Happy Saturday all!!!
Frank nominated Wil and Joe for eviction yesterday. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them attempt to backdoor someone, but maybe, just maybe they are sticking to what they said? Now, that would be a change, wouldn’t it? I do know that Frank told Ashley that she wouldn’t be nominated and all he asked from her was that she not change the nominations if she wins POV. So that leads me to believe he wants to keep Wil and Joe on the block. Yeah, I’d want them out too–they are such strong, strong players! (yep, sarcasm!)
Have a great day…see you tomorrow…Bloggergal
Oh and by the way…I have a little surprise for you coming up either tomorrow or Monday so stay tuned!
@mm,I think King Dong would be a better stripper name.
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Can’t stand any of them in house!!! I think Ashly should be removed from game since she can’t compete, and isn’t that what BB is about, competing and lying? What a waste of space she is turning out to be.
I hope Boogie and Frank go far based on the other Silent 6”s stupidity!!!! They all will deserve what they are going to get coming to them!!!
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What happen to putting up a Silent Six so they could keep the alliance a secret. You never know in BB.
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@ Mike….I’m from Missouri, and you know what that means. 🙂
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@ Delsi, I think when they backdoor Shane, the secret six will no longer be. I’m hoping I’m wrong, but I have a funny feeling about this. Can’t wait for the POV comp to be played and I sure as hell hope Shane gets picked to play, and wins.
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Ashley does need to go. It’s not fair for the rest of those that play in the comps, while she gets a free ride. Let her get the medical attention she needs. All the money she MAY be able to get (which I doubt she has a snowballs chance in hell), isn’t worth risking her life. What has she really done so far anyway? Nada!
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I think for Frank and Boogie should keep the noms the same. If they try to play their hand too fast and backdoor Shane or Brit, the Silent Six will have time to recuit jen, ash, wil and joe and outs fank and boogie.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and ashley win POV…haha what a laugh. Hurt or not she couldn’t win.
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Ashley AND Jenn are a pair of DUHS. Geez what a pair of nothing. I know that the players like to keep those kind of pp around but really??? Like someone already mentioned, they are a totall waste of space getting a free ride.
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Agree Ashley and Jen are not playing yet.
Will and Joe should be kept, they are disposable as pawns
The rest need to figure out what they want
Boogie had to press red button he knew Frank had no chance without him
I don’t have a favorite like in the past season ( 4 ago) but no great personalities
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It’s hard to care
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@Frannie, Shane has that veto thing,so he gets to play
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Let the game begin! 🙂
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@Sylvia Boogie was the only one that DID NOT hit the restart button
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As for Ashely take her out if she can’t play plain & simple
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I just don’t understand their lack of strategy. If it’s Frank and Boogie at the end, does Frank honestly think he’ll win since everyone knows Boogie’s been pulling his strings since day one? I think they would vote for Boogie as the better player unless they have a thing about the coaches coming back into the game.
These people are playing for half a Mil, what don’t they understand about that! This isn’t junior high boys and girls. It’s not necessarily boring but I just don’t see them playing the game with any strategy. It’s jumping from one gossip rant to another and back. Boogie deserves to win or possibly Dan if this keeps up. It’s just that Boogie has Frank in his pocket so his odds are better IMHO. Personally, I don’t like his “I’m King of the World” attitude. The Chilltown II is even more irritating and doesn’t work for me at all! I still want to slap him silly. 😛
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I couldn’t believe Danielle! In reality she turned her HOH over to Boogie. It’s his game to lose ,,.. as least for now. She’s mean-spirited and has let her feelings for Shane (who’s using her) cloud her game. She’s got to go!
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Frank and Boogie rah..rah!!!! …
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did someone mention ‘back dooring’ shane? paleeeze shut yo mouth!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------it might be just me – but when ashley was getting ready this morning – she wasnt moving fast – but she looked fine – bending over to shave etc. then when frank came into the bathroom she was wencing – hmmmm
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Hey girls, I was reading the last blog up and saw ur forming an alliance!!! What happened to the good old blogade?!?! lol
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Hi Holly….we are still here. It’s all in fun! I guess that’s what happens when a bunch of us gets bored with the show and the hg’s.
Thanks Mike (or should I say KD?)… I didn’t know they picked the POV players until I just got home. I am so glad he gets to play. Now I have to hope he can win it. I guess I better check out the feeds….♥
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Wait I must have missed it, who is playing for POV? The only one I know for sure is Shane, who r the other 2?
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I am team Frank and Boogie. Jen needs to go because of her back. Why are they not taking her out on a med. thing. It is unfair to the rest that she doesn’t have to play. Then again whoever said BB is fair.
