BBBlogger, good to see you back in on the action! Thanks for the compliments! I was off to the Pantages Theater in Los Angeles to see Topol in Fiddler on the Roof. Incredible! That theater is so beautiful and Topol, even at his age, is still magnificant! But driving home from Los Angeles took 2 hours so I didn’t get in till after 1:00 a.m. and now I’m trying to catch up on all things Big Brother.
The votes from everyone are interesting. I think we’re pretty close to split down the middle on who you want sent home. I voted to send home Jordan for the same reason as most of you. I think Laura is the better game player and will make for a more interesting BB11!
As mentioned in the comments, Russell managed to sneak up to the HOH room and tell Ronnie that he will not put him up if he gets HOH. He told him that everyone in the house is after him. Ronnie asked if Jessie wants him out too and Russell said no he still was sticking with them (Ronnie/Russell). Then Ronnie asked about Chima and Russell told him that Chima wants him out also. This seemed to surprise Ronnie.
I heard that Chima and Michelle have changed their minds about throwing the HOH competition. All the BB houseguests have been in the backyard practicing. I haven’t seen the game yet so I can’t give you details.
I’ve been using Real Player’s Hot Clips to catch up on the goings-on. They target specific topics so I was able to see Russell and Ronnie have their secret talk. I’m really enjoying the improvements that Real Player has added to this year’s 24/7 coverage. Thanks Real Player! You make my job a bit easier.
I also agree with all of you who think neither Jordan or Laura should be going home this week. This is definitely going to be a regret of Ronnie’s down the road. He should have gone after a player that was physically threatening to him because he’s never going to be able to compete physically with a lot of the HG’s. He’s very clever getting aligned with the athletes because he sure can’t compete against them. Of course, this works both ways because the athletes know that having a “brain” on their side is helpful too.
So tonight’s the big night and finally the end of Ronnie’s HOH (yay!). Don’t be surprised if you are surprised by who wins HOH tonight! Did that make sense? In other words, the person who wins HOH is never who you think will win. I know everyone is hoping for Jeff, but watch out for Casey. He’s playing this game low key and I think he knows he needs to win this one!
I’m going to try to NOT know before the show comes on here in California. So I’ll catch up with you after 9:00 p.m. PST.
Have a great Thursday and stay tuned…Bloggergal1
Me too! I’m anxious to see who wins HOH tonight. Of course, if it’s something physical liking hanging on to a toilet, then we can be sure this game is rigged. I’m still miffed about Jessie who should NOT be in this game since we voted him OUT! What were they thinking anyway? HOH hopefully will be anyone other than, do I need make a list? Jessie, Russell, Chima, Lydia or Kevin the gopher. I thought I was going to like Lydia and not like Laura but I changed almost immediately. Russell is doing some brown nosing so we’ll see how successful he is and if he’s able to put himself in the good graces of the “other” side of the house. As for Ronnie, no words can describe him, he’s hated more than any guest of any of the seasons as far as I’m concerned. That’s what I have to say about that!
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tonight is a must win for the out group put uo natalie and jessie then back door russell and the week will be goldden of course allison grodner doesn’t want russell gone and she arm twisted ronnie not to send him out hopefully this doesn’t mean she also gives ronnie a poass for a few weeks third favorite target of the week would be chima tired of her loud and obnoxious whiningme to go see Julies baby. hopefully my girl lydia stays under the radar again this week and everybody focuses on bigger targets and forgets how well she played the first week. it will be interesting tonight
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I have to agree, Ronnie totally lost the “edge” he was working on. Guess he isnt as smart as he thinks he is! I thought I was going to like Lydia too, she is whiny! I dont know about Russell’s temper, he could be very scary. I can hardly wait for tonight’s show, definitely going to be interesting!
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ok y’all. the game is a target shooting game, they put a ball in the indention in one end of a board that swivels up and down. they lift it until the ball starts rolling downhill, then when it nears the end .. they push it down quickly to shoot the ball at a group of buckets about 15 feet away. not sure how they will score the game though!! if Russell and Jessie keep Ronnie this week, there will be same awfully suprised HG’s.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m hoping for a bash Ronnie week!!
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i hope jeff wins and puts up chima and lydia
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Hi there.. thanks for your update.. My wuestion is.. why are your updates always a day behind? Mostly everything you mentioned happened yesterday morning and afternoon.
