Hi, everyone! As I sit here typing this, I am watching the season premiere of Survivor. The finale of Big Brother will be starting in about 24 minutes. I will be writing this post while watching the show. As soon as America’s Favorite Player is announced, I will click on publish and I look forward to seeing what y’all think about whatever happens at the finale!
(Because of the way this post is being written, there may be more typos than usual. I apologize in advance.)
Okay, Big Brother is starting!
8:31 — Julie just said that one of the houseguests will leave the house totally empty-handed. That’s not quite true. Even the third place finisher gets paid and a chance to be on a future season.
8:32 — And now, we’re recapping the season. I have to be honest, it’s hard to believe that, after tonight, this is all over. For three months, Big Brother has been such a huge part of my life. Every day, I’ve had to check in on the house and find something to write about. I may not have loved this season but, in a way, I will miss it.
8:40 — It’s always strange watching the recaps of the HoH competition when you already know who is going to win. The most interesting thing is seeing how production edits what actually happened. Vanessa talking Liz into throwing the first part of the HoH comp was impressive.
8:43 — There’s Dr. Will in the audience! Love you, Dr. Will!
8:46 — Here’s the 2nd part of the HoH comp. This one was controversial because Liz said that the Big Brother voice gave her a clue at one point. We also already know that Steve won this comp by three minutes.
8:52 — Yay! Dr. Will is talking to the jury! Austin is wearing his top hat and looks like an idiot.
8:53 — Austin is totally trashing Vanessa to the audience. I read an interview with Dr. Will where he said that everyone in the jury was rolling their eyes while Austin was talking. In fact, Will totally trashed Austin. It was a fun interview to read.
8:55 — So far, of the jury members, James is the one who is making the best points. He seems to understand that it was just a game and he’s showing a lot of class. The rest of the jury seems to be extremely bitter, which could be bad news for Vanessa.
8:59 — I wish they had shown more of Will talking to the jury but obviously, we have to move on. To be honest, the most shocking part of the jury round table to me was John calling Steve a rat.
9:02 — Okay, time for the final HoH! It’s Vanessa vs. Steve. It’s the old comp where the remaining HGs have to reveal how much they know about the members of the jury.
9:03 — Steve has shaved off his beard and he looks like he’s about 15.
9:06 — Oh my God, Steve is in the lead!
9:08 — And now they’re tied. Wow.
9:08 — Did you just hear the audience gasp!? By one point, Steve is the final HoH and it looks like Vanessa is about to be evicted.
9:13 — Steve is about to cast his vote to evict. Vanessa looks terrified, Liz looks confident. Steve is casting his vote and — wow, his speech is creeping me out. Anyway, Steve just evicted Vanessa and she ran out of the house.
9:15 — That’s one of the things that drove me crazy about this season. Too much crying and freaking out. It’s just a game and evicting people is a part of the game. Steve was literally shaking as he evicted Vanessa.
9:20 — Yesterday, I was sure there was no way Liz could beat either Vanessa or Steve but I’ve kind of changed my mind. Steve has burned a lot of bridges and, as of right now, I could easily see Liz winning by one vote.
9:22 — The jury comes out and the audience went crazy for Johnny Mac. I wonder if Austin noticed.
9:24 — Jury is about to ask questions.
John asks Steve if he ever made his own decisions in the game. And they’re having an audio problem so we can’t hear Steve’s answer. Audio problem gets fixed and Steve has to start over again.
Becky says that everyone thinks that Liz just did what Austin said. Liz says that is not true.
James asks Steve is he a floater. Steve looks really offended and says that he didn’t float. The jury is kind of laughing at Steve’s answer, which is not a good sign for him.
Julia asks Liz what her biggest game move was. Liz says it was making an alliance with Vanessa and Austin.
Jackie asked Steve about his alliances. Steve is giving his answer and …. wow, is he nervous.
Austin asks Liz why she deserves to win the money over “the boy.” Liz says it’s because she entered the house with a huge disadvantage because she had to play with a twin.
Honestly, I think Liz handled the jury better than Steve. Steve was way too nervous and he spoke so fast that it was hard to follow what he was saying. Liz repeated the same thing over and over again but that might work to her advantage.
9:34 — Final statement time. This is the speech that Steve has been practicing for days and he is delivering it well but the jury looks so bitter…I don’t know, if I had to guess right now I would say that Liz is going to win.
9:37 — Jury’s voting now. The votes are in and interestingly enough, nobody on the jury sounded bitter while casting their vote.
9:45 — Julie is now talking to the nonjury members. Da’Vonne is trashing Austin and it’s beautiful.
9:47 — I have no idea what Vanessa was saying.
9:52 — Here comes the vote counting.
Vanessa votes for Liz.
John votes for Steve.
Austin votes for Liz.
Julia votes for Liz.
James votes for Steve.
Meg votes for Steve.
Becky votes for Steve.
Jackie votes for Steve!
STEVE WINS BIG BROTHER! And wow, I am so shocked because seriously, I thought the jury was leaning towards Liz. WOW!
Now, let’s see who won AFP.
9:57 — JAMES WINS AMERICA’S FAVORITE! YAY! More than Steve winning, James winning AFP is the perfect ending for this season.
