BB11 Tuesday Night into Wednesday Morn

by BloggerGal on August 5, 2009

Big Brother After Dark shows Russell outside by himself while Chima, Jessie, Natalie, Michelle and Jeff are in the kitchen talking.  Jordan is outside working out.  Russell needs to get back in the game and also back in the kitchen.  Alienating himself from the other houseguests will definitely hurt him in the long run.  He and Chima fought, it’s over, now move on.

Ronnie knows everything or at least thinks he does!  Every time someone brings up a topic, there’s Ronnie with his textbook explanations.  Is it Thursday yet?

In the kitchen, they are talking about how they were picked to be on BB.  Ronnie says some tried out by sending a videotape, some went to an open call, some were recruited in a bar and some answered a Craigslist ad.  I know that Michelle answered a Craigslist ad because I remember hearing that before the show started.  They were looking specifically for really smart people and she decided to try out.  Right before BB takes the camera away, Chima says Russell was recruited in a bar.  I don’t know if that’s true or not.  While we are talking about HG’s, Lydia is always teasing everyone about having something in her past that she’s not allowed to say.  From what I found, she worked as a nanny for Paul McCartney and Heather Mills.  Jeff is no stranger to the camera, he has an IMDB biography and has appeared in a music video, TV shows and some movies.  Chima is a Hollywood reporter.  In the beginning when there were cliques, they made it sound like she is a “journalist”.  There is a bit of a difference between a journalist and a Hollywood interviewer!

Jeff goes out and sits (to smoke) with Russell.  Jeff talks to Russell about the Jury House and Russell doesn’t know anything about it.  He is surprised hearing that they get to go to a nice house somewhere but also seems surprised when Jeff tells him they won’t be able to talk or see their family.  Now that’s kind of weird isn’t it?  What that means is that Russell has never even seen Big Brother.  Really puts him at a disadvantage doesn’t it?

Russell is concerned about how his parents are going to react to his fight with Chima.  How cute is that?  Russell says that his father put a secret message in his letter because he tells Russell to remember the lessons he taught him in elementary and middle school.  When Russell came home from school upset about a boy picking on him, his father told him to beat him up and then go the next day and befriend him.  Russell feels that his dad was trying to tell him that even though he had a fight with Jeff, he should befriend him.

Lydia has a breakdown while talking to Kevin.  She keeps saying she’s “over” Jessie but if she really was then she wouldn’t be having a breakdown would she?  It’s sad to see her crying and talking about “cutting herself” because of him.  Are we raising our young women to react this way to jerks?  If Jessie is gay, wouldn’t you think Kevin’s gay-dar would kick in?  I’m not quite sure what the story is with Jessie.  But he’s definitely not worth crying over!  I read that Michelle thinks that Lydia is bipolar.  That would explain her quite frequent major ups and downs.  I would hope that BB wouldn’t take advantage of someone like that just to make a better show.

A funny video from last night shows Jeff and Jordan in bed while Ronnie is in the other bed talking and talking and talking.  Jeff and Jordan are making out and Ronnie, oblivious, just keeps talking.  Every now and then Jordan replies to Ronnie.

Kevin talks to Michelle about who he would nominate.  Kevin mentions Russell and very gently Michelle steers him right in the direction of Jessie and Natalie.  Finally, she’s getting smart about her game playing.

That’s it from me for today…enjoy your Wednesday and stay tuned…Bloggergal1

FYI.  BBBlogger owns and pays for this website.  He was looking for someone to help him with his blogs and I started helping him at the beginning of BB9.  I volunteer here, I don’t work here!  I do it because I love reality TV and the experience of blogging.  I also help him out with both his Biggest Loser and American Idol blog websites.  I’m able to do this because I’m a Virtual Assistant and I work from home.  I depend on all of you to fill me (and everyone else!) in about what’s going on in the Big Brother house.  I wish I had the time to watch 3 hours of BBAD and monitor the live feeds, but I have to work and I have a family to care for too!  I’m enjoying my experience here and I’m thrilled to see so many comments and regulars to this site.  Thanks to all of you!

bigbubbabronson August 5, 2009 at 10:48 am

Lydia is a loose cannon. I have seen this from the start. The way she will flip out, cry, talk “baby talk”, go off alone to attract attention, she is whacky. Jessie is nasty and obviously Yappy lappy dog nor Lydia watched BB last yr w/ Jessie. He used Michelle from that season the same way. Doesn’t anyone remember how she would carry on about Jessie and how she fell out after he was evicted?
I am not sure what this dude is doing to these girls but they all seem a little menatally unstable to start w/.

