Hi everyone!
Well, it looks like the show is finally going to get interesting tomorrow night! Up until last night, Michelle appeared to be a goner. But now, it appears that James, Natalie, Paul, and Bridgette have changed their minds. James is going to use his special “America’s choice” powers to cancel out Paulie’s vote.
(Will he have to announce, before the vote, whose vote he is cancelling or is it something he’ll be allowed to do in private? I’m not sure.)
Unless somebody decides to let her know ahead of time, Zakiyah is going to be blind-sided. As of right now, the plan appears to be to evict Zakiyah, nominate Corey and Nicole for eviction, and then backdoor Paulie is either one of them win veto. (I can understand not going after Paulie directly — Paulie is a strong competitor and if he was nominated and then won the veto, chances are that he would be so mad that he’d win HoH and come after whoever nominated him.)
So, with all thing going on, it’s time to …
Cast your vote in the comments or use the poll over on the right side of the page. Do you vote to evict…
MICHELLE, the mean girl who cries a lot
ZAKIYAH, the mean girl who flirts a lot?
Cast your vote and, while you’re at it, let us know who you’d like to see evicted during the 2nd half of tomorrow’s double eviction!
And then be sure to watch on Thursday!
It should be fun!
Lisa Marie
I vote to evict Zakiyah and then I hope either Paul or Paulie goes right after her! Or maybe Victor.
Seriously, there’s a lot of people who I would like to see evicted.
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I fully agree Lisa.
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Hurray! Lisa, I think you have it exactly!! Maybe, just maybe things will prove interesting after the vote tomorrow night!
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Hi Lisa, do you have a link to watch BB tonight early? The east coast has a football game & BB won’t be on until 1:30 am! I did have a place but can’t find it😍
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I vote to evict. Z she acts desperate
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It would actually appear that they would take out the next African American. Right I’m not being racist or anything, but look at the how it is stacked. I feel Nicole should of been put on the block if you really want to look at it the right way, they play this game crazy, wouldn’t they want to take out the strong players first, not leave the strong players, this is all rigged by the producers, sorry my opinion like everyone.
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no just your opinion why would Corey put up Nicole that will not happen. I like to see Michelle win HOH then she will put up a strong player. But I think that is why they kept her . Paul is playing a good social game.
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Once again, wonderful, Lisa! And I agree with your choices for eviction. In fact, I’d like to see double evictions every Thursday until the final 3 so this disappointing season would be over and done. The most interesting thing this season was watching James completely tear up the house. Interesting in a train wreck kind of way. I have a hard time with people who destroy willingly and for no reason. Did anyone see who finally cleaned everything up? I can just about guess that it wasn’t the HGs. They feel too entitled.
James is still my favorite but only by an eyelash. His brains dropped into his pants as soon as Natalie laid her doe eyes on him. Never thought I’d say this, but I wish Frank was back. If nothing else he was a polarizing player.
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Two………. actually it was the houseguests and Victor and Natalie bitched and bitched the entire time. Natalie wouldn’t speak to James for a while because he was the one who tossed the eggs and made the biggest mess in the kitchen. lol
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Crazy James! LOL he destroyed everything in site, like a crazy man!! They tore the place up one other time, must have been last year. Hope James got to help with clean-up detail!! He’s still my favorite.
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Thanks Lisa great write up thanks again😳🙆👼👰💇✋
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Z. She is Paulie’s pet. She must go to get out Paulie.
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Yep! She’s his pet when it’s his idea!!
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I vote to evict Michelle and then Nicole
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I agree with you Susanne, the women had any ideal on how to play the game. They would stop going along with the guys and stand up together but now it to late.
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Z first, then Paul or Paulie, get rid of at least half of the freak show
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I vote to evict Z also. It’s not really personal altho I don’t think she has any ambition and is a total floater. And I wouldn’t mind sticking it to Paulie either. Lol. But I really do like Meech and think she is smart. She was the only one to put together what was going on with the guys. At least the first to have the balls to say something.
I really hope their plot to flip the house works. But I heard Paulie spouting off some nasty things about Nat. So he is pissed and like a wounded animal lashing out. He’s not used to people not doing what he says I don’t think. Pretty spoiled and entitled. But Lisa, you said that James was going to use one of his vote cancelors on Paulie. But I heard that it was going to be Pail and Corey because they volunteered. I am sure Paulie orchestrated that!! But that is SO not the point of his gift!! James was supposed to make his own decision. For his game. SMH. The more I see of James the more I really get frustrated with and by him. He always has to make sure he is with the house and no one is coming after him. He too caucious. That’s why he prefers to float and he will never win BB. Or the girl.
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I agree with your comment Star, about James’ game-play. I too have always liked James. However, he is not one I would ever like to see make it to the end.
I don’t care for Paul/Paulie’s or Frank’s game-play; but they are and were Active players throughout the game, whether it was a soft play or hard core. We love to hate them.
James ALWAYS feels he has to stay on the majority’s side (even in private) instead of pushing others to see his side; and implementing plays without being coerced by others.
True we all adore him, but since this is his SECOND time around, I wished he would have worked with Day when she approached him; but he took the information back to Paul/Paulie and gave her up.
It would be a shame to see Paul/Paula go, and Victor is still in the house; running the show.
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Wow! This could get very interesting – and it’s about time! I vote to evict Z, she’s a total waste of space in the BB House. I then vote to evict Paulie or Paul, if either one of them leave I will have a deep, gutteral satisfaction!
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I vote to evict Grodner!
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We’ve been casting that vote for a few years now. Doesn’t look like she’s going anywhere.
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Ha! Karla!
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I vote to evict Meech…. because she has sat on her ass and let everyone else do the work to have her stay.
Then I vote to evict Paul because he is a shit stirrer! Also because he gets on my very last nerve!
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I agree with you also Margie. Everybody forgot about how Paul was before hooking up with Paulie. James I am a little upset with him.
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This show is paralleling another competition. The choices are terrible no matter what. Without a good cast you can’t have a good show and IMO not a good show. I know they were renewed, but have their ratings slipped? I imagine they have. I know I miss lots of shows and catch up with you guys. Well, time will tell if it’s Z or M. It’s not like Z doesn’t know what’s going on, it’s she chooses to tolerate it. Sad but that’s what I think of all of them. I liked Frank even the majority didn’t. Maybe it was just in comparison to the rest of the HGs.
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Lisa Marie,
I first want to thank you for your wonderful and comprehensive blog that captures all the great (and even not so great) news from the Big Brother house! I truly look forward to reading every issue, so thank you mucho girl!!
I’d like to vote out Z, then Paul. I enjoy Paulie but 1/2 of the PP pairing has got to go and I personally think Paul’s head is getting too big to fit through the doors these days. No Paul, you don’t own the while BB house!!
One more thing, where can I learn more about the BB19 Season you mentioned a little while back (apparently it’s not on CBS?)
Thanks again!
