Lane & Britney think so; what say you? It appears every season our BB HGs think they are “da bomb” when it comes to having the best cast ever, and we know there have been some notable, unforgettable seasons. But this one? Lane & Britney were wondering aloud how they’ve done this year and basically congratulated themselves on their successful season. And, yes, they both think they have the “best cast ever!” In the words of Rachel, “Are you kidding me right now?”
I’d love to report that a banner flew by with a cryptic message for our little hamsters, or a previous HG stopped by for a surprise visit, but the truth is…there’s nothing going on in the BB house. The flies are bored, the fish want to go to Pee Wee Herman’s tank, and I think I saw the flamingos fighting to get out the front door.
The highlight of the day was Enzo spitting expletives and battling the endless army of ants and the gloomy face of Britney showing disappointment in Hayden, but also for herself I’m sure. She had so many alliance choices and she totally blew it. She’s been watching BB since she was a young teenager, always wanted to be a houseguest, here she is, and there she goes.
They finally got the pack of cards from BB, but became quickly bored from shuffling the “if” deck of game play and returned to the rehashing of the rehashing of the rehashing of days in the house. There were workouts, pizza & Pop-Tarts. Talk of Starbucks vs. Dunkin’ Donuts coffee, favorite TV shows, missing family, friends and pets, and complaints about their BB “gym” equipment.
In the Big Brother world of giant piggy banks, hidden HG coins, a filthy house and the slobs who made it happen, is this the “best cast ever?” From the posts I read on this bored, I mean board, the answer is clearly no. So if that’s the case, who had the best cast ever and why? Was it Season 8 with Dick & Dani? Season One where they had to hand wash their own laundry and the AOL feeds were free? Season 6 with Howie, Janelle & Kaysar, and Maggie taking the $500Gs? Season 3 with Marcellas and the introduction into the competition for POV and the only BB season to be released in its entirety on DVD?
Let’s hear your favorite season and favorite HG of all time and why. And if you don’t think this cast is the “best cast ever” let’s hear why you think that as well. But let’s make it a clean debate, shall we? Just because the BB house has transformed into a piggy paradise, doesn’t mean this board has to be! =^^=
I vote for Season 11. It was fun to watch Jeff and Jordan and delusional Natalie was entertaining as were Jesse and Russell.
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This has been the worst season ever!! Hate everyone of them not one really deserves to win… Best season to date was in fact Season 8 IMO, lets see what everyone else thinks..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Also think it’s time for another All-Star and please oh please CBS do NOT bring in that self centered rightous ass Jessie in because America HATES him…
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ME TOOO!!!! jajablonde. But I do have to disagree about Jessee being entertaining. More like annoying. 🙄
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I am sooooo sick of them talking about production and how great their rating are!
I have fallen asleep many times during BB After Dark this season.
I am tired of this cast reliving past season.
They are great at working out and smacking food , that’s about it.
Very mild personalities and their real game was that they tried to get along and not stir the pot.
I miss Evil Dick, Dr Will even Chicken George !
Please stop talking about how famous you are going to be , how many fans you’ll have on FB or Tweeter and production told you about yor rating.
Stop complaining about how bored you are , come up with games.
The drinking game from last season will do , just do something .
Enzo needs to learn some new vocabulary , come on dude you have a baby.
Done !
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I agree….this one stinks. 3, 6, and 8 are probably the best. I did like the all stars – BB7, but you cant over look BB2. Dr. Will continually being put on the block and not getting voted out. Remember, back then, they had the silver POV, which you couldn’t use on yourself. So Dr. Will never had a chance to take himself off the block and nobody would ever use it on him…..and he still won. Amazing!
Dr. Will kinda gave up on the All-Star season, which was lame, but he made that season….and BB what it is today.
2, 3, 6, 7, & 8…..scrap the rest! haha j/k, I’ve never missed a second of BB. Never will.
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best season evil dick and danielle second best chilltown season 2
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I think BB 11 was the best season…. Jeff an Jordan what a great couple…. Kevin was sooo funny and Nat got on my nerves, her and lydia fighting over Jessie!! Jessie is stuck on himself and will one day just POP out of his own skin!! Russell was fun…. This season was JUST PLAIN BORING!!!! Funny at times but boring!! I say for BB 13 to bring all the winners back from all seasons…. Evil Dick back ….. OH YEAH!!
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PK, you are being truly unfair to JT, one of the finest people on this blog, he really doesn’t deserve those comments from you, it is not up to you to decide who is more of a friend to margie and who isn’t. I really don’t understand why you made those comments on the last page.
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It seems that these last few seasons people are only interested in how famous they will be and how much America will like them. I mean, let’s get serious. How many BB house guests maintained any type of real fame? I think Jeff and Jordan have been the most successful and eventually that is bound to fade. Maybe these people will be big fish in their small ponds, but famous? Really?
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Also, note to future house guests…if you think you are America’s favorites, it is probably the complete opposite!
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Aggie…let’s not worry about this anymore. I’m sure JT will have his say in this. If not, he’s a better person than me. I know who my friends are and I don’t need anyone telling me differently. I think MM knows too. As Jane said on the previous page, let’s please move on.
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myself your absolutely right!!! How many reality stars really become famous. If they do go on to other shows you notice how its always a dating show?
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Does anyone think that a twist should be brought back ?
Like when they had twins switching back and forth?
Relatives who didn’t know they were re-uniting like Dick and Danielle?