In any case, don’t be fooled, laura is going bye-bye tonight and there’s a big push in the house to keep ronnie there by the hidden alliance.. Can’t wait till the live show!!!
Also — I also live on the west coast and miss some GREAT online time when you wait till 9 our time to watch.. there’s a ton of websites that broadcast the show at 5 our time and i take advantage of that!
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At the end of BBAD last night, two minutes before it ended they kept telling
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Natalie to stop talking about production. She walked out into the yard where they had been practicing and said the only thing she was saying was that the “neighbors” had complained about the noise and someone called the police and they had come to the front door. At this point to my dismay the show ended. I was watching the show on DVD, so I don’t know what happened after that because I don’t have the ‘live feed’.
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Hey Scott!
She said that she was gone yesterday…so yes…we talk about what happened. Once we get the technology to predict the future we may switch to telling you what will happen! (sorry….just trying to be funny!)
Basically we are not a “breaking news” blog. If you really want that I can recommend a few great ones. We are more of a community based blog. People here get to get some info and we try not to break in with spoilers as well. It is a big internet….if you like our site great. Love to have you around and comment away!! If you don’t that is cool too! That is how Big Brother Blog rolls!
You are a smart guy for watching it early! If I lived on the West Coast I would probably do the same!
The hidden alliance thing….hmmmm….i have doubts about how “hidden” it is and with Ronnie telling Michele to kiss his a$$ today…..i just think Ronnie is a mess in this game. Only reason TO keep him is to control him (ala Kail in Big Brother 8).
So we all look forward to tonight!
Thanks for being here….this blog is all about you guys!
Peace, BBBlogger
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Big Brother—-Amen, couldn’t have said it better.
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well i say someone need to put up russ and ronnie and dont let them get the vito then one of them will or back boor one of them
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LOL! Thanks Franks! I am glad you are a part of my blog. We just enjoy the show and share our thoughts and opinions….
I like the fact that this blog is different then all the others…
Love ya all!
Peace, BBBlogger
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BBBlogger–have I told you I love you lately?
Starfish–what kind of dog is that–he’s (she’s) soooooo cute!
Franks–one of these days, I’m going to seek out the BB11 set and try to yell stuff over the wall! LOL
Enjoy the show tonight. Bloggergal1
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Well we can only hope that tonite’s challenge is one that roid head and Jessi does not have the brains to win. Russell is a loose cannon, hhence the nick name roid head. Russel, what can I say he is just plum dumb, he may have book knowldge BUT no street sense or common sense. He neds to learn to keep his mouth shut. I am still hoping that Casey or Jeff wins tonight.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Time will tell.
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BBBlogger and BloggerGal…I LOVE it here!!! I don’t know what the *formula* is, but it works for me!! It’s kinda like my cyber home….awwwwww!! I do wander to other sites from time to time but only to bring home juicy tidbits for us all to chew on. I don’t blog anywhere else..I’d feel like I was cheating!!!lol You guys do a great job and we seem to attract a really cool group of BB fans.
I honestly have NO idea who is going to win tonite. I think the *toy* they were playing with last night..kind of like a midevil( I KNOW that’s spelled wrong but it sounds right!)catapult….will have something to do with the HOH challenge tonight. BB always does that, giving the HGs a chance to practice beforehand…what was with the other half of them not even going outside to check it out last night? I would say I expect a guy to win just because it’s a fairly tough physical thing, but that’s only because I am a girl and I’d totaly SUCK at it!! As did Michelle. Although Lydia wasn’t doing too badly.
I think it would be interesting to see Casey as HOH because he is kind of a floater and a wild card. I do NOT want any athletes to win,that’s for sure! Would love to see Nat or Jessie GO next week!
10 mins and counting………………:)
Peace out!
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i am looking forward to the eviction tonight , ireally hope it isnt laura simply because she would be more of an asset to her team. i willbe sorry to see her go. but unfotunately steroid boy jesse seems to get his way alot. when hes gone and russel things will be better for other people. i really hope russel or jesse dont get head of house. hopefully it will be someone whos not afraid to be more of an independant thinker.
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BLAH! Jesse is HOH again.. so that means that Ronnie is safe again.. there will be no one left that I like by the time they get done.. sighs..
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BloggerGal my dog is a Bouvier des Flandres and yes he is sooo cute. They are herders and need a strong owner but once they’re trained, they are the best!
