Hey, y’all!
Happy Friday the 13th!
Last night’s episode was hilarious! For the past few weeks, I’ve been hoping that Big Brother would allow us to see what’s happening in the jury house and last night, they finally did.
And I’m happy to say that the jury house turned out to be just as crazy as I was hoping it would be. Along with reminding us that people like Amanda, Helen, and Aaryn now have no chance to win the game, the jury house also reminded us why Candice, Jessie, and Judd were so popular with the viewers.
Much as we all knew she would, Aaryn put on a look of fake contrition and offered up an awkward apology to Candice and Helen. Aaryn explained she said the things she said did not represent who she was. Okay, so why did she say it? The best part of Aaryn’s apology was the obvious way that Candice ignored her.
Hilariously, Helen is still trying to present herself as being a Big Brother expert. Whenever she spoke, I found myself tweeting: “STFU, Helen!”
Did you notice that every time the jurors tried to guess who would be showing up next, they always guessed Andy? Even they can’t believe it!
We also got to see Amanda attempting to argue that McCrae deserved to win and I loved the way Candice told her off. Meanwhile, it seems like GM will have at least 3 votes if she makes it to the final two — Aaryn, Elissa, and Helen pretty much said they would vote for her.
Speaking of Amanda and McCrae, Amanda is probably really mad right now because, last night, McCrae was voted out of the house. Before they voted him out, GM, Andy, and Spencer sat him down and told him all about the Exterminators. I’m sure some people will compare this to the Brigade doing the same thing to Britney before voting her out.
The difference, of course, is that Britney was a legitimately strong player and the Brigade was a real alliance, as opposed to an accidental alliance founded by a bunch of floaters.
But, regardless, the Exterminators are the last alliance standing!
Your final three: Spencer the Scary, Andy the Rat, and last — but not least — Gina Marie the Frustrating!
What do the Final Three all have in common, beyond being controversial and unpopular with a lot of viewers?
They’re all unemployed!
Technically, Spencer has a job but that’s just because he’s in a union and therefore, he can’t be fired until he comes back to work.
Gina Marie has been fired but she doesn’t know it yet.
And, today, the College of DuPage posted the following on their facebook page:
Andy Herren has formerly worked for College of DuPage as a part-time instructor. He does not currently work for the College. Any behavior or language he uses on the CBS reality show “Big Brother” does not represent the opinions or values of College of DuPage.
The show concludes on Wednesday (and I’m going to predict right now that GM is going to win) but first, on Sunday, we’ve been told that Dr. Will Kirby is going to stop by the jury house and basically tell everyone that they suck.
I can hardly wait!
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
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Hey does this mean I’m #1
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LM thanks for the new page.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BBAD andy was talking to gm – saying I HAVE TO WIN the next part omg! he was almost saying to her – ‘please throw it to me!’ all three of them say they are taking the other – wink wink
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jeanne – gotcha by 1 minute!
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Okay Macy I will gladly be 2nd to you. God bless. <3
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ahh – so sweet jeanne
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This blog is the best thing that has happened this year on BB.
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Happy Friday the 13th!
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I hope Andy the rat is sent packing. GM deserves to win for getting Amanda out. Spencer is disgusting and Andy is a rat and snake and now unemployed like Aaryn and GM. Hope they take the lessons learned and use them to better themselves
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I have been following this blog all season. You guys are so much fun! I don’t like any of the three left. I vote GM to win only because she really seems to need the money. Her life has been tough.
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GM and Spencer FINAL 2!! OMG – who said that? Can’t wait till Andy finds out how much America disliked him. I sure hope he doesn’t make the final 2!!
LM I know the BB blog stays up for awhile after the finale. Is there any chance you can still post a few juicy items about the HG’s when they return to the real world? If would be interesting to read all the reactions in one place.
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hi ya
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i thought the red hair rat was a professor
thats a lot different than an INSTRUCTOR
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The better show has doubtlessly been in the Jury House. Andy has played the best game though everyone here seems to hate him. GM is really dumb and incredibly insensitive. Spencer is simply disgusting (Good luck, Marilyn). But the Jury House is where the might-have-been show was taking place.
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Thank you LM and my sweet funny bloggers , you are so on always.
I can’t believe what a bunch of floaters we ended up with but then again I can.
They all LOST since they are JOBLESS!
Is that a sign for CBS ? Not enough ?
Jury house is a mad house thanks to DEmantia again LOL
PLEASE ! CBS end the suffering and donate the winnings to a Cancer charity and redeem yourself
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So happy to hear that Andy has also lost his job, Lisa Marie. For some reason, I picked that little rat to win before the season started. I guess I just liked what he had to say in his initial interview. However, have definitely changed my mind and hope that he doesn’t even come in second. Wait I don’t want to see Spencer come in second either. Darn! Was happy GM won the first part and I’m definitely pulling for GM to win the other two parts of HOH comp. Can’t wait to see Dr. Will visit the jury house. Wonder if those guests will cower down before him.
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I to hope GM wins. Yes please post the reactions of aaryn and GM Rat boy Etc. I would really like to know how they felt when they find out how much they aren’t liked and that their actions lost them their jobs.
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the ONLY reason this “èxterminator alliance” is still standing, is because it was just formed weeks ago! they have done nothing spectacular whatsoever! 🙂
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being the first time I followed any blog really have been enjoying the post on here…agree with many..some not so much…but at the end of the day respect all opinions….does Lisa also have one for Survivor for if so will follow that one too?
I vote for GM due to lesser of all evils remaining in BBH.
Hope all have a nice weekend and GO BAMA!!! PS…I am LSU fan but starting to really dislike Johnny Football.
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Between Andy, Spence and GM I would rather see GM win this since possibly she will need it until all the hoopla dies down ~ I would not place any bets that Staten Island will hold GM in high esteem ~ probably goes to all of them ~ and I truly do hope that Spencer’s gf takes time and talks with him about his words used to describe females specifically using the “c” word ~ same goes for the other males that used that word as well….this BB season has been very disapointing ~ and gawd am glad we dont have to hear Helen’s voice anymore ……
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I quit watching the show, just read your blog. great job on a crazy show.
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I so dislike that Gina Marie or Spencer might win the money. They both wouldn’t care about losing their job because they won the money. I don’t think they have enough sense to care what people think of them. They are very ignorant to realize their wrong doing. They are still talking junk about the other houseguest, especially Spencer with his foul mouth against women. I think when they get they will probably bragg about the things they said. Andy the rat will realize after leaving the house how America really feels about him and he will care and try to make amends to recovery his character.
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Oh just a thought ,
Then on w my day.
Why does Andy insist on dressing like a 10 year old ?
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I did not watch the show all the time like in the past. After the first few weeks I grew to hate everyone in the house. You know it was bad if Elissa was the only one I could watch without feeling sick! Anyway they are all losers. This season will go down as the worst of all time! Just look at the last 3 left in the house! Total failure by the network. I always check this blog for the wrap up of each show. Great job! My only complaint is that message after each post that says to support the live feeds! Enough already. Every post you read is followed by it! The “STAY SUPPLE” ending is bad enough. LOL. Anyway great job this season. Look forward to next year. Lets hope the network gets things back on track! My pick to win is no one! All losers if you ask me. ,
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personally – i like STAY SUPPLE its kinda sexy – he he
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@Sylvie, very true, I was wondering the same thing when he was wearing striped knee highs!! Who does that unless it’s “crazy sock day” in jr./sr. high?? I love how Scumanda is still in denial and thinks McCrae should win!! She needs to have a camera crew film her while watching the show, to see her reactions – she could probably make some money off that!! Notice how McCrae admitted he was a “wuss” and he didn’t quite give the same definition of their relationship, just “i don’t know”??? I kept hoping the good part would come but that never happened!!
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Hope you Stay Supple !
I am very supple
Elysa is also very supple , since you liked her
Are you related to Miss LONG ?
Hee Hee
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GM has pretty much played the game alone up to this point. She was the only one this year to actually make a “humongous move”,. At least she was not a sheep. As for her demeanor, as a former New Yorker I say, she was from Staten Island! She is what she is!!! Andy is a rat but he also actually played the game. He juggled both sides of the house, keeping out of the spotlight and letting others get the blood on their hands. He knew going in that he was no physical match to most of the HGs so he attached himself to a strong player and let her do the work (as did McCrea) but when it came down to it, he then helped to evict them. Many of the evicted HGs were voted out due to Andy’s actions.
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Diane great n spot on post
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This season may have generated ratings, however, the casting was off for some reason? GM said some racist remarks that got her fired. Spencer said things about women that are unforgivable today. Andy share some of his comments as well. The real winner will be next season. Perhaps all-stars would be a good show. Casting should be fired for this season. Live feeds were off without real planning. I am disappointed in this season. Perhaps we can all learn for these people who have mastered not caring about other people nor their feelings. Julie may need to give up her post as well. Canada did a far better job.
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I’m not sure why anyone would vote for Andy to win. He & Spenser rode coat tails up until the last couple of weeks. As for Aryan, granted you all may not believe her apology to Candice and Helen, but wasn’t it fun watching how uncomfortable she was while giving them one? I will give her an “E” for at least making the effort, because when she leaves the jury house, that little girl is going to have a really tough road ahead of her with or without a publicist. JMHO
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in heavren there ain’t no beer that’s why we drink it here…Let’s watch and see how Dr Will rips them all new ones…have a nice wekend !!!!!!!and the winner is NOOOOO OOOONE…they are all loooosers…good night Gracie..i’m out…se ya next yr…earth to sputnik…get me out of here…
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After seeing Helen in jury the other night. I hope she is never asked back on the show! She just can’t keep her mouth shut!!!
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Just read that Gina Marie won round one of the HOH competition. Spencer and Andy to compete tomorrow for the second part. Then live Wednesday for the final.
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GM is the best choice left. Remember how generous she was as HOH. She was the most fun of any HOH in my opinion. The best thing about this season is right here on the blogs.
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Looks like Andy has one very outspoken supporter. Who? Ragan Fox. Birds of a feather flock together. No surprise there.
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Ragan Fox’s rally round Andy comments:
Apparently the College of DuPage disagrees with Ragan’s high esteem of Andy’s teaching skills.
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Love this blog – thank you Lisa Marie. Your slant on things and everyone’s comments out here is not only entertaining and informative, but offers real food for thought with some of the situations and personalities we’ve seen. I’ve enjoyed reading it all. I’m not happy with the F3 at all. . .is anyone really? I think GM would be my choice to win and Spencer 2nd. I just want RatAndy to go, the sooner the better. Who would ever think that we’d see 3 floaters in F3. Unbelievable!
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welome JT – hope ur day is great!
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LOL @ convo this afternoon… GM refering to Amanda and Aryan about how their comments and actions in the the house will reflect poorly on them in the outside world, Spencer and Andy agreeing…
I do think she will learn from her behavoir and take the lesson to heart, but it is ironic to hear her say others will have a hard time back in the real world. 😉
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They are all NUTS!………….
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I believe Ragan Fox has his own agenda. From my viewpoint he’s delusional! Andy actually makes my skin crawl! And as Dr Fox say’s it’s not because he’s gay (I believe we are all equal in God’s sight). We all have our opinions and mine is that Andy doesn’t’ deserve to win BB15 because of the hateful things he has said about the former HG’s. I know he’s not alone in that, and I feel Spencer was the worst! Andy has absolutely no redeeming qualities! On the other hand, GM was the best HOH. Generous to a fault to the HG’ s and she made some brave moves and didn’t allow anyone to sway her. Even when Amanda had several breakdowns .
