Hi y’all!
Once again, due to the holiday, this is going to be a short update. I was out for most of the day and I’ve only now really gotten a chance to get caught up with today’s live feeds.
The big event of the day was the veto ceremony. As was expected, Kaycee did not use the veto and Haleigh and Scottie are still on the block. Apparently, everyone knew there was no chance that Kaycee was going to use the veto so it was a pretty relaxed meeting. Scottie and Haleigh both apparently gave “funny” speeches. Haleigh has never struck me as having that sharp of a sense of humor so I guess we’ll have to wait until Wednesday to see just how witty she was.
Up until today, I was 99% confident that the rest of the House would stick to the original plan and that Scottie would be voted out on Thursday. However, Haleigh is getting on everyone’s nerves. She seems to be really worried that she’s going to be blindsided and she keeps seeking reassurances that she won’t be. It doesn’t help that Scottie told her that Tyler told him that Haleigh was his target.
Tyler has assured Haleigh that Scottie is the target but, just a few minutes ago, he was talking to Angela and he said that Haleigh has gotten really annoying. They agreed that if Haleigh told Scottie that he was the actual target then they should go ahead and blindside Haleigh this week.
So, as of right now, it would appear that it all depends on Haleigh. If Haleigh keeps quiet and continue to allow Scottie to think that she’s the target, she’ll be safe. If she tells Scottie that he’s actually the target, then she could be voted out this week. Either way, it would appear that someone is going to get blindsided.
Speaking of blindsided, Angela and Tyler aren’t doing a very good job of hiding their showmance. JC is getting paranoid about them. (I also think JC, like Sam, is a bit jealous that Tyler is spending all of his time with someone else.) So, there’s now a chance that JC might turn on Tangela. Wouldn’t it be ironic if Tyler’s game collapsed for the same reason that Swaggy and Faysal’s games collapsed? Showmances are the kiss of death this season!
That’s it for now!
Lisa Marie
Lisa. Wow!!! Where to start?? Lol first of all, Tyler knows that showmances spell doom. He never wanted this!!!! And as much as he likes Angela I know that that scares him to death. Jc and Sam are now officially one and the same person… as much as JC says he hates her!! They both proclaim they hate the BB house and want to leave. And now they both are jealous if Angela because they both feel like they own Tyler and are jealous!!!! Oy!!
I couldn’t be more excited to hear Hayleigh might be going home! I’m so over her!! She brings nothing and I’m tired of all her pampered girl syndromes and hypochondriac symtoms. And her nasty nail biting. lol Scottie is much more entertaining and a better player. I’m thinking JC and Brett might recruit him and try to start their own F3. Plus Id love to be a fly in the Jury house when Hayleigh comes waking thru the door. Lol. The mean girl talk will be on fire!!!lol I hope they flip the house and blindside Hayleigh. We need to get some real play going here the last few weeks!!
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Well said Star

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Thanks Jolee. Right back at ya!!!

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And I like the nail biting/ backbiting lol Nice mental picture!!
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Thank you Lisa! I’m glad you took time out from your deserved day of rest to keep us posted! You are appreciated!
stories! Scottie just annoys me! 

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now, I have mixed emotions about who I want to go home! They both drive me bonkers! Haleigh with her nail biting, backbiting and sob
Now my number one target is JC! He is a spoiled brat! Boo hoo!..He’s on slop! I noticed he wasn’t part of the group in the kitchen in last night’s BBAD! Sam was working hard to make something for the have not’s. That’s one of the reasons I like her! She goes out of the way to be helpful to others! I liked seeing her hug Angela last night! These are the things I like about BB. Gameplay is necessary, but I like it when they are all gathered around having a good timeout from the drama and laying around all night!
Goodnight everyone!
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I love your take on things Jolee.
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Thank you Sammi!
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l agree Jolee. lol. JC would be my choice to but someone needs to put him OTB first!! He is being such a big baby.. and he already looks like one…. about being on slop!! He was complaining in the KT last night and Angela said … it’s only been an hour!! Lol. I think that’s when he left!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And yes Sam can be a very nice person. She just doesn’t belong here. No idea who found her and talked her into it but then I wish she would have used her intuition and said NO thanks! Y’all!! lol
I really don’t care which one goes home this week. Hayleigh is just getting annoying. Scottie hasnt been back long enough to annoy me yet. lol
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Jolee I love your take on things as you and I have the same mind set ~ and also what Star added that Sam just doesn’t belong there, which is sad only because for me she possibly is from an era where manners, respect for others truly exist and they are not qualities that you see in BB but lately more and more I see this mean girl mentality emerging in BB on who they choose to be a HG ~ great job always Lisa ♥
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Jordan was never a mean girl and I miss more like her.
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I kept saying..no no..Get away from him you mean nasty girl! Lol He is a baby next to you Angela!!
Ooooh…I was so mad then they had their first kiss..A peck! Oh boy..bad move Tyler..Get away now!!!
Thanks Lisa!
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JC is the most annoying player EVER!! production is trying to make him out to be puppet master. I can’t even understand a word he says. I personally would like to see
him back doored. I don’t remember a season where production is so involved in the outcome of the game. This has been a very frustrating season. Got that off my chest. Goodnight. God bless. Sleep with the Angels
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JC was up in the HOH room last night drilling Tyler about Angela having been up in the room with him for 5 hours. Tyler told him they are just friends, from the same place and so were just talking but JC wasn’t having it. Why is it such a big deal? Tyler asked him. I really think JC is just jealous! but of course he was telling Tyler that if he is In a showmance it’s going to screw up their final 2 deal. And that Tyler needs to cut her loose. Things are going to get tricky for Tyler real soon with so many final 2 deals! Going to be a lot of HGs feeling betrayed. Hard for me to imagine Tyler voting out Angela but sounds like it’s not in his plans to take her to the end. I’m sure she doesn’t need the money but he’d definitely have a better chance up against her. Meanwhile JC is such a little Chucky! lol. He truly has the face of a child too. Hard for me to look at him and accept that he’s 28!
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I have decided my final 2 are…..tyler and Sam. I think it would be a interesting 2 in the end. 1 bc Tyler is playing the charisma card and Sam is playing the Martha Stewart card. So who does it come down to? Do you vote for the guy who laid around fixin his hair all day or the person who kept the house semi clean and cooked and washed dishes. I like Tyler but who ever takes care of me is the 1 i am loyal to and Tyler will have to cut the cord with a lot of people 4 long if he makes it to the end. Plus I don’t see anyone really want I g to be beside him at the finally bc they probably know everyone likes him. Now who are we voting for fan favorite???
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Still would like to watch Angela blow up on Haleigh…,before Hayleigh gets voted out! Calm+Cool vs. Emotional and Blabby.
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Well JC is taking Brett’s orders to heart and is in the HN room really sucking up to Sam. In case you aren’t aware Brett is priming JC to break from Tyler and form another alliance with Hayleigh, Sam, JC and Brett. Both Brett and JC are getting antsy about Tyler and Angela and looks like they are wanting to jump ship! Who knows though because both of them at different times went to Tyler and said that the other one wanted to put up Angela and Kaycee together. Of course, Brett or JC will need to win a HOH to do this! lol They will also have to get Sam and Hay to team up against Tyler and I just don’t see that happening. I’m sure Hay could be persuaded but Sam not so much!
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But Brett complains about Sam allll the time. I just want to b.slap him and tell him to put his big girl panties on and find a real problem.
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I know, right!
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New post! http://www.big-brother-blog.com/big-brother-20/big-brother-20-its-what-were-good-at/
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Thank you Star !

. I look forward to your comments and Margie ‘s. 
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