Hi y’all!
So, as of right now, there’s not a whole lot to report about the house. Haleigh has been following Angela around everywhere and has basically been going through her usual ritual of sucking up to everyone in the house. In fact, she’s been spending so much time with Angela that, during one of the few times when Haleigh wasn’t with her, Angela felt the need to reassure Sam that Haleigh is indeed the target this week. As Angela explained it to Sam, everyone in the House is sick of Haleigh and can’t wait to vote her out.
So, again, it looks like Haleigh is definitely going to be the first person voted out of the House on Thursday. What happens after that is anyone’s guess. Assuming a member of Level 6 wins the HoH, I imagine that it’ll be either JC or Sam who follows her to the jury house. If either Sam or JC wins HoH, all bets are off.
Since there’s not much going on in the House, I figured that I would share a few pictures with everyone. First off, I’ve spent a lot of time criticizing JC this season but I did want to show everyone what he did today:
Secondly, on Saturday, we had this season’s comic book veto comp. Production has released images of the covers for the five houseguests who were evicted prejury. Here they are:





Because of the “Twinston” cover, the houseguests have been speculating that Winston and his twin may have been switching placed in the House, like the Nolan sisters did back in Big Brother 17. Of course, that didn’t happen but Brett still seems to be pretty disturbed at the thought that he may have been hanging out with Winston’s twin instead of Winston.
We’ll get to see all of the comic book covers on tomorrow’s show!
And then on Thursday, it’ll be time for the double eviction!
We’ll see what happens,
Lisa Marie
Thanks for the pictures, Lisa!
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Thank you Lisa! I was touched by the 9/11 tribute JC did on the art wall! I’m sure he has a soft side! 💕
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Thank you Lisa for the pics…JC does have a good side! LOL…Very nice to see that tribute! Jolee..saying prayers for your safety be careful!
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Thank you Astra! I feel so blessed knowing my BBBuddies are thinking about us! Love you all! 💕🙏💕
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Jolee. I must have missed something. Praying for your safety from what?? Is everything ok?
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Hey, thanks, Lisa!
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Lisa. Thanks for the pics. I dont even think I knew Winston had a twin!! Or it was just so long ago I forgot. But then I tend to forget most of the HGS that leave before jury.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Someone please let me know if anything interesting happened on BBAD tonight. My cable went off about 1:15 but came back in a few minutes. I was watching JamesCordon so I went to my recordings to start BBAD. I got the first hour and it had quit when the TV went off. So I was going to watch it live and the screen was black again. 🤨I hate it when that happens. I’ve been watching a movie I recorded so havent tried to go back. I hope it’s on by now but you never know!!
Hope everyone has a good Hump Day!!😎🐫🐪
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Star….He doesn’t have a twin. But it sure has caused some funny speculations. lol
JT said on facebook that there were some new developments overnight in that they are now planning on backdooring Brett if the opportunity arises during the DE. This is due to a conversation Tyler had with Brett and then relayed to Kaycee. I’m watching flashback right now to see what happened.
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Always thank you Lisa for the updates and the pics ~ not a JC fan at all but am not callus enough to think each person does have a heart and a soft side to them…would honestly like to see Sam when a veto or even a HOH might up her confidence some as I still feel she is like a fish out of water ~ but it will be interesting on Thursday for double eviction that will blindside the entire house push them on their toes some
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Still luv Sam
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My thoughts on JC is he has a sweet side and is cute as a puppy sometimes. Sometimes he just is playing the game too hard. Maybe he’s over compensating for his size. He needs to calm down with the Dr.Evil like mannerisms, not a attractive look and certainly not fan appealing. I do like to see him and Brett talking a d trying to figure out their next move. Sometimes they seem to be the only ones working out or scheming lol. Scheming workouts!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wouldn’t it be funny it those 2 were the final 2?
Prayers for all the area people in the path of Florence.
Thanks for the update Lisa Marie.
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Hi Catmama, I was so happy to read your post. I know JC has made a lot of mistakes and his behavior has come into question a few times, but one thing for sure about him, he loves America and that makes him okay in my book! It is difficult to overlook all the hate everyone here seems to have for him, but not one of them have ever walked in his shoes! JC has made me laugh all season and I have enjoyed watching him, especially listening to his conversations with BB ‘Bob’. I would love to see him in the F2 with Brett. I really hope to see Tyler or Angela voted out during Thursday’s second eviction! They both make me sick and who do they think they are fooling? SMH
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I’m not a fan of JC but he is playing the game, he loves his adopted country and he is funny at times. I was laughing the other night when Haleigh and Brett were helping him say “turtle” properly. Also, the night Sam was talking about mud stomping and curb slapping and after she left JC say that was terrifying.