I want GM to win for these reasons…and that’s MHO!!! 🙂
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I think Gina Marie’s real world is more fantasy than reality and she continually overestimates her own intelligence and at 33, it is long past time for her to behave like an adult. Still, best of of the “litter.”
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Starfish I lovedThe Penguin Song Happy Birthday Very cool 😎

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Big Brother renewed for season 16; summer of bigotry a ratings success
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Julie Chen’s plastic surgery secret: not a secret since 2004
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Link for season 16 comment above
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What is up with those shirts Andy has been wearing?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One had flamingos on it … one had puppies.
Did anyone else notice these awful looking shirts?
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This has been a real let down of a season. When it first started by two favorites were Helen and Amanda. But as the season progressed, Amanda certainly showed me why I was wrong to like her. And Helen, I don’t know. She was still my favorite up until she was voted out. I guess the bottom line is there simply was so little to chose from this season.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It irks me to no end that I am hoping GM wins for lack of anyone else. Those two bozo’s, Andy and Spenser, are so unlikable it’s ridiculous. I swear I’d like to have an Andy doll just to push pins into it. Hell, even a doll of him would probably cry its’ eyes out. And Spenser, yee gods. Enough said about the Cro-Magnon of the show.
Well, here’s to next season and hoping they either bring back favorites or do a better job of choosing a more likable bunch.
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As always LM, thanks for the new page and the great information about Andy. I think it was Jolee who said INSTRUCTOR is a lot different than PROFESSOR which is what Andy put on his resume. ha ha ha no more job for him.
GM is the least detestable of the F3 and I hope she wins. That’s not saying much for her for sure. Loved seeing the jury house. Looking forward to Dr. Will talking to them and I hope he lets them know what a horrible season this was but he probably won’t go quite that far. I hope the fact that the CBS ratings were higher this year that they won’t think their show needs a complete overhaul and I mean inside CBS and inside the game. We want a a facelift for BB16!
That’s it, you guys have said it all about the disgusting HGs.
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@ Sylvie, Andy dressed more like a toddler than a 10 year old! No self respecting 10 year old would walk out the door with that get up on! Also, lol at the Ms. long reference, what ever happened to that sweet lady????
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Excellent assessment of The BB15 Disaster of the Summer of 2013 Bruce
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I hope Dr. Will tells Helen she talks too much! Maybe that would shut her up, but then again, probably not!
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Saw that clip of Julie on TMZ too.
She had more than her eyes done, let’s just say she is blaming it on her manager.
But then who told her to have a nose job, and more from the before and after.
And i think it’s fine, why is she telling the world now and who really cares?
She does need a good stylist ! and Andy too
@Holly Miss Long only wanted to cause disharmony, she got bored w us being nice to each other.
Stay supple 🙂
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Helen has a political background where the more you say something over and over again the more likely it will be believed. She was true to form.
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Julie seems like she is the nicest person in the world….they should put her in one season!!!!!
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@Sylvie, yes she certainly had more done than her eyes but, I feel, whatever trips your trigger but she made the choice. She does look so different and even pretty compared to the before pic.
Are you still living in Brentwood? Just curious.
Ought OH, you mentioned Ms L and watch she’ll show up just to let us know she’s still loving us and being her supple self. 😆
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I hope GM wins too, just for the sake of who’s competing I believe she’s the best choice.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@ HERBIE ??? is your last name Este
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Julie’s Husband is the Big Boss at CBS and I’m sure he wants Julie to stay on the outside of the house.
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Yea he probaly doesnt want anything to happen…..But at least she can tell him to continue making seasons so when im able to play maybe i can!!!!!!!
It is bad that i take notes and have a notebook full of strategies to survive the bb house….????
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If i got a chance to play what would you guys do? I hope you guys would root for me! trust me ill make sure to say HI bb bloggers when if ever im on the block…………………OMG IM DYING TO BE ON THE SHOW>>>>>>>>I THINK I CAN WIN OR GET TO FINAL THREE>>>>>>>
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@hunter: BB has been renewed for BB16 and the ratings went up this year so my guess is it will be on for quite awhile. You only have six years to wait. I would start putting in your request now and let them know you want to be on the show at 21 and what a Super Fan you are, etc. Yes, I’m sure we would be rooting for you. I think they’ll put a squash on all the shout outs because there was so much of it this year. I don’t recall this happening so often in the past. I think maybe one show, was it all stars someone said? You could use everyone’s name somehow in conversation and no one would be the wiser. 😆
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Hunter I will surely pull for you especially if you keep it clean. Don’t use that c word it has to be one of the nastiest. I can’t even stand the way it sounds. I hope in couple of years to see you on bb.
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Well what a fine mess CBS has made of one of my favorite shows. Out of the final three I would have to agree GM is the front runner. The other two are disgusting!
By the way what subject does he “instruct”? I am sorry I have never heard of the college he works at, but happy to see that he is now unemployed too! All three if the last house guests have list their jobs. I think GM will be extremely confused as to why! She is not the sharpest tack in the box but ….. It also sends chills up my bones to understand she wants the pageant girls to look up; with her lack of education or even a general education/knowledge of a high school education!
WOW what a mess! I can’t thank Lisa Marie enough of keeping up the “highlights” (?) of this season. There are many episodes I have been unable to watch the shows in their completion or even watch BBAD!
Also many, many thanks to JT whom filled me in when I was having issues with not receiving the blog. <3
I was not going to watch the rest of the show, but am super interested in what Dr. Will will have to say to the final three. I bed he won't be allowed to say what is really on his mind!
Much LOVE to all my fellow blog responders. If there is another season I will look forward to seeing you all again!
God Bless
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------madisonchris ( donna)
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pushed wrong key – anyway – do any of you knwo if they did part 2 today?
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I think they should switch the show to the jury house. What a terrible Big Brother this season. As everyone votes for their favorite houseguest to receive the 25,000 dollar prize, maybe we should vote for David. The first guest to leave the house, at least he was put out of his misery the first week and didnt have to waste his summer putting up with the rude and racist comments in the BB house.
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Sleepfest today… No comps so far
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GM got Fired?? When and what kind of job did she have?? TY
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I wish they would allow us to submit questions and comments to Dr. Will to take into the JH with him. That would be fun. Do you think he’ll be allowed to tell Aaryn that she lost her job? I thought it was funny when Amanda said last night that America hates her. Did she really believe that we would like her and her antics?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Andy dresses like a toddler and I’m so glad he lost his position influencing young minds. He doesn’t deserve that honor. I thought it was interesting last night on BBad, every time one of them went into the DR the other two talked about them being the F2. There was sure a lot of smoosing going on with all the compliments, etc.
I vote for GM to win also but just because of the lack of anyone else worthy. She did win some comps and was HOH what? 3 times? 2 or 3 anyway. She competed with all her injuries and she did get out the big girl.
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No ! …nobody knows…… 😕
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GM was a pageant promoter.
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@Kim, you can see all their bios on cbs.com. As for GM she was a pageant coordinator and worked with girls wanting to be in pageants or something like that. They fired her because of her obnoxious language and behavior and said she’s not a good roll model for their company. Same reason Aaryn was fired.
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Everyone is in bed! Time for some TV….See you all later! ….:mrgreen:
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Has anybody other than me noticed, in addition to everything else so annoying about Andy, that when he speaks it always looks like his lip movements are very controlled as though he has something he is hiding inside his mouth and I don’t think it is a pinch of chew ‘tween his cheek and gum. Yuk!
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Pepperidge Farms would probably reject Aaryn and GM as “roll” models too. Bad for business.
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I can’t believe I just cast 10 votes for Elissa to be America’s favorite. Better her than any other possibilities though.
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They shouldn’t even waste their time on a jury house. They should have the last two people standing and have America vote. They should not give 50 grand to the runner up. I hope that slob, booger pickin Spencer does not win. GM is fired and I just saw your post about Andy’s job. This is why America should vote not the jury.
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I do think CBS owes America the duty to disclose to Aaryn, Gina Marie, and Andy that they have been fired by their former employers for racist and profane comments they said in the house sometime before the end of the finale. Include Spencer as well as a possible soon to be unemployed conductor when his racist comments are disclosed to his union.
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Thanks to Lisa Marie and all the people that make comments. This blog has made this year bearable.
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Can you be fired if you are in a Union? Never been in one so I am not sure how thy work.
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Hey Lisa Marie, Star, Starfish, Bobo, PK, JT, Frannie2, Wingnut, Dubs Doll you want to form an alliance?
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BETTY – i saw where u wrote gm and spencer final 2 – waaaa
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Count me in Madisonchris (Donna)
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madchris-WHATABOUT ME!!!!! ha ha
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Bendi, that’s who I’m rooting for. I want GM 1st and Spencer 2nd, with Elissa to win the $25,000.00. No way in hell do I want Andy anywhere near the money. Let him double his nearly $95.00 he won in the comp.
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Macy…that’s exactly why she didn’t count you in. You called her madchris!
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me too frannie – i thought it was true when u said it – so i had my hopes up!
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That’s better, now all you have to do is wait for her to come back to let you in.
We can wish it’s them at the end.
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FRAN – i read where ur boss got got up pn SOA in the flash of a light – it took us about 2 weeks last yr –
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i butchered that sentence – need to get my nails done – try to keep them short
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Yep, she in love with Jax. How funny is that? She will probably be done in time for the 2nd episode on Tuesday night.
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That’s ok Macy…I am used to reading that stuff, especially if you use a cell phone.
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Macy come on down, you can join us! This has been the strangest season, I thought what the heck…….I could use 1/2 million!
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Can’t we all Madisonchris. Hopefully the comps will be easy on this old gal!
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im prolly best at the questions
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You could kick my butt, I am healing a very bad broken back! I say we just show up on the CBS lot, like noon Sunday! What do you think?
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@macy1231231 what I read on the big brother network site they will compete tomorrow for the second part of the contest. Thus being Spencer and Andy. GM won the first round today.
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Ouch! Sorry to hear that.
Off to play Words with Friends on fb….later girls!
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Count me in. 🙂 Everybody bring a can of Lysol Disinfectant Spray. 😆
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Good night! See ya Sunday? 😉
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Wow, Donna, that’s terrible. I hope it’s healing for you. I had back surgery and I know that is not fun.
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ouch! the back can be tricky
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u can leave off the 1231231 – my teenage daughter did that to me
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me me me i’m # 103?
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y’all think we will reach 105? 😆 Justa kidding! Hey *fish! Wazzup?
Back to games….I’m so flippin’ board!
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lets bet on the post number – i bet 193
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dangit – LM will read that
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What’s wrong with that Macy?
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If JT were here, we could reach that with no problem. He’s prolly out celebrating his bd. (yelling) Hey dude, have a frozen strawberry dacquiri for me. 😉
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FRAN – if she reads it – she might go to the next number – ha ha ha
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nah, it’s Friday night….she’s probably out having fun.
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@ladytbd #21
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Agree 100 percent. Even once these final contestants (and some in jury)
find out that they are not liked, not funny, not endearing, not cute, not
smart, not clean, not interesting, not watchable and disgusting – THEY
STILL WON’T GET IT. And if they do, they won’t care anyway.
Three minutes of fame these days can make you a few bucks and that’s
all that counts. The dumbing-down never ceases to amaze me.
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my fri night – take the girls to chilis – come home – let them make cookies – there goes my kitchen – listen to them talking about the latest hot guy – i say no no no – u are 13 – u say cute -i get the eye roll and that gets them to go upstairs NOW MY TIME…….
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Macy, I remember those days. I loved my alone time….now I have tons of quiet time. But hey, that’s ok….I’ll take all I can get.
