Hi y’all!
Well, this is certainly shaping up to be a strange week of Big Brother.
The strangeness starts with Bridgette. Usually, when a formerly quiet houseguest suddenly and unexpectedly becomes head of household, it means that you’ll finally get a chance to discover who they actually are. When Bridgette won, I thought we’d finally see some personality and some strategy from Bridgette.
Well, we are three days into Bridgette’s reign of power and all I’ve discovered is that she doesn’t have a personality. Nor does she appear to have much of a strategy. Before Bridgette won HoH, she spent most of her time hanging out with Bronte and Natalie and barely interacting with anyone in the house. Then she won HoH and she’s still not really interacting with anyone other than Bronte, Natalie, and Frank. She doesn’t seem to understand that Bronte and Natalie have no idea what’s going on in the house and that Frank is only looking out for himself.
(Somehow, she has yet to figure out that Frank not only nominated her during week one but also nominated Bronte during this week.)
Earlier today, Bridgette told Natalie and Bronte that they needed to be her “eyes in the house” and let her know what everyone was saying and I really had to laugh. Natalie and Bronte are both clueless, The Spy Girls are seriously lacking in intelligence.
And yet, Bridgette has all the power. Not only is she HoH but earlier today, she won the veto competition! She also sprained her ankle. Apparently, Frank collided with her during the veto comp. We’ll see the details on that next Wednesday.
So, Bridgette has all the power. Natalie and Bronte are both convinced that Bridgette is a “competition queen.” But here’s the thing: Bridgette is planning on doing NOTHING with all that power! I cannot begin to follow her logic. After making her nominations, she spent an entire night complaining that Frank had talked her into doing what was right for his game instead of her game. She and Bronte got together and started yelling about how they were all about girl power and how, if they had the veto, they could take Tiffany down and replace her with Corey.
Okay, so now, Bridgette has the veto. And she’s decided she’s going to keep the nominations the same. She did consider using the veto on Bronte but — get this — Bronte apparently told her not to! Because if Bronte comes off the block, that means that the roadkill winner will pick the new nominee. And Bronte is worried that Nicole will be nominated and apparently, Bronte thinks that Natalie could be a future ally.
Could someone explain to Bronte that there’s no point in cultivating future allies if you’re no longer in the house? Seriously, what type of idiot volunteers to stay on the block!? If you have a chance to get off the block, you get off the block!
So, as of right now, it appears that Tiffany will be going home. Tiffany knows it too and is still freaking out and having a pity party. But, that could change. Frank is the one who wants Tiffany out and nobody likes Frank.
Even though Frank is in charge this week, I still think his days are numbered.
But for now, he’s safe and Tiffany’s in trouble.
Lisa Marie
crazy those girls need to get the guys out Frank first now is the chance to backdoor him
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No, Frank is protected all week along with the entire team of the HOH winner. Next week if no one on Frank’s team wins they can put him up.
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Oh boy!! I was really hoping Bridgette would do something, anything to shake things up. It’s beginning to feel like Season 17 where everything was predictable! As of today, I really have no favorites, which doesn’t do anything to make me eager to see the show. I really appreciate your blogs Lisa! They are the glue that holds this blog together! Thank you! ❤️💛💚💙💜
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When is Big Brother going to put people in the house with personalities … I am so over the lame ducks walking around that it’s a vacation and not a game.. like really… my favs in past seasons were the diabolical, ruthless people .. that play games.. screw with your mind.. and do the Ole bate and switch…. someone needs to shake this boring house up
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Oh my! Bridgette! What’s her deal?? Even after she, Bronte, Tiffany and Frank go……what’s it going to take to have a good game?
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the POV Comp was the one that Explodes Paint in ur face and goes on till there’e one HG left… but somehow Bridge had to Jump and landed wrong and sprained her Ankle and cant walk now and has to use crutches… poor Spy Girl …☺…
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Well some people do not have logic. Frank pull the string on the puppeteers. Well he will not last others will put him up just a waiting game.
