Hi, everyone!
Well, what an exciting day in the Big Brother House!
The day started with the veto meeting. As expected, Michelle did not use the veto and she left Frank and Bridgette on the block. So, it seems like that would guarantee that Frank is going to get evicted this week, right?
Well, maybe not.
After the meeting, a message appeared on the Big Brother board: “Clues To The Secret All Around You. You May Want To Keep Them To Yourself.” This led to everyone running around the house, searching for clues. Almost everyone figured out that the clues were somehow linked to the telephone and several of them started to randomly push numbers, hoping that something would happen.
Meanwhile, Paul started to run around the house and it was clear that he had figured something out. He looked at all of the departure signs oi the house and realized that all the departure times were clues to a secret code. Let’s give Paul some credit. While everyone else was desperately trying random things, Paul actually gave it some thought, came up with the right code, and — after dialing the right numbers — he discovered the secret room!
And what was in the secret room?
12 envelopes and a note. According to the note, any houseguest who discovered the room could pick one envelope but would not be allowed to open the envelope until after he or she was evicted. If that houseguest’s envelope contained a return ticket, the houseguest would automatically reenter the house. Out of the 12 envelopes, only one contains a return ticket.
Now, the smart thing for Paul to do would have been to grab an envelope and keep the existence of the room a secret. After all, why should he want to give anyone else a chance to reenter the house? But that’s not Paul’s way. Paul couldn’t keep a secret if his life depended upon it. There was no way that Paul wasn’t going to brag to everyone about finding that secret room.
Naturally, Paul told Victor. Victor went to explore the hidden room himself and, of course, everyone saw Victor sneaking off. Long story short, everyone has now been in the secret room and everyone now has an envelope. Someone will be reentering the house.
That means that even though everyone is planning on voting Frank out this week, he could still reenter the house. It all depends on what’s in his envelope…
Personally, I think the secret room is a nice twist but I wish they hadn’t included 12 envelopes. What I wish is that they had done it Survivor-style. I wish Paul had found a note telling him that, since he found the secret room, he and he alone now had a ticket to return to the house after being evicted and I wish that Paul had the self-control to keep it a secret.
Right now, Paul’s feeling pretty proud of himself because he found that room. But there’s a good chance that he won’t even be rewarded for his hard work. Paul could be evicted and, upon opening his envelope, discover that he just has a note thanking him for playing. Still, Paul is doing surprisinfly well for someone who we all thought would be evicted by third week. Not only did he manage to figure out the clues and find the hidden room but he also robbed Paulie of all of his powers by giving him that terrible haircut. Don’t underestimate Paul.
And if Frank gets evicted on Thursday and then reveals that he has the return ticket — well, let’s just say that there’s going to be a lot of very upset viewers. (Including me.)
But we’ll see what happens!
Lisa Marie
P.S. One final note: When I said that I was hoping Victor would reeneter the house, I had apparently forgotten just how annoying Victor can be. I’m listening to him laugh right now and it’s like nails on a chalkboard.
P.P.S. Oh yeah, I promised to reveal my opinion of James going back on his word and nominating Bridgette for eviction. To be honest, if I was James, I wouldn’t have made the deal in the first place. I don’t think it was necessary. He could have won the comp without making the deal. But, at the same time, he has ever right to go back on it. That’s just the way the game is played.
Frank will be evicted and will have the return ticket, you can take that to the bank!
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Sirrock……I actually wouldn’t mind that! Production has done more for worse!! But how do they make sure he gets the ONE??? Are all the rest blank and then they call him into the DR and switch his out?? I keep going back to Julie’s mention of a month. SO….how does that figure in?? They all found everything in one day. That still confuses me. I’m watching BBAD, a bit late, and everything they are saying is confusing me too!!! But it;s all about the secret room. I’m just getting bit and pieces so far.
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Wow, Star, I think you figured it out, concerning the ticket switch. Very clever.
