Hi y’all!
So, as I sit here typing this, the battle for HoH is currently down to two players. Hopefully, it will have been settled by the time I’m reading to post this. I’m going to post a spoiler warning here, just for anyone who might accidentally stumble across this page on FB and who doesn’t want to know who has returned and who the new HoH is. SPOILER WARNING!
Okay, now for the rest of us —
Paul and Victor actually came up with a pretty good plan. Playing off the fact that Natalie is totally paranoid, Paul started hanging out with Corey and Nicole. Meanwhile, Victor started complaining to anyone who would listen about Paul. They were hoping that they’re fake fight would lead to Natalie and James deciding to get rid of Corey.
It didn’t work, of course, but at least they tried something. However, it seems that the main thing they accomplished was to annoy Michelle. She and Paul had a big fight earlier today and Michelle used the C-word (yes, that word) with her. It’ll be interesting to see if that’s shown on the CBS show, where they’ve lately been trying to give Paul more of a positive edit.
Anyway, during tonight’s live show, Paul voted to evict Corey. Nicole and James voted to evict Victor. Victor left for the second time and I was actually really impressed with the interview he gave Julie. He seemed a lot more mature this time…
Then again, he may have just been a good mood because he knew he was coming back. All this week, the houseguests have been speculating that the five members of the jury would compete to return and that’s exactly what happened!
Just like last year, it was a wall competition. The five jurors — Victor, Paulie, Da’Vonne, Zakiyah, and Bridgette — and the four eligible houseguests — Corey, James, Nicole, and Paul — all had to stand on a moving wall while being sprayed with water. Fall off the wall and you’re out of the competition. The last juror standing reeneters the house. The last person standing — regardless of whether he or she is a houseguest or a juror — wins HoH.
Corey fell pretty quickly. He was followed by Zakiyah and Da’Vonne, who both apparently decided to voluntarily jump off the wall together. Bridgette soon followed. Paulie struggled long and hard by finally, he lost his grip and he fell. That means that Victor has now been evicted twice and has won his way back into the house twice!
However, Victor will not adding another HoH title to his record because promptly fell after winning the right to reenter the house.
Paul also struggled to hold on for a while but eventually he fell. So, right now, James and Nicole are the last two on the wall.
Honestly, I thought that Nicole would just jump off the wall and let James have it. But no, she really wants to be HoH. And so does James. Both of them seem to be determined to stay on the wall no matter how long it takes.
So, perhaps James and Nicole don’t trust each other as much as we originally assumed?
Well, whatever happens, right now it seems like the house is just going to replay the previous week with Paul and Victor on the block…
Nicole is HoH! So now, the question is: Will she hold it against James that he refuses to throw the comp for her? And will that lead to some surprises when she makes the nominations?
We’ll find out!
Lisa Marie
Maria e — I also posted this under the previous post but I’m posting it here just in case you missed it!
Hi, maria e — I don’t know if you saw my reply to your comment above so I’m reposting it down here:
That sounds like it’s a problem with CBS All Access. (They’re the ones who control the feeds.) Don’t enter your credit card info anymore — I’d wait for a bit and then maybe try again and if they still won’t accept it, send them an email. Here’s a link to their help and support page:
It has an option at the top for Contact Us and you can probably use that to send them any questions about why they’re not accepting your credit card info.
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I hate that Paul fell.
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Janna….me too!!!!! He and Vic really deserved to be F2 I thought. But if they can’t win comps, it’s their own fault. *sigh* *bleh* lol
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Thanks Lisa. It was fun you being there with us tonite!!! 😉
I think the showmances with continue on. Unfortunately. During their fake fight this afternoon, Paul and Nat really got into it. SOdid James. I don”t see them working with him anytime soon because THEY didn’t know it was fake. And a lot was said that can’t be taken back.
Glad Vic i back but it feels a lil like a letdown because it’s going to be Groundhog Day all over again this week!!! Nothing really changed as hard as Production tried to shake it up!!
