Clean page. Not much to say. Waiting for the big finale! Have a great weekend. Bloggergal
Big Brother 14 Saturday Update
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Clean page. Not much to say. Waiting for the big finale! Have a great weekend. Bloggergal
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GO IAN! Kick some Dan ass!
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That would make my day if Dan lost, go IAN
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FROM THE GRAPEVINE, Dan says that Ian thinks he has made a bunch of big moves but he hasn’t done s**t.(I think Dan is the one full of Sh#t) Dan tells her about the face morph competition during his season. Danielle tells him that she has been studying the memory wall photos. She tells him that she has a photographic memory.(oh another one of her talents, I cant keep track)Danielle tells Dan that she thinks he may win the game again. Danielle says that she doesn’t think people in the jury house will look at him like a bad guy.(then why dont you get rid of Dan if you want to win,Dan is so full of himself right now). Dan isn’t so sure and tells her that it is so difficult to win this game once, let alone win it twice.
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I want so bad for Ian and Danielle to open there eyes and really make the move of the season by evicting Dan. Now that would be epic given what has happened this season.
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Go Ian! Danielle is an insecure wreck. Double-dealing Dan needs to lose. Open up your eyes and Go Ian!
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Dan Ian F2!!!
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@JAKE, I am with you on that one,BUT I think Ian has drank to much kool-aid, Dan talked him to throwing the first HOH, and is going to try and get him to throw the 3th HOHto him, and Dan has Dani trying to get him to thow the 2nd one they play today, I hope he wakes up.
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I’m not a Dan hater I actually think he has played everyone brilliantly. But it would really be epic if Danielle took Ian to f2 and Danielle wins…omg But of course Danielle would never do that to her precious “coach” as Dan continuously refers to himself. WAKE UP Danielle there are no coaches just hg’s. just sayin’
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How can there be so many Dan supporters, I’m reading, it’s just a game, he did what he had to do to get to the end, it only shows the decline of morals in our society, its not ok to swear on a bible, something holy and sacred, and Dan should really be aware of this fact since he is a coach that works at a catholic school, even if he has the morals of a gutter rat, out of respect for the catholic school he works for, he should use better judgement, hopefully ST. MARY’S School board officials will reprimand if not dismiss this gutter rat for his actions, I’m just a saying… Wake up America, Pits off !!!!!
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No news on round 2?
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@Shadee, they play it today
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Its Saturday …6:45.. what am I doing up?
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@tony It is just a game and is defined by lying and backstabbing and getting to the end however one can. In real life I couldn’t imagine this behavior , not even for half a mil but in a game show anything goes. Still would get a kick out of Danielle breaking thru the mist and going to the end after ousting Dan would just be so epic.
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My advice to any BB participant would be to keep in mind all the time that only one person wins this game. In a perfect world an oath on the Bible would always be upheld. Sadly, we can not rely on that. I imagine a BB game played with only honest people would be pretty boring. I am just a simple south Alabama boy and I find I get burned when people make promises they do not keep so…I like to watch BB but would be a real lousy player.
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awww I would be a lousy player too because I’m just tooo damn old lol
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Ty hillbilly!
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Rooting for Ian! No comment on Slimy Dan. Dani needs take off her rose colored glasses!
Don’t know if that will work!?!
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Ha, looks like it did!!
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Reposted from yesterday/this morning:
OK, I hope I can remember everything I had written in the blog before my laptop skipped back to the last post and erased my comments!
I will probably get jumped on for this but here goes!
I’m not the most religious person but I do believe the Lord is a forgiving man! We must remember this is a “game” and the rules say nothing about lying and most players do it. Dan pushed the envelope and kept himself in the game with a little help with the aid of some unbelievably naïve people.
Dan has played a game in the format of another villain, Russell Hantz, and will more than likely suffer the same fate because of his social game. They both played the best “game” but pissed off the other players!
We (including myself) also have seemed to prejudged these people we don’t know personally by the way they behaved in a locked up house with the amenities we all take for granted every day! The metal aspect of being locked up is unimaginable and takes a toll on the mind. Trust in these games should be thin and a preserve your own ass first be the way to play. Dan did preserve his ass by playing on other peoples trust in a game for ½ million bucks. Much can be said for the naivety of these people, however, I do believe we have free will and are able to make our own judgments
All that aside, we must admit that this has finally captured the attention of its viewing audience, and the amazing amount of comments this year.
So, whether you hate the way Dan is playing, you must admit he has entertained us this season and will be remembered the game he played!!!
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At this point I wish Ian could win first and second
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------place.. I just don’t think I can stand to see Dan
or Dipnelle win anything.
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Hey, luvs2shootpic…(I do believe we have free will and are able to make our own judgments) I believe this is tru for everyone inside or outside the BB house except Danielle who has been misted and is about to drink the
But I’m still hanging onto hope by a thin thread. WAKE UP DANIELLE!!!
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I wish I could walk into the house and tell Dani and Ian whats really going on.
I think Dan did well in his original season. Can not take him this time around.
He has already won the money once he does not need to again.
I wish I could have told Dani what he was going to do to Shane.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------She is so blind to Dan.
Ian is just young and has no idea about the real world he has spent too much time studying and does not get the real world is a cold hard place.
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oh I don’t like Dan this season and I know the jury does not like Dan eother, but who ever goes to the F2 with Dan I do think the other person would win ~ i hope Ian will win ~ Danielle IMO is a really scary person. si GO IAN WIN IT ALL even the 25,000.00
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Team Ian all The way!!!!!
Yes it’s just a game but than is not entertaining just like Russell he’s more like a sociopath.
So since I watch or more fast forward what’s the point if I can’t stand watching him?
Or hearing Danielle’s fake voice?
So whatever happens in the end I usually don’t remember who won but more who they are as people.
Like Evil Dick was fun to watch and we knew he was “acting” he would come out of character once in a while . Dan looks like he needs a psychological eval ASAP .
Danielle, she ‘ll grow up and maybe her forced voice will go and we won’t see her again
Go Ian !!!!!
I respect your game IAN
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oops EITHER not eother
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------oops SO not si
not awake fully yet having coffee now
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Oops not
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Than but Dan
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I fail to see what Ian has done that is so spectacular to make people think he played a great game. His big move in the game was the 3 weeks he was a double agent but, that’s about all he’s done stratedgy wise in my opinion. Dan has whooped some tail this season and played the game to its full potential.
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Being a “double agent” was good for Ian’s game as he didn’t get caught at it… and the quack pack carried him for the info. He has won comps and made it to th f3. He must’ve done something right, cause now both Dan and Danielle are worried he could win it all. However I do agree Dan has “whooped some tail this season”. And I still believe Danielle has pulled her weight (no pun intended). I really like her and hope she wins.
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@MM, well I went to the grapevine and posted what I could, but the HGs are still a sleep. so I took the rest of the grapes and made some wine. am off to play some games now.
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OK so Dani and Ian have won comps. Dan on the other hand has thrown comps and looked in the camera and acted like a total idot and not much more.
He has the advantage of having played and won and he’s older than the other two who looked up to him.
Anyways, i get it just a game but i have watched or fast forwarded as of 2 seasons ago all 14 seasons and who cares right?
But when it comes down to it, that’s a lot of money so sure back stabing matters and since Dan has pissed off everyone it does matter a lot in the end,
Please BB no more “old” guests !!!!!!!!!!!
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Nice write up Snake. I absolutely agree.
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Dan & Ian F2!!!
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Dan played everyone really good. He should be a used car salesman. The way he did it was despicable but he did it. Danielle didn’t play such a bad game but she made the same stupid move that everyone else did and that was to believe Dan. The same goes for Ian. He played a very good game until he let Dan make moves for him. It all boils down to Dan played the best game but I find it very hard to have an ounce of respect for him. If I were in the Jury, I would not vote for him.
As for not liking the some of the players and all the criticizing of them, I think we all need to take a good look in the mirror before opening our mouths about other people.
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@Sylvie and i quote
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“So whatever happens in the end I usually don’t remember who won but more who they are as people’brillant u said an entire blog in wait let me count here 19 words BRAVO I GIVE U A STANDING OVATION well u said and again i repeat in 19 that i would have said but would have taken me at least 19 paragraphs 🙂
i remember season 1 a guy what a leg problem won forgot name
i recall evel dick winning forget what season but loved him then and now i recall rachel winnng and agreed she did deserve it but did not like nor respect her in her first season, so i guess i will remember who wins this one,
so yes sylvie i totally agree, txs for new page bbgal and hillbilly txs for grapeine update, will do fly by later maybe will meet hillbilly at the vine and may have more to report big hugs to all who commented before me i love we all have diff opinions and can say them without fear of getting into it lol
hugs my darlings
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I have loved Dan’s game this season. He went into the game knowing he couldn’t play the same game twice (unlike Russell Hantz).
Ian kept saying he hoped to spend more than one night in the jury house, I thought he seemed disappointed Shane got voted out instead! Ian has always said he was there for the full experience.
Dan and Dani F2! Dan wins.
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Happy Saturday to Everyone. Just posting to receive emails and now I’ll go read.
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Danielle says that she wouldn’t be sure about doing another season of Big Brother because she could never find a partner like Dan again. (u have said a mouthful there honey buns)
Dan asks Danielle if she would come back to the game with Shane? Danielle says that she wouldn’t want to come back with him. Danielle says that in the game she can’t imagine trusting someone as much as she trusts Dan.(sip sip more kool aid it is a wonder she is not choking on her words)
Dan says that if it weren’t for the coaches twist he wouldn’t have believed he could have found someone to trust as much as he trusted Memphis.(translation or he could not con as many people as he has and survived thus far)
Danielle tells Dan that she cares so much for him and that is why she got so mad earlier. (lmao here)
Dan tells her she needs to be careful because she can’t play this game emotionally. (and no one knows this better then dan for sure for sure)
Dan mentions that he thought Shane was going to hit him when he got evicted. Danielle says that he wouldn’t have done that.(nah shane has more class he will get the knife out of his back when be votes NO if dan in the final 2)
Danielle tells Dan that she thinks he may win the game again. Danielle says that she doesn’t think people in the jury house will look at him like a bad guy
(excuse me for a moment i had to pick myself up from the floor fell over from lmao)
. Dan isn’t so sure and tells her that it is so difficult to win this game once, let alone win it twice.(he has the devil in his pocket so he is counting on a win)
Danielle says that she prays that the second part of the HOH is the face morph competition. She says that she knows that she can beat Ian at it. Dan says if Ian win it he is going to high five Ian in front of her. Dan tells her to asks why I am so happy? Dan tells her that she has to make Ian think that I got you to trust me again. Dan tells her to tell Ian that if he takes Dan to the final two that Dan will have her vote and she will tell Shane to vote for Dan too. Dan tells Danielle to really be angry.(all the while dan is refilling her kool aid tumbler sized glass and now her eyes r glazed and drool is starting to come down the sides of her mouth appears to be orange must be orange kool aid this morning)
Danielle tells him she can do that, she says that she will make it really awkward in the house
that is if for now fellow bloggers my morning addiction has arrived in form of pumpkin latte and i am off to enjoy it, later my darlings
sip sip my starbucks hell with kool aid do not think i will ever have it again did not like it before and for sure do not like it now it will be henceforth be called the new jim jones juice
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Hi Everyone! I just re watched the end of the last show. Is it just me or did anyone seem bothered by the way they allowed Shane to hear Dan speak to Dani and give the reason he sent Shane packing? His “gameplay ” being exposed or when he stated the votes counted in the jury house for her? How he did it to further her game? They normally pan back to Julie for the questions, but it seemed like a long time before they did that. Or the obvious questions she is asking all the booted jury house guest this season? It may just be me, but it seems they are so blatant on trying to tell them what to think about. Is CBS really that desperate to change the outcome? Just me wondering. Can’t wait for next week and yet, don’t want it all to end… typical woman. I want it all. lol Enjoy your weekend!
