Hi All! I’m so sorry. There was a miscommunication between me and BBBlogger. I thought he was writing yesterday’s blog. I wasn’t able to check on that because it was one of my famous migraine days. That’s also why the comments weren’t moderated.
I can’t believe all that I missed yesterday! Wow, what a day and night to be on the Live Feeds. I did spend a little time this morning on the Live Feed Flashbacks. I wish I could just sit all day and watch what went on yesterday, but I have a feeling I’m going to need some time to see what happens after the Veto competition.
On the TV show last night, we were able to see Frank win the HOH and also watch what happened with Pandora’s Box. The television show is always so strange for me to watch because as faithful BB followers we are so far ahead than that. For the sake of completion, Ian won the Golden Power of Veto by playing the crane machine and getting the Veto ball out. That competition was started by Frank opening Pandora’s Box. Frank was able to pick three boxes that contained random amounts of money. He made $3,333 plus a few more dollars. From what I understand Ian can only use the Golden Power of Veto before the regular veto today. He only has one opportunity to use it.
Frank put Dan and Danielle on the block. This is where the TV show ends. Here come the Spoilers…
The Veto competition was held and Jenn wins. It was the “Who Wants It More” competition which means the competitors had to agree to punishments to try to win the Veto. Jenn agreed to remain on slop for the remainder of the season. Frank has to wear a carrot suit. Brittany and Danielle were chained together for 24 hours. Dan spent 24 hours in solitary “disco” confinement. Joe didn’t get the chance to play. Frank also had to take Chum baths. There’s more, but I’ll hold off until the show comes on TV on Wednesday.
So lets review for a second, Dan spent 24 hours in solitary confinement. All he had in there was his amazing scheming brain. I think he spent all 24 hours working on various plans to get himself out of this predicament. When he comes out of confinement, he was determined to “play the house” and boy does he. Since I was sick, I probably missed some of what went on. I did see that he pretended to be really sick after coming out of confinement. He had all the HG’s worried about him. It was pretty funny to see.
Next came Dan’s epic funeral speech. This, you have to see for yourselves. Check out Kevin’s comment from yesterday #144. This is why the BB Live Feeds are amazing. Not only do you get to watch Live, but you also have the opportunity to Flashback to any time you want to see.
After the speech, Dan goes up to the HOH with Frank and tells all. Ian and Brittany are thrown under the bus without any kind of regret from the Master game player Dan. To make a very long story short, by the end of the night Frank, Dan and Jenn are in an alliance. Jenn agreed to save Dan and Frank has agreed to replace him with Brittany. I’m a little confused about this because I don’t see the votes going in Danielle’s favor, or doesn’t it matter to Frank and Dan? I would assume that both Ian and Shane are solid votes for Brittany. Dan and Jenn would be solid votes for Danielle. That leaves Joe as the deciding vote. I’m not sure, but I would think that Joe is with Shane and Brittany over Frank? Help me out here BB fans!
So anyway that’s part of what went on in the BB house yesterday. Here’s a fresh page, please fill in where ever I dropped the ball. Bloggergal
since Frank cant play for HOH for 2 weeks, that gives Judas ( that what Jerry called him, for swearing on the bible and now he wife too) to get rid of Frank, Frank wake up and put your hip boots on its getting deep
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Aw man! I may be the only one who feels this way, but I really hope that any possible alliance between Frank and Dan gets blown sky high. I was holding out hope that Britney, Frank, Ian and Shane would form a final four alliance. Four very different playing styles all aligned together in one potentially powerful alliance. Oh well, things change on a dime in the BB house! Maybe there’s still hope! 🙂
Happy Monday!
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Aw man! I may be the only one who feels this way, but I really hope that any possible alliance between Frank and Dan gets blown sky high. I was holding out hope that Britney, Frank, Ian and Shane would form a final four alliance. Four very different playing styles all aligned together in one potentially powerful alliance. Oh well, things change on a dime in the BB house! Maybe there’s still hope! 🙂
Happy Monday!
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Wow. Just wow. Frank may not be able to play for HOH, but let’s be serious, he is the Master at Vetoes.
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life as i knew it ceases to exist……….season 14 is rockin – hey u fellow bb bloggers on this site – ‘sickem’ if u hear any non-bb fans say this season is boring……….
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Frank wouldn’t play in the next HOH anyway since he’s outgoing HOH so really his punishment is only one week of not competing in HOH
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I posted a comment on this earlier, but I think I apparently am suffering from amnesia and don’t know who I am. LOL Until that comment comes out of its waiting for moderation status, I say this: I was hoping for a new alliance for Frank but, unfortunately, Dan isn’t who I was hoping would be in it. I’m nervous!
Happy Monday!
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Can’t wait for POV ceremony! Gonna go feed the kids. and take the little one to the park so I can watch LF on my phone while I’m pushing him on swings LOL!
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No problem Bloggergal. I had migraines and you have my sympathies. Ugh terrible stuff.
Now I’ll go back and read all of the posts from yesterday and today. See you all later.
