Hi y’all!
I swear, these Wednesday evictions always sneak up on me and I’m always late opening up the diary room.
Well, let’s get to it. Β Who do you vote to evict this week?
Do you vote for
MORGAN, who shouldn’t have to leave before revealing that Alex is her sister
SHELBY, who I would totally hang out with in real life
SCOTT, the creepy little jerk from Maine?
Okay, can you guess how I’m voting?
Anyway, cast your vote in the comments or over on the poll on the right side of the page! Β And come tomorrow night, watch as someone is voted out and someone new becomes HoH!
Happy voting!
Lisa Marie
I vote to evict Scott.
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Scott for sure.
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They are all getting dressed up for the dinner. Is this the twist reveal Julie said was happening this week? A little late isn’t it?
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Kimberly…nobody knows. It could be anything plus the half way point of the game. They were talking about other surprises….
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Scott hasn’t shaved in several weeks and it’s not a good look for him!
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Justin cracks me up with the songs he makes up. He’s hilarious.
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Oh, please, let it be Scott. He is a human characterization of Beavis from Beavis and Butt-head fame.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I don’t do the All-Access thing with CBS so I don’t keep up with this season like normal, but when I do…Scott is sooooo annoying. The only person I like less than him is Jason, who seems to thinks he knows so much about the show, yet lasted, what? Four weeks? I think Jason may be the sidekick to Scott’s Beavis….
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Opted to evict Scott
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Is anyone watching the live diary rooms? The first was Whitney. If you can you need to to listen to her. She says she is loyal to the Ballsmashers as well as the BYC! How the hell can you be loyal to both? She is listening to crap that Justin is telling her about Alex and not even taking into consideration the fact that he may have ulterior motives for saying things about Alex. She never went to Alex to ask her about what Justin (who knows absolutely zero about the game) said.
Kryssie and Jason I just absolutely couldn’t finish listening to them brag on themselves and how much America must love them. Jason is a weird looking little guy with his hair glued down to his head and his stupid collar ornaments. As you can tell I am not very fond of him.
By the way as Kryzsie was sitting there waiting to start she obviously did not know she was on camera because she gave one of her gut blower belches right in the camera. Lol
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i would have alot more respect for whit – if she just left the girls alone – go on, play your own game girl
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i understand that whit is playing like andy – but hes a guy – sorry guys – but there is no girl code between guys – whit has turned her back and keeps on betraying the girls that she was suppose to be allligned with – dont believe any of her diary session – she is trying to play us too
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in her diary whit said she was shocked dan brought her down – come on!
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Macy….. we know she wasn’t shocked that Dani took her off the block because we saw Dani promise to take her down if she would vote Scott out and she told dani that she would vote out anyone dani wanted.
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Hello everybody! I hope you had a nice day. It was a busy day for me. Got a lot done. This week we are going to take our pets to be groomed and we are going to vote. We just drive up to our library they come on out and give us our ballots and we vote they take our ballots then we drive back home again. Be sure to vote everybody.
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Good Morning Jolee!
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I must have pressed submit before I was through. I am enjoying all of your comments. Sorry I can’t contribute more.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think I will attempt to see what’s going on in the big brother house.
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I just voted my other 20 votes for Scott. However, I do so with a heavy heart. I am such a sucker for an underdog, but I had no
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------choice, if I want the remaining girls to have a chance. It looks
like their chances of getting further in the game become slimmer
every day. I wish they would come up with some way to help
the BS. With Whitney’s betrayal, the numbers are crushingly
against them.
Tonight Whitney gave one more indication she has become a
full fledged Misfit. Her comment that she is loyal to both sides is
proof she’s become completely delusional. She, too, seems to
have forgotten we’ve been watching her 24/7 (or at least the
hours they remain awake) and have seen how traitorous her
actions and words have been. Why do they go into the DR and
try to pretend to be something they aren’t and say things they
know are not true? How dumb do they convince themselves
we fans of BB are??!!
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STAR remember neelys sessions? she was a totally different person to america – whitney is the same way. i just hope the girls know this and dont reveal ANYTHING to her snake rear end!
