Last night’s Big Brother show was all about reminiscing. I wouldn’t have minded seeing things from the season that were never aired before, but this was just a repeat of all that happened this season and was aired on the TV show. For instance, we once again (for like the 10th time) got to see Willie going off on Joe. We saw Ashley and Ian’s date. We saw Ian and Frank’s fight. It just went on and on.
The only new thing we saw was the aftermath of Shane leaving the BB house. The diary room session with Danielle was shown and in there she states that she just doesn’t trust Dan anymore. We shall see what is really going on at Wednesday’s Finale show. I’m still rooting for Ian to win this thing! How about you? Bloggergal
I’m rooting for anybody BUT Danielle…I am sooooooooooo sick of her lies and staring in the mirrors making those ugly ass faces!!!!!!
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Rooting for Ian
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Ian all the way !!!
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I am going for IAN!!!!!!!!!
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Anybody know who won the first competition? It was similar to the other competition that Ian won before in the game.
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Dan. Hated Dan in his season but this has been the best big brother next to season two when Will won. You have to admit this game has been controlled by Dan pretty much the whole 2.5 months. Ian definitely juiced things up but not enough and I too am sick of Danielle and all of her crap!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a game and the best player by far this season has been Dan. Can’t stand poor sports!!
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Ian to win and dani and Dan to just die. No seriously Dan and Dani have just messed over everyone. They have lied and used one person after another.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ian deserves to win yes he floated a few weeks, but when they reset the game he
Became a good player. Go Ian !!!!
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I want Ian to win. Something new on last night’s show was Britney wresting with teddy…that was hilarious! I miss Brit! Dan won round 1, Ian round two.
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@hpr56 Dan won the 1st comp and Ian won the 2nd comp
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Dan is the most disgusting religious hypocrite. I hope he gets eliminated and wins nothing. For him to swear on the Bible and swear on Chelsea is really going over the limit.
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Does Danielle even have a chance at wining this even if Dan or Ian brings her to final two? People might like her but I think more of the jury will base their votes on gameplay which puts Ian and Dan above Danielle…
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Toss up between Dan and Ian. Dani was useless.
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Ian! Ian! Ian! He’s the only worthy player in the end. Go Ian!
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I am rooting for Ian, hope he wins the competition between he and Dan. I think Dan will throw the competition so that IAN will be the one to evict Danielle knowing that that is who he wants to get out, that way Dan will be looking for Danielle’s vote in the jury room and come out winning again.
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Currently Dan & Danielle in the back yard conversing on anything and everything but mostly Dani…Dan is ‘teasing, taunting and zinging Danielle (actually harrassing her in his Dastardly Dan form.)
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Danielle needs to go as Dan does too. Go Ian!!!
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Rooting for Ian!
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Go >>>>>> > Ian >>>>>>> Win
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I hope Ian wins
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Dan for sure! Ian didn’t do a thing on his own. Every move Ian made was from the mouth of someone else. He’s a puppet as well as Dani.. This is a game reality show to win big money. You do what you have to do to win. Having good morals and values have no place in the Big brother’s house.
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I’m voting for Dan to win and Ian to get the favorite houseguest monies. If Dan doesn’t win then I’m on team Ian.
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IAN!!!!!!! Has to be IAN for the win!
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@CML On game play, I think Dan worked he whole season. As coach and as a Player. He made huge moves to stay in…that was crazy. I am not offended by him as I was by Natalie Martinez BB11. or Dick. They were just vile to me. On most like able, Ian. He has done some moves…but coasted a lot in the beginning. I think he has been the least offensive….but I look at who worked the whole game. Ian was carried for a while and Dani, well she would have never gotten this far if it wasn’t for Dan. (The same can be said for Ian…Shane could have gone home if it were not for Dan’s decision). But I loved anywhere they showed Britney. She kills me. The flicking of the cans…the attitude…the bear, the relationship counselor in bed. She is sooo funny.
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IAN for the win – dani is still stroking dans ego – is so unreal – what does she think it will accomplish – he has already told her that he can win with her f2 – paaleeze bring in anyone to break this b.s. (heck i would welcome even jesse back – to hear him pipe in about himself) man desperate…………..
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Ian to win. I’d like to see Dan and Dani just leave. I have no respect for them.
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Thank you DewyRose. I appreciate it.
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Love him or hate him, he played the better GAME!! GO DAN GO!!
**Don’t get me wrong though, if Ian wins the 3rd HOH comp and knocks out Dan, I’m for team Ian all the way.
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No question about it I’m for Ian! I doubt Dan has a chance with the jury anyway now that Shane has been there for two weeks and both he and Frank can speak to how “dirty” Dan played/plays the game. The game may not be about morals or ethics but the jury may be! Although I’m not a Christian I think Dan crossed the line when swore/lied on the Bible. I think Ian has played a good game. Someone suggested he did nothing on his own initiative. I think he did, He had significant input in Quack Pack decisions and faithfully played the game as a great alliance member. By doing so he also suffers the impact of the alliance being wrong or being liars. Go Ian, alternatively Danielle. But that’s just the way I see it.
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I think Ian will get a majority of the jury votes…everyone other than Frank really liked him
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This is the last post I made today on the other page, just wanted to say it again
My condolences to Hannah and Sals family for both of your losses, you have my prayers!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As for yesterday Thank you Patricia For you kind words to me! I do love Football & was happy the NYG won, it was a great game! I know better to keep this kind of thing to myself! I did not comment for the rest of the night because I had nothing good to add, when I was told, as a joke I know, To go take a pill and lie down, that was my Que to stop chatting and go! Hope you all are doing well today, see you soon…….
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I really like Ian! I hope he takes it all ❗ ……..
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Ian to win when Dan & Dani get disqualified for unnecessary roughness!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: grin :
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Go Ian!!!!!!!!!!
Dan is a pro so he had an unfair advantage, plus he makes me sick so he’s not fun to watch so I fast forward him.
Danielle, lier……girrrrrrl coming to get you if you lied about having breast cancer!
Ian won competions and Dan threw most of them.
So all 3 played i don’t look at anyone of them not playing, but in the end Social Game wins usually.
People don’t vote for the backstabbers, you’ll see.
Like Russell on survivor twice and not knowing that his social game sucked.
People are still people a little lying sure i get it, but 100% of the time and backstabbing I have no respect .
Dan you are a loser!
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oops not lie but Liar
And YES Brit was hilarious w bear !
I say Ian and Brit get their own show
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@Hillbilly good morning! per your discussion on previous page. Bo one stated Ian had ither symptoms. We said Ian had underlying symptoms of another condition. We stated he had multipule symptoms that would most likely place him on the Autism Spectrum.
Hi @Tambo… ignore don’t respond change the subject… your dealing with pure ignorance
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*No one stated* not Bo one… typos!
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I’d love for Ian to win and Dan take second place. If nothing else I hope Ian gets Americas vote:)
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@Hillbilly get my Moonshine ready I’m working with 40 kids today… will need something to take migraine away when I’m done lol!
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@Sylvie looks like we got a break in the weather!!!
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@Tomi did you ever see my facebook inbox?
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Sal You asked me if I was in the service, did you ever get to read my comment I sent you? …………..
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Ian only if he cam come up with a speech that puts Dan’s lights out! If he comes weak than Dan!
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It was on 09.15.12 at 3:13 pm….#54
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I absolutely love the idea of Ian and Britney having a show together — they would be terrific! If CBS is listening to any of this, please develop a show for them. Ian is a lovable neurotic, constantly having to fidget, etc. (reminds me of a young Woody Allen)…and Britney is very clever and a great personality.
I hope Ian wins but I mainly hope that CBS realizes what a prize they have in him and Brit.
As far as Dan and Danl…he is one of the most disgusting people you would hope that you never meet…and she is one of the most whining and needy ones.
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Go Ian Go! I hope Ian wins and tipy toes up to Dan and knocks the you know what out of him in Vegas after he finds out everything!
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@Bobo ….. 10-4 read it the other day! You got in on the ugly shit of the war! Agent Orange was some bad stuff!
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I hope Danielle kicks Dan in his crown jewels followed by Ian’s family members snatching her bald for the way she treated Ian. They owe Dan an ass whooping as well! Please excuse my mild french.
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Ian all the way for me. Now I’ll go back and read the forty eleven posts from early this morning.
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@hpr56 – what is ur problem lady??? i didnt say anything personal to you or about you. it was strictly game talk. u ok??? good gawd get a grip.
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@hpr56 – i hear from alot of people that ur a trouble-maker. find sum1 else to spar with and grow the hell up.
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@Tambo…ignore hpr56. That’s what everyone else has done. If you notice, that is why he/she asks the same thing over and over, looking for someone to pick a fight with. IJS
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Mikeabilly, you’ve got mail.
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First of all did we forget this is big brother we are watching ? I am a team DAN fan yes I agree what he did to Danielle. Is so wrong but he is such a brillant player and I believe he deserves to win the money. Just as much as the next player. – I am sure if that was Mike boogie up there he wouldn’t be getting badmouth by most of the BB fans. If. You think Dan shouldn’t win then BB should not have given the COACHES the. Opition to play. Usy sayin. GO TEAM DAN
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I would like Ian to win, toss up for 2nd. Definitly not a Dan or Dani fan.
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@jane, no I didn’ hard drive went. So I only canget on with my phone. Ill get on my sons computer later. Thanks
And im ian all the way. Dani should get nothing for being such a poor sport.
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Opps! Just sayin lol
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@tambo yes ignore do the opposite of what he or she wants LOL
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@Schelita- I AGREE…
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Howdy tendr….I MISS YA GF!
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OMG..I GOT IT…I now know why Dani is being such a brat and throwing a tantrum….she’s 23 so she fits in this category. All kids get a metal for participation, she knows they don’t give thoses on BB…HEY BB, GET DANI A METAL SO SHE’LL. STOP WHINNING!!!
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@franniep2, @slyvie, thanks will do. 1st year here so i dont know that much about anyone on this blog. thanks so much for the heads up guys!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------🙂 🙂 🙂
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@Tomi, LOL – yea give her whiny butt a medal to match the one in her head!!!
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Ian all the way!!
I can’t really see that happening. It would be the first time in BB history that my early favorite has won.
Gotta happen sometime though.
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@ Bobo ~ sorry you got your feeling hurt yesterday, do leave us, we know some guys love sports and i for one am happy for ya. Don’t go away, please the season is almost over, stay and play.
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Miss u 2 Frannie. CJ is having health probs and also trying to plan a wedding so it’s been alot of tears around here. but i’ve kinda not said much about it…i guess.
didn’t Ian have a talk with Boogie about his ‘condition’ and he said he moves around alot and it helps and he doesn’t want to take meds which i think is fine. he shouldn’t have to if he’s not hurting anyone. i have a neice in her twenties with the mind of a 7 yr old and very hyper. she isn’t on meds now but was when little and all it did was make her pull her own hair n crap like that. sometimes you just have to learn to love ppl as they are and not expect them to be like you cuz it’s not gonna happen. Look in here even….i just ignore the ppl in here who are wrong LOL….
and i skim the longggg posts cuz i’m too busy to read them all so i love spoilers most of if you have any just POST BIG so i’ll throw on my brakes as i zip by.
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TEAM IAN!!!!!!
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@ Bobo ~~~~ feeling should be feeling’s
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------do should have been don’t
sorry for my typo’s
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Tomi , my oldest daughter is 34 and is just now going thru her terrible 2’ actually…………..she’s been going thru them since she was 16. …i give…
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swt ♥
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Tambo: I am not a trouble maker. Your comment to me with the “hellooooo” appeared rude. You didn’t need to do that. I wasn’t causing problems. I was simply asking questions and making responses. I did not say that Dan and Dani were not both picking on Ian. If I misunderstood your response and it wasn’t intended to be personal, then I apologize.
The “people” you are talking about just happened to have issue with me saying I thought Ian was ADHD and I said his actions sometimes were psychotic and they went off on me for being rude to autistic individuals. Jane and Starfish got all over me for that. I was not doing that.
Maybe the rest of you should go back and read what I have honestly posted and you would see that was the only time there has been an issue I was involved in. I did not mean to upset anyone due to their family situation. But it seems that everyone is ganging up on me and saying negative things about me because of one incident. I asked Hillbilly if it had ever been said that he was autistic because I DIDN’T KNOW if I had missed it. I got a decent response and that was it.
Maybe you shouldn’t be so quick to judge.
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I love the holier than thou types who complain about the way Dan acted this year. The BB house has NOTHING to do with the outside world, or the morality that should govern it. The HGs do what they have to d0 – they lie and backstab and thats how they get ahead. This has NO relation to the way they act outside the BB house – if watchers don’t get that and get all upset, well maybe they should be watching another show. And by the way, if they are so concerned about religion, maybe they should remember the little rule about casting the first stone!!!
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Ian to win. Dan and Dani are bullies. I feel soooo bad for Ian, the way Dani has been treating him.
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since when r salutations rude??? hellooo was my way of saying “hi”. L8R
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in case anyone missed this it took me an hr. to look it up to answer on Aug. 31, Dan asks Ian if he has Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Ian says he’s always likes to move he has ADHD. Ian adds that he doesn’t take any medication for it.. He just likes to move around alot like on the Hammock and the kitchen chair. Dan fires a zillion questions at him about his intelligence and ADHD. Dan asks him if anyone else in his family is hyper intelligent. Ian says no everyone is average,
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Seems we all are pulling for Ian. Guess we wont know the results of the comp til the finale??? Can’t wait!!!
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@hpr56 don’t put my name in your mouth it was not as simple as that. glad to see you learned how to apologize. There was just a very sad posting last page about the loss of a blog member. Not the time for b.s. banter. One if the ways her family is remembering her is by coming on the blog. Lets not look petty and just move on.
