Nominations Made: Bad News For Bible Belt

by soonerryan on August 17, 2007

In an expected move, HoH Daniele nominated the twosome we’ve come to know as the Bible Belt — Amber and Jameka. It’s Amber’s second time on the block, after her nomination in Week 1, but it’s the first for Jameka.

As things stand now, Daniele’s hope is that one of them wins the PoV so she can back-door Jen. Jen doesn’t know about this, and from all accounts would be devastated given that she believes Dani likes her. So, as it’s been the past several weeks, there’s a good chance the Bible Belt won’t be split up at all.

The intrigue over the next couple of days will center on the reaction from Amber and Jameka. Amber’s taken to an extremely somber disposition, spending most of her time in bed on the verge of tears. On the other hand, Jameka has kept a relatively positive outlook.

What will also be interesting is whether the other PoV contestants will actually heed Dani’s wishes should they win. And will this be Eric’s first PoV competition?

Which of these two would you most like to see go home? Or, would you prefer another houseguest to get backdoored? Right now, it looks like the only backdoor options are Jen or Zach, but perhaps you see this playing out differently?

Post those comments …

The Saint August 17, 2007 at 10:28 pm

I think the plan to backdoor Jen will likely backfire this week and yes Eric will finally take part in a PoV

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Tony V August 17, 2007 at 10:38 pm

I would love for Amber OR Jameka to go!! They have been straight out lying to Dick and Daniele for the past 24 hours!! I loved it when Jameka and Amber tried to tell Dick that Daniele was not their initial target. Also, I loved how Amber “consoled” Dani when she was struggling with slop. Further, I remember when Dick was on the block and he wanted to have a civil conversation with Jameka and she wanted nothing to do with him. What has changed?? Why are they so open to the Donatos now!!?!!? They are hypocrites and need to go. I neither one wins the POV.

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Lisa August 17, 2007 at 11:33 pm

Tony I’m there with ya!!! On the same page – since from the beginning!

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nancy August 17, 2007 at 11:45 pm

Both Jameka and Amber are seriously at the breaking point. Jameka has a positive outlook? How delusional can she be? Forget it . She is completely out of touch with reality. Amber is a basket case. I really think they both need medical attention. This is not sarcasm. I think that there should be some real concern and even an intervention.

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Brandon August 18, 2007 at 12:01 am

I think to backdoor someone is as Dustin says “sheisty” Jen should at least be able to participate in the P.O.V if she is the target. Dani would be also going back on her word. In the round room she told Jen she had her back, but who knows I hope Jen stays and quote from ED to cut the fat from the group.

. P.S. Im Christian and I even want to see the bible belt go lol


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Lisa August 18, 2007 at 12:30 am

Don’t forget that Jen outright LIED about Dick and Danielle having a “deal” with Dusting – that was HUGE and the determining reason for Danielle and Dick to get rid of her.

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jersyjoe August 18, 2007 at 12:39 am

hopefully ms cry baby
amber goes straight to her gay boy friend
and we dont see her till the end of the show
she can then cry her eyes out and no one cares

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Diane August 18, 2007 at 12:41 am

I feel Amber needs to Go as well, however I have to wonder what is going to become of this girl once the show is over with? She is a very unstable person, whom should never have been placed on the show in the first place. She is going to be so overwhelmed by all the negative media coverage( which she has brought all on her self) her family may find her curled up in a corner somewhere, playing patty-cake with a make believe friend. I even read on another site where some of the bloggers said they hope she commits suicide…what in the heck is wrong with some people. I am no Amber fan by any means but for god sake, she does need some serious help, but to wish someone would die is just sick! Thank God nobody here talks such craziness…it’s one of the reason I keep coming back time after time…you people rock!

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Ronjj August 18, 2007 at 1:25 am

I have just listened on Showtime to the bullshit Eric has been handing out to Jameka and Amber. He is so sleazy that he could actually sell condoms to the Pope. It looks like Amber bought his line of crap. She is still naive and has not learned any lessons from this week’s backstabbing by Eric. I am not sure Jameka buys it. Eric is a backstabber, a lowlife, and a total liar.

I personally do not want to see either Amber or Jameka go home. I would love to see Eric backdoored and sent home.

If this is not possible, than my vote goes to Zach who has been totally useless since day one.

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Lisa August 18, 2007 at 1:31 am

yeah, Ronjj, but remember that Danielle and Dick promised Eric and Jessica their allegiance to the final four if they would agree to get rid of Dustin.

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Lisa August 18, 2007 at 2:06 am

Did anyone hear about Eric doing nude jumping jacks for the ladies this morning?? I mean – YUK!!!!!!!!!!!! Jessica seems to be giving him the cold shoulder this evening.

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Staci August 18, 2007 at 3:36 am

I think if there is a backdoor in the game’s future this week–then it makes sense to put Jen upon the block; she is a strong player. However, I would love to see Amber leave. I am tired of her tears and would like to see Jameka and she split.

I am an E.D. fan — so I would like to see him go all the way in this game. He’s the one we love to hate, right?

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Staci August 18, 2007 at 3:39 am


I did hear about the jumping jacks for the ladies–double yuck–PAAAAAALEASE!
I think that he got carried away with his self proclaimed “ladies man” status.


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Brandon August 18, 2007 at 4:34 am


you are right, however Danielle had no problem from that night before asking her dad if there is a chance they could Jen up on the block instead of Dustin

plus not to mention Jen voted to keep him which was the deciding vote so… thats puts her back to ok with me. Dont know about you guys??

Since there is so few people in the house there is a good chance she will play in the POV snd she is not dumb she knows she needs to win it. Also, her odds are better that you think. ditto you guys ROCK!!!

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Beth August 18, 2007 at 5:42 am

Daniele never promised Jen she would have her back to the end of the game- she did tell Zach this, however. She had Jen’s back for the week and I think that’s as far as that promise went. Jen certainly hasn’t been loyal in any sense to Daniele-even though she said she would, more so after Dick left. So, I see no problem with Daniele backdooring her. My problems with this though revolve around the fact that both Eric and Jessica would nominate Dick and Daniele in a heartbeat- and D&D could possibly sway Jen for a vote. Zach, on the other hand, even though Daniele promised she’d have his back to the end, can’t be counted on for votes since he’s stuck up Jessica’s butt.

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L August 18, 2007 at 6:50 am

I would like to see Amber go too. Jameka makes no differance since she can’t win HOH, for now anyway. Love or hate Eric, he does give the public some kind of say in the game and so far has done a reasonable job with the voting tasks, He is why Dustin is gone and I would hate to see him go now that we are getting down to the nitty gritty. it is an odd number vote this week and who knows, we could have the america’s choice go home with Eric’s swing vote……

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Lauren August 18, 2007 at 7:19 am

My guess is that Jen will win PoV. I just have a feeling.

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christina August 18, 2007 at 7:36 am

I think it would be a good idea to send Amber home. Breaking up the the Bible belt. Since Jameka can’t partcipate in the HoH it might be better to keep her for a few weeks.

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Rocklives August 18, 2007 at 8:03 am

Maybe Amber should go home to her kid. For some weird reason I am starting to like Jen!?

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Nicole August 18, 2007 at 8:18 am

I will be happy to see either Jameka or Amber go this week. And then get rid of the other one next week.

I like Jen. She takes ALOT of crap from ED (especially if you read the live feed recaps), and she just lets it roll off her. She plays the “game”, and doesn’t take it personally, like Jameka and Amber do.