What’s really missing this season ?
Bad cast ?
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Later all….I have to leave for a while. Nothing going on in the BB house anyway. Can you say BORRRRING!!!
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evil 👿 ………grin 😀 ……… twisted 😈 ………mrgreen ……..shock 😯 ……..??? :??? : ………mad 😡 ……..neutral………. 😐 ………..sad 🙁 ………! ❗ …….cry 😥 …….? ❓ …….oops 😳 ……..idea 💡 ………..roll 🙄 …….wink 😉 ………arrow ➡ ………razz 😛 ………eek 😮 …… 😆 …….smile 🙂 ………
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I agree this seasons HG are the worst cast ever. All they do is rehash and bash the outted HG’s. I also agree no-one deserves to win. I wasn’t too crazy about Brendon, but once Rachael was out he played hard. He trusted the wrong people. I would like to see him get americas $25k. I liked season 8 and 11 the most. Others were ok. I am not in favor of an All-Star season. I tried out for BB12, made the finals but fell short of making the cast. Wish I would have. I’m sure I’ll try again. Vote Brendon for 25k.
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aggie email me and give me the secret to all your faces purdy please?
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Thats cool BOB!! If you ever make it gimmie a shout out in the DR 😉
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I’ll think this is no the best of them all the season with Dick and Jeff &Jordan were the best, although from tis season if I need to make a choice….hmmm I like Enzo, he is at least a little bit uplifting with s sense of humor. And yes I agree do not bring in a guy like Jesse everyone dislikes him, he is so * loving himself* and think he is the greatest guy to look at nothing is more true, yuck!
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I vote Brendon for $25,000. Although I didn’t really like him at first; I definitely liked him better when Rachel was gone to JH. I think he really busted his arse to stay after she left. He deserves something for all that effort.
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I take any season over season 12
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This season is the worst. I liked Evil Dicks season and the season with Jerry and Renny. They need to have more of a variety of ages.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bob I’d like to know what the process was like for trying out for bb. I hope you get on next season. Keep trying. We should bombard cbs with emails of how terrible this season was I dont know if they read all of these post. But go to cbs and click contact and choose big brother for the show and let them know how bad the season was. I know it was bad but we still keep watching. My name is Ruth and I’m addicted to big brother.
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This is the first year I decided to get the feeds and let’s just say I may as well have thrown my $15 out the window or flushed it down the toilet. I wish I purchased them last season, though, as Season 11 was my favorite. I did like past seasons and felt they were a lot more interesting than today’s cast. This season has just been horrible. I can’t stand listening to them BASH past HGs with such ease. I’m sure they’ll name “game play” as the reason, but really? How is it game play to bash people who are no longer playing the game? A desire for fame and a sense of entitlement is how I would describe the remaining boneheads. Anyway, I will vote Brendan as America’s favorite since I totally respected his game play once Rachel was out of the house.
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I heard Britney tell hayden the other night that this season has the highest ratings of any season in Big Brother history, this year may not have one great player in it, but this years cast as a whole was one of the toughest, Racheal upsetting and constantly stirring up trouble in the house, Brendan playing against the whole house and winning for a while was good tv, Enzo and Ragan in the otev competition, to matt’s big lie, dont know what Kathy was doing there ( to laugh at during competitions, stuck in the honey, lol) Andrew, Monet, and Annie not really getting a chance to play this season, but over all, i enjoyed this season, and like always look forward to the next season…
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evil dick, stand out and BB #6 season. also Jeff and Jordon were so cute. This season was boring. the house is dirty, messy, and they are all pigs.
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I enjoyed any season with Dr. Will, because he never let the house get too boring….same goes for Dick, however I wasn’t a Dani fan…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I thought Janelle was the classiest “too cool for school” player….(always enjoyed her wardrobe).
I laughed the hardest at Jordan (she reminded me of Jessica back in her “Newlyweds” seasons).
IMO— Season 1 was fun, only because everything was fresh and new, plus we got to vote for the winner, and the feeds were FREE!!
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I loved last summers BB season 11……Jeff and Jordan were my all time fav shomance couple and they never embarrassed their self or their family! Natalie was soooo annoying and Jesse was a lazy slob, Lydia played pathetic….. Russell got robbed,BUT I LOVED THEM ALLLLLLLL!! Loved / hated Evel Dick, but he was that season!!!! absence does make the heart grow fonder!! LOL
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This season has worried too much about being NICE and so much for the people who play the game…they vote them all out! Yet, I will watch until the bitter end!! If Britney does not fight for her life this next day or two I hope Big Brother takes back the the 10 grand they GAVE HER in that competition! Can’t wait until next season already!!
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i agree with tammy…..any season over season 12
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I have been so bored with season. I did not like Rachel but at least she kept the season interesting. Brendon and Rachel together very annoying. There really has been horrible game play. I would like to know how in the heck did Enzo make it to the final 4? He is the worst player ever!! He chews with his mouth open and man is that irritating. He drops the Fbomb, yo, come on now, you know what I am sayin, it is what it is, does have anything intelligent to say? Enzo does not belong there at all. They bash Brendon and Rachel about things they did but how funny is it when you see them doing the same thing when they are on the block. They should have shown Layne picking on Britney more at least that was entertaining. BORING…BORING!! I hope this does not hurt BB and the ratings go down to much! I look forward to the show every year.
