All of this blog is spoilers – so skip it if you want to learn as you watch the TV show.
When we last left BB14, both Frank and Joe had been evicted from the Big Brother house. Since Dan was the last HOH, he was not able to compete for HOH. The HOH competition was held off the Live Feeds. It will be shown on the TV show tonight. As we all know by now, Ian pulled off his second HOH win.
We are now down to the Quack Pack…Ian, Dan, Danielle and Shane and lone duck…Jenn. Ian decides to put up Shane and Jenn. Who is the target? Well, that depends on which BB house guest is lying.
The Veto competition is held and Shane wins! Now, Shane SHOULD pull himself off the block. Believe it or not, Dan tries to talk him into NOT coming down. He tells Shane he has the votes to remain in the game. Luckily, Shane doesn’t fall for this, but I have to admit, I was scared for a second there!
I have no idea who Ian is going to put up in Shane’s place. I’m sure you are all sitting at home screaming at your screen for Ian to backdoor Dan. Dan has asked Ian a ton of times if they are definitely in a Final 2 alliance. Ian actually gets irritated and tells Dan I told you a ton of times Yes. I’m surprised that Ian is planning to go this way. He’s watched the show, why would he want to take Dan to the end with him? Anyone of the others would be a better choice. I doubt that Dan will take the chance of bringing Ian to the Final Two. Ian is really the only other one with a chance to win this game.
So stay tuned to see what Ian does….Bloggergal
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Starfish and Kevin…your comments are going into Spam most likely because you are mentioning Twitter names with the @ sign. The spam software thinks you are promoting other websites.
The Survivor website should be up and running later on today, if I can get my act together! As we close in on the end of Big Brother, we need something to keep us going!
Commenting so I can follow your comments!
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I don’t have it in my email yet tho. Thanks Bloggergal, I’ll just try to bold names instead of using the @ sign. I’m looking forward to Survivor too.
Jane Being a special needs teacher would have been a good fit for me. However, in my profession, it was all women, all the time except in the board room and that says it all. I guess I was a special needs teacher. lmao
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Many people may not know that this day exists. Some may choose to ignore it. They may think, โmust we have a day for every person in the universe, when does all this day naming end?โ Sadly, those people probably did not have an opportunity to develop a relationship with their grandparents. They donโt understand the gifts that a grandparents can give. Grandparents can provide a sense of continuity and roots to their grandchildren. They can provide a sense that life matters, and the ability to see life within a larger context of time. Happy Grandparents Day!
I apologize to anyone who gets offended when or if we go off topic of bb
blog slow at this time so i wanted to wish all grand parents a very happy grand parents day (we sure deserve it)
extra hugs to hillbilly on this day
Maryann, txs for update on hannah so happy to hear the good news i am looking forward to her comments, hugs to her
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@jt, hugs to u sis and family
@ all last nites late shift we had such a good time thanks to all
txs for grapevine hillbilly u did good
ciao till later
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BBGUY txs for new page i appesch
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------lots going on i just hope ian is smart enough to make the right decision
i think dan is plannig on taking jenn to final 2 as she had no game and he thinks he will be a shoo in we will see
Jane i love your comments re the kids and especially your little chocolate dennis the menace, seen his pic on facebook and yes he looks like he could be another dennis the menace. I guess after all this time u guys know that our granson nicholas is down syndrome we r so proud oh him he graduated high school with a high grade point avg and even got to wear a silver type scarf, he grad in may and turned 18 aug 14th the kid has a better memory then me at times he is so high functionig, but he does have some habits that were hard for me espeially t0 understand he has to be at least 3 back pack with him at all times, carries a pad and pencil(like me lol) and he sits in our puter room using his puter and hums for hours now that is what makes me crazy i too can
not take repetative noises so i just put on my headphones now lol
he knows his puter and is even better at it then me at times he even makes his own videos on his, in closing he registetred to vote and is looking forward to nov election (his mom can help him well i can go on ad on with my nick so proud of him and also while living in los angeles i used to work with special needs from babies to adults and loved every minute of it and this was even before nick was born,
ok ok that is it
hugs to all
txs for allowing me to brag on my nick
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Commenting so I can follow your comments!
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You know as I watch this season I’m amazed st how much Ian remembers about this game and all seasons, but it just amazes me that he doesn’t even plan on back-dooring Dan. I hope he is just stringing us along a d plays smart. As I see it GET RID OF DAN!!!!