And that it for this season of Big Brother! Thank you so much to everyone who read and commented this season! If you watch Survivor or the Amazing Race, I will be writing about those over at http://reality-tv-chat.com/ I’ll be posting my recap of the Survivor premiere tomorrow morning so be sure to check and comment if you want!
(I’ll be posting Survivor recaps on Thursday and Amazing Race recaps on Saturday.)
Well, another season is over. If you want keep in contact with me or you have any questions or comments, my email is LisaMarieBowman@live.com and I would love to hear from you. If you’re on twitter, I’m @LisaMarieBowman and I do follow back. And, you’re on Facebook, you can find me at https://www.facebook.com/lisa.m.bowman.399
Thanks again everyone! And I’ll definitely hope that I see everyone again next season.
And now, I turn the comments over to you.
Lisa Marie
Vanessa’s comment before she cast her vote: “I’m voting for the person who played the game the way it should be played.”
Which means basically all players should kiss my ass on command, follow my direction – no exceptions and believe every promise I make despite everything I say is a lie. Sounds like Liz played Vanessa’s game and got her vote. Duh!
Now the truth… Vanessa makes one pathetic loser
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Lisa Marie… You really are the glue that holds this blog together, the one who consistently and accurately connects all the dots and then more often than not tells us what you really think as a fan as well as a reporter. So until next time around, Thank you so much!
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LM – I dont know the ins-and-outs of this blog – is there a way to do this format and keep it going – if not – understand – lemme know if i can help
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how much has Vanessa made in the last nine years!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have only heard it 10 times in the last week but for some reason I don’t seem to remember or really care???
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All’s well that ends well. I am so happy this season had a great finale. I think Steve won
on his comment about having no one he could count on throughout the game like Liz
had. A good point. Was surprised I was able to call everyone’s votes before they voted.
But I thought JM would win AFP, not that I’m unhappy about James winning.
I saw how long Shelli and Clay hugged and how her parents stayed and visited with
I, also, caught Steve’s mom hugging him for dear life and not letting go. I think he had
to be the one to pull away and that wasn’t rapidly done. He finally leaned over and
hugged his dad, but mom was still hanging on with face away from the camera. It was a
picture that explained so much about Steve. Is he an only child? I thought I heard him
mention a brother once, but could be wrong and have confused him with someone else.
Do you have to be on facebook to get your Survivor blog, Lisa? I surely enjoyed Survivor
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------tonight. It seems like a promising season. Thanks again for all your hard work.
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One last time to play the gay card. Don’t rub it in my face and I’ll be quiet.
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Great Job LM !!
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Sherry — You don’t have to be on Facebook to get the Survivor Blog. Just check reality-tv-chat.com, I should be posting episode recaps on Thursday. We are still doing some work on the site so just be patient. 🙂 And I agree Survivor looks like it’s going to be good this season!
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Whew!!! Thats a rap. Another season of BB. I wanted Steve to win, he did, yeah! I wanted James to be AFP, he was, yeah! Doing the Happy dance. See you all over at the Survivor blog. {{{HUGS}}}
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Thank you, BBigBBob!
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Best possible outcome for a low rent season. I am sure Austin is shocked he didn’t win AFP. Glad James won AFP, and glad Julie mentioned the top 3 were James, JMac and Jason. Glad it’s over – but wondering where I can get post game interviews and see what the HG have to say.!! They don’t spend enough time on the first evicted houseguests that have watched the whole season comments. Also I remember years back they showed clips of the deceit etc and I loved seeing them find out what went on behind closed doors.
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@LM..thanked you on the other blog but can’t say enough for keeping this blog going for us! Thru good years and bad and BBBlogger saying he might not be keeping it going, you have! Love ya and see you on the Survivor blog and FB!!!!
SOOOooooo happy that Steve and James won!! I honestly had moments tonight that I didn’t expect either to happen! it was a rough season to get thru, but this blog and the ending made it worth while!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And with that said, I know I will miss BB and all of you here like crazy! Already do!!!!♥
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I see there is another Jolee! Hi! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well, everything I hoped for came true tonight! Yay!!!
Someone said we were like a bunch of sheep, all agreeing with each other! Well, these sheep just found the pasture with the sweetest grass. We are grazing on our victory, because probably 90 percent or more, wanted the same outcome! We won!!
Lisa, you have been the best shepherd of the flock! I am looking forward to seeing you on Facebook and the Survivor and American Race blogs.
I am going to miss you all so much.
If you want to stay in contact, my e-mail is Joleemae@aol.com and my Facebook is Joanne Needels May. I will be checking back here …..
Later! 😎
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@Cheryl……BY interviews are on LFS now ,if you have them. If not, they may be on Youtube later or check jokers and i am sure they will have follow up interviews for awhile.
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Thank you Lisa Marie for a great blog! Your hard work was so appreciated!
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Yes it was a horrible season but it’s amazing how happy I was when Steve won. Despite the terrible season, at least the last show was good. I was very disappointed in Vanessa’s vote. There is no way that Liz was the better player. Liz absolutely rode the coat tails of Austin and Vanessa. Who drops off and gives up in the try for the very last HOH? Dumb Dumb Dumb. Liz didn’t have a clue on how to play the game. I still think Vanessa was the one who played the game the best but between Liz and Steve, I am so glad Steve won.