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@Patrica the two pics I posted in comments on yesterdays blog are there now. look at comment #84 or somewhere close to that. Thanks Bloggergal for approving my moderation! Hope your head feels better.
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Can someone please tell me why Dan said Danielle was dead to him??? I don’t get it. What did she do to make him so angry???
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Those headaches are horrible…I get them too! Hope it stays better today. I am hopeful that Frank goes amd soon!
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@Jane, great pictures. Thank you for sharing. They are phenomenal for sure.
Ok, I’ll show my ignorance. What does WTG mean? 🙁
@Tammy, my only suggestion is to go back to the last page. It’s all there somewhere but too long to explain for me since I don’t get LFs either. I rely on the soldiers on here who do.
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Dan seems to be cutting his losses and changing his game plan. An alliance with Jenn and Frank means throwing Ian & Britney under the bus and saying tata to Danielle. If in fact that happens, things can really change. As, far as Joes vote, Dan might be able to swing him to vote out Britney!
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Thanks for the well wishes. Headache is gone (thank goodness!)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Starfish…WTG = Way To Go
Tammy…Dan is trying to distance himself from Danielle to save her
On my way to moderate more comments!
Check out the latest blog-Fun For US!!!!Bloggergal
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Way To Go
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This game should be Franks! He is so good at winning HOH and POV. Shane is the next best. The others are just there. Ian had a good game going but now he’s slipping a bit and with Dan telling all, Ian’s game will be over. If I were Frank I would have put up Shane and Dan but he did what he did. We’ll have to see if Ian uses the veto. He definitely cannot be trusted.
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Duh, thank you Bloggergal & luvs2….pics. 🙂
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Glad you liked the pics Starfish!
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I don’t have the LF’s, but from what I could make out from BBAD last night I think Danielle might be the one going home. If Jenn pulls Dan off the block and puts up Brit, I think Shane, Ian and Joe will vote for her to stay! Joe is in Shane’s hip pocket and if Frank, Dan, Danielle and Jenn approach him about their plan to put up Brit, Joe will immediately go to Shane and tell him, then Shane will tell Brit. Just my opinion, does anyone else agree? Things are certainly heating up in the BB House! 😆
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I think that Dan and Frank can persuade Joe to go with their alliance and not with Shane and Britney. Dan has been playing this game really smart and I think he was right on throwing them under the bus. They weren’t doing anything to try to save Dan, so why should he keep quiet about anything. . I watched last night’s nomination this morning since I was working at Dish last night. This is fine with me since I have the Hopper that has the Auto Hop feature. I was able to watch it with no commercials since it will automatically skip them for me. I had time to watch it before taking my daughter to school. I wasn’t shocked to see Frank put up Dan and Danielle, but I am glad to see that Dan is making an alliance with Frank so that he can stay in the house. I am for Dan winning all the way.
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Why did Frank get punished? Why can’t he play for HOH for 2 weeks? Saw BBAD last night but never caught why.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I love the new alliance and hope Frannk slaughters the remainder of comps to take this thing! He deserves it!! Joe’s an idiot and a follower. Britney cracks me up that she is so arrogant when someone on her side is in power and then paranoid as hell when they are not. She is manipulative as they come but she never wins anything! Shane has no game but he is a strong at comps but still doesn’t deserve to win! Ian is shakin in his boots and I love it! His paranoia is going to get the best of him and I can’t wait til all his deceipt blows up in his face!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“TIME FOR AMERICA’S VOTE”
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@Cheri I agree!!!
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Since I do have a life outside BB, and we had a cookout for my g’daughter’s birthday, I got behind on Sat and Sun BBAD, but am trying to catch up. Really confused right now. Gotta watch last night’s episode….3 hrs. Geeze, it is hard to catch up. Ian and Brit were not the only ones who were deceiving Frank…remember the “Silent Six”. Appears to me they all agree to it!
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Thanks for giving me hope that the ‘nerd’ herd can get out of this. I hope Shane sticks with Brittany & Ian and that they can convince Joe to go with them. I can’t figure why anyone would want to go to the final 4 with Frank, Dan & Danielle. Absolutely no way to win with that combo!
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OOps, I meant to say remember the “Quack Pack”…
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ZHIT just hit the fan in the bb house – jen saved dan – put up brit —ian is beside himself – throwing a fit at frank – yelling – stormed out of the room – then came back in and said ‘im gonna get my beers (out of hoh fridge) now he is drinking them – day drinking – wow
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I have been team Frank all along. I hope that Dan will stick to a deal with Jenn and Frank. Finally I can say this season is getting better. If Dan does talk himself off the block, then he deserves to go all the way. Just lead those sheep to slaughter and I will be one happy camper.
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@ Dorothy -I’m wth you
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@ macy – who is drinking the beers? Ian? I think it hilarious that he is so pissed! he was getting waaaay too cocky! bwahahahaha!