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Wow, I just caught up. I sent Bobo an email apologizing for my comment about taking his meds and a nap with a smiley face. I was just trying to be funny (unsuccessfully for sure) because of the pain he said he was in. So, again Bobo, I hope you got my email and I’m really sorry, honest!
@Jane, you said something ina long ago email about a blog from Schlita I think using the word loyalty instead of condolenses. Can you please email me that saying? Apprech!
As for the “trouble maker” you guys refer to, they actually attached Jane and were rude and obnoxious and said that Jane needed help and than went on to say “and now to the regular people”. Did anyone notice BBBloggers previous page where he said something like: “For the Regulars of Big Brother Blog”. Whether he meant that or not, only he knows.
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As I said, Tambo, I apologize for misunderstanding totally by me. In my generation, it was meant to be rude. I sincerely do apologize.
Yes, Hillbilly, I did catch it. I appreciate you looking it up even though I honestly didn’t expect you to. However, I missed the part where you said hyper intelligent. My mind was thinking hyper active.
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hpr and tambo …….. ok children, behave or dinner for you tonight
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: grin :
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(no dinner)
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@snakebit how the heck are ya
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Well, I wouldn’t want to miss dinner. You cooking?
Oh and do you wash your hands?
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@luv2shootpics, yea im done, not wasting my time or energy on that stuff!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sorry everyone….
ps: i could afford to miss a dinner!!!! LOL 🙂
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@Jane …… Very well considering the events of this weekend!
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I wash my hands and if I knew y’all would show up I would cook dinner!
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I was trying to move on.
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Quite a long way away or I would show up for a good dinner. I am very sorry for your loss. As I said before, it seems there has been a lot of heartbreak among the posters on here. Sorry for all of the losses and struggles.
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This has to be the weirdest season of BB ever. I think these three are going bonkers with all this time on their hands!
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@snakebit I want BBQ
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ty Bobo
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Yes, they sure seem to be bouncing all over the place. Other players have had time on their hands and they didn’t seem to act quite so strange unless I have just forgotten. Maybe it’s cause they just don’t trust each other at all.
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@starfish I will mail yoy the quote @Shelitas grandmother said when I get home. I’m knee deep in kids and blogging lol!
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Jane you crack me up!!!! <3
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I was soooo nervous watching Ian yesterday. I thought to myself, “this poor kid is gonna snap”….I myself would go bonkers!!!
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I think production got on Dan’s case for ignoring Ian. Anybody catch that???
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My weather hasn’t changed
Went to Hollywood earlier even worst
Can u imagine Burbank , rafts why they can’t think The heat!
Of course they gift tell Dani she is a grown up now
No! Dani you don’t get a medal for showing up!
Stop whining !!!
Dan! I repeat ! You May not have a job in the Christian school when you go home. Sorry start reading your bible and practicing your religion
Ian, good boy!
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Typos galore
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------They forgot to tell Dani….
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i’m making chicken and dumplings if yall wanna come over
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Thanks Jane, I’ll look forward to it.
Sal, I’m up for dinner. Did someone say BBQ with clean hands. lol Steelers won! WooHoo What are your predictions for them this season?
I hope Ian wins, just because. I don’t have the vocabulary to describe what a snake I think Dan is and Dani is the caboose of that train. She’s equally guilty as she knew the mind games they were playing. Yes, people have plotted against others in this game but the mind games Dan has played are beyond egregious and unlike any I’ve ever seen on BB! I’m going to miss BB as I always do but I’ll be glad when Survivor starts too.
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Hey Frannie, good to see you GF.
Oh Macy, chicken & dumplings, I’m in!! 🙂
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I think Dan has played one of the best games…but… I really hope Ian wins. I just hope the jury doesn’t go for Dani.
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@hpr56 – apology accepted.
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Go Ian!!!!
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I know its against the rules but I wish they would allow the jury to see a small clip of how Ian is being bullied.
I wish Ian would get really belligerent with Dani to provoke her to at least slap him so production could evict her and there would be no need for part 3.
Dan should lose his job on the issue of promoting bullying alone. What example is he setting for his students? I wonder if he is the kind of coach that encourages the players to injure players just to get a win.
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@Schelita, I couldn’t agree more. I certainly would love to see Dani lose it and go off, I think she’s like a pressure cooker, little bit longer and boom, off blows the lid!!! If she wins, I will never watch BB again!!!
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TY Tambo.
I agree about Dan’s job. I can even understand the lying but with the way he has been bullying Ian and also the uncaring attitude he showed to other players, I don’t know that I would want him coaching my kids.
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Do u guys think BB producers read whats being posted about the players and how disliked Danielle is??? And Dan???
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Did I say it already?
Go Ian!!!!!!!!!
Dani and Dan you’re fired!
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starfish Got your E-Mail… No problem, don’t think you needed to put it out here but like I said no problem it was taken as a joke, if you read that! 😆 Right ❗ The thing that go to me was that nobody cared! In my other blog, Angie land, with such good friends when I am happy about a dumb Football game, they put up cool photos & have some fun with it! So sorry that this BB Blog has so many rules….. You all need to lighten up a bit ❗ Nothing is going to shut me up ❗ Got to go eat now… but I shall return 😆
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes! They have readers
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All this time and I had no idea they had readers. Good to know. Wish they would pay attention when people say to quit bringing back old players. LOL
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From the grape vine just a look in Dans mine Dan brings up Maggie from Season 6 and she was saying she gets annoyed when patient come in and they do not have insurance. Danielle thinks that is disgusting and wrong.
Dan asks if she’s ever used the paddles.. he asks her if it is fun to use them. Danielle looks horrified says it’s not fun at all Dan those people are DEAD!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dan: “CLEAR and the whole body goes thud thud .. thud thud”(boy that is nice Dan)
Danielle: “Dan it’s not fun you are in the moment trying to save somebody.. think about their family.. you think it’s fun telling a family someone is dead”
Dan: “I just think those paddles are the coolest things”
Danielle wants to change the subject.. Dan jokes says they are magic paddles like they use in Zelda to charge your health bar.
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Too bad the jury can’t read.
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i have something important to say
ha ha ha ha
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macy1231231, I’m beginning to agree with you.
Hillbilly: I can’t believe he could be so cold and callous. That’s horrible. The funny thing is that he was so well liked when he played before by the viewers and the other house guests. and he won the jury 7-0. Sure not the same guy is he. And Tambo I agree that it’s too bad they can’t.
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Nice stuff Mike!
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@macy, thanks for the chuckle
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TOMI – yw
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BOBO – whats for dinner?
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I think Ian has Asperger’s syndrome. Einstein had Aspergers. It’s a form of high functioning autism. The characteristics he shows are that he is very intelligent, has a photographic memory and is great at puzzles because to a person with aspergers, every social minute they exist is a puzzle. They don’t get the lay of the land which is a help sometimes when you are in a game that utilizes lying and gaining trust. They think in a very systematic way and keep track of details that regular people miss. They guess their way through social situations based on what they have seen work in the past. Ian had to study these people to figure out that kicking himself in the head and putting rubber ducks in his hair wasn’t making the people in the house want to keep him. He figured out that acting like a clueless, emotionally fragile kid gave him lots of wiggle room. He was never a clueless kid. The people he studied that were in the game before aren’t at the end if they played a similar game. Dan was the loyal Catholic last time he played. Ian got Boogie to tip his hat to him for the way Ian got him out.
The way he walks on his toes and rocks himself when he is stressed is consistent with Aspergers. Also not being very coordinated. The rocking you see him doing is called stemming and it is self soothing and calming to an “apspie” When Ian is flooded he talks to himself and walks in circles. He leaves the planet as far as game goes when he is maxed out. He can’t help it. He tries to makes sure he has space when he melts down. When things go in ways he does not expect, even if they go his way, he can barely breath and has to reset and re-analyze everything even more than a normal person would.
Normal people are called “neuro-typical” They get the” gist” of a situation and know when to put on a mask and go quiet. Ian has to go through all his files and make his best guesess before his anxiety will get back under control.
Aspies typically are thought of as nerdy and dorky and they know it. they would love to be “cool” but they just aren’t. The one thing that might cost Ian the game is that Dan treats him like he REALLY likes him. Aspies know they are weird and are often targets of bullies. They long for true friends who “get” them and like them anyway. An Aspie will tend to identify a person as their anchor and it is very hard for them to regroup if that person is not there. He just might believe Dan because Dan took heat for him and has never dropped a card in front of Ian. As far as Ian knows, Dan has always had his back. That feels pretty good to someone who isn’t used to people doing that for them. Dan has been quite nice to Ian from the moment they formed the quack pack.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Still, at the end of the day, we’re talking about Ian studying this game for 10 years AND a million dollars. When Ian acted like he couldn’t comprehend $3000. Don’t believe it. The guy knows numbers better than most. Great player but I think Ian could be scary in real life since Big Brother may not be anymore of a game to him than getting through each day has always been for him. Just sayin’
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Since production won’t listen to the fans about not bring veterans in the game, the next time they do it, the newbies should announce “The newbie alliance” out in the open in front of the veteran players and let them know that the game won’t start for them until they evict every veteran player.
No vet should even make the jury if possible.
Then let the game begin amongst the newbies!
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Great idea Schelita.
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Can somebody tell me why don’t these people that apply to be house guests begin to get themselves physically fit the moment they submit their applications.
If you are not physically fit, you will be branded a floater.
I just don’t understand why people don’t prepare themselves.
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This is my first time to post.I watch BBAD every night.Last night Ian was in so much distress that it was hard to watch.Dani was a bully,Dan was Dan.Ian seems like a nice young man that has trouble fitting in.In some ways this is good for him to be himself.I wonder what his family thinks when he says the F word.I hope he wins because he is smart and will put the money to good use.Helping his family out and taking care of his brother.Only time will tell who the winner will be.If I said anything to make someone mad please don’t jump on me I get enough of that from my kids.God bless and have a great night.
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@ Starfish….Thanks, all I needed was a little nudge. I’m back and stronger than ever. I may have been down but I’ll never be out. Thanks for also letting MM and Betty know. I got some very nice e-mails from them. You are all such good friends. Shout out to Mike too….thanks for listening. 🙂
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FRANNIE – have u been sick? u alright?
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Macy, I will e-mail you in a little while.
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I want Ian to win too!!!! Alto Dan is a beast at this game….can’t say he doesn’t deserve it. Too bad tehre can’t be a TIE this year!!!
No news from the LFS. Can you say BORING????!!!LOL Basicaly alot of reminiscing about the past HGS and what they will say tothem when they get out. I’m sure BBAD will be uneventful the next 2 nites but it’s the END until next year so i am sure I will watch Hey…. I’m a diehard fan..go big or go home!!lol
@Bloggergal OR Sal…….Do we need to do anything to get on the Survivor mailing list?? Include me ,if you will,or tell me where to sign up!!!;)
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Star….if you were on the Survivor blog in the past, you will get the e-mails. I never have to sign up again.
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@Schelita, I couldn’t agree more about getting in shape. I was shocked at how weak Jenn seemed to be when her appearance was one of strength. I think I could have beat her and I’m waaaay older than she is.
@Tambo, did you see anything more about production getting on Dan’s case for ignoring Ian? Do you know if they did? Inquiring minds and all that…;)
@Bobo, yes, every blog has differences and that’s why we play in different blogs. Some of the differences are due to technological limitations. I think. :)Maybe it’s like the different conferences in football, we all have our favorites! Hope today is one of your better days Bobo!!
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I think Ian just might flip out if he has to listen to Dani much longer, her bugging him about picking him for final 2, It would be good to see her get the boot and realize what a Damn fool she has been, GO IAN!!!
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STARFISH – feel awful about bobo – i was only kidding when i talked to him bout the girls not wanting to watch football – lots of girls watch it – i was posting to him because he had posted like 5 or 6 posts with no reply – i am a true and nice person – but sometimes i am sarcastic and with yall – u dont see my scrunched up smiley face – these blogs can be dangerous – so sad
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I am one of those girls that watch football. I’m sad to say that I WAS in a football pool but was eliminated this week because I picked NE to win over Arizona. DUMB mistake that was. Week 2 and I’m out already! 🙄 I hate getting out so early…. 😥
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how do i find the Survivor Blog???
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@Macy, we all know you are truly a nice person. I know that was meant to be funny just as my post was meant to be funny. Bobo was just looking for some response and a little congrats for his football team like he gets on another blog he’s on which is more interpersonal than this one is meant to be. This is strictly a BB blog and even tho we “regulars” know each other and we post personal info once in awhile, it’s mostly about BB. Sometimes a football score in there too. I asked Sal about the Steelers for example. I don’t expect an answer but just wanted to comment because I know he’s a Steelers fan too. We don’t always get responses and mostly that’s ok. Everyone has their own life challenges. That’s all there is to it. No worries my dear!
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@Tambo, as soon as Bloggergal finishes setting it up she’ll post the link here.
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thanks starfish girl
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My pleasure
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From Dan’s older sister – apparently his mist has reached all the way back to Michigan.
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@Frannie (((((hugs)))))) I got the email but am having probs sending or replying.
@starfish check your Facebook inbox
@Tambo <3 back atcha
anyone I forgot big luv!
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@ Jane…what e-mail are you talking about?
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@PK, I read the article and not buying one word of it! If someone can be that cruel and turn it off and on, there’s something wrong with that person. IMHO
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@starfish, tyvm!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@jane, tyvm!!! (i almost wrote “babyjane”!!!)
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STARFISH where do i go to post an image – like u have ur starfish?
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@ PK thanks,
Posted on Dan’s sister’s Blog.
She says she’s proud ! good for her, she must feel so lonely
I asked her how the swearing on dead relatives, Bible and backstabbing fits in Christian religion?
I guess he can be forgiven since he likes money, wait isn’t there a problem with greed?