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I agree with Chris,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When Rachel was in the house at least something was happening, and she was pretty much straight forward, not always a *plus* but still. It is boring right now.
Like Enzo, think he should end with Hayden in the final.
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hate to say it too but this ”was” the worst BB ever. they are all so boring. Nobody had any strategy in the game except least he did everything in his power to stay in the game. I hope he does get the 25K.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I Love BB…and I look forward to it everytime but sincerely no love lost this season…have a good one all…….
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Agree Nette, I hope Brendon is get is $ 25K he had to fight himself against the whole group. Trusted them *to much* Although I’ll think that he won respect from them, if thats important from a group like that.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Still like to see Hayden and Enzo to the end.
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well, i’m getting kinda bored with this cast – so thankful that i have it on dvr – and i can fast forward through having to watch brit eat on her hands – ha! BTW JANEY to set the story straight on hubby ‘rolling his eyes’ – he thinks BB is stupid and cant believe im so caught up in it! so when he sees me on the blogs – he’s like SHEEZE bendi, get over it….
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Hey Macy— You’re not alone….At the beginning of every season, my husband always rolls his eyes and says “OMG not Big Brother AGAIN!!”……LOL
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Feel sorry for the fish, heard them talking on BBAD and said whos been feeding them. they dont know they said they have not even been in that room for days. I think BB should have things that they have to do like feed fish, clean house,do dishes,except sleep and eat. Had to listen to Enzo talk about his bowel movement. Just what I wanted to here.
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These people are as exciting as grass growing and paint drying. Each and every one of them, except for Ragan feel entitled. CBS you dropped the ball on this season all together. Bring back great players like Dr. Will, Mike Boogie, Evel Dick, and Janelle. Or at least clone them.
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this is the WORsT season ever. Why do they all they all think their going to be famous and be stars. They are so delusional. None of them are cute enough. Except Rachael…I’m site theirs a horror movie with her name on it. The best was evil Dick and Danielle. .Jeff and Jordan are a cute couple but the season was ruined with Jessie. But i’ll always watch. BB Fan all the way
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Well getting off here for awhile,will check back later. guess everyone died and went to BB land.
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Hi Ruthy, tghe process was easy. I downloaded the application when announced that applications were being taken. I made a small video of myself, completed the app. and sent it in. Out of the blue I got a call asking me to come to a casting call interview in my region. I went then received a second call two weeks later saying I made the finals. Went to LA over the Memorial day weekend for the testing and producer interviews. After watching BBAD I realizied I was there the same time the current HG were there,. I didn’t see any of them because we are all on digfferent schedules. It was interesting and fun. Great casting peoiple and producers. Everyone was real friendly. Download the app and follow the instructions. Give it a shot if you are able.
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This season has been very boring. The only fun thing they did was play flip cup. These HG’s have no imagination. At least when Renny was there you did nothing but laugh at her most of the time with her comical antics. Let’s hope next season is better!
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This season is fair at best. Once all the interesting people were eliminated, it was all downhill. I don’t think Enzo or Kathy belonged among the housemates. Now it’s turned pretty boring. I no longer watch BB After Dark, and I’m glad I didn’t do the 24 hour feed.
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There was not one interesting HG in the whole group. As irritating as nails on a chalkboard, but not interesting,
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Don’t have a favorite season, each one is so different from the previous one. I know I DON’T want to see Jessie ever again…hated seeing the pompous fella pop out of that box. ARGH.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This year’s cast…BB12…what a sleeper. Dull moments turned into hours, turned into days and then into weeks. A handful of memorable highlights.. would possibly make an hour long show. (Brit being caught red-headed, the pillow fight, the penguin on his space ship)
Enzo’s use of 4 letter words and Brendon trying to use them…boring. Cannot imagine Gia growing up with a dad that cannot hold a conversation without consistent cussing. Will the wifey want him back in her life? Will Nick still want boring, nail biting, lip picking, split end twisting, me me me me me me Britney? Is Matt still inside the JH or have they evicted him from it after revealing his monstrous, unforgiveable lie?
It has been a waste of my money to subscribe to the live feed, but I watched, always thinking something would change, there would be some excitement. There would be some real competition in the games. Watching Ragan give it up to Matt, poor fella, wish he would have tried to stand on his own two feet just once. He followed the urges of the DR people and finally spoke up a little bit.
The low blow to the Mexican community by Brit’s comment about the little beads she’s working with… “these colors are not cute, they don’t give us enough cute colors, it’s like a cheap Mexican blanket, with weird colors”. Hopefully she will lose many possible votes after that remark.
This season has had more bashing of other HGs and even those from seasons past that any other that I can recall.
No favorite this year, no vote for who played the best, no expectations of any of them becoming “famous”. My wish is that no one acknowledges them outside the BB house. LOL
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I watch the show and BBAD. I don’t have the live feeds. But if BBAD is any indication, i’m glad I don’t have the live feeds. I could not take one more second of the Brendon/Rachel bashing by Brit and Ragan. They made me sick. They think they are so sweet and all, but I guess they don’t realize what ugly people they really are by talking about B/R so much and so badly. Let it go. This season has been the most boring ever. But I think the producers are somewhat to blame also. They put them in there and leave them to do whatever. They need to “shake it up” a bit. They need to become a little more creative. And personally, I think they should “drop the slop” and go back to PB&J. Yeah, previous guests complained about the PB&J, but slop is just a punishment. And it seems like the producers get a kick out of punishing them. That is not fun to watch at all. No wonder the HGs don’t do anything exciting.
