Big Brother 14…Sunday Updates

by BBBlogger on July 22, 2012

Hi All!

Just some quick thoughts and tidbits!

Shane won the POV. That’s two in a row, BTW. Danielle seems to be the replacement nominee. The HG’s are talking about voting her off to get rid of one coach–Dan. Of course, no one knows for sure what will happen when a coach loses all his players. We shall see.

Heard through Twitter from BB’s casting director–never will we put a person into the Big Brother house after they have seen any portion of the DR’s. So in other words, a replacement HG would have had to be in sequester from the start of this season.

Through his tweets, Willie apologized to fans, CBS, etc. and then in the very next tweet said “However I am not sorry to Joe the fat ass chef and Janelle’s Michael Jackson nose looking ass! NO one bully’s me. No matter what is at stake.” His tweets go on and on…not very pleasant and definitely not repentant at all.

Boogie and Frank are in a secret alliance with Shane. They plan to go after Janelle’s team next. I think Shane is a fool to trust Boogie and therefore Frank, but really, what choice does he have? The strong have to stick together to get out the weak and then they’ll turn on each other.

As far as fun house stuff, does anyone have anything? Remember when the houseguests interacted socially? I think part of the problem is that the HG’s are all SO different from each other, it doesn’t allow for any good friendships or romances. It also doesn’t help when there are so many happily married.

Have a great Sunday, BB crew!!! Bloggergal

macy1231231 July 22, 2012 at 11:08 am

WOO HOO first – ha – wassup with that LESSON dan gave to danielle? made her cryt o make her tougher or what? she made me tear up. (lf)

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Sirrock July 22, 2012 at 11:21 am

With the lack of house guests this year, do you guys think once a coach loses all their players, they enter the game? If that happens, maybe they only win $100 grand since they never really were at risk, until entering the game.

Just a thought. Anyone agree/disagree?

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Gary Z July 22, 2012 at 11:53 am

I’ve said that already Sirrock (see my post and subsequent conv from yesterday), and I would think they would be eligible for the whole half mill, as they would be entering one by one and would be susceptible to being picked off one by one. If I were in the house that’s what I would do, to all but maybe Brit as I have never thought she was much of a player to begin with. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Justaguy (JT) July 22, 2012 at 12:02 pm

Sirrock… who really knows at this point.. especially on this show. IDK, but here is my “opinion”.

I don’t think the coaches will enter the game. I think a coach that loses all their players will also leave.

If they did enter the game… and played for only $100k, then what would happen to the other $400k that is normally given to the winner? Would CBS just pocket that money?… do Les & Julie split it??

Wow.. would we be pissed then! ๐Ÿ˜† They said they were giving 500k to the winner and 100k to the winner’s coach.. if they got by on the cheap and held back $500k.. we would all riot in our living rooms.. and on blogs! ๐Ÿ˜†

They do need to bring someone back… the calendar says so. And maybe they have to cut a double eviction like in BB11. Too bad, double eviction night is always a tense hour!

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piepiper July 22, 2012 at 12:03 pm

hi bbf’s
i thought i heard somewhere
that willy wanted to cleared the hantz’s name
well im thinking he just proved that the hantz are missing some of the HUMAN DNA GENES

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Justaguy (JT) July 22, 2012 at 12:10 pm

Gary & Sirrock… I do think them entering one by one is more feasible. All at once? No way. But one by one, they would/should be HUGE targets. And the newbies would only have themselves to blame if they stayed (like last year). That way the 100k would still be won… and the 500k would still be won.

I don’t think this will happen either, but the case could be made.

Also…”If” a coach did enter after losing all their players.. and went on to win, I suppose they would win all $600k??

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Slyoma July 22, 2012 at 12:50 pm

My, my so much drama so soon in this season! I hope that from now on CBS will screen the people much better when they select who is going to be on the show but then that is just my opinion.
I totally agree with Bloggergal about anyone trusting Mike/Boogie he would turn on anyone someone, needs to deflate his EGO, he has not changed at all over the years. I think it would be funny if Shane and Frank got in an alliance with Dan and take Boogie down and I bet the other two coaches would gladly jump on board with them.
As Julie always says “expect the un-excepted”
As for Willie’s apology on Twitter I do not think that family knows what “repentant” means!