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@Gene, loved your post. I would make a terrible player too. Prolly banging everyone over the head with frying pan might get me kicked out. I believe Dan only swore on the bible when he was explaining to Frank about the Quack Pack and said what I’m about to tell you is true and I swear on…He swore on everything. Dumb but effective.
Sal, great post. I agree the Russell-Dan comparison. But for some reason we could see some vulnerability in Russell’s eyes, Rachelle and ED at times but Dan is just stone cold. I know that doesn’t change the fact that he’s played a stellar game but something is amiss IMHO. Doesn’t mean he shouldn’t win even tho I don’t want him to. 🙂
Sylvie & mm, wow I agree. Said it all in 19 words. I remember season one too the guy only had one leg and I don’t remember his name and it’s the same about the others you mentioned. Remember some names but not the season.
Princess, good to see you again. 🙂
As for everyone wanting Ian and Dani to wake up and realize that Dan is playing them, well, we must be drinking kool aid. Because like them, we hope, but it’s ain’t working. Looks like Dan’s mist is working on us too. Ok, I’ll go drink my kool aid now. lol
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W all that Koolaid thing Dani would have a sugar rush but nope
Dan Is covering every angle and lying to Dani again
Sorry need to go throw up…. Dan you sicken me
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mm, well sweetie, you said it all. Yours wasn’t posted before I finally finished typing. Great Update. Thank you my dear!!
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common sense isn’t common.
and yes ppl..we all have free will…even Hitler.
I’d not swear on anything. yet still lie all through the game. Dan’s lying isn’t what is bothering me. It’s the dirty way he’s using something sacred..the word of God to us. ok so laugh at me and i promise you no amount of money will be worth it…….in the end. You don’t take something ppl actually respect (ppl seeing Dan swearing on the Bible, his marriage and so on so that makes them believe him) ppl…………..that does not take any talent. So if the money means so much to do something that really IS wrong and not just a game how can he deserve it?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It’s the world’s view if it gets you what you want it’s ok……as i said..common sense is not common. Not even in here.
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Maybe Dan’s thinking is in time people will forget and forgive???
I have watched only the last couple seasons. Will the Jury vote for the best gamer? Will they really be able to put all personal feelings aside? If I was in the Jury, I would not forget. Maybe that is how the woman will vote but not the men????
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@ tendr – I agree with you 100%. Lying is a part of the game but sacred things such as the Bible, your wife/marriage, and dead Grandfather’s necklace just went too far for me. There is no way to play this game without lying and that is expected but do it with a little dignity. I don’t understand how someone who carries his Bible with him could even think of doing what he did let alone doing it. I would not be able to sleep at night.
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does anyone really believe Dan is reading the bible in the house, it’s has a cover and you cannot see the the name of the book he’s reading at least i hope you can still read the HOLY BIBLE in public. Any news on the 2nd part of the HOH game yet? will be waiting, can’t get the feeds, live in the woods, still have oh so slow dial up internet !!! i could scream. welcome peeps saw some new names.
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Can someone help me figure out Danielle?
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me!
Fool me over a dozen times, who gets the shame? 😯
Linda V – I did notice that Shane was able to see Dan talking to Danielle after he was evicted. I was so hoping that Shane would think Danielle was in on the blindside! Julie always shows the goodbye’s from the remaining HG’s, but last night there were none. I am not sure why we didn’t see them, but maybe this is normal, as the game is coming to an end. I just don’t remember if that happened at the end of other seasons.
Go Dan/Ian!!!
Thanks for the grapevine updates MM!!
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I think it was Sal who said Dan would probably endure the same fate (publicity wise) that Russell did because he’s playing a similar game. I never thought about the game but your right Sal. Dan is using other players to do his dirty work and doing it masterfully all the while throwing comps. He has a distinct advantage over these youngins tho and that’s his life experience and he’s using it to the max. He’s manipulating them to thinking he’s the only one they can trust and they believe him over and over. Even to the point that he’s become the villain to us. However, he will most likely go down as the best player of BB. We have to admit, or I do, that he’s outgamed everyone. I just don’t care much for his devious mean methods.
Gotta go to a wedding dress fitting for my daughter. See ya all later.
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Sal I like the was you put things ❗
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you all for the up dates & the well wishes…. I am doing so much better going to PT 3 times a week, Still hurting but that comes with old age 😆 Hope to be back with some comments of my own soon….. Thanks again
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Good afternoon y’all. I love this country. ……………………….
Where else can we all watch the same show and see different things and then be allowed to voice our opinions which range widely and go from tame to downright irate!
I respect everyones opinion even if I don’t agree on it.
Dans play is such a subject, he made the most controverial move in thinBB history and will pay for it in spades, whether good or bad!
I think swearing on the bible or your family is ethical but it’s not as bad as cheating on the bible or your family.
People swear on the bible everyday in court and I’m sure they don’t all tell the truth. In court it is punishable by law. Dan’s punishment will be the Jury’s vote not our opinions.
This has to be one of the best blogging groups on the internet. So, when your opinion differs with someone elses, at least respect them and just offer yours. I like a peaceful crowd!!!!
@Betty …. I don’t think we’ll ever understand Danielle’s ignorance of the facts know why she doing what she is doing.
Ian seems to trust Dan because of the fact that Dan “seems” to listen to Ian and talk about his condition and want to understand the whys and whatfors of the disease. Dan has treated Ian like a little brother at times and I think that is why Ian believes he will go F2 with Dan.
Good day y’all
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@Bobo …. I believe you said you were in the service, who, what, where and when? Is your therapy because of something that happened while you were in the service?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I served in the Navy from 72 – 76
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.I think swearing on the bible or your family
is ethicalbut it’s not as bad as cheating on the bible or your family (should be isn’t ethical!)Support our blog by signing up for the BB22 Live Feeds via CBS All Access
@sal great post how come as I was reading your post i pictured a cowboy high up on a horse telling the angry townspeople how it should be in a cool calm quiet voice just like clint eastwood in his spaghetti western movies
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and then u calmly end with tipping your cowboy hat as u say
Good day y’all as you ride away into the sunset
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Sal Yes I am a combat wounded Army Veteran, I still was able to keep a job for 31 years until things started to go down hill! I took a retirement package which worked out well for me, I have been able to Freelance from home ❗ I was in the service from 1966 to 1969… I was with the 25th. Infantry Division In a place Called Cu Chi from 67 to almost 69 The end off Oct.1 968 so just short of 1969, they sent me home a few weeks early! There is a book called the Tunnels of Cu Chi 😆 Yes the Army built one of the largest base camps over the largest tunnel complexes in all of South East Asia! They give tours there now 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some of the things wrong with me are from Agent Orange, Other stuff is just fast living….& Old age 😆 I gues that might be a little TMO So that’s about some of my story …
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After I heard Shane talk to Julie I have a better opinion of him. He didn’t do a lot of talking in the house. Everyone else seems to be telling him what to do instead. Frank has a lot of company when it comes to being gullible. I don’t know that I would trust anybody but when push comes to shove, you have to align with somebody even if they are a BS’er.
Ian does not have a disease. He has a condition which he has learned to live with. My son and daughter have ADHD. My son could not sit still for anything and my daughter was not nearly as bad. In general, guys seem to have more outward symptoms than the girls. My son took medication for a while and then after having his appendix out started hallucinating when he went on the meds again. That was the end of the meds. The teachers hated he wasn’t medicated but these kids have a lot to offer since they are usually very smart if not gifted. So what that they interrupt, speak out of turn, make noises, don’t stop moving, etc. I guess it’s easier to tolerate when you know, like and/or love them.
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Dan tells the internet to please make a photo of Danielle and Shane on the Titanic with Shane falling over the edge and me in the back ground with the veto around my neck. (i guess sticking the knife in shanes back was not enough now he is also keep sticking the knife in danis heart yet again what a guy)
Danielle tells Dan he is horrible. (so dani what r u going to do about it? wait let me guess have dan pour you yet another tumbler full of i believe todays flavor of kool aid is orange)
Dan says please make a photo of Danielle’s and Shane’s face on the movie cover of Betrayal with me dropping the veto in on it. (ouch even i can feel the knife going in deeper into dani, wish it were sticking into her little pea brain but guess it is the size of an ameba so dan could not even find it if he wanted to)
Danielle says I didn’t betray anyone. (no u r just stupid and as forrest gump says STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES!)
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Got to run to the store I won 500 bucks on a 2 dollar scratch off ❗ Woo-Hoo see you later….
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MORE FROM THE GRAPEVINE, just when I thought All the grapes were gone there they all( guess its from all the SH#T) Danielle says that she is innocent, she has a hallow over her head. (dont forget the zits)Dan says that she isn’t innocent she might have a hallow around her head but it has two red horns sticking through it.(dont forget her tail) Dan tells her that she acts like she has two pair off suit, when really she is holding four aces. Danielle doesn’t know what he means.(surprise, surprise) Dan tries to explain that she acts like she has the worst hand when really she is holding the best hand.(here have some more kool-aid) Danielle is still confused.(drink some more) Danielle tells Dan that she is getting offended by what he is saying. She asks him if he means she has a good poker face.(and zits) Dan says that she has fooled people into thinking she is one thing when she is really another. Danielle asks Dan if he really thinks she pretends to be a nice person.(you think) Dan says no but I think you are capable of Dan like things. Danielle agrees. I think Dan should get rid of his wife and marry Dani, wouldnt that be a pair, they could go on tv and sell snakeoil.
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One more from the grapevine Dan and Ian are in the kitchen looking at all the ants. Dan starts spraying all around the fridge. Dan says “You can run but you can’t hide!” Ian says that he thinks he knows where they are coming from, the mound beside the hot tub. Dan says we should defecate on it.( and then you will have all the flies) I wished they would do the next HOH.
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Well not much to say I but Iran and Dani need to talk she need to tell Iran what Dan done. Clueless lies lies but what can you say Part of the Game !!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well using the bible come a clue that a person lies. You would this is the end of the final wake up don’t take chance to loose because a person tells you give him hoh. what on might be young come on wake up!!!!
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I have no idea if this link will work or if someone else has posted it before.
Shane’s interview with Jeff…
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to starr, bobo,and fellow bloggerss:
I’m writing to let you knowof the passing of my sister Hannah, she passed
away late tuesday night. She never truly recovered from her head injuries
and kept on having seizures for days. Finally, on tuesday afternoon she had one that she never came back from.
I wish to thank everyone again for their prayers and best wishes they mean
alot to our family.
Hannah really loved big brother and this blog, she appreciated the conversations and insights you all shared.
Again thanks again for everything, and my hope that you will all get well and
stay well.
Peace and Love to you all
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@Betty…The link works So I’ll say ty for everyone who needs it…I’ve already seen the interview 🙂
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Maryann, my heart goes out to you and your family. Your sister was so special and we will all miss her. I’m sorry for what you’re going through. It’s horrible and prayers will be said for you and your family. I firmly believe Hannah is watching us and bb and always will be until we all meet again. God bless you.
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Well our friends in th BB House just had In and Out burgers, and they are delighted. They also got a couple of games to play. Backgammon and maybe 1 or 2 other games. Had no instructions for Backgammon so production put some in the storage room for them…Happy little hampsters now lol
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So sorry to hear if Hanna’s passing
Sending you love and prayers
Please extend my condolences to your family
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Maryann, my heart goes out to you and your family. My heart aches for you. For the short time we knew Hannah, she was truly one of the special ones. You have many prayers and blessings coming your way. I’m so so sorry for your families loss of Hannah!
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Maryann, please accept my deepest and most sincere condolences on the passing of your beloved sister. It truly puts this game in perspective and if we, your fellow blogmates can offer any comfort at this time we are more than willing to do so.
Whatever your faith is, may the God of your understanding grant you His peace.
