Zingbot made an appearance in the Big Brother 14 house last night. He zinged all the HG’s, but really hurt Danielle’s feelings when he (she?) said that Danielle was going to need a restraining order to stay away from Shane. Ouch! I hope the HG’s were paying close attention because I expect that a memory game will be coming up with questions about the Zingbot’s comments.
As you all know, Frank won the POV. The competition involved connecting a series of tubes and then working a ball through the tubes to the end hole. Shane seemed to be in second place with Brittany directing him from the sidelines. Boogie was lost and asking for Ian’s help, but personally I think it was an act. He’s too smart to win anything when he can just have Frank win and pull Frank’s strings.
Frank revisited the idea of putting Dan up. Boogie talked him out of it
Have a great day…Bloggergal
bye bye Wil…next stop for you is the local barber…long hair went out a long time ago…it’s 2012…Zing
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Please let it be Joe!!!
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I’m sure it will be Wil leaving tonight, but I really want Joe outta there. I think Wil adds a lot of fun to the house. All Joe is good for is cooking for everyone. I guess that’s what he thought would keep his nasty ass in the house. You have to have game too, Joe. đ
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good morning, I still wished it was Joe going home tonight, but if Wil goes home its his own fault as I think he will. let some win HOH that is going to have the balls to put up Booger Or Frank, they are getting to full of them self. I know they give Ashley meds for pain, can they give Dani something, before she gets any crazier.
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Frank is a total mess. If I were Frank, I would have backdoored Boggey…Ha…wouldn’t that have been fun. Frank doesn’t get it. Boogey will dispose of him as soon as he is no longer useful. Everyone would have voted Boogey out and then the fun would begin. Frank doesn’t have a thought outside of Boogey giving it to him. He is so afraid to do anything that will upset Boogey. This season isn’t that much fun to watch…it is way to predictable.
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@judi ,you are so right, and yes that would have been fun, can you see the look on Booger face if he did.
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Hi all just a little About last night……….Let’s get to the real star of the show: Zingbot 3000, the highly-advanced robot sent in time with lots of futuristic humor technology. Zingbot gave the cast the business. “Shane: My five year old niece called…and she wants her pink tank top back!!! ZING!” “Joe, how does it feel to be the old man of the house? Oh, sorry Boogie…I didn’t see you there!!! ZING!” He compared Joe to Little Orphan Annie and compared Jenn to a gossip magazine, which led Joe to ask “Who’s Little Orphan Annie?” and led Jenn to ask “Wait, who’s Jenn?” The Zingbot saved his harshest and most spot-on critique for Danielle: “I hear Shane’s gonna give you a special gift after the season…a restraining order! ZING! ZING! ZA-ZEE-ZY-ZOW-ZOO-ZING!”……………. đ
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I wish it were Joe going also, but it’s doubtful, it seems they think Wil is the bigger threat, I’m sure if he got the chance he would put boogie and Frank up, Joe, is so scared shitless about going he probably would not put up those guys, I noticed Joe is really working it big time, as to how long he will last who knows, maybe some might think it would be good to drag his sorry Butt to the end, who knows. I hope somebody puts him out, but as usual there is bigger fish to fry.
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@ Bobo
Bob, he compared Frank to little orphan annie, because of the Hair, Joe doesn’t have that hair
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This season is so boring! The zingbot was good last nite but that was lt. Voting for joe to go!! Does anyone think Ian has it in him to win this??
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sorry, but please let it be Wil tonite. I can’t understand why peeps in the house consider him a huge threat, what has he won or done? Obvi, I missed that part. At least I won’t have to hear that screech he does when he tries talking with a diff voice. I’m sure Jani is sitting at home laughing her butt off….the idiot should have listened to her!!!!
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I would like to see Joe leave too. He is so loud in the DR that I am sick of listening to him and he acts like he’s so tough. He’s gonna get Frank, he’s gonna get Boogie, he’s gonna do lots of things. Well, how about winning something. I do think that Wil is the target though even though I would rather see Joe go home. As often happens, Joe and Ian will keep on going until there isn’t anyone to get them out. That seems to be what happens a lot of times. Ian is quite the little snitch and con man. Guess we will see tonight. See ya all later. Gotta get some work done that they pay me for.
