Hi, everyone!
So, I’m that everyone has read the big news. The 19th season of Big Brother is going to start almost immediately after the end of the current season in September. It’ll last ten weeks and it will be shown exclusively on CBS All Access (in other words, you’ll have to pay to watch it). They are still picking the cast for season 19 and, to be honest, it all seems strangely rushed to me. Remember the last time that they did a season of Big Brother during the winter? It was one of the worst seasons in Big Brother history, largely because it was thrown together so quickly that the houseguests were poorly chosen.
(That was the season where two of the Houseguests used their prize money to set themselves up as drug dealers.)
Now, I’m not sure that I’ll be able to cover the fall season of Big Brother. It sounds like most of the show will be taking place during October and, since I’ve already made some commitments for the other sites that I write for, October is going to be a very busy month for me. So, as much as I may want to, I can’t say for sure whether or not I’ll be able to do a daily blog about Big Brother 19. We’ll see what happens!
However, we’ll worry about that in a month. For now, let’s talk about Big Brother 18…
Now, in case you missed it, Da’Vonne has been put on the block. On Thursday, the houseguests will vote to evict either her or Bridgette. Paul has told Da’Vonne that she’ll be safe and that the only reason he nominated her was because he figured that, with her previous experience being on the block, she would be able to handle the stress better than someone who has never been on the block. Da’Vonne doesn’t really believe Paul, mostly because Da’Vonne is not an idiot.
Da’Vonne knows that she’s in danger of going but she still seems to think that she can get James, Natalie, Michelle, and Zakiyah to vote to keep her. Michelle and Zakiyah definitely want to keep Da’Vonne. James, meanwhile, seems to be planning on doing whatever the rest of the house is doing. And, of course, Natalie will do whatever James does.
In other words, it looks like Da’Vonne is going to be evicted on Thursday and, if she doesn’t have the return ticket, she’ll be heading to the jury house.
But she may not be leaving alone!
The houseguests are all rather paranoid that Thursday is going to be a double eviction. They’ve done the math. They know that with Victor returning and one houseguest potentially having a return ticket, there is going to have to be at least one double eviction this season. Nicole seems to be especially paranoid about this but, then again, Nicole’s always paranoid about something.
Personally, I don’t think we’re going to have a double eviction on Thursday. I could be wrong but it’s hard for me to believe that the Big Brother producers wouldn’t go out of their way to hype a double eviction. Double evictions are good for ratings so, when the time does come, I imagine that Julie Chen will give the viewers at least a week’s warning.
So, in other words, there probably won’t be a double eviction on Thursday. But it’s coming and it’s coming soon.
We’ll see what happens,
Lisa Marie
Thanks Lisa, BB in October would be kinda weird – I wonder why they’ve decided to go that route. I’m watching BBAD and lots of game talk by Paulie, Paul and Corey. They are mighty confident. I would love to see them on the block next week, a girl can dream!
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Watching bbad and Paulie is being a big bully to Z. He’s making a big deal over nothing.
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@Meggles…I’m a bit behind so I am u=just watching that now. From what I understand, Paulie took Z into the H/N room last night and they may or may not have hooked up. HE did it to get her back under his control but we all know what she thought it meant! So now , he thinks he has caught her in a LIE, and is using blowing it up to distance himself from her. IMO. I think he is getting tired of ALL the showmances. He was telling Nic all about this thing with Z beforehand, and he said something she didn’t know, and I couldn’t really hear, and he said to her…I know Corey is a stud and all, but you need to keep your head more in the game…type thing…….lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And BTW….when did they get to start using the Paris room…..aka pandora’s boxroom…..as a hiding/meeting place? Z was waiting for Paulie in the tunnelway to it and then they crawled in there to talk. I thought that room was locked except when needed for a game or something.
I was reading something that said that Paulie was a misogynist And I am beginning to think that’s true. On top of being an ego freak. Not a good combo!!!