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Jenn needs to go home.
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Hopefully he puts dan up and dani and shane grow a brain betwren them and vote out dan..but i dont see that happening.
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If Ian wants to win this game he has to back door Dan NOW! While he has this golden opportunity!
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Ian wants Jenn out and I believe he is more afraid of Shane than Dan. Who knows what is going on in Ian’s head!
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Backdoor Dan now, while Ian has the chance! Otherwise Dan will end up getting rid Of Ian…..Ian is so smart with all the other BB games, certainly he has to see that Dan is playing him… come on Ian… WAKE UP! Gey Dan out of this hose… he is a snake,, worse then Boogie….(I think) Dan has already won the money… I want to see Ian win!! Anyone else out there Ian fans????
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I never posted to the blogs before Hannah’s accident, she’s the blogger not
me. Her husband ,is picking her right now and should be home soon. Her
children and our family awaiting her return.
I personally wish to thank everyone for their prayers and best wishes for recovery, your kind wishes meant alot to all us.\
You are great people and I wish you all the best of everything
Hannah will contact the blog as soon as she’s up to it.
The very best to you all
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C’mon peeps, dontcha think Ian is just telling Dan what he wants to hear??? I really do. Opinions anyone??? Have a wonderful, sunshiney day all.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To Hannah, and BoBo, thoughts and prayers alwaz with you. ๐
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BTW: mush have been some POV comp, their fingers are all taped up!!! Unless it’s for another reason, feel free to fill me in…..
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Back Door DAN today !!! Hope Ian and Shane and Danielle WAKES UP !!! he is the biggest threat not to mention the only coach thats there ~ perfect time to back door Dan
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Please send Hanna my love
Ian ,maybe smarter than his actions show lets see
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We could all be wrong
I hope so!
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OMG-I’m so sick of hearing Dani chew. Thats it, choke Dani, choke!!!
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Dani is pledging her allegience to Dan. Is she for real?
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If Ian Backdoors Dan, will Shane & Danni vote him off?
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I don’t understand all the posts about Dan won before so they don’t want him to win again. I don’t think that has anything to do with it. Dan is a snake. This is a show where you have to lie but bringing the Bible, your dead Grandfather and Wife into it is so beyond crossing the line. We all expect deceit or should expect it but to find out Dan’s moral and ethics are nil is just disgusting. Dani even called him on it after his funeral when she said you did that at my emotional expense? Well???? Well, she’s an idiot but that spoke volumes about Dan and like I have said before, he should be more than ashamed of himself and I would think has a lot of people to answer to when he gets home.
It won’t be long until we find out if Ian, Shane, Danielle and Jenn have realized the snake’s game.
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does jenn ever change or wash her clothes? gross.
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Dan needs to go. I’ve been an Ian fan since the beginning. Dan isn’t about to take Ian to the F2, he knows Ian would probably win. Dan wants to take either Jen or Dani to F2–neither of them have done anything and Dan thinks he can win with either of them beside him. Hopefully the jury is smarter than that and doesn’t award Dan for all his dirty tricks. Dani is just stupid though and I doubt she’d vote Dan even if Ian does put him up for a backdoor.
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Iran should put Dan if he wants to to win. Dan will not keep him . Iran should know from the past BB show . Wake up Iran. Some post need too be put on facebook stay with the subject.
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Ian is smarter than anyone thinks. I hope he doesn’t underestimate Dan tho even tho I think he would win over Dan hands down, not many of the jury liked Dan he has already won money before don’t think bb should bring people back that already won, Dan Is a piece of crap and I hate the way he’s playing on the sympathy of Ian and his add to try to win his confidence and loyalty. I really liked Dan before but I would’ve ashamed to say he was my son if I was his family, there’s a point you go over the line and he crossed that long ago, go Ian win that money for you and your family,and even if you don’t you are already a winner, he is the only one I can see picking up some notoriety in there, dani is in for a rude awakening I hope she learns about herself from inside this house.
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at this point and including frank who i hated to see go………i don’t think there was anyone left after the other coaches were voted out, smart enough to know dan needs to be OUT. i think a 4 yr old could win this now if the 4 yr old was in dan’s place. they’re as trusting as sheep.