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quiet time….i have a very vocal border colley – she sounds like scooby doo – not even joking – she talks non stop when she doesnt get attention – ha
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I think we can get up to 193. It is only like 111 so start with your opinions! Sorry for you all whom had had the back surgery too! It SUCKS! But I really was not given a choice. If I were healthy I think I might try out for BB one time, but now there is no way I can do the physical comps. I could do the mental ones because , well I am a bit mental myself! LMAO. 😉
I hope GM wins, sort of. But, I really don’t want the NAMBLA member or fake professor to win 50,000! Does anyone know what he teaches? I certainly hope it is not ethics! I really don’t think any of them deserve to win, maybe David! This season has had the worst players ever!
At lest with Evil Dick or Dr. Will you knew what you were getting!
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happy chris – he teaches how to do public speeches
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Madisonchris….I read it somewhere, but I forget what Andy teaches. Hopefully someone will teach him what NOT to wear.
I could never do BB…I could never go that long without my computer or cell phone.
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@Madisonchris, it’s a communications class Gymboree-Andy teaches, apparently with a specialty in effective lying. 😉
Can I join the bbblog brigade alliance?? I’ll promise to do all the laundry including gold and put away service. It’s my specialty. 🙂
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That’s right Macy….I did read that. I wonder if he teaches public crying too. He does that so well!
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ha ha
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Macy…comment #116 happy Chris! Buhahahahaha
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anything to be in the brigade frannie
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kimjmj, I think Madisonchris is napping. Macy and I have decided to let you in. Someone that is willing to do the laundry is ok by us!
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😉 @ Macy
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All we need now is someone that can cook…..count me out!
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Who watches Survivor?
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hate laundry – but i am a little OCD – all of our bedrooms will be shinin bright – no clothes on the floor – my bed needs to be made when im not in it – no cups on the night stand – the others can do it – but i will be right behind them to getum outa the bedrooms – can we say ANTS
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I think we ALL should show up on Sunday! Yes kimjmj come on let’s kick those loser final three and take the money we can devide the entire $550,000 amount ourselves! We deserve it more than them!
I did vote for Elyssa for the fan favorite. She rocked the boat the least ant the minute they found out whom she was the automatically just hated her! She and Helen were the only ones I EVER saw clean that place. So everyone BYOCL. ( bring your own can of Lysol)! Elyssa was fan favorite at 44% last time I checked, Andy was at 0%, the next closest was 24% and I can’t remember whom that was now!
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Good…looks like everything is covered. I’ll prepare the drinks. hicup!
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FRAN i love to cook – i can wrangle any dish – as long as someone else helps with the dishes
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Yeah f2! I’ll even cook some, just as long as someone else does the dishes! 🙂
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I voted Elissa too…at least she didn’t trash talk everyone. Who cares who her sister is…even though I couldn’t stand Rachel. It’s not like she had a choice in the matter.
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I can do dishes….just rinse the plates so things don’t get all nasty on them. 🙂
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Whew! Glad we have a few cooks. I know for a fact that *fish doesn’t cook either.
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I am here! I can cook okay. I bartender in NYC for 10 years and DO NOT DRINK. I am mild OCD so Macy we are okay there. I hate cleaning bathrooms, but will keep the kitchen clean! What have we forgotten?
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😆 Madisonchris, can we elect you to make the drinks then? I’m sure you can do better that I can.
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MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE….I like the easy stuff, can you tell?
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LOL, we should go by the merry maid brigade! Give us a bunch of slouches to play with, they’ll target each other for the first half, keep us to keep house, and before they know what hits them we’ll be in the majority and not them all out! 😉
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Oh, and f2, I’m a Survivor fan..
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kimjmj…sounds like a plan. I love the name!
Off for the night. Catch y’all later. Don’t forget to pack your toothbrushes.
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YESSSSSSSSSS….I love Survivor too. Did you get the email for the blog?
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Not yet, but I’ll be there too! I lurked a few years here, but now that I have reliable web access I’m here to stay. Nite all!
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Good night!
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Night all. Had company tonight. Thank you for the blogs.God bless you all.<3
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Good evening bloggers! I just caught up with my e-mail! 90 e-mails!! My sissy (Jeanne) and I had friends over tonight and we played the card game the HG’ s were playing the other night on BBAD. They called the game “BS” -to put it mildly! Since I couldn’t picture us senior ladies yelling out BS!!! we changed the the name to “Gotcha!” It was soooooo much fun. We laughed until we almost cried! I would recommend it to anyone who likes card games. It’s one of the few things I have enjoyed from BBAD. Goodnight all. God bless!
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Clio the Leo @Clio_the_Leo
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wonder how many folks who hate Andy/Amanda so much realize Elissa would have gone home week 1 if not for them? #bb15
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Well, I’m voting for Elissa for America’s favorite – even though she continues to puzzle me. She seemed to genuinely offer respect to others – even those who didn’t deserve it! I was impressed with Helen and thought she was playing a good game – right up till her “praise” of others began to reek – simply reek – of insincerity.
An instructor is not (and nowhere near) a professor. No benefits, no tenure track, usually filling a temporary gap. Andy is just duplicious enough to try to elevate an “instructor” to a “professor.”
Of the three HG’s who are left – I dislike them all! Andy is out of the question – his dishonesty crosses the line – I know it’s a game and I expect some gameplaying but the level of dishonesty is (like Helen’s insincerity) just too high. Spencer is disgusting. GM has had some redeeming moments, but I still wonder how a 33 yr. old can be so stupid and so racist (a redundancy, I know). If I had to choose, I guess I could choose GM by default and only if she promised to use a portion of the bucks to genuinely work to increase her sensitivity. I’m glad the choice isn’t mine.
I have to admit that I wonder about the firings of GM, Spencer, Aaryn, and Andy. If I were a private employer, I wouldn’t hesitate to fire all four and Amanda too for being odious representatives of the human race. Or for being repugnant, repulsive, horrific beings. But the right to believe is absolute – the right to act on that belief is limited. If you are acting as a quasi or full role model – then that seems grounds – but Spencer is not. RR conductors are not hired for being appropriate role models so I wonder how that will stand up in court or if he files a grievance. I’m not defending any of them and would love to see the looks on their faces when they are told that they are not fit to continue with the company. But at the same time, I wonder if it’s legal.
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Brian Lynch @LynchMgm 4m
Behold! Rob is joined by Danielle Reyes to discuss the state of the game/ #rhap 😉 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98Q4qSWcF6k …
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98Q4qSWcF6k …
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Goodnight All! …………………
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I would love to be in an alliance with all you people.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------thanks for asking
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OH no you don’t JT. Really, you starting that again? bahahahahahahah 😆
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I didn’t start anything 😆 …that’s justa < ….no codes or anything needed for that. And I just wanted to mark my spot before the calendar clicked over to the 14th 🙂
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Just had a moment of clarity , just thinking
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------David was lucky to be evicted 1st at least he doesn’t have to hire a publicist like the others in the house
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Oh, ok sure, I believe that! 😀
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Caprice, if Spencer is fired for his behavior I’m sure it is legal. The union has been working with the company (Union Pacific Railroad, I believe). Companies have a right to put morality clauses in their contracts. And maybe if Spencer had not made public where it was that he worked, he wouldn’t have a problem. But he did make that information public. That information is not only online, but he told America during one of the BBAD episodes–but I can’t be certain which railroad without looking it up and I really don’t want to do that right now as I’ve had a long day. By making public the name of his employer, Spencer boxed himself into a corner. His employer is now forced to do something to distance themselves from his behavior and what he has been saying and doing. His jokes about child porn, use of the “C-word” to refer to women, putting his hands down his pants and general disgusting behavior puts the railroad in a bad light if they keep him on without consequence. Weeks ago, I was thinking that maybe Spencer would be required to attend a couple seminars on race and gender diversity in society and the work place. Now, I’m fairly certain he’ll be without a job. He’ll have a hard time getting a new one, too. And his “explanation” a few nights ago on BBAD about it being some kind of persona for TV was just lame. Even if somebody had wanted to take on a disgusting Spencer-like persona how would they have been able to maintain it for 3 months if it were not real?
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okay what the hell, there’s an alliance that I’m not in?????????????? That includes members of my original alliance, hmmmmm………………..
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Happy Birthday JT . I’d say belated but it’s still Friday here.
Spencer won’t be fired and Andy will be a star in his club. The club
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------is very powerful and when they pack their shit backwards they
can change laws. Would be funny to see Spencer waving a rainbow
flag on a float with Andy dry-humping him.
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The thing that bugs me about gay parades is that they get away with
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------doing stuff in public that no other group could. The parade here in Vancouver
is only about men wearing very little and engaging in sexual acts.
I don’t go and watch but the TV covers it and I’m sorry if I’m offending
anybody but it is not right. Kids are there.
If there was a heterosexual parade where people were flaunting sexual
activity in public I would say the same thing.
Get a fucking room.
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How did I get back in moderation? Ugh losing my phone sucks!
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Holly you can join our alliance. It’s more of a BBFan alliance! We should up in Sunday and demand to play because our moral compass is extremely higher than ANYONE that played the game this season. We have all assigned ourself jobs, just don’t forget you Lysol! 😉
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I want to play; I’ll cook and clean and do whatever else is needed. I’m not very good at the endurance comps though, but would do well with the knowledge ones–so long as production gives me the proper dosages of my medication each and every day. I can even make homemade laundry soap that is better than anything store bought.
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@Caprice Amanda lost her Real Estate licence in Florida
@Starfish , yes still in Brentwood
watch “Idiocracracy” not the comedy about idiots but the real one , on BB last night.
They are killing me they have nothing to say and GM started talking about Porto Ricans….had to shut her up and go to bed.
I really hope DR Will has some freedom as to the questions he will ask theHGs
he at least was funny and was a real doctor lol
i believe this is the first season HGs get fired from their jobs, it’s Andy, Aaryn, GM, Spencer and Amanda right ?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unbelievable !
If that’s not clear enough what else does CBS need to revamp the show?
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I will bring the steam cleaner and duster. Count me in. I like to do the wash but I don’t fold.
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Hey JT! Missed your Bday here, but caught up with you on FB! I’m ready for Survivor. I havent been on the blog much this year, some of the comments here are as bad as the Houseguests. Lets hope Survivor is better! Hey LM thanks for keeping up with the blog. Hi to Kev11, SS, JT, Stra, Starfish, Aggie, Holly, Ted, Bobo, macy, Sylvie, Tendr, and any of the Blog regs Ive missed! See most of you at Survivor.
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Whoa is me…..Jane, how could you forget one of your chat packers? 😥
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Holly, sorry gf….how could I have forgotten a chat packer? You are in, and for being overlooked, you can be there without doing anything…at least for the first week.
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Sorry I missed your birthday JT. Happy Birthday!
As far as who wins, I say GM has done the most to deserve it. I can handle the lying and the back stabbing from all of them but other than GM nobody has done anything to help themselves or others. Even though I can’t stand the racism and i know she isn’t real book smart, she at least put in effort of her own. Some people may not have book smart but have street smart and I think she is one of those. I don’t think Elissa deserves to win anything. What did she really do? She blew trying to get Amanda out which was the only intelligent thing she even tried to do. She was quiet and had class but that still doesn’t earn her the right to be America’s favorite. If she wins it, she can thank Rachel and her cronies for that just like her MVP. Anyone remember how she was whining when she didn’t get MVP? OMG, how could it happen that someone else could win it. Waaaahhhhh. Judd was targeted unfairly because production let the house guests believe he was the deadly MVP that targeted Amanda. I hope he wins it.
