A Boring Big Brother Blog!

by BBBlogger on July 16, 2011

I feel like I should post a blog so that you guys can start your comments on a new page. The thing is what the heck do I talk about? If you read the comments you know who was put on the block. No big surprise there. POV will happen today. Will one of the two nominated throw the competition to try to get that golden key?

I’m trying to get excited about this BB13, but it’s really, really boring so far. None of the HG’s have won me over yet and that includes the veterans. I have to admit looking at Jeff at least gives me a slight smile 🙂 Is anyone feeling a connection to any of these HG’s? I don’t think they even feel a connection to each other at this point.

As usual, it looks like Big Brother producers are pulling the strings to have the show move in the direction that they want it to. Having Rachel pick the order for the HOH competition shows that. Evel Dick was definitely their ace in the hole and losing him just deflated the whole season. I say they should come up with a new twist–for instance, how about bringing back another couple? Matt Hoffman and Ragan Fox would love to be back on the show I bet.

Okay…start those comments afresh! Have a great Saturday and Sunday. See you after the show…Bloggergal

Tami_N July 16, 2011 at 11:30 am

I completly agree..I luv the vetran couples they brought back however they are kinda boring this year. It’s seems like everyone looks so lost with the cameras on them. The vetrans should be used to this!!!

Matt and Ragan would be an interesting twist now that Evil Dick is gone..let’s hope CBS pulls something out of there cards to get this season moving…yawn!!!

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Double M July 16, 2011 at 11:30 am

what a disappointment this season has been, a real yawn fest, it would have been so much better if evel was still in the house, and or if they paired up a newbie with an oldie. bbad is a good sleep aid, have not made it thru one nite of bbad yest, and now dom the only house guest who has something going he maybe gone, oh well, can it be bb is going stale? hope not, have been busy with company so i only get dribs and drabs but what i get is not enough to keep me interested.
hi to all, and will do fly by later to see what is happening if anything
double m

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Justaguy (JT) July 16, 2011 at 12:03 pm

M² at #1! 😆

Thanks for the new page Bloggergal! I am enjoying this season so far. Sure, I wish ED was still in there, but I say lemons to lemonade! 🙄 Trying to stay positive here. I do think that after 12 seasons that it gets a bit stale.. not sure there is anything they could try that would win us all over in a landslide… I also think that since BB8, we have all been hoping to re-live that season. It was great.. and maybe spoiled us a bit.. and ruined the seasons after that for us. Even if they tried the format of season 8 again, we wouldn’t like it because it wasn’t the original.

Having said that, there hasn’t been a season of BB that I have ever considered not watching. This season is far better than last year already (IMO). We’ve had a HG leave the show (even if we didn’t want him to) ..we had some big blow-ups, had some good scheming, we have some good paranoia going on as to who voted out Keith, and even had a close vote that we weren’t sure which way it would go. And it looks like this week’s vote will come down to Shelly (if noms stay the same)….. last year the 1st vote was 10-0 because people were too afraid to vote on their own… yawn.

There is even some difference of opinion in the vets alliance. JJ want Dom gone… while the rest want to get Cassi out. JJ tell Adam to throw the veto… the others tell Dom to try and win it (of course he’s gonna try.. that goes without saying).

I like to give a season more than 9 days before I write it off as a bad year…. call me crazy! 😀

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carmen rodriguez-slates July 16, 2011 at 12:11 pm

HoHum……HoHum…….if things don’t pick up soon I’m going to shot someone. Things seem to be moving kinda slow……but, glad to see Keith (the deacon)???? gone. His attitude sucked. Already the haters have begun to pick on Rachael…..tsk….tsk….tsk. She is FIERCE……hope she gets far in the game. I’m happy to see Jeff & Jordan back on the scene, but, they need to kick into gear!!!!! Question??? Do u think Rachael & Brandon’s engagement will last thru this BigBrother????

