Hey everyone….Just wanting to give you a heads up…the cast has been revealed!

What do a minister, a DJ and pop singer’s brother all have in common? They’re all moving in to the Big Brother house.
More info later today…but feel free to check the new cast out NOW!
Peace, BBBlogger
From our beautiful blogger Lisa Marie…
Here’s how the new houseguests break down by age:
Out of the 16:
1 person in his 40s
3 people in their 30s
12 people in their 20sHere is where they’re from:
Arizona — 1
California — 3
Florida — 2
Georgia — 1
Michigan — 1
New Jersey — 1
New York — 2
North Carolina — 1
Rhode Island — 1
Texas — 2
Washington — 1I was totally wrong about the possibility of veterans returning to the show and I’ve never been happier to be wrong. 🙂
Thanks BBB, you rock. You are definitely in the BB spirit for us. Thank you!!
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I originally said this under the previous entry but I’m going to repost it here. 🙂
Here’s how the new houseguests break down by age:
Out of the 16:
1 person in his 40s
3 people in their 30s
12 people in their 20s
Here is where they’re from:
Arizona — 1
California — 3
Florida — 2
Georgia — 1
Michigan — 1
New Jersey — 1
New York — 2
North Carolina — 1
Rhode Island — 1
Texas — 2
Washington — 1
I was totally wrong about the possibility of veterans returning to the show and I’ve never been happier to be wrong. 🙂
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Hey Starfish………. Thank you for this new update Bill….
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Watching the cast interview…..so far Donny looks like a Happy Happy Duck man 🙂 Maybe he’s on the wrong show? ………….
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Interesting group to say the least. Now we’ve seen the house and the h/g….let’s get on with the show! No vets, and that makes me so happy….no Rachel!!!
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liking the Zack the con artist already.
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I have read all of their bios – very interesting g!! 🙂
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Looks like they listened to us. A house full of new players. I like that. A big variety of interests. Should be a great season. {{{HUGS}}}
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😆 The new cast looks Okay so far…………
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I’m happy for all the new faces!
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All new players is a great thing… Hopefully! Hmmm I think I’ve picked some favorites already. Can’t wait til Wednesday!
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Can’t wait,thanks for this great blog…
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Just from reading what they’ve written about themselves (I haven’t watched any of the video interviews yet — I’ll do that later tonight when I’m off work), I think the Caleb is kinda icky, Cody might end up winning, and Jocasta will be the first to be voted out. 🙂
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Looks like they raided the library for quite a few of the contestants this year. I’m guessing CBS wanted to get away from the frat house orgies this season and let people play the actual game, which is good.
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Ok..everyone is going to yell at me or roll their eyes at least, but I had sort of gotten used to the idea of some returning Vets or an All-Stars and I’m actually kind of disappointed!! But by the end of the season, I’ll be invested either way. I may go search around as that clip didn’t show who was from where or ages or anything. No eye candy again for the women, at least at 1st glance. Same last year. But there are always hot women in there!! I ask you girls….is that FAIR??LOL Who is doing the casting here??? We need some more Jeffs and Haydens!!lol
Either way, still can’t wait for next WED!!!! 😀
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Attn BB Blogger / Bill 🙂
I made this graphic just for THIS site….. so let’s get it up on the side wall!! And I’ll make modifications once they divide into teams of 8.
So I’m guessing this will get stuck in moderation for a bit?? Let’s find out
BB 16 Houseguests
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Wow! 2 people are representing Florida this season. I hope they turn out to be good players and are not obnoxious.
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Star, I am all the eye candy you need! (see…I can say that now that I am a divorced and eligible bachelor!)
Sorry…had to say it. :-p Love ya Star!
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Uploading it now JT! Really appreciate all you do for the blog!
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Posted the pic on this blog post JT. Might have to resize some things on the blog to make it work on the sidebar.
As always, LOVE your work brother!
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Tell me what size it needs to be and I can make that happen pretty easy.
Plus I’ll need to make a few changes when the season starts and we see how teams break down.
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Aileen, there should be 16 pics and bios at CBS.. I haven’t read them all yet.. but I do see them.
And I’ve also watched most of the 16 interviews with Jeff there too.
My first impressions? NOPE… not doing it this year. Last year Aaryn was my fave. Rachel was my fave going into BB12. So I obviously need to wait!! 😆
I’m excited to see all new people. One minor thing though…. once again they used no imagination in casting. Looks to be the same old cookie cutter method they’ve used for too many years. Not hatin’ or anything… it might be a great season.. and I’m optimistic. But the cast is exactly what I expected right down to the average age of 27. Many seasons the average age has been 27.. including last year.
Not necessarily a bad thing though… it’s all up to our hamsters now! 😀
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Thanks BBB for getting JTs graphic up so quickly. You and JT can be our eye candy. 🙂
Star, what???? Yep, SMH but laughing out loud. You are hilarious. There must be some Haydens out there. What’s up with these people.
JT, you’re great and I don’t know what we would do without your talents, brains and memory.
LM, I’m taking JTs advice and reserving judgment because I too really messed up last year. Besides, I haven’t had time to read all the bios yet and I know I won’t have time to watch any videos, plus I’ll miss the first 2 weeks. Just going by the pics, Devin and Cody have the best male smiles but not really eye candy (Devin is a good possibility though) and, well, maybe the rest take bad pictures. LOL
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@Star: Jeez, Star, I counted at least 3 good looking guys (Cody, Devin & Zach). You must have some high standards, girl. Lol. I wonder how long the token gay guy (Frankie) is gonna last?
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thnx 3B I can hardly wait.
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All I know is they pushed Helen!
(lame reference from BB15)
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LMAO…. They DID NOT push Helen! …they were re-tying her shoes for her. 😆
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WOW, new people
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Darn it, posted this on the wrong page. Sorry for the repeat…
I watched all the Jeff interviews… Quite a few for fodder, a few with some strategy, and a few super-fans.
I want to like Joey. She’s a hometown girl (Seattle), make-up artist, seems like she can mesh we’ll with both the guys and girls. Besides being local, she’s one I can actually picture hanging out with.
Other’s I’ll be curious to see if they are worth rooting for.. Hayden, Frankie, Derrick, Devan, Christine, and Caleb.
Unfortunately, too many seemed to be cast to type.. Zach is a Boogie wannabe, Britney season 16′s Elissa, etc. And most of the girls seem too young and naive and/or shallow to make it to far on their own. I can definitely see a brat pack alliance similar to how last season started.
I still see room for a couple vets to come in and lead teams.. something is up with the two night premiere, there’s more to it than this group of newbies….
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I’m liking Paola, Nicole and Joey. Not big on the guys from these pics, but if I have to choose, then Zach and maybe Caleb and Donny. When I get time I’ll watch the interviews.
