Hi, y’all!
When Victor left the house, it was largely due to Paulie. When he reentered the house, he said that he was going to go after Paulie. Da’Vonne made it a point to tell Victor that he was Paul and Paulie’s next target.
So, now that Victor is Head of Household, is he going after Paulie?
NO! Instead, he’s doing exactly what Paulie wants him to do. Paulie wanted him to nominate Zakiyah and Michelle so that’s exactly what Victor did. Earlier today, the nominations were announced. Michelle has been sobbing ever since.
As for Zakiyah — well, she knows that Paulie could have kept her from being nominated. So, you would think that she would be really mad at him, right? Instead, Zakiyah just seems to be mildly annoyed. They argued a little but soon, Zakiyah was back to talking about how Paulie puts “butterflies” in her stomach. When she and Michelle discussed who they should try to convince Victor to nominate if either one of them wins the veto, Paulie’s name did not come up. Instead, they both agreed that they should try to convince Victor to backdoor James!
To be honest, I thought that Paulie lost his magic powers after Paul messed up his hair. But no, Paulie apparently still knows how to cast a spell over the house.
After the nominations were announced, Paulie appeared to be shocked to discover that most of the house was totally prepared to vote out Zakiyah. However, he cast his magic spell and, after a little bit of scrambling, it appears that he’s convinced the house that it would make more sense to vote out Michelle.
(And Michelle is not helping herself by crying and continually saying that she’s on the verge of throwing up. Nobody is going to want to keep that drama around the house. Personally, I liked Michelle up until about two weeks ago. Once she decided that she was best friends with Nicole and Frank, she stopped being quirky and just became another mean girl.)
As for the big advantage, James won it. James has the power to cancel out the votes of two houseguests on Thursday. When he showed Natalie the card that announced his new power, he said that maybe America was trying to warn him that Victor was planning to backdoor him. Natalie replied, “Maybe they are,” and then she started laughing, for some reason.
Anyway, that’s the state of the house right now. Much like Paul last week, Victor is striding around the house and looking like a king inspecting his kingdom. Michelle is crying. And Zakiyah, for whatever reason, doesn’t seem to realize that a real boyfriend wouldn’t suggest that his girlfriend be put on the block.
We’ll see what happens with the veto tomorrow but right now, Michelle appears to be on the verge of being the first houseguest evicted during Thursday’s double eviction!
Lisa Marie
Hmmm…I spoke too soon. Paul apparently really wants Zakiyah to be the one to go.
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I’ll take your word for it Lisa a I haven’t even watched BBAD yet, but as of a few nites ago,Paulie was the one telling Corey HE wanted Z to go!! She was too jealous and needy, hurting his game and driving him nuts!!! Paul may be acting as Paulie’s mouthpiece so Paulie doesn’t have to take the fall. OR I thought they were going to SAY the target was Meech just to keep Z off his back, but then send Z packing. Besides, they know it’s a DE, right??? So actually, they could still get BOTH of them out!! JMO and I;ll go watch BBAD now……lol
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wonder if there is a backdoor plan. doesnt seem so. another year the guys rule. how did jordan and rachel win? ha
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Macy: I think they both won with the help of their BF in the house and a little actual skill towards the end. If not for Jeff and Brendon they would never have made it halfway through the game. Once their “true love” was out, they had to depend on themselves to play the game.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What amazes me about BB is how female personalities come unraveled while staying in the house. Rachel still gets on my last nerve with her whining and crying. Amaz. Race was no different. But when Brendon isn’t in the picture a different side of her evolves.
Now we have Z and Michelle falling to pieces. Michelle is sure Z is safe because of Paulie and feels like she has no chance. Michelle…the veto???Duh. You don’t give up until every chance of changing the situation has evaporated.
Z is up and down because of her feelings for Paulie and blindness
as to whom he really is.
Nic is a whining thorn in my side, especially when around Corey. She has been a miserable player this season and was once a favorite of mine. Not at all this season.
Bridgett is laying low for now, but I think if given an opportunity she will go after Paulie. She didn’t play well when Frank was in the house.
Nat is just laughing her way through the game feeling safe with
James at her back. Let’s put it this way. She isn’t a long distance
And the guys sit back and let the girls unravel as they laugh
themselves to the end.