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Kim Gustafson July 16, 2011 at 12:38 pm

Ragan would love to be back on the show but he has a lot going on himself now. Isn’t that the Matty that is in jail for selling and using drugs with Adam? The BB staff will think of something to “spike” the show, even if it’s just more alcohol.

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Douglas July 16, 2011 at 12:50 pm

They should have had 14 unknows. I do not like the 8 + 6 deal at all.

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Double M July 16, 2011 at 1:00 pm

i think R&B will last thru the season, when they bicker and fight they get the attention, however, i think they will get married BUT how long the marriage will last i will compare to this:
me being the centerfold of playboy for the next Christmas issue (and for the record I am 68 years old) or their marriage lasting more then that, we will see
Hi JT how r u doing? woo hoo i made it # 1……..
double m

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franniep2 July 16, 2011 at 1:05 pm

Jordan should have put up Rachel and Brendon..that would have been the smart move…get them out..she would of had the votes… get the strong ones out NOW!! Wish she would play the game..not let others play it for her..ughhhhhhhh…Trust me when the tables are turned Rachel and Brendon are going after Jeff and Jordan…

Hey double M….glad to see you’re surviving the heat and your houseguest. Take care!!

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franniep2 July 16, 2011 at 1:08 pm

BTW…Sometimes when they start their whispering!


😆 how agravating!

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macy1231231 July 16, 2011 at 1:12 pm

carmen – i think they will last the show = brendon is ALL about how he comes across on tv – past the show……after all of the post interviews etc..the relatiionship is very doubtful. I WANNA SEE SOME FIGHTS! these people like each other too much – cassie is definately talked about (behind her back) the most – porche must be glad of that…

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Star July 16, 2011 at 1:13 pm

POV players:

Brendon and Rachel
Jordan and Jeff
Dominic and Adam

Might not be around much later so I thought I’d atleast make ONeE announcement..lol

Hope everybody is having a good Sat. *waves to MM, fran and JT!!*

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mike stover July 16, 2011 at 1:31 pm

good morning everyone, yes they need to shake the house up a bit, I agrre with just about all of you, except git rid of R&B, dont realy like them, but give her a bottle of wine and it makes it interesting. remember last year when they left it got realy boring fast, love J&J, but no fights from them, they are to laid back. dani, hope she doent get in a showmance,then they dont play the game well, remember her & nick, all they did was lay around in the bed. it wont be long before Racho starts her crap, like she did the other night. and I dont even want to talk about Brendon, they might break up on BB, if he doent stop chasing Dani around, besides if B&B left who would we talk about.

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susan July 16, 2011 at 2:20 pm

I was looking forward to sparks between Evel Dick and Rachel. I think I just need a little time to get to know everyone a little better. There isn’t anyone I really like or dislike, well except Brendan. To me, it seems like Rachel has really toned down. I don’t watch bbad so I only see what’s on tv, and from what I’ve seen, they’re (Rachel and Brendan) the dysfunctional couple from hell. Sheesh!!!! How can they stand each other? I just about gagged with Brendan’s pouting last Thurs. Rachel’s tough. . she’ll be hard to beat in the competitions.

Thanks, bloggergal.

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Star July 16, 2011 at 3:21 pm

I forgot to add that Dani is hosting.

Plans changed so I’m still around… Just waiting in the sun w/ my iPhone. Lol

Agree w/ every1 but JT has a Pt. Got to give it a bit more tiempo!!
Jst think it wouldA been better either as all stars or all newbies. Cuz we do t have new hgs to study & know the vets 2 well!!

I hope Dom wins POV. House needs shaking up!!

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Judi Bee July 16, 2011 at 3:26 pm

Does anyone know if Dom won POV? Hope so as I’m also thinking the house needs shaking up.