I loved the jury house. Aaryn just wants to start over. I agree that it was a pretty haphazard apology. I think Amanda is just as nasty in real life as she was in the house. And her trying to make McCrae appear to be such a great player was really laughable. Loved watching Candice and her reality. She is a pretty tough lady. Hmmm, maybe she is my vote.
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The first time I joined an alliance on this blog was 4 years ago….. and PGA Dok turned against me and voted me out. A smart move on his part, I admit. I did have a lot of final 2 side deals. 😆 ……but I learned my lesson, I’ve been rogue since then.
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@Shayne….R U for real? I am not gay, but why would anyone care what the gay paraders do? They are glad that they can finally be out in public, so hell yea, they are going to be there and be proud of who they are. People know, before they take their kids to that kind of parade, what to expect. So if they don’t want them exposed to that sort of stuff, then stay home…plain and simple. If they are showing it on tv, then change the channel! It’s not going to go away, so people have to either accept it, or look the other way.
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Thanks Jane, Shayne, & hpr56 🙂
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@JT…now that’s a name we haven’t seen in a very long time. I guess he gave up on BB.
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Thanks Fran! I think I will just hang out in the backyard and hose off any hot /cute guys. Hopefully there will be a Jeff for eye candy!! Hi Jane, welcome back! Did you get a new phone or are you old schooling it?
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@holly – got the hot/cute guys ref – ha ha – surely your older than 13 – have at it girl!
JT – did u have a fun b-day night?
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Most clever sign I saw on College Football Gameday this morning…
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JT…I know the Bama, but what or where is Heismanberg?
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his alter ego heisenburg
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I know Heisenburg too, but I thought maybe the college sign was about 2 fb teams. Love WW
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Texas A&M is playing Alabama… Tx A&M QB (Johnny Manziel) won the Heisman trophy last year.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Go Aggies!!
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FP2 you know i could never forget you!! I lost my phone and I hate the computer. I coulda swore I typed your name…. I looooove my Frannie!!
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Got it! Don’t watch college fb, and only know a few teams. I only watch the NFL, at least till I get kicked out the the suicide pool. I picke NE this week, and man was it a nail biter! Too close for my likings.
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OK Jane, I’m feeling the love now! Back at ya!
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Frannie, do you have NFL Network… I don’t.. but I was able to watch a lot of that game on NFL.com
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I am old schooling it and it sucks. I get my new phone Monday. Back to Words With Friends & Bejeweled… my forms of entertainment lol!
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IDK if I do or not JT. All I know is that I was able to see it on a channel I’ve never been on before.
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That’s why I haven’t seen any Words with Friends coming over from you. I thought you were giving up.
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JT, I just tuned that channel on and it says NFL, so I guess I do. 😳
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There are so many rumors running around, so can someone tell me, is it true the remaining HG’s will not be interviewed after the show or make an appearance on “The Talk”. I have even tried to find Helen’s interview with Jeff, but I have had no luck finding it. Is Jeff still interviewing the HG’s?
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Betty, IDK about all the rumors.. I don’t usually pay attention to that stuff. But none of it would surprise me. I did hear some HGs talking about the wrap party either being cancelled… or not being in the b/y this year.
As far as the Jeff interviews… not sure, but I think those end when jury starts. They don’t let jury members do stuff before they go to jury house.
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***Jeff still does interviews.. but he just has other guests instead of evicted jury members. One week he had Rachel… another week he had Brendon… then Jordan another week.
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@Jane, ‘old schooling’ it, yuk but so happy to see you even for a minute or two. Let me know what kind of phone you get because I may need a new one soon.
@JT, that really is a name we haven’t heard in a long time. There are a few that we miss who have gone on to greener pastures or maybe just quit watching BB. Loved the clever sign. My hubby is an Aggie (once and Aggie, always an Aggie). He went when it was all military and they were rough on those guys back then. I love football but the Aggie band is the best I’ve ever seen.
Did we ever name our new Alliance? We are all Lysol toten to disinfect that BB playpen but what about our name? Since I’m not the creative one in the bunch, physical comps or cleaning the kitchen is what I can do, but not creative enough to think up a good name. Where’s Rose when we need her?
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Betty, here is Jeff’s latest interview with guest Lawon (BB13)
And the one before that with Daniele (one L) 😆
If you look to the right… the previous ones should be there as well.
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@Betty, someone put a link on here awhile back that a magazine wouldn’t do an interview with the HGs this time because of their disgusting behavioir. That’s all it was. I really doubt CBS would forego their interviews when they had such a lucrative year. I THINK, they’ll give those nasty mouthed HGs a chance to make even bigger fools of themselves to try to convince us that it was only their “game persona” – yea right. Why not? hee hee hee
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Betty, I tried to post links to the latest 2 Jeff interviews, but it went to moderation 🙁
….so I’ll just post this one from week before last.. with Daniele Donato
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Thanks for the info JT. Don’t the HG’s wonder why the wrap party was cancelled? I thought it was funny last night on BBAD when Andy said he was anxious to hear what viewers thought of him. All I have to say ‘Be careful what you wish for you little rat’!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes I am for real and I couldn’t care less if you are gay. Not my place
to call people out for their sexuality. Would you like to see Mcrae and
Amanda making out on a mattress on a float going down the main street
of your town or city? I doubt it. That is what the gay parade here
does. We’re all different and I’ve got no prob with that but if you think
young children should be exposed to flagrant sexual expression on the street
then we have differing opinions.
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Thanks Starfish, I could not remember exactly what I read, but it did have to do with interviews. I am happy that matter has been cleared up!!
Thanks for the link JT. I can look up the others. I guess I had forgotten there were no interviews with jurors. My memory is getting so bad, I sometimes forget why I get out of bed in the morning! 😆
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The show is not over and I am already going thru withdrawal pains. Do y’all remember the one year when Big Brother was not held in the summer months? CBS is cheap. They ought to raise the ante from 500K to a million.
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Shayne, I agree with you! As I said before, God is no respector of people, but the whole “In your face” attitude and flaunting their sexuality in public is unacceptable in any decent society! As Julie Chen says: “Don’t they know people are watching them?”
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Mama Margie should be back soon, right? I hope they are having a wonderful time.
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@Shayne…. this is what you said: “The club
is very powerful and when they pack their shit backwards they
can change laws”. How is that not deragatory or a homophobic slur. Even assuming Fran is gay, which she’s not but who cares, because she speaks up is a little off putting. As for the gay parade, it is a choice to go or watch. If you don’t want your child exposed dont take them. Would you take your child to a Reggae Festival where everyone smokes weed? Just because something is public doesnt mean its all ages. It’s up to parents to raise there children in the environment they want. I dont know what gay parade you’ve been to but here in Long Beach (the 3rd gayest city) there arent people openly having sex, and you don’t see the making out part unless you go to the festival where everyone is partying after.
@Joleemae… how many gay parades have you attended? Just curious since you state “In your face” attitude and flaunting their sexuality in public is unacceptable in any decent society! Personally I am not a fan of any public displays of affection. I probably wouldnt of attended Woodstock. However, who someone loves is not my business. Everyone has a right to their own personally beliefs without being judged. If your going to say God Bless you after every damn post at least understand that God will be the judge not you.
So lets leave Racism, Homophobic Slurs, and Religion off the Blog. This year on the Blog is ass gross as the Houseguests.
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@Dubs Doll
Can you be fired if you are in a Union? Never been in one so I am not sure how thy work.
Sorry for the delay in responding (Friday date night with Rebecca) but I suspect that Spencer will be suspended without pay for some determined period or possibly even terminated. While IP Law, my specialty, and Labor law are quite different, my opinion is that the racial, homophobic and misogynist slurs Spencer uttered on numerous occasions not only cast unwanted and unwarranted ridicule upon the good will of his employer, Union Pacific Railroad and its employes, but also the thousands of members of the United Transportation Union whose members include all races, sexes and sexual orientations. So I really do believe that the United Transportation Union will be just as eager to part ways with Spencer as does Union Pacific.
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easy, easy yall……………..happy saturday all – looks like LF is another day of watching them (or not -i pop in once in a while) sleep – get up to pee – go back to bed – poot and snorrrrrrr – think the o.d.’d on some nyquil
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@Joleemae and to a limited extent to Shayne as well.
Gay Pride is one thing, and it is long overdue, but turning up the “I’m Gay in every way Volume” to mind boggling levels, particularly in public arenas for whatever reason is another thing. Time to tone it down… cc to Andy
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I do believe I slung a slur earlier. I’ve been in a gay bar and laughed
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------when the guy behind me asked if he could push my stool in.
That is not the issue to me.
You can’t just spout off that “oh don’t take your kids there then”
This is downtown big city parade. I went to parades as a kid and
saw jugglers and acrobats and marching bands and cool old cars.
I don’t remember seeing oiled up gay guys in thongs thrusting
their manhood in my face. That is what it is. I get a feeling that
is fine with you.
I am not religious and ONCE AGAIN dont care if you’re gay.
It’s all about couth
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ah oh – fishes – they must be waking them up
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@Shayne actually I am not gay. My daughter is. And it is your job to raise your kids how you want. TV shows, events, celebs, etc. Parents need to monitor their children. Who cares if its downtown. You dont own downtown. Don’t go down there that day.
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It’s a once a year event. Calm down and get over it.
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Why are we fighting here about gay rights?
Anyways Andy has done plenty to damage his image as have Amanda and Maccray
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have yall been watching the WIL show – he does a good job at imitating and getting the essence of the HG – sooo funny
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oops left out an m
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Sorry Jane. Drunk here. I shouldn’t be blathering.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for calming thoughts.
Have a nice day
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@Shayne its all good. Nothing wrong with a little healthy debate.
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@macy 1231231
here is the link
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SYLVIE – thanks ive been watching him – he is so talented – im really suprised he hasnt been DISCOVERED yet
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If only watching Andy do his contrived “act” could have been a one minute and then gone forever event! Oh no, he is still performing!
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Thanks for the info. I live about an hour and a half from Spencer’s home town and been trying to get a definite answer as to his job status. Most folks don’t want to admit they know him and others say if he is union they can’t touch him. I do know that on the police front his home DID NOT contain any child porn or illegal items. I can only imagine the embarrassment his family and girlfriend must be facing.
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@Macy did Wil do the latest one yet?
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GM won the first challenge…right? When do Andy and Spencer face off?
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@sylvie nobody was fighting about gay rights we were talking about the gay parade. Its been resolved ok?
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@Betty watching Spencer & Andy compete should be hilarious since they both suck!
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JANEY – he did the parody of amanda/ellisa
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@Dubs Doll
Important to remember that the many, many gay male flight attendants of all races as well as the female flight attendants of all races are members of the same Union and Spencer, the United Transportation Union. The Union has to look out for its own reputation and interests just as much as Union Pacific does.
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OMG I gotta watch it! Thanks Macy!! Will his Hilar!!!
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I wish Wil was that funny on his season. I just thought he was annoying and Live Feeds would cut into the middle of his impressions so I never got what the HG’s thought was so funny.
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Hi Jane, I think watching S & A will be funny too, but if it is a Q and A challenge, I believe Andy would have an edge. I am so hoping Spencer wins, as I think he will kick Andy to the curb and I believe GM will do the same. Keeping my fingers crossed!!!
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Hi Betty!! How are you? I missed your name in my shout outs to the blogfia too! Hope all is well I gotta go and run the Autism Soccer Clinic! Will catch up when I get back!