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Lisa, Thank you for keeping us all informed and giving us a place to vent.
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Pitiful show and a pitiful ending with a psychologically unbalance crybaby winning because he made more “friends” that he’ll never see again. Forget this jury vote unless it is a jury of previous winners. THEN you might get some recognition for playing the game.
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Thanks, Lisa.
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Thanks Lisa….i’ll miss coming in here.
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I always felt Vanessa would not win…SO frigging happy she was sent out on final 3 !!! I LOVED IT!! So close, Vanessa, yet forever lost to you!! Yes!! Happy with Steve’s win, he deserved it more than Liz. Happy also James won AFP. Vanessa will go down in my mind as my LEAST favorite houseguest..along with Amanda. Hate the 2 of them. Really do. Thank you Lisa Marie for all you do…you are a BIG reason I continue to read this blog..your intelligent, insightful writing is a joy to read. I will miss everyone on the blog…very glad some have become FB friends so we can keep in touch! Much Love to all
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So glad Steve won.. But what dumb people to vote James favorite player. A Felon wins 25k I checked it out and he is a felon. He deserved nothing. oh well.. Thanks Lisa for your hard work.
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This is the 3rd time (I believe) that Dr. Will visits the jury. Not sure why they keep bringing him back – I don’t think his “chat” is worth the airtime. Here’s hoping next season is better. Looking forward to Survivor.
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For me it’s been less than an hour since finding out who won BB17 and I am unable to sit still long enough at the keyboard to express my feelings. I am soooo emotional!! Maybe later or first thing in the morning I will be able to form a sentence. LOL!! Way to go Steeeeeve !!!!
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Thanks Lisa Marie for all you have done for us this season. Looking forward to keeping in touch with AR and Survivor!! And Criminal Case, of course!! (My new favorite hobby! LOL!)
I will miss all my friends here…please stay healthy(flu shots are out NOW!) And stay warm this winter and I am looking forward to next year. To future participants of Big Brother please know that we don’t want to watch stupid games on BBAD!! We would much rather some good game talk!! Just a suggestion!! LOL!!
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Here I am …. all alone with just the memories of fellow bloggers entertaining us with their stories. I hear the ghosts of past bloggers still voicing their opinions. Is that you Star? tendr? Lisa? Junksies? Sherry? Sissy? No? Well I can’t stay here forever all alone. I guess I’ll turn on Rich Price to sing me to sleep. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 love you guys. I shall try to check back …..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later! 😎
If anyone intends to visit the BB17 graveyard!! Yaaaahaaaahaa! Sweet dreams! ( I have way too much time on my hands!!) 🙂
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i’m here wondering why you’re not asleep and when are you going to get the vitamins i told you to get?….if you want your legs to calm down you’ll get what i said….argh
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James was charged with a misdemeanor for family court contempt. He has NEVER been charged, arrested or convicted of a felony, just most recently accused of being a felon by you in your PUBLISHED posting. Libelous statements are not advisable as they can result in civil litigation for considerable money damages. Diminished capacity, unfortunately, is not a viable defense in most cases.
He has worked as a prison guard, however, for several years.
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Some random thoughts in no particular order…
I can’t really say *I told you so* but please let me toot my horn just a little bit. lol! I placed Steve in F3 long ago and had a gut feeling that he had everybody duped both in and outside of the house into thinking the nerd could never win. He was a sly little fox and I’m so happy that he won!! Goodness triumphs over evil !! Vanessa looked stunned, shocked, like a Mack truck hit her and forgive me but I enjoyed every second of seeing her walk out of the house to sit her butt in the last jury chair. The ever-clueless Liz sat there at the Prom waiting for the crown that never came. I do believe she actually thought she was going to win. Vanessa told Julie that Steve stabbed her in the back several times…I don’t recall that..? When did he actually stab her in the back?? If anyone can refresh my memory please do so. Did anybody else notice that Austin received the least amount of applause from the audience? I loved it when Austin flung some shade at Vanessa by saying that “Steve had made an excellent decision.” Bitter much? That was one of the best lines of the night. Austin’s other line that drew a good laugh was when he was standing at the jury box quoting Selena Gomez that “the heart wants what it wants”…Julie could be heard laughing heartily at that one. Austin looks good without his glasses, is intelligent and has a good sense of humor. JMac also got a good little dig in when he told Vanessa that he was “glad to see my best friend again…I’m really happy right now.” Julia didn’t appreciate that one but Becky was cracking up. My DVR’s freeze frame got a good workout tonight…I just had to see everybody’s reaction to everything that was said.
As far as I’m concerned the end could not have been better…Steve for the big win, Liz took 2nd, and Vanessa got squat. And the cherry on top was James winning AFP!!
@Jani – Twice now you have said that James is a felon. Please explain. He was a correctional officer at a prison not to be confused with felon.
@Everybody – Please Please Please Help Me!!! I must need glasses…Did anybody else notice that Liz and Julia’s mother, who appeared on tonight’s finale, was completely and utterly different than the mother who appeared on the couch when BB profiled the family…? (I hope I still have that episode on DVR.)