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b the cat July 16, 2011 at 3:27 pm

I loved Jeff & Jordan in their season, but bored with them this season, Rachel and Brenden enough is enough, Dani without Dick is boring and offers little. I’m glad I don’t have to look at Dick, an aging stuck in the 70’s type. I am not caring for the veterans, it’s like watching reruns. I hope the newbee’s win it all. I love Big Brother but this year it almost makes me wonder what cbs was thinking. Dominic is the smartest because if all the newbee’s stuck together, they’d be in control.

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b the cat July 16, 2011 at 3:31 pm

I really hope Dom wins POV.

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Double M July 16, 2011 at 3:50 pm

waiting for my good friend star to report in on pov
we r counting on u girl friend, lol
hi to star, jt, mike and frannie, waves to everyone else.
double m

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justlookin July 16, 2011 at 4:14 pm

I can’t believe I’m going to say this…… I want b&r to stick around a little while. Only because I want to see them split up. If they’re going to show us all their fights at lest let us see the big one. (evil giggles) out of the new hg I did like Dom but I see he will probably be voted out. I don’t have a fav after him. Porsha is a snooty Itch. Klia (idk how to spell it) is pretty rude. Shelly will stick around for a while to clean but won’t make it to the end. Cassie doesn’t bother me much but the house don’t like her. Lawon is funny sometimes. Adam is a big teddy and seems to be manipulated easily…. Did I miss anyone?
I agree j&j should get out b&r. Maybe Dani will team up with the newbies since they’re after Dom now. That could be cool…

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Star July 16, 2011 at 4:35 pm

Veto only got underway about 30 mins ago so, nothing yet!! If i am still around, MM, i will post ther winner but I am going out ot eat in about an hour so it’s all in the timing!!!

JL…now THAT would be some drama!! Can you imagine?? But I don’t think Brendy wou;d let it happen as he knows he plays like crap and Rachel is his only ticket to anywhere in there!! Plus, he has never had to be in the BB house without his built in booty call!! I’m not sure he could make it without sex the rest of the damn game….lol

Dom is my fav too just cuz he PLAYS. Pretty much go along with the rest of your HG assesments. But they aren’t all that complicated this year, so i think we all share similar opinons!! We don’t even have anyone evil enough to HATE!!lol

Will check back in if there is any news!!

Peace out for now!

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TT July 16, 2011 at 4:42 pm

Dani and Dom could run the whole show if they keep Dom in the game , he’s liked by most and so is she, if they teamed up secretly they could sway each side, would make it more interesting especially if no one knew.
By the way hi to all, have followed blog past few years but never joined in. I guess this year I felt like if I didn’t start talking about it I might scream! Sure would like something dramatic or funny to happen, but then Rachael is in the house so it’s just a matter of time I guess.

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justlookin July 16, 2011 at 4:55 pm

Lol racho was out a week b4 Blandan last year. I wonder how he survived that whole week!
Well I hate the VIP Twits! Lol
I do love the paranoia about who voted Keith out. Lol Shelly is doing a good job keeping it a secret n encouraging there thoughts.

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mike stover July 16, 2011 at 5:21 pm

I was watching the feeds, and was it just me or did R&B want Dani to talk to Dom and get him and her on there team and then go after J&J, I think that was what they were talking about. its so hard to hear. But I do know they want them to join them, but not for sure lf it is J& J on the later part. Star your not the only one to misspell on here. I have to were my glasses to read the screen, but with them on I cant read the keyboard.

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Justaguy (JT) July 16, 2011 at 5:27 pm

Dom won the pov

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Justaguy (JT) July 16, 2011 at 5:30 pm

Hey Mike… I think you are right. It sounded like R&B were going to use the pov on Dom if they won. They are worried about Cassi coming after them.. and I think R&B do want to team up with Dani & Dom when the couples split up.

I would LMAO if Dom won HOH.. and put R&B up next week! 😆

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Star July 16, 2011 at 5:30 pm

Dom won!! YEAH!!!

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Star July 16, 2011 at 5:34 pm

Mike I wouldn’t out it past Brenchel!! But I think Dom likes J&J more so Im not sure he can be swayed!!

