Big Brother Video Wednesday! Twists and Big Brother 16 house revealed

by BBBlogger on June 18, 2014

Happy Video Wednesday! Here are 2 important videos for the new season of Big Brother 16. Enjoy!



More excited than ever? What are your thoughts?

We start this craziness in ONE WEEK baby!

Peace, BBBlogger

Keith June 18, 2014 at 5:33 pm

Thanks for the videos. The furniture in the living room reminds me of 60’s Dutch, as my parents had similar sofa and chairs in their family room.

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Keith June 18, 2014 at 5:34 pm

Oh one more thing, I really like the bathroom and the earth bedroom as well.

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hpr56 June 18, 2014 at 6:02 pm

I love the videos. And I agree with Keith especially about the bathroom and earth bedroom. Love them.

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Starfish June 18, 2014 at 6:10 pm

Thanks BBB, great videos. Not excited about their decor except for the treehouse perhaps, the bathroom and also, as Keith mentioned, the earth bedroom. I’m excited as always for BB to start but their twists aren’t impressive to me but somehow we always get taken in by the HG interaction during all of it. They need to change up the comps and the HGs more than anything. Hope they do a good job this year. So looking forward to this season as always.

Now I have to go back and read the posts from the previous BBB post. Coming fast and furious these posts and we thank you for them!!

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jolee June 18, 2014 at 6:10 pm

Here we go!! 🙂

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tendr June 18, 2014 at 6:17 pm

i was watching the video about the house and my pc had a crash dump…now i’m scared to finish watching it..

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Jeanne June 18, 2014 at 6:19 pm

Yeah! {{{HUGS}}}

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tendr June 18, 2014 at 6:22 pm

ok so i watched it anyway…ugly house but i luv the bathroom..i like the tree house and the kitchen. the rest looked dull or too busy and lot’s or particle board? oh well..the bedrooms are enough to put me in a bad mood lol

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Marla Jo June 18, 2014 at 6:25 pm

I can’t wait for the next week to pass. That HOH bed does not look very comfortable, but I do love the bathroom.

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Starfish June 18, 2014 at 6:35 pm

Thank you to Mama Margie (MM), Star, Lisa Marie (LM) for the clarification on the HOH comp and the so-called twist. It makes more sense now with the Battle of the Block between the HOHs and that may just be entertaining. Who knows, if they win, who they’ll actually decide to keep? May just be fun.

Still not excited about the voting twist but I’ll still enjoy BB as always. I agree it’s really Bleh sounding, at least right now. 😀

Star, yes I saw that singing comp voting thingy too. I agree, what does the audience know about singing? It will be interesting to see how it does. I won’t be watching tho. 😆

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Starfish June 18, 2014 at 6:37 pm

Oh, if you didn’t see the MM, LM and Star explanations of the HOH comp, go to the previous post. They explain it quite well. 🙂

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Jeanne June 18, 2014 at 6:53 pm

I am going to go with the flow. Expecting excitement and the UNEXPECTED. I look forward to this show every Summer. No Carolina has been so hot we can’t go out. At 81 years young, it’s my guilty pleasure. I think the show expands every age group. I look forward to blogging with you all. {{{HUGS}}}

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tedstrutz June 18, 2014 at 6:54 pm

Thanks for the vids, Big Blogger Bill!
That’s some colorful place. I like the Fire Room. Funny how Julie is pushing ‘shomances’. I think some designers minds were in overdrive… a lot of that is pretty impractical, such as the kitchen counter. I’m sure our houseguests will adapt. Love the idea of the photo booth… will be fun to see what they do with it.
I agree with Marla Jo about that ridiculous HOH bed… hope those aren’t wood slats.

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franniep2 June 18, 2014 at 7:17 pm

@ Starfish…..I’m so glad you clarified that MM, Star and LM were on the previous page. I was worried you were seeing people that weren’t there.

Not sure how this whole twist is going to work out with putting four people on the block, but I’m sure we will learn more as the time goes on.

The house is butt ugly! I think they need to get Star on there as their decorator. Or maybe Tendr with her Victorian taste. That is a huge kitchen, and can do a lot more than what they have been doing.

Now I have to backtrack and read the previous page.

