Hi y’all!
So, it’s official. We are now down to our final three!
After JC won the HoH, he nominate Tyler and Angela for eviction. After Kaycee won the veto, she cast the one and only vote that was cast tonight. Personally, I think that Kaycee should have sent Tyler out of the house because Tyler is probably the only person in the House who would have even a chance of beating her in a final two situation. But Kaycee decided to honored the final two agreement that she and Tyler made early in the season and she voted to evict Angela.
So, here’s your final three!
KAYCEE, the veto queen! Considering that Kaycee spent the first half of this season being dismissed by most fans, she has certainly come on strong here in the final half of the game. She’s won 5 vetoes. She’s won 1 HoH. She’s won 1 hacker comp. Kaycee is in the final three and I’m not sure that anyone can beat her if she makes it to the final two.
TYLER, the lifeguard! Tyler’s been the front runner since the season began. For the most part, he’s played a good game but I think he let his game slip when he fell in love with Angela. His downfall might be his jury management skills.
JC, the underdog! I never thought JC would make it this far. Can he make it to the final two? Anything’s possible but, of the three final houseguests, he has the weakest record when it comes to competitions.
Who will win? We’ll find out next Wednesday!
It’s been a great season but all good things come to an end…
(…or do they?)
Lisa Marie
Lisa….please tell me you were hinting you and BB Blogger will be back next year!!!!!
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I sure hope so!
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I’m with you Margie. Lisa Marie you are boss with this blog. I love your commentaries, always so informative and thought out. I know it’s time consuming but please reconsider and don’t leave the family we have here. We need you to keep our BB experience real.
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I’m glad that Kaycee honored her F2 deal with Tyler. I just hope he does the same if it comes down to that next week.
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AC….I feel sure he will. He has always said he wanted to go to F2 with a good competitor who deserves to be there and not take someone who pretty much floated thru. Not that I think JC is a floater but Tyler feels like Kaycee more than earned her place so IMHO I feel he would pick Kaycee.
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Lisa. Are you and BBBLOGGER pulling a Julie Chen Moonves and coming back to keep doing out BB Blog??? It wouldn’t be the same without any of you!!
. I’m ok with Tyler or KC winning. It looked at the jury like a few rational heads prevailed. Both Haley and Scottie were thinking game and not bitter. Not sure about Brett. But I’m not sure there are enough unbitter voters for Tyler to win. Not even worried about JC. Did you see how he went out first in the Veto? That’s how he always plays. That one win was an easy fluke! Is there anything being played tonight? I assume it won’t be live on Sunday. I feel so good about this B.B. season. Hope you’re going to make it even better!!

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The problem with Tyler is he had too many F2 deals. They’re gonna feel like they were used until not needed anymore. Kaycee had one F2 and stuck to it. I hope she wins.
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Yup. That is kind of what happened. But how do you say no to someone who approaches you for an F2? Say Uh no thanks?? lol I think he was always just trying to keep the peace. And a back up plan isn’t ever a bad idea. But I think KC will probably get more votes. And I’m
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ok with that. She’s a very cool person and played a clean game. I do like that she and Tyler stayed loyal. Says a lot about both of their characters
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Me too Star! It’s been an enjoyable season, for the most part! I’m going to miss all of my BBBuddies! See you on Facebook!
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I meant to ask if someone can tell us the two ways we can vote for AFP?? Julie mentioned them tonight, but I don’t remember! Can anyone vote, or just those with full access??
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Thank you!
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Am so glad to have found this BB blog this year as you all are the best some we might not of seen eye to eye but we respected each other which I adore all of you for the different perspectives ~ Lisa you have been marvelous, fantastic ~ I would laugh if the final 2 come to JC and KC as I laughed tonight when Angela got evicted and their plans fell apart ~ am voting for Sam every day ♥
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We love Sam

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I already voted for her too.
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KC, JC and Tyler all deserve to be there. Kaycee played a very nice social game even though it was limited to her level 6 alliance. She was a beast at competitions the last half of the game too. Tyler played a great social game with everyone and he did ok in the competitions. JC stunk at comps but he manipulated so many people the first half of the game and they hadn’t a clue. He couldn’t play Tyler but I give him a lot of credit for all his effort and as it ended up Angela was ousted by her friend Kaycee. I’m good with any of them winning but want either Kaycee or Tyler to take it.
