Hi, everyone!
If y’all have been following the comments then you already know who has been nominated for eviction and who won today’s roadkill comp. Β But I’m going to go ahead and post it here, just to make everything official! π
So, Paulie, who got a letter from Cody as a reward for winning HoH, made his nominations earlier today. Β And it’s really not a shock who he decided to nominate. Β We knew that he was going to nominate two people from the newbie alliance and we also knew that, as a member of Catagory Four, Bridgette cannot be nominated.
So, Paulie nominated: Paul and Bronte! Β However, the plan is to backdoor Victor and I have to say that I personally am happy that Paulie did not waste his time by nominating a pawn or trying to do anything too complicated. Β Instead, he nominated two people who voted against him. Β Even if Victor wins the veto and uses it to take Paul or Bronte off the block, Paulie is almost guaranteed to get rid of at least one enemy this week.
Now, a lot of people have said that it seems strange that Paulie is targeting Victor instead of Paul. Β I have to admit that I find it a little bit strange as well. Β However, I think I understand Paulie’s logic. Β Nobody in the house takes Paul that seriously. Β He’s viewed as being a joke and, despite the fact that he did win last week’s veto, he’s not viewed as being a real competition threat. Β Victor, on the other hand, is in great shape and he actually seems to have more influence over Natalie, Bronte, and Bridgette than Paul. Β Paul is a hundred times more obnoxious and irritating to live with but, strategically, it probably does make more sense to take out Victor.
(Though, to be honest, if I was HoH, I would probably be trying to get rid of either Natalie or Bronte because the whole mean girl thing is so tedious.)
Anyway, they had the roadkill competition after the nominations and guess who won? Β VICTOR! Β Now, that sounds like that would be a bad thing, right? Β Wrong. Β Victor’s an idiot. Β He has basically let everyone in the house know that he won and, tomorrow, everyone will know that Victor is responsible for the third nomination. Β SERIOUSLY, WHAT IS VICTOR THINKING!?
Originally, Victor was planning on nominating either James or Nicole and that actually would have been a smart move on his part. Β Some members of the Eight Pack don’t trust James because he’s on Team Unicorn with Natalie, Bronte, and Victor. Β Nicole, meanwhile, has already proven that she can win HoH. Β Victor could, at the very least, make a convincing argument that James and Nicole are both bigger threats than either Paul or Bronte.
However, Victor made the mistake of asking others for advice. Β I’m not totally sure who convinced him to do what he did but I think it may have been Frank. Β I guess we’ll find out for sure on Sunday. Β But regardless, Victor somehow got it into his head that it would be a good idea to nominate Tiffany!
Victor made his nomination earlier today and it will be officially revealed tomorrow before the Veto comp. Β The only way that this could work to Victor’s advantage would be if Tiffany has a major meltdown and goes so overboard that everyone decides to go ahead and get rid of her. Β Considering that Tiffany spent hours in bed, crying over a relatively innocent comment that Frank made, it’s totally possible that this could happen.
But for now, it looks like Victor’s in trouble.
Lisa Marie
Thanks for the update Lisa Marie. I had just read on Jokers the same thing but was happy to come back on the blog and see your new report explaining everything.
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Tiffany is in the HoH room crying, so I guess she knows she’s going to be nominated.
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ur so right lisa… i just had to MUTE the Feeds cause Tiff is already Crying her Eyes Out with Paulie, OMG, lol…
i found this Great Facebook Video with Jeff giving a Tour on the BB Lot… it’s Great…βΊ…
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love jeff
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HoH8….Thanks for the Jeff link! Good video.
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Thanks Lisa!! This reminds me a little bit if the Battle of the BLOCK season. Both very cluttered with confusing game changing rules. I guess they feel they have to shake it up to keep people watching. I’ll be happy when enough HGs have left and we can get down to the hard core BB.
I kept waiting for Paulie to get his HOH room last night and show off all his pics and presents. I guess they aren’t going to do that while the team twist is still on. Too bad. Was looking forward to a letter from Cody. I feel like. BB is back but I’m still missing it. ππΊ
Agree with your assessment of both Vic and Tif. Both hot messes!! Lol
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How much Tiffany can we take ?? Maybe not much more.