I think that what Julie said about a month may refer to how long the ticket can be at play in the game, as far as, how many weeks can it be used to return before it expires, probably a couple of weeks before the finale. So, theoretically someone could have the winning envelope, but just not get voted out anytime soon, and if they go out when there’s, say 3 left, it would be too late. Just a guess.
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Star, I posted a couple theories how it could be done. They made it abundantly clear that if anyone opens or tampers with an envelop other than on stage after an eviction, they “could” have a penalty accesed. Could be not competing in HOH or POV, Have Not for multiple weeks, etc. I think that would pretty much guarantee that nobody would open them. That’s the first hurdle.
My first thought was ALL the envelopes have the Round Trip Ticket in them. They know Frank is all but out the door, so since he’s the first one going out, he’d have the winner, since all the envelopes were winners, and he’d go back in. Immediately following the Live show, Production collects all the unopened envelopes, and if they open them, punishment will still happen.
Second thought, ALL the envelopes are losers and they give Frank a winner in the DR. This would make more sense in the event that the house flips and votes out Bridget instead of Frank. They don’t want to waste the winner on her, but that said, they would want Frank to have her back as she’s the only one working with him.
I know this twist was going to happen no matter what, but it’s just very suspicious that it happens as Frank is on the block for the first time. Also, it is put into play after the POV so the noms are locked into place.
#CynicalSirrock 🙂
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Star ….. I listened to what Paul said when he was in the room and this is what he says happens. If you are on the block you have to put our envelope in your luggage. You can’t carry it on to Julie in your hand! So that gives them the opportunity to do whatever they want and we know what they will do!
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They were most likely all one way tickets till Frank got in then all get switched to return tickets so he has return ticket BB is setting it up again for their favorite to win again like they did with the Riley bimbo they can’t just let the best player win
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Thanks Waxfairy!! 😉 Actually Sirrock and I had pretty much the dame theory……except his said they were all one way and mine said they were blank. And actually one way would be what they would go with…DUH! But same idea!! 😉 I remember taht Frank was a favorite of Grodin’s so it’s very possib;e it’s rigged for him. Or maybe just rigged for the Soup de Jour..or whoever they want to manipulate at the time. it does give them a pretty heavy hand in this.
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Sirrock..our theories are actually pretty much the same as your second thought. 😉 Bottom line, Production wants and has control of this *Reality* show. We always knew that. they just very clumsily confirmed it this time around….lol
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If he’s evicted .. I hope so
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I don’t know if they would actually make the attempt to fix it for Frank, but it would be funny if he legitimately had the return ticket.
I still can’t wrap my head around Paul opening up his big mouth. These kids just don’t know the game. If you want to win, STFU! Good grief! SMH
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Also, totally off topic but thought it was a cool story to share. Anyone watch BB1, the first season? There was a beauty queen cast that season, Jamie Kern. Well, she ended up winning some role to be on Baywatch back in the day, discovered body makeup and all that went into it. She perused her career as a TV News person, but went to school and got her Masters in Business and started a make up company. I saw a story on Evel Dick’s Twitter that she (co founder and CEO of the company) just sold it to L’orel for get this…..1.5 BILLION DOLLARS!! Here’s the link to that story.
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Here’s her Wikipedia page, the sale wasn’t updated yet, but it has a picture of her to jog your memory of her and some of her other accomplishments on her way to becoming a billionaire!
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Wow, good for her!! I saw BB1 but I don’t remember much about the HGs except the guy who won.
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WOW!! Kinda makes BB looks like nuthin…lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have watched since S1, but it was so long ago , without a map and pics, I don’t remember much except for Eddy. I kind of remember her name tho. Well,good for her!! And she didn’t get it in any way due to her so-called BB fame!!! So when you get out of the house kids, go back to school!!!!!! lol
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starfish/Star -I hear ya, I sorta remembered her but E.D. RT’d a post from a BB spoiler page about how Chicken George tried to stage a walkout because of production manipulation back in S1. It was posted due to all the stuff/theories going on about the “Secret Room”. I found a link to a video from that episode and she was in it. She was the final female in the house. I shared it with E.D. on his Twitter feed. He RT’s my link and posted that article he found about the sale. I was shocked. 1.5 Billion…..that’s some serious cash. Sounds like she’s a hard working, smart, dedicated woman. I’m happy for her.
