CAROL– I think we all knew this was going to happen anyways! The vote was 10-1, Jen was the 1 vote. Atleast Carol got her wish with all the complaining she did about wanting to go home and threating to smash the cameras.

Jen won HOH playing “Majority Rules”. The house guests had to answer questions but not based on their answers would be, they had to base it on what the thought the majority of the house would guess.There was a tie breaker between Dustin, Jen, Joe and Eric. The winning question was a trick one. How many gallons of water will the teacup hold? Well the tea cup has no door so only the bottom
Well the tea cup has no door so only the bottom could hold water. The answer was 9 she guessed 41 being the closest answer.
So who is Jen going to nominate for Eviction? My guess is either Dick or Daniele. It could be both. She doesn’t like either one. Daniele has made eyes with Nick and Jen is Jealous. Dick, I’m not sure why she doesn’t like him. Perhaps its from the food comp when she didn’t want him to touch her? Oh yea, and because he smokes.
The house guests won’t be getting all new furnishings in the HOH room this year, Jen seemed a little dissapointed. There was a few oohs and ahhs when the HOH room was opened for Jen but it didn’t last long. Dick stayed downstairs enjoying a cigarette in the backyard.
Oh no!!! be careful so that jen doesn,t see that picture of HERSELF which shows too much light and actually shows that her skin is greasy! ahahah
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hate that B****! I hope she’s gonna be evicted soon!
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