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JT ( 🙂 )… who is from Washington State? Don’t have time to look and you are my go to BB InfoMan.
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BBB – LOL Helen was pushed.
kimj.. it’s funny you mention you want to like Joey because she’s the cutest one of all even the blue hair looks cute on her. IMO I’ll never get around to bios, interviews, etc. before BB starts but it sure is nice hearing everyone’s opinions.
Ted, Zach has a great face but that hair has got to go. Can’t imagine looking at that hair lying on a pillow. Nope.
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Ted, look at post 30 by kimj.. it seems Joey is the one from Seattle.
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Yes Ted… what Trudy said.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------She is a make up artist… and her fave BB Houseguest is Gina Marie.
I think she was one of 2 that said they wanted to get an all girls alliance going?
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😉 *fish… I emphasize want to like, ten days from now may be a different story.
@Ted, that’s right, we’re “neighbors”… San Juans right? I spent a few years on Orcas growing up. Definitely a beautiful neck of the woods. 🙂
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I think it’s next to impossible to get a really good or accurate impression of any of the houseguests based on their answers to the questionnaire. After all, nobody ever says that they’re planning on being a doormat or that they have no idea how to play the game. Instead, everyone always say, “I’m going to make friends, form an alliance, and do whatever I have to do to win!”
I remember last year, at this time, I predicted that Gina Marie would win the game but that was only because we both share the same middle name. Lol.
I do worry about the players who already have a huge, elaborate strategy all thought out because those are the players who usually can’t adapt to the unexpected. One reason why I think Cody might do well is because, for his strategy, he said he was just going to do whatever he had to do to survive in the game. That worked well for Andy, after all.
And I agree with Starfish — Zach needs to do something about that hair!
kimjmj — I agree with you about the vets. I think it still might happen.
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I can’t see an all-girls alliance working out this season, if just because too many of the girls have said that they’re either looking for a showmance or that their strategy is specifically to ally themselves with an athletic guy. All girl alliances usually seem to work better on Survivor than on Big Brother.
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Now that we know there are 16 HGs as expected (from the 16 places at the table LOL)
And we know there will be 2 HOH’s and 4 noms… which tends to lead to 2 teams of 8…
Do y’all think there are 8 pairs of relatives in the house? The Blood vs Water theme was a rumor for a long time.. is that still possible? Maybe Julie just didn’t bother mentioning it yet?
Seems a bit unlikely.. but still possible in that game.
Also, If there are 2 teams of 8 and one HOH from each team, I would imagine each group of 8 would be on the same page as far as who to nominate.. at least for their own team’s good. If so, that would seem to take away a little from the importance of winning HOH, after all, they would nominate the same people regardless.
I guess the wrinkle would be who could compete against the other HOH better.. and that could lead to a lot of throwing comps to get the “right” HOH for your team.
UNLESS (hear me out.. if you haven’t tuned me out already!!) Unless each HOH had to nominate 2 people from THEIR OWN team!! 😯
Think about it… that would be a crazy twist.
Or maybe I just need to chill until next Wednesday 😕
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Yeah LM, I don’t see where this cast of ladies is banning together… too many have the”other girls don’t like me because I’m too pretty” attitude. It’s not only a young cast, but very single cast from what I saw. Didn’t BB see what happened at the beginning of last season with the showmance alliance? Stupid question, of course they did…
Interesting thought on teams just hit me… boys v girls? I typically hate that setup, but could be an interesting way to twist up showmance’ s… 😛
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kimjmj, I also thought of guys vs gals. I also usually hate that setup. I guess the novelty of that wore off with Billy Jean King & Bobby Riggs (young peeps go scrambling for wikipedia) 😆 ….it could be interesting.. but that gimmick gets overplayed.
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@JT, that’s why I haven’t ruled out some vet team captain’s, 8 players per team seems a bit light..
I heard somewhere today that many on the cast had tried out for TAR… that leans towards BvW options..
Ok JT, let’s just see what happens Wednesday… like I’ll really stop speculating. 🙂
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As far as the teams go, I really hope that they pick them by doing some sort of random draw once all of the players are actually in the house. Because you just know that, if the producers pick the teams before they enter the house, there are going to be so many conspiracy theories and accusations of favoritism.
After what went on last season with Amanda, Elissa, and the whole “Helen was pushed!” thing, I’m really hoping that this year the producers are extra careful about any appearance of favoritism. (Of course, they won’t be…lol).
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For more evidence of how little you can tell based on just pictures and questionnaires — last year, at this time, I thought Jeremy was really cute. Ewwwwwwww! 🙁
You never really can tell anything about who these people are until after they get into the house. 🙂
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The only reason I may like boys v girls in this case is watching the dynamic of these young girls having to choose between team and “the love of my life I met 10 days ago”
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LMB, I’ll second that!! And last year I watched 3 interviews for each person before they entered the house…. and Aaryn was my fave! 🙄
The only thing I did right last preseason was to pick David to be first evicted.. and that was solely based on Braden’s “performance” in BB11.
“the love of my life I met 10 days ago” 😆
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I hear us LM, last year Amanda and McCrea both caught my eye early and I was so over them by the end of July. Gina Marie bugged the crud out of me, but I’ve watched her in a few chats this past year and she really does seem to have a heart of gold.. Books and covers… I’m just ready to get this started!
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😉 @ JT, I have to laugh at myself on that… it wasn’t much more than 10 days before DH and I moved in together, then we married at 6 months… but now it’s been 17 years so our gamble paid off…
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Star…this is just for u…anyone else please be careful if u Click on the Link.. its rated “R”…u see Star, we will have plenty of Eye Candy with “Cody” walking around in the BY all day, LOL…i will post the other hunks as i find them… 🙂
BTW, for the Guys…if u check…Amber’s topless pics are already out in the net…
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Has anyone seen HoH8 yet this season?
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Here’s a good one.. and just keep in mind when everyone is at each others throats this summer, these two are besties now. 🙂
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JT no HoH8 yet that I’ve seen.
Lostie, great shot of Cody so maybe he’ll be eye candy. Looked good in the pic but as you said, we’ll see how it all plays out.
I think we were all fooled last year with those bunch of obnoxious children.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JT you always know the stats. 27 as the median age isn’t quite mature but stupid enough to make it interesting. LOL 😆
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Uh-oh… I don’t like the looks of this, especially since Frankie has a famous sister and a YouTube fan base…
Can we say season 15 redux?
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Hey Trip B (always loved PGA’s name for you!) I am flattered that you are sharpening your flirting skills on me!! lol And I have no doubt you would beat out all those BOYS on the BB eye-candy chart!!! *batts eyelashes* lol Why do you think all us girls keep coming back every year??? 😉 A single BBBlogger, eh?? This could be an interesting summer…..lol
I hadn’t really looked very closely when I wrote my post earlier today. Cody and Zach and even Caleb have possibilities as eye candy!! (Thanks for the pin up of Cody, Lostie!!) 😉 But as LM said about Jeremy last year,looks can be deceiving. Once you get to know somone’s personality, their whole appearance can change. For better OR worse!!!
