Hi, everyone:
Well, tonight’s the night.
Who knows what’s going to happen with the double eviction?
Who out of the current three nominees will be voted out?
Will it be Candice, the girl who has been labeled a threat despite not doing anything threatening?
Will it be Amanda, the girl that more and more people are loving to hate?
Or will it be Spencer, the most disgusting human being on the planet?
As of right now, it looks like it’s going to be Candice.
But, as far as I’m concerned, I’m voting for Spencer!
Seriously, he is sooooooo icky. BLEH!
Who do you want to see go? And what do you think will happen with the double eviction?
More importantly, will there even be a double eviction?
Yesterday, Julie tweeted out a picture of the Reset Button. Last season, the four coaches (Dan, Mike Boogie, Britney, and Janelle) were all given the chance to press the reset button, which literally reset the game. The coaches became players and, most importantly, nobody was evicted that week.
So, does that mean that we’re going to see the reset button tonight? That’s what a lot of people online are thinking. But how would that work? If someone pressed the reset button, would that cancel both evictions? Or would that just cancel the first eviction?
It wouldn’t surprise me to see the reset button show up in the house at some point in the future but I’ll be surprised to see it tonight.
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
By the way, Spencer’s dad is a circuit court judge.
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I’m also seeing rumors (on twitter, so take them with a grain of salt) that they are again pre-taping tonight’s “live” episode.
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Thanks Lisa Marie! I would love to see either Amanda or the Pig go instead of Candice. I feel sorry for the Pig’s parents. God can you imagine having a son that obnoxious and disgusting? A circuit court judge yet. Oyyyy
What are the benefits of pre taping so they don’t show some of the obnoxious behavior of their chosen HGs?
I hope no reset button tonight and I can’t think of a scenario that would be pleasing to any of us. Just looking forward to double eviction. I would like Julie to announce that America voted MVP BEFORE the eviction so they might just change their vote and get Am or Pig out. Also, end of MVP. Maybe that’s the reset button use that if they push it, it will end the MVP which they probably plan on doing anyway but gives it an extra something for the brainless to do.
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Thanks Lisa for the update. I thought they would do Candace as they did Howard because CBS doesn’t want too much back lash from the eviction of a black person who has had so many racist remarks thrown at her. This year has been so unfair to so many houseguest and no one is willing to take a stand because they are all afraid of skanky Amanda. When will these stupid hg’s ever get a clue???
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I obviously have missed something. For weeks now I have seen comments on what a disgusting human Spencer is. Can someone tell me some of the things he has done? Thanks!
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I don’t think Amanda will go with the wedding going on next week! But you never know! We’re not getting to see the show till 10pm because of Pre season football but I will get the rundown from here long before I see the show! Can’t wait to see what’s going to happen! This should be worth the wait!!!
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If they use the reset button I think it will be used for Candace because both
Black hgs going home back to back after all this racist talk would concern them I think
If double eviction I would like to see spencer and Amanda go…..and then everyone
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Can reset their game…
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I don’t think a reset is possible. It doesn’t seem like anything will save this season. 🙁
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Thank you Lisa! You do a great job for all of us! I like what Darlene Had to say ❗ I’m with you my friend… Just watched the show from last night! Man Amanda Is a real piece of work, & she thinks that she did nothing wrong ❓ That poor Pizza boy needs a break, if they get that girlfriend of his out he may have a shot to start playing the game without the big anchor hanging around his neck! That’s all I got to say about that:lol: So YES I would like to see Amanda go 1st. or 2nd.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for all the updates ………………………..
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I pray Amanda is evicted. She is as obnoxious as they come. And can someone pls tell her to put some pants on already?! Yuck! I find it funny that McCrae wants to be done w/her but is stuck b/c he knows what a crazy biz-natch she is. Ha! Oh what a tangled web we weave.
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I can’t see reset unless they want to wait and not have second eviction which does not make any sense because the house guest does not know. I still say use MVP America vote out Amanda because she was voted out two times . There always ways with twist anything can work out if CBS what it to . I like to see Candice have a chance to play.