She was kind of similar to the Danielle “type” from S14. Brunette, pretty, beauty queen background. But she seemed far more stable and put together, even back then. Check that other link I posted from her wiki page, or google her name. Pics help jog the memory. 🙂
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Yes, I have been using her products for years. She has rosecea, like me, and her products are absolutely perfect for skin. Mineral based. I just hope this sale doesn’t affect the quality of her stuff.
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Wow! Thank you Lisa. I think they could have come up with something more exciting for the secret room. I still think Pandora’s Box would have been more exciting! As far as I am concerned, the secret room was “Much to do about nothing!” I am glad Paul discovered it after all of his work, but he should have kept it to himself. Instead of telling everyone about the room, he could have challenged the other HG’s to find it like he did! That would have made it more interesting! He could have told them he had an envelope, but not reveal what was in it! Just saying!! 😍
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lisa, I agree with you that it would have been better to have just one envelope with a ticket to reenter the house. And to keep it secret from the other players. And then when and if Paul was evicted ….. “Surprise!!” Now that would be more exciting! I guess I will watch a little BBAD. Nite all. 💕💖💝💛💙💜❤️💕
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Jolee……Paul has a HUGE mouth and a hungry ego to feed. There is NO WAY he could have kept his mouth shut!! Even for the money!!!! But I agree. Much more dynamic if he could ahve kept it to himself. It should have been a rule. OR if they only had the one. The way they did it kind of diluted the whole thing. Plus I am sick of this coming back threat. We went thru it for the first 5. It’s been DONE! Think of something else..sheesh!!! lol
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Star! I agree with you 100% 😊😊😊
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Wow, Lisa. Terrific post. I agree with you about James. What am I talking about? I agree with you all the time!
Jolee, it would have been better the way you said, but at least Jesse wasn’t in the sea rest room. Paul has indeed proved himself more clever than he looks, but he likes to ingratiate himself with the other by sharing every bit of info he knows. Maybe he thinks he’ll receive “friendship” from them as a result. Kinda sad really.
Sirrock, I LOVE your conspiracy theories. I don’t trust production either. Thank you for all the wonderfully interesting posts.
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Anyone catch who got envelope #8? People speculate that’s it is 8 because of the Ocho Rio sign. The clues to the secret are all around you….
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Mike I think Nicole might have #8.
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I’ve racked my brain trying to figure out how prod. could rig this
envelope thing to save Frank. If there is only one envelope that
contains a return ticket and everyone has an envelope, I don’t know
how prod. could exchange anyone’s ticket. But maybe the message
inside the envelope sends that person to the phone booth again for
another message. The verbal message could be rigged to say what-
ever they want it to say 💡 like, sorry this is not a winning ticket….try again next season. Or this is a chance to compete for
a return ticket in four weeks, but you will have to be evicted
tonight. I still wonder about the “month”.
Either this is another bomb of an idea or there is another twist to this thing that hasn’t been revealed yet. I just can’t bring myself to believe there is simply one envelope with a return ticket in it and 11 that are useless or empty. But if no one has chosen the one envelope with a return ticket in a month’s time, maybe they will allow everyone to open their envelope and reveal the contents. What if Victor has the return ticket? Are they going to allow him to return a second time that easily???? There has to be more to this ticket thing than we know at this time.
Then I thought maybe they had 12 phony or useless envelopes
and would be able to switch Frank’s out in the DR for the real return
ticket. They couldn’t just tell him to look for one with a certain
mark distinguishing it from the others….there would be no guarantee someone else wouldn’t get that envelope.
But then this is a group who can’t keep their mouths shut. Any
blatant attempt for prod. to help Frank comes with a high of risk of
There has to be a way for prod. to control the outcome of this twist.
