Hi, everyone! This is going to be a quick update, just to let you know what happened tonight and to give everyone a new post to comment under!
So, earlier tonight, the Houseguests voted Paulie out of the house. It was a unanimous 5-0 to vote. After leaving the house, Paulie ran outside and gave Julie a huge hug and lifted her up off the ground and it was kind of nerve-wracking to watch, to be honest. Paulie was doing his best to try to appear like he wasn’t upset but we all know that’s not the case. As we already discussed in the comments under the previous post, he spent a good deal of time in the Diary Room earlier today and he was also begging people for their vote up until the start of the live show.
Anyway, Paulie’s gone now. They opened his envelope and he did not have the return ticket. The return ticket has now expired. Julie had the remaining houseguests open their envelopes and it turned out that Paul had the return ticket. Paul jumped up and down in celebration, which may have been a mistake.
Why was it mistake? Because, with Paulie gone, the other houseguests are now going to realize just how powerful Paul has become. They’re going to realize that he’s a legitimate threat to win the game and he’s now going to be almost everyone’s number one target. And, the minute he revealed he had the ticket, he reminded everyone that he has got to be one of the luckiest players in the history of Big Brother. Things always seem to somehow work out for him.
In fact, after the end of the show, Nicole, Natalie, James, and Corey all agreed that Paul needs to be targeted. Nicole told Natalie every negative thing that Paul has ever said about her. If Paul doesn’t win HoH or the co-HoH care package, this could be a bad week for him.
(Though things could change, the post-Paulie house seems to basically be forming along the lines of James/Natalie/Nicole/Corey vs. Paul/Victor/Michelle.)
Speaking of the HoH competition, they’re doing it right now! Before the comp started, James told Natalie that he was going to try to convince Paul to throw the competition and let Natalie have it. If Paul does that, it might be his biggest mistake in the game.
As soon as we have an HoH, I’ll post his or her name in the comments!
That’s it for now! Be sure to watch Friday’s show and find out what that’s all about!
Lisa Marie
I am sure Paulie and Zackia will hook up in the jury house, most likely on his first night. And he will brag about if as soon a he has one of his bros in the house. She is such a needy insecure female. It would be funny if he got her pregnant and he had to step up and be responsible. I am sure she would love to trap her a pretty rich white boy.
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Racist remark?
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Had to stop lurking to say I agree – totally uncalled for.
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Sounded like it didn’t it? That was my thought too and I’m half asleep.
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here we go……….United States of the Offended
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here we go….united states of the offended
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Yep bbigbbob darn right I’m offended
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Yikes, way too far.
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Dough, remark totally uncalled for. It should be removed!
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Geez!?! What kind of person makes a comment like that…they should be removed from this site!
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Oh really, why not him having a rich beautiful black girl, didn’t you know that she has it already don’t need his
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Herbie, go to another blog…. please?
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Lisa… I thought I dreamed the switch over (James, Nat,Corey, and Nicole) but you confirmed it for me. This should be a interesting week with the house kind of evenly divided.
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That would be awesome if they targeted Paul and Victor and then Meech. I would love to see that!! And I hope Corey gets the care package! Thank you Lisa for all of the updates. I think I am the first one to read them. I open them as soon as I get the notification! I love to read what you have to say!!
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Cari I agree with you 1000%. You know that isn’t a popular opinion ,right?
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Do you mean about Paul and Victor? Do people like them?? I used to like Victor, but have never liked Paul.
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I don’t like Paul or victor but I say it allllll the time
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I cannot stand Vic, Paul and Michelle. I hope Vic and Michelle go up next. Hoping Corey and Nicole are the final 2. Natalie is so annoying…ugh…and that voice….
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lol you don’t like Natalie’s voice but you want Nicile to stay and become HOH?!
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It looks like that doctor on staff really came through for CBS Paulie acted and looked as if he had percription drugs.
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I was thinking that too! He looked super happy!!!!!
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I want some of what. They gave him!
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I was thinking the same thing. It definitely looked like Paulie was medicated. My theory is that they gave him something during his six hours in the diary room.
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Lisa. I wasn’t on the blog all day. I didn’t hear about this. Paulie asked for drugs? Or did they just think he need them to get thru the show?
As soon as the camera did a shot of he and Corey I noticed how nervous he was, slapping his knees. He couldn’t hold still. Corey in the other hand was just chillin, as usual. Lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But then when Paulie picked Julie up I said I Thot maybe he was bi- polar because he was having such highs and lows all week. Then did you hear him tell Julie he’d rather stay there with her when she said they were going to talk to the Hgs? It was almost like he was hitting on her. I felt like he was going to jump out of his skin!! Lol. It was super bizarre.
I kept hearing rumors that he was going to self evict. Must be why he was in DR so long! I wonder what they gave him? Oxy??? Lol what he need was a Xanax!!! 😄😊😴
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Hey Lisa! I just wrote a post on my cell and completly lost it in cyber space!!! Usually f I refresh WP it comes back but….not! I have gotten so spoiled with how much easier it isto type there.. BUT I am back on my puter so I can C&P before sending!! Grrr!!! lol
Anyway, I haven;t been OL all day. SO I didn’t hear anything about the meds thing. As soon as I saw Paulie tonight I knew he was nervous and hyper. He couldn’t quit hitting his legs. And Corey was just chillen as usual. lol Then when he picked up Julie I said that I wondered if he was Bi-polar cuz he sure has had his share of highs and lows this week!!! When Julie said they were going to go back inside to talk to the HGS, Paulie said …I’d rather just stay here with you Julie…and looked at her hungrily with a weird grin on his face!!! lol I thought…..Is he hitting on her???? lol Straight up creepy!!!!!
I don;t know what they gave him….Oxy???LOL I think they should have given him a Xanax…or two!!! I’m pretty sure Corey eats them like candy!!!! lol
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Ignore 2nd comment…lol My posts weren’t showing up so I tried over a few times. Lisa got them out but I hope there aren’t anymore!!! AWKWARD!!! lol
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I thought the same thing!!
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I was wondering how much the DR actually told him to behave this week as damage control, since he’s clearly not capable of that. His apology to Nat seemed canned to me.
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Corey is the one who always looks as if he is on something…wide eyed and staring into space! Constantly paranoid…”Are you mad at me?” “You swear to God?” “Why are you acting weird?” Geez! No Balls. Nicole is a Whiney Clueless Ho…would you want to hear that voice if you were ill in the ER with her on duty?!? Paul is just nasty dirty looking and God only knows what is growing in that beard… Toxic Waste! Google his “Dead Skull” apparel… cheap and tasteless. Ratalie is way too overbearing…I’m just over her phony child-like personality. I wouldn’t have minded if James won but not any longer Ratalie would get her grimy little claws on all that money!?! Michelle (not even worth talking about) so that leaves Victor…the Winner! 😉
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Agreed with you except I do like Michelle
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@cari…..not many people seem to like Nicole and Corey. I personally do. I think Nicole has a good heart. She just got sidetracked. Most everyone likes Paul and Victor. Paul gets on my last nerve. He is just as bad as Paulie as far as having to be in charge. He can be funny at times but he is very loud and overbearing. Vic is very vain and egotistical. I do like that he likes to clean though. I don’t ever remember seeing him in a shirt. Does he wear one?