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@mrybkr, more than likley it will be Wil, but what has Joe done, except yell to the camera, never wash his hands and plays in the food, and we know where his hands are at nite, thats why we would like to see him gone,
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Thanks for correcting me Aggie, you are right it was Frank….. đł
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Boogie and Frank talking about how the players this year are very weak
Frank mentions that Ian has fungus on his feet. Boogie feels sorry for Wil because Wil is now understanding that heâs made some major mistakes in this game and heâll be going home because of it. Boogie: âThis is one eviction I wonât be all HAHHA Get him OUTâ
Boogie: âIâll never understand people that come on this f**king show and say â never conduct myself like this in the business worldâ.. What the F**k i never act like this outside the house either.. You just gotta let it ripâ
Frank and Boogie very confident⌠Crazy (Danielle Crazy) confident. Frank goes on and on about AShley saying the people in the house are feeling sorry for him for the road heâs travelled in this game. He thinks this will benefit him in the end. Boogie: `thats good keep that train rollingâ
Boogie: âI donât think Dan or Danielle will make a move.. I donât think Shane or Britney will.. I donât think Jenn or Ian will.. and Ashley wonât do sh!t.. Iâm telling you weâre in a great spotâ
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------They both agree that Dan is super paranoid. Boogie says he always keeps an eye on Dan because he knows Danâs Sh!t. Boogie: âHe wonât make a move on us.. Donât get me wrong Iâm all about going deep with Dan.. but not too deepâ Frank chimes in that the way they have it set up they can sit back and watch each side whittle the numbers down a but. Frank: âYou know Ashley, Joe and Jenn are going to put up one of themâ ……………
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LOL … Mike Staver – kinda like Gerry is season 3??
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Dan and Boogie continue to talk.
Man the girls did a number on that kid last night on BBAD
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boogie says that he thinks they need to keep Shane around as a target for a few more weeks. They talk about how they can get one more HOH out of him. Boogie says that he wonders what Ashley would do if she won. Dan says that he isnât sure. Boogie says that he doesnât think anyone will be targeting Dan or Boogie. They talk about the banging coming from the HoH room and wonder if itâs Pandoraâs box. Ian joins them. They ask him about the towels and ice packs under his armpits. Ian tells them that he had to go to see the medic because he got a chemical burn from the waxing. Ian asks about tomorrow. They talk about the possibility of a double eviction tomorrow and how it would work with the POV. Ian tells Boogie how it worked when Danielle and Jeff went in the same night. Ian says that he would be fine with that instead of an endurance competition. Boogie agrees and says that he isnât in the mood for another endurance competition. Ian talks about what happened with the Nair. Ian says that Britney did it wrong and says that you should not rub it off. Ian says that he is now pink with hives from it…
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I wish Joe was the one going home, boring! Wil does make it more fun to watch. To bad the public is not making the decision this week because it looks like most people on here agree….
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I too enjoyed the show last night. Yes, The zing on Danielle was the “best”. đ As for Frank not knowing who Little Orphan Annie is, that surprised me. Doesn’t everyone know who she is? đ His hair is awful though and so is Wil’s.
@JT, you and your sister are in prayers from everywhere.
@K11, thanks for reminding everyone. It’s heart warming how we all come together for one of our own.
@Judi, backdooring Boogie would have been great but these HGs don’t have what it takes to play this game. I wonder how they are picked. It always seems to be the same type casting. IMO
@Jane, LBCounty, really? LMAO
@Aggie, you are right that we should ignore the ignorant when they come on to stir the pot. We decided that years ago and it works.
@Bobo, Sorry about the undeserved uproar and thanks for the play by play.
Again a huge thank you to everyone keeping us informed. Bloggergal, you rock!
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Unfortunately, Joe would be the one to take to the end since.no one would vote for.him. he seems a.LITTLE quieter in his Dr sessions now thank God. Did I miss something, or did they not televise Dan and wil’s sings? I think Ashley at this.point is fine and just playing injured to coast through. If she is, gotta admit its a new strategy. Lol
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Joe talks about how he was changing his pants in the have-not room. He says that he was checking himself out in the mirror; just making sure everything was okay and swinging his junk at the mirror. He says he totally forgot the cameras were there.