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Star….I don’t think either of them trust the other but Nicole, unlike James, will honor her promise that James and Nat will not go on the block. I think she told Paul that she was not going to put him up either because he helped her while she was in the wall.
Maybe my internet is faster. I’m posting from my iPad so maybe it’s faster. I know it’s faster than my computer!
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That’s a lot of people to make that promise to. Sort of narrows down her nom choices. I guess Meech and Vic have to go up. Poor Vic. How many times does this make? Lol
My puter needs a good cleaning out by someone who knows a lot more than I do about puters. But I’m cheap and hate to be without my laptop. Lol. It’s only three years old and is upgraded to Win10 but I actually think that has slowed it down.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How do you like your iPad ? It always seemed bulky to me having to hold it while typing I have enough problems just doing that on a bigger cell 😉 But it’s portable and faster. Maybe I’ll ask Santa for one for Xmas. 😄
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Margie. My last comment was to you!! I feel like we are just having a conversation and often forget to include names. 🤗
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Thanks, Star, I had fun hanging out. 🙂
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Thanks Lisa I am not new posted here before under my mama’s name. Thanks for understanding what’s been going on with our family, we all appreciate you.
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Janna, I posted a message to you on the older posting
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i didn’t see it
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Janna: I’m so sorry you missed the post. It’s towards the
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------last of the previous page of posting.
Mainly I just wanted you and your sister to know we are
with you in spirit and prayer today.
I know your heart is breaking over your loss, but it helps
to laugh at the funny memories you created over the
years with your mother. Laughter and memories that
make you laugh are the best medicine to heal a bruised
and aching heart.
Right now you think you will never stop crying, but of
course we always do during these times. With time it
will become easier to cope with your loss, but you will
always miss her and a part of your hearts will always
grieve for that loss. There is no time table for grieving
and tears. Each of us must do it our own way on our own
time schedule.
Your mom had my e-mail address. Please feel free to
contact me at any time. Sometimes it helps to just have
someone to listen.
God bless you and your family.
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Gee….so basically just a replay of this week? Paul/Victor on the block. One wins the POV and comes off. Who’s the replacement, cuz it sure isn’t gonna be Corey.
Nicole was straight up begging James for the HOH so she could get the letter. She said he could nomintate whomever he wanted, she just wants a letter. First off……REALLY??? A LETTER??? Man, maybe I’m must a jaded bastard, but I cant even see caring all that much about a letter from home.
So I guess the question I have, I posted on the last blog…..did James just give in to be nice or is this a “no blood on his hands” thing AGAIN??
Will Nicole hold up her end of the deal and let James pick the noms? Probably doesn’t matter because at this point the lines are drawn and either of them would put up Paul/Vic at this point. I really hope one of them wins the Veto so we can see who’s on the bottom of that alliance…..*cough*….Michelle….*ahem*…..get your seat ready, baby!
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SIrrock…….no she is not going to let him choose who she puts up. He admitted to Nat that he was about to go down and that’s one reason he let her have it. They were both freezing!
She really wasn’t that concerned about the letter (so she said to Corey) that was just her plea to James.
I think she is going to put up michell and Victor .
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Sirrock…….you mean Pop a squat Meech???LOL
I think James dropped for both reasons. First, I think he didn’t want the blood. He has played a low-key, I’m not here to ruffle feathers kind of games all season , so i don’t see that changing now. That’s his MO. Lay low and win comps!!!
I also think he likes Nic and is a softie at heart for women. But also maybe her offer was too tempting. I mean he gets to be HOH, just doesn’t have the room..lol
And I feel he same way about the letter. Didn’t these kids go to college??? Hate to date myself but we didn’t have cell phones when I was going, so unless you had the money to make a call, you might go weeks or months between holidays without seeing your family!!! Seems like wanting to WiN the game and the MONEY$$$$ would be a lot more incentive. I think they say that to get sympathy and not look too strong. The girls anyway. Which is sad
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Star: If Sirrock is jaded then I’m right down corroded in
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------jaded feelings. LOL. I think the real reason she wanted the HOH was to get the bed for she and Corey. She also wants
to preen in front of Corey as she reads the letter from home.