I also liked Aaron in the beginning..and Gina Marie as she had such a HUGE personality!! In fact, their whole group were the *cool*, popular kids that you would have thought would produce the winner. Until the show went on and they showed their true COLORS. (Pun intended!!)lol
I went in search of the girl from Mich. (Nicole) She is BLONDE…wears glasses..so I was feeling a kinship. When I realized I had never even HEARD of Ulby…which is where she is from. It’s in the tip of the *thumb* and is a VILLAGE. Population 858!!! People skills might not be her forte’!!!lol
I’m not going to bother reading anymore tho. I like to learn about the HGS just by observing. Preconceived opinions never last long anyway. That’s always the fun part!!
JT…thanks for the BB mug shots.. APREESH!! 😎
Peace, love and light for tonite!! xoxo
PS. Somebody PLEASE remind me how to make a heart that works on here!! All I can remember is the FB one!! <3 lol
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Jeff’s Q to all the house guests…would you rather win and be hated by America or lose and be loved by America? overwhelming response lose and be loved…. Give me a freakin break go on a show for a chance at 500k answer should have been…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hate me America if you must but I’m here playing a game to win money not popularity….peeps back home will still love or hate me as they did before the show….just my opinion
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I would not be surprised if they suck in some oldies again this year they always do I just hope it’s not Rachel again, they should try bringing back some who have not been on there a second time, they keep bringing back the same damn ones
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Thanks, Fish… I should have read the comment above mine.
Hey KimJmJ… you in Seattle? We’ll have to meet sometime when I come to town. Love the Icon Grill and Dragondfish.
I agree about Zach’s hair, but I must remember to be tolerant of the young. Not wild about the beard and camo on Donny, but he has a nice face… and the soul patch on Caleb has to go… can’t stand those. I will not even comment on Hayden and Frankie. Cody looks entitled, Derrick looks the bully and Devin looks like a goody two-shoes. Of course these are just superficial responses.
Just watched the interviews with Paola and Joey… they were both recruited and hadn’t watched the show… in fact Joey didn’t really know what it was, but I think she will be an interesting player. I think she’s pretty smart. I don’t know about Paola.
Oh for Gods Sake Lostie!!!… you give the horny BBB women a link, but make the guys search for Amber!
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Hey, Aggie R… I could use a rest from Rachel myself. Just as long as they bring Jessie back.
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Hey Aggie, I think you’re right. Somewhere up in the posts JT has an entire theory about oldies. Of course he does. 😀 Yep they gotta stick an oldie in somewhere.
Star, flirting with our BBB now are you and batting your eyelashes no less. Whew girl. 😀 Also, happy you’ve seen the light about a couple of the “boys” being cute. I don’t remember how to make the heart. JT or Ted???
OMG Ted, you admit you need a “rest” from Rachel. That’s amazing and I was waiting for the thunder roll but it never happened. 🙂 I think most of America has had their fill of Rachel for awhile.
DewyR, does that mean we have a bunch of floaters this year who just want to be loved? 😆
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Oh and Kimj.. why would they put someone on with a fan base and a famous sister yet? That’s just so stupid IMHO. But it follows the CBS stupidity that they manage to create for us yearly. 😆 😯
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I think Lisa had some thoughts on Vets..
It is still possible to bring in 2 coaches I guess. And remember, just because Rachel was in the audience at The Talk doesn’t mean she’s out. They do treat their vets differently. They don’t have to go through the same sequester when they return.
I seem to remember them talking about that during BB13 & 14. Those returning pretty much caught a plane (or limo) and walked in the door.
The biggest clue to me that Rachel wont be on this season was in her chat with Jeff when she flat out said, “I will be on BB16”. Which if it were true… she would have never said that.
alt + 3 is a heart on windows ♥ (the 3 on the number pad to the right… not the number 3 up top)
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Well I watched the videos on the new hgs.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------First of all in re to Frankie or aka cotton candy. He has a famous sister. Say what? maybe I did not recognize her name, and since I have been a member of AARP for more years then I care to recall. Can anyone clue me in (yes u JT) lol curious minds want to know
moving along to Zach, OMG in his picture his hair looks like a hedge hog, happy to report his hair was a lotttttttttttt better on the video
Next is Donny, first impression was Duck Dynasty. I did like his accent, and he came across as a nice guy, but then again he is the closest to joining AARP.
Next Amber, Brittany, Paola and Victoria all I can say is HIGH school cheer leaders and the IN group. Now I am going on first impressions so we will see, but I do not expect too much from this group.
Now in re to Joey, I like her, to me she will be somewhere in between groups
as for the rest guess they did not impress me either way lol
Now on the subject of vets, NO way no vets, just when we think we are clear they
pull us back in. An old Mafia trick. My prediction we will see Demanda, I think Rachel has run her course, if ted is tired of her it must be true.
Ciao till later hugs all around
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No clue from me MM. When he went on about his famous sister… I was thinking who the #@&% is that? I never heard of her…. much less him.. a youtube personality? Really? LMAO
Of course I could Google them both if I was curious…. but I can’t say I am 😆
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txs JT,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I was curious so I got her name Ariana Grande, then to the net, she is a singer and actress, after reading it all, I still have no idea who she is, oh well, lol
guess the younger fans will know her
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Arianna Grande is the flavour of the year so her brother will have lots of fans.
I guess casting did not learn from the Alissa bs from last season .
Lots and lots of eye candies..even the duck dynasty guy is kinda ok.. cant say I hate anyone yet.
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Ariana Grande is a singer and has a show on Nickelodeon. Most of her fans are either tweens or dirty old men.
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I saw Ariana Grande and Jingle Ball. She was one of 8 artists (Miley Cyrus was the headliner) She is ok. I like her new song Problems that is very popular right now.
I guess I am in the “dirty old men” category then. LOL. I do not like her in that way but she is a cutie. It is all image….
I also once judged early and then when they entered the house….total 180. Hard to get personalities from pics and short interview videos.
As far as a single BBBlogger….it is what it is. Life seems to be unpredictable at times…oh well. Flirt away. I enjoy the attention! LOL
Peace, BBBlogger
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I’m trying to resist the temptation to pass any early judgment on any of the players but … well, I’ve never been very good at not giving into temptation. 😉
Anyway, I originally thought that Jocasta was the most obviously doomed player in the house but now I think it’s going to be Zack. As some of y’all have already mentioned, he’s trying way too hard to come across as being Boogie 2.0. It’s hard not to get the feeling that he’s going to try to make a big move during the first or second week in the house and it’s going to end up backfiring on him.