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Oh Nicole & Corey are my favorites! 🙂 And yes, Paul does make me laugh occasionally, but for the most part I think he is just too obnoxious. 🙂
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Me no like Paul or veetor
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Both Paul and Victor have some very dedicated fans. Especially Paul.
Natalie also has some really vocal supporters. A lot of Zakiyah and Paulie’s fans switched over to Natalie as soon as Zakiyah was voted out and it became obvious that Paulie wasn’t going to last another week.
As for Nicole and Corey, Nicole has some fans but not as much as the last time she played. She’s alienated a lot of viewers this season.
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I cannot get a comment to post here from anywhere!!!!!
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Star, I wondered if you had a hot date.
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@Tendr…..Nope. He went to bed about 3 hours ago…lol
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yep james went to bed about five hours ago
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@Lisa……Hey Lisa! I just wrote a post on my cell and completly lost it in cyber space!!! Usually f I refresh WP it comes back but….not! I have gotten so spoiled with how much easier it isto type there.. BUT I am back on my puter so I can C&P before sending!! Grrr!!! lol
Anyway, I haven;t been OL all day. SO I didn’t hear anything about the meds thing. As soon as I saw Paulie tonight I knew he was nervous and hyper. He couldn’t quit hitting his legs. And Corey was just chillen as usual. lol Then when he picked up Julie I said that I wondered if he was Bi-polar cuz he sure has had his share of highs and lows this week!!! When Julie said they were going to go back inside to talk to the HGS, Paulie said …I’d rather just stay here with you Julie…and looked at her hungrily with a weird grin on his face!!! lol I thought…..Is he hitting on her???? lol Straight up creepy!!!!!
I don;t know what they gave him….Oxy???LOL I think they should have given him a Xanax…or two!!! I’m pretty sure Corey eats them like candy!!!! lol
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Star, youre making me lol and that doesnt happen often at 6:30am. We’ve all done that and know exactly how you feel. Its awkward and embarrassing and all you can do is grin and bear it. 😀💗
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Hey Star! How u doing this evening
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@Margie…….Frustrated??LOL Now my comment ,that wouldn’t post, is on here three times!!! ARGH!!!! lol
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Lol. Star still got them Gremlins in your computer from ’09? 😆
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Star- talk about groundhogs day. 😆
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AC <—— 😆
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3 times is not bad Stra…. far short of your personal best. 🙂
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No problem Star. I don’t mind hearing what you have to say three times. Lol
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And a little different each time!!!! lol
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Me either Star! It must be frustrating!! We have all of the world at our finger tips, but when they malfunctioning it is frustrating! I have been watching Murdoch Mysteries and it reminded me of just how far we have come! If we have a question, we can find the answer in minutes, we can have hundreds of books in a Kindle that is the size of one book (I have over 500 books.) We can Google any destination we desire; and then, of course we have Netflix and YouTube. And, of course Facebook! My daughter is in California right now and we can stay in touch by phone, text messages, e-mail, Scype, Facebook …… Amazing!! 😉
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I dont mind either. Its like getting getting 3 slightly different takes from the same person. 😀
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This has been a strange season for me. I usually like someone by now..or a side..and am sticking to it. Sometimes even from the beginning, altho that is more rare.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But I keep going back and forth this year.
I liked Paulie and hated Paul. Wasn’t fond of Vic either.
Then it swtiched this last week….as I am sure a lot of other people did.
Now I really don’t know who I’m rooting for. Paul and Vic were heading for F2 I thought. But they don’t have the numbers.
The couples now are the strong side numberswise, and they’re all NICE, but haven’t done much so far. Plus none of them are entertaining on BBAD. All they do at nite is cuddle and whisper and sleep!!
So I am sort of up for grabs at this point.
To me, that means no one person is standing out….like a Dan or Derrick. Nobody is really playing strong…except Vic and Paul. But now they are the BAD guys? I’m getting a headache…….lol
I kind of hope either Nat or Meech win HOH just so they have the experience. Then, we’ll see if the girls an actually play this game this year!!!! 😉
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Star…I feel the same. Ho hum…whatever whoever I don’t really care and it’s pretty much the same now as from day one. Only once I went to vote for a care package and just stared at the screen…like I don’t really give a hoot!
I will say this again…I think Corey will win, not that I want him to.
I answered your question about FB…don’t know if you saw it. Something else too but I forget what.
I miss the prankster James. Nicole’s whining drives me nuts…in fact all the girls whine like 5 year olds. Feel bad for her when she finds out about Corey.
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Junksies…No. I didn’t see it. Where did you answer me?? It’s late and I have had a confusing night!!!lol
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@Star….I agree with you. Usually I have a favorite I’m pulling for are invested in usually from the start like Derrick. I liked him the minute I saw him and never changed my mind the entire season. This year I, like you, do not have a favorite that I would like to see win. I do have a bunch that I don’t WANT to win. Say any of them in the Jury or still in the house actually. I love having a favorite And really missed it this year.
I wish we could vote to give the money to the flood victims here! lol
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@Margie……I know! It’s kind of an empty I’ve wasted my summer feeling!!! 😉
I liked Derrick too. And Hayden! I predicted he would win from the 1st week and I never waivered all season!!!
Isn’t Vic from LA??? He’d prolly be ok with that! How bad is it there?? Seems like since Katrina, you guys just get beat up every year!!!!!
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Giving the money for AFP to the flood victims would be awesome. It would show the HGS just how much America hated them this season! Good thinking Margie!
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Hi herb
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I can’t believe they aren’t back yet. If it’s endurance, people are holding on for dear life!!!!! And not bargaining….hopefully!!
Only an hr left of BBAD. I just turned it over. Reruns of Wed. show. Oh boy!! I think I’ll go back to the news!!!! lol
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Yeah Vic is from Slidell which is just outside New Orleans.
Yes we have had a rough few years. This year is one of the worst. My nephew called today and he said his mother, who lives in Baton Rouge, has 4 feet of water in her house which has always been classified a no flood zone. Over 70,000 thousand have lost their homes and 11 so far have lost their lives. Thank goodness it isn’t as bad around here but 50 miles south is another story.
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Thankfully you are safe!!! But that’s a huge number of homeless people!!! I don’t understand how they keep rebuilding year after year. It’s mind boggling! I seriously think I would move. At least up state!!!
Even here we have had some problems. Mostly businesses downtown that have had flooding or can’t open because of flooded streets. Lots of wet basements. And we are due for more rain this weekend!!!! This is really killing the end of summer for everyone!!!
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I’m in California about 150 miles north of LA and never have seen so many fires in the 44 years that I’ve been here. The air quality has been really bad, today was the worst…like a yellowish hue hanging over as far as the eye can see and I’m not even close to where the fires are. Tonight I could actually smell the smoke in my foyer. Add to that triple digits for more than a month. It’s been miserable but pales in comparison to the floods and what those poor people are going through.