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I want Amanda out!! I don’t care if Spencer goes or not–at some point he must go of course, I just don’t care when. I won’t call Spencer a pig as I find that insulting to those cute animals; believe it or not, I’ve come across more disgusting human beings than himself in my line of work.
That fight Amanda picked with Candice during the veto competition was just embarrassing. Candice should have gotten another throw because you could tell that Amanda caused Candice to throw badly with her mouth going when Candice was trying to aim. That is just poor sportsmanship. Doesn’t Amanda know how to play nice??
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If the reset cancels out the evictions and Amanda happens to be one of them, that just validates the rumors the BB director is looking out for her! Phhht
I also agree with BoBO that Pizza Boy needs to dump Demanda. And quick, for his own sanity AND the game!
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GM’s Blog
OMG BBVX this weeks been crazy!!!! i can’t believe I’m had the honor of being HOH!!! Its awesome my BB Bunny gave me my key hahahah soooooo awesome it was perfect !!!
the only thing that could of made being HOH perfect was having Nick here to share it with me :-(((. I miss him like crazy . but i know he’s routing me on back home and is super duper proud of me … if you ever see that “Blue Hat” it means i’m thinking of you and knowing your still with me in this crazy house . Nick you made me feel so special and always made me smile and laugh. you are such an amazing guy . i don’t know how I’m living here without you lol. just know i’m playing nice, staying cool, and working hard for us . i’ll see you soon !!!
First night as HOH was AMAZING!!!! everyone got to see my pic and all my cool ass stuff ! Being HOH is amazing !!! but it not all sunshine and rainbows … you know you have to nom 2 house guest and thats one of my hardest jobs. but it a dirty job an somebody’s Got to do it !!!
Last but not least i Finally got my hair dyed thanks to Elissa . she rocks !!!! It came out amazing . Whooo hooooo !!!
i’ll leave off on this note . I coundt be happier living in the Big brother House . I met the most amazing people and maybe even found the man of my dreams ! i coundt of asked for anything more , even though theres ups and downs and you miss your family and friends back at home. I feel truly blessed for bing here and living my dreams . I thank you all so much , I may not be the best writer but i try lol. thank you to my friends and family back at home in staten island new york … thank you all so much you i love you !!! Well i guess I’m all done … i love all you BB fans… keep watching its gonna get even more wild and crazy ohhhhh and it you like think of me and give me some luck so i can be the next MVP lol. thank you all so much
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Did you guys hear about this today?
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Dotto, McCruddy won’t dump Amanda; he’s seen how vicious she is and he knows how quickly she’d turn on him if he were to dump her. His only hope is to vote her out and hope that he has enough people to do the same.
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I guess his joke landed his butt in hot water,let’s hope he does not do this for real…
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amanda is going to be so upset when she watches herself back in those nasty underwear. didnt yo momma teach you any modesty?
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I did not try and correct GM’s Spelling!……………..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You think she likes to boil rabbits?
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i want Amanda then Helen to go
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Reset Button: Evicting everyone (except Amanda)America’s Favorite) and starting over.
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The only nornal people are candice and jessie. How did cbs get all these stupid f4eaks.
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Spencer’s dad must be soooo proud of him now that they opened up an investigation regarding his child porn remarks.
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Just a request…in our area, CBS is blacked out…is there any way we can get “live” updates tonight during the show? PLEASE?
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A Reset button, only if they start the game over with new houseguest. Not Candice fans so I don’t mind seeing her get evicted. Everyone is on Aaryn, Gina Marie and Amanda’s case when they are more like Mother Theresa when compared to Evil Dick who alienated and at times terrorized the BB houseguest. He won, when he should have been removed from the house. Let’s get real people, this is a game and you don’t choose you roommate, most of which don’t have a life otherwise how could they be on this show. The way I see it, everything this game should be, it’s not, because this group of houseguest, BB needs a do-over but it’s most likely to late.