She’ll milk it for all it’s worth and whine the entire time.
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Oops. Meant her and Corey. Too tired to think straight.
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I’ve functioned on three hours sleep all day and need to go
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to bed. So good night and happy dreams to all. BB in the morn.
Thanks to all who kept me posted on what was happening.
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G’nite sherry!! Sweet dreams if you aren’t there already!! 🙂
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Star: Thanks, friend. Wish it could have happened. Was up
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------most of the night with stomach problems. But hey, I
eventually went to sleep. Thanks again.
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What the hell James? I guess I shouldn’t be upset as he is at least being consistent. Grrrrr! At least if we all give the CP to either Vic or Paul, they can use it to bribe James. He is the only one who would be bribe-able.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I never liked Paul or Vic but they are the only two I want to win now. They are the only ones playing the game. Damn it James.
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Oh James… Why oh why did you drop? I agree that Nicole wanted that bedroom and to keep Corey safe. Letter my eye! 👀
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James playing his game if do not want the drama then it better not to become HOH until the end of the game as long you are safe.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Victor been playing a good game . I like to see Paul on the block this week.
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I don’t know how $5,000 will make any difference at this point in the game! I think this is the worst “special” package so far! I think everyone who is left in the house thinks they have a chance at either the $500,000 or at the very least, $50,000. I can’t believe anyone would take the $5,000 bribe. I may be wrong, but I just can’t see it happening.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I don’t know if it’s just my twisted sense of humor, but after the way the three girls in the jury house treated Paulie, I was sort of rooting for him to win! 😀😀😀
Vic made BB history tonight by being the first HG to have three chances at the $500,000! So, even if he loses it all, he will be a part of BB history!
I don’t know who I wanted to be HOH tonight, but I think Nicole would not have been my choice.
I would really love to see Paul go next. He is so “in your face” rude the way he was taunting Natalie and Michelle for nominating him. I can’t stand his attitude when things don’t go his way. As much as Natalie and Michelle bother me, I kind of wish they were the final two. I definitely don’t see that happening, but just think of all of the bruised egos there would be from the “entitled” men in the house, especially Paul! Just my thoughts! I don’t even think I agree with myself, but we will see!
Great comments tonight. I hope Bobo had a great birthday, and my prayers still go out to Sirrock and swt’s families.
God bless and goodnight everyone! It’s been an exhausting day and I am going to bed!! XOXOXOXO. 😴😴😴
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Nite Jolee. Sweet dreams!! 😴💤💛💖🌟💕
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Thank you Star!! 😊😊
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Thank you my dear, I had a great Birthday & my good friends gave me a wonderful Birthday page on a really great Blog! 🙂
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Paul and Paulie have a dastardly way of engaging in verbal battle. I loved all the snarky comments the girls in the jury house directed at Paulie. He was no match for them.
I’d love to see either P or P try that with Janelle. If any of the girl HGs were more like her, Paul and Paulie might be struck mute. And what a joy to behold that would be.
Janna, my love to you and Jenna. Thoughts and prayers will be with you both tomorrow.
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Good show, Thanks Lisa for your write up & Goodnight or Good Morning everyone, see you later……………..
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Goodnight, Bob! 🙂
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I have been listening to a conversation between Nat and James about her dating life as well as her life outside of the house and I think I might vomit!! Nat is such a fake girl! When she is talking to James about the game it’s all about me, me, me. How are you going to protect me, why didn’t you win that comp so you could protect me, etc. he is going to be hurt big time by this girl. She is much more natural when she is talking to Vic. You can tell she is attracted to him and not James. It kind of sad.
