Hi, y’all!
Well, it’s a pretty quiet in the house right now. I just checked the LFs and Frank was clipping his toe nails. I took one look at that and I said, “Agck!”
Frank has been making an effort to convince people to keep Tiffany. Now that Da’Vonne has been nominated, he’s been making sure that everyone remembers that Da’Vonne can be an unpredictable and ruthless player. He’s making sure that they know they shouldn’t trust Da’Vonne. Of course, the problem with that strategy is that everyone already knows that Da’Vonne can’t be trusted. Everyone also knows that Tiffany is just as untrustworthy. Tiffany has spent this entire week blabbing everyone’s secrets and pretty much proving that she’s not a reliable ally.
You can never tell for sure, of course. Last week, at this time, we all thought Tiffany was going to be evicted and then, suddenly, everyone decided to vote out Bronte instead. Things could change but, as of right now, it still looks like Tiffany is going to be evicted by a 6-2 vote.
(Everyone keeps telling Frank that they’ll vote for Tiffany if he can get everyone else to agree to vote for her as well. Frank doesn’t seem to realize that this is simply a polite way for saying, “No, I will not vote to keep your new ally.” For all the talk of Frank being a threat, he’s not good at reading people.)
If anything is going to save Tiffany, it’s going to be the fact that this season has been dominated by showmances. As of right now, we have three couples in the house: Paulie & Zakiyah, Corey & Nicole, and James & Natalie.
Of the three couples, Paulie and Zakiyah seem to be the most genuine, though I worry that Zakiyah is allowing her new relationship to distract her from playing the game.
As for Nicole and Corey … well, Nicole appears to really like Corey and Corey seems to be rather indifferent. (Seriously, Nicole is going to get her heart broken. A part of me suspects that she’s not really over Hayden.)
And then there’s James and Natalie. They are hard to figure out. Sometimes, it seems like Natalie is just using James but then, at other times, she has said that she genuinely likes James. (She was holding her big wooden spoon of truth when she said it, for whatever that is worth.) James seems just as confused as anyone. You can tell he likes Natalie but he doesn’t quite trust her motives.
More than the returning vets or the siblings or any of the other twists, this season has been dominated by the showmances. Not only does each showmance constitute a two-person alliance but each one has managed to distract a potentially strong player. Zakiyah, James, and especially Nicole are all so wrapped up in their showmances that they often seem to be unconcerned with everything else that is happening in the house.
Da’Vonne has noticed the showmances, too. Quite correctly, she sees the showmances as threats and she wants to start breaking them up. Unfortunately, she made the mistake of telling all of this to James. She asked James if he would be able to let go of Natalie. James said that he was capable of betraying Natalie but his voice and body language suggested otherwise.
In short, Da’Vonne has just reminded James that she is a huge threat. That’s always a big mistake when you’re on the block and it supports everything that Frank has been telling James about Da’Vonne. If the house somehow flips this week and decides to get rid of Da’Vonne instead of Tiffany, it will be because of stupid mistakes like this one.
Finally, a quick programming note: Immediately after Thursday’s eviction show, the feeds will go down. They will not come back until after the returning houseguest enters the house on Friday.
In other words, we’ll all be in the dark together!
Just judging by who has been evicted so far and who will probably be evicted on Thursday, I’m going to predict that Victor will be returning the houseguest. Just a feeling I’ve got!
We’ll see what happens,
Lisa Marie
Good report. I really don’t care if it’s da or tiff,they bothneed to go. Loving this season’s shoemakers!
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Thanks, Dennis! 🙂
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Totally agree with you.
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Stupid autocorrect….. Showmances
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Hi everyone… enjoy the Latest BB Puppet Video… always Funny as Shit, Lmao …☺…
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Thanks! 🙂
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After the last few seasons of hyper annoying and intelligence insulting house guests, this season everyone seems to be too laid back. Where’s Evel Dick when you need him?
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It’d be nice if we could get a nice balance between the laid back style of this season and the insane style of Evel Dick, just because there were a few times when Dick was so extreme that it was unpleasant to watch.
That said, I wouldn’t mind seeing him yell at Bridgette.
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Ditto! Loved how he manipulated and he was truly obnoxious & rude. Kept the show moving. It’s funny how you saw the tender side when his daughter was there.
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Agreed….Evel Dick was one of my favorite players ever. He stirred it up, was smart about the game, and was highly entertaining. I love him on Twitter.
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I enjoy reading every word on this blog. In fact it’s more interesting than the BB show. You’re amazing, Lisa. Neither you nor BBBob mention donations, but I just donated so no need to plaster my name out there. I’d have sent this message privately, but I never found the option for that. Maybe that will inspire others to up $5 or so. The blog is a super bargain.
Bobo – You are my hero. I live near LRAFB and can hear taps every night, and every night it still brings a lump to my throat.