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bbloyal August 5, 2009 at 10:50 am

For crying out loud; it’s only Wed. I feel as if these weeks w/ BB 11 go on and on and on. It seems like it should be week 8 in the house! Awful season just awful

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abwildrose August 5, 2009 at 10:55 am

Thank you Bloggergal1 for keeping this up, it keeps me going through my long days at work. I check it every once in a while and get to keep up with what is happening in the house.

I have to agree with you that if Lydia is bipolar they should never have allowed her into the house, that is so not fair with how the house itself is so up and down. If she is talking about cutting herself, they need to get her some help NOW.

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grambtx August 5, 2009 at 11:07 am

I am new to this blog and I am really enjoying all the posts. I am a fan of Jeff and Jordan.

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BloggerGal August 5, 2009 at 2:37 pm

Thank you Grambtx and welcome to our community! Bloggergal1

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BloggerGal August 5, 2009 at 2:39 pm

A coupla’ more hours, Snakebit…just a couple more! Bloggergal1

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Anonymous 01 August 5, 2009 at 1:59 pm

Shoot, if we’re going to think about emotional problems with houseguests — what about Natalie from BB9 and her sad and scary obsession with Matty! YIKES!

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Hope Mason Coulter August 5, 2009 at 2:01 pm


Yes I am still watching! It’s like the line in the godfather as I referenced b4 and this isn’t verbatim but you get the meaning “Everytime I try to get out they pull me back in LOL”. Well bringin back the COUP brought me back to watch. And watch I did. I made a comment about the fght between Russ and Chima on the othr blog about that fght but it was all fabricated right down to the water in the face. BB FLASHBACK AUG 8/1/09 2:30PM and you can see Russ and Chima up in the HOH planning how they will “improv”. As I said on that blog I miss the days when BB had actual people on it real people not “wanna-be’s”
those peeople who do the sudo reality shows (or so I thought) on the music channels. But… I still love to watch and route for the underdog and how sweet he is this year Jeff has said that he does commercials on local spots nothin big he was talkin to Russ by the pool table the other nght Russ was pickin Jeff’s brain on how to break into the “business” and true to Jeff form he was like ” Yeah it’s no big deal man I do a couple local thinghs here and there.” he is so humble or at least thats what he is portraying who knows anymore. I had heard that Jeff had a spot on a soap a small spot but I don’t watch them so ? who knows?

Jeff’s cursing doesn’t bother me I am used to it living here on the east coast lol thats almost a greeting, a salutation lol. Anyways I hope that BB isn’t rigged and Jeff gets the power from being in chats and looking onlne everyone seems to be voting for him (not a scientific study).

So this is the season of the actor and wannabe WWF star. Let’s hope that Ronnie goes home tomm and Jeff or Jordan or Kev win the HOH.

BTW speaking of Kev “his moments” with Ronnie were real as far as I know. And I liked what I seen he does have a good grasp of what is going on in the house and he was really sweet to Lydia last night he is definitely growing on me.

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BloggerGal August 5, 2009 at 2:36 pm

Welcome back Jersygrl!!! Bloggergal1

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john August 5, 2009 at 2:01 pm

lose lydia before ronnie

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Connie P August 5, 2009 at 2:09 pm

I hope Lydia gets help, bipolar or not the whole cutting thing is a big cry for help. Jessie is a tool, why they didn’t put him out week 2 I’ll never understand. I’m SO sick of Ronnie talking, he’s so embarassing to watch! I hope all goes as planned & by tomorrow night Ronnie will be no more!