The long-haired surfer guy — Hayden — reminds me a bit of David from last season.
As for Derrick the cop, he seems like he might be a little bit too uptight for his own good.
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Boogie 2.0 might not be a such a bad strategy.. He did win BB Allstar
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As my dear Mother would say “The proofs in the pudding” Giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. Getting very excited for the show to start. {{{HUGS}}}
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SF…….BBB said he LIKED the flirting! Besides, he started it!! 😛 lol Maybe if I keep it up I’ll get another trophy!!! 😀
JT…thanks once AGAIN!!! ♥ Ok that took me about 10 tries to work! Something at the top task bar on AOL opens up everytime I try to make it. Is it ALT THEN 3 or at the same time? I tried both and it only seems to work sporadically. I’m on an older PC right now. Maye it will be easier on my laptop. Or maybe it’s just Mercury Wretch which is kicking butt and taking names!!lol
LM…I said the other day we needed another Hayden! Obviously, I hadn’t looked far enough yet..lol He reminds me of David too. First one out?? Any side bets??? lol
Hey to all who come after this!!! Have a good weekend!!
Peace out!!
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It’s hold down alt.. then click 3.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For 4s I have to have my numbers lock key down.. otherwise it jumps to previous page. 🙄 😆
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Star, I can’t get it to work at all. At least not right now. I also get the drop down menu under Community from the top of aol. Phooey
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Live Feeders – am i missing anything by not getting the feeds yet?
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BBB – how did i get that green flowered swatch where avitar goes? just wondering – its cute
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It is automatically generated now instead of the outline guy. To change it, you can go to gravatar.com and upload your own pic. Otherwise flowered swatches for everyone!!
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Macy123.. there are a couple with a “cute” design. I wonder what’s up or if it’s on purpose.
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BBB – batting eyelashes. Thank you. 😆
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BBB thx
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I am going to change my picture! 🙂
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macy, you aren’t missing much. There are some interviews by Jeff with Dani & Dom… and Jordan… Rachel… Boogie. Season 7 is on there… and some random other episodes. But nothing much to see IMO.
I got mine because they will cost the same either way… unless you wait too long.
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ooops… I mean season 7 is on CBS site… random episodes on feeds.
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FYI: Jeanne and I are twins! 🙂
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We twins love BB.
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Gonna sign up Monday from this blog – gotta get some sleep in – the next three days before my stupid guilty pleasure takes over – ha ha ha! (not stupid to me, my husbands words)
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Het Ted, Everett these days, but a Ballard kid at heart. 🙂
Just finished a 12h work day.. Friday’s are bad enough, but prepping for a week off, oy! Now it’s time to clean house and get packed for vacation.. Speaking of, with all these 20 something’s… how long until the house is a total pig sty??? I’m betting it’s trashed before the feeds even start!!
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where am i? lol….i just followed JT ‘s link…new page? this isn’t the blog is it? HEY wish everyone put their real pic on here. i have friends here (and fb) for yrs now that i have no idea what they look like. but if you’re in fb…you’ve seen me…i know, regrets come easy.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lostie…………i looked…:D haha so did Star….
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OH OK, thanks JT….i just realized you were sending me to new page..i found the link to this in my spam…..why does it sometime go there? if i get lost again….i hope i find you .
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Tense. My sister jolee put our real picture there. The Twins. {{{HUGS}}}
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It’s supposed to be tendr. My Kindle changed it.
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HEY all this talk about famous ppl…well my hubbie and i both have ‘i guess you could call famous if you googled their names and got all kinds of horrible info” on a family member from both our sides……….but i’m not gonna tell who they are lol…
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tendr, is that what is called a “teaser” You can PM me on FB and I won’t tell anyone. 😉 You are too funny. Oh, I looked at Lostie’s link too. Nice, very nice. 😆
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Interesting article on HamsterWatch written by BB15′ s Spencer’s girlfriend Marilyn. She’s a lot cuter than I imagined. 🙂
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TED…im so sorry not posting the Link to Amber’s Topless Pic…but i think i cant post topless naked pics here…but i found something maybe better for u Ted…. it’s a Hot Video from Paola with Lots of bikini shots of her doing her Maxim shoot …enjoy it…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKPLJH15uS4
im guessing alot of u didnt watch BBCanada 2…Robyn Kass is also the Casting Director on BBCA, which she had done a Fab job the past 2 years there…but i noticed some similarities with the bearded guy Donny and BBCA Kenny..i thought they were twins, lol….im trying to decide who has the longer beard?, lol…..
as u know by now alot of HG’s havent seen NONE of BB Ever, till now…but alot others have been watching for a while….but for them, a while means BB 10-15… almost all of them said the same thing “been watching since BB12 or BB11…one even didnt know that Elissa was Rachel’s sister, lol….then they asked the 21 yr old blonde, how long she been watching?…and she said a long time…come on, she’s 21 and BB been on for 14 years…did she start when she was in diapers?, LOL… 🙂
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Lostie — I think I know which houseguest you mean, though I can’t remember her name off the top of my head. She said that she’s wanted to be on the show since she was 8 so I guess that means that she’s seen all 14 seasons. 🙂
There’s been a few other players like that in past seasons — one guy could name every single player who had ever been on Big Brother and could list them all by the order that they got evicted. (To be honest, he was really kind of annoying. I can’t remember his name but he was on that season where the house was divided into high school cliques. He was in the nerd clique and, right before he was evicted, he turned to one of his fellow houseguests and said, “Michele, you are the worst person alive. ZING!” Or something like that.)
That’s interesting that a lot of the other HGs apparently have never seen BB before. That was also the case last season and the end results weren’t good. Lol. But, I don’t want to get negative before the season even starts so I’ll just say that hopefully, not having seen any past seasons will inspire these players to play their own games, instead of trying to be the next Rachel or the next Dan or the next whatever.
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Oh, i forgot to report that word is that the HG’s have ENTERED the BB House as of 4pm Friday…so Let the GAME Begin…cant wait till Julie tells them there will be TWO HOH’s and FOUR NOMS…OMG…they’re going to Explode, LOL…. 🙂
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Lisa Marie…ahhh, i see ur getting used to staying up late, lol…that’s what im doing, getting ready for the Feeds and staying up late…im in the East, lol… 🙂
yeah, that 21 yr old is Nicole…what parent lets their 8 yr old watch a adult show like BB?…i think she’s watched only from BB11 and on like the others….
i think that HG that knew all the names must’ve been Ronnie…he was a BB Nerd for sure, lol….cant wait for ur Blogs… 🙂
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What happened to my avatar??
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Okay there it is. {{{HUGS}}}
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Tendr.. You left us hanging there! 😆 …now you got me curious. If you do private message Star.. send me one too!! Oh… ok.. I know that’s being too pushy.
