Big Brother 11…A Reality TV Game Show

by BloggerGal on August 11, 2009

So you all know that Big Brother is just a reality TV game show right?  The people in the house are real people just like you and just like me.  Yes, they may be actors or actresses or models or whatever, but they are still people.  They are playing a game trying to win $500,000.  It’s fun to “hate” them, call them names and criticize them, but it’s all in fun–isn’t it?  I never really “hated” Ronnie.  I just didn’t like how he played the game and wouldn’t have him as a friend.  Every person in the house has a family and friends rooting for them.  Evil Dick was well…evil…but he was just playing the game.  I think God should bless every single one of them in the house, as I think that God should bless every single one in this blogger community.  I also say a prayer that absolutely not one of us (nor any of our daughters, etc.) should ever have to go through what Chima and those other four girls went through.  So how about we stick to Big Brother game play on this blog?  Thank you.

As mentioned in the comments, Kevin didn’t use the POV yesterday.  This didn’t surprise me.  He knows that Lydia has the votes to stay so why stir up the pot?  Chima wouldn’t have put up someone to “backdoor” anyway.

Right now all the HG’s are just sitting around waiting for Thursday.  Everyone knows there’s a big question mark out there due to the Coup.  Most suspect that Jeff has the wizard power.  BB keeps calling him into the Diary Room.  In comparison, Jessie said that he was called into the DR once in two days.  One point I’d like to throw out is that when (or if) Jeff uses the Coup, the players will then have to immediately decide who to vote out.  Will that affect how they vote?  In other words, are some houseguests more influenced by what others tell them than their own thoughts?  If Jeff does put up Jessie and Natalie, Jessie should be out the door without a problem.  Especially with this new “all girl” alliance.  Michelle would vote Jessie out over Natalie.  At least I think that’s what she would do.  Are the current alliances really the real alliances?  Who is lying and who is telling the truth?  You just never know in the BB house, do you?

I have to agree that these houseguests are the most boring we’ve ever had on BB.  They don’t do anything but sleep and every now and then talk game.  I guess the dislike for each other keeps them from getting together to play a game or come up with some funny, crazy way to entertain the BBAD crowd.  During past seasons, HG’s would do that.  “Oh, it’s 9:00!  Let’s give the people a show!”  That’s too bad because I think it will be the demise of Big Brother, although CBS reports that ratings were up for Sunday’s show.  I don’t even turn on BBAD anymore.  I just check your comments and if you say something happened, then I go look!

Speaking of BBAD, last year Showtime put BBAD on at 9:00 p.m. on the West Coast so we were watching the show at the same time that you were on the East Coast.  They would replay it on the West Coast at midnight.  I liked this better because it allowed us to see what everyone else was seeing.  Now at midnight, we are watching what happened three hours prior.  It’s really what I dislike most about moving to the West Coast–that we see very few shows (except sports of course) live.

I hope everyone has a great Tuesday.  Tonight will be the POV and the POV ceremony at 9:00 p.m.  I assume we’ll see a piece on the Jeremy Piven movie too.  So stay tuned…Bloggergal1

Debbie August 11, 2009 at 10:07 am

So right on your comments Bloggergl1 – Has anyone heard Jordan inform/talk to Jeff about this all girl alliance or is she keeping this from him? I haven’t seen or read anywhere that she is giving him this information. Is she a part of this all girl alliance and going to betray him? Anyone know?

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BloggerGal August 11, 2009 at 10:10 am

Debbie, Did they tell Jordan? I read that Chima and Michelle were talking and they said that once Jeff is out, they’ll get Jordan on board. Bloggergal1

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Debbie August 11, 2009 at 10:18 am

Chima and Michelle were in the kitchen talking about it while she was there. They said that it was 5 girls and 3 guys after Russel was gone.

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hpr56 August 11, 2009 at 10:30 am

Hey Bloggergal, it could be worse. We have BBAD from 1 a.m. to 4 a.m. I have to record it and watch while I’m getting ready for work and finish watching when I get home from work. Sad hu?

Unless Jeff is gone, I don’t believe Jordan would switch to a girl’s alliance. And personally, I wouldn’t trust ANY of the other girls.

I still hope Jeff uses the power to put up both Natalie and Jessie and let the chips fall. I’m sure it would be Jessie though. Then he and Russell better bust their butts to maintain HOH and POV.

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Kouba August 11, 2009 at 10:42 am

I really like your blog and i respect your work. I’ll be a frequent visitor.

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Pepper August 11, 2009 at 11:18 am

Just what power is given with the Coup. For example could Jeff put up either Chima or whomever has POV. To me I think they should as once you have a coup there is no power left. Can someone clarify this?