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If they are doing double evict, why not just let them vote for two of the people on the block?? Or confuse the heck heck outta them and have them vote one person to stay?? Need a huge shake up!
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@Starfish – I agree with you. I am keeping my fingers crossed that Julie tells the whole house that we were the MVP, and if they have half a brain (not counting on it) they would quickly think “Oh crap, America has been voting Amanda out – they must know something so let’s get her out!” – dreaming? Probably.
I VOTE TO EVICT BULLY AMANDA! and if 2nd elimination I also Vote to Evict Nasty Spencer!
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Not sure Pizza Boy is going to dump his bully girl just yet….. went back to watch some live from after midnight and those two were having sex in the HOH room, and get this while talking about the game! I had to switch out to another time, that girl has no morals. GM gave them the room for the night. At first Pizza Boy didn’t want to because of the live feeds, but she forced herself on top of him and he lost the fight and I switched to another HG to spy on.
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last week I figured show was not live as they had endurance, who knows tonite, in regard to reset button maybe means doing away with mvp vote, and re setting back. to what who knows maybe we vote for fav to do nomination or maybe will do away with it all together, with this show who knows, well maybe the shadow does lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------any idea why feeds r down, can not be for hoh what if one on the block wins and then gets evicted later or maybe for food comp, LM txs for new page
ciao till later all
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Go away obnoxia Please! Helen better start rallying or she is fixin to lose her #s and mccracray may just win this game. He will havd to evict obnxia to do it though.
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Im sorry if I missed this but did anyone hear Spencer talk about getting out of Rehab? and why does he always have his hand down in his pants eeewww. And McPizzaboy better run for the hills if that’s going to be a glimpse into his future as Mr. Amanda.
Did u guys see him in the Cockpit checking out the girls ass(cant remember which one last night)
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Nelle, spencer is a Pig with a capital P
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In regard to him having his hand down his pants he does it a lot, maybe it is so small he has to keep reassuring himself it is still there, or maybe, he is trying to get it bigger by stretching it, in any event bad nasty habit. And do not forget with these same hands he picks up food and touches glasses and stuff the other hgs use, double yuk.
He is so horny anything that has a pulse he checks out I think more for wishful thinking, and in regard to Marilyn I really think it is a blow up doll that bb would not let him take with him.
He gives new meaning to nasty, his mother must be making a list of all the excuses she will have to make for him, and his dad well he is a public figure how can he try cases when maybe his son is guilty of some of the same stuff, just saying
can’t wait for show tonite
ciao till later hugs to all
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I just want Amanda, Aaryn and Gina Marie to go.
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In regards to GM’s blog, so much for the “No child left behind” act. Good grief, use spellcheck woman!!
I’m throwing out a prediction (this does not reflect what I want to happen, simply looking into my crystal ball) : Candice gets evicted, Spencer wins HOH, nominates Amanda and Helen, Helen wins POV, replace with McCrae, Amanda’s out the door.
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I was really hoping that Aaryn would go before the jury started because I want her to find out that she has no job!!! And for someone to explain to her what she said/did that caused it because Lord love her, she’ll never figure it out on her own.
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Just saving a place♥
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Hey, guys — a few things:
Live feeds are back up, which means that tonight’s episode truly will be live and not pre-taped.
Despite know that she’s getting voted out, Candice is in a good mood. This is ticking off Amanda, who went to McCrae and said, “Why the f*ck is she in a good mood?”
I know that, because of the Time Warner situation, BB is going to be blacked out for some of our readers. I can’t make any promises but I am going to try to have a recap of tonight’s double eviction posted here on the site as soon after the show airs as possible.
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Thanks LMB ♥ Watching it right now………..