Night my friends….. 😉

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Star June 18, 2014 at 8:08 pm

Starfish…YW! Altho I think MM and LM had more info than I scrounged up!! Can’t believe we have been together so many years here!! I have known you and alot other s longer than I have most people IRL!!lol You says you can’t make REAL friends OL?? (somebody remind me how to make a heart here..pleasse??)LOL

Frannie…thanks for the ringing indorsement!! I’d love to get my hands on the BB House!! (and often the inhabitants necks!!)lol A color commision meets in NYC every year and decides what colors will be primary for that calendar year and it includes clothes,cars, home furnishings..everything!! Don’t love the combo this year!! Bodes back to the 1960’s…so what goes around definitly comes BACK!!! Ugly karma seems t have no jurisdition The house looks really cut up and busy!! That kitchen counter is going to be a mess of crumbs going thru the cracks and stains and cuts and ICK! And don’t get me started on those bedroms!! SHUDDER!! Oh well..with enough drama, who looks at the ID,right??LOL

tendr…..Hey GF! Maybe we should apply for the job of BB decorators next season!! One of those FB tests says I should be living in Cali

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Aggie R June 18, 2014 at 8:51 pm

Hi Everyone, It’s been like Monsoon season in Chicago, It’s been Raining since yesterday, And if i have flooding in the basement again, I may start pulling my hair out.

I guess as long as they don’t bring Rachel and Brendon Back, whoever will be better than them

. At least Amanda has only been on once and unfortunately because of the drama queen she is they will keep on bringing her back. I just wonder would they dare bring Mcrae back also, that would be interesting for sure.

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Justaguy (JT) June 18, 2014 at 8:51 pm

Thanks for the vids 🙂

The house is….. different. Earth, Wind, & Fire rooms huh? So the question is, who will be “Dancing in September”? 😉 (sorry.. I had to) Looks like the fire room wont last long anyway.. that will probably be the have not room.

The twist? It might be ok. I’ll just wait and see how it plays out. And as we all know.. these twists don’t last long anyway. Maybe 4 weeks or so and they will have a Survivoresque merger I would think.

Ok.. I’m ready to see the cast now 🙂

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YVONNE June 18, 2014 at 9:15 pm

EEEEEEKKKKK That house is just awful!!!! Who comes up with this stuff? The cut tree countertop???? The birds nest HOH bed? It all looks pretty ridiculous to me. Although, I do love the bathroom lol I’m curious to see the details of how it works with 4 ppl on the block an 2 HOH’s. Hopefully it’s gonna go well an be an exciting twist rather than just another BB flop. Can’t wait to start watching!

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Mama Margie June 18, 2014 at 9:46 pm

JT I think the have not room is going to be COLD, saw it somewhere. Been reading so much my head is spinning, lol
If I recall they had blocks of ice in it.
I second it that stra and tendr do the decorating. I think this year was done by people wearing blindfolds, butt ugly, and I also agree love the bathroom, seems the only decent place in the entire house. As for the nest for a bed, oy vey, guess Allison is thinking last years show was for the birds, maybe again this year.
Let’s face it, we love to hate parts of it, and we are all addicted to bb/
bbb txs for videos
and I appesch all the updates

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Justaguy (JT) June 18, 2014 at 9:58 pm

MM, I just meant that the Fire bedroom is usually the one they use for have nots.. so maybe they will change it from fire to ice?… it’s the room off to the side. But… they have also used the “Wind” bedroom for have nots in the past too (the airplane seat were in there). So who knows……. only thing we know for sure is it wont be the Earth room.

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Mama Margie June 18, 2014 at 10:20 pm

jt, I recall the airplane seats, boy did they look uncomfortable, I have been looking for the site I saw the have not room, but so far the more I look the more confused I get lol.
looks like it will be a fun season, if only to see their reaction to the house.
I watched another show called different worlds, I enjoyed it, a lot like bb, did not think I would but was quite good. have u seen it????

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Mama Margie June 18, 2014 at 10:31 pm

correction to my post #21 as usual I forgot name of show listed above
I think was called opposite worlds

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jolee June 18, 2014 at 10:36 pm

Did anyone notice that Rachel was in the audience on The Talk today? 🙂

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Lostie June 18, 2014 at 10:48 pm

ur are right Mama Margie…there is a ICE Room that’s Not in any of the Videos…here’s a Pic of it…..

