Wow! There were 178 comments on yesterday’s blog. At this rate, we will hit our 50,000 comment this season. BBBlogger…how are we going to celebrate?
Just for the record, this is another SPOILER blog.
As you know, Frank and Mike Boogie are up for eviction this week. The POV was held yesterday and Frank or as everyone is calling him the “cat with 9 lives” once again pulled off a victory. The final face-off was between him and Ashley and Frank won. The HG’s are speculating if Ashley threw the competition. Maybe when we see it, we will be able to tell if she did or not.
Boogie isn’t so calm and mellow now! He is going to have to pull a rabbit out of his hat to get out of this one. Shane is leaning towards using Jenn as the pawn. Boogie would love to see Dan up next to him so he can try to sway the votes his way. Boogie and Frank were trashing the other HG’s last night calling them “idiots” etc. It’s always sad to see the soon-to-be-evicted slide into a mean, desperate, clawing spiral.
If Frank wins HOH during the double eviction on Thursday, it will be one interesting night. If anyone else wins, Frank stands a good chance of being evicted on the same night as his best buddy. I don’t really have a favorite this season, but I do admit it would be fun to see both Frank and Boogie evicted on the same night. I also wouldn’t mind seeing Boogie and Dan evicted on the same night. Coaches be gone!!!
As I’m sure you all heard, the Live Feeds were down for around 7 hours yesterday. It started with the POV, but we don’t really know what happened to keep them off so long. One of the rumors was that someone was sick. This could have been Joe because the other HG’s keep asking him how he feels now. Most of the HG’s mentioned taking long naps after the POV. A lot of the fans are pretty upset with the way CBS has been handling the Live Feeds this season. Fish and trivia are popped on whenever anything is said or done in the BB14 house. However, the main reason I get the Live Feeds is for the endurance competitions. I want to watch them live and the only way to do that is to subscribe to the Feeds.
That’s it for today. Tonight we will see Boogie’s face when he gets nominated. Bloggergal
Kevin11 and Star…I found your comments in the spam folder. I approved them. Sorry! Bloggergal
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@Frannie I didnt get a notice of new page either
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Good morning all…
I sure hope they tell us eventually what the long downtime was about. You read so much stuff on the net, you don’t know what is true and which ones are rumors.
I agree with you Bloggergal…I think if Frank wins HOH, things are going to be interesting. The bad thing is the new HOH, if Frank, won’t have a long time to think about what is best, and may make a decision that would be bad in the long run. I just hope he doesn’t put Shane up, as I have a bad feeling he will. Please let it be a comp that Ian can win….maybe Shane would have a better chance.
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Morning Mike….that happens a lot to me. I just noticed the new link at the bottom.
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Morning Frannie, Ian thinks he can win the HOH in double eviction and said he would put up Frank, and what I have heard they are putting up Jen next to Booger, but he is going to try to get Dan next to him
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Mike, does Ian have a good idea of what the next comp might be? They pretty much do the same shit every year, and if anyone would know, it’s Ian.
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It will be a fast one, like a quiz if it is DE, and then a long one
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Thanks for all the updates and spoilers everyone. I kept checking the feeds yesterday for POV winner and gave up. I found the answer here. I agree with the complaints about the feeds being down too much.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I don’t have a real favorite either but Dan and Boogie going out together would be fun. If Frank wins HOH for the second eviction it could be awful. I would prefer to see Ian win.
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go frank go get that little weasel ian out you and boogie took him under your wing and helped him sdcially and now he’s mr 2 face quackpack ian quack off
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@Wisteria77, Good morning, I know a lot of people think that Ian isnt playing the game because he hasnt won anything, but neither has Dan Brit Joe Ashley Booger or the missing link Jen(before you all jump on me about Jen, I mean we never see her) Ian knows the game ,he knows how Dan & boogers plays, at the right time he will step it up. remember the ship the last 3 people on there. he is liked by most people in the game and flying very low on the radar. Dr. Will & Jeff both think he is the one to beat.