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Maryann i am at a loss for words the short time we knew hannah we really enjoyed her and i know i can speak for all of us she was a joy to know, i will miss her a lot,in fact just last nte i asked if anyone had seen a blog from her as we only heard i think was one blog from her after she got out of the hospital and i was getting a bit concerned it was not like her to miss commenting. there were so many comments i thought i had missed hers
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------my prayers and condolences go out to you and the family, she will be missed u take care
ciao with hugs to you and your family
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Maryann, I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers and condolences are with you and your family.
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I just watched the Jeff and Shane interview. Shane has a lot to say. Why was he so quiet in the house? He looks like Ricky Nelson. Anybody remember him?
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Maryann, I am so sorry about you and your families loss, condolences on the passing of your sister.
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@Maryann, honey I’m so very, very, sorry to hear of your tragic loss. I lost my sister in June. I understand the devestation, shock, disbelief, and overwhelming pain. I am just so sorry for you and your entire family, May God Keep You and Bless You All, much love, peace, and prayers your way.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Deeply saddened.
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here is the Jeff and Shane interview
He is very talkative, what happened?
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@Maryann I just received an email from @Betty telling me of Hannah’s passing. I am so sorry. I’m a bit speechless and don’t know what to say. (((hugs))) to your family.
Bloggergal as Tribute could we not allow anyone to post as Hannah. Kind of when there is a fallen Soldier in Sports they retire their Number? It would be a great tribute.
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Prayers to Hanna’s family and friends.
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My thoughts and prayers are with you, Maryann and to Hannah and her family. She will be missed. 🙁
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@Maryann oh so sorry to here about Hannah, she was so liked on here and will truly be missed. my prayers go to you and your family, if there is anything I can do let me know.
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Maryann, I’m so sorry for the loss of your sister. I am sending prayers and good thoughts to your family. We become attached to fellow bloggers and I am so sad for the loss of Hannah.
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Sorry for your loss, BUT, this is a site for BB comments…..Please keep that in mind when making posts on BB…..I have enough death and such in my family, I don’t need to hear about it from strangers regarding strangers. Please keep your posts to BB SHIT.
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Please extend my condolences to your family Maryann! I am so sorry to hear this news, as I am sure everyone here feels the same way with my prays and ♥ to you and yours…… With much Love my friend…. Bobovnvet!
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@Maryann I am so very sorry to here about Hannah passing away. She was really liked on here and will truly be missed. Prayers & thoughts go to you and your family.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MUCH LOVE & BIG HUGS,
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hello everyone:
I am writing to that you all for your kind words about my mom, Hannah
My aunt called and asked to logon to the computer and read your blog.
I read your kind words to both my dad and my two brothers and we truly
appreciate your thought about our mom.
Mom loved big brother and during the seasons we would rib her about her
obession with the show. She loved blogging with you guys, and felt a kind of kinship with you all. I see now that mom had good people to chat about her love of the game, and I’m grateful to you all for that.
I wish you all the best and thanks for being her friend
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Just watched Shane’s interview and yes her was chatty cathy. Prolly said more in that half hour than he did during an entire day on BB. He’s not a happy camper anymore than Frank is. Will never speak to Dan again and doesn’t care if he ever sees him again says a lot about how he feels about Dan.
Just waiting to hear from you all about the 2nd phase of this HOH comp. I doubt Ian would tank this one especially if he really did tank the first part for Dan. Ian really trusts Dan and that’s too bad. Wait until he sees the feeds and knows how many times Dan was trying to get him out. I think his feelings will be hurt but he’ll buck up and realize it’s a game.
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Oh Amy, thank you for your post! I just lost my mom too and my heart goes out to you, your dad, your brothers and your entire family. Just take it one day at a time and support each other. What a sweetheart your mom was and always so kind. Sending prayers of support for you all.
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MARYANNE my prayer to God is that he will give you peace at heart and solice in the fact that hannah is in good hands now
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i have a housefull tonite – so will be in and out – these peops around here dont understand bb – i cant understand why they cant!
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Maryland my thoughts go out to you and your family. I know where you are at because i lost both my parents three days apart and still having problems dealing with it. It does get better but just takes time.
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Ok, I’ve had enough of this hot weather. Driving along the coast today, about 50 yards from the ocean, it was 95 friggin degrees. No respite at the beach but I can’t imagine what it’s like just 10 to 15 miles inland. Jane, how ya doin my friend. Cookin I’ll bet! It’s time for fall already. I’ve lived in Dana Point since ’75 and I don’t remember it ever being this hot, ever!
@Jane, wasn’t that email re Hannah from mm?
I’m too lazy to go up and look but someone is using Iran as Ian’s name. It’s Ian. Justafyi
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any news on the 2nd part of the comp?
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I guess the HOH will be on LFs tonight, I know they let the HGs sleep most of the day
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Yes ! in West LA and so freakin hot
Was in BH this morning 98!
SM is like 95 ????? Vally 102???
Enough ! I can’t believe the HG’s don’t mention the heat in Burbank, maybe it fried their brains .
About Shane he was apparently refraining in the BB house, he wants to see more of Dani and seems like he won’t be holding back.
Yep, he now hates Dan and didn’t even pack his suitcase since he was sure he was a pawn. Now we all know that pawns get backdoored usally, so there.
He was Mr 2012 for hotest man in his state that’s how BB found him
he hasn’t slept since he left house, i guess his brain is waking up and reality setting in.
So he says he doesn’t care if he ever sees or speak (can’t remember) to Dan again…bla bla bla
He won’t stop talking, yes he was laying low !
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I am sad for you and the loss of a person I never met.
This page is fun, healing and great people gather here. It has made a profound difference in my life when I was at my worse 2 years ago.
Amy I wish i could do something to ease your pain.
All I can do is send you and your family love and prayers.
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Tip to anyone playing this game in the future:
If you are in an alliance, the first person to suggest blindsiding one of your other alliance members (unless there is some real cause to do so like you think or have caught them in a second alliance) and it’s before you get down to where there are no other players but your alliance, then you should seriously consider blindsiding that member since they’ve shown they are not loyal to the alliance.
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Yes saw that a few days ago Iran for Ian
Do i sniff another foreigner like me on this blog?
I couldn’t help but wonder who Hannah was hoping to see in F2 🙁
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@Maryann – I saddened to hear of your loss. I know there’s not much I can say to lessen your grief except to let you know my heart aches at your loss and I’ll pray for you and your family.
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@amy, bless you and your family we are going to miss your mom but she did have a lot of fun blogging as did we. We are all a lot richer for having known her
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Maryann & Amy, I am so sorry to hear such sad news. I will pray for peace and strength for all of you. May she dance with Angels and watch over her friends and family. How lucky you must be to have had her in your lives. Rest in Peace Hannah.
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Sylvie, Where in WLA do you live or is it SM. I grew up in Santa Monica and went to Samohi a long, time ago. 🙂 This weather is unbelievable and not a breeze in sight! My poor dog wants to go out for a walk and then we go and he’s miserable. I just let him chase the water from the hose. Such fun.
The HGs must be cooking in Burbank if that’s where they are. Someone wondered why they haven’t said much about the heat. They’ve got to be hot!
Well, since there’s nothing else to talk about and I seem to be alone here I’ll tell you about my day. Went with my daughter for the first fitting of her wedding gown. God, gorgeous. She’ll be beautiful of course. Then she tells me I have to get something new for the bridal shower they are having for her plus something new for the rehearsal dinner. Now, my daughter, the athlete, wouldn’t even wear a dress growing up. I donated dresses with tags on them. She told me there will be no shower and no fussy rehearsal dinner because she doesn’t want too much fuss. But now I have to buy new outfits for each of those things. I know someone besides me, her mother, told her she would have both a shower and a rehearsal dinner. Prolly her Maid of Honor. Go figure.
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@ Starfish
Leave off Barrington in BTWD, I know your school 🙂
As you know SM is a few blocks away passed Bundy Dr
Yes my dogs do the same they want to go out then run back in, they just don’t understand.
I love weddings 🙂 have fun
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Update*** @6:54pm BBT….HOH Part 2….Started.. !!!!!!!!… 🙂
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Dan and Ian decide to play Jenga,
Ian says there is juice on the table they should clean up. ( hhhmmm can it be the dreaded kool aid we have been talking about???)
Dan : “Jungle Juice Danielle” (impersonating Frank) (dan u can call it what u want but we know better)
Ian does a pretty solid impersonation of Frank
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ian: “Jungle juice Dan and Zebra cake chris.. (even if they call it jungle juice it will always be kool aid to me)
cia for now
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DO ANY OF U THINK DANIELLE WILL TRY SOMETHING TO GET OVER ON DAN? THIS GUY, I SWEAR – its her age and lack of wisdom – i would have seen through it weeks ago – that is why janelle left so early – she wouldve caught on – but he waited til boogs and janie left to turn on the dan mist – brit knew it too – freaking 5th graders danilelle and ian………….
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macy if these 2 have not see it yet doubt very much they willsee it now there is no hope i keep looking everywhere i can think of for news of comp 2 but so far no go more then likely on bbad
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MM – those sunny beaches
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macy did your company leave?
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@Sylvie, of course, I know exactly where Barrington is but what is BTWD?
@HoH8, finally. Thank you!
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mm & Macy, nope I agree with you guys. The kool aid is very strong and has mashed their brains.
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MM – they have left – now got to get the teenager in the shower – off the freaking phone
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im gonna go take off my makeup – lay down and wait for bbad – if its like it has been lately – im prolly gonna get some good shut eye ‘luvs
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nite macy take care n will c u tomorrow sleep well my friend
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@*fish i think there is no hope for these guys so sad would love to hve been just newbies
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------what color dress r u looking for it is so exciting to be mom of the bride
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@maryanne and amy, so sorry for your lose. I didn’t really know Hannah, but from the post I read, she seamed to be an amazing person.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------my heart goes out to you and your family.
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As for the final 3, what can I say…..OMG….watching dani tell dan and ian she never lied….WHAT….WAS I NOT WATCHING BB14….what show was she on…..DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO TELL WHEN DAN AND DANI ARE LYING? When they open their mouths.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I know dans playing a game and he was swearing on the bible…but he only swore to tell the truth about the quack pack. HOWEVER.. picking a girl with no self asteam, he knew he could manupulate her and that’s a kind of person I just have no respect for. And she has such a crush on dan that he should have stopped it ASAP. BUT HE WILL DO ANYTHING TO WIN oops caps sorry…if I was his wife I would be a little p’ed off. Dani hugging him and running around in fron of him with her little sleeping shirt, bending over showing her butt. And he stayed by her all the time..not my husband. Even in a game he has respect for me
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************ IAN WON PART 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Danielle is Throwing a FIT…….said she will Tank the Jury and tell them NOT to vote for Ian if he takes Dan to F2…..LOL….. 🙂
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came straight to comment guess ian won
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and dani said u r making a deal with the devil
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------must be reading our blogs
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so i guess it is going as dan wants the puppet master strikes again can someone plesse tell me exactly wht he is doing i am more then confused txs hoh8 for update
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is dan trying for ian to throw the next part so he will be the one to evict dani but instead he wants to really take dani and not ian do i have it rite???
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LOL margie….who can Understand the Devil?, LOL…… 🙂
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hoh at this point i have no idea like i said earlier the less people in the house the more confused i get
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------blog is getting slower and slower for comment to go thryu and when i tried to get back on to answer u took a long time real slow is it happening to u
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HoH8, wow, thanks for the update. I’m thrilled Ian won. I just hope he doesn’t agree to throw the 3rd part to Dan. Dan’s been using the excuse to either be the one to get blood on his hands or he can’t be the one to get blood on his hands this entire game. They are gullible enough to keep falling for it. I hope Ian plays his heart out to win and he can evict whoever he wants. Why should he fall for the same thing Shane fell for. I hope he sees it.
Anyone know any more about Dan’s influence on Ian for 3rd comp?
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Ian did look at dan after the comp when they were in the bedroom and Ian was so beside himself and said – Dan, I am not going to throw the final comp.
