Big Brother 14 pulled out of its bag of tricks the “X-Squeeze Me” game for the Have/Have Not competition last night. The players have to wear sponge type costumes, this time lemons and limes. Then they jump into a vat of juice and move onto a juicer and have their juice squeezed out by the farmer. Farmers for this competition are Jenn and Frank. This game is usually good for a laugh or two. If you’ve seen it, you understand. Once again BB tries pushing the Danielle/Shane showmance by playing romantic music when they were squeezing each other. If you watch live feeds, you know that Shane is just doing what he has to do to stay in the house. He has absolutely no romantic feelings towards Danielle. The gal is head over heels in love with Shane and doesn’t see that he isn’t interested. It seems to be driving Brittany crazy because Danielle mentions Shane every other word in their conversations.
The Have Nots for the week are Brittany, Joe, Danielle and Shane. America voted to give the Have Nots Candy Canes and Cod. They probably shouldn’t eat those two items together, although maybe if you melt the candy canes and dip in the cod…yeah, never mind!
HOH Frank really wants to nominate Dan as a “pawn” this week. Boogie is dead set against doing this stating that it will destroy the trust they have established in their new alliance. Really, Boogie? Could it be that Boogie and Dan have a secret alliance that even WE don’t know about? Remember they know each other well outside of the Big Brother house. The other reason Boogie wants to keep Dan around is because once Dan is gone the target is going to be pointing directly at him. As usual, Frank succumbs to pressure and nominates Wil and Joe.
Wil refuses to bow to the HOH king and it looks like this may do him in this week. Originally, the plan was to vote Joe out. At the current time (YES…this means SPOILERS to those that only watch the TV show, so stop reading) Frank has the POV and so total control over who remains on the block. Once again, Frank thinks his best bet is to take down one of the two and backdoor Dan. A new alliance has formed between Wil, Ashley and Jenn (too little, too late?). Wil goes to Frank and proposes that they get Dan out of the house. Frank likes this idea so the idiot discusses it with Ian. This is like broadcasting it live on CBS. Ian doesn’t think it’s a good idea and seems to talk Frank out of it. Then he promptly goes downstairs and repeats everything to Brittany and Danielle. Ian does tell the girls it still looks like Wil and Joe will remain on the block. Brittany tells Danielle not to tell Dan. Of course, that means that Danielle is going to run straight to Dan and tell him. Today should be an interesting day in the BB house.
Have a happy, healthy Monday. Bloggergal
I wish Frank would turn on his master. Lol But Joe going would be second best I guess. Love this place y’all!
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this week would be so much fun if Frank decides to grow a spine and backdoor Dan. I really hope he does just for the entertainment value!
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Good morning all, I think Frank needs to do what Frank wants and stop listening to Booger(the tried old bitchy drag queen) but dont think he will, the look on his face when Booger kicks him to the curb will be priceless.Joe needs to go , is he hard of hearing, most people that talk that load are, if so put on a hearing aid. the HGs are not starting to talk about game , but I think it is a little late, get Dan & Booger out they have all ready won it before, brit hasnt but dont think she will make it to the end. come on people wake up and do some thing.
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I just want Joe gone. He is like a teapot ready to steam. I don’t like the way he acts, his demeanor, or his temper. He is a problem and anyone who thinks he isn’t in there, is nuts. Britney is a whiny little beeyotch. I want to just smack her in the face. I kind of liked her when she was in the house before but this time her whiny little voice and attitude is getting to me.
And good morning everyone. Hope you had a good weekend and a good week.
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Take your outdoor voice and GO HOME Joe!! He is very annoying in the DR. I’m beginning to like Wil, he seems to be playing the game, maybe there is more to him that I initially thought. I hate hate hate that Janelle was voted out last week, she is my all time fav HG. As others have said, if they don’t get Frank out ASAP, he will win the game.
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Good Monday Morning!! I agree with everyone above who wants Frank to play his own game and not Boogie’s. DianeK said it best: He needs to grow a spine.
And yes, you all said it, Joe needs to Go and take his big mouth with him.
@Marsha, yes we may have underestimated Wil’s abilities but it doesn’t look like he’ll be around to show us. 🙁
@Bloggergal, thank you as always for your insight. I too would like to know where to donate. It’s a great cause. Can you email it to me or put it above? I’m doing my best to read all the posts right now but may miss one or two. Thank you for the information. I always enjoy your blogs about the past HGs you’ve met.