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Scotty "K" August 11, 2009 at 11:39 am

With the feeds and the rewind feature, i hardly bother with BBAD and usually erase it within a day or so, so it doesn’t clog up my DVRs..

I’m so excited for Thursday and can really care less about the show till then… They REALLY need to talk to Natalie and Jessie about all of their sleeping, it’s making for VERY boring TV!

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bigbubbabronson August 11, 2009 at 11:45 am

BBAD is really boring this year. I am w/ you bloggergal, the cast is so boring there isn’t much to watch. My hubby watches, well skims, through BBAD the next day. The entire 3 hrs, adds up to about 20 min. of actual time to watch. That’s a good day 🙂
After this week w/ the “wizard power” I hope it spices up. I don’t really watch the shows as the run. I tune in here for comments. My hubby turns the show on Sun, Tues, & Thurs. but we usually are doing other things w/ it on in the back ground. This is new, years past we were glued to the TV set. BB11 STINKS!!!!!
I bet BB thinks due to the out pour of votes and the “supposed” high ratings we are all in love w/ the show. Not so much BB, we are all hoping something happens!!!!

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bluezey60 August 11, 2009 at 11:47 am

ty bloggergal,im w/you now to the game.i dont see the girls getting jeff or russ out.they are both going to be targets next week. i feel they will win hoh ( 1 of them hopefully jeff ) and put up nat and chima.i think lydia will vote out nat kevin and the rest will vote out chima.although lydia might want to keep nat so she isnt alone in the house w/ if 1 of them wins pov then i think lydia will go up in their place but will be i think we will say good bye to nat or chima,may the best girl win.i believe chima will get pov.

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Cherile Berrio August 11, 2009 at 12:01 pm

Why is BB making it noticable that Jeff has the Coup? I thought it was going to be kept private until he actually uses it at the eviction. This group is too boring for me and I will probably not watch it every time it is on. All the other years has been so good, you hated to see the hour end and you spent time guessing. Oh well!

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Tonyia Bandy Miracle August 11, 2009 at 12:04 pm

When last nights BBAD started out it seemed like 10 minutes before anyone said a word. It started by showing Russell and Jeff sitting outside, not speaking. I fast forwared until Russell finally got up and went inside without saying anything. Immediately I thought they must have been fighting, but after watching figured no just boring. I wish we could get some kind of clue what Jeff was thinking. I hope he puts up Natalie and Jessie (a/k/a Meathead). It would be the best show ever!!

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kennyga August 11, 2009 at 12:12 pm

I watched bbad for a little while last night and didn’t see jordan at all, was she sleeping or just hiding out somewhere. Are her ands jeff still close??

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Michael August 11, 2009 at 12:15 pm

Blogergal – Bla Bla Bla…you are just as guilty as the current Big Brother guests in terms of having ANYTHING interesting to say. BORING!

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BloggerGal August 11, 2009 at 1:38 pm

Michael, Are you volunteering to write tomorrow’s blog? Go for it! I need a vacation anyway. Bloggergal1

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bulwinkle August 11, 2009 at 12:19 pm

ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, is it thrusday yet???

Yes, I agree, these people are boring… there have been times when the drama has been high, like the fights btw Chima and Russ, but this week is dead.

Part of the reason I think this week has been dead is the whole mystery of the wizard power. All Jessie does is mope along all day worried about being put up by Jeff. I guess the meathead has a couple of brain cells after all.

I think it would have been much better to not have told the HGs about the power. Just let them go about their week as if everything was normal. There would be more conflicts, there would be more schemeing, there would be more backstabbing.

Then just prior to the eviction vote, let Jeff stand and say, Julie, I choose to used the CdT. First there would be a general look of confusion as the other HGs think WTF is going on. The the confusion quickly changes to SHOCK as Julie explains America’s Vote and what is means. Then all hell breaks loose as Jeff makes his nominations and the voting begins.

Of course, we the fans would be going bat poop crazy as all this unfolded. and the house would be completly upside down for the next few days as these events were digested.

So, I do fault BB producrers for their lack of imangination for the boring week we have been having.

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justaguy August 11, 2009 at 12:20 pm

Yeah, we would all like to know what Jeff is thinking. That’s the bad part about the coup… he can’t talk about it. I was encouraged to see bits of his DRs on Sunday…. “No!, you’re stupid ’cause I’m gonna use it”…. that was a funny line. The other night I caught a bit of Jeff singing the theme song from The Sopranos (“got yourself a gun…”). Did you guys catch that? I’m hoping he’s psyching himself up to get all gangsta on Thur night.