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sherry…all too true!!! We think that Millenials are savy and smarter than we were. BUT………young girl are young girls. And I think with all the social media they are immersed in everyday, they are actually MORE socially awkward than we were!!!
I was trying to remember how I was at that age. And I supposed I was some what guilty too, but I am an Aquarian and a people watcher and tend to be detached. And I recall wondering why, when a mixed group was together, the boys showed off with each other and the girls all laughed at their every word and action!! I don’t think anything has changed. Maybe it’s a throwback gene or just something ingrained in women from the days when they NEEDED a man. And this dumb, conceding.worshiping mating act was something they had to do!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Whatever the reason it’s pathetic!!! Women got the vote and went to work and burned their bras, and GIRLS are still acting like this!!!! And as long as they keep thinking they have to have a guy to be the center of their universe, they may as well quit applying for BB because they will never win!!!! As it is now, they are just cuddle bunnies and expendable HGS for the Boys to get out! It’s sad really. SMH. And yes, the last two to win, Jordan and Rachel,both needed help from their BF’s!! Bleh!
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I agree one hundred percent. The women are too dependent on the men. I think Zakiyah will be the next houseguest to join the jury on Thursday.
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Sherry, yes R & J did have help from their BFs and I agree with Star. Bleh At least they played once their BFs were out. So far, Bridg just seems to be following whatever Paulie tells her. They have to be engaged and this bunch of coconuts doesn’t have a clue how this game is played. Half don’t even realize that HGs are frenemies, not BFFs.
Star, I know I wasn’t all giggly childish like that at that age or any age. Like you said, I too was a bit detached and I’m a Gemini. Just wasn’t me then or now.
I had high hopes for the “girls” in the beginning but they quickly turned into slop. Bleh
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Don’t forget that production saved Rachel and Jordan when they evoked a twist to “re-couple” the couples and since Rachel and Jordan’s BF’s were gone, THEY were made a couple….oh and I think they were both on the block at the time…..which that was conveniently washed away and they started a new HOH with no eviction. I may be off on a few details there, but the gist is, BB saved them. Period.
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Thanks for the write up Lisa!
It’s very interesting to see how much persuasive power Paul has over everyone even Paulie. He is constantly giving Paulie good reasons why Z should be voted out! That Paulie can’t refute!
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Thanks, Lisa. You definitely have a gift.
Margie, I thanked you, and tendr, I apologized to you on the previous post. It will be hard to find, but I don’t want you to be under the impression you are being judged. Because you’re not. I’ve was in the insecure frame of mind for a log time. It’s like you are treading water and trying to keep afloat yet you keep picking up stones and slipping them into your pockets. I don’t want that for you. Or anyone.
I’m so glad James got the care package. I think that also means he’s on the radar for AFP. There’s something so likable about James – when he isn’t lying through his teeth. That care package will be good for 3 more weeks, right? Can he use it on someone else if he’s not the one on the block? That would be some mighty power to have.
I’m so disappointed in Nicole this season. Just a space taker upper like Corey. Interesting that Frank got booted out because he dared to play the game. Too soon, but he was playing.
Every once in awhile I think about Bronte being gone and I cheer a little inside.
James had better get a move on, and now is the perfect time since he has the care package reward. Please don’t use it on Nat.
I don’t think any of the others have a chance in blue blazes of winning this season. Z is just an embarrassment to herself and woman-kind.
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Thank you Lisa! Another great report. I really appreciate you and the work you do to make this blog successful. 😊😊
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I also am glad James got the great care package. I think he will put a lot of thought into how he uses it.
Great comments everyone! I will check back later!
Nite all….😴😴
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tendr, I have several comments for you on the previous post. Also for Margie and Astra!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nite all! 😊😊😊
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P.S. and sherry …. 😊😊
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Back at you, friend. 🙂 🙂
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I will never say anything intentionally to hurt anyone! I really admire all of you. We are a diverse group of people, but we all have something in common: We love Big Brother, even though sometimes it’s a love/hate relationship. 😊😊😊😊
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Goodnight everyone. Have a great weekend.
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i probably over reacted but i didn’t like being put in the same catagory of paul or his friend. some of us look different than what most expect us to but too bad. life is too short. with my brother in law fighting for his life it has me on edge every waking moment.
