Hi y’all:
Well, here I am stuck at home for tonight and tomorrow because I slipped while I was vacuuming the staircase and I ended up slightly twisting my knee. That means no dancing for tonight and no work tomorrow. Bleh! But, oh well, at least I can get caught up with what’s going on in the Big Brother House!
Now, as you’ve probably all heard, Victoria has taken herself off of the block and Cody replaced him with Donny. At first, it seemed like Cody might go through with his plan to nominate Caleb, which certainly would have shaken up the house. However, when push came to shove, Cody chickened out and he nominated Donny.
Now, I know that a lot of people are upset about this but I don’t think y’all have anything to worry about. I think that Brittany is still the main target and that she will be going home next week. I also still think that she would have been smarter to give up the opportunity to play for the veto next week. If she had, then she would be able to say, “You can always get rid of me next week when I can’t even play for the veto!” and I think that argument probably would have worked. Then Brittany would have at least another week to maybe win HoH or at least try to make a deal.
But, by going out there and kicking all of those goals, she let the guys know that she is determined and a competitor and, as a result, they’re now probably even more determined to get rid of her.
And that leads me to the big epiphany that I had earlier today!
She may have been a terrible player. She may have had no social game. She may have made the mistake of thinking that she could use politics to win the game. She really has no one else to blame for being evicted. And her male alter ego got on my last nerve but, even with all that in mind — JOEY WAS RIGHT!
Joey said that the only way that the girls would survive would be to form an all-girl’s alliance and, right now, the game is proving her right. Unfortunately, for Joey, this season’s girls seem to be uniquely incapable of working together in a way that would allow them to form an alliance and none of them seem to be a real threat when it comes to competing for HoH. (After nearly four weeks, we’ve only had one girl win a HoH comp and she pretty much allowed herself to be easily manipulated by Derrick.) And the guys this season seem to be pretty determined to pick off the girls one by one. Out of the three houseguests who have been evicted so far, Devin was the only guy and the only reason he was evicted was because he turned out to be mentally unstable.
But right now, it really looks like this game is coming down to Guys Vs. Girls and the guys are pretty much dominating. Of the girls, I imagine Christine probably has the best chance to win, specifically because she’s viewed as being one of the guys. Amber will probably survive for a few more weeks because nobody wants to deal with Caleb getting upset over her being evicted. Brittany could have been a strong player but she handled being nominated so poorly that she’s pretty much guaranteed that she’s going home this week. (Unless, of course, she can make another deal but I don’t think the remaining HGs are going to be as easily swayed as Devin was…)
As for Sobbing Jocasta, Nicole, and Victoria: It’s hard to imagine any of them suddenly becoming a factor in the game.
So, let’s give credit where credit is due. Joey had the right idea. She just didn’t know how to implement it.
As for Jocasta:
Where to begin? I have to be careful talking about Jocasta because I don’t want anyone to think that I’m attacking her for her religious beliefs, because I’m not. In fact, I’ve always felt that the Big Brother producers tend to be way too condescending and elitist when it comes to dealing with the religious beliefs of the people in the house. We’ve all seen, in the past, clips where a houseguest would say, in the Diary Room, that they had been praying for victory and the producers would respond by playing gospel muzak in the background or by having a heavenly light suddenly appear over their head. I can’t stand stuff like that because, while I might not be extremely religious, I still don’t like the idea of anyone being made fun of because of their beliefs. I remember the season where Adam the drug dealer won — he and some of the other HGs would spend hours reading the bible to each other and the show’s producers started to mockingly refer to them as being the “Bible Buddies.” And that annoyed me because it just seemed incredibly condescending.
But, with all that in mind, I have to admit that I’m hoping Jocasta does not make it a habit to start speaking in tongues during every competition. Because, seriously, it really did just come across as if Jocasta was, once again, being overly dramatic and — as a lot of you have pointed out in the comments — it’s not like they were in church or attending a religious ceremony. Instead, they were competing on a reality TV show and, regardless of what you personally may believe about God, I’m fairly sure that we all agree that she has more important things to do then worry about who wins Big Brother!
I guess when it comes to religion on reality TV, I prefer the example of Survivor’s Michael Supkin (who would always pray that nobody would get injured during any of competitions) to the example of someone like Rachel Reilly (who, on the Amazing Race, would loudly pray and then, second later, say the most horrid things about the other racers).
