Okay y’all, this season is just getting too weird.
Seriously, I don’t even know how to explain what is happening in the House right now. It makes absolutely zero sense. The closest example that I can think happened during Big Brother 6, when the Nerd Herd tricked Rachel into nominating James and Sarah for eviction, despite the fact that all three of them were members of the same alliance. This is just weird.
What’s been the reoccurring theme this season? Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory?
Well, Faysal has managed to do it again!
Notice that I said Faysal and not the Hive. That’s because the only other two members of the Hive — Haleigh and Scottie — told him not to do this. Even a few members of the Level 6 said that Faysal would have to be an idiot to do what he did. But he did it anyway and this is all on him.
Faysal made his nominations today. Seeing as how the entire house is trying to get him, Haleigh, and Scottie out, he had a lot of good candidates to choose from. Remember how Haleigh — who is now officially Faysal’s girlfriend — spent two weeks trying to backdoor Tyler? Remember how Faysal said that, if he won HoH, he would target Tyler?
Well, that’s not happening. Soon after winning HoH, Faysal said that he wouldn’t target Tyler because apparently Faysal made some promise not to go after him. I haven’t seen any evidence of this promise on the live feeds but maybe the Sunday show will clarify things.
Anyway, JC got to Faysal last night and spent a lot of time talking about how Scottie was a threat to him and couldn’t be trusted and how Scottie has said that he likes Haleigh and he wants to get Faysal out of the game. So, Faysal got it into his head that he should nominate Scottie and Brett for eviction.
Haleigh tried to tell him that it was a mistake to nominate Scottie but then she got distracted by a bottle of wine and that was pretty much it for Haleigh. Even JC later told Faysal that nominating Scottie would be a mistake. (JC’s idea was to backdoor Scottie.) Eventually, after spending the entire day doing nothing, Scottie finally went up to the HoH room and made a convincing case for why Faysal should nominate Tyler for eviction.
So, of course, Faysal nominated Brett and Scottie for eviction.
(Personally, I think it has to do less with game and more with insecurity. Scottie has said that he likes Haleigh. Brett and Haleigh have a flirtatious friendship. Faysal just nominated the two people who see as being threats to his showmance with Haleigh.)
So, right now, Faysal is feeling pretty proud of himself. To his credit, Scottie is taking all of this calmly. He even talked to Faysal afterwards. Faysal told Scottie to win the veto if he wants to stay. As for Brett, he knows that he’s got the votes to stay over Scottie so he’s feeling pretty confident as well.
Speaking of Brett, Sam today asked Brett if he was in love with her and Brett told her that he’s not but that he likes her as a friend. Sam says that Rockstar made her feel as if Brett had fallen for her and apparently, Sam was thinking about marrying him after the show. Now, Sam says that she’s happy with Brett as her Plan B. (Her Plan A remains Tyler.)
Seriously, this is the strangest season.
Lisa Marie
Hilarious is that Fessy got a red HOH robe. And in Fessy’s pea brain he got that color because of all the “blood” he’s going to spill this week with his BIG moves.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Seriously.. the above is not satire in any way.
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And don’t forget his matching red socks.
Nice try production… the stall tactics were futile. Ha ha…
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They must all be back there shaking their heads. LOL
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LOL….JT. the blood he’s going to spill is his own! lol
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I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a red HOH robe before and it’s so funny for Fessy to think he’s spilling blood.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m laughing all the way through the blog today and that’s so much better then crying through them last year.
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And feeds are currently down because apparently Sam had an allergic reaction to something she ate.. I heard it was Tuna.. not sure what Brett put in there.
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feeds been down about a half hour now
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Tuna and hemp seeds.
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I heard hemp seed but wasn’t sure if that was a joke… I read very unlikely to be allergic to hemp seed
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Lisa good write up! You couldn’t make this stuff up!!!! Seriously! lol
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Hi Margie!
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How in the world did this guy graduate college????? Oh wait, athletic scholarship right?
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A very strange season! It has been interesting! I always thought that “Expect the unexpected” meant BB was going to throw a wrench into the game! Well, I was wrong! This entire season, the houseguests have been doing the unexpected! RS giving Tyler the answer, more surprising backdoors than I remember, and now Fez is putting up one of his team on the block just because he is jealous, and another one for the same reason! This should be an interesting week! At least Tyler is safe this week, because he still has his power! I hope he doesn’t have to use it!

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Feeds are back after 45 mins and Sam is back in the house
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Wow! I just watched a clip from BB9 where Allison and Amanda simultaneously had an allergic reaction and hypoglycemia. Scary stuff! I’m glad Sam is okay.
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Me Too
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Poor Scottie…playing chess with himself!
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… Poor baby. Not!
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LOL.. I have done that just for quick practice …but just opening moves… and never got up to go to the other side of table!! LOL
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I play scrabble alone
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Yes, playing chess with himself and talking to the fish, his only friends in the house, with the exception of Hayyo! LOL
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I sure hope he doesn’t win the veto!