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sorry to keep being such a pest, but why r they dressing up?
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I don’t think Ian is stupid! I hope he puts up Dan!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Surely Ian saw that Dan was trying to get rid of him!
I know Dan tried to talk his way out of it, but Dan clearly wanted
Ian gone! I am looking forward to Dan leaving, and Ian winning
the big prize! He was thrilled with the Three thousand from Boogie,
so that sweet boy will be Dancing with Joy over a half Million!
I hope Ian wins! He deserves it!
Dan is the best player, and the best liar, but he already won once!
Ian for the win!
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ANYONE KNOW WHEN REPLACEMENT NOM is announced? even though im in texas – im gonna brace myself for the jenn-city earth quake!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------although, if its dan – their may be a huge party at my house!!
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Shane won a trip out of the house. He chose to take Danielle with him. Jenn told Danielle to use the time alone to talk Shane into not using the veto. Can you imagine?
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Full moon over CBS Studio City this morning…
Danielle’s Delusions โ@DanisDLusions
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------โ@MamaXanax: Look at this awesome pic of Danielle! #BB14โ O! M! G! My ass is ALWAYS ON BLAST!! #BBLF #DaniDelusion
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Full moon over CBS Studio City today…
Danielle’s Delusions โDanisDLusions
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------โMamaXanax: Look at this awesome pic of Danielle! #BB14โ O! M! G! My ass is ALWAYS ON BLAST!! #BBLF #DaniDelusion
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@sweetjudy, as frank would say, “agreed”!!!
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Happy Grandparent’s Day! I helped my Sunday School class make a cute flower for their Grandparent’s today. Lots of fun! Unfortunately Ian has attached himself to the person in the house that seems to be his friend since Brit is gone. He is also the person that will more than likely get Ian out of the house too. I hope he back doors Dan, but I don’t think it will happen. Good Luck Ian!
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hi everyone,
I want to thank you all for your prayers and good wishes I really appreciate it all. I’m a little tired, but doing much better.
I would have missed alot if not for this blog and my sister’s updating me
even when I was not conscious. My husband told me that she would read the
blog to me
I hope everyone takes care of themselves and stay well and happy.
love you all
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Mamargie as a very proud Grandmother of two beautiful young ladies I want to thank you for mentioning Grandparents Day.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am still am keeping my fingers crossed and hope Ian backdoors Dan, looks lie Shane jst might be getting his head back into the game.
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Thank you Tambo Glad to see you home Hannah!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Happy Grand parents Day โ My Grand kids called me! I did not know why? Yesterday my grandson 23 helped my with stuff that had to go to the recycle dump, then we went to lunch ๐ It’s 4:25 EST in NJ, The Jets won ๐
I just spent around an hour reading all your comment’s! Thanks for all the up dates ๐ I still like Ian, just hope Dan did not brain wash him! I he does know the game that well he should back door Dan โ I really hope he wakes up but I think he won’t ๐ …….. see you all soon…………
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@Hannah ๐
Is Jenn playing again ? Once in while she remembers
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@mm well Happy Grandparents day to you too! What a great story. Thank you for sharing.
@Hannah, welcome back! So you were unconscious for a period? That’s pretty scarry. Hope you are done with that. Take good care, relax, relax & relax!
@All, I agree with most of you, hoping Ian backdoors Dan and that Shane & Dani have the brains to vote him out. Did I hear right, Jenn is trying to convince Dani to convince Shane to not use the POV? Dumb & dumber. She’s not even considering it is she?
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Well – dani and shane didnt go to the MTV awards – they were fri nite – so where does everyone think they went? my guess is going to be a football game – whata yall think?
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yeah brillant Jenn.. you got three hours alone in the house to talk strategy and plead your case with the HOH & a leading player in the game and instead you ask Dani to go talk Shane out of using the Veto. Are we being punked????? Where’s Ashton Kutcher? This seasons HG’s can’t really be this stupid can they?
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Jenn in the backyard talking about her gameboy, moving, movies.. and get this how she’s ”not worried about a lot of stuff” with Ian & Dan…. yeah I hope your a** gets evicted today. You could do all that in the Jury House.
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Ian, Get HIM OUT! And You’ll win! You’re too smart to let him bamboozle you!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rootin for ya
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@Bloggergal, thanks for the update. I don’t understand how I’m missing all this stuff!!!!