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Okay, to frannie p2, Jane, Shayne and PK – I have read all of your above comments. Some of you agree with me and some not so much! As I said in earlier posts “opinions are like bellybuttons, everybody has one.” I reread my comment above and I was only referring to public displays. I really try not to be judgemental and I also believe God is the only true judge. Thank God! This blog is a place where everybody has a right to their opinion and they are expressed. While I don’t agree with all of them, I have a right to make comments, which I did. If I offended anyone, I apologize! I really do not have a mean bone in this 80 year old body. As a Christian we are taught to love everybody and I find that easy to do. I hope you all have a great weekend. I look forward to all of your opinions. God bless! 🙂
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Jane, my niece has two autistic boys. They are awesome. See, we do have something in common. We love kids! Have a good day!
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GinaMarie and Spencer have allied to oust Andy.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The only thing left in this season I’m gonna root
for is the look on Andy’s face when he’s booted.
If he doesn’t win hoh he’ll start working whoever
does and it wil be interesting to see if he can lie himself
into final two. He can twist the truth and he’ll be talking
votes. It would be cool if GM and Spunker could act well
enough to convince Andy that he’s staying.
Andy’s only hope is to win two comps in a row.
Please don’t do that Andy
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Jane /’re statement 224. It’s not alright to address my twin sister (joleemae) in such a manner. She is the most caring, loving, non judgemental person I know. We were very upset when our grandchildren we’re here watching a family program on TV & a news clip came on showing San Francisco gay parade. God bless bless you for what your involvement with Autism. I have 2 precious grandsons that are Autistic. The oldest Michael is a straight A student. The 2nd one Elijah has just started the breakthrough. He was reading to me and I sat there with tears running down my face. This was an answer to a lot of prayer.
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I am rooting for GM she has her faults, but I think she will be as generous with the money as she was as HOH.
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Gay Pride parades. I have a gay friend who once said he thought straight people should start having “Straight Pride” parades. He said we could come up with a Straight Pride flag (like the gay pride rainbow flag); march down the main streets of every major city in the country wearing skimpy clothing and showing outrageous signs of affection to total strangers—It would be a blast, he said.
And yes, he was making fun of the simple fact of homosexuals feeling the need to have a gay pride parade. He refuses to go them. As does my sister and my son who are also homosexuals.
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It would be great to get back to BB blogging. Like how gross Spencer is. I just got through watching BBAD I need a shower.Yuk want a nasty human being he is.
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I didn’t call him a man because he is an embarrassment to manhood.
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Hey no one asked me to join an Alliance? If you need a name, maybe the Senior Clean Up Crew, No we can’t use that JT is younger the both my kids ! Okay then just call it the Clean UP Crew! CUC Everyone wants to disinfect the BB House anyway! Wow what a wonderful gay time you are all having today 😆 So happy everyone is in such a great mood!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just joking my friends! I see we don’t have any good up dates on the cop’s So lets all hope that Andy gets to stepping 🙂 I do want to see his face if GM gets to say that to him! …………………………………………….
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I mean Comp’s! 😳
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Tide & Aggies are Tied!
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i just skipped most and came down here. Happy Late Birthday JT. I tried to get into Aggies blog but it asked for my password which i don’t even remember. i had a big pc crash and lost a lot of stuff and info all music… and you wouldn’t believe how it won’t let into my own mail without jumping first into google and then it tells me i’m not allowed in but if i click on the right area i still get into my mail and on facebook it also tells me i’m not IN there when i really am and i’ve had some ppl tell me they can’t find me on facebook even when i send a link….so …i’m frustrated and pc stupid.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------about BB
about Spencer and the RR. my ex works for a different larger RR. when you get fired…it’s like saying ‘you have to leave for a few weeks without pay or i think you get like a low pay…yeah..it’s a lower pay…and then you get back on” if you get “fired” so many times…………………..you can get “cut off” from the railroad which a real being fired and no more railroad forever. It’s not like other jobs….i was married 200yrs to a rr engineer.
and knowing other rr men………..spencer is probably no different than most of them there….trust me…
i honestly don’t think he’ll have any real problems…just after things cool off he’ll be right back with all the other spencers on the rr.
i’m not typing caps much…i know…anyone new, get used to it. i have tiny hands i’m also leaning over to reach my pc and it hurts so don’t like it, don’t read me.
so he’s gay…my sister’s name is GAY ….and sometimes i feel gay when my dog makes me laugh…so andy likes guys…i’m not pro “homosexual’ but it’s not my bizness and i have nothing against the way he played the game really becuz usually lying and cheating and so on is part of the game. i did get tired of all his crying..i mean …..really? we had to see that but not once did cbs show spencer with his hands in his pants or calling women ..ya know..that word that i’d not say EVEN if i were locked in there with a bunch of insane children the size of an adult?….on reg tv spencer is made to look like an ok guy and i think that was planned.
i hope bad mouth immature gina wins and andy gets 2nd. i’ll cringe like have on several endings of bb over the years……………and hope like i’ve been saying for years that just once can we have a bb show with everyone 40 and up? i’d like to see that…i really would becuz i think a lot of us could relate more to the ppl.
i’m done.
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p.s. i’ve had my father to worry about so i’ve not been much of a blogger this yr.
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Bobo, I like your name for the new alliance! My name was similar to yours. “CUB’ s. “Clean Up Bunch.” Have a great day. I like your attitude! 🙂
God bless!
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Wow, I agree with Bobo, “what a wonderful gay time you are all having today”. I also know that this blog has been around for a long time and I’ve also been here a long time with so many other “BB Bloggers”.
It’s great we can all air out our feelings and beliefs, the homophobic language and the religious language (God Bless) is offensive to many so it would be nice if you keep your beliefs at home regarding such explosive themes. Just because we don’t directly talk to you about your post, doesn’t mean we agree with you. Some of us are more vocal than others.
It also doesn’t mean we can’t be critical of Andy dressing like a joker or a toddler and it has nothing to do with his love interests. It’s all good.
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Not a whole lot for me to add here about gay parades…but to answer Shayne’s question as to whether I would care to see McCrae and Amanda making out on a mattress while on a float….People have seen much worse. You live in Canada, right? Well, so does my daughter, and some of the people there, and I’m not saying all of them, walk around half naked. Also, a friend just got back from a vacation to Mexico, and right there on the beach were a party of vacationers that were there for a wedding. She said they walked along the beach half naked (without bikini tops) and being very loud. Some were even making out in the hot tub. They didn’t leave, nor did any of the families that were there that had smaller children. After a while, they were asked to leave.
We were all made by God (yes twinsies, I said God) and he would never turn his back on any of them for whatever reason. This is 2013, and I’m pretty sure we haven’t seen everything. I guess if you don’t want to see this stuff, stay inside and keep your tv’s off. ( it’s even on soap operas these days)
I said my piece….and I will say no more!
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oh btw, don’t bash me for my ‘gay’ comment. i don’t go around saying hi…i’m straight and proud…i like men but i wanna be on top LOL……seriously…..it’s no one’s bizness. i had a sweet lesbian police officer family friend who died last yr of breast cancer. i truly loved her even though she and i knew how i feel. we just didn’t discuss it and talked about other things…i’m not attracted to feminine men or masculine women but i don’t call them names…either……….and the rainbow is a thing with Noah and a covenant God made about that flood and not some flag for ‘gay’ pride…IMO. i wish ppl would just keep their sex pref between themselves and God ‘cuz’ i really don’t want to know what anyone straight or not…likes sexually.
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i won’t be back in here til this blog is gone.
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Well Hi Starfish, I like when you Agree with me!
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Fran 😆 YOU will say no more!!!!!! ………….
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Tide 21 A&M 14 Johnny WHO?
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Bob, you know what I mean…the subject of one’s sexual preferences. Besides dear, are you saying I talk too much?
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O NO tendr, Don’t you go away my dear Friend!!! ♥♥♥♥
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Frannie You talk too much…… Never ♥♥
…….. 😆
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hope yall are all hungry – im making us a big batch of chicken and dumplins
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That’s good Bob, because I will send Mama Margie and cousin Vinnie to see you.
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OMG Macy, I love chicken n’ dumplins, but I am getting ready in a little while to go to Red Lobster. Funny thing is, I hate all kinds of seafood, but I love their biscuits and Frozen strawberry dacquiri’s.
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oh wait…one more thing and then i promise i’m gone. the klan carry the cross…..they call that free speech…i call it hate speech and there will be a special place for them in a very overly hot place…….IMO
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@tendr, nothing you said was bothersome. You simply stated your opinion but you didn’t criticize anyone for their feelings or push yours on any of us. Just sayin.
How can you come back if the blog is gone? 😆 Very funny tendr. I’ll check on you on fb in a few days if I don’t see you here.
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frannie p2. This will also be my last comment on the subject! Both of the countries you mentioned were not America (Canada and Mexico). “God Bless America!” …. Like Bugs Bunny says: “Tha tha tha that’s all folks.” Now, let’s get back to. BB15 … it’s safer!! 🙂
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Noooo Noooo Not that again! Look at what happens when MM comes to visit me in NJ !!! Got to go to the store see you later, bye for now!
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@macy, what time is dinner? Love chicken and dumplins.
@frannie, there’s not a Red Lobster to be found near us and they advertise on TV all the time. I know there’s one near Jane but too far to drive for eats.
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The Klan ‘is’ there to spread hate, but that’s not the subject here. We were talking about sexual preferences. Damn…and I said I would shut up about this whole matter. Ok, I will leave now.
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Exactly…..it’s all over the world. I didn’t think I neede to explain that to anyone here, but I guess I was wrong.
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SF prolly bout 6pm central time zone
FRANNIE – i didnt get to the end of ur comment before i was going to say – ‘bring home some bisquits!’ my daughter eats a basket of them by herself – her fave place to eat – i remember being there when she was about a year and a half old – when we left – there were bisquit crumbs all around the high chair – i had to call over the manager for a bissel
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tendr/’re your comment 259. Big differences. Jesus went on the cross of His own free will. He stretched out His arms and died for you and me.
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Tide 28 A&M 14 Half Time @College Station, Texas!
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Just because someones sister is on the blog doesn’t mean I’m not going to tell them how I feel. I don’t care if it’s somebody’s mama. If you’ve been on this blog for years you know I will speak my peace when it comes to children, hate speech, or special needs. Anything else I can overlook and not bat an eye. Like Fran said…. I said my piece….and I will say no more!
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As far as saying God bless you. To me it’s as natural as someone saying hello, goodbye or I love you. There is a song that says,”If you don’t love me pass on by”. I am 80 years old. I am a Mother of 6 Grandmother of 16, Great Grandmother of 3. My heart is as big as all outdoors. I love, love, BB. I even pray for them. LOL God bless you.<3
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When a worker is protected by a union, it only means that the worker can’t be fired arbitrarily – the firing must be due to a violation of contract terms. Then it’s the employer’s job to prove the violation and the union’s job to show that the violation occurred. I ‘m a big union fan, but they do often support ridiculous, outrageous behavior.
I’m not gay, but am a long time supporter of gay rights. They have an annual gay rights parade in Seattle also. I’ve never gone, but pics are in the paper and the local t.v. news always covers the parade. I’ve often wondered why they make such an effort to be “over the top” in dress and behavior – wild costumes, outrageous behavior. It’s always puzzled me because it seems to add fodder to homophobic diets. I wonder what would happen if they just planned a fun but dignified parade and wore work clothes or weekend clothes rather than tutus etc.
My opposition to Andy is the LEVEL of his deceit – his play has no integrity to it. In the same vein, my opposition to GM is the LEVEL of her ignorance. She lacks even the quasi sophistication of the average high schooler. My objection to Spencer is everything – just everything!
