Big Brother 15 — Long Day’s Journey Into Thursday

by Lisa Marie Bowman on August 7, 2013

Hi everyone!

Well, it still looks like Candice is going to be evicted tomorrow night but guess what?  She’s going to get to be a part of the jury!  It was officially announced today that this season will have a 9-person jury and that the first two members of the jury will be the two houseguests voted out during tomorrow’s double eviction.

This has the potential to shake up the game because now, houseguests are going to have to start thinking about the fact that the people that they betray and upset are now going to be in a position to decide who wins the game.  Will this effect the way that people play the game?  Or will people just continue to run around like toadsuckers without a strategy?

As for tonight’s show, we should get to see the POV competition and I know that I’m very curious to see if CBS shows the fight that apparently happened between Candice and Amanda or if they’ll continue to edit things to make it look like Aaryn is the only person in the house who ever make racially-insensitive comments.

(For those of you who missed it, Helen and Andy had a conversation immediately after the POV competition where they talked about Amanda calling Candice “Shaniqua” and taunting her about Howard during the comp.  Since the live feeds were showing fish and trivia during the actual comp, nobody has gotten to see what actually happened.)

I’m also curious about why the BB editors continue to protect Spencer.  Spencer is one of the most disgusting individuals that I’ve ever seen in the Big Brother House but, if you only knew him from what they’s shown on the CBS show, you would be justified in thinking that he was just a plain-spoken guy from Arkansas.  As much as I dislike Aaryn, it does seem somewhat unfair to continually portray her as being the only racist in the house while Spencer is wandering around and telling everyone about how much he admires Hitler.

So, what does everyone think about the jury starting tomorrow?  And how many other people feel like they have to take a shower after spending any amount of time watching Spencer on the live feeds?

Stay supple,

Lisa Marie 

Dubs Doll August 7, 2013 at 12:28 pm

ha ha i got here first.

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Dubs Doll August 7, 2013 at 12:30 pm

Sad thing is there is nothing new going on. Same old tired plot. Amanda wants to tell everyone who to vote out while keeping options open in case they don’t go.

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Chelle August 7, 2013 at 12:49 pm

I dont see why they dont evit her, NOW! Ughhhh cant stand Amanda. But so tickled that Candice is going to Jury, that will serve a better purpose in the end depending on who is sitting in those last 2 seats

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Rich August 7, 2013 at 12:52 pm

Is it just me or are the girls (& Spencer) putting on weight this season , not losing it like other seasons?

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mrybkr August 7, 2013 at 12:53 pm

If they evict Candice tomm….I hope AA or AM joins her the following week

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ladyd August 7, 2013 at 12:58 pm

The best way to to get back at Aaryn and GM is for Candice and Howard to re-enter the house and tell them America voted them back. It would cause a lot of drama

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Dubs Doll August 7, 2013 at 1:01 pm


I don’t recall anyone really losing weight on BB. Most do gain as they are bored and indulge like crazy after being a “Have-not”. This season has the most smokers. Most are seen eating when denied the Yard to smoke.

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Nick August 7, 2013 at 1:08 pm

Read everything love you guys. Don’t post so much but had to when I read this. How funny would it be with the double eviction if it was Candice and Aaryn who both went and got to spend a whole week together at the jury house! Ha! Hate this group of houseguests. Jessie and Judd will be final 2. Bad news!

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Rich August 7, 2013 at 1:12 pm

Yeah there is a lot of smokers this year. Where do all of these (unemployed?) people get $50 for a carton?

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Rich August 7, 2013 at 1:13 pm

Plus they get more than slop now and some of the choices aren’t all that disgusting.

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Bonita August 7, 2013 at 1:17 pm

Aaryn is the most pitiful excuse for a human I have ever seen. She is so racist it makes me sick. She was just talking to Amanda, Judd, Andy and Helen in the backyard and said she was afraid of Howard and his big lips. She makes me sick. I am so praying by some miracle that Amanda gets voted out and with the double eviction Aaryn follows her on her coat tail. Then I want the Pig to go up and be voted out next week. Would love for those three to be locked up together alone for the rest of the summer,
Maybe we could then see the real players go after the prize.

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hpr56 August 7, 2013 at 1:20 pm

They had other things besides just slop in past years. This isn’t the first. And I guess it’s a matter of opinion whether the choices voted on by America are disgusting or not. I really didn’t think Aaryn or Amanda deserved to earn the money by going to the Jury House. By the way, do they have guards to keep the jury members from killing or maiming each other in the jury house? It could get ugly. Rich, the houseguests are not unemployed. Read their bios. I like the idea of someone re-entering the house. Will the houseguests find out about the Jury house before they vote tomorrow? It could make a difference you know.

Can’t wait to see how it all turns out. Love you guys for the updates and information. LM, your blog is awesome.

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Kevin11 August 7, 2013 at 1:23 pm

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The Shadow August 7, 2013 at 1:24 pm

{ æ ¿ æ }
mark me here

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Pat August 7, 2013 at 1:27 pm

I would love to see Andy kicked out. Is he really a professor?

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Bobo August 7, 2013 at 1:28 pm

Thanks Kevin Cool link! 🙂 I wish you had a chart for symbols for some of us that have Macs 😕 Thanks for all the updates √ ……………….. :mrgreen:

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Tania August 7, 2013 at 1:28 pm

Do you guys think that CBS is doing this new 9 person jury change just incase Amanda gets voted out at the double eviction?? That way she is still “in the game”. You know changing the rules to suit certain players.

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Mike Kubanek August 7, 2013 at 1:29 pm

I agree the way Spencer is portrayed is not right, they need to edit fairly so the real personalities are shown to America. He will get his in the end, if not in this game in the game of life. Same with all the racists, come on man it is time to stop these comments. I keep thinking we have come a long way, then I watch the people expose their real feelings on this program and I find out the real truth, maybe that is why I watch, to find out where we really are in 2013. It cannot be because of the incredible strategic game, is there any hope these players start to play this game as the pool of candidates shrink?? Thanks again for all the insight, your comments are very helpful and enlightening.