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Soapsudz..u hit the nail on the head..
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Spot on Soapsudz…I hope America votes Brendon for the 25k because it will piss off the brigade in the house. Unbelievable that these last final four truly think they are liked by America and will be able to get speaking engagements. Yo …Forget about it. Enzo needs to go back to school starting with Kindergarten. If I was wifey I would be disgusted and embarrased to be married to him. I am so sick of them going over there lame game play and how America wanted them the Brigade as the final 3. What a joke. Worst season ever. Loved Dr. Will and Janelle, Evil Dick, Gorgeous Jeff. Go home and hopefully never to be heard or seen again on TV please especially Enzo.
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I will be glad when this season if over and we can start looking foward to season 13. I would say it can’t be any worse but , I need to be careful what I say it could be.
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I like Will and that gang, but I think the over all best season was last season with Jeff & Jordon, they had extremely likable personalities and the dynamics with Russell and Natalie were very entertaining. I am sorry this season, while I keep watching is pretty much a snooze fest. The best 4 minutes and 38 and a half seconds of the show was the argument with Ragan and Rachel, that was very entertaining…. There was nothing clever, nothing overly witty or entertaining this season. More like annoying. Sorry, I think Brittany and Enzo have the personality of dryer lint and they both think they are more than what they actually are…. I think its ok to make fun of someone for how they are playing the game, but to bash their looks and clothing is very unsportsmanlike.. (to me anyway) Yes I realize the Ragan and Rachel fight were some personal attacks, but the difference is, they did it out loud to each other face to face, NOT behind their backs.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Brittany wants a man to sit and tell her how pretty she is all day… sure, there is a personality worth chasing…. Good thing Enzo is already married. Sure Lane has some personality, he even has some good looks and qualities about him, but overall in this game he pretty much came across like a big lug…. Hayden at this point deserves to be the winner, he played fair (fair as one can play), he played hard and aligned himself with the proper allies… He won HOH three times and if memory serves me correct he won one or two POV’s too. Sorry I babbled, but again I think last season was the best with all the dynamics of the people, especially after Chima was booted out. While she was a beautiful girl, unfortunately her personality and attitude made her completely UGLY! It might be fun to put Brittany and Chima in a locked room and let them duke it out to see who can be the bigger “wanna be” DIVA….just sayin’
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Enzo should have been gone a long time ago,,all he does is cry , scratch his balls and sniff his finger, the best seasons jordan and jeff ,, evil dick,,hope the keep britt , so she can back stab enzo
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i’ve given up on BB. i honestly (out of who was left) wanted brit….to win. i don’t feel any of the guys deserve it but i guess if one has to win it’d be hayden but i’m still a kathy fan to the grave.
if there’s a survivor blog going on i don’t know where it is and if you all are hiding from me LOL..tell me now ok? i mean Fran, Aggie, just email and tell me if i’m invited or not.
i feel like poo. and i do feel sorry for brit.
Lane is as dumb as a dirt clog.
Enzo is just nasty.
hayden gets on my nerves.
brit wasn’t my fav until all the girls were gone. she does make me laugh tho.
if anyone cares.
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/waves at everyone else and thanks Jane for the LF’s.
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tendr – wassup girly – i have lost all respect for hayden – i use to think he was a guy that wouldnt talk out of both sides of his face – he proved me wrong – the dipshike
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I just think it was amazing to here Enzo talk about how even if they lose with the “Brigade” the will probably make as much money anyways. I must say in all the seasons I have never seen someone that “high” on himself. You watch the final 2 will be Lane and Enzo because they are both too scared to take Hayden to the F2. Wouldn’t be funny if the jury decided neither of them deserved to win, which it is think about it they were both floaters and they both know it. I wonder if they are all going to still have their “get together” when the see how bad they all ditched each other in the Diary room. They F4 are sooo boring like you all said in would be more entertaining to have “afterdark” and live feeds in the jury house because I can bet the a lot of “headbashing” going on in there.
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The thing with Brittany that annoys me the most is her bashing every girl that was in the house, and they way she picks with her nails all the f-ing time. Why is she so worried about Nick all of a sudden? Could it do with the way she acted with Lane perhaps and made Nick look like a fool in front of all his friends especially after the interviewed Brit’s parents and Lane’s.
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@ Ted; your comment #70, last page…
there is really only one princess, ted. the rest are all mere shadows of the original!
(i thought you knew that by now!) lol
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KRISTI- brit shouldnt have any fingernail polish left – i wanna know where she gets it – try to duplicate it – and make a mil or so
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macy, i think she’s actually biting her cuticles. they must be a MESS!
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princess – u have to think about it – anytime you touch something that others have touched (i.e. enzo stinky balls) – like a door nob – a cabinet – its IN HER MOUTH – holy moly – yikes and ….
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i do my very best NOT to think about that – and the people who don’t wash their hands when they exit the restroom!!
like enzo’s chewing and, well, talking about his current fame and future fortune, or just opening his mouth and any sound coming out, i am fortunate enough to fast forward BBAD to get through it.
as for brit, she obviously has several nervous habits and some insecurities…
last night i watched her get out of the shower and put on a full face of makeup before she lay down to go to sleep. yuck! oh, well, she’ll be sorry when she’s in her 40’s and sees what not taking care of her face has done to her.
