Hi, y’all!
Well, judging from everyone’s comments, it sounds like the majority of you were disappointed with tonight’s “special episode.” Basically, it turned out to be a typical Big Brother clip show. In previous seasons, they always did a clip show with the final three drinking wine and talking about the previous few months. This season, they apparently decided to have the Final 7 outside for a “carnival.”
(Except, of course, it wasn’t really the Final 7. Though the show was edited to make it appear otherwise, we all know that the carnival was actually filmed on Monday, before Paulie was evicted. That means that Paulie was at the carnival but the show’s editors basically cut around him.
Either that or, as was suggested in the comments under the previous post, they filmed two versions, one with Corey and one with Paulie. I guess we’ll find out for sure after this season ends and the houseguests start to give interviews.)
But, regardless of how they did it, it was still as painfully awkward and obviously scripted as any previous Big Brother clip show and the houseguests themselves seemed strangely subdued while reminiscing. Nicole tried to put some effort into sounding excited and James is pretty much a natural on camera but everyone else — even Paul — just seemed bored.
Anyway, the carnival featured an appearance from Jesse and … well, does anyone really want to talk about Jesse? I’m never quite sure if Jesse is in on the joke or if he really is as much of lunkhead as he seems to be whenever he shows up on Big Brother.
At the end of the show, we got to see the start of the HoH competition, which involved crawling around in a bunch of goo while in complete darkness. Ewwwww! That would totally freak me out. The show ended with a to be continued….
However, you already know what happened! Here’s a quick recap:
Natalie won Head of Household!
As soon as she won, she made it clear that she was thinking of targeting either Paul or Victor. However, what Natalie did not know was that the latest care package had the potential to make her a lot less powerful. Michelle won this week’s care package and it was revealed that she is now the co-HoH!
That’s right — we have two HoHs this week. Each HoH will nominate one houseguest for eviction. Since Michelle and Natalie had been on opposite sides of the house, this seemed like it would be a great opportunity for her to challenge the Showmance Alliance!
But, no. That’s just not Michelle. Michelle is always going to go with the majority and it didn’t take long for Natalie to talk Michelle into targeting Paul.
And so, here are your nominations:
Natalie nominated Victor.
Michelle nominated Paul.
Paul is the target.
Apparently, during the nomination speech, Michelle said that Paul could not be trusted. She pointed out that he had made fun of Natalie in the past. She said that he repeatedly said, “I swear to God,” even though he’s an atheist. I really can’t wait to see Michelle’s nomination speech on Sunday because it sounds like it might be an even bigger trainwreck than Bridgette’s speech.
What I wonder is why Michelle couldn’t just say, “Paul, you’re too big a threat and nobody here can beat you in a final two.” Seriously, that’s all she had to say. Instead, she and Natalie apparently came up with a lot of reasons that sound incredibly petty and more than a little hypocritical.
(Who are Natalie and Michelle to nominate anyone for making fun of someone? That’s what the two of them have basically spent the last two months doing to almost everyone in the house. Also, for the record, Paul has stated very vehemently that he is not an atheist.)
Paul is mad and, unlike a lot of other nominees, he has jumped straight into campaigning. He’s already told both Michelle and Natalie that they’re making a mistake and that Nicole and Corey are the ones that should be targeted. If either Paul or Victor wins the veto, that means that either Nicole or Corey will be the replacement nominee. (Presumably, Natalie being HoH means that James is safe as well.)
We’ll see what happens! With Paul fighting for survival, this should be an exciting week!
Lisa Marie
Great write-up Lisa. But then you always do a good job.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you do any writing? If not you should.
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Love your updates! Thank you!
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@Sherry……prepare your self because it’s going to happen! The two girls are literally stupid. Both of them and James!! fell for Paul’s crap. He immediately went to Vic and was bragging about convincing them to do a backdoor on Corey instead. Natalie was bawling. I figured it of them bit not James. So unless Corey or Nicole win the veto one of them will be history!
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Sherry what is so sad that Nic and Corey will not be given the opportunity to refute the lies he told on them!
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Margie: Meech hates Nic, so she won’t tell them. Nat might by
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------accident spill the beans. The veto comp will be played
tomorrow, right? I hope Nic and Corey don’t sit back thinking
they are safe and not give it their all. The more I see of Nat,
the more I dislike her. The same goes for Meech. It ought to
be illegal for casting to have picked the hgs they did for this
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I hate this season. James is going to have a real shock awaiting
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------him when he leaves BB house. His popularity is going to be
in the basement under the cellar floor. He will deserve all
the criticism he gets.
Nat and Meech were the worst ones to get HOH. I have to wonder
if James really fell or did so to let Nat win. If he did, then he’s a greater fool than ever.
Meech’s inability to stay with a plan or see the larger pic is the very
reason I didn’t want her to get the care pkg.
I can only hope Corey wins veto or even Nic. But I wouldn’t
bet any money on Nic pulling out a win. But Vic and Paul are
going to be playing for real during the veto comp.
When is the memory game of what happened when going to
be played? I have a feeling this might be the one. Nic and Corey
might have a chance then. But Paul has been studying, too.
As much as I would hate for Paul to win this thing, he has played the
game more than anyone else. UGh! 🙁 🙁
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I agree. I can’t stand Paul, but he’s playing the heck out of this game.
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thanks SHERRY for the good wishes
nat got REAL fired up when paul intimated that corey said that she was using james in the game
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Sherry to say but Vic and Paul have been studying like crazy as well as Michelle. They all seem to know it back to front.
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Maragie: I figured as much. Paul is no dummy and would
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------keep Vic up on what the game will be like. Michelle might
be smarter than she has so far shown me. But I don’t be-
lieve James or Nat could possibly win.
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Macy: You’re so welcome. Nat gets riled up over everything.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------She has so little respect for herself that she believes everyone
is talking behind her back. She would never have the guts
to confront them face-to-face about what Paul said. But she
is going to get extra mad for show, because she knows that
the truth is she IS using him.
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talk to yall tomorrow. having a bbq party here tomorrow – gonna be tricky with the crutches. yall gimme the dirt!!!!
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Macy: Hope your barbeque is a great success. You have
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------more courage than I to attempt a party on crutches. 🙂 🙂
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Sherry I just turned off the feeds because I can’t watch Paul with his hand up Michelle’s and Natalie’s butt working their mouth and brain!
Michelle just went into the HN room where Nicole is and had a talk with her telling Nic how much she now trusts her! M can lie as well as Paul with a completely straight, compassionate face. Go figure.