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@Star….you really need to ask Santa for an iPad. I absolutely love mine. In fact, I have the larger one as well as the mini and I use both of them all the time. I never use my laptop until BB season and I only use it to listen and watch the feeds. Everything else I do on the iPad. You can even wirelessly print. You would love it! I have my mini with me everywhere I go! I have my calendar on it, I play games, do my jigsaw puzzles, email, everything. Get you one girl!!
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@Margie….I might have to go do a little *windows* shopping this weekend….lol Too bad you can’t use it as a phone too..I wouldn’t need my cell!!! So i gather you don’t find it heavy to hold up at all.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mike….errr Santa….. has been wanting to get me one for awhile, but I didn’t think I needed one. So this could be a in-win!!!lol
Thanks for the info!!! 😉
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Star…..No mine is lightweight. Some of the cases you can get for them are heavy though so be careful with that. I have a lightweight leather case you can put in different propped positions so you don’t have to hold it to type. Beware once you get used to it you will be addicted and carry it with you everywhere. You can’t use it as a phone but it does have facetime and messaging.
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Star, I have an Apple IPhone and it does everything Margie mentioned, plus it’s a cell phone. It is a camera, a phone, I can access my e-mail, Facebook, internet, Netflix, my Kindle library, iTunes, texting, GPS and games. It even has a flashlight! You can do “Facetime” on your phone like Scype! Mine is the medium size. There is a smaller one and a larger one. Mine is the perfect size. 😊😊😊
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You can use a i-Pad as a phone with face time….very cool😜
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Star I thought I would wait up to see the HOH reveal but it’s 3:15 am my time so I thing I’m going to bed. Good night friend!
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Nite Margie!!!! ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I keep forgetting they are showing that on LFS now. I don’t like it either! It should be on BBAD! I always tape it and watch later and don’t usually bother going back on LFS but just call it a nite. I’ll have to hop over there and check it out.
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Star…..I had to check back in and heard Nic and Corey talking and surprisingly I think she is going to put up James and Michelle! Shocker. She and Corey are talking about teaming with Paul and Vic.
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I really am going to sleep now at 6:07 am!
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What a fool James is. Dropping for Nichole. I have no words for his stupidity. He deserves to go up after that. Does no one want the $$?? Anyway, watching Paulie in the jury house was a FIRST for me..the FIRST time I have ever seen a houseguest act like a total Jerk to other houseguests outside the “game” Way to go Paulie!! You just showed us you REALLY ARE a douche in real life! Every other season people going to jury dropped ( for the most part) their asshole personas when going into the jury house. Wow. I hope Z contimues to give him a very cold shoulder. I really hate him.
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Yes he was a jerk but so were those 3 girls. I have zero respect for them. They were absolutely HORRIBLE. They did enough bad crap in the house themselves. Name calling, pad changing, flrting, backstabbing and making up stuff about other HG’s. Once you leave the house you need to let it go and be human again.
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Pam, I agree.
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for some reason this yrs. show seems to feel like they are running in place and not going any where…anytime it looks like the action is going to get good they all whimp out and go conservative…DON’T WANT TO GET BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS…good lord…hooy…VIC/and/Paul will go back up and iof one of them wins the POV…which SHOULD BE FULLY EXPECTED…then Meech…guess your it sweetie…looks like we just wasted a full week…but it was as nice to see Mr. Ego Paulie get put in his place for just a few seconds…by the JH ladies…
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Good morning everyone! I hope you all have a great weekend. As usual, I enjoyed all of your comments. As far as the way Paulie was treated in the Jury House, I know he deserved it, but I couldn’t help feeling a little sorry for him. I always go for the underdog for some reason. My daughter snapped at my sister at our lunch date yesterday and I’m still upset over it. It bothers me that young people don’t give older people the respect they deserve! A young 30 year old woman snapping at her 83 year old grandmother???? Really??? I raised her better than that! Sort of ruined our lunch! I love my sister and she didn’t deserve to be disrespected! Well, I got that off my chest! 😊😊
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I agree… my oldest talks to me like i’d never talk to my mom.
