4.5 Hours ‘Til The Vote: How Does It Stack Up?

by soonerryan on August 9, 2007

We’re not far from the live eviction, when somebody’s getting their wish.

Will Lisa and Tony and E Young and Lee be happy when Eric marches out that door? Or will those who support Eric get the last laugh tonight?

This has gone back and forth, back and forth, back and forth again. But right now, as of 12:20 BBT, Eric is staying.

This not through any convincing of his own, either. Zach ain’t voting for him. Jen ain’t voting for him, and I don’t see any way that Dick tries to trick things up by voting for him. So, all of Eric’s arguments fell on deaf ears.

However, Dustin has worked hard to keep Eric here for the sake of attacking Dani and Dick next week. I really think this is strategic on his part and beyond anything signalling a true friendship.

On the other hand, if Eric isn’t evicted, we won’t get to see the houseguests’ surprise when they find out he was America’s Player. We won’t get to see (yet) if there are any conspiracy theories that come to life. I really thought Tony’s comment this morning that Eric might be a paid actor or a CBS employee was pretty astute (I have secretly thought that to be a possibility, as well).

Eric was right-on when he said he was on his eight-and-a-half(th) life. Whether he’s evicted this week or not, he can’t survive another two or three weeks. Because he’s such a big fan of the game, I would like to see him at least get to the sequester house so he can watch the game 24/7 and be as analytical as he’d like.

However, as we all know, this group of houseguests can turn on a dime, and I think they’ll switch positions three or four times before the live vote. And, please join us back here after the show for reactions — ours and YOURS.

Lisa August 9, 2007 at 2:56 pm

Right now as it stands at 12:50 THEIR time, rumor has it that Dustin may flip his vote. Kail was having her usual paranoid conversation with Jen in their room when Jen told Kail that Dustin was flipping his vote. Kail did her usual “Really? NO!! Really?? NOOOOO!!!” . After a few of those Jen looked up at her and said “Yes”! So Kail jumps up immediately, even though Jen was laying there in a lot of pain due to her ears (the directors should have told these people to put protection in their ears when pouring the horrid stuff on themselves last week, because I think Jen has bacteria in her ear and it could get worse – but,hey that’s the mom in me speaking, LOL). Anyway, Kail jumps up and the cameras follow her rushing through the house like a little mouse in panic. She has joined the group in the kitchen eating lunch and cleaning up for tonight – she is doing her usual quivering and shaking her head back and forth trying to figure out what to do and who to talk to – she is SO out of her element!!!! So I’ll keep watching to see if there are solid commitments. ERIC HAS GOT TO GO!!!!

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soonerryan August 9, 2007 at 3:04 pm

You’re the best!!! Almost makes me want to pull for Eric’s eviction so you’ll get your wish LOL! BTW, good point about the ear infection … Jen could get seriously sick from that.

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Lisa August 9, 2007 at 3:31 pm

LOL aww gee!

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Dee Dee August 9, 2007 at 3:40 pm

Eric really should be going. Especially given the fact that Kail can’t even compete for HOH for 5 weeks and has to eat slop on top of that. She is a sitting duck LITERALLY for any other eviction !!

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Tabitha August 9, 2007 at 3:55 pm

Theres 2 possible scenarios that will play out with either eviction tonight.

Scenario 1- Eric goes home and Julie reveals that Eric was working on behalf of the American (and to include me in the mix, Canadian) viewers. They begin to realize that this could be one of many more twists and go back to playing their original games. “Jen and Kail must go!” and for a 4th week in a row, the nominations will be the same = not good TV. All the people voting for Eric’s strategy will stop watching and this seasons a dud.

Scenario 2- Kail goes home, but the house’s equilibrium is off. Sure, she was the nomination for 3 full weeks, but the controversy with Eric will still shift the house and Dick and Daniele still plot to get him out. Unless Dick and Daniele suddenly fall out, Eric has no chance. But, if he can get the Jessica-Dustin-Amber(ha) crew back on his side, he can last longer. And it would be poetic justice if Eric won HoH, because then he (and America) have the power to change the shape and equilibrium of the house, getting either Jen or Daniele out – the two people who shouldnt be working together, but are.

Forgive me if that made no sense, I just type sometimes.

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Redarin D August 9, 2007 at 3:58 pm

I wonder If housecalls will respond if someone asks about eric staying being rigged.

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soonerryan August 9, 2007 at 4:02 pm

Redarin D — thanks for the heads-up on the the diary-room voice (Michael is one of the names I’ve heard … ). Is Big Brother overtly telling or asking people to vote to evict Kail, or is it a tugging or what??? What are you hearing?