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Amazing how he shoots himself and his alliance in the foot or head. Time for a double eviction and let’s get on to level six going after each other.
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Poll: Fessy’s nom bandanna says what?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) I’m the big dog
2) I’m the big bonehead https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1dc6991515d55e3fc661c8d7cc5c019ec9d96667edc925b181972f768d0db0ed.png
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I think ….#2. lol
You are so damn funny!!!!
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My dog is 100 times smarter than this guy! Thanks for posting this picture JT! I think they are playing for the veto right now.
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The veto comp is going to be hide and go seek. The house is going to be a total disaster. What are the odds that Sam will have another meltdown?
I thought could that bandana be any more apropos…? Bonehead! This stuff is so darn good I’m beginning to wonder if it isn’t scripted!!
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Is it really going to be that hide and seek thing? I hate that comp because it’s a crap shoot. Also it takes so loooooong!
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Yep… That’s what I read from Real Vegas.
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Omg!! Don’t mess up Sam’s neat house!!! Especially when she’s on Drugs!!!
lol. Maybe it’ll make the HGS clean at least afterwards. I wonder if they still do that anymore. They used to shut LFS down like inWed or Thurs and they had to clean. Now they just let them wallow in their own filth. Lol
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I hate comps like this because production can give an edge to a HG they want to win by telling them where things are. I sure hope they don’t want to save the Terrier!!
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Did you hear Fez propose to Hayleigh that they try to get Tyler and Angela to join them in an alliance. Hayleighs response ‘I like that idea’. Then she says ‘Do you think they are in a showmance’. Does she remember she put him on the block! Fez is going to approach Tyler and Angela in the morning and, of course, you know they will accept because who turns down the HOH when he could backdoor you! This is even funnier than him putting Scottie on the block!
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At least he realizes they have no numbers left. Unfortunately he has no social skills either!! Lol. Just because they’re strong diesnt mean you get to pick them like in Red Rover. Sides and friendships were formed long ago. You can’t just manufacture them. Oy!! Smh
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Oh my goodness! This stuff is hilarious!! Should be an interesting week ….. and, Thursdays a coming!!
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Like “Game of Thrones” and the White Walkers!! Lol
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Scottie is a smitten Kitten….the way he is looking at Hayleigh is so pitiful!
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Lisa. This has been a very strange season but I must say, never boring!! Lol. It’s a very odd group they put together. So different from each other. But I guess that’s the point.
but I mean isnt she a little old for that? Like 20 years. Who says stuff like that?? Or thinks they’re going to get out and MARRY somebody ? She said she told them NoShowmance. But she’s in more of a rebound from her last BF than she says. Shes a big part of the ODD in this show. I wonder if Tyler knows what he’s in for?? lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I can’t get over Sam. Or that she seriously asked Brett that! He doesn’t even talk to her. Why would she think he loves her?
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Star ….. I almost lost my lunch yesterday when she asked Brett if he was in love with her! What was even funnier was when he said no! She just keeps getting stranger and stranger. What about the way she flirts with the camera? So strange. She now has a pinkie deal with almost all the MEN in the house! As you can tell she really isn’t that crazy about the girls. I don’t think she liked RS as much as she claims to either.
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Sorry I missed that!! Brett probably s*** his pants!! lol again… who DOES that?? Even the showmances weren’t talking marriage!! If that’s how she flirts, apparently subtle isnt a prerequisite where she comes from. lol
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This has been an amazing season. Fessy is so smitten that he can’t think straight. The hive live in their own delusional world. But it makes for an fascinating season!!! I’m loving it!!
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Fatal Attraction II is primed and ready for production immediately following the BB 20 finale. Sam is the reincarnation of Alex and perfect for the part, but still to be determined is who will play the part of Dan? Will it be Tyler, Brett, Bob in Production, a member of the medical staff or some guy who delivers pizza to the “little house”?
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OMG! That made me spit my tea all over my laptop. Too funny!
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LOL. …. so funny!
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I think in Sam’s neck of the woods, if a guy even talks to you it’s akin to a proposal!! And if you live in the same house and he sees you in the shower, it’s a shotgun wedding!! Lol. Sam told Tyler way back in the beginning when she’d get robot breaks, that all she did since the break up with her BF is drInk whiskey with her dog every night and get drunk!!! With her DOG!!! Lol so she is on a major rebound. And since she can’t play the game she’s focusing on a husband!! I’m sure they’re all way better than whatever there is waiting for her back home!! ( picturing Jethro Bodine)
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After hearing about what Rose did to Charlie’s privates with crazy glue on “Two and a half men”, imagine the damage Sam could inflict with her welding torch on a guy who downright refuses to embrace her affections. Ouch!
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I guess with all her “critters” and jars of spiders she’d be Ellie May
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Well, Fez has kind of proposed a somewhat alliance to Tyler this morning. He said he didn’t want to call it an alliance but he wanted them to work together to get the floaters out! lol. Tyler is so good at this! I don’t think there is a chance he will try to backdoor Tyler this week because he is really bonding with him this morning.