I once broke up with my boyfriend for saying the F word. No, not that one. Fart. And I was in college. Since then I have learned to let loose with a string of words that make me think I was a sailor in another life. No offense to sailors.
Whatever anyone want to say or object to is fair. I’ll read it all and keep what I like and discard the rest. Just like I do with my blood family.
‘Night, Mom, Dad, John boy and kids and cousins and fellow bloggers. : )
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Thank you so much, two! 🙂
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LOL – the “F” word – fart. 🙂
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LOL, that was great!
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Wow. Michelle was talking about how her parents fight a lot so Michelle’s sister got on twitter and announced that she no longer wants Michelle to win and apparently, she is now Team Natalie!
That’s why if I ever did one of these shows, I would forbid my family from watching…
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Lisa I watching the feeds when Michelle was talking about her parents and I thought then they are not going to like her airing their business to the world! I think her sister is out of luck with Natalie, but you never know!
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Thank you Lisa for another great report. I really enjoy your point of view and usually agree with you! I have a question: You said the live feeds will be turned off after Thursday’s live show. Can I assume that BBAD will also be turned off? I am really looking forward to Thursday’s show and the battle for returning to the house. I think Victor will be returning, but I will reserve my final decision after I find out who will be evicted. I am also wondering when they will have a double eviction. I really like when they do an entire week’s competitions in one show! I would like to see the house completely shaken up to the rafters! 😊😊😊.
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Hi Jolee… Yes, sorry to say BBAD will be a Taped Version on Thurs nite from earlier that day… that’s the routine they do whenever the Feeds are Down…
im surprised ur saying u wanted to see BBAD on Thurs cause u keep posting that u dont like watching BBAD anymore, lol …☺…
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HoH8, Thursday night’s are more interesting because it’s right after the live show, so I do attempt to watch Thursday’s show. I will start watching it, and lose interest most of the time. Maybe the live feeds are more exciting because don’t they have different cameras you can watch? BBAD stays so long on one group of HG’s it gets frustrating because I want to see what more of the HG’s are doing. For instance, one night they showed over 20 minutes of Tiffany and, I think Michelle, in bed and Michelle kept yawning so much I got sleepy. I don’t know how much longer the camera stayed on them because I turned it off.. It was better than taking a sleeping pill! Lol 😊😊😊
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@Jolee…Ahhh, i see ur Frustration now with BBAD… my answer is to watch it the next day when ur fully awake… that way u can Fast Forward all the YAWNING and commercials, lol…
about the First Double Eviction… it will happen the week they start the Jury… Both HG’s evicted that nite will Both go to the Jury House… it should happen next week or the next …☺…
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Hi, Jolee! I just checked and there is no BBAD on Thursday. But it should be back on Friday and it should be full of drama! 🙂
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No Lisa… there is a BBAD on Thurs from 1am to 3am… BUT, like i said, it will be a Tape Version from early Thurs not Live… so we will Not see any Spoilers …☺…
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HoH8, good idea! I will try that. I was so disappointed last year because I couldn’t get BBAD, and when I found out I could get Pop tv, I was really excited! I guess it comes on so late and I always DVR it so I can fast forward thru the boring parts, plus commercials. I really wish I could enjoy watching it! I will take your advise and give it another try. 😊😊😊 Another reason I don’t watch it is because my nieces gave Jeanne and me a large flat screen tv with WiFi for our birthday, so we get Netflix! I never understood “binge watching” before!😊😊😊😊 Thank you for your comments.
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Im so Happy for u & Jeanne… i also never knew bout Binge Watching till now… i guess we Old people are the Last ones to know bout anything, lol…
Ive been watching Live Feeds since BB7… and ive always Stress to people that the Real BB Show in on the Feeds… the Proof was tonite(Wed) when CBS gave it’s POV show… and showed Nothing by the Throwing Shade from Day to Tiff when she Hit Her with her Braids…
the HG’s Confirmed they had to re-shoot the POV Cerm cause of that Drama that happened when Day Flipped her Hair into Tiff’s Face… so the TV audience never knew bout that Drama that happened…
IDK, maybe when Aug starts up u can subscribe to the Feeds ($6 a month) or just try it for a week for Free… if u like it, u can have the freedom of having BBAD all day long, lol… and maybe u will be Less Bored.. no harm in trying, right?, lol …☺…
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Thanks for the blog Lisa!! I really don’t have anything to add and I just finished watching 4 hrs of BBAD!! I think the HGS were as bored as we were. Don’t really get why they are turning off the LFS . IS Fri a live show?? Well, at least it will shake things up.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Happy Hump day all!!! ♥♥
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Star I think the reason the feeds are turned off is because Friday appears to be a live show but really isn’t and the houseguest (victor) will enter the house Thursday night. That’s what they have done in the past. IMHO
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Star, hi! I am looking forward to seeing who will be returning to the house, and the look on the faces of the house guests when that happens! Even though I am for Victor returning, I think it would be so funny if Tiffany is evicted, after so many attempts, and then have her win the competition! We shall find out soon. Happy “Hump Day” to you! 😊😊😊
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Lisa, thank you so much for the write up. I always learn so much reading it. I don’t have Pop TV so I can’t watch BBAD and working 10 hour days, I don’t have much time to watch live feeds with fixing dinner and doing laundry after work. LOL
I want to say how much I appreciate all the write ups from everyone. You are all my eyes and ears. I love knowing in advance what is going to happen and also knowing the back stories.