Oh, maybe if he gives some to the family it’s OK
Who knows, i am sure they’ll have an answer
GOOOOOOOOOOO IAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DANIEL and DAN you are FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was I too direct?
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@macy1231231 – hi macy, when u find out how to put pic on ur icon, can u please lemme know??? been trying since day 1 !!! if u want, i can give u my email somehow.
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sylvie – my sentiments exxxxactly – i know yall r getting tired of me saying this – but cha-know im gonna tell my friends how i feel – so here it goes again
DAN IS TOENAIL FUNGUS DAN IS TOENAIL FUNGUS – etc………….. sorry to all u dan fans – yall have ur good opinions about ur dan too….
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@Frannie I will email you when I fix my email and tell you privately 🙂
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@Stra…and to the rest…here is the Survivor LINK…..go to it and reply….BBBgal is feeling sad that only jane has replied, lol…..hope everyone gets involved in it…. 🙂
oh and star, thanks for the heads up on mentioning me on a post from yesterday, we will forever be contected by writing the 50,000 and 49,999 post 30 seconds apart, lol….. 🙂
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LOL @ Sylvie….your comment almost made it here to St. Louis. I agree,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GO IAN!
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@ Jane…I’ll be waiting.
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TAMBO – have been here since season 9 – still dont know how – wwe will get it sometime im sure – my e-mail is – have always said – cept for ciara – want to email all of u
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gotta go get the phone from my kid – she wont sleep and wont clean her room if i dont – bbl
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I have to agree with most of you bloggers, this has been one of the best seasons, I had my doubts the first few episodes, but it has been very enjoyable every since, this game is designed to create all kinds of emotions, anger, sad, funny, sorrow, ups and downs, week end and week out, from the jury house to the finale 2, they have all played a roll in a very good season, thanks for the entertaining moments BB, good job… NOW GO IAN… LOL… Wake up America… pits off….
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Where is MM tonight? I miss the grapevine comments. Mike is missing too…I guess not many highlights with those three left in the house.
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@Tambo, go to
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Man enough is enough ! For get about it already!
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Dan is toe nail fungus , but just in case i was not loud enough.
Go Ian !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The other 2 go home and don’t comeback ever !
Hear us BB production?
Danielle I need her Oncologist name/ Hospital Ha!
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But wait! There’s More! There is a cure for Dan.
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anything with pknute will not work here….lol
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Try again…
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@franniep2… Be nice or you won’t get no goodies!
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I just read dans sisters blog…ok so let me see if I get this….u live by the 10 comandments, unless its for a good reason like a game….mmmmmm I call BS…its all about the money.
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@Hoh8, I left a message on Survivor Blog but I thought I didn’t have to sign up again. So I hope now I’m signed up.
@Macy & Tambo, on this page on the right hand side under “Reality TV Links” the very first link is: Add An Avatar To Your Comments On Big Brother Blog
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just click on it and follow the instructions. That’s how I figured it out. It’s easy. Or the link hillbilly gave you will work the same.
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PK that’s was a good one…lol
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i am really sick and tired of the way dan and dani treat ian. its just uncalled for. really feel sorry for him. 🙁
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bahahahahahaaaah – i got a pic!!!
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dani is a straight up, mean, vindictive little witch. and dan speaks for himself. cant stand either of them.
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I hope Ian wins!! If it were possible I wouldn’t want Dan or Danielle to win anything. So tired of Danielle talking about herself nonstop. Then the catholic school teacher’s laughing at his evil ways is a little disturbing. His family and students must be a little embarrased.
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@macy, I am the one that sent you the e-mails
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hi rhonda, i can’t get over how mean dani is to ian. blatently mean. have you noticed it or am i the only one??? cant stand it no more, poor ian cant say anything without her jumping down his throat. i’ll b so overjoyed when they hand that half a mil to ian!!!
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Gotta go with the majority on this one. Ian must win. The other
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------two are being just too darn nasty for me to give them even
a tiny bit of my support. A week or so ago I may have been a little
on Dan’s side (Never Danielle) but he has turned so slimey that
there is no way now he deserves any respect.
Go Ian.
( And go B.C Lions )
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@PK thanks for finding a cure for Dan
Sorry Danielle your cure has yet to come
Go Ian! Oops I may have said it before
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@shayne, I couldn’t agree more. goodnight all, see ya’s 2morrow!!!
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@slyvie, there is no cure for danielle. EXTERMINATION TIME!!!! get rid of those rodents!!!
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@Sylvie, I’m told that Toe Fungus remedies don’t work on a really bad fungus! 👿
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nite Tambo
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Nite Tambo
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Night Tambo
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Nite Tambo
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I guess nothing is happening. I’ll check back later justincase something happens. 🙂
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Hello all, Just thought I would check in…I have not been out of my house for 4 months except for Drs. appt. (I have a mild form of agoraphobia… Tonight my husband forced me out and took me to a local bar…forgive what I might say but am hella tipsay
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bear with me please… has anything good been going on on the live feeds?
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our 50 yr old daughter thinks she has all the answers and is never wrong…PLLLLEEASSE… give me a fricken brerak….i’m freakin 68 yrs old with diabetes high blood pressure and agoraphobia how in the hell can she have all the answers…ok sorry bout that I will refrain from personal crap as it it not my normal behavior…can I blame it on the booze???
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@DewyRose, I assume absolutely nothing is happening because we haven’t heard a word. Sorry to hear about agoraphobia problem. Happy to hear you went out tonight. Forgive me if you’ve alread told us, but where do you live?
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I’m so sure that tomorrow when I look back at my posts from tonight I will be thouroughly embarrassed and never return….now you all know why I sort of like Danielle…I have issues…Insecurities and an inferiorty complex that won’t quit…shame on me I’m old enough to know better
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Oh boy, are you sure Mike didn’t sent you some of his hooch. 😀 You haven’t said anything embarrassing at all.
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It was nice knowing y’all and being a part of this wonderful family…Good night and good bye!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Angel Hugs & Blessings, SharleyMae, aka DewyRose…Was nic knowing y’all
Bye Now
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O Dewyrose, don’t compare yourself to dani…im sure your a nice sweet person. Her ailments are all fake..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and for being embarrassing, forget about it…im sure we all do it on here.
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Nite DewyRose, I’ll be looking for you tomorrow. BTW, where do you live??
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LF ….. all 3 in backyard bullshit session!!
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I’m a california girl wo came to florida 12 years ago to help our daughter and have been so miserable ever since but there is no going back…what I knew has changed and I’m stuck
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went back for my Father in laws funeral and everything is so changed and my best friend of like forever disowned me because I moved away…so Although IO have my husband “praise GOD’ I’m very lost and lonely without a real true friend in the world…I don’t know how to drive so I’m so stuck and totally dependant on him
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ok I’m done with the pity party…was nice knowing ya…but at least now y’all know how I could care about Danielle
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LF ….. back and forth between fish and dull conversation
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Sorry Dan and Danielle no cure 🙁
You are both fired by us the viewers
No Danielle you are not America’s Sweetheart
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LF …… eek, eek, eek ,eek, eek, eek, eek ,eek, eek, eek, eek ,eek, never guess what that is?
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LF …… back yard is slop central, trash everywhere!
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LF …… Dani doing nails
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dan sleeping on couch outside
Ian – Rockabye baby on the noise machine!
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Go Ian, I so hope he wins this
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I think when Dani sees how she has acted when she watches the show, she will probably feel embarrassed and pretty foolish
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Ahhhh…so MM is MIA…and no Grapevine, lol……well, i got a little one…it seems that the Final 3 HG are gonna be on “The Talk” tomorrow….BB is getting them up at 9am so it can be taped….and they are so excited bout it….Dani doesnt know what dress to wear….Ian excited bout talking to Sharon… set ur DVR’s tomorrow for the Talk……
otherwise in the house its been pretty quiet…..playing cards, cooking dinner and forcing Ian to do the dishes which he hasnt done since early in the game….and D&D continue to act like they hate each other by fighting all the time so Ian can see it and throw part 3 to Dan……i think Dan’s mist is wasting away, lol….
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Dani needs to put that money maker to work. What guy wouldnt pay attention to that.
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Mike is simply taking the day off but will most likely be back tomorrow.
@Aggie, I sure hope you’re right. She should feel embarrassed. I can’t believe they are keeping the arguing up hoping Ian will throw #3. I hope he doesn’t even consider it. Poor guy is being mentally abused.
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@Dewy Rose Please come back tomorrow. Nothing you said was embarrassing. And if you ever do say something embarrassing, so what. We are a forgiving group. To prove it, let me put up myself as example. Nobody has kicked me out (yet), that, plus we prolly won’t even notice. You have friends here. too late. We like you! : )
On BBAD Dani was baking cookies for Dan and they were in the kitchen. He asked her if she would retire if she won the money. (No one is going to be able to retire on $500,000). No she said then he asked what she would do with the money. She said she would give it to someone who helped her along the way. (sounds like a bribe to me) Dan told her she couldn’t do that. Why, she asked. Because it’s in the rule book, in fact, you can’t even talk about it. Then Dan said, oh, you mean people in your life who helped you and she said yeah.
Her voice seems to have gone up an octave. Whine like a small screetch. She also seems totally attached to Dan…showing him how much she cares and doing thngs to please him. I hope he’s enjoying himself and I also hope he never enjoys himself again. Dan seems to be keeping a good relationship with Ian.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And as for Dan playing the best game, maybe, but Jordan won her season and she won it entirely on her social game. Will Dani win? Only if the mirrors get to vote. : )
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For all of you wondering what Dan’s Family thinks… his siaters blog post:
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@ Starfish
I sure hope Ian is one of the final 2, if not their will be nobody i really want to see win. This kid really needs the money, I would love to see him win this. I think he thinks Dan can win this and doesn’t realize he can, it would be great to see, he’s not greedy, he just wants at least 2nd place, so he can pay of his schooling. Good luck to Ian, dan is doing fine for himself financially, that guy does not need the money, so I sure hope they don’t give it to him, PLEASE!!
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@HoH8…..thanks for the Survivor link AND the news about The Talk!! I Love that show! So not like the View, which makes me gag and every nerve stand on end…lol
And YES….we are bonded forver by a millisecond…and a love for a TV show!!!lol
Patricia(Pat2E)…..i agree that Dani really cares for Dan. It’s kind of scary because I know it’ s not reciprocated! He says he will be her Coach for life…whatever that means…..but offers nothing more. Not even friendship. I can’t tell if she loves Dan like a brother or has a HUGE-ass crush on him and hopes he ‘ll dump his wife for her!! After all, she DID let him go all summer so…and their marriage is new so… hard could it be??!! I have felt this from her all summer, but now that the titme is nearing the end, i think she is desparate to get some sign from him that he cares too. They were having a talk about this a few days ago on BBBAD and Dan kept saying she was FISHING when she tried to get stuff out of him. He was really being mean about it. And like someone on here somehwhere said today(this is what happens when you read all in one sitting!!) Dan is lookng relly crazy lately as he laughs and grins inappropriatley!! Think Jack Nicholson …*I’m BAAAAACCKKKK*….lol
Looks like this Blog is squarely behind Ian. If he can’t win, I hope Dan does. Dani comes in a sad 3rd place for me and I hope we aren’t ALL sad after the show Wed nite!! This has been that kind of season!! *Expect the Unexpected*!!!!
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@ DewyRose….please don’t leave the blog family. You are now a part of it, whether you know it or not. We all come here to talk Big Brother, but it goes beyond that. We come here to chat and also to get things off our chests. We all understand pain and suffering, as each of us have been through stuff and I’m pretty sure we will continue to go through rough times. Life isn’t perfect, and for those times, we have our friends here to turn to. We are all a very loving and understanding. You said nothing last night to embarrass yourself. Come back…….Here is my e-mail address if you want to talk,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I work during the day, but I always answer my e-mails.
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Hello every1,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You have all been so kind & sweet. I want to thank all y’all for caring 🙂 🙂
ok so I had a bit too much to drink, won’t happen again anytime soon. The less said about it the better I will feel, so let’s move on 🙂
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@Dewey you just got a BUI… Trust me your not the first to drink and blog and you won’t be the last lol!
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I may get a BUI myself tonight. It’s my friends birthday and believe it or not I’m nit big on Social settings. I’m okay with events that invokve kids because they are a buffer.
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I hope intense that Danielle can talk more social the last hours from BB14, its kind of Boooooooooring to look and even to listen to her!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Keeping us up late for her mehmehmehmeh, is not fun!
What done is done…………….and see what is coming out of it.
IAN needs to win this *ALL* :)))))))
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chat between Dan and Danielle about 1 a m
Danielle feels bad about joking that her and Ian carried him to the final 3. Dan tells her not to worry about it, he just never thought of it like that and now that they mention it he can see it. (dan has been playing dani hard with his head under the cover moaning groaning i played a rotten game do not derserve anything u carried me i will get no votes in the jury house and of course dani says u carried me u r the hero u r mr wonderful u will get my vote, shanes and she names a few others i tell u that mist is getting thicker and thikcer but how stupid is she to fall for this crap) i believe it is called a guilt trip he is laying down
Dan starts reading the bible to her. He reads about Envy and says that is what he has right now. (no dan not eny but deceit get it rite)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He’s envious of Danielle for player a good game. Dan tells her he swears he’s not going to “get her again”. (lmao at this point and numb nuts dani is falling for this hook line and sinker)
Dan says the medicine she taking is making her act weird. (no dan it is your kool aid along with your mist)
Danielle says it’s no she’s just been thinking about things (OMG dani u need a brain to think u my dear r a lost cause give it up )
Danielle mentions that “They” are watching how much she eats.(they i assume are production)
Dan asks why.(silly ? dan if she eats any more her fat ass will not fit going out the front door)
Danielle: “The melt down I had in there was so severe..( and she is still in his grasp even with what he did to her to cause “so evere”meltdown, these 2 are putting on better performances then hollywood actors are doing)
I told them I just want to go home and it caused such a frenzy with them” (She’s talking about production oh my what a loss if she left in a white jacket that buttons up the back)
i do not know who sickens me more dan (toenail fungus) dani (poor little me)neither should win GOOOOOOOOOOOOO IAN poor Ian they have really put him thru the wringer and now dan is still with the head games going to throw the comp and counting on danis to vote for him and get him votes
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@Jane, BUI, great stuff! Have fun tonight. I’m the same way, not comfortable at all in social gatherings unless giving the speech or doing the training. My hubby is my buffer, he’s the social butterfly who knows everyone in the neighborhood. 😀 BTW, do you still sit in the booth on Saturdays?