Plain and simple…I love this blog and all those who contribute regardless of age, gender, opinion or disposition. We are a special little group lead by our gifted, wise and professional leader Lisa Marie and are fortunate to have found this little corner of the world where we can talk about a reality game show and also share personal stories that makes the experience that much sweeter…at least for me. I’m going miss this blog and look forward to next summer… xoxo
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I’ll just bet that was the twins’ grandmother and not their mother. ???
C’est Moi – It’s eerie how we both commented to Jani simultaneously…
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did anone notice the long embrace between davonne and vanessa. what’s up with thay
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You commented, I chastised . James is not a felon as Jani falsely asserted. Libel is NEVER acceptable on any forum, this one included.
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Sorry…can’t turn off my thoughts and keep wanting to add comments till I run out.
I was disappointed that Julie never got around to telling the HG’s that there was no America’s Player, or Saboteur or any of the other twists that they were incorrectly assuming and actually blaming on other HG’s.
I expected more shock and surprise from the HG’s when Vanessa revealed to them that she was a pro poker player having won millions. That part was kind of disappointing. 🙁
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Thank you Lisa Marie. I have enjoyed all of your posts so much. I think that my only “eye roll” moment last night was Audrey. Could she not have rehearsed what she was going to say before hand? She was all over the place.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In the end, I was happy enough with the outcome of everything. Thank you again for all you did this season!
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Yes, this season was rather dull. Too many annoying or boring people and not enough interesting “characters”. In fact, the top 3 AFPs were the most interesting in the house! After Les Moonves’ comments, I think next year will be much better! I did miss the America’s choice options for food for have-nots and letting America vote for Team America and their shenanigans. I know BB has to keep the twists new and different, but there really asn’t much of anything this season. The twin twist was a yawn-fest and they got on my nerves, especially their voices!!
Thank you Lisa Marie for doing such a great job with this blog! I have been following it for several seasons now. I love the spoilers so I don’t get nervous when I watch these comps because I know the outcome (like it or not).
I just hope someone from BB reads this blog (and others) to take our comments and ideas to heart and work on improvements for the next season. Doubtful, I know.
Keep up the great work LM!! Can’t wait until next summer for season 18!!!!
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Junksies: I may be crazy, but I was under the impression that the HGs, at least part
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------of them already knew she was a professional poker player and had discussed it. Maybe
I dreamed it. The amount she won was not known, that I know of. Nor do they know about what kind of house she lives in. I was surprised when Julie had her tell everyone, as I thought it was old news.
It never ceases to amaze me when they get all the players together that some of them never get to speak. It was clear the ones who got to speak were hand-picked ahead of time. At least it seemed that way. Of course they had to get in that Audrey was so excited about the great press and the many followers she now has. Nothing was mentioned about any bad press she might have gotten for the way she played the game. It all seemed a little too rehearsed to me.
But I am so happy the results came out the way they did. I think it also clearly repre-
sented what a poor sport Vanessa is. I wonder if she acts that way at poker games when
she loses. Telling how much she’s won over the past few years I thought was a zing in the
faces of those who beat her. It sounded like sour grapes to me.
Do you think Clay and Shelli will stay together? They certainly seemed to have picked up where they left off.
I think that part of Steve’s game was exaggerated by him, but I still think he has some
issues of growth to complete. He needs to cut the apron strings, but it didn’t look like
Mom is willing to let that happen from the way she acted after the show. I wish him a
great future.
James always seemed to me to be a little more mature than the rest of the HGs, maybe
because of his military service. His practical jokes were sometimes juvenile, but most
were very funny, and some were very inventive.
I’m just glad the season ended on a good note and revitalized the viewers who were getting
so irritated with BB. I think most are excited to see what the next year brings.
Be talking with you later.
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Thank you very much Lisa Marie. Love your insight. The finale turned out the way I wanted it to considering who was in the final three. I’m happy Steve won and although I voted for JMac for my favorite, I am not at all unhappy about James winning it. He kept us entertained and I think he’s a good guy. I also wish they would have revealed more however I guess they only have so much time. And thanks to all who comment adding to the insight of BB.
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I enjoyed watching Vanessa lose, and I don’t mean that to be bitter. It was the best game play for Steve and it was good TV. Personally I thought she handled it well and knew it was coming once she didn’t win the final HOH. She’s been bounced from poker tournaments, had bad beats for big money, and you just kinda have to roll with it. Sure she was upset, but it wasn’t like she had a fit or anything. As a gambler, she’s lost money, so it isn’t the end of the world for her.
There were some great things said but my favorite was from Jason. When he said that the viewers at home wished Vanessa had owned her game in the DR, I couldn’t have agreed more. Just think if Vanessa was in the DR, yucking it up….laughing and plotting away with us, and then went out in the house and acted…..well, like Vanessa. That would have been interesting and some great TV.
No doubt, she played the best game, but as I said in some facebook groups and maybe here, I was never convinced she’d make it to the F2. Most people had it as a foregone conclusion that it was a done deal. Not me. That last HOH is kind of a crap shoot…and I think if Liz would have made it, she probably would have won it. I’m pretty positive Vanessa would have won if Steve took her to the end.
I’m happy for Steve. He’s a young kid with college debt. His parents and him are smart, that money will get invested and will last him a long time. I could see Vanessa buying a nice car and gambling a huge chunk away. Not judging….if she won, she can burn it on hookers and blow for all I care. Just saying that Steve could use it “better”, IMO.