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Jolee: My heart goes out to you and Sissy. I don’t know why
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the younger generation is so disrespectful to their elders,
but I think our children are worse than their children. We
gave them too much, including support and unconditional
love. We weren’t given that type of love and support by our
parents. Not that they loved us less, but they were bent on
teaching us to stand on our own two feet. Strict discipline
enforced the teaching of respect for others, especially their
elders. It was not tolerated. Another aspect of this is the
way daughters-in-law treat their mothers-in-law. We were
raised to understand if there was a disagreement between
the two, the blame would fall on the shoulders of the daughter-
in-law. Now mother-in-laws walk on egg shells to try to keep
peace and are treated many times like a dimwit or enemy.
Times have changed and not always for the best.
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Well said sherry! I was so upset because I didn’t hear my daughter snap at her. If I had, I would have said something! I am really praying about how to handle this! I love my daughter, but my sissy and I are so close because we are twins! When one of us hurt, the other really feels it.
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Geez! I’m over James…he is so p–sy whipped and hasn’t even really kissed Ratalie. She is such a gold digger and James will give her whatever she wants or whines about…Prada, Givenchy, a nice car “just like all her friends have”!?! I’m still floored he gave into Nicole’s letter plea! All she wanted was a bigger bed for Corey to have more room to feel her up and finish the “deed”. I won’t be surprised if she puts one (or both) of them up. Personally I’m for Victor…glad he made it back in the house (again) 😉 Michelle (the gobbler) needs to go! She is so jealous about the “showmance” that she didn’t get. First she was after Corey, then Frank, and tried for Victor…no one wanted her filthy, sloppy, lip smacking nasty ass! She needs to go on to the JH and maybe Paulie will hook up with her to make Zakiyah jealous 😉 I really can’t stand Paul…that beard is just plain horrid! God only knows what is growing in there…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanx to Lisa Marie for your blog each day! 😉
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Loved your comments. You said it best. lol
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Good morning all! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am really upset with Nic. She is such a loser. She had final
four made with James and Nat and is going to screw it up
and not make it probably. How could she not realize that Vic
and Paul are the biggest threats in the house. You get the
biggest threats out at the first opportunity, or they come back
to send your a$$ to the JH. James saved Corey this week and
let Nic have the HOH (which was another dumb move on HIS
part), and now she’s teaming up with the Paul and Vic. She
wouldn’t have a chance at winning with them in the f4. The
JH doesn’t like Nic that well, anyway. They would vote for
Paul or Vic in a heartbeat over her or Corey. They aren’t too
crazy about James or Nat, either. So you take the ones you
can beat in the end. Two seasons and she hasn’t learned this
yet??? And James has been too tied up with listening to Nat spin
her tales of woe (which are totally selfish and probably many
are made up) to remember how the game is played. Clue James:
when a woman talks about wanting Prada, expensive cars, etc……
she is high maintenance, and you can’t afford her. You certainly
won’t be able to keep her happy, if she even remembers who
you are after BB is over.
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Sherry……..she really doesn’t have a firm final four with James and Nat. On her and Corey’s side they would have stuck to it…not so much James and Natalie and they found that out in a huge fight among all of them when they were locked in the HOH room yesterday morning. A lot of stuff that had been going on all week was brought out in front of everyone and put Nat, Michelle and James on the spot. Remember up until the last minute N/ M were trying their hardest to get James to vote Corey out! A lot of stuff was said that Nic is still investigating. When the feeds cut off yesterday before the live show there was a huge amount of tension in the house and N/M were still working James hard to vote out Corey. I was surprised when he voted to keep him because it certainly wasn’t sounding like he was.
Even after the comp last night James and Nat were talking about not trusting Nic and Corey!
I felt a little sorry for James last night talking with Nat about her previous relationships. She told him her last boyfriend was a professional sports player (she didn’t say which sport that I heard). He used to buy her nice things and treated her like a queen. She also said he is 7 feet tall! Can you imagine them together. She said all her friends have expensive purses, shoes, clothes like Prada, Hermes, ect and she wanted nice things also. Then started talking about how poor she is again! He said well I don’t have that kind of money, I can’t buy you that kind of things.