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hpr56 August 11, 2009 at 12:29 pm

I agree it would have made for better drama not to let the houseguests know that there was a power of any kind. Then Jeff could have sat back and laughed to himself about all of them during the week. Pretty funny I think. I, too, am just waiting for Thursday to see it all unfold and see the fighting begin again. Chima has her mind racing I’m sure. It would suck to be HOH this particular week because you know that there is a “possibility” that you really don’t have ANY power. They have all come up with scenarios for what the power is and they have been in the right ball park even if they haven’t come up with the total package.

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Marsha August 11, 2009 at 12:36 pm

michael, that was just rude saying Bloggergal is boring. If boring is whats happening in the house, what do you think she should talk about?

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justaguy August 11, 2009 at 12:40 pm

Now that would have been a great spin on an old twist. Only tell the person who gets the coup about it…. BRILLIANT!! I know they had the coup years ago, but that would have been a great way to bring it back. They should all know enough to listen to Ronnie when he told them all about the coup. He lied about everything else, but not about past seasons.

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jolee August 11, 2009 at 12:43 pm

i agree to disagree
i still and always will hate people like ronnie
thank you very much

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aggie August 11, 2009 at 12:49 pm

Chima was outside last night talking too lydia about the all girl alliance, They talked about possibly keeping Kevin apart of their group. Although Lydia was telling Jesse shes still upset with Kevin for not taking her off the block. I hope Russel does end up staying , and gets HOH just too put Chimas butt on the block. That really would be awesome, Just not hearing her fake laugh anymore.

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Dom August 11, 2009 at 12:51 pm

I am on the same page as hpr56 as Jeff should make the move, a very smart one and odds are Jessie would be gone. As for an all girls team happening, it highly unlikely.

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bigbubbabronson August 11, 2009 at 1:08 pm

I agree Bulwinkle! BB shouldn’t have told the HG’s, SURPRISE on Thurs. That woulda been awesome.

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Starfish August 11, 2009 at 1:29 pm

Thanks BloggerGal, that’s great – BB11 is what it’s all about even though it’s as boring as all get out! I don’t know what Michael expects you to talk about when no one in the house is doing anything. Why don’t you have a fantasy paragraph with your best creation of what is going on in the house. Maybe that would brighten up this boring show. I’m afraid I agree that this may be the demise of BB.

I think the reason they don’t have any fun and never play as a group is because Ronnie created 2 groups and lied to each of them and alienated them from each other from day one. No one even wants to get to know anyone because of the trust factor. That’s the way it appears to me. Yep, I’m still blaming Ronnie the rat. I believe he ruined this season. Although I don’t think anyone could do anything with Jessie’s personality. Can you just imagine him being your boyfriend. Good gosh, I would slap myself and run. I certainly hope CBS doesn’t even consider bringing Ronnie back next year as I heard he as volunteered. I won’t watch it for sure.

I used to love this show since BB1, but this year is the pits. Hopefully Jeff will get JEssie out this week.

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bulwinkle August 11, 2009 at 1:57 pm

I believe that its going to be pretty boring in the house until the live eviction. Jeff hopefully puts up Jessie and the lap dog with Jessie. Chima better come through with her promised eruption for having her power stripped away. That should be fun.

Then next week regardless who wins, the HGs should be all abuzz with CdT and may get back to their plotting. After all:

Chima needs to enact revenge against Jeff for taking her power.

Gant needs to enact revenge for losing her master.

Jordan will be even more enthralled with Jeff for using his POWER.

Kevin and Lydiot will still be clueless.

Russ will be back and forth not sure who to trust.

But, next week should be better — i hope…

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bulwinkle August 11, 2009 at 2:00 pm


I feel that after Jessie leaves (assuming) then I think that Lydiot should be next. She serves no purpose and having her in the jury house ALONE with Jessie will drive Gnat nuts.

After Lydiot, then Kevin needs to go — Again, he serves no purpose and that clears the space for the big dogs to start going at it.

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tendr August 11, 2009 at 2:28 pm

Mikey, are you like 12yrs old?

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Augustus Cole August 11, 2009 at 2:30 pm

How to use Two, Too & To:

Two: Two is a number (We have Two cats)

Too: Too means “excessively” (Too hot) or “also” (It’s hot here Too)

To: To is a “preposition” (We went To the movies) or an infinitive (We like To watch Big Brother)

Ok, thats my rant 😀

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justaguy August 11, 2009 at 2:31 pm

I’m not sure if this week would be better with or without the coup? Some people think there would be more action w/o it as people would be less guarded in what they say. But w/o it, would we really care? This week would be a boring, done-deal…… Russ gone… next. At least with the coup, we are all looking forward to Thur…. and that’s an understatement. I’m afraid that after the mushroom cloud disappears (Fri night, Sat night?) the game will settle to an even more boring level than it is now……. hope I’m wrong.