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i hope boogie get’s out, then the rest of the coaches, i hate that the new house guest have to start off with people who knows more than them, it’s not fair so get boogie, dan and britney out. then the house guest will have the game to play it like they should, let them think about all the other players they can or cannot trust by themselves, make them think and work for that money on their own.
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I sure hope Shane & Frank start working alone together. They are superstars and one of them deserves to win it all. I still love Britt’s snarky observations but she hasn’t earned anything this season. I hope booger goes and then Britt or Dan or Ashley. Ashley has seemed less “drugged up” on the LFs lately. Ian is adorable and he should easily make it to 2nd or 3rd place.
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Mike Stover, you are right. There are too many floaters. I think Ian has been using strategy and I don’t fault him at all. Now I think Jenn may be hiding under a bed somewhere. I’ve never seen a season where a player was missing so much.
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@K11 – great post on previous page & thanks for the tweets. Very interesting.
@JT – good to see you back and please know you have our prayers
I don’t know if I thanked you guys for your nice messages on FB. I trully appreciate all you kind words last month.
I would still like to see Boogie gone – sorry Betty. I too would like to see Ian win it. That would be interesting even though I think he’s getting a little full of himself.
Thanks everyong for all your late night updates while I’m sleeping. LOL – Kll and Star what champs you guys are. As for GaryZ, I think he just wanted to twist our lids and is a big baby. I have no idea what his “last” post meant. Do you? Mike, send him some of your hooch. Sounds like he needs a drink. BTW, I agree with you about Ian’s play. Bobo, I hope your doing better. Constant pain is nasty business. We’ll see Aggie & Jane in a minute and HOH8 and the other familiar faces of our little blog as soon as they find the new post. 😀
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@ Mike, comment #7. I hope you’re right about that. Perhaps Ian will have a chance to be the next HOH. This is where Ian needs to step it up and show them he has the nads to play this game and put up Frank again. Frank has to be running out of lives and hopefully the help from production.
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@ Starfish, you are so welcome. That is a time when your friends should all be there for you with support. That is what makes this blog so special.
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@Fp2, you are so right. We are a great bunch!
@JT thanks for the update. So if this blog started with BB7, that must be the year I just read the posts. Again another one too shy to post. Did I just say that about myself. 😛 So I began posting the beginning of BB8 I guess. That’s when Star and I kept posting one night to get to 150 posts or that may have been BB9. I think we only had a new post once a week. Is that right JT, Star?
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@Bloggergal, wow soon to be 50,000 posts, who knew? Yes, we should celebrate but I have no idea how we could go about it. Let’s all go to Mike’s house, he has the hooch. LOL
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Hey come on down we all get drunk and run around naked
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😆 @ Mike….
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Hey ,I am so old that if you can run 5ft. ,I cant catch you
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You’re not old Mike…now Ted is old!
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I don’t think Shane will ever make an alliance with Frank. He wants to get rid of all his competition. Shane is the type that will throw anyone under the bus who gets in his way, except for maybe his mommy! He will probably take Joe to the end!
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Hope we can find out what happened yesterday with the feeds – that was b.s.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------They (F and Booger) were trashing brit again this morn in the backyard – of course going over the ‘plan’ to dupe all of em. i hope they dont fall for boog again
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HAPPY DANCE!!!! Can’t wait to see Boogie’s face when he is nominated, that will deflate his ego and with him gone Frank will be so lost, he will be doing a lot of a$$ kicking with the puppet master want-a-be gone.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I too think the Coach’s need to go so if Frank puts Dan up I think the house will vote Boogie out because they can see through him and most of them want him out. Guess we will find out soon enough.
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@ marcy, and they want to put up Joe ,because they think everyone would keep Boogers over him and how easy it is to get shane to do it because he is stupid. they tell Brit that they want her to join the and they will protect her and 1 min. later saying they will put her &shane on the block. Boogers seams to think that him & Frank the only smart ones in the came, if they pull it off then they may be
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I need to read what I post before I submit it, sorry about the spelling, been dipping in the still to much
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I don’t think there was a medical emergency at all. Someone mentioned joe, but did ya see bbad, he cooked chicken and salmon on the grill and he was out there stuffing his face with salmon and then went in and someone asked him if he was gonna eat or was he still not feeling well. Joe replyed something like i’ll eat later…HE JUST STUFFED HIS FACE OUTSIDE.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’ve been on this blog 3 yrs. The 1st yr I just read everything. Last yr I started posting , just a few thing, to get the feel of the blog. You were all so nice that I continued this year. Its all about how you put yrself out there and answer peoples posts. So gary not to hurt your feeling, but grow up. This may not be the blog for u.