I think Dan will face some repercussions once he gets home. Hope there’s a priest in the audience to give him absolution. God forgives. People not so much.
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Wow, thanks 2 for that update. I’m glad Ian won’t throw the comp to Dan. Love your “God forgives. People, not so much”. So true! lmao
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So dani woke up I see….finally some excitment during bbad
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@starfish Thanks for the 2~~~~ : )
I’m so glad Ian said that to Dan. I really believe somewhere Dan was pushing Ian to throw the comp…like he convinced him to throw the first comp. When they came in from the 2nd comp all was well until Dan started celebrating and Danielle saw him and asked what that was about. But Dan told Dani to act like he was mad at him some time ago. So is she acting or not? Ian got upset because Dani was mad and yelling. Then DAni says she’s not mad at Dan. she’s mad at Ian. WHAT?????? Didn’t she get bent out of shape for having Dan play the game “at the expence of her emotions”? So here they are both tromping on Ian’s emotions. The guy is upset, and it’s not pretty to watch. Makes me want to help him if I could. If Ian takes Dani to F2, he’ll lose. Frank hates Ian for Boogiegate and Ashley will vote however he tells her to. Brit told Dani to do everything she could to win on the eve of her eviction, but she may still have a soft spot for Ian. Shane hates Dan and I don’t even think Dani can convince him to vote for Dan. Joe will follow Shane’s lead.
Shane/Joe will vote for Dani. Brit – Dani. Frank/Ashley – Dani.
When will these people start comparing notes? This is the biggest bunch of suckers yet.
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Here is around 15 minutes of the LF for those who don’t have it:
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I don’t think danis a nurse….she chomps with her mouth open, coughs without covering or turning her head, and she came in from the 2nd comp covered in black soot and DID NOT wash her hands before getting food and eating…GROSS…all of that is prekindergarden 101
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Danielle and Dan all the way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooooooo Hooooooo
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Thanks Janice for the link. I watched it all and I can’t believe the ruthlessness of those two. Was it really necessary to play that mental game on Ian? They are heartless. Game or no game, this is just plain mean and absolutely not necessary. They are using his condition against him to get him all worked up so he doesn’t do well in the comp. Dan is orchestrating this and he’s a horrible person and I don’t care if it is a game, this is horrific to use Ian this way. They didn’t have to go to these lenghts to do what they want to do. There’s no compassion in either of them and I hope they pay the publicity price for it. Effing SBs and I don’t mean Southern Belles either!
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Hey Patricia, Tomi, MM, Starfish and anyone else who is still here….
What an emotional merry-go-round !!!! On our blog and on BB!!!
My condolences ,thoughts and prayers to all of Hannah’s family.I’m so sorry for your loss.
ANd BBAD is more emotional than I think I have ever seen it!!! Dani was yelling at Ian AND Dan and since the DR had been crying her eyes out!!! She looks like Death warmed over and I think she finally reaoizes she can’t trust DAN!!! REALLY???? NOW you see this??? Maybe having Shaners around was clouding her gameplay!!! The lil hearts in her eyes wer blinding her to what other people in the house were DOING> making allianaces behind her back?!!! Did she not watch BB9 ?? Or BB12??? Sheila or Brit ring a bell??? God Brit TOLD her not to take GUYS to the end cuz they’d never take HER!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It’s so hard to know who is really a REAL alliance tho. Dan is running back and forth between the two so fast that I’m getting dizzy!!!! Dan is actually thinking about throwing the 3rd part to Ian so that HE won’t have to get rid of Dani and the blood will be on Ian’s hands. There is NO doubt about it! Dan is IN this to WIN it!!!! I actualy thot for a hot minute tht he really cared about dani and was taking her so she would win. Um…..naive much,Star???LOL He is going to lie to both Dani and Ian until he comes up the winner! PERIOD! I’m not sure if this is the best or worst gaem in BB History!! Prolly get an award for BOTH!!!! lol It hasn’t been boring, that’s for sure! I honestly don;t think I have really known for 100% sure at any eviction WHO was going hoome untl they left! And now I have NO idea who’s with who or who is on second…..and DAN has been the cause of it all. Frickin amazing!!!!
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@Starfish – I agree with you completely.
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Oh ya……’shoutouts to Berry and Janice for the links. Haven;’ had time to see the interview yet about Shane..prolly will after BBAD. But love people;’s take s on it about Shane…tht he really CAN talk and that he really DOES like Dani!!! WHO KNEW??LOL And Janice..thanks for the link. I knew all of the ..have LFS ..but nive to know where MM and Mike are getting their GRAPEVINE from…BUSTED, Y’all!!! lol
@SF….Congrats, MIL to be!!;) I have been on so sporadically I think I knew but just forgot about the coming nuptuals. For sme reason I see you in light green for the wedding. SOmething like a sheath with a short jacket, possibly with lace. I love to shop!!(being quite the fashionistamyself…lol) Wish I was there to help!!! Would be my lil contribution.;) And then we could go haev WINE afterwards…lol Or mararita’s. I’m pretty
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OOPS!!!! Sorry Betty!!!lol Now I have nicknamed you and Oatricia!!lol Not on POIPUS tho….. 🙁 Mea culpa to both of you!!! LOVE YOU!!!! <3 *hugegrin*
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Hey, Star!!!!! I think you have clarified for me the Dan/Dani cloak of disgust. Playing to Ian’s weaknesses is beyond unforgivable. Don’t you wish karma was instant, like John Lennon sang? I do. Eventual karma is all fine and good, but I want to watch!!! Especially Dan and Dani. I want to see them get theirs. Know what I mean?
Last night on BBAD Dani and Dan played like little 5-year olds wrapping Ian up in toilet paper like a mummy. Ian didn’t want to but relented. As he sat there I could imagine that was how his face looked as he was bullied all through school. He was just resigned to it. The little guy can sure tug on my heartstrings.
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Hey all I am up again! Not sure why Dani is crying so much? She & Dan R faking it or what? I feel really bad for Ian….. He should win this whole thing!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Half awake but still typing 😆
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@bobo You type pretty good for being half asleep! : ) I don’t get why Dani is crying either. After she sat down and slurped up a big bowl of cereal, Dan walked by and patted her on the shoulder. Her expression didn’t change, and you’d have thought that she’d have recoiled or yelled if she were really angry with him. Maybe, bobo, she finally had a flash of smarts and realized what Dan has been doing. Nah. Danielle and smarts don’t look right in the same sentence. : ) Hope you’re feeling better!!!
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I am ty.. still have a lot of pain that is why I am up & down all night! 😕
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Going back to watch some more tv…. see you soon my dear… 🙂
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I think dan, probably would Take Ian if he got the chance, it was the same way in his season Keesha thought he would take her and he screwed her to, she didn’t take it well.
I think Danielle will be going next to jury, Poor pathetic thing, she really needs to get a clue. It really doesn’t matter Ian would win against Dan, I wouldn’t be surprised if Dan get’s 1 vote.
He was just too devious this season. he has forever ruined his chances of ever winning on another allstars. I suppose we will be constantly seeing him now, just like they constantly threw Rachel at us.
But he will Be like Russell from Survivor again, he will never win anymore. And I have to say I do like that. 😆
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Goodnight again everyone 😆 ….
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@ Maryann
I’m so sorry for hannah’s death, may she RIP, take care.
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BoBo..Dani was crying cuz she saw Dan adn Ian celebrating after ian won P2!! She didn’t know they had an allaiance. And even tho Dan is trying to keep her cool and act like he is still with her, she FINALLY doesn’t beleive him !!! Don’t feel bad for Ian. He is happy as a clam! He thinks he is guarenteed eitehr $50,000or $500,00 and is already planning ways to sepnd it!!!
Hey Pat2!!!!lol Just my lil SPIN on all of your nicknames….lol I was uncomfortable watching Ian get MUMMIEFIED last night too. especially horrified when dan wanted to use a belt to tie his legs together!! Glad IAn said NO and that it was in a place where OTHERS were watching!!!! can’t help but want to protect Ian…altho he doesn’t seem to really need it. Just the nurturing in us, i guess…;)
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@aggie…..couldn’t agree more!!!!!! On every point. Well said!!!!!!
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ALTHO…Dan DID say he would miss the BB House cuz he was done. Not coming back anymore. I bet his wife gave him this one shot and then..nada! So if they pay him enuf, he may come back for a ons shot role as an MC or something. but I think his summers of loafing off in the BBHOUSE are OVA!!! lol
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@bobo…nighty nite. Hope the pain doesn’t wake you up again! hugs
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@star If Dani has finally figured out that Dan has led her by the nose through 60+ days, then I missed the bolt of lightning that hit her. : ) I want to protect Ian too,a nd that’s part of the reason I’m angry with Dani and Dan. they’re picking on him!!! I like the nickname spin! : ) If we add an E to the end, what do you get? Pat2E! Nicknames and terms of affection are used consistantly in the south…darlin’, hon, etc. Pat2E would be different! : ) I think I like it. : )
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@star Can you imagine Dan coming back another season with newbies who have watched the past seasons. There would be a bar-b-que with Dan on a spit! I think the newbies would rebel. : )
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@aggie You are oh, so right!
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Pat2E….what is the E for??LOL You now sound like a chemical equation…lol
Dan can never again play BB!!!! He would either be a human sacrifice…..HGS….STOP boiling Dan in oil!!!!…….or evicted day one!!! I DID watch his season and it was nothing like this one..well..a few things were but Dan is so much more wiley and dangerous than I thought he was!!!! he is like russel on Survivor now!! but as far as the hantz’s go…that is a good thing! I do NOT want to see anyone else from tht family on TV EVER again!!!!! UGH! SO over them!
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Pat2E , Not sure if I like that Darling 🙂 I’m still trying to get some rest the Pain pills is whats keeping me awake but I got All my ♥’s keeping me company 🙂
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@star The E made the word Pat2E = Patooie. Not really funny enough to ask aboout is it? : ) The Hantz family is a mystery. How did such dysfunctional people make it on 2 reality shows. If the 3 we’ve seen are any indication the rest of the fam needs to change their name and move far away. Of course, Dani is dysfunctional and gon on BB. I know the producers want good TV, but spare us please! No Hantz! No More!
Guess I’ll head to bed. Watching Dani cry is boring. : ) If she ever wises up, I’ll prolly feel sorry for her. Not expecting that to happen.
Have a good night and sweet dreams!
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Sweet Dreams right back ay you ♥…………. 😉
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@bobo Rest your little head and think sweet thoughts. I’m sorry the pain pills are messing with your sleep. I’ll bet you were feeling no pain when you scratched off thae $500!!!!! Have a good night, sweetie!
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Well it’s 4:30 in NJ time to really catch some ZZZZZZzzzzzz See you all soon 🙂
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$$$$$$$$$$$$ Makes the world go round, the world go round, woa now i’m dizzy ………………
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Hydrocodone, Ozycodone, Xanax & Zanaflex Should knock me out But NOOOO just keeps me wide awake! 😯
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I guess the meds i just put on this page did not come up? O well maybe too much stuff… 😆
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Congrats to Devil Dan on his New Son IAN. Wait till Ian an Danille get home
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and see Just How Good Dan played them. I wonder if Ian is smart enough to figure out that Dan said that in front of Danille so she would have every one vote for Dan. I really wanted Shane to win, but his friend who is a nurse, but has no common sense. She swallowed Dans poop all the way to Jury. Poor Shane.