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@Dorothy , its Aahley that hurt her back and on meds.
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I dont think they have done POV. yet, but Shane gets to do it because of last POV. when he got the card
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I just heard Brit ask Dan how he was doing and he said he is losing feeling in his leg. She told him they need to start taking his temperature every hour. Don’t know what happened or what’s wrong, so if anyone else has heard anything….hook us all up! 🙂
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Well the best player is Britney, smart, funny, with a bit of sarcasm but best to hang with. Girl has power that’s not taught!
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I just noticed that Dan does have a bandage wrapped around his leg. Maybe they are worried about an infection.
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Hi everyone, haven’t watched the lv’s much so far from being up to date cept what I read here today
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No, its just bad food from joe, I am surprise no one has got sick . If Dan hurt his leg it because when he was bending down to kiss Boogers A$$
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Thanks for the noms info and new page Bloggergal… appreash!
So Wil & Joe are nominated.. that is exactly what I was hoping for! But good point Frannie about it possibly being a ploy to backdoor Shane… I hope they don’t!! Shane just better use the veto ticket and win to make sure!! (does he only get that veto ticket for one week?? Other seasons it’s been good for 2 or 3 weeks)
Also agree with Tomi, I also think it’s a bit too early to make a play like that. There are still 11 people left. They might do it, but I think it’s a mistake to do it this soon. They still need Shane in there to work with them… and to be another target for others.
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haven’t heard from ya.
I want Joe to go home.
Then i want someone to win hoh and put boogie up against frank or ian (so one of them can’t vote to keep the booger…then everyone else vote boogie out.
then maybe frank will have a chance to win…he needs to get the booger wart off his butt.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------don’t like shane…
feel sorry for ashley and i know jenn hasn’t done anything but so what? they can just take up space. it’s ok with me. i don’t even care when a floater wins. why? probably becuz besides ian and frank i don’t really have a fav and if a so called floater wins i think it’d be funny.’
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This is going to set up 4 very boring weeks. The silent 6 may just be the most boring alliance in history! This season is painful to watch…boring
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the POV hg playing are Boogie, Jenn and Shane…with Frank,Wil,Joe….dont know who’s hosting yet…☺….
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Thanks HoH8 …so Shane must have been picked for Veto since there are only 6 players? Is his veto ticket good for next week too?
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i don’t like Shane just something about him not just in the game but he looks like someone I would not trust in real life
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Ian is host 😆
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Update…..Ashley was picked by Joe to play POV…..and Ian is Hosting……
@JT…Shane can only use his veto ticket for this week so there’s 7 hg playing today….☺…..
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Ok… I thought he might have been picked since 6 were listed.
That seems a bit of a rip off to have the veto ticket only good for 1 week. Thanks for the info.
Sounds like Wil will be the target unless he wins POV. I’d like to see Joe get the boot… but fine either way. (Would Ashley save him??.. maybe)
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Shane is a snake, Tammy. Glad to see he is not ‘pulling the wool’ over your eyes, like he has some of the girls on BBB, and Danielle, with his good looks and awesomeness…
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Here’s a Leaked pic of today’s POV comp……
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Nice to see my ‘mentor’ has not left BBB in a snit, as reported by some. Nothing can remain the same in RealityLand, I’m afraid… we just have to bite it and enjoy the show in whatever form we get. Hopefully Survivor will not be too screwed up this Fall.
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Thanks for the pic, HoH8… love behind the scenes stuff.
I was disappointed to see Janelle get the boot. I would love to see Will go, as I cannot stand that guy. I’m surprised Frank didn’t put up Daniele.
I am starting to like Frank better.
What is wrong with Ashley that she can’t compete? Hope she stays and makes it to the end. Also liking Shane and Ian.
If they are smart, they would get rid of Dan and Boogie… but then, when have most reality show contestants been smart when it comes to the right thing to do?
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You’re right Ted… I just have to take what they give me I guess. I’d much rather the coaches had been in the game from the start.. then I’d have no problem with it…. that is, if they need to bring people back at all. All should play from day 1.
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Looking forward to your ‘surprise’ Bloggergal!
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Ted, you called Shane a snake… then said you are liking him. Which is it?? I guess it can be both though. 😆
I do like the way he has been winning comps… I give him credit there.
Not crazy about his house flipping gig though… speculators like that are part of the reason we are in such a mess… part of the reason. Tons of speculators and their greed to make a quick buck helped drive the housing prices up to a point they couldn’t sustain. Many other factors too… but they played their role in it.