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Lostie June 18, 2014 at 10:53 pm

as far of the 2 HOH’s…i think the 2nd HOH will be in that room that the “Coaches” had in BB14 in the HOH room….and that “Battle of the Block” will take down 2 of the Noms and leave just 2 Noms…thus only 2 chairs for the Noms in the LR…

no complaints from me about the BB House…its just FAB, lol… 🙂

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Justaguy (JT) June 18, 2014 at 10:55 pm

ahhh.. that’s the far back bedroom… or Wind room as they called it.. but they never did show it in the video. So that looks like a good have not room. Last year they used that room for have-nots too

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jolee June 18, 2014 at 11:37 pm

Lostie, yesterday you said that CBS would be announcing the BB guests. Do you know what show is announcing this? Is it The Talk? Thank you for all of your useful information. I look forward to more comments from you. 🙂

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Mama Margie June 18, 2014 at 11:59 pm

many txs for finding the pic of “ice” room
I have been surfing so many hours I forget where I started and where I ended, lol

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Starfish June 19, 2014 at 12:21 am

I’m not crazy about any of the rooms and what about the moss on that counter? That’s gonna get ugly with food, etc.

Lostic, thanks for the ice room pic. Looks interesting.
JT, how in the world do you remember which room was which? That’s amazing to me, really amazing. As for the nest bed, doesn’t look too comfortable.

Ted, I noticed Julie pushing the romance thing too. It was like they want some action so they have double beds that have to be shared. Good grief.

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Lisa Marie Bowman June 19, 2014 at 12:57 am

Okay, I’m going to make a prediction and we’ll see if I’m right when they reveal the cast tomorrow. I think this season is going to be a fan vs. favorites sort of thing. I think the houseguests are going to be divided into two teams of 8 and we’ll have 8 new players and 8 returning veterans.

And that might not be so bad, depending on who returns to the house. As long as its not Jesse the Bodybuilder, Frank the Producer’s Pet, or Rachel the Rachel, I’ll be happy. 🙂

MM — Regarding post #21, I loved Opposite Worlds! I was hoping that Samm would win so I was little disappointed when Frank ended up taking the victory. I always live-tweeted the shows and Jesse (who was the jerk on the Future Team who knocked that guy off of the platform on the first episode) later tweeted me to let me know that he wasn’t happy about some of the things that I (and some others) had said about him! Lol.

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Lisa Marie Bowman June 19, 2014 at 1:04 am

Though I will admit that Rachel (as opposed to both Jesse and Frank) is good for both drama and comedy and that we always need someone in the house willing to create conflict in order to keep the show interesting.

However, I just finished watching a season of The Amazing Race that was totally dominated by Rachel going on and on about how much she needs another million dollars so she can have a “Brenchel babies.” After three months of that, I need a break from the drama of Rachel so, therefore, I’m really hoping that she takes a season off from appearing on Big Brother.

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Mama Margie June 19, 2014 at 1:10 am

Lisa Marie, I agree loved opposite worlds.
How come Jesse the body builder (but lacking in brains) and Jesse the Jerk were such nitwits, hope the name Jesse is not the missing link.
And the nut job tweeted you OMG,
lmao at that one.
I liked the idea that that could come back, that was a real kicker.
Felt so bad for the cave people,

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Lostie June 19, 2014 at 1:44 am

jolee….it wasnt never confirmed but we are all pretty sure that on Thurs 6/19, the HG’s will be revealed…and they will be shown on so keep ur eyes open for when it happens….

btw, yes, we saw Rachel & Liza from BBCA1 in the audience and i think they spotted some other BB HG’s there also…here’s a Pic….
and ur very welcome, lol… 🙂

MM…im sorry u couldnt find the Pics…whenever i find something good, i dont delete the Tab in case i need to share it…but u sound very knowledgeable about BB…cant wait to hear more, lol… 🙂

Lisa Marie…the interviewers that met the HG’s leaked out that there are NO VETS in the Cast this year…so expect 16 Newbies this year….it will prolly be like u said 2 teams of 8…..