James ….what can I say except he is TOTALLY p..say whipped. It’s embarrassing. He is going to feel like a complete fool when she dumps him at the after parry! I personally still think she has her eye on Vic. She has that look in her eye when she looks at him.
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I agree Margie I can’t stand Nats phoney ways. She wines and she’s constantly scared. Grow up. And James is in for a big surprise.i hope those two girls stick to their guns with Vic and Paul. Corey please step up at the veto comp
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Sherry why do you think Michelle hates Nic? To my knowledge Nic has never done anything to her except vote Day out. She had good reason to because Day had told everyone she wanted Nic out immediately and tried her best to get her put on the block.
Any ideas?
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Macy, I hope you have a nice day and that your crutches don’t cramp your style!! 😍 I broke my ankle several years ago and had to wear a boot for a long time! My daughter, who was 11 years old at that time cooked the entire Thanksgiving dinner! 💕💕💕💕
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tonight’s BB was a big waste of time. I am so glad I recorded it because I fast forwarded almost all of it. Back to Netflix and my favorite Detective Murdoch!! 💕💕💕💕
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Margie: I think it’s because she’s jealous of her. I think she
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------had a big crush on Corey in the beginning. Corey didn’t like
her at all. Nic was worried about some of the moves she
and Nat put on Corey, but nothing panned out for them.
Nic has played a very bad social game with the females this
I have a feeling she’s buying everything Meech is telling her
and won’t study like she needs.
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I think u are 100% correct!
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Margie, it amazes me how pissed off these people get when
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------they are put on the block. It is what it is. You get your a$$
in gear and fight to stay, if you know how to play the game.
You don’t waste time griping, crying, or having a pity party.
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Margie: How much weight do you think Nat has put on?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------She surely has put it on fast.
Would someone please put a pucture hole in the darn
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Sherry she said she feels like she has gained 5 to 7 lbs. I think it might be a little more. All she does is lay in bed and eat. When she isn’t doing that she’s slathering on the makeup and that doesn’t burn many calories. lol
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She’s gained a lot more than 5-7 lbs. I would say a minimum
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------of 10.
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Margie, I agree about Nat having an eye on Vic. She’s been
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------flirting with him for weeks, and it’s getting much more
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sherry, we were hoping the same thing, that someone would poke a hole in that stupid duck!! I can’t believe any man would be comfortable with a duckie around his waste 24/7. Maybe it’s like his comfy blanket or teddy bear! 😉😉😉😉
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Jolee, I think he wears that dumb duck because he thinks
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the fans will think it’s cool. He isn’t happy unless he’s the
center of attention. He will do whatever it takes to draw
attention to himself. He LOVES the limelight.
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sherry, I agree with you! The way he checks himself out in the mirror! Then he grabs his rubber duckie and slaps it around his waste like it’s a normal part of his wardrobe!! 😉😉😉 Wierd!!!!
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Sherry…maybe he wants to make a duck t-shirt also! He wearsitbecause it’s an attention getter and will make him memorial in this game in the future. He is just as bad as Frankie. The only difference is that the only glitter he wears is in his beard. lol. I never have figured out what that is in his beard.
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Margie: I don’t know about anything in his beard. I try not to
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------look at him. If he wants to wear a beard, at least trim it up
so he doesn’t look like an outback bushman. Oh, he will be
remembered, but probably not by name. “You remember…
the nut who ran around with a duck floaty on him all the
time?” Infamous will be the word that comes to mind.
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If. James wasn’t so blind he would have a fit! Let’s face it, James is no Brad Pitt and the pretty boys are hat she seems to go for. Remember at the first of the show when Nat and Victor were an item? She was rolling all around in the bed hugging and stroking him and giggling , of course. She acts totally different with James.
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On the very first night Nat said she liked guys with dad bodies. Guys that had a little more weight on them.
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Goodnight, Margie. I’m going to call it a night. It’s been pretty
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------lonely here tonight. Just the two us now that Macy has gone
to bed. Nat is crying again, and I want to smack her. Maybe
James can get her to see reason. At least he’s trying.
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Night Sherry!
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Goodnight sherry and Margie!! 😊😊
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i haven’t seen the show yet but i’m ready to be let down. why does anyone trust anything Paul says?
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SWT will you email me?
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have a new computer I lost your email address some how email me @ swt1@bellsouth.net OK 😊
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I must be the only one that is so sick of nicole.her voice drives me crazy and I think she is just always looking for another man
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No your not the only one. She irritates the fire out of me. I personally want to see her or Corey on the block. They’ve done nothing this year but lay in bed and talk about people. That’s not playing the game. I still like James more than the rest. At least he’s a nice guy that doesn’t go around talking about women like they’re dogs. I still think she likes James and as far as James giving her the HOH Corey was closest in time to Nat just being 4 seconds behind her.
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Sorry I didn’t put Nat’s name in there. LOL
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Wow, Lisa first of all, I always love your updates they’re the best!! And, yes if you’re not a writer, you sure should be!! Girl you’re fantastic!! Also, Margie, Sherry, Macy, Jolee, Tendr & Carole (I hope I haven’t left anyone out); I absolutely love all your comments! They’re so spot on and it’s amazing cuz it feels like most of you are in my brain as you’re typing how you feel, nice to know my opinions are shared. Something I asked once but never got a reply was why did BB recruit so many players this season?! I mean they can’t possibly want for applicants; even good applicants! What’s the deal? @Lisa you mentioned that we obviously knew Josea, Natalie, Paul & Michelle were recruits. Idk how that was obvious? Is it because I only see the regular shows and BBAD? I wish I had the live feeds, but I know me and I’d get nothing else done during BB season!! LOL
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How do I make sure that I see replies? I’ve checked the box for email notifications but still haven’t seen any, can anyone help and please let me know what I need to do differently?
Thank you so much!
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Hi Patti! I feel honored to be included in your list above. I absolutely love this blog and everyone in here. This is the best group of people who come here, state their opinions and have a real good relationship with each other. You won’t find a better place to come and discuss all things BB. …… and a few OT comments that help solidify our friendships. This has been my favorite year of the blogs and so far my least favorite BB series! I am hoping that changes before BB18 goes down in the history book of BB. This is my 18th year watching the show and I will be a fan as long as the show is on. 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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Jolee….I feel the same way about everyone on this blog. The season has been crappy but Lisa and all the others on this blog make it great. Therefore, a good season!