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Macy…. I heard them talking about Whitney last night. Believe me they know now that she is on the other side and do not plan to talk about anything in front of her that she doesn’t already know!
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Dani and Jason are sitting on the hammock talking game with Whitney. Whitney is telling them that she will throw the HOH to them if it comes down to just them but she will try to win it if Alex is still in the running. Whitney has on this tiny, tiny bikini. In the middle of their conversation Morgan comes out and Whitney starts talking about how she feels skinnier than she has felt in years, Jason says something about Morgan’s abs and you should see how Dani is staring at Morgan. She is staring with absolute jealousy and/or hate in her eyes! It’s very obvious that she doesn’t like her at all.
Jason and Dani have been doing nothing but talking trash about the girls since he got out of bed and went up to the HOH and crawled into Dani’s bed.
Jason and Dani were accusing the girls of just ignoring them this morning and not speaking which is a total lie.
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Now Dani and Justin are asleep together in Justin’s Have Not trampoline. Kryssie is laying in her trampoline farting up a storm. She is one of the classiest ‘ladies’ I’ve ever encountered! lol
I guess production has given up trying to keep them from sleeping. Jason has joined them so it will soon be and before I can finish typing they are already badmouthing the girls and accusing them of eating ‘their’ food. Since when is it ‘their’ food. Now they are badmouthing poor Scott. They need to leave him alone. I can’t stand any of them. At first I kind of liked Justin but he has turned out to be just as bad as Jason.
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They are just locking them down inside to prepare for the HOH comp tonight so it must not be much prep.
Yes!!!!! All the girls plus Scott are finally having that much needed talk with Whitney!!!!!! Maybe they can talk some sense into her.
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They are really telling Whitney like it is but I don’t think it’s sinking in to her thick skull.
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β Hi everyone! ………………
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Hi BoBo! How are you doing?
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Not that great…Thanks for thinking about me my dear friendπ
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As much as they lay around, especially Kryssie, Jason and Dani, you would think by now they would have bed sores. They all three eventually got up to change their batteries and have been in bed since.
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Hey all. I’m way behind. Haven’t been on really last day or so. I did vote for Scott. And sounds like some stuff going on. I don’t get Whit at all. SMH. Such a totally different person.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anyway I’ll be on later for all the comps.
Happy Hump Day!!ππ
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Hi Star …. See you later tonight
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Hey Margie. Just checking in and trying to read every thing. But Wil be on later too. π
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Monte would have a stroke if he could see how filthy Dani’s HOH room is!
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MP – didnt see the talk between whit and the girls – YOU KNOW SHES GONNA go straight back to jason and justin and tell them!
did they tell her it hurt their feelings or what?
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Macy …. I have a feeling that she’s is going to do that also. So far she hasn’t but then again all the BYC have been asleep all day. The only one up now is Justin. Whitney was plucking his eyebrows but she didn’t say anything to him. Probably because the girls were in the next room (yoga room).
Scott did most of the talking and he did it well. Alex chimed in some but I think she stopped when she saw Whitney wasn’t very receptive. No they didn’t tell her it hurt their feelings. She was kind of closed off. I can’t believe she doesn’t see that she is definitely on the bottom of the totem pole in that group!
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I just listened to the girls and Scott talking to Whitney. Scott did
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------most of the talking, and they never really got into what they
thought of her backstabbing them. She tried to tell them the reason
she chose Justin to compete for the veto was because he was one
of her friends. For them not to be upset by her choice. She was
hoping if he won, he’d take her off. She tried to act like she had
no idea why Dani took her off. In essence, she lied over and over
Then Morgan started reciting the dates that events happened
in front of her. I wanted to tape her mouth shut. I think they
still think they can trust her. She’s like an elephant and doesn’t forget anything. She’ll remember the dates Morgan was talking
about and will go back and prep the rest of the Misfits.