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I wonder if shane and dani would be taken to a public place where someone might warn shane about his lyin’, backstabbin’ date. Haha
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@MM I didn’t know about the Down Syndrome.. how’d I miss that?? He sounds like a great kid! I think DS comes with a loveable trait. I never met someone with Downs that wasnt a sweetheart!
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JOAN – i wish – – but those handlers are with them just for that – so – im hoping the fling will make them closer and away from dan – dan has sent dani on a mission to have shane NOT use the veto – IF HE DOES THAT WE ALL NEED TO TAKE A TRIP TO VERMONT and kick his butt
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everyone says to backdoor Dan, the only ones voting is Shane & Dani and they wont vote him out. not only is Jen trying to get Dani to get Shane not to use the POV, so is Dan. if he doesnt he is gone, Ian is thinking about putting up Dani, Jen goes home. Ian cant play in next HOH, as long as Dan dont win it, Ian has a shot at Dan , we know Ian is going on the block next week, but all he has to do is win POV and he gets to sent someone home and be in F3 . I think the next POV will be mental, good chance he will win it. I think since he is such a big BB fan he would like to play againt Dan at the end to see if he could win.
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trying to listen to the convo between ian and jen around the pool – BORING AS HE DOUDLE HOCKY STICKS – this is where i miss britany – her conversations were interesting – dan is just looking at them – bout to roll his eyes – ian talking about college
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If shane does not use the pov on himself the new tourist motto for Vermont will be:
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MM – ha ha ha – SO TRUE
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Ian better stop rocking and get Dan out if he wants to win this.
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For any “Brenchel” fans out there….
I am not and never was a fan! ๐
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CBS Tweet โ@CBSTweet
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#CBSEyeAlert: Due to Live #USOpen Tennis Sunday, primetime lineup delayed 33mins for East/Central Time Zones Only #BB14, GoodWife,Mentalist
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thanks For the alert K11, delayed that sucks. I’m sure it will be a good show though.
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justintv Canadian feed (Don’t know if delayed):
No football game in LaLaland tonight for Shane-Danielle to go to. I saw rumors words “Kodak Theater” were said and the words “stars” was involved, but unsure if had a hidden meaning. I have no idea but I’m guessing Cirque du Soleil (spelling?).
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@aggie: That’s from Twitter (but CBS) so who knows if it’s true. I’d be around my TV justincase. Hoping tonight somewhat entertaining but not sure we don’t already know everything they’ll show. Enjoy.
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KEVIN11 – thanks so much for telling us that – i dvr’d the two shows after bb – so i wont miss any of it
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@ K11
It’s delayed here BB is still not on
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Aggie, it will start at 7:33 for us.
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Hey Fran, crap, Now JT will lose some of it, I guess ON Demand will have it or xfinity
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Watching 60 minutes right now – ticker message along bottom of screen states BB will start at 7:35 central/8:35 eastern.
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JT will figure it out. He has to know when it comes to sports, it always screws with our programs. It was a stupid tennis match. At least it could have been something fun…like a football game. ๐
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I hope they show Frank & Joe entering the JH, I know they didnt do it with Brit that wouldnt have been much to see with just Ashley there, she might not even know Brit is there
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Macy1231231 – Oh you used the forbidden word “Hockey” – I am so down, as I am sure there will be another lockout. Could someone please fire Bettman.
On to the show. I really think Ian plans to take Dan to the end. I would love to see Danielle talk Shane out of using the veto, then Marcellas would not be know as making the worst move in BB history!!! ๐
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I so want Dan to be outta there, and gets fired from his job. How can you swear on Your wife and THE BIBLE?? Dumb butt..Ian too.
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@ Mayela
I enjoyed Dan in his season, But really can’t stand him this time, When somebody says that about swearing on the Bible and family, people really shouldn’t be dumb enough to believe them. People would say anything to keep their ass safe, it happens all the time on that show.
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Danielle….speak up and tell Shane that Dan wants him gone, and that he wants you to vote him out. Then I think Shane needs to tell Ian that Dan was wanting him out before Joe, and I hope it’s before the renoms. Then Ian can put up Dan and send his happy ass out of there.
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i’m tired of this BS. Why have double elimination and rush through the program if they rehash everything from Thursday night tonite? CRAP! TONITE IS A WASTED NIGHT.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GLASS HOUSE on ABC was put together much better than BB.