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Look in your junk file. Mine are in there most of the time.
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Patti: For some reason I haven’t gotten one e-mail this season.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Don’t know why but it hasn’t been working. I just go to
the list on the right that says “recent comments” and hit with
my mouse on the last comment on the list. I scroll upwards until
I find my last comment and start looking. Sometimes I go to
my first one and then scroll downwards. It is hard when
there are so many comments.
Thank you for your kind words. This is the best blog of any.
Everyone on here is important and instantly becomes a
friend. Yes, we go off topic some, but it is because we really
like knowing everyone beyond the BB talk and care about
what is going on in their lives. This season has not been a
very good one, so maybe there’s been more OT comments to
fill in when comments seem redundant. Glad you are part of
the blog.
As far as recruits, you can tell by the young ages and lack of
game play knowledge. Some of them will talk before BB cuts
them off about how they were recruited. Old time fans talk
about game a lot and are so excited about being a part of the
BB experience. If anyone else has a better way of telling, they
will hopefully post a comment for you.
Have a great weekend, Patti!
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That put up confrontation Paul just did to Nicole was so bogus. You would think that it would make Natalie, Michelle and James realize what a jerk he is.
You have to admit that Corey can really handle himself in a situation like that.
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Margie, what happened? Was it on BBAD or the live feeds??
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Jolee….Paul was up in the HOH doing what Paul does when he is trying to deflect blame onto someone else. In this case the victim was Nicole and he was brutal . He did it for his audience up in the HOH James, Nat, Mich, and Vic who were all for it. He has talked Nat and M into believing him (stupid girls) and now they want to go after Nic. He is a smooth lied and can make anyone believe him. It went on for a long time and he was so proud of himself. He really turns my stomach!
I think it was on BBAD which was his intention to get more attention.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you so much for your updates and great descriptions of he show. Do to Football , Bad weather, being busy we miss the show sometimes but because of you filling in the blanks we feel we miss very little.. We have watched from the first season on and still enjoy the show. Now the better ones were when we had Evel Dick, Mike Boogie, Dr Will Kirby but the show must go on…. I wonder if anyone remembers that the theme song used to have words. Remember when the houseguests actually got to know each other before they started strategizing . Again a Big Thank You!
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There is a BB storm coming!!! The comp is going to be how much they can remember of broadcasts that come on the TV all during the night. They have just had their first announcement.
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Patti….the best way is really the feeds but everyone on this blog is real good about sharing what they see for the people who don’t have the feeds.
No one knows why they recruit when there are so many that would love to be on the show that are real BB fans. All of us here have wondered that for several seasons.
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Lisa….. Thank you so much for the great report!
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I think Michelle has a little crush on Victor!
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Margie: Ya think!!!
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Hi everyone,
Jolee I completely agree with you about the rubber ducky. Every time I see it I hear…Grab a life vest. I know it’s not the same but I can’t help it.
Last night’s show was an hour I will never get back of my life. At least I got some work done on my laptop. It was really awkward and hard to watch.
I have come to like Paul and Vic but I’m afraid that their actions this week may put a damper on that.
I love reading all the comments. I love how Lisa can bring such boring material to life. Everyone’s comments have kept me watching this season and I thank you.
Have a great weekend everyone!
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Great weekend to you, too, Just Me. Glad you are a part of
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the blog. Everyone is so great to keep anyone unable to
catch a show or BBAD show up on what is going on.
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@Margie…. Thanks for the updates.
Last night’s show sucked hind teat. Total waste of time.
I was kind of hoping with the two girls being HOH that maybe they would finally get a girls alliance to work. I suppose that’s hard when two of them are in showmances. What is wrong with females (I am a female.)? It’s just so hard to wrap my brain around that females never can get it together long enough to stay aligned. Has there ever been an all girls alliance in BB history that worked for more than a week or two? Damn it ladies.
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I want Victor to be the grand prize winner, not sure i will watch till the end if he is evicted. Paul needs to go. I do not think there is anyone in the house that he has not talk badly about at one point and i think that includes my Victor too if i remember right he was not to friendly to Victor in the beginning.
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Candy: I so agree about Paul. He is such an attention hog.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’ve watched him give Vic bad looks when he’s not watching
and getting too much attention. He doesn’t share well when
it comes to having the limelight.
Vic only trusts Paul and thinks he will get him to the end.
He doesn’t really know how Paul has floated to one group
in power to the next. He doesn’t really understand that Paul
is a very big liar and a pro at it. He easily falls victim to Paul’s
blarney. But then they all are like hypnotized by his words.
I don’t like it when anyone jumps someone and hammers
them until they are almost broken. That takes the game
too far. Say what you want to say in a few words and be
done with it. Lie if you must, but don’t make a three act
play of horror out of it. JMHO
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Yes, last night was so predictable and SO WAS NOT WORTHY OF MY TIME. I know I am the minioety but I do believe Nat truly likes James she loves attention as much as Paul!! They’re opposites so it makes sense to me. I can see James totally putting her up in a pedestal and probably treat her better then anyone in her past! As for Paul and the duckie, LET IT GO DUDE!! It’s time to find a new attention getter cuz that duck needs to retire!! I still can’t figure out why Nic and Corey are like the untouchables!! Why in the heck has nobody gone after them!! They have been floating this whole time!! Not to mention, I thought Corey was gay/bi??? If anybody is using someone I think it’s Corey!! Last years hg’s was a much better group of players!
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@Beth,…totally agree with you on everything!! And i do agree about James’ side of the realationship, his feelings and how he would treat Nat! But, more than being mean or skeptic, i jsut worry that James will get hurt. I KNOW Nat is very fond of him. But I don’t see any chemistry on her part! Maybe it’s just because they are on cam and she as raised to be a GOOD girl or os afraid of doing anything her family could see. And I’d respect tht!!(much more than what Z did with Paulie!!) I just hope she isn’t faking something she doesn’t feel!!! Cuz actiually, unlike a lot of peoloe, I like Nat..and Meech! bout the only ones I want gone right now are Paul, and Nic and cCrey for being total worthless floaters all season!!!!
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AND in replying to my last statement…..Nat and James have decided that is either N or C are OTB against Paul, he has to GO!!! I don’t think we will be seeing him around much longer unless he wins the POV!!!