Margie…praying for your safety.
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They were speculating today in the house that it might be the slip and slide comp but who knows.
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It has rained here for more than a week and more is expected thru next week. I love rainy weather but enough is enough!
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Star and Margie, I agree with both of you regarding picking a favorite. I also chose Derrick from the very beginning. I was surprised at the complements Nic got from the guys tonight! I think she is as cute as a button, but her gameplay is not anything like her last season. I am also a little disappointed in James this year. The relationship he has with Natalie is odd, to say the least! I wish Natalie would pack up her saltine crackers and take them to the jury house! As mean as I thought Vic was when he nominated the girls, he has won me over with his attitude now. I like the way he works to keep the house clean …. especially the kitchen. So far, I guess he is my tentative pick!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jolee is going to bed! Our cleaning lady comes tomorrow and I have a lot of picking up to do! 😉😉😉😉 Nite all! Sleep well!
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Nite Jolee!!!! I still like Vic too.. We shall see!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Funny. I just commented on your sisters pic on FB!!! 😉
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Star, I saw your comment in my e-mail, but not in my Facebook, I posted a picture of me that was taken about the same time as Jeanne’s.
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Jolee, that’s funny. I too would clean before the cleaning lady. Didn’t want her to think i was a pig.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My friends laughed at me like I was crazy. Better crazy than embarrassed. 😲 nite.
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Well, that makes three of us. I always clean before my
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------housekeeper comes. Always have. My friends think I’m
crazy, but I just couldn’t let her come into a mess.
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Night Jolee. I’m about to give it up also!
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Ok….I’m out. May check back later. Nite all!
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Newbie kinda, do not post much, but always reading the blog. Have to admit,bb 2016 slow season this year, I haven’t been able to stat awake most nights, so thanxxxxxxxxx big time for the updates.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------On another note, I saw the post concerning Louisiana, very sad and terrible. Praising the LORD I live a cope hours away. THOUSANDS of pets and livestock also displaced and dying. Rescues running daily. Feed and supplies needed desparetly. HAY especially needed for horses and cattle.
I know off topic, very sorry. Please share on FB if u know rescues who can help.
Hope I can stay awake tonight for catch up on BB.
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Good to see your post Trailrider. Good helpful ideas on how
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------one can help the poor flood victims in LA. Thanks.
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They are back!!!!!!! Don’t know anything yet
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Natalie won I think
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Yes Natalie won!!!!
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Yeah!! I called it!! Good for her!!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I just wish she would have done it earlier!!!! I fell asleep waiting….lol
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Vic and Paul are as nervous as cats in a room full of rocking chairs! They must sense that they are possibly going on the block. I’m glad Paul is sweating
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I’m glad Nat won. Does anyone know if James threw it to her? Just curious cause he said he would. Nat only gets to put up one nom tho. What if the care package winner is Vic like I keep reading? Then he could tell her if she put up Paul he’d put up James. Who knows? Guess we got to wait till the care package comes. I guess they could always have three noms. It’s just usually they do noms the next day after the HOH. Which would mean the care package would have to come early for the Co HOH to put their person up. Oh well I’m just glad Nat won. Finally. Thanks for sharing who won. I couldn’t sleep till I knew. Lol driving me nuts.
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James swears he didn’t throw it. I believe him. It seems they all tried and Nat just flat out won.
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Holy cow!! The HOH comp didn’t get over until then? If they’d just stretched it out a bit more I could have made it home before it was over! LOL
Are some of you still up?? Well.. technically I am still up too since I was last here.. but the good part is my work week is over now 😀
Be interesting to see who wins the CP. Only 4 people are eligible and I could make somewhat of a case for each to win it
Meech seems most likely to get it IMO. Her popularity has skyrocketed in the last week and a half.
Victor could get it… a lot of people really like him if for no other reason than he won HOH.. put up Paulie… won veto.. left Paulie there.. and got him evicted.
Paul… maybe, but I don’t think he has as many fans as the first 2.
Then lastly we have Corey. Normally I would say he has next to no shot at getting the CP. BUT… Nicole does have a lot of fans. They did send her super safety. So the only way Nicole fans can help Nicole is to vote for Corey.
No idea what Nat will do yet. Her and James are sleeping.. and pretty much everyone but them was talking game at some point after the comp.
IDK if they are actually wanting to team with Nic & Cor.. or if they were just in CYA mode.. just in case.
I think whoever gets the CP could sway who Nat nominates. If she was planning to split up Vic & Paul… but one gets the CP… well there goes that plan.
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JT, somewhere way back in the posts, someone said Bridgette got the most votes for the care package, but since she got evicted, they gave it to the next one who had the most votes. Nicole.
For the record, I hate Zingbot. It is so hard to understand what he is saying. Even CCaptioning doesn’t help much. Nic and Nat are whiney, but Zingbot is way, way worse. I don’t understand the fondness the HGs have for him. Talk about creepy.
Paul being a clothing designer is like Rob Kardashian being a sock designer. Everyone knows their families have bankrolled these non-careers.
Margie, I go to the Hunger Site and the Animal Rescue site every day. Both are heralding the need for help in LA. When disaster strikes, good people respond. When Katrina hit, I was having some remodeling work done to my house. The crew asked me if they could quit and go down to NO and help before finishing my project. Of course!
The best thing anyone can do is pray relief is fast and effective. My hear is with those who are dealing with smoke and water both.
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I DON’T Know…..
But here is the best I can make of the HOH comp.
1) It was messy AF (as F***)
2) I think it may have been like seasons past when they all go into a dark box / maze and try to find stuff. The one where they all crawl around through goop with goggles on
3) They were looking for “discs”
4) I think they may have had a limited amount of time each time they went in…. something about having to hit a buzzer when they came out…. maybe a reset buzzer for time?
Nat found 10 discs…. so did Corey but time must have been the deciding factor.
It sounds like James might have won but he screwed up. He had 8 discs (I think) and had 3 more in his hands…. but slipped and fell just before he could hit his buzzer… so he was out. I don’t know if they could bring out more than one at a time.. but that’s how it sounds?
Paul & Nic found 5 discs each… IDK about Meech.
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Oh… and for the record.. IDK if I said it here or elsewhere, but my pick to have the RT ticket was Meech
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I was wrong
But if I had been right…. well, nothing really.. it would have been a 1 in 8 lucky guess.
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One thing I do hate about working nights… watching a live BB show knowing it’s already old news. 🙁
About that old news..
Paulie certainly got a much better edit than he deserved. He was acting with all the tears to get sympathy from other HGs and production.. right.
Adora? Adora Borealis at that? I suppose Adora could be an ok name. I’d guess that her generation is too young to make any “Andora” references when she starts school. In fact, Rach & Bren may be too young to get that one as well.
I was glad they showed who had the RT ticket.
And just when I thought it was safe to go back in the water.. BB brings up another twist (insert conspiracy here)
I wasn’t surprised by this twist at all. There was always talk of having 2 double evictions this season…. and that was based on either someone using the RT ticket… or plan B… jury member coming back.