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This big brother is really a sad story. The group is sooo boring. Tell me, what does Jenn do? What does she add to the game? Boogie is obnoxious and should be knocked off his so-called throne. Frank can’t hink for himself and theyshould have gotten rid of him. I hope someone backdoors Boogie and Frank. Wouldn’t Boogie be knocked down off his high horse? Joe is annoying and so is Wil….so who cares who goes home…
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well, i think that wil AND joe will be going home tonite – so ALL of u folks are gonna get what u want! YAY
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i go back and forth who i want to go home. i think wil is more of a threat.
his hair doesn’t bother me….but he does.
my hair is short…my husband’s hair is down the middle of his back and long dark curls he keeps pulled tightly back. i hope he never cuts it.
still wish it was a double eviction. i think frank needs to start doing his own thing. maybe eventually he’ll have to. i personally think shane is a bigger threat than either wil or joe.
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LOL…but I WOULD cut off Franks hair only becuz i think his kind of face would look nice with short messy hair…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i feel so old listening to some of their comments..
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I hope you are right Macy! I wish that BBAD Gets a little better! I tape the show so I can fast forward Who wants to see HGs working out or playing cards? When they talk game I may watch for a little bit. Tonight’s show may be good if they have a double eviction but might not be who we all think! Let’s not forget to expect the unexpected â I would like to see the new kids start to think fore themselves I think these coaches will use them and then loose them…
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Hoping beyond hope that tonight it is Joe. I am so sick of hearing him YELL when he is in the DR, and I’m even more sick of the UK shirts and hats. I hope whomever wins HOH this week puts up Frank and Boogie. And Frank, you are one stupid person if you think Boogie is really on your side. You will be gone when he no longer needs you, because if it comes down to you and Boogie, Boogie knows you will win over him.
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BOBO – i tape it too – i FF through most of last nites episode – was funny when they were doing ians pits – saw up there where he had to go to the medic over it though – oops girls
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đ Macy!…………..
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yesterday on the back porch – ian, ashley, booger and dan on the couch – ian starts going over dan’s season day for day – comp by comp – dan was squirming and booger was asking alot of questions – like ‘wait a minute ian, go back and tell me why – what – where – who – it was great.
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I honestly would like to see someone get rid of Boogie. They all talk about him and Frank but Booger is the real problem there. I think Frank could be a good player without Booger telling him what to do. I would actually enjoy him playing the game for himself. What’s the problem with his hair? His hair may be naturally frizzy curly and he doesn’t want to deal with spending all the time fussing with it with gels and stuff. I had a little brother (died 2 years ago) that had hair just like that. He just wasn’t into the fussy fixy stuff. He washed it and went wherever he wanted to go. Good for him for being who he is and not trying to be a model or something.
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@macy…I didn’t SEE that but I heard that he had gone over season 7 like that….Boogie’s..and had Boogie squirming so I think he requested that he do Dan’s. I don’t know what they are worried about. These HGS aren’t savvy enogh about the game to know what to even DO with the info! Alot of them either never watched before or just caught some of the network shows so ar obviously just in it for the $$$, not the love of the game!!!
Tues. nite, Frank and Ashley had a *date*. What is it with her and these dates this year?????? Anyway, they ended up laying together on the HOH couch making out!!!! I didn’t see it so it must have been after BBAD, but someone put a pic on FB. I’d show ya here but have no idea how to..or if it’s allowed! She has kissed Frank, Boogie, Joe..EWWWW……and Ian! I hope everyone is using Listerine !!LOL Ashley certainl;y isn’t playing the game so she might as wellplay the field…the Ho…lol
@hpr56..I agree about Boogie! He is using anyone he can to get to the end and they all seemed thrilled just to be getting his attention!!! But I especially agree after the nitemare I had about him last nite! OMG..even after I’d wake up and go back to sleep it wouldn’t go away!! He was trying to get me to do some blog, and I supposedly had to move in with my in-laws to do it!! Enough of a nitemare in itself..lol It was all totally shady sounding and I finally told him I wouldn’t do it and went back home! But his control and persuasion were so strong!! I felt like I knew what the HGs were going through with him. It almost felt like parental and magnetic…like you really had to obey!! Creepy!! Now that I know this, I really want him out too!!! *shudders*
As for tonight…I think Wil is going home but I really hope it turns around somehow and it’s Joe!!! Last nite, he once again didn’t wash after peeing, with several witnesses whispering about it in the BR. Then they watched as he dipped his finger into the mayo and ate it! EWWWWWWW!!!! I can’t take anymore of the ICK factor! Then, they were playing a name a TV show game.(At least this year’s group plays games together..and in the LR!! Can’t remember other years doing that and it’s at least entertaining!) Anyway, Joe is so STUPID that , even if he managed to come up with a name, it was a MOVIE and not a TV show!! I just can’t take it anymore!!! HOW did he ever get on this show???