Of course, I should admit that part of my problem with Jocasta is that I suspect that she was recruited after she and her son appeared on Shark Tank. Because, watching her in the house, it’s obvious that she really doesn’t know much about how to play the game.
And I think that’s why so many of us love Donny. He’s a superfan, he wasn’t recruited, he’s authentic, and he actually wants to be in the house.. And I do think it can be argued that he is, in his own individual way, at least thinking about the game. Unfortunately, for Donny, he hasn’t really found an alliance in the house. It’s obvious that neither Frankie nor Derrick really take Team America all that seriously and socially, Donny doesn’t fit in with the Detonators. Unfortunately, the people that Donny does fit in with — the other outsiders — don’t seem to be interested in playing the game. If Donny, Hayden, Jocasta, Nicole, and Victoria became an alliance, they could probably take on the Detonators and maybe even bring Caleb and Amber over to their side. But unfortunately, with the exception of Donny, it doesn’t seem like any of them really understand just how far on the outside they really are. Instead, they seem to be content to be sitting ducks, to be taken down one after another.
So, that’s why I do like Donny despite the fact that he hasn’t exactly made any big moves. I do sincerely feel like Donny could play the game if he actually had someone to play it with.
Well, that it for now.
Stay supple (you know I was going to have to say that at some point this season!),
Lisa Marie
Nothing happening
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Hello everyone from the New post. THANK YOU LISA!!
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Lisa, sorry about your knee. I hope it heals quickly! Now that’s something we can pray about!
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LM I love the way you are able to sum everything up.
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Lisa hope your knee gers better quickly. Vacuuming caused an injury? What a shame.
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I went to the upstream you posted and they asked for my credit card too.
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Thanks, everyone.
I’m watching the Bachelorette The Men Tell All and it just occurred to me that, 102 minutes in, they still haven’t mentioned Eric.
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Thanks for the new post. As usual, it was great. I wonder if the girls are smart enough to realize maybe, just maybe, Joey was on to something with an all girls alliance? Nope, I don’t think so. Reading a few things about Nicole on another site and I’m liking her less and less. Apparently she wants to be an actor and it doesn’t sound like she has any real goals in life. I guess she is a floater both inside and outside of the BB House.
Lisa Marie, I wish you a speedy recovery with your knee and hope you are back to dancing soon. I turned 50 in November and I think my warranty expired. I’m having problems with my left ankle, right knee and right hip. It sucks getting old!
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OMG, Jocasta gets on my LAST freakin’ nerve. LOVED Joey, and they should have listened to her. Said it from the start. And the speaking in tongues thing, arg. And the crying. Give me a BREAK!!! She has GOT to go.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good luck with our knee, LM.
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You really shouldn’t say Devine is mentally unstable unless you have a degree in psychiatry? He may have
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Appeared to be a bully and had traits no one liked but labeling a person with a libelous diagnosis is not right. If you are professionally qualified to determine his mental status I apologize Just saying…
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I get the emails alerting me of a new page, but it always comes late.
From the previous page….
Ahhhhh man….I was wanting Derrick, Donny and Frankie in the F3. Well, back to the drawing board! Donny for sure, but now I need to find replacements for the others. They really screwed up, IMO.
Talking in tongues….I had surgery many many years ago, and the parish priest came to visit me while I was in the hospital. I was still under the effects of the anesthetics when I could hear him praying over me in tongues. It sounded nothing like what Jacosta was chanting. He also spoke in tongues once when I was face to face with him. It really is something great to hear! He is now a bishop!
Howdy Bob and the rest of the VETS! Love you guys! ♥
Thanks for the new page, Lisa. I hope your knee heals quickly.
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Can’t wait til Wed
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Fran, sounds like a good final 3, I’m really disappointed in Cody, WTF does he keep picking on Donny the nice guy because he didn’t have the stones to put up Caleb. What is wrong with him that guy needs to go.
Lisa Marie, It was the first time I bailed on the bachelorette this season I just could not take Andi, she will never find Mr. Right, whoever she picks it won’t last. I’m looking forward to Bachelor Pad, that can be fun lots of Drama.
RIP James Garner, The man was only married once for 58 years and has 2 purple hearts, a very underated actor and a class act. He was in a fave movie of mine THE CHILDREN’S HOUR.