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good afternoon Macy & tomi , glad to see ya, I dont know about Gary, but yesterday, it was hard to keep up. by the time you post 6more are a head of you and if you try to answer someone there are 15 more so it is hard to do. I type with one finger so it takes awhile
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Afternoon all, Mike, If you put down the jug of moonshine, you’ll be using 2 fingers to type in no time!! …like me!! 😀 (once in a while I’ll use a 3rd.. just to add a little flair!!)
I would agree that the HOH comp Thursday will prolly be questions… then some sort of quick physical comp for POV. (Think “clown shoes” from last year 😆 ..or Hayden smoking Brendon for POV the year before)
Gary Z…. sorry you feel that way. All I can say is what you get from something is directly related to what you put into it. Peace.
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Ughhhh.. think my comment just ended up in the spam folder too. 🙄
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at this point i just hope they get boogie OUT. then go after dan…..i still like frank and ian.
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Yesterday was torture and shame on them for doing that to the fans. they could have ran a line at the bottom to explain. Hope Boogie goes, and then Frank goes. Also I am not for sure about ian watch out for him. He has watched and studied this game since he was a child,he is not stupid,and may be playing them all.
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I don’t know how many of you watched BBAD last night, it was disgusting. Brit was sitting down eating dinner and talking with a mouth full of food, then in between bites she began chewing her cuticles again and playing with her hair at the table. I have seen pigs with more class!
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@Tomi, thanks for the update on Joe, the pig. That poor boy GaryZ should grow up, I agree. He likes playing the victim. I think I’ll go pout now because no one responded to my last post. Good grief, if we had to respond to everyone all the time, we’d all be nuts. At least I would. 😀
Sorry JT, maybe it will show up soon.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Betty, I think I agree about Shane but it also applies to the Boogie Man, wouldn’t you agree? 😛
Buh Bye Boogie. I too can’t wait to see his face. Zing! Now maybe Frank will play his own game and whoever said Frank & Shane probably won’t play nice together, I believe that is true. Poor Brit, she’s certainly getting played like the bouncing ball. She still cracks me up.
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@ Betty, that’s not a fair statement about Shane. On the lf’s, Frank was talking about getting rid of Shane when he was HOH too. Frank and Boogie were wanting to take out the tough competition too, that’s the name of the game. Why do you think Janelle is gone? She was their first victim of being thrown under the bus/back doored. They are just mad that they didn’t get rid of Shane while they had the chance. They made the mistake of telling others that they wanted Dan and Shane out. What was he supposed to do, sit there and wait for that to happen?
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@ Kathy Watson….I hope Ian is playing them all. If Shane doesn’t win, then I hope Ian can hang in there and swoop them all. He really can use the cash!
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Ian is the smartest person in the house, and looks like the best game-player.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Go Ian! Shane just isn’t too bright and Frank won’t be anywhere near the same threat without Boogie. Go Ian! Brit could have a shot somehow – or possibly Dan -but GO Ian!
He’s the one!
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There are times that I think that certain things are rigged so that the controversial players remain. Frank can do nothing wrong in these competitons. I would love to see Frank and Boogie ousted.
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Hi Starfish – I do agree that Boogie is the same way too, but that is just expected of him. I thought Shane would flat line when confronted by Frank and Boogie. He seems to just sit there with a big DUH on his face.
Hi Frannie – Frank and Boogie stuck with the silent six plan. It was Shane that broke the alliance. After the alliance was made Brit made it very clear that the next one of their quack pack that wins HOH they should put up Frank and Boogie, which is all part of the game and I NEVER said it was NOT FAIR. I certainly was disappointed and took it in stride, as I know it is all part of the game. I think your comment to me was unfair!! I am sorry you have a problem with me not liking Shane, but I personally don’t think Shane is a very nice person.