Oh one last thing. The arguments of BB “fixing” things for players has really heated up over the past 3 seasons. Amanda from BB15, Frankie from BB16, and Vanessa from BB17 were all “production picks” and the game was rigged to help them win. Maybe it was “tilted” a bit, we’ll never know for sure, but even with any “help”, those players never did make it to the end. I love a good conspiracy theory….but maybe there just wasn’t anything there in the first place? Who knows? Just thought it was worth mentioning.
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@Sherry – I know Vanessa ended up talking about her being a poker player but she really down played it. They knew she was a “pro” I think, but not that she won $4.5 million and was one of the top female pro poker players in the world. Also, I think it was later in the game so I don’t know who all knew that info, but I did see it on BBAD, I think??
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Lisa Marie, like everyone else I want to thank you for sticking around with such a great blog. I want to thank all of the bloggers for your insights and predictions. That is the only thing that made Big Brother fun this year, in my opinion. I think it was too predictable and too controlled. Again, just my opinion.
Junksies and C’est Moi , I was ready to say the same thing about James so I’m glad I read before I wrote. Sometimes I don’t. Thanks for setting the record straight.
I was glad that Julie set the record straight who the top 3 were for AFP. If not, I’m sure Austin would have said he knew he was close second. He was nasty as I expected him to be last night. Did you guys notice that he did NOT get the cheers and claps the others did? Well deserved, Austin. I think Steve may have embellished on his game play in his speech but I looked at his actual behaviors and realized a lot of his actions and purpose that I had not thought about before his speech. Liz just “needs the money” and thought that should get it for her. Ummm, Nope.
I wanted either John or James to get AFP so I’m really glad that James got it. He said he was doing it all for his daughter and I’m sure he can really use that money. I loved his jokes and antics and it seemed like the only entertainment in the house.
Started watching Survivor and it seemed like it will be a good year based on the beginning. The players have learned a lot and appear to be ready to use that knowledge. Well, most of them any way. Gabi is still a spoiled little wench – again that is just my opinion. I will enjoy it more when she’s gone.
Anyway, hope to see most or all of you on the Survivor Blog and next year on BB. What can I say, I’m hooked.
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Well another season of BB is over. On to Amazing Race. I was happy about Steve winning and really happy about James winning AFP. Hope to see everyone on the
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------reality-tv-chat.com. I have enjoyed everyone’s feedback about the show and getting to know all of you. Lisa Marie your the BEST thank for keeping this year interesting. Here is hoping BB will read the blog and will hopefully make BB18 the best ever. One can hope!!! Until next time.
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So very happy that Steve won!!! Vanessa’s face was priceless when Steve evicted her. I loved every minute of her misery. Granted, she was a great player, but she never owned up to any of the dirty dealings she made. In my opinion, she has no integrity. Thank you Lisa Marie for all that you do for this blog. It really made this season of BB tolerable. Let’s hope that Grodner gets the boot and we get a new producer and they choose really good players for next season. I can dream, can’t I.
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@sherry – Sirrock is correct regarding what Van revealed. I didn’t watch the feeds 24/7, far from it, so she may have told more than what I know of. It was only toward the end of the game and to certain people that she hinted around the edges that she played poker but never revealed details from what I saw. During her big reveal tonight some jaws dropped in surprise, some showed no reaction and Steve nodded yes as though he knew but I’ll bet he didn’t know that she has earned millions.
I’ve really enjoyed reading your posts. 🙂
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@va – No I didn’t notice the long embrace but my guess is because they have in common the same profession.
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Goodnight Mrs Calibash wherever you are. Ta Da
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The End.
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Thanks Lisa Marie for your play by play. You did good! I was very happy with the way things turned out and so happy Vanessa did not win. Loved James being AFP as I had a hard time getting my votes in and was afraid some people would not vote because of that. I am glad this year’s Big Brother is finished. I was spending way too much time keeping up. This is the first year I have had the LF’s and cancelled twice, but kept going back. So addicting! Loved reading all the comments today. Great people on this blog! Looking forward to reading at night now instead of BBAD.
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Well good morning everybody!! You all have been busy while I was sleeping! Great comments! I think you covered it all!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------tendr, I took your advice and bought some Magnesium Malate, 400 mg and have been taking them twice a day???? Besides the restless legs, I also have a hamstring that is so tight sometimes, it keeps me awake! I don’t know where I can go when I can’t sleep now that this post will soon be gone! Facebook is nice, but not the same! I guess I will tackle the 500 plus books I have on my Kindle! 🙂
I will miss all of you. May God bless each of your lives. Bye for now. I hope to see you all …
Later!! 😎
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Okay, Survivor fans — my recap of last night’s season premiere is now up reality-tv-chat.com!
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Congrats Steve !! Was totally rooting for him.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He is after-all a superfan. Who was it in the house that said he/she has never even seen the show?
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Thanks for another great season of keeping us informed on Big Brother. Always enjoyed your blog and glad I found it years ago.
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Sirrock: Thanks. I’m glad I’m not totally bonkers!