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Star: I had to look up that word misogynist as I have seen it used a lot in reference to Donald Trump lately. Never knew it means “a hatred for women”. LOL
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Joan….good word for all women to know!! And trump is the HUGEST!! lol
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i’ll be sad if there’s no longer a blog here for me.
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There will be a blog here for you. I am sure Lisa will be around but if she does not have the time to do it, I am sure BBBlogger can always come out of retirement! 😉
Lots of options but one thing is sure….Big Brother Blog will be here and rocking for Big Brother 19!
Peace, BBBlogger
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You guys have always been amazing and take care of us. This just seems like such a strange happening.
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Don’t worry, Tendr, this blog will always be here for you. 🙂
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Thank you Lisa and BBBlogger! A season 19 that will not be available except to those who have to pay to see it? I wouldn’t pay for something before I even got to see who they choose as HG’S. I wonder if they will have BBAD. No matter what happens, I will be here blogging or commenting on other comments. I can’t see anyone getting really excited about this … just my opinion!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nite everyone! I may try to watch a little of BBAD ….. maybe!
FYI, we are watching “The Aristocrats” on YouTube. Just finished “Monarch of the Glen” on Netflix! Both good! 😊😊
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Don’t you hate it when the series end. I watched McCoud’s Daughters when it was on regular tv and loved it. Also watched a British series called MI5 on Netflix. It was a good series about the British equivalent to our CIA. Loved the characters on there. I am going to check out Monarch of the Glen today.
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Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, BBBlogger. My blood ran cold when Lisa said she might not be able to cover the fall BB. Whatever and whenever you can post, Lisa, please, please, please do. There will be so many bloggers besides me waiting for any word from you! Sorry you are having to leave your retirement, BBBlogger. Please, neither of you leave us hanging.
It may be boring and gross (zits, phew) but I still want to know what’s going on in the house. I am fortunate to have CBS and CBS All Access already, but this blog is my main favorite. I’d rather read here than watch it on TV.
CBS All Access has no commercials so I wonder at the wisdom of having a whole new show with no money coming in from commercials.
I just hope, if a new season takes place this fall, they do a better job with HGs, comps, and twists. Here Grodner has a chance to redeem herself some.
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Don’t worry — the blog will be here and I’ll post whenever I can. 🙂
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My head is blowing up about this whole back to back BB season!! It’s too fast and makes NO sense to anyone!!! New Fall shows are on, Sports start up again, Survivor….all kinds of things to occupy people’s TV time. I thought BB was a summer replacement show???
I agree the S9 was a hot mess, but it was an emergency to cover an actor’s strike. And it was winter, so we had had time to MISS BB!!!
I also heard the usual casting person can’t do the casting as she will be doing BBCAN. SO many obstacles and reasons NOT to do it now! This worries me because I am wondering if this OL thing is going to set a precedent. Maybe ratings are slipping and they can’t afford to show it there anymore. Like I said……HEAD~~~~> EXPLODE!!!lol
Lisa..do you or BBBlogger have anymore inside info to the reasons behind this?? Or do you think they are keeping that a big secret??? And have you heard anything about next summer’s show??
I was dead set on not watching but……you guys know me!!!! lol I have the LFS already and it sounds like it might be a FF season! Plus I just read that you can set u the LFS on the TV without much hassle. I wouldn’t want the hubby to try and watch over my shoulder or both of us on our iPhones or something.
Things are blowing up in the house tonight. Finally!!! I just wish it wasn’t all whispers!!!! I really hope this blows up Z and Paulie. I am SOOOO sick of those two. Plus the guys are just going to cake walk thru all the girls if they don’t get away from these #notgoinganywhereinreallife romances. SMH.
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I already don’t watch Elementary anymore, because I missed recording an episode and I got behind. You can’t watch it anyplace else. I think CBS is messing up with this having to pay thing. I won’t be watching BB19.
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I won’t be watching either. Don’t particularly want to pay another $5.99 on top of my $160 Directv bill. LOL
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CBS won’t have to worry about online viewers if they feed us the same crap as this season. That alone will turn lots of viewers from paying to watch online.