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Niki August 18, 2007 at 8:20 am

Eric is disgusting! Do you see those eyes bug out and those eyebrowns get all pointy like the devil when he’s in the DR – it’s pretty scary !!! I think he’s way off about his ladies man status.
I think they need to get rid of Amber. Or Zach – Then let someone else go after Jen. If Daniele goes back on her word to Jen now she will lose all the votes since the future evictees will sit in paradise and talk about her and how she lied. At least now she’s been pretty honest.
Jameka can go in 2 weeks since she still can’t play for HOH. Stupid to vote her out right now.
It’s getting interesting now!

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Donna Rose August 18, 2007 at 8:29 am

Send Amber to the sequester house to cry on Dustin – then send Jameka out next week. Those girls are such bad players! They are not tough enough to stay in this game.

Did anyone else notice how well Eric was able to walk in those pumps? I mean, no one called him out about it, but most men would be wobbling all over the place, especially on carpet, but Eric was as comfy as RuPaul. And when Jess flirts with him, he’s all game. I think he needs to come out already.

I’d still love to see D&D in the final two! I just love ’em! =^^=

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Mickey August 18, 2007 at 9:13 am

Needs to be Amber this week, Jen next week, and Jameka the 3rd week. No deviations except to switch Jen and Amber in the event that one of them wins the PoV.

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John August 18, 2007 at 9:29 am

::SIGH:: I am still depressed over Thursday night. All that work on clues and sayings, and it was for naught.

Let’s hope the backdoor policy works this week, tho I agree Jen will be shocked and depressed. Almost as much as Jameeka is now.

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Celeste August 18, 2007 at 9:40 am

As much as I don’t like people being backdoored, I think Jen is a strong player and should be voted out now while they have the chance. I don’t think that Amber is strong enough to win HOH and she or Jameka can go home next week.

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Ronjj August 18, 2007 at 9:41 am

Reading many of these blogs, I find it interesting to see how many women actually like Dick. He is abusive to women, bullies them, degrades them, and in the case of Jen, has assulted her with the iced tea. He has been alienated from his daughter and has gone through two wives. Some guy!!!!

I don’t understand it. Women complain about abusive men, yet when they see one in action on television they all think he is wonderful.

Something to ponder.

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Ronjj August 18, 2007 at 9:48 am

Going back and reading today’s post, I am not sure how unexpedted Daniele’s nominations for the block are. Her father wants these two women out of the house and she is just doing his bidding. She is not the person she claims to be – independent of her father. I still think she is basically afraid of him and will do anything he asks of her.

Something was mentioned by Dick on the Showtime feed last night and I am not sure what it was about. He said something about outside information leaking in about Daniele’s so called boyfriend. Does anyone know what that is about.

Her boyfriend is a fool if he stays true to her. With her relationship with Nick and her still carrying on about him, how could he possibly trust her any longer? I think Daniele’s behavior is an insult to her boyfriend and he should consider getting rid of her if he has not already done so. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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Marie August 18, 2007 at 10:00 am

hopefully the houseguests will send amber or jameka to sequester. i really dislike these two.

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Darlene August 18, 2007 at 10:44 am

Hey Ronjj…just a thought
Women have been attracted to the ‘Bad Boys’ for centuries. Why? We think we can change them and make them all better. If we just nurture them properly, all their bad habits will disappear. Does it ever happen? Probably, but with Dick…..hmmmm?!?!

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Alexandra Erickson August 18, 2007 at 11:02 am

DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And who didnt know that?????????????????????????

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Donna Rose August 18, 2007 at 11:10 am

The reason I like Dick is because he expresses himself! So many men today are so wimpy and “metrosexual” that they are a bunch of girlie men. Dick can be abusive but consider the sources and consider how, why and when he has outbursts and toward whom. Jameka deserved everything she got from Dick and so did Jen for her own arrogance and superior attitude toward others at the time he poured the tea on her. Plus the rumor was that they actually had a deal back then, so it was probably an act anyway. I like Dick a lot. I like anyone who tells it like it is and doesn’t hold anything back in order to be politically correct. Wimpiness and desperation (Amber) is unattractive no matter what gender you are. I’d rather be “played” by Dick than stabbed by Eric. =^^=

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Ronjj August 18, 2007 at 11:18 am

Sorry, Donna Rose, no woman deserves to be verbally abused. I don’t buy your argument.

I have too much respect for my wife and other female friends to find Dick’s antics entertaining.

I think he is disgusting and his behavior toward the women on the show is unacceptable – even for high ratings for CBS.

People like Don Imus and Howard Stern are constantly being censured for their behavior, yet the network is allowing Dick’s behavior to continue. It is wrong.

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Donna Rose August 18, 2007 at 11:45 am

So it’s okay with you for the women to be verbally abusive towards Dick, or men in general for that matter, and he’s (they’re) supposed to just lie down and take it? They don’t have the right to verbally defend themselves? They should just walk away and let abusive women walk all over them? If a woman called your wife, mother and daughter heinous names, you’d be okay with that? I completely disagree with you. So we should agree to disagree. You seem like a really sensitive guy, very kind hearted, and I appreciate & respect that. My husband is lot like that, but I still like Dick and so does he. Verbal abuse works both ways. The game will play out as it will. =^^=

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Marie August 18, 2007 at 12:26 pm

Donna Rose, about your comment about Eric in pumps and all that, on the Thursday episode, when Jess was TOTALLY HITTING ON ERIC in the HOH bed, he didn’t do anything!! Just sayin’…

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Justin August 18, 2007 at 12:29 pm

for those who find dicks antics fun and entertaining there’s another show you would like.. jerry springer

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Brenda August 18, 2007 at 12:33 pm

Send Amber home this week so Jamika has be squirm for a few days. She is so fake and does not know what being a good Christian is. She uses the Bible to try and scare the others into thinking she has “POWER”, that’s not how God works.
Amber is just a big baby and cries to get people feeling sorry for her, get a backbone and GROW UP! Trying to backdoor Jen at this point would backfire. She is on Dick and Dani side at this point so keep her on board. Hope Jen or Dick win POV.

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scooterzz August 18, 2007 at 1:03 pm

ronjj— i couldn’t agree with you more…and what i don’t understand is how he’s gotten away with it (maybe sooner can chime in here…he seems to have a pretty good handle on what’s going on)……while the verbal lines seem to have been crossed by almost all the houseguests, the ice tea incident was an aggressive physical attack directed from a male to a female….. ‘physical’ being the operative word here….in any other season, the guy would have been bounced…… it’s hard to consider any game legit when rules get bent on a whim……

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Bones August 18, 2007 at 1:14 pm

Jem is no threat for now since she can’t compete in HOH. I say give Amber something to cry about. Once the “God Squad” is broken up Jem will be all by herself.

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soonerryan August 18, 2007 at 1:25 pm

Scooterzz — In year’s past, the tea over the head thing could have had Dick kicked out, no doubt. However, it was borderline, not like he hit her. To put it conversely, Jen could have poured tea over Dick’s head, and we would have all said, “Dude, he had that comin'” …

Nevertheless, Dick said he heard it from the producers for doing that, that he got a warning of some sort. Truthfully, I think Dick is one wrong move from a penalty nom or forced eviction, but then again, his behavior is way better over the past seven days than it was the last 20, so let’s see if that holds up …

And for other posters, for the last time, the producers aren’t keeping him in the house for BIG RATINGS. This show does not get big ratings. It’s gets above-average summer ratings, which pale in comparison to most any show airing in the fall …

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Ronjj August 18, 2007 at 1:27 pm

Justin, I totally agree. BB has become a prime time Jerry Springer Show.