I was semi-impressed with Aaryn’s attempts to ameliorate the effect of her blatant racism on the HGs – esp Helen and Candice. I hope BB will make a similar attempt to reduce the bitter after-taste left by their selection of HGs – at least acknowledging that the HG’s do not reflect what is best in America but rather throw light on the scum at the bottom of the gene pool would go a long way in making up for this dismal season.
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JEANNE luv u 2
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In the first paragraph the sentence should read”…the union’s job to show the violation didn’t occur under the terms of the contract.”
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I guess being sorry for being offensive and continuing to be offensive is ok.
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ameliorate – like that word
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@Starfish *rolls eyes* newbies, smh
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JANE whats smh
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My wife and I are heading back to Mexico for the umpteenth time in
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------early Nov. We have stayed at all levels of resorts and rented a house once
in Bucerias. Yes Frannie I live in Canada (born in LA ) and I am very
open minded about people’s choices. There are a few resorts Temptation
being the main one that allow nakedness. And if you want to pull your tops off
then you can do that anywhere. Mexico is great. Too bad the insular media
in the U.S. has made it sound like Mexico is a scary place. Ha you guys are
so wrapped up in yourselves. I’ve traveled all over this globe and respect
other cultures and ways of life. I said that gay parades go WAY
over the top with their blatantly sexual extravanganzas and I stand
by that.
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@macy… shaking my head
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Anybody watching live feeds right now? Probably not much going on there.
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shoulda known that
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Tide 35 A&M 14 You do want Alabama to win don’t you Bill?
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I’m sorry I did not make myself clear. My point was that America was founded by our forefathers as a place of religious freedom for all of us and I would not want to live anywhere else on earth! A lot of blood has been shed for our freedom. I’m done!! 🙂
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@Shayne whose you guys? I was born in Uganda, lived in Spain & Holland, moved to the states was raised in Compton then Cerritos, then moved to the Bay Area and now reside in Long Beach. The assumptions and generalizations on this blog is whats crazy. It doesnt matter where youve traveled or how many grandkids you have. Me & you have already squashed our issues. Let it rest.
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knew that was comin – ha
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@macy lol! How are you?
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its all good over here janey girl – and u
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@macy 😆 me too!!
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Okay I am back! Did not miss much but….Jane ,,, I will say no more! come on now say more my friend… I do love ♥ when we say I will say no more & we go on & on …. I know I never say that because I always say more….. 😆
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im gonna learn how to do those smiley faces one day
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JT, that’s your cue. 😆
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@Bobo, that’s a good idea for sure. Sometimes it’s just impossible. ha ha ha
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Bobo 09.14.13 at 4:56 pm
Okay I am back! Did not miss much but….Jane ,,, I will say no more! come on now say more my friend… I do love ♥ when we say I will say no more & we go on & on …. I know I never say that because I always say more….. 😆
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Starfish….. 😆 My Dear!
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PK My friend….. 😆
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Me not being the one under attack… Also Priceless
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Love being your “Dear” Bobo.
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PK been watchin Ps and Qs
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35 Tide A&M 21
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😀 👿
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No Macy, PK knowing who to respond to and who not to. Been there, done that. Never again. EVER!
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@macy, now now, let’s not go there. 😆
To make a smiley face use a colon and a parenthesis. For frown use the opposite parenthesis. That’s should get you started.
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🙂 ):
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looky there! holy moly
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try again. colon first
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you got the smiley one perfect! Fun isn’t it!
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woops – ill be back later freinds – gotta go pick up my brat – he he
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Tide 43 A&M 21
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PK i thought we had an understanding… you don’t talk to me, I dont talk to you and we both dont discuss each other. Here we go again. You want to ride on the coatails of someone elses comments. Your still a gross ignorant old pruned up man.
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Sounds like a perfect time for yada yada yada.
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@macy I am doing good, except for the fact I lost my cellphone… blah!!!
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Good you remember your place.
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Jane be sure to let me know what kind you get because my battery is going and they don’t sell replacements.
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Time to make some nachos and watch the end of this game. My husband just said “ah shit”, so I know things are getting worse. Nachos will cheer him up. 😆
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@Starfish, ok! I lost my Iphone 5 but I wasnt happy with the pic quality. I want to go back to Samsung Galaxy series. It was easy on the eyes, pics amazing, and sturdy enough to let my non verbal son play learning apps.
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I have the Samsung Galaxy S but I wish I could replace the battery. Guess I’ll just get the same one. Now, I’m going to make nachos unless I’m not. ha ha
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hi yall 🙂
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No reference to anybody by name but in my would ignorance is color blind. Anybody who would call a liberal democrat, Obama voter and supporter, with numerous friends of all colors a racist just because SHE could play HER totally unsopported by the facts race card and get away with it on this blog is IGNORANT! Prunes? YUK!
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@swt hello!
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@PK did you write Aryn’s speech at the jury house?
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@PK when you consult her when she goes back in the real world please remind her to say she took a black guy to the prom. I’m sure you wont forget.
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are they surpose to do 2nd round today? i don’t have the live feeds i’ll be waiting for news
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More ignorance… Same source!
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Bama 42 A&M 28
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I agree PK your an idiot. a racist idiot at that. Regardless of your black friends and Obama bumper sticker.
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I took a very intelligent and beautiful “Latina” to my prom. She was born in Honduras. Her Mom was of Black/Hispanic/Indian heritage (She was brilliant and spoke many languages and worked for the State Dept.) and her Dad was a Caucasian German. I remained friends with her until she passed away from a rare heart disorder in 1990. Not relevant to BB15 but just a bit more of a window into who I am and always have been.
I don’t do PR work for anybody. IP Law ONLY!
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Macy1231231, To make a smiley face type a colon : then a closed parenthesis ) and you have a smiley face! 🙂 If you want your smiley face to wink, use a semi-colon! 😉
God bless! 🙂 Now, how do you make a heart?
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I refuse to acknowledge you by name, but you really are over the edge SICK! Try spewing your racist crap about me around any of my Black friends and music colleagues and Howard University Grads I’ve worked with for over 40 years so they would tell you to STFU far better than I ever could.
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Thanks for the laugh PK, that was awesome!
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PK you are so delusional, here’s a link for you http://globalgrind.com/2013/08/09/poll-shows-40-percent-of-white-people-lie-about-their-black-friends-racism-details/
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I don’t like bumper stickers or labels of any kind FYI!
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42 – 35
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By the way, does Tan Mom know you stole her Gravatar?
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Wow, some old people refuse to change!
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No pack to support your nonsense and you really do go over the edge. Get a grip!
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Jane, I had to laugh when you said newbies. I have been on here since the beginning. Just using my name this season.I’m very surprised you, starfish, and BoBo don’t recognize me?? o:) 8)
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JUST SAW THE FUNNIEST THING the 5 houses across the road from us have those little orange utility flags – marking for some work – little girl across the road (about 6 yrs old) had a huge bouquet of em in her hands that she gathered up from her yard!
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PK your still a filthy little racist whose mad that I called you out on it. Your the sick one. If you wore your hood in your pic i’d have more respect for you.
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Tide 49 A&M 35
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@macy… thats adorable!!
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You don’t know me, and unfortunately it is becoming quite apparent that you don’t even know yourself. ISSUES! Too many to mention!
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Jeanne I have a hard time remembering my own family names! So If you want us to guess,,, keep on kipping on , or just tell us! So easy to say!…. Starfish you are dear to me… Just don’t call me a …what was it a horn dog??? When I sent a song to my dear friend Fran♪♫•*¨*•.¸…
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I still think that BB16 should have 40 plus year olds, that are in the field of social work. Like School teachers, those working with Autism. Just a house full of caring people. My mother alway told me I had a little Pollyanna in me. LOL. God bless bless you.<3
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PK 😆 That was the song!!!!!…….
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All I have to say is it’s getting downright mean in here!! As Lisa would say “Stay supple.” Our generation would say “give your sister a hug and say you’re sorry!”
🙂 😉 < 3. I still would like to know how to make a heart!
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Whatever makes you feel better PK. I don’t have to know you to know the filth you spilled while defending Aryan. I am not going to defend myself and who I am, because I am confident and secure. I don’t have to pull out who my friends are, what I do for a living or anything else to someone like you. I don’t justify who I am to bigots. You are a Racist. And you know it. Don’t be mad because I see it.
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joleemae Do what I do…. Copy & Paste 😆 ♪♫•*¨*•.¸√ ☺☻♥♀♥ ☺ § ♣ ♠ ♦ ◘ ○ 8 § ♡ ♡ Ô¿Ô…….
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@joleemae this goes back further and deeper than you know. I usually ignore him and he ignores me, but some days he cant help himself. I would like to go back to our truce. However I am not Candace and PK is not going to make statements then think I am going to turn my bed over and remake it.
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@bobo it worked! 😆 ♪♫•*¨*•.¸√ ☺☻♥♀♥ ☺ § ♣ ♠ ♦ ◘ ○ 8 § ♡ ♡ Ô¿Ô…….
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Macy that is so sweet.I bet she was so proud when she handed that bouquet of flags to her Mother.
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See! Now just put it all where you can get to it ♥
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There is difference between voicing your opinion and being downright mean! Today is the first time I have seen that displayed on this sight! Too bad!
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So sorry to hear that joleemae ♥ 🙁
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JEANNE – i bet her mom bout fell out – ha
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Jane Glad to see you got it!!!!! …………………
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BOBO – how do u cut and paste
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@joleemae then like I said, you guys missed the initial argument. We are no longer nice to each other which is why we ignore each other. And i’d like to see that continue for the blogs sake. However I am not going to take passive aggressive digs and keep my mouth shut. Not with our history. Period.
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GM Is walking around the house with a C B outfit & a spray gun :lol:!!!!
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Janey’s fiesty huh – ha
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@macy ♡ ♡ ♡
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Somebody has her posters confused. I never supported Aaryn. I even signed the petition to have her evicted from the house. That said here ARE the facts:
Earlier this BB15 season I posted that I thought Howard was a hypocrite because he was, in my opinion, playing the Religion thing to the max to gain favor in the house. Later I agreed with a comment Amanda made about Howard having a big black penis a certain poster thought was racist. I responded to that poster that Howard was caught on camera with his privates exposed and he does have a large penis or so it appeared on camera. My comment was interpreted by that poster as being racist as well (it wasn’t) and by her skewed logic that would also classify me as a racist. So absurd at so many levels!
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Thank you Bobo I will try that. I am typing from my Kindle Fire so not sure if I have the capabilities here – although I worked in Word Processing in a bank for over 15 years. 🙂
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macy Highlight what you want, then go to edit & hit copy…Okay…Then go back to edit & hit paste…I have a Mac So I don’t have to go to edit I just hold down the shift key , high lite the section I want then I hold down…o wat I hold down the C key & then I hit the command key & V key to paste I think that’ how I do it 😆
Not that sure unless I’m doing it!!!!!! 🙂
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@Bobo whats a CB outfit?
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Wow just got back from dinner and I feel like I walked into the BB House. Can we PLEASE stick to the script on this blog! Are the live feeds so boring we have nothing better to do than attack one another. Since I’m not privy to the feeds has the second HOH comp started yet between Andy and Spencer? Let’s be better than the house guest please. I really don’t blog much just like to read what everyone has to say but this blog lately has been very upsetting. I have been reading BBBlogger since it started and nothing quite like what has been going on has been as bad as it is today. Lets not lower ourselves to the level of the house guests. IMHO
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Something like Ghost Busters!
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JANE how did u do those hearts
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Hi Nonna! how you doing my Friend ❓ We are just one happy family 🙂
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JT Is the one who thought me everything! He is a very cool :coll: Guy!