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Nice pic HoH8… wonder what kind of comp that is.
Any ideas??
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I gotta watch some of the US Women’s Basketball team kick some ass now… Get the GOLD!!! Beat France!!…. they hate us anyway!
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@JT..well, it certainly looks like a physical comp which means Ashley will just die looking at it, lol……looks like another Shane POV win to me…..☺…..
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Yeah… just looking at it I would have to rule out Ashley & Joe… but I would probably rule those 2 out no matter what the pic showed. 😆
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Great wart joke : )
@mike stover
Even tho I like Dan, great way to explain his injury : )
I love clever observations!
Dan was wearing a bandage on his leg way earlier in the game. Weeks ago maybe. I never heard any reason for it, then it was gone. Now it’s back? Anyone hear the reason?
I think boogie didn’t hit the red button because he’s a poor physical competetor. Watching him work out on BBAD last night was pathetic. Shortly after the coaches joined the game he was working with the weight pole with NO weights on it. Last night looked like 5 or 10 lbs on each side.
Woo hoo!!! A surprise!!!!
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Ted are you turning soft? I thought for sure your favorites would be Boogie, Frank and Dan!
Blow up Ashley lips 20 times and see how much she resembles the Joker from Batman!
Pretty boy Shane seems to be everyone’s favorite around here. Please answer JT’s question. Is Shane a snake or one of your favorites? Shane is such a mama’s boy and in my opinion he is hiding in the closet!
I do agree with you about Wil. He has to go.
Boogie is my favorite and has been pulling miracles out of nowhere for Frank, which I am so happy to see and I hope the miracles continue.
Ted I have spent all this time blogging, thinking how proud you would be of me rooting for the least popular players on this blog (Boogie, Frank and Dan) but alas, your well know prowess seems to be fading! 🙁
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Glad Wil is up, hope he stays up and goes home to never have to hear his shrill voice again!
As for Joe, prefer he stays at least until the Jury House to annoy the rest of the evicted Jury people then we don’t have to listen to him but they do and deservedly so since this is a lousy bunch this year!
As for Shane being a snake, of course he is, but having Shane and one other strong player in the game makes it interesting and not a steam roll event which it woould be with Frank and Booger left with the house of the trolls!
LMAO at JoJo telling America that Janelle going was better for her game Thursday…….what game?
Hope Dan goes home next week, not even to the jury house. Tired of his over inflated ego and self considered mastery of the game, which changes on a whim!
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ARRRRGGGG. So tired of dirty hands Joe using the W/C and not washing his hands. Can’t imagine how he does his “duty” w/o using hands at some point. Now I see him running his fingers thru his hair & right back to food prep.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WIMPY DAN and his boo boos. He had nurse Danielle clean & bandage them during the night and then complained that if she did too professional a job that people would question how they got bandaged. Wonder if he cried to mama as a child each time he was “wounded”. He’s definitely a 5 year old in an adult body. What’s up with him constantly annoying Danielle with talk of kissing etc. He’s coming across as a little perverted too.
Wish Danielle could lower her voice a bit….it’s sooo high pitched and squeaky.
Love Britney and glad she is back. I hurt for her when the Brigade was back stabbing her, and so wanted to get the word to her at the time. She’s a real person, admits to being grumpy, keeps a straight face when needed, has a great sense of humor and keeps the show interesting.
BOOGIE….I realize he’s a human form of Sponge Bob Square Pants. The buggy eyes, the hook nose, creepy mouth, big ears, unruly blonde hair and then the oversized shirts and shorts he wears…..really…..they are twins!!!! Why oh why didn’t the HGs boot Boogie and then Janelle? He has been so nasty to Ian since day 1. Kindness evades him.
House needs to have a meeting and “air” some problems. Put them on the table for discussion. Joe….WASH YOUR HANDS, ask what the others might like to have for dinner. HGs, pick up your dirty dishes and take care of them. Towels???? How about running a load to help keep the bathroom neat.
America votes for food for the HAVE NOTS….but who’s eating it….Boogie has devoured the meat each week…as have others. Why doesn’t BB enforce that the food was chosen for the HAVE NOTS.
AHHHH, I’ve gotton all that off my chest. IMHO
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Lest anyone be mistaken, Shane is my favorite so far. I like Boogie also, as he is pretty smart from the little bit I have seen, and that’s how I would probably be playing the game (sans ridiculous outfits)… however, I don’t want him to win.
I am proud of you, Betty… although very nasty of you to talk about Ashley like that.
Glad to see Sherry F here, who truly appreciates the best female player… our Dear Sweet Brit, who has such a kind heart.