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Star August 7, 2013 at 1:37 pm

@kimjmj…..BOOYAH!!! I can’t believe I cracked your When I waas typing your name, it just seemed like alot of initials and then it jsut hit me out of nowhere. Hadn’t thought about JMJ in years!! I almost didn’t ask as it seemed so personal and off topic, but glad I did now! 😉 What kind of Cathoic school did you go to anyway??? No uniforms?? Altho, we didn’t have them until I was in 4th grade. They were so ugly tho and HOT in the fall. Nothing nicer than wool in 80 degree And I never watched Homicide, but that’s what the nuns would have done to us if we hadn’t put JMJ on our work!! 😉

@SF….I did mention the bandaid thing in my last post on the old blog. #77, I think. You just missesd it under all the Catholic

As for the 9 person jury, we had suspicions of it early on. I think we may start seeing more people being backdoored and alot more mea culpas as HGs are put up. But, whaddyagonnado???? It’s part of the GAME,people!!! Remember that…the GAME???? It seems to get lost in all the other controverysy this year. That is the part I have disliked the most this season, that no one really seems to know how or care to actually PLAY BB!!!! They are just there for a paid summer vacay and to lose any and all social graces they ever had! Which is appearing to be NONE in most cases.!
I too am excited to see the POV tonight. There have been alot of cat fights this year too. These people really DON’T like each other!!! I don’t see alot of ongoing relationships in RL when BB Is The Tues and Sun TV shows are usually so boring to us and always seem like they are in a time warp because we have known what they are showing as NEW for ages!! So let’s hope for a few SURPRISES tonight!!!!

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Bobo August 7, 2013 at 1:41 pm

Star I ♥ Surprises! 🙂 My Birthday is this month………… :mrgreen:

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kaleki00 August 7, 2013 at 1:42 pm

I don’t think BB should tell the cast members anything period ~ like about America’s vote (hasn’t been revealed) or when the jury house begins ~ they need to keep them guessing so they can continue to act crazy like they have been

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Tuna August 7, 2013 at 1:49 pm

” toadsuckers without a strategy”


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vicki August 7, 2013 at 1:55 pm

Did spencer really say that he likes kiddie porn especially 3 and 4 year olds. Whether he was just kidding or not he is soo oooo disgusting. I am not a racist and I don’t like people that are but this kiddie porn thing to me is almost worse.

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Bobo August 7, 2013 at 2:03 pm

Amanda is doing her hair in front of E Talking about everyone again, man this girl is in a bra & looks like she has no problem eating What a gut she has …. :mrgreen:

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vicki August 7, 2013 at 2:15 pm

Sorry I have another question. I don’t really care for Aaryn and all her remarks but I am wondering why people think that she is racist if she says that howard had big lips and it is ok to make fun of Elissa’s big lips. I really don’t like Elissa either. So what is the difference????

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tendr August 7, 2013 at 2:27 pm

Afraid of Howard’s lips? What an idiot Aarynation is. What a terrible thing to say. Howard was the best looking man in the whole house. Why are the letting Spencer get away with his Hitler comments? Could they BB…be so desperate to pretend there’s at least one person in there worth voting for? After Candy goes…………I won’t even care about the show.

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Bobo August 7, 2013 at 2:29 pm

vicki I don’t see any difference in it, making fun of other people’s looks is rude! Maybe because he is a black man, & everyone thinks that what ever she says is raciest! Not sure! ………… :mrgreen:

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tendr August 7, 2013 at 2:34 pm

my lily white daughter has lips fuller than her ‘bi-racial’ husbands and they’re natural and beautiful. Aaryn is a racist and we all know it. btw…she should be so lucky..I would have been thrilled to have a man like Howard in my family.

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Bobo August 7, 2013 at 2:44 pm

tendr Did not hear what & how Aaryn said that about Howard! Was she being racist again or just her Mean little girl self?? 😕
…………………. :mrgreen:

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Star August 7, 2013 at 2:48 pm too!!! So when is your BD?? Are you a Leo?? Leos are very compatible with Aquarians..ME!! 😉

@kalekioo…I think that is a great idea!!! Alot of HGS jsut play based on Jury! I think they should shake it up every year! But especially this year as these HGs are already confused because of teh phantoom MVP! I wnder if anyone from CBS actually reads this blog??lol

I am refusing to talk about the racism anymore. It’s so mean-spirited and feels so gossipy and it is ruining the game for me. And it just keeps reminding me what a bunch of douche bags we have to choose from! So….guess that leaves nothing more to

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Star August 7, 2013 at 2:53 pm

Oh….JT and anyone who has used the keyboard symbols…….
I tried on the last post and I get a BOING noise on here and my edit menu drops down!!! WTH??? ❓ Is it because I am on AOL or am I doing something wrong? When I tried it in an email, it worked. Justa asking..;)

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Bobo August 7, 2013 at 2:55 pm

Star I’m on the cusp Aug. 23, My wife of 47 years is an Antiquarian! We still are going strong 🙂 I to am tired of all the same stuff you just said also ♥ Glad to see you my friend 🙂 I am going to take my wife out to dinner tonight so I have to tape BB don’t want to miss anything, see you soon got to do a few things right now…
………… :mrgreen:

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kimjmj August 7, 2013 at 2:58 pm

@Star, LOL, good old Pac-NW, I think there are about 100 of us who sneaked thru with the right timing to avoid uniforms. Now I wish my kid had to wear them to make life and the budget easier! 😉

Ugh, so over all these hgs. Makes me laugh to hear them assume how the public sees them versus how they are truly coming across. And that Afghan of a bachelorette party last night, none of those girls really like each other.