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I am still awake & watching TV… Could not fall asleep at all but I am all caught up with all of your BB comments ❗ Hope you all have a great Sunday! See you later, get me some cool BB stuff for me today, Okay?…..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If You come around today Sal I did answer your questions from yesterday! …. 🙂
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good morning, heres my 2cents worth, as you know like alot of you we go all over the web to find out whats going on and I read comments from every where. I am so tried of reading that this season is boring,BORING, the brogade was boring, this season we cant keep up with whats going on, by the time we think we know whats going to happen it changes. I remember when there was maybe 10 people that posted on here, look at us now ,there is so many new people on here I can hardley keep track. BBBloger guy &BBBlogergal only had to post maybe 2times a week ,now they have to put up new post everyday, so to all the other blogs that say it is Boring they should come on here ,its anything but Boring, we have a nice family here that care for one another and that is what makes it great, even now we are down to F3, and still dont know whose going to be F2, what a game its been.
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Good morning hillbilly and everyone else. I have been up all night and watching all the live feeds. Had to take a couple of breaks to rest my weary eyes from comp screen. Have nothing new to report but do have an opinion.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ian will not throw the final comp and Dan doesn’t win comps on his own so looks like it will be Ian and whoever he decides to take with him to the f-2. I would love it to be Danielle so 2 newbies can be proud of beating the vets!!!
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morning yall ~ any news on the 2nd part comp?
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@swt, Ian won part 2 of HOH
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@swt, go to post 127 an click on link
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@Starfish Brentwood
@Hillbilly, i agree they are not boring unlike the Brogade, but its’ painful
BTW is used the be Sophie (my Starbucks name the past 2 seasons)
I would love to see Dan have an allergic reaction to the Koolaide and be rushed to a hospital get well of course but never, ever come back
At least Russel didn’t win and his wife realized who he really was as per his reality show flipping houses in TX
Ian and Dani F2 would be great, glad i don’t watch after dark can’t stand the cows eating . Since the Meow Meow and his disgusting eating/ grazing sessions . They all wanted to have TV careers on that season.
So Dan is older than the other 2 and has played and won so he has a huge advantage, plus he’s mean! so no emotions for sure.
I hope he has a baby soon, so we can watch his offspring play in BB 34
Daddy would show him how to use the same knife over and over and wipe the blood promptly.
The little children must be anxious to have their ruthless coach back, wonder what their parents are thinking???????
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I lost all respect for Danielle as a nurse the way she verbally attacked Ian. She more than anyone there knows how an attack on him can affect him. She is not only trying to rattle him hoping he will lose part 3, she is trying to bully him into taking her by threatening to taint the jury. Dan looks on edge now worried if Ian does win part 3 that he will do as Danielle has demanded.
I’m hoping that Dan or Danielle step over the line somehow and one of them is removed by big brother and America is given the 7th jury member vote.
Ian deserves this the most out of the three. For someone with his issues, he has done wonderful socially and I commend him for exposing his issues on a national level.
Ian the engineer won’t have any trouble finding a girl. He will find out 🙂
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When your in it you must be in it to win it…what was Danielle thinking throwing comp 1…oh yeah she doesn’t think, she just does what Dan says. Too bad too sad really wanted her to win.
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FROM THE GRAPEVINE,Dan goes back to the kitchen.. Says to himself “Wasn’t this hard the first time around”.(no you didnt screw everyone this bad). He sites and looks at the memory wall… “What the heck do I do.(have some of your kool-aid Dan). If I want to win this I have to make it to the end with Ian”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dan: “What do I do.. My best move is to throw part 3 to Ian.(do it, do it). If I win My conscience will not allow me to cut Danielle..”
Dan: “Insanity to throw the Final part of HOH. so insane it just might work.. ” (I think the kool-aid is working)
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conscience, what’s that??? lol
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it’s hard to believe that Dan may actually stay true to someone who has helped him thru the game than worry about the money!
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I don’t believe Dan , he’s just saying thing because production told him to stare at the wall and reflect LOL
Its all about the $$$$$$ not the feelings, remember no emotions.
I hope the parents are watching good luck getting a new job at a public school Dan
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ty hillbilly
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@luvs2shootpics, I don’t for a minute beleive that Dan will stay true to anyone. He juset wants the money…doesn’t matter who gets him there.
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Good Morning Star, Janice, 2, Bobo, Aggie, Mike, DewyRose, Sylvie & Schelit. You all posted after my rant and I’m so happy to read that you all agree. I couldn’t agree more with what you all said you said it so much nicer with no SBs. lol You summed it up nicely and I apprech. What was that Star about tieing Ian’s legs up with a belt? Mental cruelty comes to mind.
I guess they’re lucky he’s not my son. 21 years old or not, I would be banging down their door and threatening to crash the BB house and give those two mind benders a piece of my mind and perhaps more. Besides, I thought Dani’s acting was terrible. Did I hear Ian say, “her feelings were hurt”. He was actually recognizing her feelings which is more than I can say for Dan when he sees what he’s doing to people and seems to like it. Sick man Dan is. So, if he actually loses comp 3, he can say he did it on purpose? He’s always playing the angles. I didn’t begrude him the win because he actually has played the best even tho he has all the advantages over these kids. But now he’s gone beyond playing and into cruelty. IMHO
@P2E, please sweetie, let us know what you would like to be called. It’s confusing for newbies when they don’t know what the heck we’re talking about with all the different abbreviations we use.
@Sylvie, oh, Brentwood, of course. 😀
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@DewyRose, I agree, Dan has no conscience.
@Luv2/Sal said it would be hard to believe Dan could stay true to to someone who helped him in the game. So true.
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@swt, hows it going are enjoying BB this year, boy its hard to keep trach of who is doing what to who.
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Hey Sal, you asked me a question yesterday. Did you read it or would like me to bring it over from the other page ❓ Bob
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I am one of the newbies on here and hope I’m not confusing anyone. started posting maybe a couple weeks ago was kinda nervous so didn’t say much, getting braver though, soon you won’t be able to shut me up lol. I really love it here at other sites it get’s down right mean attacking each other. not here, here we can speak our opinion and no reprocussions. Luv y’all
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I’m on the east coast and stay up most of the night watching BB am gonna miss it when it’s over. I do watch survivor so if I can find that blog with y’all it would be great. thanks to everyone
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It is about 3 am Ian is finally on the hammock bb opened the door, Ian is still swinging in the hammock mumbling to himself… He is going over what he will say to the jury. “Every man and woman for himself..” “Danielle was going to send me home..”(yup she sure was as per dans instructions)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“hook line and sinker..” “I gave you a trip to Maui, I could have given to my mother and father.” (so true ian so true)
“With two people that would never take me to the end.” “it just made mathematical sense to split two and two once they got to final 4″ “It just makes mathematical sense” “I took you down, I was being loyal to my alliance, the quack pack.” “I went to great lengths to hide it.” “based on statistics” “I made a big move to get to the end” “I never threw any of you under the bus” ..etc… (poor ian i do feel for him, he is trying so hard and being abused mentally it i just want to reach out and hug him and say shhh calm down and now go for the throat, sharpen your knives and beat the devil at his own game, just THINK BACK hit rewind and analyze the past happenings in the last 2 weeks)
Ian heads inside. He goes to the washroom, then heads into the living room. He strips down to his underwear in the living room and then goes to bed in the kicks room.
ciao till later my darlings
happy Sunday
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🙂 🙂 and hugs
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Don’t you guys think that the best strategy for Ian is to take Dan to the F2? If Ian goes up against Danielle she has a very very good chance to win. As much as I would love to see Dan out of the house, for Ian’s sake, he needs to be in the F2 in order for Ian to win the Big Money.
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Never mind SAL It’s on this page 😆 #54 I think…..
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@mamamargie, Thanks I watched it all but could not clearly hear what Ian was saying while the hammock moaned lol
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#53… 😳
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DewyRose, you didn’t confuse anyone. I was referring to some of us who have been on here for years sometimes use abbreviations that we know but newer posters do not.
Welcome aboard. Thank you for your compliment. I agree, I think we are a nice bunch, pretty much all the time. 🙂
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And…..if Ian does take Dan to the F2, I would love to see Ian get all the votes and Dan not a one. Then he can say he won with all the Jury votes and lost the same way.
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I know Ian said he saw a mouse but I bet it was really the ‘rat’ Dan spying on him….omg not a Dan hater here but just sayin’
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ty starfish 🙂
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@Janice i agree he needs to take the worst player ever Dan
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ian/Dan , Dan should win. Unless the jury house is dead and can’t vote.
They wounds got infected (courtesy Dan’s deliberate stabbings)
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Thanks mm, great to know. I hope Ian just simmers and lets the brain kick into gear to think everything through.
Janice, you may be right for Ian to take Dan if he wins HOH. Second guessing the jury is impossible. Brit and Shane might convince others to vote for Dani if she’s final 2 just because they like her and she did win comps.
Now it’s time to walk my dog. BBl8r
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Not they wounds meant their
Ciao for now 🙂
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Scenario 1 – Ian and Dani – Dani would get Brit, Shane, Frank, Ashley and Joe – Not sure how Dan or Boogey would vote. I would think Frank would vote for Dani since Ian betrayed him and Boogey and Ashley would do what Frank does. Although Ashley is smarter than BB showed her to be.
Scenario 2 – Ian and Dan – Dan would get maybe Dani’s vote. Frank, Shane and Brit would not vote for Dan. Joe would do what Shane does. Ashley would most likely vote for Ian. Even though their date didn’t work out Ian is a very likable person.
As I see it, Ian has to take Dan to the F2 if he wants to win $500,000 instead of $50,000.
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@Janice,…Boogie doesn’t vote, 🙂 Jenn is the other jury member.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Current jury members
Ashley, Brit ,Frank, Joe, Shane and Jenn
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Sorry. You are right. I goofed. I’m not sure who Jenn would go with if it was Dani and Ian but if it was Ian and Dan she would go with Ian. She had Dan’s number. Not 100% sure though but I don’t think it would matter since Ian would have Frank, Shane, Birt, Joe and Ashley’s votes.
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DEWYROSE WARM WELCOME u have come into a very elite blog lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------we do have fun and we do differ in our opinions and are like a family cyber as it may be, however like any family we do every now and then have a shall i say diagreeement but glad to say we mostly send a cyber hug and make up and so glad u r now one of us lol
@ janice in regard to scene # 1 i do not think boogie is on the jury i can be wrong since we all know i have a memory like a strainer
i think if ian would win in a heartbeat the big money if he took dan i think dan burnt too many bridges and put too many knives into too many backs i know prod tells them not to vote on emotions but gameplay so we shall see
if ian would only wake up and recall what dan did to dani when she gave him veto and he took out shane that should really stand out to him, guess it is easy for us to say do this do that we have not been cooped up in the house for more then 2 months. can’t believe i am going to get my life back both day and after dark lol, but it is worth it.
@ bbguy & bbgal can not even begin to thank you guys for giving us a place to smile, vent, be angry, be loving and this is by far the best and cheapest form of thepary one can ask for, u guys rock. hugs to gage hillbilly, prayers still going out to jt denise and family, to hannahs family prayers and hugs, bobo feel better goin to bring u some duct tape when i am in nj next month we r falling apart take it easy guy, kev11 where r u, *fish glad u will be a member of the MIL club it is fun, star keep on bloggin along, sylive glad u r on board frannie feel better, hope i did not forget anyone who was on thus far, if so sorry
ciao till later all
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@mm, Thank you so much for warm welcome. I have really enjoyed my time here gonna be lost when it ends.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------during the short jury house view I saw…Britney even though mad at Dan seemed as though she might vote for him due to gameplay…He has played one heck of a gme. Guess will just have to wait and see.
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Ian and Dan both played a great game. Dan was ruthless and made magic happen when he was a dead man walking. But….Ian played a great game too without the notoriety, bullying and manipulating to the point of cult like. You are right though, we’re not in the jury and we haven’t been cooped up or had the opportunity to form relationships with everyone, so time will tell.