@DewyRose, I visited Florida and have friends there too. I thought only New Yorkers didn’t ever drive tho.
I visited Dan’s sister’s blog and left 2 messages and of course they weren’t posted. They weren’t real nasty either, just that he was playing cruel mind games and anyone doing that so well is probably really like that. It’s simply an I love Dan blog. Very few comments about his nastiness.
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Please for the last moments/hours in BB-house, try to make those last NIGHTLY hours social, at least give it a shot, and please Danielle/Dan stop talking in circles that late at night, something more fun would be better to keep the numbers of watchers high.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ian is, except last night, most of the time on his own…..IAN go for it, win this whole thing…and plus the popular-player price:)))))))))))you’re my favorite:)))))
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@jane, would you send me your e-mail addy, everytime I send you a e-mail it say it cant,
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Thanks mamamargie for the update and also for sitting through that stuff. I watched for about 20 minutes the other night while Dani and Dan were talking and it was just awful stuff to sit through. We love you for it tho!!!!
I just don’t believe Dan or anyone can behave like that and turn it on and off like a light switch. That’s who he is. He’s unemotional, cold and mean hearted. Bible or not. He uses the bible to help him cover up the devil that’s in him. 🙂 IMHO
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Hey Mike, good morning to you. Glad to see you, hope you got that still working. justajoke. 😀
You can go to Jane’s FB page and look at her timeline and click on her link for more info about her. I forget what it’s called but you’ll find it.
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mike i can send to you she sent to me as i was having the same problem
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------will do it now
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Thanks live connects me to FB and get all the addys for me, I will try again
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@mm, thanks will be looking for it
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i hope when dan gets home, chelse hands him walking papers. the way him & dani r carrying on makes me sick. they r both evil, cruel, and just mean. my heart aches for ian, what they r doing to him is mentally abusive in my opinion. gawd i hope and pray he wins.
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i would like to take dani’s lips and pull em over her ugly head. oh – buts thats probably already happened to her!!! miss goody 2 shoes has a very ugly spirit.
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i hate to say this but i really dont believe she had breast cancer either. this girl is a walking psychotic liar. sicko. off with her ugly head.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------go ian, the world wants u to win!!!!
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@tambo, I hope he wins it and fav. to. the crap those two have been putting him threw, If I was in the house they would have to take me away, and clean up the bodies, it the end they dont need to play these mind games, I think he will be alright after this, but Dani wont
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@Jane, I found your answer on FB. I forget I asked when you will be at the booth on FB instead of this blog. Oh my, things get fuzzy when life gets busy.
@Hillbillymike, I couldn’t agree more!! “Clean up the bodies’ 😛
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i was just reading and in the UK a 23 year old had breast cancer/double masectomy. she was their youngest case. i seriously doubt dani had that. thats how sick she is mentally, she better watch what she says – it may come back to bite her. it is extremely rare for a girl that young to have it, not impossible but highly unlikely. i think she is making a mockery of breast cancer survivors who happened to be my heros, hands down.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@hillbilly, i sooooo agree. i think dani was certifiable even b4 she entered the house. i guess ian will be ok, especially after they hand him the check!!!
if i was in that house with dan and dani, i wudda lost it a long time ago!!!
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can anyone recall if dani ever told brit about her “breast cancer”??? seems she wud tell a gal pal b4 a guy. its a very disturbing, sick LIE. SHAME ON HER.
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I dont think she did there has been a lot of nurses and women that has had it, and they dont beleive she has had it, you dont get implants until the end ,iand if your doing temo like she says she is, 2 things dont add up 1 you dont stop it to play a game,2 you would not feel like doing a game and 3 she has way to much hair. if it a lie shame on her she should know better, you dont lie about something like that. I will look up a comment that I saw and put it up on here
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hillbillymike & Tambo Boy do I agree with you guys. I think she ran out of things to get sympathy and the breast cancer thing came up before she could tell that whopper to Brit. Mike’s blog is correct, it doesn’t make sense that she would stop chemo to be on a game show. She’s a sick puppy and I also agree that she prolly won’t be ok afte the show.
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of course she didnt tell brit. brit’s no dummy and definetly would have called her on it. and fired a ton of questions at her. like what she cud possibly b facing as far as side effects, other possible cancers that could arise due to her treatment, ie: chemo, radiation……im sorry fellow bloggers, i find her to be despicable.
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ok, dani just blew it big time. ian asked if gonorrhea was the clap, (which it is) dani says no, clomidia (dont know how to spell that) is. BUZZ….WRONG.
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@Tambo, I just friended you on FB but you prolly won’t know who I am. I’m the lady with the white hair. I’m a Raider fan too as far back as Jim Plunkett. I’m also a Steeler fan. I just love football and basketball too.
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@starfish, i wud love to be ur friend, we already haved soooo much in common!!! thanks so much sugar!!!
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Ok, time to get my butt out the door and walk my dog. See ya all later.
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omg she said she stopped chemo to b on the show??? OMG OMG OMG…no woman in her right mind would stop any treatment that could ultimately save her life. y would she do that, the chances of recoccurance would escalate. y do that if ur not gonna be here to spend it??? shes too selfish to give it away or to charity, like the BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION. hate her.
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i am freaking outraged now. im sorry.
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@hillbilly, u r 100% right. couldnt agree with you more. 🙂
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lets see who gets more applauds when they r on the show, that will tell it all!!!!
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here is what some veiwer said, take it anyway you want, “Danielle says Ian started talking about her body and now I am in an anorexic mindset already.” Riiiiiight. Anorexic. I highly doubt that she could even stop eating for a day and refuses to exercise so I doubt she would ever be one.
“Danielle says that her friends don’t even see this side of her.” That’s not what her “friends” say. At least, previous friends/roommates couldn’t stand her constant narcissism and grandiose lies. Apparently, this is her MO. Irritate and lie to people and, when they have had enough, call them out as a defense tactic. She only hates Ian because he beat her. He hasn’t done anything directly to her so I don’t get her vitriol except that her widdle biddy feewings got hurt because she couldn’t win so she is going to throw and 3 day screaming hissy fit to make sure everyone knows she is not happy she is going to lose. Buh bye Danielle. Don’t let the door hit you in the a** on the way out. To think you can influence the jury (if she even gets to see/talk to them at all) is ridiculous. But, that’s what you get for casting people who don’t know the show.
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“Gonorrhea (colloquially known as the clap[1]) is a common human sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae”.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------just had to prove she is lieing. and shes a nurse??? i have to go vomit.
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@hillbilly, love it!!! echoing all our thoughts!!!!!!!! if she loses, will she be interviewed in the finale???
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sex ed. 101 ohhhhh yeah!!!! 😀 😆
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last evicted person does not go to Jury House …. they stay in the studio and everyone joins them for the vote
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Ian looks so sad, but I think they are going to be on the TALK to day they are getting dressed up
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@Tambo, dani tried out for a dating show and that’s how bb found her. Now most women r vain and if one has breast cancer and a double masectomy, I highly doubt they go on game show looking for a man. She a nasty gross discusting woman. Her family should be ashamed. And did u noticed her 2 letters for hoh wernt from her parents..correct me if im wrong
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I can forgive alot of her lies, but the one on Cancer NO
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And her talk with dan. Oh dan your wovnderful u deserve to win…dan will take dani cause she tell them in her speech, give it to dan..he’s mr wonderful.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ian needs to win…omg she just told ian she needs to excersise! All she’s doing is cartwheels and she’s not good at them for being a cheerleader. And she can do upside down pushups…my a$$.
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i thought they were going to be on today (tues 9/18) got up early for it and what comes on a paid program for a vacum yikes i am so sick of being sucked in by dani, dan & bb prod do i really need to a whole program about a vacum,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------in re to dani and breast cancer i am so upset cannot even go into a normal rage for me this is so draining my best friend of over 25 yrs passed away from breast cancer and the last time i seen her was few days before she passed we held hands and she said who knew we would run out of tomorrows i still cry when i think of it can hardly see my eyes r leaking
and my cousin who lives in ny has ovarian cancer was clear for awhile now it ( is on her kidney and on her stomach chemo exhausts her both mentally and physically and she lost almost all her hair, do not know about any of you guys but dani is a poor excuse for a person never mind a female, i have no words to describe how i feel i am so drained
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Her nose dont grow when she lies, she just gets more zits
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@tomi, r u serious??? a dating show after a double masectomy??? i cant understand how she even made it to BB. maybe ppl watch cuz they love to hate her and its good for ratings? LOL She is demented and in dire need of aFRONTAL LOBATOMY!!!!!!!!!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------did you catch her other statement about “anorexia”? A mere comment does not throw someone into anorexia. Ian made a comment and she said, “you just threw me into anorexia”, dumb biotch. im sure we will all agree its a serious mental disorder that does not happen over night. she is one sick cookie probably with murderous tendancies. watch ur back ian….LOL
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@tomi, her letters, who were they from again? i dont remember!!!
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I hope Ian and Danielle are in the Final 2. Dan should have been gone a long time ago.
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@mamamargie, wow hun that is so devestating. so very sorry for your tragic losses. hearing that just reinforces my outrage and anger towards dani. she seriously doesnt have a moral bone in her anorexic body, (as if). i hope she is made to pay for these horrendous lies by a much higher power.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------if this show wasn’t ending tomorrow, i honestly dont know that i cud watch her anymore.
thats 2 bad about “The Talk” not being televised. r u on the east coast? im on the west coast & have my dvr set to record it. i dont think it will be pre-empted or not televised here, as its on everyday. will post immediately about it with im sure everyone else!!! take care mm. <3
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on the east coast here…I just went to my tv and checked listing for the talk…it is supposed to be on at 2 p.m. eastern time but didn’t mention in write up about bb
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i just got an email talk will be on today my time 1pm i am in missouri central time so check out your time zones
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------txs tambo for your sweet remarks and i did not mention above as i have said it on here a few times i am a cancer survivor my self i had a total hystercomerty at 29 yrs old they took it all out even my ovaries so i told dr when i went back for post op check up so u took out the baby carriage but i am so happy you left the play pen in.
at our age we all have gone thru something or other,
hugs to al
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does anyone know danielle’s last name???
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im going to be ugly for a minute – have been reading all of yalls posts about danielle – well, here is my 3 cents – she lies about being a kindergarten teacher – then that she is anorexic – then that she has breast cancer – come on – the most believable lie would be I HAVE CHRONIC ACNE – there i said it – sorry mom, had to go there
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@ Tambo….her last name is Murphree
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@mamamargie, oh my gosh i am so very sorry. i had no idea. wow. well at least u were able to maintain some sense of humor about it, my hats off to you.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------glad its going to air there….much love.
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Age on entry
Ashley Iocco
West Hollywood, California
Danielle Murphree
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Frank Eudy
Naples, Florida
Ian Terry
Engineering Student
New Orleans, Louisiana
Jenn Arroyo
Brooklyn, New York
Jodi Rollins
Restaurant Server
Calipatria, California
Joe Arvin
Schererville, Indiana
JoJo Spatafora
Staten Island, New York
Kara Monaco
Los Angeles, California
Shane Meaney
House Flipper
Bennington, Vermont
Wil Heuser
Marketing Consultant
Louisville, Kentucky
Willie Hantz
Dayton, Texas
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@tambo, I think her last name is lying bitch, but not sure
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@mamamargie, thanks for the great update.
I agree with everyone about Dani. I think it is horrible for someone to say they have or have had cancer or any other serious disease if it is not true. There are too many people who are going through the struggles of these things and some do not survive. And who on earth would stop treatment for a life threatening disease just to go on a show like BB? I had one of my very best friends die from cancer 2 years ago and when I hear people lie and say they have it, it infuriates me. I would like to just shake her. She and Dan make a great pair.
Dan is not going to want to be the one who evicts anyone because he just wants their “vote.” And I’m sure he doesn’t believe that either Dani or Ian will evict him. I hope he goes out shocked.
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looks like dani will be wearing a pink dress with dangle earringsd
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------dan looks like purple lavender shirt with jeans
have no info on ian
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ok the talk is on here on the east coast….gonna go watch it be beack in a bit
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hi hpr56, i so agree. that girl doesnt have a moral compass whatsoever.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i cant wait to see the look on her face when she loses this thing.
@mm, great list!!! thanks. 🙂
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@mm, ian is wearing a pea green button up shirt w/jeans. LOL
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am off to watch the show bbl so we can TALK
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Says Danielle started FB in August
She a Public Figure
And nurse
Or not the winner????
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I may have missed it already since it’s 11:15 in Ca but what channel is this “The Talk” show on. Obviously I don’t watch much TV during the day.
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The Talk is at one in LA
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Michel better than The View by far
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that is a fan page, Ian has one too
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@mm, hang in there sweetie. It’s so difficult to watch your loved ones suffer. You know what it is to survive tho and you are one tough cookie and I applaud you. Also, thank you for taking the time to give us those great updates and grapevine info. You rock!
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I don’t know what channel “The Talk” is on, anybody?? Thanks Sylvie for the 1pm time. 🙂
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@hillbilly, darn. 🙂
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@starfish, CBS.