And I don’t worry about the typoes anymore..mcuh!! It’s just who i AM! Stra!!lol

JT..I’d laugh right along side ya! And THEN, my friends, we would hvae us a GAME!!lol

ltaer all..gone till BBAD!!!

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Star July 16, 2011 at 5:35 pm

Good things I don’t MIND typoes since that last post was RIDDLED with them!!lol Just hope YOU all don’t mind em!!lol

Peace OUT!!!!

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Justaguy (JT) July 16, 2011 at 5:37 pm

Now Rachel is pouting because they didn’t win… again with that $hit? 🙄

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DonnaP July 16, 2011 at 5:39 pm

This is starting to get good. Brenchel and Dani turning against J&J because of their friendship with Cassie. Rachel knows that J&J wants to keep Cassie because her target is Brenchel not J&J. I hope Dom wins POV and form an alliance with Kalia and Dom. Dani is not stupid to follow the couples blindly without an alliance of her own. Luv Dani.

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DonnaP July 16, 2011 at 5:41 pm

Yeah way to go Dom.

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Justaguy (JT) July 16, 2011 at 5:42 pm

Definitely trouble in vets paradise… seems like JJ & RB have had just about enough of each other.. that was coming sooner or later.. a match made in BB hell.

But I’m sure cooler heads will prevail and they will all realize it’s too early to go against each other.

Like Frannie said, I would like to see JJ put up R&B… just not yet though. If they did that.. it would be JJ vs the entire house (except for Shelly maybe)

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Justaguy (JT) July 16, 2011 at 5:47 pm

It seemed pretty clear that Cassi & Shelly would be the replacements… but that was before the pov comp. I still think they will evict Cassi.. but who knows now.. and there could still be more happening.

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Justaguy (JT) July 16, 2011 at 5:54 pm

Yep.. still sounds like Cassi is plan B. JJ are talking to Shelly right now in the HOH room.. telling her she will be safe and that Cassi will get voted out.

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Justaguy (JT) July 16, 2011 at 5:59 pm

One thing I don’t understand… why does everyone think JJ and Cassi are tight? That obviously isn’t the case.. or Cassi wouldn’t be walking out Thursday. Yet R&B seem to think that… will they still think that after Cassi is gone?

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mike stover July 16, 2011 at 6:05 pm

Did I get it right that Racho is on slop for 2wks

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Double M July 16, 2011 at 6:10 pm

yesssssssssssss dom got the veto power now i hope he is smart enough to use it and same his duo, then i guess the next up will be shelly and cassie i know lawon and kalia will not be put up cause she (Kalia) is such a donkey kisser they will keep her until they r ready to chew her up and spit her out, now if j&j is going against R&B that would make this game turn around and give us some much needed action. and even if cassie and j&j are tight what is wrong with that R&B are tight with porsche, guess what is good for the goose is not good for the gander now i can’t wait for bbad finally some action, i am really pulling for dom he seems to be the brightest bulb on the tree let’s hope he does not mess it up, however, i am thinking do u think dani had any help in his winning the veto and shelly and cassie were backdoored???? some food for thought there, ok guys will do fly by later and thanks for the updates,
double m M2

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Justaguy (JT) July 16, 2011 at 6:11 pm

Now Cassi is in HOH with JJ trying to save her butt.
“I like the way y’all are playin the game… if you want to work together later down the road….” yadda yadda yadda

Cassi leaves after just a short time in there. Jordan says to Jeff she doesn’t want to get rid of her. Jeff points out that if they keep Cassi, then R&B and Dani will be against them.. and Cassi would still have Dom.

Newsflash JJ… sounds like with all the others scheming you might already be on your own. Time to backstab them before they do you.

Now R&B are in HOH with JJ. Apologies all around. Apparently, Jeff & Rachel got into some words during the comp. Sounds like Rachel did something stupid (big shock) ..and Jeff’s hothead side came out and he yelled at her.