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kimjmj August 7, 2013 at 3:02 pm

Wow, Swype is easy off… SHAM not Afghan.. WT???

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The Shadow (aka - SnakeBit Sal) Ô¿Ô August 7, 2013 at 3:09 pm

@Vicki ….. Aaryn has been racially profiling (derogatory comments) Howard from day 1 with uncalled for remarks! Therefore the “big lips” comment was not called for!

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Karen August 7, 2013 at 3:13 pm

Too bad Howard didn’t stay one more week, so he and Candance could have some “time” together. Sure hope Amanda and McCrae don’t get to spend much time … McCrae could consider it their honeymoon! Hope they show how F O U L Spencer is on CBS. Ick … where did they find all these low lifes??? Makes me wish for Evil Dick again!

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Kevin11 August 7, 2013 at 3:19 pm

@Bobo: You got it Bob. Context is always a big part of everything in Life and nice to read someone’s stuff (Spicy) who tells it like it happened. So many take all of this (what happens on a reality TV show) way too seriously and probably get riled up about stupid stuff in the real world that has nothing to do with them.

“The World is a magical place of people waiting to be offended by something.”

We Doomed™:

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Kevin11 August 7, 2013 at 3:35 pm


Roy ‏@splashroy
@CBSBigBrother at this point, just rename #BB15 to ‘Shitnado’ …
Retweeted by Midnight Special

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Lisa August 7, 2013 at 3:48 pm

As much as I would love to see Amanda and Aaryn evicted soon, I can’t help but feel sorry that Candace would still have to put up with them in the jury house.
There is no one to root for in this season. Maybe Jessie?

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babsw August 7, 2013 at 3:50 pm

So sick of the race thing.You can’t turn on the TV without someone yelling about race.OMG!!! what is this country coming to.

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babsw August 7, 2013 at 3:55 pm

It’s a TV show and they pick dysfunctional people to play the game.Should make you feel alittle better about yourself knowing you are not making an ass out of yourself on TV.

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Bobo August 7, 2013 at 3:57 pm

Kevin your comment is on right on! “The World is a magical place of people waiting to be offended by something.” I am so happy to have this place to say what I want, & very happy I am still in this world ❗ Things could be so much more fun if we all take things a bit more lighter then we do here 😕 Not to put any of my fellow Bloggers down, everyone has the right to say what hell they want! I just feel that some of the subjects have been beaten to death! Okay let the games begin! √
……………………… :mrgreen:

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Bobo August 7, 2013 at 3:59 pm

babsw Love is all you need ♥ 🙂
…………… :mrgreen:

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Bobo August 7, 2013 at 4:26 pm

Guss what day it is……………… 😆

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Bobo August 7, 2013 at 4:28 pm

Love the Camel !!!!! 😆

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Bobo August 7, 2013 at 4:30 pm

Going out to dinner….See you all later…………… :mrgreen:

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Becky August 7, 2013 at 4:31 pm


I’ve thought about applying for BB for years, but haven’t done so for many reasons. I told myself I was too old –I’ve seen most of the “older” female HG leave way too early. I have bipolar disorder and would get too depressed in that house. I’m a little bit overweight.

After seeing this year’s cast of dysfunctional characters, I’m giving it another, more serious, consideration. So what if I’m old, almost every blog has a majority of fans who want to see an older, more mature cast. Rather than depression, I think the boredom and stress would send me into a mania that could result in some hilarity for the viewers–but it could still my health at some risk. The weight continues to be an issue. There has never been an overweight female HG even though this country has the largest population of overweight people in the world.

I’m still thinking about it.

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Starfish August 7, 2013 at 4:33 pm

I got nothin except LM’s:

“Or will people just continue to run around like toadsuckers without a strategy?

Hilarious, because that’s what it is right now. Oh, and thanks for all the links K11.

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hpr56 August 7, 2013 at 5:17 pm

Okay – so I was gone for a bit and just caught up. Life is pretty much a joke most of the time. And Bobo, I agree with you. ” I am so happy to have this place to say what I want, & very happy I am still in this world”. Just turned 66 and when someone asked me how I felt about that, I made the comment that it was a whole lot better than not making it to 66. I admit I get too serious and upset about stupid things sometimes but that’s life. I try not to let it affect my interactions with others. I do love the toadsuckers comment too. If you can’t find something to laugh about every day then why wake up.

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mary price August 7, 2013 at 5:39 pm

I hate to say this I think Amanda and McCrea will be the last two in the house.
I would love for them to go to jury. I am sick of seeing them all the time.
Lucky I am not there and HOH they would be in my bed all the time. The thought of the two of them always in bed makes me sick.
I hope Andy goes soon I am tired of him running around tattling all the time seems like that’s all he does.

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HoH8 August 7, 2013 at 6:12 pm

Your Welcome to all those who Thanked me for the Links… 🙂

and i want to give Props to ME, JT and Kev11…we all said there would be a 9 HG Jury before the season started…so there, lol…. 🙂

and for those Not in the East Coast…here’s where to go to watch the Wed tv show a little ealier then ur time zone… 🙂

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Jane August 7, 2013 at 6:16 pm

Did anyone see that Julie Tweeted the Reset button???!!!!

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Mama Margie August 7, 2013 at 6:18 pm

good comments all I appesch
earlier today aarynation stated something to the effect she makes $50 an hour, to which I loudly proclaimed NOT ANYMORE BITCH
Thursday cannot come fast enough
ciao for now hugs all around

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Mama Margie August 7, 2013 at 6:20 pm

@ jane, lmao love it
txs for sharing

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Jane August 7, 2013 at 6:24 pm

Yes!!!! Spencer is being investigated!!