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Hi, Patti! Thank you so much! BB19 is going to start a few days after the end of BB18. It’s going to be exclusively broadcast online, at CBS All Access. So, you have to subscribe to CBS All Access to watch it. I think it’s going to be a few weeks shorter than the usual Big Brother season. Big Brother 20, meanwhile, will premiere next summer and will be on CBS.
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Thanks so much for the info Lisa! I appreciate it very much!
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Patti — i read the the next season that start right after this one ends will only be seen on CBS All Access in which if we want to watch it we will have to pay (I do not know how much it costs). also it will not be BB19 – the show has been renewed for two more years – so BB19 will be summer of 2017 & BB20 will be summer of 2018. and I agree that Paul should be the double evictee. I have not really liked him from the beginning. I do not get the live feeds so I only see what goes on on the ones they air and on BBAD. MY favorites and i know i will get a lot of slack for both or at least one of them but here goes: Nichole and Victor.
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Hi Candy, Thank you for the info! Yeah it makes total sense that they wouldn’t call it BB19, it’d confuse all the people that aren’t paying attention or don’t read the blogs. I’m like you, I only see the regular show and BBAD (which I totally love, most of the time). I’m glad Meech got to stay today but I really am over the constant waterworks (and I’m an emo person, but good grief thank goodness I’m not that bad, lol). I like Victor too, but not too sure about Nicole. I absolutely love James and Nat tho!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Happy BB watching, and thank you again!
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I vote to evict Z …… My reasoning is that if she has the return pass, she would come back with a vengeance! I would love to see Paulie or Victor go, because they are both mean! Tomorrow night could prove to be very interesting.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you again Lisa! Great reporting.
Goodnight everyone! 😊😊
Going to bed! 😴😴😴😴😴
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Wow Jolee that a bomb shell and I hope you are right. Paul has got to go. Victor statement at Nomination was so bad and he should have stayed gone.
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I vote to evict Z,,, then James
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I vote to evict cry baby Paulie to me is what’s keeping this season interesting he’s so much more entertaining than his brother ever was. Let’s keep him in charge. He has the magic.
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Well Paulie is history! He has pooped in his Post Toasties again. After a looooooong talk with James where I kind of thought he had changed his mind about the vote. Then he had a confrontation with Natalie and and told her among other things that she was as fake as her tits. You know how James reacted to that!!!! He is getting ready to confront Paulie, Nicole and Corey because they were smiling.
A lot of stuff is going down!
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Margie, I still think Paulie will nearly kill himself to win HOH
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on the DE. So how does he go home?
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I vote to evcit Meech
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I vote to evcit Paulie
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Lisa, I am confused again. I voted to evict Z because she will always
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------be Paulie’s puppet. She serves no interest for the game. But can James split his vote cancelling? And why would he? I still don’t trust
Paul to go through with the new plan. When did Corey and Paul
volunteer to be the votes he would cancel out? (Star’s post).
Is the house still in the dark about the DE? That could change a
lot of things. And what if Paulie wins HOH? There are too many holes in this new plan. Or maybe I’m just too dense to understand
it all.
Thanks for another great summary post.
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sherry..I’m just as confused. I did hear Corey tell James he din’t care if he cancelled his vote. Figures. I didn’t hear Paul sy that but I must have read it. I think it was Jokers earlier.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------but nothing seems firm right now. Paulie is putting out fires and trying to rally his troops. Paul is staying far away from him, talking to Meech! The girls seems to be sticking together and James is talking to both sides. I have NO clue what is going to happen!!!
I don;t know what you mean by split his vote. James has to use it on 2 people.
As for the DE……Da mentioned it on the way out but hardly anyone else is!! I haven’t heard who would go after Z or Mecch.
It was a very weird, uninformative night!! lol
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On another blog they mentioned that they went to past BB stars to see what they thought of this season. None of them liked it, and one had quit watching it. They said, also, that the ratings were still high, thus encouraging CBS to renew two more seasons and start this new access thing a few days after the end of BB 18. It will be done so that it can be watched on your television as well as phones and computers.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I would like for the access thing to be a total flop and maybe give
the casting crew a HINT we are not liking their choices. Maybe
then they would make better choices for next summer’s show. I
don’t know how else to get them to change. They have ignored
the voices on blogs for at least three seasons. Before people pay
for more garbage like this season they should be told who the
hgs will be. (JMHO)
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Star: I knew that James had to cancel out two votes. Does he
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------have to use them both on this next evict, or can he split one
vote on this evict. and another on the DE? I am so confused!!!
Not getting to see the regular programming or having LF makes
it so hard to completely get the picture of what is going on. It
helps to know I’m not alone!! 🙂
I read, too, that they weren’t sure what to call the all access
BB. It won’t be as long as normal they said. But if it’s not a
usual season, then I don’t see the purpose in wanting to pay to
see something that isn’t even clear. If they don’t give out a list
of whom will be a part of it, then I for sure won’t be paying to
see it. It seems every decision they make irritates me a little
more. I’m already down on CBS, as I still don’t have any access
to local programming from them.
Thanks for trying to explain things to me! 🙂 🙂
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sherry……I’m not sure I want to even bother with the next season anyway. But my curiosity may get teh best of me!!lol
NO…James can’t split teh vote tht way. He has to cancel 2 in the 1st eviction. the DE is it’s own surprise. It doesn’;t need any other tircks..lol Plus it goes so fast, it would be impossible to use it.
I can’t imagine you following BB the way you do. I’d go nutso!! Maybe you should get the LFS until you get CBS back. they aren’t that expensive and you can cancel anytime. I only get it in the summer and cancel right after BB!! Can’t you go to CBS.com and watch the TV shows there?? Ive never done it but I think u can.
Can’t wait for tonight!!!! 😉
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Sherry you putting it out there and I agree with you again. Girl you on FIRE!
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sherry….I read several places that BB got renewed for 2 more summer seasons. So until 2018. But next summer is going to be 19!!! And that is what they are calling the Fall Fiasco too. What a mess! So we will have 2 19s??? I dunno. I may take a break and skip this next one.
Thanks for the info on the other BB Vets. Interetsing that they don’t like this season either. I bet most of them don’t even watch usually. 😉
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And you voted for someone who is not on the block.
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lol at your comment spot on
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hrp….LMAO!!!! 😀
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Hahaha!! hpr56 for the win!
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I vote to evict Z. Then I’d like to see either Paul or Paulie go.
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Thanks as always Lisa. I hope you are right that Z goes home. She has really done nothing to keep herself there. I then would also like to see Paulie or Paul gone. Possibly Victor because he is just dang mean. But I guess if I had been evicted, I wouldn’t be very nice either.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pam, there are a lot of votes. Not sure why you are telling people to vote. I already voted to evict Z.
I think they are all hung up on back dooring people and don’t think to just nominate the 2 that they want to see gone and get rid of one of them. Kind of different “strategy”.
Still waiting to see who has the return ticket. I hope it is not Z nor Paulie.
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Please vote Nicole out so I won’t have listen to that constant whinny voice. When she comes on I turn the to a different channel.