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Just checked in on the hg’s….They are having a chomp fest. 🙄 Nothing new there…as boring as any other time. They’re sitting aroung the table eating and they sound like pigs.
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I say put Boston Rob inthat house and see the flock come….I’m telling ya, Boston Rob is the answer, him and Russell…even tho they didn’t like one another on Survivor, they’d make a great team in the Big Brother house. I am so hoping that CBS takes their time choosing the next set of houseguests. I’m dissapointed with this seasons cast. Bring some spunky people in this house n rock it out…Really it’s time Big Brother….I’m not talking Evil Dick, but maybe a younger version of Evil Dick…oh yeah!!! But lets skip the Danielle part, she drove me nuts. We need another younger version of Janelle…. and to mix it up a bit lets add an old person that everybody adores and in the end shows their mean gray hairs….thats what I’m talking about… Jeff n Jordan was fun to watch, but they will never top Boston Rob, n his beautiful Amber… Plase bring us some kewl people to watch next season…. ur gonna need some people that are interesting to watch, especially if ur trying to get people to buy ur live feeds and upgrade to Cinemax to watch BBAD…. I luv Big Brother in all, but it’s getting stale. Sorry CBS, but I gotta speak up. I don’t care who wins this season, they all should have been voted out already, if ya ask me….
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I don’t watch BBAD anymore and really don’t watch the show till the last 15 min. It’s just been a bor———ing show I watched BB for years hope it’s better next season, 8-9-11 at least they were people you could watch and hope the one you wanted won this season noooo one was worth anything they did nothing and were slobs ( what did thye all have maids) and britt was a cry baby she thought I will win with my looks But the real britt came through and she became UGLY no class the best she could do was BASH BASH& BASH.
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It’s so quiet here I can hear the crickets. 😆
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I hated season 11. They had no class, no character, were boring and the only thing we could make fun of was Natalie’s lack of hygiene. Even the dude fights were just dumb at best..
I very much enjoyed season 12. for so many reasons…they were cute as they always are, they knew this game well and brought their knowledge into the house. Alliances always happen but this “BRIGADE” WAS AN EMBARRASSING ONE! lolol.
I have my opinion on who will in this game but I am keeping that to myself.
Bottom line is we all watch….we bitch, we cheer, we wine and we yell at our tv’s. Regardless of our favorite season…we ALL just love BIG BROTHER. Kudos to them for doing what they do! Making our guilty pleasures matter and giving another reason for all of us to fall in love with summer.
We have all had our reasons to hate or to love but the bottom line is…..we are all here because we love Big Brother.
Bitch away….you will be back next season.
and luv all comments! MUAH*
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Hi Houseguests…OOPS!!!… I mean BBBlogade! My favorite season is Season 12… of course, I have only seen Season 12. I did watch a few episodes if 11 to get an idea of the game and loved Natalie. I found Jessie and Russell to be repugnant, so they would be perfect for an all-stars, they could team up with Matty! I for one am not interested in watching a bunch of’ goody-two-shoes’ playing the game… that being said, there is much I did not care for: =^^=’s ‘rehashing’ remark and MARLA JO in #40 really summed it up for me. I do think that CBS cannot justify BBAD or Live Feeds based on what I’ve seen. I think the show is fun to watch, but I think next Summer I’ll just watch the network show. Knowing what has happened and waiting for days to see the show is far
too anticlimactic. Plus, you get to close a look at the unseemly side of too many of the HGs, which changes how you view them in the game. So that’s what I’m kind of thinking about the format of the BB experience. Who knows, maybe an All-Star Show would be different. MARLA and many other posters here are right, CBS needs to shake it up and be more creative. ‘America’ could care less about Big Brother, otherwise it would be on in the Fall and Spring. It’s a good Summer diversion for the mostly casual viewers and the legions of Die Hards represented here and on other boards. So Season is my favorite and I’ll be watching Season 13 for sure.
It will be fun to see what happens to our soon to be famous Houseguests!
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hey frannie, no crickets where i am!
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good comments JEN, I think that really sums up the BB Experience… and, I did love Natalie so. Season 12 is my favorite… but then, Season 12 is the only one I’ve seen. I did watch about 10 episodes of #11 and can see Jessie & Russell (who I find repugnant) teaming up with Matty for an All-Stars Edition. Always need a few slime balls on the show.
I really agreed with MARLA’S comments (#40), and think she and others here are right… CBS does need to ‘shake things up and be more creative’ if they want to keep BBAD and Live Feeds… otherwise, I’ll just be watching the network show.
It will be interesting to watch our ‘soon to be famous’ Houseguests return to real life and see what becomes of them. Maybe Enzo will run for office.
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Season 11 the best for me…Jordan and Jeff so damm cute, nat the best to hate besides Evil Dick lol, hated but loved to watch, his daugther YUCK!!!!!
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oh Jen… please don’t start doing that…
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You are right about the crickets… I never thought about that… I have never heard one on this island.
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I have subscription for Showtime and I don’t even have the desire to watch BB After Dark….just tooo boring. And it’s so funny when they all talked about being famous and trademark the things they sa specially Enzo’s meow, meow.
If anything, I’d say this BB is the most boring HG’s of all time.
As for my favorite….it’s AllStars with Jannelle and Will hands down. My friends and I lost sleep watching their showmance. They both have class and both so beautiful and very interesting to watch. Sometimes, my friends and I still watch some of the dedicated love songs for them in YouTube. They were just the best !!!