There have always been several HGs each season that had never seen BB. Last year there were a lot (Jeremy, Kaitlin, Aaryn, and others). Aaryn claimed to be a big fan… but she didn’t actually start watching until she was contacted for the show… which I guess is better than the others who wait until they are in sequester. 😆
Jeff & Jordan had never watched the show either.
I do remember Nicole saying she’s watched since she was 8… and she watches live feeds. So I guess that would be since about season 2. Good to see someone in there who is really a fan. She seems pretty timid though.. but maybe that will be a good thing for her.
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Then message me Justa!
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This is the last free weekend I will have for a few months. Next I will compose and send out to all my email list, advising I will only be reading a FEW emails per day. Please send only what is important. Next make a new answering phone msg something to the fact “listen up, if u get this msg, I am more then likely at home. However, if BB is not on, I will be watching live feeds, and or reading BBblog. so leave your msg. Next inform my better half, since it is summer meals will be mostly salads, crock pot meals or order in. No dear not because BB is on (tongue in cheek) but too hot for heavy meals (hee hee), Making note to stop at Michaels pick up huge yellow construction paper, make picture of the sun, hang in living room above TV, since I more then likely will not be seeing too much of it, also dr says too sun is not really good for you.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------so happy to see newbies commenting, especially Lotsie, see isn’t it more fun to comment lol, Will be making trip to the grape vine soon, but will be hard first few times, miss my partner, Mike.
Again BBB (batting eye lashes at you) Lisa Marie and now JT txs for making bb so much fun, To my posse u know who u r, get ready buckle up it is going to be a rough summer ride, till then
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Big brother blog is like a friend, a fan gets to know
and when we bicker, kick and fight, our affection gets to show
It’s strange to think on back our lives and realize how much BB has changed
From bitter sweet encounters, to a love we have rearranged
To fit our addiction rivalries, from fan to big brother
I write these words in hopes you know, I will never trade our BBB for another
A fans addiction does run more then skin deep
we pray our bbb blog is here to keep
These words of truth and caring for the blog we love so dear
which might bring a smile, and a possible happy tear
So keep in mind the good times and those times that were bad
that even though we fought or loved, they are the times we have had
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This site is funnier than the show. I’m already laughing and it hasn’t even started.
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Mama Margie, will you adopt me? I love poetry, my husband was a poet. He died in 2003 and I miss him! Keep writing poems. 🙂
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MM, you better leave enough time for Criminal Case… if you wanna stay ahead of Ted!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Beautiful poem…
awww… yes, we miss Mike 🙁 But I bet he will be watching with us….. and he knows how impatient you are about spoilers. I bet he already knows who will win BB16.. but he’ll let you find out for yourself. ♥
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Jane ———> 😉
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You night owls gave us some great info. Thanks so much LM and Lostie and for the link too. I’m sure ol’ Ted will enjoy it. Lostie, didn’t you use that gravitar for Survivor one year or am I nuts. It looks familiar to me. Lostie, I hope the new casting director does a much better job this year.
LM, it’s amazing what the youngins watch today and the bloody games they play are pretty bad. I’m surprised that they let them watch some of the shows.
JT, not you too my friend, mixing me (Starfish or SF or *fish) with our one and only Star? I’m shocked. 😯 It’s interesting to watch the ones who know BB and the ones who don’t. Do you think it makes a difference in the long run in their strategy. They do have to have endurance for some of those challenges. Yes, it was Ronnie who remembered everything and I mean everything.
MM so your summer is busy is it? 😆 Sun above the TV – hilarious! Love your post and your new poem too! Talented young lady you are! 😀
Shayne, yes this site can get quite hilarious. Just wait but please participate with us and have a great BB summer!
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KImj.. Thanks for the article from Spencer’s girlfriend. His true colors sure came out as did others. I think BB brings the worst or the bests out in people. Now look at Dan who was great at the game, deceitful, conniving, etc and that’s what you have to do to win but you have to be good at it without being a total monster to the other HGs. A fine line to ride. As much as we couldn’t stand Andy, that’s the game he played but I’m not sure he realized it. 😀
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Starfish… now you have me scouring this page to see where I messed up 😆 I do mess up for sure…. but can’t find it… is it on this page? Either way.. I know the difference between Dana Point & Kalamazoo!! 😆
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Good article written by marilyn (spencers girl) i use to want my daughter to tryout – when she became old enough – now – I DONT THINK SO!
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JT, my name….yikes… (you can take care of that right?) Anyway, tendr’s post 93 and mine asking for the PM. Then your post 102. What did I miss? 😆 Dana Point and Kalamazoo – too funny.
Macy123.., I wouldn’t want my kids on the show either. Thank heavens they are too old. LOL
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Starfish… you didn’t miss anything. I did! 😆
I saw that comment in email without the avatar.. so I messed up.
As for the other thing….. taken care of 😉
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Thanks JT…batting eyelashes. 😉
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ur welcome Mama Margie…great poem…sorry for ur loss of “Mike”…i didnt know him but death is always hard on everyone that knew them… 🙁
Hey Starfish…im so Happy someone recognized me…Yes, i Posted on the Survivor Blog last year…i spoke mainly with BOBO so i was waiting to see if he would say something to me, now that im here, lol…but he hasnt…but i remember u posted there also but u left fast, lol….i think there was a Keith also there that i think has posted here also….so now, im getting my Survivor Posters now here, that’s Great…so….
What’s Up BOBO…Remember me???…how are our Giants?, lol… 🙂
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Lostie, I have been posting on BB since the 2nd year and so has Star. We both just read the posts the first year like so many others. Many regs have been on for years too. Survivor was fun and I posted for awhile but BB is our home with so many others including Bobo. I think I stopped posting S after awhile though. Bobo will pop in and out depending on his day. I only have so many hours in the day and I have no idea where some of you find the time. I know, you make the time. 😀
Yes, Keith and Shayne posted on S but who knows if they’re the same ones. I recognized your pic, I can’t keep track of everyone’s fav sports team like JT can. 😆 We count on JT for his amazing memory and prediction powers. 🙂
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Bob posts between naps
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jeanne, cute piccy. wish i could see real pics of everyone. starfish……..you’re not in my fb are you? i’m sorta confused….i’d take any of you in my fb if you wanted to join me list of few friends i’ll never meet (sad) and family members i forced to join lol……i actually had one male friend i know in person in there ask me to stop posting so many pictures of things i like…….i told him to stop taking my notifications……we actually got into a fight over me liking interiors n stuff and he said i was making him look at too many pics of bedrooms or houses n ^%$# …so for once i didn’t feel i was the dumbest in fb or on a pc. OK this is all off the subject but that’s me. i started to just come in here and say “i put peanut butter in my banana shake”……then leave….but i read some and went and looked at LM’s hiney…..oh girl, i remember once when ya could bounce a quarter off my bum….enjoy it while ya got it..:) OK so i opened a can of worms….j’s=husband has a half bro in prison cuz he is a terrorist and became a red headed irish muslim……and i have an uncle (great uncle) who i used to only know by looking at him dead in detective magazines and yes both of their names will pop up lots of stuff if you google them. ………..TED some of us oldies have funky colored hair….mine’s now blue, purple and hot reddish pink and some white if you look long enough. was thinking about buzzing the back but i don’t have that young face anymore. i actually enjoyed when i could just go buzz it one inch, slap on lipstick and go….now i’m more like…bomb pop in a tie dyed burka. I’m not really gonna read about the players……..i’m going to wait and just see how they act on the show and then make my mind if i like or dislike a player…everyone have a great wk end…………..i’m trying to crochet a bunting……..i made a bird….j’s said, “cute seahorse”
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I hate to bring some Bad News for BB16 already…But, this morning they released comments from Caleb Instagram…it looks we might have another BB15 on our hands sadly…calling Obama a Muslin Monkey and gays “fags”…..here are the comments Caleb said….