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Hi everyone! I just read all your comments from last night & I am trying to catch up with it all….I have been under the weather for a few days but it all caught up with me last night, got up very late today I really needed the sleep 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you all for the up dates & some of the drama 😆 I think I will go watch BBAD so I can see what some of you were talking about! Keep up the good work!………… See you soon….
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@ Betty~ I don’t have a problem with you not liking Shane. We are all entitled to our own opinions. There are many here that don’t care for him. I guess what I did have a problem with is the statement about throwing everyone under the bus but his mommy. I can tell you that my son would do anything for me, if I asked him to….
As for nice people, the way Boogie and Frank talk is not very nice. I really think that Frank needs to expand his vocabulary. Every other word on the feeds is a curse word. He needs to know how to express himself correctly without that type of language.
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FRANNIE – im with u bout shane and frankfurter – booger and frank r sitting on the b y couch – SOUR GRAPES city – now they r mad at joe – joe is going around telling ev-body that they cheated on that p.o.v. comp
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Shane is a dumb jock. Even Jocks should be offended.
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Good morning (3:50pm is morning for me) to everyone.
First I have to say hi to GaryZ just in case he’s still monitoring the posts. This is my first year posting. Like Jane I lurked a year first, so when I finally joined I didn’t know who was new or not because I didn’t familiarize myself with the names of the posters the previous year. No one gets a response to everything you post. As I’ve been so lucky to be embraced in a relatively short time and have gotten to know so many of you, I will defend what anyone says in a respectful way, and who anyone is. We are all alike in the only ways that count – hearts of genuine caring and love of BB. It is impossible to respond post by post. In fact, I don’t expect to get any response to this post. I’m just defending the right to be whomever you are, whenever you want. That means all of us and includes you, GaryZ! You are welcome and whether you choose to join or not is your decision. We welcome everyone who has a desire to participate in an open and caring way.
That said, don’t you all love how I speak for the entire group even though I’ve 0nly been part of this blog for a less that a week? : ) If that’s not a testament to welcoming and inclusive people, I don’t know what is. Then again, you may have created, or at least loosed, a monster who could probably manage a few thousand posts all on her own! ; ) I’ll try to behave! : )
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Awkward moment in the kitchen – frank came in fm outd=side to wash his plate – dan was making his lunch – they had a few harsh words – then frank says ‘gonna have a hard time gettting votes if im in jury’ dan says ‘likewise’ frank walks out then walks back in and says ‘thanks for that’
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Because I am constitutionally unable to let sleeping dogs lie (and I have 3 dogs who will back me up on that statement), I have to note that there are many posters today that I don’t recognize. If any of you are new, welcome. If you’re not, just please give me a chance to catch up.
@JT feel better soon. I’m sending up prayer for you and your sis.
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Thanks for the update Macy, I have to leave for a bit. Maybe something exciting will happen.
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Hi Patricia !!! It’s 5:15 in NJ….Just wanted to say H! ! 🙂
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Haha! I’m so blind on my little cellphone I wrote this under the wrong Blog thread… anyways:
If Boogie was really the big bad hardcore player he pretends to be he would pull some Survivor shit and talk Frank into using the Veto on him, with the argument that Frank is easier to keep around and has no problem escaping the block, and they can both stay. then cut his losses with Frank and ride to the end with Dan like he assumes Dan wants to do. That would be awesome!
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@GaryZ look at last blog to get all the comments after your post. OMG I am dehydrated. I hate the dirty polluted heat that befalls Orange County. Is Befalls a word or am i so woozy I just made it up. Wait is woozy a word. Oh lord i better go lay my old butt down.