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Ian drinking the beers – joe pulled shane aside and said – we have to still keep our alliance together – meaning joe – shane – iaan and they think they have danielle joe pulls shane aside and said we have to keep our alliance together
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------– fast foward 25 mins – frank has joe in cabana – joe is on the bandwagon with frank – ian and frank got into another screaming match – it looked like he might try (ian) to take a swing – then ian was called to diary room
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Dan says: Dan/Dani Two person alliance name: The Surgeons. Dan cuts them up and Dani sews them up
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Why Why Why would they save Dan?
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Frank is a good physical player but he is too gullible. Then again, he is desperate for an alliance. It’s a tough position to be in. Frank needs to get Shane out. Shane is the only one that gives him any competition with HOH or POV.
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I understand Frank missing the next HOH since he is the outgoing one but why would he miss two?
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he cheated
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He DID NOT cheat. He took that as punishment in the last veto competition. He got points for giving up 2 HOHs comps. Since he already can’t play in the next one because he will be the outgoing HOH, he really only has to give up the following one. Why does everyone feel the need to bash Frank. The guy has been a target since day 1 and has kept himself in the game. He has been loyal to everyone that he was in an alliance with. The only time he turned on anyone was after he got screwed first. In my opinion, he has played a great game and deserves a final 2 spot.
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@ M&M I am with you. I think Frank is a great guy. He’s very trustworthy and would be great to be in an alliance with. I liked Boogie too even though he was a bit cocky. The others are finding strength in numbers, but Frank is a STRONG player obviously.
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@MM, go to our grape back a couple of days(I still don’t understand what happened… in the Veto but Frank did get disqualified and removes from the POV competition and it also looks like Jenn benefited from this. Still not 100% what happened.) what are you doing on this page
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I didn’t see that, so perhaps something did happen, but that’s not why he is not playing HOH for 2 weeks. Last week everyone was saying that they saw him cheat on the live feeds during the previous veto game – the one with the candy. And that he was erasing his numbers and changing it after others stated what they wrote down. Frank was first, he could not have written down a number, said out loud what the number was before anyone else, then after the others start rattling off their numbers go back and erase his answer in order to change it to his benefit. Come on! He is a good guy and deserves to be there. His only downfall this game was trusting Boogie too much. He should have dumped him when Boogie went for the $10K instead of HOH to save them both. And, what do you mean “what are you doing on this page?”.
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Janice, thanks for agreeing with me. I liked Boogie too, but he got selfish and didn’t look out for them both anymore and that is what turned me off of him. I never really thought that he would get into the final 4 or less. But, Frank has a shot and he deserves to be there.
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@MM, there has been a nother page up for awhile , it says America vote where we choose what prize for Star
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Oh, I know but the last time I checked it, it was only about that. This one has the juicy details of the veto comp. I’ll switch! Sorry, I thought you meant that in a totally different way!
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Boogie was selfish going for the money instead of HOH. He was leaving that up to Frank. Not smart on his part and he paid the price for it. I must have missed when Frank got his penalty for whatever. As long as he keeps getting POV.
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I liked Frank up until someone said he was saying some racial slurs, that and the way he was bullying Ian after the vote. He may not have made any threats, but he took his 6 foot plus and stood and inch away right over Ian yelling at him – as if what Ian did wasn’t how this game is played.
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yoo hoo guys i think m&m is anothr person
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i get mail when a blog is sent this is how i caught it\
i did say new page up which means no matter what title is this one is done
u guys r missing all the juicy stuff on the next page. I made new page up on this page commment # 23
mike i need to go back and check for u will let u know asap
send me an email need to ask u a ???
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@mm I am lost. Please tell me what you are talking about.
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janice there are 2 mms on here
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------my name on top of chat is mama or mamamargie, or mama margie bbguy ando or bbgal for some reason it changes and my blogs go to spam they have to fix it no one knows why and now i just noticed we have a guess new blogger who is M&M
and since i am called mm for short a few of those that know me just see m&m and think it is me lol\
so i wrote explanation on the new page
we all read the blogs so fast and skim is easy to get confused and i do not want to think m&m to think i am cutting into her chat i get confused so easy lol hope this solves it bb is too confusing now have no idea who is going to vote how
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janice so sorry u must be more confused then ever i left msg on nexp page u can read and that was what was on my mind, i now am reading what i wrote
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------one of the bloggers usually comes on and says new page up so we all know to go to next page cause we just continue there this way we can all be on the same page and not miss much i just wanted u and and the others to know new page was up so u would not miss all the latest goings on
it was a little confusing name of new post time for america vote threw me too until i got there and read, that is about it i was just trying to help u guys and hope i did not offend u in any way just trying to help.
mm (the other one not M&M) lol
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I understand now. I noticed there was an mm and M&M. There was something else going on with someone and people were saying get a life or does your mother know…. I had no idea what was going on there.
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was this being said on this blog and if so how did i miss that lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------maybe they were saying what the live feeds were showing
glad it is all ok now i felt bad i thought i had upset u
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Sorry to hear about your super headache BG. Always appreciate your posts… Not at All Happy about Brit on the block.
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