At least it has us all expecting the unexpected. Hope we’re not
are 12 evictions ahead and
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Sherry….either you just stole my idea….check up under Sirrocks post…or we think exactly alike!! GMTA…..Great Minds Think Alike. Here’s another one for you!! 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I thought the only was Production could rig it or Frank would be for all the envelopes to be blanks and then for them to call Frank into the DR and switch his out! Not honest, but then it’s their game! And I too keep wondering about the month. What is that for?? I thought it was to find the clues but that’s done!!
Also to keep bringing people back in is not only hard on us, but it’s redundant!!! can’t they come up with anything new??? SMH
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Star: My thoughts exactly. There has become too much of the
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------coming back angle. I think the greatest “expect the unexpected”
angle could be for them to allow the players to just play the
game with no one coming back once evicted. Sometimes the old
way of doing things ends up being better than the progress of
new ideas.
Take the Bachelorette. She sent home the guy I really liked and
wanted her to choose. She has left the two I didn’t want her to
choose. But I believe Luke may come back as the next Bachelor.
I have a feeling a lot of women were pulling for him. Time will
tell. But at least those sent home usually don’t get another
chance to come back, especially this late in the game.
I think the next few days may prove exceptionally interesting
as ideas are exchanged on this blog.
I went back and looked for your earlier post. You’re right….you
and I had the same ideas. Since yours was posted first…you get
the full credit. Sorry. Should have read everything before adding
my fifty cents. But I like the GMTA angle. And especially like
you explained to me what it meant.LOL.
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all the envelopes could say sorry you have been evicted…then Frank could be called to DR and his will be switched out….that makes more sense than blanks… also 1 month probably means the next 4 evictees envelopes get opened upon eviction and then all the rest after the 4 weeks are null and void!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I Hope Frank Gets to come back in!!!!
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Star check my answer to your question above.
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😳 “are 12 evictions ahead and” was suppose to be have been deleted by me and forgot about it.
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Sirrock: Great thinking. I hadn’t thought of them all having a
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------winning return ticket. That works pretty well, unless like you
said the house changes its mind and evicts Bridgett. But that would work, too. Bridgett gets to come back into the house and rejoin
Frank while prod. thinks up another idea to save Frank.
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Exactly! It would be a pretty glaring case of production tampering if this goes down on the first one, so we’ll see what happens. I don’t know that this will happen, but nothing shocks me anymore about BB so if it did, it would be par for the course.
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Hi! Just some clarification. I was watching the feeds as everything was happening. After Paul figured out the right code and heard the recorded message, he tried to keep others from figuring it out as well. He told James and Corey that he figured it out and needed them to keep everyone, especially Fridgette, from going anywhere near the phone booth. When that didn’t happen, he stalked the phone booth to prevent anyone else from going in to enter a code. He went back in and kept acting like he was trying to figure it out. Both Natalie and Bridgette wanted to go in and try a code but Paul wouldn’t exit the phone booth. He told them he wanted to keep trying. Knowing Natalie AND Bridgette were both about to figure out the code, he panicked. Several houseguests were around the phone booth when Paul entered the correct code and opened the trap door leading to the tunnel that would take him to the secret room. There was no way to keep it a secret because they watched him gain access. He did not come out and tell Victor about it. EVERYONE knew he found the room so he gave them a story about what it contained. He wouldn’t tell anyone the code and instead gave them false information to prevent them from figuring it out. Within a very short time, EVERYONE took their turn entering the secret room and claimed a ticket. Victor was second and then Corey after him. (They figured it out on their own). 2 others figured out the code and the rest had it given to them. Victor even entered it for Nicole because she apparently couldn’t enter it correctly on her own. :/
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Yes that is exactly how it happened and you explained it so well! But then he wouldn’t SHUT UP about how wonderful he was to figure it out. He talked (bragged) about his win and how clever he is the rest of the night, even after they turned the lights off! EGO!