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justaguy August 11, 2009 at 2:37 pm

Nice one Augustus, now explain the difference between there, their, & they’re.

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Caroline August 11, 2009 at 2:42 pm

BB should stop calling Jeff into the diary room so much, keep it on the down low. I agree, all the house guests do is lay in their beds and sometimes talk about the game.

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nan August 11, 2009 at 2:44 pm

i think the mouth that roared should leave (nat) maybe she could go home and bathe mouth and all. she never shuts up and i don’t like her or jess.

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bulwinkle August 11, 2009 at 2:56 pm

and while you’re at it Augustus, could you explain the difference between He & She. I live near San Francisco. There appears to be a lot of confusion here about that. 🙂

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hpr56 August 11, 2009 at 2:58 pm

There is a place (go over there), their is possessive meaning it belongs to them (Their food is on the table), they’re is a contraction for they are. Easy enough.

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hpr56 August 11, 2009 at 2:59 pm

Your last one was funny Bulwinkle. Now for Michael’s comment, BBloggergal, I for one appreciate your information. I look forward to it and the comments made by the people who read it. You can’t very well make stuff up and you make it as interesting as it can be.

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justaguy August 11, 2009 at 3:10 pm

CORRECT hpr56! Good job. Just remember this…. THEIR house is over THERE, but THEY’RE looking for a new one.

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bulwinkle August 11, 2009 at 3:11 pm

Oh God, Im having flash backs to Jr. High English class…

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justaguy August 11, 2009 at 3:19 pm

One more thing. I second what hpr56 had to say. If I were bored with your blog… I wouldn’t read it. Right now, reading comments on here is more interesting than BB itself. If I had to blog about watching paint dry, I probably wouldn’t have too much to say either.

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hpr56 August 11, 2009 at 3:20 pm

Does it scare ya?

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bulwinkle August 11, 2009 at 3:25 pm

now that I think of it, no, the teacher was hot!!!

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hawt65nova August 11, 2009 at 3:27 pm

I have only been reading these posts for two days, but find them so utterly amusing!

Yeah I don’t give a RATS ass about Ronnie….yeah Nat needs a shower….but I do believe Jeff needs to walk around that house with his dang shirt OFF if he isn’t going to be entertaining me! 🙂

This is the most boring season, but that’s because they raided the mental institution for their guests this season and half are taking sedatives to keep them calm and relaxed….the other half are taking a placebo…..can you guess who is who is who?

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bulwinkle August 11, 2009 at 3:40 pm

well, here’s the latest big drama from the house. Evidently Jeff forgot he was a have-not and took a SIP of gatoraid. Just a sip before he was reminded that he couldn’t have that. He spit it out, but too late — BB gave him a penality — one extra day on slop.

Man, you can’t but entertainment like this!!!

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Starfish August 11, 2009 at 3:43 pm

Yep Bloggergal, I agree, if you complain, you’re up.

Augustus, rotfl because improper use of to, two & too make me grit my teeth when I see it and there’s (there is) one person who does it all the time. We just have to roll with it.

Me too bulwinkle, I had a great hot male English teacher in junior high or was it middle school? Big time school girl crush nothing like the sickness Gnat and Lydiot have for Jessiepoo.

I just read that Jeff got an extra day of slop because he had a sip of Gatorade – anyone see that? Kevin got an extra day for eating a grape I think. That’s the excitement so far for the day that I see. Yawn Yawn

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Starfish August 11, 2009 at 3:45 pm

Bulwinkle, you beat me to it. I hit submit and both posts came up at the same time. This is so exciting that we’re actually discussiong slop. OMG what has it all come to.

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Augustus Cole August 11, 2009 at 4:07 pm

LMAO…. Yeah, Starfish. I didn’t want to mention any names. Once might be an accident. But all the time….. OMG.

lol @ bulwinkle… Yeah, confusion here too… N.O. 😀

hpr56 took care of that for you justaguy, haha 😀

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bulwinkle August 11, 2009 at 4:08 pm



Im going to take a nap now — later

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bulwinkle August 11, 2009 at 4:23 pm


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BloggerGal August 11, 2009 at 5:04 pm

Hey, I have an idea. Let’s all chip in and send a message trailing from an airplane over the house. Stir up the pot a bit! Bloggergal1

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Jrsygrl38 August 11, 2009 at 5:16 pm





MY ONLY SOLACE IS WHEN THE FGHTS ERRUPT AND THE JEFFISMS LIKE “YO-YO’S meaning someone stupid. Him being easy on the eyes helps out a-lot too. But I have to say I was taken aback when I seen him cleaning/trimming under his eyebrows. Is it just me or my generation but I couldn’t help but say “REAL MEN DON’T TWEEZE!” I mean my husband uses that nose hair thing bit this metrosexual thing with shaving all over and tweezing is a lil much for me. I mean sure if your really hairy thats one thing but manscaping your eyebrows JEFF I HAVE U AS A MANS MAN! Not like the othr two meat heads.