I have lost all respect for Whitney. I can’t believe I liked her
for most of the game. But she isn’t as smart as she thinks she is,
if she believes she has a better chance with them. She will be
their #1 target when the BS are gone. Jason will get more helps
as the game progresses, Dani is a big competitor despite being
a disgusting human being, Krys isn’t a big competitor but has
Dani, Justin, and Jason in her back pocket. Whitney will always
be the odd man out.
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Sherry ….. Scott actually told Whitney that info about how close Jason, Kryssie and Justin are and she just said, ‘yes I know’. I think she believes her connection with Justin is stronger than it really is.
The only reason they want her is because she has not received a care package yet and will probably get this one. Scott pretty much told her that but she was taking what he was putting down!
I also wanted to take Shelby’s mouth shut!
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Speaking of CP, can Hgs get one more than once? If not we will soon be faced with slim pickings.
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Scott looks as if he’s crying. It makes me sad for him.
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He’s breaking my heart! π π
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So he knows he’s going home? I Thot about Morgan for eviction but I don’t think Alex would let that happen.
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Star …. Yes Alex told him because he asked her and she didn’t want to lie to him. He took it ok but later he admitted to being sad. It kind of breaks my heart for him.
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AMERICA ! next wk lets put up whitney – she is a traitor and a snake – cant believe i dislike her more than dan = at least with dan – you know for sure what side shes on.
i dont like these feelings of dislike – im just aggrivated that ‘the good side’ is getting played.
poor scott – he loves this game – i hope he doesnt watch back the episodes right away – people really talked about him badly.
having that said – my 40 went to him (frowny face)
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Macy …. I was thinking the same thing about Scott going back and watching episodes. I hope he doesn’t because his feelings will be very hurt. I can’t help but feel sorry for him because he really does seem like a good guy!
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Macy. I agree. This season Is making us all feel bad. Because it’s s game of good vs evil. And that is do not what BB should be. I stay here because of the blog and my unbroken record but it is not a normal BB. I did the same with Scott. I
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Voted for him too cuz we had no choice. He’s not my fave but now I feel guilty because I have a conscience. And he’s the underdog. I will honestly be relief when it is over.
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Scott got all my votes as well but I don’t feel good about it at all. Does anyone know if there will be an America’s Favorite this game?
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Judy …. I haven’t heard anything about an America’s Favorite mentioned for this season. There probably will be though, don’t you think?
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Scott just tried to have a private talk with Alex and Shelby and a few minutes after he started talking here comes Whitney to hear what was going on.
Before Whitney got there Scott told the girls to be careful of Justin because earlier in the day Justin caught Scott in the room alone packing his clothes and started telling him negative stuff about Scott’s relationship with the girls. There was no reason for Justin to tell him these things. He only tried to hurt Scott’s feelings. He told Scott among other things, that the girls were making fun of him about his dandruff but he neglected to tell Scott that He had made up a song about it and was singing it to everyone. Justin is one of the worse about talking bad about people. He picked up that habit from Jason.
Justin and Dani are hugging in the bathroom. Dani has to have a man make over her.
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Yup. She does. And she’s almost out of candid. If Judgin goes before her she is gonna be SOL lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I don’t think Jason made Justin anything. You are who you are. He just found somebody to be himself with!
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JUDY – good question – havent heard anything out of julie or producers……
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Whitney and Justin are talking about the HOH comp and she told him she didn’t want to throw it. She said she would put Dani up with Shelby as a pawn. Justin said if he won he would put up Morgan an Shelby wanting Shelby out. He said he would not put up Alex because she didn’t put him up. Whitney was not happy with that statement. Justin said if anyone in his group besides him got HOH Alex would be going home. He says Alex doesn’t have any personality but she is a strong competitor. Whitney is pushing for Alex to go in a subtle way. She told Justin that if they didn’t get her out she would win the game.
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The girls still don’t trust Whitney. When Whitney just came in the room the girls were talking about game moves and immediately shut up.
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Justin says he would not put Alex up if he is HOH but you know Jason and Kryssie would talk him into it. Jason is very persuasive as far as Justin is concerned.
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I really hope Alex, Shelby or Morgan win HOH this week. Then we can vote one of the others the care package and it won’t be the end of the world and Morgan can wait for one of the last two CPs.