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Boogers up talking to Shane and telling him he should put up Joe or Dan and then vote them out and he could work with him & Frank, and they could get Brit in to it to(Shane doesnt know that if Booger or Frank wins HOH him & Brit are out the door) Booger told Frank that he thinks Shane will go for it and Frank said he will go up in about 45min. and talk to Shane and tell him the same thing, I hope Shane isnt that stupid
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Hey, Bobo!!!! Hi back mucho! : )
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If befalls and woozy aren’t words, they should be! : ) Methinks they are. : )
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hubby is after me to get in the pool – so – ill check back with yall later
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@mike stover Shane, Dan and Brit on BBAD last night. Shane said he was going to tell B&F if he joined up with them he would always be the 3rd wheel. I hope he knows that’s the absolute truth, but 5 days of having Boogie talking to you would make about anyone turn stupid.
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@macy 1231231
I could have spent all of July in a cool pool. Over 100 every day. Brutal.
I’m leaving to meet friends for dinner so you all will be spared any more of my posts for a few hours. Did I hear a collective sigh of relief????: : )
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@Patricia I agree! LOL!!
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SIIIIIIGH>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 😆
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@Betty, you’re right about Shane too. He’s a wimp especially when he threw Brit under the bus because he couldn’t stand up for his own decisions.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Patricia, Good Morning yep, you fit right in. Are you sure you aren’t one of our other regular bloggers so you can blog twice. hee hee
@Jane, this heat is horrible but you have it much worse than I do. Woozy: “mentally unclear”. Does that describe how you feel in this heat? LOL
Lucky Macy, a pool? wow Thanks to you and Mike for the updates last coupla hours.
@Bobo, feel better soon. All this reading could make your eyes bleed.
Going to walk my dog, see ya all L8r. If I didn’t mention someone, please forgive me and welcome to any newcomers! Oh, Jake and Bluejay, I agree with both your posts #s37 & 38. Go Ian.
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Turn on your Live Feeds its about to go down!
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Ian ran upstairs to get Dan Danielle Brittany and Shane said come down boogie Frank going to confront Joe and go off on him for calling tbem POV Cheaters they are all down there now…. let the bullying begin
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Frank had better watch it, Joe will put his hands up and fall back and say he head-butted me
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Star Fish… Thank you my darling! Can’t type much right now.. I will read everything later ♥ Thanks Oh Hey Mike!
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LOL Mike!!! They are taking forever to go off on Joe. I wonder if Production talked them out it because of possible LF production leaks.
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Hey My Friend Mike! How You doing, Did I spell that right 😆
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We have talked about me & some of my problems, Thanks for keeping that to yourself! Someone from our other Blog is playing some games with me! Don’t know how to react to it!!! You know everyone, maybe you can give me some advice my Friend>> Hope you all are having a great night almost time in NJ for Big Brother to start… I think If I don’t fall asleep again I might be back later, still watching BBAD Just did a great BBQ Stake time to go back to the Man Cave 😆 See you all later……………..
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Time for Big Brother in NJ See you all later…Bye 🙂
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let me tell you what – shane is my number one – but – this is 1 of the reasons i like frank – the blow up was boogerheads idea – frank took joe aside and confronted him – just man to man –
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You are so right Macy………… 🙂
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Thank you for thinking of me FRANNIE! 🙂 :
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Starfish I just call it like I see it. I don’t hold back on my favorites or throw my family under the bus to make a point!
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@ Betty, do you think I threw my family under a bus? I hope not, because I would never do that. You know me better than that. Like I said, we all have our favorites. It would be boring as hell here if we all wanted the same to win. It’s good to hear others opinions.
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BETTY AND FRANNIE – you kids kiss and make up – right this instant-or ur grounded for the next 30 minutes – HA!
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I am definitely team Frank with Ian my second. Hi to all my friends, and thank you all here for being my greatest source of information concerning BB and sometimes lots of other things too!
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@Bobo, oh my (blushing!) I don’t know when the last time someone called me “my darling”. Wow, made my night. My hubby is great but “my darling” – absolutely wonderful. Of course, I have no idea what you’re referring to with Mike but whoever they are, they can jump off the nearest bridge. Ignore, ignore, ignore and don’t waste a minute worrying about the scum of cyber space.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Betty & Frannie: I agree with Macy! We are the hippies of our little piece of the world and we love, love, love. It’s difficult to decifer voice inflections & tongue in cheek statements when we’re typing.