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I vote to evict Z… then Paulie!
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Another vote to evict Grodner … but if not then Z (maxipad). Hopefully someone will win HOH that is not Victor/PP/or Corey (like he could win!) I would love to see the shock on Paul or Paulie’s faces when the door hits them in the ass on their way out.
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That will be choice.
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OMG! I love your comments. Maxipad and as if he could. Too funny. Thanks for the chuckle. =0)
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I would love to see Paulie, Paul and Victor go. Paulie is not a nice guy, Paul thinks he is so smart and Victor is a fool for going along with these two. Good-bye to all three!!
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I would like to see Paulie, Paul and Victor go. Paulie is mean, Paul thinks he is so smart and Victor is a fool who has gone along with these two. I do feel bad that Z will probably go, but she should have been a lot smarter when it came to Paulie. He has treated her so poorly and she kept going back for more. No guy is worth that.
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In a perfect world I’d vote out Z then Paul. Z and then Victor or Paulie would be acceptable choices for the 2nd eviction as well.
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I vote to evict Z. She has set back women 60 years!
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True story!
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I vote to evict Zakiyah. Big Meech will turn this game around where as Z will just be Paulie’s puppet.
OMG Lisa! I hope you are right and James is on board. I just don’t trust him because he has also been Paulie’s puppet. He hasn’t earned my trust this season.
I don’t know what is going on. I missed something important. Paul is now on the other side of the house? Awesome! I don’t enjoy Paul but I want Paulie to sweat that he isn’t the king of all that is BB. I can’t wait for Double Eviction tonight! Finally, some excitement. =0)
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Big brother is going to be on air long time. not going anywhere. Last week all three days in top 20 of all broadcast shows ranking 11,12, and 17. That’s a home run in broadcasting business. Mitchell I sure hope your whiny ass crying annoyance goes home. She is not only ugly cryer. She is not very attractive at her best. Natalie use to think u were very attractive. Seeing u without makeup with new zit brought androgynous to mind. Corey is going to win this game this year. . Just saying n u heard it first here.
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I vote to evict Z and I hope Paulie is next since the entire house (except Nicole and Corey) seems to have turned on him. It is about dang time!
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I wish Z have the return ticket to come back in.
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I’m curious who everybody wants to win.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------With the limited choices I guess I would have to choose either Natalie or James.
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I have asked myself that every show – I can’t get an answer out of me……no one I can just really get behind this time.
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James is a huge disappointment. I thought he was starting to play instead of fearing the house but he keeps backing down. James is a very likable guy but not a BB player. As much as I can’t stand Paulie, he’s the only one taking charge. Him and Paul seem to be starting to butt heads though. Everyone is down on Z for because of Paulie but what is she supposed to do. She knows he’s not to be trusted but she doesn’t have the numbers behind her to do anything about it. Everyone is afraid of P & P and they don’t do anything. They all need to go. This season needs to be done with. I’m thinking that it will come down to Paul and Paulie since they have the most control over the chickens. Paulie is great at comps so he might be the one to pull it all off. Not who I want to win.
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I vote to evict Z. Just to make Paulie aggravated and unhappy. The hopefully one of the girls will get HOH so they can go after P&P
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Even though he has been too much of a wimp this season I still want James to win. I just don’t like anyone else. Hopefully neither Paulie or Paul get next weeks care package.
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I vote to evict Zakiyah and want to see Paulie out the door right after.
Let’s all remember that Paulie has asked James to cancel his vote out so he doesn’t get blood on his hands, so I think whether he declares his choice in public or private, it’s really a non-issue.
I also don’t understand Michelle being called mean, but I don’t watch the feeds, so I’m sure she has said or done things that I am unaware of.
Hoping things get shaken up tonight and the power shifts. Hopefully, the next comps are not Paulie’s for the win.
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Voting out Z….she’s so dumb and will always be in Paulie’s pocket and a vote his way whenever he wants it. Even when he treats her like shit, she comes running back. Its so shocking to see a very attractive, seemingly smart girl be so insecure. I suppose, we all were at that age. Enjoy the Jury……
I’m curious how BB will air much of the mayhem that went down last night. Eviction, HoH comp, Noms, POV comp, POV ceremony, Eviction….not to mention the return tickets/exit interviews.
Biggest most wild night of the entire season and we will be lucky to see maybe a few minuets of it on the Thursday show. Booooo!
James/Nat/Miche, all better be busting their asses in these comps or this whole “house flip” will be for nothing. AND if they do get Paulie out in the Double Eviction, what if he has the return ticket??? Dun, Dun, DUNNNNNNN!!! Tune in folks.
Oh and I saw some will be preempted for pre season football. I used BMX-TV to watch live feeds for free. People were saying they also air the show at normal time on there, so those affected, check it out. Better than waiting till 2am or reading posts.
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Sirrock: I went to your site and they told me that I needed to
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------install Java and something else to be able to watch anything.
I’m afraid to install anything that I might have a hard time deleting.
Should I do it or skip it? There were I think four numbers up at the
top with everyone’s from BB pics. What do you do to see the
regular show for tonight? Remember I am electronically challenged!! 🙂 🙂
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sherry…..JAVA pretty much installs itself. Just follow the prompts. But you need java to get any video type of thing OL. I can’t believe you haven’t had it before!! Anyway, I say DO it but soon so you don’t mess up watching the show on time!!! 😉
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Yeah, Java is pretty basic and like Star said, kinda hard to believe you didn’t have that downloaded already. If you haven’t done it yet, here’s the link for Java, I just Googled it. I’s legit.
Once you have that open, close all your other tabs/windows so its the only thing running. You will most likely have to restart your computer to complete the install, it just speeds it up when everything is closed for you.
After that, you should be good. I will say depending on your internet speed and how many people are on that site, it could be slow. I tried watching the spinning HoH comp that Victor won and it would kinda get “stuck” here and there. Hopefully that’s not that case tonight.
Let me know if it worked. I’ll check back in a bit.
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Thank you Sirrock!
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Please..Z and chauvinist Paulie! Two meanies and full of themselves!
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I vote to evict Victor because he is a sexist asshole. But first things first I guess if I had to vote between the two nominees I would vote to evict Michelle. Her crying is annoying and I think she uses it to be manipulative. I am also tired of everyone calling her Meech. My middle name is Michelle and it bugs the ever loving shit out of me every time I hear it.
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TAmmera……Michelle named herself Meech and that is why they call her that! In fact, she called herself Big Meech.
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I’m very conflicted about evicting cry baby because she has been great TV, When Victor put her on the Block ,how great was that ,she literally exploded into tears. That was great reality.
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At some point though the crying gets to be too much
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Thanks again Lisa💕 I vote to evict Z & then Paul!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If anyone knows a web site that I could watch BB at an early time that would be great😍 If not I might not be able to see the show until 1:30 AM Yuck…. I guess the Football game comes first 😜 Thanks for any help my friends……………
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Hey bobo,
I may be in Mobile, AL, real time and place where Big Brother is preempted by the Saints game and won’t air until 12:37 am CST, but my Google Chrome browser is telling CBS that I’m in Philadelphia for prime time tonight to watch Big Brother at its regularly scheduled time.