Scooterzz, you are absolutely correct. In any given situation, what Dick did to Jen is assault, pure and simple. How he got away with it is beyond me. Ratings this season seem to be the prime target of CBS.

My interest in this show is certainly diminishing.

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Ronjj August 18, 2007 at 1:30 pm


I also thought the same thing about Eric and the heels. First of he, he mentioned a few nights ago that his shoe size is a 10. Where did they just happen to find a pair of woman’s heels that size. They seemed to fit rather well. His ability to navigate in them was amazing. My wife told me that heels that size take some getting used to. He did so rather quickly.

Eric is getting stranger and stranger by the day. He is a pathetic little man with an ego the size of the planet. Too bad he doesn’t realize what the outside world thinks of him right now. I would not want to be him returning to NYC after he gets eventually thrown out of the house. Who would even hire him for a job after this?

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Bruiser August 18, 2007 at 1:40 pm

Dick is King . All others will fall !

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Donna Rose August 18, 2007 at 2:03 pm

LOL Marie! My thoughts exactly. Here she is saying, “These are boobs,” and he’s barely noticing and talking game. This game is so funny, not for the weak of heart. All complaints about Dick should be directed to CBS just after you switch channels and stop supporting the show by watching. Don’t like it? Don’t look. =^^=

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mdlady August 18, 2007 at 2:23 pm

has anyone else noticed that the reviled daniele and dick kept their word to jessica and eric but same jessica and eric were plotting to try and get dick and daniele back on the hotseats w/o them, eric and jessica, being blamed for it. talk about sleazebags!

i hope jameka gets the ax this week, amber next week, zach the following week and then jen.

the last four would make a very interesting ending to this very interesting year.

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Jess5644 August 18, 2007 at 3:04 pm

so why didnt they talk about the chess pieces thing that everyone was talking about, on Thursday nights show?

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Kool-Aid Man August 18, 2007 at 3:10 pm

Hi, I lurk a lot but I don’t generally post; I just want to give my two cents:

I have noticed that there are a fair amount of people that like both Dick and Daniele, but on the other side of the spectrum is the group that dislikes them. I find it odd because it seems to me that most poeple that hate Dick are guys, saying that he shouldn’t disrespect women, and most of the women like him just fine. I’m a guy, I should just point that out.

I do not consider Dick’s behavior abusive by any means. How often do you see people asking him to stop? They antagonize him by ignoring him and laughing about it, why should he stop? They obviously don’t care, so neither should he. As for Dick pouring tea on Jen, I would hardly consider that “assault” — honestly, it’s tea, not anthrax. That may have been crossing the line a bit but I feel it can hardly be considered abuse.

I’ve also seen on another board people that claim Dick is manipulating his daughter to win the game, a prospect that I also find a ludicrous. I am not trying to defend all of Dick’s actions, but I think he gets a lot of garbage. He’s been estranged from his daughter for several years and he’s gone through two wives, does that make him a terrible person? You don’t know the situations behind each instance — according to Dick’s son, he’s just swell and he wants nothing more than to see his father and his sister to rekindle their lost relationship. Dick acts a bit juvenile but seriously, it’s a game, they know they’re being watched, and nobody is being their true self.

On the other side of the fence is Amber and Jameka. I am appauled by their behavior in every way and think that they are much more offensive than Dick. I am a Christian to the core, but the way that they treat religion is atrocious. Not only do they use their Christianity as a crutch, but they use it offensively against their other houseguests. Both of them need to go, but I would rather see Amber go first because she’s a bit more fake than Jameka, I think. I hope Amber and Jameka both lose PoV so they can send her packing; I don’t think it’s a good time to backdoor Jen just yet, because Daniele and Dick should wait a bit longer to ensure allegiance from Jessica and Eric; though Eric’s allegiance only means so much due to his America’s Player status.

Sorry for the long rant, just wanted to comment on a few things! As you can probably tell, I’m for Dick all the way. Sure, he uses fear and intimidation as strategy, and many people might be offended by that. Certain people in the house don’t buy it, but others are susceptible to it.

Oh, one last thing. I don’t really think Daniele is afraid of her father in the house, and I also don’t think she’s just doing his bidding. Remember two weeks ago when she was HoH — it was her idea initially to backdoor Eric, not Dick’s. She has a mind of her own, it’s just that Dick and Daniele agree on many things. I don’t think we should fault her for that.

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Lauren August 18, 2007 at 3:40 pm


Why do you spend so much time trying to convince people from their own opinions?

Why do you spend so much time criticizing other people? People who you don’t know. I would say to you that that trait is not very attractive either.

Get over it. You don’t like Dick. Some people do. And that’s fine. Stop trying to convince people of what they like or don’t like. It is none of your business.

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Lauren August 18, 2007 at 3:44 pm

I want to put in my two cents about the iced tea. If I were Jen, I wouldnt view it as assault.

As for myself, I cant say that I’ve never poured beverages on another person…

And I like to throw litter back AT litterbugs.

Quit over-reacting, everyone. You all are way too upset about something that didn’t even involve you.

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Kool-Aid Man August 18, 2007 at 3:45 pm

I agree with you completely, Lauren. I was just trying to say it in a less overt way. šŸ™‚

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Natvtxn August 18, 2007 at 3:53 pm

INTERESTING!? Hmmm… Not sure if that’s a true description of this seasons show. Everyone is enjoying “bashing” players AND bloggers/viewers! Even i’m not immune. E had no trouble “slipping” into pumps. Wow…even i can’t do that. I agree w/ how it is so obvious of the “certain control & manipulation” w/ players (notice Jens hesitation/frustration when she votes?) Votes aren’t accurate. Not shocked but it makes you wonder. Dick was referring to outside influence about Dani’s HOH room not having any pics of Kris. Di saying “they” didn’t have right to portray her relationship w/ Kris that way. To make this “interesting” Dani SHOULD of stayed up all night & done what she really wanted & put up Eric! Or “manipulation” should be used for J/A to shake things for D/D/E/J. Or Eric should “ATTEMPT” to quit being the weasel he is & pull him & Jess out of D/D! (Watching E. droll on and on last night w/ his lies, smacking, giggling, and leering eyes was too much!) Dick would BL0W…interesting?

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Natvtxn August 18, 2007 at 4:11 pm

INTERESTING? D/D still need to go!

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soonerryan August 18, 2007 at 4:26 pm

Donna Rose — Jess was not saying “these are boobs” to get Eric to notice them. She said it because he was practically salivating over them.

Frankly, the notion that being able to walk in pumps makes a dude gay or that his decision not to hump a good-looking chick just because she flirts makes him gay is pretty asinine. The younger houseguests know darn well that their folks are watching, which is a big reason there won’t be any hanky panky or female nudity (outside of Amber) happening …

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Sarbahz August 18, 2007 at 4:31 pm

I’ve got to agree with you, Ronjj. Dick’s behavior is outrageous, and it’s unfortunate that there isn’t a man on the show with the moxy to put him on his ass during his abusive tirades.

And this fixation on lying… since when has this been an issue on Big Brother? Everyone has BS’d everyone in every season. Dr. Will built a world of lies, and he is generally considered to be the best player that has ever been on the show [and by the way, there is NO COMPARISON between him and Dick, and if you think so you’ve come unhinged]. Dick goes around lambasting people over their honesty, and yet he lied his ass off to Nick and betrayed him. Remember that one?

I understand that it’s in style now to be an outspoken atheist, to color your hair and stick a bunch of metal in your face, but it’d be nice to think that quality of character still plays some sort of role in how you’re perceived.