And, thanks for the update and info! Look, I have felt sorry for Eric this week, BUT BUT BUT … any undue influence on the part of the producers toward the vote is just as much baloney as the banner that started all of this. Have we thought that perhaps it was CBS who sanctioned the banner in the first place just to mess with everyone?

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i love eric August 9, 2007 at 4:36 pm

I don’t think Eric is a CBS employee. I’m on a facebook group about Eric, where some of his real life friends are as well and they’ve never mentioned anything about it.

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i love eric August 9, 2007 at 4:37 pm

oh and a question… it’s currently 5:30est 2 and a half hours before the live evictions. Why are the live feeds down? (sorry if it’s a stupid question, this is my first week watching the live feeds.)

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soonerryan August 9, 2007 at 4:46 pm

i love eric — as far as the live feeds, they could be preparing for the HoH. They could be revealing something to the houseguests (hmmmm?) Maybe the vote is not live tonight? I don’t know, but unless the producers are in the midst of a competition — HoH, slop or PoV, they usually take down the feeds.

BTW, watch out. The feeds are addictive. 🙂

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Lisa August 9, 2007 at 4:52 pm

Yeah, usually on Thursdays it’s testy. Why I don’t know, but it’s been that way.

And for Eric, he said the other day that when all of this blew up and he was called into the DR – they (the DR) told him that they didn’t “cast” him to just “lay down and take it” – his exact words. From that point on is when he went on the campaign to talk (understatement of the year) his way back. Didn’t really sound like he was hired for anything – but you never know.

Glad everyone else saw it was down. They did this last Thursday and then popped back on around 6:00 EST or a short time thereafter.

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soonerryan August 9, 2007 at 4:55 pm

Question, Lisa … do you know if the live feeds are on during the live eviction? I’ve never checked, but I have always presumed they were down when the show was on.

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Lisa August 9, 2007 at 5:24 pm

Soonerryan, immediately after the houseguest leaves the live feed goes on in the house – it did last week.

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Norm August 9, 2007 at 5:34 pm

What a night it would be if a DOUBLE EVICTION was involved. Hmm…can they swing that on a dime?

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Lisa August 9, 2007 at 5:39 pm

Norm, they briefly mentioned that earlier in the week – we can only dream!!!

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soonerryan August 9, 2007 at 5:42 pm

Interesting possibilities, Norm and Lisa … regardless of how this turns out, I think we’d agree that this is BY FAR the most intriguing, the most anticipated live vote of the season so far … I wish I could predict what would happen with any level of accuracy, but I just don’t know for sure.

I am literally expecting the unexpected.

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Lisa August 9, 2007 at 7:43 pm

DO you people believe this?????? AND this weisel, Dustin, is NOW blatantly lying that he voted for Eric and that they NOW have a deal because of that vote – DO YOU FRIGGIN BELIEVE THIS???

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i love eric August 9, 2007 at 7:45 pm

can i just say that I am MORE than ecstatic that my boyfriend, Eric, is still there!

Seriously, Dustin saying that he voted for Eric is even more to Eric’s advantage… now everyone’s going to be totally confused as to who this “phantom” vote is. 🙂 and hopefully Dustin’s just screwing himself.

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Frank August 10, 2007 at 2:51 am

Dear i love eric,

You are an idiot…Eric is as much your boyfriend as Lohan is sober.

Eric needs go home with his gal pal Dustin…in a double elimination! The sooner, the better!

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Nancee August 10, 2007 at 10:22 am

Jessica needs to put the “Dick” and weird Daniele up to be booted out. Dustin. Amber, Eric go for the POV and don’t use it. Bye Bye Dick or Daniele ! Don’t let the door kick you in the ass!!!

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Tabitha December 8, 2009 at 9:22 am

Theres 2 possible scenarios that will play out with either eviction tonight.

Scenario 1- Eric goes home and Julie reveals that Eric was working on behalf of the American (and to include me in the mix, Canadian) viewers. They begin to realize that this could be one of many more twists and go back to playing their original games. “Jen and Kail must go!” and for a 4th week in a row, the nominations will be the same = not good TV. All the people voting for Eric's strategy will stop watching and this seasons a dud.

Scenario 2- Kail goes home, but the house's equilibrium is off. Sure, she was the nomination for 3 full weeks, but the controversy with Eric will still shift the house and Dick and Daniele still plot to get him out. Unless Dick and Daniele suddenly fall out, Eric has no chance. But, if he can get the Jessica-Dustin-Amber(ha) crew back on his side, he can last longer. And it would be poetic justice if Eric won HoH, because then he (and America) have the power to change the shape and equilibrium of the house, getting either Jen or Daniele out – the two people who shouldnt be working together, but are.

Forgive me if that made no sense, I just type sometimes.

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