Do we think it will be Zingbot for the Veto comp today?
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Margie. I read that he was coming but not this week. I think maybe next.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Speaking of Tyler, did you happen to see the quick
Pan they did of he and Angela towards the end of AD last night? They were sleeping side by side on their stomachs holding hands. Awwww. It was so cute!! I didn t know they liked each other that way. Maybe it was just friendship or loneliness but it was endearing. Unlike watching Hayleigh and Fes suck face… which they do now on a regular basis since they became an official Showmance. Bleh!!
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Yeah they have been liking each other for awhile now. It is cute!
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I knew zingbot was coming because Julie announced it at the end of Thursdays eviction show. That announcement stood out because I don’t recall in previous seasons where she announced beforehand that we’d be seeing zingbot the following week.
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That shirt Kaycee has on today looks like something she found at a bloody crime scene! lol
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Lfs just went to reruns. Could be nothing. Seems early for the company. But they were all in bed early last night so
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maybe production told them it would be an early one. Probably want the time afterwards to clean house!! Lol
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It amazes me how we all like different houseguests for different reasons! I have always loved Tyler, Sam and KC from the very beginning! JC and Scottie drive me nuts!! I really dislike Haleigh and would like to tie her hands behind her back so she couldn’t chew her fingers off! She thinks she owns the HOH room and everything in it, including Fessy ‘s HOH robe and his wine and his Cheez-its! I agree Angela is just “hanging out” and holding on to Tyler’s shirt tail!

I find myself fast forwarding when JC, Haleigh and Fez are on, and watching whenever Tyler, Sam or KC are on! I prefer the kitchen action more than the “slumber parties!”.
I believe Fez could go down in BB history as the worst HOH because he allowed himself to be manipulated, and because of his reasoning behind his making bad nomination choices. I think Production is absolutely interfering too much in the entire game! Let the players play their own games! Okay, that’s my two cents worth!
Have a nice weekend everyone!
P.S. Jeanne said “Let the houseguests vote the way they want to without getting the third degree about who they voted for! It’s nobodies business who you voted for! Shhhhhhh!!!”
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POV players: Fez Scottie Brett Angela Tyler and Haystack. Zingbot is in the house.
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This is the never-ending veto!!!
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It’s taking longer than usual because zingbot is in the house.
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POV Winner Is
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I couldn’t be happier!! Bye, bye Scottie!!!
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He looks darn good in that veto necklace. Yippee!!
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JC is not cleaning at all …just walking around annoying everyone! lol
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Fez…..as he lays in bed ‘should I go help them’. JC.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------‘Duh’ you helped make the mess! So both of them continue to relax and let everyone else do all the work. Except Sam who is pouting.
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New post! http://www.big-brother-blog.com/big-brother-20/big-brother-20-veto-comp-results/
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Strange season indeed Lisa! Last night’s BBAD had to be the biggest waste of three hours EVER!!! Most of it was like watching grass grow in the desert!! I couldn’t help feeling sorry for Scottie! Playing chess alone, talking to the

fish! The most interesting part of the show was Haleigh and Scottie talking about Christmas! Scottie has a way of bringing out the best in Haleigh!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How long before we know who won POV?? I’m very nervous! I think I will take a nap and check in later!
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Looks like Sam might be on the way to a melt down because her dreamcatcher was smashed! lol. She’s not helping clean at all!
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I saw the package of hemp seeds on the bar the other night. Some guy on Twitter just posted a great link to hemp seed allergies and I read a portion of it. I’m going to try to link it here. I’m particularly interested because I’ve broke out in hives twice in the last month.
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What are hemp seeds?? I thot it had something to do with pot! Lol. I dont eat all that health food kind of Non- food stuff.
. I have bad allergies so after seeing this I’ll never eat them Now!! Lol.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I heard Sam was high on Benadryl. Is that all they gave her? Do you know if she had to keep being checked every few hours?? No one should put that kind of weed crap On your food without asking first. Smh
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Hemp is from the cannabis plant, (with negligible THC, the component in pot that gets u-high) and is used in all sorts of industrial applications. The seeds are very nutritious rich in Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids. It is common to encrust fish with nuts and seeds. Yummy!
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Eww yuck!! I like my food plain thank you!! Lol. I mean I use spices or sauces. But I’m a red Betty Crocker cook book kinda cook. Lol. But thanks for explaining Junksies.
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You should have seen his face! Kind of like this morning when Sam tried to get Fez to put Hay on the block!!!
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C’est Moi…..Funny you should say that! The crazy glue thing actually happened to a lawyer here in the town where I live. His wife caught him running around and waited one night until he was sound asleep and ‘glued him down’. He was in the hospital for a couple of days and even made the newspaper. She was charged with assault. I’ll bet he sleeps with one eye open now! lol
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I was living in Northern Virginia when Lorena Bobbitt cut her husband John off, literally, and tossed it into a field in Manassas, Virginia. Some separations hurt more than others!
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LOL… I remember that….then he went on to a porn career!
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