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haha u forgot me mm… I blame it on the strainer
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I posted this the other day from the grapevine, Dan says if Ian win it he is going to high five Ian in front of her. Dan tells her to asks why I am so happy? Dan tells her that she has to make Ian think that I got you to trust me again. Dan tells her to tell Ian that if he takes Dan to the final two that Dan will have her vote and she will tell Shane to vote for Dan too. Dan tells Danielle to really be angry. Danielle tells him she can do that, she says that she will make it really awkward in the house. (I just wanted everyone to know that this was preplaned)
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I don’t understand his latest SheDanigans. How does staging an angry Danielle threatening that if he doesn’t take her she’s going to taint tge jury benefit Dan and Ian’s relations. I’d think it would question if taking Dan is a mistake. I didn’t get that when Dan told Dani to say those things and I still don’t get it. Can someone clarify pmease?
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*please* (darn typos)
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@jane, their plot was to try and get Ian to throw HOH3 to dan. like they did with Shane and get Ian out, But Ian has told Dan that he wont do it
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@jane, I think the typos are cute
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Well I knew it was pre-planned and of course Danielle does whatever Dan tells her to do. Sometime before this point she should have started playing her own game, And she never should have thrown the 1st comp! Dan can treat her like crap when its beneficial to him so she should have spoken out in Ians presence and said “I’m not lying to Ian for you anymore”!!! That sure would have opened up a can of worms.Ian is not stupid I’m pretty sure he knows she won’t have much time to taint the jury, so she pretty much drank to much kool-aid.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I myself would have liked to see her in the f-2 but I’m almost positive that’s not going to be the case.
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HONEYDEWROSE – welcome – and please forgive my next rant – dan has dani yelling at ian to make ian take him nstead of her – he cant handle confrontation (ian) whoever votes for dan in that house wll be kicking themselves in the azz !!!here again DAN IS TOENAIL FUNGUS **DAN IS TOENAIL FUNGUS ** DAN IS TOENAIIL FUNGUS – hope all my good buddies hear that loud and clear – so there – lol
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@macy, tell me how you really feel…LOL
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Does anyone know what Dani does for a living? she has said she has done so much stuff, she isnt old enough to halve done most of it, a nurse I dont think so I have a lot of them in my family, they have never told me to pick at a zit till it bleeds, because that will scar.
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She is a model, actress, nurse practitioner, kindergaten teacher, gymnast/ tumbler, Jewerly sales expert, and Miss America…lol I’m sure I missed some in there, but don’t fault me I’m old and the memory is going fast.
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and having sais all that I must have drank her koolaid because i still like her…go figure
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oops said not sais
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DROSE and add to that list – ‘wanna be MRS. CAPTAIN AMERICA’
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we’ve got fishies on the live feeds, they must be waking up the house now
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LOL, I knew she was great(in her own mind) as far as her going to JH to tant the jury, is not going to happen, it will be on Wed. if they vote her out she will go out the front door and sit in a chair with the rest of the jury, no time alone with them.
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@hillbilly awww my typos are cute *blushing* ok thanks guys for clearing that up! @Dewey yuck! you can’t possibly still like Dani!Yoy must’v skipped the kool-aid and went straight for her southern sweet tea…oh wait… she can’t have dark liquids *rolls eyes*
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Just in case it wasn’t clear
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Go Ian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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LF – production asked the hg to lower the awnings out back – the all 3 did – dan is in pool – ian is on hammock – they got a new hammock because the other one wasmaking too much noise – this one is almost as bad already – soooo annoying
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I really dont dislike any of the HGs, oh I take a shot at them once in a while, but you do something stupid, well what can I say. I read a lot of comments on other blogs and beleive me, we are the nicest, if you say anything that are on you like flies on SH#t,(pardon my french) so I never post on them.
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hey hillbilly ~ i am not liking Dan on this BB14 he’s creepy ~ Danielle is dulisional and if she is really a nurse she creeps me out ~ if she would be my nurse i would ask to change nurses ~ it’s all good here ~ fall is coming and the leaves are covering my land ~ i live in Tupelo Ms ~ i am addicted to BB~ amazing race oh they are playing for 2 million on the race this year and i watch suvivor ~ i love revenge starts on the 30th ~
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ty hillbilly
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@Dewey, @hillbilly @sylvie and any other morning posters have a good day I’m off to watch some psycho chicks on Lifetime Movie channel…. its suppose to be 100* today I’m staying under the air conditioner and may strip to my drawers in the living room like Ian!
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@macy, why dont they get him a rocker, they are cheaper,
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@swt, I am on top of a mountain in Arkanas, and it is getting cooler here too.
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@ hillbilly i love the mountains ~ i live on a hill ~
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@Dewyrose…also she a cancer survivor. She told dan her boobs were fake cause she had chemo before going in and she has to do more when she gets out.. I think she works at mcdonalds and lives in her parents basement if u ask me
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@Dewyrose…also she a cancer survivor. She told dan her boobs were fake cause she had chemo before going in and she has to do more when she gets out.. I think she works at mcdonalds and lives in her parents basement if u ask me. She’s a dirty girl to be a nurse
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OMG, I just saw Dani without make-up, I counted 7 new zits, boy you LFs are in for a treat tonight
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HILLBILLY STOVER – rocking chair would be good – although, he makes any chair he’s in a rocker
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(((((((((((((((((((((((((((AMY)))))))))))))))))))))))) and family….May God give you all…the peace and good memories that will comfort you.
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LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT – so daniele doesnt get to compete in 3rd part – but if dan wins – he cant cut ian? is that right?
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can’t wait for tonight yall
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Ok so Danielle must have had a double mastectomy if she is is Brest cancer survivor w fake boobs
The other case is a lumpectomy but then she would have kept her boobsin most cases.
So she say she had chemo and needs more, that usually happens before implants go in and radiation is done following implants and surgery
Why is her hair so long?
I hope she is not lying about this I would be very upset.
Also she says she needs more chemo, I only heard of chemo cycles that get interrupted for medical reasons so what is she talking about?
I couldn’t live the country until my treatment was finished my oncologist did not recommend it
Danielle I hope you are not lying or us Cancer Survivors all us Cancer ate coming after you
But if you are truthful then congrats for looking so good
Go Ian !!!!!!!
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Typos ! I am mad Dani
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My daughter just came home so for the last while I have been away filling her in on BB now she is watching all the bbad’s I recorded for her.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Tomi, I was only listing some of her jobs not all her ailments lol
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@ macy, correct Danielle does not compete….onlu Dan and Ian compete and the winner gets to choose who stays and who goes
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oops only…at least the u is close to the y lol
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@macy, you are right, boy I hope Ian can win HOH3
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Jane, yes your typos are very cute. 🙂
Sylvie, Congratulations for being a cancer survivor. My cousin is too. I agree that if Dani is lying about that (I think she is), she’s not only dilusional but she enjoys playing the victim for sympathy. You know those ladies who do anything, including faking cancer, to get attention.
I’m really looking forward to tonight. I too would like to see Dan get zero, nada votes if he’s in final 2.
I think it was Dewyrose who asked about the Survivor blog. Keep watching. Bloggergal will give us the link again when she finishes setting it up. Most of us will be there. Not as much as BB for me, but I’ll poke in and out. 😀 Sorry, couldn’t help myself. ha ha ha ha
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@Starfish, so you are goping to do a quicky, boy I didnt know you were that kind of girl. lol
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I know my typos are cute too, but thats because of to much moonshine
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@starfish, yes it was me asking about survivor so thanks for cluing me in 🙂
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Gotta go for a while bbl y’all take care, Angel Hugs & Blessings
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@Mike, yes a “quicky” works just fine. lmao
@Dewyrose, you’re welcome. We’ll see you there.
@JT, still caring about you and your family.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@K11, where are you? Have the LV morons taken you captive?
@Macy, me too, rooting for Ian all the way!
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dani is digging her own grave with dan – she keeps saying – ‘ian wont get so and so s vote and cant get so and so s vote’ so why wouldnt dan want to take him instead of danielle –
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@Mike, ok I give up, I’m going to call you hillbilly from now on to avoid confusion, even tho it’s difficult since you’ve always been Mike. Plus, I like Mike best. 🙂 And yes, your typos are cute too! 🙂
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@Starfish, call me mike if you want to, I think I am the only one on here. people said I shouldnt use my full name on a blog, thats why I changed it. as long as another mike doesnt show up ,after all it is a common name.
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STARFISH – i guess we could call him MIKBILLY
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TB 34 NYG 41 Giants win ❗
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FROM THE Grapevine, Dan asks Danielle if she is alright. Danielle says that she isn’t okay mentally;(you got that right) she says that she can’t even talk without crying. Dan doesn’t say anything and heads out into the backyard. Danielle pours her bowl of cereal and sits down at the table to eat. She starts crying. Dan comes back and asks why are you depressed.(isnt she always) Danielle says I am emotionally done. Dan says so you don’t have confidence in me.(hands her some kool-aid) Danielle says that she tried to win yesterday and that she is sick and tired of that pompous a$$. He talks so much s**t about you, that kid is a little demon.(say what) Dan says that he keeps telling Ian that you (Danielle) are being a big baby and I can’t wait to cut you. Dan says I also said to Ian that if I have to see Shane’s sweat pants one more time I am going to burn them.(please do) Danielle says that she only wore them once. Dan says I know its all just an act to make him think we aren’t together. He gets paranoid when we talk.(I wonder why) Danielle asks do you really think I am being a baby?(yep) Dan says no, but I have to use whatever angle I can to get him to trust me.(oh dan and here I thought Ian was the Demon) Danielle asks do you really think he will throw it to you?(Isure hope not, run Ian dont drink the kool-aid) Dan says maybe. Danielle says I hate this game, I will never come back! Dan asks why? Danielle says do you not see how miserable I am,(we all see beleive me) you two have each others backs and keep talking s**t about me. I know its just for the game but I am sick of it! I am over it! I still had hope yesterday but now I don’t. I have no one in here, I can’t even talk to you. Dan says you can talk to me. Danielle says no I can’t, not really. Danielle says I lost the first competition, lost the second competition and now I am alienated.(so thats what breaking out on her face ALIENS) Danielle says that she let her dad down.I thought she said her dad was mean to her) Dan says no you didn’t he said he would be proud of you either way. Dan says its not over yet. Danielle asks do you not see why I feel this way? Dan says yeah, but I also feel like you think I can’t beat him. (boy I hope you cant)Danielle says I didn’t play a nice game(pardon me I have to thow-up) to get to the end to be alienated.
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MIKE this girl is so sick BUT I DON”T CARE THE GIANTS WON! 😆
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OH lord…i feel like i’ve just had a fight with my grown kids when they were teens and my ex screaming at them like a teenaged boy.
If watching just that clip stressed me out i cannot imagine how Ian must feel and honestly…i don’t understand BB allowing it. If someone was in there on crutches it’d be like hiding them or knocking him off them.
Dirty Dan
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dumb Danielle
I want Ian to win.
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Hillbilly you are too funny. Thank you for the update. I love your input to the synopsis.
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Hey Ian, The New Giants Won ! 😆
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York 😛
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Okay back to my Man cave………………..
