thanks for all the updates on this site. I missed the last week as I took a nice long ride to D.C. (Not a march on anything, cause you need a permit for that). If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have known what was going on. I am interested in hearing anything on those affected by their behavior in the house.
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I hate andy and i hope for sason 16 they keep more than twelve players
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Good to see some of you still around! I have been in trouble with some of my Friends for my comments to Mr. BBB for Kissing some ass? not sure how they see me anymore ❓ All I know I did like this Blog & I say what I want & am so sorry to be a source for some who don’t like It! So Too bad for you for calling me a Friend & then judging me for my comments!!!!

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But still like to say what I want!!!! ……………………
So you can copy & paste this & then try and & put me down in a
different Blog If you want to just to make me feel bad! that is your choice My good friends! ………………. ♥ ………………
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Merci LM.
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Hey Bobo, there must be some misunderstanding somewhere because typed words don’t always carry the same meaning as you might have if you were in person. No judgments made or worries for you I’m sure. Just be you. Since it wasn’t on this site, we should take care of it other there. 😆 Besides, no one wants to make you feel bad, I’m sure Bob. Other than that very small hiccup in the entire year, I hope you are doing well. See you over at survivor blog as soon as I watch it. 😀
I just finished watching the BB finale and I still say Bleh! Yes, Andy did play the best game but as I said before, he’s simply one of the most unlikeable people and a bit too gooey for me. I believe he wants to be liked and he masterminded how he was going to play and did just that. Still don’t care for him as a human being after all the horrible horrible things he said about Elissa and others. Scum comes to mind. Wasn’t impressed with Dr. Will but under the circumstances, what could the guy say to this bunch? Ok, now on to watch the Survivor premier in a little bit.
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My Dear Friend Starfish I am really hurt by some of my friends for saying some unkind things to me! 🙁 I think they did misunderstood me but not the way they spoke to me! I am sorry but I guess that’s the way things go! See you soon
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BOBO – bet it was just a misunderstanding, buddy – u are a sweet man!
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Thank you @macy ♥
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You’re right Bob, sometimes friends say things they don’t mean in the heat of the moment and that’s what makes us friends. Right?? Stay supple! 🙂
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RIGHT…. But you should give a friend the benefit of doubt! 🙂
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Love you BoBo. I really enjoyed you and others on this blog.
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Thank you Starfish & LisaMarie. You have both been superstars. 😉
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BoBo forgot my wink 😉
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Macy Amen ‘re/ BoBo 😉
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what does amp mean???
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hello – bb bloggers – whats a fri nite without our freinds? got my wine in hand – how bout yall
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not u hunter – ha
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Thanks …… 😉
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Bobo, you’ve got a friend in me!! 🙂
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Hey, LisaMarie… just wanted to drop by to say Thank You for the wonderful job you did all season starting the blog off each time. And to Bill the BBBlogger for once again hosting everyone through the BB season. I didn’t have a lot of time to come on and try to fire a few snarky remarks off to keep things interesting, and of course some BB observations to keep it real. But it seemed there were plenty of fireworks near the end… My suggestion for a future BB… forget the hot babes and young studs and put the denizens of BBB in the House.
Thanks again you two!
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This blog is excellent. Thanks to LM and BBBlogger who make this
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