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scott August 5, 2009 at 2:20 pm

Any idea who has the Wizard powers yet>? Voting ended 2:59AM EST or 11:59BBT… Dying to know.. I gave 80% of my votes to Jeff and the other 20% to Michelle

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scott August 5, 2009 at 2:22 pm

I appreciate this blog, however more often than not, the news that is here all happened on BBAD — If I want real BB news, I go to other sites like ***** or ***** (edited by Bloggergal1)

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BloggerGal August 5, 2009 at 2:34 pm

As BBBlogger stated yesterday, this site isn’t an update site. This site is a community that allows all its members to give their views, comments and hang out with other Big Brother fans or haters (as the case maybe). It would be impossible for me to keep the blog up-to-date unless I sat in front of the computer 24 hours a day. Since I’m a volunteer–the only volunteer–it ain’t happenin’! You can get your updates anywhere you care to but BBBlogger doesn’t allow names of other sites on his blogs. Have a great day. Bloggergal1

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Snakebit Sal August 5, 2009 at 2:36 pm

I swear there have 14 days in this week ……… shewwwwwwww

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FRANKS August 5, 2009 at 2:37 pm

BloggerGal1: I appreciate what you do on this site and think I can speak (WRITE) for everyone else who I know feel the same way!

You need a certain amount of patience to do this work, I am afraid I don’t always have that. God bless you!

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BloggerGal August 5, 2009 at 2:39 pm

Thank you Franks! Bloggergal1

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Dom August 5, 2009 at 2:46 pm

Hey guy remember BB is about ratings not people. This is not the first time someone should have been removed from the house. It did not happen then and doubt it will now. As to who leaves Thursday, this week may not have Ronnie going home as Lydia does not have many fans either. Jessie team is better off with Ronnie than Lydia who should have at least 3 votes for her to stay. Lydia is not playing well and has not proven who her real alliance is not counting Kevin, this is a big disadvantage. With that in mind, it truley helps Ronnie who is in Jessie alliance and should get 3 to vote for him to stay. Which leads to Natalie to breaks the tie. Her vote will help her define who she wants to be in alliance with. This week may create a shift of powers in the BB House without using the special power given to one house guest.

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FRANKS August 5, 2009 at 2:53 pm

Scott, please don’t be an asshole. If you had been reading any of the previous days blogs you would know what is going on here.

As stated by “kevin eleven” yesterday in response to one of my complaints to him, he was doing it to keep the people ‘up to date’ who don’t have BBAD.

Sometimes a little common sense is in order. That is why I don’t read other sites, or I like it when people write ***SPOILER*** before announcing something that has just happened!!

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Mattmac August 5, 2009 at 3:14 pm

Dom,sorry.I don’t get your logic. Jessie,Nat and Chima vote Lydia. Jeff,Jordan,Kevin and Michelle vote Ronnie.The rat goes home.And then the Russ and Jeff alliance picks off the Jessie team one at a time as those 3 are by far the most annoying.

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paraphernalia2 August 5, 2009 at 3:16 pm

without causing any contention, i appreciate this site. when TIVO fails me, i can find out what happened.

I dislike Jesse and Ronnie intensely and would like to see Russell, Jeff, Jordan, and Lyvin (Lydia/Kevin) in an agreement. Chima MUST leave. Or, at the very least stop talking, laughing, and using that incredibly unattractive shade of lip gloss. Jesse is certainly not worth Lydia’s angst. He is a narcissistic, self indulgent, whiney (has ANYONE ever spent so much time complaining about being a “have-not”), waste of air time. It would have been so much fun if Jessica from BB? had entered the house. After Chima, then Michelle, unless she is going after Jesse and his scrap dog. But that’s just my opinion…

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Hope Mason Coulter August 5, 2009 at 3:32 pm

Thanks BloggerGal 🙂

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macy1231231 August 5, 2009 at 3:38 pm

Appreciate ya bloggergal! Have been watching since season 8 – and this is the first time I have had people to talk to about it. My friends and fam don’t watch. (dummies) ha

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tendr August 5, 2009 at 3:42 pm

Get rid of Ronnie so i can start actually looking at my tv. ok?

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abwildrose August 5, 2009 at 3:58 pm

Maybe they will vote Ronnie out and Lydia will be removed because of her instability? Her talking about previous suicide attempts and wanting to cut herself is just plain scary!

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mariaelaina August 5, 2009 at 4:02 pm

I taped last nights show and am trying to find the part of Jeff and Jordan making out. Hit Ronnie on the head with his bible.

Can’t a couple get some private time. Would R mind if someone was in the room while he was making out with another man/woman.