I’m so sick of Paul/ie thinking they will just eliminate people and no one will put up a fight. Actually all the houseguests appear to just want to make jury so why put up a fight. I really which Davonne would fight or at least get the round-trip ticket to get back in. I wish she could win HOH and put Paul/ie both on the block and tell both of them at the same time that they are just pawns because she trusts them. I would love to see their faces when they get fed that line of BS.
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Will not be watching in October
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I agree with you MW. I’m tired of Paul, Corey, and Paulie! Paulie is a two faced schmuck, and I wish Nicole would see that she is being used. Last night I watched BBAD and though are there only 6 people in the house! All they did was whisper, and the audio was poor, Z is a whiner and should go, to save her is a mistake, she does nothing to help anyone in the game. Paulie and Paul are so full of male ego, I tired of them, come on girls, changeup this season!
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i will not watch BB19 there are other show’s that i like to watch. BB back to back is not a good decision, I thought it was just a fun tv show to watch in the summer as well. To much is not a good thing, sometimes. I rather it in the summer and once in a year is good enough for me.
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I attempted to watch BBAD last night because it started at 11:00 and I was still awake. It did put me to sleep pretty quickly. Paulie was whispering really fast to Michelle who just responded uh huh over and over again but I have absolutely not clue what Paulie was whispering. Why aren’t they being told to speak into their mikes much this season?
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Deb, I usually keep my captioning on and it picks up what they are whispering (most of the time).
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I didn’t think to try that. Maybe I’ll try that next time. Thanks for the tip.
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Ewww…great idea, MW!!!!! I never thought of that either!! I kept turning it up last night, but my hubby is asleep and I hate to go too loud. And it didn’t help anyway. So thanks! 🙂
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deb: Star, Margie,and I have asked the same question. It is
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------near impossible to understand a word they are saying when
they whisper. I sometimes think the prod. crew falls asleep from
boredom with this group and just don’t stay on top of them like
they have with other HGs in previous seasons.
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Good Morning folks.
I watched the live feeds last night, all the big uproar (over nothing) between Paulie and Z. Boy did I see ANOTHER side of Paulie that I don’t like. He seems to have an agressive temper. Z has absolutely no backbone! She talks big when she is talking to the girls about what she is going to say or do to Paulie but when she is talking to him she’s a wimp. It was very funny seeing her try to explain to Michelle why she was upset with Paulie. The argument was about something that Michelle said and Z supposedly lied about but she obviously doesn’t want M to know. Very funny! I had to go to bed in the middle of all this and didn’t see the end of it.
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@swt…..I’m sure the hot weather doesn’t help your breathing issues. Where are you located? I’m in Louisiana and it is miserable with the humidity over 100%!
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@Star….for some reason my cable company does not carry POP so I can’t get BBAD anymore but I do watch on the feeds. I can’t imagine a complete show without Paul or Paulie! That would be heaven!
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@MARGIE..iT is!!! LOL then last nite with all the whispering/fighting going on, even when Paul was on , he and Paulie et al were busy gossiping in whispers , so no BONING in sight!!lol I want Paul out SOOO bad, but he positioned himself right where he wanted to be so i don’t see that happening anytime soon. Unless a girl gets HOH and even then , he’s prolly got teh numbers to stay!!! UGH!! lol
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Thanks, SnakeBi Sal. I refuse to pay CBS another dime to
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------watch their programming when they have refused to negotiate
fairly with cable channels for BB this season. Someone has
gotten money hungry over at CBS. I love a lot of the shows on
their local programming, but may have trouble getting any
of them if they continure to drag this thing out. I don’t want
to watch on my computer. I prefer watching on my television
set. But then I’m a dinosaur. Not up on all the new fangled
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No you’re not sherry!!! I hate watching shows or movies on a puter!!!! I’m not 20 and sitting in my room! I’m a grown ass adult with a HUGE TV in the LR on which I watch ALL my shows. And I don’t intend to change that. IF Mike can figure out how to get the new BB on it, we may watch. But disregarding that, I am just not that interested this soon. As much as I love all of you and the show, it’s always nice to have a break from it once it’s over. Conflicted. lol
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Love ya, Star! 🙂 🙂
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I think it’s a bad decision to make BB fans pay to watch it. Especially with the fall season starting on other shows.