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Julie told us there is another place where we can vote 15 times a day. Does anyone know the link?
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Jolee…. I didn’t hear two places ..I only heard her say the http://www.cbs.com/bbvote location. Jolee I just went back and listened and the said you can vote by messenger bot whatever the heck that is!!! Never heard of it! lol
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Lisa! I just have a feeling things haven’t come to an end for our Lisa!
. I am going to be sad to see this season end! Compared to the last few seasons, this one was no disappointment!

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am glad Tyler and Kaycee will probably be the final two!
I think Tyler better win if he plans on winning the heart of Angela. She seems like a high maintenance girl!
Just saying!!
Goodnight everyone!
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They are back!!!! Don’t know who won yet.
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I think Ty won from conversation
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Yep he did! Yay!!! JT that means he won his place in F2 right???
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Nope… he just won his place in part 3 of final HOH
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JC & KC compete in part 2.. winner faces Tyler in part 3 (questions)
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Tyler won the comp!!!!!!
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They said comp lasted about an hour… and Ty said he could have gone another 1/2 hour or maybe an hour
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Then why were they gone almost 5 hrs?? And I agree. I expected to see it too. I asked here if there was a following comps but I got crickets. So I was checking with Jokers and they had nothing since a few minutes after the live show. Weird.
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Feeds were down 3 hours
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But still.. that seems a long time for a comp that was about an hour.
I know they have all the production stuff… but it can’t be 66% of the time!! LOL
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Tyler & Kaycee had discussed a plan for Tyler to throw part 1 to her… after JC fell of course.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But it sounds like Kaycee fell right after JC.. so they didn’t really get a chance to “make it look good”
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I guess KCs shoulder still hurt from dislocating it in football. I don’t get why Tyler wanted to throw it to her tho? Just to protect her? Does he want to win at all???
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I don’t really get why either… but for some reason they figured Tyler would be better than Kaycee at part 2
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IDK why though… Kaycee has shown she can win anything just like Ty… so to me it would be a coin toss between the 2.
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Star…..Kaycee was the one that wanted Tyler to throw this one because she thought he would be better at the mental comp.
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Tell me again how the rest of the comps work. For some reason I’m having a brain fart and can’t remember exactly how it works. Please.
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Part 2 is usually a physical puzzle of some sort.
(Like Jordan vs Natalie rolling the balls up the ramp in eviction order in BB11)
So KC & JC will compete one on one in that
Then the winner will face Tyler in part 3… which is always questions. A or B ….or maybe True False… usually A /B if I recall. Best of 7 questions wins final HOH and decides who to evict.. and who to take to final 2
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This by far has been one of the best seasons!!! I don’t know that Tyler can win against Kaycee. Jc doesn’t have a chance at winning any of the hoh comps or the season. He made everyone made with the way he acted. The jury is bitter. But Kaycee and Tyler have both played a great game (until Tyler fell in love that is). I was impressed at how level headed Hayleigh was in the jury house with her opinions on what had happened. Of course Bayleigh and Rockstar had to show their bitterness a little. You can tell Queen B still thinks she deserved to win. Ugh. This has been a fabulous season and I have loved reading all the comments here. Y’all are my summer family and I hope this does keep going. Lisa Marie you are the best!
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I agree!
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Geez. Where where you guys all nite?? Lol. So glad Tyler won!! As usual, JC dropped first. Of course the only comp he won all season was easy and it just happened to fall at the worst time. I hate that he’s still there! He tried to kiss Tyler and when KC called him the Comp King JC said no Queen. He’s too pretty to be a king ! Isn’t this sexual harassment!? I’m no expert but if you’re gay and you know someone is straight AND has a GF, isn’t it normal to leave them the the hell alone??? Smh
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Well… I took a nap for about 90 mins… then woke up and turned on feeds and BBAD and saw reruns…. got angry about that.. so that made me hungry… LMAO.. so had a bite to eat and just been chillin out waiting for feeds to come back while watching Netflix.