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they had better be on there, I didnt see it advertized for today or tomorrow, you would think they would,if they arent I am sorry
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@Tambo, of course, DUH!! It will be fun to see them in a different setting rather than the house of The Shining with 2 Jack Nicholsons.
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@STARFISH – lmao!!! really, when one flew over the cukoo’s nest, the other didnt quite make it!!! that would be dani!!!!
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IAN needs to win!!!!!!!
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I hate CBS, they were on the talk but when are they showing it. from the grapevine Danielle asks him if Julie Chen actually watches the episodes. Dan says she watching the important stuff not the “Evergreen Content” Danielle felt like the other hosts didn’t know too much about the show but Julie did. At first Danielle thought that she had a ear piece in and the producers were feeding her information. Dan says no.
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@mm: Thanks for the great updates
@Tambo: your comments cracked me up.
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Thanks hillbillymike. That’s very disappointing that it’s not being shown today. Thank you so much for keeping us in the loop and all the work you and mm do to keep us informed. We do appreciate it, I promise!!
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I just heard from mm on facebook and her email is down and she can’t get to the blog right now.
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Check out this site for spoilers and news about “The Talk” airing!
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@hpr56, thanks hun, glad if i can make you smile!!! been doing stand up for about 6 years now. 🙂
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@hpr56, im just kidding – i dont do stand up!!! just wanted to see what if felt like to lie big like dani!!! its hard for my conscience to lemme even tell a white lie!!! dont know how she does it!!!!!!! LOL
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Someone on the west coast, please confirm…..
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they r talking about dan and comparing him to dr. will. say it may the best season of bb.
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talking bout dan’s lie’s….
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not showing dan, dani, or ian.
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saying its ok to tell fibs or white lies to win half a mil for loved ones, family, etc. maybe 2morrow they will show the hg’s….
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guess thats it for The Talk today, they r done w/BB. probably on 2morrow, finale day. 🙂
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I should hate to disagree with y’all, but I don’t. I really, really want Dan to win and Dani to take second. Ian will undoubtedly win AC.
Ian has changed drastically since entering the house as a truly nice kid. Now, he suffers from an overinflated ego and a total overestimation of his accomplishments in the game.
I agree that Dani has tremendous insecurities – like Rachel Riley, nothing that 10 years in therapy won’t cure. Much of her histrionics in the last few days have been because she has been following Dan’s instructions to “play up” how angry she is at Ian. Including the threats to taint the jury vote. Unfortunately she began to own those feelings.
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Spoilers 2
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Hi all hope you all are having a great day!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BBAD was so bad I can’t understand how This girl can live with herself! The way she talks to the kid is so wrong foe a so called nurse! He just sat in the chair & let her tell him how he is such a bad person , that was the other night, did not watch all of last nights show, she wants to give half of the money to Dan 😆 How low can she go ❗ I understand this is not a interpersonal blog! But to all of you that are having problems I really hope things work out fore you! Sorry to bring up anything that is not about the Big Brother Show but I have been coming here for years and sometimes we as a family do talk about other things beside this show! Have a good one, hope to see you all later, having some bad T-Storms in NJ I hope my power stays on!…..
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Well Tambo, I missed it because I didn’t think they were showing it today. I’ll have to watch to see if they show more tomorrow. I guess it didn’t show everywhere and how can that be anyway?
Hey Princess: I agree there’s been a change in Ian but again it goes to the environment. I think taking the mental pounding he’s taking, he’s using an “overinflated ego” to counteract his feelings of confusion and selflessness being pounded into him. As for Dani, who knows what influences her except the mirror, mirror on the wall. Dan, to me, is one of the cruelest characters I’ve ever seen, game or no game. He might get a part in a movie or TV series playing the bad vampire. He would do well. All IMHO. Good to see you girl!
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<a href= "" Spoiler Page 2
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losing my html touch
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Spoiler Special on Dan
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Well Sal, I can’t get on any of those sites. My computer must be crazy because it just keeps buffering and the second spoiler says there are no posts matching that link or something like that. The third one won’t even let me click on it. Maybe I should boot.
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Spoiler Special on Dan
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none of those links r working for me. 🙁
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this one and the last one should work
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these last 3 all work for me!
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ok it worked. thanks!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@starfish, i agree with you all the way. say what princess??? LOL
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Thank you Sal, good link!
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@Tambo, at least your jokes didn’t aim to hurt anybody. And I bought your story about stand up. LOL At least YOU have a conscience. I think the house guests checked theirs at the door. Yes, you did make me smile.
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@hpr56 yea i think ur absolutely right. they check everything at the door, feelings, emotios, and morals!!! thanks hun!!!
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Thanks Sal, they all worked. Great stuff and great analysis too!
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from Evil Dicks tweet
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Danielle is out by the pool tanning. Ian is rocking in the hammock. Dan joins them. Danielle starts talking about The Talk interview this morning and says that she wished Julie Chen would have told us that we were well liked. (i guess danielle thinks the whole world is made up of liars she was hinting for herself duh)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danielle asks if in this next round it means she gets automatically nominated? Ian says yes. (so there u go fellow bloggers shall we read between the lines not that there was any doubt)
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@All Like I said as a stage 2 Breast cancer survivor , I know many who lost the battle some still fighting I hope Danielle is mot lying.
I find it a terrible and tasteless way of getting attention.
I lost my hair and wasn’t allowed to leave the country to see my family in France till chemo and radiation was over with.
As per my Oncologist , from September 09 to February 10.
Did PT had a short break and in Dec11 found out I had a huge brain tumor,
woke paralyzed on left side from a 9 hour surgery where my family and friends suffered in agony….I have many friend and a lovely husband.
Then 2 weeks hospital PT then 26 sessions PT near my home.
I still have to push myself beyond my limits daily and started working 2 weeks afters I came out of hospital my left foot still has numbness.
My hair is growing back and I have many scars to remind me.
I am beyond upset at any one using any cancer to get attention, it is DEADLY !!!!!!!
If producers or PA read this I demand an apology from Danielle on behalf of those lost to Cancer and the survivors who had to face death !!!!!!!
I want details stage, Oncologist , Hospital ,….
RIP Kelly Jackson, Denise Myers and millions more…..
Please contact me BB producers:
Have to go back to work unlike Danielle, I have medical bills!
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SAL – what is the gest of te spoilers? – i couldnt get the link either – paleeeze sir
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Dan comes out into the backyard. Ian gets called to the diary room. Dan says unbelievable! Danielle asks what?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dan says nothing, they’re just stirring s**t up.(he is talking production here how dare anyone tell dan what to say no one believes what comes out of his mouth well maybe ian and dani)
Dan asks how many DR sessions do you think we have done this season? Danielle thinks about 10 per episode. Dan thinks less.
Danielle says maybe like 5 times 30 episodes so 150 DR sessions. Danielle says they got you pretty heated. Dan says yeah, and I don’t ever get annoyed.
(ah now the shoe is on the other foot how does it feel dan to be told what to do something that goes against what you want to do, can’t wait for you to return to the real world)
Dan says don’t tell me what to say. (oh so it is like that if memory serves me rite from day one u have been telling othrs what to say and do)
Big Brother keeps telling them to stop talking about production. Big Brother switches the feeds to TRIVIA for a minute. Ian comes back out into the yard. Dan tells him he is sour. Ian asks why? Dan says because of that. Big Brother cuts the feeds again (may bb took the bible away before it burst into flames )
well guys ciao till later dinner does not get made by itself,
and starfish txs for updatig the blog about my email problems
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Thanks mamamargie. I’m thinking Dan finally got called out on the crap he’s been doing and he doesn’t like it. I doubt they are really protecting Ian but I think he has crossed the line somewhere. I don’t know that but it’s my guess.
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whatthe chances and choices of who will take who to F2 and who has the best chance to win
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There. I sent my letter to the producers or whoever that link was to….if enuff of us write and complain, perhaps they will deal with Danielle and her absurd lies.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I asked for them to confirm or deny, (which I know they won’t) her breast cancer and told them they will lose a large fan base if this isn’t explored.
Let them know how upset and apalled you all are. PALEEEEEZ.
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to all my bloger friends BB is just about over so I thouht I would put this up, if you want to keep in contact after the show, sent me your e-mail addy to ,I would love to hear from you. just because BB is over doesnt mean we are. I will repost this a few times in case some one misses it.
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HILLBILLY MIKE i have u on my e-mail buddy list
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Thanks, did you like the jokes I sent? I can beleive its almost over. BB has been fun this year and this blog still is the best and the people are the greatest
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@Sylvie you are an amazing survivor!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Tambo you said something that Made me laugh so hard I spilled my coffee but after reading all the posts I can’t remember what it was!
@Starfish y’all have been busy posting today so I don’t remember what I was gonna say to you either.
If Danielle didn’t claim Brain Fart id like to because I read the whole blog and just went blank!
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Let me through it back to you Sal. what are your picks ❓ 😆 ….
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Dan will take Ian ….. Dan wins
Ian will tae Dan ….. Dan wins
If the impossible happens and Dan takes Dani …… who knows what happens
If Ian screws Dan and takes Dani …….. Ian wins
@Sylvie …….. your one tough babe!!! Keep it up sweetie!!!
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@ Sylvie, I hope she is not lying too but I doubt if she is being honest. Anyway, I want to commend you on your strength and on sharing with us what you have dealt with and are still dealing with. My heart and hugs to you and to your loved ones who are standing by your side. Cancer is NOT something someone should make up and use for their favor in a stupid game.
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I like what you are saying my friend, I just don’t like how that girl is giving Ian all this s—-! He (Ian) is a great BB Player she is the worst I have ever seen ❗
I like using MRGreen From ARMY Training 😆 Get it the movie Stripes! Not sure of the name but it was with Bill Murry, 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think if Ian takes Dan he just might lose! I am not sure what he should do! What do you think he should do to win this game? Take the crazy girl?
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I honestly don’t think the jury wants him to get half a mil again. dont think it sits right with them. it dont sit right with me!!!! COME ON IAN…..
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Tambo Great to see you got a Gravatar! Is that a Football team? 😆
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got ur jokes mike – apreeeesh
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@Bobo, ahahahahaaaah!!! go ahead, rub it in!!!! i know they used to be but now i dont think they could beat a pop-warner team!!!! ur a funny man!!!! 🙂
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macy1231231 Going back to the other day, Please don’t worry about anything you said to me…. All in fun my dear ♥ …………………
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I can take it….. 😆
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Hey that Pop -Warner Team are really tough!……..
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Hey Mike, I have you on my buddy list too!! Won’t you be on survivor blog too?
Oh Sal, I wish you were wrong my friend, but it depends on where the jury is coming from. We never know whether it’s game they vote on or personality. I wonder what the DR said to Dan that got him so upset. This was mentioned in one of your links. Maybe they are taking a lot of heat because of Dan’s damaging, abusive manipulation.
Wow Sylvie, you are one tough cookie. I’m so happy you have the support of your family, good friends and now us on the BB Blog. I’m giving you a bow!!!
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Jane, if I had to do what you do every day, my mind wouldn’t just be blank, it would be non existent. You are one impressive lady!
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Going to watch the rest of BBAD now I’ll be back………….. Later all
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Gawd im gonna miss u all so much…..
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Sal, perfect shot of Danielle waking up in the morning. lol
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Tambo Maybe you could talk to Aggie she has a great interpersonal blog!… ♥ Great Friends that will chat about anything , many of them are in this BB Blog!….. Evan Football! 😆 ………..
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this year on bb has had it’s drama, but what dan and dani are doing to Ian is
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------distrurbing, and production should be repremanded for allowing the to continue. Ian is being beaten down by these to evil people. They are ugly
human beings with no redeeming qualities.
I’m hoping that Ian wins the final hoh, because I think He will against either
of those to lowlifes.
Dan’s wife should be handing him divorce papers at the finale, unless she is as cut throat as he is and then they deserve each other. I say this because game or not what dan has done to Ian these last few days is despicable.
As for dani, her family should be ashamed of her behavior, the lies the mind games she has played on Ian are unforgivable. If she was in my family I would not have anything to with her until she makes amends and gets professional help for her issues.
Well this my opinion , let me know what you think.
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@Starfish thank you for the compliment. Mentally psyching myself up for the “Social” event tonight :/
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I leave in 10min. Already had a glass of wine to gear up lol!
@Tambo wr will see you on Survivor Blog and FB! I can’t keep up with Aggies blog because I get lost easy bur it’s great for keeping in touch! Bye guys pray for me… I may have to kick Ian out the Hammock if this anxiety builds up.anymore! Will swing by for a BUI later!
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I agree with what you said about Dani even though I don’t honestly have any idea what she is like outside the house. I just think the lies she has told are horrible and not just lies to move yourself forward in the game. It’s almost like making light of a serious disease which as we have seen has and is affecting posters here. The thing I don’t agree with is Dan’s wife divorcing him over the game. I would believe they probably see it as playing the game and not really as a terrible thing as we do from outside the house. I don’t know it for a fact but it is what I think. I kind of question if Ian should have been in the house. Nothing against him and he is smart but was it a good idea to put him under the stress I have heard about? I haven’t seen it personally but it sounds evil. I just don’t know.
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maryann I am with you on this ❗ Jane sorry to hear how you feel about Anggie’s blog But we all get lost at times… 😆 BBAD is so boring ! I can’t believe this crazy girl! She really needs help or she is playing a great game….NOOOO just kidding help the poor girl…………..
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@maryann, hpr56, couldnt agree more with u guys. what they r doing to ian is ruthless and pure evil. what if the tables were turned and it was dan & ian doing this to dani??? im sure we would be hearing about a major lawsuit against BB and CBS for mental & malicious abuse, sexual harrassment, slander, etc.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------if she wins, I WILL NEVER WATCH BB AGAIN. NEVER. THERE.