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Hey first of all so good to see you my old friend!I will give my Google Chrome a try, Thanks so much for trying to give me a heads up………………….
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Bobo, checkout the station Sirrock mentioned above. He gave the link.
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I still want to know weekday the necklaces meant when Victor threw them at the girls??? It was priceless anyway!!!!
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I heard/read (cant remember which) that he’s from New Orleans and it was just some dumb thing he added to his speech. I think he got hem in his HoH basket. They throw beads at girls when they flash their boobs. Not saying that’s why he did it, but it was supposed to add insult to injury.
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that’s not true, it’s Mardi Gras beads they throw beads to anyone they feel like, from the Floats the ride in the Parade
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Off topic post:
Michelle may be the ex long distance gf of Jason of BB17.
Now it’s a stretch, but my sister Michelle is a huge super fan and follows and interacts with as many as she can on Twitter.
She was telling me about this possible connection, as she ffollows Jason, and struck up some conversations with a Michelle who claims to have been the long distance gf. And a few months back mentioned she had been chosen for this season.
If has any reality, then I can understand the “worse super fan ever” crying jags.
But I still think she needs to go, and I like the idea of back dooring Paulie if possible.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But… Could the remaining house guests reboot quick enough to play the game, or will it stall?
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John…I thought Jason is gay! or am I thinking of the wrong Jason. Jason was the best friend of Day in the house. I that the same one?
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Nope, you’re right Margie. The little Pee-Wee Herman look alike that works at the grocery store and lives in his mom’s basement. They just did a segment with him this season.
And yes, he’s so obviously gay…….”not that there’s anything wrong with that” (Seinfeld bit) 😉
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As Of 4:30 this morning James has proclaims to Natalie (while he was cuddling her), Paul, Victor and Meech that Z is going to go home. Z is completely unaware. If Paulie had kept his big smart ass mouth shut about Natalie’s ‘fake tits’ to James things might be very different. He was being swayed by Paulie and Corey in the Have Not room. You could tell he was thinking hard and feeling guilty about backstabbing the bros alliance. But after Paulie went on his rampage, and I do mean a UGLY rampage, things changed.
When this was going down in the HOH room Paul made himself very scarce because he doesn’t want them to know he and Victor are playing both sides of the house. Paul has said some horrible things about Natalie behind her back (rightly deserved I might add) but didn’t want James to know he said the, so he was hiding as far away as he could get in that house.
Almost all of the stuff Paulie was saying about Nat was true but he said it in such a mean, chauvinist way that James recoiled. He should have known James better than that. So that’s why I say Paulie has pooped in his Post Toasties and I don’t think he can recover from this even if he wins the DE HOH. Because everyone has turned on him except for Nicole and Corey. He doesn’t have the votes in the house anymore. He thinks he still has Victor but he really does not. Victor is stuck to Paul like glue. They are celebrating this war because it leaves them in the middle sought after (for votes) by each side, not in the line of fire right now.
Bridgette was getting all self righteous in the middle of the fight forgetting all the crap she and Frank pulled. She has also forgot about Frank hitting Z and D on the butt and calling them sluts and whores. She was so indignant how Paulie was treating Nat. Nat admitted that she deserved some of Paulies words because of her flirty actions and statements she has made. Victor was very upset about her goodby message and finally confronted her about it. He (unlike hiding Paul) told James that what Paulie was saying about Nat’s actions was true.
I would never, ever pull for or vote for Natalie to win. She can cuddle up to James all she wants and convince him how wonderful she is but I KNOW because I have heard from her own mouth, while talking GT to Bridgette how she really feels about him. She is not as innocent as she tries to appear. She has stuck to James to carry her ass through the game and she is trying very hard for AFP
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Really James is being such an idiot about all of this mess. Whichever group he is in the middle of that’s who he is with at the time. He changes his mind more than any woman I have ever known. lol He need to get his head out of Natalie’s pants and play the game. Everyone is hitting him up to use his extra votes for the best of their own game. He needs to ignore all of them, including crying, whining Meech and do what is right for him. Nat, Bridgette and Meech were hitting him HARD last night and you could see his evident struggle to do what HE wants. This decision he is making is Nat, Meech and Bridg game.
Meech keeps saying she is going to make some BIG moves. The move that she can’t seem to make is out of the bed! She should have bed sores by now. lol
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I’m thinking James was just playing Paulie & co. I’d guess he will use his votes to cancel Paul & Corey or Nic and Z will be evicted 3-2.
But it is hard to tell with James no doubt. I think the direct threats by Paulie towards getting Natalie out will make James side against Paulie
IDK if it will work or if they will try it, but the 3 girls (Meech, Nat, Bridg) hatched a scheme to all say they are in an all girl alliance with Nicole… and that Nicole (not James) was the 3rd vote against Z. Seems like a crazy story… unless you’re in a paranoid house where everyone knows Nic was actually in the fatal 5 at one time.
Meech is odd. Being a nutritionist, you’d think she would have more energy. They have all noticed how much she sleeps every day. They say she is up only 4-6 hrs a day. And what nutritionist has a steady diet of Froot Loops, Fruity Pebbles, Potato Chips, & Pizza? I know BB house messes people up… but I’ve seen the storage room many times. TONS of good stuff to eat in there!! And with nothing but time, there really is no excuse for eating so poorly.
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Go head on, Margie, preach. You are so right.
When he pulls his head OUT…, he will be sitting on the BLOCK wondering how he got there.
Vote to evict Z.
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Sherry…..I just read your post from yesterday about the move Nat made talking to Z. She, Bridgette and Meech wanted to stir up Paulie and get him all upset for the DE. I think also it was a lot of ‘mean girl’ crap put in a ‘I’m just trying to help you out’ way. If she really wanted to help Z out she would tell her she is going home tonight and wear her best dress! Instead she loaned Z one of her skirts to wear to make her believe she is staying. She exaggerated a lot of what she told Z. She kept telling Z ‘this hurts my heart to tell you this but I feel you need to know’. You know, deep down in her heart Z knows Paulie doesn’t return her feelings. She just doesn’t want to admit it to herself. Witness how she reacted after being told….she went straight back to Paulie and crawled back in his arms. Then she would go back to Nat and tell her she was just playing him and she really appreciated her telling her all that stuff. Then she would go back to Paulie.. On and on and on.. I can’t imagine why she is so insecure. She is a very beautiful girl and much too good for Paulie in my opinion. But you know how us women are, we have to SEE it for ourselves and acknowledge what is happening. She’s not there yet! IMHO
You are correct Paulie is going to fight HARD for that HOH, especially when he realizes it is a DE. If he wins it he will probably put up Nat and Bridgette or Nat and James. It will be an interesting night.
