Thanks to some on-the-ball blog readers, we apparently know who gets evicted tonight. And, I’ve picked up on a number of other tidbits about the house.
If you don’t want to know just yet what has happened, then don’t click the ol’ more tag.
OK, here’s what to expected on Wednesday night. Jen and Parker reportedly give Sharon and Jacob the boot, meaning the latter two will have to reconcile their love problems away from the Big Brother house.
None of this is confirmed. I haven’t even had a chance to plug in to the feeds yet, but from other people who have, Sharon and Jacob are long gone.
Furthermore, the new power couple is Alex and Amanda. Again, not confirmed, but apparently, the house itself is way ahead of what we have seen on TV.
Oh, and apparently Ryan and Jen couldn’t keep their li’l secret.
It should make for good times — and I’ll apprise you of anything else I hear before the big show tonight. Otherwise, check back in with us right after Wednesday’s episode.
I have been thinking about this double eviction every week. It does not pan out at all. So what is the twist? I was wondering if perhaps they are sequestering the evicted couples and maybe there will be a competition to get back into the house or something.
Where the F&^% is EET???
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Didn’t see Sharon and Jacob on Showtime After Dark last night. I wondered if they were off sulking somewhere. What day did the roommates actually enter the house?
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Lori- read my comment on previous post. Found out some interesting info!
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Ugh! I didn’t want to know! But I don’t have much self-control so I clicked.
I hope they didn’t evicted Sharon & Jacob – I happen to like them!! Plus their drama is very entertaining. I reallllly hope they didn’t get evicted.
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I thought evictions were live?
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I thin it was a big mistake for Sharon to say she had her ex in the house… It did reveal the scope of the pain she is in , but if she keep sher mouth shut things could work out…
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Damn! I missed the first 50 minutes of the show but at the end, I got pretty must the gyst, and I’m not happy they evicted J & S – but only because she say he was her ex? Or did something else happened?
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I have a daughter who is Autistic and is by NO MEANS Adam RETARDED as you say you work with THEM everyday????????????????THIS WAS THE MOST OFFENSIVE COMMENT EVER MADE ON THIS SHOW, IF YOU DON’T KNOW YOUR FACTS …….STFU
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I was pissed when I watched the first show of BB9 on 2/12, damn, it was a whole week ahead right after the houseguests went in the house as couples, same thing on BB After Dark on Showtime one couple was already evicted, the soulmates were already bonding, and we have to pay for Showtime too
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I read that a couple was evicted before the feeds were even up, bet the ones that buys those feeds were upset also, so now we had to find out on tonights Wed. show that the couple was evicted, but I did find out why they were gone, also the HOH comp. w/Jessica & Eric didn’t know anything about that either, just saw Amanda/Alex was HOH
So I think BB is putting the cart before the horse this season, I only hope it isn’t this way all season.
I guess all the houseguests don’t vote on the evictions, and I thought Julie was always there during the evictions?, not this first one she wasen’t.
Looks like we have another “Crying Amber” in this Jen this season.
I still say BB8 is #1 Big Brother that I’ve watched sinse BB2
That Adam is spooky looking, he’s scary w/those buggy eyes.
I just hope this season gets better in time than it is so far, JMHO
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well uuuuuhhhhhhh where are the latinos or asians just one african american, where are the peeps of color…………big brother do you think this is a representation of true society,,,,somebody scream RAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCIIIIIISSSSSSSSSM!!!!!!!!!!!!
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white and white and lily white oh and uh white too, and yes 1 yes 1 yes 1 TOKEN BROTHA!
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PLEASE don’t tell me it’s true that Nick (BB8) is with Jen (bb8)!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Sharon & Jacob got evicted because Jacob tried to get some lies kick off.
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Ok…I just got done watching AD on Showtime and I am SOOOoooo confused! Apparently it’s a couple of days after what we saw tonight on BB, and Sharon is BACK in the house after being evicted!! WTF???!!! AND..hang on to your panties here……Neil GOT KICKED OUT and now Sharon is pairing up with Josh!(Who BTW has been crying since it happened!! I think we have a MALE AMBER surfacing here…)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a chatty little group..wait..maybe i spelled that wrong….CATTY might be more appropo…..but thru all the gossiping, NO ONE has explained WHY this all came down! Sharon did say that she couldnt really talk about it…but it sounds like she got all the way home b4 BB called her back in! NO clue why Neil got the boot. There seem to be NO rules this year…or anyway of following what is going on!(BB could make some extra$$$ by selling handbooks to this one..)lol Even the HG are scratching their heads. They all had game plans which are now totally useless and it seems no one an figure out how LONG they are going to be in there.
Maybe only the SHADOW knows……leaves to sound of ED laughing demonically…….
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I cant seem to get into bb9–and i have watched bb since season 1
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Why is Sharon back in the house and not Jacob? I am glad to see Parker up on the block though.
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Wow!! Take 2 days off, and now I’m confused!
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I’ve read Neil was not evicted, he was called into DR and never came back, but I read there was a death in his family so thats why he left, but no one really knows for sure what the reason, but he wasen’t evicted, and Joshua had the choice who to bring back between Sharon or Jacob & he chose Sharon so thats why she’s back……..which I think were going to find out was a huge mistake, she is a sneaky one, she listens very intently to every word out of everyone’s mouth, then spreads it, stirring up the ole pot!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORST BIG BROTHER EVER!!!!! IMHO
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Ugh! I didn't want to know! But I don't have much self-control so I clicked.
I hope they didn't evicted Sharon & Jacob – I happen to like them!! Plus their drama is very entertaining. I reallllly hope they didn't get evicted.
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