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Thanks, Junksies, for helping me with the knowledge of Vanessa being a pro poker
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------player. I’ve enjoyed your posts, as well. Looking forward to reading yours on reality-
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Well this season of BB really sucked! Thanks to you Lisa I really enjoyed your updates ♥
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you all for your comments Some good some bad just like this show 😆 Anyway Survivor was Okay Hope you all are doing well, thanks again Lisa! ………….
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@Junksies….yes! I’m glad someone else commented on the twins mother. That was definitely not the same person! The other person in the home visit must have been their older sister because she looked so much like them. I remember thinking at the time of the family interview how young she looked compared to the father and how much the twins looked like her.
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@Sherry….you are correct. Everyone knew she was a professional poker player but I don’t think she ever told them how much money she made. One curious thing, the other night she was talking with Liz and she told her that she was renting her house. I thought she had said earlier I. The season she had just purchased the house before she came in the house.
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Margie…thank you!! More when I get to the other keyboard.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sherry…same…more. ..bbl
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We just can’t say goodbye yet! I hope to see you all on Survivor blog.
Miss you all!
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Thank you, Lisa Marie. Great writing is always appreciated and never more than this horrific season, BB17. I have been enjoying your updates despite how little I’ve posted this year.
C’est Moi, I hope you are a Survivor fan.
Star, Tendr, I know we will talk soon. To our own twins, I hope to see you on the Survivor blog; if not I’ll see you for BB18!
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@jolee..you can always look for me on FB. You KNOW I am always up late/early…whatever..lol We can always chat live too instead of just liking pics we send. And speaking of pics, if I can, I am going to take them of my fall decos tonight and hopefully get them OL in a day or two!! 😉
I agree that Julie telling Van to SURPRISE all the HGS with her NEWS was weird to say the least. At first, I couldn’t figure out what she was talking about!!! But not only had she already let the cat out of the bag a little, I think Jason and Steve had either figured it out or knew about her and and had told others. SO not only was it OLD news but it came out like major bragging and self promotion and I got the feeling that no one..the HGS or audience..was even listening!!! lol
I don’t know if anyone else watched the BY interviews last night, but I did. Until Jeff finally walked off the set….lol Addicted much??? 😉 They really are pretty unorganized and there is alot of waiting around until the next HGS is finished and finally walks over to talk to Jeff. Most of the HGS were pretty much themselves. I still can;t get over how fake Liz is. All thru the shoow, she plastered her best beaut queen smile on her face(does anyone know if those two have been in pagents?) and she gave the same vapid answers to Jeff. Austin is So much different in real life and under pressure. He couldn’t think of any comebacks last night when asked about Judas and he seemed flustered and insecure, even self-deprecating, when talking to Jeff. I think he is only comfortable when hiding behind the whole Judas persona, and wrestling where he doesn’t have any lines!! In the house, Van was strong and he was physically bigger than the other guys and then he got the only showmance with a TWIN..every guys fantasy, right??LOL So he was feeling pretty big!!! But he stuttered alot talking to Jeff and once Jeff even said….Dead air..we are LIVE ya know, Austin!!!lol then , as HGS finish interviewing, they get to leave. So the set getsv smaller. The twins weer almost last and Austin was done with his and was just hanging around getting in the way waiting for them….or Liz anyway. It was kind of pathetic and I feel like their relationship isn’t really healthy for some reason. I think Austin can be very needy as well as demanding!! I hope Liz does what is best for HER! And he cheated on someone he was in an 18 month relationship with and leopards don’t change their spots!!!
Also when Van came over, Austin was wasting Jeff’s time talking and she started in apologizing to him again!!! He is like…the game is over , Van!!! But she went ON and ON with him and Jeff was holding the mic out to catch it and kept looking at the camera shrugging! Finally he pulled her in for the interview and eh started talking about it being that time of the month and how hormonal she was!! EWW.. Really???? She was a hot mess and I still think she must be bi-polar, but that is prolly a whole ‘nother show!!lol
Most of the other HGS put a plug in that they wanted to do Survivor or AR. Most of their answers were not unexpected.
Still can’t believe it’s all over. Going thru a mild depression/withdrawl for now. I wish they did 2 a year like Survivor does!!! 🙂
I’ll keep checking back until there are no more comments!!!
Love and will miss all of you!!!!! ♥♥
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Margie: I missed that. It’s hard to tell what the truth is when it comes to Vanessa. She told so
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------many lies, I don’t think she remembers what she told whom. Thanks for bringing that
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Star: Good post. I didn’t get to see the interviews, so enjoyed your reporting on it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Didn’t they at one time have two a year for a short while. Loved Survivor last night
and am enjoying the reality-tv-chat site with Lisa. Keep in touch, friend. Love ya.
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Star, we will definitely keep in touch! You are my bestie!! I am eager to see the pics of your Fall deco. How do we do live chats? I am usually on my Kindle. My computer is in the spare bedroom. Jeanne uses it for playing interactive bingo with friends. We also use it to Skype or if we need to print something.
We will be in contact for sure. Glad you are still coming here while it’s still open. Have a good evening. I will check back later. 🙂
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Hey Sissy, I’m going to go play Bingo.
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OT………..i just went into the dark kitchen….didn’t want to turn on light which shines into bdrm where james is asleep…..i got me some applesauce, shut the fridge, reached for the cinnamon on top of the microwave and proceeded to pepper instead of cinnamon my yummy applesauce.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sorta hot on the tongue.