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I don’t understand. Do they call the winner of the care packages
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------into the DR and have it waiting on them like they did America’s
Player? And we have two more evictions, maybe three for the return ticket to still be valid? (the 3rd being a double eviction). And James doesn’t have to use the care package this week? He has three weeks where it will be good?
James is still America’s favorite it looks like even though he hasn’t
been playing the game well this season. Maybe laying low is his game for now. But it looks like he’s just too much into Nat to play
well. At least he has her back which is more than I can say for the
other males in showmances.
I’m thinking this veto challenge may be a mental or a simple luck
challenge to spice things up. If Michelle were to win the veto it will
be interesting to see who the replacement will be. Could Vic become
a player all of a sudden and put up Paulie?? NO! He’ll play it safe
I think. But if Paulie WERE a replacement it would be so interesting
to see how the vote would go. It might be the only chance they’d
have to get him out and James could tip the scales to make sure it
happened. A lot of “ifs”. Probably won’t happen, but…….
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@Sherry…..the way the care package works is it is delivered to the back yard by parachute and has the houseguests name on it. They have other things inside like underware, shirts, etc. Whatever the care package holds game wise has to be used the same week, it can’t be held. At least that is the way I understand it. Anyone else???
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Margie… yes. In fact good thing I refreshed cuz I was just going to say the same thing to sherry…lol
There was a date they had to be used by but I think that jut meant that they would stop the care packages then. Aug 18 sticks in my head but that doesn’t seem long enough. Anyway, I think what you said is correct. these twists and new rules are so hard to keep tack of. Especially THIS year because there have been so many!!! lol
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Star: I’m sure I was probably just like these girls when I was in high
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------school and a couple years after school, but I was never one to allow
others to see me cry unless it was something I couldn’t control and had no where to go to be by myself. That’s a drawback of the house. There is really no where to go to be alone unless it’s under the covers or behind a bathroom door with a fist in the mouth to muffle your crys. Maybe that’s the clue to the endless tears.
But at their age I was married and had a child, while holding down full employment. In my generation parents didn’t believe in coddling their children. At 18 you stood on your own two feet or were sent to college to try to find your feet, and crying never got you anything. We didn’t understand it at the time, but our parents
were teaching us to fight for survival. Their lives were harder than
ours and ours were harder than our own children. A majority of the upcoming generation is about to have it the hardest and don’t have
a clue about survival during hard times. As long as we supply them
with “safe zones” and teach them PC, they will never be prepared for the real world. I may end up often slamming my foot in my mouth before even dusting it off, but I don’t like PC and learn by my
mistakes. I try to not hurt others feelings, but I try to not get my
own feelings hurt that easily as well.
To be honest, I know the BB house is something I wouldn’t handle
well. The toleration of fools is not in my wheel house. Perhaps I
should be more tolerant of those in there now….not. They chose
to expose themselves to this.
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@Sherry, I agree with you. My Mom was a single parent raising four kids to be self sufficient. I was married and had a child at 19 and still married to same man after 35 years. I’m disappointed with how these ladies are playing,especially Nicole(I had high hopes for her this season)
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Way to go hillbillygal!
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Bravo Sherry! I agree completely. Kids today aren’t taught much about self-control, respect or anything that doesn’t pertain to their personal happiness. PC is hurting us and these kids will be in for a shock when they come into the real world.
Have you heard the story about a kid in college offered an elite internship at one of the big companies. He wanted to change the dress code and he and his buddies didn’t want to wear jackets and ties. They wrote a letter to management asking for a dress code change and complained that one of the ladies didn’t wear the designated shoes. Next day, they were all called into the meeting room and summarily fired. The leader of this dumbass group, calls a radio station and complains that they weren’t even given a chance to discuss their point of view or have any discussion. Plus they were told that the girl wearing the shoes was a wounded war veteran and couldn’t wear comfortable shoes. Now, this guy complains that if they had known that, they would have “factored” it into their letter. He just didn’t get it. These kids think they actually have a say in changing a corporation’s Rules and Regs.
Sorry, but I just had to put that story out there. I’ve heard other similar ones from my friends who are still working in the corporate world.
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@Star…….great minds think alike!!!!!
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@Margie….Use GMTA!!! Or sherry will never learn!!! lol
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Star: LMAO.