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See what I did wrong??? U put : & then type cool & then Put : again…but you got to spell it right!!! 🙂
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@I did what Bobo said copy & pasted lol!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Nonna.. yeah what Bobo said!! Lol!
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oops that was suppose to be @Macy… I did what Bobo said… copy & pasted
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one lesson at a time – im cooking – folding and checking the blog -ha
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@Bobo where the hell did she get that costume! Mustve been from Production LOL!
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Going to watch a movie on HBO… Parental Guidance, With Billy Crystal & Bette Midler…. Looks funny! Starts at 8…so got to go, as my little friend from outer space said be good!!!! & Call Home…. Later gang….. ♥ ……………
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Jane, thank you for your comments! Truce! BBBlogger friends? 🙂 I’m a lover, not a fighter!
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@macy can you come to my house next!! The kids are gone this weekend thank you lord… but I don’t want to clean their aftermath! It looks like Barney & Spongebob got into a rumble over here! Usually I have the housecleaner come once a month (not because i’m rich but because my Autistic son still puts everything in his mouth) but month she is out of town.
@Joleemae I mentioned something a few days ago about us both dealing with Autism. Are you dealing with high or low functioning? My son is low. Its like having a newborn-toddler stage for 6 years. But he’s awesome and I love this kid! !!
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The facts, yes facts!
I never posted positive remarks about anything but Aaryn’s ability to win comps. I even signed the petition to have Aaryn evited from BB 15 because of her racial remarks.
More facts.
Earlier this BB15 season I posted that I thought Howard was a hypocrite because he was, in my opinion, playing the Religion thing to the max to gain favor in the house. I got gang attacked for that opinion. Later I agreed with a comment Amanda made about Howard having a big black penis a certain poster thought was a racist remark. I responded to that poster that Howard was caught on camera with his privates exposed and he does have a large penis or so it appeared on camera. My comment was interpreted by that poster as being racist as well (it wasn’t) and by her skewed logic that would also classify me as a racist. I’m not, never have been, and never will be a racist, but as the accusing quick to judge poster stated “people who say some of their best friends are black (in my case very true) beware according to her because they are usually the most blatant racists. Not true but convenient response at the time I suppose.
I did not come to this blog to make enemies with anybody, still don’t. But anybody, anywhere, and at anytime who slanders me as being racist is and will always be persona non grata. Sad thing is that we were once blog friends or so I thought at the time.
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Movie Time! Bye for now see you all soon ♥ ………………..
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Wow…. @Jane
Girl, you got more fire than Sweet Brown. 😆 The list of people to ignore on here is getting longer all the time. Whatever happened to the good old days?
The only thing I would like to add is…
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bye BO
JANE – be right over – need to work off my chicken and dumps
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Bono you were asked to join my alliance last night!!! Ask Star, Starfish, Macy and a few others! Don’t go telling lies now! XOXO
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hi HAPPY CHRIS i made dinner tonite u can do dishes with frannie
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@Jolemae definitely a truce. Believe it or not, I don’t like to argue either. I’m a special needs mom. We are always ready for battle and stand up for our rights like we were facing the Supreme Court!!! And you & Shayne, I am fine with, We’ve agreed to truces.
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@Macy, that was a darling story. I’ll bet that was a shocker to mom.
@Nonna and anyone who says they’ve been on this blog from the beginning. If this dust up isn’t really, really familiar to you then you haven’t really been on from the beginning or you didn’t read all the posts! Unfortunately, this is very old news and we just let it play out.
@Bobo, it’s all good. You are a sweetheart my dear!
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You are so right *fish.
Praise Bullwinkle!
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@Jeanne, nope, sorry I didn’t recognize you. Did you always say God Bless? I don’t remember that and I think I would have. Besides, now there are two of you and I don’t recall that story as you have related this year with your ages, living together, the kids and grandkids, etc. I wasn’t on regularly for a couple years while taking care of aging parents so might have missed you then.
@Jane, you are awesome! Always ready for a truce!
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@Frannie, I miss bullwinkle too! Haven’t seen him for a couple days.
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@FP2 oh you meant *fish as in Starfish… I thought you meant the blog went to *fish like the feeds. Which is actually hysterical!! Now we have a new thing. When we are over it *fish (as in the blog not our Starfish, lol)
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@Starfish… noooooooooooooo you are Awesome!
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ok – i missed it – who is bullwinke
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LOL Bobo. Thank’ s for info. I will experiment from my computer.
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@Macy…. Chicken & Dumplings!!!! Say it aint so!!! Since the boys are gone and I will be dammned if I cook… I am having Cabernet Sauvignon for dinner. If I put it in the blender and call it a shake will it not affect my diet? BTW 18 pounds down now!!!
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😆 @ Jane….that’s a keeper!
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JANE make em with fat free half and half and – dont eat the dumplins – my girl loves em – u’d like
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OMG, you guys crack me up. I like *fish and I know it’s prolly easier to type. 😆 Or SF works too whatever trips your trigger.
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You are right Macy1231231, After 80 years I have tried to remember another of my Mom’s sayings: “To err is human, to forgive Devine.” It grows easier to do this because the older you get,the more you realize how much you have been forgiven. Hate will always be here, but love can cancel it out. Forgiveness is for yourself, not for the other person. It sets you free. Blog on….I’m gone!! 🙂
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JOLEEMAE – my moms fave saying was CLEAN UR ROOM
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@Macy my moms favorite saying was don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!
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😆 Amen to that Jane!
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gonna show off my new trick (: ;(
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Jane, I’m not sure Michael and Elijah are my twin sister’s grandchildren. Michael came out of pretty severe autism and is almost a genious. Poor Elijah not only had to deal with autism, but he had lucimiah (sp. ?). He is beginning to come out of it,but hasn’t done as well as his brother. When Jeanne and I went to California for our 80th birthday, Elijah read to Jeanne and said “I love you!” Tears!!! I am go am really glad to see we have found something in common Jane. Have a good evening.
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Macy1231231. I can definitely relate! 🙂
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@macy, the colon is first and then the parenthesis and you have to have spaces before the colon and after the parenthesis.
You can do a lot of things using the colon first, then type the word cry, smiley, evil, opps and there are others. After the colon and the word, add another color to end it and it should work. Have fun with that.
: cry : : oops : Do it that way without the spaces. God it’s hard to explain.
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Put : before and after each word, but do not leave a space.
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SF thanx
gonna go out back and sit by the pool with a TALL glass of red wine – talk atchall later – my freinds!
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I have no favorite to win, these are only MY views on the three remaining HG’s.
Andy has lied his way though the entire season, which in of itself would be okay, but the words that came out of his mouth regarding other HG’s were despicable. He must really think he is the master of the game and he might have been, if he could have controlled his filthy mouth and his arrogance.. His goodbyes to Amanda and McCrae were both given in a ‘F’ you way (maybe a bit deserving), but hopefully this will lead to his downfall. He reminds me of a little boy sticking out his tongue and saying, na na na na na!!!
GM is a hard core gal from SI, who probably never graduated from high school. I won’t forget her fight with Candice, nor will I forgive her for all her racial remarks. I have heard a number of you say she was so nice and always gave the other HG’s anything they wanted out of her HOH goodies. Most everyone of the HOH winners shared their good fortune with the other guests. She is not nice and I think she has you all buffaloed! I see her as an ignorant, manipulating selfish human being and I believe she would turn on her own love ones for a dime.
Spencer is probably the lowest of the low with all his horrible marks, mostly saying them when he had his hands down his pants. I can’t stand even looking at him. I will give him one thing, he was on the block 8 times and survived. I never once saw him cry, whine or plead with anyone to keep him. Now remember, I don’t have the live feeds, so I could be wrong on the latter. Regardless of this, he is a poor specimen of a human being.
I know some you think GM is the lesser evil of the three, but I don’t want her to win, then again too, I don’t want any of them to win! I simply refuse to pick a winner this year.
Just my opinion.
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Some of the vitriol on this blog has gotten just a bad as what has been going inside of the BB house. I just wish people could grow up and start behaving as mature adults.
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Jane, I like that,! Should I say “fish” instead of “God bless” 🙂 I think I say it because I have been so blessed. My sister and I were separated by 3,000 miles for over 40 years. 11 years ago she moved here from California. A year later my husband passed away and she was here for me. A year later she got cancer, had chemo and radiation treatments and I was here for her. We live together, have two beautiful rescue dogs, a nice home and we guard each other’s hearts. Give that precious boy of yours a hug.
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@frannie & Jane, now see what you guys have started? 😆
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Thanks Bobo 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks Jane 🙂
Starfish – have been reading from the beginning but never made comments before, and my main reason being I’m not going to argue. There are a couple that no matter what is said, need to have the last word. I enjoy BBBlogger and look forward to reading it each season. Peace
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No to the ‘fish’ because that belongs to my friend. Maybe ‘Go fish’ would be better.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A ♥ would even be better.
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Macy …… put grin in between : : the colons
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@Nonna, thanks, that makes sense and arguing certainly isn’t a good thing but it’s not something new here. We’ve seen it many times before over the years. Many of us just don’t respond anymore or read their posts because we’ve been burned once too often over the years. It saves a lot of grief and then, like I said before, some of us are more vocal about it. Glad you like the blog. BBBlogger has given us a great place to discuss BB and BBloggergal the last couple years and now this year Lisa Marie have all been fantastic giving us the low down from the show.
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Thanks fp2. Appreech 😀
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No problem Starfish, I got your back!
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@joleemae I met my biological siblings by postal mail when I was 14. I met 2 of my 12 Siblings and 3 Cousins 6 years ago. I am going to Uganda son to meet the whole clan.
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Hey I have an idea. If you don’t like the fighting on the blog stop talking about it once its over. Thats called instigating.
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@Jane, when are you going and are you going alone? That should be a great trip so be sure to take lots of pictures. You must be so excited.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I agree with everything you said.
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DITTO what Jane said in comment #422
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@Starfish, when I can save enough and find adequate sitting for Tafari. I usually say next year because it makes me feel good. But I have to go soon because my Gma is getting older each day.
@FP2 ^5… dont you just love when people come in complaining about the arguing when its over??? Like seriously obviously you have no clue as to the back story, and if you dont care STFU it’s over. Unless you want to engage too??? Um yeah, drop it, your not fooling anyone. People that want a confrontation to end, usually dont bring it up once its ended.
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Madisonchris Maybe I did not understand you asking me to join….Because you did not spell my name Right!!! :lol:…. So the movie was just Okay cute but the wife did not like it!…. So looks like I did not miss much! Keep the comments coming & I will still be a wise guy :lol:! …………………..
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Sorry Bobo, we formed hhis alliance late last night; maybe even very early this am! We are going to go to the CBS lot and overthrow the losers left in the game. None of them deserve to win $1.00! Let alone $500,00o or $50,000! So let’s kick some BB15 loser butt! 😉
: mrgreen:
P.S. is that correct?
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Madisonchris, you left a space before the m
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Hey Bob, all is cool for the moment. By getting involved your instigating it.
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You know the mouths on this crew is just so bad!…But I remember when I came home from VietNam!… From 1966 – 1968 I was in the Army… Got home the end of October… The family had a big Thanksgiving dinner for me, both sides of the family, must have been about 25 adults at this long table in my mother in laws home, Anyway everyone was talking & I was kind of overwhelmed by the amount of people! My wife’s uncle Louie asked if I was okay… I said sure can you pass me the Fen Salt…..The room went quiet…I was not sure what to do..Uncle Louie said sure you want the Fen salt you got the Fen salt… The whole table started to laugh 😆 I was so in ore of this man to this day to me he is the coolest guy I know! Not sure why I told this story, but…………???? ……
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Good story Bobo. Great Uncle too! Is Uncle Louie anything like MM’s Uncle Vinnie? 😆
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Sorry Frannie!