Starfish…ur welcome…it seems that CBS didnt mean to show those Pics of the Have Not room yet cause they were Deleted soon after they released them, lol… they dont know we are too fast for them, lol…Burrr, it sure looks so Cold in there, lol…..

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Jeanne June 19, 2014 at 1:55 am

I think I heard that the cast would be reviled on Entertainment Tonight. On Thursday night. {{{HUGS}}}

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Annie June 19, 2014 at 3:31 am

Getting ready for a great new season; can hardly wait!! Thanks for all the inside info!!

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Annie June 19, 2014 at 3:35 am

Getting ready for a super duper season! Hope the new cast is more diverse I.e. not just young bumpkins looking for something to do this summer 😉

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jolee June 19, 2014 at 9:45 am

Thank you Lostie. I will check out Have a good day everyone! 🙂

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jolee June 19, 2014 at 11:22 am

I have just seen the cast on brother.. They have all of the cast members and stories about each one! 🙂 Also will link you to BB After Dark. We don’t get TVGN here, so this is exciting!! 🙂

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jolee June 19, 2014 at 11:27 am

Correction: The website for cast members is: It’s fun reading all of the info on each cast member. I’m going back there now!! 🙂

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Lisa Marie Bowman June 19, 2014 at 11:37 am

Big Brother 16 cast

16 players listed and not a single veteran among them. 🙂 Personally, I’ve never been so happy to be wrong. 🙂

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Lisa Marie Bowman June 19, 2014 at 11:44 am

I know that last season, we spent a lot of time on this blog talking about how the house desperately needed a voice of maturity. Well, here’s how the new houseguests break down by age:

Out of the 16:
1 person in his 40s
3 people in their 30s
12 people in their 20s

2 of them are from of Texas — hopefully, they’ll represent my homestate better than Jeremy and Aaryn did last season.

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Starfish June 19, 2014 at 11:52 am

LM, I’m happy it’s all newbies this year and I hope they’ve done a much better job vetting these people. I am looking forward to a banner year!

MM, when do you sleep? Thanks for all the info.

Lostie, that’s funny about trying to hide the have not room from us. Silly CBS. I don’t like cold and that does look really cold! 🙂

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Lisa Marie Bowman June 19, 2014 at 11:52 am

I’m having fun reading the cast bios. 🙂 But, unfortunately, I’m at work right now so I’ll have to wait until later tonight to really take a good look at our new houseguests.


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Starfish June 19, 2014 at 11:56 am

LM, you rock!! Thanks, love the cast link and the age breakdown isn’t bad either. I too hope your state is represented much better this year. Those two were not nice people to put it mildly. My hubby’s early childhood, as a military brat, was in TX and he’s a sweetheart.

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macy 1231231 June 19, 2014 at 12:56 pm

THANKS BBB for the video
THANKS LM for the reveal

its gettin real!

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kimjmj June 19, 2014 at 9:03 pm

I watched all the Jeff interviews… Quite a few for fodder, a few with some strategy, and a few super-fans.

I want to like Joey. She’s a hometown girl (Seattle), make-up artist, seems like she can mesh we’ll with both the guys and girls. Besides being local, she’s one I can actually picture hanging out with.

Other’s I’ll be curious to see if they are worth rooting for.. Hayden, Frankie, Derrick, Devan, Christine, and Caleb.

Unfortunately, too many seemed to be cast to type.. Zach is a Boogie wannabe, Britney season 16’s Elissa, etc. And most of the girls seem too young and naive and/or shallow to make it to far on their own. I can definitely see a brat pack alliance similar to how last season started.

I still see room for a couple vets to come in and lead teams.. something is up with the two night premiere, there’s more to it than this group of newbies….

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tendr June 20, 2014 at 12:24 am

wow, Fidel Castro’s on Big Brother…………I wish they’d do a “steam punk” style bb house.

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tendr June 20, 2014 at 12:26 am

honestly, it’s hard for me to read about the bb children…i mean players..they’re for the most part cookie cut outs every yr….i’ll just watch the show and come here for ‘what’ really happens they don’t show us on tv.

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Justaguy (JT) June 20, 2014 at 12:31 am

Cookie cutter casting… my thoughts exactly tendr. Right down to the usual average age of 27.

My idea of a good cast are people you can Google…. and NOTHING comes up in results.

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