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Margie and Star: Thanks for the info. So the care package has more
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------than an aide to the game in it. That’s great. It’s been hard missing so much of this season, but it always comes out fine with the help I get from ya’ll. I hate to ask stupid questions, but if I don’t know I can’t
get a full grip on what is happening. Thanks again for always being
there to answer my questions. I guess the three of us are the only
ones up this late at night.
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sherry…..I guess we are the new Late night Crew!!! lol We had a different one about 5 years ago, but life goes on. Looks like I am the sole remaining member. Actually, JT was part of it but he took a vacay that year while BB was on. Now work gets in the way!! 😉
@Margie…I’m in Mich..EST. It’s 5:00 here right now. But I’m a night owl,so this is normal for me!! 😉
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Margie: I live in Fayetteville, AR so I’m in the same time zone
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------as you. I, too, am a night owl. I sometimes fall asleep on the
couch and wake up unable to go back to sleep. That’s when I
hit the computer. Glad I’m not alone tonight!! Enjoying the chat.
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Sherry, there is no stupid questions. That’s how we learn. I appreciate all of the comments you, Star, tendr and Margie post. Otherwise, I wood have a ton of questions. I almost got in trouble with my “tattoo” question, but inquiring minds want to know! My daughter has a tattoo on her foot, and one of my nieces has a tattoo of her brother’s lifeline chart when he was dying in the hospital. He was run over by a hit and run driver and left in the road. It was on New Years Eve. He died on Christmas eve. He was a very special young man. I actually was blessed to see him born. That’s sort of what I meant about personal tattoos.
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sherry / star. What time is it where you are. I’m in Louisiana and its 4:00. I don’t know why I’m not sleepy. Don’t work tomorrow so it doesn’t matter. ll
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sherry….I feel so redundant in saying this but….I agree with every word!! lol And well chosen words they were!!! Especially when you said you should be more tolerant of fools. I usually just say…I don’t DO stupid well!! lol
I think every previous generation that had it harder than their kids tries to spoil them just a little while teaching them to stand on their own two feet. As an example, my parents did pay for my college, but it was MY job to get good grades!! When I wanted a part time job for spending money, my dad said NO! You have a job already! I did work summers and saved, but it was such a help and a luxury to not have to during.
And when I graduated and moved out, my parents in no way supported me, but if I did need help financially, I could go to them. I knew they had my back.
NOW kids NEVER move out!! WHY?? It’s so comfy at home and Mom cooks and does the laundry!! lol Besides, who has time to work when you are on the computer or texting all day. These kids are in for a rude awakening! Shortly after I did move out, it was overwhelming being away from home and always broke and hungry. I asked to move back and my dad said NO. He would help anyway he could, but I had made this decision and I needed to give it time. that is what is wrong with kids today….their PARENTS!!!! They aren’t parenting. They want to be their kids friends and don’t want them to be mad at them!!! They need to grow up before they can help their children! And every year i think we see it more obviously on BB. We keep saying how immature they are this year.I think it’s just the way it is now. Why do you think they are there??? To have the summer off in Cali and get paid!! And to hopefully make enough that they won’t have to go back to work for a long time!!lol Ok….rant over. sorry…lol
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Star and Margie: Are you sure we didn’t have the same parents?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(LOL). I’ll bet your parents made you clean your plate because
there were children starving in China? Made sure you wore
clean underwear every day (not just because it was the hygienic
thing to do) because you might be in an accident?
I think pride in one’s self and achievements was something they gave us as a special tool to survive. I never wanted to return home because I would have looked upon that as a failure on
my part. I remember one time we sold our house and bought
another one, but couldn’t move into the new one because the
ones in it wouldn’t get out. It was a mess. But it left me and
my family with no where to live. We moved into my parent’s
home for two weeks. I lack to have killed myself keeping every-
thing clean and trying to follow my mother’s rules (which
differed greatly from my own). It was the longest two weeks
of my life. My mom said the day we were leaving, “I have to
admit it hasn’t been bad at all having you here. I thought it
would be, but it wasn’t.” I bit my tongue to keep from saying
what was on the tip of my tongue, “I’m so glad you felt that
way, because it’s been h….. for me.” I loved my mother but
two women under the same roof can be hard on everyone. They
were there for me when I needed them and I’ll always be
grateful for that. But I always understood it was a temporary
thing until I got my act together. If I took too long, they would
have no problem with evicting me. I thought my parents were
so hard on me growing up, but am so thankful now that they
were. I wish I’d been as hard on my own kids. But I wanted life
to be easier for them. I never stopped to think if life got hard
because of circumstances beyond their control, they might
not handle things all that well. I gave them so much more than
my own parents gave me, but cheated them on the gifts my
parents gave me that made me a survivor.