I haven’t had a favorite this entire game except that Brit makes me laugh and I wouldn’t be upset if the Coaches left and it would be nice to see Ian win it all because he needs the money the most. Other than that, it makes no never mind to me. I just love the show!
It still over 3 hours before the show starts for me but I’ll be watching you all give me the SPOILERS. WooHoo Love the Spoilers and thank you to everyone!!
Did they ever confront Joe?
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Oh Star fish my Darling! 😳 So glad you you no how I fell i will I ignore everything ! Thanks My dear
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FEEL….. 😆
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Starfish Brittany cracks me up too! Yeah Bobo ignore! Some people who are timid in real life go into cyberspace to act badass because they have no balls in the real world.
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@ Bobo
I loved that sigh. : ) So cute. And whatever you are referring to as being spread about, do what every one says…ignore. Bullies always like to hide in cyberspace. Here’s a saying I’m going to butcher because I can’t remember how it goes…What someone says bad about you doesn’t matter because those who do matter love you and don’t care what anyone else says. Good grief. I hope someone knows what I’m talkin-g about because I sure don’t. : ) Is your avatar your dog? Has it always been up? I don’t remember seeing it before, but he’s a handsome fellow! Or lady! Sometimes when you’re not feeling well, things get to you more easily than at other times, and I hope you feel better really soon. In the meanwhile, the rest of us will be forming an army just in case you need us to help you fight the good fight. : )
Great Idea about me having 2 names on this blog. That would kind of spread all these words out into more managable posts that don’t cause anyone’s eyes to bleed! : )
I so enjoyed watching Boogie’s face when he was nominated. Frank I think had an idea he was going up. He looked worried. Boogie is only angry because Shane did what he and Frank were gong to do only a week earlier. On BBAD once Boogie said he didn’t mind losing just as long as he wasn’t suckered or look like a sucker.
My words, hopes and dreams for BB usually come back to bite me, but I hope Boogie goes and when Julie says there are some hg who recorded a good-bye message, that Ian’s comes up first and he confesses it was him all along. Boogie, you are a sucker!!@!!
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@Patricia You took the words right out of my mouth dear. I was so happy to see the fake grin on Boogers face. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. And yes I want sweet little nerdy Ian to confess on his goodbye mesage. That will be priceless.
@JT Dude….must you remind everyone of my weird ways?? LMAO I remember that very well. 3 years ago, treehouses, CAN I PLAY TOO?? And look what you did. You let me play & now I won’t go away. 😀 Sooooooooo much fun back in the day huh? Miss the treehouses & silliness. Hope you are ok. Hugs & prayers & much love still coming your way.
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Goodnight everyone. 😀 PLAY NICE OK??
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Wow… Starfish calling out GaryZ… I have to come around more often. Like the good old days… with the guy from Mobile. And now Miss T and Patricia laying into him.
For the record… I would slit my throat and wrists with a straight razor before getting drunk and running around naked with Mike Stover. Not even Betty could take that.
Frances… I am shocked!
Good to see my old friend Cynthia here.
I’m hoping Boggie can pull it off and stay in the house. If Frank keeps winning, then he deserves to be there, and I don’t know why everyone here is against him.
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Well… my curiosity got the best of me, and I went back and checked on the GaryZ situation. Seems the guys got a major lack of patience and really did check out. And after everyone begged him to stay. So I agree with Starfish… and I predict he will be back. If not, then he really didn’t care to begin with, but he made some fairly good observations I thought, so that’s too bad. And if he really feels that way, then he really is a baby… I had run through the Gauntlet of Aggie27’s Ire, with Franniep2 playing back up, when I first came on a blog with everyone. It was a Survivor Blog too, and they didn’t know shit about Survivor! But I hung in. My advice to GaryZ, is not to piss off Jane or Mama Margie.
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I think Boogies personality, small tho it is, and his ego, enormous as it is, are what people don’t like about him. I hope I didn’t give the impression that I was laying into GaryZ. I wanted to, but I tried to remain respectful anyway. : ) No telling when I’ll do or say something that will not sit well with this group. Maybe I already have, but I still feel secure because of how I described the people on this blog to GaryZ. I meant it and I believe it.