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Hi Jane, how r u??? where r u??? hahaha!!! so the east coast will know who wins b4 west coast right people??? guess i cud log on here early to see who wins b4 the show is aired here. ya think???
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Hey everyone please disregard every thing I have been saying for the past hour! I think I am out of my mind tonight! Sorry everyone I think I need to rest a bit, see you soon……. 🙄
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@Bobo, where is aggie’s blog? how do i join??? help me out sir!!!
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Sorry I was talking out of my ass!………. 🙄
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Okay goodnight for now everyone, see you all soon bye….
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uuuuuuuughhhhhh, bobo = brat!!!!!! bahahahahaaah!!!
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Sorry honey!……………
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Jane, I hope you have a great time tonight. A little wine or a lot, should help. Looking forward to you BUIing. lmao I’m not crazy about those gatherings either. The best conversationalist is a good listener. Just ask someone what they’ve been doing and they just might tell you and all you have to do is listen and nod and say wow a couple of times. Works every time. 🙂
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Haven’t been on since Thursday and amazing how much happens in such a short period of time. Went back and read the last two days of posts and like everyone, I can’t believe how fast it went and how much I’ll miss everyone here.
@Maryann, Amy: So sad for your loss. Hannah was loved by everyone here and was a respectful poster who never stirred anything up and who was a true fan. She will be missed by all of us here and I think it showed how classy your family is, and how much it meant to Hannah, that you both took the time to post here. She would be extremely proud of you and please feel welcome here at any time, even if just to vent. We are good at helping each other out and this has evolved into a caring group we’re all very proud of and I know that Hannah got that vibe. We love her.
@Snakebit Sal (luv2shoot): I am sorry about your father-in-law and send condolences to your and your family. You’re a stand-up guy my friend and I’m sure you’ll be a rock throughout this grieving process.
@tendr: Hope CJ gets well. Love and positive vibes from the Mojave Desert.
@Patricia, Star, @starfish, @mm, @aggie, @frannie, @Cynthia: As usual, good looking out girls. Massive respect.
As far as the shows, Sunday night was very boring and BBAD is virtually unwatchable. I still can’t figure out exactly what’s going on now but Dan is still playing to the camera, Ian is still rocking the heck out of the hammock (and seems very happy) and Dani seems strangely normal for the first time all season. She may be a tad bit delusional but at her core isn’t a bad person at all. Who knows how it all goes down tomorrow night, but hopefully it will entertain. May have to catch later here (PT) as that link had nothing on Sunday.
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Kll, good to see you back my friend. You summed up the last couple pages perfectly and with such compassion. We are a caring group for sure!
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@K11, we missed you, am glad you are alright, thought maybe some hookers kidnapped you
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To all dog lovers here’s one for you. I hope it works.
Anyone who thinks a dog does not remember or does not feel guilt has not lived with a dog. Just look at the expressions on the faces of these three dogs when they are asked the same question at the same time….. (NOTE the immediate reaction of the two darker dogs on the right side of the screen – talk about a total throw under the bus!)
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KEVIN 11 – we have been exchanging e-mails – mine is holla
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Got to shut things down…Getting some bad T_storms in NJ My lights are starting to blink! See you soon goodnight BB Fans….
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@Bobo, send them storms to nevada….we need a cool down. Sept is almost over and were still at 100*.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and the raiders r pretty good for a prison team…lol sorry tambo. But I also root for raiders im origanally from Oakland.
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ahhhhh poor maggie!!!! too cute.
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@hillbilly: Been absolutely overdosing on football (and soccer), from the Bears-Packers game to MNF and had an assignment I kept putting off and off and off…
and if any hookers did kidnap me Mike, you know I’d justlet’em brother… 😉
@macy1231231: I just wrote your e-mail down and will keep in touch when the season is over.
@HoH8: Good looking out this weekend. Seems much more going on during the Live Feeds than the show and I stayed off Twitter, here and the Internet for four days just to get my head straight. As I’m sure you know by now, this silly show and this blog are quite addictive!
@Janice: Loved your analysis a few pages back and think it’s spot on…
@Bobo: How is it I live in Las Vegas, handicap sports and go to the casinos twice a week and you win more $$$ on a MF scratch-off lottery ticket than I have in the last three years combined? Also, I saw your early morning post on your meds and I find that even one-eighth of a Lortab sometimes makes me energetic and sleepless. Had many a late night here doing dishes, laundry, emptying the cat box, etc. when I felt wide awake because of a pain pill. Makes no sense. But then again being obsessed about a show with 14 nimrods on a studio set in Lalaland where they ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SING is a bit nutty itself, don’t you think?!?! I always wonder why I like BB so much but then something happens (like Dani’s face last Thursday) to remind me why. Was an absolute pleasure meeting your here on this blog this season and thank you dearly for your service to our country.
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So I save a post and it sticks and then I don’t and poooooof! This is always a weird thing…
@hillbilly: You know very well if two hookers kidnapped me I just let ’em Mike!
Been watching FB (and soccer) from last Thursday until last night and filed a story I’d been putting off.
@Bobo: How is it I live in LV, handicap sports and go to the casino twice a week yet you’re the one who bangs $500 on a scratch-off? That’s more than I have won in the last three years combined! Be smart with it.
@macy1231231: Wrote your e-mail down and will stay in touch as much as possible in the “off-season.” Good looking out.
I forgot everything else I wrote but am quite sure it was deep, prophetic and grateful to everyone here (HoH8) who carries the ball when others are on the “bench.” 😉 Most know I take three-to-four day breaks from here, Twitter and my writing but if in the future you ever think I’m gone or that something’s wrong just “reboot” your mind and know I’ll be back before you know it and that something is (usually) not wrong at all. Like many, I fight the addictive nature of the show as well as this blog.
@princess, @AC: So cool to see you guys post in the last couple of days. Always brings a smile to my face and two of the coolest avatars on this site ever. 11:11
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(Let’s try this a third time Bubba) So I save a post and it sticks and then I don’t and poooooof! This is always a weird thing…
@hillbilly: You know very well if two hookers kidnapped me I just let ’em Mike!
Been watching FB (and soccer) from last Thursday until last night and filed a story I’d been putting off.
@Bobo: How is it I live in LV, handicap sports and go to the casino twice a week yet you’re the one who bangs $500 on a scratch-off? That’s more than I have won in the last three years combined! Be smart with it.
@macy1231231: Wrote your e-mail down and will stay in touch as much as possible in the “off-season.” Good looking out.
I forgot everything else I wrote but am quite sure it was deep, prophetic and grateful to everyone here (HoH8) who carries the ball when others are on the “bench.” 😉 Most know I take three-to-four day breaks from here, Twitter and my writing but if in the future you ever think I’m gone or that something’s wrong just “reboot” your mind and know I’ll be back before you know it and that something is (usually) not wrong at all. Like many, I fight the addictive nature of the show as well as this blog.
@princess, @AC: So cool to see you guys post in the last couple of days. Always brings a smile to my face and two of the coolest avatars on this site ever. 11:11
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o I save a post and it sticks and then I don’t and poooooof! This is always a weird thing…
@hillbilly: You know very well if two hookers kidnapped me I just let ’em Mike!
Been watching FB (and soccer) from last Thursday until last night and filed a story I’d been putting off.
@Bobo: How is it I live in LV, handicap sports and go to the casino twice a week yet you’re the one who bangs $500 on a scratch-off? That’s more than I have won in the last three years combined! Be smart with it.
@macy1231231: Wrote your e-mail down and will stay in touch as much as possible in the “off-season.” Good looking out.
I forgot everything else I wrote but am quite sure it was deep, prophetic and grateful to everyone here (HoH8) who carries the ball when others are on the “bench.” 😉 Most know I take three-to-four day breaks from here, Twitter and my writing but if in the future you ever think I’m gone or that something’s wrong just “reboot” your mind and know I’ll be back before you know it and that something is (usually) not wrong at all. Like many, I fight the addictive nature of the show as well as this blog.
@princess, @AC: So cool to see you guys post in the last couple of days. Always brings a smile to my face and two of the coolest avatars on this site ever. 11:11
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@macy1231231: Wrote your e-mail down and will keep in touch. Have tried to posts three times but something’s not working. Hopefully this sticks…
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So I save a post and it sticks and then I don’t and poooooof! This is always a weird thing…
@hillbilly: You know very well if two hookers kidnapped me I just let ’em Mike!
Been watching FB (and soccer) from last Thursday until last night and filed a story I’d been putting off.
@Bobo: How is it I live in LV, handicap sports and go to the casino twice a week yet you’re the one who bangs $500 on a scratch-off? 😉 That’s more than I have won in the last three years combined! Be smart with it.
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I forgot everything else I wrote but am quite sure it was deep, prophetic and grateful to everyone here (HoH8) who carries the ball when others are on the “bench.” 😉 Most know I take three-to-four day breaks from here, Twitter and my writing but if in the future you ever think I’m gone or that something’s wrong just “reboot” your mind and know I’ll be back before you know it and that something is (usually) not wrong at all. Like many, I fight the addictive nature of the show as well as this blog.
@princess, @AC: So cool to see you guys post in the last couple of days. Always brings a smile to my face and two of the coolest avatars on this site ever. 11:11
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@tambo I will fb you aggies fb and you can private message her to get Aggies awesome.
I am sitting at a dinner table on BB blog Hahahaha! I’m.pretending to check tip calculator
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@Bobo: So I live in Las Vegas and you’re the one winning the $500? 😉 You make it all seem very easy. Why am I handicapping the Bears and Packers to try to win $20 when all I needed was a scratch-off lottery ticket and a nickel? Woe is me…
@hillbilly: I keep losing my response to you and am blaming it on the word “hookers.” You know damn well if two hookers kidnapped me I’d justlet’em Mike. 😉 Been writing, watching FB and staying off Twitter, here and the Internet for four days. Always clears my head out.
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@k11,did you see my post @319
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I must have missed something. Dani claims to have had breast cancer? And told Ian he threw her into anorexia with a comment??
I always suspected Dani’s claim to being a nurse was bogus. She’s a nurse aid if in the medical profession at all. If she were a nurse, Dani would never try to get sympathy and attention with such outrageous stories as being a cancer survivor. Doesn’t she know how many people die from cancer each year? My mother died from pancreatic cancer that metastasized throughout her body. And 20 years earlier than that mom survived uterine cancer after a complete hysterectomy, months of chemo and radiation. My grandmother had a mastectomy 3 years before she passed.
If Dani were a nurse she’d know that anorexia is a debilitating condition that often progresses over a number of years. I know a young man whom I suspect has it. He doesn’t eat hardly eat anything and when does eat, it is usually salad. His mother says he looks like a holocaust survivor. No body fat at all.
And if Dani were a nurse, she’d never have done half the things she’s done. Especially not to Ian. Even lay-persons can see that poor kid is not quite “right”. I work in the mental health field and I think he’s got ADHD, thought it even before he told Dan that’s what he has because I see it all the time in many of my own clients.
Dani just needs to go away. She doesn’t deserve anything. Neither does Dan. He’s played a dirty game and, okay, I admit it, I just don’t like that guy. He seemed slimy to me the first time he was on. He hasn’t matured well; he’s only gotten slimier.
I really hope Ian wins the whole thing. He’s the only one who has played the game with an honor, even when he did turn his back on Boogie and Frank. He stuck with the new alliance he made after the reset and was loyal to them (even to Dan, who doesn’t know the meaning of loyalty). Plus, Ian would really put the money to good use paying for his education.
Ok, I’m done with my rant. See you all on the Survivor blog!!
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I raise my glass in a toast to you rebecca diem. You nailed it!
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@hillbilly: Yeah I saw it Mike but already have your e-mail with all of the others brother. We’ll definitely stay in touch in the off-season and we have seemed to have woven quite a wonderful web of humanity on here. Makes me wonder why I didn’t fight more to have a computer in 2010 and 2011 and didn’t want to go to Kinko’s and fire off a “Hey I’m still around” e-mail. Always so much to say. Glad we could re-connect brother.
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kev hey hey dude missed u have u caught up on the reading yet are u wishing u took a course in speed reading lol how is saki???
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i had to lol at mike one of his posts he said where is kev maybe he has been kidnapped by some hookers i was going to write back nah he is not that lucky
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@BBloggergal: I just wanted to say thank you for all you have done this season on our little blog here. Your work does not go unnoticed and I think it’s really cool how you address those who may lose posts and how you go out of your way to point out something big, like Hannah’s passing, in this space.
It may just be a simple blog to a casual onlooker but those of us who see it as one big-ass, funky family do appreciate everything you and Bill do to keep it running. The show may suck at times but this blog is as consistent as consistent gets and is often more entertaining than the show itself. So again, thank you so much and know that we know it can’t be easy trying to stay on top of something as fluid a Big Brother. We’d truly be lost without you.
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well said kev,you do good work, remind to give you a raise or the numbers of some good hookers
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kev i applaud u
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------great blog and what means the most u r sincere and it all comes from your heart, this is why we have such a great blog our cyber family rocks
ciao my friend
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@mm: Speed reading? Amen sister. I took me over 2 hours to go back to where I last was and read everything…you know how it is. But I learned to read everything and pay attention from my favorite poster ever, our boy JT. I always though I was pretty kind and compassionate and thoughtful then I met him and realized I had much work to do. Truly “A Man Among Men.” Hope Life affords him more time next summer to blog more here. I know he’s into it as much as any of us but like me, is prolly a bit disappointed at the season and all the CBS silliness. Someone, maybe you or Star, just said something like that in one of the 500 posts I justread: “They’re trying to piss us off,” or words to that effect.
You know I take a couple days off at a time regularly so please let all our friends know next time that “he’s doing something stupid” and “he will be back in no time.” Seems I was just here Wednesday night or Thursday morning and am always amazed at all the “Where’s Waldo?” comments. 😉 I love me some Big Brother sister but am also a huge sports fan and with football, soccer and BB all going, sleep is seldom an option. Ciao.