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I watched it when Paul figured it out. He tried to wait but Bridget had figured it out so if he would have waited she would have gone in first. As we know now that wouldn’t have mattered but he didn’t know that. And he did refuse to tell people the code and in fact tried to throw them off by saying you had to add numbers together and things that were wrong. For Paul that was a great effort at keeping a secret IMO
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As usual, production will find a way to make sure their golden boy or girl stays in the house. I think a lot more goes on in the diary room than we all know. Why can’t they just leave the game alone and let it play out. In the early seasons of BB, they used to play games in the house for clothes and prizes. Not just let the houseguest lounge around all day and night. I did enjoy the BB Road Kill Comp.
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Let Frank have a one way ticket pullllll-lease!
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As usual Lisa, your posts are right on and sooooo informative.
Thanks too to everyone else and your information and insight. I haven’t been able to watch for a few days and I love knowing what is going on.
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Like DewyRose said above, it makes most sense that the 4 week thing also means that is how long these envelops are good for.
Otherwise… the person evicted in final 3 could get back in? That wont happen. Even final 4, 5, & 6 is way too late to let someone back in. So if that’s the case.. there is only a 33% chance that the winning ticket will even be used.
I think I had everything right about the clues to the secret room… except the code.
I said the code might be the Paris flight number…. 211
But I think you had to take “Call Paris” literally…. and dial in the numbers for “P A R I S” ……… 72747 …..not sure on that though
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I agree with the point of not wanting the ticket thing to last till the end of the game, but say production doesn’t manipulate this twist and nobody returns to the game in that 4 week window. The twist would be a total dud, which BB wouldn’t allow. Also, they’re going 99 days this year so they need to have that extra week regardless, so someone will have to return.
I just cant see them not having this pay off. Say nobody wins the ability to return in this 4 week period, do they then cancel a double eviction or a Fast Forward week? People love those!
I’m sticking with my gut, Frank or Bridget will be back in the house on Thurs.
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I guess we will see…. and I do agree with you about them wanting this twist to work and come into play.
The first coup d etat that Mike Boogie got in season 7 wasn’t used.. so it can happen.
The cards are numbered 1-12. Speculation by some HGs is #8 might be the winner because of the Ocho Rio sign…. but it’s a reach.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Frank has #6
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LMAO… Twitterverse is calling this
The Oprah Twist
“You get a card!!, ..and you get a card!! ..and you get a card!! ….erabody gets a card!!
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Very funny JT! I think this whole thing is ridiculous. I agree with Star, this ‘coming back’ business/twist is absurd and irritating!
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Funny JT!! Thing is , these kids wouldn’t get it as they were all to young to remember that! If they were even born yet!!lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And no millenials care what happened before they were born!! So basically, history of any kind….except maybe social media….dies with them!!! Scary! lol
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Part of me wishes they had rewarded only the first person to figure it out….. and part of me likes this twist of us not knowing who got the RT ticket.
We have to remember… no one knew what was in that room. It could have been a single DPOV for whoever found it first. So Paul couldn’t afford to wait until late night to get in there. With people hanging all around the phone booth, there was no good way to get in there without everyone knowing.
The bad part is now we have to listen to him tell the story over and over and over and over until he is evicted…. then he’ll prolly tell the jury over and over. But at least we can’t hear that on feeds.
I sorta wanted Frank to stay to keep it more interesting. But once he didn’t win the veto… I’d rather he leaves now. Especially after this Oprah Twist. If he happens to have the 1 in 12 chance to re-enter.. the BB universe will explode. So best he goes home I guess… and we can point our fingers somewhere else.
And the other reason I’d rather he leaves… then Paul & Paulie can stop talking non stop how much they hate him. And maybe Paul will quit lying to everyone about how much Frank was intimidated when Paul “confronted” him about his lies and how Frank was physically shaking in his shoes (he wasn’t.. he just sat there and kept his cool)
Please stop with the tough guy act Paul
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I wanted Frank to stay in longer to keep things more interesting. But that was before he lost the POV.