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WELL… when CBS or Robyn Cass who does the casting for BB and Allison Grodner who is one of the producers of BB are interested in shaking the seasons up then maybe they should give us a job for our insight and knowledge to make the show better and consider what the viewers really want. In keeping within the context and original nature of this game.
Hope this blog finds them!!!!
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sorry robin if I spelled ur mane wrong….is it Kass?
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OK y’all, i’m getting into skirmish late. I haven’t been on much lately because I gave up on BB. I know it’s not very courtious to bash/slam someone personally on blogs ( these types of services back in the non-graphic computer days were called bulletin boards. If you pulled this BS back then, they simply banned you from the site)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I know it’s nice to aide your friends, but my mother taught me many, many moons ago that “Sticks and Stones can break your bones but NAMES will never hurt you. I find it better at times to just brush it off and get along with more imporant matters like life. I like most people on the blog and know who to avoid. Can we please but this matter behind us enjoy life. Have to enjoy life because BB sucks, I don’t even know whats been happening the last few days and truthfully don’t care.
Take care my friends and un-friends, may your life be happy every day.
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hi snake, really good to see you. i’ll see more of you on the survivor blog, too, i hope!
yep, ted, that’s where we have it over the midwest. the crickets used to drive me insane when i lived in chicago, but out here, justa few frogs to contend with.
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um, that would be real frogs and not the kind princesses are supposed to kiss!
ted, did you see my comment this page #56?
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btw, jen, frannie is welcome to express her opinion here. this is a place we come to bitch and whine – and state opinions that are personal to us. if you don’t believe in freedom of speech, you leave. frannie’s been here forever and she’s not going anywhere.
with respect, we can all agree to disagree without attacking others with a differing opinion.
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Hey SnakeBit, I couldn’t agree more with you!!!!!!!
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Hi The Real Princess… yes I know that you are my one and true Princess… at least the closest… although remember, Aggie forbids me to travel to B-Town… and I’m not swimming across the Straits with a 6-pack of Diet Coke either, but you are still my Princess. And, I am looking forward to SURVIVOR and SNB. I didn’t catch #56, and #70 referred to My Beloved Britney who is a Wannabe Beauty Queen… I’m still hoping against hope for a miracle to happen on Wed. nite… and Maybe she can convince Enzo to go with her, but I’m not holding my breath. I agree with many posters that we should have a night of Jury House.
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Hi Starfish (another beloved West Coaster)… and Thanks for the Public Service Announcement SnakeBit Sal… hope it takes. I try to avoid the tussles and do think that they only chase away new and old. Thanks for getting Survivor Blog started up… it’s going to be fun… Hey, we have a team to root for this time!
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Just went back and read some posts… Love LOVEBLOSSOM71’s idea re: Boston Rob and Russell H being on BB… would so love to cast a show with Survivor people… and Survivor with BB people… who said about the 3 stooges being in the Jungle With No Pool Table? FRANNIE I think. And I agree with LB71 about Rob and Amber… I liked Jordan and Jeff on AR, but Rob and Amber set the bar as a loving couple working together on the Race. Boy, I would like to get some Race people on BB… A couples BB… remember Jonathan and his Playboy Playmate?
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So where is everybody… Angel? Aggie? Where’s my late night girls? Princess is gone… Starfish pops on for 8 words… No Betty…
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I’m here. just had to take a couple hours to catch up on prev. posts.
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Hey Ted, just for the holiday…I won’t give you smileys.
Go Lane!!
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Hey… Hi… don’t say you are going to be like AC!!! Say your name and you appear. He must have an alert built into his computer. How’ve you been? Some of the prev. not worth reading… don’t get caught up in that drama. So, what’s your take on the latest in BB land? Looks like Brit is headed to the Jury House on Thursday.
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i’m glad Brit is going…she’s crying too much now. Enzo needs to go next. That xmas tree comp was hilarious.
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I would have thought Brit would have done better with smaller fingers, but maybe they were to small and that’s why she kept breaking them. Actually I think CBS put tiny cracks in hers. Have been too busy to watch live feeds and don’t want to watch her cry… Rachel and Ragan were bad enough… has anyone ever cried on BB as much as Ragan???
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Actually, I am rooting for Enzo to win. I think, and I am a minority here, that behind all his crass BS, he has been very shrewd in the way he has played the game. Plus… he has got to have gone down with one of the most original nicknames ever in Reality TV.
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And I know why you want Lane… for the same reason as DonnaP in NYC!
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I wish they would have a 2 hour special on TV of past HG’s so we can find out how they are now, how thier lives changed good and bad changes and if any regret going on Big Brother
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TED Wamber out cried everyone so far lol
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That’s a good idea Tammy… although I would not know them, it would be interesting to hear them reflect on the show. I’m sure for many it did change their lives around quite a bit.
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I may have to check her out… season 8? Thanks Tammy… maybe they could have a special with her and Ragan talking about their heartbreak… you know that it would only be a matter of time before they broke into tears.
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Well I have to call it a night… so long!
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I can’t believe how these clowns go on about how they think they are going to be in films or celebrities. Deluded!!
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@mama margie – I just haven’t had time to read all the posts with all the great newbies and “oldies” we have on board now. You are one of the greatest “oldies” and, like me, have been around the block a time or two. This blog has changed and lost some of it’s kindness (for lack of a better word) at times. I would have stood up for you if I had seen that post, I promise!