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Gary Z July 22, 2012 at 12:57 pm

Could be the coaches automatically enter the jury? And I don’t think that if the coaches enter as they lose their players and end up winning they would get the $600k, they would get the $500k, as they would, at that point, be a player not a coach. I think the winner’s coach would get the $100k, but if coaches DO enter as they lose their players, who would THEIR coach be? Would they go to the coach with the least players or would there be a competition for them? So many questions, and as we have seen, only cbs knows for sure, and I believe THEY even change plans as the game evolves (Rachel’s comp of hanging on the dummy seemed awfully convenient and was a repeat of an earlier comp, NEVER seen that on BB before). Lol

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indzone July 22, 2012 at 1:54 pm

Would someone please tell how to find the Willie blow up on flashback.I have tried the 3:35 PST and have no luck.Was it Friday? Thanks

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starfish July 22, 2012 at 2:59 pm

Bloggergal, I agree, being a fool is when you trust Boogie. It should be in the dictionary.

@JT & Gary Z, you make some good scenarios for the coaches to enter or not enter the game but I really don’t think they will enter. The question you made of which ‘team’ would they go to is the real question unless they take away the team concept. If that happens, all coaches enter at once and I doubt that will happen either. If coaches come back in the game, they should be voted out immediately or the newbies will pay the price for sure.

I hope they have sequestered Jodi and Kara and whoever gets evicted this week and bring them back somehow. Jodi never had a chance and she looked like a good competitor.

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Justaguy (JT) July 22, 2012 at 3:16 pm

@ indzone Yep… it was Friday, 7/20 at 3:35pm PST. (I am in Minnesota, so I had to enter 5:35pm.. as pointed out by HoH8 (Thanks))

But here’s the thing, we never really get to see exactly what Willie did. The feeds came back on and he was pissed. They showed him trying to get into the DR.. and saying he was gonna do something.

Then the feeds cut to different rooms… and later we could hear some raised voices in another room.. nothing that alarmed the whole house though. Then Joe comes into the bathroom and says that Willie has lost it.. stomping around, slamming doors.. etc. Then when the cameras are back on Willie, he is mostly just stewing and saying he’s gonna get himself evicted. He goes up to the HOH room and tells them.. then comes back downstairs and sits back at the dining table…. nothing real wild.

And later the feeds cut for the nomination ceremony (and prolly to talk to Willie or throw him out.. but I don’t think he had done anything to actually get thrown out at that point.. maybe just threats?)

So while the feeds are off for the noms… Willie musta followed through on his threats, head butted Joe, then got the boot.

When the feeds came back, Willie was gone and JoJo & Shane were on the block.

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tendr July 22, 2012 at 3:29 pm

when all the coaches players are gone…they should leave also.

BRING JODI BACK. Here’s a girl who really wanted to play and Willie throws a fit to be thrown out becuz I believe he’s so insecure he pretty much
knew he was going to be voted out and Jodi was booted out just becuz bb says someone has to be out? well hantz is out so bring Jodi back and give her a chance to play/win even if she’s just there awhile. the bb’s plans sorta backfired by trying to bring entertainment in an idiotic way and Jodi is thrown out first day. YES, it pisses me off that bb half the time to me…..seems to making up rules as they go….

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tendr July 22, 2012 at 3:34 pm

@Starfish….I AGREE=”Jodi never had a chance and she looked like a good competitor.”

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indzone July 22, 2012 at 3:57 pm

@JUSTAGUY.Thank you.

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franniep2 July 22, 2012 at 4:17 pm

this was posted on another group from fbโ€ฆ

โ€œโ€A little inside info for you guys that a producer friend told me. And iโ€™m reputable, check the survivor thread if you want proof.
When the crazy guy started acting crazy the idiot producers who were there at the time tried to get a fight started didnโ€™t do anything to stop the fight from happening. When the guy who was violent tried to talk to production because he was losing it they wouldnโ€™t let him in because they wanted a confrontation which by FCC standards is illegal on game shows.