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I have a question. While watching BBAD last night Paul was
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------defending himself against being an atheist. He said something
like he believed in a higher power but was not religious. Then he mentioned Allah. Was he saying he is a Muslim? (That is a re-
ligion.) What was the reference to Allah about? I found
his whole explanation convoluted to the point I couldn’t
really get the point he was trying to make…that he was not
an atheist.
I will be gone for a few hours, but will check back later and try
to catch up. Thanks everyone.
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Hi sherry!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No…Paul was just trying to explain that he did not believe in organizd religion and how many different names there were for God. As that is all Allah means. He is agnostic and not an theist. I fdaresay nmost of them are too without realizing it!! I haven’t heard anyone talk about a particular religion so am assuming most dn;t have one. Nic even said on the LFS early this AM that she didn’t even know what Messiah meant!! It never ceases to amaze me every year how littlle these HGS know about the world, or words! they are al stuck in their little worlds of texting and being on their cells. You have to wonder what they are teaching in scol these days or how they ever even graduated!!! lol
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Star: Hi, girl. I couldn’t agree more with you. How can
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------she not know what Messiah means??? Amazing. I really
wonder what the kids nowadays are learning, if anything.
They don’t speak good grammar, can’t spell, don’t know
words or definitions that we take for granted, and have
no history knowledge at all. They may be better at math
and computers, but that’s about it.
Thanks. I was really confused last night as to what point
he was trying to make. He is a little more intelligent than
the others in the house. I think that is why he is able to
concoct any story and they all believe it.
🙁 🙁
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I went through the comments kinda quick so if this has been discussed, forgive me. On a BB Twitter spoiler page, Nat was talking to James/Nicole yesterday and said Production/DR was trying to get her to work with Nic/Corey. For whatever reason, she went with it and we all know she turned against Paul and Victor, whom her and James were both working with last week.
Evel Dick also posted about it and has said numerous times in the past that Production will try to “suggest” things to the HG’s and if they are “suggestible” people, it’s almost like the DR and pull the Jedi mind trick on them. If you’re a strong personality with some intelligence, you just take what they say, toss it asside, and play your own game. I saw another post saying that Nat said something along the lines of “Why did I put up my friends???” and Michelle said (to the cameras I think) “Sorry my hands were tied”. Not sure if Michelle was just trying to appease Nat and the rest or the DR.
This has been happening for most of the run of the show. I’m guessing this is a huge component into how they choose the people they cast/recruit. Get a dumb, young, pretty, self involved person, who wants to be on TV and will listen to what we tell them to do. Much easier to control than an older person or an actual fan of the show. We’ll never have a good player again.
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Hey Sirrock……I have been gone out of town a lot this week and have kept trying to play catch up too. So don’t feel bad!! 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We have all known about the DR for ages. I think they have probably always done this or at least since like S5 o 6. It just seems to be getting worse!!!
Last night, Nat was crying abut Vic and lamenting that she put him up! I think she really wanted to put Nic up as they have never been friends or talked at all and it would break up a seemingly strong couple. That would have been HER game and I think we all would have appreciated it more!! She and Vic were both newbies and clicked from the beginning. He’s never done her dirty and now that she has been made to it is ruining her HOH for her. But….it is what it is. CBS figures it’s their money and their ratings and they will do whatever the !#$$$% they want!!!lol
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I am sick of Nat. Also, why does she keep trashing Z. Is it because he was with Paulie and Paulie didn’t pick her. She keeps talking about the sex Z had with Paulie. When she is talking I now ff. Can’t stand her.
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Shirron, I think u are right as stated in your last comment about Nat initially wanting Pauli. The only reason she’s with James is he gives her complete control and he let’s her tell him what to do. I wish he would just PLAY.
What angers me; there were so many who wanted a chance to play; and James stands on the show and states: “Whatever Nat says; she makes the decisions for both of us.”
Well let’s see if Nat wins anything in the and if she actually remembered James after the show.
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Great comments everyone!! I tried to watch BBAD last night, but gave up after 30 minutes! Back to Fox News and Hannity! 😊😊
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have a great weekend everyone! 😊😊
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During all the screaming at Nicole that Paul was doing last night did you see James laying on his belly, like the snake that he is, up on the departure lounge? What a little sleaze ball he is to first encourage Paul to do this and second to not step in to her defense. He was telling Nat how much Nicole liked him and her family liked him also. That he could get her to do anything. Her family probably won’t like him so much anymore.
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Margi, I used to like James, but I don’t understand his game, but answer me this….is he in the house this season longer than the last time…?
Maybe he is playing both sides to extend his stay in the house?
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Margie: When is the veto comp suppose to be done?
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Sherry …….. It could be any time now. They kept them up all night giving them clues so that will be the comp.
Nat has been getting her hair and makeup for 3 hours now. She and James went to the bedroom downstairs because Paul was sleeping in her bed and she was pissed off. lol
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Sherry…your right!
By the way…the tides are turning again. Nat has finally come to her senses. Paul badgered her all night And even slept in her bed to control her. Now James and Nat are deciding to go after whichever does not win veto, Vic or Paul!!!
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@carolyn….yes he is in the house longer this time. I can’t remember when he was voted out but I think it was before the table change. SIrrock or JT will know!
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@Carolyn….James is being a fool over Natalie. That’s why his game sucks this year. I’m sick of him this year.
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@Carolyn….. James followed Meg out on a double eviction last year and I think he was the first in the jury.
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@ Margie….I heard that too about Nat and James saying that Paul has to go even if Nicorey are up against him. Tje only chance he has is to win Veto.
I am no longer going to love or hate anyone on here. Because the second I do, something switches and you love or hate a different person. lol I am just going to watch and report and see this thru to the bitter end!! It sucks not having someone you really have a passion for wand want to win tho. It’s like watching a football game and not caring what teh score is!! It’s unnatural!! lol
But I think James and Nic have wasted their BB this season!! Not that they were steamrollers in their own, but I have heard them BOTH say that they were throwing comps all this time. Nic even said she was playong Dan Gheesling’s game! And Corey goes…WHO????? Priceless!!lol
BTW…….I heard via the grapevine that this I KNOW guy was outted on here..and it was Herbie???? Odd. When did all this go down…yesterday??? I have been out of town for work a lot this week and with Mike’s dad having heart surgery, just haven’t had much time to be here. So I have been skimming posts and I am sure I must have missed a LOT!!! Not so much in BB play but just in blog news!!lol
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Star…Nat certainly does not have the same chemistry with James that she did with Vic at the first of the year.