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Double M July 16, 2011 at 6:16 pm

now is the time to strike while the iron is hot, j&j should put R&B on the block, vote out R as she is the stronger of the two, they will then have a lot off favors due from the newbies to leave them alone and get rid of one of the vets, now that is the way i would play it but what do i know what i see on tv and read in the papers lol, what do u guys think of this plan or am i way out in left field.???? curious to know

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bigbubbabronson July 16, 2011 at 6:18 pm

Thanks JT for the update. I was going to ask about a fight between Jeff and Rachel, my friend who goes to another site (I know can you believe that?) said there was some fight w/ them. I say, get the guts and put up Rachel and Brendon. If they are already having to apologize hold your hat, they will turn on you. Besides, the house would be grateful to be rid of one of them….Grow some people UGH!

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bbb13 July 16, 2011 at 6:30 pm

PUT UP RACHEL AND BRENDON, it makes sense. But if J & J are in charge there won’t be much sense behind the decision. No matter which one goes (brendon or rachel) they can’t play HOH for 2 more weeks so by then, you are all individuals. Also, Danielle can’t play for HOH until then either so go for it, stir it up and get it going. This is why we needed Dick, he woulda had this house in an up roar already……

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Justaguy (JT) July 16, 2011 at 6:32 pm

Yes Mike, Rachel took slop for two weeks. Not sure how that played into the competition.. but that seemed to be what started the argument between Jeff & Rachel.

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Justaguy (JT) July 16, 2011 at 6:38 pm

▓ ▓ ▓ WE’LL BE RIGHT BACK ▓ ▓ ▓ 🙄 🙄

ok… I’m outta here again. Should be some interesting scheming going on right thru the veto ceremony.. and until the vote.

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justlookin July 16, 2011 at 7:52 pm

I can’t wait till bbad! So glad Dom won!

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JudyBitterSweet July 16, 2011 at 8:13 pm

Hello BB fans! I too am bored with this group, but I still watch, and record Showtime and watch that in the AM, nothing will ever stop me from loving BB, but this cast is really the pits!
I do love Shelly, and I love the fact she is “a sneak” you have to have a sneak, and she sure can “lie” love her!
I love it when people actually PLAY the game!
I love it when someone votes the way they want…………and not WITH THE HOUSE………..I think voting with the house is dumb, no one knows how you are voteing…………so I really think Shelly is the one person who is interesting!
I love BB, but something has to happen to save this season!
I do love Evil Dick……..sorry he is gone, I hope the problem he was dealing with is solved! Judy from Virgina

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Tom Wright July 16, 2011 at 9:16 pm

It is sad if I find Rachael is the most interesting person this season. Compared to Jordan, Rachael is a genius. Hopefully it will get better.

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Ms M July 16, 2011 at 10:48 pm

Does anyone know why they play the background music so loud during the show. Even when Julie was talking this loud music is playing. It is not my TV :), I thought they would catch it, but when I watched Thursday, there it was again.

As far as the game, I agree with getting rid of Rachel and then her boy Brendan. Kalia and Shelly’s vote will bite them in the butt in the not to distant future, Kalia most likely before Shelly. Not that I did not think Keith was over the top, but they should have been thinking about playing the game and having control of the house. They could have removed him in 3 weeks and be down 3 vets. The game is about power, not personal feelings. I am for Dom, next Cassie, they are the only ones of the newbies thinking. I hope Cassie can save herself, the vets already know they have an ally in Shelly, by virtue of the vote.

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justlookin July 16, 2011 at 11:00 pm

It’s that time again… I hope its good tonight!

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justlookin July 17, 2011 at 12:23 am

Knock knock anyone around tonight?