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sherry……I am LOL at what you said. I think we ARE sisters!!! 😉
You left out having to make your bed before school!! lol
I never did move back home and am so glad i didn’t take the easy route! My Mom and I were actually a lot alike but had very different hours and ideas on how to keep a house, etc. I did have to go back twice because of surgeries, but left as soon as I was able. It was nice to be home but even nicer to leave….lol
I probably shouldn’t pontificate so much about kids as i don;t have any. It’s easy to preach but who knows?? I may have been too nice to my own kids too. We are much more touchy-feely with our emotions than our parents were.
Back to the game, it looks like the girls may be banding together trying to comfort each other. I think they are catching on,SLOWLY, to what the guys are doing!!! It was so hard to hear, but at the beginning of BBAD, Nat and James in bed whispering. And I think Nat as saying that Bridgetts,who knows the game,was telling her that girls hardly ever win! And how the guys pick them off, etc. I think her eyes were finally opened! But James looked a little bit taken aback!!! He tried to tell her NOOooo…that never happens,,,in case he ever needs to do it himself! But the lightbulb has gone off in head!!! Finally!! Maybe it’s not entirely too late for the girls!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Except for Nic. She’s just one of the boys and I say again…..she will be he Brittany of BB18 is she keeps this up!!!
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Well said Star! I agree with you 100% 😊😊😊😊
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Star and Sherry….I so agree with both of you. When I was young I was expected to finish school, get a job and move the hell out! What’s more that’s what I wanted also. Have taken care of myself ever since then. All of my friends have children who have moved back in with them, not because they can’t find a job, they don’t want to find a job!
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@Margie…standards really have changed, eh??? 😉
BTW…I’ll go back and read, but WTH happened on the other blog??? According to two, it sounded like it was something. I try to read all the blog, but if it was towards the end and a new blog comes up, I don’t always go back. Did I miss anything ?? Was there a cat fight or what???LOL
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Ok…NM… all caught up. Nuff said. 😉
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I think I’m going to try to go to sleep! Goodnight!
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Goodnight, Margie. Sleep well.
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Hey sherry…I’m still here. I need to read your last post yet, just wanted you to know I hadn’t left. I was on the last blog playing catch up and this page is refreshing REALLY slow!!!!! I am on another blog on WP and it’s always having this problem. I wish they would get their sh*t together….lol
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Star: I’ve been having problems with the refreshing being slow
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on mine, too. Thought it was just my computer. I’m still here and
since I only have the computer and no phone, it takes me a little
longer to answer back. I do a computerized jigsaw puzzle while I
wait. I’ll say goodnight when I’m ready to hit the hay.
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Ok. I am going to be back and forth between here and FB while I finish up BBAD!! 😉
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Star: My last post was a little muddled. I meant I have no smart
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------phone with computer benefits. I have a Tracfone and a land line.
Just found out I have texting on it. Have had it for two years, but
wouldn’t know how to do it anyway. Apparently (as told by a friend)
it’s a little more complicated on my phone. Bleh…
So glad to hear the girls are finally getting the message about how
the boys are ruling the game. Hope it’s not too late for them. It
will take some meeting of the minds to plan out a strategy that
would work for them. AND winning some comps! But they could
do it, if they all work together. It would be nice to see a girl win
for a change.
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sherry…..I knew what you meant!! lol If you don’t have a smart phone,texting IS a PITA!!! Don’t even try it! 😉
I wish the girls the best too. At least one is definitely going home. They DO need to win an HOH!!! I think Nic and Bridge have been the only to girls to win, and it was during the teams thing. Thy didn’t actually WIN!!! NO wait…Bronte too. Almost forgot!!