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Grrr!!! That conversation irked me. She irks me. More on her later.
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Natalie will have forgotten who James is before the end of the wrap party on finale night. My guess is she will leave with Victor.
I could be wrong but I thought Corey was a Have Not and will be a Have Not all week since he was one the first down last night. How will Nicole handle that big, lonely bed by herself each night for a week?
I’m so glad Paulie didn’t come back into the house and I hope the girls of the jury house keep the heat on him. He really is a piece of work. I feel sorry for any woman that might get involved with him. I giggled to myself last night seeing him in his short-shorts. The old Nair commercial played in my head — who wear’s short-shorts; we wear short-shorts and if you dare were short-shorts, Nair for short-shorts.
Has Nicole not learned that you get the biggest threats out first? Paul and Victor are more dangerous any day of the week and twice on Veto day than James and Natalie could ever dream of being.
Corey is just a big doofus jock. He was so clueless during his strip-tease to even notice that Nicole was being dragged over the coals by Paul and Corey just continues with his strip-tease.
At this point, I really want Victor to win it all. At least he shows that he is in it to win it!
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Good point, deb. I forgot about the have nots. Interesting that Corey was first to drop while Nic was last – thanks to clueless James. Your reference to the Nair commercial was really funny! : ) Paulie is better looking with his mouth closed.
When Corey realized during his striptease that no one was paying attention to him, he stopped and said, “buzzkill”. I think he’s so used to his physique being admired that he just couldn’t understand no one cared about watching the show he was putting on.
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Nat and Michelle are having the most delusional talk right now. Michelle said that Vic and Paul are probably up in the HOH room telling Nicole lies about her saying that she is dogging after Nic and wants her out! WHAT!! That is all she has talked about for weeks, how much she hated her and wanted her out!
Natalie says yes they are probably telling her lies like they were trying to get Corey out instead of Vic. WHAT AGAIN!! That is what they worked their asses off for days trying to get James to vote him out.
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I’m telling ya’ll meech is a loose screw.
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MARIA E have tried using google chrome to get LFs?
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Yes…Corey should be a Have Not but it doesn’t start until Saturday (I think). He can still “lay up in the bed” he just won’t be able to sleep there. All that sugar has gone to Ratalie and Michelle’s brain… 😉
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Corey won the care package!
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one good thing – the bribe is a binding contract
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The bribe can be any action that can influence the game. It can be kept a secret between the two parties. If the person accepts the money they HAVE to do what they agreed to do. If no one accepts the bribe the money is given back to BB.
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Perfect! Corey can use the 5 grand to bribe Nicole to not put him on the block this week. Duh!
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Listening to Nicole and Corey mull over how to use Corey’s bribe money, avoiding the obvious utilizing their collective ignorance, is a hoot. 5 Grand will not buy off anybody to enhance another players chance of winning the 500 Grand. Dumb getting dumber by the moment.
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Amen. This CP is the worst idea BB has had in a long time.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And they have had so many!!!
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How in the hell did Corey win to CP?
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America refused to rob Peter in BB accounting to pay Paul ANYTHING! And Victor is already a Latino with the luck of the Irish. That just left Corey.
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What the hell America? Why should I be surprised? You are the same people who gave Trump the Republican nomination. Damn it.
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Thanks for all your comments everyone…………..
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Sherry…..you should see how chubby Nat looks laying in her bed complaining constantly with tons of makeup, i.e. False eyelashes, etc .
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Margie: Wish I could. I am so disgusted with her eating
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------habits, the way she’s treating James, and the selfish
rant last night about Prada, etc. that she wants because
all of her friends have those things. It made me think
how much I don’t want her to win anything. She would
blow it on frivolous things and have learned nothing
from the experience.
It’s even gotten to the point where her constant laughing
is grating on my last nerve.