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Well we can sit and type all we choose to but we all know that it want happen that Amanda will stay and Spencer and Candice are the two that are going home. Again the producers could care less as to the racist comments that are being made or not, they are just sitting watching and possibly laughing in the back as to what is going on. Yes, this years game is seriously disgusting to all of us and as for those parents, I hope they have enough sense to know that shame on them to have children like that in this age and time. Yes, they do need a reset button but as stated earlier it is much to late for us to even think that, but SHAME SHAME SHAME on the producers for allowing all of this nonsense to continually take place in the world, they have allowed it and have done nothing to stop it. So I personally feel they are just as well part of it as the guests are. And next time why not try and have an equal amount of minorities on the show.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------its ok for amanda to borrow and wear judds bear shirt
but lets be honest
amanda should not borrow and try to fit in helens panties
she looks like she just ate 6 pizzas by herself
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big fight between Jessie and judd
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andy went and told Jessie something she was crying Helen got judd to recap he told her to stfu and not speak to him
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then he made half ass apology which she did not accept and he had just been telling demanda and mc he does not like or tolertt Jessie he best hope she does not get hoh or she will do demanda and mc blood work for them
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GM found the man of her dreams and Nick met the woman of his worst nightmares.
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MM. What??? 😆
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I apologize to all pigs. I can’t find who said it but you are right. I shouldn’t compare a pig to Spencer. Being a pig is too good for Spencer, he’s much worse.
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@Go Girl… You Go Girl!!!! I agree!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Fong…. LMFAO @No Child left behind!!! Our alleys in Long Beach. CA are proof that many unfortunately were!
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Is it me or does this Judd, Jesse, and Aaryn love triangle seem like a Deja Vu of Season 11 Jessie, Lydia, and Natalie?? With Jesse being a perfect Lydia!
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@Jane, oh yea, that fits!
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OK, CBS does not have production control of the game, they only broadcast it. If anyone is in control of the game it is Grodner which is why CBS can’t get rid of a HG!
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If you’ll look over on the side of the page, BBBlogger has just opened up the diary room. I just voted to evict Spencer. 🙂
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If you’re new to Double Evictions then here’s how it’ll work. After the first eviction the HGs will rush out to the backyard and compete for HoH. The HoH will have just a few mins to decide on the nominees before announcing them at the Nomination Ceremony. Next up would normally be the MVP, but I’m guessing that just won’t be part of the rapid cycle of events. In that case there would only be two nominees plus four other HGs competing for the Veto. Once the Veto Comp and Ceremony are over the HGs will hold a second eviction vote and out that HG will go through the front door to meet Julie Chen.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m speculating we won’t see the MVP twist in the second cycle of events due to logistics. For one thing we haven’t had a vote and two it would likely make it obvious that the MVP voting was not coming from inside the house or if a HG was called to the DR. The easiest solution would be to simply skip over it for the round.
Of course there’s the whole “Reset button” teased to us by Julie Chen yesterday so anything could happen tonight and we’re excited to see how things turn out!
Last week the “live eviction” was allegedly pre-recorded over fears of backlash from viewers watching Aaryn lead Howard’s eviction as HoH. Considering we’re right back to facing a similar situation with GinaMarie rallying the HGs for Candice’s eviction I’m very curious to see if we get Trivia all afternoon again. (Hmm, Trivia started at 10:13AM BBT.)
Once tonight’s show is over we’ll get our Live Feeds back and we should be watching a house without a new HoH. That second Head of Household competition of the night will likely be played later but we probably won’t get to watch it if it’s like past seasons. The competition could end up being what the HGs practiced if it isn’t in tonight’s show.
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@Fong: That would a dream come true. I’m sure, with herself and McCruddy on the block together, Amanda would through her “soul mate” under the bus.
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Darn, we need an “edit” option. I meant it would BE a dream come true.
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Ewwwwwwwww Spencer!
More stuff?
Disrespectful to women, child porn , hand in pants , racist, ….
Nice casting ! Creeps and weird habits
What’s going on?