Please please please go home Thursday Frank.
I can’t handle the BB universe exploding if you return. You go home.. and the HGs and us will find a new obsession. Just please don’t have the winner!!
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Amen! 😀
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Loud mouth Paul really had no other option but to go into the room while people were watching him.
When I said yesterday he found it, he actually did. He could have went in on his first attempt. Part of the message that I didn’t hear the first time was if they wanted to wait… they could hang up and exit the booth.
So that’s why he didn’t go in… and that’s why he was running around in the backyard… just hoping people would leave the booth and he could do it again later.
But people didn’t leave the booth alone of course. And no one knew what was in there. It could have been a single DPOV for the first one.
He really had no other option but to go in. Others were figuring it out too. He either had to go in when he did… or risk someone else getting in first.
As it turned out it didn’t matter… but who knew. the unfortunate part about him being first is us having to hear him tell the story over and over…………… ………………. and over
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and over. 🙄
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Lol Justaguy! Good comments everyone! I love getting up in the morning, have my devotions and then come here and read all of the comments made while I was sleeping! Have a great day everyone!! You all are great!!! 😊😊😊😊😊
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The HGs are also suspicious of the timing of this twist. Paulie was talking about how production wants to keep Frank & Bridgette in for the drama…. then he said a total newbie statement (don’t remember exactly… so I’ll paraphrase)
“After those two are gone, there wont be any more drama”
LOLOLOL… he should know even if he is a newb. I know he at least watched his Brother’s season. There will always be drama!
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Eye candy (Victor) rarely is as sweet or good as we hope for it to be. Like the secret room but talk about diarrhea of the mouth geez Louise Paul. We shall see what & when an evicted houseguest will re-enter. Still not an exciting season in my opinion.
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I’m sitting here watching them take the Tuesday photos and they take a photo of Corey with his head in Victor’s lap, his hand is on Victor’s knee and Victor has his hand on Corey’s shoulder…….Shady!
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Margie………..MY Hair dresser and I were discussing BB today and she thinks Corey is gay too!! NOT that it matters but..I just don’t get that vibe! And my GAY-dar is usually spot on!! 😉 BUT…he seems to get jealous when Nic talks to Vic. I thought it was guy jealousy but maybe it’s because Corey wants Vic for himself!!!lol Food for thought…lol
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lets see how CBS can muddle this one up…and make sure the Frank stays…expect the unexpected…well in Franks case expect the expected…the love him and they need him for the almighty ratings…they need him to stir up that Jury house…so he needs to stay 1 more week…then he’s on the payroll til the end…
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Lets hope Frank goes out , stays out and the production guy stay out of it! Then we can watch the HG go after Day & Paulie. Then we can take bets on how has the golden envelop …
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Hey my friends am I on the right page for today ❓ My Mac went a little crazy this AM…………………..
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Yes you are Bob
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Thank you my dear 💕……………….
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BFLOSABRES28 – Fridgette, awesome! Why did no one think of this before? How about Zaulie or J-NAT? : )
Sirrock, JT, Star, sherry and whomever I’ve forgotten (sorry) – wowza. Obviously you all have figured this out in ways production could never have done. Maybe. All theories would be believable.
I miss shopping spree competitions and ones for food. Do something so that these people won’t sit around being annoying all day.
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@two ~ lol I can’t take credit for “Fridgette”. A friend in my regular BB feeds chat room came up with that. 😎
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two……I miss those comps too!! And it would add something without having to bring HGS back from the DEAD all the time!!!lol We super fans struggle and go thru all the emotions the HGS do to get someone out! I hate reliving that !! It’s like making a mistake in a sweater you are knitting but didn’t catch and have to go way back and rip out!!!!! I don’t like to Do anything done OVER!!!!
Plus it HAS been done already. So do something NEW or even OLD. JUST don’t redo what you have already done this season!!! SHEESH!