This entire cast has been such a disappointment to the
fans. CBS just doesn’t learn.
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Okay my dear Is it Margie or MargieP ❓
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Hey BoB…..there was another Margie that started posting so I wanted to distinguish between us. I started out Margie and changed to MargieP.
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this care package is a waist with the co-hoh getting it. its not like cory has to bribe someone not to put him up. also, using it on nicole seems wrong also. maybe he could bribe james to eat only pickles for the week? or handcuff two enemies? cant split it so that wont work – anymore ideas guys?
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corey just came out of dr – the cp is to be used at next hoh
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for instance he can bribe someone to take him off the block – they are running through scenarios
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What the hell…………. ❓ ……………….
& who is on the block I think I missed something😜😜😜………. 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@ Jolee ……… I not sure if you saw my thank you about my Birthday, so thank you my dear I had a great time in Atlantic City $$$$$$
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You are welcome Bobo. I’m glad you had a nice birthday!
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Don’t you just love how CBS changes the prize after the fact. Originally it had to be used by next eviction. Now it can be used during next HOH.
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Did anyone notice how Natalie was flirting with Vic during the HOH comp? Poor old James was hanging on to that wall freezing his ass off, and she barely even seemed to notice. She is doing nothing but riding on his coat tails. She is playing that poor guy for a fool. He will be in for a little shock when he gets out. Unless he wins the 500 K and she hangs around long enough for him to spend some of the $$$ on her.
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Working nights sucks…. sometimes.
Now that I have that out of the way, I am trying to get caught up (had a very busy day too)
I was happy Vic won his way back in. When I saw that “Earthquake Wall” I was a bit worried. Big people don’t usually do that well on those. But i guess I overestimated Da, Z, & Bridg’s desire to get back in.
I was also a bit surprised Vic even had to battle to get back in. When feeds cut yesterday it sure looked like James would evict Corey. I really NEED to see what all happened after feeds cut out.. hope they show us Sunday.
I was also surprised Nicole hung in there that long in the HOH comp. Corey is useless… yes he is tall and at a big disadvantage in that comp… but first out? Nic is built for that.. but I thought the cold would get to her.
Everyone seems to think James threw it. He did drop on purpose of course… but watching it I could see him shaking from the cold for a long time before he dropped. Once Nic squatted down.. she was pretty comfy. The most telling moment of that was after the had been tilted forward for a very long time…. James said “Come on BB!! Raise this thing back up!” (something like that) ….and Nic didn’t even realize they were tilted forward that whole time.
I think I saw defeat on James’ face right then. He knew she had found a position where she was comfy tilted forward or not.
I could be wrong… but I think James dropped and made the deal because he knew he couldn’t go much longer… and Nic seemed to be getting more comfy as time went… and she had adjusted to the cold.
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JT…….that is exactly what happened with James. He admitted it to honey bun Nat sometime during the night. I can’t remember now what time and he mumbled it to her very quietly. It was while she was fussing at him AGAIN for dropping and making her feel unsafe. She didn’t give a crap whether he was safe or not. When he said ‘what about me don’t you think I wanted to be safe’ she hurriedly agreed. She is a real waste of skin, expanding skin I must say. lol. He gave stupid reasons why he didn’t want to drop, like he didn’t want to still be a have not (he only had one day left).
Nicole told Corey later, I’m sure you heard, that after she sat down up there she could have stayed a long time. She said she wasn’t hurting just uncomfortable in the cold water.
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Thanks for confirmation on what I thought.
I did watch the comp on flashback after watching the CBS show. I did zip through some of it since I didn’t have 2 hrs to waste on old news… but did pay attention when it came down to final 2.
I did watch a bit after the comp. I did see Nicole say she could have stayed up much longer once she found a comfy position.. and got acclimated to the cold. That was also when she made the comment about feeling like Shelley up there and knowing James could screw her over if she took a deal.