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60 minutes was much better.
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Miss Cleo BB14 โ@MissCleoBB14
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danielle: “WHO WANTS TO SEE MY HOH?” Shane: “I do…oh wait, NO!! MY EYES! THOSE TEETH! MAKE IT GO AWAY!!” #BB14
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@Betty: I feel your pain. I am like 90% sure there will be an NHL lockout. Like BB, they don’t REALLY CARE about us fans, assume we’ll come back and could care less what we think. Once again, billionaires and millionaires sticking it to the Common Man in the name of greed.
Here’s tonight’s BB if anyone missed it…If it sticks:
Ermm BBUK โ@Ermmmmmmm
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tonights #BBUS Episode 26 Nominations #11
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Joker’s BB Updates โ@JokersBBUpdates
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ian to himself: “Should I trust him? Dan, Dan, Dan.” #bb14 #cbsbigbrother #bblf
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Shane take yourself off the block! Ian use your photographic memory and see the true snake that Dan the scum bag really is, and put his sorry ass up on the block, now HG’s now vote his lying, two faced, backstabbing, bandana wearing, egotistical, self serving ass out of the house, this is his time, he has to go, get him Ian, it would be your best move in this game, this season…Wake up America…. Pits off
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OMG, you guys were so right! I couldn’t believe the revolving door into the wizard’s chambers so everyone could get their marching orders. What’s worse is they are all buying into it and not thinking for themselves at all. This isn’t a game anymore since everyone is playing Dan’s game. When they watch it back, they are going to realize how stupid they are. He puts them up and then convinces them he had to do it for their alliance or whatever tale he spins, they buy into.
That’s terrible about the NHL but it happens a lot when someone wants more money. It doesn’t seem to matter whether it’s the players or the refs, it ends up hurting the fans. Betty, you have my sympathies. I’m not a hockey fan but I’ve endured it with other sports I love.
Still nothing about the Jury House. That stinks. I hope Ian is smart enough to backdoor Dan but it will be a miracle unless someone comes clean to him about Dan. That’s unlikely from the looks of it. We can only hope Ian sees through it. Not lookin good tho. ๐
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K11 I hope Ian sees the light and doesn’t trust Dan.
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@starfish: Did you see him lunge towards Ian and say “I’ll rip your face off” during that revolving door? Hope someone secretly told Shane-Danielle not to trust Dan on their little excursion tonight…
BigBrotherLeak โ@BigBrotherLeak
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danielle and Shane are back in the Big Brother house! #BB14
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They have been brainwashed by Dan.
Jenn keeps thinking she can win a comp? she is annoying and will find out soon just kept out of convenience .
Danielle, needs to make a choice she can’t go w Dan and Shane …
Dan , i just mute now but i still see that vein on his forhead from the stress of his lies
Poor Ian, go little guy ! Wake up !!!!!
Rachel, that’s punishment. I think she had her lips redone and mink eyelashes. Been living in LA too long when that’s all i noticed
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Joker’s BB Updates โ@JokersBBUpdates
They went to the Olympic Event. #bb14 #cbsbigbrother #bblf
Joker’s BB Updates โ@JokersBBUpdates
Shane + Danielle got to meet Gold Medal winners. #bb14 #cbsbigbrother #bblf
Joker’s BB Updates โ@JokersBBUpdates
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dani + Shane when to the gymnastics tour in LA. #bb14 #cbsbigbrother #bblf
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@Sylvie: Good stuff. Agree with all of it. This could be a great, epic ending or a major disappointment. I’m holding out for the former…
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Friends Within The Darkness
I can remember starving in a
small room in a strange city
shades pulled down, listening to
classical music
I was young I was so young it hurt like a knife
because there was no alternative except to hide as long
as possible–
not in self-pity but with dismay at my limited chance:
trying to connect.
the old composers — Mozart, Bach, Beethoven,
Brahms were the only ones who spoke to me and
they were dead.
finally, starved and beaten, I had to go into
the streets to be interviewed for low-paying and
by strange men behind desks
men without eyes men without faces
who would take away my hours
break them
piss on them.
now I work for the editors the readers the
but still hang around and drink with
Mozart, Bach, Brahms and the
some buddies
some men
sometimes all we need to be able to continue alone
are the dead
rattling the walls
that close us in.