Raised by his parents?wow!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No words I am sick of this season
All of them even Candace but she has been abused by the racists so I feel for her especially without Howard who protected her somewhat
While throwing comps
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@Sal, thanks for your speculations. I don’t see how it can be too much different than that unless they kick them all to the curb and give the money to charity.
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hope ur right FONG!!!!
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Nice going Bill …………………
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My guess how tonight will go.
1) Candice will be voted out 7-0
2) Julie will announce that the MVP twist is over (hope she adds that America was MVP last 3 weeks.. that might help Judd some)
3) To the b/y for a quick HOH comp (maybe questions.. maybe the ball & ramp thing?)
4) Inside for noms & veto drawing
5) Back out for quick veto comp (probably a quick “dash and find something”)
6) Back inside for veto ceremony and vote.. 2nd person leaves.
7) 2nd HOH may or may not be shown (like Sal said.. could be later that night.. this might be the ball & ramp comp)
That’s a lot to pack into an hour.. plus show some footage for the week. I think Judd will have a tough time surviving tonight. He needs 1st HOH.. or needs veto. Only a couple people winning 1st HOH will keep him safe. I don’t think he’ll be put on the block at first (unless it’s Jessie?)… the plan is to backdoor him.
Judd will be fighting for his BB life tonight… and he doesn’t even know it.
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should be a good one tonight, usually the one you don’t want to get HOH usually does
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JT …………………..
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Hey Aggie♥ ……………. ME
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Aggie & Bob, …..D.E. night makes me nervous! 😯
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Me Too! 😆
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No Feeds ? JT
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If Amanda & McCrae end up on the block together… don’t be at all surprised if McCrae gets evicted instead of Amanda.
Helen has already said she wants Amanda there longer than McCrae… so that means Elissa will too. They are afraid of the boys in the house.. not sure why, but they are.
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See you later going to watch some TV ………………….
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I just got home from work a half hour ago Bob… all I see is trivia.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some Thursday nights, feeds are on till 10 minutes before show time.. so IDK.
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im sooo excited for tonites show! hope cbs doesnt let us down – one hour and 7 mins to go
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@Bob and JT
Hi Guys, I hope all works out tonight, I’m keeping my fingers crossed
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Hoping for a good show tonite, cause at times it is about as much fun as a wedgie
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------we will soon see
ciao till later
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MM, a “wedgie” just about sums it up. 😉
@JT, great rundown. I’m worried about Judd too. It’s a crap shoot for sure and will be an exciting night!
Hey Aggie, you’re right, it’s usually the one we least expect and don’t want is the one who wins HOH.
Hey Macy & Bobo – tonight’s the night for sure!
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Justa popping in before the show!
I am sure Candice is going out 1st…deservedly or not.
I would personally like to see Spencer but he is one of those they always think they can get out LATER!!!
It seems that in past DE’s that the whole shebang was shown in one show so I think there will a second evicition shown tonight. It’s just that the one HOH gets shafted and gets no room or pics.Altho they get a consilliary basket later. teh world htes Amanda but I thik that Helen and Andy want her to stay so MAYBE we’ll get lucky and Spencer will be forced out on his fat ass!
Funny how in one week I went from hating Candice to hating Amanda!! Time does tell!!
Wasn’t around all day so not sure if anything earthshaking happened. Prolly not or I would have read it here by now..lol
Can’t wait to see who goes and WTH the reset button is going to do!!!!!! *claps hands like a kid at Chirstmas* lol
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For all those Blacked-Out or cant see the Live show tonite….here’s the East Coast Live Stream of the show…Enjoy….. 🙂
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Star, yep.. there will be a 2nd eviction shown tonight.. otherwise it would defeat the purpose of “double” eviction. 😆
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a Video of the tonite’s Live show should be available bout 1 hr after the show ends… i will Post it as soon it comes out for all those that need it…. 🙂
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Candice has been evicted 7-0
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Julie sure has been hinting that someone may return to the game… not one that’s already gone before… but from Candice on
She did tell them all they were at least in jury
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Everything as expected so far, with a little heated sparing!