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@hillbilly: My pleasure Mike. I always find the simple Truth the easiest to tell. Hope Gage is doing well and that he enjoys a long and healthy Life. He certainly deserves such.
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kev i know where to find u now so no worries i am the attendance monitor
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ciao my friend
did u ever get to see the move was it 3 men and a baby or somethig like that???
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@Rebecca Diem
I agree w you, Dani would be a scary nurse to have.
Dan and Dani have the same self centered personality, not my kind of people.
Ian on the other hand is pushing thru and facing these two mean spirited individuals better than i could.
Go Ian !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Repeating myself ? yea i know
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@K11, gage is doing fine just have to watch what he eats, he is 10 and it hard to do,when your friends do something and you cant. well it time to put this old tried butt to bed ,see you all tomorrow, dont let MM go to the grapevine and get all the grapes ,she has been taken some to make wine thats why she wasnt here yesterday.
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Special K ….. you found your way out of the woods!!
get any more stories published in Bleachers yet?
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@Jane I need buffers as well. Wine never hurts either. I become more entertaining with each glass!!! : ) NOT! A friend of mine spoke in front of a couple hundred people last weekend and I asked is she was nervous, and she said no. Why, I asked. Because they will all be naked, she said. So Jane follow that old saw and imagine people are naked. Will help you maintain eye contact! ; )
@mm and Sylvie Oh, my gosh! You are heros! Cancer is such an evil enemy, and I applaud your courage. Pancreatic cancer took my dad. Knowing what you’ve gone through humbles me.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@mm That baby carriage line and the bit about the bible bursting into flames were classic. : ) So clever, and thanks again for the updates. Love em’!
@hillbilly You too. Updates are great. I saw Dani “exercising” on BBAD and wondered what made her decide to do that now. I think she walked some with Brit, but she hasn’t done anything since. She admitted to Ian it was mostly stretching. Didn’t she tell Ian that the reason she lost comp 2 was because she has gained so much weight in the BB house. The picture of her in her bikini with Dan early on told the tale. I’ll bet she’s put on 30 -40 lbs. I know there’s a scale in the house so she has to know it. If Dani has an eating disorder, it’s not anorexia.
@star Hey, star baby! I saw that part where Dan told Dani she was fishing. She’s fished all season. She was always asking Shane if he thought she was fat. What’s a guy gonna do? She kept bringing up betrayal. She doesn’t believe 100% in Dan. Did you see when Dan asked Dani what she’d do with the money if she won and she said she’d give it to someone who helped her get there. In other words, Dan, take me and I’ll give the winnings to you. Dan told her she couldn’t do that according to the rules and that she couldn’t even talk about it. She’s so insecure and is playing the vunerable loyal person. Kinda reminds me of Sancho Panza in Don Quixote. Pit-tea-full!
@starfish I loved the dogs too!
@K11 Good to see you back in the fold! : ) I’ve never been accused of being clear-headed, but I may try leaving technology behind (except tv) for a few days and see if that works on me! : )
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Let me put this question out there to all the nurses or dorctors on the blog.. Dani is 23 and a nurse practioner and becoming a dr. (So she says) If she went to college at Alabama. HOME OF THE CRIMSON TIDE……even if she started at 17 is this even possiable?
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@Sal: Just did a preview of tomorrow’s Chelsea-Juventus UEFA Champions league match in London. Nothing normal Americans would care about. I did do a Top 10 Steelers WRs Of All-Time a few months back I’ll go find for you and drop down. Like Life, I can’rt believe how fast this season went. They really need to do a Winter BB for us selfish fans and especially so us Blogsters don’t have to wait so long to have a forum to communicate with each other.
@Oatricia: Fortunately or unfortunately, sobriety has fought its way into my Life for long periods of Time this past year and I find Time off the Internet, Twitter and here does my head well, especially when my mind is on overload. But after reading some 500 comments, I will need to remember this next year as well as Sal’s advice to save everything. I’ve prolly lost 22 posts this year and hate watching that spinning wheel spin only to see my post was lost. There needs to be a word for that feeling here when one’s waiting to see if a post “sticks. ” I forgot what that was like from being here 2 years back. Very frustrating. (NOTE: Save this post).
Chatri Sityodtong @YODCHATRI
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you are going through tough times, always remember that the greatest stories in human history revolve around triumph over adversity.
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@k11, I think the word you might be looking for is SHIT! 😀
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@Snakebit Sal: Here it is. A very tough call between #1 and #2 and I can’t believe y how much grief I caught for tabbing #1, #1 while acknowledging they’re more like #1A and #1B. One thing I’ve learned from writing at B/R, sports fans are just as rabid, irrational and myopic as us Big Brother fans are. Big win for Steelers Sunday as an 0-2 would have been downright nasty. Seems everyone who played great Week 1 played very average in Week 2, except for the 48ers (I’ll just leave that typo as I really like the looks of it…)
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Interview with Dan’s wife – CBS Mich. morning show:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------enjoy if possible lol
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@Tomi Dani is a nurse, studying to become a PA. She explained it to Dan, Brit & Shane.
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Dan played an outstanding technical game. But like I’ve said in an earlier post, if this game were all about playing perfect strategy and not about how you left the other players feeling about you, then they could end it in a final 2 competition and there would be no need for the Jury. Dan left a wreck of carnage along his path to make it to the final 3. We’ve seen Frank talking about Dan in the Jury house, we heard Shane talk about Dan while talking to Jeff. While Dan’s game was technically perfect, it was flawed socially and I think that will tell. I think for Ian, Dan would be the perfect sacrifice to bring to the final 2 because Ian played a good game. For Dani, I just don’t know. She won a bunch of competitions at the end, but the whole time she was nothing more than a follower. That makes her the better choice for Dan to bring with him. With that said, I think Ian would win no matter who is in the final 2 with him.
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A good read…
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Thanks Sherri, its hard to keep up with the lies. I thought she said she was accually a PA
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Haven’t you all just wanted to crawl through your TV and slap Dani in the face hard since the reset and tell her, “Dan is no longer your coach! He hasn’t been since the reset! He’s playing against you to win the money!”
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Well, I’d love to post & say many. many things right now but…..waiting for the page to reload is going ot kick my azz. So…I’ll just say….thanks for all of the updates everyone…’s good to see you all here……YES K11 that DOES mean you as well….missed your wit & compassion. AND…I’ll see you all tomorrow night after the show. WE NEED A NEW PAGE NOW! 😀
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OMG GOD ..YES KAHN…..Please tell me i’m not the only one who screams at her thru the television
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You’re not Tomi!
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By the way, if I were in this game and a good player, I would have wanted to have brought Mike to the Jury because he is someone who won’t pick the winner over emotions. That’s another flaw of Dans because the Jury is for the most part made up of emotional players that he wronged.
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Kev11, say it ain’t so. You are NOT a Chelsea fan. Noooooh!!
Love to see you back though. I’m truly bummed I can’t watch Bolton as it’s not in the premier league now. And thank you for the kind words on the avatar. BTW I lost the info to your email addy so if you don’t want to post it, aggie, frannie, JT, star and ted all have mine. Maybe starfish too?
@starfish, yes girl. We can agree to disagree. It will all be rendered moot tomorrow!
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One last worry about taking Dan to the F2. Dan is like a yapper dog. Like a yapper dog, he’s small (meaning he really hasn’t won too many competitions). But like a yapper dog, he’s loud (not the Joe annoying loud) but his words seem to drown out everyone else’s logic and thoughts, just like a yapper dog drowns out the barking of larger dogs. So in a way, taking Dan to the F2 is a risk. He makes a living speaking to other people and getting them to give him money by making them feel good about themselves.
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Good article K …… even the NFL Network had trouble naming the top 10 Steelers of all time.
Well folks, it all ends tomorrow! I hope they show some of the crazy stuff these 3 have done the last few days!
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BBBlogger THANK YOU~!!!! Your blog is the first one for me and I’m so happy I happened upon yours. It’s always great reading your recaps and I enjoy all the entries added by fellow BB fans. I love the Live Feeds…my 3rd year for them.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So shocked at Chelsea’s totally being behind Dan’s lies and game play. What a wife!
Did anyone watch Dan’s latest Academy Award acting in the Kicks room with Dani? 9/17 9:23 p.m. Cam. 4. She falls for his acting once again. I’m lucky the neighbors haven’t complained about my screaming at the Live Feeds & the CBS shows. LOL
The worst time was Dan reading about lies in the bible….
Loved Dan openinig the door to the W/C on Ian Tuesday evening. too funny…
Hoping CBS will NEVER do this coaching angle again. And…never ask Dan or Dani to come back. Too much paranoia (sp?) from Dani, regarding any comments made by HGs about her appearance, her shape, etc. “what else did he/she say about me?” Oh, so tired of hearing that question.
@Rebecca Diem – my understanding is Dani has a mass attached to her implant (boob) and she was receiving radiation/chemo with the hopes of shrinking the size of the mass. I survived Uterine cancer several years ago and breast cancer a few years ago. Only had radiation, thankfully no chemo (my choice).
Wednesday evening will be full with 90 min. of Survivor and then 90 min. of the BB finale.
Is it me or does BB direct much of the actions and comments made by the HG?
How do I get on the mailing list for Survivor? Would love to continue the communication for it also.
about 20 hrs. till showtime.
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Almost made 400.
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@Sal: I saw that (NFL Network) episode. For me, Lambert, Bradshaw and Mike Webster have to be on any Mt. Rushmore of Steelers and I wouldn’t mind seeing Rooney or Noll’s face up there either. I’ve always been a big Lynn Swann fan but have grown to love the entire franchise more as I get older. Still dreaming of a Bears-Steelers SB before I die.
@princess: You can blame Didier Drogba for my love of Chelsea, the EPL and even soccer in general. Funny how serious diehards take it all. I’m not into “hating” on other teams and living in LV, am usually justafan or justafan of who I bet. I actually think Chelsea may lose tomorrow and predicted a 0-0 scoreline in my B/R preview. I know you’re a Bolton fan and wish you guys best of luck always but you know it’s all about who has the money and with a Russian billionaire at the helm, I feel fortunate I backed Chelsea years back. Before, I simply like Liverpool because The Beatles were from there but when I really started following the sports and the league (EPL), Drogba was my man although now he left for the money and is playing in China for Shanghai Shenhua. The Blues have given me many great memories over the last five years.
Here’s my e-mail ( and nice to be back in touch with everyone here. We often disagree here but it beats BB11 when we all backed J-J and hammered the likes of Natalie, Jessie and Ronnie. Hoping it gets better and that CBS stops “thinking too much.” (Supersize this!) Keep it simple.
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@Princess, that’s what it’s all about. This blog is great and we can agree to disagree (one of my favorite sayings BTW) and we all still get along. 🙂 I don’t have your email but wish I did. Have someone send it to me.
@Sherry, thanks for the link for Dan’s wife. What else can she say afterall? You are 400. WooHoo Probably be a new page in the morning or sometime tonight.
@Khan, yapper dog, perfect description. His voice does trump everyone. As for Dani’s numerous accomplishments, academia and health issues, she should be in the Guiness Book of Records.
@K11, thank you for you! Always love to read your posts!
@Jane, did you make it through the party??
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@Sherry: I saw that and it was the only entertaining thing about BBAD last night. Still can’t believe they all fall for his crap and would love to see what they really think of him after watching the show back later. I can’t stand how he plays to the cameras like “Do you believe they’re (Other HGs) buying this sh**?”
I so agree with PK about all of this. I know it’s justashow but the way Dan has used all the weapons in his arsenal to get where he wants to be has really turned me off. Watched his wife’s interview from Sherry’s post above and sees they have an answer for everything. I’ll never be a fan of his and to me he has dropped out of the Top 5 BB Players ever due to his ego. He has made some interesting game moves, but he’s playing (again) against a week cast and had the huge advantage of a monthlong pass. I think all the Coaches played very poorly in the end and not enough HGs looked at every possibility at who may have been screwing them.
I think Ian or Britney gets America’s Favorite and that Ian beats Dan in the Finals because of the Jury’s bitterness toward Dan. If he does, seeing him lose and Ian win will make it all good for me and I wouldn’t even mind Danielle winning. We all trash her, but she has played a pretty decent game outside of not being able to see through Dan’s BS over and over and over….So the question is, will he (Dan) surprise her one more time? Hoping link works so I doun’t have to wait to comment here like BB11. I felt like the last dude in the bar at closing time. Just one more BBAD, one more BB and maybe one more column here from BBBloggergal. Sad. 🙁
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OMG…are we going for a World Record?…how many is the record?….regulars, any idea?…..Posts im talking bout, lol….. 🙂
this season has indeed been a weird season…full of ups and downs….every week someone new in Power….for me, BB14 was just Great cause i been Loving all the HG’s everyone else was hating and i was hating all the HG’s that everyone else was Loving, LOL….thats me, always all over the Place, lol… 🙂
im justsohappy to have found this Happy Home Blog….TY to all of you that have posted so many nice things here….Love Ya…. 🙂
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Thanks kev11, I’m pretty sure you must be familiar with the infamous Chelsea joke. If you’re not sure, I’ll email it. Also Manchester U but Liverpool has disappointed me lately!
@cyn. Good to see you! I didn’t see your post until after I updated. Good to see you after so very long. Hope all is well!
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Starfish, it’s I’m sure its safe to post here.
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@Starfish I made it but it was quite painful. I kept it cool on the wine and only had 1/2 my glass with dinner. There was a woman there who would not stop talking about herself. I was afraid if I got to buzzed I’d accidentally blurt “Shut the Hell Up!”.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Patricia thanks for the advice! How are you?