Star, Friday is listed as a live show and I don’t understand them turning off the LFS either.
Have a great day all.
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Good insight Lisa. One thing I’d disagree with is James being a “strong player”. He’s never really showed me any evidence of that. He seems to be there for a good time and flirting….that’s it.
If these players (and I use that term pretty loosely) need to be reminded by Da’Vonne that showmances are just 2 person alliances and they need to be broken up, they’re more lost that I originally knew. But yeah, kind of a misstep asking James, a dude in one of these relationships, if he would cut his closest ally.
It’s not like these people are Dr. Will and Boogie who formed bogus showmances to further their game and would cut them when it suited them. These people seem to think they’re on a dating show.
Like the former New York Jets coach Herm Edwards once famously said, “You play to win the game!” 😀
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@Sirrock….I agree about James. He hasn’t in two seasons shown me that he is a strong player. He gets too involved in the girls and playing pranks. That said, I do like him and wouldn’t be mad if he won out of all this dreary cast!
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I agree, he seems like a really nice guy and I’d like to have him as my neighbor or something, but he’s just not shown me a single thing as far as game play in either season he’s been on BB. He’ll never win anything but AFP, which is cool for him. I just miss the really good, calculating, strategic players that were cut throat. I suppose, even when we had those type of players, we also had floaters who were clueless. Such is the game, I guess.
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why do9es puppy love need to be so complicated…everyone can not be like Jeff and Jordan…but bringing back Evil Dick would spice up this group…lets start a campaign to bring back the Evil Man…
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Plleeeeeeease don’t bring Evil Dick back! I can’t stand him. All that hawking and spitting on the fake grass, plus everything else is just gross! lol
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Amen Margie, he was gross … but interesting in a weird way! 😊😊😊 A lot of people liked him … He wasn’t my favorite by any means. He was too over the top mean!! IMHO of course!!
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Follow him on Twitter, he’s awesome!
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@Lisa…How do I send you something? I have been wondering that all season but I don’t see a way to do it. I enjoy the blog so much I would love to send you a gift!
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Thank you, Margie! I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog. 🙂
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@Lisa….Never mind, stupid me overlooked the donate & support button!
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I have a general question…and I have been meaning to ask this for yrs…so here we go…I NOTICE THAT ALL OF THE HOUSEGUESTS WALK AROUND WITH DRINKS SOME WITH OR WITH OUT STRAWS…ALOT DRINKING WHAT LOOKS TO BE WATER…BUT I NEVER SEE ANY ICE IN THE GLASS…are they not allowed to have ice cubes…blah warm water…yuck…or is it just coincidental…
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Pretty sure they have ice, unless its something new I haven’t noticed. I can clearly recall them digging in the ice trays and hearing it so loud because their mics pick it up.
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I like James as a person but agree with all of you…what kind of game play does he have? Personally I like Frank because he gets that the end result is WIN but unfortunately he isn’t very observant & makes ALOT of mistakes. Showmances are boring unless they are nutjobs but these people seem a little to unipolar to have anything interesting happen. As far as Da…see ya. She could be a VERY good player but she blabs too much and if anyone would really pay attention they would see she “sees” way too much and typically is spot on so if they don’t take the opportunity to get rid of her it will probably come back to bite her….however, she never proved anything in comps except she can run her mouth about needing to win but NEVER does. So I’m assuming they will get another shot at her if they want it. Same with Tiffany, they keep talking about “strong player” but nothing has really been proven there but if they keep her they may have woke a sleeping bear because now she knows she has to win and that might light a fire. I like Nicole but gosh she is a disappointment and at least her first season she kind of developed some personality in the DR but this season is whaa whaa whaa. Paul has totally slipped under the “friendship” radar and is the poster child of floater. He uses the put me up mentality because I will take one for the team and they are losing sight of him. I haven’t liked him from day 1 and in the past seasons I have many times changed my mind but this guy still hasn’t done anything to change my mind. Michelle…michelle? Michelle? She’s only relevant because she is hanging on Da’ coat tails. Zakiyah has done nothing but succeeding at making herself a showmance has been. Same with Corey he’s totally dispensable.
I really hope they get rid of Da’ and “I gotta win this” but then doesn’t!