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Becky August 7, 2013 at 6:27 pm

@Jane, wouldn’t it be wonderful if Julie was giving us a hint of 1 or more returning HG? Reset the game for somebody Amanda was not able to control? If that were the case, I’d even welcome Jeremy back, but would rather it be Nick and or Howard.

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HoH8 August 7, 2013 at 6:31 pm

in the Live Feeds…BB gave the HG’s somrthing to practice for the quick HOH Comp tomorrow….its rolling a ball down a long plank and get the ball on either side into a basket….its another crapshoot Comp…any HG can win it….but i bet demanda will lose again, lol… 🙂

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Jane August 7, 2013 at 6:38 pm

@Becky I’d love to escort Jeremy in at this point. But none of the past HGs have been in Sequester so maybe it’s a past HG from another season… That would be awesome. Or maybe they are escorting some of these filthy mofos out and bringing their alternates in!!! That would be awesome!!

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Becky August 7, 2013 at 6:41 pm

@Jane, anything would to shake things up and take away the boredom. I’m not even going to watch tonight or tomorrow night–I’ve got better things to do and since Candice is being evicted, what is the point?

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Starfish August 7, 2013 at 6:41 pm

@Hoh8 thanks for the link for tonight’s show. Too bad their comps don’t require some sort of skill, I don’t like the just plain luck ones or as you say another crapshoot comp. 🙂

Wasn’t it was published since day one somewhere aboutr the 9 jury members? I always was pretty sure that was the case. We all talked about it so I guess that’s a good thing. Amanda and Jessie together right off the bat would be funny. I would be willing to bet that Amanda would take the high road and say it’s justagame and just move on like nothing happened and be her “nice” self until she gets out of course. 😈

@K11 and Jane, thanks for the Spencer being investigated link. They say they can’t find any criminal act but I wonder if they are checking his computer?

@Jane, what is the instagram link? I’m lost on that one. sorry.

It’s usually a bust when they bring someone back into the house. They are voted out pretty quick most of the time. Unless, of course, Amanda is gone first. Otherwise, she’ll gather her minions and keep them close OR ELSE! They’ll follow.

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Mama Margie August 7, 2013 at 6:45 pm

@ Becky I bet nick would not go back to bb not even for the top prize, his sanity is more precious to him then money, cause if he did return and won he would use all of it for thepary, as GM would put him over the edge.

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Jane August 7, 2013 at 6:46 pm

@starfish it was a tweet of the Reset Button

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Starfish August 7, 2013 at 6:48 pm


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Starfish August 7, 2013 at 6:50 pm

@Jane, I didn’t get a reset button, I got something about free instagram. Go figure. Love the reset button idea and I do hope it’s some sort of hint. They need to do something.

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aggie27 August 7, 2013 at 6:52 pm

Another BB Day, should be interesting 😆

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Jane August 7, 2013 at 6:54 pm

Oh sorry it was a tweet by Julie Chan of the reset button and she said expect the unexpected!!!

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Jane August 7, 2013 at 6:55 pm

Try this:

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Starfish August 7, 2013 at 6:57 pm

I sure hope so Jane. As Aggie said another BB day but I don’t know how interesting it is unless there is something unexpected gonna happen.

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Star August 7, 2013 at 7:04 pm

@Bobo….Leo and Aquarian are THE best pairing in the Zodiac for marriage!! My grandparent were married 65 years under those 2 signs!! Happy early BD and many more years of wedded bliss!! 😉

@SF… I got that instagram thing too. It’s jsut an ad. They want you to DL it and join up! Just X is out!! BTW….I asked but no one are you doing the keyboard symbols on here?? When I try to do them I get a ** BOING** noise and a drop down window but no symbol! I wonder if its cuz I am on AOL.

I was out and about this afternoon but keeping up with my cell. I couldn’t believe taht Spencer is now in trouble with the cops too!!! He is going to be jobless adn in jail when this game is over! Whether he wins or not..God forbid!!lol These HGS hae set the bar so low it is UNDER the BB basement..if it has one…l0l

Well, I was going to chatter on but the show is starting. Catch y’all L8R!!

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LisaMarieBowman August 7, 2013 at 7:14 pm

Wow. Judging from the first 15 minutes of tonight’s show, the Big Brother editors have totally turned against Amanda.

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Jane August 7, 2013 at 7:17 pm

@star I reported correct link

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Jane August 7, 2013 at 7:17 pm

@LM thank god!!

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Jane August 7, 2013 at 7:18 pm

@star *reposted* not reported lol

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kimjmj August 7, 2013 at 7:19 pm

Send in ED!!! He could totally school these chumps into really playing the game!

Ohh, evil twist thought, probably too far out there, but with all the comments about Howard and others having too many DRs… could they have former hgs coaching in the background??? So whoever goes out tomorrow their coach comes in??? My God, I’d even take Rachel at this point…

Yes, this season has driven my to flights of fancy.. : shock :

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Becky August 7, 2013 at 7:32 pm

@LM, its about time, too!!

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HoH8 August 7, 2013 at 7:42 pm

OMG….Thank You CBS Thank You…..Finally America heard that Demanda is the Racist that she is…by hearing her call Candice..”Shaniqua….Thank You

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LisaMarieBowman August 7, 2013 at 7:50 pm

Lol, quote from my friend Evelyn regarding Amanda and McCrae: “If she rolls over the wrong way while they’re sleeping, he’s going to get crushed.”

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Mama Margie August 7, 2013 at 7:57 pm

HELP what did the guy say at the end of the show about a special 1 hour ???? Bill was asking me a question and that is all I heard, I would appesch if anyone can help
also I think mccrae is just aching to break free from amazon demanda

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LisaMarieBowman August 7, 2013 at 8:01 pm

MM — I think he just meant that tomorrow’s episode would be special because it’s a double eviction.