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BBAD Talk from Last night!

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In the arcade room, Britney and Dan are talking about Boogie and Frank. They discuss whether or not Boogie or Frank will make a move on them and which side Ian would choose. Dan says that he is concerned by how much Ian was celebrating when Frank won HOH. Britney agrees, says that she thinks Ian is solid because Ian has been sharing information with them. They talk about if they should have Britney telling Ian he is number two to Britney behind Shane, to make Ian feel more included. Britney says that she wants to be on the same page in case there is a double eviction. Britney says Ian made a good point when he told them there would not be a double eviction this early because they still have to draw for veto. Britney is annoyed that Ian isn’t thinking about his long-term game. She says that he can’t win the game if he keeps throwing things and doesn’t win competitions. Britney says that Ian admitted to her that he threw the burglar competition. Dan says don’t you think Ian will get 2 votes just for being Ian though? Britney agrees. Britney says that she thinks Ian will be threat in the final competitions because of his memory. Dan says we have to make Ian think he is number three in our group. Dan asks how concerned Britney is about tomorrow’s meeting? Britney says not very. Britney heads up to the HOH room to find out what they’re talking about. I don’t anyone can keep there mouths shut!
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Think 😆
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If Frank backdoor slams Dan then no one will trust him and he’s toast. Evil Dick would tell everyone they must keep safe for 1, 2, 3 or more weeks if they want to be safe this week and play on normal human paranoia AND he would tell them if they prove their trustworthiness then he’ll consider protecting them the next time he wins HOH. As everyone else has observed here no one in the Hizzy seems to got game. 😮
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I think HG who win competitions deserve to win it all. I HATE it when lazy slugs float to the end and win it all without ever earning it. In BB and Survivor. Thats why I’m rooting for Frank and Shane and am looking to Ian and to Jenn to win a comp soon.
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I meant to mention the Cod & Candy Canes. Cod like any fish gets nasty stanky when left out at room temperature but Cod (& Haddock) is the fish served in the UK for traditional “Fish & Chips”. Whilst a student at Queen’s University Belfast Northern Ireland we used to go out for battered cod to joints like this after the pubs closed.
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I wish Frank sticks with the two he has on the block and they vote off Joe he needs to go. Now is not the time to put Dan up, they will need to think all of this through before they jump the gun, they need to watch Dan and Boogie they are upto something together.
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frank and boog knowing each other outside of the house – he has prolly seen what happens when somebody crosses him – he wont go there to play his own game – my 3cents! he he HAPPY MONDAY – husband having some dental work done – so i am babysitting him today – men r babies – ha ha
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i think boogie has a final 2 set up with Rachel from the last 2 yrs…Men are babies…wow…i think that was a little uncalled for…
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Hey MM?… ♥ Taking my wife out to dinner, hope to see you soon..:smile:
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Is it just me or does Boogie look much older than 43? Does he do drugs? i want Joe to go home then Wil next week
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seems from that the grapevine has to say is that frank did not use the veto shane is very relieved, both brit and danielle got into dans face and told him u HAVE to win hoh thursday, u have no idea how close you came this week.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------dan does not seem to be very worried (we know why lol) but brit and danielle do not, as long as he has boggers in the house he feels safe.\
how i wish these newbies grow a pair and get rid of boggers first then dan
danielle will fall apart into a heaping puddle of tears and she will have something else to whine about other then being fat (stop eating and maybe u will not be fatter, cause she looks ok to me) looks like the 3 muskateers ashley, joe and wil’s wall are crumbling. has anyone seen jen on the lf last i saw she was working out being one of the guys.
irks me to no end that ashley who is really milking this supposed injury jenn who is not only floating but doing a back stroke, are just watching the others get picked off like fleas from a hound dog.
too late they r going to realize all the mistakes they made and how they could have changed the outcome of this game even with the coach twist, i guess if they have watched bb for the last few years they either forgot what the newbies learned too late, or they are so full of themselves that they need no help and can win this, yeah rite, what is going to come first, jenn or ashley winning an hoh or am i going to be the centerfold of the next playboy hmmmm my gut tells me i should start to buy me some felt tipped pens so i can autographs a few copys of my pic.