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Star, yeah Herbie came on again as both Herbie and I Know and a couple of other names. He was a total ass, insulting everyone, he even told me I was ugly and I think I’m kinda cute! lol. He was making all statements about he knew Paulie had the RT and we would find out he was right cone eviction night. But he did it in a very unpleasant manner. Total jackass!
Our group banded together and shot his ass down! We could have used you and your way with words!!!
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Margie, I think you are cute!! 😊😊
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Star: I hope Mike’s dad is doing well from the surgery.
There is a long recovery period ahead of him and can cause some mood and personality changes that are eventually corrected, but a shock to the family that doesn’t expect it.
I know exactly what you mean about getting behind one
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------player to switch to another because of some dumb or mean/
unclassy, uncalled for move. But for right now I am pulling
for Corey. I don’t think he has played the best game, but
I have been impressed at how well he has handled the
stress of the game and stepped up to back up a friend by
telling him what he needed to hear to get his act together.
He did it in such an empathetic and kind way, Paulie listened.
What little game play there has been this year is all over the
place and often there simply hasn’t been any. So I am going
for personality like right now. Paul and Vic have gotten on
my last nerve this week. While Vic is a clean freak, he is
so ugly at times with it to the other hgs. Granted most of
them are genetic throwbacks to pigs, but he harps like he’s
got PMS. Paul is just out and out irritating in almost everything
her does. Meech ….I no longer have any words left for her.
Nat and James remind me of Hanzel and Gretel and they
can’t even follow the breadcrumbs back to their home….
probably because Nat ate them when James had his back
turned. 🙂 🙂 🙂
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OMG,……LMAO… At the breadcrumbs!!!
I agree with you about Corey. I hope he stays and gets the care package. I think he has a kind heart. Let’s put it this way. There is no way in the world that he would ever be as annoying as Paul and Vic. I have seen a mean side of Vic. He can be very harsh and unmovable. He keeps bringing up that thing about the date with Nicole. That must have really hurt his ego because he can’t let it go . He was even using it against her last night. She thinks he is being ridiculous and I do also.
I saw how Corey was trying to calm Paulie down and I was impressed. All the other side of the house, especially Paul did was try to get him more stirred up. They thought it was funny to torture him. You see how much fun it is this week Paul!
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Margie you, Sherri, and Star do such a good job keeping us informed. Thanks to all of u.
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I knew it was Herbie days ago but the boss 🙂 didn’t want me to say anything so I didn’t until fran called him out’
I’m so glad my Christian mom got four kids and herself to church three times a week all my childhood… I used to send my girls to Bible School when school let every summer. I don’t want to be alive in a world without God and I don’t mean Allah.
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Sherry…. I think the comp has started…we are on the Jeff loop.
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Ya’ll said it all thank you my first read of the day is always this blog
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------but D@@m get rid of Paul and that ugly beard and take the D@@m
DUCK with you oops don’t forget your MOUTH wish your mother
had washed it out with soap few hundred time lol again thank you
Lisa and all of you for comments always see things I missed.
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I am still laughing Dorothy!! Thanks for making my day.
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Star and Sherry…..one of the words that they all use that irritates the crap out of me is ‘funnist’ for ‘most fun’ !
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I know, right?? I could write a book about their slaughter of the English language..lol The one that they have been doing for years that makes my skin crawl is so and so VERSE someone else!! Its VERSUS you illiterate fools!!! lol A verse is found in a poem or a song!!! Read a book once in awhile!!! They talk like they text. SHEESH!! 😉
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@Margie..you are cute!!lol And commenting on anyone’s looks is low anywhere but certainly has no place on this blog!!!
Herbie makes sense actually. He always seemed as bit arrogant and he supposedly moved in possible celeb circles with his poker playing….so as far as maybe knowing someone who KNOWS things. But why not just tell us as himself?? And where is all this righteous indignation coming from when he was ..Ummmm…..WRONG!!!??? lol
Yup. It says the comp started at 2:23 BBT. I sure hope it doesn’t last as long as the last one!!!! I had a pretty good memory when I was that age but I think it would have been so hard to remember everything they threw out there last night!! They are going to be so tired and so crammed with stuff that they won’t be able to even think by now!!lol
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No Herbie doesn’t make sense… he called JT an imbecile. I hate that word and the kid is just mean.
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Margie: Yes, but the whole world it seems is using incorrect
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------grammar and conjugations. It isn’t “I’ve never been more
happy or more proud” it’s happier or prouder. Yet all the news
is full of these mistakes every day.
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Margie: Another one used all the time,especially in the BB
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------house this season…”Me and (Tom, Dick, or Alice) went……”
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Years ago my boss wrote a letter and used “I.” I changed it to me because me was proper. He changed it back to I and I didn’t change it. He called me on it and I said I can use I in the sentence but it was wrong. I explained to him how we learned when to use I versus me. He may have had an expensive Jesuit schooling but the Detroit Public School system worked fine for me (or should me say I?) LOL
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Star: That person started off calling himself “I do know” then he
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------changed it and then tried to play Herbie as a shield. He got nasty
about OT talking and went after Bobo. I wanted to come through
my computer and smack him. He had no right to be so nasty to
Bobo. He can say whatever he wants about me, but leave my
friends alone. We kind of told him to find another blog that
he might like better. He disappeared, especially after Paulie didn’t
get the RT that he kept telling us he had. Had it from a very good
source…..yeah, right.
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SO is his name really Herbie?? IS he really a poker player???? Do we really CARE?????LOL
Oh well…you are always going to get trolls when you are anywhere OL. People are just as low in cyberspace as they are in the Real World!!
So…..are we replying down here all the time now instead of the reply button???? I get that they are hard to go back and find, but since we don’t have numbers it is kind of hard to do it down here too. I just want to be doing it consistently so people see them. I did post to you and Sirrock up above earlier. If we all want to post down here that’s fine, I just want to keep it consistent!!
Ok…going for reals now….lol
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Star, I posted “up there!” 😊😊😊 To Margie! 😊
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Hey Jolee!! 😉 It sounds like we are all trying to use ther reply button anyway and then just go back so it’s all good! I look for my EYE and then see if anything is below it!! Whatever works I guess!!! lol 🙂
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Oh, he came back at the top of the next blog after being wrong…. but only mouthed off a few times. Lisa can tell when he’s here. If he’d just be nice…..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Also, I hear incorrect English even by adults on TV shows but I’m sure after all these years I mess up. I used to belong to a poetry site and I tend to use a lot of slang…. but i’d rather have incorrect English but a big heart than someone ‘schooled’ but cruel…
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@sherry…. we could go on all day…..lol So much to pick from!!! 😉
Using ME as the subject is pretty much American slang/stupidity tho. Not just the HGs do it!