I think am going to concentrate on FB so I’ll say goodnight now. It’s been fun chatting!!! I always preferred it late at night when you can really talk to people than say on a Thrus when it’s so busy!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sweet dreams and probably cya here later today!!! 😉 POV is today. I hope they don’t do it too late!! Hate waiting!! lol
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It’s 5:20 here, so I guess I’ll call it a night. Goodnight, Star. Sleep
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------well and have a great weekend. 🙂 🙂 🙂
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Z will be devastated when she watches the reruns of poly wanting to get rid of her. Strong women my ash. They are all lapdogs
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Thank You Lisa your the BEST 🙂
I wish I could chat/blog with yall ~ i want to thank each and everyone of you for your bloging, yall keep me on top of things.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am so tired and sleepy and I am resting alot ~ no pain I’m so thankful.
God is on the throne ~
Nichole is making me mad, did yall hear her when the trolls came out, she said ” oh I’m scared they are scary ” she’s not in it to win it. like yall said she’s just in it to cuddle and taking up space, no game play from her this go round.
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swt, amen! I am glad you are pain free right now! I pray it lasts. Take care! 😊
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I am happy you are not having any pain my dear💕
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Well I just wrote a post and it didn’t post for some reason and I’m too lazy to rewrite it. 😀 Good to see the night owls up and at it! 😉
Thanks Lisa as always for your updates.
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Gosh these morons who are on BB18 need to grow up. What kind of parenting did they have? Apparently not much that they have no morals, self respect, pride or integrity. With all the cussing, F bombs and sex in bumper cars – what is the younger generation coming too and do their parents condone this type of behavior. This used to be a good TV show during prime time however not now. Casting needs to vet these people better in my opinion.
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swt: So glad you aren’t in agonizing pain any more. Sleep all you
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------need, my friend. Know that we are all pulling for you to have the best
days you can. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}.
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SWT: Glad to read you aren’t in pain. Sorry this cast is so awful to watch. I can’t imagine anyone being excited about BB19. They had close to a year to pick this cast and they are terrible. Can’t imagine what kind of cast they will get with only a few months notice. Hang in there SWT. Most everyone here is pulling for you. Take care
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Paulie James an Nic picked to PLAY POV.
LFS went to Jeff about 11:30 BB time. Possibly playing Veto.
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Hi Star! I always enjoy your comments. I especially enjoyed learning more about you. I think you should be very proud of yourself! 😊
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Thanks Jolee. As to being proud all I did was move out of the nest like we are supposed to do!! Lol. But I apreesh all the same!!😊
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OT (feel free to skip this post!😊)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have said it before, but I will say it again! I LOVE this blog. I love the way we all care about each other. We have a few bumps in the road, but by now we know each other enough to know we have no ill will towards anyone. I feel I have been a part of this blog long enough for most of you know my heart. I know I am probably the “grandmother” of this blog, so we look at things from different perspectives, which is a good thing! Well, Jolee will step down from her soapbox now!
Have a great day everyone! I am going to watch BBAD that I recorded last night, so I can add something BB related to this conversation. Be back later! 😊😊😊
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@Star and Sherry….You’re right we could be triplets. I LOL at your reference to making up my bed before school! I still do that to this day. Can’t leave the room with my bed unmade! Sherry I also do computerized jigsaw puzzles while I’m watching tv of on the blog. Go figure!
I watched this bunch of idiots in the house until 4:30 am Central time this morning. Meech and Z kept patting each other on the back about what strong women they are (not!) and Paulie never shut up!
Doesn’t look as if anyone is aware of the relationship developing between Bridgette and Victor. Paul and Paulie think they have control over everyone in the house but I think Victor has different ideas after listening to him talk with Bridg. Wouldn’t that be a kick if Vic would replace a veto save with Paulie or Paul! I would prefer to get rid of Paulie.
Z put on her sexy clothes late last night (tiny little red bra and low slung ripped jeans), curled her hair and put on makeup at 12:00 a.m. to entice Paulie. That’s her strategy to get to the end. I went to bed before they did so I don’t know if it worked or not but I would bet that it did!
Meech had finally quit crying . She would be crying again if she knew that everything she was saying to Z was going straight to Paulie. Meech went upstairs to talk with Victor, Z came up half way thru and just sat down. Then went downstairs to told Paulie everything that was said. Damn girl! Aren’t you loyal to anyone?