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HG’s still have No Knowledge that America has been MVP…. UGH…..
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I can’t believe that Bitch GM and what her lowlife self said to Candice on the way out. “At least my mama loves me, yours doesn’t” or something close to that.
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wanna know, wanna know, RESET BUTTON What’s it gonna do?
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HOH comp is questions (I figured that)
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That sparing was vicious and over boilingly (my new word) horrific!
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New HOH is
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OMG…Lucky Guess…Aaryn new HOH….OH NO
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Amanda is in her ear already… prolly about operation BD Judd
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OMG, poop!
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OMG, vote Amanda out Aaryn!
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Aaryn noms
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spencer & Jessie
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Aaryn is a woos! Or however you spell it!
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Julie didn’t tell them we were MVP… so operation BD Judd could still be in play (we didn’t hear all what they said to Aaryn)
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i think Spencer is GONE……their NOT bd-ing Judd
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Now Aaryn will send a good soul out the door… folks we will be left with a house of slime after tonight…
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Aryan is an idiot she should of put up Mcranda
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Might as well hand out the life vests and hand Amanda $$$$$…. Idiots!
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I am really mad that Julie did not tell them that America was the MVP. That whole twist was so mishandled by the producers this year, it would have been better if they had never had it in the first place.
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RMM… that’s how us 1965 babies spell it! 😀
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I’ve never seen such a bunch of followers on this game.
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I’ve never commented and I know its been said but this is seriously thee dumbest group I’ve ever seen. I’ve only been watching the past three years but this group is the biggest group of followers. They might as well just hand amanda that check… ughhh
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Amanda is going to win the money anyway, because production says so!
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Do you think America will get to vote who goes back in the game out of the jury?
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I agree LM, I was furious with Julie for not telling them.
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hate to say it bye Jessie if so these numb nuts get what they deserve and I can hardle wait for it to happen one at a time. I will be joyful they deserve a wedgie the size of texas
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------guess I was correct earlier I said reset button is doing away with mvp nominee and or going back to America vote had to be that heaven forbid America got to vote
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I hope so HoH8… I’m sure they pushed aaryn to BD Judd… maybe that’s what she was saying she didn’t want to do
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Me Three!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------At least Aryan won’t be in HOH room!
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We all wanted her to let Amanda know how much she is hated. This is the 3rd HOH for Aaryn. Good God, could it get any worse than that. However, GM’s final words to Candice were the worst. YOu all do know that Candice was adopted.
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I don’t thing they should be allowed to gather and have that quick 5min discussion in between DE to sway noms
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Veto winner is
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NOOOO..Aaryn WON POV…Im Hating this DE……UGH……
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Leave noms the same please!!
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@ Lisa I agree, I was so angry Julie didn’t tell them about us being MVP! It would have tipped them off that Amanda is a bad egg!
Ooohhh Aaron won veto, well that sucks! That girl has some crazy luck!
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GM is Evil.
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@Jane….GM is a bitch!
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@Fp2 Agreed!!
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Gm is a bitch and then some. so not happy right now.
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BD Amanda?????
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Sal, wouldn’t that give us all reason for tequilla shots! 😆
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Judd on block
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What JT, do you get it faster than anyone else?
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My hubby is laughing because every year I yell at the TV swearing I hate this show and I’ll never watch again, and yet I get drawn back in! Must be my BB Fellow fans on this blog when we get the email reminder BB is starting soon
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Judd’s been nominated because the BB producers screwed up with that stupid MVP twist. I will continue to write about this season because I enjoy interacting with everyone at this site but, honestly, I am so furious right now that I’m having serious doubts about whether I’ll spend any time watching Big Brother 16. Alison Gordner needs to go!
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Amanda was behind Judd getting put up….for that matter she has gotten everybody out she wanted without getting hands dirty! She uses everybody and they are fools!
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I feel like giving up on the rest of the season too, LM.