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Things are getting a little more interesting in the BB house. I want people to act on their own and not be influenced by anyone. I know a lot of strategy comes into play, and there are alliances open and secret, but decisions should be made on what is best for you!!! It’s Big Brother people !!! I agree that BB will get more interesting as the HG’s are down to fewer people. I still am for the vets, but I also like Paulie. I am glad he won HOH. I am hoping some of the whiny girls will go home! They make you want to wear earplugs! πππ Goodnight!!! Happy weekend and Fourth of July!!!
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Just now watched the BB18 SAGA that you posted a link to yesterday, HILARIOUS!! Also enjoying James in the house again, not the best player but his pranks lighten up some of the monotony.
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ur welcome Merlie… Yes, Wil’s Videos are the BEST… i will contnue posting all his weekly videos, lol …βΊ…
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OMG. Tiffany is in her super paranoid phase right now and is close to telling Natalie and Bronte everything! She is telling them that there is a lot of stuff going on that they don’t know about and with the least encouragement would tell all.!!!! Somebody needs to get down there to her to shut her up.
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Oh, for crying out loud (no pun intended)! What is wrong with
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------these people. It’s like their food has been sprayed with sodium
pentothal!! They just can’t seem to keep their mouths shut. Tiff’s
sister was a hot mess, but at least she was strategically smart.
I have to wonder if these females are outside the house as big
a bawl bags as they seem to be once they enter the BB house.
Maybe they are paid more for turning on the water works. It
seems to happen on so many reality shows. Thanks Margie
for the updates.
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Star…..’Bawl Bags’ haaaaaaahaaaahaa. Love it!
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In regard to your post from the other day: absolutely, Star, and it doesn’t make the game more interesting, it makes the game more unreasonably tipped toward someone who is at the very bottom of Jokers’ scoreboard. So we can guarantee that person will come back to the house!
My original bitch in this season was on might one: the “photo finish” when Glenn was evicted. No one in production expected Glenn to do as well as he did, he’s a big guy and that comp was set up for him to lose. And the photo finish conveniently was taken from an angle where you couldn’t see Corey hitting the buzzer. You can’t throw the studly Showmance guy out first and keep the old geezer who been cast as a throw away! So photo finish with a camera angle that suits the story they want to sell, er, tell. There’s no way there wasn’t another camera angle that showed Corey buzzing in seconds after Glenn. No f’n way!
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I say the same thing with the photo finish I laughed when I watched looked like Glenn came in first hmmm that camera angle .
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I noticed that too. And if I remember correctly, didn’t they show it with a split screen? So who’s to say the time was exactly the same, I mean, that could be manipulated by speeding up/slowing down a nanosecond or two.
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I’m so glad to hear that, Jeanette!
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The whole “photo finish” was pretty meaningless. Glen had 3-4 coconuts that rolled off their place when he grabbed the flag. Even if he got his flag first, he knocked the coconuts loose, so he wouldn’t have won. Just a bit more drama to make it look super exciting.
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I loved your summary, Lisa Marie. Victor isn’t a student of the game, obviously. However, since we know that Victor is a pale comparison to Jon Snow, but has no brains, your question of “WHAT WAS VICTOR THINKING? left off the ending, WITH? Since he has no brains at all, it’s obvious that John Hiatt has the only possible answer!
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I love the John Hiatt reference! He’s one of my faves.
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Thanks, Waxfairy. Btw, I’m so sorry, but every time I read your name it reminds me I have to get my eyebrows done! But John Hiatt was correct in his “thinking.”
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That is exactly what my name means! I’m an esthetician, and I’m usually up to my elbows in wax at work! Wow, I guess it fits.
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all i know is i want paul and victor OUT and then i’ll start looking at the girls…right now i’m not paying much attention to the girls. i think with those two guys out the girls will be even more vocal and doing more foot in mouth. but first get out the most annoying that have some power even if it’s not brains but brawn.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------π π
π Happy Saturday everyone. And Happy 4th of July! π
π π
π ππππ π
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Thank you, Jolee and back at you. The same goes for Sissy.
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It didn’t turn out exactly as I planned, but you get the message!!??!
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Always love your summaries Lisa. So much fun to read plus I get the latest info. Like last year, I’m not doing BBAD or reading other blogs on BB because I get everything I need right here with you and everyone’s comments and updates. Thanks everyone a bunch. I especially liked the Jon Snow reference Princess.