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Princess July 17, 2011 at 12:49 am

Dani is acting more like a floater rather than a vet since ED left. I wouldn’t be surprised if she formed a separate group of alliances with Cassie and Dom and didn’t vote with the vets any longer. Still trying to figure out Adam’s game with the vets. He’s unpredictable. Still, Shelley and Kalia seem to have sided with the vets so there may be twists and turns ahead. R&B and JJ are an unlikely alliance now dick is not there to hold them together. It’s too bad they don’t keep a “spare” in seclusion for these unforeseen incidents. This is not the first time a HG has left unexpectedly! I don’t care for Dom but he is a gamesman and alliances could be switching as I type.

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justlookin July 17, 2011 at 1:02 am

Sounds like Dom Dani B&R are the new alliance n going after J&J. If I understood the whispers correctly….

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justlookin July 17, 2011 at 1:19 am

How many times can Blandan tell Racho that she makes stupid mistakes. And stupid, stupid, stupid…..

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aggie27 July 17, 2011 at 4:17 am

Hi Guys, Glad dom and adam got the POV, It would be so great if he got HOH, I just hope if he does he puts up RACHO and Blandon, rather than J and J, It really would have been better if they paired a newbie with a Vet, but They probably want the Vets In control, we have seen the best players get defeated no guarantees for anyone the power can shift quite quickly. I hope the show is a good one today, L8R All

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Justadude July 17, 2011 at 5:44 am

Good for Dom and Adam, It would be cool to see Dom hang in for awhile, I hope the show is good tonight, have a great sunday all.

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mike stover July 17, 2011 at 7:14 am

We need the e-mails back, PLEASE

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PGADok July 17, 2011 at 7:33 am

Let the over the top whining begin. The drunken stripper let her emotions get the best of her again, and will be on slop for two weeks. The main stress factor out of this will be that she can’t drink. A two week detox could spell hell for anyone that happens to breathe the wrong way around her. Where’s Dr. Drew when you need him 😆 Not to worry though, as she has already formulated a master plan to be able to get her fix. If she wins HOH for next week BB will allow her to cheat with whatever comes in her basket. She feels she will get wine and probably some lean cuisines in the basket to help her thru the week. The funniest thing to come from the conversations surrounding this was her saying “I can make one bottle of wine last 5 days just having one glass a night.” Mr. Personality then replies “really” in a quite sarcastic tone. Yes, you’re engaged to a lush and if she gets a bottle or two of the grape it will vanish in the same manner the tequila was sucked down last year.

Dom aka PT (which BB says they can no longer call him) has tired of his gutless alliance of newbies and is striking deals with Dani, the drunken stripper, and Mr. Personality. They all want JJ involved, but only briefly. Too bad we didn’t get another “late night lie” that wasn’t actually a lie to warn JJ that the vets are turning against them. I would love to have heard “You got got” being said to the drunken stripper.

Things are starting to heat up. How will it all shake out?

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mike stover July 17, 2011 at 10:38 am

Thx ,PGA for the update, I agree Racho off the wine, there will be hell to pay. everyone had better run when they see her comming.

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TT July 17, 2011 at 12:20 pm

I thought Dom told Racheal last nite on bbad, when they were in the kitchen, that he needed to talk to Jand J still, so I thought that he ment that he wasn’t going to just go along with what Rac was saying. I would much rather he went with JandJ right now and get RandB out. I also think Dom and Cassie would be a good team, too bad Cassie doesn’t know about Shelly. Couldn’t do it myself but sure enjoy people being so two face, and others being so gullable.

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Bobo July 17, 2011 at 1:11 pm

Ok which one is Dom? Old guy from NJ or young guy!

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mike stover July 17, 2011 at 2:25 pm

young guy

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PK July 17, 2011 at 3:10 pm

Compared to Jordan, Rachael is a genius.

Compared to Jordan, Lassie is a genius.