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The jury is still out! I can’t see paying to see BB19. I don’t buy All Access, because I am not a big fan of this season. I have BBAD, which I rarely watch for the same reason. In past seasons I watched most of BBAD, but they were, for the most part, interesting.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have a great day everyone! I’m going shopping! 😊😊
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I just saw on Twitter that Frankie Grande is on Celebrity Bb Uk. Why can we not see the bb shows from Uk and Canada? And why doesn’t the US have a celebrity bb?
As for the fall season being only available on All Access I think that is crap! Just my opinion. Have a great day everyone.
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Carrie, I think you can get the BB Canada on YouTube. I don’t know if you can get past seasons, or episodes after they show on tv. I will check further and get back to you. 😊😊
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Thank you Jolee.
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Ok 3.55pm: @FrankieJGrande seems to be getting used to the British summer. Make the most out of it. 🌞 #CBB
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not sure who’s idea it is to run a BB series one week after the season 18 finale but seems silly of the timing and then to ask its fans to pay money to watch…nope…won’t happen in my family…give me a great season 18 and I may consider but the track record shows that the casting is way below par so I will not be paying to see anything…sounds like someone at CBS had a hairball idea to make some money…if this type of stupidity continues I may forget about BB totally…
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I really get tickled when whoever is HOH this week starts making plans like they are going to stay in power forever. Would love to see Natalie or Meech win HOH and watch the expressions on Paul/Paulie when they are nominated for eviction. It is a game and anyone can win HOH or POV. Do not be taking yourself seriously.
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As far as PAYING to watch BB…I’ll never do it. I’ve found plenty of places online to watch things for free that are safe. IF/WHEN season 19 happens online, I’ll find a link and share it. There are BB facebook groups where they post seasons from all over the world. I’ve seen all the BBCAN season that way and a few of BBAUS as well. I was considering starting to watch the Celb BBUK but Frankie is on that, so I’m not sure yet. Hate that turd of a human.
The fb group posts almost all of the US seasons and BBAD, this way too. If it gets taken down, they just put it up again. You join the group, go to their “files” tab and they have everything listed by season. Super easy and safe. They post them on Dailymotion and Putlocker……basically a youtube type site. I guarantee they’ll do the same for BB19. They also have other TV series, stuff from Netflix/Hulu, as well as older shows. Tons of stuff….movies too. Is it stealing….I suppose. Do I care…..NOPE.
I have a feeling BB is kind on it’s last legs and this season isn’t helping things AT ALL, so they want to do something new, and I get that. They got picked up for 2 seasons, 2 years ago….so this is basically the last season they have to fulfill on that deal. My thinking is they REALLY want to make it to Season 20 and have another All Stars type season. These half assed “returning players” seasons just don’t have the same bang. Also, it might explain why some GREAT players didn’t come back this season and we got these 4 schlubs.
Think about it….a full cast of super great returning players, maybe a million dollar prize to draw out those who say they will never play again. But in order to make it to Season 20, they kinda have to knock out a Season 19….so they’re doing it like this. A shorter, “back to basics” online BB season. Not casting a bunch of dumb recruits who don’t know the game, but some actual fans who know whats going on….that could be great. With an online show, they won’t be so beholden to the almighty “ratings” in prime time. Sure, they want people to pay to watch, but if they have something not worth watching, the LF’ers will be done before the first month.
Maybe it will help the franchise continue for a few more seasons after that? Time will tell. Just my thoughts….I have no inside info. I’ve been thinking this whole online season was just stupid gossip but its sure sounding more legit by the day. Then again, I was convinced Frank would have the “round trip ticket” last week….so there’s that. 😛
If you think about it, cable/satellite TV are kinda getting passed up by more affordable streaming sites. TV’s and your computer/phone/tablets are all one in the same now. It just the future of TV and CBS is going to going to try to see how it goes.