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shannon August 5, 2009 at 4:17 pm

I appreciate this site also, THANK YOU BLOGGERGAL, as I do not always get to watch the show as I have 2 jobs 4 kids and a husband. I hope Ronnie goes this week and hopefully whom ever gets HOH will put up Natlie she is totally on my last nerve.

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bluezey60 August 5, 2009 at 4:21 pm

ty bloggergal1 for the update.i feel really bad for being mean to lydia she really does have some serious problems.i do hope someone w/knowledge on the way to treat lydia is on hand.talking about cutting her self ( self multilation ) is very serious. on a liter note. jesse needs to go next week. thank you russ for sending ronnie out. i still believe he knows that his wifey is trying to cheat for him.he still is convinced he is going to stay in the house and win this power.agghhh he is gross.speaking of gross nat must be reeking by now or shes bathing in the pool.her hair was disgusting.

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abwildrose August 5, 2009 at 4:30 pm

Shouldnt cleanliness be mandatory in the house?? Not that a grown adult should have to be told to go and shower, but come on! I am surprised the other HG’s are not saying something to her.

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Nancy Coffey August 5, 2009 at 4:40 pm

When Lydia was crying it is over she also mentioned about Jesse slamming her down. What was that all about?

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Tinasz August 5, 2009 at 4:49 pm

We all know Chima is a lier! We watched he throw herself like a cheep slut at Russell! HUGS! T

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FRANKS August 5, 2009 at 4:57 pm

Shannon, your making me feel bad!
Lets see, if you didn’t sleep you could spend more time here. I know, that is a dumb comment. I agree with your comments about Ronnie and Nat.

Abwildrose, I thought I heard a couple of days ago that Nat said she had taken a cold shower. Could anyone confirm this, thank you.

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Bake4me August 5, 2009 at 5:06 pm

I’v not done this before. but I wish that all BB HG would watch their F****
bombs. annoys me . Why can’t they have a real conversation? anyone else feel the same . you bloggs are doing great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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FRANKS August 5, 2009 at 5:49 pm

Tinasz, please don’t be mad at me, but it is spelled “liar”, and “cheap”.
Just trying to help.

I have said this before, but someone else was trying to look into the dictionary when he had a problem with a word he didn’t know how to spell, because has they commented the Internet doesn’t have “spell check”. I told him rather than look into the dictionary all the time-Just enter the word you are trying to spell into the “search engine” line, followed by a semicolon (:), then the word “define”. Then your problem will be solved.

Have a nice day!

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FRANKS August 5, 2009 at 6:00 pm

Sorry, I showed a colon (:), either a colon or semicolon will work(;).

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aggie August 5, 2009 at 6:38 pm

I agree about Lydia being bipolar, she always seemed a bit off too me. She would be sitting in a room all by herself sometimes just listening too people talk sometimes, she would have the strangest look sometimes. Its funny how Jesse only has women as his closer allies,what does he feel threatened in some way.I think he probably thinks he can control a woman better. he cant do that with russell.

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Don August 5, 2009 at 7:25 pm

Thanks Bloggergal1 ! You do an excellent job for nothin’

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Humberto August 5, 2009 at 8:22 pm

Get Rid Of Ronnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Or He’ll Win the Game)

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bigbubbabronson August 5, 2009 at 9:08 pm

Yappy Lappy dog, Natalie is so gross. She said she hadn’t showered in over a week, I watched her pick her nose and wipe it on her sweatshirt, climb her nasty dirty booger butt on the kitchen table where people eat, then later tell Jessie she was on her period. EWWWW! NASTY!!!! She is so gross!
Lydia needs serious help and anyone could see this about her day one. Seriously!
Good heavens, is this week over yet?!!!!! URRGGHHH!!