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justlookin July 17, 2011 at 3:12 pm

On bbad lastnight Dani told racho that Dom wanted to make a deal for next week with j&j n Dani told Dom it was a good idea. Sounded to me like he was going to j&j for one week n b&r n Dani from then on. But I may be wrong…

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Justaguy (JT) July 17, 2011 at 3:23 pm


The US women scored in the 69th minute to take a 1-0 lead over Japan in the World Cup finals!! (..and I don’t even watch soccer, but I am watching this one))

Huh?… wrong blog? Oooops 😳 ..Then on to BB talk…

Is the POV ceremony tomorrow? Does it even matter? Did anything happen last night that would make us think Cassi & Shelly won’t be the replacements?

TT, the little bit that I caught last night is pretty much what PGA & justlookin said. Dom wants to talk to JJ and make a deal.. but only for a week..maybe 2. That way, Dom is safe if Jeff wins HOH on Thursday. After the couples split, Dom, Dani, and R&B plan on being a foursome and going after JJ. But they will leave them alone til then.

Cassi needs a minor miracle to still be there after Thursday.

…..dang!! now Japan scored…. 1-1 😮

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TT July 17, 2011 at 3:28 pm

thanks” justlookin” Dani may be the smartest player in the game, going around whispering in everyones ear to get them fighting against each other. I really don’t care who wins (as long as it’s not Brenchel) just want to see some game playing get started. Couldn’t believe Brenchel’s conversation in the hammock last nite. She’s not working? What happened to all those fat tips she was making in Vegas, and thier stint on the soap opera and personal appearances (unless they had to pay people to come see them) she wants this fancy wedding and they have no money? They are really counting on winning.

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Justaguy (JT) July 17, 2011 at 3:33 pm

LOL @ TT… don’t think they have enough $ to pay me to go see them! 😆 …and I bet Rachel still has delusions of CBS somehow picking up the tab on the Brenchel nuptials 😮 🙄

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TT July 17, 2011 at 3:40 pm

(JT) now you got me watching the soccer game, no score when I was watching earlier, now they get 30 min more, come on USA. I don’t like the fact that Dani, Dom and Brenchel want JJ out because everyone likes them, I know its a game, but I would get Brenchel out because everyone Hates them! They are like a two headed snake cut one off the other one comes after you much tougher than anyone else.

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Justaguy (JT) July 17, 2011 at 3:51 pm

TT, I am just hoping that Dom & Dani have more surprises up their sleeve… maybe they will realize exactly what you said, and when given the opportunity, turn on the Brenchel beast.. and deal with JJ later.

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TT July 17, 2011 at 3:54 pm


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Justaguy (JT) July 17, 2011 at 4:13 pm

OMG! 😯 …now they have to settle the entire tournament with penalty kicks.

BBBlogger, sorry for the soccer chat! It’s almost as nerve racking as BB! 😆

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TT July 17, 2011 at 4:23 pm

Took all the way to a shoot out , but Japan won it. Happy for them but I guess I wish it hadn’t been against us.

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Justaguy (JT) July 17, 2011 at 4:23 pm

🙁 I guess if we had to lose, Japan has had a bad year to say the least.. so I am happy for them.

Ready for some BB tonight! 😀 til then, L8R all.

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TT July 17, 2011 at 4:25 pm

Thats it , no more aid to Japan ! LOL

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Justaguy (JT) July 17, 2011 at 4:39 pm

LOL @ TT… as I type on my Japanese computer while watching my Japanese tv.

Just checking the feeds real quick..

Cassi & Shelly are in HOH with Jordan. Seems Jordan just “tode” them that they will be the replacements. A few tears in Cassi’s eyes because she know what that means. I caught the tail end of Jordan explaining why she couldn’t put up Kalia & Lawon instead. Shelly already knew this info. With this couples twist, Jordan only has 3 options (Cassi & Shelly, Kalia & Lawon, R&B).

Jordan says she is still considering options (K&L), but seems like she has made up her mind. Anything could happen before tomorrow to change that though.

Cassi is pointing out that R&B would do whatever they wanted if they were in JJ’s position… and they wouldn’t care what JJ had to say. That is a valid point. Getting Cassi out is best for R&B… not for JJ.