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No worries Bob…we still love ya! ♥
Great story Bob
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Starfish Uncle lives in Fl now but he & his brother had a Truck Co. in Long Island & you did not mess with the Danna Family………….
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My husband has family in TX named Danna in College Station.
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Just woke up from my nap. I love BB & I love this blog. You all are the best.
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& we ♥ luv U……….
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I love Naps♥♥♥♥
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Right Frannie???
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OMG! That is so right. Bob is the king of nappers!
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Wow Jane! What a story. You are truly blessed! Thank’ s for sharing. 🙂
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Long live the King! …………………………………………………………
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Is it Wednesday yet?
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Wow, we’re at 444 and that’s supposed to be a lucky number.
Naps are a wonderful thing!!!
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Back to some napping…nooo I meant TV 😆 Stars The White Queen Good show! See you later……… bfn…
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The White Queen is a great book too by Phillipa Gregory. I love all her books. I watched the first episode and it looks like it will be true to the book.
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©¿© how we doing y’all?
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Big Brother Gal @BrotherGal
Evel dick confirmed tillys cancer is true. He said Britney sent out a text before she went public
Niki @NikiandBB 6m
Those who are saying the TIlly is a hoax Evel Dick confirmed its true. #pray4tilly
Retweeted by Big Brother Gal
Elissa/Rachel BB @Ryan_Crim123
Just found out. I hope Britney and her family are okay. It’s so sad that things this vile happen to such good people #PrayForTilly
Retweeted by Big Brother Gal
#PrayForTilly @myqueenjessie
At this point I’m saying fuck #BB15 and #PrayForTilly. That’s all I really care about right now. Seriously heartbreaking. @britney_haynes
Retweeted by Big Brother Gal
☮ Annette @BigBrotherista1 28m
Forget the Final 3, donate the $500k to childhood cancer research, @CBSBigBrother #PrayForTilly
Retweeted by Big Brother Gal
BB15 Aaryn Gries @AarynGries
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We’re keepin’ @britney_haynes her husband and Tilly in our prayers. This news is horrible. That child is a warrior. #BB15
Retweeted by Big Brother Gal
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Anybody on live feeds? Are they starting the 2nd part of the HOH comp between “hand down his pants” and “the rat”?
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Britney Haynes @britney_haynes
Thank you for all of the thoughts, wishes, and prayers for my precious girl. She’s everything to me. #PrayforTilly pic.twitter.com/QIx6LMGIJB
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OMG Kevin, that’s the worse thing ever! My heart and lots of prayers are going their way. How old is Tilly?
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Only a few months, right?
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@Starfish: Unsure, think she’s still really, really young, like that picture young. Like Mike Stover, his grandson and JT’s sister, this puts everything into perspective. Nothing about a reality TV show or a Blog really matters in the end. It’s so sad. I am fighting back tears and will do my share of praying for the kid. Woke from a nap to read that and am now quite bummed out. We need to rally around the kid here. I’ve seen two ‘miracles’ performed here and will now be pulling for a third.
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I’m doing great. I learned at a very early age that naps are very important for a busy Mom. I had 5 children in 5 years. I worked the graveyard shift 11 pm – 7 am. Didn’t get much sleep those first few years. So that’s where the power naps came in. Bob Hope used to take power naps when he was overseas entertaining our troops.
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Kevin, I think the baby was born early or mid July so she’s very very young. Yes, miracles are possible, I truly believe that. Prayers and blessings. I had a very sick baby girl, not cancer, who was in serious trouble when born for the first year, pulled out of it and had to go through it again at 8. Two major surgeries later, she was fine. So I can relate to poor Britney and her family. Nothing is worse and nothing takes precedance to the health of your baby. Sending many prayers.
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That’s sad about Tilly…. always gets me when the kids are involved. 🙁
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Praying she gets better.
Looks like she was born July 13th
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i have 2 questions please. is it true Britney’s baby has cancer? i have never heard of a baby under 2 months with cancer
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Next question why did BB show the evictee’s Andy’s message of he got them out? Wouldn’t that taint him from getting votes?
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Britney Haynes @britney_haynes 16 Jul
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My life changed on July 13th and will never be the same! My sweet little girl is happy, healthy, and amazing. Tilly Elizabeth; 8lbs 3oz!
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Live feeds on trivia since 7:27
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7:27 BB time?
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@Tammy: It’s sadly true. And I thought the same about Andy’s eviction DRs. Makes no sense. Especially one like his to Amanda. Not sure what CBS is doing or if they have some kind of quality control to monitor that. Apparently not. Seems unfair but with this F3 and this season, seems few really care about fair. Now unsure how they rebound from this season but I know I’ll be back watching and here next year. Sometimes things just suck. And I should know, I’m a Chicago Cubs fan.
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I don’t think it mattered about Andy’s message because both Amanda and Judd would tell them anyway. That was one of the first things Amanda told them in the jury house.
Feeling terrible for poor Britney. 😥
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Yes, JT, 7:27 BB time.
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I haven’t watched feeds since GM won part 1……. no interest for me.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And after part 2 results are known… I can shut them down for the year.. nothing else I care to see.. all that’s left is part 3 on the live show.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Don’t know what the guys comp is but they have been at it for nearly four hours
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BBAD – GM in house playing solitaire
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Sal, it started 9:27 Central Time
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I can’t believe Spencer could last 4 hours at anything except sleeping
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It’s not quite 2 hours yet is my understanding.
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@JT: Same here. There’s nothing to see. GinaMarie made a fake Exterminator tank and went around fake spraying. One of the worst three seasons ever. Just saw this:
Clio the Leo @Clio_the_Leo 6m
What? Huh? There’s too much going on! Im so confused!! RT @MontanezTV: is it true he died?
Shomance @Shomance 1m
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Clio_the_Leo @MontanezTV Yes Brandon Showalter #BB4 has died of heart illness back on Aug.25th::http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/metrowestdailynews/obituary.aspx?pid=159491533 …
Retweeted by Clio the Leo
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oops, looked at my watch 😳
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I am Feeling terrible also for poor Britney’s little girl Tilly…. Now is the time for us to ask for God in this Blog & Pray for this little child! ♥
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So sad about Brit’s Baby. I lost my son to Bstrep shortly after he was born, the worst…. completely heartbreaking. Did they say what type of cancer? Is it childhood Leukemia? I’m not sure if Leukemia follows under Cancer though.
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@Jane: They haven’t that I’ve heard yet.
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Big Brother Network @bigbrothernet now
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Feeds still out. BBAD back to GM in Lounge. I’m sticking w/ my guess that Andy is still competing. Otherwise GM would be free to roam. #BB15
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Mayweather-Alvarez feed via FirstRow Sports:
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Thanks Kev11 for the updates.
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@Kev 11 you can tweet from Jury? How the hell are Eilssa and Aryan tweeting?
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Bobo, I agree. This is the time for us to agree in prayer for Brittany’ s precious baby girl! God bless her family. \^/
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K11, I tried that link and got the audio for awhile and then they wanted me to download a media player which I did, then they asked for another. I finally gave up when they kept asking me to download another media software. Now should I go and remove all those I downloaded? Torch, FLv media player VG and god knows what else. help.
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Get rid of them Starfish, Fast!………… Goodnight all……..
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I am right now!
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The winner is ……… Andy
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GM would have won $500k if Spencer had won…. she still can by winning part 3
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Looks like it will all come down to 7 questions live on Wednesday.
If Andy wins… he wins 500k
If GM wins… she wins 500k
I still think Spencer is a lock for 50k
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don’t need to watch until Wed. now
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If part 3 is the same as it always is with a little partition and them sitting on either side. Then Julie asks them questions. That leans toward Andy winning but GM is no slouch and could pull it off. I can’t imagine an Andy/Spencer final two but any of these 3 is pretty awful. Still I favor GM as the least repulsive of the 3 of them but not by much.
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Sal…. I agree. Like I said… I can shut down feeds for the season now. The only thing I’m interested in is comps, scheming, and strategy.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------That’s all over now….. and so am I
Til Wednesday! 🙂
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Nice updates all.
@JT: Do I have to cancel the Live Feeds to avoid any further payment?
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Sounds like it too Andy 21 minutes… and Spencer 36 minutes???
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See ya JT and thanks for all you did for us this year!! I won’t be here on Weds or Thurs unless I can sneak in a peak here; I have company. 🙁 Will watch on Friday.
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Kev, probably because you got them late and are on a monthly plan.
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L8r Starfish & all….. I’ll be floating around in other corners of cyberspace.. y’all know where to find me 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(and I might peek in from time to time until Wednesday too)
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Thanks bud. Will make a note to do so tomorrow.
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Praying for Britney, Tilly, and their family. I know she has a strong family and a great wit that will help them through this trying time. I know that may come off as sounding odd, but I’ve found in the darkest hours of life humor is a true blessing.
It would be a more interesting finale to see how it plays out of it’s Andy and GM, but alas, whomever wins will take Spencer for the easy win.
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Oh it’s so sad about Brittneys 2 month old Tilly having Csncer
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Is it Leukemia ?
Poor little Angel
She must be devastated
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500 x 500 x 500 prayers for Tilly.
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Absolutely Kevin! Praying for Tilly!
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Spencer knows he has portrayed himself as a weak comp player all season so whoever takes him will win. No brainer.
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Thoughts and prayers for Tilly. May God bless Brittany and Ryan with the strength they need. Sending up prayers for Tilly & the entire family, and also the doctors to help them with the cure for poor baby Tilly.
Haynes family…
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my prayers go to brit and tilly – so awful
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@fp2, that was a beautiful set of pics of Britney’s family. So nice of you!.
Prayers being sent often for them.
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SF sup
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New Post
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haven’t checked in here for a little while! been watching the feeds though & share a lot of the opinions expressed here but not all. I know Helen was sometimes annoying but not a bad person & at least nice to everyone & I kind of had been rooting for her for awhile til she wanted poor Judd out. But I’d have much rather seen her at the end than the 3 there now. Of course it’s all been said. Spencer no way deserves to end up final 2. (hasn’t done a single thing to earn it in my opinion anytway) not to mention his raunchy behavior. GM one minute I like and the next am not so impressed with her antics, but give her credit for not letting anyone dictate to her who to put up when she was HOH. Out of the 3 left, I’d prefer she get it to the others. If Spencer comes in 2nd though, does 2nd place get any money too? I forget. I just would hate to see him get ANYTHING. Would rather Andy .. little rat that the Yoda ears that he’s been – come in 2nd. They ALL should have cleaned up their vocabulary since nobody left in the house seems to be able to speak without throwing the F word in every other sentence & they know they’re being televised when the actual show ISN’T on as much as when it is! so what the heck are they thinking?? And the overuse of “like ..” I cant’ take anymore either. They aren’t teenagers! Maybe we’ve been too hard on Andy. I think I was mostly just annoyed by what I perceived to be his smugness that he was going to the end. Well .. and him saying F all the time .. and “like ..” …. and his stupid 10 year old boy’s clothing .. and watching his mouth move when he talks … and the sound of his annoying voice which I’ve imagined he likes to hear himself talk. .. and … the annoying way he always appeared when anyone tried to plot against Amanda & then raced back to tell her .. and .. .. and … and … ok. . LOTS of things! I DO realize he can’t help it he has Yoda ears though .. lol ..
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