I’ll be thinking of you on Thurs. when Julie introduces the good-bye messages. If it’s not boogie sitting there next to Julie, I’ll probably be huddling in a closet drowning my disappointment in whatever bottle I grabbed before going in. : )
BBAD is on and Ian is painting with nail polish on what I suppose is Ashley’s hair dryer. Poor kid. Brit can sure tell a story. When she’s animated she can be really cute.
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I didn’t think that, Patricia, but it sure made me curious. I thought you were very nice to him. I personally can’t stand Boggie, but I will root for him because my dear friends can’t stand him… you included, so you are now one of my dear friends. And as far as not ‘sitting well with this group… don’t worry about that. I do hope you like Rachel, for I am counting the hours until she makes an appearance in the house. I do hope sans Brendon, who I probably dislike more than anyone I’ve seen on BB. I also like Jessie, so I hope you do too. I know that Aggie and Frannie think he’s pretty hot. No edition of BB can be complete without a walk on by the Fabulous Wrestler.
I see you like dogs, Patricia, so does Mike Stover. But… Do Not Let Anyone Talk You Into Drinking With Mike Stover…
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Hey… what is all this ‘throwing under the bus’ stuff… I see a big catfight between Betty and Frannie! Yikes… some of my girls taking off the gloves!!! I may have to monitor this blog more throughly.
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Oh, Ted! I am so honored to be considered one of your dear friends. You are dear to me also!!! It’s kind of scary how important you and the others on this blog have become to me. And thanks for the warning. I will never drink with Mike stover. You have properly scared me off! : ) Besides I don’t even drink with my dogs, though they continue to invite me! : )
Rachel is my absolute favorite…ever!!!! I don’t mind Brendon because she needs someone who can handle her gently. He seems to fit that bill. did you see them on Amazing Race? One of my 3 favorite shows along with BB and Survivor. I would love for Rachel to make an appearance or have her own show!!!! I’m sure I’ll get flack for that since Rachel seems to be a pretty divisive (sp?)person.
Jessie, no thanks. Muscle-y men kind of turn my stomach, but the worst thing that turns me off is a big ego. So unattractive.
Speaking of ego, on bbad some hg are playing badminton and Ian twisted his ankle…bad. Boogie lept up and came to his side with a look of genuine concern on his face. I was amazed. That’s the first time I looked at Boogie and wasn’t repulsed. I found that attractive – how he looked concerned. I’m sure he’ll do something or have that egotistical look and I’ll go back to Boogie bashing! : ) Ego is supposed to be a coping mechanisim for those with low self esteem. I should feel compassionate. I don’t know why I don’t.
BBAD is so boring now it’s lulling me to sleep.
Nite all!
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WOW!! Just got done reading ALL the comments from today! Looks like it was alot more active Sunday here than in the BB house!!lol
As starfish said so well in one of her posts, you can’t comment on everything everyone says on here..without going stark raving mad!!! I think pretty much all of us at least read every post, so you just have to know that they were not in vain and not expect a shout out from everyone!
Speaking of you starfish…I DO remember our chat that nite years ago, just the 2 of us, trying to get BBBlogger over the 150 mark!!! Also remember you easing your way into being a regular..and look at you/us now!!lol this blog was so different when it started. I usually just posted once… a report…and didn’t respond to many people. And now that you mention it, I think there was only a new blog once or twice a week. Had totally forgotten about that!!! BB and the blog have gone thru some major transformations!!!
Also, I am right where you are when it comes to the show this year!!! No favorite, think Brit is very entertaining altho has no game really. Anyway, you said it well for both of us!!;) have NO worries about being too long winded on here!! You are in good company…lol
@Betty and Frannie…….I only see a difference of opinon here….and a fairly polite one, as blogs go. So, hug and make up already!!!! 😉 Won’t make any difference in the long run if say Ashley floats her way to the end…..wouldn’t be the 1st time..and then hurtful words would all have been in vain anyway!!!