Anyway, don’t fear BBBlog peeps….if you want to watch BB19 and it is online for a price….we’ll get around that. 😀
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Holy shit…sorry guys, that post got a way from me…..and to think, I edited some stuff OUT! Oh well, I guess I get even more long winded than usual if I don’t post regularly. 😀
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Sirrock: Loved your post. I was laughing out loud. I might
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------like to get a “free” link to watch, but am not up on how to do
all of that. Don’t have tablets or smart phones, either.
But I surely won’t be watching anything with Frankie in it. One
season was almost more than I could handle of Frankie and
his antics and creepiness.
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Thanks Sirrock! And not at all. I tend to wax a bit long myself but when you are a good poster, as you are, it’s fun and good to get someone else’s take on things.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I too would like that FB link and would appreciate you posting anything here we can use. If I have to watch one quick season OL, I guess I could. Do you think they will still have BBAD? Then all I have to do is get the spoilers on my cell and then watch BBAD. the shows are all reruns of the LFS anyway except for thurs. it just might work. But I hope they go back on TV soon or I may have to quit watching!!! As the song says……Let it go!!!!! lol
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But I loved it! (Turd of a human… So right on!)
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What is the name of the Facebook group? I would love to join so I could watch the other bb shows as well.
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Sirrock if you can get us a link to watch it that would be SUPER for the online season 19…I truly doubt that the Fed’s are going to be knocking on my front door asking for online payment to be made…let Frankie satay in the UK…he kind of gave me the itch…but I refused to scratch
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I hear ya….Frankie was THEEE worst!
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@Sirrock…..I agree with your assessment that #19 might be the way to quickly get to the #20 and make it a All Stars. In fact, I posted that a couple of days ago. They need to do something because this year is a total bust.
I, like you, would like to see some of the best players back for the big bucks. There certainly would be a lot of intrigue!
Thanks for giving us the info.
I watched BBAU on YouTube and loved it! One of the things I liked best was a rule they had that if they had to tell you one time to put on your mike there was a severe penalty. Another thing, they had the yard (a beautiful yard) and they also had a place that they played the competitions so the people were not locked in like BBUS. Made it more interesting. I think the competitions here were much better than there though.
Anyway, thanks again . Always love reading your posts!
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BBAU was different…..but fun! I only watched one season, can’t remember which one it was. I remember a guy named Dave who was kind of a loner and the house was turning on him, then he shaved his beard and he was like everyone’s best friend! Maybe Paul could do that. 😉
They had a guy from Canada who moved to Austraila and lived there for a few years or more. I remember them joking about his accent, which was funny to me. I remember them thinking he was American and he’s like, “NO, I’m Canadian!”….and they were like….”Oh man, that’s a relief”…..like being an American is so bad? hahaha…..
Anyway, I loved that season. Was going to watch the season with Tim in it since he went on BBCAN4, but never got around to it. Not to mention, I know he won so it’s not that fun to watch knowing that. But maybe it would be, since Tim is such a likeable person and that show is done so differently, it really doesn’t matter who wins…..in a way. The show is the entertainment.
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Thanks Lisa for this new post💕……. Still have to read it all later…………………
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Good that Lisa & BBB will try to post here for BB19. But with the vast majority of people that wont be watching… not sure how many would be left?
I know if I don’t watch a show.. then reading about it is not something I’m interested in either.
No knock.. and hope it goes great. Just my thoughts. Doubt I’ll be commenting about an online exclusive show.
IDK if I will watch it. I do have CBS all access now.. but was planning to cancel it after this season. Plus October is usually my busiest time of the year for work.. (usually working 7-12s that month with maybe one day off thrown in somewhere). And so soon after this season ends I feel I’ll want a BB break anyway.
BB9 didn’t start until February …and it had a reason.. the writer’s strike. This one is just way too close.
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What IS all access. Where do I get it and why do I pay for it. JT? Anyone else if JT is working/sleeping/eating?
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Yep… was at work then K.