Frannie too took a hit and no one should have to take any hits for our opinions.
I wish I could post again like I used to and research all my “secret” (I have a secret place too Star 🙂 ) places but I no longer have the time.
I love this blog and all the “oldies”, you know who you are. Thanks for the spoilers. Maybe next year will be better all around with better HGs and more time for me to join in.
nite all
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Hey Princess (the one and only Princess) good to see you on!
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Hey Blogade! I’ve been out of town for a couple of days , so haven’t been on here. Just finished reading and am still shaking my head going…WTF??
Not to kick a dead horse but……mama margie is a grown woman ..and if she needs/wants to get away from all the negativity and drama that has been surrounding this blog lately, that’s her perogative! I have known MM for a long time and hate to see her go as I consider her a dear friend but… IS only about 10 days til the end of BB and she DID say she would be back next year! I couldn’t believe how everyone was panicking and giving out their emails addys….she’s not DYING,people…..she just decided she needed a break a lil sooner than later!
I’m not even sure what happened exactly as I read Sun and Mon’s blogs… it must have happened before that. I do remember her saying somehting about Bat(who I didn’t know) and her having a *melee* with him. But then 2 days later I read where she’s actually LEAVING the blog because of it….and something about Pk’s wife(my sympathies to you PK to whatever is going on there) and PK and JT fighting……again…WTF??? It’s like WE all are in the BB house and are all going MAD!!!! And as a side note….JT said I would confirm that i didn’t see a comment by Bat….which totally threw me since I have been gone but…I honestly do NOT know what was said or WHEN! So if I was on with JT and it supposedly was then, I didn’t SEE it so he must be correct and it must have gotten lost in cyberspace and found it’s way back later.
I just needed to vent a little. I am very confused and wondering WHY any of this has been happening here. Sal is right…..bulletin boards AND chat rooms used to be heavily moderated….and if someone swore or threatened another person, the moderator warned and then blocked that person! We are all old enough here that that shouldn’t be necesary(as alot of chat rooms are full of *kids*)and do we really need BBBlogger here making sure we behave ourselves?? I hate to think of how disapponted he will be when he finds out what we have been up to…..he has enough problems of his OWN without worrying about US and if we can play nice!
Brit is toasting the F4 right now on BBAD. and she just said *f4….season 12…i love you guys.* Ditto here.
Peace. love and light,
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anyone still here? I want Lane to win cause he’s a hottie!
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Sorry in my delayed response Ted…had to work a little. Now that the holiday is over, Ted…. 🙂
love ya
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Good idea Ted would be funny to watch who cries more lol
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Star, I am not fighting with PK.. just responded to his attack on You, Ted, Frannie, Aggie, and I. We were the ones he was referring to as not being friends of Margie…. I couldn’t just say nothing.
Here is the comment he is talking about
Note the names around that comment….. that is why I said you could confirm not seeing it….. because it wasn’t there while we were blogging.. but showed up some time the next day.
Sorry to all……. and I agree with Sal too. I don’t like BS on here any more than the next person. I don’t ever start anything…. but will ALWAYS respond when attacked. Y’all would too.
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Hey Jen….in regards to your comment to me (#68)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maybe you sound that way when you or people around you eat but I was brought up to chew with my mouth closed and to not talk with a mouthfull. So, in answer to your question, yes, people can sound good eating…at least better than some of those on BB. As far as watching…I watch because it’s BB like I’m sure you did in season 11 when you found the hg’s boring and you hated that season. Your words, not mine. FYI…I don’t plan on going anywhere. I’ll be here until the end, even if they are boring. It’s that simple.
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Thanks princess for having my back…I said what I wanted to say to Jen and I won’t go on about it anymore. Some people just aren’t worth my time.
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I got your back too sister…(high five). cant wait till tomorrows episode. Go team Lane.
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Thanks JT, for having our backs ➡ 😆
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My all time favorite BB is season 2 with Dr Will ~ he was so charming and eye-candy ~ ~ but my favorite all time was Evil Dick season ~ with Jen and all her t-shirts telling us how great she is (not) or E.D. pouring his drink all over her ~ 🙂 when is BB going to have their show on re-runs or DVD 🙁
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Chris, I agree Season 8 was a great one, but there was several other greats also, so i can’t really pick a fave. The best endurance challenge ever was definitely EVEL DICK, 7hrs and 32 min. that was awesome, nobody has ever done that. ➡ 😆
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fran, you handled that great, good for you, we all have your back
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This will be my final post and its singular purpose is to counter misinfornation regarding the Bat post insulting Margie, my response to that post and Margie’s friends failure to respond in a timely manner followed by JT’s rationalization and criticism of my original post on the subject.
The insulting post in question was posted by Bat at the link below:
Once you open that link, scroll up and notice that JT posted twice just before the insulting post and numerous times thereafter and said nothing about the Margie insult. It was possibly being “moderated” seemed an acceptable reason as to why he did not come to his friend’s defense. Sorry JT, the part I left out in my initial post was the I was on the blog following along but not posting when the Bat insult hit the blog at EXACTLY 10:35 PM blog time. As much as I wanted to jump right in then and respond, I was determined to see if somebody else besides me would step up to the plate when a blog member and friend was under attack. JT posted at 10:49, nothing. Again at 10:56, nothing and on and on. Nobody responded, nobody and I finally gave up and checked back the next morning hoping somebody, anybody had come to Margie’s defense. Nada, so that was when I posted my comment.