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Thanks Lisa. An amazing year but still fun to watch even though so many have no clue how this game works. Amazing. SMH all over the place. Spy Girls rule! LOL
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BBAD was so boring tonight. It was like watching kids at summer camp. I’m calling it a night and will try to wash my brain memories
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------out from tonight’s snooze fest. You all have a great day tomorrow.
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@sherry…I think that most nights!!lol Especially the night before when the Spy Girls were all in the HOH and Bronte *confessed* and the other 2 morons were jumping up and down on her bed. They are way too old for that and it was WAY over the top for what Bronte said. I would have been like……MATH?? EW… I hate math!!lol Their reaction was more appropriate if she had said she’d won the Lottery…or got engaged….lol
I thought tonight was going to be good as it started with Da and James talking a little game. Then flipped to Frank and Bridgette and her leg was bandaged and tying to figure that out. But it quickly went downhill from there!!! We shut it down and watched a movie. Checking it out now but I’m on here too so I don’t have to really listen…;)
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Star: “Spy Girls”?? Another fantasy. Perhaps they don’t know
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------what spy means?!
I’ve, too, thought that BBAD has been pretty boring all season. But maybe when the crowd begins to thin we will get
more game play out of those left.
I did learn one thing last night. Apparently Natalie has been
trying to woo Corey and isn’t interested in James. I feared that
was the case, but hoped I was wrong.
While Frank is not a favorite of mine, I was glad to see him
step up to the plate and try to help Bridgette while on crutches.
I think his treatment of women was learned at home while growing up. I think I heard him say that once.
If it were not for people like you, Margie, HoH8, tendr, swi, Astra, and Jolee on this blog and Lisa’s great posts, I would be lost this season and probably would have skipped this year. It’s
like coming home after a year at school and catching up with old friends. Love this blog!
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@sherry….I feel the same way about teh is blog and all you named on it. 😉 Luckily I keep in touch with quite a few on FB during the rest of the year too. But sharing thoughts here …or ranting……is still the best part of the season!!! 😉
I didn’t think I could ever get tired of BB…or know what to do with my summer if it wasn’t on. It seems like it has ALWAYS been here….kind of like air!!! lol But I think the reason we all complain , are getting bored and honestly even the blog has shrunk, is because it is getting stale. And I am not sure they can do anything to make it better. I think it’s just human nature. I mean it started in 1999! Alot of marriages and jobs don’t last that long!!lol
As for Frank, maybe deep inside there is a nice guy waiting to get out. But he is the reason that Bridge got hurt as he slid into her during the POV….not on purpose of course! But I think he feels guilty. Plus the DR told him to straighten up so he is trying to prove he is a real gentleman to them!
I heard that about Nat too. I think Paulie said it?? Anyway whoever it was James had asked him to find out if Nat LIKED him..what is thie, junior high??? But they didn’t want to go back and tell James what he prolly suspected all along. He liked Meg that way last year too and she thought of him as just a friend. Poor guy. He’s too sweet and funny and cuddly and girls just don’t look at him THAT! way!! 😉
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Lisa….thanks or the update. Could these chicks BE anymore clueless??? Even Julie said the newbies this year *were not sharp*! lol
I didn’t know about Bronte refusing the POV. I think she thinks she is on another game show. And is waiting to see what’s behind door #3!! 😉
I don’t think the Vets have anything to worry about until they need to start turning on each other because no one else in the house has ever SEEN BB!!lol
I do have a question……how and when are they picking the H/Ns this year??? Back in the day there were comps. And recently didn’t the HOH pick or they could volunteer? But at least we knew who they were because they showed it on TV. Now I just hear bits on BBAD and eventually figure it out. It’s like they still need to go thru all the crap of being an H/N but BB isn’t even making it a THING on the show! Or am I missing something?? Totally possible as this whole season so far is pretty forgettable….;)
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Hey Star: I may be wrong but I thought the have nots were the team that came in last in the HOH comp. Freakazoids were the first team with no players left in the HOH and that is why they are have nots.
I have tried to watch BBAD but it is just so boring. I really hope they get Frank out sooner rather than later. Although at least Frank is playing the game unlike others.