Hmmm… I’ll have to look around twitter and see how many million people are predicting Paulie will win and come back.
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Wasn’t Brittney pregnant a couple of years ago? And had a girl? Wouldn’t that be the first BBBaby?
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yes Brittney had a baby girl and she had some kind of medical disease and only a sibling could help, so Brittney got pregnant and had another baby girl and they done a bone marrow test and the first baby got the transfusion from her sister and her medical problem went away and she is fine now.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------By the way they they put Rachel and Brendon on because both of them was on BB together and fell in love. Then they came back, then Brendon got out and that’s when Rachel won 1st place she was the winner.
Hope this helps.
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The name of the baby is ok to me. My daughter is going to name her second boy ‘a color’ but I’m not allowed to say it…I mean she’d put a hit out on me. I accidentally said the nick name in fb while I was showing some things I’ve made for him and I got chewed out like I killed someone. I am so so tired of apologizing to ppl. Then as I ‘complained to Lisa, sorry Lisa’…I heard from my first born when she wanted me to crochet a bunch of cocoons to put him in and she only wanted four solid colors. When I asked, how long and how wide… she said I DON’T KNOW… but I want them to be different so he will have them for up to five mos. She then sent me photos of knitted ones I had to tell her I only crochet and not great since no one taught me. So it made her mad and I got chewed out again and accused that I didn’t want to do it so just buy some diapers and then she left messenger. So I chapped my lips on her butt. Just so I can see Jude and the new baby twice a year…. sorry for OT venting. I can’t do this where she’ll see. They, my girls were the greatest little kids…. then Satan came along in their teens and never left… and they’re in their thirties. (throwing hands up)…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JT, my great grandfather was named Balthasar and I would use it if I was young again and had a boy…. btw, since most who know me call me Vic, its weird every time I see it..i have to make sure someone who knows me isn’t talking to me.
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Star… just FYI. Nat got her HOH room at about 4:30AM BB time. It is going on now but I turned it off… I’m waiting for Nat & James to have a good game-talk chat.
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JT….on my cell it says that the HOH info came at 1:59AM..which is 2:00 BB time and 5:00 here.
FYI…4:30 BBT woul;d be 7:30 here…lol
I got tired of waiting so at 4:00, when BBAD would be over I took a break..and a lil nap. When I got back here at 5:oo it had just finished. Justa giving ya the time line I’m seeing . 😉
BTW…….WP was screwing with me last nite! I tried from cell and puter and no matter how I refreshed, it wouldn’t take it. So I talked to Lisa on FB and she said she fixed it! I begged her to not let there be more than ONE comment on here…I KNEW ]you and AC would gimme crap!!! lol I guess she didn’t see the others. Or they crept in anyway!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WP HATES me!!!! 😛 lol
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Star, sorry you are having problems! I don’t mind reading three of your posts that are alike!/=😉😉😉😉
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Saw your comment on previous page… email me what you wanted to chat about.
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The care package winner is going to be co- HOH. Meaning they get to pick 1 nom. This according to cbs web site. So paul will probably win n him and vic will be safe for the week. Dang
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Glad Nat won HOH. Now she can put James up and tell him it is a game move. LOL – would love to see Victor and Paul up with either one leaving next week. If it is Victor then he could battle it out with Paulie to get back in the house from jury since Julie said the 1st 5 jury members would fight to get back in.
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Good GT going on now. Nicole stayed in HOH and made her pitch to Nat.
(I like Nic ok… she is funny sometimes with all she stresses over. The whine is a bit annoying.. but not a big deal. But I don’t think she does herself any favors when she has that whiney voice and says the same thing over and over)
Now Nat & James are weighing pros and cons. Seems Nat is more willing to work with Nic. James is open too… and really just helping Nat.. not trying to run anything.
Crap… now Corey just walked in. Why in the hell did Nic let him go up there so soon after her? Let him.. heck, she probably told him to go up there.
All I can say so far.. things are going well for those who want to see Paul on the block. (Tendr) 😆
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Yep 🙂
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A bit surprised. Corey is actually making good points for Nat to put up Vic & Paul.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I didn’t think it was a good idea for him to go up there so soon.. Nic is more of a strategist than Corey. But Nic doesn’t present herself very well when called to the carpet. She gets frowny face and repeats herself too much. Nic is better at strategy than Corey… and she knows what’s up in the house more than him… but maybe she best let him deliver the messages?
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Dang it.. now Vic walked in. End GT (game talk… not gurl talk)
Corey did play out the scenario of Nat putting up Cor & Nic (as he knows the “house” expects that). He said if he wins veto then Nic goes home? Nat said flat out she doesn’t want to send Nic home.
Nat did ask Corey to give her some “game dirt” on Paul. She is already very suspicious of Paul because he’s acting so nervous and has been listening in on Nat’s conversations with Nic/Cor.
Corey basically said Paul is playing all sides. He is.. he always has been. He’s been playing more sides than Paulie did actually… just better at covering it up. I was thinking it would come up how Paul always stays in good with whoever leaves because no one ever calls him out that he is in on it. He just gets away with always saying “I don’t know anything”
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Vic didn’t stay long… just grabbed some snacks. Corey finished up and left Nat and James to talk alone.
Nat: “I will not put up a girl”
“I will take out either Paul or Victor, but my target is Paul because I just don’t trust him”
She did say if one wins veto she could put up Meech as a pawn.
Now I have to state the obvious. They have no idea that the next CP is Co HOH and therefore Nat will only be making one nom. And of course that one nom could change depending who gets the CP.
Guess I’ll get some sleep…. all this stuff is most likely moot until the CP comes in.
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every time is see Rachel on TV I feel like hiding in the basement…something has always turned me off…she seems way too foney…I could have lived with Brendon showing America his new daughter an leave Rachel at home…oh well…would like to see America give the package to Corey…time to split up Vic and Paul show…one of those two needs to go adious next week…Vic first and then Paul…then Meech will have natta…
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Im glad Nat won. Thank you all for all the updates. xo
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@Margie, what part of Louisiana are you from? I’m from the New Orleans area. My brother-in-law lives in the Baton Rouge area and he had 3 feet of water in his home.
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JT: Thanks for the all the updates. You and Margie are the best.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope neither Vic or Paul get the CP.Vic would put up James to
save Paul and vice-versa. Will Nat make her noms before the CP
is delivered? If so does one have to come down before the CP
receiver makes his/her nom? Or does the CP receiver take down
one of her noms with his/her own? It doesn’t seem fair to win and
lose one of your noms. Maybe they’ll make it like the double HOH
from last season when the two got together and nom’d together.
Will they have two HOH rooms like last season? Shoot. This season
has been so confusing. I don’t think there has been enough explanation done for all the twists they’ve come up with. Or maybe
it’s just I haven’t been able to watch and catch them all.
I think this CP should have been given when there more people
in the house. Someone didn’t think this one through.
Then they are having a battle comp for the last 5 jury members?
IMO they are having too many chances for people to come back
and muddy the waters. I don’t think I like this.