CBS is pissed off, knows that the FCC is going to be all over this asking to review the tapes. 1 producer at least already lost their job. And the crazy guy apparently was compensated some dinero to not sue!

Couple producers are losing their jobsโ€”


Donโ€™t know how much of this is trueโ€ฆ..a lot of rumors all over the place.

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Justaguy (JT) July 22, 2012 at 5:14 pm

Sounds pretty believable to me Frannie.

I thought it was very odd that they didn’t let Willie into the DR after some of the things he said. Usually when something like that happens (Chima for example.. and others), the DR calls them in to talk and calm them down if they can.

And I never heard a single peep from the BB house voice. When Chima got booted, they tried over and over again to call her to the DR and told her several times to put her mic back on… and she wasn’t even threatening physical violence.

It was odd for sure the little I saw on flashback.

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Mama Margie July 22, 2012 at 5:40 pm

I too hope Jodi is brought back, she had no chance to fight and it was out of her control, so if she does return here is the question (or questions)
1- does she go back to team dan
2-what if danielle gets evicted does this mean dan is gone and no chance for jodi to return to a team that does not exist?
3- does jodi return to team brit to make up for willies exit
so many questions!
any thoughts fellow bloggers?

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Bobo July 22, 2012 at 5:46 pm

Good fed back my friends! glad to to see you so much into the BB Blog I do miss you on the Aggie Blog!!! Maybe you might come back into Aggieland and give us some of your insights! ๐Ÿ˜•

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Kevin11 July 22, 2012 at 6:26 pm

Good stuff Frannie and great analysis, as always there JT.

I too think the numbers don’t add up now and that someone may return and I think all BB fans would love to see Jodi get another crack at it.

Here’s a link to an East Coast feed (From Canada I think) where I’ve been watching it early. We’ll see how CBS handles/edits all this crap. Impossible to feel sorry for Willie at this point.

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franniep2 July 22, 2012 at 6:27 pm

I have given some insight there as well Bob, but I doubt anyone is reading it, so it’s for nothing.

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starfish July 22, 2012 at 6:49 pm

Great info frannie! I don’t doubt any of it. If CBS ignored Willie’s attempt to enter the DR, then they are liable. If they paid him “dinero” to now sue, that’s worse.

Who’s Bob or do you mean Bobo?

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franniep2 July 22, 2012 at 8:12 pm

@ Starfish….yes, I did mean Bob. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Justaguy (JT) July 22, 2012 at 8:16 pm

Hi all… I agree with you Bobo (Bob O).. always nice to see people that are actually into the show and this blog! ๐Ÿ˜€

I agree with all that said they would like to see Jodi get another chance. She was one of few that i thought I might like from preseason interviews. But she was gone before the feeds/BBAD even got off the ground!

And she really got the short end of it compared to all other first evictions. She was picked on a team.. then picked by Dan to leave when they lost. Didn’t get a chance for HOH.. or POV.. or to campaign for votes.

Margie, you raise some very interesting questions about how it would all work…. and I have no answers ๐Ÿ˜† I wonder if the powers that be are scanning the blogs looking for ideas?!

Good show tonight. Of course we didn’t see all that happened with Willie. But it did happen pretty much the way I heard the HGs describe it.

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franniep2 July 22, 2012 at 8:44 pm

On tonights episode didn’t it look like Willie only intended on chest bumping Joe, but ended up hitting him in the face? I think Joe should have been removed as well, as he had his fists up and ready to fight before Willie ever touched him. I don’t think anyone was innocent….Willie was feeling hurt and backed in a corner. I don’t condone what Willie did, but at the same time I felt sorry for him the way everyone was treating him like that. Many things that were said about Willie were heresay and not true.

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Betty July 22, 2012 at 8:47 pm

I wonder if everyone except one coach and one player will be evicted, then see CBS bring back the house guests after the coaches are gone. There would have to be a number of double or even triple eliminations to do this. Just a silly thought, but I for one would like to see the coaches out and the house guests play their own game! ๐Ÿ™‚

Don’t laugh at me JT!!!!