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Well Scott’s gone!!!!! Good sport tho. I feel so bad!!!! π π π
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Dani can’t even read a card that is printed for her without stumbling!
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Ok..I have been hearing this constantly lately. What is the phrase BYe FELICIA from????? lol Jasons fans just said it, it was on Survivor tonight and last week on Million dollar listings!!! I never go to movies…I’m too cheap!lol Anyone know????
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Ok..Bye Feliciais from a 1995 film called Friday and it was said by Ice Cube. explains why I didn’t know it..lol But I wonder why it’s so big now all of a sudden?? Just bored ramblings…. lol
And we have BB music!!!
Get ready!!!
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False alarm. Why are hey so frigin slow getting the HOH comp started every week??? During the show, it’s like right after a commercial. they have a very shabby production crew working this season.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------is from the movie and real life straight out of compton – follow me here – when ice cube, dr. dre etc were getting big time and they were doing GROUPIE parties – felicia was a girl in the bed with one of the crew – her boyfriend came in with a shotgun looking for her – the compton guys were not backing down and pulled out their guns – they sent her out naked – and said BYE FELICIA
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macy..thanks! I read it was out of Compton but then tht it originated in that 1995 flick. Both Cube Cube I guess.
FINALLY!!!!! Here it goes!
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Oh wait..I just reread that macy. that was in RL…..go it!! lol
I like it tho. I have aw feeling I am going to start using it!!! π
WTH is BB doing??? WHy is everyone sitting around???
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Any idea what the comp is???
It should be DONE by now, not jsut starting. I have laundry to do here BB!!!lol And my nails!! I don’t have time for this!!!! π
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its some kind of timed, one at a time game.
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But why aren’t we able to watch it??We are behind the scene like the other HGS. That seems wrong.
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They just had a sign p saying HOH was being played and ht next HG would start soon….or something like that. So we aren’t getting to watch it??? This is weird. I must have missed something. eeryone is just sitting around. Dani is in the HOH room. Jason just said tht now it’s going to be even longer. I have no clue what is happening!!
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You know, say what you will, but Scott left with more dignity than any of them except Monte! Good job Scott.
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I guess it is something they do one at a time.
When it is finished, they can all go up to the HOH and watch.
Jason thinks it will be an hour apiece.
This is ridiculous. I wish we at least knew what teh comp WAS!!
Whit went to the DR
Here is the order of the comp…..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Order they get to go in (by random draw):1 – Whitney
2 – Alex
3 – Kryssie
4 – Shelby
5 – Morgan
6 – Jason
7 – Justin (
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It’s the face Morph. Could be a long nite.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I don’t think Whit is doing too well.
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whit is trowing it
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lets get the next player
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Jason will probably do well at this. I can’t see Shelby figuring this out. Whit is just about out of time!
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I have been wondering why none of them have been studying
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the faces. They should all know this comp was coming up.
Jason should do the best at this. Whitney is the pits at this.
I look for Jason to win this. This is going to take all night!!!
The comps have been way too long this season for me.
Editing tonight sure made Whitney look better than she has
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sherry..I think it was last season they didn’t end up doing this comp.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bu they should be prepared.
macy says whit threw it. She sure was bad at it!!!
the comp should be over by now. I am not sure I wantto watch this or the next 4 hrs!!! I agree about the comps taking WAY too long!!! I think production isn’t very prepared. SMH
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Time out. Why did she throw it?? Because she is like between groups???
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I don’t think she threw it. I think she just sucked at it. But she
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------did talk like she’d been studying the pics. When I don’t know,
but she seemed to know a lot about their pics, just couldn’t get
them put together. I hate this comp anyway. I’ve always thought
it too hard. I don’t think I would do well with this comp, either.
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I meant to ask if anyone caught Jason talking about the girl
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------from Harry Potter movies coming into his store? He said she
was there to buy furniture. What? I thought he said he worked
in a grocery store. Found it rather odd.
Dani is touting that Jason has a photographic memory. He’s
been studying the memory wall for some time. He will probably
win. But I doubt he has a photographic memory. If so he should
have done better in some of the other comps.