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@Deb..thanks!! If I knew that fact, I had forgotten!! They do it different every year! And they don’t do it so we KNOW as we can’t see the comps until days later. I wish they would announce it or something.
I’m in no hurry to get Frank out. You are right, he IS playing the game. Half the house doesn’t even have a clue HOW to! I couldn’t stand Jozea, But Vic was at least entertaining and trying after he left. Why do we always want people to go because they aren;t NICE??? NICE is BORING!!lol We should be getting rid of some of these girls who have never seen BB and are just playing Spring Break and let the more controversial players duke it out. I hope all the Vets stick together until the last half and then play off against each other. the newbies have NO potential with the exception of Paulie…and he is sort of an honorary Vet. 😉
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The live feeds are boring and the personalities are awful. I think they forget how to pick good contestants several years back.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I agree Jolee since I have no favorites. I’m hoping something puts some life in this bunch.
Thank you Lisa for all the updates and the wonderful job of keeping us informed.
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This is probably a stupid question but I’m confused about something and was last year also. I occassionally watch the live feeds which are basically on 24/7. But everyone keeps talking about BBAD. “after dark”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and last year on the feeds I’d hear them talk about what time BBAD would have them on the air. Didn’t they realize they were ALREADY on the air?? I”m lost. Can someone please explain to me what the difference is between the two – since the live feeds INCLUDE the hours “after dark” .. so why is there a Big Brother After Dark ? been assuming it’s something seperate but WHY when the live feeds show what’s going on all the time? .
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Jeanne04, I think the live feeds are for those who pay for them..supposedly giving 24 hr viewing..while BBAD is a public broadcast for “free”, either on a network or cable channel with a 2 or 3 hr viewing time.
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Jeanne04…Astra is right. the LFS started in S8…with Evel Dick. But they weren’t free then. You had to pay for Showtime to see them. Then I think abut 3 years ago, CBS bought POP and there really wasn’t much on it. They started running their soaps on it at night and then used it for BBAD. NOW it’s free, if your cable provider gets the station. They used to bleep it too, when they swore. But I have noticed this year, they are juat letting it fly!!! lol But that is how it was on Showtime so I like it better.
Sorry if that was TMI!!! lol
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I agree. I remembered when it was on Showtime when Evel Dick was there. However, BBAD started on season seven.
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Star & Deb, I recall hearing something at the end of the live show Thursday about ” just tell us now if we are Have Nots” and then it was cut.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yeah, it would be more interesting like when we chose what they could mix with slop.
As for nom’s I think it’s still good house business for Tiffany to go, even if the HOH is a puppet.
This might be a good lesson for the rest of the house. Time to step up the game and do something.
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John…..Well, I’m glad it wasn’t just ME!lol I do miss voting on their foods. Or even going back to them having comps would be fun. At least we would KNOW and not have to guess. But now they have split the game into so many parts and comps, I doubt there is time for that.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And I agree…TIffany needs to GO! And it does look like she is this time!! 😉
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I agree the Spy Girls are idiots ..thought that even before they were the Spy Girls. Seriously people the house guests have lived together 24/7 for several days now.. a situation like that fast forwards relationships ..not necessarily romantic relationships.. so if Frank is slapping girls on the bum … people get over it.. it doesn’t have to mean he’s a jerk. Frank is acting like the most real person in the house even if it means he’s not playing the best game. I don’t especially like Paulie Paul Bronte or Da’Von but I can see they are playing the game. James is only running around doing pranks .. however that maybe his way.. even if it’s mostly annoying… Natalie and Bridgette are just taking up space in the house. Zar … I kinda forget about her if she’s not fawning over Paulie.
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BBfanmo…it’s Ok I agree for Frank to smack the girls bum..IF they want him to. They have ASKED him to STOP…and he wont. So then, it IS NOT OK.
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so far I have been unable to sit through one BBAD. I do NOT enjoy these houseguests. I am hoping this season picks up SOON. I am so bored by these idjits!!!