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macy 1231231 August 7, 2013 at 8:04 pm

STARFISH thanx for gm’s blog

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Mama Margie August 7, 2013 at 8:07 pm

LM thanks so much I appesch heaven forbid I miss one word lol
my hubby is watching for the first time this year and has a zillion questions
by the way u r doing an excellent job good going

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marist August 7, 2013 at 8:11 pm

Amanda, Amanda, Let’s hear it for the biggest skank that rode in on a Rhino. Woh, Woh, OH, This BIT*& has got to go.

How I hate this woman. She is a Pitiful sight to the female race. Why can’t she shut that big mouth of hers. The contest of POV was disgusting with her and Candice. She would not leave Candice alone. She is so immature that I find it hard to believe that she is a real estate agent. For what town and country. Hope she gets fired for her antics. I am sure her company is watching and ready to mail her a pink slip.

Vote her out now. I wonder how Candice is going. She shouldn’t be going. The whole house is a mess. Andy Ratboy is so backstabbing and ratting out to all. He is the real reason that there is so much termoil in that house



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Starfish August 7, 2013 at 8:14 pm

LM, thanks for that bit of good news. I started to watch the first couple minutes but had to have dinner so missed it all. Can’t wait to see the real Amanda.
Also, tomorrow may be special because they are ending MVP at some point during the show plus the double eviction.

YW Macy, I enjoyed it too. I have no one word description for GM. I would need several. 😛

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Starfish August 7, 2013 at 8:16 pm

@Star, I can’t get the “symbol” to do anything here and I’m on aol too. I don’t even get a “BOING”. 😆

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HoH8 August 7, 2013 at 8:17 pm

@Marist…DeManda isnt getting fired from job…do u why???…her Mommy owns the Real Estate that she works in….so the best we can hope for is that she gets Evicted QUICK, lol… 🙂

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Starfish August 7, 2013 at 8:20 pm

@Marist, I agree that if it weren’t for Andy we might actually see a bit of game. The ratting out has created an atmosphere of fear and paranoia and the alliances don’t know what to think because they haven’t stomped on that little snake yet!

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HoH8 August 7, 2013 at 8:21 pm

☺☻♥….i dont know…i can get the characters with no problem….are u sure ur doing it right?…..♂☺☻♥♀☻☺♥♀☺☻☺….u see…no Boings, lol….. 🙂

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Jane August 7, 2013 at 8:23 pm

Lol @Hoh8

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Tammy August 7, 2013 at 8:27 pm

Tammy 08.07.13 at 8:25 pm

wow McCreddie is finally thinking with his other head lol
Tammy 08.07.13 at 8:26 pm

I read earlier people contacted Spencers work place to get him fired.
sorry posted to wrong page

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Starfish August 7, 2013 at 8:28 pm

You crack me up Hoh8 but I have my num lock on and hold down alt and press the sequence of numbers and get nada. See….

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Starfish August 7, 2013 at 8:29 pm

HOH8 do you have aol? Could that be it? I’m going to come on through IE and see if that works.

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starfish August 7, 2013 at 8:33 pm

♂ √ ¾ ☼

Ok it works coming in through IE. Who know???

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starfish August 7, 2013 at 8:35 pm

Who Knew? 😳


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Jane August 7, 2013 at 8:37 pm

Hi Tammy!

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BigFather August 7, 2013 at 8:38 pm

CBS is enjoying the soaring ratings. Publicly they will denounce all the racist and pedophile comments but secretly they work to keep those contestants on the show because of the ratings. They spend a lot of money developing this show, including physiological evaluations of each contestant. They knew what they were getting when they selected AA, GM, DeManda as well as Howard and Candice. They would have never put Howard and Candice in that situation if they weren’t sure they wouldn’t react in a physical way or quit the show. Which they should have walked off the show right after the first racial comment wasn’t addressed by the producer. But first I would leave after smacking someone in the face. Oh, i know that is a rule (no hitting). Isnt that interesting, you cant touch another contestant or talk about what goes on in diary but you can say any hurtful thing about someones race, ethnicity or sexuality. Maybe because I am old, white, educated or wealthy and dont need the money but I would have quit the show ( or threatened to quit to the producers) if that crap didn’t stop. I know I sound like a liberal (which I’m not) but racist/sexist/gay comments are easy assaults. If you want to beat people or prove your better than they are, do with success, cunning, guile, and intelligence. Beat them the hard way, out work them.

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HoH8 August 7, 2013 at 8:43 pm

LOL….im using Chrome…but u have to press the ALT button and hold it while u punch in the numbers on the right side…then u have to let go off the ALT button and u will see the character….☺☻♥♀☺§♣♠♦◘○8§…u see, LOL…. 🙂

@Tammy…Spencer is in a Union job and right now he’s on Unpaid Leave….and i doubt the Union will fire him…. 🙁

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Jane August 7, 2013 at 8:47 pm

on my laptop

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Dubs Doll August 7, 2013 at 8:49 pm

To those asking about Spencer. I live close to his home town. Recently a multi-state child porn ring was broke up. It all started near Shreveport, Louisiana. Many people called the local tv station and police.His home and other personal property was looked at. If they found anything they have not said. Local news said they would keep us informed.

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Tammy August 7, 2013 at 8:49 pm

I’m thinking 2 are going o jury to bring one back in a couple weeks. Bet it will be Candice

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Jane August 7, 2013 at 8:51 pm

Ignore my comments lol

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Starfish August 7, 2013 at 8:52 pm

Hoh8, if I can make it work on IE, then I’m doing it right. It just doesn’t work coming through aol. I’ve been on computers since before PCs (main frame) so I can figure that much out. I’m just not a tech type but I can get around a computer most of the time. 😀

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Starfish August 7, 2013 at 8:53 pm

@Tammy, I’m not so sure bringing Candice back for more harrassment is a good idea. Do you even think she’ll want to come back? Plus, they usually get that person out real quick.