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sherry..I heard that too. About his memory, not the other.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maybe he got a new job at Ikea???LOL He’s moving on up…..lol
I’d suck at this too. I can’t tell any of them I think 2 of them has Jason’s mouth. Other than that, I’m not even going to bother killing my brain over it. You don’t get to see them long enough anyway.
Part of me wants to just quit and check in later to see who won. but this damn game gets to me and I cant NOT anything!!!lol Well I don’t smoke or do drugs or have any other really bad habits so I get BB is it!!lol
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Me too Star…..This game is my drug but I might go get a glass of wine!
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Margie..not a bad idea!!lol Back in the day when only a few of us had LFS we would stay up to watch HOH comps and always drink wine together…lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I also did get my laundry going and my nails are wet so its hard to type!! this is way too slow to not multi task!! π
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Sherry…..I caught that also. I wondered why she would be buying furniture in a grocery store! What he heck!
By the Dani was saying that Justin has a photographic memory not Jason.
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I heard that too.Funny thing is she actually thinks he can only remembers things he SEES. Like pics. Oy!!! lol Millenials worry me…lol
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I don’t think Whitney threw it either! She wanted to win badly.
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Those two bitches up in the HOH room REALLY don’t want Alex to win!!!
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YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! she got it!
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Whitney was not happy that Alex finished. Lets hope that she is the only one to finish. If Kryssie doesn’t finish maybe she will sit down and cry like she did last time. She won’t be able to blame it on her bloody hands though! lol
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Margie, thank you for correcting me about the Jason/Justin
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------memory thing. I know one thing about Justin (don’t know about
the memory) his vocabulary increase as he spends more time
in the house. He is so much smarter than hgs are giving him credit
for being. He is , also, showing his devious side which I don’t like
at all. There is such a difference in playing the game strategically
and playing it being as ugly as you can be towards others playing
the game.
I want to tip my hat to Kryssie. I have not liked her most of the game, but she was genuinely kind to the girls over losing Scott. No one else on that side showed an ounce of empathy.
I don’t know if I’m going to make it through this comp. I can’t
take much more of Dan running her mouth constantly in such
an arrogant way. She said something when talking to Whitney
in the HOH room I was going to remember. I nearly fell out of
my chair, but of course ICRS syndrome kicked in and can’t
remember what it was.
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Sherry …. oh please remember because I’m dying to know.
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By the way what is ICRS syndrome? I need to know in case I have it. lol
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Wow! Great comments everyone! ππ
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope everyone had a good day!
I had to have my car towed to Firestone today. My brakes went out! Thank goodness we discovered it before we drove very far! It cost me …… wait for it!!! ….. $700.00 !!!!! Ouch! π¬π¬
Have a good rest of the week! XOXOXOXO
Love you all!!
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Jolee..OUCH!!! Cars are such a necesary evil!!!!
Glad you didn’t have an accident tho! That’s scary!!!
Hope *tomorrow is a better day!!* Semi Scarlet quote..lol
HUGS!!! β₯β₯β₯
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Jolee: Ditto to what Star said.
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Boy Dani loves the sound of her own voice! She never shuts up!
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Ohhh…look what I found!!!! I could never have gotten these!
I think they were harder this time than in past.
Correct answers, in order of displayed from left to right.Morgan,Cornbread (Football)
Kryssie,Monte (Cheerleader)
Danielle,Scott (Goth)
Shane,Neeley (Princess)
Monte,Alex (??)
Whitney,Shelby, (Nerd)
Justin,Jason (Punk Rock)
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Yea……!!!!!! Kryssie timed out!
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OMG Jolee….. I hope you didn’t have an accident!!!!
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Ok Here are the tears….Kryssie is crying. Surprise! I must have been because of her bloody hands! lol
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Star …. Thanks for the list!
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Ladies ….. I’m passing around the wine and cheese! Take one and pass it on!
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Shelby is next…..we should hear a lot of the F word! This should be funny!
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Boo Hoo Kryssie…..she is still crying!