@Bloggergal……no worries. Just hadn’t lost a post in quite awhile and usually only happened on thurs nites during a comp!!!lol
Anyway……only thing I have to add is that Ian was hurt tonite duing BBAD> I didn’t see it…..not sure it was shown…but he apparently twisted his ankle playing badmitten. Dan said he fell and couldn’t get back up! They had a medic come out and bandage it…..the other HGS were talking about him being a nice guy, they are so starved for outsiders…lol But I never saw him come back out to the yard. I don’t know how bad it was..if he had to go to the hospital or he was just back in production for awhile. Never a dull moment……HAHA!!! But I seriously don’t know about Ian winning this. He’s really not very physical or co-ordianted so I don’t see him ever winning physical comps. And he may be smart and know alot of facts about BB, but he’s been a floater turned spy and neither one of those things are valued in this game when it comes time for chosing a winner! IF he ever got that far!!! I LIKE the kid and he could use the money, but it’s a real stretch of the imagination to see him taking it home!!!
Nite all!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Peace out..and everyone play nice!!!!! 😉
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@Patricia…..I had started my post and got interrupted and didn’t see YOURS until after I had sent mine!!! SO….guess my report on Ian isn’t such a SPOILER after all…lol I remember the camera being on frank and danielle in the bathroom, so I thought we hadn’t seen the whole thing unfold and Frank was complaining everytime he is in the BR he misses something!!(He was there when the whole thing with Willie went down!!) Maybe that all happened when I was way from the TV for a bit.
Anyway….thought it was funny we had posted the same thing back to back!! And then both said….. Nite All!!!! Almost thought I had posted twice!!lol Oh well…GMTA!!!! 😉
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@ Patricia
Don’t trust Strutz he has been known to climb through windows, do you have a thorn bush below, all it would take is one bush 😛
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Ted don’t you make a brief appearance and thing bring up Roachel!!! Don’t you dare!!!! Your gonna make ny blood boil!!! And to gbonk I’ve been missing you on here
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darn cellphone typos!
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Okay – I typed a long post and guess I hit a wrong key and it disappeared. Anyway, shortened version so I don’t mess up again. I think Ian is really smart and is playing the game with his head. I still think Frank and Shane could pair up. Wouldn’t be the first time two arch rivals paired up and decided to take their chances with the jury. Sorry, Patricia, but I can’t stand Rachel. If she came back on I don’t think I could watch. I saw them in the Amazing Race and got so sick of her whining and crying. Bleck. However, we will not all always agree. I think it’s fair to just have different opinions. Sorry I haven’t been on much this season but I have had computer issues. Hope it’s fixed now and I can be more involved. And why on earth should Frank use the veto of Boogers? Geez, the guy would not even try for the HOH to protect Frank when Frank couldn’t play. I would like to see Frank play his own game. I think Dan deserves to go because he hasn’t done a darn thing.
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I’m not saying he should. I’m saying if boogie is this big bad mastermind go to work buddy. you run frank anyways. that would be an awesome thing to watch. I’m not saying its a snart move on Frank’s part. sheesh!
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Hey Ted, welcome home. 🙂 Great post(s) but you didn’t mention my blogmance with Bobo. Aren’t we cute? LOL Are you kidding Rachel!! Talk about getting Jane and MM in an uproar, you now have me in an uproar too. Not good dear Ted. You like choosing the opposite of the popular vote and you do it with flair and aplomb so go for it. You do make my day, sometimes. 🙂 As for Jessie, “hot” he is not IMHO. Yuk
@Star, thanks, those were the days…. As for Ian, you said it perfectly. floater turned spy – absolutely perfect. Plus no athletic abilities and now what looks like a badly sprained ankle, he’s in for a ride. However, as you said, this wouldn’t be the first time.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Betty & Fp2 just word malfunctions between friends taken out of contextas the politicians say. 😛
@hpr, good to see you back. I agree with you, why in the world would Frank use the POV on Boogs after Boogs dumped him in the grease. Frank seems to be forgiving, naive or simply taken in by the Boogs charm. ROTFL
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You go Jane!! 🙂
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The. comment wasn’t that Frank should do it… I’m gonna sheesh you too Starfish! LOL! New page is up!
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jane- im in that same boat whitcha!
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New Page Up!
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