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Margie. I’m the same way. Don’t leave my BR until the bed is made. I can’t stand the way it looks unmade and makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something first thing. Lol
I didn’t know about Meech and Vic! Maybe he’s smarter than we think. I know she is! I hope they allign and shake the house up good!!!l
I never liked Z. And now that she is being a rat to M I like her even less. I DO hope she goes this week!! I saw her enticing PAulie And as long as he is telling her how hot she is she’s all smiles. But let him ignore her for 5mins and it’s like the Tiranic is going down!! Lol. The girl has no self esteem and not a lot upstairs. Pop a squat honey. And say Hi to Julie for us. lol. 😄😅😂
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Jolee…I always love to hear your perspective on things! Have a great day.
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Margie, very interesting report on BBAD. I think I will have to check it out now! 😊😊😊😊 Thank’s
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Thank you Lisa for such a great write up my dear💕 Something is so wrong with the little girls in the BB house…yes I said little girls! If a real women was in the house you might see a different game play😝
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you everyone for your comments…… I think I’ll go watch some of BBAD in a little while………. Have a great Saturday bye for now………………………
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Well, this year, as well the past three years can be summed up in one word…….boring. Time to move on, so that’s what I’m going to do. Will miss the blog, but not the show.
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I agree with most above comments the HH’s, Paul and Paulie are my least favorites in the game. But they soon are put on the backburner when I see a whiner or a crier, It’s a game folks! You’re lucky to be there, normal adults would be more apt to want to be on the show, consider your selves lucky.
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Wow…this comp is taking a long time! 5 hours so far. Any ideas what it might be?
Where is JT and Sirrok. You usually have a pretty good idea what it might be. You also Star. Any ideas? Maybe they had to take Meech to the hospital if she lost the veto for hysterical crying!
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Love today’s comments. Z will never learn. Michelle is showing the
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------gumption she started with in the beginning. Maybe Vic will show some, too. He could be playing the best game of them all. Veto will tell the true story. If he caves, then it was just a sham. I can hardly wait to find out who won. This could turn the game around if the right person wins. Whatever the results, I hope Michelle has cried the well dry and won’t be able to cry any more.
Star: “Pop a squat, honey”…. am still laughing. Haven’t ever heard that one before, but I bet I use it in the future 🙂 🙂
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Sherry. I can’t take credit for pop a squat. It’s a BB standard. I think Boogue used it first. Then Ian and maybe Steve last year. It cracks me up tho. Lol
The Veto is over 6 hrs now. Maybe it’s the face puzzles. That always takes them a long time. We’re out shopping and I kept checking. Couldn’t believe it wasn’t over yet!! On our way back with Olive Garden so I can keep a better eye on it if it’s still going.
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Star: Thanks. Will keep an eye out for your report. I have a feeling if it was the face puzzles Brid might win. She seems to be an ob-servant person. Michelle might, but the other females don’t even
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------know what time of day it is. James might be good, Paulie has prolly
studied them pretty closely, Paul prolly has, too. Vic?? Forget
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Sherry ….you right. No way in hell that Corey will get it. My bet is Meech or Paulie! I really want Z to go to the jury and be with her best friend Day this week!
It’s now been 7 hours so I must be the face morph! They have probably had Corey out there for 3 hours trying to figure it out. Kinda like I would be if I was there.
Star bring me a salad and breadsticks from Olive Garden! Love them..
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Star I remember pop a squat ! That has always tickled me!
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Me too Star! I love Olive Garden’s breadsticks. They have the best spaghetti sauce ever! I could bathe in it! 😊😊
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I can’t believe how long this veto is taking.
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It’s been 7.5 hrs now. This has gone longer than any endurance comp! These guys have almost put in a full day work!!!
I agree about Corey.. The lights are on but nobody’s home!!!lol
The bread sticks haven’t been good lately. Really tough and cold. It is take out but still……
And I was bad. I had chicken alfredo and Chicken Nioke(sp?) soup. Creamy stuff is my downfall..lol I didn’t finish either one tho so …..leftover lunches!!! lol
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Their back! Don’t know anything yet.
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Feeds are back!
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Looks like it was where they had to search the house for the veto. The house is a MESS! James is pissed about a comment made by Victor.
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Looks like Paulie won!!!
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Wonder what he will do? This should be interesting. I bet he gets more sex tonight!
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Margie..lol I don’t think Paulie wants that from Z at ALL!! He is just using her!