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Whitney says ‘that’s what I done’….. OMG
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Yea Shelby did it in 3 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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That is impressive!!!!!!!!!
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The official time is 3:42. And I got bored and was shopping and didn’t really pay attention!! But YEAH Shelby!!!!!! I think I am brain dead from this comp!! lol
Who’s left??? Just Justin and Jason?? this needs to be over soon!!!lol
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Yay, Shelby!!!!!
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Dani has been steadily eating and not offering anything to any of the others. When she isn’t talking, she’s eating!
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Star…Sherry…..am I here by myself???
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I think Shelby should put up Jason and Justin and let America put up Kryssie. Although the Care Package this week is co-HOH.
Who should we vote co=HOH? The only people eligible are Justin, Jason, Morgan and Whitney. It think it would be funny to make Justin Co HOH because he absolutely hates Shelby and is dying to get her out! lol
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Sorry I forgot that Danielle is eligible also!
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I’m here. DIdn’t you see my last comment??
Sherry is here too.
I just went to get something to eat.
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It will be interesting to see how Whitney acts now that Shelby will probably be the new HOH unless Jason or Justin pull out a miracle. She will probably try to go back and kiss up to the girls!
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But if we put Justin in as HOH then you can’t put him up.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------that is a hard one. Got to be someone you don’t want to vote too,so I guess that could work.
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Yep Whitney is going to be kissing Shelby’s butt tonight! She’s going to be all about the Ballcrushers!
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Star / Sherry …….who do you an think we should vote for the care package and who to put on the block? I think it’s time to put up Justin and/or Jason. What do all of you think.
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Anyone in the BYC is great with me to put on the block! Dani, Kryssie, Justin, Jason need to go on the block.
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Does Dani have more teeth than normal people?
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Yea Shelby is HOH and the first one to hug her was Whitney! Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!
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FInally!!! It’s over!!lol
I can’t beleive Justin. He only put one nae per person!! lol
Apparently he as a photographic memory but can’t understand what he reads!! π
Happy for Shelby. She hadnt won anything yet and it was bumming her out.
J&J on block fine with me.
I asked earlier. Can an HG get a CP twice? If not, who is left???
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Should we finally get Dani out? I think I would rather get Kryssie.
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Let me know. I am done for the nite. All LFed out!!
Later GFs!!! Sweet dreams!!! π π€π€
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Good Night Star…I love that Shelby won because it upsets do many in the BYC! Sleep tight!
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I’m here. Just turned back from LF. So glad Shelby won HOH.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am tempted to give the CP to Jason. I don’t want him to get
the last CP. Put Justin and Dani up. This way Jason can’t vote,
Justin and Dani won’t be able to vote unless they win veto. That
puts the majority of votes on the BS side. Next time is double
eviction veto and the last is final four inclusion. Hopefully
Krys would be Am’s nom., but it will probably be Morgan. Jason is
probably going to want to put Morgan or Alex up as his nom.
I don’t know. I’m too tired tonight to figure out anything. Maybe
tomorrow (I’ll be out most of the day.) it will become clearer to
Night Star and Margie. CB tomorrow.
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It’s so funny how the tide can turn so quick in the BB House! Now everyone that was happy before the HOH comp is now very sad and worried. And the ‘good’ side of the house is very happy. Jason has already spent more time with the other side of the house than he has for days!
I must be the only one here so I am going to shut down for the night. See everyone later.
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Star …. a HG cannot get the CP twice unless all that are left in the house are people who have received a CP . Then it can start over again.
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I think we should try to give the CP to Jason. I think he will try to work with Shelby even if he does put up a BS. BUT it is very possible he may put up Whitney.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And I say it’s Dani’s turn to go. In the past I’ve wanted Kryssie out so bad, but Dani has a possibility of winning if she goes to the end because she has played the game. Kryssie has no chance of winning. She’s done nothing.
So my suggestions are Jason for CP and Dani for America’s Nom.
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New post! http://www.big-brother-blog.com/big-brother-over-the-top/big-brother-over-the-top-yay/
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