Did you see the link to the show someone posted? You could watch on your computer tonight. If not we will certainly keep you posted.
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Thanks, Margie. I’ll be looking for your great posts.
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Thanks for this post my dear💕 ………….
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@Babygirl…..Voting Z out has nothing to do with the color of her skin, frankly I think she is the most beautiful girl in the house! It has to do with the fact that she really has no game play and mainly they want to do it because she is a vote for Paulie! Because Paulie is expecting Meech to be voted out and it would be a blow to his ego.
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@Robbos……I certainly don’t want either Natalie or James to win! Especially Natalie. Truly I wish we could vote to give the money to charity as there is NOT A ONE of them I like this year. lol
Please everyone do not vote for Natalie to be AFP!
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@ Carolyn….I agree with your comment 100%.
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@Janice….Paul and Paulie are definitely on different sides now since Paulie (unknowingly) outed Paul to James. I’m pretty sure Paul is on everyone’s radar for being a flip flopper going to whatever side is in power now. Serves him right. I’m glad people are finally seeing thru him. He’s a pain in the ass. I even like Victor better and Paul and that’s saying a lot. lol
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Margie i love your posts & Or Comments what ever LOL But I am with you my dear & again thank you my friend💜 I just gave you my Purple heart, but you can’t keep it……………..
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@Sirrock…loved your comment. I couldn’t agree more. We will get to see hardly anything of what happened last night, as you say, the best night this season because so much will be going on.
Thanks for the link.
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Margie, figures they start playing the game the night before the Double Eviction! DAMMIT! Hahaha!
You’re welcome with the link. Hope it works for the episode. I’m not effected here, but I read on some BB Twitter feeds that it should work for the live show. Never tried it for the show before.
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I am just about done with BBAD……… back to my TV
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Thanks Lisa! I haven’t read anything for 2 weeks as I was away but will definitely try to catch up!
I vote to evict Meech…she behaves ( I can’t even use the word play) like a 12 yr old girl
Then I hope Corey goes. Haha I know, nobody even mentioned him but I’m concerned he could actually end up winning & that would be a disgrace!
I want to see PP turn on each other….that could turn up the game! But what I honestly don’t understand is why can’t the women ever actually form an alliance & stand behind it like the men. Foolish!
I really don’t know who I want to win at this point. That charity idea works for me:)
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PP have turned against each other… so yes, that is shaking things up for sure!
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One thing I am sure of. Paulie has no chance to win this game.
Well, as close to no chance as you can have anyway.
If he survives tonight, he will still have 2/3 of the house trying to get him out target #1.
He can’t win everything. And if he gets evicted tonight or next week and has the RT ticket.. they will just get him out again.
Let’s say somehow he slips through it all and makes final 2. Who would he win against? No one. Many have said there is no way they will vote for him to win if he is in final 2.
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@Sirrock…..that is exactly why Victor threw the beads. He planned it with help from Paul and Paulie. He also planned to wear the Jester hat and pull them from the top of the hat but forgot his hat upstairs and production wouldn’t let him go get it! lol What a idiot. He’s actually from Slidell, La. but he keeps saying New Orleans. Although that’s only about 30/45 minutes drive.
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Yeah, that’s what I thought. I know someone commented on my reply saying they throw beads to everyone from the floats and yeah, I get that. BUT this was specifically done to make the girls feel shitty. Victor was so happy with himself…..but that speech was so weak. These kids need to watch some old BB season to see how it’s really done!
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@JT…..The only person Paulie would have a chance against is Nicole. All the girls hate Nicole and have said they would never vote for her no matter who she is up against! In my opinion none of them have a lot to talk about because none of them are worth a crap either. Especially Meech who never seems to get out of bed. When she does she keeps saying ‘I’m so tired….I think I’ll go back to bed’. LOL
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Nicole was the only one I was thinking he’d even have close to a shot at.
Yes.. the girls hate her.
But even with that I think she would have the following votes
1) Corey
2) Paul
3) James
4) Zak
5) Da
….and as much as the girls hate Nicole… I think they would rather she win than Paulie if it came to that.
The votes Paulie might have are Nic & Corey… but if Nic was in F2 with him.. there goes both those votes.
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@Sirrock……I don’t give a flip that he’s gay. To each their own, I say. I guess they mean girlfriend as in ‘girl friend’. Right?
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I know you don’t care, neither do I. I’m just a huge Seinfeld fan and I can’t count the amount of times in a day where something comes up and I’m reminded of a line from that show, this being one of them. Here’s the scene I was referencing. 🙂
At most, she’s a girl and his friend, but NO CHANCE of being a girlfriend.
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For any blogettes in areas where Big brother is preempted tonight to air an NFL preseason game, if you have CBS All Access and Google Chrome briwser installed with the “Location Guard” extension, just fool CBS live feeds into thinking you are located in Philadelphia, PA for prime time tonight.
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Google Chrome browser
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I tried it but could not fool them😝
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C’est Moi….can I ask a stupid question? How do you fool it to Philadelphia?
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In Google Chrome, use location guard to change your browsers location from where you actually are to a new location on the location guard map.
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You must be a CBS l access subscriber for location guard and it only applies to live CBS shows. Currently Big bang is streaming live on KYW Channel 3 CBS in Philadelphia. Big Brother airs at 8 pm CDT my time though it will be 9 pm in Philly.
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Star, say you didn’t mean it!!! We all must watch the next BB because there’s no way we cannot! : ) Of course, reading this blog pretty much makes actually watching unnecessary. Some of you pick up on things that went right over my head even though I watched it on the tube (that means TV to those born after 1970).
P&P only think they are running the show. I don’t know who is, but somehow, some way, the tide has turned against them. Looks like Michelle might be going to make a power move if it’s not too late, but how did she sneak in and divide the house? Masterfully if intentional. Luckily if not. I want to believe someone, anyone, has been playing so well that no one has even noticed.
Z needs to go, go, go. ASAP! After the maxipad episode I nearly took out an ad in the LA Times challenging Grodner to at least require the HGs to maintain basic hygiene. Margie, I can’t believe the HGs cleaned up the house after the Search for It comp. James must have confessed he was the one who tossed the eggs. Stupid, but I’m sure he viewed it as as close to a juvenile prank as he could muster at the time. Juvenile right.
Since his previous season when he was so beloved, James has not grown more mature; whereas, we have. Even if I only grew an iota more mature, James has actually regressed.
So, out Z, then Paulie, then Paul, then let’s hope the remaining HGs will entertain us by playing the game and not just laying around all day.
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@two…….I KNOW!! I will prolly cave and watch it!!! lol You know me to well! Because you ARE me!! BB junkie that is…;) It’s just so close and I do like a break from BB. Plus it’s not on NORMAL TV and I AM a baby boomer after all!!! 😉 I know I will keep up with it…but maybe less fervently. Maybe just check jokers, LFS and pop in here occasionally. We’ll see.