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OMG! I can’t believe me and Ted like the same person, Shane. I don’t think in all the years I have known Ted, we have agreed on the same one, either on BB or Survivor. I see Ted changing his fav now.
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Britney and Danielle build a bed in the middle of the have-not room. Britney talks about last night Joe beat off in bed and that it woke her from her slumber. (talk about a nightmare0 Britney imitates the noises she heard and then heard him go Hmmm, Hmmm after a long time. Britney gets called to the diary room. Britney gets up and tells Danielle that she left her in here in the line of fire. She says that she swears she was so close that she could smell it. I was in the line of fire of his sperm. Britney leaves the room. Britney comes back after a few minutes. Danielle says that she can’t believe Joe did that and says that she hopes he washed his hands after(who is she kidding is blind as well as having a bad back, i would lose lbs of weight if i were in that house yuk and double yuk, seems to get worse and worse, by the way what i the name of his restaurant THE POISON PALACE?). Danielle asks if they can tell Dan.(sure danielle why not you tell him every time u exhale) Britney says not until after Joe is evicted. Britney leaves the room.
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@ sherry F
Thanks for being psychic and reading my mind. Saves me from having to post all that myself. I can’t believe how much we agree on things.
Why don’t the hg come right out and tell Joe to clean up his act? A kind someone could do it quietly. He may need to be told his hygiene (or lack of it) could have contributed to his being put on the block. That might get him to wash his hands for the rest of the week anyway.
I did hear on BBAD some time ago with Frank and someone else talking about the “jack shack” where the male hg can go to relieve sexual tension. Must not have a camera. THANK YOU BB!!!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“jack shack” for this year seems to be the W/C in the HGs bathroom. One year it was the storage box by the pool, (housed the pool equipment). Enzo would empty it and use it for his needs. And then there was Lane who very obviously used the HGs shower once or more times each day. Boy did he clean that one ear!!!!
thanks for the alert. Love it, love it, love it. Laughed so hard just picturing Joe going from that to the kitchen to fix a meal for the HGs.
I like Shane but become disappointed in him as he treats Danielle so rough so often. Also, he seems to not handle ANY pain that Danielle might cause him…”oh, that hurts my ribs, or my leg,” or whatever. Grow some balls fella.
Did anyone watch Dan’s skit with Ashley’s & Ian’s teddy bears. Cute! But then as only Dan would do…he said he elminated the “procreating portion”. FB 8/11/12 4:28 pm BBT Cam.4
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Damn….Zingbot just made an appearance and it went to feeds. I guess the POV comp is about to start. If they don’t do it now, they will not be able to do it until after BBAD.
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the Jack Shack was invented by Howie in BB6, who used it almost everyday thinking bout Janie, lol……then it continued in BB7 with Howie again and Boogie using it also….but i dont recall Enzo using it in BB12, lol…..
yeah frannie, it looks like we gonna have one of those Midnight POV after BBAD is over….let me go nap to see who wins later, lol….☺…..
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@ sherry, that was pretty gross, and this may be even more gross but i pray to all that is holy he did not make shrimp with lobtster sauce, i swear i may never be able to eat it again, cause now that will stick in my mind, and i wonder who does the laundry.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------they r so lucky mama margie aka princess whip is not in that house i would shape them up so quick they would run home to their mamas.
makes one wonder if they were raised by wolves, and the worst part caterpillar man has a restaurant.
i have to change the subject or i am going to make myself sick
i guess no news on the pov, and why did caterpillar man choose ashley how can she play never mind win and she is closer to will the caterpillar man this season is so bizarre lol
ciao till later
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Danielle was stupid for allowing first Dan to use her HOH power and then to allow Boogie to take over. She should have nominated Frank and Boogie and she had the opportunity to get one of them out. Boogie is more dangerous than Janelle was and I believe everyone would have voted him out because they are all afraid of him. Frank would have been rattled and would not have wone HOH. The newbees are making the same mistake as last year. None of the coaches should make it to the end. The newbees need to stick together.
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backdoor brit or ashley
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Saying someone with bad manners was raised by wolves gives wolves a bad name! : ) You do have to wonder though, what kind of upbringing some of these hg had.
I don’t like the POV being held late. I guess I’ll have to wait until morning to find out Shane….er, who… won. : )
I didn’t get Joe choosing Ashley either. Maybe production told him to. Either way, Ash is useless whether the comp is physical or mental. Can America vote to bring in some strong players and send the floaters home?