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Justaguy (JT) July 22, 2012 at 8:56 pm

I agree with some of that Frannie… especially the part about no one being innocent. They all knew Willie’s weakness and exploited it.

I think the difference is this though. Willie & Joe were exchanging (unkind ๐Ÿ˜† ) words. Joe was walking away towards the bathroom and Willie ran after him and got in his face. Not defending Joe… but knowing how unstable Willie could be, I would be prepared to defend myself too.. and I would have been thinking this nut job is gonna try to punch me… especially after all the things that Willie said about getting himself evicted.

I don’t like when someone taunts someone else into violence.. but in the end they gotta be responsible for their actions. We all learned about “stick & stones” in kindergarten. It was all words till Willie ran after Joe.

Self control.. Willie had none.

Hey… no POV ceremony today??? Is it tomorrow? I suppose I could update my pic to reflect Danielle being the replacement. I haven’t heard a word otherwise that there is another plan. Guess I’ll wait til it’s official though.. should be by the time I get home tomorrow.. I hope!!

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Justaguy (JT) July 22, 2012 at 8:58 pm

Hey Betty, I would like to see them play their own game too… think how different this season might be if the coaches/forced alliances weren’t there.

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Justaguy (JT) July 22, 2012 at 8:59 pm

GOTTA GO!!! BB Time!! (Breaking Bad) ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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Kevin11 July 22, 2012 at 10:14 pm

Mama Margie:

I don’t think Jodi went into sequester so I don’t think she’s coming back. maybe Kara?

Agree with you guys that Willie’s “head-butt” was open for interpretation and that Joe moved forward. Writing on the wall for Joe. He’ll go in next four weeks but never saw him nor Willie going too far. Still think he felt House ganged up on him and maybe they did, but hey, it is BB.

Any chance we get that picture of cast here changed Bloggergal? Has had Willie as HoH forever.

Feel CBS showed just what they could (PC) with the “fight” and also feel Janelle egged Joe (and others) on to help Volcano Willie erupt. he has been less that contrite on Twitter tonight. Surprise!

That Frank-Boogie Diary Room session made me ill. So contrived. At this point in time, I hope no coaches win and am pulling for Wil, Ian and Jenn although it looks like Frank and Shane are the two to beat.

Time for some coffee and Breaking Bad. Willie’s “head-butt” on Breaking Bad would be like a love tap, eh JT? ๐Ÿ˜‰

And here’s a Jun Song A Tweet of Joe “cheffing-it up”: (I think I could probably even do this…)

Jun Song โ€@JunDishes

Mr. Hankey!!! #SouthPark RT @hamsterwatch: …Joe’s professional presentation of pudding cups for Have-nots #bb14

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Justaguy (JT) July 22, 2012 at 10:26 pm

Kev11, Jodi didn’t go into sequester? That’s too bad.. hopefully someone got some false info?

BBBlogger said he would update pic when he gets back from Denver tonight.. but here it is in the mean time.

And right about Breaking Bad! ..enjoy the 2nd episode.. just gets better so far. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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bbigbbob July 22, 2012 at 10:43 pm

Willie did not mock Wil. Willie did not head butt. The whole house is a bunch of hugging cry babies. This year is making me sick

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aggie27 July 22, 2012 at 11:49 pm

FP, good comments about the willie situation, I’m sure they wanted all the drama to go down, because they wouldn’t let him in the DR. And also Joe’s got a big mouth and the houseguests are seeing that, they know they can’t trust this guy with info, I think his days are numbered.

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aggie27 July 22, 2012 at 11:50 pm

Breaking Bad was another awesome episode, I hate to see that show end every sunday, and always have to see an episode more than once, goodnight all

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Kevin11 July 23, 2012 at 1:52 am

How ’bout it Aggie? I have watched tonight’s twice and will watch again tomorrow. Reminds me of a good, new song I’ve heard and need to hear again. Every episode’s like a mini-movie. Need to ask JT (Encyclopedia Brown) a specific question about the whole Ricin-cigarette thing that carried over from last season.