Another one that is on the news and all over is using BACK as in BACK open. Umm……opened again or reopened??? And someone WENT missing!!! Bad enough when people use that in regular life but when reporters and others in public do…it really worries me about what is going to happen to the English language!!
I have to go for a bit. Will be in and out for awhile!!
L8trs!!!!! 😉
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@Star…by the way I hope your FIL is doing well. Keep us informed.
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@Margie…….He’s actually feeling better right now. He had a stent put in…he already has about 3…….but when they were in there they could see he had had a major heart attack sometime between now and 2009. And he didn’t even know it!!! Supposedly the entire bottom section of his heart is dead and not replaceable. So i am not sure what that means exactly. And I am not getting much from his Mom as to an explanation. I’m sure it can’t be good. I know you can live with one kidney and a partial liver but a heart?? He’s on different meds and has to be checked more often. But he is breathing better. At least that is something and all we can do is hope and pray for the future.
Thanks for asking BTW. I will let Mike know you thinking of his Dad. 🙂
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Star….I don’t know what that means either but it sure doesn’t sound good. I wish him the best.
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Yes Star..prayers for your father in law… tell M.
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I don’t think Corey has much chance in this comp because I don’t believe he understood it. To bad Nicole had to sit out instead of him because she was studying hard .
I think Paul will win this one! He was manic studying and forcing Nat and Michelle to study last. Igbo.
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Star: You probabaly won’t see this until your return. Okay. I
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------try to go back and post under someone’s post I like. But
sometimes it doesn’t go where I think it will and ends up at
the end. So I just scroll back and forth trying to catch what I
might have missed.
See ya later.
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@Sherry…I did see it and told Jolee we were doing whatever works!!lol I just didn’t want to be doing it against the tide. So we will just keep on searching about!!! lol
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Hi everyone! I am enjoying reading all of your comments! I am also confused about where to reply to comments. Maybe they will number the comments next season. I think the numbers were helpful for several reasons. I used them to keep track of where I left off if I didn’t have time to read them all. Now, I just reply to someone so I can use that as a starting place!! 😊😊😊😊
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After trying the reply button I’ve given up. I believe it’s more efficient to reply at the end rather than rooting aroud up above.
I’m so far behind on commenting to some of you…wish I could clone myself in order to get it all done. Sorry if I overlook some of you.
Jolee… Don’t know if you saw my response to you about Yannick. Yup…he is definitely a 10 !!! 😍😍
Star… My replies to you were like 2-3 days ago. No worries. I trust Mike will be fine. So much of what you say I agree with, especially having no one person to feel passionate about. Kind of a ho hum year.
Macy… I have also been icing my ankle. Serves me right for thinking I have the nimbleness to wash my foot in the bathroom sink! 💪 I fell flat on my left buttock thinking, while on the way down, oh no…!!!… here comes a broken hip!! I got lucky. I also have a dog named Bella.
Tendr… Can you change your name to Tent? Auto correct thinks you should. I love Buddy Guy! During a business trip I went to his blues club in Chicago all by myself and stood out like a sore thumb being the only white girl there which gained me respect in the eyes of the other patrons. Rocked out to some of the best blues ever and still have my Buddy Guy Blues Club T-shirt souvenir. That was back in the 90’s…don’t think I’d have the courage these days.
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Junksies…I’m trying to hang in with the reply button, altho I prefer bottom/numbers too.so I may have to tell you to LOOK UP!!!! lol
No worries about trying to catch up. About the time you said you had sent those replies, I wasn’t even on here. I missed a few days this week and believe me, I know how you feel!!!! 😉 I just figure…BYGONES….and move on!! IF I missed something really juicy….like the whole I KNOW thing….it usually comes out in other posts!!
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I WANT YOUR T SHIRT! SHERRY…… been to Chicago but was a rush between planes (way back when I wasn’t too broke to travel) so didn’t get to his club BUT saw him here in a real small club and at an outdoor concert with my ex his friend and my oldest daughter… we were upfront and Buddy tossed me his guitar pick—- the ex got it in the divorce..along with everything else..oh, I got a sofa. Don’t get me started…I also love JonyLang. Saw him twice. My auto correct changes my words also…. you can call me Vicki if you want though most call me Vic, that might get confusing…:)
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Tendr Vicki… Wait….what??….did sherry steal my T-shirt?
I have a Metallica guitar pic and two strings and the broken bridge of Slash’s guitar. Amazing what you can find on the floor after a concert. I’ve got tons of rock and country music memorabilia. I regret missing GnR last night in LA. I feel like I’m too old for those shows now a days.
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Jolee. Thanks…I was being smaeta$$….I really don’t think I’m all that and a bag of chips!!!!
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@junksie……I have a huge picture of you with your foot in the sink. lol. I fell at the office the other day for it seemed like five minutes and had time to think on the way down the same thing you did, OMG here comes a broken hip and teeth knocked out!!! I was coming out the front door, one of the kids had left a box and I didn’t see it. Once I was down I couldn’t get up! lol. Thank goodness the workers were right there and could get me up. Later it was funny!
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I like replying at the bottom also. If I didn’t get emails I would never find the replies!
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I don’t get emails! Seems if you have AOL it isn’t working. Starfish has AOL too and can’t get them. SO if I miss something on here, I just miss it!!! Plus I’m not a fan of the whole email thing. I hate seeing that much mail if we had a chatty day on here!!! then I have to try to get rid of all of it and it swallows up all my other mail. SO..whaddaya gonna do???LOL
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Sherry… Last night when Paul 💀💀 started talking about God my ears perked up. He believes in a creater who is above all the other gods…the Hindu god, the this god, the other god. Then James asked if he believed in Allah and I don’t recall what his exact response was to that. Seems like he deflected so he would not have to answer that god question directly. All I know is that he is one of the many lost who believe in many gods, to their damnation. His clothing line says a lot about him. 💀💀 I still have last night’s BBAD on DVR to check out the acurracy but it’s not worth the effort.
Thanks for your witty comments that crack me up.
Margie… Thanks for you updates and witty comments as well.