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tendr, oh, I’m so sorry! I love pepper, but not so much on applesauce! LOL. Take care, see you on Facebook.
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@sherry…Thanks!!:) The only time BB was on in the winter was Season 9. Not sure what year it was..maybe 2007?…..but they had had a writer’s strike and most series were cancelled or reruns. So CBS decided to do a winter show. It was pretty cool as the house looked like a cabin or ski lodge and the pets were guinea pigs instead of fish!! It was so fun and so much easier to go 4 months than t is to go 9!! It’s probably too much work and money for them to do twice a year all the time. Or maybe they think people would burnout on it.
I have never been a big Survivor fan. I started watching only a few years ago to be able to blog with everyone. I did watch it and glad I knew some of the players. but I don’t think my comments are anywhere near as good as for BB and being tht it’s only on once a week, I often forget things. Speaking of which, I DID forget to go today! I will hop over there now and check it out!!
I will keep in touch!!! Emails and Survivor for sure. I don’t really get into the AR, so f there is a blog,I’ll prolly skip that one!!!;)
Peace.light and LOVE!!♥♥
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@Jolee….the chat is really the PM but sometime when we are on I will open it for you and we can try it out. 😉
tendr…..EWW!!! Not a pepper fan anyway so that would have made me puke!!lol Flashlight next time???LOL
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Ok..just went over to Survivor blog. A chat room box pops up when I go to the comment section. Ist of all, no one’s name comes up. everyone is a guest! But the thing I am having a problem with is that I can’t get it to go away so I can write on the blog!!!! Sherry?? jolee?? HELP!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I may have to write Lisa to find out. I’m TRYING to blog tho!!!! 😉
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@Margie – Mystery solved!! The woman on stage at finale is their mother and the girl in the family profile is their older sister. I still had the episode on DVR so I took a second look and the caption read “Liz and Julia’s Family.” At the time I recalled thinking wow they sure look like their mother and is she ever young!! Their dad called out his greetings to the girls and said “I’m here with your mother”…blah blah blah so I assumed that to be their mother. Their mother has owned a catering business for 20+ years and at the time I remember thinking…wow she must have started the business when she was really young but I forgot previously hearing them say their mother is 60 years of age. It was the episode where Julia was evicted, #E35 that aired on 9/10. It was driving me nuts trying to figure it out! Thank you so very much for confirming to me that you had noticed it too!! I enjoyed reading your posts. When a second Margie joined the blog I wondered why you took your picture down until I realized she wasn’t you!! 🙂
@Star – Last night the backyard interviews were finished so the feeds were down by the time I jumped online but I watched four(?) on YouTube and I sure had to dig around to even find them! I was cracking up at the way Jeff had to stick the microphone in between Vanessa and Austin from afar to get her attention and to shut up for 5 seconds so he could get in a question. Geez!! Same old Van, talking a mile a minute and I loved the box of tissues as her dollar store parting gift. Did you hear him say that it was originally stuffed full of money but he had to exchange it for a beanie instead? LOL!!! I’m glad that will be the last time I ever have to hear her motor mouth!!
Okay…gonna catch up on the blog for anything that I may have missed and try to find more backyard interviews and parties. It’s hard letting go… If it’s anything like last year I will poke around for news and updates for a while but then slowly let it all go. *Snifle* This year I plan to follow Lisa’s Survivor and AR blogs for the first time.
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@tendr – People put chili on chocolate so why not pepper in apple sauce? LOL!! You never know…you might start a trend!! When I was a kid and dumb I put salt on watermelon. Like Star, might I suggest one of those headbands with a small LED flashlight on it? It came in very handy during camping trips!!
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@Star – I’m gonna wait for you to work out the kinks on the Survivor blog before I try… Keep us informed of your progress….
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@ Hey Junksies!!! I just came from Lisa’s Survivor blog! Will be fun to see ya there!! As I have stated here and there, I am not a HUGE fan of the show, but it’s ok and I originally started watching just to be able to keep blogging..lol Not a huge AR fan either so prolly will skip that one. But ya never know!!;)
I forgot to mention all the gifts from Jeff! The one for Van was so perfect!!! Then as she tried to hide he embarrassment at losing, she was going….Oh, but I LIKe it I like it…about the hat!!!!lol Give her anything knit and she will pull it over her head!!! Jeff always gets the best fit in those dollar store gifts! I wonder if he actually picks them out himself? I bet he does!!
I haven’t looked but can you go back on the LS and get the BY interviews like going back on the daily ones?? It was on for almost 3 hrs last night and I can’t get the LFS on my laptop for some reason,so I was watching them on my iPhone! It died in the middle and I had to go plug it in and watch in the kitchen for awhile. By the time I got done, my eyes were crossed and I had quite a headache!!!lol
BTW..I figured out the chat thing on the Survivor blog so…never mind!!! lol
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Star, i complain about not having enough flashlights. allllllllllll the time.
i too can’t just read Lisas blog..the box is in my way. i don’t know what to do. i’m mostly just wanting to read it right now. as at the first of the show there are so many ppl i can’t remember them all. it’s easier for me to give an opinion half way through the show and j’s has to remind me it’s coming on since i walk nights and it isn’t even dark when it starts. so if you figure it out let me know.