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Jeannw04, the HG’s are playing in California time, not always realizing we in New York are watching 4 hours earlier which would be in their evening. Yeah it’s dark in NY @ 1200AM but earlier there. Being with out a calendar or no clock would know me off basic time also. This year is a ho hum season, as I said before do a double eviction to jump start the game!
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I want to know which producer decided to cast Bridgette. Who came up short behind her and didn’t make the cut?
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Good Morning…..as if I needed it, I have one more thing about Bridgett that annoys the hell out of me. Believe me, I’m no prude and have said the word a time or two myself, but she uses the F word in every sentence. It’s like she’s a 10 year old and trying to prove how grown up she is! lol. Another thing is that constant giggle after every sentence like she thinks it makes her so cute and adorable. Ugh
They plan on telling the Spy Girls (I can’t say that without a giggle) about Frank putting up both Bridgett and Bronte after the eviction Thursday night and I can’t wait to see their reaction. Knowing how Frank can talk himself out of most situations it will probably be anti climatic. I heard him mention the other day that that is the only thing Tiff could tell Bridgett to get him in trouble and he was thinking of a way to counteract that.
I think they should wait until after Roadkill to get Frank out (but of course they don’t know about that) because I’m pretty sure that production would make sure he is the one coming back. I’m sure he will be a vengeful person to have back, although it might make the house more interesting.
I’m sorry to hear that Natalie is flirting with Corey. I noticed this morning James is laying (lying?) in the HOH bed completely wrapped around her, leg and all and she has her back turned to him completely ignoring him. I used to do that when I was pissed at my husband so I recognize the posture. lol. If this is true James will be crushed because he has told several people , including the boys, how very much he likes her.
I don’t have BBAD in my area anymore and am not sure what cameras they are showing. I watch on the feeds and pretty much all we see are the Spy Girls (giggle) telling each other what bad asses and how powerful they are. Bronte said at least a hundred times yesterday what comp beasts all three of them are and they need to keep it hidden. Haaaaahhahaaahaasaa. Delusional!!! And then here is Natalie saying “people think I’m not smart but I’m very smart” and both of the other two saying “you’re very smart”.
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@Margie….No worries! In fact, I grinned when I saw your post because I was always the Motor Mouth here!! It’s good to have a companion…lol
I was thinking the SAME thing about Bridge….have been for awhile. When she is on the Show , she acts all giggly and girly and very young. So I think when she is OFF camera…..meaning TV…..she tries to sound tougher by swearing. It sound so unnatural coming out of her mouth!! And the gtirly gigle sounds ridiculous when ther eis a !@#$ in the sentence…lol
BBAD actually does a better job of going from room to room I think. On the LFS you really only get 2 shots…even tho there are 4 cams. Two of each of those is just a close up. On BBAD they go form one to the other as either they heat up, or start to say something about Production. It keeps it flowing faster. I do have LFS but sometimes I wonder why. I really don’t watch except for the comps that slide over and occasionally like when I am putting my make up on and am a captive audience..lol Otherwise, I don’t have time and almost nothing happens during the day anyway. At least at nite, I can tape them and watch whenever and FF thru the commercials or boring parts. If you aren;t anite owl tho, LFS are prolly better for you.
BTW…thanks for the compliment the other day!! And right back at ya!!! 😉 (your posts are NOT boring! I love reading them and usually agree!! ) Blogs came and go so quickly that I kept meaning to tell you that and hadn’t. Plus you hate to write on that page because since most people prolly aren’t getting email notifications, it just gets lost! so thanks again…it made my day! 🙂
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Maragie and Star: I so agree with all you’ve said. Bridgett’s
laugh at the end of almost every sentence and constant swearing
has had me saying to the t.v. on too many occasions, “Grow
up, littel girl!” If I didn’t know better I would swear she’d gone
to an all girls school or just got out of a convent and testing the
waters for what she can get away with.
I don’t know what has happened to casting, but I think that
is the main problem with the boredom that has been so much
a part of the past four seasons. Someone is not doing a good
job of recruiting or selecting HGs. Get people who know the
game and don’t fall apart when it doesn’t go their way. Get
people who have common sense and aren’t inclined to live in
a fantasy world or have delusions about how great they are.
Get people we can root for!