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Thanks for the update, LM. Hope your knee gets better soon. I had foot surgery a few years ago and it still bothers if I’m on my feet a long time. I fact I just came in from a baseball game and my foot is aching like there is no tomorrow just from walking around the ball park. I ended up staying mostly in the smoking section where there are no seats just so I didn’t have to walk back and forth from my seat when I wanted a cigarette. I do wish I could kick that addiction, though.
Speaking of Joey, yep she was right and I knew it from the beginning. The Detonators are truly a “moving company” to borrow an alliance name that fell flat. The only way any of those outsiders have a chance is to align and play together. Of course, they won’t do that, they are oblivious to the fact that their days are numbered and most of them don’t even seem to care if they reach F2. Their goals are to get to jury.
Plus, we have far too many people who don’t know how to play the game.
I want somebody to make a big move, to give us a couple nominees where we end up guessing all week who the target is and how the votes will land. So far, it has been one predictable eviction after the other. Boring. Shoot, i would love to see a HOH put up the losing HOH after the BOTB comp…just because that person can do it. But nope, the co-HOHs are talking too much and picking a target together. It’s making this new twist fall flat in several ways and I hope it ends soon.
IMHO, BB needs to be revamped. Get rid of the silly twists, especially the HN, I’m so over that!! What is the purpose anyway, to save a few bucks on the grocery bill? Sometimes I think that is all HN is good for. I remember the first season, they had to make their own bread and they got eggs from a chicken coop in the back yard and did food comps for the rest of their food. Sometimes those foods were pretty dramatic. There is no drama in the HOH choosing who goes on slop for the week.
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If Christine wins maybe she will get a node job and quit laughing so much
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Great synopsis LM. It’s exactly perfect. As for Joey, yep she wanted an all girls alliance which goes to the inexperience to this game. There never has been an all girl alliance that could keep it strong without betraying each other. Jealousy is a nasty emotion.
Sorry they were too chickien to put up Caleb and I agree with whoever said they should have nom’d Hayden instead since it’s a pawn position. We hope it is at least. I wish Donny would actually sit down and talk game with them and then maybe they would show him some respect. He always seems sort of childish when he talks to them. Am I dreaming that it’s a possibility? Remember, I don’t see the LFs so that’s what I see on the shows.
Frannie, I always get the posts late too unless I’m on and I see a new one at the bottom.
I’ll be watching bachelorette soon and I just kept watching. Aggie, I know I’m nutty but then you knew that.
Thanks for all the updates and of course VETS rock! Hey Bob, how’s tricks.
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thx lisa marie for the new post – brittany is pulling all her best shots – hopefully these guys see through all this stuff she is selling and keeping our man donnie
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erie angel. A few years ago I had breast cancer and had chemotherapy. One thing I noticed was the patients that were smokers had the worst time. I will be praying for you sweetheart.. I know it’s not easy. I smoked for over 30 years and I know without a doubt It was prayer that set me free. God bless you. Keep on keeping on. {{{HUGS}}}
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Hi Everyone, I saw the “Wil Show” on another BB blog & thought it was funny so I’m sharing !
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Tricks are for kids! Thanks for your write up Lisa hope you get better soon!
Glad to see you all, back to some TV…… Later…… …………….. 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Frannie & Starfish, & all you Vets! Yes Aggie RIP J.G. a real war hero! & one more thing….. NO credit cards!! I just got the site for some reason but did not ask me for any credit card info & I would never give that info to any unknown site!! Oh Hi deb
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Thanks Lisa Marie! I agree with your random thoughts!
Hittin the hay over here. Nite y’all!
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@LM, get better. Indeed Restes couple
Great summary and yes the girl may wake up when it’s over
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LM Restes souple lol
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Heal quickly LM
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for a great summary!
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Jeanne, thanks for your prayers. I know that whole thing about smoking inhibits recovery thing… For some people smoking is a habit they find hard to quit, for others its a addiction. I have the added problem of being mentally ill and smoking sometimes help me to control symptoms that medication doesn’t fully take away–its one reason why I don’t drink I’ve noticed my addictive tendencies.
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LM, thanks for the update!
Didn’t know Jacosta and son were in Shark Tank. Was he the little guy that had the bow ties?