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i’m jumping back and forth…i love salt on watermelon. in fact i blend wm in my blender seeds and all, add kelp flakes and sea salt from health food store…real salt with minerals in it..and drink it. it’s a natural pain killer for sore muscles. and it works.
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light on my head………………you goof
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@tendr….just click on the tab on the front of the chat box and it will go to the left. the tab stays visible to pull out but it is out of the way that way! 😉
Gotta go. WIll keep checking in until no one is left!!! 😉
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Just had a blast watching all the back yard interviews on YouTube. I’ll bet Jeff shops himself for the gifts…he does a great job!! JMac’s guitar with dental floss strings was hilarious!! There is so much fun stuff out there to read and view now that the show is over.
Watching Survivor causes memories to surface of my mother and stepfather (who are both deceased) because we watched it together from the very first show never missing an episode. I bawled like a baby last night for the first 10 minutes or so (as I usually do) at each season’s premier but especially last night because of the players that were there from the seasons when my folks were alive. I was so overwhelmed with emotion that it’s all kind of foggy right now and will have to watch it again. I’ll admit that I have missed maybe 2 or 3 seasons but that’s it. Amazing Race…I’ve only watched maybe 2-3 seasons at best. I always forgot that it was on but now with the DVR I’ll never miss a show and will watch on my schedule. If I actually do end up blogging I hope it will make Survivor more fun. I think I tried last year but had trouble so I gave up. We’ll see…
I’ll keep checking back here until comments dwindle to nothing… *sniffle*
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Star: I couldn’t figure out how to work the chat part and like you said, there are no
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------names as to whom you’re talking. The other part has a red thing on the right side that
I was able to move over the first time, but haven’t been able to since the chat part came
on. It blocks some of the writing and can’t read all of the posts. So I’m no help!
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Regarding the chat on reality-tv-chat.com. If you look at the chatroom, there should be three horizontal lines. Click on those lines and you should be able to log into the chat from there. (If you have a FB account, you can log in using that. Or you can set up an entirely new chat account.) We’re still building and testing out the reality-tv-chat.com site so there may be a few hiccups along the way but, once it’s all done, it’ll be great! 🙂
As soon as I get off work today, I am on vacation until October 11th, though I will still be posting recaps of Survivor and The Amazing Race over at reality-tv-chat.com. If you have any problems or issues with either that site or this, my email is LisaMarieBowman@live.com.
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Thank you Lisa.
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I am anxious to see any info about Austin and Liz and if they will continue. I know they say they will but….after Liz realizes how disliked he is – I wonder if she will dump him – she seems pretty superficial. Also I would love for Vanessa to see what people thought of her – and her reaction.
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Star, glad you figured out Survivor blog . I had the same problem, but kept clean clicking different places, and wala …. got it! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I will keep coming here and checking until they turn off the lights. Reminds me of the finale of the Mary Tyler Moore show where they all clung to each other as they left the room! :
Later! I hope! 😎
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Correction!= delete “clean!” Oooppps! 🙂
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New post!!! 🙂
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Thank you Lisa Marie.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have been on this blog many seasons and previously under different aliases. I like the people from past years, I share the ups & downs of your personal trials and tribulations and I enjoy the personal chit chat more than the game talk. I likethe game talk too.
I work long 12, 13, 14 hour shifts as a nurse and sometimes I don’t get to the blog but go right to bed.
I enjoyed watching Steve AND Vanessa play the last Comp well. It was a nail biter. I have played the moment Steve evicted Vanessa over & over & over again (1000X at least) and it still brings me tidings of great joy.
It was funny when Liz kept trying to thank Steve for taking her to the end, and he just looked all glazed eyed as if he were staring through her or just trying to focus on the more interesting empty space in the room.
It seemed Jmac totally blamed Steve for his being evicted (TWICE!) when it was blatantly Vanessa’s move each time. They way Jmac rambled (LOUDLY) against Steve I thought he’d vote for what’s-her-twin.
Vanessa showed her true colors when she gave a rambling speech (meaningful only to Vanessa and the JudasTwins’ Admiration Society) as she cast her key for what’s-her-twin.
Judas was kind to boy-Steve-to-manly-man?
I think that Steve answered the jury questions better and I think ditsy Liz’ responses were vague, unrelated, unrelatable, and trite. Her words were long fingernails screeching across a chalkboard to me and made me feel icky.
So glad Steve won those important Comps and I’m gleeful still at Vanessa’s eviction.
James was my favorite house guest for his cute little munchkin-like scampering around and prankstership.
Until NEXT season—
Hasta la vista mis amiga(o)s!!!!!
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Jolee…LOL…I remember that last scene…it brings back good memories.
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Well I’m sad the BB season is over, but agree with the previous comments of each and every one my take on the final wining’s are as I had predicted thank God Steve did win over liz and that he sent Vanessa to the jury vote. She played a game that was very demeaning to the rest of the cast. So was happy she would not win in the end.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Was so happy that my home town boy James won the Americas Favorite Player.
Also I was not happy when John called Steve a rat. I think the role was reversed he through Steve under the bus and thought Van would take him to the end.
Want to thank Liza Marie for your blog and will enjoy seeing it next year. Thank you
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Hi !!! 🙂
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Heelllooooo!!! 🙂
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