And lay off of Eric, Jesus. Yeah, he tells fibs, but he has to because he has to follow every idiotic whim that America sends him. How is he supposed to seamlessly hop around alliances without making things up? I think he’s done an amazing job, especially since he is not free to rely on his own strategies.

But yeah. Amber can go. Sorry, honey, but some Prozac might do you some good. I understand that you miss your kid and your dog, but control yourself, you’re on frickin’ TV.

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Natvtxn August 18, 2007 at 4:32 pm


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soonerryan August 18, 2007 at 4:41 pm

Sarbahz – amen and amen. Now, I do think we can compare Dick to Will right now, but we have to see where Dick finishes. If Dick wins this season, the comparison is 100 percent valid, and it could be said that Dick was the second-best player ever in BB history. If he wins. I don’t think that’s happening though, but it’s not the most ludicrous thing in the world to make that comparison.

I agree with pretty much everything you said except that … now, I haven’t really “gone there” with regard to Eric, but I think about 75 percent of the negative comments about him have been at the core anti-Semitic.

– He’ll do ANYTHING for money
– He’s a little weasel
– He’s got beady little eyes

It’s all the same palaver that would have been used to describe Shylock in the Merchant of Venice. And, it’s pretty much the equivalent of calling Jameka a “ghetto girl,” as some have on this board … For me, personally, once the discussion gets off the game and gets onto these people personally or onto discussions about entire classes or races or faiths of peoples, I lose interest very fast.

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Sarbahz August 18, 2007 at 4:57 pm

The anti-Semitism is certainly there, apparently it’s alright now to slam people as “New York Jews” and whatnot. Love Merchant of Venice, by the way. I hope Eric gets his pound of flesh.

And my respect for Dick as a player went down the tubes last week, when he all but gave up after his nomination. He said he was trying to make people hate him so they would vote him out and not his daughter, but it came off to me as though he was simply giving up and acting out as a child would. The real greats in the game, and stand-up people in general, would not have thrown in the towel like that. If he weren’t there with his daughter he would be gone, and if he and his daughter hadn’t caught a break on the games he would be gone. Everyone in the house hates him. How is this brilliant gameplay?

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Natvtxn August 18, 2007 at 5:06 pm


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Kool-Aid Man August 18, 2007 at 5:14 pm

I don’t think Dick gave up; as soon as Daniele came off the block, he went to work campaigning. It was just more important to him that his daughter say because reconciling their relationship is his primary concern. He didn’t ask to be put in this position with his daughter, did he?

I’m so over all of this inecessant hatred of Dick (not referring to the last poster when I make that statement). I also agree with a few other comments made; the women are just as abusive as he is; it seems nowadays there are more males defending female supremacy than females! From my persepctive, people should receive respect or lack thereof depending on their actions as a person, not their gender. There is a difference between equal treatment and special treatment; both can’t coexist.

So Dick says mean things to some of the girls, and he professes atheism. When Dick makes fun of Jameka and uses his apparently anti-religious comments, he’s just making fun of Jameka, not religion as a whole. I find myself laughing right along with him, and the fact is that he is right. Jameka and Amber are complete hypocrites, who can fault him for saying that? As I previously stated, I’m a Christian, so please don’t think by any means that I’m coming down on religion. Keep in mind that as Christians people should hallow the name of God — Jameka and Amber do just the opposite and it’s people like them that ruin the prospect of Christianity for others like Dick.

One question — does anybody else find Jameka’s prayers odd, i.e. “yes God, love on me God, taste God” ?

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Natvtxn August 18, 2007 at 5:31 pm

I wonder if Dani wins veto if she.ll keep noms the same or if she.ll B/D Eric. I guess we.ll find out!

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discokilla August 18, 2007 at 5:31 pm

Jen is slick, she’s dodged so many bullets so far. I’d really like to see her win HOH and take out Dick and Danielle next week. I think Dick or Danielle will win if they are not split up soon.Dick will sacrifice himself if needed to help his daughter. Jessica will eventually figure out Eric is trying to play her..If Jen and Jessica teamed up they could possibly match the power of Dick and Danielle.The other option of course is that Jen, Jessica,Zach,Jameka and Amber pull together and go after Dick and Danielle and then Eric…probably not though.

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mdlady August 18, 2007 at 5:33 pm

YES kool aid man, i agree w/u re jameka

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discokilla August 18, 2007 at 5:39 pm

I think Amber should play the Dick tactic and sacrifice herself for the team. She needs to breakdown and annoy everyone to death so they vote her off. Jen, jameka and jessika (triple J’s)should form an alliance.They can probably get Zach’s vote too(Jessika can).They need to win HOH and go after Danielle or Dick, without Dick I think Danielle is not strong enough mentally. Eric will be harmless if everyone turns on him and leaves him hanging out to dry.

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Donna Rose August 18, 2007 at 5:51 pm

Hey Kool-Aid man, nice to hear some intelligence here.

In response to you, Ryan, it appeared to me that Eric couldn’t have cared less about Jess’s chest, since all he talked was game. He didn’t look the least bit distracted. His eyes are so wild anyway, who can tell what he focuses on? Besides trying to play his own game, he’s playing for America. No doubt he’s a little freaked. I’ve never cared for Eric because I find him creepy, I couldn’t care less what religion he is or isn’t. As for the pumps, it was simply an observation. Why is it that an observation is suddenly viewed as something else to the PC/Thought Police crowd. Jeez, folks, this is a great game with interesting players all on camera 24/7. I’m sure it’s quite a challenge in that house. I just think that if people out there have such a serious issue with any of the players individually, change the channel. No one is forcing you to watch. In the meantime, I love the show, I love the game, I love the diversity of the players and I enjoy bantering with true fans of the show. =^^=

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sjroadrager August 18, 2007 at 5:56 pm

I believe word has it that Dani takes Whamber off the block, puts Jen in her place, and Whamber and Dani get somje sort of trip together becasue Dani won POV and Whamber won second prize.

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Piratress August 18, 2007 at 6:29 pm

I think she will keep the noms the same. She got the POV and Amber runner up so they both get the trip outside of the house.

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mattmac August 18, 2007 at 6:40 pm

Tony+Lisa,You talk about lies being told by the bible belt,but lying is what this game is all about.It’s all politricks and if you use abuse,religion,trust,friendship or ruse it’s all the same,gamesmanship.May the smartest win,mattmac

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Dora August 18, 2007 at 6:45 pm

I would find it very funny if the final 2 would be D/D all of the self rightoues ones in the jury house would have to give there votes to someone lol

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Tony V August 18, 2007 at 6:48 pm

I agree Matt, but it seems strange to spread the word one second and lie the next.

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Natvtxn August 18, 2007 at 7:13 pm

Probably so…PIRATRESS. But how “Awkward!?” for it to be those two to go together! Amber better not cop out. Wonder where location is? Movie?

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Evel Dave August 18, 2007 at 7:18 pm

Hi Donna Rose, Thanks for you refreshing comments about men, Iam ebarrassed by Ronjj’s persistant whining, he sounds like he was one of Dustin’s previous flings…….lol. You know guys, next season we ill have a new cast to argue about……

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Kool-Aid Man August 18, 2007 at 8:22 pm

Did I miss something? Since when did Daniele plan to backdoor Eric this week? Lasr I checked she was hoping Amber or Jameka would win PoV so she could backdoor Jen, not Eric.

Oh, and Daniele did win PoV, for those of you who don’t know.