I also wanted to talk about Chima’s reffering to Russel as a terorist. She says it’s because he terrorizes everyone in the house but we all know what she means and that is what Russ said the other night about Chiam when he was wasted and said its “the pot calling the kettle black!”

Another example the other night in the HOH room while Jesse paces nervously and has to use the bathroom evry 5 min cause he is worried about Jeff and the WIZARD power. I think it was Mich Nat and Chima and Jess I could be wrong who was in there but Chima and Jess for sure. They said Jeff has a dark side and Chima with her newspaper astrology analogies kills me she said being a gemini Jeff has a dark side. Then she said well he does live in Chicago and has italian friends who own restaurants so you know MOB. EXCUSE ME MS. CHIMA!!! BEING FROM THE SOPRANO STATE I KNOW MANY ITALIAN AMERICANS SOME WHOM OWN RESTUARANTS AND MANY HATED THE SOPRANOS FOR STEREOTYPING THEIR PEOPLE. Really c’mon if someone said something similiar like well she is from South Central and she does like red lipstick and bandanas “CRIPS” all hell would break lose. Al Sharpton would be on CNN and everyother channel Jesse and the rainbow coalition would be coming into the BB house trying to repair bridges b4 they were burned LOL. I am exageratting of course but I hope someone sees where I am going with this. Chima is a hypocrite to the 10th degree and she should be ashamed of herself. Brandon got called out on national TV by her and what Russ was sayin about her the othr nght to J+J OUT ON THE COACH WAS TRUE. She did say to russ she didn’t think Brayden or Branden whatever was racist she just used whatever she could at the moment. Brayden was called out on blogsites (not this one that I know of) and it could hurt his outside life getting a job now in the industry because lord knows how LEFT WING ACLU all of the “hollywood’ types are. I propose Chicago Italian Americans come down hard on Ms Chima for that statement. I am just messiin but not really lol. Ms Chima uses the racial card when it is convient for her. She should not have said those things about Jeff it is total profiling!!

BTW I too study astrology and the Gemini’s symbol is the twins but that doesn’t mean we all don’t have an evil twin inside of us. If you took Psych 101 you know about the ID the ego and the super ego. We all have two sides to our personality it’s up to us which side we choose to reveal to certain people. I am currently routing for Jeff’s evil side to come out on Chima and Jess and Gnat when they try to put him in the corner about him using the “coup”. They were sayin (Jess and Chima) mostly Chima that she was going to tell him if he had it and used it she was gonna LOSE it and he would have a target. HELLLLO he and Jordan have always had a target. Oh I could go on and on and I have lol.

I will finish about Jess in my blog because he needs his own space for all the hipocracy he is showing lol.

Well happy tue to you all and lets hope there are some fights or something intresting tonight. I don’t feel like watching the nanny cam again tonight with the PLAY DOUGH!!!!!


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macy1231231 August 11, 2009 at 5:29 pm

HEY B-GAL!!! LOVED your comments. I have often felt guilty about talking about the hg – and wonder what He thinks. Dont let micheal get to you. you just keep on truckin!


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Augustus Cole August 11, 2009 at 5:42 pm

My message banner: Jesse, you have a date with the jury house Thursday. 😀

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Margie August 11, 2009 at 5:58 pm

Singing the song ‘Message to Michael” In regard to your remarks bbgal report is boring, well, how can she report otherwise. She does not make this stuff up, she reports what is happening. And the only thing happening is boredom. Like my grandmother used to say, if you don’t have a better solution, then let it be” I wonder how you would report if you were the one to do this job. I am sure bbgal does not get paid for doing this and I for me, appreciate all her hard work, and it is hard work keeping up with these hgs, they go from being silly to stupid at the blink of an eye. If there is nothing going on, what is left to report? 0 + 0+=0. I believe her job is to give us a synopsis and she does a damn good job of it. That being said,
Oh before I forget Justaguy thanks for answering my question re my bbad blacking out at 1:30am my time. Guess it was my dish again, a bird goes by and it cuts off.
Ciao for now
Mama Margie