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Amen RMM, a bunch of fools. Wait until they watch this back.
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Repost from above…. have to say it was pretty accurate. This time I hate being right.
Justaguy (JT) 08.08.13 at 6:26 pm
My guess how tonight will go.
1) Candice will be voted out 7-0
2) Julie will announce that the MVP twist is over (hope she adds that America was MVP last 3 weeks.. that might help Judd some)
3) To the b/y for a quick HOH comp (maybe questions.. maybe the ball & ramp thing?)
4) Inside for noms & veto drawing
5) Back out for quick veto comp (probably a quick “dash and find something”)
6) Back inside for veto ceremony and vote.. 2nd person leaves.
7) 2nd HOH may or may not be shown (like Sal said.. could be later that night.. this might be the ball & ramp comp)
That’s a lot to pack into an hour.. plus show some footage for the week. I think Judd will have a tough time surviving tonight. He needs 1st HOH.. or needs veto. Only a couple people winning 1st HOH will keep him safe. I don’t think he’ll be put on the block at first (unless it’s Jessie?)… the plan is to backdoor him.
Judd will be fighting for his BB life tonight… and he doesn’t even know it.
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What is Helen thinking, putting Judd up and saying Amanda and crew would forever be in Aaryn’s debt. OMG, I’m beside myself I can’t believe what’s just happened. It’s a game, it’s a game, it’s a game. deep breath
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This has to be the most unanimous evicts ever
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This should be called The Amanda Says So Show!
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Unanimous and boring.
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I can’t stand Helen fake snake ass!!!!!
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Wow, look what Saki dragged in.
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Okay, everyone — in case you missed it or couldn’t watch it, a full recap of tonight’s episode has been posted!
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How’s it going AC?
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AC 😯 …bout damn time you showed up kid!
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It’s going…. I hate all these people…. except maybe Jessie.
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AC!! Good to see ya!
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Hey AC, good to see you. Me too, I hate all these people. Bleh!!
Amanda should be the one in politics because it seems if you shout it long and loud enough it becomes true. At least in the minds of those pea brains in the house.
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Sup everybody!!!
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Did Oiss something? I didn’t see a Reset button!
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Oh No, more :mr green: 😆
All’s well AC out here in the real world.
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Sad, I no longer have anyone to root for to win except Elisa. When did BB become a group game? Come on people get a spine and play the game.
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New page is up… case y’all missed it
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Me either Jane. So what was that all about reset? Maybe it was that the people in jury house aren’t out of the game but she never said reset did she?
I’ll get this right yet!
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Your avatar is missing Jane.
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The reset was justa tweet… I bet just as a tease that they should start all over. I didn’t read much more than that into it.
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Well my favorite player this season, Judd has been voted out. I’ve never seen a season where the votes are unanimous each time.
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guess it must be true about Amanda winning this game, there all scared shitless of her
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OMG….This is the worst night of TV ever…I am still shaking…I need a drink and I don’t even drink but I do have some Wild Turkey in the cabinet I use for cooking…May use it for something else tonight…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesse, Spencer and Elissa better get together and make a move or one of them will be next..
I vote to have Candace come back into the game…
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what’s annoying is that Andy will probably make it to the end and he’s one of the sneakiest people there. very untrustworthy
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JT, I think Julie was teasing because she knows how unfortunate (to put it mildly) this season has turned out.
I can’t believe those numb nuts evicted Judd, of all people. But we all knew it was going to happen even before it happened.
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I would have pisssed off the house and put up Amanda! 👿
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Aaryn is too much of a chicken to do something like that; especially with everybody else telling her to do otherwise. All Aaryn thinks about is “staying safe for another week.” In fact, I think that’s all most of them think about.
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BTW, I wish this wasn’t the end of the MVP. A few weeks ago, Amanda was certain Howard had put her up, so she had the house vote him out; she was put again. She decided Judd must have been MVP, so she had the house vote him out. I wish we (America) had another opportunity to put her up and see who she blamed.
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