Your basic hygiene comment cracked me up!! 😀 That was the grosses ghetto thing I had ever seen on BB or even HEARD of in civilized life!!! lol
And SAME…as MEECH says……about Jamesey!!! He’s kind of playing the same game as last year, only without his shield Meg. and people, both in and out of the house, seem to be over it!!! You’re 32 and have a kid….act like it!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
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@sirrock,,,,After you get on the BMX site is there any particular thing to click on to see the program? and thanks again for this link!!
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Margie, I don’t exactly know, as I’ve never watched the show on this site before. I usually just check on the feeds every now and again and read on Twitter that people being preempted for the football game could watch the show on there.
Looking at it now, I would assume it’s the numbers to the right of the box marked “shows” with the arrow pointing at them. Just a guess, but maybe the 1,2,3,4 are timezones? But I see there’s a box for the west coast as well.
Just play around with it when the show is supposed to air and see what works. I’m in a fb group that the admins will post the show right after it airs and I’ll share that link if you can’t get it to work.
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Sirrock, I would love to have the th link that airs BB. Our show was preempted by a game!! Book!😕
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@TWO…..James has bragged many times that he did the complete mess in the house during the comp because his fans wanted him to do that and that’s how he won AFP! I personally think it’s a waste of perfectly good eggs and food. lol I understand why Victor, who is somewhat of a clean freak, was pissed especially about the eggs. Can you imagine trying to clean that up!!! He has said that he does all these stupid pranks to win AFP and that’s why Natalie joins in. She is racing him for that vote.
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I saw when James said he was doing what his fans wanted.
What a bunch of BS. He really is dumb if he thinks destroying the house is why he was AFP.
IMO they need to makes some changes to that comp. Eliminate the kitchen and personal bags
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I read that after the comp. the HGS were told to clean it up!! but after a few mins, both Nic and Corey went in to lay down. They are used to Mommy Maid Service!~!!
Just the other day , they were on quite a long daytime lockout. I am sure BB has given up on them and has a cleaning crew coming in now. things were SO much harder on the HGS back in the beginning. They had to take care of animals, clean their clothes by hand, cleam the house themselves…….these kids just sleep and complain and WHINE about anything else!!! Maybe if you did your chores, you would get more BOOZE kids!!! lol
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Natalie, James and Paul are in the bedroom now and Natalie is complaining that ‘they take the only 3 things I have done in the house and use them against me’ …I’m so nice I don’t know why people do that to me’. James says ‘I know baby, please don’t stress over it’. UGH ‘I’m so tiny I don’t know why people pick on me’. James is such a fool for falling for this crap. She says she never ever says crap about people behind their back. Which is what she is doing right now! lol She wants James to let her win HOH tonight if he can and he says he will. OMG
Only three things Natalie???
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@Sirrock… You are a sweetheart! Thanks I’ll do that.
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OK, good luck! Hope it works! If not, I’ll post a link as soon as I see one on the fb group. OR you could just join the group and get it yourself. Anyone reading this, feel free to join. They repost tons of BB and other seasons, other series, movies. Check it out. The group has been kinda lame but it fired up with everything going on in the house lately. Just more ammo for me about how terrible this season is.
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Sirrock…….Being a Seinfeld fan I know what it says w/out watching…*NOT there’s anything WRONG with that!!!* lo
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@Sirrock…I watched the clip. I loved it! Of course I love all Seinfeld.
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I love TV, obviously, but Seinfeld is just like on a Rolodex for quotes in my mind.
Ever watch an old HBO series called “Dream On”? Basically it was a divorced guy, his buddy, his kid, and his ex wife, but the gimmick was, the lead character was raised by watching TV. His mom just plunked him in front of the TV so he just absorbed it. So anytime something happens in his life, his mind cuts to a scene from an old move or TV show. It was really a great show, some clips on youtube. Check it out. That’s basically how my brain works, too. 😉
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Sirrock…….’I’m not gay….let’s go have sex right now’…LOL
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AAAAHAHAHAHA!!!! I love that line….so funny!!
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Four words. get rid of Paulie!!
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MARGIE thx for the updates!
i vote to evict meech – cant handle anymore bo hooing – plus with them getting paulie out (fingers crossed) we will see how z plays her own game. weve seen how meech plays plhhhh
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thanks to both Margie and Sirrock for the information on BB love it, big help, love to know what’s going on.
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Bob I love the purple heart!
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Sirrock…. I’m not familiar with Dream On. I’ll have to check it out. Sounds fun.
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SIrrock….I’m sure you have told us this before but I’ve slept since then. What do you do after you join? Anything special?
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Sorry, got busy and watched the show. They just approve you. Shouldn’t take too long.
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SIrrock…I clicked to join the Facebook group and it keeps saying pending. Is there anything else I need to do?
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I don’t really want to send any of the girls home! I want the three mighty Dick heads to GO… Paul, Paulie and Victor!!!!!!!!!!! I am sick of them. I want to go in the house and rip into all three of them. Wouldn’t be pretty but at my age…I don’t care. I can honestly say I deeply dislike the players picked more than usual… which is a lot. NOW, Frank doesn’t seem so bad.
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@ tender I agree with you 100% ty
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I have two daughters and a whiny ex husband, who whined the most…..I can handle it. I Cannot handle Mean People.
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OMG Tendr! How cool would that be? Giving one viewer the right to have a one on one with each of the houseguests! I love it. =0)
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@Star….that didn’t happen with Nicole and Corey laying down. They actually stayed and cleaned until the bitter end. Nicole did most of the cleaning in the kitchen with James and Nat.
I am so sick of James this year. He is even more up Natalie’s butt than he was Meg’s. I don’t think he has a thought that is not occupied by Nat because that is how she wants it.
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Sirrock….the facebook link just keeps pending so if you can find a link after the show starts would you please publish it?
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Apparently Bridgette mentioned that she was a feminist and Paulie compared being a feminist to being a racist. Did he really say something so stupid?
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deb: If Brid. is a feminist I’m Julia Roberts. A feminist doesn’t let
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------a man tell her what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. She
drooled every time Frank came near her and let him rule her
every move. It’s funny that my generation really knew what the
word racist and feminist meant…we lived through it. But now
the words are thrown around with no real meaning or no
understanding of the definition of the word.
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Sherry you are right on the mark with the feminist statement. Well phrased.
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Sherry…. Z was evicted.
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Margie: Thank you, thank you! How did Paulie take it? Who
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------got HOH for the DE? Who were the noms? Okay, I’ll get
peppering you with questions and await your report! 🙂 🙂
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Sherry Corey won HOH!!!!!!!!!!!
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Sherry my connection on the Internet is spotty so I don’t get all the reactions. Only two questions were asked on the HOH . Paulie was first out.
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I can’t believe believe he is asking James, Paul. Victor and Paulie who to put up!
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Margie you have to consider the source, he was supposed to be the one going up to backdoor Paulie. His question shows who is PLAYING THE GAME vs who is along for the ride taking orders. That’s why he didn’t know who to put up.