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aggie27 July 23, 2012 at 2:11 am

Howdy K11, Breaking Bad was great tonight, I have not watched again, but will watch tomorrow, I’m so glad Fran and JT got me into watching the show, I look forward to it every sunday. I’m so glad Mike, is willing to work with them Now, they will all kick ass together. I don’t think Walt and Skylar will last though, it seems now she’s scared of him and that will only get worse. I’m sure JT will know what you want to ask, he does love the show.

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Justaguy (JT) July 23, 2012 at 5:45 am

@ Aggie, LOL.. you started watching Br Bad before Frannie did ๐Ÿ˜†

@ Kev11.. send me an e-mail with question.

Now back to BB (Big Brother), 99% sure Danielle will ba named replacement nom.. and I would think that will happen today. Would be a huge development if anyone else were put on the block.

Looks like it could be another week of back & forth about who to vote out. I’ll watch some feeds when I can. It’s gonna take a collective close watch to wade through all the deals they will try to strike this week… and who will ultimately be voted out Thursday. Keep your eyes/ears open! ๐Ÿ˜€

L8R… be back in about 13 hrs.

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aggie27 July 23, 2012 at 6:48 am

@ JT- I must have confused that show with The Walking Dead because they are both on AMC and You and Fran talked about it, I would have never watched that either, I never watched AMC, It must have been you then who talked about Breaking Bad, Oh well, so glad I watched, Both are great shows.

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franniep2 July 23, 2012 at 7:30 am

That’s right Aggie, it was The Walking Dead that I watched first. You and JT were already into Br Ba before I started. Oh, and I have to watch each episode more than once too.

@K11….I think I know what your question about the cigarette is, because I probably have the same question. ๐Ÿ˜†

For some BB…Boogie and Dan seem to want to work together and save Danielle if she goes on the block. Boogie was doing all the talking, as usual and it looked as if Dan was interested but at the same time not believing too much of what came out of the Booger’s mouth.

@bbigbob….I agree with you. I didn’t see a head butt either. What a pansy ass Joe is. He needs to go, like soon!

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aggie27 July 23, 2012 at 7:50 am

Well from what i saw on the feeds they said willie head butted Joe 3 times, they as usual did not show us much sunday. and interesting you can’t find any good footage of it either. That sucks. Joe looked like he was going to shit his pants when willie came at him, the way he put up his fists, I could have beat your ass babe with One hand tied behind my back. Joe has a very big mouth and they know well enough not too tell him too much. Good luck at the comps, with that smokers voice, that won’t help him either.

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aggie27 July 23, 2012 at 7:51 am

Hi Fran, yep you both got me watching walking dead, great show

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Carter July 23, 2012 at 8:11 am

I love seeing Shane work on his own to make an alliance, even if it is with Boogie and Frank. He is such a strong player, and he knows he is going to be a target every week, so itโ€™s smart for him to work with other strong players. This is my first season watching Big Brother, thanks to a coworker at Dish for recommending it to me, and Iโ€™m completely sucked in now. I didnโ€™t get to watch last nightโ€™s episode live, but my Hopper recorded it automatically with PrimeTime Anytime. I got to watch it this morning without any of the commercials, too, because of the Auto Hop feature. I think that Shane can go quite far if he had a good alliance set up, and to be the best I think he needs Ian on his side.

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Brigitte July 23, 2012 at 5:54 pm

I think Willie gave up way too soon. Didn’t compete in the POV and he *could have * convinced people to keep him in. Stranger things have happened on BB. It was such a cowardly move. It’s amazing how far they fall fast.

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Jake July 24, 2012 at 11:02 pm

I don’t find bullies entertaining – even on BB. I don’t find people who find bullies entertaining entertaining even on BB blog.

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aggie27 July 24, 2012 at 11:13 pm

@ Jake

Gotcha, you must be as dull as dirt, What do you want them to do just sit around and stare at each other. At least a bully livens up the joint, Maybe you should just stick with Monopoly instead of reality shows.

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