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At least you got a good nap!
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Really! He griped the poo out of me! Love you
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What a great season! I really hope Kaycee wins it all!
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JC reminds me of the angry character Peter Dinklage played in elf with that tacky nomination speech he gave. I thought thus was the person he is and that speech proved it. I almost fell for the my family don’t love me sob story but if he acts thus way towards others they probably have experienced his manipulative personality a few times. People like that are a huge turn off. I have people like that in my immediate family I steer clear if bc they take swipes every time I go around them. So no I’m not happy JC made it this far. I wish Sam would have or even Angela or Brett
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rockstar is a snippy hippie isn’t she. I guess she missed the peace and love part of the ensemble to being the prefect hippy lol. B is true to character still. I’m thinking Haliegh is the only real player out of that whole group. Tyler knew best when it came to making sure she left ASAP. She was his only real threat. Poor Scottie he was all over the place and just never could nail down the real deal with anyone.
Loved Kaycee, Tyler, and Angela’s play the whole game except that last HOH dang it was flawless until then.
Love Sam bc she is so gullible and down to earth.
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I feel the same way, and I love Sam! I think Julie likes her too! She gave Sam a big hug, which I have NEVER seen her initiate the hug!
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I watched a conversation last night or should I say this morning between JC and Tyler that was very interesting! The conversation started again at 2:15 a.m. BB time when Tyler walked into the kitchen after his shower wearing Angela’s hoodie. JC went into a jealous snit and began to tell Tyler how he (JC) had run the whole show, etc. Very entertaining conversation. JC is going to be so ticked off when he finds out what was really going on in the house and if he finds out BEFORE the vote he will be one of those bitter jury members and Tyler will probably not get his vote. He has thought all season that he was giving orders to Tyler on what to do and Tyler blindly did what he said. LOL
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In case some of you don’t know, I found out how to give your AFP 15 more votes! I went to Messenger and searched for CBS. They had a section where you could ask a question. I said I want to vote for AFP. . They sent me Messenger Bot and I just followed the prompts! I got to give all 15 vote at the same time!
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Thanks Jolee!
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New post! http://www.big-brother-blog.com/big-brother-20/big-brother-20-the-first-part-of-the-final-hoh-comp/
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True true. But he pinky promised Sam. That’s gotta mean something right?
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Star….. I agree…How could he say no and still work with that person? In BB you never turn a deal down. Sam pretty much pushed a pinkie promise on him and Scottie just like she was trying to do with Fez when she wanted him to put up Hayleigh.
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EXACTLY Star… it’s not like Ty was running to everyone making those final 2s… they came to him.
And you CAN’T say, “Nah… I’m good.. I already have a final 2”
LMAO… if you say no to a deal then they know you aren’t with them… and become a target.
I suppose he could have handled a few things better… sure.. but was a tough spot all the way.
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Sure. In Never Never Land where she seems to be the Pinky Police!! lol
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Good one Star !!
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Exactly. I think Tyler is just really protective and wanted to make sure she won first.
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which I don’t get… seems to me Kaycee can win anything Ty can… except maybe endurance
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Isn’t the next comps she has to do against JC physical anyway?? And then the last one with Tyler is mental. But she underestimated herself if she thinks all she is is a jock. She’s smart too.
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Yep.. part 2 is usually physical….. and mental.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part 3 is just A or B questions… so they CAN’T let JC make it to that!!
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But BB comics was physical and mental…. and so was that last POV she won… and others.. so she does fine at those
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Oh please NO!!’ I wanted him gone after the next comp!!!
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Thank you so much. You are a life saver!
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Hopefully KC beats him easily.
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Maybe I just forgot…. but I seem to remember always being able to watch part 1 of final HOH!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Like Jordan / Natalie / Kevin in the log rolling
or Memphis / Dan / and Jerry in the boogie board one in the water.
Ugh… I don’t get why they didn’t show us that!!
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I don’t either…I was pretty bummed! I thought we would for sure get to watch.
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I would think she will…. part 2 is not guessing True or False!! LOL
She’s gotta beat him… because anyone can win part 3 best of 7 questions.
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