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Kool-Aid Man August 18, 2007 at 8:25 pm

Lying is lying; the fact that it is a game doesn’t justify it as far as Christianity is concerned.

Rupert (from Survivor) never lied, and he still ended up walking away with $1,000,000. šŸ™‚

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Donna Rose August 18, 2007 at 8:26 pm

Hi Evel Dave, thank you so much! Yes, next season will be a HOOT to be sure since this one is so much fun! And I thought nothing could beat the All Star Season last year! Go D&D!!! =^^=

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Vivian August 18, 2007 at 8:56 pm

Ronjj, I whole-heartedly agree with you 100%. Thanks for saying what you did. Dick is horrible and everyone’s acceptance of him as “good t.v.” is embarrassing. I am afraid we are to immune to things and it is frightening. As I have said, I have watched this show since the beginning and get into it as much as the rest, but what he says and does is unacceptable. Thanks for standing up for us ladies.

P.S. I know I am late in the game with my comments, just rereading them.

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Kool-Aid Man August 18, 2007 at 9:01 pm

I don’t necessarily like Dick because he is “good TV”, I like him because he’s honest and says what he thinks without letting manipulators and liars such as Amber and Jen take advantage of him. Eric has previously said that he is appauled by Dick’s actions and statements, but in reality I think it’s evident that he’s just trying to get the women on his side by manipulating them (keep in mind he was willing to hold Amber’s personal information against her without a thought).

As many of us Dick supporters have previously stated, the women are just as abusive as he is but in different ways. Sorry to say it, but I don’t believe women are any more deserving of respect than men.

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Kool-Aid Man August 18, 2007 at 9:22 pm

One more thing for now — I can’t help but think that there is a certain degree of hypocrisy attached to a lot of these anti-Dick remarks. They all involve the “terrible way that he treats women” and whatnot, but seriously, look at the whole picture.

The way that Dick treated Dustin, in my opinion, is a lot worse than he has treated anybody else. He stole his stuff, wore some of it around, made fun of him to the same degree as he did Jameka and Amber, among other things.

That being said, I can’t help but feel like some of you wouldn’t care what Dick said if it was to other men, but since he’s often volatile towards the women it matters all of a sudden. I just view that as a terrible double standard.

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scooterzz August 18, 2007 at 9:25 pm

donna rose– many of us have been very careful to point out that what we’ve posted is just an opinion and, as such, is what you might consider ‘bantering with true fans of the show’….. you seem to think that criticism of anyone you support is indicative of not supporting the show and those who disagree with you should ‘change the channel’…. how would you feel if every time you made a disparaging eric remark, someone suggested you turn off your tv….. i think it’s very sweet that all you dick lovers have bonded but there’s room here for opinions of every sort…. knowing how much you appreciate ed’s ‘honesty’, i’m sure that you’ll take this in the spirit it’s intended…..

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beta August 18, 2007 at 9:54 pm

I ditto Diane’s comments at the top. I hope the show will provide Amber with a counseling opportunity, I’m getting worried she will hit the ice or pipe or whatever when she gets off of this show. Especially when she read some of the things people has said about her. I hope her love for her daughter will help her stay strong and straight. I don’t criticize or critique how other people pray, their relationship with God is a personal one and I may not be capable of understanding their personal communications with Him. Wouldn’t it be interesting in Dani backdoored Eric????? Wouldn’t surprise me one bit, I mean really, Dustin was his saving grace would YOU trust him in an alliance… even a short one?

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discokilla August 18, 2007 at 9:55 pm

I think Daniele bothers me more than Dick. Dick has told everyone in the house that the reason he says that stuff is that’s his game. (How many of America’s beloved athletes say horrible things to their opponents during a game to get inside their head’s, it’s a proven tactic.) Daniele is FAKE! She smiles when her dad picks on the other players and then goes and cries to them about how she has no control over his actions. I cannot believe anyone would buy anything she says. She comes off as a spoiled brat, when she cries it seems soooo fake. I really want to see Jessica and Jen team up and pull Jameka or Amber in too. They can get Zach’s vote and break up the spoiled brat and the Tommy Lee wanna-be once and for all and leave Eric on his own hanging in the wind. Come on’s a good plan!

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Brian August 18, 2007 at 10:27 pm

Amber will leave on Thursday, then Jen will win HOH and put up Dick and Dani after making the deal of a lifetime with Eric and Jessica. Dick will be evicted and the final four after Zach accepts $25,000 to walk out of the house and Jameka getting evicted the following week will be Eric, Jessica, Dani and Jen. Dani wins Hoh for a third time and puts up Jen and Eric. Jessica votes to evict Jen and then there are three. Eric is finally allowed to win the final HOh copetition and sends Dani home and the final two are Eric and Jessica. Jessica wins Big Brother 8.

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Angel August 18, 2007 at 10:35 pm

My dad poured a glass of water over my head at the dinner table when I was 5 because I wouldn’t be quiet. Was that assault?

I think Eric has done a great job as America’s Player. Not too happy about how he handle Amber’s secret and sometimes you don’t have to lie, ya know, but it’s not just about being handed your decisions and not thinking for yourself in terms of game play. If anything it’s made it harder for him to play the game, since he’ll have an idea of how he wants to run his strategy and then America hands him a big ol’ curve ball. He has to roll with it and try to make it work. His game is 10 times harder because of that.

I think this past week was intense and it’s pretty cool to think that the “America’s Player” votes chose who was evicted, because if not, the numbers would have gone the other way probably without Eric championing the movement. It was incredible when Dick actually had the nerve to approach Eric about an alliance after they’ve spent the last couple of weeks at each others’ throats. Brilliant. I think we have a house full of sharks circling each other.

Best. Episode. Ever.

I watched the Showtime feed last night for the first time (I fell asleep some time between 2 and 3 though) and was irritated when the camera stuck with Eric and Amber for soooooo long continuously, especially when he kept repeating himself. I was like, isn’t ANYBODY doing SOMETHING interesting SOMEWHERE else??? I hope Miss Cry Baby goes home this week. I can’t stand her.

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lexi August 18, 2007 at 10:36 pm

I wonder why not all of the evicted houseguests were told about America’s Player. Makes me wonder if they plan to bring those people back?? Thoughts?

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Donna Rose August 18, 2007 at 10:43 pm

Hey Kool-Aid…you’re the man! Dick is honest, shoots from the hip and doesn’t leave a bunch of question marks in the air like some others. I like that. You know where you stand and you’re right…abuse comes in all colors and all genders and it’s not here that it should be taken. Folks need to get over it and get on with the show! It’s a show, it’s a game. Scooterzz, whatever, there’s room for everyone here. It should never get personal and I didn’t start it, just responded to the posts. But there are a lot of people who don’t “get” the game and who’ve never seen anything but this season or a few episodes. The bonding that goes on here is Big Brother bonding, that’s it. Sorry if you don’t get it or don’t like it. Careful? LOL, you have a great sense of humor! Maybe I don’t “get” your spirit and it doesn’t matter anyway! There’s a lot to be said for people who’ve seen more than just these programs and more than just this season. =^^=

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Natvtxn August 18, 2007 at 11:04 pm

OK…BETA, Best Comment Yet! Winner of GP of Bloggers! Comments made about Dick (& Dani) deserving respect are so hypocritical. You get what you give. People should receive respect or lack thereof depending on if its warrented or not. Viewers who proclaim Christianity? Hmmm…comments contradict. Mine is personal & can be shown by my actions but i screw up all the time. Thats the great thing about Grace. But dont you just hate “preaching” for BB8? Another contradiction! But who are we kidding? They ALL have issues (don’t we all?) They will get a chance to “look in the mirror” choose to change and hopefully some will be offered assistance. AGAIN this is a GAME! Scheming…planning…risking & competing as a form of play or amusement. SO…Dani…scheme away and put up Eric. Let’s put back some GAME!!