insain_physique @lockehart12 you believe in murder? You agree with fags? I guess so but I don’t agree with murdering A innocent baby which he clearly doesn’t mind. Nothin has changed in these last four years. You know it. Your just a democrat that wants that Muslim monkey in office. I’m done with you, your dismissed
insain_physique @lockehart12 also if you could see straight and wasn’t color blind the map if the US is completely red, thank god he only gets 4 more years. You and the other democrats will wish you never voted for him soon. Good job.
and here’s a screencap of his Instagram, BTW, it has been deleted already, i guess CBS is doing some damage control… http://i.imgur.com/2hJjDZG.jpg
and i dont want to get into what i found yesterday about Caleb Killing animals for fun…i found videos of that on utube…just gross…Ugh…
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Hey Lostie, I saw that stuff on Caleb.. So maybe it is a seaon of former players relatives and he’s Aaryns second cousin. 🙂
This is the only time of year I’m glad DH stinks at housework, send him and dd out for the day, spend 30 minutes picking up, and the next 3 hours listening to a cast breakdown. DH thinks I slaved away, and I get my BB fix.. 😉
Check it out if you have time, should be a good listen…
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ohboy bb knows how to pick them. I know without a doubt my political and religious views can start a fight in a heart beat so I try not to talk about them. I won’t deny things but i am NOT into name calling and why don’t they screen racists? this is one reason i wish they’d have ONE big brother show with adults….and adults who have a bit of self control but then again i guess they don’t want self control on bb…but it gets old……………it gets really old. and dang it….leave the animals alone.
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i guess according to caleb that little avatar i have for my name is part monkey. yes i’m getting pissed
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Hi everyone. Just got up from a nap. I am reading all the blogs. Let’s keep this a fun place to come. I read the blogs from my Kindle. Everytime a new blog comes on my Kindle dings. I love it. Looking forward to some great conversations this summer. Stay sweet. {{{HUGS}}}
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Well now that’s one awful human being that Caleb. It’s Muslim not muslin which is a cloth. So he’s stupid too. What an ignorant SOB and he’s Aaryn’s cousin. As tendr commented – don’t they screen these racists not to mention animal cruelty creeps?
tendr, ignor the idiot that’s what we do with people who are nasty. It’s better to ignore them than get your blood pressure up. You can’t have a rational conversation with an irrational person and that sounds like Caleb. Being a racist and stupid is who he is; however, I can’t even begin to tell you what I would like to do to him for killing animals for fun.
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MM will have to be on a tight schedule. She will post her FF at A land first thing in the AM. (don’t forget to click like) Then she will go to the grapevine, without our dear friend, and dig up all the gossip to bring back to bbblog. Reads the few comments that have been posted during the 3 hours that she falls asleep at the keyboard. (poor Bill and Bogey) She will then go to face book to play and send cards to all her partners in CC. (don’t let Ted get ahead of you-I hate to listen to him brag!) After she gets all her stuff, she will check the live feeds to see if the h/g are up yet. MM will sleep when they sleep.
Shout out to Jane….good to see you finally decided to make your appearance. That being said, I doubt you will even see my comment here….but I’m sure you will be told that I mentioned your name. 😉
I heard some of the h/g say that BB approached them to be on the show. Does anyone else think it’s odd that with the thousands of applications they had to receive from people, that they would go after their own group? I’m justa saying….it seems to be a hand selected group this season. Is it possible that there will be some that are related? Any thoughts?
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So CBS did not know about Caleb background .. they did this intentionally for ratings. Shitty start BB. WTF
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Caleb is an a$$. Someone needs to put the fear of Bullwinkle in him!
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Of course DonnaP….it wouldn’t be BB if they didn’t get the drama makers in the BB house.
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Hi Frannie, I really don’t want to deal with this BS again.
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Good to see you DonnaP…..None of us want to see this stuff go on, but I guess that’s what brings in the ratings. They really do need to change the way BB is going. I really thought they learned something from last year. I GUESS NOT!
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Wow, I’m glad I held off on writing that post where I was going to declare Caleb to be my pick to win the game.
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hi BB friends- hope all had a good saturday – i sure did – hated to see that about caleb but becoming to expect it out of these producers – o well – we gotta gritch about somethin! teenager leaving for church camp tomorrow – its all GOOD…
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And, on a totally unrelated note — TRUE BLOOD starts tomorrow night! 🙂 Hopefully, Erik is still alive.
Also, I remember from last year that some people on here also watch The Bachelorette. Has anybody been watching this season? I finally got to watch this week’s episode last night. Originally, I really liked and related to Andi but I noticed last night that she has a really odd way of handing out the roses — it was just so artificial and fake. Bleh!
As for Caleb, hopefully he’ll be the exception to the rule as far as the other HGs are concerned. If nothing else, his presence in the house will make it easier for everyone to know who to vote for whenever America is given a chance to assign a demeaning task or punishment to a houseguest.
Myself, I’m just hoping that this season features a lot of dancing. That’ll make me happy. 🙂
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LMB my sister and i were just talking about true blood and hoping they would be bringing back eric – it is tv u know – anything is possible…….
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Oh wait! I was getting Caleb mixed up with Cody. Yeah, I thought Caleb was an ass from the first time I read the answers he gave to his questionnaire, with his whole “I’m a player” attitude. I thought he sounded like another Jeremy.
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Macy — The important thing is that we never saw Erik explode into red goo. I choose to believe that he buried himself in the snow or found a cave to hide out in. 🙂 I just hope that Bill is finally back to being his old self now. No more being possessed by Lillith! 🙂
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Eric will be back… I’d bet the farm on it.
I don’t have a farm… but I’d be willing to bet someone else’s farm on it 😀
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However, since it’s the last season…. all bets are off as to who makes it out alive.