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Patricia, Frank won POV
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Sounds to me like frank won the Veto. Boogie said to him, it will be good if you don’t use the Veto this week and leave the noms the same. Not official but sounds like it’ Frank.
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Yeah Star… and Ian came in and congratulated Frank.
Do you think they will leave it the same?? Sounds like they will, but who knows this season.
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The comp was some sort of puzzle I guess. Probably a physical puzzle from that pic that was posted earlier. Joe is just happy he didn’t totally suck at it.
That a boy Joe… aim high! 😆
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Frank Won POV looks like u guys r correct
appears that the noms will stay the same
but who knows with this crew
i am wondering how long boogers head will fit on my 52 inch screen it is getting bigger and bigger silly silly man does he not know the old saying
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True MM… and now Shane is pretty worried about them putting him up.
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I SOOOOO don’t wanna hear that damn Zingbot on Wednesday! 🙄 Hope he at least got a voice transplant!
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jt i am watching bbad now, i tuned in a bit late but so far seems they r not going to change what impression did u get? but it is bb so expect the unexpected
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I got the same impression MM, but it is a long way till Monday in that house. (Wish Monday was that far away in my house!!!).
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anyone have any idea how long they r goin to keep ashley? it is really not fair to the other hgs, i tell u this show was crooked from day one and is getting more crooked as time goes by. she maybe in pain but to me seems like she is milking it and really getting a free easy ride, but having said that at least u see her more then jenn
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------seems her aches are very convenient
what say u guys
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am watching hgs in kitchen licking their fingers from caterpillar man cooking i wonder if he put any of his “”special sauce”in the food. i see ashley has no pain when it is time to eat. omg someone bring them large bottle of tums
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sorr i sound like a broken record but they all said he is a slob never washes his hands and now we hear from brit he does his laundry by hand also
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IDK about Ashley or what was actually wrong with her.. I haven’t heard.
But maybe she is better now and playing it up. After all, who would bother evicting someone that can’t do anything? She could be working this to stay off the radar… and could end up in final 4 if they all continue to over-look her.
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Think I’ll check out…. why the hell do they always have to eat during BBAD?? I really hate watching them eat… not to mention the sound.. 😮
L8r all……….
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i think i would rather eat off the roach coach that we had when i lived in los angeles, food was good and it always looked clean i have no idea why they were called a roach coach i may have to google it
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Thanks for the POV winner, mama and (JT). I was really rooting for Shane, and this may be curtains for him.
I’ve got the same feeling about Boogie and Ashley.
I hate it when they are eating on BBAD too. There’s hardly anything else to do in that house but eat. Someone is always snacking on something.
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Here are some of the Zings that the ZingBot said:
The Best one was for Danielle: “Shane got a special gift for you after the show: a Restraining Order” !!!!….Dani was so mad afterwards, lol…..
to Ian: “For a engineering student, you dont have much chemistry with the ladies”
to Wil: “What do you call Fabio minus the good looks”
to Ashley: “The only thing Bright about Ashley is her smile”…..they say it took her a while to understand the zing but then she laughed, lol…..
@JT….i know its hard to understand the zingbot on tv but use the CC (closed captions) to read what he’s saying on Wed show…it works for me…☺….
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HoH8 ..thanks for those.
Ouch!!! That one at Danielle had to hurt! I wonder what Shane’s reaction to it was as well. 😆 I have heard Danielle talking like she is finally waking up and smelling the coffee as far as her & Shane go……. ’bout time girl!!
I can actually understand what Zingbot says (not sure what that says about me?) …but that damn voice drives me up the wall, across the ceiling, and down the other side. Zingbot does have some funny ones at least.
But I do like the idea of using CC and just muting while he is on.. I’ll get the funny stuff without having to hear that thing.
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Hi Guys, Nice to see you on here Ted, I like shane also, he’s the only one I’m rooting for now. I hope he can hang in.
JT, nice to see you on again also
So Frank got POV, Whoa that guy is way too lucky, I so hoped Shane would get it. And I hope Joe goes and he doesn’t end up putting up shane.
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If these people don’t get a clue and put Booger and Frank up, they deserve what they get. Franks a monster and the Booger is a master manipulator. Be smart and get them OUT!!! Hi Aggie!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------love and prayers to you and your family,
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It’s hard to put up Frank, Holly, when he is HOH and has POV! 😆 I see now that I have to start rooting for Frank.
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Isn’t anyone sick of Boggie……… he is so cocky and obnoxious. It was cute way back when he was with Mike, the original Chill Town pair, but now he just thinks he is the end all, running the entire game. I give him credit for the skills he has, but pulease, no one is as good as he thinks he is. GO DAN!
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