So I will, one more time, click the Notify me button below and hope I start getting your comments in my email. If not, I’ll have to completely unsubscribe and start over.My original year for signing on to this blog was 2007 I believe. I’ll have to double check that. Wish me luck! π
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I wish you luck starfish and am having the same problem. If
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------you find something that works, please let me know. Thanks.
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Nope, still not working. Sherry do you have aol and are you on Windows 10? Just curious because I’ve never had this problem and this is very frustrating to have to go up and down the blog to see who said what and who replied to whom. Ugh
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No, starfish. I have sbcglobal and am not on Windows 10. This
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------is the first time I’ve had this problem, too.
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Hi everyone. I’m new to this blog but have been watching BB for years. I’m so glad I found this! Love getting the inside scoop. Thank you all! Happy about Paulie being HoH. I’m pulling for the returners though, especially Frank. I liked him the first time and want to see him do well this time around. Happy Fourth of July all!
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Well the drawing for who plays in the veto comp has been done and Victor is NOT playing which means whoever wins will use the veto, Victor goes up and goes home. That is unless Tiff goes off the rails again and if she does she might go home! Davonne and Z were the two picked to play. They are anticipating playing after 5 when it gets cooler.
It appears Nicole’s team are the Have Nots and are sleeping in the bumper cars! At least they are safe and can’t be nominated.
This should be an easy week as everyone wants Victor out. With his temper this should be interesting when he is nominated!
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Let me make a correction on my post. I’m not sure whose team is in the Have Not room. I can’t remember who is on what team. Whatever team Z is on is the Have Nots for the week.
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Thanks Margie. You are great at keeping everyone posted
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on what is going on. It helps!!
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Thanks Margie for the Heads Up on thr HN’s… here is the story… the Team with the Lowest Total on the Berry Comp are the HN’s… and they’re eating just Berries & Slop for the week… and they are Paul, Day, & Zak…
as for the POV Players… Day’s name was picked from the Bag & Paul picked Zak to play… so Victor’s ONLY chance he has is “IF” Tiff wins… Vic gets to get Re-Nom some HG other then himself …βΊ…
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I’m not exactly new to this blog, but I’m fairly new to BB (I think this is the 4th season I’ve watched now after friends introduced me, reluctantly, to the antics of a group of crazy HGs). I’ve been hooked ever since, but was disappointed in the last season because no one seemed to have the good sense to keep their mouths shut and I hated the Two HoH twist. This season is back to some basics and I think there are some interesting players to watch. I was thrilled to have Jozea leave (you, sir, are no messiah, but you are a silly queen). I love this blog and discovered it around the same time I started watching BB. I appreciate all the insights, love the comments of others, and the sharing.
I’m also loving the overt shirtlessness of all the guys this season, and while Victor is hot, he needs to go soon. In order of their hotness (not necessarily based on anything else but physical looks): Victor, Paulie, Corey and Paul (I’m a sucker for hot tattoos).
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Thanks Lisa & thanks everyone for all the comments, as you can see I have nothing to say about all of the people in this show…….
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POV Winner = PAULIE*****
Bye Bye Victor, lol …βΊ…
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Paulie won POV!!!! Woo Hoo!!! Good job. Wonder if he will use it. I have heard s lot of HGs want Tif to go. We shall see. ππ
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the POV Comp was a Re-Mix of the Word Game… but the Letters were worth different amounts… they all had 10 Letter words but Paulie was the Fastest…
so the “Backdoor Victor Plan” stays in effect… Paulie plans on taking Paul OFF the block and putting UP Victor…βΊ…
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I’m getting all the post information, but my avatar has only shown up once. Same one JT created for me years ago. I checked online and it’s supposed to show up with my login and not the odd quilt pattern I get. Very strange changes on the blog.
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Hello, it’s Saturday night, I’m still reviewing Friday’s BBAD, and I’m blown away.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This group is more intuitive than last night.
Oh and reviewing last nights BBAD, Paulie and Za, this is a couple to watch, loved the foot rubbing, and then some sensanial extermidary light fingertip massage and then the casual rump resting and or local “Hey Sailor”, got a thought on this? Ima thinking Paulie has become subservient to ‘Za’s influence.
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Just marking my place. Be back later!!ππππππππππππππππππππππππππ
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So Basically, the Week is Over already… we know the Winners to every Comp and we know who will be Evicted next Thurs… poor VEETOR(that’s how u say his name in Spanish)… so we can Relax now and Enjoy our 4th of July, lol …βΊ…
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