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scooterzz August 18, 2007 at 11:09 pm

donna rose— i’ve watched every season of bb and, because i have showtimetoo, this is the first season i’ve not subscribed to the live feed (that would really be too much…i’d never get any work done)….the main reason i come here is to get live feed updates that many of you are kind enough to post….. also, i’m a fan of sooner’s pop culture blog…..

angel— i know where you’re coming from but you need to look up ‘assult’ in the dictionary…..yeah, dad (like ed) was guilty (actually, guilty of ‘battery’ as well)…but there’s the issue of ‘context’….ed isn’t jen’s dad………

anyway, my (apparently lost) point was that a tad more respect/tolerance might be nice when posting opposing opinions……just a thought……

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Kool-Aid Man August 18, 2007 at 11:21 pm


1. a sudden, violent attack; onslaught: an assault on tradition.
2. Law. an unlawful physical attack upon another; an attempt or offer to do violence to another, with or without battery, as by holding a stone or club in a threatening manner.
3. Military. the stage of close combat in an attack.
4. rape1.
Ć¢ā‚¬ā€œverb (used with object)
5. to make an assault upon; attack; assail.


That being said, I would not consider Dick’s pouring tea on Jen assault. I suppose that some people might consider what he did an “attack”, but I would probably have to disagree, and it’s a lose comparison at best.

Unless, of course, you’re implying that he raped her with the tea, or that this was some sort of violent tea that caused serious harm to her. (In order to be considered violence, it would have to constitute the intention of hurting the “victim” or physical force.)

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scooterzz August 18, 2007 at 11:36 pm

jeeze, now you’re just being stubborn……’an unlawful physical attack’…….where were you raised!?!…… it was physical…it was unlawful….it was an attack……if you did it to me in a bar (and i didn’t kick the s**t out of you) i could have you charged…it’s a fact…….granted, it’s small time but a point could be made……

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Kool-Aid Man August 18, 2007 at 11:39 pm

I’m not trying to be disrespectful so I apologize if my tone in that last post was a bit harsh. I do not consider it physical; I believe that it would have to involve physical contact (which it did not) to be considered a physical attack. If I did that to you in a bar, I don’t think you could have me charged, to be honest. I could be thrown out of the bar and charged with something silly like disturbing the peace maybe, but assault? I don’t think so; granted, I could be wrong I suppose.

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scooterzz August 18, 2007 at 11:48 pm

there’s nothing wrong with your tone and no apology is necessary……but until a lawyer chimes in here we’ll just have to agree to disagree……
that being said……if tonight’s showtime feed continues as it is, i will be joining all y’all on the dark side as i pray for the demise of amber & jameka …….. even a softy, left-wing liberal can only take so much of this……….

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Natvtxn August 19, 2007 at 12:33 am

Water…tea…shampoo…gasoline? Personal space is personal space. Still is an act of disrespect. Semantics. Fine line…not out of character for those who choose to take the game there.

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Long Beach August 19, 2007 at 12:34 am

I want Jameka to go because she’s annoying, but strategically that’s stupid since she can’t even participate in HoH. I want Amber to go as well because she’s also annoying and pretty much a Chameleon. Honestly, I don’t know why Daniele wants Jen out so bad. I mean yeah they have their differences, but it just makes more enemies for Daniele. ( I doubt Jameka, Dustin, Amber, and Jen will vote for Daniele if they are on the Jury.)

So I guess my choice is Amber.

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TJ August 19, 2007 at 1:26 am

I love the people bashing Eric for his “backstabbing moves.” Ronnjj do you not realize he doesnt get to pick who to vote for, he is sent the task of trying to get rid of the person America assigns him to. Whether you like him or not, the fact hes still even in this game is a amazing, because hes playing in the toughest position. Dick would be out of the house right now if it wasnt for America… but Dick thinks its because he made an alliance, Eric had to make the alliance because he knew what America was going to say.

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Angel August 19, 2007 at 1:50 am

scooterzz said, on August 18, 2007 @ 11:09 pm:

“angelĆ¢ā‚¬ā€ i know where youĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢re coming from but you need to look up Ć¢ā‚¬ĖœassultĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢ in the dictionaryĆ¢ā‚¬Ā¦..yeah, dad (like ed) was guilty (actually, guilty of Ć¢ā‚¬ĖœbatteryĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢ as well)Ć¢ā‚¬Ā¦but thereĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢s the issue of Ć¢ā‚¬ĖœcontextĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢Ć¢ā‚¬Ā¦.ed isnĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢t jenĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢s dadĆ¢ā‚¬Ā¦Ć¢ā‚¬Ā¦Ć¢ā‚¬Ā¦”

I loved how you misspelled “assault” when you told me to go look it up. Ha! I had to go check my post to make sure I didn’t misspell it. But I didn’t.

Oh, and since you didn’t know where I was coming from, I was being facetious about the idea that the pouring a drink over someone’s head is assault, which was suggested by the poster Ronjj on August 18, 2007 @ 1:27 pm:

“Scooterzz, you are absolutely correct. In any given situation, what Dick did to Jen is assault, pure and simple. How he got away with it is beyond me. Ratings this season seem to be the prime target of CBS.”

Obviously, I don’t think my dad assaulted me by pouring a glass of water over my head. The idea is silly. It is, however, extremely rude and over the line in this case, which is why E.D. got a talking-to from the showrunners and not kicked out. He got a warning. What he’s guilty of is harassment. But I still like the guy. Craziness!

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Jewels August 19, 2007 at 6:20 am

I think the final two will be Danielle and Jen. Dick will take himself out of the running before final two. He”l do his best to make sure Danielle is set to win and then he’ll go. BUT it will backfire and Jen will get the votes from the house. What do you think…..
As far as integrety goes, “she lied, he lied, they are hypocrites….” I think all that goes out the window when you agree to go on the show. I’m going to let you film me in a house for 3 months, away from all the people I love and who rely on me, so I can publically humiliate them, for the chance to duke it out with complete strangers for money. Yeah, who does that? So far the only BB player that managed to keep his integrety in all the seasons was Kasar and look where that got him.

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Evel Dave August 19, 2007 at 7:43 am

To all the people upset over Dick’s “iced tea” assault of Jen, I have a question,
If a bird passes gas on your windowsill, does it give you the shudders?

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discokilla August 19, 2007 at 8:09 am

I thought the tea thing was really funny but I also think it crosses the line. I’m not saying he should be kicked off but I’m not lying when I say I’ve seen a girl arrested at a bar for throwing a drink on someone. If Jen would have slapped him back would she be justified? I think it took a lot of control on her part not to lash back at him.Dick and Daniele have run this house too long. If the other players were smart they would all put their differences aside and just go after them.

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Natvtxn August 19, 2007 at 10:28 am

Agree Discokilla. Note Eric’s CONCERN for saying “F/U America” If he could only try to think b/f he speaks! Know he.s under pressure! Well, we knew who he really meant!? Wonder if Dani will “shake it up?” Zack kissing her #ss is so nauseating!