SO..I vote to evict……Dirty, Dumb JOE!!!!!
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IS IT JUST ME – why dont one of the hg just pull joe aside and tell him why they are grossed out by him – tell him to stop yelling, telling tall tales, playing pocket pool at nite – and his hygiene – come on guys, grow a pair!
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Dirty Joe needs to be sent home immediately. What he does is so nasty. unforgiveable!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I can’t believe these houseguests haven’t evicted him already. They’ve known about his nasty lack of handwashing habit since the beginning and yet they let him cook for them. Fecal matter in food can be deadly!!!!! Grow up people
As for Booger. I find him entertaining. I’m rooting for Dan to win again this year and Britney to come in second. If it wasn’t for the coaches, this season would be a complete bust. I do like Ian though. Wouldn’t mind if he happened to win the big prize and shock em all
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Macy….I have been saying that a long time now. If I was in that house I be telling this guy to wash your dame hands before you touch my food! maybe they’ll all too lazy and nobody wants to cook so they just let the guy do whatever he wants. I would certainly tell him or I would just cook my own food and if they ask me why I’d say you got dirty hands man when you leave the bathroom you should wash your hands and don’t touch my food. I hope all of this is coming out okay I’m using my Dragon dictate talk about hands mine are not working so well I have certain health problems like do use a lot of cut-and-paste I’m sorry about that I think now that I got this up and running and It can tell my New York accent I’m doing much better at it đ as for tonight goes I do hope that Wil is the one that will be evicted.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So far so good! okay we have some sun out there today! My wife just asked me to go for a swim in the pool. See you all soon….
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Wil joins Danielle in the bathroom and tells Wil that he doesnât want to give Frank the satisfaction of sending him home. Danielle thinks it doesnât look good and she thinks it will be a tie vote. And we all know who frank is going to vote out so no news there .Wil says that he doesnât want to give Frank the satisfaction of sending him out the door.Sounds familiar sort of like willie with 2 lls, i wonder if wllies name ever comes up and if so do they dare admit that he was right on target and how much more different the game woul have been if they had listened. Queen Danielle says that she doesnât want Wil to leave. Wil says its okay I donât want to be here if people donât want me here. Itâs only three more weeks anyways. Wil asks what the name of the guy she likes is, Trey? Danielle says yeah trey Gorman. Wil says lets write it down with nail polish. Danielle says yeah letâs make him something. They grab a box and go back to the bathroom. Big Brother cuts the live feeds. (They are getting in trouble for writing something) When they come back, Danielle heads to the kicks bedroom and puts a piece of card board in a big brother bag. She leaves and Big Brother tells her to center her mic. Wil says theyâre after you today. Danielle says yeah itâs Thursdayâs crew, I didnât even say anything, i guess the bb staff is sick of her moaning and groaning, like a seesaw up for shane, down for try, then up for trey , down for shane. Am i the only one who finds her annoying, there is no ego in her family she has it all, I swear they get theses hgs from craigs list.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------well, looks like adioa, saynora, ciao to the fabio wanna be. even better i would love a double eviction, and i fear the newbies are going to be picked off one by one.and they will never have a clue what happened. i hate to say this but more then likely the final 2 standing will be boogers and dan, however if any of them r smart (lmao) they would take joe since no one will vote for him as he has done less then nil. memory serves me that at the end of the game bb tell the jury not to vote personal but who played the best game. In closing all i have to say to trey gorman is run forrest run
ciao till later hugs to all my darlings
m and sometimes (but not today) mm
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new page up fellow bloggers
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------follow the yellow brick road ……………………………………………………..>
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Star, your post cracked me up. Especially the nightmare.
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@hpr56 …….sorry about your brother.
nice comment tho up above. let ppl be who they are if they’re not hurting
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------anyone. you can’t please everyone. so many ppl judge other’s on looks instead of actions.
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