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The CP will be delivered before Noms are made. And of course that will determine everything depending who gets it. As you said, Paul and Vic would threaten to put up James.
Nat may be forced to put up Nic & Corey after all… unless Corey gets the CP.
IDK how they will do HOH room… maybe share it… or open up what was the Paris room this year… double HOH room in the past (also Pandora’s Box / Jessie’s posing room)
As far as not thinking twists through… I was thinking that last week during double eviction. We wait all year for DE… CBS knows we love those and it makes everyone nervous. Seems odd that they had 2 twists overlapping where it could have potentially rendered their double eviction useless.
Big double eviction night!!! oh… they had the RT ticket? ….ummmm… nevermind. As you were. Nothing to see here. This week did not happen. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. sigh.
Bet they were happy that didn’t happen!
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Thanks, JT. I would like for Corey or James to get the CP.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Then Nat could have her noms as she wants. It is probably
just me, but it seems like the power of the HOH seemed to
lessen more than ever this season.
I think they need to get a superfan who knows how to think
every scenario out for every twist to make up the twists. So
many of the twists thought up by prod. the past few seasons
have not been the successes they thought they would be. If they
had cast better hgs, they would have been even bigger failures.
Forgot to ask: Tell me there were no crackers in Nat’s basket
of treats!!??
I agree that they should have had a DE earlier if they wanted
two of them. It feels like everything is piling up as the end
approaches. JMHO 🙂 🙂
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LOL… IDK about crackers. I did actually turn it off when she got her HOH room. Not hat’n on anyone… good for her and all that. But over the years I’ve seen enough HOH rooms to last me until BB81. Always the same….. paste on a fake smile… kiss some ass… throw the “so happy for you”s around like candy at a parade. Eyeball rivals to see who will collapse of boredom first and leave…. then try to be last one standing so you can ask the HOH “What’s in your head?”
The good stuff to me is what is talked about after the phony kumbaya session breaks up.
James can’t get another CP. Only 4 people can get it now. Vic, Paul, Meech, or Corey.
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Oh… also… my understanding is they will each name one nom. They don’t have to agree like past seasons. Nat can put up whoever she wants… and so can CP winner.
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Well that takes the holes out of swiss cheese. Do they even
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------talk together about their noms or do they go into the ceremony
blind and hope for the best?
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haha… I suppose they can do it however they want. I’m sure they will talk about it. Someone has to choose first. Maybe Nat as true HOH goes first. Then maybe she sees who the other person picks.
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Thanks JT and everyone else for updates.
I’m still a Big Meech fan. Crying, dirty feet, loud munching, and dirty bra showing hick that she is. I really hope she gets the CP. I don’t want anyone else to win unless DaVonne comes back.
I know Victor has changed but I can still see the bad guy in him. I still remember Paul being a complete a$$ to his team on that first comp. Although I love his security checks. Corey is a googly eyed floater. Nicole has changed from one of my faves into a meh-floater. James is too wrapped up into Nat. Nat is wearing too much makeup and thinking she is AFP. That just leaves Big Meech who is pretty cool in my eyes when she’s not sleeping.
This whole season seemed strange. Loser cast and confusing twists. I loved the CPs. I just wish the voting was different. Seemed like I would vote and that person would be evicted.
Anyway, I really like reading this blog. Especially now that I Know has been proven to be NOT all knowing.
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Oh.. Meech’s dress. I also noticed right away, as others mentioned, her bra when she came out from casting her vote.
That did look very odd. She must not have had a better one to wear with that dress. I’m sure the girls must have said something when they were all getting dressed… I’m guessing Meech said screw it and wore that dress anyway. She is a fan so she knows we see them come out of DR on eviction night
Meech’s attitude —–> never cared.
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@Sammi…….as Meech would say..Same! lol
I’ve been voting for her to get the CP.
She;s the only one without a real partner…shes’s a girl..and from Mich..my home! Plus I think she is the only one in LOVE with being there and does know the game. And you gotta love ehr DON’T care attitude!!! 😉
I forgot about I KNOW!!!!! lol We’ll never see that name here again….cuz if they DO come back it will be ingognito…again! I wonder how many names they have used on here already??? 😉
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Star, did you notice that Meech was wearing little shorts under that blouse? When Paulie dipped her for the kiss, I thought how fortuitous it was that she wore underwear rather than going commando as some girls do even with short, short tight dresses. As she was adjusting her clothing post kiss, I realized she had on shorts, really short shorts, to protect certain things from view.
Makes me wonder if she was forewarned????
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Lisa would know but most likely won’t tell us unless he causes trouble.
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My reply was to Star 🙂
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I think Paulie put on a major act last night. He was hurtin inside but tried real hard to make it look it didnt bother him.
Now, I would rather watch the jury house to see the reaction when he walks through the doors and how he is treated while in the house. Judging from the videos,Day will give him a piece of her mind. Not sure what Z will do. She is gullible and will probably jump in his arms and who knows what else.
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Da’s reaction to watching the video Z brought was priceless.
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Yes it was.. I ROTFL. Typical Day.
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Justaguy, that statement about Da’s reaction was so true, but the look on Z’s face showed fear for what Da might say to her on national TV was priceless too.
Her expression showed fear and embarrassment. Da chose to wait until they were off camera.
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JT, I missed it. I was on the phone talking to a lady that threatened to call the poop on my husband. He was livid and shuts down. So I had a bug talk with her and the show was on…so that kinda upset me but I finally got an apology out of her… for my husbands sake…. now I wonder if I can watch last nights show online?
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Tendr, you can watch the episode at CBS site… you don’t need a subscription for that.
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here is a link
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Lola lol Po-po…. not poop. Auto correct and I aren’t friends
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Geese I can’t even LOL.
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This tablet changes a word in every comment
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What we need is a delete button
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I voted for Corey to win ACP to help him and Nicole to stay in the game. I hope Nat does put up Paul and Victor.
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Karen…I did also.
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JT: Thanks. Forgot about James getting the cancellation of two
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------votes thing.
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The 5th and final CP may not have been thought out that well either.
If Nat gets her way and evicts Paul…. and just say Meech wins the 4th CP today…
Then would it actually come down to just Corey and Vic as the only eligible ones for the last CP? The rest would have already received one or been evicted.
I suppose it could be worse… they could have botched it so the final CP could go to only one person. LMAO…. fools go to vote at CBS . com only to find one name on the ballot.
Not sure how the returning juror will play into the final CP either. Next Thursday will be the 5th jury member. Will they get the returning player back in the game in time for the CP? Seems unlikely as voting starts Sunday.
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I guess all of our questions will be answered tonight?? Maybe????
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have a good day everyone!!
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The fog gets thicker and thicker.
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Does anyone know what day they give out ACP?
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@karen..it has to be today as Noms are on Fri and they can’t do them until they get the CP….seeing as how its a CO-HOH this week. 🙂
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@QueenBee…..I’m from Alexandria so we are much better of than you folks down in NO! I do have family in BR that are having problems. My great nephew’s mother has 4 feet of water in her house and if it rains much more my GN will have it in his house also. He is surrounded by water.