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erie-angel, I am Jeanne’s twin sister, God bless you! \õ/
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What up Bob?
Jim was a great actor he will be missed
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Well I hate to make such an awful prediction but im thinking my boy Donny is going home. Cody said it several days ago. The young ones are scared of him because be is do well liked by all the houseguests. I am also ashamed for this next statement but here goes. …I think Cody is ugly; He looks like a mile from his nose down. And I love Caleb, He wears his feelings on his shoulder and he obviously has a big heart. Brittany has a attitude that she is privileged and for some reasons only known to her should be treated with more privilege than the other girls. I hate how they treat Victoria, especially Brittany. Derrick is at a advantage with hid special training in manipulating situations. Snd Zach omg be is such a dweeeeeeeb. What is with all the hand motions lol??? Frankie FrAnkie Frankie, he is just little to sure of himself; I dont know why know one is talking about getting g rid of him. Didn’t they watch last season? I like victoria she is sweet and not a stink stirred. Amber an go home anytime as far as im concerned.Nicole just seems like she is your all American white girl stereotype as does Hayden only dude. Jocosta is gettin on my nerves pretty good with all her carrying on. She needs to leaving one or the other on the down low, either the crying or the tongues. I am Christian and believe in giving God the glory but now she is a. It dramatic and seems to doing a little acting for the cameras. I wonder what the others think about her c arryings on. Today my faves are Donny, victoria, caleb, and kinda either Frankie or Derrick, cant decide between those 2. Starfish I liked your post very much. Get better soon Lisa MArie.
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I want to so a profile picture , how yall do that?
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Cathy – Zach’s hand motions are for the Florida Gators. I hope you’re wrong and Donny stays. I think Brittany deserves to stay too. Not b/c of her game but her tenacity.
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Erie angel. God bless you. It’s really hard, I know. All we can do is the best we can do and ask God to take over from there. I love that song that Carrie Underwood sings “Jesus Take the Wheel” How many times I have wished He would. My Sissy and I will keep you in our prayers. The Bible says that when 2 or more ask anything in His name He will hear from heaven. Yeah! I love that. {{{HUGS}}} I have really enjoyed the blogs today. Goodnight
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Cathy. Go over to the right of this page under the pictures. You will see Add an avatar to your comments on the blog. When you go in there it will get instructions. Good luck.
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LM….insightful as usual and sorry about your knee, altho at this point I can totally relate!!!lol
Busy, busy day from dentist appointment to furniture shopping with a client to running errands. Haven’t been OL all day but did know that Donny got put up as the replacement nom. No big surprise. They talked about it on BBAD lasst nite. I totally saw Cody’s rationale. If he put Caleb up, no matter which HG went home, the other would be gunning for him and he can’t play for HOH next week. He told Donny about it in advance and they are saying on BBAD tonight(I’m just geting araound to watching it now) that it should be a 10-0 vote and he is safe. I think it was the only way to go. Unless they had use Hayden. Same dif.(to us, but the Detonators think Hayden is totally loyal to them!!) Except for Donny being in TA, but that all seems to be a mute point with the other guys.
Speaking of Hayden, I guess last night he finally got some kisses off of Nicole under the covers. (at 12:25amBBT on LFS) She asked him if he was happy now that the *chase* was over! He left right away and went to the DR. I wonder if BB has been putting him up to pursuing her?? Either way,I am not loving Nic anymore either. She acts shy and like she is a nun around the guys, but she looks in the mirros ALOT and does like all the attention from Hayden and Cody. And as much as she says she’s a super-fan and knows the game, I don’t really see her actually PLAYING it. Not even as much as her pal Christine!
Deb….in post #8 you said you heard somewhere she wanted to be an actress?? Really?? Cute as a button, but she has the most nasal, boring voice(and I’m from Mich and do NOT sound like that!!!) Plus she seems to not like attenion on her so, not the best career choice. I though she was a nurse or going to school to be one ,anyway. No??
The whole thing about Jocasta is really weird. I haven’t actually heard her being *preachy* as much as I thought I would. But that display on the show Sunday was downright disturbing! I thought she was crying at 1st. Is that what speaking in voices looks/sounds like?? I am not trying to start a thing here, but I am Catholic and thought that that kind of worship was more evangilistic or from different Southern sects. I have no experience withit at all. In fact, Frannie, it surprised me when you said a priest did it for or around you. The only language I ever heard any of my priests use was Latin!!!lol Anyway, I hope she never does it again. Creeped the crap outta me!!!