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Starfish August 7, 2013 at 8:54 pm

@Duds Doll, that’s great news. Keep us informed. Would be interesting but I doubt they’ll say a word unless they find some serious stuff and then they would probably pull him out of the show if it’s bad enough.

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Jane August 7, 2013 at 8:54 pm

I’m trying to fix my Avatar 🙁

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Starfish August 7, 2013 at 8:55 pm

Jane, it worked on your laptop. The gravatar appeared!

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Starfish August 7, 2013 at 8:56 pm

Now it’s not there on the last post of yours.

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HoH8 August 7, 2013 at 8:57 pm

Wow, me too SF…i worked 35 yrs on the Burroughs 6700, 6800 Main Frame computers as a computer operator…way before the PC’s were invented….small world, lol… 🙂

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Jane August 7, 2013 at 8:58 pm

@dubs doll Yes! Please keep us posted, thanks!

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Jane August 7, 2013 at 8:58 pm

So it just doesn’t work on my cell!! Thanks SF!

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HoH8 August 7, 2013 at 9:05 pm

here’s a pic of what they were practicing earlier today for the HOH Comp tomorrow ….btw, this will be the 2nd HOH comp not the Quick one…..and it seemed that Aaryn did very good with this….so lets see….. another crapshoot comp… 🙁

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Bonita August 7, 2013 at 9:08 pm

Can anyone tell me why LF’s are off at this time???

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Starfish August 7, 2013 at 9:10 pm

Well Hoh8 it looks like it at least takes a bit of skill. Who hasn’t won squat besides Amanda?

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HoH8 August 7, 2013 at 9:11 pm

Live Feeds are OFF with Fishes because…they are having their Halfway party… 🙂

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HoH8 August 7, 2013 at 9:16 pm

@SF..who hasnt won Squat???…well besides demanda….Andy is the only other one… everyone else has won either POV or HOH at least once…. 🙂

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Starfish August 7, 2013 at 9:17 pm

Just checking, I thought it was Andy too. He should win snake of the year award.

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Dubs Doll August 7, 2013 at 9:17 pm

@HoH8 that comp looks like the one they had with Evil Dick. I think they had to roll the ball to the end then flip it into a barrel or something.

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Justaguy (JT) August 7, 2013 at 9:19 pm

Candice & Jessie haven’t won a comp either

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Starfish August 7, 2013 at 9:22 pm

thanks JT. Apprech! Of course, you would be on top of that. Jessie just won POV tho didn’t she?

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Justaguy (JT) August 7, 2013 at 9:25 pm

Jessie got the veto… but she didn’t win the comp. She was 2nd place.
Judd chose 5k over the veto

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Starfish August 7, 2013 at 9:28 pm

Thanks JT!! Looking forward to seeing the show in 30

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Bonita August 7, 2013 at 9:28 pm

I sort of reminds me of the snake one a couple of years ago, only this one is straight. I hate to say it but it looked like Spencer was pretty good at it along with Aaryn. Thank you HOH8. I missed that little bit of info.

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Justaguy (JT) August 7, 2013 at 9:31 pm

Thanks for GMs HOH blog Starfish.

I feel bad for GM at times, but she shouldn’t use Roman numerals if she doesn’t know them 😆 “BBVX” …huh?

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Justaguy (JT) August 7, 2013 at 9:35 pm

Please tell me my use of ONE little √ didn’t lead to all the charts and stuff being posted the last 2 days 😆
Next time I have nothing to say, but just want to make a comment to check the email box… I will just use a ? 🙂

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Starfish August 7, 2013 at 9:46 pm

Yes, it certainly did JT and we all learned a lot!! Thanks!!

????? I can do that. 😆

Oh, BBVX, poor GM.

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Justaguy (JT) August 7, 2013 at 10:07 pm

As Lisa mentioned, I think announcing that everyone left is in jury could make a difference. I hope they announce that BEFORE the first eviction. I think MVP will end.. and I hope Julie announces that America has been MVP the last 3 weeks.

That would shoot many holes in some of Amanda’s arguments to get people out. She wanted Howard out because he was MVP… now she wants Judd out because he was MVP. She also uses jury as a tool to get people out.

With those 2 things gone… maybe people would open their eyes finally… but I doubt it, that is asking a bit much of this group.

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franniep2 August 7, 2013 at 10:15 pm

Halfway party is finished. Houseguests got pizza, alcohol, music, and cake.

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Justaguy (JT) August 7, 2013 at 10:20 pm

After Candice is evicted, there will be 10 people left. It is D/E, so that means one of 10 will go…. 100%. But who will be the 2nd? Here’s how I see the chances of each HG being 2nd evicted Thursday. With 10 people.. all should be 10%.. but that’s not how I see it.

Chances of being 2nd evicted Thursday (should add up to 100%.. right?)
Judd – 20.9%
Spencer – 20%
Jessie – 20%
Amanda – 10%
McCrae – 8%
Elissa – 7%
Aaryn – 7%
GM – 5%
Helen – 3%
Andy – .1%

I would actually put Andy at zero percent, but this is BB. The biggest shock of the season would be Andy even being nominated tomorrow.

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kimjmj August 7, 2013 at 11:58 pm

Oh production, how you love to toy with my emotions.. I will dream tonight of a midnight rant by Queen Amanda so disruptive that even Helen is forced to remove her rose colored glasses and finally decide now is the time. Not wanting to spill the beans she pulls Elisa aside tomorrow and tells her to vote her conscience with a knowing wink. Little did she know others are planning to throw a protest vote Amanda’s way as well..