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Starfish August 11, 2009 at 6:01 pm

Great idea BloggerGal: My Banner suggestions might be…

“Jessie & Kevin are in a verrrry secret alliance”

“Russell & Chima are America’s Choice”

“Laura is back with the coup de grace”


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Margie August 11, 2009 at 6:09 pm

when I see Lydiot acting like a real nut case. I can almost hear
paging nurse ratchard, paging nurse ratchard. If there ever was going to be a remake of Cuckoos Nest, these hgs would all get oscars. they make any loony bin seem normal…..
mama margie

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hpr56 August 11, 2009 at 6:16 pm

Starfish, love your banner ideas. Could be interesting.

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Augustus Cole August 11, 2009 at 6:31 pm

How bout:

America has voted Casey back in.


Someone in the house has a twin.

let the paranoia ensue. lol

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hpr56 August 11, 2009 at 6:46 pm

Ha ha ha ha

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Alyssa August 11, 2009 at 6:47 pm

My Fav:

Someone in the house has a twin.
let the paranoia ensue. lol

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Star August 11, 2009 at 6:53 pm

BloggerGal….I totally agree with you. This year IS the most boring in the BBH EVER!! I was saying it alot at the beginning, but sounded like a broken record, so kept trying to *get into* BB11’s goings on..slim tho they are. In fact, the only news I had some up with was the thing about Jeff getting another day on slop. Seems we all ferreted thet little jewel out!

I think the reason we find these HGs boring this year, besides the fact that they sleep all day(part of that I blame on BB tho for the whole have-not thing..causes sleep dep big time!)is that we just don’t CARE about them! At least I find that I don’t! As you stated, BloggerGal, they all seem so petty and selfish that they don’t talk to anyone about their personal lives or get together to party or just liven up BBAD. In fact, I don’t remember BB giving them toys , like the clay, this early in the game. It was typically when it was down to 5 HGs. But most years, there have been HGS you hated, some you loved but it was enough to keep us glued to our TVs and any tidbit we could find about them. These people arent LIKEABLE. You don’t want to be their friend, they aren’t quirky enough to peek our interest and most of them are downright DUH!!(as in Stupid, but that seemed so harsh….lol) I fall asleep alot watching BBAD and haven’t even been posting here as much lately. GOD!! I think I have caught APATHY from the HGs!! ARGH!!

How about this for a banner: Chimapet and Russel secretly engaged IRL!!!hehehe

Keep up all the great/funny posts….something’s gotta shake me out of this BB SLUMP!! And it sure won’t be THEM!!;)

Peace OUT!
Ohya…show’s on in an hr…..*Yawn*

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bulwinkle August 11, 2009 at 7:06 pm

A little while ago, Gnat heard a plane and said she wished that america would send them a banner and tell them who the wizard is.

I propose the banner say “Gnat is the Wizard of BB”

now Im going back to my nap…


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Kate August 11, 2009 at 7:23 pm

It’s so easy to throw stones and criticize! Kick back and enjoy the game. If you don’t like the way it’s going, complain to CBS but leave Bloggergir1 out o your rants! She spends hours of time on this and is doing an incredible job. I complain to CBS nightly about giving the houseguests something to do so they have a reason to crawl out of bed. (They are not an overly creative group as a whole….I miss BB9 and BB10’s game playing and antics.) I think the have-not bed situation makes for them being up all night/sleep all day. They set that bs up and it needs to go! I feel Jeff and Kevin should not have gotten extra days on slop. If they got penalized, penalize those who REFUSE to heed production warnings causing the lovely fish that we have seen more of than the feeds!! Here is the address for complaints to CBS….USE IT!!

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babychenbot August 11, 2009 at 7:41 pm

Ronnie started his gameplay WAY too early and it cost him dearly. Too much jumping around between the groups and the inability to keep his lies straight. Its a marathon not a race and ronnie just plaib ran out of gas. What gets me with this group is all the accusations of lying. Russell can lie to HGs but no one can lie to russell? Seriously?!? Paranoia will destroy ya russell say hi to Julie for us when you see her on Thursday night.
I don’t think Jeff will use the power he has no reason to. Chima is doing the dirty work of eliminating the competition and sending a person to the jury house who might vote favorably for Jeff should he make it to the final two. If he were to use the power to put up nat and jessie, the one who stays will put a HUGE target on jeff’s back and by proxy put said target on Jordan’s back as well. So memo to Jeff: let sleeping dogs lie it will work out for you in the end.
Hey bloggergal, I totally agree ygat this is the most boring cast ever. Over the years I have read rumors that mike boogie an dr will have pointed prospective houseguests cbs way over the years. If this is true then either they fell asleep on the job or they were not ibvolved this year. Also cbs, please feel free to have a few more people that have seen the show? Thanks.