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Kate August 19, 2007 at 10:35 am

Hi Scooter. You asked for a lawyer to “chime in” regarding your dispute with Kool-Aid so I am here to inform you that your analysis is legally incorrect. Although, there are several possible analyses for assault, I will attempt to boil it down for you in the simplest terms. For this situation to be considered a simple assault, Dick would have had to “attempt by physical menace to put Jen in fear of imminent serious bodily injury” [Black’s Law Dictionary]. In this instance, the events prevent you from effectively making your case. Dick poured the iced tea and walked away (i.e. no intent to maintain physical menace). Dick did not put Jen in fear (i.e. she handled it with calmness and grace according to most viewers). Finally, iced tea cannot (except in some unusual circumcumstance involving some type of freak allergy???) cause a serious bodily injury. However, you may be able to make out a case for battery if you can show that dumping the iced tea was an offensive “touching” of Jen by Dick, but it may be necessary to hire a Johnny Cochran protege to make the argument for you.

So there you have it. There is no need to thank me as it was my pleasure. Also, for those of you who are wondering how I have the time not only to read these blogs, but also now to post to them if I am a lawyer, I will explain as follows. I have been a BB fan since I was in school and had my summers off. I will begin my career at a firm downtown in September at which time I may have to give up my dedication to the show. Thanks for reading.

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Marie August 19, 2007 at 11:40 am

Okay well if people think Dick assaulted Jen with the pouring of the tea, then didn’t Eric assault Jen as well, when he got all up in her personal belongings and poured mustard on her shirt?

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Marie August 19, 2007 at 11:41 am

Oops, I meant to say “personal space and her belongings”…oops!

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Gump August 19, 2007 at 12:16 pm

The bottom line on Dick: If you you don’t appeciate him, you’re prudish and/or phony. ED is all about honesty and not taking bull. This makes honest people feel vindicated and phony people uncomfortable. The only time that Dick has gone off is when people have been lying or flip-flopping on their word. Refreshing. In the real world, being PC and/or phony is necessary to survive. You can’t speak your mind all of the time or you alienate everyone because everyone has character flaws to exploit. In Dick’s case, no Dani or wife for years. Know the difference between abuse and raw candor. Look it up.

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Rocklives August 19, 2007 at 12:40 pm

evel’s joke made me laugh and koolaid, I am so glad to here about rupert winning on survivor. That’s cool, he was a nice guy. Still think zach should get backdoored. Anybody watching those live feeds? Anything happening?

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cpsassy August 19, 2007 at 12:42 pm

know what? It amazes me just how you can hate Dick . He is true to his character, whether good or bad, why judge him? Who is so perfect that they can actually criticize another? Take the mote out of your eye first !!!

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Evel Dave August 19, 2007 at 1:14 pm

Off topic but:

I didn’t know that Rupert won on Survivor?, I did kinda lose interest in the show, I record it on the DVR and then delete it episode by episode as I need the room, lol I am pretty sure he lost on his 1st try, then came back as an all star, did he win then? Please let me know ,thanks. Oh btw, here is a virtual ice tea bombardment for Ronjj…lol

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Piratress August 19, 2007 at 1:18 pm

I’m not a lawyer; however, have written for television. I can say this…which we all know anyway….that all of the Networks have a team of lawyers and noone is still on the show which could cause legal problems. Too much at risk for the Networks.

As for ‘political correctness’, it just isn’t what it use to be. People have grown weary of having to watch every little word they say in fear of someone slapping them with a lawsuit that they are being racist. That’s playing a way old card now and has lost most of it’s power.

Now, onto another subject. If the HGs are smart, the one person they will not allow to be in the Final Two is Jessica. She has played/is playing a really good game. No real enemies. The girl is smart. She really is not Eric’s lap dog. She’s doing things the right way for now. It would be to her advantage to end up in the F2 with any of the ones left after these next couple of eliminations. I do believe Amber and Jameka will be the next two gone.

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Piratress August 19, 2007 at 1:20 pm

Rupert won as America’s choice. It was a separate vote..contest. That’s how Rupert won his million.

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Evel Dave August 19, 2007 at 1:35 pm

Thank you, Piratress. I remember now, my brain is not what it once was…its actually better,lol. Thanks for the PC refresher….later

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Pat Vasseur August 19, 2007 at 1:45 pm

Now what Daniell won POV so now the ball is really in her court I did not watch but my grandson told me so we will see

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Evel Dave August 19, 2007 at 1:57 pm

Does anyone know of a similar product to Big Brother, US and abroad…tks

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The Saint August 19, 2007 at 1:57 pm

One small comment: people like Dick and wanted to keep him around because of the way he treated people but has anyone else noticed that since forming his “alliance”, he’s became tame? He’s now as “boring” as everyone else thinks the house is since he’s not unleashing attacks on people. Is this what you wanted “America” because you’ve got it!

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Piratress August 19, 2007 at 2:13 pm

Evel D,
You’re welcome.
Rupert opened a camp for needy kids if I remember right…with the money he won.

Dick needs to play it down now for awhile. It’s all a game strategy. He figured he or Dani was on their way out and was the baddest bad ass to keep her in. I don’t think we’ll see him too tame for long.

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A Real Person August 19, 2007 at 3:45 pm

This board should be renamed KKKblog. So much racism and anti-antisemitism, and rooting rooting for the putrid white trash. Riiiight.

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Piratress August 19, 2007 at 4:26 pm

To ‘A Real Person’

The phrase you used…’putrid white trash’…. is what????


It’s racist.

You are guilty of being a racist in the same respect you accuse others of being.

Allow me to cry you a river. Us ‘white folks’ are discriminated against. For real.

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Verbal Kint August 19, 2007 at 4:26 pm

This country is 50% white trash. The same people who love Jerry Springer, George Bush, and parking cars in their lawn, love Evil Dick.

If he pulled any of that crap on any female in my life, I would beat the shit out of him.

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Kool-Aid Man August 19, 2007 at 4:33 pm

Every comment I seen made by “A Real Person” is ridiculously unfair and biased. I completely agree with Piratress, that comment was completely racist. If people recognized racism against whites as aptly as they did against blacks and Latinos, then I dare say that David Duke would be having a holiday.

I know some people have called Jameka “ghetto” and whatnot, but that’s not any more racist (arguably less so) than your putrid white trash comment.

Shame on you. šŸ™

Oh, also, go Dick and Daniele. šŸ˜€

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Nicole August 19, 2007 at 4:47 pm

Anyone else getting sick of all of the Jen bashing by the other HGs?

I was just catching up on the live feeds from overnight, and it seems like all anyone talks about is Jen. Now they are calling her fat.

FAT???? If that’s “fat”, then sign me up!!!

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Kool-Aid Man August 19, 2007 at 4:54 pm

The houseguests this year are really mean, but I guess most of them are like that every year. Season 6 HGs were really bad for instance.

Personally, I have never disliked Jen, but I want to see her go because I think she’s the only HG more popular (from America’s standpoint) than Dick, so I want to see her go in the off chance that they end up on the block against each other, because better her than Dick.

Then again, whether or not backdooring Jen this week is a good idea is in the air. Or maybe I’m just clouded by my intense desire to see Wahmber gone.

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Rocklives August 19, 2007 at 4:54 pm

This is almost better than bb.

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Celeste August 19, 2007 at 4:58 pm

So when is the veto ceremony?

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Eileen August 19, 2007 at 5:21 pm

I posted on an earlier thread about my discomfort with the hate filled/venomous comments being made by some on this blog that carried clearly racist undertones. In my mind these things always escalate and take on a life of their own, very quickly becoming the norm. There is a solution though and each and every one of us is either part of that solution or part of the problem. Our posts will reflect which of those we have chosen as individuals to become. Thus we can be identified not by race, religion, sexual orientation or anything else along those lines but as decent human beings.