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Dorothy July 17, 2011 at 4:59 pm

The only excitment is Rachel, get rid of her and boring, boring, boring. I DVR after dark so I can fast forward through boring parts. Guess what, I can watch all three hours in about 10 minutes. I didn’t like Dani when she was on before and my feelings have not changed. Cassi has got to go. Am I the only one who notices all the camara time she gets. Someone likes the way she looks. How about a BB with real people?

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bigbubbabronson July 17, 2011 at 5:26 pm

Quite frankly I don’t like the couples twist. I hate BB the last few yrs when its been a “team” against a “team”. That has been the case. Seems few play the game for themselves anymore. I like J & J cuz they are “cute” but they are both still as dumb as rocks. Jordan won her season by default. I woudl LOVE just once for someone to turn it up and turn it up quick w/out fear of next week. ESPECIALLY when this golden key BS they cant get to you for 2 weeks anyway. Put up Rachel and Brendon. Are J & J really so dumb to think they will be their alliance??

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justlookin July 17, 2011 at 5:48 pm

Now that would be awesome to see them put up B&R this week! Then what ever one is left would be gunning for J&J later. But they r going to go after them anyway…. To bad it unscripted….. Lol
Hey JT thanks for the world cup info. I didn’t watch but reading it from you after worked for me! Lol

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justlookin July 17, 2011 at 6:34 pm

25mins till bb and cbs isn’t working! Grrrrr

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mike stover July 17, 2011 at 6:51 pm

I am here,10min. to go

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franniep2 July 17, 2011 at 6:56 pm

Mike, check your e-mail

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justlookin July 17, 2011 at 6:59 pm

Not comming in this Sux!

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Justaguy (JT) July 17, 2011 at 7:03 pm

Hey justlookin, hope you can watch on demand or at CBS site tomorrow.

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justlookin July 17, 2011 at 7:13 pm

I can’t use my on demand I don’t have a fone line 🙁

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Justaguy (JT) July 17, 2011 at 7:16 pm

You can watch it here.. it should be available tomorrow.. not sure when they put the new one on though.


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justlookin July 17, 2011 at 7:21 pm

I can try it. I’m on my fone. I don’t have a computer or internet cuz I have an android…

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franniep2 July 17, 2011 at 7:22 pm

CBS has it available next day. Last week, my CBS was out too. I feel your pain justlookin.

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justlookin July 17, 2011 at 7:34 pm

I remember seeing that last week… I’m bummin. At least its not the live show! JT does it take a long time to load an episode? I went to check if it would wrk for me and it didn’t load… I will try again later too.

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Justaguy (JT) July 17, 2011 at 7:48 pm

IDK, I checked it out when I posted that link and it began playing right away… depends how fast your connection is I guess.

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justlookin July 17, 2011 at 8:08 pm

I don’t think it will wrk on my phone. Thankyou tho.

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mike stover July 17, 2011 at 8:49 pm

D o think thet will bring back a hg that has been voted out, since ED left that throws everything off by a week. instead of one gone there is two, just a thought.

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Tina Marie July 17, 2011 at 9:10 pm

I use the live feeds to put me to sleep!!! I need my Dick fix, Evel Dick that is!!! Porche is really making me ill. All she seems to say about her self is that she is pretty but she is nice. Really? I don’t think she is all that!!! I really don’t think she is very pretty either! Good luck with changing the minds of America when it comes to pretty girls being nice!!! I am bored, do something exciting!!!

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justlookin July 17, 2011 at 10:15 pm

JT I found an app for my phone that I can watch full episodes that works. I just have to wait for tonights to be put on. 🙂 (doing the happy dance)

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Justaguy (JT) July 17, 2011 at 11:12 pm

Good! I’m happy you’ll get to see the show.

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Redonna July 18, 2011 at 4:48 pm

So can anybody tell me why Cassie’s partner is throwing her under the bus.

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