And I love Zaulie and J-Nat!!!! lol Genius!! 😉
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Star, I totally get the knitting comparison!! 😍
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If I was Paul, I wouldn’t tell anyone about the secret room. I would keep it to myself. Paul was stupid for telling anyone. Now, anyone, including Frank could return to the game.
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@Audrey ~ unfortunately, that wasn’t an option because multiple hg’s were right there when he gained access to the room. If he didn’t go in right then, Natalie or Bridgette was going to get in phone booth as soon as he got out and they both knew the right code. (Paul was literally blocking them from being able to go in the phone booth…..he refused to get out when they asked if they could have a turn…..what a jerk!!!)
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two: I would like to see the shopping or foot comps come back, too.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Is there a pool table in the back yard? I didn’t see one and that
kept some of them busy the entire season. I haven’t seen them in the
backyard that much this season, but haven’t been able to see any-
thing but BBAD. It does seem like this group stays in someone’s
bed most of the time, though.
Thank you to all who have kept me in the loop on what’s been
happening this season. Love all the comments.
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Definitely a pool table sherry. I have seen it being played some, but not a lot! It seems there are a lot more lock ins this season!! And that is because they have had so many comps to build and take down because they have way too many twists to deal with!!!! That is why everyone is sleeping or cuddling. They can’t work out, play pool, go in the hottub because they are stuck inside!!
You want a twist that will keep us all watching and involved CBS?? Play a regular, old fashioned BB game!!!!!! You won’t lose any viewers! In fact, you will get tons of people back who have quit because the game is so convoluted anymore!!! IMHO. lol
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Amen, Star!
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I just thought of something. What if this is double eviction week
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Bridgett and Frank both get to come back with return tickets?
Did it specify only one ticket was good for a return? If not and
both could come back….look out James!
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@Sherry ~ The note in the secret room said only 1 of the 12 envelopes had a round trip ticket.
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paul is so desparate to be the center of attention – seems like hes an only child that his mom puts him on a pedistal.
my theory on the envelopes is that in franks dr sessions, producers are saying the ‘number’ subliminaly (sp) over and over………
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SHERRY: typing down here just in case you wouldn’t see it….. Chase was my favorite the whole entire show! I felt it’s so stupid to want to make someone fall in love with you, then they have to tell you and if you don’t feel all tingly inside, they go home. I felt sorry for Luke at the end of his stay. Jojo is a knucklehead. I don’t like Jordan at all and Robbie makes me think of a little boy. I like guys that are a bit more quiet and shy about rushing the love thing… there’s no way to be in love with so many ….i love more than one but when you’re really in love, you can let go of the others. It’s not like the guys that leave are ex husbands or ex boyfriends. I think on the show with everything perfect and no real life problems or seeing the guys in a bad mood or dirty… you know what I mean…. you’d fall in “love” with anyone. I think the way they pick guys is stupid. They need to be guys that have things in common with her from the start…I think the show should end with ‘the one she wants to date off camera’ instead of marry..Sorry I’m off BB topic. BB has me so confused that it’s like “Let’s make up the rules as we go”
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tendr: What I can’t get over is Robbie is listed as a pro swimmer,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Jordan a past pro fb player. Neither of these guys either have a job or want it known. Why? Robbie gives me the creeps
and Jordan I don’t trust. I really loved Luke, but it wasn’t in the
cards for JoJo. She said she picks losers for bfs and this to me
proves it. I really think Luke will be the next Bachelor. I liked
Chase, too.
What did you think about the new twist of th secret room and
return ticket?
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I hope you all like that cowboy!!! ……….
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Give me a good old farm boy or cowboy any time, bobovnvet!!
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I don’t trust production. I want production to go home…. well Allison, I mean. She can go home. I’m sick of Paul. Nothing new. It has nothing to do with anything except his loud pushy mouth. Frank gets on my nerves off and on. Lol
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How many years have fans wanted Allison to go and nothing
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ever happens? It’s a shame.
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I’ll start early. I vote to evict Frank.
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