Margie, if you are looking in… I now regret that I did not immediately respond to that insult but I had just felt the brunt of another poster’s attack when I defended the blog against bullying allegations so I was hoping someone else would step up. They didn’t…
I know for a fact that the insulting post was not moderated as stated before so why was there no response? You tell me JT. You posted twice before and numerous times after. It wasn’t a post addressed directly to you and you simply skipped over it?
Maybe it has reached the point on this blog that many posters and followers really don’t have the time or have sufficient interest to
read all of the posts as I have done consistently. And maybe that is why so many overlooked the post insulting Margie.
I was disappointed that there was no response to the insult for whatever reason. It happened. Still am all things considered…
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PK, I do believe you have SMD, Why do you insist on kicking a dead horse?, you can’t just go AWAY peacefully, I REPEAT WE NEVER SAW THE COMMENTS, get it through your thick unreasonable SKULL, you are so FULL OF CRAP, you act like you are some kind of great SAVIOR on here, when in reality you just like to argue with people and STIR THE POT BIG TIME. CIAO PK, AND DoN”T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU ON THE WAY OUT. 😯 + 🙄
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How is it that someone else is using BB Fan? In comment #7.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just curious because I have been using it for sometime.
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@BB Fan – post # 7 is BB FAN (all caps) you are BB Fan (not all caps)
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Bob and Judi Bee . I agree with you guys Brendon should win Americas favorite . I liked season 11 it was entertain . this season was like being back in High school you had your nerds , jocks,home coming queen , class clown ,the girl who knows all the guys on the football team then we had the kids just trying to fit in .But the most disturbing were the bullies (Bret/Reagan ) who just talked trash behind peoples backs and had other people jump on their ban wagon .At leased Rachelle told you to your face if i recall Brendon never trashed talked anyone.
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Tammy good suggestion about 2 hr special
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love blossom 7 so you are a Boston Rob fan me to that would be a great idea to see BR on big brother welling and dealing lol
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I usually try to stay out of these affairs, but, I have to come to PK’s defense… I don’t always agree with him, actually hardly ever, but he tried to walk out of the argument with JT as gracefully as PK can… and to JT’s credit he walked out too the same way… They will both be back, so let’s just stop all the BullShit!!! and talk about Big Brother. SNAKE tried yesterday and I’m trying today… so let’s end the discussion, or at least wait a few minutes and read what you wrote before hitting ‘SUBMIT’.
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That being said… It’s a little after 6 on the West Coast… at least here in the Great Northwest… I don’t know about LaLaLand where you will find JANE, Enzo, Brit, Hayden and Lane… In fact I think you can find STARFISH there too, and Nothing On Live Feeds Yet!!!
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PK, then we just have to disagree. I know what I saw… and what I didn’t see. Even if you have no faith that I would’ve responded… you have to know Star would have. No way Star lets that slide… and she was next to comment… that is all the proof anyone needs. And I (like you) always make a point to read everything.. addressed to me or not. I have even read seasons of this blog that I wasn’t even part of… kind of like researching my BB blog family tree.
Take care PK
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Ted, you are on the wrong page! LOL
And PS, I never said I was leaving… lucky you Ted!
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I have enjoyed 12 and I’m torn between Brendan and Enzo for the $25,000. Brendan worked so hard and Enzo is so much smarter than his potty mouth reveals. I think the Brigade alliance was Enzo’s invention and he has been loyal. He was humane to Britany, and told her how much they respected her and her game and thought she should know about the alliance so she wasn’t blindsided. SUCCESS for Enzo, because obviously, the Bro-gade members will take 1st, 2nd and 3rd. I just love Big Brother and there was something or someone on each of the seasons that I loved!
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Reggie 45, I agree it was decent of the Bra-Gade to inform Britney. I do however think Brendon played a much better game than Enzo and I have voted for him to get the 25k. I hope he gets it and Enzo goes to the jury house. He really has done much but curse and play with himself. Hope next season is better.
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I think Brendon played proabably one of the best games but how come know one is mentioning Rachael and the way she played. It seems to me that when it was do or die Rach was the one that came through for them.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It is the funniest becasuse the according to Enzo he played the best game, and I think Lane and Hayden are trying to make him believe that so he doesn’t get mad when he does not go to the final 2.
I know your are all talking about the best season but I what i want to ask is BBAD is so boring I think that they should have Jury House After Dark at this point! I would love to see what is going on in there for more than 10 minutes on CBS. That way we do not have to see the camera going to the “swans” for 10 minutes because of “no” talk going on in the house.
I will be so pissed off if Enzo wins HOH this week! As a matter of fact if he wins I probably will not even watch the final show!
How does everyone think or does someone know how the HOH is going. Does anyone know who won the endurance? I think Lane did!
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This has been a terrible season. I mean the 4 horsemen was better. Needed more strategy and drama. Im tryi n o ut next season. Need Characters
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Watching this show is like watching Paint Dry. The only good episode is when they have the Double Eviction. They should have Twice as many Contestants each season and have a Double Eviction and Double HOH Each Week. It would make the show worth watching.
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Mike, if you believe this season was like watching paint dry, why did you continue to watch it? This makes no sense
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Myself, Why is it that you think people are only trying to obtain fame? They are on the nations most watched channel and a very peoular show at that. I would think themain reason from them being on there is to win money?!
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