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Kwebby I totally agree with about all of them. James seems like a really nice guy but if I were in the house his pranks would get old fast! One every now and then, ok but all the time! ugh. I think he is doing that because it got him AFP last time and he is using the same strategy.
I really don’t have a favorite this year. This is the first season I’m not pulling for someone. There are plenty I hope DON’T win!
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Evil Dick ( sadly ) cant come back..he is HIV positive. I myself loved Evil Dick…and Dr. Will. NOT Mike Boogie. I guess the days of the Evil mastermind are over. I do agree this years houseguests are clueless. Not all of them, but sadly most of them. I wish Allison Grodner would be fired.
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Yeah, let’s fire Allison! Love that! We’ve been trying for years. Ugh The HGs are hormone induced teenagers pretending to be adults.
I know Evel Dick has HIV and I’m sorry but he led one hell of a wild life. Besides, I know someone who’s been HIV positive for over 20 years and with the new meds is really doing great! His counts are negligible like Magic Johnson’s are. Maybe Dick’s in worse shape I don’t know.
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Starfish…I also work with someone who has been HIV positive for at least 20-25 years and I think he is healthier than I am!!! The new meds are fabulous but expensive!
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Evel Dick is fine….HIV is far from the death sentence it was in the 80’s. He’ll probably die from lung cancer from smoking before HIV gets him.
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Astral, I too liked Dr. Will. He has a interesting sense of humor! I did like him and Boogie’s DR antics! 😊😊
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@Star ….did you see when one of the girls, I can’t remember who, accidentally washed her extensions in with her clothes and put them in the dryer. It was hilarious! They came out in just one big mat of hair and she was going to put them in conditioner and see if she could get them back! lol
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I really hope Victor comes back into the house. He seemed more interesting then those evicted so far including Tiffany (hoping she goes next!) Victor was too busy looking beautiful to impress anyone in the short time he was in the house. Its time to see what that princess has to offer the houseguests in terms of game.
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@Carrie….I’m very interested to see what side Victor goes to if he is the one returning. Will it be Frank, et al or Paulie? Or will a third side emerge. Any guesses?
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As far as showmances, I think Nicole, Z and James think they are in a showmance, however, their respective partners don’t seem as interested in the showmance. I think Paulie and Corey are just using Nicole and Z as shields and a cuddle partner when needed. James I think just needs someone to protect and this year he picked Natalie who definitely has a wandering eye (Victor, Paulie and then James).
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Deb don’t forget she also had the hots for Corey, was flirting with him and pissed Nicole off! lol
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Yikes — I must have missed that. I know Z was all bent out of shape and pissed off because Natalie took a picture with Paulie and was even talking to him. The nerve of Natalie! Wonder who will be first (Nicole or Z) to utter Rachel’s words — no one comes between me and my man!
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Great comments everyone! I’m going to search the internet for a video of Da washing her extensions. I don’t know how to put videos on this blog, however! Have a great day everyone. Be back later. Hope tonight’s show will be interesting! It depends on what production wants to show us!
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Jolee I’m not sure it was Day. She was going to soak her extensions in conditioner to see if they unmat! lol
She was outside, I think with Frank, waiting on the clothes to finish in the dryer. When she opened the dryer the extensions looked like hair I comb off my dog. Hilarious
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It was not Da but one of the other girls
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Thanks for you post Lisa💕 & everyone’s comments……….
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------🍭 Guess what? I just found out 🍭
🍭 today is “Free Lollipop Day!” 🍭
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Yay! 🙂
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Ahhh lament for Evil Dick, I agree, but we have Paul aka MuffinMan.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------His youthful, may I say “Hipster” view and demeanor, could be focused because I really think if he thought more outside the box, he’d be seeing some really crazy things.
And with Paulie, we could see amazing work in this seasons house.
Subtle subtrafuge. That is what I would call this pair.
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Seriously? That was the hair flip that Tiffany went ape shit crazy about calling it an assault? It didn’t even look like it touched her and if it did touch her, it barely touched her. Please don’t keep Tiffany yet again.
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I totally agree!
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Presented to the lolly pop lady “JOLEE”
We represent the Lolly pop Guild,
The Lolly pop Guild,
The Lolly pop Guild
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We welcome you to Munchkinland, Tra la la la la la la
Read more: Wizard Of Oz – The Lollipop Guild Lyrics | MetroLyrics
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I love it BBIGBBOB!! Actually, Sees Chocolates were handing out free suckers today (actually yesterday.) 😊😊 They are really good. We order them from Amazon. They are great to have when you are playing cards, which all of my family love to do. Have you ever played Shanghai??
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See you in la la land!!
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I hope Da goes. As for Evil Dick he is just that an Evil Dick. Can’t stand the nasty man.
Did anyone notice Frank poke Da again! What a jerk!
Thanks Lisa for all you do
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