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Margie August 5, 2009 at 9:30 pm

Bloggergal 1 you are the best, keep up the good work, I know we all appreciate you and your hard work, you go girl!
Now back to Lydia, the last 20 minutes of BBAD showed Lydia & Kevin, Lydia was crying her heart out, seems Jesse somehow (did not hear how) dropped her and she hurt her head. This is not new to me, as the other night she was with Jessie the Jerk in the splash room and he had his feet where they did not belong on her body, once she got him to move them he then took his knuckles and kept digging them into her back until she really was hurting and all the while he had a big smile on his face, I tell you he is one strange dude. yuk and double yuk. Kevin was telling her she is the one that has to stop it. She then told Kevin she has black and blues on her body. What is wrong with these women? Do they have such little self esteem? How can BB allow this to go on? Does she have to go and report him, such a mess. Did not hear anymore of this chat as BBAD went off the air, (rats) just at the part I wanted to hear. Also, I noticed when they were playing the veto comp, the guys had no shirts on (and they looked real good, even to these old eyes) but Ronnie the Rat had his shirt on, not that I want to see a pasty white blubber body. Thanks all for the great updates, I feed them to my grand daughter and my BFF, take care all
ciao for now
Mama Margie

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Kim Mitchell August 5, 2009 at 9:43 pm

OMG Lydia just swiped peanutbutter on jessies face.. LOL There is a lock down and Lydia went to the green room to be alone with her food and jesse came in to “sleep”, to irritate, and she clapped hands, crunched chips and was really loud because she didnt want him there. She was not affecting him, he is just irritating her. So she reached over and swiped her peanut butter toast on his face so he would have to leave the room and wash his face. Gnat walked by several times. Lydia finally shut the door.. Oh my GOD!! This is so funny. On live feed now.. camera one

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kevin eleven August 5, 2009 at 10:23 pm

Thanks FRANKS. As all have said, everybody does their little part here to either let other know what’s going on (they get the live feeds), clarify stuff that went down that those that don’t have BBAD, vent a little, or entertain this BBBloggers site’s readers on what can be an extremely exciting or boring season. I just found this last week and enjoy the diverse community and opinions, although almost everyone seems to be on the same page in terms of who they like, who they want to get the Cou D’Etat (impossible to spell) and who they want voted out. After engaging in this though, it now seems the CBS Tuesday-Thursday-Sunday shows are three days behind. For example, we still haven’t seen Monday’s nights “Fight Night” on primetime. So with all that drama to air, the HOH competition, Ronnie’s eviction and the winner of The Wizard named, tomorrow night’s show will be all that and a bowl of slop. Later.

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Star August 6, 2009 at 1:54 am

BloggerGal…you must be a great multi-tasker because you have a busy life and do a fantastic job here!! 🙂 And even tho this blog is more of an opinion one, I think you have been doing a great job of updating too. I have noticed you are doing it alot more and we all appreciate the time it takes to do that. Just reading this blog, watching BBAD and responding here seems to take up a large part of MY day and I’m just a fan trying to KEEP UP!!lol

I have been saying that Lydia was Bi-polar for weeks now. And if she is serious about *cutting* over Jessie, I don’t know how she ever passed the psychologial tests I have heard they have to take before being allowed in the house. Also, most people don’t just *start* cutting. If she threatened it, she has probably done it in the past. Maybe the tatoos hide scars…….must be SOME reason she has so frigin many!!!

And abour Jessie being gay….there are things that seem OFF about him , but as BloggerGal said, if he was, wouldnt kevin have said something by now?? And how does he keep getting so many women into him in there?? I don’t know about everyone else, but as a woman I have amazingly accurate *gay-dar* and if he really was gay, I don’t think the showmances would keep happening…IMHO.(plus I think he’s UGLY, but I’m just sayin’….)

And I agree with BigBubbaBronsona and others that this week has seemed to go ON and ON ad nausem!! Maybe it’s because we know so much so far in advance of the actual TV shows…..or cuz we just really don’t give a crap about the HGs this year…lol

Just random thoughts…..

Peace OUT!!

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tish August 6, 2009 at 6:21 pm

argh! i don’t have tv so can’t watch with you all tonight.. have to wait til they post it up on cbs.. let’s hope ronnie goes home..! did anyone else love on the show tues when both gnat and jessie are all “dude, you’re going home” to ronnie..? i laughed out loud when gnat said to chima “he’s going home, don’t go down with him..” ronnie’s all “doh! what?” haha..! michelle is def the swing vote.. hope she votes how i would like (ie, ronnie gone).. also, i think jeff will get the america’s vote/wizard power.. awesome..!

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bbloyal December 8, 2009 at 9:37 am

For crying out loud; it's only Wed. I feel as if these weeks w/ BB 11 go on and on and on. It seems like it should be week 8 in the house! Awful season just awful

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