JT…..my week is also done! I never work Thursday or Friday. I worked all my life 5 days a week and now love having the 4 days off every week. I stayed up central time until 5:30 am and had to get some sleep before the HOH reveal so thanks for all the updates.
It appears Paul is nervous this morning.
Nat is. In pain again this m owning with her neck. She just got called to the DR as well as Victor. Wonder if that has any meaning? They are going to DR together it appears. Many they will take him while she puts on makeup but they were called at the same time???
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Nat went into the bedroom to get her cloth
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Nat went into the bedroom to get her clothes and Paul asked her is eveRything is ok. He said Vic told him he went up to talk and Nic and Corey were in there bending her ear. Is everything ok. She was irritated at him and said ‘of course people are going to come to talk’.
Vic just came in the BR with Paul and he told Vic that they might be getting screwed by Natalie. They are sweating. I love seeing Paul nervous.
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Don’t go bye because I am memory challenged but CP is delivered on Fridays. =0)
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Vic is out of DR,
Nat seems to be in a lot of pain. Boy she looks chubby this morning in that outfit! She is really ticked off at Paul. They caught him eavesdropping yesterday to her conversations and it really pissed her off. If he or Vic get the care package it will really screw up her HOH. I predict a lot of tears. I hope they don’t let them discuss with each other who they are putting up
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@QueenBee…what is the weather in NO this morning? It is pouring down rain here, thunder and lightening, very dark. In other words, a typical day in Louisiana recently!
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@Karen….today. It could happen at any time now.
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So glad to see Paulie GO GO GO tears only for sympathy na
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------he just couldn’t believe they all loved so lol and YES GET PAUL
OUT he may be funny but he bugs me wish James would get
his head in game hope whoever gets CP goes with out Paul & Vic
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I’m definitely confused at the convo being about Ratalie winning HOH and most of the other things mentioned?!? I didn’t see any of that stuff…did you people see that on-line? Ratalie is one of my least favs and I hate that she won HOH! 🙁
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Karla….we saw all that on the live feeds. Yes she did win HOH.
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Thanx Margie…I thought that might have been the answer. I’ve never seen the live feeds.
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@Karlla……you really should try them to get the full BB experience. Then you will REALLY know what is going and not what CBS wants you to know. Which is a lot different! Lol. The feeds are only $5.99 per month and you can cancel after the season is over.
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Thanx (again) Margie…I will definitely sign up for the feeds! Sounds interesting 😉
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@Margie – Weather here has been pretty much your typical summer pattern with afternoon showers. I know the city of Alexandria well. We stayed there twice for hurricane evacuations in the past. Keeping your family in Baton Rouge in my prayers. Hopefully the water will stop rising soon.
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QueenBee….hope you are safe from the water.
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We are. Thank you!!!
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KArlla…if you sign up for the feeds thru this blog site it helps them out and it’s the same price.
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JUNKSIES – what is it about corey that nicole is going to find out?
nat needs to remember hoh is only 1 week – easy there girl
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Meech got the care package!
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WOOHOO!! Been voting for her all week!!! I don’t know how I missed that! Well, she wasn’t on Nat’s radar anyway, but that muddies up nat’s noms as she certainly won’t put up PorV. Look out Corey!!! I think it’s you or Nic!!!! 😉
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She will share the HOH bedroom with Nat and nominate one HG. She will not be eligible to play in the HOH comp next week. So both Nat and Meech will not be allowed to play for HOH. She got some little prizes, chocolate and is no longer a have not. Remember. She was going to be a have not this coming week also.
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Paul and Vic do not look very happy. They were talking earlier that if neither one of the got the care package they would get an idea of how America feels about them.
Nat and Meech plan to dress up and wear heels to the ceremony. Wonder if Meech will wear her backless dress the bra again. Lol
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Paul just busted into Nat and Meech private conversation and screamed ‘America f’ing loves US’. Boy is he going to be shocked. Nat is talking Meech into putting up Paul and Vic!!!!!!!!! Yea!
You know Vic will win Veto. Meech wants to put up Nicole but Nat is talking her out of it.
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Well, I voted for Victor (15 votes each day) and Michelle (5 votes each day) to get the care package so I guess I’m okay with Michelle receiving the package. So everyone has been HOH this season except James and Corey right?
If Michelle does wear the backless top/dress again, she should at least wear a black bra so it looks like part of the top/dress. The nude colored bra stood out like a sore thumb.
I really wish they would dedicate a chunk of tonight’s show to Paulie’s arrival at the jury house. With those three going after Paulie, he probably was crying again but not for sympathy!
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James & Corey have both been HOH
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Nat just to.d Meech that M is an invisible player. Think she has HOHitis??
Meech is wearing the backless dress again with a black bra!!!!!!
Nat is doing a good job talking Meech.
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OMG…….either wear a cami or go braless Meech!!! I was screaming that at the TV last nite too!! How tacky is that??? Between her and Nat with her spider eyes and Working Girl make-up…cute little Nic is looking pretty good..lol
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Deb Corey won the double eviction HOH. P
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I forgot about that. I guess because it was so quick.
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Their target is Paul!
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This should be a great week! Lots of intrigue! Vic is stalking Meech trying to get her alone. lol. Kissing up big time. Paul is whining in bed. I’m glad he finally gets to feel the block again and at a critical time.
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@Star….no it’s Vic and Paul!!!!!!!
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The noms are still the same???? I haven’t been reading or listening…just trying to catch up here. Of course whenI checked they were still in bed. Then I just shut it off.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I thought Meech might try to keep them. But I guess it is better for her game t be on the bigger side of the house!!
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STar…..they have not had the nominating ceremony but they have had an intense talk and decided on Vic and Paul with Paul being the target!
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Nat and Nicole needs to talk to Meech about her attire!!! They probably don’t because they don’t want to hear the crying!
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MARGIE another backless shirt with a bra – they make those bras where they are strapless – it just sticks to ya
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meant to say AND backless
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macy..I wear a cami under everything. I have tons in different colors. You can even wear them alone! I thought all girls knew about these..especially their age!! It’s not like it was a pretty black lacy bra even…just her dirty everyday one..lol KIDS!! Waddayagonna do??? 😉
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Macy ….. You should see the side view…she has a bad hump back or at least that outfit makes her look that way.
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Natalie can’t stop smiling! She is so excited! This is the most genuine she has looked the entire season
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Macy what kind of adorable dog is your picture?
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thats my bella – border collie
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Their smart..like the smartest dogs aren’t they?
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So why does Meech need a bra anyway? She didn’t mention having kids and I’m betting her breasteses look perky without a crappy bra. Gravity doesn’t pull so hard when you’re horizontal all the time.
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Paul is in a big funk, depressed. He asked Vic to hang with him so he won’t be alone. They are pissed that Meech and Nat aren’t talking with them. I like seeing them worry for a change!
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@Two…..A big Amen!