CBS All Access is a payed subscription at CBS .com. That is how you get live feeds… and can watch all other CBS shows.
It’s $6 a month. I hate paying for stuff but did watch a lot of Survivor seasons that I had missed between seasons 2-19
Also, IDK if you got an answer about the cousins. Michelle & Christine are cousins.
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Now about BB18..
Da knows (thinks) the key is James. I am trying to catch up on flashback feeds and she put a guilt trip on James early this morning. She said how great she talked about him in her “dreams” (DR sessions) and that he was the one she trusted the most. It was Da, Nat, & James in a bedroom.
James did feel awkward. And he also told Da he had to talk to Paul. Because if Paul plans to vote out Da in a 4-4 tie.. then James wants to go with the house for the sake of his own game. Da & James already know where 6 votes will fall… so it’s up to him & Nat to force a tie.
Da was disappointed to hear that. “Really? ……oh James” (shaking her head in disbelief).
Nat was the one trying to sway James into voting to keep Da yesterday. James told her it was tough because it probably wouldn’t matter, but their game would be blown up if they did… and Da would be gone anyway.
Later, Nat talked one on one to Paul about the tough spot she was in. Paul didn’t tell her who to vote for, but did tell her sometimes emotions get in the way of strategy. Nat left that conversation feeling confident that she would vote strategy (evict Da) rather than emotion (evict Brid).
So now Nat is the one hinting to James to “don’t blow up your game” by trying to save Da.
This week could all come down to if James & Paul have a serious, all cards on the table, discussion. Paul wanted to keep Da originally. So maybe he still does in some ways. And if they talk and agree to make it a tie and Paul will vote to keep her…. then she’s got a shot.
Now back to flashbacks to see if this went anywhere.
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Sirrock, thank you! Keep on posting! The longer, the better! Your posts are always interesting! If I knew how to make a heart from my Kindle I would. How about a hug?? 😊😊
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}}}}}} from Jolee! 😊
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Thanks Jolee 😀
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@JT…..Thanks for the info on James and Day. I can’t believe that even if James had a heart to heart with Paul he would go against Paulie’s wishes! Do you? It would be interesting though! I don’t hate Day but I don’t like her either because she really doesn’t give anything to the game except spreading lies to create paranoia IMHO.
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Honestly, I don’t think Paul would go against Paulie at this point. It would also mean going against Nic, Corey, & Vic. And then Paul would have to work with Z & Meech.. and he doesn’t want that.
He did start out wanting to evict Bridgette… but went down the “evict Da” road so far that he really can’t turn back now.
Only reason I say there’s a chance is because in BB anything can happen.
Also, James made a good point to Nat after the stuff I wrote about. They chatted in storage room. James said they didn’t put up Da just for the hell of it… if Paul actually put her up, then that is who they want out. Too much damage done to keep Da now.
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@JT….I agree. It might be a different ballgame for James if Day was worth anything as an alliance member, i.e. winning comps, but if all else he has to work with is Z and Meech he is SOL. lol
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It’s almost time for me to go home from work and the only one up in the house is Corey! He just got up and is eating breakfast. Good grief!
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Here’s the BB facebook group I found a few years ago. They post TONS of seasons from all over the world, other series, movies, etc. It’s called “Big Brother, Reality and Scripted TV Chat”. Here’s the link. It’s a closed group so you have to join….and you have to wait for them to accept the request. Don’t worry, they accept anyone.
It used to be great, as far as the chat/interaction goes but it’s really been not that great this year. Not sure why exactly. Maybe the lackluster season? It used to be a lot of fun but not so much anymore. I check it for anything new, maybe make a comment here or there, but its nowhere near as fun as it used to be……and not even close to this blog. Seems like there’s too much arguing between members…..that’s my take anyway.
That said, they have ALL the good stuff as far as seasons of BB, other series, movies, Netflix shows, etc. That’s my main reason for using it. Feel free to join up and let me know what you think.
All the shows/series/movies are in the “Files” tab, just under the cover photo of the group page. Once you’re accepted, check out that tab.