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Evel Dave August 19, 2007 at 5:32 pm

Um excuse me, our posts are about the game, or should be. It seems a few people like to read in racism and whatnot to fit their poor worldview. These people slinging about the cries of racism should really stop and examine their lives and do some house cleaning. This is a game, we all know that, we as human beings, are not perfect nor will we ever be. So why don’t you go over to the “world hunger” board and see if you can help out there……Jeez!

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Kathy August 19, 2007 at 5:42 pm

ok, I’ve read the blogs but not commented in few days. I enjoy discussing BB8 with everyone because it is a game. The house is the playing board and the HGs are the pieces. If you listen closely when they talk they all know this. IT”S A GAME!

I’ve not commented lately because alot of those posting are trying to treat this as if were reality and they are becoming very nasty with each other and forgetting about the game.

Let’s talk assault. OK, Dick poured tea on Jen’s head. There was also a rubber band set on the sprinkler of the sink and several people were squirted with water, is that also assault? They have nerf balls in the back yard and at times get them wet and through them at each other, is that assault, because they all seem to be laughing to me. Last night Eric was lying across the table playing quarter football and Jameka came up behind him and started poking him in the poking to make him mess up, is that assault, by the definition of most of the people on this blog, yes. When the pasta bowl competition was completed ALL HGs started throwing the “pasta” at each other, is that assault. PLEASE.

If there were anything dangerous going on CBS would take care of it. (remember when the guy was pulled out of the house for holding a butcher knife over anothers head?)

You know, black, white, brown, purple I don’t care. Male, Female, Gay, Straight, I don’t care. Christian, Jew, Athiest, I don’t care. They are all players in the game. Get past the race and gender garbage and look at them as players, because until the show is over that is what they are. They know it and accept it, why can’t you?

Dick is being agressive as his strategy, intimidation works alot of time for people. Parents do it to their kids to keep them in line, so do teachers, cops, etc. Jameka is trying to use her religion as a strategy, it’s a weak move but it’s hers. God only knows what Amber’s strategy is but it’s hers. Dustin’s aggogance was his, Erick and Zach’s shiftiness is theirs. Jen’s flightiness is hers while Jessican and Dani want to be the smart blondes. It’s their strategy, everyone has their own strategy.

So, after my PERSONAL rant, let’s get back to the game and let’s remember this is a game. YOU are in the real world, they are not. What does it say about each of you when you start making personal comments against each other?? The HGs are doing it in the context of a game, what context are you doing it in?

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Kathy August 19, 2007 at 5:46 pm

By the way, I can spell, just not when the cat jumps on the desk while I’m typing, sorry!!

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Piratress August 19, 2007 at 6:11 pm

My take:

Well…first, I must say Kathy’s cat jump comment is so true. I was LOL at that. Pets. Gotta luv em!

Now, to the Game. At first I didn’t care for Jen. But, she smoothed out and began playing the game. Dick is playing his style. Jen finally saw that getting riled up would play into his hand, so she stopped. Both are great at BB. Either could take the whole shibang this season. And, personally, now that I’ve assessed things, at this point in time, I’d love to see a Dick/Jen F2. Think about it… would that not be good TV?

Amber’s gotta go this time… Please!! Then, Jameka.

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Piratress August 19, 2007 at 6:13 pm

Oh..and, when this season started, I would have never thought I’d say that about Jen.

Right now I’d like to see… Dick/Jen/Jessica/Eric in the F4

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Eileen August 19, 2007 at 6:17 pm

Evel Dave you hit the nail right on the head when you said posts should be about the game. Unfortunately that hasn’t always been the case and that is what I was referring to. That sort of thing gets old really quickly and spoils the “game aspect” that I think most come here for. By the way šŸ˜‰ I do my part for world hunger too.

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Eileen August 19, 2007 at 6:20 pm

Piratress I am with you on Jen. That girl has taken a lot and held up through it all. Still uncertain about my pick for final 2 though.

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Evel Dave August 19, 2007 at 7:01 pm

I agree Dick/Jen would be interesting. Lets take a poll, who was your first episode favorite person in the house? I’m sorry to say I didn’t really like anyone, Dick kinda won me over later, it was due to his “lay it all out there” style, I thought “Hmmm, it could work”. Some pick your first day fav and follow it with your current fav…..

No one/Dick

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Evel Dave August 19, 2007 at 7:02 pm

PS My keyboard sticks…..

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JB August 19, 2007 at 7:59 pm

So……….who’s going to win POV? I know that want to back door Jen, but would love to see Amber leave. Just don’t think I can take much more of the boo hooing………….geez! Give it a rest!

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JB August 19, 2007 at 8:01 pm

ED, Danielle, Eric and Jessica would make a good F4 group. Definitely would get very cut throat. Will be interesting to see what happens when ED finds out that Dani will throw him under the bus……….

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Redarin D August 19, 2007 at 8:05 pm

dave if you are saying what i think youre saying then that’s gross.

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Marie August 19, 2007 at 9:02 pm

Evel Dave, my first favorite was Dustin, but that quickly changed after a week and seeing Evel Dick!

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Marie August 19, 2007 at 9:08 pm

Oh and did anyone hear what Amber was asking on tonights episode?? SHE DIDN”T KNOW WHAT SUPERFICIAL WAS!! Or backdoor, or outed, and there were a couple more but it made me laugh so hard!

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Redarin D August 19, 2007 at 9:22 pm

1. amber thinks she’s hot and has a pretty face and thinks she could be a model.
2. she knew she was going to get the veto.
3.She dropped a bomb about her life to complete strangers in the first week.
4. She thought that her and Nick had something.
5. she was agianst her greatest allie.
6. She made anti-semetic remarks agianst eric but got mad at him before he even told anyone.
7. She decided to save eric who got rid of her biggest allie.
8. She and jameka will never win yet they talk like they conroll things.
9. Chances are she’ll proabably have you laughing at her until she leaves.

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kathy weller August 19, 2007 at 9:44 pm

I vote for Amber (to leave, not stay).

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kathy weller August 19, 2007 at 9:46 pm

Evel Dave to answer your question, I will be honest and tell you that Dustin was my favorite by the end of the first week. During his HOH week, he flipped like a quarter! I did a complete 180…

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Marie August 19, 2007 at 9:56 pm

haha yeah you’re right

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Evel Dave August 20, 2007 at 6:59 am

Redarin D, it was a simple question about your fav people in the house, simple enough?

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Catherine August 20, 2007 at 12:25 pm

first off , i thiink its really funny how people get so sensitive over big brother
i mean its prob. the best reality show ever , but ppl get so defensive when asking a question or replying to one , this is a site directed to ones opion, HEISH lol

but ive said numerous times that eric is my favorite
i mean he is soo good
he only was udner the radar for one week but toher than that i think hes going to go far
esp. with Jessica

honestly i really hope the jen and zach go home soon
they have no point in the show
they are hardly ever shown because nothing goes on with them and no one really likes them

i think eric and jess teaming up with dick and dani is a risky move , but i dont think dick will turn on jess and eric simply for the face that he would be stupid , he has said numerous times that eric is a strong competetor and thinks strategicly and he could use him in the game

AMBER AND JAMEKA , the bible belts .. there boths tupid and anoying
i liked amber and dustin together but as soon as Dustin left Amber got in touch with her religous side ? i never even heard her mention god before then .. shes fake and stupioid

DANIELLE is preety fake and transparent too , but shes pointless i hate her

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