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FROM THE GRAPEVINE, Ian grabs some juice (boy I hope it isnt kool-aid)and asks Danielle if she is alright.(no I think she is losing it) Danielle doesn’t respond. Ian says okay I am going to head back outside. Dan asks you didn’t say anything? Danielle says nope. I can be a b***h if I want. Dan says I’ve never seen you like that. Dan says I am not doing his dishes any more. (boy that will teach him)Danielle says it would make me smile to go off on him about it. Danielle asks if Dan will throw that last comp. Dan says no,(we will see) I didn’t come 72 days to throw it just in the hopes of him taking me.. especially when I know I can beat him. Dan says he hopes Ian does throw it to me.(hey Dan he said he wouldnt) Danielle says what would you say to him. Dan says I would say I have been working with someone since day one(shouldnt you say everyone) and it’s not you. Danielle starts talking about the competition and how she can’t believe she didn’t beat him. Dan says that he is going to tell Ian that you are super pissed at him and nice to me. Danielle says good, tell him that. Danielle says that she is pissed at him. Danielle says number 1 you can’t talk shit about Dan only I can(watch out Dans wife) and I don’t mean it. Number 2 I f**king hate you. Number 3 I f**king hate you! (and there my friends is the alien)Danielle says the next time he talks to me I am going to f**king go off! I have been nice to him this whole time only because we were in an alliance, but I am done with him. Danielle says Ian started talking about her body and now I am in an anorexic mindset already.( that hasnt slowed down you eating) F**K YOU, F**K HEAD! I like Frank more than I like him! Danielle says that she is fixing to go off on him. Dan says just don’t do anything you will regret. Danielle says that her friends don’t even see this side of her.(and I am sure they are glad, but now they have) Dan says that she kind of scares him.(hey she scares me too) Dan says we play differently, you play with heart and emotion. Danielle says if he says anything she will snap his neck. Dan says to the camera, just for clarification she isn’t going to really do that. Danielle says that she wouldn’t ever touch someone. Dan says but now they have it on tape, its motive and I am an accomplice.(oh come on Dani just one little push and your out the door)
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So the New york Jets are winning right now, not that anyone cares:!:

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BOBO cant u get the hint – none of us girlys care about the scores! cant you hear the crickets? (kidding)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ms. red
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I get it! Thank you for the feedback my friends ❗ 🙁

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u reallly didnt take me seriously – i just thought after all ur posts – u might wanna know someone (me) is sitting out here with the crickets reading all of ur posts!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------mrs. red
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I guess I’ll go and watch BBAD & see how the were last night!
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They….. 😳
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Ok hillbillymike, thank you my dear for all the ‘grapevine’ info. It makes me even more angry at their meanness. Dani saying her friends don’t even see her like this, as you said, they certainly do not just as Dan’s wife must be wondering, “what the hell did I marry.” I still don’t get why Dani thinks she hates Ian so much. Dan did more to her than Ian ever did. She’s such an idiot. I feel like a mama bear, “No one gets in between me and my kids.” 😀 I wonder what Ian’s mother is feeling right now or if she’s seeing some of this stuff. Hopefully she’s not ready to bash AG and all her cohorts.
Bobo, I’m happy for you that the Giants won, now take a pill and take a nap. LOL Sorry you’re having such a difficult time with your health! 🙁
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@starfish, she mad because he wouldnt let her win the comp. I have been over at a blog and reading comments I sure wish I could put them on here, would have to clean them up a lot, she has just went from diliked to hated.
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@dewyrose.OOOPPS…MY BAD. I thought u were listing All. her lies…LOL
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@starfish, is your e-mail trudy, that the way it is listed in my contacts not under starfish, so if this is it let me know
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hillbillymike, I didn’t even know Dani asked Ian to throw the comp for her. Why would he do that after he didn’t win the first one? Who do these people think they are asking someone to throw a comp for them? Worse yet, they agree to do it so Dani was stupid to give the first one to Dan. So was Ian. I hope Ian just cleans Dan’s clock in the 3rd comp.
I agree with those of you who think that should Ian win HOH, he has a better chance of winning if he takes Dan with him. More people hate Dan and they don’t realize how terrible and cruel Dani has been right by Dan’s side the whole way. They will see it in the feeds. Her straight stare just after losing was scary.
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STARFISH – i feel it in my bones that ian is going to win! wonder what he will spend the $500K on ??? maybe a new house for he and his brother – i dont remember him saying- does he live at home?
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@bobo…GO PACKERS!!!
Dani is worse than frank..what a sore looser…and she dosnt even know who is gonna win the final and who they will take for sake…
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omg Dani suck it in til ur head collapses. eeeeeyuck!!!
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I don’t think Frank was a sore loser. Nobody liked leaving but a sore loser-I don’t think so. I would imagine once your ousted, you realize who played you for a fool and nobody would feel good about that. As far as Frank and Shane rushing out of the house, I would to. I wouldn’t want to say anything to Dan after the realization hitting me smack in the face. I know guys are better at fighting one minute and friends the next but usually it’s not a fight over $500,000.
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more from grapevine,where is MM, these grapes are getting hard to carry Ian mumbles to himself saying “Interesting, interesting, interesting. I trust you.” “Family, family, family.. you shall stab me in the front.” “Dan, my mentor in this game. Mentor. Mentor.” “I ain’t dealing with this s**t!” Dan comes out. Ian asks if its salsa ball time? Dan says yeah but I only have 3 balls.(come on Dan you have more than that) Ian says well that’s not going to work. I am ready for some pool action. Ian says that he felt like walking up to Danielle and saying “that’s it you blew it! You lose!” Ian says that was a very fair game. Dan says yeah, its not like she didn’t have a chance. Ian says that he wishes third place got something. (like a kick in the butt)Dan says yeah, they get like $10 grand but that’s it. Ian says that he feels bad for her but the final four it was two on two. Dan says yeah she had her chance’s over! Dan says it’s over, go home!(boy Dan make up your mind) Too good for your home.
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HB – thanks for the news
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Haven’t heard from frannie for awhile. Anyone know what’s up or is it just the weekend?
I’m still concerned that if Dan wins, he’ll take Dani unless he believes she’ll win over him which, of course, Ian will for sure IMHO. So as was said before, Dan’s best bet would be to take Ian. Whatagame!
Dog walking time.
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one little one from grapevine, Ian says I wish we could just get a luxury comp or something were we got like $10 grand so that we could just give it to her so that she would stop complaining.(we do too) Dan says she has been in there (diary room) a long time, maybe she self-evicted. (we can hope)They talk about how puffy her eyes are.(they always look that way) Dan says that it would be so much better if she wasn’t here.(oh really Dan) Ian agrees and says that they would have so much fun and get so many stop that’s. Danielle joins them. Ian says hey. Danielle says hi. (Iguess she isnt going to kill him, at least while he is a wake)
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CBS update: Jets/Steelers’ game almost end of 3rd qtr. Sixty Minutes after that, then Big Brother. BB may be late, unless the 4th qtr of J/S game is over in a hurry. 🙁
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DAMN SPORTS, dont they know BB is on
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Tonight is the HOH2, got to see that, when I saw a picture of Ian he had black stuff all over him and was throwing it up, when I saw a picture of Dani I didnt see any on her, its a new game that we havent seen before
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am in Little Rock and still have a bad taste in my mouth from the Hawgs whipping by Ala yesterday. Already didn’t like Ala because of Danielle. haha
Anyway yeah, DAMN SPORTS!
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Can anyone see that even now, Dan is using dum dum Danielle to ensure that he goes to final 2 no matter what by getting her to blow up on Ian?
How dare she try to bully Ian into taking her to the final 2 when her plan was to have Ian Evicted! She made no apologies to Ian about it. I wish Ian would point that out to Danielle.
It will really be funny if Ian is rattled so much and wins part 3 and actually takes Danielle! Dan may drop dead if his plan backfires!
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@joan, I am about 3hrs. from you, up in yellville, good to see other people from ar. on here Ithink there is 4 of us or more.
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@ hillbilly
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wow! Yeah, I know where Yellville is. I really like this blog. It keeps my fix going after everyone else is going on with their regular life. I just shake my head in frustration (much like Ian) and just want to go shake some sense into him. I hope he stays strong and ignores those two crazies left in the house with him.
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SCHELITA hope ian smokes the comp!
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Ian what ever you do DONT THINK THE KOOL-AID, I said at the first of the season watch Ian, I think he will win and Dr Will said he thought Ian would win I hope so
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Me too! I think if he stays strong against Dan wanting him to throw the comp, he has a good chance to win.
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well, my cowboys lost today – dang-it
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Game over! BB will be about 30 min late.
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JOAN what time zone r u in
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hey y’all……***UPDATE….Sun TV show will start @8:37pm ET……But those in the West coast can watch it when we do in the East… is the LINK to watch it when we watch it in the East……
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Arkansas is in Central Time Zone. It is 6:44 here.
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Hoh8 – joan and i are in central – so only 7 mins behind – hmm
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JOAN – im fort worth – texas
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Hey Hoh8,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------have been there a few times. I love Dallas-Ft. Worth area.
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joan – live in a city outside of fort worth bout 30 mins – called granbury – but lived in the dallas area most of my life
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------– had to get my daughter out of the big city and bullies
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Macy, I definitely understand. LR is not too big and they are doing a lot downtown and around the Clinton Library. We have some nice amenities, but a lot of the areas outside LR, like Bryant and Cabot have seen a lot of growth.
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joan – gotcha girl
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last thing from grapevine, wouldnt put it up except its only thing I heard that Dani has said that even sounds like a nurse Dan wonders if there is anyway Ian can “Fix” his need to always move. Danielle says medicine that can help him. She explains that he has too much going on in his head and that is why he needs to move all the time.
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I’m so confused by this season I don’t even know what all we get to see tonight. Can someone clue me in?
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jane – if i got it right from hillbilly – it will be the second hoh (ian won) im sure with alot of other clips
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really worrried about ian right know – he is in hammock going really fast and talking to himself – cant stay on one subject – production needs to get him to the dr and calm him down
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Settle in tonight for the last Sunday episode of Big Brother 14. Of course with football this afternoon we’re never sure when we’ll get to watch it, but at some point it’ll be on.
Tonight’s episode will pick up where Danielle had to scoop her jaw off the floor following Dan’s surprise eviction of Shane over Ian. It’ll be interesting to see what went down inside the house since Grodner’s greed kept it off the Live Feeds and delayed the HoH endurance competition by over an hour. We should also see the Final 3 reflect on the season as part of a fancy brunch they had on Friday morning.
from Big Brother Net:
Speaking of the HoH competition, you’ll get to watch the first round of the competition tonight but if you can’t wait to find out who won then check out our spoilers. The second round wrapped up last night which gives us our two HGs for Wednesday’s live third round where the Final 2 will be selected ahead of the Jury vote.
Did your favorite HG make it to the end this season? If not, who will you root for out of your remaining options?
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dan just talked to him – sounded ok –
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@Macy, are you sure? We haven’t even seen Part 1 yet of the HOH comp which Dan won. I think we see that tonight.
The reason for the confusion is because this wonderful blog is so far ahead of the actual show it can be confusing. I love spoilers and still love to watch the show with all their facial expressions and conversations that we don’t see or hear.
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Sorry, more than I really wanted to say. Was copying from Big Brother Net’s email I rec ‘d today.
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starfish – been wrong more than once in this game – expect the unexpected right
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Sun TV show is almost here….for those in the WEST Coast…go here to watch the tv show…..
or go here also, they are both working…..
tonite’s show will have Part 1 and Part 2 and 30 minutes of Danielle CRYING, LOL….. 🙂
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what a waste of Sun tv show….just a bunch of clips of the season…Blah….. 🙁
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hi all.
this is crazy i wanted to see more of the jury house this is so stupid
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------this is a real snooze fest
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This is what we waited for???????
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I thought that we got to see the whole HOH1 tonight, can we all say SH#t
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this tv show Stinks…i betcha we wont even see Part 2….its like a repeat….what a bummer……i guess they gotta fill in the 90 minutes on Wed….. 🙁
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I agree with everyone. Are you kidding me? They couldn’t find more things we would love to see rather than stuff we’ve already seen? 😈 I’m not a happy camper right now. They could have shown us more of the jury house and more of the comp instead of all those reruns. Ugh!!!
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Thanks guys!
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What a waste of time.
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seems like dani is out to get dan maybe she really is pissed at ian she wants dan out and means it, can this be??????
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if i knew this i would have started my chita pet and watched it grow tonite
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So it sounds like a bunch of flashbacks? That’s my biggest peet peeve when shows. do that…. hellloooo your really freaking telling us what we’ve seen already??? They could’ve shown us clips of an hour in the jury house!!
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ah ! The victim . She is not cute or funny but whatever
The jury house meanwhile is having parties, tanning, eating, drinking
Is that where the fun ?