When they were in the circle he was trying to ask the GROUP who to put up now. Pointing to everyone. This action is indicative of a NON PLAYER, who needed directives when plans change.
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Looking like Nat and bridg
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Sherry he nominated Bridgette and Michelle?????? I would have put of James and Natalie. Lol
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Margie, from what I saw on Paul’s face, he WILL take care of JAMES LATER. I saw fear in James’ eyes.
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Margie, HE had to put up Bridgette, she was becoming too dangerous for his game. It shocked Michelle that she was still there…it’s only temporary…for sure.
Paulie told him to put her up.
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Corey won HOH??!! Will miracles never cease. But I did hear him
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------talking with Nic, and they were saying it was time to quit hiding
their true skills under wraps. (paraphrasing) Got the impression
they’ve throwing comps, preferring to float along until they had no
other choice. Nic didn’t want targets on their backs. Well, if he won
this one, he has some plans already made as to what he wants to do.
I bet he puts James and Nat up.
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Sherry great minds think alike on the nominees! They are getting ready to play the veto. I want both those girls out so I don’t care who goes. If one of them wins veto Natalie will probably go up.
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Margie: Brid and Michelle? Are you kidding me? WTH? Does no
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------one in this house of horrors know there is $500K at the end?
Which one of the macho impersonators told him to do that?
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Corey won veto
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All of them. I can’t believe it Paul has sucked back up. If he wins the next one I have a feeling Corey and Paulie go up! I would never have believed it after last night. They should never trust Paul and James. Victor either. I have a feeling they are going after Paulie, Corey and Nicole if they win the next HOH.
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Meech ran off the set at break….probably going to crrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy. Lol
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Sherry some of my comments are in moderation. Don’t know why.
but all of the boys were in on picking the nominees. Stupid!
Meech ran off the set at break….probably going to cry
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Bridgette is victed
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Bridgette is evicted
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Meech is crying of course
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Well at this point the final 2 will either be P&P or Nicole/Corey depending on who wins the key HoH once the floaters are gone. I suppose the return pass could come into play but does that expire soon?
Oh jeez…Michele is crying. Shocker! Haha
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Sherry….Michelle made a stupid speech at the veto calling out Nichole and saying she tried to make a deal with her before the show. That’s a complete lie. I heard the girls planning this to put a wrench in Nicole’s game. They were planning last night for Mich to do this to create doubt with Corey and Paulie. Mean Girls much??????
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I love you, Margie. Thank you so much for your blow-by-blow
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------description of what is happening tonight. I feel like I’m almost
watching it with you. You are great with descriptions.
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I am in shock. Brid was evicted. Guess she really ticked off Paulie,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the inflated balloon head with the ugly haircut. This is the point
I would like to be a fly on the wall and see what is said at the jury
house. Don’t you know Z is getting an ear full. LOL.
Well, well, well. Gotta say tonight was interesting for a change.
Hope it keeps up. Feel that it might. Paulie isn’t the type to let it
go that Z was voted out.
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I have a question for anyone to please answer. When they are in the jury house, do the see past footage they were not privy to see when there in the house.
Are they able to see Everything?
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Carolyn, I don’t think so. I think they only get to see the brief
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------video each jury member brings with them. At least that is the way I’ve understood it.
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Michelle got dressed up to be evicted. I’m a little surprised they evicted Bridgette. Maybe they kept Michelle to torment her this week.
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I will say I thought Michelle looked really pretty tonight. I saw her
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------pic on another blog. James or Vic had better win HOH or their
little rebellion won’t last long. They’ve got to get Paulie 👿
out. I still don’t trust Paul to stay with the Rebs.
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Agreed….Michelle cleans up nice!
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Cory is a dufus. Missed the best chance to backdoor Paulie they’ll ever get.
The fb page hasn’t posted the link for the show yet. Should be fairly soon, I hope. I’ll share it here or on the next blog page.
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Sirrock I finally got the BMX site to work. Thanks a million for all your help. I get panicky when I cant see BB. I don’t know how Sherry does it because her cable doesn’t carry CBS and she doesn’t have live feeds.
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Believe me, Margie, it isn’t easy. Especially this evening when
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------there was finally something to watch. I tried to do the bmx thing,
but got nowhere. First it was java. Tried to download jave and
was told I couldn’t because I have google chrome. So I tried
CBS to get all access. They wouldn’t take my state and since
I do not have a FB account, it was a no go. Just not my night.
🙂 🙂 Thanks again!
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Glad it worked Margie!
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Sirrock: Calling Corey a dufus is a compliment. LOL
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I totally agree that Corey is a doofus but I don’t think he is anti-Paulie since he is Paulie’s No. 1 bro. Maybe he was throwing comps because he looked pretty good in the veto one. The HOH one he was just lucky. I can’t remember Julie’s actual words but it was something like strategic calculations and you could just see Corey saying “what?”
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deb: On BBAD Corey admitted as much to Nic who seemed to
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------admit to doing the same thing.
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Sherry..Nicole and Meech are have a talk to clear the air between each other after the awful speech that Meech made at the veto ceremony!
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sherry…….looks like Nichole and Meech might be mending fences. Meech is such a whiner. She’s even worse than Nicole. lol
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I’ve about decided prod. much love whiners.
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Paulie is back on his high horse fussing at Natalie. He needs to shut the F up and let it go. His ego is unbelievable!
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I wonder if being able to cry over anything is a trait you must
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------possess to be on any reality show. Bachel.. Bachlette. , Bach. in
Para., BB….the girls are all big time criers and whiners. I admire
the girl who cries in private, if at all, but mostly takes her licks
and keeps on going. If this is whom they really are I feel for
their future husbands.
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Are they playing for HOH tonight?
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I read on one of the BB spoiler Twitter pages they will probably shut the feeds off between sometime soon and play the HoH and then have them back on so they can have a BBAD tonight.
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Sherry they still haven’t started the next HOH. I’ll let you know what happens. Now all of them are making nice, nice and getting to air a lot of feelings.
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Sherry ……James, Natalie, Victor and Paul and still planning on taking out Paulie at the next HOH. They just said.
Nicole and Corey are talking and they are aware of what is going on. They do not trust James anymore or Paul or Victor.
I really don’t like Paul and am not very fond of James anymore.
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Why isn’t Michelle in on this conference?
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Margie you are hitting home runs with everything you are saying today especially about James. There was fear in his eyes.
He no longer has the protective gift. He felt like an important man when everyone was coming to him telling him how to use his power.
I have been sick of James for sometime. Now he stands without protection. He allowed himself to be USED.
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Only with this group would Kumbaya follow a DE.
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Sherry……..Can you believe Corey won two competitions tonight! Nicole was almost neck to neck on the veto with Corey. The veto they played was the one where Jeff got evicted. The one where the veto was hidden in a bin full of balls. They had to find 3 disks and them the veto. It was great!
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I knew the two of them were throwing comps. This just goes to
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------prove it. But when Corey decides to hit the gas, he really cruises!
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Sherry…….. Meech would have looked a lot better if she hadn’t put in those extra long fake hair extensions.