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Bob August 11, 2009 at 8:18 pm

I am just so surprised that these people have not a clue what it means to play a TV game show. They keep trying to put friendships first!!!! This game has nothing to do with friendships, life, relationships, love, lack of love, enemies, or anything!!! IT IS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!!! These people did not come into this game with the idea that they are going to make new friends. They came into it with dollar signs in their eyes!!! The sooner they realize this the better off they will be. I would love to see a series of Big Brother with people who truly understand the game and what it means. NUFF SAID!!!!

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erin August 11, 2009 at 8:41 pm

Hey everyone!I hope it’s not me spelling stuff wrong cuz my itouch guesses the words I want to use lol
bloggergl- I have Directtv and I am on the west coast and I get BBAD live. That sucks that yu aren’t getting it live

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BloggerGal August 11, 2009 at 10:00 pm

I know you can get it with Directtv, but I have the whole Time Warner package and I hate to switch now. Bloggergal1

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Kim Mitchell August 11, 2009 at 9:37 pm

Oh crap I too have been using the words wrong I guess.. hee hee hee… Well I will be more careful… Izz just a country gal with no schooling in the grammer of the big city folk..

Gotta love you all.. If it was not for this blog I would be nuts watching these idiots in the house. When big brother decided to do the high school cliques they really did it.. They found players to REALLY play the part…

BTW is anyone having trouble getting the quad cams to work with your live feeds?? I can not get mine to load. I have looked to see if I need to update RealPlay but I dont have any updates there..

Kim M.

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BloggerGal August 11, 2009 at 9:59 pm

Kim, As a matter of fact, I am having trouble with the Quad Cam, but I thought it was just me! Hmm. Bloggergal1

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aggie August 11, 2009 at 9:44 pm

After seeing Chima on the show tonight, makes me hate her even more. Hopefully someone willget her out soon. Her calling Russel a terrorist, Whichis racist, If it were the other way around and he called her a rascist slur , Russel would have been crucified. I really hope it works out and Jeff changes the nominations . Just to really put her in her place, that would really be awesome.Hopefully the show will be really great onthursday. If it works out Jesse willbe going home, Idoubt it would be Natalie I think Chima wants to take her to the end.

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Kim Mitchell August 11, 2009 at 9:59 pm

I do have to give these HGs one credit.. They have really taken slop to the next level. They are creating very interesting things.. Lydiot is making them all slop chips and dip. Michele is making lemon bars and I think Jeff is creating stuff. They must be able to eat from the garden Jeff is tending in the back yard cause he cooked Collard Greens today. I heard Jeff telling Lydiot that there was tomatoes, squash and greens in the garden. I am impressed with this side of them..
Just my observation..

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Howard August 11, 2009 at 10:12 pm

The people on this show are brain dead with no personalities. I will turn off the show completely if Jeff does not have the balls to put Jessie and nat up for evection. It would take no skills at all to win the $500,000 this year. What was Big Brother thinking when bringing Jessie back? He is gay which is ok, but his own self-denial for the show makes us all sick.

Michelle is a PHD? What school did she go to? I bet her GRE scores are flat. This woman needs some type of pragmatic intervention.

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Hope Mason Coulter August 11, 2009 at 10:22 pm

I was thinkin the same thing about the slop and how creative they are gettin. It is truly the most creative slop cast 🙂

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Star August 11, 2009 at 10:31 pm

babychenbot…I just gotta say i loved your screenname! Really tickled me!!:)
I agree with most of what you say although I think Jeff has already stated several times that he WILL us the CDT power. Both Jessie and Lydia will be grateful to him and have his back and by putting up Gnat and Jessiepoo, he will weaken whichever one is left behind. It doesn’t do him any good to have a friendly vote in the jury house if he doesn’t make it to the final w. But…even the best laid plans seem to awry in the BBH so, time will tell.

aggie..ya, it’s called reverse racism. Or you can’t say that to a Did you hear Chima try to cover up calling Russ a terrorist by saying that he was terrorizing everyone in the house?? Hmmmmm….too little too late babe! Chu-chu-chu-chia!!*grin*

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Star August 11, 2009 at 10:32 pm

That’s supposed to be final TWO…not sure where the other letters went…..OOPS!