General comment about grammar: I get what some of you are saying about grammar and I agree to a certain degree. Some of you write beautifully, like Lisa, and are blessed but others like myself who don’t have that gift may be intimidated, unintentionally, into silence. Just a thought. Love you all !!💑 💑
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Junkies you don’t haft talk right for me cuz I don’t really care. I just wanna hear or read ya. <3
Buddy Guy doesn't use correct grammar in his songs. He hangs loose and 'I got the blues"
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Junksies. I his hear Psul talking religion and it seems a lot of people hot it wrong.
He’s not Islamuc. Nor is he a worshipper if multi gods.
But he was trying to explain bring agnostic to the others and they had no idea what it meant. So he was tring to explain how he believes in a higher power. A creator. But he doesn’t name it with religion, which is where Allah came in as he was explaining that it was just another religion term for God. He seems quite a bit more educated and worldly than a lot of the other HGS. Anyway that’s the way I heard it.
As for the whole grammar thing, point taken I’m an Englush major and can’t help it. Lol. Plus it’s aimed at the HGS and no one here whatsoever. But I get it.
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Star: Thanks for clearing that up for me. I just couldn’t make
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------a lot of sense out of what he was saying, and the sound kept
going in and out on it for me.
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<b. ………………….
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Looks like I messed that up………………..
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Bob….how are you doing. Good to see you here.
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Star… Because I have FOMO, I will always look up. 😁😁.
And just for Sherry…. It means fear of missing out.
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Junksies: Thank you. I am learning so much with the help
of all my fellow bloggers. It means a lot to me for people
to help me learn what I dont’ know…..which is monumental!!!
I don’t know where you got the idea you don’t write well….you do a great job and always look forward to your posts. Our English comments weren’t meant against anyone on this blog,but a concern that the English language is not being taught in the school systems like it once was. Then our sometimes asleep at the throttle press who are suppose to be well educated in speech and public speaking…..well we all know how they get it wrong and perpetuate grammar errors to our children and grands. The press is so powerful right now. I want our grands to have the best education possible and feel like they are being
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cheated at times.
But I thank you for bringing up a point and thought I’d over-
looked. Call me on things any time. I would never want anyone
to feel intimidated and remain silent. I love each and every
comment (well, mostly….Herbie/I do know doesn’t count) made.
I especially enjoy new comments from those who don’t post
I was intimidated for awhile about not understanding letter
substitutions for words. But everyone has been so kind to
remember the computer/smart phone illiterate me. Thank you
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Junkies I wrote a long msg but said Sherry….. then it wouldn’t send… said I already said it. So I won’t repeat it yet to see if it shows up…..I hate this reply button AND growing up, we weren’t allowed to say ‘hate’
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JUNKSIES that screaming tirade was to you… lol.
This tablet is from hell.
‘TENT’ 🙂
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Junkies….. read up there from me. Thisfreakingreplybuttonsucksbigtime.
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Tendr Vic… LOL!!! 😂😂😂😂
I love you!!
My tablet is one week old and I hate it…but get this…it finally learned hands off to tendr. It doesn’t change it to tent anymore so I may learn to love it.
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They have now been down for 6 hours for the comp. This comp should not have taken that long!
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@ Margie ………… Thanks for asking my dear, I am good Hope all is well with you, got to lay down now, hope to see you soon my friend 💕 ………………..
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Margie: Thanks for hanging in there and keeping us aware of
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------what is going on with the comp. I’ll keep checking back.
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They are back and Paul won.
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I just found out it was Paul too. I figured he would win. He studied the hardest and had the most to lose.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Looks like it’s buh bye Nicorey!! Lol
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Thanks Star and Margie: I knew he’d win. He studied hard
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and deserved it. I think they will put up Corey as the biggest
threat and then get Nic the following week or next eviction
in case this is a DE week. I know there is a great deal of anger
at Nic right now and that may be a bigger influence towards
making the replacement nom. It looks like it will be Vic and
Paul at the end. I’m not crazy about that, but it is what it is.
Paul and Vic have played harder than the rest. The others
really don’t deserve to win.
BTW: What does the next care pkg. contain?
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Star … Not necessarily….they are talking about getting Vic out instead.
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Are you serious, Margie?? What a good move that would be
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------strategically. This will probably be the only chance they
have to stop his game. If I count the votes correctly, Paul
and Mic would vote to keep Vic…James and Nic would vote
to keep Corey….tie vote and Nat breaks the tie. But James
may go against Corey to keep Nat from having to break the
tie and “get blood on her hands”. About that time I will be
in the bathroom throwing up. Like I said….this group is
all over the place. You think you have their game plan
pinned down, and then they change it. 🙁 🙁
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Paul is going to be up their butt for the rest of the week. He’ll be walking around looking like Corey last week with something on both his hands! lol
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Margie: I can see Paul campaigning big time for Vic, but at the
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------same time I can see him thinking Vic is his biggest
competition and might be better for his game to get him
out. Paul would probably be going for the $50K instead of
the $500K, if Vic stays. But at the same time he can out
talk anyone in the jury, so might fool us. But Vic on the
other hand has so many comps behind him. It might turn
interesting this week.
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Sherry who can read that idiot’s mind!
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Margie: How true….how true. I am proof that even an idiot
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------like myself cannot read another idiot’s mind.
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LOL…. you sayin’ Paul will be putting on a Nat /Meech puppet show? 😆
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Sherry much can’t vote. It’s only Jameson Nic and Paul
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Sherry I mention Michelle can’t vote. and my tablet changed it
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It changed it again. I meant Michelle cannot vote.
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Margie: You’re right. I forgot about the double HOH. I
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------swear my memory is shot. Plus the arthritis in my right
hand and arm are acting up today and making typing
and thinking at the same time at odds with each other.
So Vic could very well be going. He will need an extra
stick of the most powerful deodorant made for men this
week. Sorry about the stupid goof up.
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Victor and Paul are talking about putting up Natalie and James next week. These people are all over the place which makes it really hard to follow.
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Taking a break and resting my arm and hand. Will check
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------back later.
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Sherry it’s looking like James and Nicole really are going to send Vic packing. As we know though, Vic will probably come back in the buy back.
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Hi JT….yes that is exactly what I’m saying. lol. He is already at it.
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haha…. love him or hate him.. he is a piece of work 😆
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I have mixed feelings about Paul winning. I don’t want Vic to go but it would be in everyone’s best interest to vote him out now while they have the chance. He’s a comp beast! Can’t believe I’m saying this but either Nicole or Corey should be the replacement. Don’t get or like their strategy if they even have one. I still think Corey will win.