I do agree about how BB handles religious people on he show. But alot of them do it themselves to set them apart somehow. Remember Jameka from BB8??? She used to fight all the time with Evil Dick and throw bible verses at him. Even called his mother out once in a somehow anti-religious way. Which is when ED went ballistic!! Then she and *Wamber* would go pray. Remember when Wamber said..*God bless you God??* lol One of the most unforgettable BB lines ever!!!
Watching Derrick and Vic whispering on the hammock. They seem to have bonded. AKA Derrick has found a way ro use her for info. But at least she feels more included now. And as she catches on to the game, I do like her more. She’s intelligent. She just was on another planet with no idea how to speak the language for awhile. And that is BB Productions fault, not hers!
Ok..rambling now . That will happen when you are alone watching 3 hours of BBAD!!lol
We are going to have 90 degree temps tomorrow. I am SOO excited! Been a cool, cloudy summer here so far. Everyone have a great day and a shout out to my Vets!!!! ♥
Peace, love and light!!! ♥♥
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Star: I think it was Jocasta asking Hayden what his five year plan was and he said get married, have kids, have a house and have a job. She tend posed the question to Nicole who said she wanted to be an actor and drink beer. Jocasta said that sounds like a one year plan. Nicole then said she didn’t want to get married or have kids. She also tried out for the Bachelor a couple of years ago. I’m from Michigan too and I don’t talk like that either!
Have a good day everyone.
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All caught up for now! See you later……………………
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If Donny goes and Brittany stays I think this season is over for me. I like a few others in the house but they wont make it much longer if Donny goes they are next to be picked off. I like Hayden & Nicole. But have to admit the biggest moves they have done is kiss. Donny is really the only one I am rooting for. I doubt he would win the whole thing but it would be great to see a super fan like him take home the big prize. I really think it would make a difference to him unlike the Rachel thing where it was wasted on a wedding. If you really love the person then City Hall would be fine and invest the money into your future together.
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I forgot to LM. Hope your knee gets better soon. I know how bad it can be. Years ago (1997) to be exact I blew out both my knees. Doctors asked me if I was a football player or pro wrestler because they had not seen an injury to both knees at the same time unless it was a sports injury. I told them “No its a stupid thing” LOL Hope your knee feels better soon.
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See you later, Bob.
Thanks for all the updates people. I love hearing what I miss every day and night. I used to watch After Dark but the channel is not available here. But then that doesn’t really surprise me. I don’t know how much longer I can stand Jocasta. She is wearing on my one last nerve. I still feel that praying to win a competition is selfish and inappropriate. But it isn’t the only inappropriate thing about her, IMO.
I would think that maybe Nicole and Hayden are not exactly a match made in heaven if they are that far apart on their plans.
LM, hope that knee heals quickly.
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Hey Bloggade!! Been a busy couple of days so just getting caught up.
@Star, as usual, nodding in agreement all thru your post.
@deb, I read about that conversation, I took it as Nicole joking around. Seems odd to me to go thru the rigors of nursing school if your true dream is acting. But I didn’t see the whole context…
Plans are laid, Brittney will be leaving, Donny is safe. He knows that too, and gets that Cody’ s options where limited to ensure the votes. So we will endure another ho-hum week.
But a storm is brewing! Donny is starting to game. He got in Zach and Hayden’ s ear the other night. Victoria is starting to wake up to the game. Remember, she is a BB superfan, just BB Israel, so she didn’t come in as oblivious as half the rest of the house. Jacosta sees the writing on the wall. Cody hated playing for the group instead of himself. So if we have a double elimination and drop the dual HOH in the next week, we could see some major shifts and power struggles.
I do find it interesting that all the early boots have been recruits unfamiliar with the game. As for fans still in the house, we have Christine, Nicole, Derrick, Cody, Jacosta,Donny, Victoria and Frankie. Note to production, people who know the game play the game much better!
And one more random thought… Stop it with the dang beast mode!! Unless your stunningly amazing game play causes a stadium full of people to stand and cheer so loudly it causes a minor earthquake (Marshon Lynch, Seahawks, LOB, look it up!!) YOU ARE NOT BEAST MODE!! Can I get an amen Ted???