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Starfish August 11, 2009 at 10:46 pm

I just told my husband how we are reduced to discussing the HGs creativity with slop. All we can do is laugh. These guys are amazingly boring. It should be coup de grace instead of coup de etat to put us all out of our misery.

I’m still counting on Jeff to put Jessiepoo & Gnat on the block and I want Jessiekins to go home. It’s been said before but it would be great if Lydiot goes next and we can watch Gnat go stir crazy or maybe she’ll actually start playing the game. She’s already begun smoozing some of the others from what I’m hearing and Jessie is getting nowhere when he tries to talk to Jeff. Love it!

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justaguy August 11, 2009 at 11:33 pm

babychenbot….. “let sleeping dogs lie”. Not a bad opinion… I thought about that one too. I don’t think it would be a good move though. Jeff is a huge target either way. Jess or Nat will put up J&J if they get the chance. Let sleeping dogs lie is a good strategy sometimes… but not always. Analogy: If I were trapped in a confined space with a sleeping pitbull and all I had was a baseball bat…. well, I’d certainly have a decision to make. CALM DOWN PETA, I love animals…. it’s just an example. (Disclaimer: No animals were actually hurt in the writing of this post)

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Jimazoid August 12, 2009 at 12:11 am

I thought BBAD started at 12:00am EST, and its 9:00pm CST. Itsn’t live at that point that it’s 9pm in the housr?

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FRANKS August 12, 2009 at 1:10 am

BBAD starts at 12:00am EST.

I am sitting here at the computer listening to the show as I am typing. What is extremely annoying is listening to Chimas cackle when ever she opens her mouth. She attempts to laugh at EVERYTHING.

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Blogins August 12, 2009 at 1:58 am

I hope use his power and putsup jess and natiale just to make the show i litter more intersting

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aggie August 12, 2009 at 2:40 am

Chima has got to go, she is as phony as they come, she seems to be running that girl group. I really hope someone is able to take her out. Also her forehead looks weird every time she laughs ,like she has to much botox. Star, she does try to pretend she means something else by the terrorist comment about Russel, but she really is referring to the fact that he is Lebanese. Basically trying to cover her own ass. Even the other house guests thought she was wrong about that.

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donna August 12, 2009 at 4:10 am

I agree with this being the most boring season in a long time. This is why I DID NOT want Ronnie to be voted out, at least he added some juicyness to the show. It’s too bad he had to go so soon. I think, he though he was the “evil genius” of the show…alas he was not!

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bigbubbabronson August 12, 2009 at 9:10 am

Not sure why we had to go off on a rant re: other bloggers grammar, but: whatever. Ronnie was awful but he didn’t ruin the season. It was Jessie. BB messed up big time when they decided to bring him back. Now, BB will say that the athletes won and that is why Jessie is back, but let’s face it, BB got him back in pretty obviously. I HATE when BB brings back people. That stinks, they had their shot, it’s over, move on. Imagine the dynamic if they wouldn’t have brought in Jessie. The cast would have prob. been completely different in their personal strategies. Yappy Lappy I don’t think would be so bold, Russell would be even more over the top w/ his Alpha Male, Ronnie would have been forced to play different somewhat not having Jessie to allign w/, so on and so forth. BB screwed up this season BIG TIME!!!!

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Bree August 12, 2009 at 5:03 pm

This season is really boring!!!!!!!!!!Where did they get these people? Having Jessie back was a horrible idea. BBAD is even worse… Bloggergal you write the truth. Love reading your take on things. I really hope that Jeff uses CdT, just to see these people scramble. Come on, they’re playing for $500,000. I’d love to see more then a few of these people knocked down a peg. They’re arogant and full of themselves. Oh, and thanks for the site where I can voice a complaint to cbs. This year is the worse BB in it’s history.

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Hope Mason Coulter August 13, 2009 at 3:43 am

It really must be a boring HG season when we are pell checking and watching grammar people! And oh boy if i have to watch my spelling and vocabulary i can’t post anymore espc when i am in the middle of a rant. Run on sentences and droppin the g on words like dropping are a specialty of mine. So if the red pen comes out on this blog mark me with a big fat F because on blogs and message boards and chats and texts for that matter I am not spellchecking or proof reading. Sorry if it bothers you guys but when it comes to blogging esp about BB I am shotrning wrds and using them in THERE wrong context lol…. I love reading your posts for the content not the
asthetics if that even makes sense 🙂

So if my posts aren’t very pretty to look at I hope that you at least enjoy the point of view even if you disagree.

peace and love

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Hope Mason Coulter August 13, 2009 at 3:44 am

OOPS SEE know you have me looking for errors! Iwrote pell checking instead of spell checking LMAO!

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