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Right after I posted last night, something actually happened. Lol. Brett, who has been nervous about Angela and Tyler for a while, brought up the possibility of getting rid of Angela to Tyler. So now, Brett might be backdoored during the double eviction tomorrow.
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Please please please. I hope it’s not all talk.
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I totally agree! I’ve totally had enough of his loud, crude mouth!
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We are really looking forward to Thursday night, hoping the DE will shake things up! I would really like to see how Sam would handle another HOH! It could be very interesting to see who she would put on the block!!
I want to thank each of you who have told us you are praying for us! Thankfully, we are over four hours away from where the hurricane will hit! We will have heavy rains, flooding in some places, and possibly lose our electricity. All of our power lines are underground, so unless lightening hits a transformer, we should be okay! We are as prepared as we can be! We have family and friends near to help us if necessary! I love you all! 💕💕💕💕
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I added you and Jeanne to my prayer list a couple of days ago. You sound well-prepared and I have faith that the two of you will be just fine. Please keep us posted.💕💜💕
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Jolee….Any update on the weather??
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We have a transformer that gets knocked out a couple times a yr. this summer it got hit and killed our tv, modem and router. And now we have to unplug when it even rains hard. Stay safe!
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Tendr …. we had the same problem for awhile but the utility company finally got it fixed. It was a pain in the butt! Good luck.
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Jolee where do you live?
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JC most definitely has a soft side and a big heart. Each week after voting out a house guest he has a little message to convey, one of the first being that people should take care of their PETS. With that he stole my heart, but now it’s difficult to square my feelings about him because of some of his other distasteful actions.
I hope they back door Brett on Thursday.
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Junksies….Me Too!!! I’m so ready for Brett to go! I would rather JC any day of the week. Brett has always got to be the center of attention. Also he can’t be trusted by anyone….he lies to L-6, lies to Hayleigh, lies to JC as well as Sam. I don’t know how he keeps all of it straight!
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I wanted Brett to go instead of Winston!
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I have a suggestion for the website. It would be nice if you had two separate votes for the week. One would be “Who do you WANT to be evicted” and the second, “Who do you THINK will be evicted”. About 1/4 of this season, I have wanted the person evicted to stay in the house. It would be interesting to see what the people feel about the person leaving. Of course, there is the feedback, but this would condense it down to one visual.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Like this week. Who do I want evicted? Sam. Who do I think will be evicted? Haleigh.
Just a thought/suggestion.
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Thank you! That’s a great idea, we’ll see what we can do. 🙂
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The diary room is now open! http://www.big-brother-blog.com/big-brother-20/big-brother-20-its-time-to-open-up-the-diary-room-for-a-special-double-eviction/
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I tuned in to the feeds just a little while ago and what did I see……Hayleigh and Brett cuddling in bed and her stroking his hair! That boy will do anything for a vote!!!! Actually they will BOTH do anything for a vote!
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Prayers for safety Jolee!!!
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Thank you Carrie! Your prayers are very much appreciated! I think we are far enough away from the coast that we will probably only get a lot of rain, and possibly loss of electricity! We have a lot of solar lights, we have all of our iPhones and Kindles fully charged, and plenty of Halo chargers to recharge if necessary! I am so blessed to have so many friends thinking about us! God bless you! 💕🙏💕
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Hurricane Florence may cause us heavy rains and possibly loss of electricity. We have been getting ready just in case! Solar lights, charging all of our iPhones, Kindles, halos, putting new batteries in all of our candles, and we bought a small butane stove, and got the last two 8oz butane tanks in town! 😊. This isn’t my first rodeo! 😊
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jeanne and I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. The worst of it will probably be Friday. Luckily, we have plenty of water! There is no water to be found in any stores here!
Goodnight everyone! 💕
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I didn’t even think of that!! It sounds like you know what you are doing and are hunkered down. Good you are so prepared. I would be terrified! We get tornados and snowstorms here. No hurricanes!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I was wondering how Tyler and Angela’s families would do, living in Hilton Head. I wonder if they would tell them if anything happened.
Well sending you guys lots of luck, light and prayers!!!🙏🏻💙🙏🏻💙🙏🏻💙. Stay safe!!
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Prayers Holed!
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Good luck Jolee!
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We appreciate all prayers. God is in control of hurricanes. 💕💕💕
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I too want to wish you safety and look forward to seeing you post after the fact. Hoping you and everyone you are involved with are safe.
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