Will get off my soapbox now. Please let me know about the
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------comps that will be shown tonight. I will not be able to see them.
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Sorry. I kinda got carried away.
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It was worth it, Margie. You’re just saying what most of us are thinking.
What has CBS done to “our” show!?!
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I know Princess. I feel the same way.
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No Problem Margie 😜 I enjoyed everything you posted my friend…………………..
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Thanks Bob!
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Thank you Lisa for the new update! BBAD is so boring, I just FF & look for something that might be Funny or Interesting but so far NOTHING…😝 Thanks everyone for your comments & a big Thanks to HoH8 for all the cool stuff you give us💕 See you soon………
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Hi Bob my friend… good to see u commenting more… hope ur feeling better now… and yes, u know i will always post the Best Links for everyone’s Pleasure, lol …☺…
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Everyone should be listening right now 2:15 BB time camera 1/2 to Frank’s opinion of what is happening in the house as he talks to the LF. He thinks he is fully covered and not on anyone’s radar at this time. Even he is delusional! He still does not know who his true alliance is. He wants to throw the HOH comp to Michelle (which is exactly what the rest of the house wants. lol) and have her put up D. He has no clue that Michelle can’t stand him and wants to win HOH to backdoor him!!!!
Everyone is locked in as they prepare for the Outback party tonight for Frank’s team as well as fixing awnings in the back yard.
All the others are asleep.
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….which is WHY I don’t usually watch the LFS!! lol I think these HGs are the biggest sleepers since Eddie on S1!!! 😉
The whole house is clueless this year. The Eight pack is obviously broken up and the Vets aren’t sticking together, so except for the ……GAG….Spy Girls, I’m not even sure there are any working alliances !! I can’t believe even Frank is CLUELESS! WHY isn’t the DR helping this year??? They usually do and steer the HGS toward what they should be or they want them to be doing. I feel like they are all just lost with no BB GPS!!! LOL
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@Star….love it!
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Hi Margie… im not sure what u are hearing…BUT Michele can Not backdoor Frank and IF she becomes HOH then Frank becomes SAFE for the week… all these New Rules are Confusing to everyone, lol…
take another look at the Chart at the Teams and remember whoever Becomes HOH then the Whole Team becomes SAFE… i hope i helped …☺…
the “PLAN” continues to be for Paulie,Michele to THROW the HOH Comp in order to Backdoor Frank next week
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@HOH8 you are so right. I forgot she was on his team for a minute. Thanks for reminding me.
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Boy they are telling like it is on the show tonight!!!!!! I never thought they would show the real Frank. I’m liking it.
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Margie, I agree! LOVE that they showed how Frank was affecting the women…am really loving Mamma D….hope she gets her revenge and gets Frank out. Seems Natalie might be really liking James..from her diary room..? I hope so. James is really laying low..is he even playing the game? Those bumper cars look cozy..if your a small person! LOL…I am short, so it would be OK for me.
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Margie&Astra… i LOVED the show tonite… my eyes got Real Watery watching the Day&Frank segment… i really Felt for my girl Day… and i agree, hope she gets Revenge !!!
also im Loving how CBS is HIDING the Fact that Corey is “GAY”,… us Feeders have seen so Many Gay moments, he has given us this season… like when CBS showed us when he told Nicole she was Cute… in the Feeds right after that, he told her that she was Cuter then Victor, lol… and she said “of course i am, he’s a Boy”, lol …☺…
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Astra I really hope she likes James. From everything I have personally heard her say she really does. I’ve heard people talking about her flirting with Corey but she is a flirt and it’s just natural for her. I haven’t seen her flirt with Corey myself.
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Come on…you do know this is TV with a bunch of kids.
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@Sherry..I’m standing tall on that soapbox with you!
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Thanks Margie. It can get lonely at times trying to keep your
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------balance on a soapbox and type at the same time. I’ve never been known for grace!
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HOH8 ….do you think Corey really is gay? I’ve thought so from the beginning but haven’t said anything because I hadn’t heard anyone else discussing it.