For those who aren’t on fb, if/when BB19 rolls around and this blog is going, I’ll share any links I find. If you are on fb, join up on that group, lots of stuff to watch.
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Thank you so much!!!
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Thanks Sirrock!!!! I’m going to go join right NOW!!!!
And if you are accepting of hugs, here is one from me too….{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}} !!! 😉 ♥
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Thank you, Sirrock, I am joining now!
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Thanks Sirrock. I don’t belong to FB, so will be looking for
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------updates on sites from you. Keep your great comments coming!!
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I want Da to go home no matter whose game gets blown up. These showmances are going to be the deciding force over who goes home and when.
I was not an original BB fan. The first couple of seasons I would poo-poo the very idea of a reality show. I watched PBS, for heaven’s sake! Then came Amazing Race to hook me, then BB then Survivor. Now my world doesn’t seem complete unless a reality show is playing in my life. I was prepared to dump All Access when this season was over, but with Season 19 coming on, I’m still in.
I’ll keep watching and pay whatever as long as this blog exists. No blog, no watch. I could fairly easily walk away from BB19 if there wasn’t this blog to keep me interested.
I’m ready for a double eviction too. Clean the house of a couple of these losers and hope the game improves, or actually begins. I wonder if anyone will even try to stay in the house unless he/she has a sig o to fight for them.
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@Sirrock….I loved that season of BBAU! I also thought their comments on his accent was hilarious. Wonder what they have against the USA?
Loved Tim also! He was hard not to like!
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I wasn’t sure what that was about either. Maybe we’re too uptight or something? It was funny hearing them do his accent though.
Also if I ever hear the word “spanner” I think of that show. Spanner is their word for wrench. They said “spanner in the works” like ‘a wrench in the gears”. Forever stuck in my head!
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Nicole and Day just had a talk in the Safari room about their differences. They left smiling but they were both lying back and forth saying they had never said ‘DONT TRUST _______’. Nicole finally admitted that Frank has told her a bunch of stuff Day said and Day said the same back to Nicole. Day also said she did not say ‘Nicole got to go’. lol How many times have we heard that!
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im out on season 19 – got out of my cast today and into a boot yay!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I CAN SHOWER WITHOUT A HEFTY BAG.
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@macy….Been there done that, so i feel ya..lol CONGRATS! and welcome back to life!!!!lol
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Yippee! I’m sure the hefty bag will miss ya. Continued healing at a fast pace.
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Macy: Been there and done that. Good luck and hope you have a speedy healing time from here on out.
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Sorry, read as many posts, but have a couple things to add.
BB9, winter was b/c of the writers strike. CBS tried and yes failed.
CBS said Summer BB will still remain
Watching tonight’s episode, I knew Paulie was playing with Z’s head, but this is hurtful and painful to watch!
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Paulie might as well suck Paul’s d!@k at this point.
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I don’t remember a show like the one tonight before! Have they ever concentrated a show so much on a fighting romance? I guess they didn’t have much to talk about since not much is going on of interest. Sure didn’t make Z or Paulie for that matter, look very good. How about those pigtails on Victor as well as all those silly moves of Victor in the competition! He looked like a idiot. Lol. Boy that Corey is a competition beast, isn’t he!
Does Day ever have a happy expression on her face? She always looks like she just smelled one of Frank’s tremendous farts! She would be a pretty girl if she would smile every now and then.
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Oh Margie…you really made me laugh!
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Margie; Da’ has a bad case of RBF or Resting Bitch Face. It almost always affects those who have the not so well known RBS (Resting Bitch Soul). It’s sad but it can be overcome by good works, great karma and not thinking only of oneself. Of course chances for healing this anomaly are slim to none in the BB house where it’s a requisite to put yourself first.
In other words, it’s not enough for Da’ to read her Bible, she must also practice its contents for he face to change.
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Paulie is either playing the viewers or the players..but he’s acting like an ass. He was a nice BOY at first..now he’s just a jerk and didn’t seem to be himself. He’s trying to be Paul…twins…really?? Dude!!! Get it together BOY!
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