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Paul being so forceful with his agenda might bite him in the ass. He had Nat swayed to keep him… but was so pushy about it she got pissed (after some decompression time)
For his game… he needs to dial it back a bit.
James is the only vote that matter. James knows the best move strategically is to get Vic out while they have the chance.
Meech wants to get Nicole out… and Meech is naming the re-nom.
If Corey gets evicted, it would mean Vic or Paul gets final CP for sure. But if they evict Nic… Corey could get it.
They don’t know the final CP is crap. They think it’s going to be the best one yet.. since they have gotten better each week. Speculation is sole HOH
But we know it’s $5,000 bribe… and at this late in the game, people don’t usually risk it for a lousy 5k. They should have made the bribe 20k… then someone would consider it for sure.
Taking out Nic would be a dumb move IMO. IDK WTF Meech is thinking. Meech gets a grudge and wont let go….. a dog with a bone. Nic hasn’t won a single thing this season (unless you count her HOH she was elected to). They would still have Vic, Paul, Corey in the house…. pretty dangerous at final 6.
Of course they don’t know about the returning juror yet, which throws a whole new set of wrinkles in the mix.
If Vic does go this week… a battle between Vic & Paulie would be epic. Not saying one of those 2 would necessarily win… never know with these comps… but they would be giving each other the evil eye.
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James & Nat brainstorming
Nat: “I’ve made up my mind, Vic needs to go…. I love the kid but…. and Corey & Nicole will trust us”
James pretty much agreeing.
Nat: “Vic needs to go or they will be running the house”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------James: ” I know what their plan is… take 3 girls to the end and wipe y’all out”
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Im having a problem seeing where you all are getting that Vic is going. The only two I heard say that Yeah Vic is going home are N and C. Meech wants Nic out. And I think she gets to do the replacement nom. So it looks to me like one of Nicorey going home yet. I could have missed something As I am watching TV while doing this. And anything could change by Thurs. but so far that’s what I’m getting. I hope I’m
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Right cuz I still like Vic. And I see Paul in F2 no matter what.
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There are only 3 votes this week.
Nic or Corey are the only 2 options for replacement
Nic or Corey will vote for each other
Paul will vote to save Vic
James is basically the sole vote…. whatever he (and Nat) decides is what will happen
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correction…. James is also a possibility for renom technically… but Meech wont do that… no way.
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Star are you watching the feeds right now. James and Nat are talking and finally have seen that it is in their best interest to get Vic the better player out
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Star…they only need James and Nicole’s vote against Paul to get him out!
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JT. I didn’t hear that last bit not really paying attention. It does make sense tho. I’m a little shocked Nat is playing so unemotionally. About time but that was why I had doubted it would be Vic. Oh well. He got back in the house and had a good ride. Not too shabby. At least he played the game well even if he goes this week.
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and if he goes this week… he could potentially be the first ever HG to come back twice in the same season…. and could be the first evicted 3 times. LOL
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And on cue.. sketchball Paul pops in during Nat & James convo.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Paul is giving BB15 Andy a run for his pop in money 😀
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JT. That is going to be happening until eviction. I think they are making a mistake telling Meech to early because she has a big crush on Vic! She is dying for a showmance! lol
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a mistake for them maybe… but better feeds for us at the same time?? 🙂
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Nat: “So you’re sure taking out Vic is the best move”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------James: “Yes… the best game move…. 1,000%”
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Vic did come within 1 point of winning veto
Paul got 21… Vic got 20
Corey 15
James 13
Nat 10
haven’t heard about Meech.
It was the questions… but must have been some sort of physical aspect to it too (Nat talking about getting “blown away”)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maybe it was like when they do the comic book one?
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apparently James score keeping is not that good
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vic had 19 (according to Nic & Corey)
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BB round table over
James down chatting up Nic / Cor… making them feel more at ease.
He is actually reeling them in closer. James did say (to Nat) if he wins HOH he will put up Nic & Corey.
But any future plans they make now are all out the window when someone returns.
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I have enjoyed reading all of your comments today. I was out of pocket all day so it was nice to catch up via my wise blog friends. : )
Decades ago I took Modern English Grammar during summer school at the U of A just for fun. Then I was employed for years as a proofreader. That nearly ruined me. I had to read slowly and repeat words to myself to check the spelling. I still can’t handle a novel, but short stories and magazine articles (like NatGeo) are fine. The big lesson I learned was that grammar and punctuation are not all that important. Communication is. Compassion is. Kindness is. Lots of things outrank grammar and punctuation.
No one needs to second guess themselves as they post. You will not be tested on this later! Or graded. You’ll be taken seriously. You will always be welcome. I don’t remember anyone ever being derided for their slips in grammar or spelling. Right, Stra???? : )
Paul winning! Please, no. I also have no favorite this season. Some I don’t like less than others. No one really deserves the prize. If I had to pick one, I’d say Vic, but if he goes next week, I don’t have a replacement. Maybe Da will win the buy back. Now that would be great!
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I never care about spelling or grammar
(Unless an idiot calls me an imbecile, then I believe they should have some clue of proper English)
But that aside…. never cared! And if someone makes a mistake, we all know what they meant… no need to correct it in another comment
(Except when spell check totally changes the word)
There are those post going around all the time that prove we can easily read things even when letters are missing or rearranged. A lot of times I don’t even notice mistakes until someone calls themselves out for it….. our brains just make it what it should be .. and most times I’m none the wiser 🙂
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Well said, Justaguy! I worked in Word Processing for over 20 years, which involved a lot of proofreading, so I can usually catch my mistakes before I “submit!” I have seen those posts where there are missing letters and words. They intrigue me. I also like the ones that are upside down! 😊
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Upside down and backwards are annoying though. LOL
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Whew! I had a lot of catching up to do! 😊😊
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------tendr, my mom wouldn’t use the word “hate!” She would say “dislike intensely!” 😊😊😊
Well, now that I’m all caught up, it’s time to go to bed! We watched several episodes of Detective Murdoch! 😊😊 I will be sad when the series is over. There are a total of 133 episodes and we have watched almost half of them! I guess I will just have to get a picture of him! lol ….. Goodnight everyone! Be back later!
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Margie, Nat & James just brought up your valid point about telling Meech too early. Nat said we can’t tell her until after veto ceremony… we don’t want to risk you (James) being the renom.
Good call. I don’t think Meech would do that even if they told her… but Meech has done many things I didn’t think she’d do.
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