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Jocasta wants everyone to think she was speaking in tongues. That was absolutely BULL.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Speaking in tongues because of a game? BULL!! Maybe in a praise or worship setting, but not a game.
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Lisa Marie, as always spot on, thanks
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope you feel better soon, a knee injury can be most unpleasant, hard to sit and to stand, just take it easy. I guess this is as good a time as any to recup.
Wow, great comments from all, I love to hear the different versions of what is going on it is fun to know others have a take on the hgs.
Seems cody was torn about re nom, before fish came on he said he was putting up caleb, forget who heard maybe amber, but Frankie found out, scrambled to cody and was the last one in his ear, so guess caleb re nom was tossed and Donny put up. guess that is why Donny looked surprised. What else is new with hgs they change their minds from one second to the next.
I really like the old days when the HOH played the game and was not influenced by alliances. Speaking of alliances we need a score card to keep up with them, and some of these alliances last as long as an orgasm, in my humble opinion,
Another wacko idea is the 2 hoh and the bob, come on guys prod has made it really easy to mold the out come of the game, that idea was more lame idea then TA.
I say bb should have fans real fans of the show, not hgs that “look good”on tv
one last thought I was watching live feeds and to catch up I open a chat room, OMG
the debate was going on who hayden was kissing in bed some say was nic, other swear it was vic, and yet others said was all 3 in bed, it was crazy, caps showing day and time, over and over, all I wanted to say was
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who cares,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------lol guess I ran out of space
ciao till later
shout out to my vets
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About Eric, you are absolutely right Lisa Marie. I noticed that. I guess they got all they could get out of that story. That just goes to show they really didnt care. An opportunity.
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If I was Hayden I’d stop worrying about Nicole as she seems to be quite the dud with zero ambitions or goals. Drink beer really???!!! She’s a cute girl but, she’s not that good looking to be playing such a hard to get game.
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Ty Lisa for you post. U r absolutely right about Joey, but it was a lil too soon. And the girls in this house arent too game or strategy oriented as we have seen. The girls do nothing and cry when they r put up or attempt to form an alliance, only way too late. Lol.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It breaks my heart that Cody put up Donnie. We all know he was never putting up Caleb… But what about Nicole? Or Hayden? And hey didn’t Zach offer to go up?? That would have guaranteed Brit going. Now I think Donnie, who plays the game, has a lot of heart and is very entertaining will probably go. So sad!! Makes Cody look weak in my eyes but I’m sure he thought he was doing the best move he could for his game. Dumb.
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another day in the bb house – cody is going to regret being under brits spell. young hormones – bleh……
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It seems like once again we have a house full of sheep and Derrick is the sheep hearder. Does anyone have a mind of their own? This makes for a boring season. The only ” America’s player I like is Donny. I do NOT believe they won this challenge . Of course BB will say they did. Christine is a floater, going from one group to the next. Victoria is a joke but she can’t see that they are all laughing at her. Frankie reminds me of Andy. I could go on and on
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hpr56 I’m back to check things out !
Good comments everyone! I do hope things start to heat up, this BB has been so boring
Okay see you soon, Hi all Vets……….. 
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Glad to see you’re back Bob.
I agree that these people need to quit playing little bo beep and acting like sheep. But not until Brittany and Jocasta are out. Brittany sounds all tough like she is going to take them all out but you can’t take anyone out unless you can win. Jocasta is just a pain. I am so sick of her. Actually, I was sick of her a long time ago.
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@hpr56…. Jocasta does drive me crazy & the Bow tie thing is not right IMHO because It’s advertising a product that her son sells! What do you all think about product placement?
Maybe that is the real reason she is on the show, free Ads!!
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I don’t think she should be allowed to do that. If she can do it, then the next thing will be people getting paid for advertising their place of employment or the bar they go to. Could become an issue in the future. I don’t know.
Your thought on the reason she is on the show does make sense. Except I wouldn’t want her pathetic crying fake tongues to be my best ad. Would you?
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No Way hpr56 But maybe there is a market for pathetic crying fake tongues in the Bow tie circle!
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Nice & hot here in NJ, It’s time to go in my pool
See you later………… 
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I love Donny myself, as many do. I hope he doesn’t go home. Yes, Jocasta speaking in tongues had to freak out some of the other houseguests. Lisa on the Bachelors tell all, I was saddened by the fact they didn’t mention Eric. Was a pretty interesting show though.