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Sirrock…….If Corey had put Paulie up he would not have but one friend left in the house, Nicole. All of the others, James, Victor, Paul and Natalie have switched sides. So I think for his game he made the best choice. Can you believe he won two comps in a row tonight!
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Yeah I can see that, but to me, EVERYONE needs to get Paulie out. Do that and then the rest can kinda battle it out. He did kinda put a big target on his back winning back to back comps. Granted, the first one, everyone LOST more than he won. That ball pit one was made for his long legs jumping over that thing.
Now he’s gotta sit out this HoH. Paul, Paulie, or Victor will win I’m guessing. Maybe not, but that’s how it seems to go. Then those guys will run another girl out the door or put James/Nat up and out they go.
I guess my thought was, if you have a clear cut shot at taking out what’s CLEARLY the most powerful player in the game, you do it! I don’t think they’ll ever get that chance again. Perfect backdoor chance……but I suppose, he probably had the round trip ticket anyway for all I know.
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Paul is still wearing that stupid swim floatie in the house. Sherry he wore it on the live show as well. Dumb ass. There really isn’t much ‘friendship’ in the house any more.
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I will never look at a floatie duck again without seeing Paul running around with it on and looking like an idiot. His social
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------meter must be broken.
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Sherry….I tried all of the same sites you did and finally got the BMX location to work. The facebook connection never would let me join. I kept clicking on different tabs and one finally came up.
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Margie: I’m glad it wasn’t all me. I feel a little better now.
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Paul is still wearing that stupid swim floatie in the house. Sherry he wore it on the live show as well. Dumb ass. There really isn’t much ‘friendship’ in the house any more.
@Carolyn…..I think your right about the look on the face. lol James is doing a lot of sucking up right now.
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@Cathy…..yes they will be playing in a couple of hours.
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@Carolyn….I agree, her days are numbered! Unless the boys get in a war with each other and forget about her! lol
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@Jolee…..here is the web site Sirrock posted and it worked for me.
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SIrrock.”.. That’s not the plan any more. James, Victor, Paul and Natalie have teamed together and their goal is to get out Paulie, Nicole and Corey in that order. Michelle seems to have been forgotten about. I think she and Nicole have hashed out there differences tonight and so she might team with her. Just a guess.
I’m actually liking Corey more…OMG did I just say that?? But he seems to be a man of his word unlike any of the others especially James. James has gone back to Corey, Nicole and Paulie and apologized and told them he wants to work with them and has no intention of doing so. Not like the old James that everyone loved. By the way, I was never a James fan and even less so this year. The only thing IMHO he had going for him was his loyalty and now the only person he is loyal to is THE Nat!
Paul is the one I would LOVE to see leave. It would kill him because he loves all the attention. Why else would he wear a floatie around the house and on live to all the time. He is a loud, noisy loud mouth!
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Can’t wait to see who wins this HoH and who is safe for the week with the America’s package or whatever it is.
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When did the guys universally decide to evict Bridge instead of Meech? Meech called herself a dead man walking and I thought that was the truth. It seemed like Meech had burned her bridges with that last speech.
I thought it looked like James was throwing the VETO comp and I wondered why he would. Then I realized if he’d used it, the only girl not protected by the Executives was Nat and she would have gone up in place. Corey would never put up a guy, Not that there’s anything wrong with that. : )
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FINALLY – link for tonight Live Double Eviction
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I tried the sight, Sirrock and was told it wasn’t responding. Maybe a large number of people are using the site. I will try
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------again later. Thanks.
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Try this one…..I posted it, its an alternative link but it must have gone to moderation.
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I posted an alternative link but it went to moderation twice.
Its’ a Vodlocker link. Check back to see if Lisa releases it and try that one. Sorry…..tried my best! 🙂
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ALTERNATIVE LINK – if that other one doesn’t work for you, for tonight’s Live Double Eviction.
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Sirrock: You’ve been fantastic. I will try these tomorrow. Thank you so much. I am so tired to night. I’m making typo errors like crazy.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tried to watch some of BBAD and got so disgusted I turned it off. I believe these are the most characterless guys they’ve ever had on the show. It looked like Paul and Vic are deserting James
and Nat. Michelle will go home. There will be no bd for Paulie.
They can’t win a veto, so….. 🙁
Paul and Vic are really stupid to go with Paulie and Corey. They’re good at comps and won’t be taking either V or P with them. Nic is going to the jury house,too.
I just don’t understand why the guys think they have to be so
demeaning to the girls and enjoy it so much. These are not
good guys and any girl who would date any of them after BB is
an idiot with no self-esteem.
Vic could have won BB if he’d deserted Paulie and stuck to the
plan. Once Paulie was gone, then Corey, he would be the comp.
beast and would have gone down in BB history as the only
player who was evicted, came back, and won. (At least I think
I’m right about that.) Even if he makes it to the end as a f2, which I can’t see happening, he won’t get any votes. He’s made
an ass out of himself and showed he has no character. Now it
looks like Paulie has it smooth sailing all the way. UGH!!!
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@Carolyn….No they absolutely do not get to see any footage. If fact, the only thing they see is the tape the evicted HG brings with them showing the eviction ceremony, etc.
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great drama on the feeds!
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Carolyn….Amen about James!
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Sherry in case you are wondering what’s going on. The answer is NOTHING. They have gone to the Jeff tapes about 30 minutes ago, I thought to get Corey’s HOH basket because that’s all he gets. I think it might be they are playing the HOH comp because they don’t usually take this long for the basket. I’ll let you know if you want me to.
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He has Austin from last year on showing clips. I couldn’t stand him last year and seems my feelings haven’t changed! lol
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Victor won HOH!!!!!!!
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NEW POST! http://www.big-brother-blog.com/big-brother-18/big-brother-18-double-eviction-results/
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Hey guys!! Sorry if I stole your thunder Margie!! I haven’t even been paying attention since the show. I even took a nap..lol But I just heard that Vic one and got excited…..lol
He is a comp beast!! Instead of fighting over the girls, maybe they should get him out??? Paulie has figured out he and Paul aren’t really on THEIR side.
My cursor is acing all weird. I may have to shut down. I should have just stayed on my cell!!! I may be BRB……or not!! lol
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Thanks, Star and Margie. Margie you have been so wonderful
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------about keeping me in the loop tonight. Thank you.
I don’t like what I’ve been seeing on BBAD (ref. earlier post
to Sirrock). I hope I’m wrong and this is all an act. Am going to
have to call it a night. I am exhausted and have workers coming
tomorrow. I will read all of your posts tomorrow. Thanks again
to both of you!!! And another thanks to Sirrock who worked
so dilegently to try to get me a viewing of tonight’s show. I will
try those sites tomorrow,too. I love this blog!!!!
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sherry…. I saw how Margie filled you in all night!! And Sirrock too. We are pretty great…lol I wondered where you were on the new page!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well, sweet dreams and good luck with whatever you are having done!! 😉
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