I felt the same way about Day. She was really hurt by how disrespectful she felt he was being to her. Did you notice on the show he also slapped Paulie on the butt. I truly don’t think he means anything sexual about it, he’s just trying to treat the girls like they are one of the boys! He just doesn’t get it! Did you hear him talking about Dan tonight? He really can’t stand him. I think he might be a little jealous!
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Margie… well, only the Feeders know he’s Gay, he has said and done so many things already to point to that direction.. have u seen when Frank takes a shower in the HOH?, Corey sits on the Tub and Watches him, he’s done that at least 2 times…
i think he’s in the Closet and that’s why he doesnt admit he’s gay… but im sure after BB is over he will come out and tell everyone…
yeah, i agree with u, it seems he isnt doing those things to the girls on purpose, he doesnt realize what he’s doing… and Yes, that Convo about Dan was so weird… i betcha Dan is Not liking on Frank now, lol …☺…
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Watching Frank cuddling with a drunk Bridgette is not exactly a pleasant experience.
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I feel sorry for Corey if he’s in the closet. I thought the young people today just come out…I dont have the live feeds so the only thing I’ve noticed about him is he seems very dumb. Cant really hold a conversation. Nicole must be very sheltered…if a guy ever said to me ” your cuter than Victor” that would alert me to him at least being Bi…or gay. I really really find Bridgette almost like a cartoon..is she real? Too anoying for words.
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Astra…i have a good friend that’s Gay and he watches BB Live Feeds and he tells me that he was in the Closet for many yrs till he came Out… so he says that everything he’s seeing Corey say and do are the same things he did when he was in the Closet… we shall see soon…
as per Bridg… CBS Casted So Many Recruits this year… and they are the ones making this season Bad… u have know who are the Recruits so they dont bother u when u see them do dumb things…
but as in past seasons, they’re always the first ones evicted… like Jozea&Victor both Recruits… the same with Bridg, Corey, Natalie, Bronte, Paul… the ONLY ones that seen BB are Michelle, Zak, Glenn along with Paulie&Tiffany…
i wanted to show u Paul cooking yesterday… it’s a fact that men with Beards, the Hair falls easily.. imagine how many hairs fell in the food he cooks… and he seems to be cooking more lately ever since Jozea got evicted, lol …☺…
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Sherry, I just read your comments from 10:03 a.m. I feel blessed to be on your list! I am like Star, I agree with you about everyone on your list. I hope you will stay with us through the ups and downs of BB 18. This blog makes it worth it. We have a great group this season. I am also fb friends with several of you. I have had a busy day, but I will always come on here and read your comments. I don’t skip any!! 😊😊
Tonight’s show was interesting! I think they were able to show more activities in the house because Thursday’s HOH comp was short. Last Sunday they took about 12 minutes showing the outcome of the HOH from the previous Thursday! I hope I explained that okay!! 😕😕
I have enjoyed all of your comments, and I have little to add. And, I love all of the “Soap box” comments! 😊😊😊
Goodnight everyone. Have a great week.
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Jolee: I will stick until the end as I am one of those people who can’t
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------even quit reading a bad novel. I trudge on until I’ve finished it. But
tonight I was lost as to what had happened prior to BBAD. Turning
on BBAD I had to wonder if they had a drunk fest. Michelle,
Bridgette, and even Zak act like they are smashed. But then they
weren’t all together tonight. Confusing only getting part of the story. They had a special dinner for some of them, but don’t know
The screams, hanging all over each other, immature antics….was so JR. HIGHish. Natalie is just as bad most of the time. Seems like being a prof. cheerleader and nurse should have given them more of a maturity. I don’t know what Michelle does, but I think Zak is some
kind of model? I’m not sure what Bronte really does, but she was
all over Paul tonight. What is going on there?
Now I find out Corey is gay. I thought I heard him ask Nicole when he could come over and cuddle. Apparently he was told to wait until BBAD was over or something. Why would he even suggest that?
Frank is spilling his delusions to Bridgett who thanks him for putting
her up that first time?????
I had to take a break and come read the posts. Maybe tomorrow I’ll
figure things out. I may need to open one of my small Asti Spumonte bottles to make it through the rest of BBAD!!!