I think he will leave the noms the same. And if she didn’t know before that Paulie wasn’t her BF or even an alliance member, she should know then!!!! But all he will have to do is feed her some BS and thro her a compliment and she will melt! She actually belongs with Corey. More the same speed…lol
SO the comp must have been hiding stuff in the house right??? So thy would have to have done it 6 separate times. But it was almost 8 hrs. How long can you look for something in there????? It’s not that big!!! lol
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Yeah they are having to deep clean the whole house.
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Star remember the comp where they each have to hide some object and then each participant has a chance to come in and find one veto? I think that’s what it was.
Also wouldn’t be the first time she gave him a little! lol. This is better reason too.
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@Margie…yes. I think it’s called hide-n-seek.
Corey and Nic have already quit cleaning. I heard Cory fell asleep during the comp. He is a wast of space in there!!! SMH
they ere talking about BB wanting them to clean. Didn’t we used to see hem cleaning on the TV shows? Like on Sat or something???? Or I think they would have lock outs and someone else would be taking out trash etc. I haven’t seen or heard of them doing any of that thi season. And the house always looks like a hot mess so not sure we could tell any difference tonight!! lol
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i love yall !!!! thanks for everything !!!! 🙂
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swt,…love you back!!!!!! 🙂 <3
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Star I think the only cleaning they made them do was cleaning on Thursday for the live show. I know in the last three or four years it has been a filthy mess. I wouldn’t be able to stand it. I like things in order (shades of my Mother)! lol
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ME too!!!! lol they trained/guilted us well!!! 😉
Altho I m not as spic and span clean as my mom. You could eat off her floors. Not sure I would advise that in my house….lol But I do hate clutter!!! And I am always moving my decorations over an inch here or there when they get moved….;)
I SO wouldn’t want to sleep in those beds or shower there either! Altho at that age, I was either in a dorm or had a roommate and had to deal with a lot of the same. ICK! Could/t do it anymore!!!! Oh and Vic said the HOH shower was broken! SO ALL of the GS are showering downstairs!!! the wet towels draped all over are just breeding grounds for germs and mold!!! Perish the thought…..lol
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Star did you notice last night when Bridgette was up in the HOH sucking up to Victor she was back to the giggling and cussing like she was with Frank! I was just listening and doing a jigsaw puzzle on the computer and thought for a minute Frank was back in the house. lol. For the last few days she hasn’t done that silly, little girl voice.
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I think that is her sad way of flirting!!! But what is so incongruous is when she starts searing like a sailor!!! Vic was initially attracted to Nic to I don’t see anything going on there. But an alliance would definitely be a great idea!!
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@Dough….. I agree with you about Paul! He has been pretty successful in talking Paulie into getting rid of Z and you can tell he really doesn’t want to. Paulie keeps coming up with excused to keep her and Paul keeps shooting them down. I think Paul pretty much wants to keep Victor to get rid of Paulie . Paul is no dummy. He’s just irritating as hell!!
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Did anyone notice the weird way Z is washing get hair? I’ve never had extensions. Is that how it is done with extensions?
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Z just told James he couldn’t shower in the have not shower while she was showering on the other side because her boyfriend wouldn’t like it. I don’t think Paulie would give a damn! He just got thru talking with some of the boys and told them he was not using the veto. The boys plan to have a secret late night meeting in the HOH after everyone is asleep.
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I have never had extensions an I’m not watching the LFS so I have no clue! I’m guessing that you need to not use much water and be careful where you scrub. I can’t believe they leave them in. Seems like a huge pain! I kind of thought they were for special occasions, but models and pop stars have left girls thinking they aren’t cute without long hair and false eyelashes!!! We all obsessed about our looks at that age but I think it has gotten painfully worse because of the media and social media!!
And I think Z must be delusional . How can she NOT see that Paulie doesn’t care???!! I knew he would’t save her. She will be crying and nagging and begging her ass off when she finds out!!!lol
I didn’t even know they had jigsaw puzzles OL. I don’t like real ones but that might be fun. Can you give me the addy??
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New post!
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Paulie plans on telling Z later tonight. Hope he waits until she washes her face mask off! That would just be cruel! That should cause a lot of drama.
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Star I ramble also!
Z is going to be very hurt and embarrassed if Paulie doesn’t use it on her! I would be also. She is going to be very upset.
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Paulie is rocking it!!!!
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