Charles Bukowski
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Yes Kevin, I can’t believe I didn’t mention it. He did actually lunge at him and threaten to rip his face off. I’ve going to look at it again in the morning because I think he had his finger in Ian’s face too. What a jerk he is. I jumped at the TV and husband couldn’t believe he did that to Ian either.
I know you’re supposed to play this game hard but for some reason, for me at least, Dan’s behavior is ugly this season. Yes, I hope Ian wakes up and sends Dan and all his veins packing. Still, I don’t think that’s gonna happen. It will be interesting to see if Frank really votes for Jenn if it’s Dan & Jenn at the end. Even tho she’s supposed to go, things can change quickly in the house.
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K11, deep poem but a little too dark for me. Thanks for getting it up tho.
Sylvie, from what I saw tonight, it looks like Danielle would vote Shane out if she had too. I don’t get it. She said “if I have to”. So she’s just waiting for Dan to tell her when she has too. Stupider and stupider. Yes, Rachelle is punishment. He should have know he had the good stuff the last PD and this time it wouldn’t be so good for him but the hope to hear from his parents overrode his good sense. I hope that doesn’t happen with Dan too and he wises up.
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I think Jenn needs to go home because she hasn’t played a very good game. Let the final four be Shane Danielle, Dan and Ian.
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@starfish: That poem is pretty dark, but that was part of the nature of Bukowski’s Life. As far as Dan, well, we’ll see what transpires. He thinks most are enjoying the way he’s playing but will get a rude awakening when out of the House. And I can’t stand his constant plugging of his website, book and all when he gets the chance. He’s a millionaire and that money could truly transform Shane, Ian or Dani’s Life and I hope karma is on their side. Would love to even see Dani beat him in the end. That would be epic. ๐
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Comfortably Numb
Pink Floyd
Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me
Is there anyone home?
Come on
I hear you’re feeling down
I can ease your pain
Get you on your feet again
I’ll need some information first
Just the basic facts
Can you show me where it hurts?
There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship’s smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move
But I can’t hear what you’re saying
When I was a child I had a fever
My hands felt just like
Two balloons
Now I’ve got that feeling once again
I can’t explain
You would not understand
This is not how I am
I… Have become comfortably numb
Just a little pin prick
There’ll be no more aaaaaaaah!
But you may feel a little sick
Can you stand up?
I do believe it’s working
That’ll keep you going through the show
Come on
It’s time to go
There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship’s smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move
But I can’t hear what you’re saying
When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look but it was gone
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown
The dream is gone
I… Have become comfortably numb
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Good one K11, I like Pink Floyd
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I would like to wish BBBlogger a very Happy Birthday! I hope you get a chance to get out and have some fun, Bill… deserve it!
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I was LMAO at Rachel clup and Ian having to sit and listen…. hysterical! She actually made me laugh since I don’t have to listen to it all season long she was amusing.
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when Ian was in hoh listening to music…he mentioned Dan putting him up and didnt trust him…as far as Jenn…she absolutely hates Shane and wanted him out forever……..Ian is not so smart as we think..if he trusts Dan….he has a better chance to win against any of the others… why the F2 with Dan??
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I loved the pandora’s box last night. Wonder why they didn’t show Ian’s reaction to what the HG’s got while he had Rachelle lol
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I think Ian will win no matter who is with him in the F2
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I proudly announce that the new Blog is up and early on Monday morning too!!!
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I liked Ian for a long while. Now he is starting to creep me out. I really liked Dan before this season. Now I just want him gone. It will not happen. But, I would love to see Jen or Shane win!
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Dan is obviously a great player in the house, but it is time for him to go!! I don’t think any of the jury members would vote him the winner, but even the second place prize is too much for a previous winner, like Dan. I hope it’s Shane in the final two with Ian. He is playing a decent game as well and nobody is talking about him as a potential winner. Don’t under estimate Captain America.