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LOL?..Nat and James are pulling a prank….they took one of the organic tampons, dunked it in BBQ sauce, half wrapped it in tissue and laid it by the commode! Vic is going to stroke out! lol
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That’s so gross. I pull pranks but nothing gross. One night after my middle sister told me and my ex, we could have all of the bushes in the front of her house since all of ours were dead so while they were sleeping, ex and I pulled all of our dead ones up and quietly actually dug up all of their healthy bushes right under their bedroom window and replaced their healthy ones with our dead ones. The next day she phoned us saying she was so upset that her bushes were dead now too and she really wanted us to have her healthy ones. We even planted an extra dead one….I cried I was laughing so hard.
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OMG! Vic is going to stroke out. He will be the only one who cares though. Look at that bathroom. Grody to the max! Thanks for sharing that Margie. Made me chuckle the way you wrote it.
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They are going in to see Meech’s HOH room. Paul is taking his sweet time going up!
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@Two….not in Rachal’s mind!!!!
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Oh, so, true. I was a little bit of a Rachel fan. A little bit. I felt she deserved to win – even just for thinking up how to make playing cards out of tea bags and nail polish. She really did play the best game the season she won. I think she probably wore every other HG down through crazy whining. : )
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Poor Michelle, I kind of wish I could go in the house and give her fashion advice because it doesn’t seem like neither Natalie nor Nicole are going to help her out!
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I would tell a friend to put on a cami or even a thin muscle top or tank…. that’s what I wear. I haven’t worn a bra since I was sixteen except to nurse my girls.
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Two….she is wearing the dress with blue jeans today. N and N probably don’t want to tell her because of the crying and wailing!
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Thanks for updates.
I figured Meech had the best shot at getting the CP.
Also not surprised Nat could talk her into going against those guys. If Meech feels a power shift.. she will jump ship immediately. She’s been doing that a few weeks now. It is best for her game… but she’d be better off not making all the snarky comments against the people on the bottom one minute… just to join forces the next.
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Right, Margie. Meech has cried the most and then Paulie. Quite a claim to fame on his part, being the tough “stud” he said he was.
I think at this point of the game no one wants to make any comments that would reflect on themselves badly. Until all the various HOHs shake out, best to keep everybody happy. Except Paul. I don’t think anyone want to keep Paul happy. : )
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Tendr, (in case you don’t see reply up there)
Here is a link to CBS site. You can watch the episode there without a subscription
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JT: Tried this site and had success. I got to see last night’s
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------show. YAY!! Thanks.
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Y/W… that is just the regular CBS site… all episodes for thsi season are on there… and the latest ones are added pretty quick after airing
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Thank you JT
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i am from New Orleans, but on the westbank in Gretna
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Nat and Meech currently telling Vic that their target is Paul… and Vic might go up as pawn (They can’t tell him they are putting him up)
Vic did ask why not put up Corey. They told him because if he (Vic) wins POV.. he will take Paul off the block. “He’s your boy… let’s be honest Vic”
Vic didn’t confirm or deny that
…still chatting
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Lol — they’ve actually edited Paulie out of the carnival. They’re pretending like the carnival happened earlier today, as opposed to Monday.
They’re also using this episode as an excuse to do their annual clip show.
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Wish I had feed flashbacks to compare where they cut Paulie out
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Ooooh throwin’ some shade on Paulie…..
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they are in a tight spot – if it were me i would put up nic and paul
MARGIE – if you didnt see reply up there – my avitar – bella – my sweet and scary smart border collie
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I’m actually watching this carnival thing. Started out ok but 7 minutes in they started all the dreaded reruns of the season… ugh.
And these things are always so scripted… they are actually having them stand around cardboard figures of evicted HGs and feed clip setup lines
“Hey… remember when Josea thought he was the Messiah?”
Wow… we nearly forgot about him
roll the tape
Repeat for other HGs
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Of course now I’m totally distracted watching BB. Because I’m scanning the scenery looking for any editing slip ups…. trying to see “the ghost of Paulie” somewhere in the shot. LOL
But I guess they are professionals… and can completely vanish someone from a scene with no trace.
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Uh-oh, it’s Jesse.
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And they’re all calling him Mr. Pec-Tacular, so I guess that’s his official Big Brother name now.
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Glad to hear it’s finally official. LOL… he’s been using that name since BB11
I will say the prizes for dunking him were pretty good though.
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Isn’t Jesse like four feet tall?
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“You know it’s really stressful in the house but what keeps us going is the laughs…” — That’s what passes for casual conversation in a Big Brother clip show.
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Macy she is beautiful!
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i wonder when the other house guest come in it’s 7:45pm ~ 15 minutes left ????
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I have little doubt when we see them sitting at the picnic table…. Paulie would have been in that big void on the end next to Nicole & Corey
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“But you know, James, nothing is messier than our competitions…” Nicole’s giving it her best effort.
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It’s hilarious. Pretty much the same thing happens at final 3 when they drink wine and look back.
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They obviously knew Paulie was leaving when this carnival took place.
So I guess they didn’t give him any prompt lines?
Maybe they just told him to sit there and be quiet…. and not move around too much.. LOL
I bet they didn’t even let him try to dunk Jessie…. because what if he had won? How could they edit that out?
I really don’t get why they bother. We all know this isn’t live… so so what if he appears at a carnival? Do they really think it’s that confusing?
Hey…. I saw Josea in this episode too…. he must be back in the house now right? SMH
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Thanks Lisa & all for all the comments, I have Football right now EST so I’ll watch everything later & if I fall asleep I am DVR all of my shows………………
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------& JT what?
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what what? LOL
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You said to E-mail you…….. What What LOL ………..
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Oh… that was because on the other page you mentioned something about discussing something with me.
I thought you had something you wanted to chat about… maybe I misread. 🙂
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This one Bob
bobovnvet August 18, 2016 at 6:58 pm
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey my friend JT………. good to see you! I got some things to talk to you about, when you have time………….
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Yep Bob, football in Okla. Too
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OK… HOH comp. Wonder if they will show it or leave us hangin’
So the HOH comp is pretty much what I imagined. Guessing since it was 2 hrs and both Nat & Corey got 10… Nat got 10 first
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Well that was really kind of a nothing show! We didn’t learn anything that we didn’t already know.
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ok it’s over i thought something was suppose to happen, what about the 5 evicted house guest? i thought they would show that? anybody has any clue about that?
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That wont be until next week. Thursday will be the 5th juror… so then they will compete to come back after that eviction.
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That show was a complete waste of time. Completely. What did we learn? Nada.
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so funny vic couldnt hit a baloon and cory the baseball player had a hard time with the dunk booth
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Show’s over.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I honestly didn’t expect to learn anything we didn’t already know… didn’t even think they’d throw in the HOH teaser.
I guess it was pretty much what I thought it would be.
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@JT …. I’ll talk to you some time about that crazy person we both know! 😝……………….
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ok 😆
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Noms must be going on now.
Fully expect that Nat will nominate Victor
Meech will nominate Paul
Paul will be the target. Vic is the comp beast.. but they don’t trust Paul at all and know he has been playing all sides.
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@tender thanks I love ya 😊
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Love you too SWT
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That was one sad fun fair. I always also looking for any accidental Paulie appearances but it looked like they did a good job of editing him out.