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BB15UpdatesDianaWatt @DianaWattBB15
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ian is going to be crushed when he comes out of the game only to find out they recruited him & let him believe he founded it #BB14
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Well it’s time for me to sign off. Thanks everyone for a great blogging day!
I’m pretty sure we’ll have a new page in the morning. Then we’ll all know whether our predictions or our wishes will pan out. Then Survivor.
Oh Princess here’s the link to sign up for Survivor:
nite all
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Well, another BB under the belt! I watched tonight just cuz it was the LAST. Nothing exciting, naturally , but bettter than some years. Like the ones with ED smoking and talking to himslef in the BY cuz Danielle and Zach weren’t speaking to him..or each other!!!lol
kev11..I’m like you in tht sometimes i do need time away from the puter!! It’s SO addicitng and there is always so much to do tht I literally could sit here from sun up to sundown..but i will not let tht happen!!! This year will go down in BB history as one of the best, but for our BLOG, there will never be another S11!!!! A moment in time….at least we have the memories!!;)
Oatricia…..I did aan idiot! I agree with Khan…I think it as……that if the BOYS were smart, one of them would take Dani cuz they would be assured of winning. But both are ok with 50,000 and would rather keep teh Renegade2together than take a sub par player!(I do get really tired of both their superior tudes tho…one almsot a 2 time winner and the other a hammock rocking savant….lol)
HoH8…..I’m glad you found us too!! it’s always good to have competition in a I’m not positive, but I bet the record for comments on here was possibly up to around 600!! Before he had bloggergal,BBB would get busy and kind of forget to put up a new page….I mean like REALY forget!!!LOL Are you going to join the survivor blog too?? Hope so!!! Hate to go a whole year before we see you again!!!;)
WAY too many posts to comment on but have enjoyed everyone’s input all season …whether I agreed or not!;)
Cya all after the finale!!!;)
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I still like Danielle, but I sure don’t think she should have treated poor I an he way she did, that was wrong. Dan is my favorite him and Danielle but Dan has already won once before. I think it should go to a player who has never won before.
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Pat2E..not sure WTH happened to my comment but a whole chunk of it got lost in transfer…lol I ws saying that I saw that also aobyt Dan catching Dani trying to bribe him into taking her. She is such an idiot!!! then I went into the thing about Khan. It is so unclear he wy it is and have no idea why the blog would gobble up a coupleof sentences. Oh well…no biggie. It’s probably just tired from having to refreshing so
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@Bernice, WOW you surprised me. I thought I was the only one that still liked Danielle.
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The only reason everyone one is on the hate dani bandwagon is not for her game play but because of her lies and she cant seem to get over dan the magnificent (choke choke). I think if she was in the final 2 she has a good chance to win.
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Good Morning All ! It’s the big Day! I had to shut down early last night due to the T-Storms! I just caught up with you all. Lots of posts here! Good to see you Kevin. Well I need my Coffee now, to see you all soon……..
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MM I am going to miss your grapevine so much. Your take on the happenings is the best!! Here’s one I love from today.” Dan says because of that. Big Brother cuts the feeds again (may bb took the bible away before it burst into flames )”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Everyone’s comments have been so much fun.
I’m glad K11 came by today since I was another one missing him.
I can only hope Ian wins tonight. If Dan wins I will have a bad taste in my mouth for BB14 forever!!
Looking forward to seeing everyone on the survivor blog.
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Ok guess I have to go on Survivor Blog, never wanted to in the past.
Especially not when they had Russell on LOL
But I will, Danielle call me when you get out and explain how you had implant before cancer and treatment because you had a mass on your implant ????
But if it’s a new way of treating BC then great, because I am no Dr and they are new treatments out there every months…
I am so over this cast, good thing it’s over. I mean it!
I’ll miss you all. Ian win this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dan and Dani ! POOF!
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I would like to start by relaying my condolences to Hannah’s family and to Sal and his family. I’m incredibly sorry for the losses you have endured and the one good thing I can say about the blog this year is that people have acknowledged those losses and reached out to you.
That being said I’m extremely glad that I did not purchase this blog when approached by Trip B. The petty fighting and the attacks of people that don’t agree with opinions that have been stated is out of control. The purpose of this blog is for everyone to be able to state their opinions and have them discussed, not to be attacked because they don’t happen to agree with the majority. Fortunately the last two seasons I haven’t been able to be around as much and I’m able to self edit my reading when these episodes take place. A healthy back and forth on things that you don’t agree with is one thing, but some of the things I’ve read the last two years are way beyond what should take place on a reality tv show blog.
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@PGADOC, I know it is a reality show blog but it has also become a family for many…I’m very new here just a few weeks…Have not seen the attacks on each other just on BB houseguests. I for one am glad I found this blog it’s much nicer than some I’ve seen and I have received a very warm welcome even though my opinion is different than the majority.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@ everyone, Thank all y”all so much!
Angel Hugs & Blessings,
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Good Morning! Today on “The Tal” CBC (California time 1pm channel 2) Celebrating 25 Seasons of Survivor!
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Damn, get out the moth balls!! Look what flew out of the closet!! Nice to see you PGA!!!
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oops I meant “The Talk”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@PGADok long time no see hope all is well!
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@snakebit how are things?
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@Jane … I’m doing fine, my F-I-L’s sons are acting like AH’s ….. and the one that is the execator is in Alaska on a hunting trip (he left knowing full well his dad was dying! The rest of us were around him when he passed)
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Sal , it’s awful how death in a family sometimes brings out the worst in some family members.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Everyone with live feeds lets start reminding each other it’s almost time to cancel. Last year they tried to get me not to cancel with special bonus offers.
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We gotta blog and it’s about Big Brother,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------have never seen anyone’s face but we know each other.
With Jane and Fran, PGAdoc and Kevin11,
the conversation is here is hotter than an oven.
Hillbilly, Bobo are also in the crew,
every time I look there is somebody new.
BBBlogger and BloggerGirl run the whole show,
they keep it all running and they don’t make much dough.
So come on you newbies and get ready for next year,
or come along and join our Survivor crew this year!
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i am soooo nervous for tonights BB. please ian win!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------can someone tell me if the comp is just between dan and ian??? was dani already knocked out??? please lemme know, i think i missed something. 🙂
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@Snakebit dig the poem… i read it as a rap and it was even cooler lol! Sucks what you had to go through. Dealing with extended family is just a groovy isn’t it. Finally we learn to deal witbour own families quirks and attitude we have to adjust to a whole new family once we are older. I’m sorry to here about your loss and dealing with selfish people. This seems to be a year of losses!
@Sylvie funny you despise Russel. He’s tbe reason I ever found these blogs. During Russell’s first stint on Survivor I wrote a whole blog post on my personal blog about why I like Russell. Somehow @Ted found it and contacted me and led me to Survivor Blog which led me to BB Blog!
So now, why I love Dan and think he deserves to win? …. last night while Ian and Dani were sleeping, with thoughts of Sugarplums dancing in their heads, Dan jumps out of bed goes to Storage Room grabs a Stopwatch and goes to backyard to practices and time his 1 1/2 minute speech to the jury. He’s still playing the game! He practiced version against Ian and said while Ian thinks he formed the alliance I not only had a four person alliance but invited him in on it being led into the room by a dog leash. (Ouch… but effective if your coming from who is the better player, and who smarter at the game).
That is exactly why I’ve always stated I want Ian to win, only if he can outwit Dan in his Speech and beat him at his own game. Then I think he truly deserves it.
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Good Morning Jane. I will be happy if either Dan or Ian wins. I just don’t want to see Danielle in the final 2! Should Dan win the HOH and takes Danielle I think she might win…OMG please don’t do that to us, as all we will hear is more of her me, me me attitude at the finale.
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Just popping in to say good morning and that I still am an Ian fan. We may all rethink our positions after Dan’s practiced speech. He played the game 24/7 for sure. The simple thing is I just don’t like him as a person. As for Dani, I almost feel sorry for her with her hypochondria and playing the victim. Well, maybe not.
@PGA – hey good to see you, hope all is well.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Sal, great poem. Always appreciate your info and insight. Having just gone through a death in the family, you have my sympathies. I’ve been in that situation many years ago and when family starts squabbling, it’s the worst. The son left to go fishing? Unbelievable. Money is usually the reason when things get real nasty. I hope your wife is hanging in there with your support.
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@Jane, I despised Russell at first and then I wanted him to win. The “jury” was so angry with his play, they didn’t vote for him to win and he should himl. So, it will be difficult to guess what this jury will do.
I too want Ian to win and for 2nd, who knows. There are many scenarios and you all have stated them all.
Hey Betty, good to see you. Ok, now I really gotta run. BBL8r
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To all those who say they don’t like Dan as a person – reality check for you – you don’t know Dan as a person. BB is not true life – its an entertainment show where a bunch of people locked in together act the way they never would in real life. You still don’t get that?????
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I don’t like Dan as a person and yes, I believe I do know him. You can’t behave like he has and not be like that in some form or another. I understand and yes I do get all the “game” reasons and I agree with it but I still have my opinion and I don’t like Dan as a person. That’s all.
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@moe0204, very well put . looks like you know what you are talking about, unlike me that just that just jumps in and says crap, I know its a game, but I have always liked Ian, because I could see what he was going though. and so glad he made it this far, so thanks again for your post, I think it will help people under stan him better.
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Starfish I think you hit the nail on the head! Game play is one thing but this kind of behavior From Dani & Dan does give you a look at something they have inside of them ❗ Just look at the way they talk to the cameras….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Something is the same in the game and outside the game………..
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@Mamamargie I too am a cancer survivor at age 29 was told I had cervical cancer like you they took the babybed and left the playpen and thankful that the problem was taken care of. In 2009 I lost my husband to bone cancer and watched him go through Chemo and radation and held the pan as he tossed his cookies, to bad that was only one of many side effects he went through and it makes me see red for Dani to say she had or has breast cancer. She does not need to be working as a Nurse better yet she does not deserve to maintain a license to practice. I also was a nurse for over 30 years.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I just noticed another Sherry comment 412 and for the record we are not the same person, she sounds ike a nice lady.
I too hope Ian wins because he deserves it over D&D. I have enjoyed everyone’s input on the blogs this is indeed a friendly place to visit. 71/2 hours to showtime and afterward will be visiting this blog to read everyone’s reaction, BB may be coming to an end but I have already signed up for the Suvivor blog.
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Dan does a final run through of his speech and times himself with a stopwatch from the storage room. He says when the game was reset he knew he was in trouble because he looked around on the pirate ship and saw Shane and Frank, the two huge physical competitors. I knew I couldn’t beat them. I saw some great social gamers in Jenn and Joe. I saw an absolute wildcard in Ashley; I had no clue what she was doing. I saw an underrated coach in Britney that I knew scared the life out of me because she was just that good. Dan says but of course I had my loyal warrior Danielle through it all
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He says that he looked around and said you know what, I can’t be better than these people in any of their areas and expertise because they are just that good, so what could I do to beat them.. (guess u found the answer with your ginza knives)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dan says that his answer was although you might not agree with it.. was to play a ruthless game. He says not because I wanted to but because I had to. He says that he had to build relationships to get you to trust him, to get you to do something for me, like share a power or use a veto on him. He says then I had to stab you in the back. (here is where he stops and has ian and danielle pass around tumblers full of kool air for the jury to enjoy)
He says not because I wanted to but because I had to for a couple reasons. (I being i am a ruthless son of a B, 2 because i am the son of saten, 3 because it is rumored my real mothers name was rosemary, 4 because i love to get one over on any and all i can and i find much pleasure in seeing those i no longer need to squirm as i smile at the bb cameras and say “I LOVE THIS GAME”)
Dan says he knew if he was hated, you would want to sit next to him and he would have a chance to explain himself, like right now. He says that he would then get a chance to explain himself and why he did what he did, like why he hosted the funeral. He says that he had to host a funeral because of what it allowed him and Danielle to do was to make you think we would never work together again. He says but you, Joe, actually had it figured out. He says that Joe came up to him and asked if it was all an act? I told him no. Dan says that of course Joe was right; I had to create chaos so Britney wouldn’t think that I was striking a deal with Frank.(at this point even i am amazed he has kept track of all his evil doings they were no spur of the momenht acts but deliberate acts)
He says that if she thought I was still playing the game she would have been able to stop me. Dan says that at the end of the day I played this game 24 hours a day and I never wanted my game to depend on me winning a competition. He says that he couldn’t depend on that because he could never depend on always winning a competition against any of you. He says that you guys were that tough.(But not tough or smart enough to outwit the devil)
I hope you all can respect the fact that I played this game 24 hours a day and always tried to out think myself out of situations, even in the bleakest of scenarios. Dan says that he doesn’t have a photographic memory but what he does have is a burning desire to play this game as hard as I possibly can with the tools I have been given. (at this point he stops to hold up the bible which is now charred and burned from all his blasempy, he shows the cross he wears under his shirt, then lifts the shirt to show the cross is burned and scarred into his weasel skinny chest)
He finishes up the speech with all I can ask for is that you vote for the best player. Thank you for your time..(and thank you all for cooperating with me i had a great time this summer let others carry me which gave me lots of time to find ways to screw u all, and in closing i hope u all loved the new kool aid to be known in the future as THE DAN G JUICE), the label will read for those who do not want to think for themselves this is a sure hit HA HA HAHA
to those who like dan well this is my opinion and lets all say it together
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sherry we both walked in the same shoes my heart goes out to you on the loss of your husband it is so hard to see a loved one suffer and to have a nitwit like dani uses this horrible word cancer like she was saying candy or soda she is truly a mental case, i wish this terrible disease on no one not even my worst enemy/
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i am so anxious for show tonite and will try survivor again this year be sure to come on again and the blog will be bursting at the seams and now there is a new page up so just click on the one shown below under where it say submit, bless u and may God keep u in his loving care
and welcome to the blog bettert late then never lol
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