I’m so disappointed to hear Jessie is HOH again. I’m in CA and will be watching in about 25 minutes. Where can we watch it earlier? It would be great to know. Love this site! Thanks
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Well. you predicted it Aggie. Steroid boy DID win and I am just thinking…..WHY did BB do this to us again??!! Did they think anyone would enjoy watching Jessie a 2nd time? Seriously??
Did anyone catch his comment to Julie about how a big guy like him doesn’t do well on slop so it’s a good thing he keeps winning HOH every other week?? Yuck! Pa-tooie!! Uh..NEWSFLASH muscle-head! You DIDN’T win HOH before..BB thrust it into your greedy,pumped up hands! I didn’t think it was possible, but he’s even MORE annoying this season than last! More conceited, that’s for sure.
I am numb right now…..Jessie…Ronnie…Jessie and 2 of my fav peeps gone! Just hoping for a miracle at this point. WAKE UP you other HGs! SHEESH!!!
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thanks for the comment star. iwas hugely dissapointed that steroid boy got hoh,of all people he gets it.the women on that show better start stepping up, bacause in 11 seasons only 3 women have won .lisa from season3, june from season4, maggie from season 6. wake up ladies jesse is not going to the end with you.
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Why people don’t like Natalie? I don’t see what she’s done that was so bad… Is it because she’s paired with Jessie? I personally like her alot. And she ain’t bad to look at either
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Hey all Jrsy here
Ugh Natalie (what good is she in this game? She is Jesse’s lil bulldog period. she cannot think for herself if Jesse was gone should maybe someone I could watch but she thrives on secrets with him she doesn’t trust anyone but him not even Russ she has sold out Jeff PART OF HER CLIQUE since day one. She is plankton thats it thats all.
Russell is jealous of Jesse and will go after him as soon as there are no more teams Russell wants all eyez on him. MAYBE Russ will send him packing he and or Jeff/Casey are the only ones who have the confidence and guts to get rid of Jesse. I hope its soon but I can’t watch this tool Jesse this week my TV will not be tuned in BB OR MY COMPUTER!
Ugh Jessie I am so disappointed about the whole H.O.H if you read my comments on the HG’s they sure do rile us up I said it it’s the Jesse show. For the first time ever I turned off BB before it was over (even though it was almost over) in 11 yrs I couldn’t watch anymore. Sorry BB I am out. I know the H.O.H wasn’t rigged but like Starfish said Jesse shouldn’t be in this position in the first place. Oh Allison what have you done!
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natalie has got to go she is a major pain in the ass, shes like jesses mini me shes in love with that guy . the original shallow hal. i dont know why anybody say anything in front of natalie, she runs to jesse and tells him everything. hopefully she will be gone soon please.
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Sorry to see Laura go she is so hot and smart plus she made the game interesting. Unfortunately, she play the game wrong even during eviction week. So Jessie managed to win HOH again. Must say he is still in the driver’s seat and playing a better game than last year. So was this a BB set-up? However, he was probably be better off not winning HOH. I am sure he feel Ronnie needs to stay because he is an asset. As for Russell, he needs to work the house to gain support and has help because he is safe this week. So did he think riding Ronnie the way to get brown points or was it game between both of them and Jessie. So Jessie will probably have his team pick this week’s nominees and may try to lobby for Ronnie if his is one requested for the block. Jessie is hold his cards close and may have a person in mind to backdoor out next Thursday maybe Chima or Lydia.
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i am not surprised that jesse got one but jeff tries to win.they have no game play.i think he will back door casey.casey needs to step up his game and win pov.jesse knows he will win hoh every other week due to all the hg not even trying and if they are they are a sad bunch.must have flunked gym.i would love to see lydia or ronnie go this week.not going to say good bye to casey being a male he is more of a threat to jesse.aghhh…jesse will win get him out.
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Allison, next time let the viewers have a vote in who we would like to see come back for a follow up season. The only one I wanted back was the guy who was voted out first season 10. His name escapes me.
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ok y'all. the game is a target shooting game, they put a ball in the indention in one end of a board that swivels up and down. they lift it until the ball starts rolling downhill, then when it nears the end .. they push it down quickly to shoot the ball at a group of buckets about 15 feet away. not sure how they will score the game though!! if Russell and Jessie keep Ronnie this week, there will be same awfully suprised HG's.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm hoping for a bash Ronnie week!!
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