We go now live to the eviction.. Judd, you’re up first.. Candice.. Andy, Candice.. Jessie, Amanda.. Elisa, Amanda.. Aaryn, Candice.. Helen, Amanda, McCrea, AMANDA… by a vote of 4-3-0, Amanda you have been evicted. The audience erupts, chaos reigns, McCrea acts befuddled and confused, but is secretly rejoicing that his game may just have been saved. 🙂

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Star August 8, 2013 at 12:00 am

@SF…..AOL is the reason we cn’t do symbols in here. I figured because it worked in email. AOL tends to block alot of stuff. But I am not symbol crazy enough to bother opening IE!!lol

I had totaly forgotten about a halfway party. I guess Jessie is pouting because Judd wouldn’t dance with her and is spending alot of time with Aaryn. None of it is showmance on any of their parts. They are all vying for votes, although I think Judd is just having a good ole This afternoon, a bunch wwere just hatting n the BY. the phrase *Keeping up with teh Jonses* came up and Judd says….Who are the Jonses???? Spencer told him it was jsut an expression and he says…Like Keeping up with the Kardashians?? Spencer says that that is actually taken from the Jonses cliche. He still thinks the jonses are real and asked if their Reality show was good ro not. Spencer plays along and says…No,it was bad and cancelled. That is why you never heard of them….lol SERIOUSLY??? 🙄
He also, minutes before had asked what endorphins were in the same convo. Hard to watch!!! I still don’t see why everyone keeps saying he is so smart. I know it means at the game, but can you be that stupid in life and smart in the house??? If it’s all an ACT, he should stay in LA after BB is over, cuz he’s one DAMN good actor!!! lol
I had to turn the feeds off after that!!! 😛

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Star August 8, 2013 at 12:09 am

Found something called Big Bros Baby Bros sideshow……pretty entertaining and a walk down some old BB memory lanes.

kimjmj……..Sweet dream!!! lol I totaly agree with McCrae’s reaction and inner musings. He has been complaining about Amanda for awhile now…especially to her! I think the Showmance is OVER, but he, and maybe she, are afraid to call it off because of the other’s wrath and loss of votes! MC is really still a KID, just wants to be lazy and on his own again, and for some weird reason(I think no self-confidence) Demanda actually THINKS she is in love! What she really is is a control freak! And if she is this early into the relationship, I can see why she’s single!!! I have been saying all along that I kind of like her but I am SO over that!!! There is no cute romance there(the bachlorette party was such a sham!!) and after seeing her bitching Candice out tonight DURING a comp just pushed me over the Get Amanda OUT edge!!! Ok…rant over! Was very cleansing tho…lol

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Starfish August 8, 2013 at 12:09 am

I was befuddled at Amanda’s not understanding that she was the bully toward Candice. I’m happy they showed it. She’s a bombastic bitch and she doesn’t even know it yet. Yes, her family owns the real estate business and she won’t be fired.

I just don’t know what this bunch is going to do after they leave the BB house. It will take some time for them to recover their pre BB lives because of well, you know.

Kimjmj, I hope you’re “prediction” comes true. It’s easier for me to remember your name now that I know what jmj means. 🙂

@JT, that’s great. Too bad you only see Amanda at 10%.

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Star August 8, 2013 at 12:22 am

Since the LFS were down and the HGs were partying and drinking, here are some rumors about what was going on in the house……

Amanda and McCrae had sex in the cockpit since the live feeds were down.

Aaryn and Judd kissed. Maybe just a peck on the lips.

They are all taking about double eviction. They feel it’s coming this week.

I did know abou Judd and Aaryn. That is why Jessie is pouting. Did Not know, nor did I WANT to know, that Mcmanda had SEX!!!! TMI!!!lol I guess he isn’t as ticked at her as I thought!! Or maybe he is and htis is her way of REELING him back in! Still…..EW. lol

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Starfish August 8, 2013 at 12:23 am

OMG, Star, that link was hilarious. Thanks.
I had to test my theory that the characters were an aol problem so I went to IE and as you could see from my post above it worked. Like you, I’ll stay coming through aol just because it’s where everything is for me for oh so many years now.

Cleansing is what Amanda needs. 😆

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kimjmj August 8, 2013 at 12:31 am

LOL @Starfish.. 😉

@Star, one of my biggest pet peeves is people who don’t get the basics.. Thanksgiving is always on Thursday, spring ahead/fall back, that kind of stuff.. ugh!

My favorite line of the night, GM saying karmas a bitch implying Candice.. oh honey, with the exception of the Spencer callout, the only fights she’s had have been in defense of herself, and when you realize how much you’ve tanked your real life, remember it’s that Karma bitch biting you in the ass..

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Jane August 8, 2013 at 12:31 am

LOL: 10:24 PM Spencer speaking about Aaryn to Judd and Andy: If you can forget about her Klan membership, she’s actually a pretty cool chick NT

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kimjmj August 8, 2013 at 12:34 am

Eww Star, maybe McCrea can think with a clear head now.. (insert pun here), 🙂

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Star August 8, 2013 at 12:37 am

YW SF!!! 🙂 And I stay here for the same reason. AOL is where all my links are(years for me too) and I hate IE!!!

Oh SH*t!! Spencer is at it again!!!!!

Spencer speaking about Aaryn to Judd and Andy: If you can forget about her Klan membership, she’s actually a pretty cool chick.

Spencer was called to the DR after his “Klan membership” comment about Aaryn.
That was about 10:30BBT.

IDIOT!!! He NEEDS to GO in the DE this week!!!! It’s KARMA and he So deserves every nasty bit of it!!!

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Starfish August 8, 2013 at 12:38 am

@Jane, OMG, really? Pot/Kettle.

@kimJMJ (seems like JMJ should be caps now that I know what it stands for)
I’m not sure McCrea’s head is on his shoulders and I agree with you and Star ewwww. He just wanted a little but I think he’s really sick of her somewhere in his brain.