Ian and dan were smearing sun tan lotion on each other (i ask u how cute is that lol) and ian was telling dan he let boogers know to knock out dan or shane is to0o early they both lol and ian reminded dan no one knows about the quack quack alliance.
looking forward to hearing any new developments as they occur but more then likely there will be none, since pov ceremony is done for this week.
p.s. txs bbhal i see my name is back lol
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hmmm…. squeeze lemon lime comp. remind anyone of the space cows comp. last summer?
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boogie and frank are outside on the couch talking about if ian win s hoh – he would put up shane for a power move
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I think last week, they made a big mistake not voting Frank out. I like Frank and I’d like to see him win. But if I were a player in the game, I’d want to see the guy winning back-to-back challenges gone. They may not have him on the hot-seat again after a veto competition. With is record, if he gets to the final 2, and if he’s in the final 3 he’ll make it to the final 2, he’ll win with his record so far. But Frank was smart not to put Dan up, now depending on who wins the veto, he can still have a chance to backdoor Dan and he can tell everyone he did it because he doesn’t trust him because of Dan’s previous attempts to get him (Frank) out. I think obviously, it would favor the newbies to get rid of the former coaches, especially the 2 who have won this game previously, then concentrate on each other. I’d take out Dan first and then Boogie. I don’t see Britney as that big of a threat, but I also wouldn’t take her to the final 3.
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Actually, if I were playing this game, I’d want to take Joe to the final 3. If by some chance he got to the final 2, no one would vote for him.
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watching bbad and wowee shane sure does look good
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am thinking , what a great fireman he would have made
he seems to have it all and i bet he would be gorgeous in the firemens uniform
i always had a thing for men in uniforms especially firemen and cops
one time at an insurance womens convention after a few rounds of drinks and older member asked me just what do you find so appealing about a fireman, i looked her straight in the eye and said
they find me hot and leave me wet
welllllllllllllllllllll she did not speak to me for the rest of the convetion i was joking for heavens sake, the rest of the gang were rofl, poor frances never forgave me lol
hope this was not to risque for you guys but when u think about it that is what happens at a fire right?????????????? lol
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@ K11
Have you fallen and can’t get up, Where are you?
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Well I’m sure Frankenstein will make it to the end with Boogie nudging him out at the finish line and that Sucks. It would suck even more if 2 vets are in the end, but that’s the way it usually is, always someone you don’t want 🙄
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MM..u quack me up..hehe, pun intended..I may be a broken record, but if these hg don’t wake up and play their own game booger deserves to win. Dan is playing a rotton game but at least he has some game, but he’s no match for boogie. I hope Wil somehow stays. Like Wil said..everyone has lied and frank needs to look in the mirror. But isn’t that the game to lie, its sorta like survivor.. Out wit, out play, out last…the only one with wit enough to survive is unfortunately Boogie.
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fellow bloggers here is a link for CBS,where you can leave a comment to tell them what you think about their shows,they say they read everyone of them,so if enough people tell them what we like or dislike about BB maybe we can change it back to the way it was. but if we all sit back an do nothing it will never go back to the BB we all love, so tell them what you think.
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Good Idea Mike, I will try, I hope everyone else does, thanks
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I haven’t read the blog yet so I don’t know if y’all have seen this:
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@ jane
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------txs interesting very enjoyable i always liked shelly she was too nice to bring back, cbs is far from stupid.
@ mike txs will go and check it out what can it hurt?
@ tomi, i quack my self up sometimes too 🙂 in regard to the hgs waking up i think it is getting to be too late if they have not gotten the pic by now they never will/ listen up future bb hopefuls read the blogs view the past seasons that will be your best method to play the game, do not know how many times we seasoned fans can say it, but thses kids are too self centered u cannot tell them anything well they will learn the hard way and skin off my whatever.
@ aggie i agree it would really suck if 2 vets for the final two sad to say i think that is going to happen, i am really cheering for shane and frank the only 2 who seem to be playing the game, they r fighting to survive, seems danielle is more centerd on shane then the game what happened to her boy friend who wanted to marry her from the other nite, short memory she has.
ian is playing a good game too, he seems to be hiding in plain sight lol smart kid i hope if he wins hoh he will make his own decisions, oh well time will tell
also aggi shall i put up kevs avatar on the milk carton ?
@ bbgal txs for response to my email it helped and i think a few of us think we know who the hubby is not sure but seems that way 🙂
also when ever please advise more info on reality rally would love to attend and hope more of our fellow bloggers do also, would be great to meet, greet and eat with u guys.
ciao for now will do fly by
ps not that it matters but my name is gone again no big deal
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