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LMB agree
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……. and don’t get me started on Billith 😆
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FP… you should call MM constantly during BB season and nag her for another get together.. that would really push her over the edge 😆
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macy, you finished Breaking Bad last year right??
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JT ‘bileth’ so apropo
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jt – of course
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I am very sad about Caleb.. If what what is being reported here is true, CBS should not let him step one foot into the BB house! IMHO. As far as killing animals, I heard he is a hunter and that is true of many men and woman. Although after seeing Bambi, I don’t like hunting deer! 🙂
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I have tried to watch The Bachelorette this season, but Andi is just so boring to me. The last episode was a snoozefest. I finally changed the channel after the first hour.
Finally! I have been waiting for True Blood for what seems like forever! I am sad that another one of my favorite TV shows will be ending. I hate to see it go….as for Eric, they wouldn’t dare kill him off!
If anyone has Netflix, Orange is the New Black is back for it’s second season. The good thing with that show is, Netflix puts the entire season on all at once. I just love to binge watch TV shows. 🙂
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I think you all are throwing Caleb under the bus. His occupation is a Hunter. I for one will NOT judge any of the house guests by what is being said on the blogs. Stay kind. {{{HUGS}}}
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JT….you should have inboxed me about calling MM. Now she will know what I’m up to. I will wait about half way through the season and tell her I’m in her area and should be there in about 20 minutes. I would love to be a fly on the wall and watch her scramble to get things in order. After all, when will she ever find time to clean if she is not even cooking dinner for her poor hubby.
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Macy…wasn’t Breaking Bad one badass show? There’s another one they took away from me…..All the good ones are ending!! 🙁
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frannie p – good to see you – o orange is new black – i go to my phone to get this season but only goes to season 1 – whats the trick to getting next season?
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Macy, it’s on Netflix now. Try getting it from your computer.
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It’s been on for about 2 weeks, I think.
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Macy, not sure about how it is on your phone…. but for me, I hover over it… then when the description pops up I go to that and click on the title… then it takes me to where all seasons are
If this was a dumb comment…. oh well.. not the first I’ve made… wont be the last! 🙂
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Hey.. my new avatar I made showed up ————>
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In honor of my 2 fave BB shows 😎
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Hey FP2 and Macy, just loved Orange is the new Black.. I watched seasons 2 and then went back and did a binge of both seasons back to back. 😉
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(y) @ JT….. he’ll know what I mean. 🙂
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Click Me FP
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Wow, kimjmj….that’s what I call binging!
I watched the first 3 seasons plus half of season 4 of Game of Thrones in like 8 days. I wanted to catch up with this years, and now it’s over, but is coming back next year. Whoohoo!
I also watched last seasons True Blood because I was getting ready for the new season to start. Yep…I have no life!
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JT…you had me worried for a minute. I thought it was going to be that laughing monkey.
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Lol…MM is busily playing CC …. she has OJ if u need it. I’m full thanks!
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….and she’s busy posting that she passed me 😆
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ahhh…so many True Blood fans….yeah, Eric is Alive…we will see him in Epi 2 when Pam finds him…i read the synopsis on all the epi’s…should be a Great Final season…
here’s a cute sneak peek to Epi 3 with Sookie & Bill, lol… 🙂
JT,,,love ur avatar…u have a way of making things, lol…btw, my friend finally convinced me to watch Breaking Bad and i been watching it for the past few weeks and i have only 2 epi’s left…and WOW, what a series…been Loving It !!!!
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😉 FP2… Gotta do something to fill the wee hours until feeds start..
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Lostie, thanks for the clip of TB….and glad to know Eric is going to be back. I figured Pam would be the one to find him, as she took off to look for him in the finale last season. Too bad we have to wait until episode 2.
kimjmj….I actually have to watch more of Orange is the New Black. I guess I better getter done tomorrow. I hope to be finished before TB comes on tomorrow, and then we all know what happens on the 25th. By then, things will be hard to keep up with, as we will all be consumed with BB.
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MM thanks for the Fp2 update. Yes, she’s going to be a busy girl.
JT, great idea to have MM drop in. MM half way through season would be perfect. Let me know when and I’ll meet you there and we can blow her mind. 😆 Hi Frannie, you reading all this? 😉
Lostie, I’ve been watching Bachelorette and yes, Andi does hold those roses up right under her chin and she looks goofy. I’ll let you know what happens. 😆
JT, great avatar! Great to combine both shows. Talented aren’t you? I changed mine last year for a bit. I’m keeping my starfish at least for now.
Frannie, looking forward to you keeping us up-to-date and Mike will be with you in spirit for sure. You go girl!
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Fp2 so happy you like Game of Thrones. One of my all time favs. Loved daddy getting his while sitting on the throne. 😆
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LOL… Happy Father’s Day Tywin….. not!!
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Starfish….i dont watch Bacholette…that was Lisa Marie that made that comment about the roses, lol…
for those that watch GoT and also The Walking Dead…u will LOVE this Pic, u can only understand it if u watch both shows, LOL… 🙂
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Now we need one of Michonne giving props to Brienne 😆
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------….guess I’d rather be up against walkers than white walkers any day!! 😯
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i fell asleep at the pc……..LM,i watch the bach…andi is a lawyer, right? i don’t think the guys are going to be happy on the next show…..she’s giving them a lie detector test????????????? i think i’d just leave…if i had to have one to date someone….i’d put a tack in my shoe so everything i said looked like i was freaking out…i probably wouldn’t need the tack. i all for wanting ppl to be happy but i think she’s gone too far.
i’m tired early for me…three thirty a.m. so i guess i’ll go to bed. nite all…v
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@ Ted
Jesse Now looks like the michelen Man his body gets bigger every season, he’s probably too busy with wrestling now. I doubt he will be back
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The cast is pretty but ugly this season I can only hope they will be entertaining. I would say the most attractive are Amber, Cody and Devin.
WTH is this big glasses season, Christine makes herself even more butt ugly with the big glasses. Nicole- OYYYYYY get rid of the glasses, they make you less attractive.
Frankie- must be the gay guy of the season, he looks like he has pink cotton candy stuck to his head, I hope he’s fun.
Joey- if your going to go with blue hair you need to funk up the hair more it looks too normal for that look you just look stupid.
I don’t watch videos, they are putting on a show for casting people and are usually nothing like the video. I do enjoy watching Jeff interviews. Talk about HOTT, they should only have guys that handsome. and I love his personality also, that’s a guy who has it all, he reminds me of a friend 😉
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@ Starfish
Hi, I love Game of Thrones also, I wonder what will happen to Tyrion now
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Aggie….you think Jeff is Hott? I would say a 7 out of 10, MAYBE! There are much better looking guys out there.