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I’m sorry..but I don’t understand the reasoning behind people saying if someone already won, that should be a reason for them not to win again. I don’t think the previous players asked to be cast on the show, I think they were asked to be on the show…so why would they give up their income, family, etc for nothing? Of course if they are on the show, they are playing for some kind of prize. Now saying they shouldn’t win because of game play is a whole other subject. If they play poorly, of course they shouldn’t win. As far as Dan playing the way he is…there are few players in that house or any other previous BB houses who haven’t lied and played dirty to try to win the game. Dan didn’t have to play that way his first time out, but he had to play a whole different way this time, or everyone would have know his game play…. much like Janelle played differently, and people were not so enamored of her style this time around. She did what she had to do to try to further herself in the game. I don’t think the way they are in the house is necessarily the way they are outside the house. I disliked the arrogance of Frank, but maybe he isn’t like that in real life. I dislike Dani and her hypochondriac tendencies, and her insecurities, but maybe she is 100% different outside the house. I feel that Dan is not liking the way he is having to play right now, and that it goes against his real-life principles, but who knows. It’s a game…with a very nice prize at the end, and they all want it!!
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Spoiler: Shane used his pov to take himself off the block…good move shane…Ian misted by Dan replaced Shane with Danielle… So Dan Lives on.
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i hope things that i have said havent offended any of you – i dont have a mean bone in my body – i still stand by what i said – ian is being dupped and stupid by not getting dan while he could – dan is playing the same game as his season – ian of all people can remember what he did – that dam dan is smooth
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Macy, you posted on the old page. You don’t have to apologize for anything. Go to the new post and you’ll see what I’m talking about.
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Joyce – I didn’t understand bringing up Dan already winning money before either. Dan obviously knows how to manipulate people. He lies with no remorse while swearing on the Bible, his dead Grandfather’s necklace and his wife that every lie is the truth. His morals and ethics are nowhere to be found. I know playing this game is being able to lie but I can only compare Dan with a thief. He’s the one that would borrow something with no intentions of returning it. Matt did it too when he said his wife had cancer or some deadly disease. That is just going way too far.
As for Ian, he probably has a better chance of winning against Dan. Jenn and Danielle are not disliked by anyone and the votes could go either way.
I don’t understand why quite a few of you don’t like Frank. Some have said he’s arrogant. How? I see him and listen to him talk and find him to be a very upfront, likable person. Yes, he needs a hair stylist.
What’s happening on the LF? Are they talking voting out Jenn or Danielle?
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Janice…Manipulating people is a huge part of the game, and admittedly Dan does it very well, and hence his previous win and possibly his next one as well. Dan has never said anything as bad as Boogie and Frank joked about … saying they would tell Dan that they would hop a plane if they were voted out and fly to Dan’s home town and “f..k” his wife. Now that is horrible non game play. Maybe Boogie said it, but Frank thought it was pretty funny. Frank also tried to get votes from others by saying he deserved to e there more than those same people he was trying to get a vote from, and Danielle called him out on it. That’s why I consider him so arrogant…all of them feel they deserve to be there, and want to win. There are times he is very likable, as there are times most of them are. All of them have their faults for sure, and each of us find different things to not like about someone. As far as Dan…I DO think he feels remorse for his game play. He has actually said that he didn’t think he would have to play so deceitful, but every season is different, and every houseguest is different. I think he will likely go through a rough time personally when this is all over, because I think all of this is going against his beliefs, but he is caught up in it, and wants the win for his family, as he has voiced on more than 1 occasion. This is why I could never play the game. If you want to call someone out on game play…take a good hard look at Danielle. Today she inferred to Dan that she had a mass in her breast, and had to have chemo and radiation before the show and needs more treatment after the show. She claims to have ovarian cysts. She claims to have broken her back….on and on with the alleged health problems. Do you really believe them to be true? And if she is lying about something that is so personal to a lot of us…breast cancer…is that ok in order to win a game? Talk about morals and ethics.
It appears they are thinking of voting out Jenn…Ian wants QP till the end.
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Dan definitely tried to get Ian out hoping he wouldn’t get the veto so he could use Jenn and Dani to vote him out. Dan knows Ian is his only competition left in the house and Ian proved it tonight – had Ian been able to play in the HoH, with his memory, he would have won. Frank, Frank, Frank – he had two big problems in this game. First, he could never get over Ian taking Mike out of the game. Sencond, he trusted Dan. I saw a chance for Frank to make the biggest alliance of the game right after Dan (once again) flopped to try and save himself. He could have waited to just before the vote and talked to Ian and told him to watch the votes letting Ian see that Dan had flopped again to save himself and then set up a final two alliance with Ian.
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