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I think it is sad they didn’t mention Eric either. Kind of makes me wonder if they got what they wanted out of mentioning him at all.
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As for Eric not being mentioned on Bachelorette, I have a feeling it was a request by the family and they asked not to mention him. It was bad enough they have to watch the show with the announcement of his death, etc. It would be difficult.
Hey to all our Vets. Missing JT.
Star, I was nodding right along with Kimj.. on your post. As for Donny, I don’t think he’s going anywhere.
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Thanks Starfish. I honestly didn’t think about that. Yes, it would be hard. I guess I kind of looked for the negative from the show’s point. Thank you for pointing that out.
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HOH Cody
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sportwear modeling
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I like Hayden but if his five year plan is to get married have kids and a house and get a job I think he might be a bit mixed up on the order. He seems genuine but a dork. At least Donny’s got a job and a nice looking woman to go home to. Arni’s brother (whatever his name is) grates on me. Be childishly gay all you want but quit posing all the time. And Derrick’s gotta go see where he’s gotta go. I liked him (and have him in my work pool) but he thinks he’s running the show. Maybe he is right now but no humor and to me humor makes the man.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Damn I wish I has something funny to say
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Hi all….just a quickie. Prod said Sun nite that AmTeam did get the task…I saw it.
also speaking in tongues was a very seldom thing in my growing up yrs in a Penecostal Church called Foursquare Gospel (was in Wausau Wisconsin late 50’s)…started by Aimee Semple McPherson main church called Angeles Temple in L.A..anyway we spent a lot of time in church and Tues and Thurs nites were Bible study and prayer and then What sometimes-rarely- we would have a message in tongues. the person would stand up and give the message and all would remain quiet and prayful and then someone else would stand and give the translation,,,actually very moving. church was small and over about 7 or 8 yrs I saw it happen only 5 or 6 times…NOTHING like Jocasta the other nite. I was a bit bothered that they showed it …also I did see her son on Shark Tank…no money but one said they would mentor him…can’t recall who. I do not like her being allowed to show the ties altho she was not talk about the company or website so I guess is OK.
PLEASE let Donny stay…he is so my favorite.
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Shayne, I agree with you 100% Frankie is the one you were referring to. He makes me nervous!
Enjoy your viewpoint. 
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Hi ! …………………… 
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Okay my friends time for a little TV!!!!!

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Enjoy your TV.
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Justa little info you might want to be aware of:
I got a call earlier today frrom 832-370-1111 (832 is near Huston, Tx) from a guy with an American name but had an accent. I think he said he was from BC something or other. He kept telling me my computer was sending error messages all over the Internet and my computer was in danger. I asked for proof and everytime he said something I said I don’t believe you. I asked for my IP address, he didn’t have it, I asked him where I was and he didn’t know so I just said I wasn’t falling for his bullshit and if there was something really wrong with my computer send someone to my home with official identification and maybe I would talk to them. He hung up. LOL So, beware. I just kept playing with him until he gave up.
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Way to go Starfish! This information could save someone from some real trouble! Thank’ s for Sharing!
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Thanks for the warning. I had those little pudheads.
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STARFISH – thx for the warning – prolly some guy in lebenon like those catfish guys that prey on lonely women – shameless
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Same thing happened to me this morning
The guy was so lame that I had to laugh at him & then he got a little PO’d Then he started in on me with all kinds of junk about my computer that I said “are you sure? because I don’t have a home computer!
but thanks for thinking of me ….please feel free to call me anytime!…………. He hung up on me 

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Hey Bob, you too? He tried to get me to log on to some website to “fix” my computer and I just kept telling him I didn’t believe him. Yea, I was going to log on a site he gave me, really? They think we’re idiots don’t they? Blah Blah Blah
Anyway, as for BB, I got nothin. I’m just pretty sure Donny is safe and I’m pretty sure many of you want Caleb next. I think double eviction may be next week. Anyone know for sure? Looking forward to you night owls posting what’s happening on LFs and BBAD. Thank you ahead of time.
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Starfish ♥
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Thanks everyone for the well wishes!
New Post Is Up!
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Thanks for the answers Jeanne and Janice. Hope the knee is better LM.
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