Would be nice to see them too
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I take it BB wasn’t good tonight??? LOL
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@BOBO – YAY STEELERZ!!!!!!!!! MY R8R’S LOST SO I ROOT 4 MY STEELERZ, R8R FRENZ GET VERY UPSET WITH ME!!! R8R FAITHFUL, BUT ALSO LONG TIME STEELER FAN HERE IN CALI!!!! HATE THE 49’ERS!!!
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I really feel like Reality Show Producers are my Pushers and I keep going back trying to get that first high I will never obtain.
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dont forget to vote online so it doesnt cost any money
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@MM, my back hurts from carrying all those grapes by my self, your turn I am hitting the moonshine.
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Watching the show and coming onto the show and playing against a veteran is not the same thing. Watching their ploy on a show and then playing with/against them can effect your judgement of them. That’s why I think it’s unfair to bring new players in to play against someone who’s been on this show oncer or even worse, twice. They have their previous experience as well as the newbies impressions of them. With all new players, no one knows anything about each other. So if you bring veterans back, they should be playing against other veterans. That said, any newbie still in the game against veterans should be given some extra credit for still being there because they don’t have the experience of playing this game one or two times before.
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@jane….LOL…so funny…ur right, they are like the drug dealers that give u the first few highs for free then once ur hooked they clean u out of ur money…..
guess we better get use to NOT seeing the JH any longer…they really screwed us over this year… starting to feel sad bout BB ending…but its gonna be alright cause we all have a million things to do like me that havent done nothing this summer but watch BB, lol…. 🙂
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@hillbilly i will be on it, txs for doing it today i appesch
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------family day here u did a great job and u earned a snort or 2 of moonshine but NO KOOL AID
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@MM, but kool-aid mixes well with moonshine, it gives it some flavor.
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@Jane, that is so true. We are all looking for BB1 again. Ain’t gonna happen unless CBS cleans house and gets new people on staff.
I only saw part of the show on videobrother but enough to know, it was not CBS’s idea to make us happy and enjoy the show. It’s almost like, oh my what shall we do this week, Oh, I know, let show reruns and tie it into the last 3 going down memory lane. Raaaaaalph They are a bunch of knownothings! Now I’m gonna watch the whole show in about an hour. I know, I’m truly a glutton for punishment. Stupid, stupid stupid, I admit it or better yet, addicted, addicted, addicted. Still love the show. lol 🙄
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LF: Dani saying she didn’t like Jodi… really…like how long did she know her for? She’s always talking about girls who are irrelevant and can’t defend themselves.Now she’s saying she use to play with the girl next doorman and the. mom babysat them and both of their names are Danielle so they went by big d and little d but they weren’t sure who the father was and her mom “suspiciously” no longer let her go there… trying to throw assumptions it was her dads kid. omg… where’d they get this girl?
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*door* not doorman lol
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@jane, you been in my moonshine again
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Now Danielle is saying she’s been in a lot of Magazine’s but doesn’t want to.tell.Ian.& Dan which.ones because she doesn’t want to brag. I call Bull$hit. If she was in a magazine shed never shut up about it!!!
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@Mike Pass me the freaking jug Danielle is kil6ling me tonight!
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be back later my cellphones dead.
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I cant believe that CBS is gonna tell us who won Part 1 on Wed….after it was won last Thurs!!!….does CBS think we are all Stupid???….u dont need the feeds or bbad to know this…u can go to any bb site to find out….do they really think that the tv watchers dont know???…….
anyway tonite’s show is a clip show surounded by the F3 champange breakfast they had….with them talking bout the season, they would break and show a clip of what they talked bout….its a good show basically for someone that hasnt seen the show this season…but NOT for us…the DieHard fans that know everything to the last time Ian went to take a piss, lol…. 🙂
OMG, have y’all seen how much he has ROCKED that hammock today?, he’s gonna Rock it to Death by Wed, lol….cute kid….. 🙂
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BOBO – please dont drink even a beer with that stuff – we neeed u here
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Did anybody else see this post:
Author: Ciara
Sorry for your loss, BUT, this is a site for BB comments…..Please keep that in mind when making posts on BB…..I have enough death and such in my family, I don’t need to hear about it from strangers regarding strangers. Please keep your posts to BB SHIT.
It came in my email but when I came to the blog I didn’t see it.
To Ciara:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you don’t like what people are writing skip over it. How insensitive!
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HEY LIVE FEEDERS – am i the only one worrried about ian right now
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I think big brother should give a 3rd place prize. They make tons of money on the live feeds. $25,000.00 would be a good amount. They waste tons of money on ugly furniture every year. They could rotate the decor at in the house to save money.
They could also give the live feed subscribers a bonus of feeds in the jury house to make up for the fish and trivia in the form of flashback access or live feeds. A new production staff with fresh ideas for competitions would also be nice.
The best production staff would be true big brother fans! They should be taking applications for production and creativity staff when they take applications for house guests.
A contest for new competitions from big brother fans would be a good start.
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Goodnight Football Fans ❗ ….:mrgreen:
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What’s going on in the LF that you are worried about Ian?
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janice – it might be just me – but he keeps talking to himself – major conversations – was away from the computer – but could hear him in differnt voices – then he gets up and seems fine – now he’s going back outside
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------im thinking now – thats prolly normal from him – but im still worried that this game is getting to him – i want him to wiin
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This blog is family friendly and we don’t appreciate your shitty attitude. If you don’t like are community comments you can just F-off and find another blog to read.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My father-in-law just passed away last night and I believe our friends who have used this blog for years have the right to do what they want. You are one inconsiderate person. So just leave us alone and take your ignorant azz somewhere else!
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didnt see the ciara post at all – where are these blogs jd – read what she said tho – omg – thats totally out of line
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@luvs2shootpics My condolences to you. I will have your father-in-law and you and your family in my prayers.
@Macy I want Ian to win too. He wasn’t who I wanted all along but out of these 3 I want Ian.
My son and daughter both are adhd and they have a lot of nervous energy and are anxious. All the movement sometimes subtle sometimes quite irritating helps them release their anxiety and excess energy. I don’t have LF so I can’t see what’s going on. Is he a lot different than before? When you see the LF this is after he won the competition with Dan? correct me if I read wrong from before but I thought somebody posted Ian won.
Let me know.
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@Macy I saved the email it came in because when I came on the blog I didn’t see it. Weird. If you give me your email I will forward it to you. I copied and pasted what Ciara said.
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Janice – Ciara posted on the 15th post #81. Looks like everyone ignored her rude comments and didn’t give her the satisfaction of commenting on her ignorant statement. Sometimes less said is better:)
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janice – he is the back bedroom bashing danielle – so i guess i was just feeling sorry for him – going through past seasons – u know how dan asks questions – ian loves that – they are the ‘bregaide’ – ha
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@nonna I copied the whole thing. It was from tonight less than 1 hour ago:
Big Brother Blog via
10:39 PM (49 minutes ago)
to me
There is a new comment on the post “Big Brother 14 Saturday Update”.
Author: Ciara
Sorry for your loss, BUT, this is a site for BB comments…..Please keep that in mind when making posts on BB…..I have enough death and such in my family, I don’t need to hear about it from strangers regarding strangers. Please keep your posts to BB SHIT.
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janice – my e-mail is holla
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@Macy I can only imagine his anxiety is growing as the end draws near.
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Let me tell you something. I’m new to this blog, and what attracted me to it was not only are these people big brother fans, they are compassionate people.
They are funny, they care about people. True compassion. We don’t have to see each others faces to have small talk and care about each other as humans.
I’ve been in lots of chat rooms and blogs and the disrespectful people made it impossible to enjoy communicating about big brother and life.
I’ll tell you what my grandmother would say…
You better pray that you didn’t just invite a situation in your own personal life that will require condolences.
You ever heard the term “Have a heart” ?
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The link you have is the one I saw. I just rolled through all the post and found it that way. Thanks for the info even though I wouldn’t give Ciara the time it takes to post a comment to her.
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It’s odd how it’s not up on the blog now. Maybe it was wisely taken down?
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I wonder how Dan’s school will think about him promoting this bullying of Ian especially with Ian having special issues.
We all know bullying is a major problem and it does not stop with school age children.
Danielle is a disgrace to the nursing profession for the part she is playing in this bullying.
I think both Dan and Danielle will face some negative backlash from the public when they return to their lives.
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Ciara 09.15.12 at 6:46 pm
Sorry for your loss, BUT, this is a site for BB comments…..Please keep that in mind when making posts on BB…..I have enough death and such in my family, I don’t need to hear about it from strangers regarding strangers. Please keep your posts to BB SHIT.
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@mamamargie Calm down. I think she got the message. I can’t imagine we’ll see her name on the blog.
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Mamamargie – take a deep breath and let it go……. Ciara isn’t worth the words or space on this blog. Even though we seem to be giving her more notice than we should.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now onto BB keeps those updates coming, I love your blogging and sarcastic humor. You make me laugh and I’m as addicted as the rest of this group of VERY FRIENDLY AND SENSITIVE people that comment on this blog. I have read for years but this is my first year making small comments. Peace to all:)
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@ janice i am hoping she does give me a come back if she thinks this is bad it is the tip of the iceberg for me. cowards like that do not use their real name or one that we know, how many times do we stray from bb? who the hell made her in charge that was totally uncalled for rude and disgraceful. i am still shaking, txs for msg to calm down takes a lot to make me this crazy, any way i hope she never comes back or if she does an apology to maryann and amy is in order.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------txs janice
now back to bb
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@nonna thanks i appesch and so glad u finanlly decided to comment as have several others, see we do not bite lol i think we are a pretty good group here i have tried over the years to check out other blogs but never stay i mostly read and come back to this one i think it is the people who make this one so special and now u r one of us, warm welcome aboard and i assume u r italian as nonna is grandmother in italian am i correct?
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Anything new on the LF?
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@Sal, great email regarding our great blog. I’m so sorry for your families loss. My prayers and I’m sure all of us send you prayers and support to you and your entire family.
As for our ignorant, rude blogger…one of the people we were mourning was one of our own bloggers plus we are caring and loving to everyone except people like you. We give condolences to our fellow bloggers and listen to whatever anyone wants to talk about and it’s not always BB especially in some of these down times. So, just go away and join the mean blogs for people like you, this isn’t one of them.
@mm, take a deep breath sweetie.
@hillbillymike, send her some hooch. lol
@nonna, welcome aboard. Always love to have new compassionate bloggers.
So many have told us what a great blog we have because we do care about each other. We are like family and we have our spats, but it’s over in a flash and we move on and continue blogging our hearts out.
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Mamamargie – I am Italian. Just two wonderful grandchildren to call me Nonna but I love the sound of their voices when they call me:) when our granddaughter was born 8 years ago she had 4 great grandmothers and two grandmothers so I decided to call myself Nonna to distinguish myself from the rest:) keep checking the joker blog for anything new but nothing of interest. Just Dani whinning:(
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FYI – BBBLOGGER has a new page up:)
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NEW PAGE UP entitled:
Big Brother Blog loses one of its own – A Late Sunday update
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New blog up
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Dani bashing ian in the BY. Dan is in DR so she’s taking advantage of it.
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Poor Ian. He is being very quiet which is good. Danielle is trying to upset him.
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I cannot hear a word ian is mumbling with that loud squeaking someone get some wd40 anyway i heard thru the grapevine that Danielle tells Ian she has to take sleeping medication to sleep at night that is why she was called into the Diary Room.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------this is the first i am hearing this wonder if it is true so many lies going back and forth not even a scorecard can keep track
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I am sorta sick of hearing Ian discuss Survivor on BBAD.
Thank for the blog..I my second year with it.
I normally never comment..just read.
Honestly, who is going to give this to Danielle?
I think the jury sees her and Dan’s puppet, NOT a player.
And same for Ian. Ian just looks at Dan with puppy eyes most the time. *shrug* Whoever wins this season, should be congratulated for beating Frank.
Thanks again for the blog!
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