I am glad Tyrion was let go. I just hope all turns out well for him. He has had such a rough life!
*fish….I loved that scene with daddy on his throne….nowhere to go and no place to hide. Sure as $hit, no one would be in there to help him. 🙂
Hey fish…I think in your comments on post 167, you have me and MM mixed up. MM is the one that goes to the grapevine. She frolics in the vine…She keeps us updated. I have trouble enough keeping up with all the reading, once BB starts. That’s ok hun…if you were going to confuse me with someone, I am honored that it is with my little paisano.
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@ Lostie…loved the link with Daryl and Tyrion! Thanks for sharing!
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Fran, I was so touched by your below comment
if you were going to confuse me with someone, I am honored that it is with my little paisano
That is correct we are paisanos, lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 days 8 hrs and counting, woo hoo
love the count down clock
till later chickadees
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Happy Sunday everyone! 🙂 I will be so glad when the blogs get back to BB! I know it’s hard to wait, Only 3 more days and 8 hours and 32 minutes….and counting! 🙂
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MM & Fp2, so sorry for the mix up but I guess mixing you two up is a good thing, right. I know it’s MM in the vine – duh! Ok, then Fp2, let’s surprise MM half way through BB. You two little paisano princesses are the best for putting up with me. 😆
Apologies also to LM and Lostie, for mixing you guys up re Bachelorette.
I have to proof my posts going forward. So many names and my poor brain goes on overload and seems to toss everything into a bunch and just throws out a name when I need it.
Aggie, happy to hear you’re watching GoT too. I read all the books so I can’t tell you what happens to Tyrion. 😆 In fact, it’s been so long, I’m not sure I even remember what happens to him. 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All I have to say is George R.R. Martin better write another book to wind up this 5 book series because, as of right now, everything is up in the air at the end of the 5th book. JT is supposed to let me know when and if a 6th book comes out so I can finish the series. Not a happy camper when they don’t finish their stories. Ugh HBO will have to finish something because it’s been scheduled for seasons 5 and 6. Very happy about that. They’ve done a spectacular job with the visuals. How about that last battle at the wall? Fantastic!
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Well….just finished watching two more episodes of Orange is The New Black….loving every minute of it. I have to pace myself or I will be sad to see it over.
Looking forward to True Blood tonight.
…oh, and I guess I better sign on for the live feeds. 😉
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OMG! That wall fight was something else. I had read that that episode was going to rank right up there with The Red Wedding, and they were correct.
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Oh, and Starfish, no worries…..Margie and I still love you!
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I usually like the bachelorette but I am NOT an Andi fan at all!! I gave up on TB a couple seasons ago and I’m behind on GOT, hoping to catch up tonight! I need to be current on everything b4 BB starts!
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FP can’t wait to watch GoT if it’s as good as red wedding!!
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Starfish, the 6th book (The Winds of Winter ), could be released as early as this August…… or could be towards the end of next year. No one really knows.
Then he has to write the 7th and final book.
You may know what happens to Tyrion in the books, but the tv show has announced they will be straying from the books a bit now. So all bets are off.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And that makes sense I guess. If they have a very popular character.. it would be anarchy to kill them off. And Tyrion is the most popular character on there.
Stay tuned 🙂
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That is correct JT, the books are never like the actual shows.
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I will be caught up tomorrow cause when I start it’s too good to stop!
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Yes JT, I read that too so who knows. They are doing such a great job with the show. Also, I never said the book kills off Tyrion. 😆 I felt sorry for the poor dragons tho locked up in the tombs.
I never watched TB or Orange is the New Black which is fantastic from what you all have said. We watch so much already so we haven’t ordered Netflix.
Thanks Frannie! ♥
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Rainy sunday here in texas…….we need it….3 MORE DAYS GUYS!!!!!
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Aha!! the heart worked. WooHoo
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Hey Macy123.. send some rain to Ca, we sure need it. Ok, time to walk my dog whose sitting here with his sad face. BBL
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Macy, I’ll try to send some your way… we have some flooding
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Later all….I’m off to watch some more Orange is the New Black.
*fish….I’ll send some rain your way too. We are under flood warnings. 🙄
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YES JT….and your flooding will make its way here too. Thanks dude!
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Oh my goodness, thought I was in the wrong blog. This is BB right. Everytime a new blog comes on my Kindle dings. It’s been dinging it’s little head off. And what do I find? A lot of talk about a show I’ve never heard of. Oh well I guess there’s nothing new to talk about BB. Getting very impatient for it to start. I will always check the dings, so keep on blogging. Stay sweet. {{{HUGS}}}
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JT every drop counts here our lake is 8 feet down
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**ding** 😆
Wow… that’s way down Macy.
As far as BB….. I guess we’ll just have to wait until something actually happens.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But on the bright side… the comment counter is ticking away… and that actually helps this blog.
So all’s good 🙂
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😯 So much to read! …………………
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JT that’s funny. ¿°) . I love hearing the dings. {{{HUGS}}}
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Hmmm… Just heard an interview where a HG said they were not allowed to watch season 13 in sequester… Returning vets? Majic Keys? Insert conspiracy theroy here… 😉
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I think BBB would rather we use blog for chat until BB comes on, or when we hear some new tidbit about BB. Nothing worse then a blank page. I guess us seasoned members of this blog know each other by now to feel comfortable enough to chat about pretty much anything to keep us happy until the real fun starts. Or anyone can jump in and start chat about something they want talk about.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I recall my 2nd year on the blog (yes the first year I just read and did not comment if u can believe that, lol) during a lull in the bb program some of us were talking about another show, when a guy came on and said THIS BLOG IS ONLY FOR BB CHAT. well, that scared me off for awhile, but I pulled my big girl panties up, came back and the rest is history. I see it is named Big Brother Chat and not Big Brother Chat ONLY. So for those of you who only want BB chat, maybe you can check a few times a day to see if anything interesting going on, so you will not get upset or impatient, until the big event starts.
thanks for your attention to this matter, I do appesch, until later
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Very well said MM….I agree with you 100%. The way I look at it is….if there is no show to watch so we can chat about it, then lets just do the next best thing….chat about what’s on your mind, or another show that we like.
Now if someone wants to surf the net and bring new BB info to the page, then we will check it out, as we normally do.
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new post is up
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MM, I agree with your comments! My sissy, Jeanne and I love being part of this site. We love BB and like the rest of us, we are very anxious for BB to start. 🙂 If anyone is interested in cooking shows, I’m your girl LOL! 🙂 In the meantime, let’s blog our little hearts out! We only have 3 days and less than 3 hours to go! Have a good evening. Tonight there are a ton of cooking shows to keep me busy! I will catch up with all of you later! <3. (Sorry I can't make a better heart ~ my Kindle Doesn't have an Alt key). 🙂 ciao MM! 🙂
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