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Star August 8, 2013 at 12:40 am

@kimjmj…..I was going to make the *He’s thinking with his little head* comment back there but didn’t. So here it is

@Jane…sorry. Was typing and didn’t mean to copy your post…or steal your thunder, girl!!! lol

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BCMarie August 8, 2013 at 1:30 am

Hi all, busy day and 4.30am comes way too soon, but it has been a good work week.

Other than I am greatly looking forward to the evictions. .. please let Candice stay!, I just want to say one thing. I knew that the cops were going to get involved about Spence’s child porn ‘joke’.

Just as you cannot say the word ‘Bomb’ in an airport — you cannot make jokes about child porn.

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Bobo August 8, 2013 at 1:39 am

Thanks for the updates!………………………………………………………………….. :mrgreen:

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mama August 8, 2013 at 4:25 am

All of the houseguest s are scum with the except8on of Candice and Jessie. Thes3 are worst group of people ever. Did 5he plan this. I hav3 a hard Time watching these people.

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Justaguy (JT) August 8, 2013 at 5:13 am

Double eviction always makes me nervous. But I have to try to concentrate at work for 10 hrs first!! 😆 ..that will be tough today!
I’m worried Judd will be leaving.. and there are so many I want gone before him.

Still haven’t seen anything that would save Candice from going in the first eviction. Looks like a 7-0 vote. Most game talk has been about the DE. They know it’s coming tonight. They weren’t told, but figured it out because of the game they practiced.. even GM had to practice. That means it will probably be for HOH after double eviction (when GM can compete again).

The first HOH tonight will probably be questions… followed by a quick “clown shoe” type veto comp. Justa guess based on recent seasons.. but IDK.

5 of 9 people competing for the first HOH tonight want to backdoor Judd. And even some of the other might be talked into it (like Aaryn). Good luck Judd… you need it tonight.

Off to work… TGITh!

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cathy August 8, 2013 at 8:13 am

Kimjmj we have the same dream lol.

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Jane August 8, 2013 at 8:52 am

@Star… It’s ok lol!

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Becky August 8, 2013 at 9:01 am

In regards to Spence and his job. Since it is a union job, I think he’ll be required to take a course in cultural competency. My son says he may discover himself with some part time shifts, as well. Neither of us think the union will allow him to lose his job over any of this, unless some comes of his child porn “joke”–that is another matter entirely.

Maybe McCrudely partook of what Amanda was offering because he knows she’ll be leaving on Thursday? Hey, I can dream!! Truth be told, I broke down and had to watch the fight between Amanda and Candice when I heard it was aired last night. Otherwise, I would have just erased the episode from my DVR. Yes, it has gotten that bad. I don’t watch the episode when it is aired, i DVR it, and watch later so that I can fast forward through boring parts. I hate that I’m still giving CBS the ratings.

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smoke August 8, 2013 at 9:59 am

Gee did CBS change the jury rules to keep the only African american involved with the game so they don’t look like they are courting racist. Instead of america being mvp they should let the evicted houseguest decide the 3rd nominee. I really liked Amanda at first and but now after that fight during veto she needs to go. They should also annouce that because of comments made in the house that some of you have losted your jobs over it and let them think about that for awhile. Now Spencer being investigated by police because of the comments he made of liking child porn, gosh don’t these people know they are being watched at all.

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Mama Margie August 8, 2013 at 10:11 am

becky, txs for info on spencer, hope he gets his just due in more form or another
I think even Stevie Wonder can see demanda is getting on mc’s last nerve, but he is as frightened of her as is the rest of the herd. Sorry to say they will realize too late oh well, I just wish we could see videos on how they react when they learn all the goings on behind their back.
Looking forward to eviction nite and the end of gm’s hoh she did get hohitis big time,
ciao till later with hugs

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Marsha August 8, 2013 at 10:23 am

Do none of the remaining HG’s realize that McManda is the remaining “couple” and that they need to break it up just like they did Kaitlyn/Jeremy, Aaryn/David and GinaMarie/Nick (LOL)?? Two together are always better than 2 alone and much much stronger. I feel bad for McRae having to put up with Amanda but hey, he asked for it. And that shot of Amanda in her underwear was way too much, that image is burned into my retinas now. Even my husband commented on how nasty she looked. I’m no fashion model but I think if I knew I was on camera 24/7 I’d pay more attention to how the viewers saw me. Especially since “America loves Amanda” so much.

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Becky August 8, 2013 at 10:27 am

@Marsha: I can’t wait to see Amanda’s face when she finds out it was America that put her on the block not once, but twice. Sadly, she’ll probably justify it to herself with something like “well America knew I wouldn’t be voted out and that’s why they put me up” or some such nonsense. She’ll never admit that we want her gone!!!

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Bobo August 8, 2013 at 12:09 pm

♥ Saving my place………………. :mrgreen:

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macy 1231231 August 8, 2013 at 12:14 pm

thx STAR for the trip down memory lane!

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Princess August 8, 2013 at 12:16 pm

I have a horrible feeling that Andy will slither through to the final three, at least.

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Bobo August 8, 2013 at 12:16 pm

Going to go watch last nights show! We were out to dinner & got home late but I feel asleep in my Lazy-Boy & did not wake up till around 2AM 😆 I want to see the stuff you all said about fat ass Amanda’s mouth! See you later……….. :mrgreen:

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PJ Holl August 8, 2013 at 12:29 pm

What about other couple Helen/Ellysa seperate them before its to late!

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Dubs Doll August 8, 2013 at 12:34 pm

I don’t believe Ellysa is a threat. She has no game play. She does not have enough of the others trust to make anything happen. They are afraid of her because her sister was good. (As a player, not a person). If any of them would step back and think for them selves the whole house would vote differently. JMO!

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LisaMarieBowman August 8, 2013 at 12:38 pm

New post!

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