I wonder if they put together another version of the episode, just in case Corey was the one who got voted out.
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Listening to Buddy Guy full blast while James cooks…. wrestling Rocky with my feet. I know you all wanted to know this.
Btw….. what does SMH mean? No laughing either. 😁
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Shaking My Head
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tendr: You are so much more up on things electronically.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------than I, so I loved you didn’t know what SMH meant! 🙂 🙂
Now I feel better about asking what ROTFL means??
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Rolling on the floor laughing.
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I was ROTFL when tendr was talkin about poop chasin her husband
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No Sherry, I just whine when something goes wrong and James fixes it. Thanks JT… for a second I thought you were shaking your head to me playing the blues lol..but you probably won’t even see this.
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Yep Herbie, my auto correct likes poop.
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I love it that Paul is possibly going to be blindsided. Remember how he was with Paulie last week. He told him ‘get over it man, your’re going home’. Like he was in charge of the house. Let’s see what it’s like when the worm turns.
This is really taking a long time for the nominating ceremony.
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That is why I always hate all the smack talk… because they whine when tables are turned.
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Margie, Haha, that comment was right on the MARK about Paul telling Pauli to get over it?
I cannot wait to see him squirm.
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jt – i think your right
watching the cowboy game – we are ahead 27 to 14 half time – gonna go get a glass of wine – !!!!!
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JT…think we will see a more subdued Paul this week? I think if he doesn’t win veto he will know the lay of the land and retreat to his bed for a couple of days. Thoughts?
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MARGIE you think paul will cry like paulie?
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Wow pUl is pissed off!!!!
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I take it feeds are back? LOL
I’ll have to watch some 🙂
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Hi guys. Well Paulie’s gone, it’s really ashame cause he played his butt off. Have to admit he got to full of himself in the end. I hope Paul and Vic go next. Paul is a back stabbing big mouth. Vic does whatever Paul wants him to. I hope Corey steps up and starts to win. I wouldn’t even mind if James won except for the fact that he’s with Natalie. She is such a phoney. If she says I’m scared one more time I’m going to vomit. The double standard of her flirting and she called Paulie out come on Natalie really . Oh well we will see what happens next. Love to read ur stuff….thanks
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Vic and Paul are the noms!!!!
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Star: Thanks for the update. You are great!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
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Pretty funny right now actually.
They are sitting around the table arguing why Paul is nominated… but cracking many jokes and laughing at the same time
Paul (to Meech) : You called me a liar and manipulator.. tell me what I lied about”
Meech: “I don’t know… it’s just the way you do it. You are so good at it that I can’t tell”
all laugh
Paul: “Y’all suck at this game” (in a serious / joking tone)
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Michelle and Natalie are saying that they nominated Paul because he says, “I swear to God,” even though he’s an atheist.
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I can’t stand him
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I can’t really see Paul retreating into a shell or crying because
of being nom’d. I think he will use every tool he possesses to
influence people to go after Vic. But that’s JMO.
Erin: I think you might be right. They might have taped one
episode with Corey out of the picture and one with Paulie out
of the pic. That way they cover’d every base.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sirrock, hope all is going as well as can be expected for you and
your family. Many blessings your way.
tendr, hope your bro-in-law is doing well from stem cell surgery.
swt: hope you are doing all right with the pain.
Margie: hope you are staying dry and continue to have no
flooding problems. QueenBee, that goes for you, too. We send
our prayers for all in LA suffering at this time.
Cyndee: hope you have had a good week and will have another
one this coming week. Hang in there, girl,
Macy: hope your foot is recovering quickly and completely.
If I left anyone out, please remind me. My memory is not
what it used to be.
I was going to go to CBS to watch tonight’s episode, but after
reading the comments above, I don’t think I’ll wast my time.
Thanks for all the updates!!!!
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thanks it’s gone, i can barley type this i’m foggy, but pain free, girl your so sweet, i love ya. gonna go to sleep now good night. BB tomorrow 🙂
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Good night, sweet friend. May the angels that guard
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------you at night help you have a good night’s sleep.
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After watching last night’s show I came away with more
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------respect for Corey. He stood up and took charge of the
situation with Paulie acting like a poor sport and baby.
He helped him like no one else tried to do. I think I will
start pulling for him to make it to the end.
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As far as I’m concerned, tonight’s show was much to do about nothing!! I’m glad I DVR’d it because I was able to fast forward through most of it! What a waste of time and what did they accomplish??
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Well old motormouth Paul is up in HOH denying that he ever did anything wrong!!! Saying Nicole and Corey are big liers, etc. They truly did not lie. Michelle is flipping back again it sounds like by apologizing over and over again to Paul. Michell is eager to believe the worst about Nicole. I think she must be jealous. She is so stupid.
Now they are talking backdooring either Nic or Corey.
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Really will be interesting to see what they say when Paul leaves… but you know…… life. LOL
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’ll check back later 🙂
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Gonna tune out for a while.
Paul is up in HOH talking with Nat, Meech, & James.
Paul is doing a good job of shooting down their reasons for nominating him.
Paul is a very good talker.
Nat & Meech are even having some buyer’s remorse
And now those regrets are leading towards Nat & Meech considering a backdoor option for Ni/Cor.
Would like to see what they say when Paul leaves HOH… I’ll have to watch flashback later
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I knew Paul wasn’t going to take his nomination lying down.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I should have known he would try for a BD for Nic or Corey.
He thinks Vic will win the veto and save himself. So he needs
to find a way for someone else to be BD’d. That way he and
Vic can continue towards their expectations of being the
f2. I truly hope Nat and Meech keep the noms the way they
are and Vic doesn’t win veto. Corey and Nic are not near
the threat that Vic and Paul represent. But Nat and Meesch
aren’t the brightest crayons in the box. James…Hello….what
are you doing….practicing underwater basketweaving???
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How dumb can these girls be! He has completely swayed them. He even has Natalie crying because she put him up. Even James is falling for this crap.
Paul said he will not talk game with them again this week. Do you believe that!
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Margie: I swear I think James left his brain at home. The
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------girls are completely clueless as to how this game is
played, but he has no excuse at all for being so stupid.
Nat and Meech are prime examples of why it is so hard
for a girl to win BB. The only one who really was trying
to play the game was Da, but she couldn’t keep her mouth
shut and kept stepping on her tongue. Nic quit playing
the moment she met Corey. Bridgett let Frank ruin her
game, and Z was Paulie’s floor mat. Tiffany too mouthy
and too emotional. Bronte was in a class of her own and
didn’t have a chance of winning. If Nat or Meech get to
the f2, it is because they did it by accident and with a tremendous amount of luck. Skill or wise game play decisions will have nothing to do with it. I don’t trust these two girls as far
as I can throw them. Meech is half cocked all the time. Nat
is a user and missing a few brain cells. If they mess up this
HOH it will be another par for course week.
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Wow!! 265 comments! -Is that a record?? I had to speed read through them. I have had a busy day and wasn’t able to check in!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Great comments everyone. I love you all!!
Check back later!!
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