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Paul & Meech OTB
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Paul is supposedly a pawn. Nicorey have a “final 4” with Paul/Vic (but take final 4s for what they are worth this season.. nothing)
Nic didn’t want to nominate Paul because he encouraged her so much during the HOH comp and she credits him (& Corey) as the reason she dug deep and won.
But she also didn’t want to go back on her deal with James. Not sure why, Nic knows very well James’ track history with deals. Nic even said to Corey after the HOG comp that she pictured herself as Shelley up there when it was just her & James left.
She also didn’t want to nom Vic since he is not her target… no need to upset him.
With only 7 left that pretty much narrows it down. I haven’t had time to watch flashbacks much… so I don’t know her plan if Paul wins veto and pulls himself down… or if Meech wins…. or if Vic wins and takes Paul down.
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I don’t usually correct my typos because I feel no need to make a new comment when people know what I meant….. and I wont correct one from above
But I do have to say reading “HOG comp” made me LOL 😆
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Lisa, I don’t know how the Z got in front of my name!! 😊😊😊
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Hey did you get my thank you ❓ …………….
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Good comments JT……….. Thanks ……………..
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Bobo, if you are asking me, yes I did get your “thank you!” 😊😊😊
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What I was hoping for from last night’s show…. pretty much everything that happened up to the point where Vic fell off the wall. He was back in the game.. so that was good.
But in my perfect BB world Vic would have won HOH (with Nat & Meech cheering him on the whole time and so HAPPY to see him get back in). And then Vic would have nominated Nat & Meech today.
Seeing their smirks wiped off their faces would have been amazing! They really think Vic is still on their side!
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JT…… That is exactly what I wanted. Vic was planning on doing exactly that but it would have been James and Nat not Mich. he really likes Michelle.
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Yep.. I knew that’s what he would have done… but in my perfect BB world it would have been the 2 clueless girls who kept nagging James to evict Corey.
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“HOG comp” that was an awesome typo! 😉 I can’t believe Corey got the package…that just SUCKS. Ratalie flirted with Victor in the beginning but he was too interested in forming a bromance with Paul and Jozea. Nicole doesn’t need to have a 12 year olds hairdo…what’s up with that?!? Thinking back James got his daughter after a one night stand…sounds like he may be easier than we thought falling right into Ratalie’s web!
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Hummmm! HOG = Head Of Guests? or Head of Grosshouse??
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JT lol 😊😊😊😊😊
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either way works….. or just HOG Comp by itself 😆
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good to read yalls comments – please excuse my only lower case typing – there is a reason
glad vic made his way back – if the house shifts he will be the next target – dangit!
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JT?… nicole told Paul and Vic that she wanted Vic to win the veto and take Paul down so that would give her an excuse to put up Natalie or James. She said she couldn’t break her word to James otherwise. James was very nervous about her doing that because he remembers how he broke his word. I was surprised that she doesn’t have any hesitation about putting James up.
It seems while they were all locked up in the HOH room eviction day that Paul and James started to argue and all of the finiglings they were doing behind Nicole’s and Corey’s back came out and they found out just how close Corey came to being voted out. All the stuff that Michelle and Nat were up to to keep Vic came out. Of course, this was during Jeff’s loops so we didn’t get to see it. I’ve heard Nic and Corey talking about it, as well as James, Nat and Mich. they were very nervous that N/C heard all this. Hopefully they will play some of that Sunday night.
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YES!! Even though it’s old news now it is very interesting to me how these decisions unfold. That is why I like BB so much. We get to see all the conversations that lead to actions.
BB is the most criticized reality show because of all we get to see on feeds. But that is the very reason I like it so much. No other show offers us the ability to see even a small fraction of what we see on BB… the good, the bad, and the downright ugly.
I thought Nic would stick with James…. but after they found out just how close Corey was to being evicted, I don’t blame them at all for tossing James & co to the curb. #playorgetplayed
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New post! http://www.big-brother-blog.com/big-brother-18/big-brother-just-a-quick-friday-update/
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