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ur So Funny sherry, lol… yes, the ladies were all Drunk from the Outback Dinner that Bridg Won in the POV… and Corey, is suspected being Gay… we are NOT sure Yet… i feel the DR told Corey&Nicole to play a showmance for the tv audience…
IDK sherry, u seem to be having a hard time watching BB… try to Relax and dont take everything so serious… i been watching BB for so many Years now… that i Never Complain bout anything… ive Learned how to watch it so it doesnt bother me anymore… i enjoy the Good parts and the Bad parts just Fly over my head and i go on, lol …☺…
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I don’t know if Corey is gay and it really doesn’t affect me one way or another but on the first show when they were introducing themselves, CBS was adding sound-overs with Victor saying that Natalie was cute, Natalie saying that Corey was cute and Corey was saying that Victor was cute.
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I agree with you all. My great grandkids are more mature than most of the HG’s as I think I’ve said before. I tape ( oops record, dated myself again) BBAD every night and TRY to watch it the next morning. I usually end up starting to watch then fast forward then just deleting it. Maybe it’s because each year I’m another year older that these HG’s seem younger each season. Having said that age does NOT equal stupid but if these HG’s Represent our future we are really in trouble. It’s like one of those street trivia interviews and the college students are asked who fought in the civil war and they don’t have a clue.
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Cyndee, I agree with you about how uninformed today’s youth seem to be. But, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I have the most amazing grandchildren. They are smart, well behaved, loving, polite to adults ….. and I could go on, but it would seem like a grandmother’s prejudice!! If our future youth will be anything like my grandchild and their friends, there is real hope. My daughter is homeschooling them, which I am sure helps, but they have always been very sweet and a joy to have around!
I also have tried to watch BBAD, and just don’t get it!! I also DVR it so I can skip the worst of it.
I wish I could watch it like HoH8 recommends, but to me it’s a waste of time when I could be watching Netflix, which we just got for our birthday last month when three of Jeanne’s daughter’s and my nieces bought us a big flat screen tv with WiFi! 😊😊😊. We have been binge watching a lot of seasonal shows!
I am looking forward to somebody, anybody to make a smart move that will turn the house upside down. I want excitement people!! Even on previous seasons, BBAD they did things to keep our interest. All they do now is lounge around in bed, eats and attempt conversations! Sorry, but it’s boorriinngg!!!!!
Have a nice week everyone. I shall return. I promise! 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
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‘Morning! I did notice (on prime time I think) when showcasing how Frank put out his foot & D said “watch your foot” to which Frank replied, “shut yo mouth”. The next person out of the room was Corey who playfully grabbed at Frank’s balls. I didn’t hallucinate that, did I? Haha At the moment I found it rather odd.
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CBS featured the potential showmances but not Zaulie…I wonder why.
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I have to admit BBAD got much better later on. Whew! Paulie has
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------some MOVES!
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Thanks as always Lisa. I love your updates so much.
I guess I am in the minority because I have been enjoying this season. I think mostly because it is kind of unpredictable. Not that I love the hamsters but they are all just a little different and it’s not all just “hooking up”. I guess we all look at it in a different way.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You are not the only one…I am enjoying this season very much
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I really love this blog and read everything y’all post. So glad y’all are all on here.
Now I really think the best season EVER would be a season filled with super fans as houseguests. Not people who have never watched an episode and responded to a casting call in the newspaper. We need super fans in that house to get it rolling. That or bring back all the 2nd place people and let them have another shot. It would be interesting. But I’d rather see super fans instead of store bought Barbie dolls that are clueless and boring.
Have a wonderful day. And y’all keep up the great job of reporting what’s happening.
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Carrie, well said! I agree with you. 😊😊😊
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If Category 4 does not win the HOH competition, Frank will go on the block and if he does not win POV, he will be voted out. I hate that Frank will eventually be gone because he is competitive and wins competition. I liked him on season 14 because even though he was constantly on the block, he won competitions and he won $25,000.00 I voted for him to win that money. I don’t think he will win that money this year.
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